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v. Case No. 19-CR-213




1. The United States of America, by its attorneys, Richard G. Frohling, United States

Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, and Daniel R. Humble, Assistant United States

Attorney, and the defendant, John M. Solberg, individually and by attorney Mark D. Richards,

pursuant to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, enter into the following plea



2. The defendant has been charged in a 15-count indictment, which alleges

violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1341, 1343, and 1349.

3. The defendant has read and fully understands the charges contained in the

indictment. He fully understands the nature and elements of the crimes with which he has been

charged, and those charges and the terms and conditions of the plea agreement have been fully

explained to him by his attorney.

4. The defendant voluntarily agrees to plead guilty to the following count set forth in

full as follows:

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(Mail Fraud)


7. On or about April 21, 2016, in the State and Eastern District of Wisconsin, having

devised the scheme described in paragraphs 3 through 5 of this indictment, and for the purpose

of executing the scheme, and attempting to do so,


knowingly caused to be delivered by United States mail a promissory note in the amount of

$28,000 to S.R. and A.R.

In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1341 and 2.

5. The defendant acknowledges, understands, and agrees that he is, in fact, guilty of

the offense described in paragraph 4. The parties acknowledge and understand that if this case

were to proceed to trial, the government would be able to prove the following facts beyond a

reasonable doubt. The defendant admits that these facts are true and correct and establish his

guilt beyond a reasonable doubt:

Beginning by October 15, 2015, and continuing through at least June 2016, in the State

and Eastern District of Wisconsin, the defendant engaged in a scheme whereby customers were

defrauded and which resulted in a loss amount of approximately $150,000. The defendant

participated in the operation of automobile sales under the business names: Backwood Bargains,

Standard Pre-Owned, Suamico Investment Group and Bella Investments, LLC.

Customers gave their vehicles to the aforementioned businesses on a consignment basis.

Many of the vehicle transactions were conducted appropriately whereby the proceeds were

transmitted to the customer pursuant to the terms of the consignment contract. However, multiple

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consignors, whose vehicles were sold did not. On those occasions funds from the sales were used

for other purpose which were not authorized by the consignment contract.

The defendant and other associated with the business used the internet, text messaging

and the U.S. Mail to engage in the following conduct in furtherance of the scheme: On several

occasion he or his representative would fail to tell the customer that their auto had been sold.

Those customers did not receive funds from the sales. On several occasions, after the vehicle was

sold, the defendant provided the customer with a promissory note agreeing to pay the already due

funds, plus interest. On several occasions the defendant or his representative provided the

customer with “insufficient funds” checks for the proceeds of the vehicle. On several occasions

the defendant and or his representative gave assurances to customers that the proceeds of their

vehicle sale would be delayed. On several occasions the defendant and or his representative sold

a customer’s car for less than the price authorized in the consignment contract. Subsequent

purchasers obtained bank or other financial institution loans to purchase the consignment

vehicles which the defendant sold and for which the defendant did not have legal title.

The defendant and Standard Pre-Owned entered into an agreement with A.R., on or about

February 2016, for the consignment sale of her vehicle in the amount of $29,000. The agreed

upon sale price was eventually lowered to $28,000. In March of that year A.R. was notified by a

representative of the company of the sale of her car for $28,000. Thereafter, the defendant

repeatedly promised A.R. that the proceeds would be forthcoming. In April 2016 the defendant

sent two promissory notes To A.R. guaranteeing payment plus interest. In May 2016, the

defendant sent a check, via U.S. Mail to A.R., which he personally signed, in the amount of

$29,400. It could not be cashed because there were insufficient funds. A.R. has never received

the proceeds from the sale of the vehicle other than $1,500 which was for interest on the notes

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This information is provided for the purpose of setting forth a factual basis for the plea of

guilty. It is not a full recitation of the defendant’s knowledge of, or participation in, this offense.


6. The parties understand and agree that the offense to which the defendant will

enter a plea of guilty carries the following maximum term of imprisonment and fine: Count

Fifteen, 20 years and $250,000. The count also carries a mandatory special assessment of $100,

and a maximum of 3 years of supervised release. The parties further recognize that a restitution

order may be entered by the court. The parties’ acknowledgments, understandings, and

agreements with regard to restitution are set forth in paragraph 26 of this agreement.

7. The defendant acknowledges, understands, and agrees that he has discussed the

relevant statutes as well as the applicable sentencing guidelines with his attorney.


8. The government agrees to move to dismiss the remaining counts of the indictment

at the time of sentencing.


9. The parties understand and agree that in order to sustain the charge of mail fraud

as set forth in Count Fifteen, the government must prove each of the following propositions

beyond a reasonable doubt:

First, that the defendant knowingly devised or participated in a scheme to defraud, as

described in count fifteen; and

Second, that the defendant did so with the intent to defraud; and

Third, the scheme to defraud involved a materially false or fraudulent pretense,

representation, or promise; and

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Fourth, that for the purpose of carrying out the scheme or attempting to do so, the

defendant used or caused the use of the United States Mails in the manner charged in the

particular count.


10. The parties agree to waive the time limits in Fed. R. Crim. P. 32 relating to the

presentence report, including that the presentence report be disclosed not less than 35 days

before the sentencing hearing, in favor of a schedule for disclosure, and the filing of any

objections, to be established by the court at the change of plea hearing.

11. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that any sentence imposed by the

court will be pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act, and that the court will give due regard to

the Sentencing Guidelines when sentencing the defendant.

12. The parties acknowledge and understand that prior to sentencing the United States

Probation Office will conduct its own investigation of the defendant’s criminal history. The

parties further acknowledge and understand that, at the time the defendant enters a guilty plea,

the parties may not have full and complete information regarding the defendant’s criminal

history. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that the defendant may not move to

withdraw the guilty plea solely as a result of the sentencing court’s determination of the

defendant’s criminal history.

Sentencing Guidelines Calculations

13. The defendant acknowledges and understands that the sentencing guidelines

recommendations contained in this agreement do not create any right to be sentenced within any

particular sentence range, and that the court may impose a reasonable sentence above or below

the guideline range. The parties further understand and agree that if the defendant has provided

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false, incomplete, or inaccurate information that affects the calculations, the government is not

bound to make the recommendations contained in this agreement.

Relevant Conduct

14. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that pursuant to Sentencing

Guidelines Manual § 1B1.3, the sentencing judge may consider relevant conduct in calculating

the sentencing guidelines range, even if the relevant conduct is not the subject of the offense to

which the defendant is pleading guilty.

Base Offense Level

15. The parties acknowledge and understand that the government will recommend to

the sentencing court that the applicable base offense level for the offense charged in Count

Fifteen is 7 under Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2B1.1(a)(1).

Specific Offense Characteristics

16. The parties acknowledge and understand that the government will recommend to

the sentencing court that a 10-level increase for loss in excess of $150,000 under Sentencing

Guidelines Manual § 2B1.1(b)(1)(F) and a 2-level increase for an offense involving in excess of

10 victims under Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2B1.1(b)(2)(A)(i) are both applicable to the

offense level for the offense charged in Count Fifteen.

Acceptance of Responsibility

17. The government agrees to recommend a two-level decrease for acceptance of

responsibility as authorized by Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 3E1.1(a), but only if the

defendant exhibits conduct consistent with the acceptance of responsibility. In addition, if the

court determines at the time of sentencing that the defendant is entitled to the two-level reduction

under § 3E1.1(a), the government agrees to make a motion recommending an additional one-

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level decrease as authorized by Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 3E1.1(b) because the defendant

timely notified authorities of his intention to enter a plea of guilty.

Sentencing Recommendations

18. Both parties reserve the right to provide the district court and the probation office

with any and all information which might be pertinent to the sentencing process, including but

not limited to any and all conduct related to the offense as well as any and all matters which

might constitute aggravating or mitigating sentencing factors.

19. Both parties reserve the right to make any recommendation regarding any other

matters not specifically addressed by this agreement.

20. In recognition of the defendant’s willingness to pay substantial restitution prior to

sentencing, the government agrees to recommend a sentence below the applicable sentencing

guideline range as determined by the court.

Court’s Determinations at Sentencing

21. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that neither the sentencing court

nor the United States Probation Office is a party to or bound by this agreement. The United

States Probation Office will make its own recommendations to the sentencing court. The

sentencing court will make its own determinations regarding any and all issues relating to the

imposition of sentence and may impose any sentence authorized by law up to the maximum

penalties set forth in paragraph 6 above. The parties further understand that the sentencing court

will be guided by the sentencing guidelines but will not be bound by the sentencing guidelines

and may impose a reasonable sentence above or below the calculated guideline range.

22. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that the defendant may not move

to withdraw the guilty plea solely as a result of the sentence imposed by the court.

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23. The defendant acknowledges and understands that any and all financial

obligations imposed by the sentencing court are due and payable in full upon entry of the

judgment of conviction. The defendant further understands that any payment schedule imposed

by the sentencing court shall be the minimum the defendant is expected to pay and that the

government’s collection of any and all court imposed financial obligations is not limited to the

payment schedule. The defendant agrees not to request any delay or stay in payment of any and

all financial obligations. If the defendant is incarcerated, the defendant agrees to participate in

the Bureau of Prisons’ Inmate Financial Responsibility Program, regardless of whether the court

specifically directs participation or imposes a schedule of payments.

24. The defendant agrees to provide to the Financial Litigation Unit (FLU) of the

United States Attorney’s Office, upon request of the FLU during any period of probation or

supervised release imposed by the court, a complete and sworn financial statement on a form

provided by FLU and any documentation required by the form. The defendant further agrees,

upon request of FLU whether made before or after sentencing, to promptly: cooperate in the

identification of assets in which the defendant has an interest, cooperate in the liquidation of any

such assets, and participate in an asset deposition.

Special Assessment

25. The defendant agrees to pay the special assessment in the amount of $100 prior to

or at the time of sentencing.


26. The defendant agrees to pay restitution in the amount of $150,000 before the time

of sentencing. Said money shall be deposited in his attorney’s trust account prior to rendering

payment to the Court. The parties understand that the final amount of restitution will be

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determined by the Court based on valid claims submitted by the victims of the scheme as

described in paragraph 5 of this agreement. The defendant agrees to pay the balance of restitution

owed as ordered by the court. The defendant understands that because restitution for the offense

is mandatory, the amount of restitution shall be imposed by the court regardless of the

defendant’s financial resources. The defendant agrees to cooperate in efforts to collect the

remaining restitution obligation. The defendant understands that imposition or payment of

restitution will not restrict or preclude the filing of any civil suit or administrative action.


27. In entering this agreement, the defendant acknowledges and understands that he

surrenders any claims he may have raised in any pretrial motion, as well as certain rights which

include the following:

a. If the defendant persisted in a plea of not guilty to the charges against him, he
would be entitled to a speedy and public trial by a court or jury. The defendant
has a right to a jury trial. However, in order that the trial be conducted by the
judge sitting without a jury, the defendant, the government and the judge all
must agree that the trial be conducted by the judge without a jury.

b. If the trial is a jury trial, the jury would be composed of twelve citizens
selected at random. The defendant and his attorney would have a say in who
the jurors would be by removing prospective jurors for cause where actual
bias or other disqualification is shown, or without cause by exercising
peremptory challenges. The jury would have to agree unanimously before it
could return a verdict of guilty. The court would instruct the jury that the
defendant is presumed innocent until such time, if ever, as the government
establishes guilt by competent evidence to the satisfaction of the jury beyond a
reasonable doubt.

c. If the trial is held by the judge without a jury, the judge would find the facts
and determine, after hearing all of the evidence, whether or not he was
persuaded of defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

d. At such trial, whether by a judge or a jury, the government would be required

to present witnesses and other evidence against the defendant. The defendant
would be able to confront witnesses upon whose testimony the government is
relying to obtain a conviction and he would have the right to cross-examine
those witnesses. In turn the defendant could, but is not obligated to, present

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witnesses and other evidence on his own behalf. The defendant would be
entitled to compulsory process to call witnesses.

e. At such trial, defendant would have a privilege against self-incrimination so

that he could decline to testify and no inference of guilt could be drawn from
his refusal to testify. If defendant desired to do so, he could testify on his own

28. The defendant acknowledges and understands that by pleading guilty he is

waiving all the rights set forth above. The defendant further acknowledges the fact that his

attorney has explained these rights to him and the consequences of his waiver of these rights.

The defendant further acknowledges that as a part of the guilty plea hearing, the court may

question the defendant under oath, on the record, and in the presence of counsel about the

offense to which the defendant intends to plead guilty. The defendant further understands that the

defendant’s answers may later be used against the defendant in a prosecution for perjury or false


29. The defendant acknowledges and understands that he will be adjudicated guilty of

the offense to which he will plead guilty and thereby may be deprived of certain rights, including

but not limited to the right to vote, to hold public office, to serve on a jury, to possess firearms,

and to be employed by a federally insured financial institution.

30. The defendant knowingly and voluntarily waives all claims he may have based

upon the statute of limitations, the Speedy Trial Act, and the speedy trial provisions of the Sixth

Amendment. The defendant agrees that any delay between the filing of this agreement and the

entry of the defendant’s guilty plea pursuant to this agreement constitutes excludable time under

the Speedy Trial Act.

31. Based on the government’s concessions in this agreement, the defendant

knowingly and voluntarily waives his right to appeal his sentence in this case and further waives

his right to challenge his conviction or sentence in any post-conviction proceeding, including but

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not limited to a motion pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255. As used in this paragraph, the term

“sentence” means any term of imprisonment, term of supervised release, term of probation,

supervised release condition, fine, forfeiture order, and restitution order. The defendant’s waiver

of appeal and post-conviction challenges includes the waiver of any claim that (1) the statute or

Sentencing Guidelines under which the defendant is convicted or sentenced are unconstitutional,

and (2) the conduct to which the defendant has admitted does not fall within the scope of the

statute or Sentencing Guidelines. This waiver does not extend to an appeal or post-conviction

motion based on (1) any punishment in excess of the statutory maximum, (2) the sentencing

court’s reliance on any constitutionally impermissible factor, such as race, religion, or sex, (3)

ineffective assistance of counsel in connection with the negotiation of the plea agreement or

sentencing, or (4) a claim that the plea agreement was entered involuntarily.


32. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that this agreement does not

require the government to take, or not to take, any particular position in any post-conviction

motion or appeal.

33. The parties acknowledge, understand, and agree that the United States Attorney’s

office is free to notify any local, state, or federal agency of the defendant’s conviction.

34. The defendant understands that pursuant to the Victim and Witness Protection

Act, the Justice for All Act, and regulations promulgated thereto by the Attorney General of the

United States, the victim of a crime may make a statement describing the impact of the offense

on the victim and further may make a recommendation regarding the sentence to be imposed.

The defendant acknowledges and understands that comments and recommendations by a victim

may be different from those of the parties to this agreement.


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35. The defendant acknowledges and understands if he violates any term of this

agreement at any time, engages in any further criminal activity prior to sentencing, or fails to

appear for sentencing, this agreement shall become null and void at the discretion of the

government. The defendant further acknowledges and understands that the government’s

agreement to dismiss any charge is conditional upon final resolution of this matter. If this plea

agreement is revoked or if the defendant’s conviction ultimately is overturned, then the

government retains the right to reinstate any and all dismissed charges and to file any and all

charges which were not filed because of this agreement. The defendant hereby knowingly and

voluntarily waives any defense based on the applicable statute of limitations for any charges filed

against the defendant as a result of his breach of this agreement. The defendant understands,

however, that the government may elect to proceed with the guilty plea and sentencing. If the

defendant and his attorney have signed a proffer letter in connection with this case, then the

defendant further acknowledges and understands that he continues to be subject to the terms of

the proffer letter.


36. The defendant acknowledges, understands, and agrees that he will plead guilty

freely and voluntarily because he is in fact guilty. The defendant further acknowledges and

agrees that no threats, promises, representations, or other inducements have been made, nor

agreements reached, other than those set forth in this agreement, to induce the defendant to plead



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