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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

9 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 3 – Module 5
Recognizing the Uses of Verbals

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
English – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 5: Recognizing the uses of Verbals
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Edna A. Natividad, MAELS
Editors: Rosalie M. Alvarez, EdD
Entizar A. Ibrahim, MAEd
Jamwhell V. Ortiz, MATESP

Reviewer: Valeria Fides G. Corteza, PhD

Layout Artist: Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd
Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, EdD
Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD
Aida Coyme, EdD

Philippinesby ________________________
Department of Education – Region
EducationRegion IX –IXZamboanga Peninsula
Office Address: ____________________________________________
Office Address: Pres. Corazon C. Aquino Regional Government
Center, Balintawak, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del
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What I Need to Know

It is important to determine the uses of gerunds, infinitives, and participles known as

verbals in English grammar. They look like verbs, but they don't actually function as verbs.
Verbals are formed from verbs but are used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. They differ from
verbs because:
a. verbs can make a complete sentence while verbals cannot;
b. verbs can change person and number while verbals cannot.
There are three (3) kinds of verbals: infinitive, gerund, and participle.
This module will guide and enable you to learn about the definition of each verbal, its
uses in sentences, and write sentences using each of the verbals correctly. Verbals may be
confusing, especially between gerunds and participles, particularly the present participles, for
they are both written alike ending in –ing. But upon knowing a distinct function or use of each
of them, you will come to learn how they differ in their uses and eventually master how to write
sentences using gerunds, infinitives, and participles correctly.
This module is done for you to understand the uses of verbals in sentences. It provides
you an individual lesson, and it also presents a range of activities for each verbal for you to
work on.

In this module, you are expected to:

a. identify the three types of verbals;
b. define gerunds, infinitives, and participles;
c. determine the uses of gerunds, infinitives, and participles in sentences; and
d. write sentences using gerunds, infinitives, and participles correctly.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following sentences contains a gerund?

A. The price of prime commodities keeps on increasing.
B. Each household head needs to learn how to prioritize needs over wants in the family.
C. Teaching a child to save money is a good habit.
D. Both a & c

2. How is the underlined word used in this sentence?

Lorna's hobby, baking, is known in her neighborhood.
A. Direct object C. Subject
B. Subject appositive D. Object of the preposition

3. How is the underlined word used in this sentence?
Obeying our parents and elders is a safe thing to do.
A. Direct object C. Subject
B. Subject appositive D. Object of the preposition

4. Which of the following will complete the meaning of the sentence below using an
infinitive phrase? My dream is ______________________.
A. very costly C. finally fulfilled
B. to travel abroad D. seeing my students finish their studies

5. ___________________________, we need to eat balanced meals.

A. To be active C. To be smart
B. To be presentable D. To be healthy

6. How is the underlined word used in this sentence?

Motivating words are like music to a person's failure.
A. Adverb C. Noun
B. Adjective D. Verb

7. Which among the sentences below is correctly written?

A. Stopping the music, the announcer gave the weather report.
B. The announcer gave the weather report stopping the music.
C. The music stopped when the weather report was given.
D. The announcer gave the weather report as he stops the music.

1 Gerunds
Gerunds are verb forms ending in –ing (v + ing) used as nouns. They are identical to the present
participle in form but differ in function. A gerund plus a word or words makes gerund phrases.

Examples of gerunds: speaking jogging skimming

listening jumping reading
Gerund phrase: speaking to elders listening to music
skimming the text reading novels

What Is It
A gerund or gerund phrase functions as Sentences
nouns. They can be used as:
Subject of the sentence Reading is a very productive hobby.
Subjective complement or a predicate noun Studying is searching for the
Subject verb predicate noun

Direct object My sister Lucia dislikes eating
Subject Verb Direct object

Object of the preposition He was reprimanded for

Subject Verb Preposition
writing on the classroom wall.
Object of the preposition
Subject appositive My mother's passion, painting, makes
Subject Appositive Verb
her happy and fulfilled.

What's In
Activity 1. Gerunds
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct use of the
underlined gerund in each of the sentences, then write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. Attaining good grades is most of the students' goal.

a. Direct object c. Subjective complement
b. Subject appositive d. Subject of the sentence

2. Eloisa prioritizes studying over other activities that a teenager usually

a. Direct object c. Object of the preposition
b. Subject appositive d. Subject of the sentence

3. Her priority is studying and submitting requirements on time.

a. Direct object c. Subject appositive
b. Subjective complement d. Subject of the sentence

4. Her hobby, reading, enriches her vocabulary, and expands her learning
a. Object of the preposition c. Subject appositive
b. Subjective complement d. Subject of the sentence

5. Just like Eloisa, everyone must exert efforts in studying to attain

his/her goal.
a. Subjective complement c. Subject appositive
b. Direct object d. Object of the preposition

2 Infinitives
Infinitives are verbals introduced by the preposition to + simple or base form of the verb.
They are used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. When used as a noun, it functions as a
subject, predicate nominative/predicate noun, direct object, object of a preposition and
as appositive.

Examples of Infinitives: to respect to observe to travel

to be to wear to take
Infinitives phrase: to respect parents to observe silence
to be a contestant to wear a smile

What Is It
1. Infinitive used as a noun Sentences
As subject To wear a smile when upset is difficult.
subject verb
As predicate nominative/predicate noun To obey is to listen.
subject verb predicate noun
As direct object My friend likes to paint about nature.
subject verb direct object
As object of a preposition Because he is new to the school and has
no one to talk to, Carlos was about
subject verb prep.
to transfer to other school where his
object of the preposition
previous classmates are.

As appositive His father gave him a choice,

subject verb direct object
to learn to adjust.

2. Infinitive used as an adjective

The first persons to know about
subject adjective
his/her child behavior are the parents.
3. Infinitive used as an adverb
They are responsible to look after
subject verb adjective adverb
their children's well-being specially when
they are at home.

What's In
Activity 2. Infinitives
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Identify the use of the underlined infinitives in
each of the sentences. Write N if it is used as a noun, Adj if is used as an adjective and
Adv if it is used as an adverb. Answer this on a separate sheet of paper.

_____ 1. The Ocampo's family plan to spend this Christmas away from
_____ 2. Danilo's suggestion is to go mountain climbing;
_____ 3. while his sisters prefer to go to Boracay.
_____ 4. Their parents called for a meeting to talk about their decision.
_____ 5. Since all of them cannot settle on a common decision, their
parents opted to spend time with them at home.

3 Participles

Participles are verbal adjectives. They are used to describe nouns and pronouns.
There are two (2) kinds of participles: the present participle and the past participle.

What Is It
a. The present participle is formed by Examples:
adding the suffix –ing to the present tense motivate - motivating comfort -
of the verb. comforting

motivating factor ; comforting words

*My family is my motivating factor to work

b. The past participles of regular verbs are Examples:
formed by adding -d or –ed to the present mark – marked – marked
tense of the verbs. identify - identified - identified

marked – marked items

identified - identified object

*Only those marked items are for sale.

c. The past participles of some irregular Examples:
verbs are the same as their present tense and read – read - read
past tense forms. cut – cut - cut

read – read article

cut – cut score

*My friend is still grateful to know that he
was able to make it even to the cut score.
d. The past participles of some irregular Examples:
verbs are the same as their past tense form. steal – stole - stolen
build – built - built

stole - stolen identity

built – built relationship

*The man is on the run because of his stolen
e. The past participles of some irregular Examples:
verbs change their forms or spellings. fall – fell – fallen
break– broke – broken

fallen – fallen star

broken - broken glass

*She was able to step on the broken glass

What's In
Activity 3. Participles as describing words
Directions: Read the paragraph carefully then fill out the table with the participle on column A
and on the Column B write the word it modifies on a separate sheet of paper.

I always look forward to the breaking dawn and the rising sun. Anticipating of what
lies ahead, I decided to take a stroll to a nearby park just in time the sun started to show up.
Oh! how I love listening to the rustling leaves of trees, the chirping birds on sturdy branches
excitingly welcomes the new day. As the cooling breeze touches my face, it sends a little
chill but I still keep on walking. From quite a far, I was caught with a group of flowering
weeds, so I walked towards them and was surprised to have smelled a pleasant fragrance
from the newly bloomed petals. I sat on the meadow for a while and reflected on that even
weeds have a unique shared beauty which most often left unnoticed.
Original composition

Column A Column B
Examples: Anticipating of what lies ahead I
breaking dawn
1. _____________________________ 1. _____________
2. _____________________________ 2. _____________
3. _____________________________ 3. _____________
4. _____________________________ 4. _____________
5. _____________________________ 5. _____________
6. _____________________________ 6. _____________
7. _____________________________ 7. _____________

What's New

Since face- to- face teaching and learning is not yet allowed, we are given options by
the Department of Education to go for distance learning modalities. Some schools chose
the modular distance learning while others chose to go for online digital learning. With
this latter platform, students and teachers have to observe some rules. Do you know the
netiquettes? or Are you aware of them?

Activity - Infinitives in the real sense

Directions: Complete the following sentences using infinitives. Write the sentences in full
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. When attending an online virtual class, it is necessary to


2. When you like to participate in the virtual class, you have to


3. When the teacher is still discussing the lessons, it is polite to


4. When you would like to ask questions, it is important to


5. When you were not able to attend the online class, it is proper to

What's More
Activity A. Gerunds
Directions: Read each statement carefully then choose the correct gerund to complete the
meaning of each of the sentences. Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of
paper in all of these provided activities.
1. (A. Researching, B. Having researched, C. Being researched) is a skill that
entails a lot of readings from different reliable sources.
2. Some students enjoy (A. having spent, B. spending, C. being spent) time
3. Like my classmate Marlon, I congratulated him for (A. being won,
B. having been won, C. having won) first on an online research quiz bee.
4. His dream of (A. winning, B. having won, C. being won) on a national
event has come.
5. Moreover, we are proud of him for (A. having been, B. being,
C. have been) a good example for others.
6. Indeed, Marlon’s spending time in (A. playing, B. reading, C. dreaming)
proved to be productive.

Activity B. Infinitives
Directions: Complete the meaning of the following sentences by supplying the missing
*Rona is a typical teenager of today.
Example: She loves to attend parties.
1. She prefers ______________________________________________.
2. She enjoys ______________________________________________.
3. She tries ________________________________________________.

Activity C. Participles
Directions: Answer each question in two ways by using the present and past participles of
the underlined verb.
Example: Did the games amuse you?

A. Yes, they were rather amusing.

B. Right. I was rather amused.
1. Did the proposition in the debate interest you?
A. _____________________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________________
2. Did the news surprise you?
A. _____________________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________________

What I Have Learned
Activity 1 - Be the Judge!
Directions: Read each statement carefully and decide whether each of them is true or false
about gerunds, infinitives, and participles. Write the word YES if the statement is true and NO
if otherwise on a separate sheet of paper.
____ 1. Gerunds, infinitives, and participles are called verbals because they are
like verbs in structure but not in function.

____ 2. Gerunds and participles are similar in structure.

____ 3. The two forms of participles are the present participle and past
participles. Both of them are used as adjectives in sentences.

____ 4. Infinitives are always preceded by the preposition to plus the simple form
or base form of the verb. They are used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs
in sentences.

____ 5. Gerunds always end in –ing and are used as nouns only in sentences.

Activity 2 – Describe me!

Directions: Turn the following into participial phrases by providing a present or past participle
before the given nouns. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Examples: converted formula promising future

1. _______________________ hope
2. _______________________ comments
3. _______________________ answer
4. _______________________ project
5. _______________________ marks
6. _______________________ community
7. _______________________ message
8. _______________________ guest
9. _______________________ clothes
10. ______________________ words

What I Can Do

Education at this time of the pandemic is considered a right, but it has become more of
a privilege. The Department of Education disclosed that almost 4 million Filipino students
could not enroll themselves this school year from elementary, high school, and college-level
because of a financial crisis. There was a drop of more than 25% over the enrollment figure of
the previous school year. Some students, especially those in college, opted to look for a job to
help their families meet both ends and, at the same time, save an amount for them to enroll next
school year.
You must be grateful because you can continue your studies despite the difficulties that
we are into.

Activity - A quotable Quote!

Directions: Construct a quote on the importance of Education using any of the verbals and post
it on your timeline. Write this also on a separate sheet of paper.
Example: "Ignorance consumes those who cease to learn."

Test I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

____ 1. Which of the following sentences contains a gerund that functions as

an object of the preposition?
A. I love playing the guitar during my spare time.
B. Trees contribute to our comfort by giving us shade and fresh air.
C. It is fun flying kites during summer.
D. Her aim, joining the basketball league, came true.

____ 2. How is the underlined phrase used in this sentence?
• Mother loves cooking than gardening.
A. Subject of the sentence C. Direct object
B. Subjective complement D. Object of the preposition

____ 3. Which of the following sentences contains infinitives used as an adjective?

A. He does not want to come to school late.
B. She called to inform me about the meeting.
C. We don't just live to be served but to also serve.
D. It is every student's responsibility to study well.

____ 4. My father was upset about his lost wallet. How is the underlined word
used in the sentence?
A. Noun C. Adverb
B. Adjective D. Verb

____ 5. Which of the following sentences is incorrect?

A. The waiter dressed in a white jacket served the fish.
B. The waiter served the fish dressed in a white jacket.
C. The fish is served by the waiter dressed in a white jacket.
D. Dressed in a white jacket, the waiter served the fish.

____ 6. It really takes time to mend a _________ heart.

A. disappointing C. longing
B. lonely D. broken

____ 7. It is not only our potentials that are tapped when we study but also our
A. inner thoughts C. patterned behavior
B. hidden talents D. true characters

____ 8. Since Matha’s mother has been working abroad for five years now, she
hopes ______________ her this summer.
A. to see C. to hug
B. to be D. to bond

____ 9. One of the biggest struggles of a student is ________________.

A. losing a friend
B. holding on to his/her parents' high expectations
C. being untrue to himself/herself
D. getting a low score on a quiz

____ 10. He was called to explain his poor performance in class. How is
the infinitive used in this sentence?
A. Noun C. Adverb
B. Adjective D. Verb

Additional Activities

A. Stand by me!
Directions: Write a sentence using the following participial phrases. Make sure that the
participial phrase modifier is placed as near as possible to the word it modifies. Answer
this activity on a separate sheet of paper.
1. flying colors

2. fulfilled dream

3. broken promises

4. misspelled words

5. solicited items

B. Manners count!
Directions: Complete the following sentences using infinitives. Write your answers
completely on a separate sheet of paper.
1. When attending a meeting, it is necessary to ________________________________.
2. When coming to class late, it is courteous to ________________________________.
3. When eating at the canteen, it is proper to __________________________________.
4. When we are at fault, it is proper to _______________________________________.
5. When talking to elders, it is proper to
6. When entering a comfort room, it is advisable to _____________________________.
7. When one is assigned to hold the classroom’s key, it is advisable to
8. When invited to attend a party, it is advisable to _____________________________.
9. When watching a school program, it is necessary to __________________________.
10. When borrowing things from others, it is proper to ___________________________.

Answer Key

*Answers may vary
B. Right. I was rather
What’s New
10. C interesting.
7. shared beauty
9. B 1. A. Yes, It was 7. A
6. booming petals 1-3. Answers may vary
8. A 6. B
5. flowering weeds Infinitives and Participles
7. B 5. D
4. cooling breeze 6. B
6. D 4. B
3. chirping birds 5. B surprised.
5. B 3. C
2. rustling leaves
4. B 4. A rather 2. B
1. rising sun
3. D 3. C B. Right. I was 1. D
Column A B
2. C 2. B was surprising. What I Know
1. B 1. A 2. A. Yes, it
5. D 5. Adv
I. Multiple Choice Gerunds Continuation
4. C 4. Adj
Assessment What's More
3. B 3. Adv
2. A 2. N
1. D 1. Adj
Gerunds B. Answers may vary
What’s In A. Answers may vary
Additional Activities

Activity 2. Answers may vary

*Answers may vary Activity 1. YES 2. NO 3. YES 4. YES 5. YES
What I Can Do What I Have Learned


Prentice Hall, Grammar and Composition 2, Fourth Edition 1982, Prentice Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

Gordon, Eugenia R. et al. English Expressways III, 2007, SD Publications, Inc. Quezon City,
Philippines, pp.147, 160-161.

Gabriel, Josefina Payawal and Edda Manikan-Martires. English III. 2003, Saint Bernadette
Publications, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines, pp. 243-246, 254,259, 268-269

News Article
CNN Philippines, "DepEd official: Close to 4 million learners did not enroll for
next school year due to COVID-19 crisis" August 12, 2020. Accessed
December 9, 2020,

Development Team

Writer: Edna A. Natividad, MAELS

Regional Science High School IX
Zamboanga City

Editors/QA: Rosalie M. Alvarez, EdD

Entizar A. Ibrahim, MAEd
Jamwhell V. Ortiz, MATESP

Reviewer: Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD

Education Program Supervisor

Layout Artist: Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd

Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, EdD
Valeriafides G. Corteza, PhD
Aida Coyme, EdD


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