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MBA Syllabus
Rajasthan Technical University,




S. No. Course Paper Paper Title No of Sessions Credits Internal External/ Total
Type Code / Minimum
Per Per Minimu Marks
Semester Week m
Theory Courses : Dual Specialization is proposed: Six Subjects (Three from each group) The
student will get specialized in two Majors.
1 PEC1 24 2 3 30/12 70/28 100
2 PEC2 24 2 3 30/12 70/28 100
3 PEC3 24 2 3 30/12 70/28 100
4 PEC4 24 2 3 30/12 70/28 100
5 PEC5 24 2 3 30/12 70/28 100
6 PEC6 24 2 3 30/12 70/28 100
7 MCC Audit Course 12 1 0 30 70 100*
8 PEC M-417 Major Lab (Functional Area I) 24 2 1 60/30 40/20 100
9 PEC M-418 Major Lab (Functional Area II) 24 2 1 60/30 40/20 100
10 REW M-419 Project Work 48 4 3 100
11 SODECA Social Outreach, Discipline & Extra - 100/40 100
Curriculum Activities
Total for IV Semester 252 21 23 330 670 1000

*Note: Marks of audit course will not be considered for credit purpose

List of Functional Areas for MBA (Fourth Semester)

S. No. Subject Code Subject Title
Semester IV
1 M-410 Financial Derivatives
2 M-411 Financial System, Institutions and Instruments
3 M-412 Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
4 M-413 Behavioural Finance

S. No. Subject Code Subject Title
Semester IV
1 M-420 Consumer Behavior
2 M-421 Services Marketing
3 M-422 International Marketing Management
4 M-423 Rural Marketing
5 M-424 Digital and Social Media Marketing
6 M-425 Customer Relationship Management


S. No. Subject Code Subject Title
Semester IV – Electives
1 M-430 Employee Relations & Labour Laws
2 M-431 Performance Management System
3 M-432 Cross Cultural Human Resource Management
4 M-433 Human Resource Analytics


IV Semester
1 M-440 Supply Chain and Logistics Management
2 M-441 Project Management
3 M-442 Service Operations Management
5 M-443 Technology Management


S. No. Subject Code Subject Title
IV Semester
1 M- 450 Software Project Management
2 M- 451 Managing Digital Innovation and Transformation
3 M- 452 Artificial Intelligence for Managers
4 M- 453 Emerging Technologies in Data Base Management

S. No. Subject Code Subject Title
IV Semester
1 M- 460 Data Mining for Business Decisions
2 M- 461 Data Visualization for Managers
3 M- 462 Business Forecasting
4 M- 463 Functional Analytics

M-417 Major Lab (Functional Area I)

M-418 Major Lab (Functional Area II)

(The guidelines for the Major Lab Functional Area I & Functional Area II are common for III & IV Semester )

Finance (Group A)

Course Objectives: 1. To understand the financial industry milieu.

2. To gain practical exposure to understand
intricacies of the financial sector.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will be able to use finance software for
day to day trading and other financial applications.
2. Students will be able to comprehend and provide
solution to the financial aspects of a company.
3. Students will have knowledge about fund raising
from different sources and they will be able to
analyze whether M&A for a company will be useful.

S.No. Component Assessment

1. Practical Component/ Field Based Assignments
Title/Activity 1. Conduct a study on Algorithmic
Trading (AT) by gathering data from
individuals/ trading firms using it.
Prepare a feasibility report as to what
extent the AT is useful in earning
profits. Study and document different
software available on AT and AT
trading strategies.
Manual and
2. Conduct a study of a broking firm Presentation
engaged in derivatives trading.
Analyse the trading of derivative
instruments in these firms. Also study
trading strategies adopted by these


Title/Activity 1. Analyse and prepare a report
on the monetary policy
measures adopted by the RBI
keeping in view liquidity
position of the money market
for past two years.
2. Prepare a report on the
financial instruments used by

the Indian Corporate sector for
both short term and long-term
fund raising. Highlight the
most popular financial
instruments used by the Indian
Title/Activity 1. Identify and analyze a case of
Merger/Substantial Acquisition
involving at least one Indian
company. Evaluate pre-merger and
post-merger on below mentioned
a) Share Market price momentum
and reactions
b) Position of Financial
statements in terms of the
consolidated values of the
c) Impact on EPS of the
d) Employee Base and Senior
Management Restructuring
e) Product Portfolio/Service
Portfolio offered
f) Competitive Landscape for the
companies Involved
g) Extent of Market/ Geographical
2. Analyse the facts of any one recent
case in which a company has acquired
a competitive start up. Analysis has to
be done in terms of, objectives,
valuation mechanism, financing
method used, capital restructuring,
expected outcome and actual post-
merger outcome.


Title/Activity 1. Conduct a survey of 50
respondents dealing in equity trading
to study biasness in buying and selling
decisions of shares.
2. Study and document a report on
market bubble events and the pre and
post market bubble reaction of
investors dealing in equity.

2. Hands on Practice 1.Eka's derivative trading Manual
on any one software. (IT Based)
Marketing Software 2.Derivagem.
4. DealRoom.
5.Resolution Software for
3. Book Reviews 1. Palak Shah(2020)The Presentation
Market Mafia: Chronicle of
India’s High-Tech Stock
Market Scandal & The Cabal
That Went Scot-Free, Notion
2. Alice Schroeder (2009),The
Snowball: Warren Buffett
and the Business of Life,
3. Don Tapscott, (2018),
Blockchain Revolution: How
the Technology Behind
Bitcoin and Other
Cryptocurrencies is
Changing the World,

Books Recommended
1. Donald De Pamphilis, Merger Acquisitions and Other Restructuring Activities,
Elsevier India , 9th
2. M.Y. Khan, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 9th Edition,
3. Rajiv Srivastava Derivatives & Risk Management, Oxford University Press,
second edition, 2014.
4. Edwin Burton and Sunit Shah, Behavioral Finance: Understanding the Social,
Cognitive, and Economic Debates, Wiley Finance, 2013.

Marketing (Group B)

Course Objectives: 1. To develop an appreciation and understanding

of the unique challenges inherent in managing
marketing efforts students will have hands on
experience on tools and strategies that address
these challenges.
2. To integrate the various psychological, social
and cultural concepts and build a useful
conceptual framework that would equip the
students for practical application of strategic
marketing decisions.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Gain knowledge, skills and competencies to
design marketing strategies in order to
manage a marketing programme efficiently.
2. Develop strong foundation of applied
knowledge, concepts and analytical skills for
effective marketing of products and services.
3. Foster critical thinking, analytical and problem-
solving skills in customer acquisition and

S.No. Component
1. Practical Component/ Field Based Assignments
Title/Activity 1. Conduct interview of around 50
respondents on their last three restaurant
visits and the situation in which they visited
the restaurant. What can you conclude
about the impact of the situation on their
consumption behaviour? Can you draw an
impact of the individual on consumer
2. Conduct Focus Group interview with your
batchmates on the issue of suggesting
improvements in any newly launched
product or service. As a researcher how
can you use the collected information
through this process and write a report on

Title/Activity 1. Develop a simple questionnaire designed to
measure the key components of customer
expectations(i.e., desired, adequate and
predicted service, the zone of tolerance,
etc). Conduct 10 interviews with key target
customers of a service of your choice to
understand the structure of their
expectations. Based on your findings,
develop recommendations for firms offering
this service.
2. Identify firms from three different service
sectors where the service environment is a
crucial part of the overall value proposition.
Analyse and explain in detail the value that
is being delivered by the service
environment in each of the three firms.
Title/Activity 1. Conduct a trade analysis for India and
identify country’s major trading partners.
Find out the impact of economic integration
on trade patterns and relate it with the
concept of scanning the international
economic environment.
2. Contact an office of a multinational firm in
your town and discuss with the company's
marketing manager about the different
research techniques and marketing
strategies adopted by them in different
countries. Identify the difference in
research techniques and marketing
strategies adopted in India vis a vis other
Title/Activity 1. Visit minimum of five retail stores in nearby
villages and understand the product
strategy, pricing strategy and distribution
strategy being adopted by FMCG marketers
for selling products like, soaps, shampoos,
tea, etc.
2. Choose one brand popular in Rural India and
Prepare a questionnaire covering 4A’s related
to the chosen brand and interview minimum 10
rural consumers and present your findings.

Title/Activity 1. Make a list of 20 Indian companies which
are using Internet extensively for marketing
and consumer engagement. List the
different Internet tools they use. Make a
note on how the companies benefitted from
the usage with reference to CRM, online
advertising, IMC, consumer segmentation,
sales and trade promotion.
2. Track the online presence of five product
brands. Trace how each brand has used the
online world to do the following:
a. Create a brand identity in the online
b. Generate brand salience and resonance
c. Develop brand personality
d. Develop consumer-brand relationship.
Title/Activity 1. As manager of a Media company engaged
in news broadcast, you are supposed to
conduct a study for designing a set of
programs and address related issues that
may build customer loyalty among your
viewers. What course of action would you
adopt and how would you carry out the
2. Conduct a study on Private Banks and make
a comparative study of the top three
players about their customer Retentions
2. Hands on Practice 1. Marketo Lead Management.
on any one 2. Five9 Virtual Call Centre.
software 3. Plan Plus Online.
4. Racker RMS CRM.
5. Digital Marketing Boot Camp
3. Book Review 1. Damodaran H. (2021), Broke to
(Any one) Breakthrough: The Rise of India's Largest
Private Dairy Company, Penguin Viking.
(India-Hatsun Agro).
2. Sitapati S. (2019), THE CEO FACTORY:
Management Lessons from Hindustan
Unilever, Juggernaut.
3. Piyush P.(2016), Pandeymonium, Penguin
Random House India (Indian ads and

Books Recommended
1. Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being, Pearson
Publication, (2020).
2. Jayanta Chatterjee Christopher Lovelock, & Jochen Wirtz, Services Marketing,
8/e Eighth Edition, Pearson Education(2020) .
3. Cateora R Philip & Graham L John: International Marketing, McGraw Hill; 18th
edition; (2019).
4. Pradeep Kashyap, Rural Marketing, Third Edition, ,Pearson Education India
(2016 ).
5. Aleksej Heinze, Gordon Fletcher, Tahir Rashid & Ana Cruz, Digital And Social
Media Marketing A Results-Driven Approach, Taylor and Francis publication,
6. Max Fatouretchi, The Art of CRM: Proven strategies for modern customer
relationship management, Packt Publishing, (2019).

Human Resource Management (Group C)

Course Objectives: 1. To provide opportunity to students to interact

with industry leaders & HR professionals and
learn through practical activities and
2. To imbibe research acumen and develop inter-
personal, analytical and cross-cultural skills in
Learning Outcomes: 1. Stimulate thinking on rationale behind the
laws and their enforcement problems.
2. Ability to understand and develop various
training and non training solutions to improve
employee performance.
3. Develop skills for effective diversity
management and ability to understand the
issues and challenges involved in managing a
diverse workforce

S.No. Component
1. Practical Component/ Field Based Assignments
Title/Activity 1. Locate a local unionized organization.
Interview both a manager and a union
employee to determine the level of satisfaction
each has with the employment relationship.
What type of union activity/inactivity
contributes to the position?
2. Investigate in depth any union in an
organization and examine its member base and
a recent activity. Does it appear that union has
become more or less effective in any way?
Title/Activity 1. Examine the methods used to monitor
employee performance in any five
organizations of your choice from at least two
different sectors.
2. Visit any organization of your choice to:
 Analyze the various performance criteria
(standards) established in the organization.
 Investigate the problems associated with
Performance Appraisal in the organization.
 Identify the characteristics of
Performance Management System of the
 Examine how appraisal interviews are
conducted in the organization.

Title/Activity 1. Identify a firm preferably an MNC and highlight
the strengths and weaknesses of workforce
diversity over there? Also discuss the firm’s
strategies to manage workforce diversity.
2. Also discuss the challenges faced by that MNC in
deploying employees from one country to another
and what strategies do they adopt in overcoming
those challenges.


Title/Activity 1. Identify the important HR metrics used in any
company of your choice.
2. Ask students to collect manpower data of your
institute and prepare HR Dashboards.

2. Hands on 1. Sentrifugo
Practice on any 2. WaypointHR
one software 3. Staff Squared
4. Teamdeck
5. Bitrix24
3. Book Review 1. HR Rising!!: From Ownership to Leadership
(Any one) Steve Browne
2. The HR Scorecard Brian Becker, Mark Huselid,
Dave Ulrich
3. Predictive HR Analytics: Mastering the HR Metric
Kirsten & Martin Edwards

Books Recommended:
1. Sinha, P. R. N., Sinha, I. B., & Shekhar, S. P. (2017). Industrial Relations, Trade
Unions and Labour Legislation. Pearson Education India.
2. Armstrong, M. (2020). Performance management: Key strategies and practical
3. Aswathappa, K., & Dash, S. (2020). International Human Resource
Management|. McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Bhattacharyya, D. K. (2017). HR Analytics: Understanding Theories and
Applications. SAGE Publications India Pvt Limited.

Operations & Supply Chain Management (Group D)

Course Objectives: 1. To develop analytical approach among students

regarding manufacturing related concepts and
2. To understand how Managers, take decisions –
strategic, tactical and operations - and how they
are taken in different areas of Operations &
Supply Chain Management.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will be able to Identify and Analyze
Business Models, Business Strategies and,
corresponding Competitive Advantage.
2. Students will be able to Formulate and
implement Warehouse Best Practices and
3. Students will be able to plan, Warehouse and
Logistics operations for optimum utilization of

S.No. Component
1. Practical Component/ Field Based Assignments
Title/Activity 1. Prepare a chart for Supply chain network of
petroleum, milk products, etc
2. Study of FMCG inventory management at any
retail warehouse/ retail mall.


Title/Activity 1. Study and prepare a report on Project Cost
Estimation Techniques for a manufacturing
2. Study and prepare a report for Project
Scheduling & Tracking Tools - An Overview
for a Construction Project


Title/Activity 1. Being a manager inventory in a retail sector
mall, analyse the FMCG items stocking
philosophy so that stock out condition and
expiration does not exists.
2. Being a Head of Marketing for a new fertilizer
plant, establish the SCM up to retailers,
keeping in mind that entire daily production is
distributed to retailers and also sold to the
customers on one day lead basis.

Title/Activity 1. Study and prepare a report for BPR for Motor
cycle vehicles for fuel efficiency design and
2. Study and analyse any two products of ITC or
HUL for its recognition as world class leaders
for lean manufacturer & 5S practice.

2. Hands on Practice Students must be given exposure to some of the

on any one following Softwares:
software 1. Forecasting software,
2. PLM,
3. Prima Vera,
5. Mavenlink
3. Book Review 1. Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & supply
(Any one) chain management. Pearson Uk.
2. Slack, N., Chambers, S., & Johnston, R.
(2010). Operations management. Pearson
3. Gaither Norman., Frazier Greg (2015),
Operations Management, Cengage Learning.

Books Recommended:
1. Russell, R. S., & Taylor-Iii, B. W. (2008). Operations management
along the supply chain. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Harrison, F., & Lock, D. (2017). Advanced project management: a structured
approach. Routledge.
3. Parker, D. (2012). Service operations management: the total experience.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
4. Narayanan, V. K. (2001). Managing technology and innovation for competitive
advantage. Pearson Education India.

Information Technology Management (Group E)

Course Objectives: 1. Prepare students to meet their needs within an

organizational and societal context through selection,
creation, application, integration and administration of
computing technologies.
2. Prepare students to become skilled in Artificial
Intelligence, Internet and Web technologies, and
project management, and have a strong grasp of
business concepts and technical communications.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Develop skills for observing, analyzing and
understanding how the role of digital technology is
rapidly shifting, from being a driver of marginal
efficiency to being an enabler of innovation.
2. Utilize interpersonal skills to negotiate and
communicate effectively with both technical and non-
technical stakeholders verbally and in writing.
3. Comprehend how technological transformation has
enabled business to remodel their own resources, their
relationship with consumers and the services they

S.No. Component
1. Practical Component/ Field Based Assignments
Title/Activity 1. Develop a project for a company which explains
the risks for their on going projects on and also
develop a risk mitigation strategy and activities for
the risks mentioned for the project.
2. Visit any manufacturing company to develop a task
network for the upcoming or currently ongoing
projects. Establish milestones for the project.
Define the critical path for the network using
project management tools.


Title/Activity 1. The students have to pick one company/industry
that deploys any of the technology enablers such
as Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine
Learning/IoT/Block Chain Technology or any other
related aspect(s). For example Amazon uses AI to
anticipate when an ad has value; Google uses
natural language processing to automate
translation. For this assignment, choose a
company that uses any of the above mentioned

technology enablers in a creative way to derive
value creation, value capture, or its operating
model. You may focus on the use of technology
enabler(s) as a service, or as an enhancement of
a process for some part of its business.
2. Students should use customer-level data of actual
customer purchases offline and online to track
changes in consumer behaviour over time due to
digital or technological transformation. The
students have to make use of two industries of
different domains like pharmacy and grocery or
cosmetics and clothing etc. This project
contributes to Omni channel retailing by offering a
way to understand changes in customer
behaviours over time
Title/Activity 1. Students should visit companies which deal in real
estate and see their datasets. The dataset for this
project might contain the prices of houses in
different areas of the city, construction cost,
prices of flats etc. Similar datasets may be studied
from sites like the UCI Machine Learning
Repository. On the basis of the data obtained
predict the selling price of a new home in a
particular city.
2. Students who are planning to work in the finance
sector, this project can help them get a great
insight into different sections of the sector. They
need to visit corporates dealing with share market
and see its working and collect data. They can get
different kinds of data sets. The feedback cycles
of the stock market are short, so it helps in
validating predictions. You can try to predict 6-
month price movements of a stock by using the
data you get from the organization’s provided
reports in this AI project.
Title/Activity 1. Analyze database requirements for a
departmental store. Visit different departments
such as grocery, confectionery, cosmetics,
clothing, bakery, crockery etc. to gather
requirements. Record the business requirements
and document them. On the basis of the
requirements gathered, draw entity relationship
diagram(s) and design a normalized database for
the software for automation of the inventory and
billing process of the store.

2. Survey the types of advanced database models
applied in different domains in organizations
working in your area of study. Generate a report
depicting the evolution, expanse and extent of
use of these databases.
2. Hands on Practice 1. Python
on any one 2. Click Up
software 3. 42OAI
4. A sana
5. Mycollab
3. Book Review 1. IT Project Management: Infamous Failures, Classic
(Any one) Mistakes, And Effective Practices: Top Reasons
Why Software Projects Fail Paperback – Import, 21
May 2021, by Bertram Rangel, Publisher:
Independently Published (21 May 2021)),
Paperback: pag 138 es
2. Artificial Intelligence: The Insights You Need from
Harvard Business Review (HBR Insights Series)
Paperback – Illustrated, 4 October 2019, by
Harvard Business Review, Thomas H. Davenport,
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press;
Illustrated edition (4 October 2019), Paperback:
pages 192
3. Neoskilling for Digital Transformation and the
Artificial Intelligence Revolution Paperback – 1
January 2018, by S. Ramachandran, Prof. L.

Books Recommended:
1. Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall “Software Project Management”,
6th Edition, McGraw Hill Edition, 2017.
2. Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, Lary Leifer, The Design Thinking Playbook:
Mindful Digital Trasformation of Teams, Product, Services, Businesses and
Ecosystems, Wiley, 2018.
3. Russell, S., Norvig, P. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Third
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010.
4. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, “Database Systems: A Practical Approach
to Design, Implementation, and Management, Addison Wesley, 6th Edition,

Business Analytics (Group F)

Course Objectives: 1. Gain an understanding of how managers use

business analytics to formulate and solve
business problems and to support managerial
decision making.
2. Learn how to use and apply tools to solve
business problems.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Interpret results/solutions and identify
appropriate course of action for a given
managerial problem or opportunity.
2. Apply practical experience in IT projects
developed through assessment projects for real
world clients focussing on technology auditing
and recommendations, and system development
3. Translate results of business analytic projects into
effective courses of action.

S.No. Component
1. Practical Component/ Field Based Assignments
Title/Activity 1. In this project, Students may use customer
level data of actual customer purchases offline
and online to perform association rule mining
on data sets. Explore various options available
for preprocessing data and apply different
discretization filters on numerical attributes on
association rule algorithm. Study the
generated rules. Derive interesting insights
and observe the effect of discretization in the
rule generation process. Students can gather
data from two different industries of different
2. Students will collect data from one company/
Industry; identify the requirement of
regression analysis on specific parameters.
Use Regression analysis using Excel or other
data mining tool to derive probabilistic
conclusions about any event by analysis of
historical data. Data trees and linear
regressions are some data mining algorithms
which must be used.

Title/Activity 1. Collect data from a company to analyze
customer behavior. Data should contain
browsing history and customer engagement
time, purchases in online stores, registering in
events, time to visit etc. Analyze the behavior
of customers using data visualization tools.
2. Visit the industry and discuss with
maintenance team regarding ‘looking for
insights’ part which are on the verge of break
down. Understand how maintenance team
helps the analytical team. Create a project
which describes the connections between
machinery failure and certain events that
trigger them, using data visualization tools
Title/Activity 1. The Students can pick one or more companies
working on marketing and promotion of
disposable tableware/ sanitizer / plastic
packaging material to forecast the
requirements and suggest changes in products
for manufacturing companies. For this
assignment, choose good marketing
companies, conduct surveys to collect data for
changes in existing one and new products.
Apply analysis tools and techniques for
prediction. IT tools may also be used for data
2. This project focuses on the use of smart
products and solar panels for rural/urban
India, the students should collect data for the
needs of smart mobile phones/ smart
televisions / solar panels /smart devices in
rural India. Students can use different
platforms for data collection like forms,
electronic shop sales data situated in
rural/urban areas, and some marketing
campaigns, etc. The customer-level data of
actual customers interested in smart devices
and the solar panel should be gathered.
Purchases both offline and online should be
included to track changes in customer
behavior over time due to digital or
technological transformations. The students
may make use of forecasting models and
apply various techniques learned in the course
for regression and errors.

1. Collect data from Financial Asset Management
Companies which have a portfolio management
system using which an investor can calculate the
Net Asset Value (NAV) of their investments in the
stock market. Identify types of assets, stocks and
mutual funds. Stock has a name, price and
quantity. Mutual funds have a name and a list of
stocks. Each investor of the firm has a named
portfolio. The investor can ask the portfolio
management system to get the NAV by invoking
the operation on portfolios to calculate the NAV
for his/her total investments that he/she made in
several stocks and mutual funds. Analyze the
portfolios using financial analytics tools.
2. Create HR Metrics dashboard for a company by
collecting data regarding monitoring human
capital, significant changes or development
within the teams, employee turnover and
employee retention.
2. Hands on Practice 1. Weka
on any one 2. Orange
software 3. Rapid Miner
4. Python
5. GapMinder
3. Book Review 1. Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on
(Any one) Making Informative and Compelling
Figures Paperback – 31 March 2019, by Claus O.
Wilke (Author), Publisher: Shroff/O'Reilly; First
edition,31 March 2019, Paperback: 392 pages
2. Winning in the Digital Age: Seven Building Blocks
of a Successful Digital Transformation Hardcover
– 24 February 2021, by Nitin Seth, Publisher:
Penguin Enterprise,24 February 2021, Penguin
Random House India, Hardcover: 544 pages
3. Bridgital Nation: Solving Technology's People
Problem Hardcover – 12 October 2019 by N.
Chandra sekaran, Roopa Purushothaman,
Publisher: Penguin Allen Lane, 12 October 2019,
Hardcover: 344 pages

Books Recommended:
1. Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts & Techniques”, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 3rd edition, 2002
2. Claus O. Wilke , “Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making
Informative and Compelling Figures”, 1st Edition, O Reilly Media, Inc., 2019
3. Michael Gilliland, Len Tashman, Udo Sglavo ,“Business Forecasting: Practical
Problems and Solutions”, Wiley, 2010

4. Shonna D. Waters, Valerie Streets, Lindsay McFarlane, Rachael Johnson-Murray,
“The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and
Empower HR Decisions”, 2018, Society For Human Resource Management.


Course 1. To increase proficiency in specific business disciplines; such

objectives: as human resource management, operations management,
marketing, accounting, analytics, economics, finance, and IT.
2. To develop and improve business skills in communication,
technology, quantitative reasoning, and teamwork.
Learning 1. Develop work habits communication, interpersonal & other
Outcomes : critical skills and attitudes necessary for job success.
2. Acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job
following program completion from college.
3. Demonstrate the ability to harness resources by analysing
challenges and considering opportunities.

The project work is real life short term corporate study. The candidate will be
allotted the project by the faculty of the institute in consultation with the
director/principal of the institute.
The problem identified during Projects study should pertain to student’s area of
specialization. It can be from any one area of specialization. The report will contain
the objectives and scope of the study. Research methodology, use, importance of
the study, analysis of data collected, conclusions and recommendations. It will
contain relevant charts, diagrams and bibliography.
A certificate by the Supervisor of the project certifying the authenticity of the report
shall be attached therewith. The student will submit two hard copies of the report to
the Head of the MBA program. An external examiner will be selected by the
Director/Principal of the institute from the panel of examiners, proposed by BOS and
approved by Dean, Faculty of Management Studies (FOMS). The concerned institute
will bear the traveling, remuneration, DA and other incidental expenditure of
external examiner with recourse to RTU.
There shall be regular internal assessment and a time line to be followed according
to the guidelines for project work. The guidelines for project work will be issued
Extra 10 days for Project work will be given to the students after their last
working day.

The guidelines for Project Work (M-419) during Fourth Semester MBA

Project work is an integral part of the academic curriculum of RTU MBA. It is an
initiative to bridge the gap between knowledge and its application through a series
of interventions that will enable students of RTU MBA program to gain insights and
exposure to the industry.
The Project Work has been positioned during fourth semester of the MBA program
as it serves the twin purpose of providing critical business insights to students as
well providing industry with graduates of a high caliber who are ready to get ahead
in the world from day one.

General Guidelines:
A. Nature of Project Work: The student will have to identify a Project Work in a
business enterprise that matches the student’s area of specialization. Project Work is
a combination of In-plant study and a research project. Students are expected to
study the functioning of an organization, identify a problem area and provide
suggestions to overcome the problems.
B. Duration of Project Work: The Project Work shall be done in fourth semester.
Students are expected to take up work such as identifying the organization,
finalization of topic and review of literature during the fourth semester and start the
Project Work immediately after this.
C. Guide: Internal guide of the Project Work is a full time faculty member working
in management department of respective institution with minimum of three years of
experience. External guide is from the business organization where the student is
carrying out his/her Project Work. Maximum of ten students can work under an
internal guide. Internal guide is expected to be in continuous interaction with
external guide during the course of the Project.
D. No two students of an institute shall work on the same problem in the same
E. Schedule to be followed before commencement of Project
Activity Time-line Remarks
Identifying the 1st week of 4th Student individually identifies an
Organization and semester. organization and identifies problem for
Problem his / her study, according to his / her
Identification interest
Problem Statement 2nd week of 4th His / her interests are discussed with
semester. selected guides
Research design 3rd week of 4th Discussion with internal guide to decide
semester. on suitable design for the research
Synopsis preparation 4th week of 4th Preparation of synopsis* incorporating
semester. the Objectives

Presentation of 5th week of 4th The student will present Synopsis with
synopsis semester. the detailed execution plan to the
Project committee** who will review
and may (a) approve, (b) approve with
modification or (c) Reject for fresh
Approval status 6th week of 4th The approval status is submitted to
semester. HOD who will officially give concurrence
for execution of the Project
*Synopsis: It is a 3 page document / hard copy to be submitted to the
HOD with the signatures of Guide and the Student.

Page 1 Title, contact addresses of student - with details of internal & External Guide
Page 2 Short Introduction with objectives and summary (300 words), Review of
articles/literature about the topic with source of information.
Page 3 Time-Activity Chart

**Composition of the Project committee

1. Director/HOD
2. Domain expert from the department
3. Internal Guide

F. Schedule to be followed during Project

Activity Time-line Remarks
Understanding 7th and 8th week Student should understand products/
structure, culture and of 4th semester. services and problems of the
functioning of the Organization.
Preparation of 9th and 10th week Discussion with the guide for finalization
research instrument of 4th semester. of research instrument in his/her
for data collection domain and present the same to the
guide.(First presentation)
Data collection 11th and 12th Data collected to be edited, coded,
week of 4th tabulated and presented to the guide
semester. for suggestions for analysis. (Second
Analysis and 13th and 14th Students must use appropriate and
finalization of report week of 4th latest statistical tools and techniques for
semester. analyzing the data (It is must to use
latest statistical packages whose results
should be shown in the report) (Third

Submission of report Final report should be submitted to the
university before one week of the
commencement of theory examination.

G. Evaluation:
Project work carries 100 marks consisting of 60 marks for internal
evaluation by the internal examiner, 40 marks for external evaluation by
external examiner through viva-voce examination.
The Project work Report comprises of 100 marks and will be evaluated by two
examiners (external and internal). The evaluation will consist of (1) Project Report
evaluation (2) Project Presentation and Viva Voce. The Project Report evaluation will
comprise of 60 marks and would be evaluated by internal project guide. The
Presentation and Viva Voce would comprise of 40 marks and would be evaluated by
two examiners (1 external and 1 internal).

Break-up of components for evaluation of Project Study Report

Components Mark
Interaction with Mentor/ faculty supervisor 10

Project daily-activity record 10

Project Report Internal Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria

SN Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
2 4 6 8
Evaluatio 1 Understanding of 60
n Criteria Objectives with
2 Understanding of
Reliance of topic
3 Interpretation &
4 Presentation
5 Query handling
Project Report External Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria
SN Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
2 4 6 8
1 Understanding of
Objectives with
Evaluatio 40
2 Understanding of
n Criteria
Reliance of topic
3 Interpretation &
4 Presentation
5 Query handling

The Project Work report shall be prepared using word processor Viz., MS word,
using Times New Roman font sized 12, on a page layout of A4 size with 1” margin
on all sides and 1.5 line spacing. The Project Work report shall not exceed 60-70

Formats for Project Report
 Format of Cover Page
 Format of certificate by College/Institution
 Format of Declaration Page
 Format of Contents
 Format of List of Tables and Charts
 Format of Bibliography
I. Submission of report:
Students should submit the Project Work report in Hard copy (hard bound) and
electronic data form also in PDF file (Un-editable format) to the Institute one week
before the commencement of the examination.
J. Publication of research findings:
Students are expected to present their research findings in seminars / conferences /
technical fests or publish their research work in journals in association with their
internal examiner. Appropriate weightage should be given to this in the
internal evaluation of the project report.
Contents of the Project Report
Cover page
A certificate from the Organization (Scanned copy of the certificate)
A certificate from the guide, HOD and Head of the Institution (Scanned copy of the
certificate) indicating the bonafide performance of Project by the student.
Declaration (Scanned copy of the declaration) – An undertaking by the student to
the effect that the work is independently carried out by him/her.

Acknowledgement Table of contents

List of Tables and Graphs Executive summary
Chapter 1 Introduction: Introduction about the Project, Topic chosen for study,
Need for the study, Objectives of the study, Scope of the study, Methodology
adopted, Literature review and Limitations of the study
Chapter 2: Industry profile and company profile: (Promoters, Vision, Mission &
Quality Policy, Products / Services profile, Areas of Operation, Infrastructure
facilities, Competitors’ information, SWOT analysis, Future growth and prospects and
Financial Statement
Chapter 3: Theoretical background of the study – elaborative information on the
subject chosen for better understanding and usage in the analysis.
Chapter 4: Analysis and interpretation of the data Collected with relevant tables
and graphs. Results obtained by using statistical tools must be included.
Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions / recommendations.
Annexure relevant to the project such as figures, graphs, photographs etc.

Project Work report on
(Title of the Report)

(Student Name)
(Roll No)

Submitted to


In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of


(Name) (Name)
(Designation) (Designation)

(Institute Logo)

Department of MBA

(Institute name with Address)



This is to certify that (Name of the Student) bearing Roll No (xxxx), is a bonafide
student of Master of Business Administration course of the Institute (Batch), affiliated
to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.

Project Work report on “(Title of Report)” is prepared by him/her under the

guidance of (Name of the Guide), in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of Rajasthan Technical
University, Kota, Rajasthan.

Signature of Internal Guide Signature of HOD

Signature of Principal


I, (Student Name) , hereby declare that the Project Work report entitled “(Title)
”with reference to “(Organization with place)” prepared by me under the guidance of
(Guide Name), faculty of M.B.A Department, (Institute name) and external assistance
by (External Guide Name, Designation and Organization).

I also declare that this Project work is towards the partial fulfillment of the university
regulations for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration by
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.

I further declare that this project is based on the original study undertaken by me
and has not been submitted for the award of any degree/diploma from any other

Place: Signature of the student


This shall be the sequence of various pages in the report

 Title
 Certificate
 Abstract
 Acknowledgements
 Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Definitions and
Notations List of
List of Figures and
Charts Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Directions for further work

Executive Summary
Definitions and Notations
List of Tables
List of Figures and Charts

Chapter 1. Introduction………………………….....……………….. (Page Number)

Chapter 2. Industry and Company profile…………………….... (Page Number)
Chapter 3. Theoretical Background of the Study ……….…… (Page Number)
Chapter 4. Data Analysis and interpretation………………..... (Page Number)
Chapter 5. Summary of Results and Findings ……………….. (Page Number)
Chapter 6. Suggestions ………………………………………………. (Page Number)
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Directions for further work….. (Page Number)



Table No Particulars Page Numbers

Table 4.1 Table showing ABC Analysis
Table 4.2 Table showing FSN Analysis
Table 4.3 Table showing EOQ
Table 4.4 Table showing Stock of Raw Materials


Chart No Particulars Page

Chart 4.1 Graph showing ABC Analysis
Or Figure 4.1
Chart 4.2 Graph showing FSN Analysis
Chart 4.3 Graph showing EOQ
Chart 4.4 Graph showing Stock of Raw Materials
Chart 4.5 Graph showing Raw Materials Turn Over


Name of the Author, Title of the Book, Name of the Publisher, Edition, year of

Name of the Author, Title of the article, Name of the Journal, Volume Number, Issue
Number, Year, Page Number (pp)

Name of the Author, Title of the article, retrieved on mm/dd/yy, from URL

Finance (Group A)

S. No. Subject Code Subject Title

Semester IV
1. M-410 Financial Derivatives
2. M-411 Financial System, Institutions and Instruments
3. M-412 Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
4. M-413 Behavioural Finance


OBJECTIVES 1. To know about various aspects and mechanism of derivatives.

2. To understand the structure of Indian derivatives market.
3. To understand derivatives markets and trading mechanism in
forward, futures, options and swaps contracts.
LEARNING 1. Determining the pricing of forwards and futures using cost of carry
2. Determining the pricing of options using one step binomial option
pricing model and the B-S model.
3. Designing and illustrating a swap arrangement.
4. Making informed decision while using derivatives to mitigate risk.

Section A
UNIT I Financial Derivatives: Definition, types and classification of 3
financial derivatives, Difference between Forwards and
Futures and Futures and Options, Participants in the
Derivative Markets.
UNIT II Forward Market: Forward Contracts, Concept and Features, 2
Classification of Forward Contracts, Forward Trading
UNIT III Futures Markets: Futures Market Trading Mechanism 3
Specifications of a Futures Contract, The Operation of
Margins, Clearing House, Lot Size, Tick Size, Open Interest,
Closing out a futures position.
UNIT IV Pricing of Derivatives: Pricing of Forwards/Futures, Index 2
Futures, Currency Futures, Commodity Futures using Cost of
Carry Model, Relationship between Spot Price and Futures
Price, Contango and Normal Backwardation Market.
UNIT V The Indian Scenario of Derivatives Markets: 3
Introduction, Evolution of Derivatives in India. Regulation:
Structure of the Derivatives Market, Derivatives Regulation in
Indian Stock Market, L.C Gupta committee recommendations.
UNIT VI Interest Rate Futures: Introduction, Short Term Interest 4
Rate Futures, Pricing A T-Bill future. Long Term Futures
Contracts: Application of Interest Rate Futures, Long Hedge,
Short Hedge.
UNIT VII Swaps: Introduction, Features and mechanics of Swaps, 3
Major types of Financial Swaps, Valuation of Interest Rate
Swaps and Currency Swaps.
UNIT Options: Introduction, Options terminology, Types of 4
VIII options, payoffs from options positions, Option valuation:
Intrinsic and time value of an option. Pricing of options:
Determinants of Option Prices, The Black-Scholes Option
Pricing Model, One Step Binomial Option Pricing Model.

Section B
At least one case study/problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based

 Study the participation of a hedger, a speculator and an arbitrageur and analyze
their strategies in the derivatives market.
 Calculate gain/loss from a marked to market derivative trading account.
 Forecast price of forward/ futures contract using cost of carry model.
 Calculate option pricing of any five NSE listed companies using B-S model for next
three months.
 Study and illustrate a swap arrangement.
1. John C. Hull and Sankarshan Basu, Options, Future & Other Derivatives,
Pearson, 10th edition, 2018.
2. S. Kevin, Commodity and Financial Derivatives, 2nd edition, PHI, EEE, 2014.
3. S.L Gupta, Financial Derivatives: Theory, Concepts and Problems, second
edition, PHI, EEE,2017.
4. Sundaram Janakiramanan, Derivatives and Risk Management, Pearson, first
edition, 2011.
5. Rajiv Srivastava Derivatives & Risk Management, Oxford University Press,
second edition, 2014.
6. S S S Kumar, Financial Derivatives, PHI, EEE.
1. Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies, Emerald.
2. Review of Derivatives Research, Springer.
3. The Journal of Derivatives, Portfolio Management Research.
4. International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives, Inderscience Publishers.


OBJECTIVES 1. To acquaint students with the financial system.

2. To introduce students with different financial institutions and
3. To impart knowledge of different financial instruments to

LEARNING 1. Taking informed financial decisions while raising funds from

OUTCOMES financial markets.
2. Acquaintance with the mechanism of money market.
3. Understanding of functioning of merchant bankers.
4. Fair and in depth understanding of capital and money market

Section- A
UNIT I Introduction to Indian Financial System: 2
Introduction, Components of the Formal Financial
System, functions of a financial system, key elements
of a well-functioning financial system.
UNIT II Financial institutions: Definition of financial 3
institutions, Types of financial institutions – Banking,
NBFCs, Development financial institutions, Mutual
funds, pension funds Insurance and Housing finance
UNIT III Money Market: Introduction and meaning, 3
Call/Notice money market, Money market
intermediaries, tools for managing liquidity in the
money market, money market derivatives.
UNIT IV Money market instruments: Call/Notice money, 3
T bills, Commercial bills, Commercial papers,
Certificate of deposits.
UNIT V Capital Market: Primary Market - Methods of raising 6
funds from capital market- Public issue, Rights issue,
Private Placement, Preferential Issue.
Secondary market – NSE and BSE, Secondary
market - Role of stock exchanges in India,
Depositories and custodians, depository participant.
UNIT VI Capital market instruments: Meaning, primary and 3
secondary securities, Equity shares, Debentures,
preference shares, Derivatives, GDR’s, ADR’s, IDR’s
Other quasi equity instruments – Subordinated loans,
Convertible bonds, senior debt, Mezzanine financing.
UNIT VII Debt Market: Introduction, private corporate debt 2
market, PSU Bonds market Government securities
UNIT Emerging Issues and Challenges: Low liquidity 2
VIII and shallowness in financial markets, Ethical issues in
Merchant Banking, Effectiveness of regulators like RBI
and SEBI in controlling Money market and Capital

Section B
At least one case study/problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based

 Study any four financial institutions and their role in financial intermediation.
 Study any four latest IPOs and document their listing price along with merchant
banker, registrar, bankers to the issue.
 Study any four merchant bankers in India and their role in the public issue.
 Study the process of fund raising in the debt market and its mechanism.
 Conduct a critical analysis of the role of RBI and SEBI in controlling financial

1. Bharti V. Pathak, The Indian Financial System, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2018.
2. Frederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins, Financial Markets and Institutions, 9 th
Edition, Pearson, 2018.
3. M.Y. Khan, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 9th Edition, 2015.
4. Sarkhel & Salim, Indian Financial Sytem & Financial Market Operations, McGraw
Higher Education, 2017.
5. L.M. Bhole, Indian Financial Systems and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
6. Kohn Meir, Financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford University Press, 2013.
7. Rajesh Chakrabarti ,Sankar De ,Capital Markets in India, Sage Publications, First

1. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Wiley Online Library
2. Journal of Finance, Wiley Online Library
3. International Review of Financial Analysis, ScienceDirect.
4. Journal of Financial Economics, Elsevier


OBJECTIVES 1. To explain the concept and significance of using different types

of corporate restructuring strategies for achieving business
2. To explain the principles and practices of Mergers & Acquisitions
and their contribution in achieving various corporate objectives.
3. To explain the framework of business valuation and price
determination under Purchase and sale contract of Businesses.
LEARNING 1. Understanding of different types of mergers and acquisitions
OUTCOMES and the process involved in executing their deals.
2. Develop an ability to understand factors influencing the
valuation of a business and different methods used in Business
3. Familiarity towards different techniques of corporate
4. Basic understanding about regulatory environment of mergers
and acquisitions in India.

Section A

UNIT I Corporate Restructuring: Meaning of corporate 2

restructuring, significance of corporate restructuring,
Classification of corporate restructuring. Corporate
Restructuring practices adopted in India, Role of SEBI, RBI
and Competition Commission of India
UNIT II Introduction to Mergers and Acquisition: Meaning and 3
definition of Merger and Acquisition, Motives of Merger and
Acquisitions, Expectations of different stakeholders from Merger
and Acquisition deals, Reasons for buying a Business, Reasons
for selling a Business, Types of Mergers and Acquisitions,
Difference between Merger and Acquisitions, Factors
contributing to success and failure of Merger & Acquisition Deal.
UNIT III Execution Process of Merger &Acquisition Deals : Process 4
of Mergers & Acquisitions Due diligence – Concept and
significance of Due Diligence in Merger and Acquisition Deal.
Process of Due Diligence- Steps in Due Diligence- Planning
Phase, Data Collection Phase, Data Analysis Phase, Data
Reporting& Discussion Phase Deal Negotiation – Factors
discussed before and after finalizing the deal, Causes of Dispute
at time of negotiation and execution of terms of deal

UNIT IV Corporate Valuation-An Introduction: Concept of 3
Valuation, Objectives of Corporate Valuation, Corporate V/s
Equity Valuation, Factors influencing value of a business,
Principles of Business Valuation, Over Valuation and Under
Valuation, Different types of values - Fair Market Value, Fair
Value, Book Value, Intrinsic Value, Replacement Value,
Liquidation Value, Going Concern Value, Equity Interest Value,
Insurable Value.
UNIT V Corporate Valuation (Practical Perspective): 4
Approaches of Business Valuation- Asset-based approaches,
Earning value approaches, Market value approaches Exchange
Ratio-Concept & Significance of Swap Ratio, Determinants of
Swap Ratio, Methods of Calculation of Swap Ratio.
UNIT VI Post-Merger Integration Planning and & Legal 3
Considerations: Factors considered in Post-merger
Integration Planning – HRM issues, Political and cultural
compatibility, management interdependencies and
autonomy, Problems faced in integration, rules for effective
integration post-merger Basic understanding Regulatory
Framework for Merger and Acquisitions in India (only
introductory overview).
UNIT Takeovers: Concept, Classification of Takeover, Benefits 3
VII and Limitations of takeover, Friendly v/s Hostile Takeover,
Defensive strategies for hostile takeover, regulatory
framework of Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeover in India (case study based).
UNIT International Merger & Acquisition: Overview of 2
VIII International M&A activity, Opportunities and threats
involved in International M&A, Contribution of International
M&A in growth and expansion of businesses, Impact of
various macro factors on International M&A Deals. Benefits
and Limitations of International M&A deals,
recommendation for effective cross-border M&A.

Section B
At least one case study/problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/ inferences/ application based
 Study of any two cases each of successful and failed merger deals and prepare a
brief report on factors contributing the success & failure of such deals.
 Prepare a list of items to be negotiated in a merger deal and discuss under a mock
negotiation round as sellers and buyers in the class
 Read and analyse the contents of any one sample Merger & Acquisition Deal.
 Compute the value of business any one Indian listed company using suitable
method of business valuation.
 Compare and analyse the features of a Domestic and Cross Border Mergers &
Acquisition using one real case of each involving an Indian company.

1. Kavita Shetty, Sharad R. Kale and Rajinder S. Aurora, Mergers and

Acquisitions, Oxford University Press, 2014.
2. Donald De Pamphilis, Merger Acquisitions and Other Restructuring Activities,
Elsevier India , 9th
3. Enrique R. Arzac, Valuation for Mergers, Buyouts & Restructuring, Wiley India
(P) Ltd., Second Edition
4. Prasant Godbole , Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring , Vikas
Publication , Latest Edition
5. Rabi Narayan Kaur and Minakshi, Mergers Acquisitions & Corporate
Restructuring Strategies & Practices, Taxmann Publications , 2017
6. J. Fred Weston, Mark L. Mitchell, J. Harold Mulherin, Takeovers, Restructuring
and Corporate Governance, Pearson Education, 2014
7. Kamal Ghosh Ray, Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy, Valuation and
Integration, PHI Learning Private Limited , Latest Edition
8. Vishwanath S. R. & Chandrashekar Krishnamurti, Mergers, Acquisitions and
Corporate Restructuring, Sage Publications, 2008


1. Journal of Finance, Wiley Online Library

2. The Review of Financial Studies, Oxford Academic
3. Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier
4. Research Reports on corporate restructuring published by PWC and Deloitte


OBJECTIVES 1. To acquaint students with aspects of Behavioural finance.

2. To familiarize with the tools of Behavioural finance in financial
decision making.
3. To understand how investors perceive market for investments.
LEARNING 1. The students should be able to apply logic and reasoning in
OUTCOMES making investment decisions.
2. Apply traits of Behavioural finance so that investors can take
more prudent financial decisions.
3. Use knowledge about anomalies and biases in designing
investment strategies.
4. Identifying market bubble scenario and its implications in
investment decisions.

Section- A
UNIT I Introduction: Meaning, nature, scope and history of 3
Behavioural Finance; Comparison between Behavioural
Finance and Standard Finance; Are financial markets
efficient? Limits to arbitrage-Fundamental Risk, Noise
Trader Risk, Behavioural Finance scenario in India.
UNIT II Behaviour and Decision Making: Cognitive Bias, 3
Emotional Bias, Concept of bounded rationality. beliefs
and heuristics-Preferences: Prospect Theory,
Ambiguity aversion, Loss aversion, Framing, Non-
consequentialism: Disjunction Effect.
UNIT III Theories of Behavioural Finance: Asymmetric 4
information, Ego centricity, Human Behavioral
Theories. Heuristics: Familiarity, Ambiguity Aversion
Diversification, Functional Fixation Status Quo,
Endowment Effect
Representativeness: Innumeracy, Probability
matching and conjunction fallacy, Base Rate Neglect,
Availability and Salience, Anchoring.
UNIT IV Bias: Interaction amongst biases Outcomes of biases 4
Dealing with biases Overcoming the biases and
debiasing Cognitive Biases: Self-Deception,
Framing, Overconfidence, Miscalibration, better than
average effect, overoptimism Causes: illusion of
knowledge, control, understanding, skill, Self-
attribution, Confirmation, Representativeness,
Emotional Biases: Regret, Hindsight, Denial, Loss
aversion, Affinity, Self-control.

UNIT V Behavioural aspects of Investing: Behavioural 2
Portfolio theory, Psychographic models, Sound
Investment Philosophy.
UNIT VI Value Investing: Central tenets of value investing 3
Evidence and prospects of value investing.
Neuro finance: Neural processes during financial
decision-making Future of Neuro finance Adaptive
Market Hypothesis.
UNIT VII Anomalies: Fundamental anomalies, Accounting 2
Based Anomalies, Calendar Anomalies, Technical
anomalies: Value v/s Growth, size, equity premium
UNIT Market Bubbles: Identification and causes, investor 3
VIII behaviour during bubbles, case study of prominent
market bubbles/scams.

Section B
At least one case study/problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based

 Analyse a case study on market bubble and its implications on the market.
 Prepare a questionnaire-based survey comprising 50 respondents to understand
their perception towards investments.
 Prepare a report on anomalies taking a time period of two years.
 Prepare a decision-making process of value investing and document it.
 Conduct a survey of 50 respondents to judge the level of biasness towards

1. Prasanna Chandra, Behavioural Finance, McGraw Hill, 2020, 2nd edition.
2. Sujata Kapoor, Jaya Mamta Prasad, Sage, 2019. 5th edition.
3. M. M. Sulphey, Behavioural Finance, PHI, 2014, 1st edition.
4. Parag Parikh, Value Investing and Behavioural Finance, McGraw Hill, 2009. 2nd
5. James Montier, Behavioural Finance: Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets,
Wiley Finance,2008.
6. Lucy Ackert and Richard Deaves, Understanding Behavioral Finance, Cengage
Learning, India Edition2012.
7. Sujata Kapoor, Jaya Mamta Prosad, Behavioural Finance, Sage Publications, 2019

1. Journal of Behavioral Finance, Taylor & Francis.
2. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Elsevier.
3. Review of Behavioral Finance, Emerald Publishing.
4. Review of Behavioral Finance, Wiley Online Library.

Marketing (Group B)

S.No. Subject Code Subject Title

Semester IV
1. M-420 Consumer Behavior
2. M-421 Services Marketing
3. M-422 International Marketing Management
4. M-423 Rural Marketing
5. M-424 Digital and Social Media Marketing
6. M-425 Customer Relationship Management


OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a comprehensive picture of the consumer

psychology in order to explain consumer motivation, learning,
personality, perception, and attitude formation.
2. To develop an understanding of consumers' social and cultural
settings to examine how group involvement and membership
influence one's actions as a consumer.
3. To integrate the various psychological, social and cultural
concepts and build a useful conceptual framework that would
equip the students for practical application of consumer
behaviour principles on strategic marketing decisions.
LEARNING 1. To identify the dynamics of human behaviour and the basic
OUTCOMES factors that influence the consumers' decision process.
2. To demonstrate how concepts may be applied to marketing
3. To explore and compare the core theories of consumer
behaviour in both consumer and organisational markets.
4. To appraise models of Consumer Behaviour and determine their
relevance to particular marketing situations.

UNIT I Consumer Behavior: Introduction to Consumer
Behavior, Nature & Psycho-Demographics of Indian
Consumers, Consumer Movement in India, Rights &
Responsibilities of consumers and Benefits of
UNIT II Individual Determinants of Consumer Behavior I:
Motivation, Personality, Consumer Perception.
Individual Determinants on Consumer Behaviour
II: Learning theories and their applications, Brand
loyalty, Brand extensions. Consumer behaviour and
UNIT IV Social and Cultural Determinants: Indian
Perspective on Culture Factors affecting culture, Role of
customs, values and beliefs on Consumer Behaviour.
Subculture: Cross-cultural consumer analysis:
Problems and Strategies in India.
UNIT V Group Influences: Family buying decision & marketing
Reference Groups: Understanding the power &
benefits of reference groups, Factors that affect
reference group influence, Types of reference groups,
Celebrities, Endorsements and Marketing Implications.

UNIT VI Consumer Decision Making Models: Models of
decision making, Diffusion of innovations: Diffusion
Process, Adoption Process.
UNIT VII Organisational Buying: Differences between Industrial
Markets and Consumer Market, Differences between
Organizational and Consumer Buying, Buying Decisions
in Organizational Buying Process; Types of Decision
Making, Organization Buyer's Decision-Making Process.
UNIT VIII Consumer Behavior Analysis and Marketing
Strategy: Consumer Behavior and Product Strategy,
Pricing Strategy, Distribution Channel Strategy,
Promotion Strategy.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each Unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.

 Find three advertisements that appeal to the need for power, affiliation and
achievement and discuss their effectiveness. Rewrite these for persons in different
levels of Maslow's Hierarchy?
 Students can visit a mall and unorganised retail outlets and observe the behaviour
of consumers of different demographic segments while buying different categories
of goods. Come back to class and present the findings/observations, followed with
a group discussion.
 Choose five recent successful FMCG Advertisement campaigns and identify their
insights through consumer interviews. Then, present your findings to the class.
 Conduct a survey on youth to find the influencing factors in their purchase of
mobiles, shoes, bags etc. There are now plenty of advertisements regarding most
products – how do they deal with this information overload?
 Students can carry out a primary, qualitative/quantitative research on any
dimension related to consumer behaviour.
 Students can identify how marketers are addressing the various components and
stages of the decision-making process.

1. Solomon, M.R. (2020). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being, Pearson
2. Sethna, Z. & Blythe, J. (2020). CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR, Sage Publications
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Sethna, Z. & Blythe, J. (2019). Consumer Behaviour, Sage publication.
4. Mothersbaugh,D.L., Hawkins, D.I. & Mookerjee, A.(2019). Consumer
Behavior: Building Marketing Strategies, Mc Graw Hill publication.
5. Kapoor, Nnamdi, R.O., Madichie (2017), Consumer Behaviour, Mc Graw Hill
6. Solomon, (2015). Consumer Behaviour, Pearson India.

1. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Wiley Online Library.
2. Journal of Business Research, Elsevier.
3. Journal of Consumer Research, Oxford Academic.
4. Journal of Consumer Psychology,


OBJECTIVES 1. To provide an in-depth appreciation and understanding of the

unique challenges inherent in managing and delivering quality
2. To understand how the interface between customers and the
service is managed, identify and close the gaps for improving the
3. To acquaint the students with elements of services marketing mix,
ways to manage the service delivery process and strategies to
effectively implement Services marketing.
LEARNING 1. Understand the key concepts and principles of services marketing,
OUTCOMES unique characteristics of service products, impact on design and
execution of marketing strategies for services.
2. Foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in services
3. Design service quality measurements to build customer loyalty and
evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of customer service
4. Manage service blueprinting, integrate new technologies, and
address other key issues facing today's customer service providers
and service managers.

Section –A
UNIT I Introduction to Services Marketing: Understanding 2
Services, Differences in Goods versus Services, Emerging
Service Environment, Classification of Services, Service
UNIT II Service Market Segmentation, Targeting & 3
Positioning: Process of market segmentation, Targeting
and Positioning, service value addition to the service
product, planning and branding service products, new
service development, concept of flower of Service.
UNIT III Pricing Strategies for Services: Service pricing, revenue 4
Management, pricing objectives, Challenges in Pricing.

UNIT IV Service Promotion: The role of marketing communication, 3
Implication for communication strategies, setting
communication objectives, marketing communication mix,
role of Digital Marketing and social media marketing.
 Place & Process Decisions: Methods of Service Delivery,
Role of Intermediaries, Franchising, Service Process,
Developing a Service Blueprint, Application of Service
UNIT VI People & Physical Evidence: Frontline Service 3
Employees, People Management Strategies, Service
Leadership & Service Climate, Service Environment,
Servicescape Model, Designing Servicescapes.
UNIT VII Service Excellence: Enabling Service Excellence, 4
Delivering Value, Service Failure & Recovery, Service
Quality, SERVQUAL Model, Customer Loyalty.
UNIT Customer Relationship Marketing: Relationship 2
VIII Marketing, the nature of service consumption,
understanding customer needs and expectations, Strategic
responses to the intangibility of service performances.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each Unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.

 Students are required to select one high-contact and one low-contact service.
Using the Flower of Service framework, define the core product and then identify
and categorise all the supplementary elements for each of the two services.
Describe the results of your analysis. Finally, explain how the petals can be used
for service differentiation and competitive advantage.
 Students shall devise a service script for a high-contact service. Possibilities include
visiting a lawyer, getting a car repaired, eating a restaurant meal, renting a car,
getting a haircut, visiting a fitness center or health club, attending a theatre
performance etc. Students may need to take notes during their visit so that they
can remember the process accurately. After you visit the service firm in a team,
have to create a blueprint with maximum details.
 Suppose you are the marketing manager of a social club in Jaipur. What factors will
you keep in mind to meet customer expectations? (Use SERVQUAL method)
 Students have to identify 2-4 points in the service, where the quality of the service
needs to be improved or where problems in service quality are likely to occur.
Then, using the Gaps-model as guide, try to find root causes for these
shortcomings and identify the relevant.
 Select a service that you have to consume or experience (hairdresser, drinking
coffee in a café, having a meal in a restaurant, etc.). Before
consumption/experience, you need to discuss and prepare a brief paragraph about
the type and level of service you expect to receive. You have to act as mystery

shopper and experience the service as if you were a real consumer. In some
instances, the cost might be involved here, so choose the service you are
evaluating wisely. You have to assess the service across the following criteria:
o Reliability
o Responsiveness
o Assurance
o Empathy
o Tangibles
o Overall service quality impression
Prepare a short presentation of the assessment with recommendation on how the
service can be improved.

1. Chatterjee, J. Lovelock, C. & Jochen Wirtz, J. (2020). Services Marketing,
8/e Eighth Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Zeithaml, Bitner, M.J., Gremler, D.D., (2018). Services Marketing: Integrating
Customer Focus Across the Firm, Seventh Edition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
3. Dutta, K. & Vinnie Jauhari, V. (2017). Services Marketing: Text and Cases
Oxford University Press; Second edition.

4. Hoffman, K.D and Bateson, J.E.G. (2017). Services Marketing: Concepts,

Strategies and Cases, Cengage India Private Limited; Fifth edition.

5. Verma, H. (2017). Service-Marketing: Text and Cases, 2/Ed, Pearson Education

India; 2nd edition.

6. Chowdhary, N. & Chowdhary, M. (2005). Textbook of Marketing of Services:

The Indian Experience, Macmillan India Ltd.

1. Journal of Service Marketing, SCI.
2. Service Business: An international Journal, Springer.
3. Journal of Service Marketing, Emerald Insight.
4. Service Marketing Quarterly, Taylor & Francis.


OBJECTIVES 1. To acquire the basic knowledge, concepts, tools, and

international terminology necessary to understand global
problems and issues.
2. To understand how companies adjust their international
strategies based on the global environmental changes.
3. To build skills and understanding of nations' cultures by critically
analysing the social, political, legal, and economic forces that
affect the business performance in international marketing.
LEARNING 1. To analyse the environmental variables that influence
OUTCOMES international marketing.
2. To devise strategies and tactics that can lead to successful
international marketing strategies given environmental
3. To analyse the issues and challenges related to market entry
and expansion strategies into foreign markets.
4. To understand how managers perform the functional tasks that
constitute international marketing such as marketing
intelligence and "mix" adaptations.

International Marketing: Concept, Domestic Vs. 3
International Marketing, E.P.R.G. Framework,
International Trade Environment, Political Environment,
legal and Regulatory Environment, Socio-cultural
Environment, Economic Environment, Technological
International Market Environment: Identifying and 3
analysing opportunities in the international trading
environment, understanding the changes in the world
trading environment-IMF, W.T.O., impact on
international marketing.
International Marketing Research: Concept of 4
Marketing Research, International Marketing Research
Process, market surveys, marketing information system,
International Product Life Cycle, Selecting Market Entry
UNIT IV International Product Policy and Planning:
International new Product Development, International
Product Planning, Product Adoption and
Standardisation, International Market Segmentation,
Influences on Marketing Plan and Budget, International
Product Marketing.

UNIT V Managing International Pricing: Environmental
influences on Pricing Decisions - Grey Market goods,
Transfer pricing, Pricing Strategies.
UNIT VI International Promotional Strategies:
Introduction, Communications Process, communication
principles, Promotion Appeals, Media Selection, Personal
Selling, Public Relations and Publicity, Sales Promotion,
advertising, e-marketing.
UNIT VII International Distribution and Logistics:
International Logistics Planning, Distribution – Definition
and Importance, Direct and Indirect Channels, factors
Involved in Distribution Systems, Modes of
Transportation, International Packaging.
UNIT VIII Evaluating and Controlling: Evaluating and
controlling international marketing strategy, Legal and
Ethical Issues in International Marketing, ethical
Consideration in International Marketing.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each Unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.
 An India-based firm is engaged in importing rough stones from Africa and polishing
and selling precious stones in the international market. The firm has recently
started polishing Tanzanite-stones imported from Tanzania. As recently appointed
head of the firm's International Market development Division, prepare a research
plan detailing out the requirement for secondary information and possible sources
of collecting information.
 Surf the internet and list various resources from where you could get information
that can be used for conducting international market research. Critically comment
on the limitations of each of the information sources from the internet. Discuss
your findings.
 Suppose you are the marketing manager of a modern and technically equipped
international Gym chain. What measures will you take before opening a store or
chain of stores in a new city?
 Write a ten page essay on ‘Challenges and opportunities in International
Marketing’. Also mention Favourable government policies for promoting
International Trade in India.
 Watch one interview of any International Business Personality of your choice;
create a PowerPoint Presentation on same personality and include the following
 Life story
 Achievements
 Challenges Faced
 Marketing Campaigns of the organisation

1. Paul, J. and Kapoor, R. (2012). International Marketing-Text and Cases, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Joshi, R.M. (2014). International Marketing, Oxford University Press.
3. Green, M.C. & Keegan, W.J. (2020). Global Marketing, 10th Edition, Pearson.
4. Jain, K.S. (2014). Export-Import Procedures and Documentation, Himalaya
Publishing House.
5. Philip, C.R. & John, G.L. (2019). International Marketing, McGraw Hill; 18th
Cases, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.

1. Journal of International Marketing Management, Sage Publoshng.
2. Journal of International Marketing Management, American Marketing
3. Journal of International Marketing Management. JSTOR
4. Journal of Global Marketing, Taylor and Francis.


OBJECTIVES 1. To make students understand the rural market environment and 4

A's of rural marketing.
2. To provide an understanding of the changing profile of the rural
consumer, their consumption pattern, and buying process.
3. To comprehend development of product, price, distribution and
communication strategies for different segments of rural markets.
LEARNING 1. Understand the rural marketing concepts and the contemporary
OUTCOMES issues in rural marketing.
2. Analyse the rural market based on segmentation, targeting and
3. Know the rural consumer behaviour and their decision-making
4. Develop strong foundation of applied knowledge, concepts and
analytical skills for effective marketing of products and services to
rural consumers.

UNIT I Introduction to Rural Marketing: Definition, concept
and scope of rural marketing, Features of rural markets,
classification of rural markets, Rural Marketing Mix- 4 A's
concept, Opportunities and Challenges, Difference between
Urban and Rural Markets.
Rural marketing environment: Evolution of Rural 3
Marketing, Rural Environment: Demographic environment,
Social & Cultural environment, Technological environment,
Physical environment, political environment, Rural
economic environment and economic structure, Rural
Development Programme and Schemes of Government.
Rural Consumer behaviour: Factors affecting Consumer 3
Behaviour, Cultural factors, social factors, Personal Factors,
Psychological factors, Consumer Buying Decision Process,
Role of Opinion Leaders.
UNIT IV Researching, Segmenting and Targeting Rural
Markets: Rural Marketing Research Process, Tools used in
Rural Marketing Research, Bases of Segmentation,
Thomson Rural Market Index, Evaluation, Selection and
coverage of Segments, Identifying, selecting, developing
and communicating the positioning concept.
UNIT V Rural Product and Pricing Strategies: Rural Product
classification, Product decisions and strategies, Rural
product designing and new product development, Brand
building in Rural India, Packaging and after-sales service for
rural markets, Fake Brands, Pricing in rural India, Price
setting strategies.

UNIT VI Rural Distribution Strategies: Rural Channel members,
Channel behaviour, Conventional Distribution Models in
Rural Markets, Rural retail environment, Rural specific
Distribution Models, Rural Logistics: Hub & Spoke System,
Syndicated Distribution.
UNIT VII Communication strategies for Rural Markets:
Challenges in Rural Communication, The Communication
Process, Designing the message, Creating an advertisement
for rural audiences, Rural media- Conventional and Non-
Conventional Media, Role of Social Media in Rural Marketing.
UNIT VIII Rural Services Marketing and future of Rural
Marketing: Telecommunications and I.T. in Rural India,
Financial Services, Rural healthcare services, Future of
Rural Marketing in India.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each Unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.

 Imagine that you are the product development manager in a fairness cream
manufacturing company. How would you augment the product and create its
brand identity in rural markets?
 Students should design new product launch strategies in FMCG and Consumer
Durable category keeping the rural marketing mix 4 As (Awareness, Acceptability,
Adaptability and Affordability) in mind.
 Undertake a rural survey on purchase patterns of automobiles, mobiles or any
other consumer durable.
 Study H.U.L.'s "Project Shakti" model, Coca-Cola "Parivartan", and I.T.C.'s e-
choupal initiative and make a presentation on the same.
 Visit a rural village and find out about rural communication strategies, including
use of unconventional media for promoting products.
 An international processed food manufacturing company has come up with its new
fortified products (biscuits and snacks), which it wants to promote in iron-deficient
areas of India. Devise communication and distribution plan for the company.

1. Kashyap, P. (2016). Rural Marketing, Third Edition, Pearson Education India.
2. Puri, S.S.(2020). Rural Market Unleashed: Position Yourself in the Rural Market
Effectively, First Edition, Notion Press.
3. Kumar, D., Gupta, P. (2019). Rural Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities,
SAGE Publications.
4. Krishnamacharyulu. (2010). Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, Second Edition,
Pearson Education India.
5. Kumar D. & Gupta P. (2017). Rural Marketing Challenges and Opportunities,
Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd

6. Dogra, B., Ghuman, K.(2007) Rural Marketing: Concepts and Practices, First
Edition, McGraw Hill Education .

1. Journal of Rural Marketing, Rural Marketing Agencies Association of India
2. International Journal of Rural Management, SAGE Publications.
3. Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier.
4. International Journal of Rural Management (I.J.R.M.), Institute of Rural
Management Anand (I.R.M.A.).


OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a framework for understanding the forces driving

the digital revolution in marketing and business.
2. To understand a digital marketing mix
3. To integrate different digital media and create effective
marketing content.
LEARNING 1. Able to identify the role of digital and social media marketing
OUTCOMES for success.
2. Manage customer relationships across all digital channels and
build better customer relationships.
3. Develop insight on Current Trends of Digital and Social Statistics
and gain understanding of marketing analytics.
4. Gain knowledge, skills and competencies to design digital
marketing plans in order to manage a digital marketing
programme efficiently

Section - A
UNIT I Introduction to Digital Marketing Evolution of Digital 3
Marketing from traditional to the modern era, Role of
Internet; Current trends, Info-graphics, implications for
business & society; Emergence of digital marketing as a tool;
Digital marketing strategy; Paid, Owned, Earned Media
(P.O.E.M.)framework, Digital marketing plan.
UNIT II Internet Marketing and Digital Marketing Mix – 3
Internet Marketing, opportunities and challenges; Digital
marketing framework; Digital Marketing mix, Impact of digital
channels on I.M.C.; Search Engine Advertising: - Pay for
Search Advertisements, Ad Placement, Ad Ranks, Creating Ad
Campaigns, Display marketing: - Types of Display Ads -
Buying Models - Programmable Digital Marketing - Analytical
Tools - YouTube marketing, online branding.
UNIT III Social Media Marketing: Introduction to social media 3
platforms, penetration & characteristics; Building a successful
social media marketing strategy, Meaning, Purpose, types of
social media websites. Blogging: Types of blogs, Blogging
platforms & recommendations. Social Media Engagement,
Sharing content on social media, advantages and
disadvantages of social media.

UNIT IV Social Media Tools: Facebook Marketing-Introduction, 3
Anatomy of an Ad Campaign, Role of Adverts-Types &
Linkedin Marketing: Introduction and Importance of
Linkedin Marketing, Framing Linkedin Strategy, Lead
Generation through Linkedin, Content Strategy, Analytics and
Twitter Marketing: Introduction to Twitter Marketing, ,
framing content strategy, Twitter Advertising Campaigns.
Instagram and Snapchat: Digital Marketing Strategies
through Instagram and Snapchat.
Mobile Marketing: Mobile Advertising, Forms of Mobile
Marketing, Features, Mobile Campaign Development.
Introduction to SEO: Web Analytics, Mobile Marketing,
Trends in Digital Advertising– - Introduction and need for
SEO, application of internet & search engines; search engine
and its working pattern, On-page and off-page optimisation,
SEO Tactics - Introduction to Search Engine
Web Analytics: Google Analytics & Google Adverts; data
collection for web analytics, multi-channel attribution,
Universal analytics, Tracking code.
E-Marketing Management: Product – Products on
Internet, Creating Customer Value Online– Product Benefits,
E-Marketing Enhanced Product Development, Price – Change
in Pricing Strategies, Payment Options, Pricing Strategies,
Distribution– Online Channel Intermediaries – Distribution
Channel Length and Functions, Channel Management and
Power, Distribution Channel Metrics.
E-Marketing Research: Data Drive Strategy, Marketing
Knowledge Management, Monitoring Social Media,
Technology-Enabled Approaches, Real-Space Approaches –
Marketing Databases and Data Warehouses – Data Analysis
and Distribution, Knowledge Management Metrics.
Data Analytics: Introduction, Key terms and concepts.
Working with data., setting objectives, goals and KPIs,
tracking and collecting data. Analysing data.
Customer Relationship Management: Concept of CRM,
goals of CRM, e-CRM, benefits of e-CRM, role of CRM
technology, e-enterprise, next-generation CRM.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each Unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.
 The students need to create a hypothetical business and devise its launch
campaign. Students should consider website design, blog strategy, search
engine optimisation, landing page creation, call to action placement, social
media interaction and email marketing.
 Divide students into two groups. One will advocate inbound marketing as an
effective marketing strategy and the other traditional marketing strategies. For
the debate, students should use specific business examples to demonstrate that
their advocacy strategy effectively generates leads and customers.
 Collect a group of recently published blog posts from various blogs and
industries and make a list of their titles. Students to discuss whether they think
the article title would successfully attract visitors through search engines and
social media. Students to carefully read full articles. Create new headlines for
each blog post optimising for keywords, social media sharing, and
comprehensive summary.
 Students to write a blog post to get as many page views as possible in 24
hours. After the 24 hours are up, students should prepare data to show their
success or progress and why they were the most successful. Then, in a class
discussion, students should examine the five top-performing posts and discuss
how the headline, topic, content and promotion strategies may have driven that
 Students to create a Facebook Fan Page or a Group on Facebook for a
hypothetical company. Compare how the capabilities of each Facebook tool
differ and discuss which might be better depending on the campaign.
 Each student should select a business website of an industry of their choice.
Next, students in each group will review their Website and identify elements
that are missing or can be improved to increase the Website's marketing
effectiveness. After compiling a list, students should run their Website on
Website Grader and compare elements they identified with those they
identified. Using the feedback from Website Grader, students should propose
for the company to improve its on-page SEO, off-page SEO and overall website

1. Hanlon, A. (2021).Digital Marketing : Strategic Planning and Integration, Sage
Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Tracy L. Tuten, T. L., Solomon M.R. & Rishi B. (2020). Social Media Marketing,
3e, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.
3. Heinze, A., Fletcher,G., Rashid,T. & Cruz, A. (2020). Digital And Social Media
Marketing A Results-Driven Approach, Taylor and Francis publication.
4. Kagan, J. & Singh, S.S. (2020). Digital Marketing: Strategy & Tactics, Wiley
Pvt. Ltd.
5. Visser, M., Sikkenga, B & Mike (2018). Digital Marketing Fundamentals,
Routledge Publications.

6. Gupta, S. (2017). Digital Marketing, Mc Graw Hill publication.


1. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing, Henry Stewart Publications.
2. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Inderscience
3. Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing by Scimago Journal and country
4. Journal of Innovations in Digital Marketing, Luminious insights.


OBJECTIVES 1. To emphasise on the importance of acquiring customers and

retaining them for a lifetime.
2. To provide a conceptual understanding of CRM, its processes,
and structure.
3. To enable participants to develop analytical approaches,
methodologies, tools, and techniques for applying CRM.
LEARNING 1. Understand the benefits delivered by CRM and comprehend
OUTCOMES strategies for its effective implementation.
2. To critically evaluate recent trends and issues in CRM.
3. Implement various technological tools for data mining and have
conceptual understanding of e-CRM.
4. Design customer relationship management strategies by
understanding customers' preferences for the long-term
sustainability of the Organisations.

Customer Relationship Management Fundamentals: 4
Definition and Significance of Customer Relationship
Marketing, Purpose of relationship marketing, Historical
Perspectives, CRM cycle, CRM Strategy, Customer Life Time
Value, Relationship Life Cycle.
UNIT II Building Customer Relationship Management:
Requisites for Effective Customer Acquisition, Customer
Knowledge Management for Effective CRM, Customer
Retention Process, Strategies to Prevent Defection and
Recover Lapsed Customers.
UNIT III CRM Implementation: CRM framework for
Implementation, Implementing CRM Process, Integration of
CRM with ERP System, Barriers to effective CRM .
UNIT IV Functional Components of CRM: Database Management:
Database Construction, Data Warehousing, architecture,
Data Mining. Characteristics, Data Mining tools and
techniques, Meaning, Significance, Advantages, Call
Center, Multimedia Contact Center, Important CRM
UNIT V Customer Relationship Management: Technology
Dimensions: - E-CRM in Business, CRM: A changing
Perspective, Features of e-CRM, Advantages of e-CRM,
Technologies of e-CRM, Voice Portals, Web Phones, Virtual
Customer Representative, Customer Relationship Portals.

UNIT VI Sales Force Automation (S.F.A.): Definition and need of
Sales Force Automation, barriers to successful Sales Force
Automation functionality, technological aspect of Sales Force
Automation, data synchronisation, flexibility and
performance, reporting tools.
UNIT VII Impact of CRM on Marketing Channels: Meaning, how
does the traditional distribution channel structure support
customer relationship, emerging channel trends that impact
UNIT VIII Trends and Issues in CRM: CRM in e-business (B2B &
B2C), Measuring the Effectiveness of CRM, Factors
Influencing the future of CRM.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each Unit. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.

 Identification of the type of customer information held by the chosen
organisation and recommendations made for how 'information gaps' could be filled
for acquisition and retention of customers
 Evaluation of how customer information held by the chosen organisation is
applied in the selection and use of two promotional tools to build long¯-term
 Write a ten-page essay on “CRM failure” in the chosen Organization.
 Prepare a Comparative study report of different CRM software’s and their
 Visit one public and one private sector bank and study the effectiveness of CRM
services provided by the Banks to its customers. Compile the observations in a
powerpoint presentation.

1. Buttle, F. (2019). Customer Relationship Management, Routledge.
2. Fatouretchi, M. (2019). The Art of CRM: Proven strategies for modern customer
relationship management, Packt Publishing.
3. Baran, R. J. & Robert J. Galka, R.J.(2016). Customer Relationship Management:
The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy, Routledge publication.
4. Chorianopoulos, A. (2016). Effective CRM using Predictive Analytics, Wiley Pvt.
5. Peppers, D.& Rogers, M. (2016). Managing Customer Experience and
Relationships: A Strategic Framework, Wiley Pvt Ltd.
6. Peelen, E. & Beltman, R. (2013). Customer Relationship Management, Pearson


1. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Elsevier

2. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management,
Scimago Journals
3. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management,
Inderscience Publisher
4. International Journal on Customer Relations, Publishing India Group

Human Resource Management (Group C)

S.No. Subject Code Subject Title
Semester IV - Electives
1 M-430 Employee Relations & Labour Laws
2 M-431 Performance Management System
3 M-432 Cross Cultural Human Resource Management
4 M-433 Human Resource Analytics


OBJECTIVES 1. To Provide conceptual framework of Industrial Relations.

2. To make students aware about the major provisions of Indian
Labour legislations.
3. To make students aware with the basic requirements and
mandate of labour legislations.
LEARNING 1. Knowledge of Industrial Relations framework.
OUTCOMES 2. Competency to understand the importance of Employee
Relations within the perspective of Industrial Relations.
3. Competency to interpret and implement the Labour Laws within
4. Competency to use Collective Bargaining and Grievance
redressal Mechanism.

Section A
UNIT I Introduction and Importance of Employee 3
Relations Management: Employee Relations
Management Tool, Aspects of Industrial Relations,
Emerging challenges of IR in India, Linking Industrial
Relations with economic growth of a country.
UNIT II Trade Unionism: Development of Trade Unionism, 3
Functions, Type and Structure, Problems & Suggestive
Remedial Measures of Trade Unions, Major Provisions of
the Trade unions act, 1926.
UNIT III Collective Bargaining: Significance, Types & Procedure 3
of Collective Bargaining, Employee Participation and
Empowerment- Objectives, Advantages of Employee
Participation, Employee Participation in India, Methods of
UNIT IV Discipline: Misconduct, Disciplinary Action, Types of 4
Punishments, Code of Discipline, Domestic Enquiry.
Grievance: Concept, Types, Grievance Settlement
UNIT V Industrial Disputes Preventive & Settlement 3
Machinery in India: The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Settlement and Prevention of Disputes.
UNIT VI Law of Wages: Code on Wages, 2019, Wages Code 2
Concerns, Impact of the Code and Way Forward.

The Factories Act 1948: Major Provisions of the
Factories Act, 1948, The Inspecting Staff, Health, Safety,
Welfare, Working Hours of Adults, Employment of Young
Persons, Annual Leave With Wages, Special Provisions,
Penalties And Procedure.
UNIT VIII The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 3
1946: Major provision of The Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act 1946.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each UNIT. Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based.

 Students should present the interpretation of Laws through Case study on
Industrial disputes.
 Stimulate their thinking on rationale behind the laws and their enforcement
problems through Case Analysis.
 Develop an understanding of the interaction pattern among labour, management
and the State through structured case and role plays.
 Awareness of certain important and critical issues in Industrial Relations and
tackling them through case studies and role plays.
 Role plays/ case studies on the existing industrial disputes.

1. Sahoo, D. P. (2020). Employee Relations Management: Text and Cases. Sage/Texts.
2. Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation. (2017). India: Pearson
3. Srivastava, S. C. (2012). Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, 6th
Edition. India: Vikas.
4. Sharma, R. C. (2016). Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation. India: PHI
5. Taxmann (2009) Labour Laws", Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd.
6. Kumar, H. L. (2010). Compliances Under Labour Laws. India: Universal Law
1. Industrial Relations Journal, John Wiley & Sons
2. European Journal of Industrial Relations, Sage Publications
3. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Sage Publications
4. Management and Labour Studies, Sage Publications


OBJECTIVES 1. To make students understand the basic concepts of

Performance Management.
2. To expose students to different approaches of Performance
Appraisal with their industry application.
3. To explore different types of performance management and
evaluation criteria, techniques and programmes.
LEARNING 1. Understand and apply performance management processes.
OUTCOMES 2. Learn to manage underperformance using a defined
performance improvement process.
3. Ability to provide effective and regular feedback on
4. Develop ability to set clear expectations that improve
performance and productivity.

Section A
UNIT Course Description SESSIONS
UNIT I Introduction of Performance Management System: 4
Definition of Performance Management System, Performance
Planning, Performance Coaching and Performance Appraisal,
Role of Appraisals in Performance Management, Role of
Performance Management System, Characteristics of an ideal
PM system.
UNIT II Reviewing & Managing Performance: Performance 3
Appraisal: Definition and objectives of Performance Appraisal,
Process of Performance Appraisal- Self Assessment and its
importance, Methods of Performance Appraisal- Traditional
and Modern; Performance Management Process.
UNIT III Performance Management and Strategic Planning: 2
Definition and Purpose of Strategic Planning, Process of
Linking Performance Management to the Strategic Plan.
UNIT IV Performance Coaching: Performance Appraisal as a 3
training need assessment, Counseling for better performance,
Feedback Mechanisms in Organizations- training the superiors
to give constructive feedback.
UNIT V Potential Appraisal: Meaning & objectives of Potential 2
Appraisal, Potential Appraisal & Performance Appraisal.
UNIT VI Models for Assessing Performance: Balance score card- 3
Different Perspectives and Benefits, HR Scorecard- The HR
Scorecard Approach, Process of Developing the HR Scorecard,
Benefits of the HR Scorecard, Building a High Performance
UNIT VII Employee Development and Retention Strategies: 4
Personal Development Plans, Performance Management &
Reward Systems- Performance linked remuneration system,
Performance linked career planning & career development.
Employee Retention- Meaning, Factors Responsible for High
Employee Turnover, Employee Retention Strategies.
UNIT VIII Ethics in Performance Management: Ethical Perspective 3
in Performance Appraisal System, Objectives of Performance
Management Ethics, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct,
Implementing Code of Ethics in the Workplace, Ethical
Dilemma in Performance Management.

Section B
At least one Case study from each UNIT. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.

 Conduct a study on how talents are acquired and retained – in various industries –
and various strategies followed by the respective companies.
 Students are excepted to collect the information related to attrition rates in various
sectors and identify the possible reasons for the same through a survey.
 Conduct role plays on Performance Coaching.
 Conduct role plays and presentations on giving constructive feedback.
 Student should prepare a performance appraisal form.

1. Armstrong Michael, (2020). Performance Management: Key Strategies and
Practical Guidelines, Kogan Page.
2. Rao, T. V. (2016). Performance management: toward organizational
excellence. SAGE Publications India.
3. Armstrong Michael, (2014). Handbook of Performance Management, Kogan
Page, fifth edition.
4. Dessler Gary, (2011). Human Resource Management, New Delhi, Pearson
Education Asia.
5. Aguinis Herman, (2009). Performance Management, Pearson Education.
6. Durai, Pravin, (2010). Human Resource Management, Pearson, New Delhi.

1. Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Publishing
2. Journal of Human Resource Development, Sage Publications
3. Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, Sage Publications
4. Human Resource Development Review, Sage Publications
5. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology, IGI


OBJECTIVES 1. To familiarize students with the latest global trends in HRM, HR

Systems & policies.
2. To develop understanding for global managerial staffing &
International decision-making.
3. To understand the challenges and development in international
human resources management, the stages of internationalization
of companies and methods of entry into international business.
LEARNING 1. Understand the institutional context of international business;
OUTCOMES different employment standards and laws that relate to
international human resource management; obstacles to
multinational bargaining; approaches to multinational enterprises
and labour relations.
2. Role of IHRM to develop leaders in a multinational organization;
how companies plan development activities for their leaders
based on their strategic objectives and company culture.
3. Learn how companies manage their expatriates; who is an
expatriate and why companies use expatriates; what are the
challenges in international assignments and how to manage the
whole expatriation process.
4. Training and development of global employees.

Section A
UNIT I Introduction to IHRM: Definition, Difference between 3
IHRM and Domestic HRM, Models of IHRM-Matching
model, Models of SHRM in Multinational Companies,
Internationalization of HRM. The Challenges of
International Human Resource Management.
UNIT II Cultural Factors: Dimensions of culture, the impact of 3
culture on business practices, leadership across cultures,
challenging role of Global Manager/Leader, need for
cross-cultural management.
UNIT III Issues in Cross-Cultural HR Management: The 4
challenge of managing multicultural/ cross-cultural
workgroups and international teams, virtual and
multicultural teams, cross-cultural communications and
negotiation- Decision-making within diverse cultures -
ethical dilemmas and social responsibility facing firms in
different cultures, Building cultural intelligence and
cultural competence.

UNIT IV Recruitment, Selection and Staffing in 4
International context: International Managers, Parent
Country Nationals, Third Country Nationals, Host
Country Nationals, Selection Criteria and Techniques,
use of selection tests, interviews for international
selection, different approaches to multinational staffing
decisions, recruitment methods using head-hunters,
cross-national advertising, e-recruitment.
UNIT V Training and Development in International 3
Context: Backdrop of international training, role of
expatriate training, HCN training, Career Development,
repatriate training, components of effective pre-
departure training programmes, developing international
staff and multinational teams, knowledge transfer in
multinational companies.
UNIT VI International Compensation: Forms of compensation 3
and factors that influence compensation policy, key
components of international compensation, Approaches
to international compensation, compensation practices
across the countries, emerging issues.
UNIT VII International Labor Relations: Key issues of 2
International Labor relations, response of labor unions to
UNIT HRM Practices in Different Countries: Japan, USA, 2
VIII UK, India and China.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each UNIT. Questions will be
case/inferences/application based.


 Students are expected to discuss the challenges faced by Indian multinational

companies in deploying employees from one country to another.
 Design and present a recruitment strategy for any two MNCs.
 Conduct a debate on the challenges involved in measuring performance of
employees in multinational context.
 Identify whether too much dependence on home market leads to neglect of
international opportunities.
 Identify whether role of international HR expanding from staffing to higher order


1. Aswathappa, K., & Dash, S. (2020). International Human Resource

Management|. McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Edwards, T. (2017). International Human Resource Management. Pearson
Education Limited.
3. Dowling, P. (2004). International Human Resource Management: Managing
People in a Multinational Context: Thomson, Cengage Learning.
4. Tayeb, M. (2005). International Human Resource Management: A Multinational
Company Perspective. Oxford University Press.
5. Rao, P. L. (2008). International Human Resource Management: Text and cases.
Excel Books India.
6. Srinivas, R. Kandula (2018). International Human Resource Management. Sage.


1. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Sage Publications

2. Management Review- IIM Banglore, Elsevier Ltd
3. Technium Social Sciences Journal, Technium Science
4. ELK's International Journal of Human Resource Management & OB, ELK Asia
Pacific Journals


Objectives 1. To introduce students to the theory, concepts, and business

application of human resource research, data, metrics, systems,
analysis and reporting.
2. To develop an understanding of the role and importance of HR
analytics, and the ability to track, store, retrieve, analyze and
interpret HR data to support decision making.
3. To enable students to use applicable benchmarks/ metrics to
conduct research and statistical analysis related to Human
Resource Management
Learning 1. Student will learn to apply quantitative and qualitative analysis to
Outcomes understand trends and indicators in human resource data;
understand and apply various statistical analysis methods.
2. Learn to employ appropriate software to record, maintain,
retrieve and analyze human resource information (e.g., staffing,
skills, performance ratings and compensation information).
3. Develop understanding to connect HR results to business results.
4. Ability to identify HR benchmarks and metrics relevant to agency
mission and goals.

Section A
UNIT I Introduction to HR Analytics: Concept and Definitions 4
of Analytics, Importance and Significance of Human
Resource Analytics, Benefits of HR Analytics, Evolution of
HR Analytics, Application of HR and Predictive Analytics,
LAMP framework of HR Analytics.
UNIT II HR Business Process and HR Analytics: HR Research 2
Tools and Techniques, Data Analysis for Human Resources,
Parametric and Non-parametric Tests.
UNIT III HR Information Systems and Data Sources: 4
Introduction to HRIS, HRIS for HR Decision-making, HR
Data and Data Quality, HR Data Collection, Transforming
HR Data into HR Information, Process of Data collection for
HR Analytics, HR Reporting, Data Visualization, Performing
Root Cause Analysis.
Predictive Analytics: Introduction, Different Phases of HR
Analytics or HR Predictive Modelling, Data and Information
for HR Predictive Analysis, Software Solutions, Predictive
Analytics Tools and Techniques.
UNIT V HR Metrics : Recruitment Metrics, Metrics for Training and 4
Development Function, HR Analytics as a Better Tool for
HR Decisions, Compelling Reasons for HR Analytics, HR
UNIT VI HR Scorecard: Linking HR Data to Operational 2
Performance, Creating HR Scorecard, Developing HR
Measurement System, Guidelines for Implementing HR
UNIT VII Value Proposition and HR Decisions: Introduction to 3
Value Proposition and HR Decisions, Sustainability in HR
Decisions, HR Analytics and HR Value Propositions, HR
Optimization through HR Analytics; HR Forecasting, HR
Plan and HR Analytics.
UNIT VIII HR Analytics for Future: Understanding Future Human 2
Resources, Generic Future HR Skill Sets and Knowledge,
Ethical Issues in HR Analytics, HR Analytics and
Empowerment of HR Function.

Section B
At Least one Case Study from each UNIT. Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based.


 Identify any hypothetical HR research issue and collect data for the proposed
research to analyze and draw inferences to help in HR decision-making in the
hypothetical organization.
 Identify the important HR metrics used in manufacturing companies.
 Design HR Dashboard on Performance Management issues for the sales force of
any organization of your choice.
 Study and prepare HR report on any three Performance Metrics of HR function of
any Organization.
 Prepare a presentation on how human resources can be empowered with HR
Analytics with reference to any organization.


1. HR Analytics: Understanding Theories and Applications: Deepak Kumar

Bhattacharya, Sage 2017.
2. Moore, McCabe, Duckworth, and Alwan. The Practice of Business Statistics:
Using Data for Decisions, Second Edition, New York: W.H.Freeman, 2008.
3. Predictive analytics for Human Resources, Jac Fitz- enz, John R. Mattox, II,
Wiley, 2014.
4. Human Capital Analytics: Gene Pease Boyce Byerly, Jac Fitz-enz, Wiley,2013.
5. The New HR Analytics: Predicting the Economic Value of Your Company's
Human By Jac FITZ-ENZ, 2010.
6. The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance, by Brian E.
Becker, Mark A. Huselid, Mark A Huselid, David Ulrich, 2001.

1. Organizational Dynamics Journal, Elsevier Ltd.
2. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Taylor & Francis
3. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, Nature Publishing Group
4. Human Resource Management International Digest, Emerald Group Publishing

Operations & Supply Chain Management (Group D)

S. No. Subject Code Subject Title

IV Semester
1 M-440 Supply Chain and Logistics Management
2 M-441 Project Management
3 M-442 Service Operations Management
5 M-443 Technology Management


OBJECTIVES 1. To learn about the role of supply chain management in value,

customers and pricing. Also to understand how to integrate a
manufacturing unit with customer.
2. Logistics as movement of smooth flow of material movement with
optimizing the warehousing, transportation and network of materials
3. To describe the increasing significance of logistics and its impact on
both costs and service in business and commerce.
LEARNING 1. Develop an understanding of the importance of logistics in the
OUTCOMES formulation of the business strategy and the conduct of supply chain
2. Develop an in-depth understanding of logistics operating areas and
their interrelationship.
3. Define and establish the strategic importance of logistics to achieve
business success by creating value through supply chains.
4. Analyzing, comparing and interpreting the combination of customer
accommodation, market distribution, procurement, and manufacturing
represents the supply chain areas that are linked and supported by
logistics and lean management.

Section A
UNIT I Introduction: Nature of supply chains, Historical perspective, 3
objectives, importance, decision phases and process views of
supply chain.
Supply chain performance: competitive and supply chain
strategies, achieving strategic fit and its challenges.
Supply chain drivers and metrics: Impellers of supply chain,
financial measures of performance, derivers of supply chain
performance, framework for structuring drivers.
UNIT II Logistics Management: Scope and definition, historical 4
perspective, Value added nature of logistics, logistics and supply
chain management, customer service and logistics, key issues
and challenges for logistics.
Designing the supply chain network: Designing
distribution networks: Role of distribution in supply chain,
factors influencing distribution network design, design options
for a distribution network, online sales and distribution network.
Network design in supply chain: role of network design,
factors influencing network design decisions, framework for
network design decisions. Impact of globalization on supply
chain networks.

UNIT III Demand forecasting in a supply chain, Aggregate planning in a 3
supply chain, Sales and operations planning in supply chain,
Coordination in a supply chain: Bullwhip effect, effect on
performance, obstacles to coordination in a supply chain,
continuous replenishment and vendor managed inventories,
collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment.
UNIT IV Planning and Managing inventories in a supply chain: 3
Managing economies of scale in supply chain, managing
uncertainty in supply chain, determination of optimal level of
product availability
UNIT V Designing and planning transportation network: Role of 3
transportation in a supply chain, modes of transportation and
their performance, transportation infrastructure and policies,
design options for a transportation network, tradeoffs, tailored
UNIT VI Sourcing decisions in a supply chain: Role of sourcing, In- 3
house or Outsource, third party suppliers, total cost of
ownership, sharing risk and rewards in supply chain.
Pricing and revenue management in supply chain: Role
of pricing and revenue management in a supply chain, pricing
and revenue management for multiple customers segments,
perishable products, seasonal demand, bulk and spot contract.
UNIT Sustainability and supply chain: Role of sustainability, key 3
VII pillars of sustainability, sustainability, and supply chain drivers,
closed loop supply chains.
The role of Information Technology in a supply chain
UNIT Decision-support systems for supply chain 2
VIII management: The challenges of modeling, structure of
decision support systems, input data analytical tools,
presentation tools, supply chain decision support systems.

Section B

At least one case study/ problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/ inferences/ application based

 Prepare a chart for Supply chain network of petroleum , milk product, etc
 Study and design a supply chain network for film distribution system to distributors
and release of film
 Study and analysis of logistics integration system of Walmart company
 Study and prepare a report for decision support system and with retail
 Analysis for DSS of reliance fresh or any other retail company for FMCG product
 Study and comparison for pull v/s push system for coke , pepsi products or any
other company
 Study of FMCG inventory management at any retail warehouse/ retail mall.


1. Mohanty, Supply chain Management, Pub Wiley, 2016

2. Roberta S Russell and Bernard W Taylor, Operations and supply chain management
Pub Wiley, 8th Edition, 2017.
3. Donald J Bowersoy& David J Closs , Logistical Management- - Tata Mc
GrawHill, 2015
4. R P Mohanty& S G Deshmukh, Supply Chain Management- Theories &
Practice –- Pub: Biztantra House, 2017
5. Donald Waters, Logistics: An introduction to SCM, pub. Palgrave,McMillan, 1st
edition, 2003.
6. Sunil Chopra, Supply Chain Management-–Pub: Peter Meindi, 2009
7. Badi N V, Supply chain Management- - Pub : Vrindra Publications ( P) Ltd.,Delhi,
8. Sunil Sharma, Supply Chain Management- Concept, Practice &Implementation -
Pub: Oxford Univ. Press, 2016
9. V.VSople- Logistics Management-Pub.- Pearson edition-2013


1. American Journal of Supply Chain Management,

2. Asian journal of Naval Research Logistics,
3. International Journal of Logistics Management,
4. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management

OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss essential concepts project management.
2. Understand the project feasibility analysis and the key steps
involved therein.
3. To understand fundamentals of project costing and Budgeting.
4. Discuss the nature and use of network techniques for project
5. Understand the importance of scheduling / allocating resources to
a project & concept of time and resource constraints
6. Understand the process for crashing a project, and concept of
optimum duration/cost projects
LEARNING 1. Apply project management tools and methodologies.
OUTCOMES: 2. Develop network for the project
3. Compute critical path and float/slack
4. Successfully plan and implement projects
5. Perform project crashing and optimum resource allocation.

Section A
UNIT I Philosophy and Concepts: Project Characteristics, 3
typology of projects, need for PM, Projects goals, key
features: The project manager, the project team, and
project management system. Different forms of project
management, Project environments
UNIT II Systems approach to project management: Project 3
life cycle, Systems development cycle and project
management, Conception phase: Project initiation,
Project feasibility, Request for proposal, feasibility study,
project proposal, selection of proposal, project contracting.
Definition phase, Execution phase, Execution phase:
Production and implementation stage. Operation phase
UNIT III Project Planning Tools: Work Breakdown structure and 2
work packages, Responsibility matrix, Events and
milestones, Gantt charts
UNIT IV Project scheduling: Project representation as network: 4
AON and AOA, role of dummies, topological ordering of
jobs, Fulkerson’s rule for node numbering, Adjacency
matrix. Time estimates: Optimistic, pessimistic, and most
likely time, Single and multiple time estimates.
Program Evaluation and review Technique (PERT):
The Beta distribution, Expected time or average time,
variance of activity, Computation of Earliest expected time
and latest allowable occurrence time, Forward pass and
backward pass, Slack time, and Critical path. Probability of
achieving project completion date. Central limit theorem
and application to a network.

UNIT V Critical Path Method (CPM): Network construction, 4
determination of critical path, floats and their significance,
Crashing the network and optimum duration of project
completion using time scaled network. Resource allocation:
Resource smoothing and resource levelling.
UNIT VI Cost Estimating and Budgeting: Cost estimating, cost 4
escalation, cost estimating and systems development cycle,
cost estimating process, elements of budgets and
Project cost accounting and management information
systems, cost schedules and forecasts.
Managing Risks in Projects: Risk concepts, risk
identification, sources of risk, identification of project risk,
risk assessment, risk impact: consequence and priority, Risk
response planning.
UNIT VII Project Control: Internal and external project control, 3
cost accounting systems for project control, project control
process, project control emphasis.
Performance analysis: Cost and schedule analysis with
budged cost of work performed, work package analysis and
performance indices. Estimation of cost remaining to
complete the project. Variance limits.
UNIT VIII Project Management Information Systems: Functions 3
of PMIS, Computer based PMIS systems: MS Project, Project
Scheduler, Primavera etc., Web based project management.
Project Evaluation, Reporting and Termination:
Formative and summary evaluation, review meetings.
Project reporting for top management, project managers
and customers. Reasons for project termination, causes of
project failure and success. Introduction to project force
field analysis

Section B
At least one case study/ problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/ inferences/ application based

Case study related to project formulation & execution of
chemical / petrochemical / automobile / building construction
and / or event management
 Example /case for project responsibility matrix
 Example / case for project appraisal
 Example / case for scope management
 Example / case for project Networking
 Example / case for project quality management
 Example / case for project risk management
 Example /case for project performance and closure
 Assigning specific situations to the students for developing a project plan and

presenting the same in the class.
 Feasibility analysis of a live project to be undertaken by the students.
o Students to visit any two financial institutions and study the project
appraisal criteria adopted by them.

1. Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Financing, Implementation, and
Review, Prasanna Chandra, Projects, McGraw Hill Education; Eighth edition (1 July
2. Engineering Project Appraisal, Martin Rogers and Aidan Duffy, Wiley-Blackwell; 2
edition, 2012
3. Kerzner, H., Project Management – Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling, 2001.
4. Meredith and Mantel, Project Management, 2001.
5. PMI, A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2000.
6. Wiest, J.D. and Levy, F.K., A Management Guide to PERT / CPM, 2001.
7. John M. Nicholas, Project Management for Business, Engineering and Technology,
Elsevier publications, 2008.

1. American Journal of Supply Chain Management,
2. Asian journal of Naval Research Logistics,
3. International Journal of Logistics Management,
4. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Project Management Journals and Articles published in India and internationally
such as International Journal of Project Management Association, Project
Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Project
Manager Today Periodical, Journal of Productivity Analysis and use of Software
like M.S. Project, SAP, etc. is encouraged.

OBJECTIVES 1. Learn for Operation management in service industry
2. Able to make analysis for customer requirement and product
3. Learn and able to frame for layout of designing delivery system
LEARNING 1. Knowledge and understanding of key concepts, tools and
OUTCOMES techniques pertaining to the management of transaction-based
service processes.
2. An appreciation of the role of strategic operations planning and
skill in constructing and optimising a strategic operations plan for
Service Industry.
3. Develop an understanding of the terminology and responsibilities
that relate to Service Operations Management.
4. Interpret basic tools and skills used in solving problems
traditionally associated with operating the service operations

Section A
UNIT I Role of Services in an Economy: Service definitions, 3
dependency of manufacturing on services, Economic evolution, ,
nature of service sector. The nature of services: service
classification, the service package, characteristics of service
operations, classifying services for strategic insights, systems
view of services. Service strategy: Strategic service vision,
competitive service strategies, winning customers in marketplace,
stages in service firm competitiveness, measuring service
UNIT Designing the Service Enterprise: New service 3
II development: service design elements, service blueprinting,
strategic positioning through process structure, taxonomy for
service process design, generic approaches to service system
design, customer value equation.
Technology in services: Role of technology in the service
encounter, emergence of self service, automation in services,
internet services, electronic and traditional services, service
product and process dimensions. Technological innovation in
UNIT Service Quality: dimensions of service quality, measuring 3
III service quality, quality service by design, walk through audit,
achieving service quality, service recovery, stages in quality
The service encounter: The service encounter triad, service
organization, contact personnel, the customer, creating customer
service orientation, service profit chain

UNIT Service Facility Planning: Servicescapes, facility design, 3
IV process analysis, facility layout. Service facility location:
classification of service facility location issues, facility location
technique-single and multiple facilities, site considerations
UNIT V Managing Service Operations: Forecasting demand for 3
services: Subjective models: Delphi method, cross impact
analysis, historical analogy. Causal Models and time series
models. Managing capacity and demand: strategies for managing
demand, strategies for managing capacity, yield management
UNIT Managing waiting lines: Queuing systems, essential features 3
VI of queuing system, capacity planning and queuing models:
analytical queuing models, capacity planning criteria.
UNIT Service Supply Relationships: Supply chain management, 3
VII service supply relationships, managerial implications of
bidirectional relationships, sources of value in service supply
relationships, outsourcing services and its managerial
UNIT Growth and Globalization of Services- Domestic growth and 3
VIII expansion strategies: Focused service, focused network, clustered
service, diversified network. Franchising: nature, benefits to
franchisee and issues. Globalization of services: Generic
international strategies, nature of borderless world, planning
transnational operations. Global service strategies.

Section B
At least one case study/ problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/ inferences/ application based

 Being a manager in five star Hotel industry ,prepare norms and quality systems
for best service practice to delight customers
 Being a manager marketing in motor vehicle insurance company, how you
would develop a economic justification for equipment insurance of fertilizer
company for four compressors which are costing of worth Rs. 3000 Million.
 Being in a Hotel Industry, Design total logistics for supply of food plates to
airway service industry 2000 numbers per day basis, distance travelled is 20
 Being a manager inventory in a retail sector mall how you would analyses the
FMCG items stocking philosophy so that stock out condition and expiration does
not exists
 You are Head of Marketing for a new fertilizer plant under project stage, How
you would establish the SCM up to retailers,so that one day company producing
2000 MT per day basis you would be able to claim management that complete
per day production is distributed to retailers and also sold to the customers one
day lead basis.
 Design your plan and branding, as well as seeding program for your own brand
product which is expected after a year so that you can ensure management
commitments at full confidence.
1. Service Management: Operations Strategy, Information Technology, James A
Fitzsimons, Mona J. Fitzsimons, Tata McGraw Hill
2. K Shridhara Bhat, Service Operations Management, Pub. Himalaya,2015.
3. Christopher Lovelock, Services Marketing, Pearson Education. 2017
4. Ashwathappa K, & Sridhar Bhat K , Production and Operations Management
Himalaya Publications, 2015
5. Russel and Taylor , Operations Management: Along the supply chain -, 6/e,
Wiley India. 2014
6. UpendraKachru, 1/e Production and Operations Management: Text and cases
Excell Books. 2016

1. International Journal of Service Industry Management
2. Journal of Financial Services Research
3. American Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
4. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

OBJECTIVES 1. Understand basic concept and meaning of technology
2. Discuss evolution and growth of technology
3. Understand role and significance of technology management
LEARNING 1. A working understanding of the concepts and techniques of
OUTCOMES strategy technology management.
2. An ability to critically analyse the behaviour of organizations and
organisational members in developing, implementing, and
managing technology from a strategic perspective
3. Expertise on Innovation and Productivity Improvement Techniques
to enhance organisation performance.
4. To develop the perspective for continuous improvement through

Section A
UNIT I Introduction : Understanding Technology and its 2
Relationship with Wealth of Nations and Firms Specific
Knowledge; Technology Life Cycles, Technology Acquisition
and Absorption; Technology Exports / Joint venture
UNIT II Change Management: Understanding the Nature, 3
Importance, Forces, Types of Change; Diagnosing
Organizational Capability to Change strategy, Structure,
Systems and People; Building Culture and Climate for
Change: Role of Leadership; Managing Transformations.
UNIT III Productivity Improvement Techniques: 3
Definition & Concept of Productivity : Partial productivity,
Total Productivity model Salient features of TPM, Causes of
poor productivity, Sumanth’s five pronged approach to
productivity improvement, Limitations
UNIT IV Innovations Management: Invention vs. Innovation; 3
Innovation Strategies and Models; Concurrent Engineering;
Process Innovation, Product Innovation, Innovation
UNIT V Creative and Lateral Thinking Management: Thinking, 3
Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Managing Lateral
UNIT VI Make or Buy Decisions: Concept of outsourcing, Factors 3
influencing Make Or Buy Decisions, Trends in Make Or Buy
Decisions in context of core competency.
UNIT VII World Class Manufacturing Techniques: Historical 4
perspective Bench marks, Bottlenecks and Best Practices:
Concepts of benchmarking, bottleneck and best practices,
Best performers - Gaining competitive edge through world
class manufacturing, Value added manufacturing,

eliminating waste, Toyota Production System, example.
System & tools for world class manufacturing: Improving
Product & Process
UNIT VIII Business Process Reengineering: Concept of BPR, 3
process of BPR, prerequisites for effective BPR
implementation, application of BPR in productivity

Section B
At least one case study/ problem from each unit. Questions will be
case/ inferences/ application based

 Study and analysis of Technology upgradation for crude oil extraction
Techniques/ fuel engine Study and prepare a report for BPR for Motor cycle
vehicles for fuel efficiency design and parameters.
 Study and analysis of any two products of ITC or HUL for its recognition as
world class leaders for lean manufacturer & 5S practice.
 Study and report preparation for how to increase the productivity of any FMCG
manufacturing company.
 Concept study for any organization ,which has practice of change management
and its benefits
 Study and analysis of Innovation management of Dr.fix –it products for house
and roof interior finishing Or Innovation in tyre industry as radial tyre and its
 Study and analysis of make or buy decision for washing mc electronic parts for
long run success of company.

1. Business driven Technology- Hagg& Philip- McGraw Hill, 2012
2. Murthy C S V , Technology Management –pub. Himalaya Publishing house, 2009
3. HosseinBidgoli (2010), The Handbook of Technology Management (3 Volume
Set), Wiley.
4. Tushman, Michael L and Philip Anderson (2004). Managing Strategic
Innovation and Change, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press.
5. Adair, John (2007). Leadership for Innovation, Kogan Page India Private
6. Narayanan, V K. (2001). Managing Technology and Innovation for
Competitive Advantage. Pearson Education.
7. Frederick Betz (2003), Managing Technological Innovation, Competitive
Advantage from change, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.

1. Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council” (TIFAC),
2. International Journal of Technology Management,
3. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,
4. Journal of Research Technology Management.

Information Technology Management (Group E)

S. Subject Code Subject Title

IV Semester
1 M- 450 Software Project Management
2 M-451 Managing Digital Innovation and Transformation
3 M-452 Artificial Intelligence for Managers
4 M-453 Emerging Technologies In Database Management


OBJECTIVES 1. Understand the fundamental principles of Software Project

2. Resolve the process of managing software from conventional to
3. Familiarity with different methods and techniques used for project
LEARNING 1. Develop the model from the conventional software product to the
OUTCOMES modern.
2. Analyze and design software architecture.
3. Apply, analyze, design and develop a software project.
4. Design various estimation levels of cost and effort.

Section A
UNIT I Software Development Organization and Roles: The 3
Management Spectrum; Organizational Structure; Types of
Organizational Structures –Hierarchical Organizational
Structure, Flat Organizational Structure, Matrix Organizational
Structure, Networked Organizational Structure, T Form
Organization; Job Roles in Software Development.
UNIT II Overview of Project Management: Project Management – 3
Definitions; Factors Influencing Project Management – Project
Manager, Project Management Activities, Stakeholders;
Project Communication; Project Development Phases; Project
Charter; Statement of Work (SoW); Project Management
UNIT III Project Planning: Tasks in Project Planning; Work 3
Breakdown Structures (WBS); Planning Methods;
Development Life Cycle Models; A Generic Project Model.
Estimation and Budgeting of Projects: Software Cost
Estimation; COCOMO Model; Budgeting.
UNIT IV Project Scheduling and Monitoring: Scheduling 4
Techniques – Program Evaluation and Review Technique
(PERT), Gantt Chart, Critical Path Method (CPM), Automated
Tools. Project Monitoring and Controlling: Project Status
Reporting; Project Metrics; Earned Value Analysis (EVA);
Project Communication Plan & Techniques; Steps for Process
UNIT V Team Development and Conflict Management: Basic 2
Concepts; Organization Types – Centralized-control team
organization, Decentralized control team organization, Mixed-
control team organization.

UNIT VI Risk Management & Configuration Management : 3
Concepts of Risks and Risk Management; Risk Management
Activities; Effective Risk Management; Risk Categories; Aids
for Risk Identification; Potential Risk Treatments; Risk
Components and Drivers; Risk Prioritization.
Configuration Management: Software Configuration
Management (SCM) –Baselines, Software Configuration Items
(SCI); SCM Process; Identification of Objects in the Software
Configuration; Version Control; Change Control; Configuration
Audit; Status Reporting; Goals of SCM.
UNIT VII Software Quality Assurance: Software Quality Assurance 3
Activities; Software Qualities; Software Quality Standards –
ISO Standards for Software Organization, Capability Maturity
Model (CMM), Comparison between ISO 9001 & SEI CMM,
Other Standards.
UNIT VIII Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) 3
Tools: CASE Concepts; Classification of CASE Tools; Steps for
CASE Tool Implementation; Integrated CASE Environments;
Architecture of CASE Environment

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based
1. Perform case studies on cost estimation models like COCOMO, COCOMO II.
2. Implement a Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) for a given specific software
3. Comparative analysis on Process Vs Product metrics.
4. Perform Case studies on Project Scheduling.
5. Implement an efficient management strategy for a business scenario.
6. Perform Case studies on Risk Management.
1. Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall “Software Project Management”, 6th
Edition, McGraw Hill Edition, 2017.
2. Pankaj Jalote, “Software Project Management in practice”, 5th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2017.
3. Dr. P. Rizwan Ahmed, “Software Project Management”, 1st Edition, Margham
Publications, 2016
4. Walker Royce, “Software Project Management, A Unified Framework”, 1st Edition,
5. Joel Henry, “Software Project Management”, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
6. Pradeep Pai, “Project Management”, First Edition, Pearson, 2019
1. Journal Of Software Project Management And Quality Assurance, Serial Publications
2. International Journal of Project Management, Elsevier
3. Indian Journal of Software Engineering & Project Management, Lattice Science
4. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, IGI Global

OBJECTIVES 1. To help the learners understand how digital innovation and

transformation change the business process and decision making.
2. To provide understanding of analyzing technological innovations that
bring change in strategic management.
3. To enable comprehension of the impact of technology enablers in
transforming the Business model in different sectors.
LEARNING 1. Understand of the change in business process and decision making due
OUTCOMES to digital innovation and transformation.
2. Able to analyze impact of technological innovation on strategic
3. Understand the effect of technology enablers in transforming business
4. Enhanced understanding of role of technological innovation and
transformation on different sectors.

Section A
UNIT I Understanding Digital Innovation: Digital Innovation, 3
Different perspective of Digitization, Strategic Challenges of
Digital Innovation and Transformation, reaping Value from
Digitization, Untapped Opportunities, Digital Platforms.
UNIT II Introduction to Transformation: Understanding Digital 3
Transformation, The Essentials of Digital Transformations,
Business Process Transformations, Stages of Successful
Transformation, Challenges of Real Transformation.
UNIT III Technological Enablers of Digital Transformations: 3
Digital Disruption, Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, IoT, Block Chain and Social Computing on
Transforming Business and Society.
UNIT IV Strategic Management or Technology and Innovation: 4
Technological Innovation and Business Strategy, Managing
Disruptive Innovations and Technological Transitions, The
Technology S-Curve and Its Implications on IS strategies
Innovation Strategies, and their Implementation.
UNIT V Online Technology Mediated Business Models: Impact 2
of IT on innovation and decision-making within firms,
Technology marketing, the critical role of technology-based
disruptive innovations to a business.
UNIT VI Challenges in the Digital Economy: Organization and 3
cultural issues – building and managing a virtual organization,
Management challenges of networked business, Role of
leadership and management.
UNIT VII Managing Transformation: Cloud computing, change 3
management, process reengineering, testing and training,
governance and communications.

UNIT Application Areas: Application of Digital Transformation in 3
VIII Different Sectors such as Healthcare, Finance Companies,
Marketing, Banking/Insurance.

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based

1. Each participant would develop a business plan for his chosen division or
organisation based on the concepts learnt in the classroom.
2. Take one existing business model of your choice and discuss how digital innovation
and digital transformation changed its business processes and their impact on
3. Take any existing Industry that has undergone digital transformation successfully
and generate an analytical report for the same.
4. Discuss any one example of digital transformation failure along with factors
responsible for its failure.
5. Consider one Healthcare & one retail industry unit and discuss what value digital
transformation brought to each one of these.

1. Robert D. Galliers, Dorothy E. Leidner, Boyka Simeonova, Strategic Information
Management: Theory and Practise, Routledge, 5th edition, 2020.
2. Joe Peppard, John Ward, The Strategic Management of Information Systems:
Building a Digital Strategy, Wiley, 4th edition, 2016.
3. Lindsey Herbert, Digital Transformation: Build your Organization’s Future for the
Innovation Age, Bloomsbury Business; 1st edition, 2017.
4. Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, Lary Leifer, The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful
Digital Trasformation of Teams, Product, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems,
Wiley, 2018.
5. Andreas Hinterhuber, Tiziano Vescovi, Francesca Checchinato, Managing Digital
Transformation: Understanding the Strategic Process, Routledge, 2021
6. Dick Whittington, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Cambridge University
Press, 2018

1. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), International
Association of Online Engineering
2. Journal of Digital Transformation, Institute for Digital Transformation
3. International Journal of Digital Innovation in the Built Environment (IJDIBE), IGI
4. International Journal of Innovation Management, Imperial College Press.


OBJECTIVES 1. Understanding the concepts, theories and application of Artificial

Intelligence in Business Management and day to day life.
2. Studying the business situations and applying machine learning and
artificial intelligence.
3. Developing the plan for application of AI based solutions for business
LEARNING 1. Comprehend the Fundamentals, Evolution and Economics of Artificial
OUTCOMES intelligence.
2. Identify appropriate analytical techniques to solve business scenario
3. Differentiate between various domains of Artificial Intelligence.
4. Identify business constraint and describe, analyze and apply
techniques for constraint satisfaction.

Section A
UNIT I Introduction: What is Artificial Intelligence, History of AI, 3
Domains of AI, Business Applications of AI, Decision Support
Systems and AI, Artificial Intelligence in Economics and
Business Research, Rise of big data in business planning,
Redefining management using AI.
UNIT II Foundations of AI: Acting Humanly-Turing Test Approach, 4
Thinking Humanly- Cognitive Modeling Approach, Thinking
Rationally- laws of thought approach, Acting Rationally-
Rational Agent Approach. AI techniques, Expert Systems.
Intelligent agents, Search, AI Canvas, 7-step process for
framing an AI initiative
UNIT III AI and Business Functions: Big data and supply chain, AI 3
in logistics, Data driven assortment and personalization, Peer
to peer product sharing, AI and service operations, Service
innovation in digital age, Consumer and object experience in
the Internet of things and digital data streams.
UNIT IV AI Powered Business Intelligence: Introduction to 3
Business Intelligence, Advantages, Disadvantages and
Trends, Role of AI in Business Intelligence, Components of AI
in BI Tools, Adoption of AI in Business, Advantages of AI
driven Business Intelligence Solutions, Impact of AI in BI, AI
Based BI Applications, Future of AI in BI
UNIT V AI & Machine Learning: Fundamentals of Machine 3
Learning, The AI & ML landscape – tools, techniques and
platforms. Machine Learning and Deep Learning with
understanding of key players in the AI ecosystem. Difference
in AI and ML, Application of ML in business.

UNIT VI AI Applications in Management: Making the business 3
case for the use of AI & ML Deep Learning for AI, Neural
networks & deep neural networks, Applications of deep
learning in various scenarios, Necessary conditions for Deep
Learning Applications, challenges and limitations of deep
UNIT Data Science: Data Science, Introduction to Python, Python 3
VII for Data Science, Data Visualization in Python, Data Analysis
Using SQL, Data Analysis in Excel , Analytics Problem Solving
– CRISP-DM framework
UNIT Ethics & Future of Work: AI & Ethics, Trolley Problem, 2
VIII Capabilities and Limitations of AI and ML.

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based

1. Understanding the working of smart personal assistants.
2. Smart email categorization.
3. Understanding implementation/working of AI & ML cloud platforms.
4. Sales and business forecasting.
5. Fraud detection and prevention for online transactions.

1. Russell, S., Norvig, P. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Third Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
2. Khemani, D, “ A First Course in Artificial Intelligence” Paperback Edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2013.
3. Agarwal, A., Gans, J. & Goldfarb, A, “ Prediction Machines“, Harvard Business
Review Press, 2018
4. Taulli, T, “Artificial Intelligence Basics”, Apress, 2019.
5. Rakesh Dandu, “Artificial Intelligence for Managers: For Individuals Aspiring to Get
into the AI”, Notion Press, 2020.
6. Kevin Knight and Elaine Rich, “Artificial Intelligence”, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill,

1. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Machine Learning, IJCA.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice IV, Springer Publications.
3. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Springer.
4. Journal of Visualization, Springer.


OBJECTIVES 1. To learn and understand the concepts of Data Base Management.

2. To apply the database management principles.
3. To apply advanced database models .
LEARNING 1. Understand Database Management concepts.
OUTCOMES 2. Understand Relational databases.
3. Analyze database and understand normalization.
4. Able to apply data models.

Section A

UNIT I Introduction to Database Management 2

Database systems, File Systems, Database v/s File Systems,
Database Architecture, Introduction to database models.
UNIT II The Relational Database Model 3
A Logical view of data, keys, integrity rules, relational
database operators, relationships within the relational
UNIT III Entity Relationship Modeling 3
Basic Modeling Concepts, degrees of data abstraction, entity
relationship model, Degree and Cardinality of relationships,
converting an E-R Model into a database structure.
UNIT IV Normalization 3
Database tables and normalization, normalization and data
base design. Normal forms.
UNIT V Structured query language 4
SELECT Statement, distinct clause, handling of null values,
ORDER BY clause, WHERE clause, relational operators,
logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), SQL Operators,
(BETWEEN, AND, IN, LIKE), numeric functions, string
functions, date functions, conversion functions, GROUP BY
clause, group functions, HAVING clause, joining tables, SET
Operators (UNION, INTERSECTION, MINUS), Sub queries.
UNIT VI Distributed database management system 3
Distributed processing and distributed databases, DDBMS
Components, levels of data and process distribution.
UNIT VII NOSQL Data Management 3
Introduction to NoSQL, aggregate data models, key-value and
document data models, relationships, graph databases,
schemaless databases, materialized views, distribution
models, sharding, master-slave replication, peer-peer
replication Consistency: relaxing consistency, version stamps.
UNIT VIII Advanced Data Models 3
Temporal Databases, Spatial Databases, Multimedia
Databases, Deductive Databases, Mobile Databases.

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based PRACTICAL COMPONENT

1. Create an ER model of a business organization.
2. Design a database schema for a university system.
3. Suppose that a bank has account table and want to find the list of account
holders who have amount less than minimum balance in order of their city.
Create a sample table with fields as ( account-no, name, address, city, balance).
Write proper query to solve the stated problem.
4. Suppose a hotel want to automate its process. Create an ER model and a
database design for the same.
5. Suppose that you have data of examination having fields as (enrollment-no,
roll-no, student-name, course, obtained-marks, maximum-marks, session).
Write proper SQL query to declare the result and assign grades. Grades ( A: 90
and above %, B: between 90 and 80, C: between 80 to 70, D: between 70 to
60 , E: Between 60 to 50, and F: Below 50)
6. Design a case study for a new enterprise online business, find it’s entities,
design ER model and suggest the database model.

1. Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addison Wesley,
7th Edition, 2016.
2. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, “Database Systems: A Practical Approach
to Design, Implementation, and Management, Addison Wesley, 6th Edition,
3. NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence, P.
J. Sadalage and M. Fowler, Pearson Education, Inc. 2012.
4. Professional NOSQL, Shashank Tiwari, Wrox, September 2011.
5. Korth, Silberschatz, Sudarshan, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill, 6th Edition,
6. Ramakrishnan, Gehrke, “Database Management System”, McGraw Hill, 3rd
Edition, Jan 2007

1. International Journal of Database Management Systems, AIRCC
2. Database Systems Journal, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies Publishing
3. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer-
4. Journal of Database Management, Timely Knowledge

Business Analytics (Group F)

S. No. Subject Code Subject Title

IV Semester
1 M-460 Data Mining for Business Decisions
2 M-461 Data Visualization for Managers
3 M-462 Business Forecasting
4 M-463 Functional Analytics


OBJECTIVES 1. To identify the scope and essentiality of Data Warehousing and Mining.
2. To analyze data, choose relevant models and algorithms for respective
3. To study various classification and clustering algorithms
LEARNING 1. Understand Data Warehouse fundamentals, Data Mining Principles
OUTCOMES 2. Design data warehouse with dimensional modeling
3. Identify appropriate data mining algorithms to solve real world
4. Compare and evaluate different data mining techniques like
classification, prediction, clustering and association rule mining

Section A
UNIT I Data warehousing: What is OLAP, Dimensional Modelling 3
(facts, dimensions), cube, Schema, defining schema’s star
schema, snow-flakes schema and fact constellation, ETL
UNIT II Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: The KDD 2
process and methodology, Data preparation for knowledge
UNIT III Data mining and Machine Learning techniques: 2
Overview of tools for Data Analysis, Data Analysis vs. Data
Analytics, Types of Data Analytics
UNIT IV Supervised Techniques: Introduction to Classification and 3
Prediction Classifying with Probability Theory; Naïve Bayes,
Building Decision Trees
UNIT V Unsupervised Techniques I: Mining Frequent Patterns, 4
Associations and Correlations: Basic Concepts, Efficient and
Scalable Frequent Item set Mining Methods, Mining various
kinds of Association Rules, Apriori Algorithm, FP Growth
UNIT VI Unsupervised Techniques II: Types of Data in Cluster
Analysis, A Categorization of Major Clustering Methods,
Partitioning Methods, Hierarchical Methods, Density-Based
Methods, Introduction to Model-Based Clustering,
Introduction to Outlier Analysis, K Medoid Clustering.
UNIT VII Predictive Analytics: Regression models, Linear and Non 3
linear Regression, Evaluating predictive models
UNIT VIII Introduction to Soft Computing: Soft computing vs. Hard 3
computing, Introduction to Soft computing Techniques
Neural Network and Genetic algorithms and Their utility in
Data mining

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based

1. Perform Case Studies Data Mining Techniques.
2. Explore machine learning tool “WEKA”
3. Perform data preprocessing tasks and Demonstrate performing association rule
mining on data
4. Load dataset into Weka and perform Decision tree algorithms
5. Perform Regression using Excel
6. Explore other clustering techniques available in Weka.

1. Pieter Adriaans & Dolf Zentinge, “Data Mining”, Addison-Wesley, Pearson, 2000.
2. Mohanty, Soumendra, “Data Warehousing: Design, Development and Best
Practices”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
3. Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts & Techniques”, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 3rd edition, 2002
4. Daniel T. Larose, “Data Mining Methods & Models”, Wiley-India, 2007.
5. Vikram Pudi & P. Radhakrishnan, “Data Mining”, Oxford University Press, 2009
6. Alex Berson & Stephen J. Smith, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”,
Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004
7. Margaret H. Dunham & S. Sridhar, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced
Topics”, Pearson Education, 2008.
8. D Israel, “Data Analysis in Business Research”, Sage Publications, 2012

1. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM), IGI Publication
2. International Journal of Data Warehousing (IJDW), Serial Publication
3. CS&DA - Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Elsevier, CMStatistics
4. DATAMINE - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer
5. TKDD - ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data, ACM (Association
for Computing Machinery)


OBJECTIVES 1. To understand how to represent voluminous complex data set.

2. To understand the methodologies used to visualize large data sets
3. To understand the process involved in data visualization and security
aspects involved in data visualization
LEARNING 1. Analyze the concept of data visualization.
OUTCOMES 2. Explain various visualization options.
3. Design and use various methodologies present in data visualization.
4. Evaluate the process involved and security issues present in data

Section A
UNIT I Introduction: Context of data visualization, Definition, 2
Methodology, Visualization design objectives. Key Factors,
Purpose, visualization function and tone,
UNIT II Visualization Design Options: Data representation, Data 2
Presentation, Seven stages of data visualization, widgets, data
visualization tools.
UNIT III Visualization Data Methods: Mapping, Time series, 3
Connections and correlations, Scatterplot maps, Trees,
Hierarchies and Recursion, Networks and Graphs, Info graphics
UNIT IV Visualizing Data Process: Acquiring data, Where to Find 3
Data, Tools for Acquiring Data from the Internet, Locating Files
for Use with Processing, Loading Text Data, Dealing with Files
and Folders, Listing Files in a Folder, Asynchronous Image
UNIT V Data Visualization using Google Data Studio: Getting 4
started with Google Data Studio, Data story telling with various
charts, Making interactive reports with viewer filters and date
range controls, Creating product catalogs, video libraries, and
other hyperlinked content, Data visualization art. Connecting
data sets to various Google Marketing Platform, including
Google Ads, Analytics, Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360,
Google Cloud Storage, Social media platforms such as
Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter, Sharing and collaborate Data
Studio file with another editor, working together in real time as
a team.
UNIT VI Data Visualization with Tableau: Getting started with 3
Tableau Desktop, Creating the first charts, Filtering and sorting
data, Common charts, assembling a dashboard layout,
Drilldown between dashboards, Transform the data Creating
more advanced chart types Using multiple source tables,
Interactions, Advanced visualizations, Creating a data story in

UNIT Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI:Introduction 4
VII to power BI - need, importance, power BI cloud and power BI
services, Power BI desktop - installation, usage creating power
BI reports, auto filters, report visualizations and properties,
chart and map report properties, hierarchies and drilldown
reports, data analysis expressions (DAX), publish power BI
report, working with my work space group.
UNIT Data Visualization with R: Introduction and Installation of R 3
VIII studio, Packages for data Visualization, Grammar of graphics
using ggplot and ggplot2, Basic Visualization using Histogram,
Bar / Line Chart, Box plot, Scatter plot. Advanced Visualization
using Heat Map, Mosaic Map, Map Visualization, 3D Graphs,
Correlogram, Dendrogram, word cloud.

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based
1. Perform data visualization using tools.
2. Comparative study of data visualization methods.
3. Perform case studies on design of sales dashboard, CIO dashboard, Telesales
dashboard, marketing analysis dashboard, HR dashboard etc.
4. Use of advanced web techniques for data visualization.
5. Design a dashboard.
6. Create report for vulnerability assessment and exploitation of system.
1. S. Margret Anouncia, Hardik A. Gohel, Subbiah Vairamuthu, “Data Visualization:
Trends and Challenges Toward Multidisciplinary Perception”, Springer Verlag,
Singapore; 1st Edition, 2021
2. Claus O. Wilke , “Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making
Informative and Compelling Figures”, 1st Edition, O Reilly Media, Inc., 2019
3. Kieran Healy, “Data Viualization: A Practical Introduction”, Princeton University
Press, 2018
4. Scott Murray, “Interactive data visualization for the web”, 2nd Edition, O Reilly
Media, Inc., 2017.
5. Steve Wexler, Jeffrey Shaffer, Andy Cotgreave, “The Big Book of Dashboards:
Visualizing your data using Real-World Business Scenarios”, Willey, 2017
6. Greg Conti, “Security Data Visualization: Graphical Techniques for Network
Analysis”, No Starch Press Inc, 2007
7. Alexander Loth “Visual analytics with tableau”, Willey, 2019
8. Kiran Pandya, “Statistical Analysis In Simple Steps Using R”, sage Publications,
1. Information Visualization, SAGE Journals
2. Journal of Visualization, Springer
3. Patterns, ScienceDirect, CellPress
4. Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation, International Association for
Statistical Computing.

OBJECTIVES 1. Understand the various concepts of the forecasting in the application

of business
2. Understand the various techniques of the forecasting
3. Explain about the techniques employed in the operations planning
LEARNING 1. Analyze the techniques employed in the operations planning and the
OUTCOMES types of Forecasts
2. Understand the different types of Data Patterns.
3. Analyze the demand using the regression method and the Exponential
Smoothing method
4. Understand the different measures of forecast errors.

Section A
UNIT I Forecasting: Introduction, Objectives, Features of good 3
forecasting, Nature and uses of forecasts, Forecasting and
Decision Making, Types of Forecasts, The Art and Science of
Forecasting, Process of Forecasting, Application of forecasting
in Business
UNIT II Data: Introduction, Data Patterns: horizontal, trend, 3
seasonal, and cyclical, Data for Forecasting: Data Warehouse
and Cleaning, Data Transformations: Data Pattern and
Appropriate Transformations, Patterns in Time Series Data
UNIT III Forecasting Techniques: Forecasting Techniques: 3
Qualitative and Quantitative, Technique Selection, Delphi
Method, Interpolation and extrapolation
UNIT IV Regression Analysis: Regression Analysis, Simple 2
Regression: Linear Model, Assumptions of the Regression
Model, Least Square Method, Multiple Regression, Curvilinear
Regression, Binary regression, Logistic regression, Step wise
UNIT V Smoothing Techniques: Smoothing Techniques: naive, 4
averaging and smoothing, Averaging Models: Simple Average
and Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing Models;
UNIT VI Time Series: Time series analysis, Trend Analysis, Linear 3
Trend and Nonlinear Trend
UNIT Error: Introduction, Accuracy, Measure, Cumulative sum of 3
VII Forecast Errors (CFE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
UNIT Statistical inferences using Hypothesis testing: Point 3
VIII and Interval estimation, Parametric Test, Non Parametric
Test, Drawing logical inferences from these results

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based
1. Study t-test and implement.
2. Implement smoothing techniques.
3. Analyze Forecasting Techniques and regression.
4. Perform a study of Time Series Decomposition.
5. Perform case studies on Forecasting Models.
6. Implement Forecasting with multiple regressions.

1. Michael Gilliland, Len Tashman, Udo Sglavo, “Business Forecasting: Practical
Problems and Solutions”, John Wiley & Sons, 2016
2. Douglas C. Montgomery, Cheryl L. Jennings, Murat Kulahci, “Introduction to Time
Series Analysis and Forecasting”, John Wiley & Sons, 2015
3. Hanke, John E. Wichern, Dean W.,”Business Forecasting” Pearson, 2014
4. Michael Gilliland, Len Tashman, Udo Sglavo, “Business Forecasting: Practical
Problems and Solutions”, Wiley, 2010
5. Reza Hoshmand, “Business Forecasting – A Practical Approach”, Second Edition,
Routledge, Taylor & Francis, New York, 2010
6. Jae K Shim, “Strategic Business Forecasting”, Global Professional Publishing, 2009.
7. John T. Mentzer, Mark A. Moon, ”Sales Forecasting Management”, Sage
Publication, 2004

1. International Journal of Forecasting, International Institute of Forecasters
2. Journal of Business Forecasting, Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning
3. International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence,
Inderscience Publisher
4. Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vilnius Tech


OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the basic concepts of financial analytics, Marketing

analytics and HR Analytics.
2. To learn statistical and analytical techniques that can be deployed to
help better decision making.
3. To understand the role and importance of functional analytics.
LEARNING 1. Gain an overview of advances in marketing analytics, financial analytics
OUTCOMES and HR analytics.
2. Understand and apply various statistical analysis methods in financial
3. Apply quantitative and qualitative analysis to understand trends and
indicators in human resource data.
4. Use advanced analytical tools to analyze a variety of data collected by

Section A
UNIT I Introduction to Financial Analytics, Statistical 3
concepts: Financial Functions in Excel, Stock charts,
Modelling and forecasting of financial statements, Basic
statistical concept for Finance, Financial data Visualization
tool, Predictive sales analytics, Client profitability analytics,
Product profitability analytics, Value-driven analytics.
UNIT II Application of data analytics in capital markets: 3
Downloading and Reading stock market data, Applying
technical analysis indicators. Statistics to analyze capital
market data.
UNIT III Introduction to Marketing Analytics: Hierarchical 3
segmentation, Selecting the "right" number of segments,
Segmentation variables, Recency, frequency, and monetary
value, Computing recency, frequency and monetary value
with R, Introduction to Customer analytics
UNIT IV Data transformation: Preparing and transforming your 4
data in R, Running a hierarchical segmentation in R,
Managerial Segmentation: Limitations of statistical
segmentation, Developing a managerial segmentation,
Describing segments, Segments and revenue generation.
UNIT V Introduction to HR Analytics: Evolution of HR Analytics, 2
HR information systems and data sources, HR Metric and HR
Analytics, Evolution of HR Analytics; HR Metrics and HR
Analytics; Intuition versus analytical thinking; HRMS/HRIS and
data sources; Analytics frameworks like LAMP, HCM:21(r)

UNIT VI Diversity Analysis: Equality, diversity and inclusion, 3
measuring diversity and inclusion, Testing the impact of
diversity, Workforce segmentation and search for critical job
roles. Recruitment and Selection Analytics: Evaluating
Reliability and validity of selection models, Finding out
selection bias, Predicting the performance and turnover.
UNIT Performance Analysis: Predicting employee performance, 3
VII Training requirements, evaluating training and development,
Optimizing selection and promotion decisions.
UNIT Monitoring impact of Interventions: Tracking impact 3
VIII interventions, Evaluating stress levels and value-change.
Formulating evidence based practices and responsible
investment. Evaluation mediation process, moderation and
interaction analysis, Introduction to Digital marketing and
Web analytics

Section B
At least one Case Study from each UNIT Questions will be case/
inferences/ application based
1. Simple Linear Models.
2. Cash flow Simulation.
3. Hierarchical Segmentation Using R.
4. Diversity Analysis.
5. Employee attitude surveys- engagement and workforce perception
6. Predicting employee performance.
1. Shonna D. Waters, Valerie Streets, Lindsay McFarlane, Rachael Johnson-Murray, “
The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and
Empower HR Decisions”, 2018, Society For Human Resource Management.
2. Fermin Diez , Mark Bussin , Venessa Lee , Fundamentals of HR Analytics: A Manual
on Becoming HR Analytical, 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited.
3. Dr. Anuradha B, Financial Analytics and Control Paperback, Notion Press; 1st
edition, 2021.
4. Mark J. Bennett , Dirk L. Hugen, Financial Analytics with R: Building a Laptop
Laboratory for Data, Cambridge University Press; 1st edition, 2016.
5. Stephan Sorger, Marketing Analytics: Strategic Models and Metrics Paperback,
Amazon Digital Services; 1st edition, 2013
6. Wayne L. Winston (Author), Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with
Microsoft Excel, Wiley, 1st edition, 2014.
7. Annmarie Hanlon, ”Digital Marketing: Strategic Planning & Integration”, Sage
Publications, 2019
1. Financial Analysts Journal, CFA Institute.
2. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Taylor & Francis.
3. Journal of Marketing, SAGE Journals.
4. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Elsevier.


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