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A Listen to Dee and Mark talk about Mark’s vacation plans.

Circle True or False for each

sentence. Track 18
1. Mark will visit his aunt in New Orleans. True False
2. Mark has never been to New Orleans. True False
3. Mark won’t go to New Orleans because of a hurricane. True False
4. Dee has always wanted to go to New Orleans. True False

B Listen to Jack and Wendy talk about things they see at a computer show. Circle the correct
answers. Track 19
1. Wendy thinks the remote _____ for her. 3. Jack’s cell phone died once when he was
_____ .
a. is convenient a. calling a friend
b. isn’t useful b. going to see a friend
c. is practical c. waiting in a restaurant for a friend

2. The battery pack for cell phones _____ . 4. Jack’s friend is _____ .
a. isn’t very small a. an easygoing person
b. is too small b. a frustrated person
c. is pretty small c. an angry person

A Ron and Sandra are talking about changes in the city recycling program. Listen and circle True
or False for each sentence. Track 16
1. According to the news, the city is improving its recycling program. True False
2. The city’s sanitation budget has enough money for the recycling program. True False
3. People have to bring their used bottles to recycling centers now. True False
4. Sandra is not happy with the new city recycling plan. True False

B Listen to four people talk about social trends they care about. Listen and match the statements
on the right to the names. Write the letters. There is one extra statement. Track 17
1. Lina _____a a. College students need more financial education.
2. Tom _____e b. There might not be enough young workers in the future.
3. Yumiko _____b c. Population growth is harming the environment.
4. Dan _____d d. In the future, there won’t be enough food for people.
e. Colleges need to provide career counseling.
A Jim and Barbara are talking about getting their house cleaned. Listen and circle True or False
for each sentence. Track 18
1. Jim’s parents are going to visit them soon. True False
2. Jim is going to be away next Saturday. True False
3. Barbara prefers to have professionals clean the house. True False
4. Jim is going to help Barbara clean the house. True False

B Listen to four people talk about how they manage their money. Match the names with the
things the
people do. Write the letters. There is one extra thing that people do. Track 19
1. Liz _____e a. doesn’t spend a lot but is getting into debt.
2. Peter _____d b. likes to spend but is trying to get out of debt.
3. Sonia _____b c. doesn’t spend much and is saving a lot of money.
4. Dennis _____a d. spends a lot but invests, too.
e. doesn’t spend much but isn’t saving, either.
N Read the article about the Great Barrier Reef. Then read the statements and circle (a) True, (b)
False, or
(c) Doesn’t say.

1. Fewer than two million people visit the Great Barrier Reef each year.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

2. The Great Barrier Reef is the same width in all parts.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

3. Not many people live on the islands in the Great Barrier Reef.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

4. The Great Barrier Reef has not changed in about 500,000 years.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

5. Cook was the first person to discover the Great Barrier Reef.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
O Read the article. Then match the names of the types of tech buyers to the sentences about people.
There is one extra sentence.

1. The “Got to Have It” Tech __b___ a. Jen has had the same cell phone for five
2. The Conservative Tech ___c__ years.

3. The Scaredy Tech __a___ b. Bae is always jealous of her friends’

4. The Conscientious Tech _e____
c. Carl spent 10 hours reading about a new
cell phone before he bought one.
d. Juana buys a new cell phone every time a
new model comes out.
e. Doug got a new cell phone for his birthday,
and he doesn’t even want to turn it on.
O Read the article. Then read the statements and circle (a) True, (b) False, or (c) Doesn’t say.

1. Pressure is caused by other people’s wants and needs.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

2. Most people experience pressure to perform.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

3. Pressure to perform means pressure to be like everyone else.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

4. Pressure to conform is the most severe kind of pressure.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
P Read the article. Add the missing sentences. Write the letters in the blanks. There is one extra

a. Some governments around the world are offering benefits to couples that have children.
b. Many developing countries are showing a sharp increase in population.
c. They continue to test and try new ideas, which will hopefully solve the world’s population problems.
d. According to the United Nations, the world population reached 7 billion people near the end of
2011, and it may reach 9 billion by 2045.
e. There, many young people are deciding not to have children due to high costs of living and
establishing their careers at a young age.
P Read the article. Then read the statements and circle (a) True, (b) False, or (c) Doesn’t say.

1. Empathy is a simpler emotion than sympathy.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

2. Most people’s emotions are limited.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

3. Empathy means going through the same feelings as someone else.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

4. A two-year-old child can understand when people are sad.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
Q Read the article. Add the missing sentences. Write the letters in the blanks. There is one extra

a. Although there is an organization that coordinates some worldwide Earth Day activities, most
events are
organized by local environmental groups.
b. Certainly, since the first Earth Day, threats to the world’s environment have not decreased, but
rather have
become more and more serious.
c. And people are only starting to understand the possibly disastrous effects of global warming and
other trends.
d. Governments around the world have officially recognized Earth Day.
e. By 1990, interest in issues related to the environment had spread around the world.

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