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+So tell me what is especially important to you in a relationship?

Honesty,Trust and Willingness of partners to assist one another when it

difficulties..and also trying to comfort the souls of other partner when in
hardships is important to me in a relationship.

What makes you laugh?

Lots of things make me laugh, being with friends when they say funny things makes
me laugh , also listen to good jokes, watching comedy.

What do your parents mean to you? Do you have brothers and sisters?

My parents are the world to me for if it had not been for them i would not be here.

What do your friends mean to you?

My friends mean a lot to me too..that's if only you are not that kind of selfish
ones.i don't make friends who are greed and lazy.The friends i have are very hard
working and i think makes me laugh when im in sadness,i goes to them so they could

What do others admire about you?

My friends admire my Honesty, loyalty, hard worker, fair to others and the ability
to sympathize and be empathetic. Am a kind who offers help when ever one is indeed.

How do you define success?

I define success as the achievement of something desired reaching goals in ones

life, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work. i
think i have been successful in everything i do. In my work,making friends,
progress in business, haven my only son but the only thing i have not yet be
successfully in is finding the woman of my life but i know the Lord shall answer my
prayers soon...

What makes you proud?

Im proud of My God,the accomplishments I have made in my life which include my home

and my son which is my #1 accomplishment and my job.

My dear what are you afraid of?

I'm afraid of being hurt in a relationship also Im afraid of losing what I have
strived for all my life.

How important is money to you?

To me money is the root of all evil. But I like having it so i can use it to pay my
bills and have some extra to do things with the family. All else is unimportant. I
also save it when i want to use it for something Unexpectable. Not to say that
hitting the lottery wouldn't be nice. I was not born with a silver spoon in my
mouth so I had to work for everything I have had in my life and that is how I am
trying to raise my kid as well.

Do you like animals? and why

Yes i do like animals cos they keep me in company when no one is around and also
they protect us. Animals love unconditionally
What negative characteristics do you have?

Well i am a kind of person who is very straight,asks what i need and demand prompt
answer and not everybody likes it that way. I believe very strongly in love and
when i have interest in you. i wont hesitate telling you to be bear this
with me, i might have the same feeling for you and i would need a positive answer.

Do you get jealous?

I sometimes get jealous, when i see my partner being in a very bad motion with
other men.

Describe your dream man!

I am looking for a woman who loves children - you do not need to have children. It
doesn't matter what we do - we will have mutual interests. she should have sense of
humor,she should be honest and trust worthy very passionate.

Would you like a family and children?

Well i have a Son and it doesn't matter whether my partner has one or not. I think
children are blessing to man and my daughter is the all i have now in my life and
wont need no children anymore. Am okay with that.

Describe your dream holiday!

Laying on a beautiful beach in the sun with a tropical drink in my hand and the my
lover at my side.

What kind of breakfast would you cook to entice your partner out of bed?

Just any thing that my love would like to take in as breakfast ,am ever ready to
provide it for her.

What does growing old mean to you?

Well i would love remaining as i am,but God hasn't create us this matter
what we shall grow old and we need to accept our state of growing old.

What do you think about affairs?

Affairs are all about accepting and understanding one another and disease from
hurting the feelings of one another.its always good making yourselves happy and
smiling.keep your mate in hear best shoe just as it would make her feel better
rather than hurting her feelings and i would prefer the same from her.

How much of your spare time should your partner spend with you?

when Im back from work to the house .i would always like her by my side.

What would you risk your life for?

I will Risk my life for My Son and my life partner cos they mean so much to me.

Everyone has a dream. What's yours?

My dream is to find my soul mate and be very compatible with that person. that fit
together and live in my home.
What is your religious beliefs and religion? How were you brought up?

Am a very good Christian who belief and trust in almighty God.even though i do not
get the chance being in the church,i always pray during meal and after meal and
also before i sleep and after i getting up in bed.

My dear have you ever been violent? If so, why?

Yes i have. That was when a business client of mine has messed up with my fund ,he
refused paying me an amount of $150,000 from selling him my old car

Have you ever had any financial problems (bad credit or filed bankruptcy)?

No never .am always financially fit by his grace.

other words

What do you do for a living?

What do you seek for in a relationship?
I seek trust,honesty,understanding,sincerity,love and sharing,sharing the good
times and bad times together with no fear of what the world might put upon us.
What sort of relationship you seek for?
Well,well, the relationship I want is one to be build on the solid foundation which
is love and trust,I do believe with this 2 ingredients of relationship,so many
relationships has come to success unlike

ones built on false and pretenses.

What are the basic qualities you seek for in a guy?
The basic qualities i seek in a lady are Honesty,Love,Trust.
What interests you?
Wow,God interest me,all the things he has created interest me,the nature really do.
You ever been married?
No,I am very much single,never been married
Got kids?
No,never had any.
What do you do for fun?
I like playing basketball,playing
billards,swimming,dancing,writing,reading,watching movies or tv.
Do you like public intimacy?
Public intimacy is my thing.I miss that though.I like to held and to walk while
holding hand still,it's fun I guess.
How long have you been single?
Been single for about 14 years back.
What's being single like?
Being single is the dullest and lonely thing that has ever happened to me.
How do you treat your guy?
I treat my lady with respect,loyalty,adore him,treat her like the Queen.
Why do you need a guy?
I need a lady because I feel 2 people can make thigns's always good
to have a shoulder to lean on.
Can you love this guy?
Yeah,most definitelty,I will love her.
What is love to you?
Love to me is everything,everything that has mde up this world is love.
Would you hit your guy for any reasons?
I won't do that,I will rather discuss it over than fighting

the order question during the move

2. Do you know what went wrong in your past relationship(s)?

3. Do you know what you want in a new partner?
4.Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs?
5.How many brothers and sisters etc. you have?( How big is your family?)
6. What's the year you were born and how old you are?
7. What types of music or movies or TV Shows you like?
8. What is your goals or dreams in life?
9. What do you dream about at night?
10. What's your favorite foods & drinks?
11. Can you drive a vehicle?
12. What's your religion?
13. What languages you speak?
14. Are You left or right handed?
15.Are you financially stable?
16. Are you intelligent and smart and educated with common sense?
17. What's your turn on's and turn off's?
18. Do have any sexual transmitted diseases?
19. Do you any tattoos and body piercings?
20. What is your favorite Position in Sex?
21. What's your interest and dislikes?
22. Have you learned something about yourself from every past relationship?
23.Have you narrowed down your specific desires as to what type of person you want
to meet?
24.Have you talked about your feelings with someone else?
25.What did you do this weekend (week)?
26.What sports do you play or like?
27.Where did you go to school/college?
28.Do you like (an interest of yours)?
29.What's Your Favorite Sexual Fantasy?
30.What's Your Favorite Way To Be Touched?
What are your religious views?
Do you believe in a God?
What are your views about an afterlife?
How should we agree to handle arguments?
If you're mad about something how will you let me know?
If you're having problems would you talk it out or keep it inside?
Do you like sharing your feelings?
What are your views about same sex friends?
How do you feel about ex-lovers being friends?
How important is a girl's or guy's night out?
Who should hold the main financial responsibility in a marriage?
Should a wife stay home with kids?
What are your views about stay-at-home dads?
How would you feel about women who make more money than men?
What are your views towards handling money?
Do you feel you should save everything?
Do you feel you should splurge a little?
How would you rate your ability to handle money?
How would you handle a debt problem?
What would you do if your partner became disabled and couldn't work?
What would you do if your partner face long-term unemployment?
What would you expect from that partner?
Would you have an abortion?
What are your views on abortion?
Do you want children?
How many children do you think a couple should have?
How would you discipline your children?
Do you think couples should argue in front of their kids?
Do you feel couples should have displays of affection in front of their kids?
What are your views on the educational system?
How would you want your kids taught?
Public school, private school, home schooling, or other?
Who do you expect would be the primary care giver for your children?
What do you feel about interracial couples?
How do you feel about same sex marriages?
What are your views on age gap relationships (more than 10 years apart)?
How would you handle your children if they were involved in one of these types of
How would you handle your partner if they developed a problem such as gambling or
What would you do if your partner cheated on you?
At what point would you consider divorcing a life mate?
Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
What are your life goals?
What are your passions?
If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?
Do you believe in marriage?
Do you believe you should only marry once?
What do you hope to gain from a marriage?
What do you expect from a marriage partner?
What do you feel is the purpose of a couple getting married?

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