Module 18 (Blue) : (What I Know) Pre-Test

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Media and Information Literacy

Second Semester / Fourth Quarter

S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Name of Self–Learning Kit: Multimedia Information and Media

SLK Number & Module Number: SLK # 4 - Module 18
Weeks Covered: Week 18

1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. F
10. T


1. In your own words, how do you define multimedia information?

Multimedia information is a form of communication that consists of audio, visual, text, motion,
manipulative/interactive media, and tools to let the ability of user evaluate, analyze, interact
and communicate.

2. Enumerate examples of what you considered as multimedia platform.

● Smartphones
● Print Media (such as newspaper, magazine and books)
● Broadcast Media (such as television and radio)
● Internet Media (such as social networks/websites, video sharing, etc.)

3. List down the elements that compromises multimedia.

The elements that compromise multimedia are:
● Text media
● Visual media
● Audio media
● Motion media and
● Manipulative/Interactive media

1. What makes Multimedia Information an interactive and collaborative means of presenting

It makes it more interesting to the target audience or users of multimedia, which includes
information presented with slides, video, or digital representations and includes sound which
might be a narrative, music, or sound effects. Understanding these technologies and be
able to use them effectively so we can be prepared for the future. 

2. Differentiate Multimedia Information from other media resources in delivering an intended

Multimedia information different from other media resources in it has more validity in
presenting or delivering a message. Because multimedia information has a broad term for
combining multiple media formats it makes the most advantage of media and can be more
interesting (gain and holds attention) and easily understand by the users than any other media

3. How do you see the role of multimedia in today’s society?

Multimedia plays an important role in today's society since everything has to stay up with the
times in today's society. Multimedia is a useful technique to communicate since it makes it
simple to communicate and comprehend what people are saying. Because multimedia simplifies
things, people can comprehend them more easily.

4. Give the limitations of multimedia, how do you perceive its impact towards the affected group?
The limitations of multimedia are:
● Production of multimedia is more expensive than others because it is made up of more
than one medium.
● Production of multimedia requires an electronic device, which may be relatively
● Multimedia requires electricity to run, which adds to the cost of its use.

It can take up a lot of digital storage, some products may cater to the larger population but
neglects some groups


1. Define multimedia.
Multimedia is a medium of expression or communication tool. It consists of visual, text, audio,
motion, and manipulative/interactive media, and it’s represented, stored and processed

2. The things I learned about multimedia information are.

3. What is the difference between static and dynamic media?
Statice media is referring to content that doesn’t change, such as print media (newspaper,
books, and magazines) because it remains printed. While dynamic media is referring to content
that is constantly updated and is interactive, such as social media, social network/websites,
online forums, etc.

4. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia information.

● Increases learning effectiveness
● Gains and holds attention
● Easy to use
● Give information to individuals
● Provides high quality of presentations
● Multi-sensorial
● Integrated and interactive
● Can be used as a wide variety of audience
● Entertaining and educational

● Expensive
● Not always ready to configure
● Requires special hardware
● Not always compatible
● Takes time to compile
● Information overload
● Misuse and/or overuse
● Limitations of technology


1. TARGET AUDIENCE (Who are your intended audience?)

Elementary students

2. SENDER (Who is creating this product?)

- ABM student

3. KEY CONTENT (What topics are included?)

- The difference between wants and needs.
- Creating budget/savings plan.
- Ways on how to cut your spending.
- Set saving goals and priorities.
- Watch your savings grow.
4. PURPOSE (What do you intend to accomplish after your audience will use the product?) (Is the
product designed to entertain, to educate, to inform, or to call for action?)
The message is intended to know their priority in saving many as they were still
elementary students it can be an advantage for them while growing up. Knowing the differences
between needs and wants so they don’t need to spend on unnecessary things instead purchase
only what they will use. Creating a budget/savings plan while they are younger and watch it
grows is not only will help you stick to your personal savings plan, but also helps you identify and
fix problems quickly. Setting goals will also a big help for them to save money wisely.
The content is to educate and inform elementary students on how to save money

5. FORM STYLE (What will be the tone of the message?) (What fonts, color, or shapes that you will
use?) (Do you need background music?)
The tone of the message will be calm and exciting. Arial will be the font, aside from its clean
minimalist look it will make the content clear and direct meaning; the bright colors will be used
and I’ll use the shape of a rectangle as it’s represented as paper money and circle shape
represents the coins. Lastly, I will use background music to show that this presentation will be
interesting. I chose this kind of form style because it will encourage them to learn and gather
their attention to watch the presentation.

6. MEDIUM FORMAT (What information or media types will you use or combine to create the
product?) (What devices will be used to create and run the product?)
I combined audio, visual, text, and manipulative media to produce the content. The device that
will be used to create and run the product is a laptop or computer, or anything that has a big
screen that will catch their attention.

Using the results presented in your design framework. Construct an INFOGRAPHIC that illustrates your
Media and Information Literacy
Second Semester / Fourth Quarter
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Name of Self–Learning Kit: Dimensions of Media

SLK Number & Module Number: SLK # 4 - Module 19
Weeks Covered: Week 19

1. Informal
2. Informal
3. Formal
4. Formal/Informal
5. Formal
6. Formal
7. Formal
8. Formal
9. Informal
10. Formal


1. How will you describe an information presented using the abovementioned elements of media?

2. Which among them do you consider as an effective means in disseminating information? Why?

3. How will you interpret information coming from text, visual, audio, motion, and multimedia
This type of media is frequently used to decorate text in order to make it more attractive to the
reader. The second application of multimedia is illustration or description, which can help a
reader in visualizing a place, time, or object. The third use of multimedia involves the
explanation or expansion of concepts. Another reason one might expect benefits from this
media format, in general, is that it allows for information to be represented in multiple ways. It
is important to recognize the potential cognitive implications of multimedia presentations,
including text, graphics, video, audio, maps, and photography; to develop an additional set of
literacy skills in order to learn from these sources.

Describe how the following media resources produced information by providing 5 examples.


Newspaper infographics music storyboard online selling
Flyer’s poster radio broadcast slide show multi-player game
Banner’s memes sound recording flash mob mobile apps
Magazine visual notes sound effects live streaming virtual reality
Tarpaulin’s charts/graphs dialogue videos social media


1. Understanding how information is produced and disseminated can help us.

It helps us to improve our knowledge base and eventually make better judgments in future
situations. Information is often disseminated to educate, explain or promote a concept, process,
or principle.

2. What is the difference between formal and informal production of information?

Formally produced information is created by professionals who follow a certain standard to
create a piece of information. information that has fact and validity, such as those are in print
media, government, school, research works, professionals in the media industry, etc. While
informal produced of information is created by ordinary people for personal use only, such as
blogs, SMS, online messengers, social media platforms, and content that not produced by a
formal organization.

3. We need to analyze how information are produced and disseminated because.

To not only promote awareness, but it is also important to provide opportunities for people.
Helps individuals clarify and comprehend information because they can develop their
perception of the content and avoid misinterpretation.



- Manila Bulletin
- enlarging and embolden the headline, emphasizing the current news event, the alignment of
every news topic.
- the message presented is accurate and objective.


- SEVENTEEN comeback poster
- the pastel colors they combined, value balance, harmony, rhythm, and used contrast to attract
- the message presented is informative


- Spotify Podcast
- catching dialogue, background music, and interesting podcaster
- it’s presented as entertaining, educating and informative


- Cooking Videos
- has subtitle, step-by-step procedure to follow the viewer, can be played slow and repeatedly.
- the message presented is entertaining and informative.


- Puzzles
- different shapes to complete the puzzle and interesting images.
- the message presented is engaging and entertaining to students and it will build their analysis.

1. True
2. False - Text
3. False - informal
4. False - are not acknowledge
5. True

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