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Identifying the mayor characters

The first and main character we found was

Mr Mahmood: He has plenty of skeletons in his closet and is extremely regretful of the fact that
he did not pursue fully his skill in running during his youth, due to the fear of failure. He was
arrogant and didnt want people to see him fall. We can see this in his desire for consistency
wich removes risks from his everyday life.
This makes him feel unaccomplished and rejected and cannot forgive himself. We also noticed
hes a very perceptive person, we see this in his meticulousness while taking care of the shop

In this story a second character took part. Her name was

Isabel: The one constant in his life. She treats him with utmost respect and anchors him when
he wallows in depression, making her an empathic person, understanding Mr Mahmood despite
their different backgrounds. She is also an uptight woman who is quite introverted, staying away
from substances such as alcohol.

As our themes we found: Fear, Regret, Moving on, Love
We find Fear and regretion when
Mr Mahmood decided not to pursue his dreams due to his fear of failure, which haunts him even
decades later.
There is also Love and connection when Mrs Mahmood holds him down, grounding him to earth
and preventing him from wallowing in his emotions forever, giving him an output the release
them in.

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