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After series of activities, the Grade 1 pupils will be able to tells the days in a week
in the right order at 90% level of proficiency.

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of time and non-standard units of length, mass and

B. Performance Standards
Is able to apply knowledge of time and non-standard measures of length, mass,
and capacity in mathematical.

C. Learning Competency
Tells the days in a week; months in a year in the right order. (M1ME-Iva-1)

Tells the days in a week in the right order


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 168-169
2. Learner’s Material 230-234

Math 1 Quarter 4- Week 1: Tells the days in a week; months in a year in the right
order pages 168-169

B. Other Learning Resources

Calendar of the current year
Activity sheets

C. Values Integrated:


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill

Can anyone tell me what date is today?

Today is April 21, 2022
Right, today is April 21, 2022

How many days does the month of April has?

Let us see from this calendar.

(Teacher will show the calendar)

Yes, Lovely?
There are 30 days in the month of April.
Correct! As you can see, this month of April
has 30 days.

2. Review

Can anyone still recall the topic that we had

discussed last meeting? Ma’am!

Yes, Khate? Last meeting, we discussed about the days in

a month.

That’s right!
Does each month have 30 days same as No, ma’am!
February has only 28 days in this year,
Can anyone tell me why? January and March as well has 31 days in this

Very well said, Champ!

Each month has either 28, 30, or 31 days

during a common year, which has 365 days.
During leap years, which occur nearly every 4
years, we add an extra (intercalary) day, Leap
Day, on 29 February, making leap years 366
days long. Am I understood, class? Yes, ma’am!

3. Motivation

Now class, do you know “The 7 Days of the

Week” song? No, ma’am.

It goes like this.

(The teacher will sing the song first)

Dominggo, Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules,

Huybes, Biyernes, Sabado. Pito ka-adlaw, usa
ka simana, kantahon naton nga tanan.
Yes, ma’am.
Can you follow class?
I’ll repeat the song once more, after that you
will going to sing it with me.
(The teacher will repeat the song)
Yes ma’am.
Alright, can you now sing it with me class?
(Students sings together with the teacher)
Everybody let us sing.
Dominggo, Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules,
Huybes, Biyernes, Sabado. Pito ka-adlaw, usa
Dominggo, Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules, ka simana, kantahon naton nga tanan.
Huybes, Biyernes, Sabado. Pito ka-adlaw, usa
ka simana, kantahon naton nga tanan.
Yes, ma’am!
Did you enjoy the song, class?

Good job!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

Today, I will be discussing about “The Days of

The Week” Yes, ma’am.
Are you ready to listen class?

2. Discussion
I have here a calendar with me, what do you
see in the calendar? There are months in the calendar

Yes, Clive?
Ma’am there are also days.
Correct, there are months. What else? Cherry
Very good!
What else, class? There are numbers in the calendar.

Yes, Alora?

That’s right! There are months, days, and

numbers in the calendar.
(Pupils will answer in chorus)
What do you think does the upper part of the
calendar shows?

Okay, the upper part of the calendar shows the

days of the week.

I’ll going to read it first, afterwards you will


“The Days of the Week”

(Pupils will read it in chorus)

Your turn class, everybody read.

Ma’am, there are seven days in a week.
Very Good! Those days that you read are the
days in a week.

Matthew? How many days are there in week? Ma’am!

Correct! There are seven days in a week. The first day is Sunday and the seventh day is
What are the first day and the seventh day?

Yes, champ?

That’s right.

In a week there are seven days, these are the

following; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Yes, ma’am.
The first day is Sunday and the seventh day is

Did you understand it now class?

3. Guided Parctice

Let see if you really had understood our

discussion. This time, we will be having a
group work activity. I will group you into two
groups. This side will be the group 1, and this
side will be the group 2.

I have here cards for each group, it has a

written word, and the words written on it, are
the days in a week.
(The teachers will show the cards)

Yes, ma’am!
What you will do, is you will paste it down in a
cartolina as fast as you could, and it should be
at the right order, afterwards, each group will
present their work to the front. Did you get me
(Each group participates)
(The teacher will distribute cards and the
cartolina to each group).

I will give you 3 minutes to finish your work,

(Group 1 presents their work to the class)
you may start now.

After 3 minutes.
Times up! (Group 2 presents their work to the class)

Kindly present your work to the front, group 1.

Very good group 1!

Group 2, kindly present your work.

Very good group 2!

Let us all read your work class!

(Pupils will read in chorus)

(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,

clap, clap)
Great job, class!

Let us give ourselves 10 claps, everybody

claps your hands.

(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,

clap, clap)

C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization

Alright class, can anyone tell me what was our Ma’am!

topic all about?
Our topic was all about the days of the week.
Yes, Carl?

Correct! How many days again are there in a There are seven days in a week ma’am.
week? Enre?

That’s right!
What was the first day and the seventh day of Ma’am!
the week?
The first day is Sunday and the seventh day is
Anariza? Saturday.

Very good!

Can anyone enumerate what are those days of Ma’am!

the week?
The days of the week are Sunday, Monday,
Yes, Heaven? Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and

Very well said!

Today we discussed about the days of the

week and this are the following; Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Sunday. The first day is Sunday
and seventh day is Saturday. All in all, there
are seven.
Good job, class!

2. Application

Let’s have a board work activity. We call this

matching type, you will

Instruction: Connect column A with the correct Yes, ma’am.

answer in column B.

Did you get me class?

I only need five pupils who will participate, and A B

those are the pupils who were not yet called. 1. Wednesday - - 1st
Here is the marker. 2. Sunday - - 2nd
3. Thursday - - 3rd
A B 4. Monday - - 4th
1. Wednesday - -1 st
5. Saturday - - 5th
2. Sunday - -2 nd
6. Friday - - 6th
3. Thursday - -3 rd
7. Tuesday - - 7th
4. Monday - - 4th
5. Saturday - - 5th
6. Friday - - 6th
7. Tuesday - - 7th

Alright, let check.

(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)
Great job! All answers are correct!
Let us give them 5 claps. Everybody claps
your hands.
((clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

V. Evaluation

Everybody take your sit properly, and we will (Students reading the instruction together with
be having a quiz. the teacher)

Before we start let us all read the direction first.

Direction: Read the following questions inside

the box and incircle the right corresponding Yes, ma’am.

Did you get it class?

Yes, ma’am
(Teacher will distribute the evaluation sheet to
the class)

Has everyone have been distributed?

Write your name, grade and section at the top

of the paper. I’ll give you 5 minutes to finish
your work. You may now start answering.
Yes, ma’am.
Answer quietly class.

After 5 minutes.
Are you done answering class?

Very good!
(The teacher will now collect the answered

VI. Assignment
Yes, ma’am.
Class, I have here your assignment. What you
will do is to bring this at home, you will read
the instruction first before answering, and this
to be submitted next meeting. Am I Yes, ma’am.

(Teacher will distribute the assignment to the Goodbye ma’am!


Has everyone have been distributed?

Kindly keep all your things now. That’s all for

today. Goodbye class.

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