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The European Journal of Orthodontics Advance Access published November 29, 2015

European Journal of Orthodontics, 2015, 1–7


Systematic Review

Soft-tissue changes in Class II malocclusion

patients treated with extractions: a
systematic review
Guilherme Janson, Lucas Marzullo Mendes,
Cintia Helena Zingaretti Junqueira and Daniela Gamba Garib
Department of Orthodontics, Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil

Correspondence to: Guilherme Janson, Department of Orthodontics, Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, Alam-
eda Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, Bauru-SP 17012-901, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Background:  Concerns about the effects caused by premolar extractions on the soft-tissue profile

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have motivated many investigations in different malocclusions.
Objectives:  To evaluate the cephalometric facial soft-tissue changes after orthodontic treatment
with premolar extractions of Class II division 1 malocclusion subjects.
Search methods: Electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and Scopus were
Selection criteria: Abstracts that appeared to fulfil the initial criteria (premolar extraction;
cephalometric soft-tissue analyses/changes) were selected. The full-text original articles were then
retrieved. Their references were also hand-searched.
Data collection and analysis:  By consensus of two researchers, the articles that fulfilled the selection
criteria and quantified facial soft-tissue changes were individually analysed. Some methodological
flaws were identified and some articles were excluded. The studies were rated according to the
type of study, sample description and homogeneity, malocclusion severity, consideration of
confounding factors, validity of the method, and statistical analyses.
Results:  Heterogeneous information about malocclusion severity before treatment was found in
most articles. Statistically significant soft-tissue changes reported included nasolabial angle (NLA)
increasing from 2.4 to 5.40 degrees in 2-premolar extraction protocol and from 1 to 6.84 degrees in
4-premolar extraction protocol. Retrusion of the upper and lower lips were also verified, with less
retraction of the lower lip in 2-premolar extraction groups.
Conclusions:  When Class  II division 1 malocclusion is treated with premolar extractions, the
NLA increases and the lips are retracted. However, there is less retraction of the lower lip in the
2-maxillary premolar extraction protocol.

Introduction Soft-tissue thickness (13–15), pre-treatment labial tension (2, 15),

type of malocclusion, crowding (16, 17), and face height (6) are
Orthodontic treatment can influence patient’s profile and aesthet-
some of the factors that seem to influence the effects of tooth extrac-
ics, especially when extractions and extensive anterior retraction
tion on the soft-tissue profile.
are involved (1, 2). The effects of extraction and non-extraction
There are many therapeutic approaches to treat Class II maloc-
therapies have been widely investigated (2–12), but it seems that
clusions, such as removable or fixed functional orthopaedic appli-
the debate about the extraction effects is still far from finishing.
ances (18–21), extra- or intra-oral distalizing appliances (10, 22, 23),

© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email: [email protected]
2 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2015

tooth extractions (9, 11, 24–27), and orthodontic-surgical treatment A computerized search was conducted using the main terms ‘soft-
(28, 29), when there is accentuated skeletal discrepancies. tissue’, ‘profile’, ‘facial’, ‘Class II’, ‘premolar’, and ‘extraction’ in the
Evaluation of facial profile and balance is a continuous learning following electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Embase,
process for orthodontists (7). However, most studies concerned with Scopus, and Cochrane (Supplementary Table 1).
the effects of orthodontic treatment on facial profile have been based
mostly on assumptions than on actual changes in the relationship Selection criteria
between the incisors and lips (30–32). Some only suggest favourable To identify potential articles, the initial search was performed by title
changes in the long term (33). and abstract (43). The initial inclusion criteria were: studies pub-
There are concerns that premolar extractions might cause greater lished until June 2015; quoting cephalometric soft-tissue changes
lip retrusion and impair the resulting profile more than treatment in samples treated with premolar extractions. The types of study
without extractions (12–14, 27, 34, 35). The speculation is that selected were randomized clinical trial, retrospective or prospective
anterior retraction would result in an undesirable flattened facial cohort studies. Two researchers independently conducted this selec-
appearance. Although many recent studies have refuted this hypoth- tion process and, thereafter, evaluated the articles from the selected
esis (3, 5, 12, 36–40), this issue keeps been studied. However, there abstracts. To avoid any biased results, interexaminer conflicts were
are no consistent data regarding the amount of soft-tissue changes resolved by discussion on each article to reach a consensus regarding
in Class II malocclusion treatment with 2- or 4-premolar extractions which articles fulfilled the final selection criteria.
(13, 34, 41). Therefore, this systematic review aimed to evaluate The exclusion criteria were: studies that did not have a well-defined
the soft-tissue changes after orthodontic treatment with premolar Class II group treated with premolar extractions, did not describe the
extractions in Class II division 1 malocclusion subjects occlusal malocclusion severity, or had inadequate statistical analyses
were not included in this review. Case reports, letters to the editors, or
experts’ opinions were also rejected. Studies with no systematic and ran-
Materials and methods
dom error analyses or a control group were also excluded. The references
Search methods of the selected articles were then hand-searched for additional studies.
The first phase of this systematic review involved development of
a specific protocol and research question based on the Population Data collection and risk of bias analysis
Intervention Control Outcome Study Design (PICOS) format Risk of bias was assessed not only through inclusion but specially

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(Table 1) (42). Based on these specific criteria, the studies should be through the exclusion criteria. Biased studies that did not describe
able to answer the question: ‘Which changes can be expected on the the extraction protocols used or the Class II severity were system-
soft-tissue profile of Class II division 1 malocclusion subjects treated atically excluded. Recognizing that studies with more elaborate
with comprehensive orthodontics and premolar extractions?’ methodology and less bias problems may provide more reliable con-
clusions, the articles ultimately selected were classified through the
Cochrane collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias (44).
The Cochrane collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias (44)
Table  1.  PICOS format and research question. PICOS, Population
Intervention Control Outcome Study Design. helped to evaluate the confidence of the included studies. Several
domains were separately verified: sample size, Class II malocclusion
Population Angle’s Class II division 1 subjects severity description, homogeneity regarding extracted teeth, control
Intervention Comprehensive orthodontics with premolar of confounding factors, validity of method, and statistical analysis.
extractions The criteria used to classify each study are described on Table 2.
Comparison Any other orthodontic treatment and/or a
Each study received for each domain a judgment of low, high,
control group
or unclear risk of bias, which means information provided was not
Outcome Soft-tissue/profile analyses/changes
Study design Randomized clinical trial, retrospective or enough for a fair evaluation (44). Afterwards, these qualification fea-
prospective cohort studies tures were used to classify the articles based on their scientific weight.
The studies were finally classified into the following categories:

Table 2.  Methodological scoring process.

Data High risk of bias Unclear risk of bias Low risk of bias

Subject number N < 20 20 ≤ N ≤ 29 N ≥ 30

Description of Class II ANB or incisor classification Overjet Antero-posterior molar relationship

malocclusion severity
Homogeneity regarding extracted Group had two kinds of Did not distinguish first premolar Clearly established if two maxillary
teeth treatment protocol from second premolar extractions or four premolars were extracted,
and if they were first or second.
Control of confounding factors No precautions were taken Some precautions were taken Precautions were taken to ensure a
during record taking during record taking relaxed position of soft tissues during
record taking
Validity of method Exam with no standardized Exam used for diagnosis had a
technique based on the literature standardized technique based on the
Statistical analysis Statistician judged the statistical analyses.
G. Janson et al. 3

1. Low risk of bias (studies with all domains at low risk of bias or

Risk of bias
one unclear key domain): reasonable bias that would hardly alter
the results.







2. Unclear risk of bias (studies with more than one domain at unclear
risk of bias): reasonable bias that makes the results suspicious
3. High risk of bias (studies with one or more domains at high risk


of bias): reasonable bias that strongly commits the reliability of


the results.


After a database search, 154 articles were retrieved from PubMed,
132 from Web of Science, 91 from Embase, 184 from Scopus, 7 from

Cochrane, and 16 from a hand-search (Figure  1, Supplementary
Table 1). After duplicates were removed, the entire search strategy








resulted in 262 abstracts, 61.45 per cent of which were published
between 2001 and June 2015. These results demonstrate that stud-
ies about the influence of first premolar extraction on the soft-tissue

Homogeneity regarding teeth extracted

profile have considerably increased in the past years.

(unclear: 4s and 5s in the same group;

After preliminary exclusions, based on titles and abstracts, 102
full-text articles were assessed for eligibility (Figure 1). The main rea-
sons for exclusions were: absence of complete description of maloc-
clusion type, severity of Class II malocclusion, no identification of the
removed premolars, and no comparison groups. Finally, 13 articles
met the initial inclusion criteria (Figure 1; Supplementary Table 1).
Preliminary description of the 13 articles is shown in

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low: only 4s)
Supplementary Table 2. Eight (27, 34, 45–50) were retrospective


studies, three (29, 51, 52) prospective, and two unclear (53, 54). All


the studies had 14–44 patients in the extraction groups. All of them
were growing patients, except in three, where the extraction group
was compared to a surgical group (29) and the other two used mini-
incisor; unclear: overjet; low:
Class II severity (high: ANB/

implants (51, 52).

Malocclusion severity description was diversified (Supplementary
Table 2). The references used to measure it were: overjet in three arti-
cles (45, 49, 52), molar sagittal relationship in six articles (e.g. half
at least half cusp)

cusp, full cusp) (27, 34, 46–48, 51), ANB in one article (29), ANB and
overjet in two articles (53, 54), and according to incisor relationship
Table 3.  Quality evaluation of articles and sample. TPA, transpalatal arch.








< 20; unclear: 20–29; low:
N (extraction group; high:

> 30 and over)






*Mini-implants group: skeletal anchorage.

**TPAs group: conventional anchorage.
de Almeida-Pedrin et al., 2009 (46)

Weyrich and Lisson, 2009 II (34)

Weyrich and Lisson, 2009 I (34)
Al-Sibaie and Hajeer, 2014 (51)

Upadhyay et al., 2012 (52)

Kinzinger et al., 2009 (29)

Looi and Mills, 1986 (50)

Zierhut et al., 2000 (47)
Bishara et al., 1994 (48)
Finnoy et al., 1987 (49)
Janson et al., 2007 (27)

Verma, 2013 (53, 54)

Battagel, 1996 (45)

Figure 1.  Prisma flow diagram.

4 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2015

Table 4.  Main changes and severity. MLA, mentolabial angle; NLA, nasolabial angle; TPA, transpalatal arch.

Class II severity (inadequate:

ANB/incisor; partial: overjet;
Authors adequate: at least half cusp) Extraction subjects NLA UL-E LL-E UL-S LL-S MLA

AL-Sibaie and Hajeer, 2014 Adequate 28* 9.08 −2.98 −2.50 — — —

(51) 28** 5.93 −2.47 −1.42 — — —
Battagel, 1996 (45) Partial 30 children — — — −4.21 −3.76 —
de Almeida-Pedrin et al., Adequate 30 (boys and girls) +2.40 −2.60 −1.00 — — −0.40
2009 (46)
Janson et al., 2007 (27) Adequate 22 patients +5.40 −2.66 −1.15 −2.28 −0.83 —
Kinzinger et al., 2009 (29) Inadequate 20 patients +2.87 −0.75 −0.75 — — —
Upadhyay et al., 2012 (52) Inadequate 14 patients +11.55 −2.41 −2.73 — — —
Weyrich and Lisson, 2009 Adequate 34 — −1.97 — — — —
I (34)
Zierhut et al., 2000 (47) Adequate 23 American Caucasian — −5.03 −4.19 −4.21 −3.76 —
Bishara et al., 1994 (48) Adequate 44 subjects — −4.9 (m); −4.6 (m); — — —
−3.9 (f) −4.1 (f)
Finnoy et al., 1987 (49) Partial 30 patients +6.50 −3.30 −2.50 — — —
Looi and Mills, 1986 (50) Inadequate 30 patients +5.9 — — — — +5.30
Verma, 2013 (53, 54) Partial 50 Indian female patients +6.84 — — — — +4.92
Weyrich and Lisson, 2009 Adequate 37 +1.00 −3.00 −2.29 — — —
II (34)

*Mini-implants group: skeletal anchorage.

**TPAs group: conventional anchorage.

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(British Standard 4492: 1983) in one article (50). Twelve out of the 13 varied from −2.29 mm, for the lower lip (34), to −4.9 mm (48), for
selected studies described an enlarged overjet (Supplementary Table 2). the lower lip.
The main characteristics of each study are presented in Retraction of the upper and lower lips was also shown regarding
Supplementary Table 3, such as: extracted teeth, treatment appli- the distances from upper and lower lips to S-line and to the Subnasal-
ances, comparison groups, and evaluated changes. Seven of them had soft-tissue pogonion line. The changes ranged from −0.83 mm, for
2-premolar extraction groups (27, 29, 45–47, 51, 52), five had 4-pre- the lower lip (27), to −4.21 mm, for the upper lip (47) regarding the
molar extraction groups (48–50, 53, 54), and one had both types of S-line and from −2.10 mm, for the upper lip, to −0.47 mm, for the
groups (34). All of them were treated with fixed Edgewise appliances. lower lip, regarding the Subnasal-soft-tissue pogonion line, in 2-pre-
Among the 13 studies, one compared extractions to pendulum molar extraction groups (27). The MLA increased 5.3 degrees in the
and cervical headgear groups (46); one compared to transpalatal 4-premolar extraction group (50).
arches (TPAs) conventional anchorage (51); two compared to cer- Out of the 13 studies included in this systematic review, 6 were
vical headgear (27, 47); four compared to mandibular advance- classified as presenting low risk of bias (27, 45, 48, 51, 53, 54), none
ment (Frankel, Andresen activator, functional mandibular advancer, had unclear risk of bias, and 7 were classified as high risk of bias (29,
Forsus Fatigue-Resistant Device-3M) (29, 45, 50, 52); one compared 34, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52) (Table 3).
to other extraction protocol (34); three compared with non-extrac-
tion approach (49, 53, 54); and one compared with untreated nor-
mal group (48). The changes were cephalometrically evaluated. Discussion
The most usual cephalometric measurements found were nasola- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
bial angle (NLA) (27, 29, 34, 46, 49–54) and distance from upper The objective of this systematic review was to disclose the soft-tissue
and lower lips to Ricketts Aesthetic line (UL-E and LL-E, respec- changes reported in the literature following extraction treatment
tively) (27, 29, 34, 46–49, 51, 52). Less frequently mentioned were protocols of Class  II division 1 malocclusion. The studies should
the mentolabial angle (MLA) (46, 50, 53, 54), distance from upper have completely described the following items: malocclusion type
and lower lips to Steiner’s S-line (UL-S and LL-S, respectively) and severity, comparison group, time point of evaluation, cephalo-
(27, 47), and to Subnasal-soft-tissue pogonion line (UL-SnPg′ and metric changes, and statistical analyses. However, most studies did
LL-SnPg′, respectively) (27). All these variables and their respective not contemplate all these aspects.
values are reported in Supplementary Table 4. Extractions may be indicated by clinicians for distinct reasons,
When reported, the NLA increase ranged from 2.4 degrees (46) including canine Class  II correction and overjet decrease. Almost all
to 11.55 degrees (52) after 2-maxillary premolar extractions and of the selected studies described an enlarged initial overjet, which is a
from 1.0 degrees (34) to 6.84 degrees (53, 54) after 4-premolar common feature in Class II patients (Supplementary Table 2). As over-
extraction protocols. jet decrease is a consequence of Class II treatment, it can be inferred
The upper and lower lips were retracted during treatment that the main objectives of the extractions were canine relationship and
regarding Ricketts E-line. The changes in 2-premolar extraction overjet corrections.
groups varied from −0.75 mm, for both lips (29), to −5.03 mm, for The inclusion criteria did not distinguish between studies that
the upper lip (47). These changes in 4-premolar extraction groups analysed extractions of first or second premolars. Despite the thought
G. Janson et al. 5

that second mandibular premolar extractions could be more favour- antero-posterior mandibular growth, the same could have happened
able in Class II malocclusion treatment with 4-premolar extractions, to almost all extraction groups, since all had comparable ages.
it has been shown that anchorage loss is similar between extractions Different ethnicities could have played a role in the amount of
of first or second premolars (55). change observed in the extraction groups as well. Different phe-
Several reasons prevented some articles to be included in this notypes are supposed to have different features such as greater
review. When missing data were essential for complete understand- soft-tissue thickness, nose shape, and degree of biprotrusion (57).
ing of the soft-tissue profile changes, the article was not included. Therefore, different populations with unique characteristics may
It was possible to notice the lack of standardization in the literature. respond differently to anterior retraction therapy. However, most of
Many articles were excluded because they did not have homogeneity the studies included in this review did not provide details about their
in malocclusion severity, extraction protocols, or comparison groups. sample ethnicity or did not even mention it. Consequently, it was not
Firstly, the type of treated malocclusion was identified. The more possible to discuss how this difference may have made the soft-tissue
homogeneous is the sample, the more reliable are the results of the changes vary from one study to another.
study. When the malocclusion was not completely specified, or when Several factors may influence treatment changes on the soft-tissue
there was more than one type in the same group, it could not be profile, such as mechanics, anchorage devices used, and phenotypic differ-
concluded whether the described effects were applied to one or to ences. These various factors may have contributed to the wide variation
the other malocclusion. of results observed in the review. Nevertheless, it would be impossible to
match all selected studies regarding all these kind of factors. In this con-
Malocclusion severity text, it is worthwhile to observe the results sparingly, given the relevant
When discussing Class II malocclusion treatment, description of the information for each study, arranged in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3.
antero-posterior molar relationship severity is also essential. It is Several variables were used to evaluate the soft-tissue changes
directly proportional to the amount of anterior retraction needed. in premolar extraction groups. In order to analyse them, the more
The need in a half cusp Class II case is different from a full Class II, frequently used parameters were selected. They were: the NLA, the
the worst-case scenario. In full Class II malocclusions, the treatment distance from the upper and lower lips to Ricketts Aesthetic Plane,
change in soft-tissue profile is more accentuated. When the extrac- to Steiner’s S-line, and the MLA (Table 4).
tion protocol was not clear, it was not even possible to check if the
main question of this review had been contemplated. Nasolabial angle

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Several authors have reported difficulty in precisely measuring the
Comparison group NLA and their variations, due to its great standard deviation (58).
A comparison group was required for the articles included in this From all the studies that evaluated it, all reported an increase, either
review. Without it, the changes observed could be confused with in 2- or 4-premolar extraction protocols.
growth (56), due to the mean age of some samples. The ideal com- Nevertheless, it is possible to observe that the groups sub-
parison group would have had no treatment at all. But nowadays, mitted to two extractions had a greater range of variation in
it is difficult to have an untreated full Class II malocclusion sample, NLA changes only because of two outliers (51, 52), compared
impairing measurement of actual treatment effects. to patients who had undergone 4-premolar extractions. When
The extraction groups were compared to others submitted to there was extraction in both arches, the variation ranged was
many different treatment approaches. Some were treatment groups, from 1.0 to 6.5 degrees (34, 48–50). When there were extractions
such as headgear (27, 46, 47), functional appliances (45, 52), mini- only in the maxillary arch, the variation range increased from
implants (51); others were control groups (48). Therefore, a meta- 2.4 to 5.40 degrees (2–7) with two outliers showing 9.08 degrees
analysis could not be performed. (51) and 11.55 degrees (52) of increase. It is important to observe
that both outliers used mini-implants, suggesting the use of this
Limitations anchorage system with caution when large soft-tissue changes are
not desired (Supplementary Table 3).
Not all the studies described the occlusal antero-posterior severity, which
In the groups subjected to 2-premolar extractions with tradi-
caused their exclusion from the current study. The authors from the
tional anchorage, the NLA increase was proportional to the occlusal
included studies considered different parameters as adequate, for sever-
antero-posterior malocclusion severity. In other words, the groups
ity description. These differences may interfere in the soft-tissue changes.
that had more severe Class II showed greater increases in NLA. This
There was no standardization in the literature even when it
result is understandable, because it suggests greater anterior retrac-
comes to group comparison. This lack of standardization suggests
tion, with little or no anchorage loss. This is what occurs in complete
that the actual soft-tissue changes that follow premolar extractions
Class II cases treated with 2-premolar extractions.
in Class II malocclusion may not be very precise.
In the studies that reported greater NLA increase, mini-implants
were used as anchorage in 2-premolar extraction protocol, or four
Soft-tissue changes after premolar extraction
premolars had been removed. This is logical because mini-implants
treatment protocols
provide greater anchorage compared to other appliances. Besides,
Some variables such as patients’ age, ethnicity, and Class II maloc-
when four premolars are extracted, usually, the mandibular incisors
clusion occlusal severity may affect the impact of anterior retrac-
will experience some retraction. Consequently, the maxillary incisors
tion in the soft-tissue profile. The extraction group ages were quite
will have to be retracted an amount equal to the overjet combined
similar, with almost all studies having observed growing patients
with the amount of mandibular incisors retraction.
(Supplementary Table 2). Only three of them had adults as an inclu-
sion criterion, because the extraction group was compared to a sur-
gical group, which required non-growing patients (29). The others Lips projection
used groups with mini-implants as comparison (51, 52). Although The groups that had 2-premolar extractions had greater upper lip
lips retrusion due to anterior retraction could be consequent to some retrusion in relation to the lower lip. As expected, in the groups in
6 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2015

which four premolars were removed, the amount of retraction of the malocclusion treatment with the pendulum appliance or two maxillary
upper and lower lips had more similarity. At inter-groups compari- premolar extractions and edgewise appliances [corrected]. European Jour-
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anchorage, the NLA may increase from 2.4 to 5.40 degrees. If mini- 524–531.
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