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Edward School

SHS Daily Check-In / Homeroom Guidance Program

2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022

Daily Check-In / Homeroom Guidance Program Structure

1. All sessions shall be conducted daily during the Daily Check-In Period by the Homeroom Advisers.

2. Daily Check-In Period: 8:00 – 8:20AM

3. Mode of Instruction: Synchronous

4. Rationale: The rationale of the Daily Check-In is to prepare the students well for their tasks of the day. The Daily Check-In /
homeroom period is crucial in establishing the readiness of the students for the tasks prepared for them. The guidance of the
Homeroom Adviser is equally valuable to clarify with the students' issues being confronted as well as to prepare the students
for the day. This includes homeroom guidance, wellness, announcements, information dissemination, and preparation of
learning for the day.

5. Structure:

8:00 – 8:05 - Flag Ceremony

8:05 – 8:10 - Homeroom Adviser’s Time
● Checking of Attendance
● Personal Wellness Check
● Announcements – letters and reminders to parents, events, activities, reminders from
8:10 – 8:20 - Homeroom Guidance Program (Tuesday – Thursday)
Mindfulness Monday (Monday)
Friday Rewards (Friday)

Week Day / HGP-MELC Discussion Guide / Essential Questions / Activity Learning Outcomes
Week 5 Monday 1. Respond 8:00 – 8:05
to personal
and social Flag Ceremony
needs that
can 8:05 – 8:10
to the Homeroom Adviser’s Time
of ● Checking of Attendance
internation ● Personal Wellness Check
standards ● Announcements – letters and reminders to
parents, events, activities, reminders from teachers
● Sho ways
on how to 8:10 – 8:20
oneself Mindfulness Monday
as a role
helpful to
others ● Lead students to be still and calm. To sit
where they are and to be ready for reflection time.

● Short pause and reflection time. Lead students

● to be fully present,
● to be aware of where they are and what
they are doing, and

● to not be overly reactive or

overwhelmed by what’s going on around

Senior Sunrise:
Week 5 Tuesday 1. Respond 8:00 – 8:05
to personal
and social Flag Ceremony
needs that
can 8:05 – 8:10
to the Homeroom Adviser’s Time
of ● Checking of Attendance
internation ● Personal Wellness Check
standards ● Announcements – letters and reminders to
parents, events, activities, reminders from teachers
● Sho ways
on how to 8:10 – 8:20
oneself Homeroom Guidance Program (HGP)
as a role
model The teacher will discuss the following to students (please
helpful to refer on the attached PowerPoint presentation)

What is ISR?

Discuss the different activities of ISR:

● Charitable acts, including philanthropy such as

donation of money.
● Working for the community, such as volunteering,
giving blood donations, and working at a food bank or
animal shelter.
● Supporting issues that affect society, such as
advocating political or social issues that can help
others—for example, advocating for child labor laws,
purchasing fair trade products, recycling.
Week 5 Wednes 1. Respond 8:00 – 8:05
day to personal
and social Flag Ceremony
needs that
can 8:05 – 8:10
to the Homeroom Adviser’s Time
of ● Checking of Attendance
internation ● Personal Wellness Check
standards ● Announcements – letters and reminders to
parents, events, activities, reminders from teachers
● Sho ways
on how to 8:10 – 8:20
oneself Homeroom Guidance Program (HGP)
as a role
model The teacher will discuss the following to students (please
helpful to refer on the attached PowerPoint presentation)

Other examples of ISRs:

● Philanthropy
● Working in a homeless shelter
● Being honest in all dealings with others
● Recycling
● Making an effort to have less environmental impact,
for example, driving less.
● Donation of time
● Donation of money
● Giving blood
● Being fair to others
Week 5 Thursda 1. Respond 8:00 – 8:05
y to personal
and social Flag Ceremony
needs that
can 8:05 – 8:10
to the Homeroom Adviser’s Time
of ● Checking of Attendance
internation ● Personal Wellness Check
standards ● Announcements – letters and reminders to
parents, events, activities, reminders from teachers
● Sho ways
on how to 8:10 – 8:20
oneself Homeroom Guidance Program (HGP)
as a role
model The teacher will discuss the following to students (please
helpful to refer on the attached PowerPoint presentation

HGP Seatwork:


● Students will make a Community Bucket List. They

will list down all the activities and services they want
to organize that will benefit all the members of their
● Students will submit the seatwork to their respective
Week 4 Friday 8:00 – 8:05

Flag Ceremony

8:05 – 8:10

Homeroom Adviser’s Time

● Checking of Attendance
● Personal Wellness Check

● Announcements – letters and reminders to

parents, events, activities, reminders from teachers

8:10 – 8:20

Friday Rewards


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