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A Character Class for the 13th Age RPG

Content to be neither a pure warrior nor a full mage, Races: The elves are often credited with ‘invent-
the dilettante seeks to incorporate the best of both ing’ the major Dilettante methods due to their use
disciplines. Her spells and her weapon are one; raw of magically-adept warriors. Though they will not
magic is her armor. She utilizes brief phrases of pow- openly dispute the story, the very small number of
er to accomplish feats no mortal could achieve with true elven Dilettantes says otherwise. The style’s
sword alone. Dilettantes arise from all sorts of back- use of unfocused magic and general lack of com-
grounds and cultures, sometimes under strict train- mitment is distasteful to most elves. Never confuse
ing, sometimes having just picked up bits and pieces an elven warrior-mage with a Dilettante.
of knowledge where they were available. A master
of adaptation, the dilettante is a useful resource for Humans provide the bulk of the Dilettante popu-
nearly any endeavor. lation as their impatience and fickle natures lend
well to the Dilettante path. Half-elves are similarly
at home in the Dilettante’s dualistic mindset. The
OVERVIEW occasional halfling, half-orc or tiefling will become
Play style: The Dilettante is part melee combat- a Dilettante out of the sheer enjoyment of surpris-
ant, part spellcaster. She is neither tough enough ing a foe with a well-timed and unexpected magical
to stand against waves of enemies like the Fighter slam in close-quarters. Dwarves, steelborn and aasi-
or Paladin, nor can she wreak massive devastation mar tend to find the mixing of magic and mundane
with awe-inspiring spells like the Wizard or Sorcer- strength unnecessary or uncouth.
er. Instead, the Dilettante shows her strength in dis-
ruption. She can protect her allies from attacks, ma- Backgrounds: Dilettantes are born of both luxury
neuver opponents into unfortunate circumstances and need on a consistent basis. If one has the time
and buff herself to deliver precision pain to whoever to dabble in various disciplines of magic and arms, it
happens to be on the business end of her weapon. presents the image of affluence and status. Nobles,
wealthy merchants and high-level clergy among
Like the Bard, the Dilettante may not be a class best others send their children to schools specifically to
suited for new players. It offers a high amount of learn basic proficiency in both combat and arcana.
choice on each turn and makes full use of all avail- Apt students might continue the training on their
able actions. Also, while it functions perfectly well own as they get older.
with a theater-of-the-mind style of combat track-
ing, the Dilettante’s potential is more obvious if a
map is utilized during play. Players who enjoy a lot
of moving around and setting up conditions under
which to really punish an enemy will find the Dilet-
tante a welcome addition to the 13th Age class op-

Ability Scores: The Dilettante is able to approach

her craft from a variety of different angles, mean-
ing that she also has some flexibility in what ability
scores she can build from. As the Dilettante is a pri-
marily melee-based class, Strength is always a good
choice and opens up additional combat attack op-
tions. Dexterity helps keep defenses higher should
that be more important and Intelligence allows for
additional power with the arcane arts.

As a Dilettante, you can add +2 to your Intelligence

or your Strength, so long as you have not added to
that score with your racial bonus.

Mystic Theurge Workshop

On the other extreme are those facing want and Weapons
hardship. A group of desert nomads does not have The Dilettante’s weapon must have some sort of
enough metal for both arms and armor and so turns emotional significance to the wielder in order for its
to rudimentary magic for protection. A local tyrant magic to function. Some Dilettantes carry swords
bans the use of unlicensed magic among the citi- passed down from parent to child over many gen-
zens so a resistance group must take up mundane erations. Others use the daggers or hand axes that
weapons and use less potent spells that are harder killed loved ones. Each is adorned with various mag-
to trace. A young war refugee steals from whomev- ical engravings and mundane decor to further ce-
er she can while she’s young and learns bits of spells ment the bond between weapon and wielder.
and combat drills along the way. Once she is skilled
enough to make an honest living, she puts theft be- Dilettante Melee Weapons
hind her.
One-Handed Two-Handed
Icons: The Emperor can be a friend to formally edu- Small
cated Dilettantes and an enemy to the self-taught. 1d4 dagger, knife, baton 1d6 club
Both the Priestess and the Prince of Shadows have a
certain affection for self-made heroes though both Light or Simple
are also known to see such people as pawns in a 1d6 shortsword, handaxe 1d8 spear, mace
much larger game. The Diabolist has found more
than a few Dilettantes willing to pay a steep price- Heavy or Martial
for additional power. 1d8 longsword, battleaxe, 1d10 greatspear,
warhammer bastard sword,
chain weapons
At 1st level, a Dilettante has a melee weapon which Dilettante Ranged Weapons
is the most important piece of gear she owns. She is
emotionally and magically bonded to her weapon. A Thrown Crossbow Bow
Dilettante rarely wears armor heavier than leather Small
or carries a shield since her magic covers that need. 1d4 dagger 1d4 hand -------
In addition, she has a slightly larger-than-normal
assortment of mundane adventuring gear, gener- Light or Simple
ally including thieves’ tools and/or a disguise kit. 1d6 javelin, axe 1d6 light 1d6 short
Dilettantes with a steady stream of income have 25
gp to use as they wish. Dilettantes who live by the Heavy or Martial
whims of fortune start with 1d6 x 10 gp. ------ 1d8 heavy 1d8 long

Armor Using a two-handed weapon one-handed incurs a

Dilettantes constantly protect themselves with a -2 attack penalty.
magical barrier to the extent where it can continue (Adventurer feat): You can learn to use two-hand-
even when they’re unconscious. It is a simple ex- ed weapons one-handed with no penalty.
ercise for someone who can detect magic to point
out a Dilettante in the middle of a crowd unless the Dilettante Basic Melee Attack
Dilettante willingly dismisses the protection (-2 to At-Will
AC until magical protection re-enabled). The table Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC
below shows the base AC of the Dilettante while this Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
magical protection is in effect: Miss: damage equal to your level

Dilettante Armor and AC Dilettante Basic Ranged Attack

Type Base AC Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
None 10 Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
Light 13 Miss: --
Heavy 12
Shield -1

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Dilettante Level Progression

Dilettante Total Total 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th Level-Up Damage Bonus
Level HP Feats Level Level Level Level Level Ability from Ability Score
Level 1 (7 + CON mod) x 3 1 adventurer 4 -- -- -- -- ability mod
Level 2 (7 + CON mod) x 4 2 adventurer 5 -- -- -- -- ability mod
Level 3 (7 + CON mod) x 5 3 adventurer 2 3 -- -- -- ability mod
Level 4 (7 + CON mod) x 6 4 adventurer 1 5 -- -- -- +1 to three ability mod
4 adventurer
Level 5 (7 + CON mod) x 8 -- 2 4 -- -- 2 x ability mod
1 champion
4 adventurer
Level 6 (7 + CON mod) x 10 -- 1 6 -- -- 2 x ability mod
2 champion
4 adventurer
Level 7 (7 + CON mod) x 12 -- -- 2 5 -- +1 to three 2 x ability mod
3 champion
4 adventurer
Level 8 (7 + CON mod) x 16 3 champion -- -- 1 7 -- 3 x ability mod
1 epic
4 adventurer
Level 9 (7 + CON mod) x 20 3 champion -- -- -- 2 6 3 x ability mod
2 epic
4 adventurer
Level 10 (7 + CON mod) x 24 3 champion -- -- -- -- 9 +1 to three 3 x ability mod
2 epic

Dilettante Stats
Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Feats, and some Talents are level dependent
Ability Bonus +2 to Strength or Intelligence (different from racial bonus)

Initiative Dex mod + Level

Armor Class (light armor) 13 + middle of Dex/Con/Wis + Level

Physical Defense 10 + middle of Dex/Con/Str + Level

Mental Defense 12 + middle of Int/Cha/Wis + Level

Hit Points (7 + Con mod) x level modifier (see progression chart)

Recoveries 8

Recovery Dice 1d8 x Level + Con mod

Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background

Icon Relationships 3 points

Talents 3

Feats 1 per level

Mystic Theurge Workshop

CLASS FEATURES Power words are utterances in a magical language
of creation that are used in conjunction with basic
Dilettantes all have the following three class fea- attacks. They have minor spell-like effects such as
tures . moving people or objects around and causing in-
tense sensations in a target. You may only use one
Warding power word per attack.
As a Dilettante, you have learned to create and Adventurer feat: Choose a Level 1 power word. Once
maintain a magical warding. You gain a +2 to AC per battle, you may utilize this power word on any
(included in the class’ base AC) so long as you have hit, regardless of roll.
one hand free and are conscious. Champion feat: Choose a Level 3 power word. Once
Adventurer Feat: Your warding remains even if you per battle, you may utilize this power word on any
fall unconscious. hit, regardless of roll.
Champion feat: If your warding provides damage Epic feat: Choose a Level 5 power word. Once per
resistance, that resistance increases to 14+. battle, you may utilize this power word on any hit,
Epic feat: The Warding feature grants a +3 to AC in- regardless of roll.
stead of +2.
Amateur Ritualist
Bonded Weapon You have the ability to ritualize spells like a Wizard…
You can spend one hour meditating on your weap- sort of. In order for a ritual you create to execute
on of choice, bonding with it and imbuing it with without a hitch, you must beat an appropriate DC
magic. As a standard action you can call it to your per the ritual rules with a natural even roll. An odd
hand even if it is far away, and it will try its best roll that beats the DC is still considered a failure,
to fly or teleport back to your hand in the quickest though the GM should treat your failures as “suc-
way possible. You cannot bond with more than one cess with side effects.”
weapon (successfully bonding with a new weapon
immediately discards the previous binding).
In the event that the weapon is broken, as long as
you have one piece of the weapon, you can call back CLASS TALENTS
all of its other fragments and re-forge the weapon Choose 3 Talents at 1st level.
after one hour of meditation (if there are fragments
that are completely destroyed, the weapon will Magic Focus
grow them back). (You can not take this talent if you take Martial Fo-
Adventurer feat: Calling the weapon to your hand cus or Evasive Focus)
takes a quick action instead of a standard action. Choose a 1st level spell from one of the arcane spell-
Champion feat: Attempts to disarm or destroy the casting classes (Wizard, Sorcerer, Chaos Mage, Nec-
weapon gain a +2 on the DC. romancer, etc.) You may use that spell in addition
Epic feat: You are so intimately bonded to your to your Dilettante spells so long as you meet any
weapon that a bit of your soul is permanently em- requirements the power has. You can choose to re-
bedded in it. For purposes of resurrection the blade place the spell you gained with a new one at higher
is considered a legitimate substitute for your body. levels.
Additional benefits may depend on a variety of fac- Adventurer feat: You may replace one of your Dil-
tors. ettante spells with another spell from that class. It
must be at least two levels lower than you (min. 1st).
Champion feat: You gain the Adventurer feats for
Dilettante Spells any spells you know because of this Talent.
Dilettantes use two types of spells: invocations and Epic feat: You may take a second spell which may or
power words. Invocations are spells that are easily may not be from the original class chosen, but this
performed, requiring only a quick action, and often spell must be at least two levels lower than you.
enhance either the warrior or the weapon’s attacks.
Most Invocations have feats associated with them. You may also use Intelligence for attack and dam-
age rolls with any weapon that has a base d8 or less
of damage.

Mystic Theurge Workshop

Evasive Focus Cantrips
(You can not take this talent if you take Martial Fo- You can cast the same cantrips as a Wizard with
cus or Magic Focus) the same limitation of three cantrips per day, but
Choose a 1st level power from the Rogue. You may unlike the Wizard, your cantrips last half as long
use that power in addition to your Dilettante spells (5-30 minutes at adventurer tier, 30-180 minutes at
so long as you meet any requirements the power champion tier, and 1-6 hours at epic tier).
has. You can choose to replace the power you gained Champion feat: You gain one additional use of a
with a new one at higher levels. cantrip.
Adventurer feat: You may replace one of your Epic feat: Your cantrips now last for the full listed
spells with another Rogue power. It must be at duration.
least two levels lower than you (min. 1st level).
Champion feat: You gain the Adventurer feats for Eldritch Speed
any Rogue attacks you know because of this Talent. Once per battle at the start of each fight, you can
Epic feat: You may deal Sneak Attack damage as if take a move action before anyone’s turn starts.
you were a Rogue of your level once per encounter Champion feat: You may choose to instead use this
when the escalation die is 3+. move action for free any time during the fight.
Epic feat: Once per day, you can take a standard ac-
You may also use Dexterity instead of Strength for tion as a quick action.
attack and damage rolls with any one-handed me-
lee weapon.
Spell Absorption
Martial Focus Once per battle, you can attempt to absorb the spell
(You can not take this talent if you take Magic Focus energy of an enemy caster. When an enemy casts an
or Evasive Focus) attack spell, roll a d6 as an interrupt action. If your
Choose a 1st level flexible attack or power from a roll is equal to the Escalation die, you harmlessly dif-
martially-oriented class that is not the Rogue or fuse the spell. If less, you instead absorb the spell
Monk. You may use that attack or power in addi- and regain the use of one of your Invocations.
tion to your Dilettante spells so long as you meet Adventurer feat: You may instead roll your d6 at the
any requirements the power has. You can choose to start of battle and diffuse a spell anytime the Esca-
replace the maneuver or power you gained with a lation die reads the rolled value or higher.
new one at higher levels. Champion feat: If you dislike the result of your d6
Adventurer feat: You may replace one of your roll, roll it again one time.
spells with another attack from that class. It must Epic feat: You may attempt to absorb two spells per
be at least two levels lower than you (min. 1st level). battle.
Champion feat: You gain the Adventurer feats for
any attacks you know because of this Talent. Been There, Done That
Epic feat: You may take a second attack which may When you make a skill check for which none of your
or may not be from the original class chosen, but it Backgrounds apply, add +1 to the result of that skill
must be at least two levels lower than you. check.

Wandering Warding
Once per battle when an enemy attacks a nearby
ally, you can choose to transfer your warding to that
ally as an interrupt action, but only if the ally did
not Challenge the attacking enemy (see Paladin tal-
ent). Your warding then returns to you at the begin-
ning of your next turn.
Adventurer feat: You can activate this ability twice
per battle.
Champion feat: You may transfer your warding
freely when the Escalation die is 3 or higher.
You may also use Strength instead of Dexterity for Epic feat: You may transfer your warding freely
attack and damage rolls with thrown weapons. when the Escalation die is 2 or higher.

Mystic Theurge Workshop

Living Blade Adventurer feat: If you miss, add the Escalation die
Once per day, you can spend a quick action to allow (minimum 1) to your miss damage.
your weapon to move on its own for the remainder Champion feat: The next ally to attack the target in
of battle while you are nearby and, if your weapon melee can attack PD instead of AC if desired.
is a true magic item, if the magic item agrees to be Epic feat: When this spell is about to end, roll a d20.
wielded in such a manner. You can make an attack On a 11+ you can use this spell again later in the bat-
through it as a standard action. You also gain a tle.
+1 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn if
your weapon remains adjacent to you and does
not attack this turn. If you are far away from your 1st LEVEL POWER WORDS
weapon, it stops moving and falls to the ground.
Adventurer feat: You may animate your weapon Dazzle
twice per day. Melee Flexible Attack
Champion feat:You can mentally order the weapon Triggering Roll: Natural even attack roll
to make a basic attack as a quick action when the At-Will
escalation die is even and greater than 0. This at- Effect: One nearby creature of your choosing takes a
tack does not benefit from Power Words. -2 penalty to hit until the end of its turn, which does
Epic feat: For the duration of the battle your not stack with named conditions such as dazed or
weapon gains intelligence (though not sentience), weakened.
able to make basic attacks independent from you.
It utilizes your initiative score, attack and damage Fracture
bonuses and defenses. Damage dealt to it applies Melee Flexible Attack
to your HP total. On its own, your weapon deals Triggering Roll: Natural odd attack roll
damage as if it were two levels lower than you. At-Will
Effect: One nearby creature of your choosing takes a
-2 penalty to AC until the end of its turn, which does
1st LEVEL INVOCATIONS not stack with named conditions such as stunned
or weakened.
Heart of the Blade
Once per battle
Requirement: One hand must be free
Melee Flexible Attack
Effect: Your attacks deal extra damage equal to
Triggering Roll: Natural even attack roll
your level + the current Escalation Die until the end
of your next turn. The benefit also ends if you stop
Effect: Grant one nearby creature a save to dis-
fulfilling the requirements of this spell
engage or move one unengaged nearby creature
Adventurer feat: You can spend a quick action to
somewhere else nearby.
add 1d4 per level to the damage of your next attack
before the spell ends, but only if it hits. If you are
using a two-handed weapon in one hand, add 1d6 Stumble
per level instead. Melee Flexible Attack
Champion feat: Enemies you hit with melee attacks Triggering Roll: Natural odd attack roll
while this spell is in effect are dazed for their next At-Will
attack. Effect: One nearby enemy of your choosing only dis-
Epic feat: When this spell is about to end, roll a d20. engages on a hard save (16+) and allows your allies
On a 11+ you can use this spell again later in the bat- to disengage on an easy save (6+) until the end of
tle. its next turn.

Song of Steel Questions? Comments?

Once per battle
Contact Ryven Cedrylle at [email protected]
Requirement: One hand must be free
Effect: You add double the Escalation die (minimum Thanks to Kaitlynn Peavler for the art and Lawrence
1) when making attacks until the end of your next Augustine Mingoa for the original class skeleton. This
turn. The benefit also ends if you stop fulfilling the product is not approved or endorsed by Pelgrane Press
requirements of this spell. or Fire Opal Media. No rights reserved.

Mystic Theurge Workshop

Melee Flexible Attack
Triggering Roll: Any even hit
Adamant Warding At-Will
Once per battle
Effect: Make an Intelligence attack vs. PD against
Requirement: One hand must be free
one nearby enemy. On a hit, the enemy takes three
Effect: The AC bonus of your warding increases by
times your level in damage.
+2 until the end of your next turn. The benefit also
ends if you stop fulfilling the requirements of this
spell. Slow
Adventurer feat: The +2 bonus also applies to your Melee Flexible Attack
PD. Triggering Roll: Any even hit
Champion feat: The +2 bonus also applies to your At-Will
PD and MD. Effect: One nearby creature of your choosing rolls a
Epic feat: At the end of your next turn, make a save. save. If it fails the save, it loses 5 points of initiative.
If you succeed, the bonus lasts for another turn. If it succeeds, it only loses 3 points.

Enhanced Perception 5th LEVEL INVOCATIONS

Once per battle
Requirement: One hand must be free
Elemental Attunement
Effect: You are aware of the position of all enemies,
Once per battle
regardless of invisibility, cover or concealment un-
Requirement: One hand must be free
til the end of your next turn. The benefit also ends
Effect: Choose one of the following damage types:
if you stop fulfilling the requirements of this spell.
fire, cold, lightning, acid, thunder, poison. Until the
You still have the mechanical penalties to hit con-
end of your next turn, any attacks you make may
cealed enemies.
deal the chosen type of damage. In addition, your
Adventurer feat: You may add the Escalation die to
warding visibly manifests your affinity and grants
your skill checks to hear, smell, or sight cues.
you resistance (12+) against that damage type.
Champion feat: You ignore penalties for hitting
Champion feat: When an enemy attacks you in me-
concealed or invisible enemies.
lee and misses, it suffers typed damage equal to
Epic feat: Your senses become superhuman. Track-
your twice your Intelligence modifier (x3 at Epic).
ing a human by smell or hearing an individual’s
Your warding must be active to get this benefit. It
heartbeat are Easy tasks for you.
does not transfer if you give an ally your warding.
Epic feat: If the Escalation die is 4 or higher when
3rd LEVEL POWER WORDS this spell’s effects would end, it continues for an-
other round.
Melee Flexible Attack Enhanced Athletics
Triggering Roll: Any odd hit Once per battle
At-Will Requirement: One hand must be free
Effect: Choose one nearby enemy. If that enemy Effect: You may move to reach something Far away
makes an attack on its next turn, it takes 1d4 per in a single move action until the end of your next
level damage. turn. You can still be Intercepted and are subject to
opportunity attacks.
Champion feat: You may add the Escalation die to
Rage your skill checks to run, jump, leap, climb or per-
Melee Flexible Attack
form similar athletic feats.
Triggering Roll: Any odd hit
Epic feat: Your ability to leap and run becomes su-
perhuman. Keeping pace with a horse or leaping to
Effect: One nearby creature makes an attack against
the roof of a single-story building are Easy tasks for
the nearest creature it can hit without moving. The
creature will still prioritize its own enemies if it has
a choice.

Mystic Theurge Workshop

Melee Flexible Attack
Triggering Roll: 16+
Daze Once per Battle
Melee Flexible Attack
Effect: One nearby enemy is blinded (treats all ene-
Triggering Roll: 16+
mies as if they were invisible) (save ends). If the ene-
my is also staggered, the save jumps from 11+ to 16+.
Effect: One nearby enemy of your choosing is dazed
until the end of its next turn.


Melee Flexible Attack
Triggering Roll: 16+ Body Double
At-Will Once per battle
Effect: One nearby enemy of your choosing deals Requirement: One hand must be free
half damage if it hits with its next attack. Effect: You may occupy two different locations on
the battlefield simultaneously until the start of
Pain your next turn. Both of your selves start at your cur-
Melee Flexible Attack rent position and move as a single move action. You
Triggering Roll: 16+ can not be intercepted and you automatically dis-
At-Will engage from any enemy. You can attack from either
Effect: One nearby enemy of your choosing is vul- location and can be hit from either location but any
nerable to all damage until the end of its next turn. attacks that target both locations only target you
once. When the effect ends, you can choose to be in
Storm either location.
Melee Flexible Attack Epic feat: Both of your selves gain displacement for
Triggering Roll: 16+ the duration of the spell.
Effect: Make an Intelligence attack vs. PD against 9th LEVEL POWER WORDS
1d3 nearby enemies. On a hit, each takes 1d4 per
level damage.
Melee Flexible Attack
Triggering Roll: 16+
Effect: 1d4 nearby mooks or a single enemy who is
Furious Resonance down to less than 20% of its maximum HP are killed
Once per battle instantly. If used to kill mooks, the power is regained
Requirement: One hand must be free at the end of the battle.
Effect: Reroll any 1s that come up on your next dam- Epic feat: Increase to 1d10 mooks.
age roll. You must abide by the new roll.
Epic feat: Reroll any 1s or 2s that come up on your Stop
next damage roll. You must abide by the new roll. Melee Flexible Attack
Triggering Roll: 16+
7th LEVEL POWER WORDS Effect: You halt time to perform an additional turn’s
worth of actions. People and objects not in contact
Stun with you at the time you activate the power word
Melee Flexible Attack can not be affected by you during this extra turn.
Triggering Roll: 16+ If used to Rally, the power is regained at the end of
Once per Battle the battle.
Effect: One nearby enemy is stunned until the end Epic feat: You may include one ally or enemy to also
of their next turn. If the enemy is staggered, it is receive an extra round’s worth of actions under the
also weakened on the turn after it is stunned. same stipulations.

Mystic Theurge Workshop

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