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Medical Ethics | Review Submitted: 14 February 2022

Approved: 28 February 2022
Published: 01 March 2022
Patient Betrayal: The Address for correspondence:
Corruption of Healthcare, James A. Thorp, MD, Ob/Gyn & Maternal Fetal Medicine, Gulf
Breeze, FL

Informed Consent and the How to cite this article: Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup

Physician-Patient Relationship
C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal:
The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the
Physician-Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046-
James A. Thorp1*, Thomas Renz2, Christiane Northrup3, Charles
Lively4, Peter Breggin5, Richard Bartlett6, Neil Karrow7, Steve
Copyright: © 2022 James A. Thorp, Thomas Renz, Christiane
Kirsch8, James Welsh9, Phil Euell10, Ryan Cole11, Jeff Childers12, Northrup, Charles Lively, Peter Breggin, Richard Bartlett, Neil
Bryan Ardis13, Benjamin Marble14, Eric Feintuch15, Daniel Nagase16, Karrow, Steve Kirsch, James Welsh, Phil Euell, Ryan Cole, Jeff
Childers, Bryan Ardis, Benjamin Marble, Eric Feintuch, Daniel
Richard Urso17, Paul E Merik18, Peter A. McCullough19 Nagase, Richard Urso, Paul E Merik, Peter A. McCullough.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
MD, Ob/Gyn & Maternal Fetal Medicine, Gulf Breeze, FL
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
JD, Freemont, OH the original work is properly cited
MD, Ob/Gyn, Women’s Health and Wellness, VT
MD, Ob/Gyn, Odessa, TX
MD, Psychiatry, Ithaca, NY
MD, Emergency Medicine, Midland, TX
MD, Professor of Immunology, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. Canada
SM, SB in EECS, Los Altos Hills, CA
JD, Pittsburg, PA
JD, Miami, FL
MD, Pathologist, Boise, ID
JD, Tallahassee, FL
DC, CEO Ardis Labs, Dallas, TX
MD, Family Medicine, Founder and CEO of, Fort Walton Beach, FL
DC, New York, NY
MD, Emergency Medicine, Canada
MD, Ophthamology, Houston, TX
MD, Pulmonary and Critical Care, American Front-Line Physicians
MD MPH, Dallas, TX.

Background and Purpose
The purpose of this study is: first, to review disciplinary threats made to healthcare professionals by their governing bodies in the US; and second, to
review medical literature for complications related to the COVID-19 vaccines and data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),
particularly those related to pregnant women and women of reproductive age. The authors also aim to bring attention to the populace, healthcare
workers, and healthcare administrators that illegal and unconstitutional gag orders have been placed on all healthcare workers in the US, and to alert
everyone that no healthcare worker can be trusted since they are under a gag order which renders informed consent null and void. It is our intent to put
governing bodies of healthcare workers on notice that they will be held accountable and lay legal groundwork for possible Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) violations, collusion, and fraud. These potential criminal acts, exposed in a court of law, can pierce legal immunity of
Big Pharma and others, and pierce any perceived immunity given to hospitals and organizations via the CARES ACT.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Communications from the regulatory bodies for healthcare workers were reviewed. We reviewed the medical literature for complications related to
the experimental gene therapy injections since rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. We analyzed the VAERS data specifically to gauge overall deaths,
menstrual abnormalities, fetal malformations in pregnancy, and pregnancy loss using in the platform.

In a September 2021 Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19 Misinformation, the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG) threatened
their 22,000+ constituents with disciplinary actions, including revocation of licensures and board certifications. In this statement, ABOG referenced the
Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). There are 1,013 peer-reviewed medical journal
publications documenting morbidities and mortalities of the experimental COVID-19 nucleic acid therapy. VAERS data demonstrate a significant risk
associated with this experimental gene therapy in women of reproductive age and pregnant women.

ABOG and other authoritative bodies regulating healthcare workers issued inappropriate gag orders on their constituents, thus preventing informed
consent and destroying physician-patient relationships. Many reputable sources of data, medical literature and VAERS signal DANGER for the use of
COVID-19 vaccines, especially during pregnancy and in women of reproductive age. ABOG must retract their inappropriate threats and recommend
against the use of COVID-19 “vaccination” in pregnancy until long-term prospective trials are conducted.

Keywords: COVID-19 vaccine, VAERS, healthcare governing bodies, COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths, COVID-19 vaccine associated fetal

Introduction healthcare professionals have banded together in cartel-

like fashion, issuing threats to destroy the livelihood of
A recent publication in the British Medical Journal cast physicians and other health care providers for alleged
concern about the impropriety of the Pfizer data. The dissemination of “misinformation” about COVID-19.
author, Paul D Thacker reviews a litany of breaches of A term of deception crafted by various cartel entities
expected experimental integrity [1]. Many mainstream “misinformation” is used to label anything that would
medical journals and professional organizations receive tend to create COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. In other words,
financial support from pharmaceutical advertising and “misinformation” is used to discredit alternative views
thus have financial incentives to collude with Big Pharma. and seeks to prevent honest and truthful communication
Despite the global rollout of COVID-19 “vaccines”, the with a patient about the experimental gene therapy’s
de-identified participant level data underlying the trials known and very real dangers. This honest and truthful
for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, communication is necessary for a physician to provide
researchers, and the public [2]. Big Pharma is the least informed consent.
trusted industry [3] and at least three of the many
companies making COVID-19 vaccines have past criminal Using the cartel example, these commonly shared
and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars, with commodities are the COVID-19 vaccines – which are
one pleading guilty to fraud [4]. The COVID-19 pandemic not traditional, immunizing vaccines at all [8], but
has made many new pharmaceutical billionaires and prophylactic treatments for COVID-19 which carry serious
vaccine manufacturers report tens of billions in profit and significant risks. The cartel-like entities seek to
[5]. Doshi and Healy maintain that physicians should collectively control the market by promoting COVID-19
not recommend vaccines when full transparent data are vaccines as the only option for pregnant patients, despite
not publicly available [6]. Appropriate testing was not other prophylactics and treatments which have a proven
completed prior to the roll out of the COVID-19 “vaccines” safety record in pregnancy. The cartel-like entities in
in women of reproductive age, nor was Big Pharma’s data this instance seek also to prevent pregnant patients from
made available to public scrutiny. being able to make decisions related to these experimental
vaccines which is informed by the emerging scientific data.
The term “cartel" frequently conjures images of illegal In what can be likened to “fixing” the market in favor of
drug activities engaged in by groups seeking to fix and administration of universal COVID-19 vaccines – thereby
control markets. However, a “cartel” is any group of maintaining their monopoly on COVID-19 vaccines as
independent corporations and/or entities who band the only treatment – the cartel-like entities have banded
together to control the production, distribution, and together to falsely assert that the COVID-19 vaccines are
pricing of a market or commonly shared commodity [7]. safe, effective, and necessary. However, this narrative is
Despite significant signs of danger about the safety and crumbling before the eyes of the entire world. There has
efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines, governing bodies of been unprecedented corruption in mainstream medical

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

journals including the completely fabricated article from prior occasions and expressed concerns, now shared by
The Lancet [9] impugning the safety of hydroxychloroquine a number of colleagues, regarding (1) the safety of the
despite its 85-year safety record with a known safety COVID-19 experimental mRNA and DNA gene therapy
profile greater than that of aspirin or acetaminophen. injections in pregnancy, and (2) ABOG’s disconcerting
September 2021 Statement Regarding Dissemination of
Methods COVID-19 Misinformation, which has blatantly threatened
constituents with revocation of their medical license
The medical literature was reviewed for all peer-reviewed for “providing misinformation about the COVID-19
medical publications that reported morbidities and vaccine”, making reference to ABMS and FSMB [10]. The
mortalities associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. VAERS intimidating nature of ABOG’s September 2021 Statement
was queried using the platform. Standard Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19 Misinformation is
statistical analyses using Chi Square tests were used unprecedented.
for comparisons. We purposely reviewed the influenza
vaccines and the pertussis vaccines because these two ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19
vaccines in pregnancy have been advocated in the past to Misinformation, while adopting a tone designed to dismiss
provide a risk / benefit ratio that is potentially favorable all opposing or alternative views, provokes legitimate
for the mother and baby. Spontaneous abortions (before concern and critically important questions for both
20 weeks’ gestation) and fetal deaths (past 20 weeks’ constituents and patients alike. These questions are
gestation) were included together as total pregnancy loss intrinsic to a physician’s ability to treat patients free
as VAERS database enterers may not have had the specific from conflict of interest due to fear of reprisal from
information and/or expertise to differentiate between ABOG (or others). Even more important, these questions
these diagnoses. concern matters essential to safeguarding and protecting
the wellbeing of the pregnant mother and her child and
Results are essential to upholding the physician’s oath to do no
harm. First, what constitutes that which ABOG deems
Medline Search documents 1,013 peer-reviewed “misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine”? Second,
publications showing that the experimental mRNA and by whom and how is such “misinformation about the
DNA gene therapy injections are a failed strategy and have COVID-19 vaccine” determined?
killed, injured, and endangered many [87].
ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19
VAERS analytics assessed the COVID-19 “vaccines” Misinformation fails to provide answers to these questions.
compared to all other vaccines, including the influenza ABOG neglects to acknowledge the growing body of
vaccines and the pertussis vaccines, for outcomes scientific, peer-reviewed publications (1,013 references
including total deaths (Figures 1-2), menstrual linked below [87]) that the experimental mRNA and DNA
abnormalities, (Figures 3-4), fetal malformations gene therapy injections are a failed strategy that have
(Figures 5-6) and pregnancy losses (Figures 7-8). In all killed, injured, and endangered many people. ABOG’s
these comparisons there was a very significant increase widely circulated Statement Regarding Dissemination of
in risk of the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy COVID-19 Misinformation has placed patients’ health in
compared to all other vaccines (Figures 1-8). All P values jeopardy while leaving constituents holding the proverbial
are less than 0.0001 as per Chi Square analysis. The bag as their medical license and livelihood hang in the
analytics are extremely robust so even large changes in balance. Patient safety is sacrificed as constituents toe
the assumptions will have little impact on the statistical the line – forced to choose between pushing experimental
analysis. gene therapies shown to be dangerous to both mom and
fetus or lose their livelihoods.
We offer An Open letter to ABOG, ABMS,
and FSMB ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19
Misinformation turns a blind eye to this ever-growing
We appreciate your willingness to dialogue with us. evidence and dodges these thorny issues by pointing to
One author (JAT) has previously written ABOG on two published statements made by the Federation of State

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Medical Boards (FSMB) [11] and the American Board what they collectively deem “misinformation.”
of Medical Specialties (ABMS) [12]. However, upon
further examination, neither the FSMB nor the ABMS Down ABOG’s “Yellow Brock Road”: The
provides adequate answers. If anything, the express American Board of Medical Specialties
collaboration of ABOG with the FSMB and ABMS, together (ABMS)
with the language of the FSMB’s and ABMS’s individual
statements, raises red flags about potential collusion, ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19
bias, and conflicts of interest within the various medical Misinformation next points to the American Board of
stakeholders, Big Tech, and the media. Medical Specialties (ABMS) for answers regarding
what constitutes “misinformation about the COVID-19
Down ABOG’s “Yellow Brick Road”: The vaccine.” Notably, ABMS is an entity which governs
Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) medical certification. At first glance, the ABMS statement
and definition of misinformation seems just as vague as
ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19 the statement provided by the Federation of State Medical
Misinformation first points to the statements provided Boards (FSMB). Up front, however, the ABMS identifies
by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) for “vaccine hesitancy” as the real culprit – explicitly linking
answers. Notably, FSMB is an entity which governs medical “misinformation” with vaccine hesitancy [15]. Evidently,
licensure. However, the FSMB fails to provide any clear any information that does not push mass vaccination with
answers as to what constitutes “misinformation about experimental gene therapy on all persons constitutes
the COVID-19 vaccine”, or how such “misinformation” COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, and could “threaten
is to be determined, or by whom. Instead of providing certification by an ABMS Member Board” [16]. Ironically,
answers, the FSMB launches accusations, stating that the ABMS has attempted to frame its statement on
there has been “a dramatic increase in the dissemination COVID-19 misinformation as one that is supportive
of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation of medical professionals, tilting its press release as
by physicians and other health care professionals on follows: ABMS Issues Statement Supporting Role of Medical
social media platforms, online and in the media” [13]. The Professionals in Preventing COVID-19 Misinformation. Yet
FSMB further notes that physicians “have an ethical and the ABMS’ threats contained within the press release
professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best reveal that the “support” they are offering is highly
interests of their patients and must share information conditional – that is, it is only for those who will adopt
that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus- their false narrative and to the detriment of anyone who
driven for the betterment of public health” [13]. would challenge it.

But exactly what information is “factual, scientifically ABOG’s Euphemisms, Intimidation, and
grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment of Gaslighting
public health?” After all, the stakes for all humanity in
getting this right could not be higher. And perhaps more Since ABOG itself has declined to define “misinformation
importantly, who is the arbiter of such information? about the COVID-19 vaccine,” deferring instead to other
While the FSMB does little to define “COVID-19 vaccine medical agencies, we will kindly attempt to offer one
misinformation”, it does seem to suggest that somewhere, for ABOG’s consideration. Following the lead of Robert
somehow, a certain “consensus” exists on what narrative F. Kennedy, Jr., the phrase “misinformation about the
should prevail, perhaps giving clues about whose interests COVID-19 vaccine” seems to represent any statement
this prevailing narrative should serve. The FSMB or scientific evidence that differs from the prevailing
statement’s express reference to “social media platforms” narrative of stakeholders who most stand to profit from
and mainstream “media” is deeply disturbing, in light the COVID-19 vaccines [17]. These stakeholders appear
of alleged ties between the mainstream media outlets, to include Big Tech, government, Big Pharma, Big
social media giants, and Pfizer, suggesting at the very Media, and various corporate and medical stakeholders.
least, serious conflicts of interest [14]. Disconcertingly, These are the stakeholders who drive the “consensus”
the FSMB statement seems to give the appearance it has referred to by the FSMB [18]. Perhaps not coincidentally,
communicated – if not even colluded with – Big Tech and these are the very stakeholders that are attempting to
the corporate mainstream media to somehow root out drive the false narrative that the so-called vaccines are

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

safe, effective, and necessary for all persons, including Exposing the Wizard: "I'm really a very
pregnant women [19]. As it turns out, there is no real good man; but I'm a very bad Wizard, I
definition for “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” – or must admit" [27]
any honest answers to the questions posed above. The
phrase “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” constitutes a ABOG is not alone. Gaslighting has never occurred as
euphemism, and its true goal is deception. This is because widely as during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the
euphemisms don’t create meaning, they disguise and pushing of experimental gene injections as the only
distort or hide it, and have thus been referred to as “the effective, safe, and necessary option for all persons, even
language of evasion, hypocrisy, prudery, and deceit” [20]. pregnant women. ABOG should reverse course and adopt
a stance that is factual and grounded in emerging science,
Gaslighting has been described as “an insidious form of and true to their words purporting to protect patients
manipulation and psychological control” where victims from harm – by retracting and revising the Statement
are “deliberately and systematically fed false information Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19 Misinformation. Will
that leads them to question what they know to be true” ABOG have the courage to do it? As an organization that
[21]. Gaslighting occurs when “an abuser tries to control a professes to care about patients’ interests and safety,
victim by twisting their sense of reality” [22]. The abuser the ABOG members should peruse the many testimonies
or bully misleads their victim, creating a false narrative of the vaccine-injured on Real, Not Rare [28]. The Real,
and making them question their judgments, reality, and Not Rare platform shares personal stories told by many
perception [23]. When the victim calls out the gaslighting, who have suffered serious, life-altering adverse effects
the abuser will frequently try to discredit their victim. from the experimental injections, many of which share
When dealing with someone who is gaslighting, it is remarkably similar characteristics and symptoms. These
advised to pay close attention to what the abuser does, vaccine injuries appear to be vastly under-reported. Those
beyond what they say [24]. who have the courage to come forward are frequently
called crazy and accused of mental illness, thus enduring
ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19 gaslighting by doctors, who often refuse to believe them.
Misinformation is nothing short of gaslighting. ABOG’s ABOG, instead of hiding behind euphemisms, false
statement professes to encourage constituents to narratives, and other medical organization’s euphemistic
“practice evidence-based medicine based on facts and verbiage, should seize the opportunity to take a bold stand
scientific data” [25]. ABOG’s statement also adopts the for the good of patients and constituents and lead the way
FSMB’s position that its physicians “have an ethical and to expose what is really going on. Will you, do it? The EU
professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best in recent days has taken a bold step in this direction –
interests of their patients and must share information warning that boosters risk adverse effects to the immune
that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus- system and may not be warranted [29]. A top Israeli
driven for the betterment of public health” [26]. ABOG immunologist has recently followed suit, calling on the
has expressed a concern for protecting patients from leaders at the Israeli Ministry of Heath to admit that the
harm. Yet, while ABOG’s words express concerns about mass vaccination campaign has failed in Israel [30].
harm and stress the importance of scientific data, their
actions tell a different story. ABOG turns a blind eye to There is an undeniable and growing body of peer-reviewed
the emerging scientific evidence and refrains from any scientific evidence (1,013 references below in hyperlink
duty to protect patients from the dangers of experimental [87]) that these experimental gene therapy injections
vaccines, all while threatening the medical license of are unsafe and dangerous to both mothers and babies,
constituents who challenge the prevailing narrative. as clearly documented in this publication and elsewhere.
While ABOG expresses concern for patient safety, they Indeed, since the publication and dissemination of
betray patients and threaten first responder physicians. ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19
This is a classic example of gaslighting. Despite their Misinformation, the Johnson & Johnson injection is no
words, ABOG’s threatening conduct tells a different story. longer recommended for use, after life-threatening blood
clots and deaths have been linked to the injection [31].
The growing body of evidence credibly and scientifically
calls into question the efficacy of experimental gene

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

therapy. As unprecedented numbers of new infections ABOG’s current course, if it remains unchanged, is headed
now make painfully clear, the experimental injections are for extreme and unparalleled disaster with innumerable
proving to be wholly ineffective at preventing infection human lives at stake. We would offer our services on a
of the Omicron strain, the current dominant strain in the pro bono basis. We could begin to work together through
US. Multiple recent studies indicate that the vaccinated these pressing issues that have threatened the care of
are more likely to be infected with Omicron than the women of reproductive age, pregnant women, and their
unvaccinated (negative efficacy). For example, numbers babies.
in a recent study from Denmark now show persons who
received the experimental injections are up to 8 times Two main issues require immediate attention that would
more likely to develop Omicron than those persons who be best addressed in a formal statement to constituents.
did not.32 Multiple independent studies indicate that the First, the Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19
more one vaccinates, the more one becomes susceptible to Misinformation published on the ABOG website and
COVID-19 infection [32, 33]. Recent studies also suggest circulated to ABOG’s 22,000 plus specialists and
that COVID-19 gene therapy causes more COVID-19 cases subspecialists in September 2021 needs to be formally
per million and more deaths per million associated with retracted. Second, ABOG needs to immediately recommend
COVID-19 [34]. Studies which show the experimental specifically against the vaccine in pregnancy until there
injections to be neither safe nor effective, but outright are long-term safety data in the offspring of the pregnant
dangerous, are almost too numerous to count. The brave women who have already received the injections.
testimonies of vaccine-injured patients on such sites as Experimental gene therapy in pregnancy is extremely
on Real, Not Rare, are heartbreaking [28]. To continue to radical and without historical precedent. It is completely
require your constituents to push experimental COVID-19 unnecessary, as there are much safer alternatives. To
gene therapy injections on patients without considering push the experimental injections violates our Hippocratic
mounting evidence that they are neither safe nor effective oath of informed consent and Primum Non Nocere.
is ignoring science and placing patients in grave danger.
ABOG’s narrative that the experimental injections are Perhaps it was not your intent to issue unethical threats,
safe and effective in the face of such evidence amounts gaslight, and act in contravention of mounting medical
to an egregious false representation and an intentional and scientific evidence which casts serious doubts on
failure to disclose the truth to patients. the safety and efficacy of the experimental gene therapy
injections. Perhaps it is not your desire to intentionally
If ABOG truly cared about encouraging the practice of mislead and harm patients and their pre-born babies,
“evidence-based medicine based on facts and scientific or to destroy informed consent and the sanctity of the
data” and “acting in your patients’ bests interests” doctor-patient relationship. As long-standing supporters
– as it claims in its Statement Regarding Dissemination of these distinguished organizations, the authors find
of COVID-19 Misinformation – then it would retract its it difficult to believe that ABOG created the language
statement and the threats issued to its constituents. ABOG contained in your Statement Regarding Dissemination of
would welcome and consider emerging science, which COVID-19 Misinformation. Perhaps not coincidentally,
includes independent, unbiased scientific data which this same language appeared and was published almost
legitimately question the safety and efficacy of the gene simultaneously by,, the Association
therapy injections. ABOG would be willing to challenge of Colleges of Nursing (, multiple other ABMS
the prevailing stakeholder consensus (but false narrative) boards, the AMA, SMFM, ACOG, governmental and private
that the experimental injections are safe, effective, and organizations with ties to the pharmaceutical industry, the
necessary. For ABOG to do any less than this, while at the pharmaceutical industry itself, “Big Tech” companies, the
same time professing to care about science and patient mainstream media, multiple medical journals, insurance
safety, is nothing short of gaslighting. It is dishonest and companies, and many others who have a financial or
unethical, to say the least. other stake in pushing the experimental gene therapies.
For lack of a better term, we have collectively labelled the
Let’s Work Together to Change Course forgoing as a CARTEL, as this best describes the blatant
conflicts of interest and collusion which lie at the heart
It is our desire to work with, not against ABOG, and assist of this language. If ABOG is truly “acting in patients’ best
to reverse the disastrous course that has been taken. interests,” – as it proclaims to do – it should be fully

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

committed to the health of its pregnant patients, not experimental gene therapy injections in all women of
serving the interests of the pharmaceutical industry or reproductive age and pregnant women, with extremely
any other organization. It was and is your responsibility serious consequences. There are multiple independent
to resist and oppose this inappropriate language that was sources all over the world that have observed significant
most likely pressed upon you by ABMS, FSMB and others. increases in miscarriage (spontaneous abortion), fetal
death, fetal malformation, severe placental inflammation,
“Toto, it Looks Like We’re Not in Kansas severe IUGR, neonatal demise, infant demise, permanent
Anymore” newborn/infant/child chronic autoimmune diseases,
permanent immune deficiency syndromes, chronic
ABOG’s narrative is not evidence based. It was incumbent permanent CNS diseases and chronic cognitive
upon ABOG to have demanded safety studies with long impairment, seizure disorders, neonatal / infant cancers,
term outcomes prior to issuing their threatening language. opportunistic infections, and many other disastrous
It is not incumbent upon the vulnerable and innocent to consequences. The three DOD Whistleblowers just recently
prove that they have been harmed. ABOG is not aligned brought forth by attorney Thomas Renz in a Senate Sub-
with the truth and is forcing a false narrative. If no Committee with Senator Ron Johnson disclosed the
change is made, ABOG and its members may ultimately significant increase in pregnancy complications, deaths
be responsible for killing and injuring many more than and catastrophic vaccine injuries due to the experimental
they already have. ABOG has implemented a dangerous gene therapy, with a 269% increase in myocardial
retrovirus gene therapy in pregnancy and in women of infarction, a 291% increase in Bell’s palsy, a 156%
reproductive age with zero credible studies conducted on increase in congenital malformations for children of
whether it is safe. military personnel, a 471% increase in female infertility,
300% increase in cancer diagnoses, and a 1000% increase
ABOG is responsible for multiple OB/GYN and Maternal in neurological issues [36]. It should be understood that
Fetal Medicine “experts” who have no justification anyone who recommended this extremely dangerous
to push ABOG’s dangerous COVID-19 retrovirus gene experimental gene therapy in all pregnant women, in
therapy in pregnancy and in women of child-bearing age the absence of any safety data, bears the responsibility
all over the US and the world. Any attempt to engage in for these disastrous consequences. It is not incumbent
informed consent and/or challenge the ABOG narrative upon anyone to prove severe adverse events; rather it was
comes with the very real risk of damaged professional incumbent upon ABOG to prove safety before pushing
careers and irrevocably lost livelihoods. Indeed, a National this extremely dangerous experimental gene therapy in
Townhall Meeting of two local maternal fetal medicine pregnant women.
physicians took place recently in Indianapolis, IN with
the sole purpose of pushing ABOG’s stance of using the Drs. Robert Malone and Geert Vaden Bossche and Pfizer’s
experimental gene therapy in pregnant women and own documents state that the lipid nanoparticles (LNP’s)
children across the nation. Both young MFM physicians with their mRNA cargo are distributed to the entire body
had a combined clinical/publication experience of only and pass through the blood brain barriers, the placental
a small fraction of that of any one of the veteran health barrier, and the fetal blood brain barriers, and concentrate
and law professionals who have authored this analysis in the ovaries [37]. Drs. Byram Bridle, Robert Malone,
and letter [35]. Yet none of us who opposed their faulty and Bret Weinstein review the FOIA data obtained by
and dangerous recommendations were allowed to the Japanese Pfizer biodistribution study and confirm
participate or to challenge and balance their absurd and concentration of the LPN’s in the ovaries. The original
dangerous claims and recommendations. There are so Pfizer document can be downloaded from this site [37].
many of ABOG’s puppets doing the same thing as the Schadlic and coworkers [38] observed concentration
Indiana Maternal Fetal Medicine physicians did because of LNP’s in the ovaries studied across different mouse
of professional threats which ABOG has placed on their species and also in Wistar rats. They warned that
careers. ABOG should be held accountable for their accumulation of LNP’s in the ovaries pose an important
unethical threats, likely malfeasance and potential fraud. and neglected toxicity issue in humans. Concentration
of LNP’s in maternal, fetal, and newborn ovaries
The threats that ABOG circulated to all their specialists indeed poses a significant and potentially permanent
and subspecialists have resulted in the promotion of the multigenerational risk from this experimental gene

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

therapy. A female fetus possesses all its gametes (about The Importance of VAERS
1 million ovum) in the ovaries before birth, and following
the COVID-19 injections each ovum is exposed to these The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
potentially poisonous LNP’s containing the mRNA cargo. alone has strongly signaled that the experimental mRNA
It is now widely known and understood that the COVID-19 gene therapy is dangerous. While perhaps not perfect,
“vaccine”, which is an experimental gene therapy, this data simply cannot be ignored, denied, or derided by
works by inducing inflammation. Yet, inflammation in the ABOG or any other organizations or treating physicians.
developing embryo and fetus is a hallmark for permanent VAERS has served as a pharmacovigilance and safety
damage, malformation, death, placental insufficiency, and surveillance tool, created as an outgrowth of the National
potentially life long chronic diseases in the offspring, including Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (the “Act”) [46].
severe immunological disturbances, disruption of the TOL7 Administered by the CDC and FDA, VAERS [47] is part
and TOL8 receptors on cell membranes [39, 40, 41]. The TOL of an arrangement which provides legal immunity to
receptors are responsible for immune surveillance and pharmaceutical companies to encourage vaccine research
the suppression of cancers and opportunistic infections and development [48]. Under the Act, pharmaceutical
in the body including herpes, zoster, CMV, HPV, TB, companies are given full immunity from tort litigation
toxoplasmosis and many others [42, 43]. Dr. Ryan Cole arising out of injuries and damages relating to vaccines.
MD, a highly acclaimed pathologist, has noted a striking However, no immunity exists for acts of fraud or RICO
increase in cancers and opportunistic infections in all violations. As the eyes and ears of patient care, physicians
age categories, including extremely rare newborn and have an affirmative duty to report adverse events, and
infant cancers [44]. Since the roll out of the experimental VAERS has been deemed “the front line” of vaccine safety.
gene therapy there have been unprecedented numbers of As the 2000 Committee on Government Reform noted:
stillbirths in the US, Canada, Scotland, Europe, and many
other locations. Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica “The Act does require that physicians report—directly
insurance company, has noted all-cause death rates are to VAERS or to the manufacturer—certain categories
up 40% in ages 18-64 years [45]. Scott Davison notes of serious outcomes defined for regulatory purposes
that even a 10% rate of increase is catastrophic for the as an event resulting in death, life-threatening illness,
insurance industry. Life insurance companies are warning hospitalization, prolongation of existing hospitalization,
that there are nearly 100,000 excess deaths per month or permanent disability.”
happening in all age groups in the US which cannot be
attributed to COVID-19 alone. How many of these deaths “VAERS is intended to serve as the ‘‘front line’’ of vaccine
are caused by the experimental gene therapy? safety, since this type of national reporting system
can rapidly document possible effects and generate
It is important for all members of ABOG to recognize that early warning signals that can then be more rigorously
they cannot defer guilt to ABMS, FSMB, the American investigated in focused studies. VAERS is considered
Medical Association (AMA), the American College of Ob/ especially valuable in assessing the safety of newly
Gyn (ACOG), the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine marketed vaccines [49].
(SMFM), or any other medical organization. ABOG is
responsible for all these consequences in pregnant Indeed, VAERS’ own website states that VAERS “is
women and women of childbearing age, since this is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected
ABOG’s jurisdiction. ABMS and FSMB do not dictate patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a
policy in pregnant women. SMFM, ACOG, and AMA have possible safety problem with a vaccine” [50]. Physicians
no authoritative action; their recommendations and serve a critical role in patient safety by virtue of this
threats are ‘teethless’. This is ABOG’s jurisdiction, not reporting system. Failing to take VAERS (the “front line”
the jurisdiction of SMFM, ACOG, AMA or any other of the of vaccine safety) seriously, turning a blind eye to VAERS
organizations, because they have no authority to threaten signal data, and/or pushing a false narrative in the face
their constituents like ABOG has done. All blame for the of VAERS evidence to the contrary, are grave offenses
mass casualties in women of reproductive age and in committed by those who took the oath, “first, do no
pregnancy can only lie with ABOG’s decision promote this harm.” Such conduct violates VAERS’ own stated primary
experimental gene therapy. objectives. Patients’ interests have been eclipsed by the
interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Pushing the false narrative that the experimental Dr. Daniel Nagase reviewed Pfizer’s own internal data
COVID-19 therapy is safe and effective in pregnancy, between December 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021. This
when VAERS data and other emerging data clearly Pfizer data was released to the Governmental authorities
signals otherwise, constitutes a great and tragic ethical on April 30th 2021. This document was obtained by the
and moral failing by the entities tasked with governing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by the Public Health
the licensure and certification of physicians serving and Medical Professionals Transparency Organization
on the front lines of patient care and safety. The false [51]. Pfizer reported their experimental gene “vaccine”
narrative ignores the emerging data and is not faithful was administered to 274 pregnant woman and among
to ABOG’s mission to “facilitate continuous learning to them there were 75 (27%) serious adverse clinical events.
advance knowledge, practice, and professionalism in The FDA and CDC authoritative agencies that have
women’s health”. Pressuring constituents to tell only recommended it [50]. The Pfizer report obtained by FOIA
the false narrative prevents them from disclosing to their may be downloaded from this site [51].
unsuspecting patients that the safety of the experimental
COVID-19 injections has been called into question. It asks There are numerous plausible mechanisms by which
frontline physicians to betray their pregnant patients by the COVID-19 “vaccination” can have adverse effects
misrepresenting, omitting, and hiding information that is on women of reproductive age and pregnant women.
relevant and material to the patients’ safety and ability to The placenta is an autonomous and transient organ
give informed consent. It is reasonable to ponder whether essentially aimed at mediating nutrient and gas exchange
such conduct could expose physicians and/or physician between mother and fetus during intrauterine life [54-
governance entities – such as ABOG, ABMS, FSMB, 56]. Many mammalian species including the human
SMFM, AMA, AACN, ACOG and others – to legal and/or have a hemochorial placenta that is a crucial process of
even criminal liability at some point in the future. There placental morphogenesis in the fusion of the embryonic
is no blanket immunity for any person or entity – be it trophoblastic cells into a multinucleated layered cell called
ABOG, ABOG’s staff, physicians, or even pharmaceutical syncytiotrophoblast; this constitutes the main materno–
manufacturers – for conduct that amounts to fraud. fetal barrier in direct contact with maternal blood and
fulfils essential trophic exchange functions [54-56]. In
The VAERS Data Has Signaled Warnings situ hybridization of human placental tissue using an
that Can No Longer be Ignored MFSD2-specific probe unambiguously demonstrates
receptor expression at the level of the syncytiotrophoblast,
CDC and FDA have been privy to this data since it was again consistent with a role in placenta morphogenesis
reported to the authorities on April 30th, 2021. The [57]. Syncytin is an essential protein in the development
experimental “vaccine” should have been removed from of the placenta and its subsequent function to support
the market that very day, or arguably in December of 2020 normal fetal growth and development. Syncytian-1, an
when Pfizer was aware of hundreds of deaths. Dr. Nagase endogenous retroviral protein, triggers the activation
has strongly urged all pregnant women who received this of an inflammatory process [55] and this is known to
experimental treatment to bring civil litigation against cause disastrous consequences in the embryo, fetus and
their obstetricians and all VAERS has shown that the newborn. It is also known to be associated with psychiatric
experimental COVID mRNA gene therapy injections have illness including schizophrenia [58]. Concerns about
proven to be harmful by any modern safety standards the experimental gene therapy are plausible evidence
traditionally applied to other vaccines [51]. The “5/50 that the spike proteins in the mRNA “vaccines” trigger
rule” has always been a “rule of thumb”; if there are 5 an immune reaction against syncytin, thus potentially
deaths associated with a drug, vaccine, or device then causing menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, stillbirth,
a black box warning is issued; if there are 50 deaths fetal malformation, neonatal death and chronic disease in
the product is immediately removed from the market. the offspring. It was incumbent upon ABOG to have ruled
Hundreds of examples of this FDA removal process are this out before their unethical threats to destroy their
readily available [52]. Why has ABOG now ignored these constituents’ careers if they do not collude with ABOG’s
long-held safety monitors? There are multiple reports false narrative.
from all over the world reporting an increase in fetal
deaths, neonatal deaths, and infant deaths. The Scottish Indeed, ABOG’s false narrative is being unraveled as
data documents a 25% increase in infant deaths [53]. we speak along with the rest of the CARTEL supported

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

by their “experimental medicine” façade [59]. At first spontaneous miscarriages among women vaccinated
glance, the data from Rambam hospital in Haifa, Israel in the first 13 weeks of their pregnancy was not 12.6%
are reassuring [60]. Upon closer scrutiny Dr. Jessica Rose but over 80%. It is difficult to believe that this was not
and Josh Guetzkow note that this data from Rambam purposeful data manipulation. There was absolutely ZERO
hospital in Haifa reveal a stillbirth, miscarriage and newborn follow up which is inconceivable; and this fact
abortion (SBMA) rate of 6% among women who never alone irrefutably contradicts the authors’ claim that the
received a COVID-19 vaccine, compared to 8% among investigational gene therapy is safe in pregnancy. This
women who were vaccinated with at least one dose potentially fraudulent publication was pointed out to the
(and never had a SARS-Cov-2 infection). They found a New England Journal of Medicine and should have been
statistically significant odds ratio of 1.36 (CI 1.0-1.9) of retracted. But only a minor, one paragraph “invisible”
having a stillbirth, abortion, or miscarriage if you are correction was made, which was buried inconspicuously
vaccinated [61]. The SBMA rate among vaccinated women in the journal. Like the completely fraudulent
was nearly 34% higher than that rate among unvaccinated hydroxychloroquine study from The Lancet, [9] the
women. This difference is statistically significant at the damage was irreparable as it promoted mass vaccination
95% confidence interval based on a Chi-square test of in pregnant women [63, 64].
significance [61].
The fact that ABOG would recommend this “vaccine” in
There is currently no scientific data to support the use of pregnancy is an abomination and may well be the greatest
mRNA gene therapy treatment during pregnancy. None. disaster in the history of obstetrics. However, ABOG’s
The long-term outcomes are unknown. Karrow et al. note reckless abandon of the scientific method is clearly a
that animal models suggest significant concerns for the strategy shared by Dr. Eric Rubin, Editor in Chief of the
use in pregnancy [62]. In their review of COVID-19 vaccine New England Journal of Medicine. Rubin had the unethical
reactions in humans, they include among symptoms audacity, at the FDA advisory committee, to vote in favor
injection site erythema, pain, swelling, fatigue, headache, of administering the “vaccine” to children ages 5-11
fever, and lymphadenopathy. For pregnant women who and is quoted on public record as stating the following:
receive the shot, the inflammatory effect in of itself may be “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine
sufficient to adversely affect fetal/neonatal development. is until we start giving it” [65]. This is absolutely the
In their review, they have explored components of antithesis of the scientific method. At least Rubin was
the first-generation viral vector and mRNA COVID-19 transparent in this case. In the case of pregnant women,
vaccines that are believed to contribute to adverse he simply advocated the “vaccine” under his false safety
reactions, and which may negatively impact fetal and pretense stamped with the seal of the New England
neonatal development [62]. Journal of Medicine. Whistleblower Paul D. Thacker in
the November 2021 British Medical Journal exposes major
Criminal Corruption of Science? flaws in Pfizer research including manipulation of data,
unblinding of the “blinded data”, and many others [1].
The New England Journal of Medicine article [63, 64] Given the obvious bias of the editor in chief of the New
demonstrates zero safety of the COVID-19 vaccine in England Journal of Medicine and his reckless behavior
pregnancy. The v-safe (surveillance system) procurement in the scientific method, one must speculate as to the
of data is irrelevant, unreliable, and has never been relationship between his journal and Big Pharma.
validated as an accurate tool. The longitudinal study in
this very poorly done study lasted less than 10 weeks, while Safe Effective Treatments Falsely Demonized
pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. The data was subsequently
challenged for publishing erroneous miscarriage rates. The mainstream medical journals have become
It included pregnant women given the experimental increasingly corrupt in the last few decades because
gene therapy after 13 weeks while the authors defined of unethical entanglements involving Big Pharma,
miscarriage as less than 13 weeks. The authors clearly governmental agencies, industry and politicians. How is it
stated that a “total of 700 participants (84.6%) received that The Lancet published a manuscript with the lead author
their first eligible dose in the third trimester”, and later, from Harvard, that consisted of completely fraudulent
that a “total of 96 of 104 spontaneous abortions (92.3%) data [9]? It was not manipulated data; it was completely
occurred before 13 weeks of gestation”. The correct rate of falsified for the specific political purpose of doing a

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Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

“hatchet job” on hydroxychloroquine [9]. The Lancet got (NIMH) and for the FAA. He is known as "The Conscience
caught red-handed and was forced to retract the article, of Psychiatry" for his many decades of successful efforts
yet Mehra the lead author and Harvard professor was not to reform the mental health field. Dr. Peter Breggin
punished. The New England Journal of Medicine, similarly and Ginger Breggin published a NYT best-selling book
appear to have bias with inappropriate publications outlining the extensive success of early outpatient
misrepresenting data suggesting inappropriate treatment for COVID-19. Their book, “COVID-19 and
entanglements with Big Pharm [1, 9]. Ironically ABOG the Global Predators: We are the Prey”, investigates and
threatens to destroy their constituents’ livelihoods if they chronicles detailed timelines for communications and
spread “misinformation”? This represents the height of patents that provide irrefutable evidence for the genesis
hypocrisy, and it is egregious. Why did The Lancet publish of this pandemic [79]. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also published
this completely fraudulent article? Evidently, they wanted a NYT best-selling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”, which
to eliminate an extremely safe and effective drug for the outlines the very high success rates of early outpatient
early treatment of COVID-19 so that Big Pharma (and the treatment for COVID-19. Kennedy too documents the
journals?) could make trillions of dollars on the fraudulent communications and evidence of the extremely corrupt
experimental gene therapy. governmental agencies, Big Pharma and Dr. Fauci [80]. Dr.
Brian Tyson, MD and Dr. George Fareed MD also published
Safe and Successful Alternative Protocols a book, "Overcoming the COVID darkness: How two Doctors
Successfully treated 7000 Patients”, outlining their very
There are thousands of physicians around the world that successful early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 [81].
have treated millions of severe outpatient COVID-19
patients with early, effective, and safe options utilizing Had the CARTEL not mocked, derided, threatened,
a variety of vitamins, supplements, ivermectin, censored, and persecuted the health professionals
hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, doxycycline, who offered early outpatient treatment, well over
steroids, and other safe repurposed medications. Dr. 80% of the deaths and hospitalizations in the US could
Peter McCullough arguably the most well-studied and have been prevented since the onset of the pandemic.
published physician in the State of Texas and author of Hydroxychloroquine has been used for 85 years with an
over 600 peer-reviewed publications, has championed estimated billion of doses dispensed and has a higher safety
the safe and effective use of early outpatient treatment profile than aspirin or acetaminophen. Obstetricians,
for COVID-19, including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Rheumatologists and Maternal Fetal Medicine physician
and other vitamins, supplements, and repurposed drugs specialists have used hydroxychloroquine for over
[66-69]. 40 years in pregnancy without any adverse effects or
teratogenicity noted. Hydroxychloroquine, in contrast
Dr. Benjamin Marble [70] is the Founder of MyFreeDoctor. to the experimental gene therapy, is extremely safe and
com. His group is the first physician entity to use early efficacious in prophylaxis against COVID-19 in pregnancy
treatment in outpatient COVID-19 patients in all 50 states in the appropriate dosage.
using a regimen like the McCullough protocol. Marble
has a 99.99% success rate in treatment of over 150,000 Dr. Bhakdi Sucharit and Dr. Arne Burkhardt, in their
COVID-19 patients. Similar outcomes have been achieved YouTube video, “Doctors for COVID Ethics”, unequivocally
with many millions of other COVID-19 patients all over the document how the unexpected deaths in Germany are
world, including by Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik [71, caused by the experimental gene therapy, not by any
72], Vladimir ‘Zev’ Zelenko [73], Karen Ried [74], Deborah other causes. As Sucharit explains, death is caused by
Viglione [75-77] and many others. A meta-analysis of the autoimmune “self-attack” of T killer lymphocytes in
78 studies using ivermectin for the early treatment of all organs systems throughout the body. Sucharit states
COVID-19 shows a significant 64% improvement [78]. emphatically that all the gene-based vaccines are killing
the young and the old [82].
Must-read Exposés: Get Informed
The Omicron variant exposes the major flaws in all the
Peter R. Breggin MD is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and COVID-19 “vaccines”. The so-called vaccine does NOT
former Consultant at National Institute of Mental Health have positive efficacy; it has NEGATIVE EFFICACY [83]. It

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

increases viral loads, transmissibility, and increases the The Overwhelming Evidence
risk to those vaccinated. This is a disease of the vaccinated,
NOT the unvaccinated. The most vaccinated countries in In just 12 months from deployment of the COVID-19
the world and states in the USA have the highest case rates “vaccines” the authors have reviewed 1,013 peer-
of COVID-19. How is it that the entire USA NAVY ship, reviewed studies published in medical journals referenced
the USS Milwaukee, had 100% of its crew vaccinated and in the hyperlink below [87]. This has never occurred in
then became completely disabled because of a massive the history of medicine for any drug, vaccine or medical
COVID-19 outbreak [84]? How is this possible? The false device. We would encourage ABOG staff and examiners
narratives have fallen apart right in front of everyone’s to review all these studies [84], and read the three books
eyes and ABOG is in denial, continuing to force its puppets [79-81]. The resources and references cited here lead to
to push the “vaccine”, even in pregnancy. no other conclusion than that the COVID-19 experimental
gene therapy injections are dangerous in the population
at large, and particularly for women of reproductive ages,
pregnant women, and their offspring. The dangers of the
COVID-19 experimental gene therapy are evident. ABOG
must acknowledge the facts and retract their September
2021 threats. We and ABOG must make a strong public
statement regarding the risks of this experimental gene
therapy injection in women of reproductive age and in
pregnancy, as a matter of ethical due diligence.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

The authors welcome debate with anyone in ABOG in a public forum or recorded on Zoom for public viewing. Moreover,
some of us have offered to debate anyone in the world on this topic and have had no one challenge us for over a year, only
engaging in ad hominem attacks. Having been vaccinated and pro-vaccine, Steve Kirsch saw multiple inconsistencies,
delved into the science, and completely reversed his course based upon his own extensive research. He resigned from his
highly successful career and now is one of the intellectual leaders of truth fighting against the false narrative of ABOG and
the rest of the CARTEL. Steve Kirsch is the model of a true academician and scientist with impeccable intellectual integrity.
He exhaustively publishes and interviews experts on his platform and he has offered $1,000,000 US currency to anyone in
the world that will debate him. Yet, ABOG and others have not yet taken him up on the challenge – perhaps they fear they
would be exposed as liars and possibly as criminals. ABOG is the creator of this perfect storm that will eclipse the disasters
of diethyl stilbesterol (DES) and thalidomide, and make them look prenatal vitamins.

We urge you to cease and desist in ABOG’s potentially criminal and lethal deceptions.
We urge you to join us in taking moral action to reclaim allegiance to the truth, to justice, to professional integrity and

We thank you very much for your time, consideration, and PROMPT resolution of this matter.
James A. Thorp MD, Ob/Gyn & Maternal Fetal Medicine, Gulf Breeze, FL
Thomas Renz JD, Freemont, OH
Christiane Northrup MD, Ob/Gyn, Women’s Health and Wellness, VT
Charles Lively MD, Ob/Gyn, Odessa, TX
Peter Breggin MD, Psychiatry, Ithaca, NY
Richard Bartlett MD, Emergency Medicine, Midland, TX
Neil Karrow MD, Professor of Immunology, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.
Steve Kirsch SM, SB in EECS, Los Altos Hills, CA
James Welsh JD, Pittsburg, PA
Phil Euell JD, Miami, FL
Ryan Cole, MD, Pathologist, Boise, ID
Jeff Childers JD, Tallahassee, FL
Bryan Ardis DC, CEO Ardis Labs, Dallas, TX
Benjamin Marble MD, Family Medicine, Founder and CEO of, Fort Walton Beach, FL
Eric Feintuch DC, New York, NY
Daniel Nagase MD, Emergency Medicine, Canada
Richard Urso MD, Ophthamology, Houston, TX
Paul E Merik, MD, Pulmonary and Critical Care, American Front-Line Physicians
Peter A. McCullough MD MPH, Dallas, TX.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Summary Galileo was placed under house arrest where he

remained until his death because he argued, based upon
For 32 years, VAERS has served as an early warning and valid empirical evidence, in favor of the sun-centered
pharmacovigilance system for the vaccine industry. In astronomical model. In the mid-1800’s, Semmelweis
past mass vaccination programs when 25-50 deaths stepped up to oppose the mainstream narrative. He
became associated with a vaccine, it was summarily showed, again based on empirical evidence, that the 50%
withdrawn from the market. In 1976 the swine flu maternal mortality rates at Vienna Lying-in Hospital
vaccine was swiftly removed from the market when could be dramatically decreased simply by hand washing
there were only 25-50 deaths. At the turn of the century with a lye solution. He was censured and subjected to
the rotavirus vaccine was immediately removed from harassment by the ABOG-like authorities of his time.
the market when a few cases of intussusception were By the same token, those who opposed liberal use of
reportedly associated with the vaccine. Yet there have opioids in patients during the 1990’s were singled out
been over 22,000 deaths associated with the COVID-19 and criticized by administrators while at the same time an
vaccine, as reported by VAERS. According to their own unprecedented US opioid addiction crisis was coming into
website, VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction full swing. History often repeats itself. There could never
of actual adverse events, so the actual number of deaths be what we now call “science” had individuals possessing
is likely much, much higher, over a million. ABOG and insight and moral conscience not stepped up to challenge
others overseeing the implementation of the “vaccines” the assumptions, errors, and unethical practices of their
have roundly ignored the emerging data from VAERS and time.
from many other sources. A striking association between
vaccine administration and adverse pregnancy outcomes Those who engage in ethical scientific work and
is observed using the VAERS data through research report honestly and accurately what has been
as represented below in Figures 3-6. There are at least observed. ABOG’s Statement Regarding Dissemination of
three independent and verifiable sources that document COVID-19 Misinformation fails to explain what constitutes
severe complications from the experimental gene misinformation or how and by whom it is determined.
therapy in pregnancy: the VAERS data source, the DOD ABOG refuses to acknowledge an ever-growing body
Whistleblower physicians’ testimonies [36], and from of contrary scientific, peer-reviewed evidence that
Pfizer’s own internal document [50]. There are many incriminates the mRNA and DNA “vaccines”. It must be
more reports from elsewhere in the world. recognized that they are not really vaccines but reckless
experiments with nucleic acid preparations that have
In a November 2020 editorial, executive editor of killed, maimed, and endangered the unsuspecting public.
The British Medical Journal Dr. Kamran Abbasi wrote:
“Polarization of science was enthusiastically deployed The Nuremburg Code
by some of history's worst autocrats and dictators, and
is now regrettably commonplace in democracies. The The CDC and NIH published the ten criteria of the
medical-political complex tends towards suppression Nuremberg Code which all researchers must follow to
of science to aggrandize and enrich those in power. As conduct ethical research [86]. The Nuremberg Code is
the powerful become more successful, rich, and further the ethical criteria by which all human experimentation
intoxicated with power, the inconvenient truths are is regulated, and its first principle remains the most
suppressed. When good science is suppressed, people important: the requirement of the voluntary, competent,
die” [85]. Sir Karl Popper stated that scholars and informed, and understanding consent of all patients
scientists should always be open to divergent opinions, involved with any type of research. ABOG has violated
and the scientific method includes discussion of opposing all ten criteria. Until further testing can be completed,
minority opinions and views. Science progresses only by including but not limited to studies of long-term
refutation. In fact, as history has demonstrated, without outcomes, governing bodies of healthcare professionals,
the challenge of opposing data and alternative theories, including ABOG, FSMB, ABMS, AMA, AACN, SMFM,
there can be no true science at all. ACOG and others should retract their injunctions aimed
at eradication of vaccine hesitancy and focus instead on
The history of science and medicine are replete with promotion of truthful, honest communication which is
conscientious objectors who sought truth over power. integral to a patient’s informed consent.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figures 1 and 2 note the number of deaths from VAERS in the “COVID-19 vaccination”, all other vaccines,
the influenza vaccines, and the pertussis vaccines. In Figure 1 there are only 11 months of data for the
“COVID-19 vaccines” compared to 361 months for the other vaccines. Figure 2 controlled the data for

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figures 3 and 4 note the number of menstrual abnormalities from VAERS in the “COVID-19 vaccination”,
all other vaccines, the influenza vaccines, and the pertussis vaccines. In Figure 3 there are only 11 months
of data for the “COVID-19 vaccines” compared to 361 months for the other vaccines. Figure 4 controlled
the data for time.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figures 5 and 6 note the number of birth defects from VAERS in the “COVID-19 vaccination”, all other
vaccines, the influenza vaccines, and the pertussis vaccines. In Figure 5 there are only 11 months of data
for the “COVID-19 vaccines” compared to 361 months for the other vaccines. Figure 6 controlled the data
for time.

*Hyperlink to 1013 references - 62

Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figures 7 and 8 note the number of pregnancy loss from VAERS in the “COVID-19 vaccination”, all other
vaccines, the influenza vaccines, and the pertussis vaccines. In Figure 7 there are only 11 months of data
for the “COVID-19 vaccines” compared to 361 months for the ther vaccines. Figure 8 controlled the data
for time.

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

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Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.
Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship

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Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-
Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046- 069.

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