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Article  in  Papeles del Psicologo · May 2020

DOI: 10.23923/pap.psicol2020.2922


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4 authors, including:

Alba González-Roz Roberto Secades-Villa

University of Oviedo University of Oviedo


Víctor Martínez-Loredo
University of Zaragoza


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Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers, 2020 Vol. 41(2), pp. 91-98


Alba González-Roz, Roberto Secades-Villa, Víctor Martínez-Loredo and
José Ramón Fernández-Hermida
Universidad de Oviedo

La Economía conductual es una disciplina que puede resultar útil para estudiar los aspectos implicados en la génesis y el
mantenimiento de las conductas adictivas mediante la aplicación de los principios de la economía y la psicología. En el
ámbito de las adicciones dicha disciplina ha mostrado ser útil para explicar y predecir su gravedad, pero también para
el diseño de estrategias de prevención universal y selectiva y de programas de tratamiento. Sin embargo, el modelo
descrito goza hoy de un gran desconocimiento entre los profesionales de la psicología. El objetivo de este trabajo es
presentar los principios de la Economía conductual y acercar al lector a la metodología utilizada en este campo. Se
presentan evidencias empíricas de su aplicación en el estudio de las conductas adictivas y se subrayan las aplicaciones
clínicas para la evaluación, la prevención y el tratamiento psicológico.
Palabras clave: Economía conductual, Patología del refuerzo, Adicciones, Evaluación, prevención, Tratamiento

Behavioral economics is a discipline that can be useful for studying the aspects involved in the genesis and maintenance of
addictive behaviors through the application of the principles of economics and psychology. In the addictions field, this
discipline has been beneficial not only in explaining and predicting the severity of addictions, but also in designing universal
and selective prevention strategies, as well as treatments. However, the described model remains largely unknown among
psychologists. The aim of this work is to present the principles of behavioral economics and bring the reader closer to the
methodology used in this field. Evidence is presented of its application in the understanding of addictive behaviors. Clinical
implications for assessment, prevention, and psychological treatment are highlighted.
Key words: Behavioral economics, Reinforcer pathology, Addictions, Assessment, prevention, Psychological treatment.

1759, which even back then advocated the influence of
BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS fashion, custom, prizes, and punishments in decision-making.
Behavioral economics (BE) is a hybrid discipline that Premack’s principle (1959) and the matching law (Herrnstein,
integrates principles of economics and psychology to explain 1961) were also seminal milestones that underscored the
human behavior, and to clarify how human beings make importance of analyzing aspects of the object and situation of
decisions and what the determinants of their preferences are consumption, such as the relative power of different
(Hanoch, 2017). This theory represents a revolution in the reinforcers to understand the maintenance of a behavior.
field of neoclassical economics as it questions its central The principles of BE are governed by three main concepts:
assumption: that human beings make decisions in a rational demand, price, and opportunity cost (Hursh, Galuska,
and selfish way, that they do not make systematic errors in Winger, & Woods, 2005). The concept of demand refers to
their judgments, and that they have no limits when estimating three interrelated aspects: search behaviors, consumption
the consequences of their behavior (Bernheim, Dellavigna, & behaviors, and the organism’s response to price increases.
Laibson, 2019). In contrast, BE is based on the idea that The price refers to both the economic cost (per unit of the
human decisions and choices are made in contexts of limited substance) and the personnel cost (the effort associated with
rationality, where a variety of psychological factors (e.g., the acquisition of a substance). The opportunity cost refers to
emotions, thought or attentional biases, memories, values, and the alternative reinforcers lost as a result of a decision (e.g., to
attitudes) come into play that alter the outcomes predicted by use drugs). Thus, a person with alcohol use disorder will have
economic theory. According to Cartwright (2018), the fusion a high demand for alcohol at the expense of the personal
between economics and psychology has its origins in the text (impaired family and social relationships) and economic costs
The Theory of Moral Sentiments, published by Adam Smith in associated with the behavior. Thus, the manipulation of price
and opportunity cost is a demand determinant with important
Received: 1 December 2019 - Aceptado: 9 January 2020
implications for prevention and treatment. In particular,
Correspondence: Alba González-Roz. Grupo de Conductas Adic- increasing the price (economic, personal) and the opportunity
tivas. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Oviedo. Plaza Fei- cost (the loss of reinforcements) will favor a proportional
jóo, s/n. 33003 Oviedo. España. E-mail: [email protected] decrease in demand.


CONCEPTUALIZATION OF ADDICTIONS BASED ON restriction on its use, 2) inversely proportional to the availability
BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS of other alternative reinforcers and, 3) directly proportional to
BE conceptualizes addiction (genesis, maintenance, and the restriction on access to these reinforcers. A classic study
relapse processes) as a disorder of choice (Bickel, Koffarnus, showing some of these predictions is the one carried out by Lee
Moody, & Wilson, 2014) that is characterized by an N. Robins in 1993 on the 1971 Vietnam War. In a highly
overestimation of the reinforcing effects associated with drug stressful, novel, and hostile context, with a high availability of
use and a devaluation of the risks or negative consequences, substances and limited alternatives, it was shown how
usually delayed in time, that result from consuming substance consumption increased significantly among soldiers,
(imprisonment, relational problems, economic cost, etc.), as whereas it was interrupted after they returned home.
well as the positive consequences of not consuming (health, On the other hand, DD is a measure of impulsivity, which
quality of life), also produced in a delayed way. Whether or involves a distortion in decision-making that causes two issues:
not an individual is addicted to a substance has a lot to do 1) overestimating the immediate stimuli associated with the
with the context, perceptions, and emotions. The “Rat Park” drug, and 2) underestimating the longer-term rewards. Walter
experiment conducted by psychologist Bruce Alexander and Mischel’s famous experiments (the marshmallow tests) at
his colleagues (1978) is instructive from this point of view, Stanford University during the 1960s are illustrative of this
since environmental enrichment seems to be a protective process (Mischel & Metzner, 1962; Mischel, Grusec, &
element for substance consumption. Therefore, in opposition to Masters, 1969). Their work helped to conceptualize drug-
the medical model that conceptualizes addiction as a disease taking behaviors as behaviors that are learned and controlled
of the brain in a normal world, we can say that the choice by immediate consequences (hedonistic effects), rather than
model understands addiction as a normal functioning of the other less immediate reinforcers, of greater objective
brain, in a dysfunctional world (Lamb, Maguire, Ginsburg, magnitude (good health, getting along with family, better
Pinkston, & France, 2016). financial situation, etc.).
Within the BE model, excessive preference for drugs (or
other addictions) over other alternatives may become a self- EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM BEHAVIORAL-ECONOMIC
perpetuating process, a “reinforcer pathology” (Bickel & THEORY IN ADDICTIONS
Athamneh, 2019): repeated drug use results in a reduction in The scientific evidence (in both laboratory and clinical studies)
the availability of other reinforcing alternatives, as well as a showing the close relationship between demand and DD with the
reduction in sensitivity to the reinforcing effects of these different processes involved in drug use and addictive behaviors
alternatives, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of in general, is very broad and diverse (for a review, see the works
continued drug use. This perpetuating process explains the of Audrain-McGovern et al., 2009; González-Roz, García-Pérez,
supposed chronicity of the disorder and the high difficulty of Weidberg, Aonso-Diego, & Secades-Villa, 2019; Koffarnus &
quitting substance use. Woods, 2013; Strickland, Lile, & Stoops, 2017, among others).
So, what determines whether a person chooses to use drugs, Both phenomena (demand and DD), constituents of reinforcer
even to the point of becoming an addict, when he or she is pathology, seem to sustain a two-way relationship with substance
aware that the consequences can be fatal? Well, in addition use, suggesting that these are reversible, context-dependent
to the objective value (magnitude or quantity) and physical conditions that are highly influenced by consumption or
properties of a reinforcer (the substance or other alternatives abstinence status (Secades-Villa, Weidberg, García-Rodríguez,
available in the context), the choice depends primarily on the Fernández-Hermida, & Yoon, 2014; Yi, Mitchell, & Bickel,
subjective value (utility) for the person making the assessment, 2010). It has been observed that higher levels of demand and
with specific individual characteristics (sex, sensitivity to the impulsive decision-making are associated with greater severity of
effects of substances, personal situation, etc.) and the substance addiction, both legal (alcohol, tobacco, and problem
presence of contextual factors, such as the availability of gambling) and illegal (cannabis, stimulants, and opiates)
alternative reinforcers incompatible with drug use present at (Amlung, Vedelago, Acker, Balodis, & MacKillop, 2017).
the time of the choice. This subjective evaluation, which Furthermore, several studies have shown that substance users
explains the choice (in this case, whether or not to take drugs), have higher DD (i.e., they are more impulsive) compared to non-
is essentially determined by two reinforcement processes that users or former users (Konecky & Lawyer, 2015; Weidberg,
constitute what is known as “reinforcer pathology” (Bickel & Gonzalez-Roz, & Secades-Villa, 2017).
Athamneh, 2019): 1) an excessive valuation of the reinforcer,
i.e. of the substance (high efficacy of the reinforcer) and/or, BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL
2) an excessive preference for immediate reinforcers as ASSESSMENT IN ADDICTIONS
opposed to delayed ones (high delay discounting, DD). Assessment of demand
Studies conducted within the framework of BE have shown that Drug purchase tasks are reliable, valid, and cost-efficient
drug use (high demand) is: 1) inversely proportional to the measures to estimate the demand for a substance or its


reinforcing value for an individual or group of individuals Palkovics, Kosinski, Cek, & Stillwell, 2016), the most used
based on price (González-Roz, Secades-Villa, Weidberg, method at present.
Muñiz, & MacKillop, 2019). This reinforcing value is also All of them have in common the determination of the
known as relative reinforcing and is represented graphically devaluation rate of a reinforcer (the substance or money
by a demand curve that illustrates how, as the price increases, generally) as time passes, following the hyperbolic function
demand decreases significantly (see Figure 1). indicated below (Mazur, 1987): V = A/(1+kD). This function
In general terms, purchasing tasks evaluate the number of can be represented by a curve as shown in Figure 2. In this
units (cigarettes, grams of cocaine, etc.) that a person would curve, the discounting level of the reinforcer “money”
buy at different prices under a series of assumptions to be increases, as time goes by, in a more accelerated way for the
considered: habitual consumption, impossibility of group of substance users compared with the group of non-
accumulation, and availability of habitual income. users (control group). During the task, participants are
Purchasing tasks offer a multidimensional assessment by instructed to make a series of decisions between receiving a
capturing several aspects involved in maintaining addiction, small usually hypothetical amount (e.g., 800 €) now, and one
namely: 1) intensity or the amount of consumption under of greater value, but delayed in time (e.g., $1,000 tomorrow).
conditions of unrestricted or free access to a given substance; Decision-making in the assessment context must be carried out
2) Omax or the maximum expenditure of the person on a under two essential assumptions: 1) certainty, i.e. there is no
given substance; 3) Pmax or the maximum price associated possibility of not receiving the delayed reinforcer if the latter
with the maximum expenditure made; 4) breakpoint or the is chosen, and 2) decision-making in the current context, in no
substance cost that produces the cessation of consumption; case under other circumstances (e.g. changes in the economic
and 5) demand elasticity, defined as the degree of sensitivity situation or different emotional states).
of demand to price increases. All the proposed indicators are
observed, with the exception of elasticity which must be 4.3. Other relevant processes
derived using a formula. Koffarnus and collaborators (2015) The degree to which people are future-oriented is another
have carried out an excellent review of the procedure variable that has been related to impulsive decision-making,
necessary to derive this indicator, which is specified as and in particular to risk behaviors such as addictions (Bickel
& Athamneh, 2019). The study of this variable in the field of
follows1: Q = Q0 × 10k(e - Q0C−1).
addictions is not new, since already a decade ago Keough
One of the advantages of purchasing tasks is the elimination
highlighted the relationship between future orientation and
of costs to the participant arising from repeated assessment in
substance use (Keough, Zimbardo, & Boyd, 1999). There are
different trials, and of the ethical problems involved in
several instruments for its assessment, the Consideration of
assessing people with addictive disorders or in treatment.
Purchasing tasks are versatile, since they can be used to
evaluate demand as a “state” and as a “trait”. Demand as a FIGURE 1
trait is conceptualized as the preference on a typical
consumption day of the person being assessed (typically a 24-
hour time frame), while demand as a state refers to the current Intensity

moment, that of the assessment. In the field of addiction

studies, trait demand has informed regulatory and pricing
policies, but also at the individual level by identifying
variations in substance preference in people with different Omax

psychological disorders (depression, post-traumatic stress Elasticity


disorder) (Dahne, Murphy, & MacPherson, 2017; MacKillop

et al., 2012; Tripp et al., 2015).

4.2. Evaluation of the delay discounting

Pmax Breakpoint
Different procedures are available for assessing DD, from the
more traditional ones consisting of the presentation of pairs of
choices systematically by the experimenter (Reed & Martens,
2011) or self-reporting through paper tasks (Beck & Triplett, Price/unit
2009), to the computerized procedure (Mahalingam,

Note that different macros (Kaplan, Gilroy, Reed, Koffarnus, & Hursh, 2019) and syntax or commands
( have also been developed to make this indicator easier to obtain.


Future Consequences Scale (Rappange, Brouwer, & Van Exel, million to assess the impact of manipulating the nicotine
2009) being one of the most used. This scale assesses the content of cigarettes on tobacco demand, among other
degree to which people consider and are influenced by measures (FDA & HHS, 2018).
outcomes of a present behavior that are distant in time. The The central concept used by BE is the “nudge”, a soft push
original version consists of 12 items and has good or incentive to perform a specific behavior where a series of
psychometric properties (Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger, & core concepts come into play for the design of government
Edwards, 1994). policies aimed at improving health. These concepts include the
Another variable that has received attention is the level of reversal of preferences over time, limited rationality, framing
reinforcement obtained from non-consumption activities. This effects, availability heuristics, and social norms. Table 1
variable has been identified as one of the most robust briefly describes these concepts and their application in the
predictors of the amount of consumption and alcohol-related field of prevention and treatment of drug dependence.
problems, even more so than other variables of incentive What is known as “environmental prevention” accurately
salience and executive control. An excellent review of the reflects the application in practice of the principles of BE in the
instruments available for the assessment of this variable has field of addictions. It aims to limit the availability of
recently been carried out by Acuff and colleagues (2019). opportunities for unhealthy or risky behavior (or to promote
Among the most used are the Reward Probability Index the availability of healthy behavior), by changing the
(Collado, Castillo, Maero, Lejuez, & MacPherson, 2014) and physical, economic, or legal contexts that influence behavior.
the Environmental Reward Observation Scale (Barraca & The underlying idea is that human beings are not homus
Pérez-Álvarez, 2001), both validated in our environment. economicus or, in other words, perfect calculators.
Consequently, it is the simplification of decision making that
IMPLICATIONS OF BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS FOR THE enables contexts to be configured so that decisions maximize
ADDICTIONS It is well known that substance use prevention programs are
In recent years we have seen an increasing influence of BE more effective when they are accompanied by social and
tenets in public health policy formulation. In 2010, for legal norms that decrease social acceptance, supply, and
example, the UK government created the “Behavioral Insights restrict accessibility to these substances. Of these norms, the
Team” explicitly dedicated to the application of the principles following are highlighted: a) economic measures that impact
of BE to improve health in an efficient way. In 2016, the U.S. on the costs of healthy/risky choices through taxes, pricing
Food and Drug Administration Foundation funded over $193 policies, and subsidies, and b) legal measures, which directly
control what is permissible or accessible, through diverse
FIGURE 2 regulations: restrictions, surveillance, institutional standards,
PROTOTYPICAL DELAY DISCOUNTING CURVE prohibitions, and exclusions. One such example is the
ADAPTED FROM REED AND MARTENS (2011) restriction on gambling in Norway (Rossow & Hansen, 2016)
where access to slot machines requires the use of a personal
card which increases the costs associated with gambling
(personal identification, minimum age for gambling, setting
limits on losses, and self-exclusion via the register of gaming
access bans). More recently, a large number of American
Subjective value (1,000€)

states have incorporated the BE methodology to make

Non-users [lower k] evidence-based decisions in the face of the increasing
scenario of cannabis legalization. Reducing its availability by
limiting its procurement on the basis of weekly or monthly units
purchased and imposing waits for repurchase, controlling the
prices of competing or substituting reinforcing alternatives
(illegal cannabis) have been some of the main measures
proposed (Amlung et al., 2019; Kleiman & Ziskind, 2019).
Preventive measures linked to BE also involve increasing the
availability (reducing the cost) of alternatives to drug abuse.
Users [higher k] Examples include alternative leisure programs, promoting
social activities among young people, volunteering, etc. Just
as drug use interferes with school performance, low academic
achievement has been found to be a risk factor for adolescent
Discount (weeks)
substance use initiation (Henry, Smith, & Caldwell, 2006).


Thus, creating a greater bond between young people and the episodic future thinking (Bickel & Athamneh, 2019), which
school environment helps to distance them from risk groups, to help reduce DD and promote healthy behaviors. In this arena,
approach new peer groups, and to provide them with the interventions have been developed that lead individuals to see
possibility of carrying out alternative, healthier leisure their day-to-day decisions as part of a pattern of behavior with
activities. Therefore, programs aimed at increasing school long-term implications, through personalized feedback
engagement through authorized and individualized services (Neighbors, Larimer, & Lewis, 2004). However, most of the
should be intensified. effects of these interventions have been shown in experimental
Additional measures also involve the development of settings and their efficacy in clinical or community settings has
campaigns to increase the social costs associated with the use yet to be demonstrated.
of some substances, in particular alcohol and cannabis, by
reducing social acceptance or increasing stigma (as is the CONCLUSION: BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AND ADDICTIONS
case with heroin or cocaine), as well as the perception of risk The application of BE, and especially that of the reinforcer
of these substances. Given that the perception of risk pathology model to addictive behaviors, has different
associated with drug use seems to be a good protective factor implications for assessment, prevention, and psychological
for initiation (Cooper, Loukas, Case, Marti, & Perry, 2018; treatment. As a theoretical guide in the research, it allows us
Kilmer, Hunt, Lee, & Neighbors, 2007), it would be a matter to formulate an explanation of the acquisition, maintenance,
of informing and raising awareness in society to generate a and abandonment of drug dependencies and other addictive
culture of rejection of drugs in general, and alcohol and behaviors. In psychological assessment it allows us to
cannabis in particular, as the most widely used drugs and a characterize profiles of consumers or people at risk of
gateway to other substances. In this regard, prevention increasing consumption. Consequently, it would be of great
campaigns should be specifically aimed at target groups, interest to incorporate behavioral-economic measures such as
providing clear, credible, and evidence-based information. DD, demand, and the identification of the number and
With regard to treatment, the principles of BE have had
reinforcing value of activities linked and not linked to drug
great influence on the development of treatments aimed at
consumption in the assessment processes. In treatment, the
increasing the price of substances and compensating for the
reduction of the excessive valuation of the immediate reward
loss of reinforcers associated with drinking or the use of other
and the increase of behavior patterns that lead to favoring the
drugs (Murphy, Correia, & Dennhardt, 2013). Of particular
importance are contingency management programs (Secades-
Villa et al., 2013; Secades-Villa, García-Rodríguez, &
Fernández-Hermida, 2015), which provide reinforcers
contingent on abstinence, or behavioral activation and skills
training (González-Roz, Secades-Villa, & Alonso-Pérez, Concept Description Application
2019), which promote an increase in alternative sources of
Reversal of The preference between two Use of deposits or
reinforcement to drug use and increase the associated cost of
preferences options is reversed over time incentives given after the
the latter. due to delay discounting performing of a behavior
Motivational interventions that promote awareness of the to increase its value
costs and consequences of alcohol and drug abuse also fit
Limited Rationality of decisions is Simplification and
into the assumptions of BE. The decisional balance and rationality compromised by lack of organization of information
objective and personalized feedback on the risks and costs information, limited time to presented to prevent harm
associated with the use of alcohol and/or other drugs are very make a decision, and after abusive or unwanted
cognitive limitations consumption (pill testing)
useful strategies with patients with low motivation, as is the
case with most young consumers (Collins, Kirouac, Lewis, Framing effect Decisions are influenced by Preventive messages aimed
Witkiewitz, & Carey, 2014). From this point of view, it is the way options are at the benefits of
crucial to provide frequent feedback on social, academic, etc. presented involvement in healthy
behaviors and the
and therapeutic achievements (alternative reinforcers), negatives of not getting
through objective tests such as biochemical ones, especially at medical checkups
the beginning of treatment, without waiting for the end of the
Availability Evaluation of the frequency Prioritizing a behavior
process. heuristic and probability of the giving relevant examples
Finally, given the importance of DD in the addiction occurrence of an event for a target population
processes, an essential component of treatment would be to depending on the (age, social group)
reduce impulsive responses by increasing the value of delayed accessibility of information
related to it
reinforcers. In recent years, interventions have been
developed that help focus on positive future events such as Adapted from Matjasko, Cawley, Baker-Goering, and Yokum (2016)


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This work received support from the National Plan on Drugs Collado, A., Castillo, S. D., Maero, F., Lejuez, C. W. &
(PNSD: Ref. MSSSI-17-2017I036) and the Spanish Ministry of MacPherson, L. (2014). Pilot of the Brief Behavioral
Science, Innovation, and Universities (BES-2015-073327; Activation Treatment for Depression in Latinos With Limited
BES-2016-076663). English Proficiency: Preliminary Evaluation of Efficacy and
Acceptability. Behavior Therapy, 45, 102–115. doi:
CONFLICT OF INTEREST 10.1016/j.beth.2013.10.001
There is no conflict of interest. Collins, S. E., Kirouac, M., Lewis, M. A., Witkiewitz, K. &
Carey, K. B. (2014). Randomized controlled trial of web-
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