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Lesson Illustrating t-Distribution

Quarter: Third Week: 9

No. of Days: 2 No. of Hours: 2

What you need to know...

This module will assist you in understanding t-distribution, which will be
composed of the following lesson:

- Illustrating t- distribution

What you are expected to learn...

After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:
1. Know and illustrate the characteristics of t-distribution

How to learn from this module...

To achieve the objectives of this module, you need to read its contents
comprehensively and follow the instructions provided in every activity accordingly.
What I Know (Pretest)...

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of your
answer. Use the t-table at the appendix as needed. Use a separate sheet
of paper.

1. t- distribution is a probability distribution used to estimate parameters

EXCEPT when:
a. the population standard deviation is known
b. the sample size is small
c. the population variance is unknown
d. the sample size is small and population variance is unknown
2. t- distribution is also known as:
a. Teacher’s t- distribution c. Student’s t- distribution
b. Z- distribution d. Teacher’s Z- distribution
3. Given a set of data, which of the following refers to the independent
a. Variance c. standard error
b. Degrees of freedom d. standard deviation
For numbers 4 and 5, refer to the table below.
4. Which of the following is the value of 𝑡0.05 with a sample size of 10?
a. 1.812
b. 1.900
c. 1.860
d. 1.833
5. Which of the following is the value of 𝑡0.01 with a 11 degrees of freedom?
a. 2.764
b. 2.681
c. 2.821
d. 2.718
What’s In (Review)
In the previous lessons, you learned that when we study sampling distribution of
the sample mean using central limit theorem, this involves taking sample sizes from a
certain population with replacement. With this, sampling distribution will closely
resemble to that of a normal distribution.

What’s New
t- distribution which is also known as Student’s t-distribution, is a probability
distribution which is utilized in estimating parameters of a certain population in case of
the sample size is small and/or the population variance or standard deviation is
unknown. It is like with the z-distribution that is bell-shaped and symmetric about the x-
axis but flatter and more spread.

Take note that z-test is only used when the population standard deviation or
variance is known and/or the sample size is large enough. But for sample sizes which
are small, sometimes the population standard deviation or variance is unknown, rely on
the t-distribution whose value can be known using:
(𝒙̅ − 𝝁)
𝒕= 𝒔
where 𝑥̅ is the sample mean, 𝜇 is the population mean, s is the standard deviation of the
sample and n is the sample size.
In addition, there is a lot of different or family of t-distributions. Its particular form
is determined by its degrees of freedom. Degrees of freedom refers to the number of
independent observations in a given set of data. The number of independent
observations is sample size minus one or in symbols, that is df= n-1 where df is the
degrees of freedom and n is the sample size. Hence, given a sample size of 9 will have
a degrees of freedom 8 and if given a degrees of freedom of 14 will mean a sample size
of 15. However, for some or other applications, degrees of freedom can be calculated if
a different way.
Moreover, some properties of t-distribution is that the mean distribution is equal
to 0 and its variance is greater than 1 although close to 1. T- distribution is the same as
the standard normal distribution given with infinite degrees of freedom.
With any statistic that have a bell- shaped distribution with is approximately
normal, the t-distribution can be used. This means that the population distribution must
be normal, symmetric, unimodal and no outliers. Also, the t-distribution can still be
utilized for moderately skewed population distribution given that it is unimodal, without
outliers and size is at least 40. Lastly, the t-distribution can be applied for a size greater
than 40 and without outliers.
The t- distribution Table

In order to get the t- value, a t-distribution table is shown above which is consist
of the degrees of freedom (df) which is the numbers at the leftmost column, “α” which
is some of the special areas at the topmost row and the t-values which are located at
the right of the degrees of freedom and below “α”.

Identifying the t-value

To denote the t-value, it is conveniently written as 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) . So, if you are ask on
the t-value denoted by 𝑡(0.05 ,8) means the t-value corresponding to 𝛼 = 0.05 and df= 8.
To look for this value in the t-table, first locate the 𝛼 = 0.05 on the top row and then the
df on the leftmost column. The intersection of 𝛼 = 0.05 and df= 8 is 1.860. (see
illustration below)
df 𝛼 0.1 0.05
1 3.078

2 1.886 2.920

⋮ ⋮ ⋮
8 1.397 1.860

Activity 1
Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. n= 14 𝛼 = 0.1 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =

2. df= 10 𝛼 = 0.025 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =
3. 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓)= 2.052 𝛼=0.025 n=
4. Find the t-value when 𝜇 = 42, 𝑥̅ = 44, s= 5 and n=25.

What is it (Discussion of Activity 1)

1. n= 14 𝛼 = 0.1 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) = 1.350
If n= 14, so df = n-1= 14-1= 13

df 𝛼 0.1

2 1.886

⋮ ⋮
13 1.350
2. df= 10 𝛼 = 0.025 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =2.228

df 𝛼 0.1 0.05 0.025

1 3.078 6.314

2 1.886 2.920

⋮ ⋮ ⋮
10 1.372 1.812 2.228

3. 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓)= 2.052 𝛼=0.025 n= 28

df 𝛼 0.1 0.05 0.025

1 3.078 6.314

2 1.886 2.920

⋮ ⋮ ⋮
27 1.372 1.812 2.025

Since: df= 27
df= n – 1
27= n – 1
27+1= n (Addition Property of Equality)
n= 28

4. Find the t-value when 𝜇 = 42, 𝑥̅ = 44, s= 5 and n=25.

(𝒙 (44−42) 2 2(5)
𝒕= 𝒔 = 5 = 5 = = 2
√𝒏 √25 5
What’s more (Enrichment Activity)
Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. n= 20 𝛼 = 0.005 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =

2. df= 28 𝛼 = 0.01 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =
3. Find the t-value when 𝜇 = 18.5, 𝑥̅ = 19, s= 2.5 and n=16.

What I have learned (Generalization)

1. When are you going to use the t-distribution?

2. What are the properties of t-distribution?

What can I do (Application)

Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. n= 25 𝛼 = 0.01 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =

2. df= 4 𝛼 = 0.025 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓) =
3. 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓)= 2.763 𝛼=0.005 df=
4. 𝑡(𝛼 ,𝑑𝑓)= 2.5 𝛼=0.01 n=
5. Find the t-value when 𝜇 = 127, 𝑥̅ = 120, s= 14 and n=18.
Assessment (Post test)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of your
answer. Use a separate sheet of paper.

1. T- distribution is a probability distribution used to estimate parameters

EXEPT when:
a. the sample size is small
b. the population standard deviation is known
c. the sample size is small and population variance is unknown
d. the population variance is unknown
2. T- distribution is also known as:
a. Teacher’s t- distribution c. Teacher’s Z- distribution
b. Z- distribution d. Student’s t- distribution
3. Given a set of data, which of the following refers to the independent
a. Variance c. Degrees of freedom
b. standard error d. standard deviation
For numbers 4 and 5, refer to the table below.
4. Which of the following is the value of 𝑡0.05 with a sample size of 10?
a. 1.833
b. 1.860
c. 1.900
d. 1.812
5. Which of the following is the value of 𝑡0.01 with a 11 degrees of freedom?
a. 2.718
b. 2.821
c. 2.681
d. 2.764
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. A
Post test Application
1. Assuming that the data are approximately or normally distributed, t-distribution will
be used if sample size is small enough, and/or variance of the population is
2. What are the properties of t-distribution?
3. Some properties of t-distribution are: the mean distribution is equal to zero and
variance is greater than 1 although close to 1.
1. 1.729 1. A
2. C
2. 2.467
3. B
3. 0.8 4. D
5. D
Enrichment Activity Pretest
Key Answers
Identifying Percentiles Using

Quarter: Third Week: 9

No. of Days: 2 No. of Hours: 2

What you need to know...

This module will assist you in understanding t-distribution, which will be
composed of the following lesson:

- Identifying percentiles using t-distribution

What you are expected to learn...

After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:
1. Know the corresponding percentiles using the t-table.

How to learn from this module...

To achieve the objectives of this module, you need to read its contents
comprehensively and follow the instructions provided in every activity accordingly.
What I Know (Pretest)...

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of your
answer. Use the t-table at the appendix as needed. Use a separate sheet
of paper.

1. What is the 90th percentile in a t-distribution with 12 degrees of freedom?

a. 1.363 c. 1.782
b. 1.796 d. 1.356
2. What is the 97.5 percentile in a t-distribution with a sample size of 15?
a. 2.160 c. 2.131
b. 2.145 d. 2.120
3. What is the 99.5th percentile in a t-distribution with 9 degrees of freedom?
a. 3.250 c. 2.821
b. 3.169 d. 2.764
4. What is the 5th percentile in a t-distribution with 10 degrees of freedom?
a. -1.372 c. -1.812
b. -1.363 d. -1.796
5. What is the 2.5 percentile in a t-distribution with a sample size of 7?
a. -2.776 c. -2.447
b. 2.447 d. -2.776

What’s In (Review)
In the previous lessons, you learned about t- distribution in which there are
properties on when it can be used. Also, you learned that as sample size increases, the
t-distribution tends to approach normality or z-distribution.

What’s New
Percentile is one of the measurements in statistics which tells the value below in
which an observations’ percentage in a set of observations falls. For example, you
score 70 in an exam and it was mentioned that you the 85th percentile, it means that
85% of the scores are below you and 15% of the scores are above you.
In addition, in finding the percentile for a t- distribution, t-table can be utilized as it
is a number on a statistical distribution whose less- than the probability is the given
percentage. So, if you are ask on the 80th percentile of the t-distribution with respect to
its degrees of freedom, that refers to the value whose left tail is less than probability is
80% or 0.8 and whose right tail or greater than probability is 20% or 0.2.

Activity 1
Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. n= 14 Percentile= 95th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

2. df= 10 Percentile= 90th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

What is it (Discussion of Activity 1)

1. n= 14 Percentile= 95th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) = 1.771
To find the value of 95 percentile, identify first the degrees of freedom.
df= n-1
= 14-1
= 13
To solve for 95th percentile, we need to understand first its implication which is
to get the t-value that is less than the probability 0.95 and the right tail
probability that is 0.05. Based on the table below, the 95th percentile is 1.771.

df 𝛼 0.05

2 2.920

⋮ ⋮
13 1.771
2. df= 10 Percentile= 90th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) = 1.372
Since the degrees of freedom is given already, we can now identify the 90th
percentile which is 1.372.
df 𝛼 0.1

1 3.078

2 1.886

⋮ ⋮
10 1.372

What’s more (Enrichment Activity)

Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. n= 15 Percentile= 99.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

2. df= 25 Percentile= 97.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

3. n= 20 Percentile= 99.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

4. df= 31 Percentile= 97.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

5. n= 5 Percentile= 90th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

6. df= 12 Percentile= 90th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

7. n= 18 Percentile= 99th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

8. df= 7 Percentile= 99.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

9. n= 9 Percentile= 99th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

10. df= 35 Percentile= 97.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

What I have learned (Generalization)

1. Why is percentile important?

2. What is/are the disadvantages of percentile?

What can I do (Application)

Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. n= 20 Percentile= 10th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

2. df= 25 Percentile= 2.5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =
3. n= 20 Percentile= 90th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =
4. df= 31 Percentile= 5th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =
5. n= 5 Percentile= 95th 𝑡(𝛼,𝑑𝑓) =

Assessment (Post test)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of your
answer. Use the t-table at the appendix as needed. Use a separate sheet
of paper.

1. What is the 90th percentile in a t-distribution with 12 degrees of freedom?

a. 1.356 c. 1.782
b. 1.796 d. 1.363
2. What is the 97.5 percentile in a t-distribution with a sample size of 15?
a. 2.131 c. 2.145
b. 2.160 d. 2.120
3. What is the 99.5th percentile in a t-distribution with 9 degrees of freedom?
a. 2.764 c. 3.169
b. 3.250 d. 2.821
4. What is the 5th percentile in a t-distribution with 10 degrees of freedom?
a. -1.363 c. -1.372
b. -1.796 d. -1.812
1. A 1. -1.328
2. C 2. -2.060
3. B 3.1.328
4. D 4. -1.645
5. D 5. 2.132
Post test Application
Percentile is important as it allows us to know on the rank/position on which the data
The disadvantage of percentile is that it only allows you to know the position of the
certain data. For example, if you got 85th percentile in an exam, it does not
guarantee that you passed the exam.
1. 2.977 6. 1.256 1. D
2. 2.060 7. 2.567 2. B
3. 2.861 8. 3.499 3. A
4. 1.96 9. 2.896 4. C
5. 1.533 10. 1.96 5. C
Enrichment Activity Pretest
Key Answers
b. -2.776 d. -2.447
a. 2.447 c. -2.776
5. What is the 2.5th percentile in a t-distribution with a sample size of 7?
Lesson Length of Confidence Interval

Quarter: Third Week: 10

No. of Days: 2 No. of Hours: 2

What you need to know...

This module will assist you in understanding confidence interval, which will be
composed of the following lesson:

- Identifying and compute the length of a confidence interval

What you are expected to learn...

After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:

1. Identify the confidence interval and compute its length

How to learn from this module...

To achieve the objectives of this module, you need to read its contents
comprehensively and follow the instructions provided in every activity accordingly.
What I Know (Pretest)...

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of your
answer. Use the t-table and z-table at the appendix as needed. Use a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the range used to estimate the population parameter with an

attached confidence coefficient?
a. Point Estimate c. Margin of Error
b. Confidence Interval d. Statistical Inference
2. Compute the 65% interval estimate of 𝜇 given 𝜎 = 6.4, n=40, and 𝑥̅ = 42.
a. 40.31 < µ < 42.89 c. 40.27 < µ < 43.93
b. 39.92 < µ < 43.98 d. 41.06 < µ < 42.94
3. Compute the 98% interval estimate of 𝜇 given 𝑠 = 3, n=15 and 𝑥̅ =18
a. 15.57 < µ < 20.53 c. 15.97 < µ < 20.03
b. 14.97 < µ < 21.03 d. 14.97 < µ < 21.03
4. Compute the 95% interval estimate of 𝜇 given 𝑠 = 9, n=10 and 𝑥̅ =115.
a. 108.56 < µ < 121.44 c. 108.54 < µ < 121.46
b. 109.56 < µ < 120.44 d. 109.54 < µ < 120.46
5. A sample of 50 Asian women showed a mean height of 60 inches. If it is
known that the standard deviation of heights of Asian women is 2.5 inches,
construct 70% confidence interval estimate for the height of all Asian
a. 59.64 < µ < 60.36 c. 59.52 < µ < 60.48
b. 58.64 < µ < 61.36 d. 58.52 < µ < 61.48
6. Based on question number 5, how long is the interval?
a. 1.72 c. 0.96
b. 0.72 d. 2.96
What’s In (Review)
In the previous lessons, you learned that t-distribution can be used in determining
percentile of a certain data. It tells you the value at which a certain percentage your data
is included. However, it has also disadvantages as it may confuse individuals on how it
is different from percentage of the real score and as it indicates ranking among group of

What’s New
Estimating is consists of either giving a certain value or giving an interval. When
an interval estimate has an attached confidence coefficient, it will be called confidence
interval. Confidence interval is a range with lower limit and upper limit used to estimate
population parameter. The lower and the upper limit of the interval is within the certain
level of confidence.
To get the confidence interval, we use either of the following:
𝜎 𝜎 𝜎
• 𝑥̅ ± 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) 𝑜𝑟 𝑥̅ − 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) for estimating population mean when
√ √ √
variance is known or sample size is greater than 30; or
𝑠 𝑠 𝑠
• 𝑥̅ ± (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛)) 𝑜𝑟 𝑥̅ − (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛)) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛)) for estimating
2 √ 2 √ 2 √
population mean when variance is unknown and sample size is less than 30 where;
𝑥̅ = sample mean
𝜎 = population standard deviation
n = sample size
𝜎 𝑠
𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) 𝑜𝑟𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛) = margin of error- refers to the maximum allowable
√ 2 √
difference between the sample and true value

Identifying and Computing Length of Confidence Interval

Example 1: Confidence level= 95% σ= 9 n= 20 𝑥̅ = 56
𝜎 𝜎
= 𝑥̅ − 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛)
√ √
9 9
= 56 – (𝑍0.05⁄ ( )) < 𝜇 < 56 + (𝑍0.05⁄ ( ))
2 √ 20 2 √20
9 9
= 56 – (1.96 ( )) < 𝜇 < 56 + (1.96 ( ))
√20 √20
= 56 – 3.94< 𝜇 <56 + 3.94
= 52.06< 𝜇 < 59.94 or [52.06,59.94]
Therefore, confidence interval is from 52.06 to 59.94 with a width of 7.88.
Example 2: Confidence level= 95% s= 3 n= 15 𝑥̅ = 25
𝑠 𝑠
= 𝑥̅ − (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛)) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛))
2 √ 2 √

3 3
= 30 − (𝑡(0.05,25−1)𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 30 + (𝑡(0.05,25−1) 𝑥 ( ))
2 √25 2 √25
3 3
= 30 − (𝑡(0.025,24) 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 30 + (𝑡(0.025,24) 𝑥 ( ))
√25 √25
3 3
= 30 − (2.064 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 30 + (2.064 𝑥 ( ))
√25 √25
= 30 − (1.24) < 𝜇 < 30 + (1.24)
= 28.76 < 𝜇 < 31.24
Therefore, confidence interval is from 28.76 to 31.24 with a width of 2.48.

Activity 1
Identify the confidence interval estimate and compute its width based on the
given data below.

1. Confidence level= 90% σ= 12.5 n= 64 𝑥̅ = 42

2. Confidence level= 98% s= 15 n= 10 𝑥̅ = 21
3. Confidence level= 95% σ= 10 n= 40 𝑥̅ = 23.5
4. Confidence level= 99% s= 3 n= 15 𝑥̅ = 28

What is it (Discussion of Activity 1)

1. Confidence level= 90% σ= 12.5
n= 64 𝑥̅ = 42
𝜎 𝜎
= 𝑥̅ − 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛)
√ √
12.5 12.5
= 42 − 𝑍0.1⁄ ( ) < 𝜇 < 42 + 𝑍0.1⁄ ( )
2 √ 64 2 √64
12.5 12.5
= 42 − 𝑍0.1⁄ ( ) < 𝜇 < 42 + 𝑍0.1⁄ ( )
2 √64 2 √64
12.5 12.5
= 42 − 1.645 ( ) < 𝜇 < 42 + 1.645 ( )
8 8

= 42 − 2.57 < 𝜇 < 42 + 2.57

= 39.43 < 𝜇 < 44.57
Therefore, confidence interval is from 39.43 to 44.57 with a width of 5.14.
2. Confidence level= 98% s= 15
n= 10 𝑥̅ = 21
𝑠 𝑠
= 𝑥̅ − (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛)) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( 𝑛))
2 √ 2 √

15 15
= 21 − (𝑡(0.02,10−1) 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 21 + (𝑡(0.02,10−1)𝑥 ( ))
2 √ 10 2 √10
15 15
= 21 − (𝑡(0.01,9) 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 21 + (𝑡(0.01,9) 𝑥 ( ))
√ 10 √10
15 15
= 21 − (2.821𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 21 + (2.821𝑥 ( ))
√10 √10
= 21 − 13.38 < 𝜇 < 21 + 13.38
= 7.62 < 𝜇 < 34.38
Therefore, confidence interval is from 7.62 to 34.38 with a width of 26.76.
3. Confidence level= 95% σ= 10
n= 40 𝑥̅ = 23.5
𝜎 𝜎
= 𝑥̅ − 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + 𝑍𝛼⁄2 ( 𝑛)
√ √
10 10
= 23.5 − 𝑍0.05⁄ ( ) < 𝜇 < 23.5 + 𝑍0.05⁄ ( )
2 √40 2 √40
10 10
= 23.5 − 1.96 ( ) < 𝜇 < 23.5 + 1.96 ( )
√40 √40
10 10
= 23.5 − 1.96 ( ) < 𝜇 < 23.5 + 1.96 ( )
√40 √40
10 10
= 23.5 − 1.96 ( ) < 𝜇 < 23.5 + 1.96 ( )
√40 √40
= 23.5 − 3.1 < 𝜇 < 23.5 + 3.1
= 20.4 < 𝜇 < 26.6
Therefore, confidence interval is from 20.4 to 26.6 with a width of 6.2.
4. Confidence level= 99% s= 3
n= 15 𝑥̅ = 28
𝑠 𝑠
= 𝑥̅ − (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 𝑥̅ + (𝑡(𝛼,𝑛−1) 𝑥 ( ))
2 √𝑛 2 √𝑛

3 3
= 28 − (𝑡(0.01,15−1) 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 28 + (𝑡(0.01,15−1)𝑥 ( ))
2 √15 2 √15
3 3
= 28 − (𝑡(0.005,14) 𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 28 + (𝑡(0.005,14) 𝑥 ( ))
√15 √15
3 3
= 28 − (2.977𝑥 ( )) < 𝜇 < 28 + (2.977𝑥 ( ))
√ 15 √15
= 28 − (2.31) < 𝜇 < 28 + (2.31)
= 25.69 < 𝜇 < 30.31
Therefore, confidence interval is from 25.69 to 30.31 with a width of 4.62.
What’s more (Enrichment Activity)
Identify the confidence interval estimate and compute its width based on the
given data below.

1. Confidence level= 97% σ= 16.2 n= 42 𝑥̅ = 45

2. Confidence level= 90% s= 12.5 n= 13 𝑥̅ = 88
3. Confidence level= 98% σ= 8 n= 140 𝑥̅ = 70.2
4. Confidence level= 95% s= 4.1 n= 22 𝑥̅ = 23.5

What I have learned (Generalization)

1. Why is estimation important?

2. What is/are the differences between random estimation and confidence
interval estimate?

What can I do (Application)

Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. A study was conducted to determine the average salary of a teacher. With this,
81 teachers were invited as samples. It was known that the mean salary of
these sample teachers is P24,000 with a standard deviation P1,000. Construct
a 90% confidence interval estimate for the average salary of all teachers.

2. The average hour spent in computer by 20 senior high school students during
online class is 7 hours with a standard deviation of 2 hours. Construct a 98%
confidence interval of the average hour spent by all senior high school
students. Identify the width of the interval.
3. Interview 10 grade 11 senior high school students in your community on their
weekly allowance. Use the information gathered to estimate the weekly
allowance of all grade 11 senior high school students.

Assessment (Post test)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of your
answer. Use the t-table and z-table at the appendix as needed. Use a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the range used to estimate the population parameter with an

attached confidence coefficient?
a. Point Estimate c. Margin of Error
b. Confidence Interval d. Statistical Inference
2. Compute the 65% interval estimate of 𝜇 given 𝜎 = 6.4, n=40, and 𝑥̅ = 42.
a. 41.06 < µ < 42.94 c. 39.92 < µ < 43.98
b. 40.31 < µ < 42.89 d. 40.27 < µ < 43.93
3. Compute the 98% interval estimate of 𝜇 given 𝑠 = 3, n=15 and 𝑥̅ =18
a. 14.97 < µ < 21.03 c. 14.97 < µ < 21.03
b. 15.57 < µ < 20.53 d. 15.97 < µ < 20.03
4. Compute the 95% interval estimate of 𝜇 given 𝑠 = 9, n=10 and 𝑥̅ =115.
a. 109.56 < µ < 120.44 c. 108.56 < µ < 121.44
b. 109.54 < µ < 120.46 d. 108.54 < µ < 121.46
5. A sample of 50 Asian women showed a mean height of 60 inches. If it is
known that the standard deviation of heights of Asian women is 2.5 inches,
construct 70% confidence interval estimate for the height of all Asian women
a. 59.64 < µ < 60.36 c. 59.52 < µ < 60.48
b. 58.64 < µ < 61.36 d. 58.52 < µ < 61.48
6. Based on question number 5, how long is the interval?
a. 1.72 c. 0.96
b. 0.72 d. 2.96
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
Post test
1. P23,817.22 <µ < P24,182.78
Therefore, we are 90% confident that the true salary of all teachers is between
P23,817.22 and P24,182.78
2. 5.86hrs <µ <8.14hrs
Therefore, we are 98% confident that the true average hour spent by senior high
school students is between 5.86 hours to 8.14 hours which gives a width of 2.28
3. (Answer depends on the data they will gather)
1. Estimation is important as it allows us to make a more precise guess on the true
value of the observations we wanted to know.
2. The difference between random estimation and confidence interval is that random
estimation may not or only have a little systematic or logical reasoning of having
one while confidence interval estimate is more logical and scientific as it has a
step-by-step process which made the educated guess more precise to the true
1. B
1. 1.729 2. D
2. 2.467 3. C
4. A
3. 0.8 5. A
6. B
Enrichment Activity Pretest
Key Answers
Lesson Appropriate Sample Size Using
Length of the Interval

Quarter: Third Week: 10

No. of Days: 2 No. of Hours: 2

What you need to know...

This module will assist you in understanding appropriate sample size, which will
be composed of the following lesson:

- Computing the appropriate sample size using the length of the interval
- Solve problems involving sample size determination

What you are expected to learn...

After going through this module, you are expected to be able to:
1. Compute and identify the appropriate sample size with the use of the length of the
2. Solve problems involving sample size determination.

How to learn from this module...

To achieve the objectives of this module, you need to read its contents
comprehensively and follow the instructions provided in every activity accordingly.
What I Know (Pretest)...

Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Identify the appropriate sample size
of each problem and choose the letter of your answer. Use z-table at the
appendix as needed. Use a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is the appropriate sample size given a standard

deviation of 6.4, confidence interval of µ 98% and a margin of error or
maximum allowable deviation of 2.35?
c. 39 c. 41
d. 40 d. 42
2. Given: Margin of error (d)= 2.19, Confidence interval (CI) of population mean
= 90%, and population standard deviation (σ)= 5 solve for the appropriate
sample size.
e. 15 c. 17
f. 16 d. 18
3. Given: d= 3.92 CI= 94% σ= 7 n=?
g. 24 c. 26
h. 25 d. 27
4. Given: d= 2.4 CI= 98% σ= 6.4 n=?
a. 29 c. 31
b. 30 d. 32
5. To estimate the mean price of e-books of senior high schools, with a
standard deviation of P80, how many e-books are needed to be selected as
samples if we wanted to be 95% confident that the sample mean of e-books
is within P20 of the true population
a. 59 c. 61
b. 60 d. 62
What’s In (Review)
In the previous lessons, you learned to identify and compute the length of
confidence interval and on how it is different from the other estimations.

What’s New
In estimating, especially on confidence interval, sample mean, margin of error or
maximum allowable deviation, population variance and sample size are essential to get
a more scientific hypothesis (educated guess) of the true value, the population mean.

In estimating, the sample size need to be consider in order to make it more valid
and reliable. Especially on research, the number of respondents must be considered.
The number of members or element of a population must be taken into consideration
aside from being manageable. The selected samples, either through probability or non-
probability sampling, must be taken at least to its minimum need to go through the
study. With this, the researcher/s will be able to make a feasible conclusion about the
parameter of a certain population being studied.

In order to solve for the least number of sample size given a certain confidence
interval, this formula can be used:

𝜎 2
𝑛 = (𝑍𝛼 𝑥 )
2 𝑑

where: σ= population standard deviation

d= maximum allowable deviation or margin of error

Computing the Appropriate Sample Size

Example 1: Given: d= 2 CI= 85% σ= 10 n=?

n = (𝑍𝛼⁄2𝑥 (𝑑))
= (𝑍0.15⁄ 𝑥 ( 2 ))
= (1.44𝑥 (5))
= (7.2)2
n = 51.84 ≈ 52 samples
Therefore, you need 52 samples in order to achieve an 85% confidence

(Note: If the computed sample size has a decimal part, it must be rounded off to the
next higher integer as samples need to be whole number.

Example 2: (Solving problems involving sample size determination)

A bookstore confirms that the durability of their textbooks follow a normal

distribution with a standard deviation of 5 years. How many textbooks must be selected
as samples if you wanted to estimate with 99% confidence that the sample mean is
within 2 years of the true population mean?

Given: σ = 5
CI= 99%
n = (𝑍𝛼⁄2 𝑥 (𝑑))
= (𝑍0.01⁄ 𝑥 (2))
= (2.575𝑥 (2.5))
= (6.44)2
n = 41.47
n ≈ 42

Therefore, you need to select 42 textbooks as samples from the bookstore

to be 99% confident that the sample mean is within 2 years of the true population

Activity 1
Identify the number of samples needed in each problem.

1. Given: d= 12 CI= 93% σ= 55 n=?

2. Given: d= 15 CI= 99.5% σ= 70 n=?
3. It was reported that students who do online business during this pandemic
crisis earns money with a standard deviation of P1,500. If you wanted to
estimate with 96% confidence the mean income of students within P450 of the
true population mean, how many students should you select?
What is it (Discussion of Activity 1)
1. Given: d= 12 CI= 93% σ= 55 n=?
n = (𝑍𝛼⁄2𝑥 (𝑑))
= (𝑍0.07⁄ 𝑥 (12))
= (8.3)2
= 68.89 ≈ 69
Therefore, 69 samples are needed in order to achieve a 93%
confidence level.
2. Given: d= 15 CI= 99.5% σ= 70 n=?
n = (𝑍𝛼⁄2𝑥 (𝑑))
= (𝑍0.005⁄ 𝑥 (15))
= (2.81𝑥 (4.67))
= (13.11)2
= 171.87 ≈ 172 samples

Therefore, 172 samples are needed in order to achieve a 99.5%

confidence level.
3. It was reported that students who do online business during this pandemic
crisis earns money with a standard deviation of P2,000. If you wanted to
estimate with 96% confidence the mean income of students within P450 of the
true population mean, how many students should you select?
Given: d= 450 CI= 96% σ= 2,000 n=?
n = (𝑍𝛼⁄2𝑥 (𝑑))
= (𝑍0.04⁄ 𝑥 ( 450 ))
= (2.05𝑥 (4.44))
= (9.1)2
= 82.81
≈ 83 samples

Therefore, you need to select 83 students as respondents to be 96%

confident that the sample mean of income is within P450 of the true
population mean.
What’s more (Enrichment Activity)
Identify the number of samples needed in each problem.

1. d= 115 CI= 98.5% σ= 1800 n=?

2. d= 85 CI= 98.6% σ= 1650 n=?
3. As claimed, the daily allowance of grade 12 public school students in Misamis
Oriental is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 10 pesos. If you
wanted to estimate with 99.7% confidence the mean daily allowance of grade
12 students within 3 pesos of the true mean, how many students do you need
to ask?

What I have learned (Generalization)

1. In estimating, why do we need to consider the number of samples?

2. What does more samples to be implied in an interval estimate?

What can I do (Application)

Determine what is asked based on the given data below.

1. The school head observes an increase of internet expenditures of learners for

months already with a standard deviation of 15 pesos. How many learners
must be sampled in order to be 99% confident that the amount spent on
internet expenditures will be within P 2.00 of the true mean?

2. During the pandemic, the LGU gave cash assistance to those who individuals
who were badly affected. It was said that the cash assistance is normally
distributed with a standard deviation of P500. If a concerned citizen wanted to
know if it is true with 97% confidence level within P300 of the true population
mean, how many individuals does he need as samples?
Assessment (Post test)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Identify the appropriate sample size
of each problem and choose the letter of your answer. Use z-table at the
appendix as needed. Use a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is the appropriate sample size given a standard

deviation of 6.4, confidence interval of µ 98% and a margin of error or
maximum allowable deviation of 2.35?
a. 40 c. 42
b. 41 d. 43
2. Given: Margin of error (d)= 2.19, Confidence interval (CI) of population mean
= 90%, and population standard deviation (σ)= 5 solve for the appropriate
sample size.
a. 13 c. 15
b. 14 d. 16
3. Given: d= 3.92 CI= 94% σ= 7 n=?
a. 25 c. 27
b. 26 d. 28
4. Given: d= 2.4 CI= 98% σ= 6.4 n=?
a. 28 c. 30
b. 29 d. 31
5. To estimate the mean price of e-books of senior high schools, with a
standard deviation of P80, how many e-books are needed to be selected as
samples if we wanted to be 95% confident that the sample mean of e-books
is within P20 of the true population
a. 60 c. 62
b. 61 d. 63
1. B
2. C
3. A 1. 373
4. D
5. C 2. 14
Post test Application
1. The number of samples needs to be consider as it gives a more accurate
conclusions on the true value of the population.
2. Having more samples can increase the confidence level of the estimation of the
true value. And having more samples can lead to more accurate conclusions.
1. 1,447
1. C
2. 2,272 2. A
3. B
3. 141 4. C
5. D
Enrichment Activity Pretest
Key Answers

Albacea, Zita VJ, et al. Statistics and Probability. Commission on Higher

Education, 2016

Banigon, Ricardo B., et al. Statistics and Probability for Senior High School.
Educational Resources Corporation, 2018


Position : TEACHER II

Educational Attainment:

MAED in Teaching Mathematics (24 units)

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

Module Title : Q3-Module 4-Estimation of Parameters

Division : Misamis Oriental

District : Jasaan

School : Danao National High School

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