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Svyatoslav Kotusev, PhD

Copyright © 2019 by Svyatoslav Kotusev. All rights reserved.

The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])

In This Lecture
▪ The critical importance of IT for modern business
▪ Modern organizations as complex socio-technical
systems of business and IT
▪ The problem of achieving business and IT alignment
▪ The concept of enterprise architecture as a potential
solution to the problem of alignment

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The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])

The Role of IT in Modern Organizations

▪ Most organizations today are critically dependent on
information technology (IT) in their daily operations
▪ Large organizations often run and maintain thousands of
various IT systems enabling their business processes
▪ Moreover, the influence of IT systems on business
models of organizations is continuously increasing
▪ Historically, the role of IT in organizations evolved from a
purely technical and supporting function to a more
strategic or even business-enabling function
▪ Information systems often become a backbone of major
organizational changes and transformations

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Investments in IT Are Growing

▪ Capital investments in IT systems and infrastructure are
steadily increasing over the last decades
▪ For instance, in the United States private business
investments in IT increased from less than 100 billion
dollars in 1980 to more than 500 billion dollars in 2010
▪ Moreover, the proportion of IT investments in total capital
investments grew from 32% in 1980 to 52% in 2010
▪ Over the decade from 2007 to 2017 average IT budgets
as a percentage of revenue increased almost by 75%,
from 3.50% of revenue in 2007 to 6.08% of revenue in

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IT Systems Are Becoming More Powerful

▪ Over the time, information systems become more
powerful, ubiquitous, diverse and affordable
▪ The computing power and storage capacity of IT
systems are increasing exponentially
▪ Business applications now can be deployed on
dedicated servers, hosted in the cloud, run in web
browsers and even installed on handheld mobile devices
▪ Packaged systems available today include various ERP,
CRM, SCM, BI, ECM, KM and other offerings
▪ The relative price of information systems is gradually
decreasing making different IT systems more accessible

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The Use of IT Systems in Organizations

▪ The productive use of information systems for improving
the quality of business processes in organizations is not
equivalent merely to installing the appropriate software
and hardware
▪ Instead, the productive use of information systems
always requires consistent and coordinated changes in
three broad organizational aspects:
• People
• Processes
• Technology

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People, Processes and Technology

▪ People aspect:
• Providing the necessary education and training to system users
• Explaining benefits of the new system, coping with resistance
• Dealing with political, cultural and power redistribution issues
▪ Processes aspect:
• Introducing new business processes enabled by the system
• Modifying existing business processes affected by the system
• Modifying relevant decision-making procedures and rules
▪ Technology aspect:
• Setting up the new IT system and required infrastructure
• Making the new system available to its end users
• Providing technical and help desk support to end users

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Business Benefits of IT Systems

▪ The proper use of information systems can deliver
numerous business benefits and open multiple
innovative opportunities to organizations:
• Improve or automate business processes
• Reduce costs and delays
• Enable analytical capabilities
• Support executive decision-making
• Enable information sharing with partners, e.g. in supply chains
• Facilitate effective knowledge exchange between employees
• Provide new customer communication channels
• Create new innovative products and services
• Develop entirely new business models

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IT Systems and Competitive Advantage

▪ Information systems can help organizations execute their
business strategies and gain strategic competitive
• Operational excellence and cost leadership – IT systems can be
used to automate operations, eliminate delays and deviations,
avoid manual labor and achieve predictable business processes
• Product differentiation and leadership – IT systems can be used
to facilitate the design of new products, support teamwork and
creativity or provide unique innovative products and services
• Customer intimacy and focus – IT systems can be used to collect
and store customer data, analyze customer preferences, target
specific customer groups and develop highly customized offers

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Disruptive Technologies
▪ The dynamic technological environment also poses
significant threats to many organizations
▪ So-called disruptive technologies have the potential to
make entire industries irrelevant and reshape the global
competitive landscape:
• Yesterday the publishing industry had been disrupted by
electronic books (e-books), while the recording industry had
been disrupted by the Internet-based delivery of audio files
• Today the propagation of mobile devices, big data, Facebook,
YouTube and other social media disrupts many industries
• Tomorrow the Internet of things, industrial 3D printing, artificial
intelligence, blockchain-based technologies, electric and
driverless cars will disrupt many conventional industries

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IT Systems and Compliance

▪ The proper use of information systems in organizations
became a subject of strict regulatory control
▪ National governments enacted legislative compliance
acts intended to regulate access, sharing and protection
of sensitive information stored in corporate IT systems,
e.g. SOX in the USA and GDPR in the European Union
▪ Organizations are liable for incompliance with various
data protection acts established in their jurisdictions
▪ Therefore, information systems provide numerous
benefits, opportunities, threats and obligations to
organizations and their management is now a direct
responsibility of business executives

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Organizations as Socio-Technical Systems

▪ Many or even most organizations today essentially
experience the convergence of business and IT
▪ Business capabilities of a modern organization are often
determined largely by the capabilities of its IT systems
▪ Modern organizations represent complex socio-
technical systems consisting of diverse but interacting
human actors, business processes and IT systems
▪ Business activities and IT landscapes enabling these
activities represent “two sides of the same coin”

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Organizations as Evolving Systems

▪ Modern organizations represent decentralized, dynamic
and constantly evolving socio-technical systems
▪ Decision-making processes are distributed across
multiple global and local decision-makers
▪ Organizations are self-evolving entities, where actors
belonging to the organizational system gradually modify
this system by their daily decisions and actions
▪ Organizations always evolve organically, rather than

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The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])

Business and IT People in Organizations

▪ Business managers and IT specialists in organizations
are partners with significantly different duties
▪ Business managers represent a “frontend” responsible
for analyzing the external business environment and
determining the direction for evolving the organization
▪ IT specialists represent a “backend” responsible for
modifying the IT landscape to enable the evolution of the
organization towards the direction defined by business
▪ Put it simply, business decides what needs to be done,
while IT responds to these decisions

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The View of a Modern Organization

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Consequences for Planning

▪ The nature of modern organizations has two critical
implications from the perspective of their planning
▪ Firstly, all the ongoing changes in business and IT parts
of an organization should be synchronized
▪ Secondly, organizations should be planned based on the
balance of global and local interests
▪ Therefore, organizations should align both short-term
and long-term changes in their IT landscapes to their
business plans, strategies and goals
▪ In other words, organizations should strive for so-called
business and IT alignment

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The Notion of Business and IT Alignment

▪ The effective use of IT in organizations requires
achieving business and IT alignment
▪ Business and IT alignment implies that the IT goals,
plans and systems in an organization are consistent with
its business goals, plans and processes
▪ Business and IT alignment increases the payoff from IT
investments and improves overall business performance
▪ Ideal business and IT alignment is achieved when all IT
specialists working on IT projects act in the best interests
of the whole organization defined by its executives

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The Problem of Achieving Alignment

▪ To achieve alignment, an organization should act as a
single “big brain” always making best globally and locally
optimized business and IT decisions
▪ However, no actors are competent enough to make such
optimal planning decisions alone and powerful enough to
enact the subsequent implementation of these decisions
▪ For this reason business and IT alignment requires
collective decision-making with the involvement of
multiple organizational actors

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Diversity of Actors Involved in Alignment

▪ Ideal business and IT alignment requires achieving
complete mutual agreement between all actors involved
in decision-making and implementation of IT systems
▪ These actors work in different areas and occupy different
levels of the organizational hierarchy
▪ They have different responsibilities, backgrounds,
competences, goals, interests, concerns, planning
horizons and mindsets
▪ Essentially, these actors range from the C-level
executives to junior software developers

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Business Actors and IT Actors

▪ Business actors are knowledgeable in business
strategy and processes, customer needs and
preferences, competitive advantages and disadvantages
▪ Business actors barely understand IT and consider IT-
related talks as a meaningless techno-babble
▪ IT actors are knowledgeable in technologies, systems,
programming languages, databases, operating systems,
servers, networks and other hardware
▪ IT actors barely understand the relative importance of
different software and hardware for the business

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Strategic Actors and Tactical Actors

▪ Strategic actors are concerned with long-term planning,
global trends in the external environment, organization-
wide capabilities and disruptive influences
▪ Strategic actors be unaware of how their high-level plans
can be implemented or ignorant of the critical needs,
demands and problems of separate business units
▪ Tactical actors are concerned with carrying out specific
processes in business units, implementing concrete IT
systems or projects and solving urgent problems
▪ Tactical actors may not understand how their activities
aimed at achieving local short-term objectives contribute
to the global long-term vision

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Internal Actors and External Actors

▪ Internal actors are aware of their own organization and
understand what business processes, systems and
technologies they have
▪ Internal actors may be unaware of new prospective
technologies, products or industry best practices
▪ External actors, e.g. consultants, vendors and
outsourcers, are aware of the situation in their niche
areas and understand their technologies, products and
respective latest industry best practices
▪ External actors may not know specific features of their
client companies, their unique needs, peculiarities,
legacy-driven standards or limitations

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Groups of Actors Involved in Alignment

▪ The three aspects of diversity represent the boundaries
disconnecting different groups of decision-makers
▪ These boundaries prevent effective communication,
mutual understanding and partnership between different
actors undermining overall business and IT alignment
▪ All relevant actors can be separated by these boundaries
into five broad groups:
• Business executives
• IT executives
• Business unit managers
• IT project teams
• Third parties

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Main Groups of Actors and Boundaries

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The Root Cause of Misalignment

▪ The three boundaries significantly complicate the
communication and mutual understanding between
different groups actors in organizations
▪ Poor communication and the lack of mutual
understanding lead to inadequate planning decisions
neglecting the interests of their stakeholders
▪ Inadequate planning in its turn results in the general
misalignment between business and IT
▪ Poor business and IT alignment manifests itself in all
kinds of inefficiencies and problems

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Miscommunication Causes Misalignment

The misalignment between business and IT caused by
miscommunication ends up in wasted IT investments,
disappointment in IT and reduced business performance

The problem of alignment is an inherent and natural

problem of establishing effective communication between
heterogeneous groups of people with conflicting concerns

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Enterprise Architecture as a Solution

▪ A set of special documents is used in organizations to
facilitate communication between different groups of
relevant actors, improve information systems planning
and thereby achieve business and IT alignment
▪ These documents are collectively titled as enterprise
architecture (EA)
▪ In other words, enterprise architecture is a collection of
documents helping establish effective communication
between all relevant actors involved in strategic decision-
making and implementation of IT systems

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The Value of Enterprise Architecture

▪ For each group of relevant actors EA documents provide
the necessary information that satisfies their interests,
reflects their concerns and answers their questions
▪ EA documents help different actors collaborate and
achieve mutual understanding despite their disparate
roles, interests and expertise
▪ Enterprise architecture helps close the communication
gaps existing between all groups of actors and eliminate
the three boundaries preventing effective collaboration

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Good Communication Leads to Alignment

Through improved communication, organizations using
enterprise architecture are able to achieve better business
and IT alignment and obtain more benefits from using IT

Enterprise architecture enables successful translation of

the strategic plans defined by business executives into the
corresponding activities of specific IT project teams

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Lecture Summary
▪ Today the effective control, management and planning of
IT is a direct responsibility of business executives
▪ Modern organizations represent complex decentralized
socio-technical systems of business and IT
▪ The effective organizational use of IT requires achieving
so-called business and IT alignment
▪ Diversity of actors involved in planning of IT systems
undermines communication and leads to misalignment
▪ Enterprise architecture enables effective communication,
helps improve the quality of information systems
planning and achieve better business and IT alignment

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