Diagnostic Test Science 8: Direction: Read Each Question Carefully and Choose

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Direction: Read each question carefully and choose C. refraction of seismic waves
the letter of the best answer. D. reflection of seismic waves

17. Give the difference between epicenter and focus. 23. The following statements describe a typhoon
A. Epicenter is the area where a rock under stress EXCEPT,
breaks while focus is the area on the surface directly A. a strong circulating wind
above the breaking point. B. wind speed increase when it hits land
B. Epicenter is the area where a rock under stress C. it moves east to west, heading north or west
breaks while focus is the area on the surface directly D. spiral arrangement of thunderstorms
below the breaking point.
C. Focus is the area where a rock under stress breaks 24. Where do typhoons form?
while epicenter is the area on the surface directly A. at plate boundaries
below the breaking point. B. in a river or stream
D. Focus is the area where a rock under stress breaks C. over the ocean
while epicenter is the area on the surface directly D. over the mountains
above the breaking point.
25. When it comes to typhoons, where are they most
18. What is the difference between the "magnitude" likely to do the most damage?
and the "intensity" of an earthquake? A. in the forest C. in the Northpole
A. Intensity describes the effect of Earthquake while B. in the desert D. near seaboards
magnitude is the energy released by an Earthquake.
B. Intensity measures earthquake size while 26. Pearl had heard that a storm with a PSWS no. 3
magnitude is assessed by descriptive scale. would hit their location. What does this imply?
C. Magnitude describes the effect of Earthquake while A. 100 – 120 kph wind will deliver heavy damage to
intensity is the energy released by an Earthquake high-risk structures
D. Magnitude and intensity are the same B. 121 – 170 kph wind will deliver heavy damage to
high-risk structures
19. Which of the following statements does not C. 171 – 220 kph wind will deliver very heavy damage
describe a fault that is active or inactive? to high-risk structures
A. active faults generate more earthquakes D. 220 – 250 kph wind will deliver a widespread
B. active faults have moved one or more times in the damage to high-risk structures
last 10,000 years
C. inactive faults can never be active again
D. inactive faults do not generate earthquakes for a
long period of time

20. Select the statement that most accurately

describes an earthquake.
A. big earthquakes usually occur in the morning
B. earthquake can generate tsunami
C. the ground can open during an earthquake
D. people can predict earthquakes

21.Which wave travels the fastest across all media?

A. love waves C. rayleigh waves
B. P- waves D. S-waves

22. What proof do we have that the Earth's core is

A. diffraction of seismic waves
B. Dispersion of seismic waves


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46. Which is the correct sequence of the processes

involved in the Human Digestive System?
A. absorption-ingestion-excretion-assimilation
B. assimilation-absorption-ingestion-excretion
C. ingestion-excretion-assimilation-absorption
D. ingestion-absorption-assimilation-excretion

47. Too much intake of fast foods can damage the

liver, which may affect the production of enzyme
called pepsin. What does pepsin do in the
A. breaks down glucose
B. breaks down proteins
C. digest carbohydrates
D. digest fats

48. Give the difference between mitosis and meiosis.

A. Mitosis produces gametes while meiosis
produces somatic cells.
B. Mitosis and meiosis cell divide once.
C. Mitosis produces 2 daughter cells while
meiosis produces 4 daughter cells


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D. Mitosis produces sperm cells while meiosis C. rats will increase because their predator
produces eggs cells decreases
D. rats will decrease because their predator
49. Which of the following is the function of decreases
meiosis? 56. Which of the following animals is considered
A. growth C. replace as a primary consumer?
B. repair D. reproduce A. eagle C. lion
B. horse D. snake
50. After meiosis, daughter cells have 23
chromosomes. Which of the following
explains why human cells have 46
A. chromosome duplicates after puberty
B. chromosomes can be acquired in the
environment after the child was born
C. two human cells fuse
D. both parents contribute during
51. In Cruz family, 90% of the family members
have black hair and only 10% have brown
hair. What conclusion can you derived from
this observation?
A. black hair is dominant
B. black hair is recessive
C. brown hair is dominant
D. brown and black hair are both dominant
For question number 57, refer your answer in the
52. Sexual reproduction in the offspring resulted
with ______
A. identical traits as the parents
B. identical traits as their neighbor
C. combination of traits from their parents
D. combination of traits from their neighbors
53. What are individuals in the same species able
to do?
A. live in one place C. sleep
B. reproduce D. fight
54. What kingdom does mushroom and yeast
A. animalia C. plantae
B. monera D. fungi 57. What is the best way to explain the diagram
55. Residents in Brgy. Cagay-anon eat snakes above?
caught in the rice fields. What is its effect in A. Animals breath in nitrogen and release
their community? oxygen which is used by plants.
A. production of rice will increase because B. Animals breath in carbon dioxide and
rats will increase release oxygen which is used by plants.
B. production of rice will increase because C. Animals breath in nitrogen and release
snakes will increase carbon dioxide which is used by plants.


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D. Animals breath in oxygen and release

carbon dioxide which is used by plants

58. How is it possible for a tiger to take carbon

from grass? The tiger _______
A. eats the grass
B. eats animals that consumes the grass
C. breaths in carbon given out by the plant
D. absorbs the carbon from the grass

59. What is the effect of burning plastics in the

A. prevents air pollution
B. reduce plastics in the environment
C. reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
D. releases toxic gases which contributes to
climate change

60. Which of these activities is good for the

A. deforestation C. dynamite fishing
B. illegal mining D. reforestation


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