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July 23, 2019, Friday


Grade 11

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
a. Identify the types, kinds and classifications of bakery products;
b. Know the internal and external characteristics of bakery products; and
c. Determine the mixing techniques and procedure in baking.
II. Content
 Subject Matter: Prepare and Produce Bakery Products
Subtopic: Types, Kinds and Classification of Bakery Products
 References: TVL Home Economics Bread and Pastry Production Manual pp. 25-29
 Materials: Visual aids, cut-out strips, laptop, powerpoint presentation

III. Procedure
1. Preliminary Activities
*Opening Prayer
*Checking of Attendance
*Classroom Management
*Recall the lesson.
What are the ways to maintain the cleanliness of the workplace and how to sanitize
the utensils, tools and equipment? How are we going to store foods properly?
2. Motivation
Jumbled letters!
3. Activity
The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group shall formulate ideas by
brainstorming using the chart below.
Bakery Products Kinds Methods of Mixing / Characteristics
Mixing Techniques
Group 1 Bread
Group 2 Cookies
Group 3 Muffins
Group 4 Biscuits

4. Discussion
Guide Questions:
a. Determine the kinds of bread, cookies, muffins and biscuits.
b. What are the mixing techniques when baking bakery products?
c. What can you say about the internal and external characteristics of bakery
products such as bread, cookies, muffins and biscuits?
d. Why do we need to know the mixing techniques and characteristics of bakery
5. Generalization
What are the types of bakery products? What are their characteristics? Give
different ways of mixing methods.
6. Application
In a ¼ sheet of paper, answer the following questions:
___________ 1. Separating coarse particles in the ingredients by passing through a sieve.
____________2. Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with a tip of a wooden spoon
or electric mixer.
____________3. Mixing fat and flour using a pastry blender or two knives in a scissors-
like manner.
____________4. Working with two ingredients very gently to retain air in the mixture.
____________5. Beating egg and creaming to fill with air and make them thick and

IV. Evaluation
1-4. Name the 4 types of bakery products.
5-6. What are the kinds of dough?
7-8. Identify the methods of mixing dough.
9-10. Give 2 characteristics of well-made bread.
11-15. What are the kinds of cookies?
16. What must be the shape of a muffin?
17-18. Give 2 internal characteristics of a muffin.
19-20. What are the 2 ways to make biscuits?
V. Assignment
Prepare and submit at least 2 recipes and procedure in making bakery products such as
bread, cookies, muffins and biscuits.

Prepared by

Dezzelyn B. Balleta
SHS Teacher

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