The Effectiveness of Utilizing Facebook Advertisements On The Customers

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Presented to the Faculty of STI College- General Santos City
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Strand
Accountancy Business and Management

Caburi, Hannah
Crisostomo, Shaina Erika S.
Cuaton, Jirah Mae
Dalandas, Yawsha R.
Doncillo, Wency Joyce R.
Lacson, Thea Gwenn
Lague, Princess Joy
Mangubat, Nikki
Rombo, Ike Jr II

June 2020


This research paper titled “The Effectiveness of Utilizing Facebook

Advertisements on Customers’ Behavior Among Grade 12 Students of STI General
Santos” prepared and submitted by Hannah Caburi, Shaina Erika S. Crisostomo, Jirah Mae
Cuaton, Yawsha R. Dalandas, Wency Joyce R. Doncillo, Thea Gwenn Lacson, Princes Joy
Lague, Nikki Mangubat, & Ike Rombo Jr. In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the
ABM has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral



Approved by the panel for Oral Examination on Month Day Year for the ABM with
the grade of
Hanifa U. Macadaya, LPT, MAEd
Signature over printed Name
Remuel T. Octavio Noviem Gail P. Jao, LPT
Signature over printed Name Signature over printed Name
Panel Panel


Accepted as partial fulfillment for ABM

_______ _____________________
Date Signature over printed name
SHS Principal


The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Facebook advertisement

on customer behavior. Facebook is one of the most common mean in online advertising. The

researchers used a descriptive research design in order to describe the relationship between

online advertisement and customer’s behavior. A sample of 75 Grade 12 students of STI College

– General Santos answered the rating/scaling questionnaire developed by the researchers. The

findings revealed that Facebook advertisement is effective towards the buying decision of the


Keywords: Facebook advertisements, customer behavior



The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the following people who

willingly took part of our research;

Firstly, to their Instructors, Sir Jimboy H. Baldesco and Sir Marlon Rosas, who

guided and supported them in conducting this research.

To the Panel members, Hanifa U. Macadaya, LPT, MAEd, Remuel T.

Octavio, LPT, Noviem Gail P. Jao, LPT, for their time and effort in giving knowledge and

recommendations to further improve this study which greatly helped in its completion.

To our respondents for their genuine cooperation during the research conduct.

To the researchers’ parents who supported us morally and financially.

To the School Principal, ENGR. ANN GILYN B. PREMARION, MIM,

MAEd, LPT, for her generosity in conducting this research.

To the members who gave their time and energy in this research, as well as to

their friends who gave the researchers the moral support that they need to make this study


Lastly, to our Almighty God for the wisdom, strength, and good health given to

the researchers for the success of the study.










Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 2

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 3


Related Literature 5

Related Studies 15

Conceptual Framework 18

Hypothesis 19

Definition of Terms 19

Research Design 21

Locale of the Study 21

Research Respondents 22

Research Instruments 23

Data Gathering Procedure 23

Statistical Treatment 23



Summary 28

Findings 29

Conclusions 29

Recommendations 30



Appendix A Letter to the Respondent 37

Appendix B Consent Form 38

Appendix C Research Questionnaire 39

Appendix D Rating of the Researchers’ Instrument 41

Appendix E Certification 42



Conceptual Framework 18

Map Location 22

Table 1. Frequency Distribution Students’ Behavior in Terms of Buying 24

Table 2. Frequency Distribution assessing the level of the effectiveness of Facebook

advertisements to Students’ behavior in purchasing a product. 25

Chapter 1


Background of the study

Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital

advertising or web advertising. It is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet

to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumer. Online advertising is a selling strategy

that involves the use of the Internet as a medium.

According to Khandare and Suryawanshi (2016), a major benefit of online

advertising is the quickest marketing of product information without geographical barriers and

the potential to target a huge audience for a fraction of what it would cost in conventional

advertising. The ability to quickly express and cheaply calculate statistics is another valuable part

of online ads. The modern domain of digital ads, which presents new challenges for online

marketers, is a major challenge.

Customer behavior refers to natural processes and decisions that factor in a

customer’s purchase. According to Kaur Harmanjot and Kochar Roopjot (2018) Consumer

behavior differs from that in a physical market where he or she can see the products. Online

shopping sites are rapidly replacing traditional or physical stores. Customers' confidence in

online purchasing sites has grown significantly over the years. On the one hand, the expansion in

the number of these sites has resulted in severe rivalry, resulting in better and cheaper products

for buyers.

The researchers selected STI College – General Santos as the study locale to test the

relationship between two variables. This is because the school has a number of students who

communicate on a regular basis and experience online ads, and this encounter will influence the

students' buying behavior. This school is located in the city of General Santos.

Statement of the Problem

The most current means of advertising tend to be Internet advertising that has been

used by both businesses in recent times due to convenience and broad reach than conventional

media. The research aims to discover the relationship between online advertising and the

behavior of the customer.

This study seeks answers to the following specific questions:

1. What are the customers’ behavior in terms of buying?

2. What is the level of the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements to the customers’


3. What recommendation can be suggested to improve the utilization of Facebook


Significance of the Study

This study is pivot to the effectiveness of online advertisements on costumer’s

behavior. Additionally, the outcome of this study will be of great significance to:

3Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs whether a small or big business can infer to this study for them

to analyze and take the opportunity to increase the growth of the earnings of their business.

Netizens. Netizens will gain information whether to engage or to not engage on the

brands they see when they scroll up the internet. This will also help them to choose and think

wisely on the advertisement they see and dig into more details before deciding.

Research. This paper will be a good source of reference for researchers who may have

the same subject as this paper holds. Researchers with related subjects may vary on this as a

basis of their study.

Students. The findings will increase students' understanding of how online ads influences

their purchase choices. It would also make them conscious of how online ads influences their

spending choices, helping them to select their purchases more practically, efficiently, and wisely.

Parents. Each substance would be recognized by parents. They would also have the

potential to secure advertising that are relatively low-cost. They will discover a publicity

campaign that is far more powerful than what they would have done in print or broadcast.

Business Executives. It will help businesses because it will teach them to spend money

on web ads. Another positive for entrepreneurs will be that this would help them determine what

kind of techniques are most successful in online ads. This would allow them to recruit more

clients and boost their revenue.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on Effectiveness of online advertisements and customer

behavior. The respondents of the study were the grade 12 students of STI General Santos. The

school has a number of students who use Facebook app and may have experienced online

advertising. The data collection was conducted to 75 Grade 12 students of STI – General Santos

who were randomly selected from the total population of 294. This research is restricted to the

selected participants only and will never, for any reason, perform the study with other

participants. The research is not restricted exclusively to the association between internet

advertisements and customer behavior.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the summary of information from other researchers and

literature that is relevant to the study’s development. The areas that are covered here are

advantages of online advertising, and effectiveness of online advertising and the customers


Related Literatures

Guicheron (2018) stated that nearly 62% of Facebook users engage in publications on

the market. Facebook’s intuitive interface design helps users increase community base users

from creating promotional publications as a result helps make business owner’s products more

visible to the public. Due to the number of people buying products online, they are more likely to

see and engage in similar publications of the same business as most social platforms track their

users' ad preferences. Active Facebook offers a versatile platform that shares details that will also

help support business owner’s marketplace and spread the brand's image.

According to Leong, L. Y., Jaafar, N., and Ainin, S. (2018) A new type of online

social company called Facebook commerce (f-commerce) has evolved as a result of rapid

improvements in Web 2.0 and social media. Despite the fact that there are studies on the factors

that influence Facebook browsing and usage intensity, there is a scarcity of research on the

effects of f-commerce browsing and usage intensity on consumers' desire to buy. Unlike previous

studies, this one looked into the role of income as a moderator. Since Facebook has become a

phenomenon, it is necessary to investigate if the intensity of f-commerce browsing and usage can

induce the desire to buy and impulse buy.


Online advertising has progressed dramatically since the introduction of the first

banner ad, which now accounts for a large portion of all advertising spending. Academic

research in this area has evolved in tandem with the proliferation of online advertising tools. Liu-

Thompkins, Y., (2019).

According to Japson, F. A., Te, S. R., and Velecina, A. J. (2017). Given the majority

of Filipinos' economic situation, preferring vanity items over spending for functionalism may

seem difficult. The paper's comprehension was hampered by a lack of understanding of Filipino

consumer behavior, especially regarding issues of vanity and materialism.

According to Kamaruddin N. N., Mohamed A., and Aris, S. R. (2020) With the

present technological development, online advertising has attracted the interest of most

advertising channels. Its commercial value has skyrocketed in recent years. Effective parts of

online advertising that may impact customer purchasing behavior should be evaluated in order to

increase commercial value.

According to Roland Getaruelas (2019) Now a days the use of social media as a tool

for awareness is significantly increasing day by day, people are becoming socially fanatic and

technologically aware of the different social media platforms as a tool for delivery of

information, searching location, services inquiry and even online ordering can be done thru

social media.

A study that was conducted by M4B partners organization (2021) stated that the social

media market has always been a vital part of businesses, even more so during the covid-19

pandemic, and has become a necessity for resource and their customers as the lockdown

progresses. Social media have been used by businesses to adopt in their present situation in the

need to create a social media strategy and an active presence. Here are the reasons;

Information, social media has always been the go-to for up-to-date

information. In these unprecedented times, daily briefings, news subscriptions or social

media we’re all seeking the latest information which also has the same requirement needs

for customers from businesses. Businesses also need to know up to date information

about the lockdown restrictions and health protocols which is vital for business to keep a

social media presence in order to provide customers the information they want.

Reduce management, social media platforms like Facebook offers a great deal

of convenience, although it is important to keep customers informed, it is also hectic to

deal with numerous calls and replying countless messages which should be used in more

important matters. By the use of Facebook however, would reduce the workload greatly

as it only requires putting relevant information on a Facebook page would help reduce

admin as well as boosting customer satisfaction. Keeping updates such as regular post,

videos, and automatic message replies that contains vital information about the shop’s

market, opening hours, links, and other important information could also be beneficial in

increasing promotion.

Advertising on Facebook

Social networking is a worldwide phenomenon, with Facebook reigning supreme as

the most popular social networking site. The enormous marketing potential of Facebook's whole

range of advertising capabilities (paid and free/organic) has been under-researched in both

developed and emerging economies (Weise, M. et al 2020). With the rise in popularity of social

media platforms (such as Facebook), the number of researchers using social networking sites and

their linked advertising frameworks to find suitable participants for studies has increased as well.

Social media advertising has been found to be superior to traditional recruitment tactics such as

print media in terms of reach (especially with hard-to-reach demographics), cost effectiveness,

and usability (Frandsen, M. et al 2016).

According to Chung, Y. J., and Kim, E. (2020) The increasing popularity and use of

social networking sites (SNSs) has inspired a lot of research on consumer acceptance of

advertising as a critical aspect for advertisers and marketers looking to offer appropriate

advertising content to consumers with minimal disruption. Native advertising is a sort of online

advertising that incorporates advertising information into the platform where it appears.

According to Onder, I., Gunter, U., and Gindl, S. (2019) The possibility for

information overload on the Internet as a whole is one reason why people utilize Facebook as a

source of information. When someone searches for Vienna on Google, for example,

approximately 200 million results are returned, some of which are duplicates, not what they are

looking for, or of questionable informational quality. For the information seeker, all of these

variables might lead to information overload. As a result, many resort to social media networks

or other online travel forums and communities, such as TripAdvisor or Facebook, to discover

more concentrated travel-related information.


According to Fink, M. et al (2020). When combined with traditional tactics like

celebrity endorsement, social media presents a plethora of potential for entrepreneurial marketing

methods that utilize the power of communities. Social media's reach, frequency, and speed of

communication provide the ideal leverage for entrepreneurial marketing drivers. The rapid rate

of change, on the other hand, may jeopardize the results of investments in entrepreneurial

marketing on social media, and they may be short-lived.

According to McCarthy, E., and Mazza, D. (2019) On the Internet, social media is a

popular and convenient venue for communication. Users can exchange information such as

updates, photographs, videos, and events, as well as send messages and keep in touch with other

users, using social media. With over 2 billion users globally, Facebook is the most popular social

networking site. Facebook is increasingly being used to attract volunteers for research studies.

Facebook is a successful recruitment tool because of its enormous user base and ability to target

adverts based on demographic information provided by Facebook users.

According to Mejova, Y., Weber, I., and Fernandez-Luque, L. (2018) Facebook's

advertising platform allows advertisers to target their ads to Facebook users who meet certain

criteria set by the advertiser. Facebook gives estimations of the projected audience size even

before the ad is launched—and paid for. For example, if you ask Facebook for the number of

male users in Alabama aged 25 to 34 years old who have expressed an interest in diabetes

awareness, you'll get an estimate of 11,000 users. The interests are decided by “things people

share on their Timelines, apps they use, advertising they click, Pages they like, and other activity

on and off of Facebook and Instagram,” according to Facebook documentation. Demographics

such as age, gender, and geography may also influence interests.


Because of its widespread use around the world, Facebook has become a new and

vital advertising platform where businesses may place ads to reach potential clients. This is

likely due to the fact that Facebook allows businesses to target specific customers while also

effectively advertising their products and services. (Subhankar Das et al 2018).

According to Hadining, A. F., Aisha, A. N., and Aji, D. K. (2016) Because of its

numerous benefits, Facebook may be utilized as a marketing tool via its Facebook Ads feature.

Facebook Ads allows for the delivery of ads based on a variety of criteria, including age,

location, and keywords. For Small and Medium Businesses, social media marketing, including

the use of Facebook Ads on the Internet, is an option.

Customers Behavior

According to Ramya, N., and Mohamed Ali, S. A. The selection, purchasing, and

consumption of goods and services by consumers is referred to as consumer buying behavior.

Many aspects, specificities, and traits influence the individual's identity and the consumer's

decision-making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he buys, and the

merchants he visits. Every one of these criteria has an impact on a purchase choice. Individuals

and consumers are impacted by cultural trends as well as their social and societal environment.

They are driven by their culture, subculture, socioeconomic class, membership organizations,

family, personality, psychological aspects, and so on.

With the widespread use of smart devices, businesses are able to offer new types of

interactive communication channels to their customers, which they may access via their mobile

devices. The relevance of the mobile channel as a sales channel and a CRM tool is recognized by

merchants (Customer Relationship Management). CRM, on the other hand, has become more

complicated as it was adapted to the mobile channel. In an omni-channel environment, it is

critical for retailers to understand consumer behavior. The inflow channel of a consumer is fixed.

Consumer channel preferences are influenced by communication techniques such as SMS and

app push alarms. Consumers who shop on their phones don't have to worry about time limits,

whereas others do. Park, S., and Lee D. (2017).

According to Rahman, M. A. et al (2018) The World Wide Web has had a significant

impact on people's attitudes and behaviors all around the world. As a result of this blessing,

Internet shopping has flourished, influencing the lives of regular people. Bangladesh has also

begun to offer internet shopping, but consumers are not yet accustomed to doing so on a regular

basis. Both men and women behave in the same way when it comes to like and disliking things;

they prefer home delivery and dislike the inability to touch and feel the product the most. They

gather online purchasing information from websites, particularly social media sites, and purchase

apparel and accessories mostly using the cash-on-delivery payment option.

According to Vasić, N., Kilibarda N., and Kaurin, T. (2019) Online buying has grown

at a breakneck pace over the last decade, owing to the fact that it is a more cost-effective and

convenient alternative to traditional shopping. Nonetheless, the move from one to another, more

modern buying method initially caused buyers to be concerned about the following: personal

information leakage, online fraud, inconsistency between the bought product quality and the

desired quality, failed shipping, and so on. These fears are now far less prevalent, as individuals

have seen the benefits of Internet shopping. There are a number of reasons why people purchase

via the Internet; for example; consumers can purchase anything at any time without having to

visit a store; by comparing multiple websites at the same time, customers can find the same

goods at a lower price; consumers want to avoid feeling pressured while speaking with a retailer

face to face; consumers prefer to escape traffic congestion on their way to the store, and so on.

According to Islam, H., Jebarajakirthy, C, and Chankar, A. (2019) In recent years,

internet sales have increased, resulting in increased rivalry in the online retail business.

Consumer views, attitudes, and responses to retail websites may all benefit from increased

website interaction. Customer impressions of the usefulness and convenience of use of retail

websites are improved by website interactivity. The perceived usefulness (PU) of a website

increases the likelihood of making a purchase, and this effect is reduced by user participation in

online buying. Surprisingly, the results of the ad hoc test show that the impacts of online

shopping on the PU purchase intention connection are strong at high levels of website


According to Mekawie, N., and Hany, A. (2019) One of the most important aspects

influencing a purchase decision is one's attitude toward Facebook advertising. Consumers who

have a good attitude about a product are expected to do activities that reflect that attitude, such as

responding positively to social media advertising, purchasing products advertised on social

media, or looking for additional information.

According to Simona Vineran (2017) Consumer behavior has changed dramatically in

the previous decade, including how they obtain information about items or services they are

interested in, how they make judgments about current or future purchases, whether aspirational

or mundane, how they buy, and how they provide. Particularly in online contexts, customers

want to hear about their purchases.

Effectiveness of Facebook Advertisement

According to Galati, A. et al (2017) Many firms have included social media, particularly

social networking sites, into their communication and media plans in recent years, resulting in a

significant alteration of organizational models and a shift in marketing dynamics. This research

has two goals: first, to recognize and validate the firm's social media (SM) activities on the

Facebook platform; and second, to investigate the links between the firm's SM efforts and some

business and managerial characteristics. Data on 45 wineries was collected and analyzed in order

to fulfill these research goals, using a model that incorporates three key elements of the business'

activity on the social network. Small enterprises have become more interested in SM, as

evidenced by high values of intensity, richness, and reactivity, headed by managers with a higher

educational degree. Large corporations, on the other hand, have been more modest in their social

media initiatives.

According to Mochon, D. et al, Despite the vast sums of money spent on Facebook

marketing, little is known about its real impact on customers. Can Facebook page likes have an

impact on offline customer behavior, and if so, how? The authors conduct a field experiment

using acquired Facebook page likes to answer these questions and discover that they have a

positive causal influence on offline customer behavior. Importantly, when the Facebook page is

used as a venue for firm-initiated promotional messaging, these likes are proven to be highly

effective. When customers interact organically with the firm's page, there is no effect of acquired

page likes, but there is a considerable effect when the firm pays to boost its page postings and so

uses its Facebook page as a platform for paid advertising.

According to Palma (2016) Marketers were cautious when Facebook began filtering

out unpaid promotional material in user news feeds in 2014, fearing that it would mean higher

costs for paid web advertising. While Facebook's effectiveness has been extensively researched,

relevant empirical evidence on how it functions as a free marketing tool following the

implementation of new rules and policies has to be investigated further. Furthermore, while there

have been a variety of attempts to examine customer behavior on Facebook, the human context

of preference in relation to emotions and wants has received less attention. Thus, employing

articles with content on emotions and needs, this study tried to explain consumer behavior in a

personal context toward posted threads on Facebook. Organic reach was discovered to boost the

blog's traffic using a negative binomial regression analysis. The revenue of the blog was

demonstrated to have increased significantly using a graphical trend display. Furthermore,

threads related to human emotions had a high amount of post engagements. The revenue research

related with Facebook free advertising was discussed, as well as the findings.

According to Vaidya Rashesh (2020) In today's corporate world, advertising is one of

the most important marketing operations. It is any paid kind of non-personal communication

used to advertise items through mass media by a recognized sponsor. Marketers have embraced

the use of social media in the age of information technology. For the efficiency of an

advertisement, Nepalese Facebook users were more interested with the items and services

offered, the quality and affinity of the goods and services, entertainment, and customization. The

products and services themselves, as well as the quality and affinity developed for those

presented or posted at the social media portal, namely Facebook, are viewed as the major

characteristics that make it an effective marketing tool.

According to Chetioui, Y., Butt, I., and Lebdoui, H. (2021) Despite a growing amount

of study on the impact of cultural orientation on consumer attitudes and behavior, research on the

effects of individualism and collectivism in social media advertising is still scarce. Our study

contributes to attitudinal research by establishing a better understanding of the use of Facebook

advertising to market products and services through a series of research propositions that

elucidate how individuals from a collectivistic culture make purchase decisions when exposed to

Facebook advertisements. Our findings support the necessity and usefulness of considering

cultural differences among customers when advertising on social media sites.

The advertising trend has shifted, and firms are now focusing on social media

advertising. While many telecommunications businesses in Thailand are currently struggling as a

result of advertising game-changing problems, Facebook advertising has a significant impact on

customer purchase intent. The effectiveness of Facebook advertising is directly tied to the

qualities of Facebook advertising and the credibility of Facebook pages. Kittisak Jermsittiparsert


Related Studies

In accordance to the study of Idris, Suhana, et. al. (2020) Internet Advertising is

growing in the advertising sector, where it now has exceeded TV commercial efficiency. The

advertising business, however, in Malaysia is still heavily reliant

on conventional forms of publicity. Consequently, this post seeks to determine the variables that

can influence the effectiveness of online ads to increase the buying intent of customers. Since

young adults are more vulnerable to convenience sampling is extended to online ads relative to

other age groups. Approaching Millenials across Malaysia’s city areas, A sample of 300 sample

size in this research, respondents are chosen to ensure that the quality of the data is appropriate.

In addition, the model of effects hierarchy and the theory of source credibility are to research the

impact of online advertisement in Malaysia on young adults. The findings indicate that there are

substantial advertising relationships between the (emotional) appeal, endorser’s reputation and

web exposure levels of online advertisements with the buying intent of customers. It was

observed, however, that the ingenuity of online ads has no correlation with the consumers’

purpose of purchase.

The results of the study of Zhou, Tsiga, et. al. (2018) showed that the

perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) can be affected by website efficien

cy, familiarity and situational normality. PEOU and PU are favorably correlated with confirmatio

n, along with credibility, which further contributes to satisfaction.

According to Dolan, Conduit, et. al. (2019) Organizations are spending a lot of

money on social media, yet they have limited understanding of how social media content affects

user engagement. The goal of this study is to assess the impacts of informational, entertaining,

remunerative, and relational content on social media users' passive and active engagement

behavior. The findings show that rational and emotional appeals have different impact on social

media participation behavior. Despite the social and interactive aspect of digital media, rational

appeals in social media have a superior effect in terms of encouraging active and passive

engagement among social media users, whereas emotional appeals enable passive rather than

highly active engagement behavior.

The result of the study of Ferriera F., and Barbosa B. (2017) showed that respondents

have a higher favorable view toward brand posts than Facebook ads. Furthermore, those who

spend more time on Facebook find ads to be more irritating. These findings provide light on how

Facebook users react to ads and brand postings, providing some insights into how to improve

your social media marketing strategy.

The findings of the study of Manel Hamouda (2018) showed that there is a strong link

between informativeness, enjoyment, credibility, and the value of social media advertising.

Consumers' attitudes regarding social media advertising and their behavioral responses will be

influenced positively by this positive value. In this relationship, the moderator effect of business

reputation was also validated.

The study of Megha, S., Ramesh, D. C., and Jolly, M. (2021) investigates the

numerous factors of Facebook advertising that influence young consumers' purchasing intentions

in the digital economy. Additionally, the impact of demographic and usage characteristics on

purchase intent is investigated. The study's findings reveal that Facebook advertising's

informativeness and credibility have a considerable impact on young customers' purchase

intentions, whereas entertainment had no such impact. The study indicated no significant effects

of user parameters such as login frequency and mode of access, as well as demographic

influences such as gender, age, and education on the perception of Facebook advertising-driven

purchase intention. By analyzing the effect of Facebook advertising on purchase intention, the

study adds to the increasing literature on Indian youth consumers. It also gives practitioners

some advice on what kind of advertising strategies to use when posting on Facebook in the

digital age.

Conceptual framework

Online advertisement can affect a customer’s buying decision. It can also encourage

customers to purchase a product or service. Every advertisement has their own tools and

strategies to attract consumers to buy a certain product. The figure below intends to show how

the independent variable affects the dependent variable. That the effective the online

advertisement is, the greater the possibility of influencing the consumer’s buying decision. The

figure below shows the relationship between Facebook advertisement and customers’ behavior in

terms of buying.


- Buying decision

- Use of Facebook

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of two variables,

the dependent variable, and the independent variable.

In Figure 1, “The effectiveness of utilizing Facebook Advertisement” is the

independent variable. It pertains to how effective online advertisement is on customers who uses

Facebook in their everyday lives.

Customer’s behavior as the dependent variable pertains to the buying behavior of the

customers towards any product that has been advertised on Facebook.


H0. There is no significant relationship between Facebook advertisement and

customers’ behavior.

H 1. There is a significant relationship between Facebook advertisement and

customers’ behavior.

Definition of Terms

To easily understand the terms used in this study, the following terms are

operationally defined.

Advertisement. It refers to a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting

a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.


Buying decision. It refers to a series of choices made by a consumer prior to making

a purchase that begins once the consumer has established a willingness to buy.

Customer. It refers to a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Material. It refers to the matter from which a thing is or can be made.

Online advertising. It refers to a marketing strategy that involves the use of the

Internet as a medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the

right customers.

Online marketing. It refers to the process for reaching out to many existing and

potential customers as possible using the internet.

Product. It refers to an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.

Purchase. It refers to constitute the means for buying.

Service. It refers to the action of helping or doing work for someone.

Social media. It refers to a websites and applications that enable users to create and

share content or to participate in social networking.


Research Methodology

This chapter consist the proposed research design, data collection, and the techniques

for the data analysis that to be taken account of the effectiveness of online advertising on

customers’ behavior.

Research Design

The researchers used a descriptive research design in order to describe the

relationship between Facebook advertisement and customer’s behavior. Descriptive research

design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject

without influencing it in any way (Shuttleworth, 2013). Through this research design, the study

and the researchers would be able to present valid and accurate data as how the Facebook

advertisement affects the consumer’s buying decision.

The Research used descriptive design in the sense that it described the respondents’

buying behavior.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in General Santos City through facebook. An app where

most grade 12 students of STI General Santos use and are easily accessible. Data gathering from

the target population of Grade 12 students of STI was done through an online survey due to the


Figure 2. Map Location

Research Respondents

The researchers conducted their study to 75 randomly selected Grade 12 students of

STI College – General Santos of school year 2020 – 2021. The sample was drawn from 294 total

Grade 12 students of school year 2020-2021. The Slovin’s formula was used to compute the

sample size.

Slovin’s Formula

1+ Ne 2


n = sample size
N = population size
e = marginal error
1 = constant

n= 294
1 + 294 (0.10)2

n= 294
1 + 294 (0.01)

n= 294

n = 74.61 (75)

Research Instruments

The instrument that the researchers used in gathering data include a rating scale to

determine the customers behavior and the effectiveness of Facebook advertising on customers’


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought permission from their research instructor to allow them to

conduct the survey. The questionnaire was given to the respondents via google forms through

messenger. The result was the basis of the study.

Statistical Treatment

Statistical methods were employed for better interpretation of the data. Frequency

Distribution, Percentage distribution, and Likert Scale were used. To get the results of the

gathered data, the researchers used central tendency; median and mode.
Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

This chapter includes the results and discussions of the gathered data.

Table 1. Frequency Distribution Table Determining the Grade 12 STI College – General

Santos Students’ Behavior in Terms of Buying

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Average Valu Assessment


I buy product 41
based on my (54.66 15 18 1
0 Mode 5 Always
needs. (20%) (24%) (1.33%)

I buy product 38 18 14 5
0 Median 5 Always
based on its (50.66%) (24%) (18.66%) (6.66%)
I buy products 41 14 17 3
0 Mode 5 Always
with positive (54.66%) (18.66%) (22.66%) (4%)
I buy product 14
when I find 20 16 25 (18.66% 0 Mode 3 Sometimes
the (26.66%) (21.33%) (33.33%)
I buy product 23 27 20 5
0 Mode 4 often
that has a (30.66) (36%) (26.66%) (6.66%)
familiar brand.

Above is the Frequency Distribution Table determining the customers' behavior in

terms of buying. As shown in the Table 3, the respondents affirmed that they Always consider

their Needs, the Price of the product as well as its Positive Reviews in purchasing any item a

Store has with a resulting percentage of 54.66%, 50.66%, and 54.66% respectively. At

Sometimes, the respondents behave according to how entertaining an advertisement is as the

indicator garnered 33.33% of the responses. Lastly, they Often consider themselves buying a

product based on its Brand Familiarity with a percentage rate of 36%.

Table 2. Frequency Distribution assessing the level of the effectiveness of Facebook

advertisements to Grade 12 STI College – General Santos Students’ behavior in

purchasing a product.

Alway Often Sometime Never Ineffectiv Average Value Assessment

s e

Most of my
personal needs
can be found
on Facebook 18 17 30 10 More likely
0 Mode 3
advertisements (24%) (22.66%) (40%) (13.33%) effective
where I can
easily make a
allows me to
get the price 18 20 28 9
0 Median 4 Effective
information (24%) (26.66%) (37.33%) (12%)
that is

When buying a
product on
Facebook, I 38 13 17 7
0 Extremely
make sure that (50.66%) (17.33%) (9.33%) Median 5
(22.66%) effective
it has positive
reviews from
After watching
12 12 37 10 4
advertisement More likely
(16%) (16%) (13.33%) (5.33%) Mode 3
that entertains (49.33%) effective
me, I consider
buying the
advertises more 17 20 24 11 3
(22.66%) (26.66%) (32%) (14.66%) (1%) Median 4 Effective
familiar brands,
which catches
my attention.

Legend for Frequency Distribution assessing the level of the effectiveness of

Facebook advertisements to Grade 12 STI College – General Santos Students’ behavior in

purchasing a product.

Description Interpretation

Always Extremely Effective

Often Effective

Sometimes More Likely Effective

Never More Likely Ineffective

The above graph shows the Frequency Distribution assessing the level of the

effectiveness of Facebook advertisements to the customers' behavior in purchasing a product.


Based on the table 4, the respondents believed that Facebook advertisement is more

likely effective to their behavior in buying products provided that their personal needs are visible

on its page where they can easily set an appointment to purchase them. With regards to

disclosing the price of the product posted on Facebook advertisements, the respondents found it

Effective when it comes to buying a product for as long as it is reasonable enough. Moreover, the

respondents see Facebook advertisements showing the positive reviews of the products as

extremely effective so they would love to purchase them. Also, the way how Facebook

advertisement entertains them is more likely effective. Lastly, the respondents considered

Facebook advertisement, to be effective in such a way that its content is more on familiar brands.

Accordingly, based on the gathered data, Facebook advertisement is found to be

effective towards the customers` behavior in terms of buying product as it has a resulting mean

of 3.8 which is approximately equal to 4.

Chapter V

Summary, Finding, Conclusions and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations

derived from the result of the study.


The main objective of this study is to describe the level effectiveness of online

advertisement on customers’ behavior. The data was gathered through google forms with the

Grade 12 students of STI – General Santos as the respondents. The 75 research respondents were

drawn from 294 total population of grade 12 students of STI College General Santos.

This study answered several research questions that were given below:

1. What are the customers’ behavior in terms of buying?

2. What is the level of the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements to the customers’


3. What recommendation can be suggested to improve the utilization of Facebook


The study used a validated questionnaire developed by the researchers to determine

the level of effectiveness of online advertisement on Grade 12 students of STI College – General

Santos in school year 2020 - 2021. The researchers used a descriptive research design in order to

describe the relationship between Facebook advertisement and customer’s behavior. The

Statistical Treatment that the researchers used was Frequency Distribution, Percentage

distribution, and Likert Scale were used. To get the results of the gathered data, the researchers

used central tendency; median and mode.



Based on the results of the study, the following findings were drawn.

1. The respondent affirmed that they always consider their needs, the price of the

product as well as its positive reviews in. At Sometimes, the respondents behave

according to how entertaining an advertisement is. Respondents often consider

themselves buying a product based on its Brand Familiarity.

2. Facebook advertisement is found to be effective towards the customers` behavior in

terms of buying product as it has a resulting mean of 3.8 which is approximately

equal to 4.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. The respondents always consider their needs, the price of the product, as well as its

positive reviews in purchasing a product.

2. Based on the data presented, Facebook advertisement is effective towards customers’

buying behavior.

3. There is a significant relationship between Facebook advertisement and customers’



Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were given.

1. Customers may use Facebook advertisement as a reference when it comes to purchasing a


2. Businesses may utilize Facebook when it comes to marketing their product to gain more


3. Facebook is a good platform to survey trendy products as a reference for starting business

or future business owners.

4. Businesses that utilize Facebook may provide their customers with quality products to get

positive reviews from their customers.

5. Facebook advertisers may improve their advertisement’s information and design to catch

more attention.

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Appendix A



J. Catolico Avenue, Lagao General Santos City

May 2021

Dear Respondents,

We humbly invite you to participate in a research study titled “ THE


Firstly, we would like to thank you for giving us some of your time to fill up this
questionnaire. We are the student of STI College General Santos and we are conducting a survey
to know the impact of facebook utilized instrument for advertising during the pandemic which
need informational responses.

All information collected will remain private and confidential and would serve as academic
purposes only.

We appreciate your time in answering this survey. Thank you


The Researchers

Appendix B


This questionnaire was developed and polished by Crisostomo in 2021 at STI

College of General Santos and has been recurrently certified in the literature.
The data gathered in this survey diary will be used solely for the purpose of academic

research merely. The survey will be conducted by the researchers of STI College General Santos.

The data of the participant will linger intimate and may choose to withdraw this survey

at anytime. No harm will transpire to any of the participants.  

(Please sign the attached agreement form below if you choose to partake in the work.) 


I have read and apprehend all the information written above. My contribution in the

survey is voluntary and I am enthusiastic to share the essential data for the survey.  


Participant’s Signature 

Appendix C

Research Questionnaire

Instruction: Check the items that corresponds your answer.

Part 1. Respondent’s Demographic Profile

1. Name (optional)
Part 2. Questions

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. I buy product based on

my needs.

2. I buy product based on its


3. I buy products with

positive reviews.

4. I buy product when I find

the advertisement
5. I buy product that has a
familiar brand.

Always Often Sometimes Never

1. Most of my personal
needs can be found on
Facebook advertisements
where I can easily make a
purchase appointment.
2. Facebook allows me to
get the price information
that is reasonable enough.
3. When buying a product
on Facebook, I make sure
that it has positive
reviews from other
4. After watching the
advertisement that
entertains me, I consider
buying the product.
5. Facebook advertises more
familiar brands, which
catches my attention.
Appendix D

Rating of the Researchers’ Instrument

Name of Validator: Marlon Rosas
Instructions: To the evaluator, please check the appropriate box for your ratings. 

Scale: 5- Excellent              4- Very Good               3- Good              2- Fair                   1- Poor 

5 4 3 2 1

Remarks: ______________________________________________
_______Marlon Rosas______ 
Signature Over Printed Name 

Appendix F




J. Catolico Avenue, Lagao General Santos City



This is to certify that I have thoroughly reviewed the statistical treatment and
analysis thesis of Hannah Caburi, Shaina Erika S. Crisostomo, Jirah Mae Cuaton, Yawsha
R. Dalandas, Wency Joyce R. Doncillo, Thea Gwenn Lacson, Princes Joy Lague, Nikki
Mangubat, & Ike Rombo Jr. titled “The Effectiveness of Utilizing Facebook
Advertisements on Customers’ Behavior Among Grade 12 students of STI General Santos”
and found that it has complied with the standards and acceptable statistical procedures.

This certification is issued this 1st day of June, 2021 at the STI General Santos
College, General Santos City.

Marlon Rosas s
Accredited Statistician

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Hannah Mae M. Caburi

Address: Phase 1, Blk 5, Lot 49, G. Silang St.
Donya Soledad Subdivison Barangal Labangal GSC
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09977827412
Email Address: [email protected]

• To use my abilities and skills that can help the company to be
successful and also to help and share my knowledge to other

Name of School: Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2013-2014
Junior High School
Name of School: General Santos City National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• Diligent
• Active Listener
• Determined
• Motivator
Name: Shaina Erika S. Crisostomo
Address: Cloma Street Silway San Vicente,
Brgy. Dadiangas West, G.S.C.
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09055698430
Email Address: [email protected]

• To obtain a position as a Registered Nurse in a clinical setting. Hoping to bring my
extensive experience working with various medical and software tools to a growing and
developing practice and aiming to reach my goal of increasing efficiency and providing crisis
management solutions to an emergency room setting

Name of School: Dadiangas West Central Elementay School
Year Graduated: 2014-2015
Junior High School
Name of School: General Santos City SPED Integrated School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• Patient
• Time Management
• Positive Thinker
Name: Jirah May M. Cuaton
Address: Prk13, 37ib blk1 brgy fatima uhaw GSC
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09076915089
Email Address: [email protected]

• social media marketing helps entrepreneurs to make their jog easier, you can promote
your product/service easier and it can be seen by thousand people nation wide

Name of School: Nasa Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2014-2015
Junior High School
Name of School: Fatima National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• Know how to manage time
• Can able communicate team works
• Combative
Name: Yawsha R. Dalandas
Address: Brgy Fatima Uhaw Prk. 16 blk. 05
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09500950382
Email Address: [email protected]

• use my strengths and actions through my skills and abilities as an individual and be
given the opportunity to share my ability and knowledge.

Name of School: Fatima Central Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2014-2015
Junior High School
Name of School: Fatima National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• Active listening
• Communication
• Flexible
• Time Management
• Motivator
Name: Wency Joyce R. Doncillo
Address: Prk. 10, Phase 2 Lanton Apopong General Santos City
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09156915186
Email Address: [email protected]

• Looking to obtain a position in the airline industry with a company that extend
opportunities for growth and advancement where I can best utilize they skills as a gain
experience and where my warm and accommodating personality can best serve to customer.

Name of School: Lanton Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2014-2015
Junior High School
Name of School: General Santos City National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• Empathy
• Caring and Understanding
• Professional and responsible
• Friendly
Name: Thea Gwenn Lacson
Address: Agan Grandville Block 6 lot 32 City heights general
santos city
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09197537234
Email Address: [email protected]

• To acquire a job position where my skills are utilized and a job that will help me grow
and prosper as part of the labor force.

Name of School: Dadiangas South central elementary school
Year Graduated: 2014-2015
Junior High School
Name of School: Fatima National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• resourceful
• diligent
• determined
• Adaptive
Name: Princess Joy P. Lague
Address: Purok13, Panaghiusa Brgy. Mabuhay, G.S.C
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09073532619
Email Address: [email protected]

• To be part of a company that indulges professional growth which provides challenging
and rewarding career while allowing me to utilize my knowledge and skills.

Name of School: Baganian Peninsula Learning Center, Zamboanga Del Sur
Year Graduated: 2013-2014
Junior High School
Name of School: Lagao National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021


• Collaboration
• Active Listener
• Motivator
Name: Nikki D. Mangubat
Address: Agan North Phase 4, Barangay San Isidro GSC
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09475715327
Email Address: [email protected]

• I am seeking a Company where I can use my experience and education to help the
company meet and surpass its goals. I want to excel in this field with hard work, perseverant and

Name of School: Nasipang Rizal Zamboanga Del Norte
Year Graduated: 2014-2015
Junior High School
Name of School: Lagao National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021

• Time management
• Collaboration
• Active Listening
• Communication
• Adaptability
Name: Ike B. Rombo Jr.
Address: Prk. Magkaisa Brgy. Tuyan, Malalapatan, Sarangani
Tel. No./Mob. No: 09155518245
Email Address: [email protected]

• To use my skills and abilities that can help the company improve and also to be
successful and I’m also willing to share my knowledge to the company.

Name of School: Tuyan Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2013-2014
Junior High School
Name of School: Lun Padidu National High School
Year Graduated: 2018-2019
Senior High School
Name of School: STI College-General Santos
Year Graduated: 2020-2021


• Diligent
• Active Listener
• Determined
• Motivator

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