Pre-Colonial Art Period: Philippine Arts Timeline

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Philippine Arts Timeline

0 AD 1000 2000 3000

Pre-Colonial Art Period
Pre-Colonial Period
900 - 1521 622 years)

Where art was expressed through drawings

on the rocks to show their religious symbols
either animistic or Islam based.
They also expressed their daily activities like
fishing, farming and they also put some
decorative patterns in wall rocks or wood.
In these period which is also know as
Neolithic Period which is the later part of
Stone Age, they make art by making stone
weapons, jewelry and decorative crafts out of

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They also make their own shelter and has an
alphabet which is Baybayin. They also have
tattoos as ornamentation and rite of passage
Spanish Colonial Art Period
Spanish Colonial Art Period
1521 - 1898 378 years)

Started when Philippines was colonized by

Spaniards. They introduced formal paintings,
sculpture and architecture influenced with
Byzantine, Gothic, Baroque and Rococo art
• Most art are religious (catholic based).
• Spanish colonialism lived in the Filipinos'
antique furniture and carving designs.
Spolarium 1884 by Juan Luna

American Colonial Art Period

American Colonial Art Period

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1899 - 1940 42 years)

American's brought education to the

Philippines. That's why schools like University
of the Philippines Diliman, Siliman University
and Central Philippine University were build.
They also brought Art Nouveau style which is
an architecture art design prominent to
Western Europe.
The education is more accessible in this
period than the Spanish Colonial period where
the rich people can only study.
In here, Filipinos were taught by the
Thomasites. The American influenced can be
mostly on architecture and literature because
of education.
The paintings theme in this period are
landscapes, still life and portraits are reserve
for official with high ranks.

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Japanese Colonial Art Period
Japanese Colonial Art Period
1941 - 1945 5 years)

Japanese invasion caused fear, suffering and

hardships to the Filipinos. The development of
art stopped because of the war.
Filipinos were deprived from freedom of
expression and speech because the Japanese
stopped the publication.
But they also influenced us with poem style
Tanaga and Haiku).
Despite the sufferings some artist still
expressed themselves. Like the painting below
which is the Manila War Ruins 1945 painted
by Ferdinand Amorsolo.

Post-Colonial Art Period

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1946 - 1969 24Art Period

Also known as the Philippine Modern Art Era

Arts in this period are modern, conservative
and experimental public art.
This art have the influences of Western styles
like pop art, maximalism, minimalism,
abstraction, expressionism, constructivism,
magic realism, and environmental art
Maria Makiling 1947 by Carlos "Botong"

Contemporary Art Period

Contemporary Art Period
1970 - Present 52 years, 7 months and 14 days)

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Because of technology and Filipinos freedom
now in speech and expression, different styles
of art appeared in this period like digital art,
photography, junk art even a mini sculpture in
a pencil tip is a an art style now.
Art is also used to protest or express their
feelings with a certain situation in the society
or government with the use of editorial
Art is also used not just for aesthetics and
entertainment but also to bring awareness.
Editorial Art 2019 by Eric Roca

Gonzales, E. 2014, July 14 . Knowing Filipino
Modern Artists and their works. Retrieved
August 06, 2020, from

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Jose, J. 2013, September 22 . Philippines Art.
Retrieved August 06, 2020, from
Tanedo, W. 2016, October 17 . Philippine Art
History. Retrieved August 06, 2020, from
Pre-Colonial Art Period

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Pre-Colonial Period •Where art was expressed through drawings on the rocks to show their
900 - 1521 religious symbols either animistic or Islam based.
•They also expressed their daily activities like fishing, farming and they also
put some decorative patterns in wall rocks or wood.
•In these period which is also know as Neolithic Period which is the later part
of Stone Age, they make art by making stone weapons, jewelry and
decorative crafts out of stone.
•They also make their own shelter and has an alphabet which is Baybayin.
They also have tattoos as ornamentation and rite of passage

Spanish Colonial Art Period

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Spanish Colonial Art Period •Started when Philippines was colonized by Spaniards. They introduced
1521 - 1898 formal paintings, sculpture and architecture influenced with Byzantine,
Gothic, Baroque and Rococo art style.
• Most art are religious (catholic based).
• Spanish colonialism lived in the Filipinos' antique furniture and carving
•Spolarium (1884) by Juan Luna

American Colonial Art Period

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American Colonial Art Period •American's brought education to the Philippines. That's why schools like
1899 - 1940 University of the Philippines Diliman, Siliman University and Central Philippine
University were build.
•They also brought Art Nouveau style which is an architecture art design
prominent to Western Europe.
•The education is more accessible in this period than the Spanish Colonial
period where the rich people can only study.
•In here, Filipinos were taught by the Thomasites. The American influenced
can be mostly on architecture and literature because of education.
•The paintings theme in this period are landscapes, still life and portraits are
reserve for official with high ranks.

Japanese Colonial Art Period

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Japanese Colonial Art Period •Japanese invasion caused fear, suffering and hardships to the Filipinos. The
1941 - 1945 development of art stopped because of the war.
•Filipinos were deprived from freedom of expression and speech because
the Japanese stopped the publication.
•But they also influenced us with poem style (Tanaga and Haiku).
•Despite the sufferings some artist still expressed themselves. Like the
painting below which is the Manila War Ruins (1945) painted by Ferdinand

Post-Colonial Art Period

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Post-Colonial Art Period •Also known as the Philippine Modern Art Era
1946 - 1969 •Arts in this period are modern, conservative and experimental public art.
•This art have the influences of Western styles like pop art, maximalism,
minimalism, abstraction, expressionism, constructivism, magic realism, and
environmental art
•Maria Makiling (1947) by Carlos "Botong" Francisco

Contemporary Art Period

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Contemporary Art Period •Because of technology and Filipinos freedom now in speech and
1970 - Present expression, different styles of art appeared in this period like digital art,
photography, junk art even a mini sculpture in a pencil tip is a an art style
•Art is also used to protest or express their feelings with a certain situation in
the society or government with the use of editorial illustrations.
•Art is also used not just for aesthetics and entertainment but also to bring
•Editorial Art (2019) by Eric Roca

Sources Gonzales, E. (2014, July 14). Knowing Filipino Modern Artists and their works.
Present Retrieved August 06, 2020, from
Jose, J. (2013, September 22). Philippines Art. Retrieved August 06, 2020,
Tanedo, W. (2016, October 17). Philippine Art History. Retrieved August 06,
2020, from

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