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ALS Accreditation and Equivalency Program: Junior High School




ALS Accreditation and Equivalency Program: Junior High School
Learning Strand 5: Understanding the Self and Society
Module 1: Reaching Your Full Potential

Published in 2020 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO Office, Jakarta
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Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines

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ISBN 888-888-8888-88-8

Jenelyn Marasigan Baylon Master Teacher I, ALS Task Force (On-detail)

Kristine Lee S. Lumanog Education Program Specialist II, ALS Task Force (On-detail)
Judy R. Mendoza Project Development Officer III, Bureau of Learning Resources
Reyangie V. Sandoval Education Program Specialist II, Bureau of Learning Resources
Josephine C. Intino Senior Education Program Specialist, Bureau of Curriculum Development
Eric U. Labre Senior Education Program Specialist, Bureau of Learning Resources
Roderick P. Corpuz Supervising Education Program Specialist, ALS Task Force
Daisy Asuncion O. Santos Chief Education Program Specialist, Bureau of Learning Resources
Marilette R. Almayda Director III/Head, ALS Task Force
Ariz Delson Acay D. Cawilan Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Director IV, Bureau of Learning Resources
G. H. S. Ambat Assistant Secretary for Alternative Learning System Program
and Task Force
Tonisito M. C. Umali Undersecretary for Legislative Liaison Office, External Partnership Service
and Project Management Service
Leonor Magtolis Briones Secretary

John Michael Santos Author

Kimberly Malate Content Expert
Bernadette Sison Admin and Finance Staff
Mildred Parbo Project Lead
Ma. Teresita Medado President

Content and Language Evaluators and Instructional Design Reviewer

Fatima Joyce A. Dollente Regional Office III – Central Luzon, Department of Education
Rodel D. Lintag Schools Division Office of San Fernando City, Department of Education
Josephine L. Cruz De La Salle University – Dasmariñas

Ade Sandra Admin and Finance Assistant

Rusyda Djamhur Project Assistant
Marmon Abutas Pagunsan National Project Consultant
Remegio Alquitran National Project Officer
Maria Karisma Bea Agarao National Programme Coordinator
Mee Young Choi Head of Education Unit
Shahbaz Khan Director and Representative
User’s Guide
For the ALS Learner:

Welcome to this module entitled Reaching Your Full Potential under Learning Strand 5 Understanding the
Self and Society of the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC).

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and independent
learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies you are expected to
Let’s Get To Know
learn in the module.

This part includes an activity that aims to check what you already know
Pre-assessment about the lesson to take. If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.

This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson. This aims to help you
Setting the Path
discover and understand new concepts and skills.

This comprises activities for independent practice to solidify your

Trying this out understanding and skills of the topic. You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at the end of the module.

This includes questions that process what you learned from the lesson.
What You Did

Sharpening This section provides an activity that will help you transfer your new
Your Skills knowledge or skill in real-life situations or concerns.

Treading the This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of mastery in achieving the
Road to Mastery learning competency.

Don’t Forget This part serves as a summary of the lessons in the module.

In this portion, another activity will be given to you to enrich your knowledge
Explore More
or skill of the lesson learned. This also tends retention of learned concepts.

This part will assess your level of mastery in achieving the learning
Reach the Top
competencies in each lesson in the module.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the module.

This portion gives information about the meanings of the specialized words
used in the module.
At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module. Use a separate
sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Pre-assessment before moving on to the other activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your ALS Teacher/Instructional Manager/Learning Facilitator once you are
through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your ALS
Teacher/Instructional Manager/Learning Facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of
the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let's Get to Know 1
Pre-Assessment 2
LESSON 1: Enhancing Yourself Toward

Employment 3
Setting the Path 3
Trying This Out 4
Understanding What You Did 5
Sharpening Your Skills 12
Treading the Road to Mastery 13
LESSON 2: Managing Your Emotions 14
Setting the Path 14

Trying This Out 15

Understanding What You did 16
Sharpening Your Skills 21
Treading the Road to Mastery 22
LESSON 3: Coping With Stress 23
Setting the Path 23
Trying This Out 24
Understanding What You Did 26
Sharpening Your Skills 30
Treading the Road to Mastery 31
Don't Forget 32
Explore More 34
Reach the Top 35
Answer Key 37
Glossary 45
References 46
module 1
Let’s get to know
J ohn was not able to finish high
school due to his family’s financial
problem. Because of this, he decided
to look for a job to help his family.
He thinks that he must prepare
himself first before he moves into the
world of employment. John wants to
improve his personality. He also likes
to improve his knowledge and skills
in interacting with other people. In
this module, you and John will learn
how to become strong and confident
in preparation for your future career.

Lesson 1 – Enhancing Yourself Toward Employment

Lesson 2 – Managing Your Emotions
Lesson 3 – Coping With Stress

What Will You Learn From This Module?

After studying this module, you should be able to:

··describe what needs to be done in order to make personal changes and
develop your potential (LS5US-ID-PSA-JHS-H.7);
··demonstrate different work readiness skills (LS4LC-AE-PSA-AE/JHS-21);
··identify negative feelings (LS5US-ID-PSA-JHS-E.4);
··enumerate ways of controlling negative feelings
··discuss ways and means of reducing stress (LS5US-ID-PSA-JHS-E.8).

reaching your full potential 1

module 1
Directions: Read each statement carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the
correct answer. Choose your answer from the words inside the box. Do this
activity on a separate sheet of paper.

1. generally refers to a person’s positive characteristics.

Talent Power Strength

2. The characteristics or ways of behaving that motivate us and guide

our decisions are called .

Values Attitude Beauty

3. A is the job or profession that someone does for a long


Task Career Project

4. Feelings of happiness, fear or sadness are readily made known to

other people through .

Reaction Passion Emotion

5. Stress is brought about by or things present in the

environment that cause threat, danger or tension.

Stressors Problems Warnings

2 reaching your full potential

Setting the Path

Enhancing Yourself Toward

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

describe what needs to be done in order to

make personal changes and develop your
potential. (LS5US-ID-PSA-JHS-H.7); and

demonstrate the different work readiness

skills (LS4LC-AE-PSA-AE/JHS-21).

reaching your full potential 3

Lesson 1
Directions: Find out your strengths and weaknesses by answering the
following questions. Do this activity on a separate sheet of paper:

1. What is my biggest achievement?

2. What is the happiest day of my life so far?
3. What is my favorite subject in school? Which part do I like best?
4. What positive characteristics do people see in me?
5. What activities do I find exciting?
6. What is the biggest failure that I have ever experienced?
7. What is my least favorite subject in school? Which part do I dislike
the most?
8. What negative characteristics do people see in me?
9. What activities do I find boring?
10. What do I wish I could change about myself?

4 reaching your full potential

Lesson 1
Understanding What You Did
We are now living in a society with a lot of opportunities.
With your talents, ambition, and determination, you can reach
the top of your chosen career no matter where you started out.
Your success in your selected profession depends on you. You must learn to
manage yourself because it is you who will decide for your future.

Peter Drucker (2007) provided points you need to think about. Knowing
the answers to these questions will hopefully help you learn how to manage
yourself and how to have a productive career during your 50-year working

reaching your full potential 5

Lesson 1
Figure 1. A Model in Enhancing / Managing Oneself

What are my

How do I
What are my
What are my
How do are
What I my
Where do I
What are my What How
are do I
strengths? perform?
Knowing How should I
aboutHow do I
oneself Where
I my
perform? belong?

Accepting others What are my How Where

Knowing should do
as individuals about values?
oneself contribute?

Where do I
Knowing How should I
Managing belong?
Accepting others about oneself contribute?
as individuals Managing
Knowing Oneself
How should I
Accepting about
others oneself contribute?
as individuals
for communication
Oneself Start a new
Accepting others career or shift
as individuals Taking Planning the to another
responsibility secondManaging
half course.
for communication Oneself
of life
Start a new
Taking career or shift
Develop a
relationships Managing
responsibility Planning the toparallel
for communication Oneself second half course.
of life Start a new
career or shift
responsibility Planning the Become
Develop a
to a social
for communication second half entrepreneur
Start a new course.
of life career
career or shift
Planning the to another Develop a
second half course. Becomeparallel
a social
6 reaching your full potential
of life
Develop a

parallel Become a social

career entrepreneur
Lesson 1



The best way to discover your ack
strengths is through feedback analysis. feed
Whenever you make an important
decision or do an important action, s
n a lysi
write down what you expect will happen. A
After 9 to 12 months, compare the real
results to your expectations.
You must focus on things where your strengths can be enhanced.
Always try to gain more knowledge and skills.

You can achieve results by working
in the ways you perform best. Your
performance depends on things you
are good at and on things you are not
good at. To evaluate your performance,
you may ask yourself the following questions:

·· Am I a reader or a listener?
·· How do I learn? Through listening, reading, writing or speaking?
·· How do I work best? Do I work well with people or am I a loner?
·· Do I produce results as a decision maker or as an advisor?
·· Do I perform better when I am under pressure or when I am in a
comfortable environment?

reaching your full potential 7

Lesson 1


Personal values are the
principles that motivate us and
guide our decisions. Some people
are competitive, while others value
cooperation. Some people value
adventure, while others choose
security. Values are important to
us because we are likely to feel
better if we are living according
to our values. We feel worse if we
do not. Your personal values must be compatible with your organization’s
values. If there is a conflict between the values of the two, it will make you
feel disappointed. It will not motivate you to perform well in your selected

By knowing your strengths,
performance, and values, you will
understand where you belong and
where you do not belong. You must
know whether you should work in a
big or in a small organization. You
must know whether you should work
with other people or work alone.

8 reaching your full potential

Lesson 1


To answer this, you need to focus on the three different elements:

·· What does the situation need?

·· Given my strengths, my performance, and my values, how can I
contribute to what needs to be done?
·· What possible results should be achieved to make a difference?




Very few people only work for
themselves and most people work with
others and for their benefit. For this reason,
it is your responsibility to understand
the importance of your relationship with
other people. First, you need to understand
that they are also human beings. They are
individuals who have different strengths, values, and performance level.
Second, it is important for you to be responsible in communicating with
others and to make each other understand your own strengths, values, and
performance level to avoid conflicts.

reaching your full potential 9

Lesson 1


As you reach your 40s, you might get bored for doing the same work
for 20 years and above. Try to look for a second career that will challenge
you, teach you, and give you happiness and satisfaction from helping others.

There are three possible ways to develop a second career:

·· Start a new career or shift to another course. For example, you are a
security guard who decides to pursue a degree in education to become
a teacher.
·· Develop a parallel career. You stay in your current job as a
security guard, but you dedicate ten hours of your week to teach the
children on the street.
·· Become a social entrepreneur. You start a business that may help in
solving your community’s educational problem.

10 reaching your full potential

Lesson 1


Discovering your strengths, performance, and values is important as you

prepare to get a job. After examining your personality, it is also beneficial to develop
work readiness skills that will help you become an effective and efficient employee.

The following are important skills for job preparation:

·· Time Management and Punctuality – showing up in

your workplace on time, ability to meet deadlines, and
paying respect for co-worker’s time

·· Professional Orientation – maintaining good grooming,

following the required dress code, showing a positive
attitude, and having the ability to reduce the use of
personal technology during work hours

·· Team Work Ethics – having the ability to work with

others, ability to lead the team, being helpful, and valuing
other people’s contribution

·· Verbal Communication – having the ability to

understand and follow directions, ability to ask the right
questions or seek clarifications, and ability to answer
work-related questions; it is commonly misunderstood
as “being articulate”

·· Problem-Solving – having the ability to think of several

possible solutions to the problem

reaching your full potential 11

lesson 1
Sharpening Your Skills
Directions: Ask a friend, a family member, or a relative to describe you by
accomplishing the form below. Do this activity on a separate sheet of paper.


Dear ,

In order for me to know how I can contribute to my community, I

would like to develop a list of my strengths and abilities. Because you
know me so well, I would like you to help me complete my task. Would
you please answer the following questions about me based on your

1. What are my abilities, skills, and talents?

2. What are my greatest strengths?

3. What are the things I need to improve?

4. What do you think I should answer to this employer's question:

“Why should I hire you?"

Thank you very much for your help.

Sincerely yours,

(Name & Signature)

12 reaching your full potential

lesson 1
TREADING THE road to mastery
Activity: Read and analyze the following situations. Suggest the best
way or solution to the problem in each situation. Do this activity on a separate
sheet of paper.

Situation No. 1: You work for a restaurant that has a good name for
serving the best roasted chicken in town. The success of your restaurant is
a result of the quality of roasted chicken you sell. Unfortunately, due to bad
weather, your restaurant did not receive the supply of chicken that you had
ordered. What do you think is the best way you can do to solve the problem?

Situation No. 2: To earn money in summer, you and three of your

friends started a carwash business. You decide to charge PhP100.00
to wash a person’s car. After distributing flyers to your neighbors,
you received phone calls from five people who want to avail of your
carwash service this weekend. On a Saturday morning, two of your
friends got sick and will not be able to help in your business. What
do you think is the best way you can do to solve the problem?

Situation No. 3: You and your friend work at the snack stand in a mall
cinema. One day, right after you start working, the popcorn machine
malfunctions, and the drink machine runs out of soda. The line at the
snack stand is getting longer because many customers want drinks and
popcorn before going to the cinema. What do you think is the best way
you can do to solve the problem?

reaching your full potential 13

Setting the Path

managing your emotions

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

identify negative feelings

(LS5US-ID-PSA-JHS-E.4); and

enumerate ways of controlling negative

feelings. (LS5US-ID-PSA-LE/AE/JHS-E.5)

14 reaching your full potential

Lesson 2
Directions: Read and answer the following questions.


1. Everyone forgot your birthday?

2. Someone close to you broke up with his girlfriend or her boyfriend?
3. Your best friend is going to die?
4. You were wrongly accused of something bad?
5. You wanted to do something, and nobody wanted to do it with you?
6. You were being compared with your siblings or classmates?
7. You were told by your parents or other elders that you are not good
8. Your friend betrayed you?

Processing Questions:

·· What are these feelings?

·· How did you deal with these feelings?

reaching your full potential 15

Lesson 2
Understanding What You Did

Whenever you need to make hard decision, do you do the following?

·· Ask for advice;

·· List down solutions;
·· Make instant choices and
? ?
decisions; or
·· Analyze situations based on
your emotions or feelings at
the moment.

If your decision went wrong because you acted on impulse, how

would you feel? What are the effects or influences of negative emotions in
·· Anger – A decision created
out of anger may disturb your
life badly. Usually, we make
quick and wrong decisions
under the influence of anger.
For example, you are going
to make big decisions in your
life related to marriage, job,
or business. Your decisions to these things should be taken seriously
and carefully because your life depends on them. Otherwise, anger
may give you a long-time regret.

·· Sadness – Under the influence of sadness, we usually set our goals

very low. We keep low expectations and these will eventually stop
us from reaching our greatest potential.

16 reaching your full potential

Lesson 2

For example, you are applying

for your dream job, but for some
reasons, you were not able to get
it. You will eventually start to
feel sad. You will think that you
are not qualified for your dream
job and will just settle on some
low-profile jobs.

·· Overexcitement – You may have a feeling of overexcitement when you

are extremely happy. People get overexcited when they get something that
they have never received before. This negative emotion may force you to
make quick and wrong decisions. For example, you happen to receive a
huge amount of money. You might instantly and carelessly spend your
money by buying expensive clothes, shoes, bags, and other things which
you never had before. One day, you realized that you already spent all
your money and you were not able to save some for your future needs.

reaching your full potential 17

Lesson 2


Emotions may bring positive or negative effects in our lives. Because of

this, we need to be attentive about our emotions and understand how these
may influence us so that we will be able to control these feelings. You have
the right to feel any negative emotions, but you do not have to allow these
negative emotions to stay inside you. The following are the things that you
may do to manage your emotions well:

1. Express yourself – You may write your feelings in your diary or you
may share it with your close family members, friends, or relatives.
These actions can make you feel better and satisfied. Research shows
that healthy people are happier because they do not keep negative
emotions inside them. People who hide their negative feelings usually
suffer physically and mentally.

2. Meditation exercise –It is a simple but life-transforming skill that can

help you relax and enhance understanding about yourself. You need to
find a nice and quiet place where you will not be disturbed for several

18 reaching your full potential

Lesson 2

You just need to sit down, relax, close your eyes, and take slow and
deep breaths. When you are breathing deeply, you will begin to feel
calmer and more relaxed.

3. Take a helping hand – Do not be shy to ask for help or advice from
the people whom you trust whenever you feel negative emotions. Do
not think of people who ask for help as weak individuals. Remember,
you are a human being. There would be difficult times when you need
to receive support from the people around you.

reaching your full potential 19

Lesson 2

4. Always look at the bright side – Always try to find good in every
situation. Sometimes it can be difficult, but when you learn to see good
in every situation, you will understand the real meaning of life and
happiness. If you want to become successful, look at the people who are
higher than you and they will inspire you. If you feel sad about your life,
look at the people who are lower than you and they will motivate you.

20 reaching your full potential

lesson 2
Sharpening Your Skills
Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, accomplish this activity by
providing appropriate answers.


A. Explain how each activity resolves negative emotions.

1. Listening to music
2. Watching movies
3. Writing
4. Staying Happy

B. Cite personal experiences and explain possible ways to manage the

following emotions especially in making decisions.

1. Anger
2. Sadness
3. Overexcitement

Exceeds Needs
Expectations Improvement
(10 points)
(15 points) (5 points)
Sufficiently developed
Meaningful response Limited response with
response with enough
with specific ideas minimal explanation
Virtually no spelling, A number of spelling,
Few spelling and punctuation
punctuation or punctuation or
errors, minor grammatical
grammatical errors grammatical errors

reaching your full potential 21

lesson 2
TREADING THE road to mastery
Directions: Choose one (1) of the three (3) negative emotions: anger,
sadness, and overexcitement. Write your chosen negative emotion in the box
and answer the questions below. Do this activity on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Share your personal experience about the negative emotion that you
chose and how this influenced your decision-making.
2. What did you learn from your experience?
3. Why do you think it is important for you to learn how to control your
negative emotion?

22 reaching your full potential

Setting the Path

coping with stress

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

discuss ways and means of reducing stress


reaching your full potential 23

Lesson 3
tryING this OUT
Directions: Place a checkmark (✓) in the column to indicate your answer.


1. Do you skip meals?

2. Do you try to do everything by yourself?

3. Do you easily get mad?

4. Do you fail to see the humor in situations that others find


5. Do you easily get irritated?

6. Do you complain that you are disorganized?

7. Do you fail to exercise?

8. Do you get support from people around you?

9. Do you get too little rest?

10. Do you easily get angry while waiting for something?

11. Do you think that there is only one right way to do


12. Do you fail to have relaxation every day?

13. Do you find yourself spending a lot of time complaining

about the past?

14. Do you find yourself in a hurry?

15. Do you delay the tasks you need to do?


24 reaching your full potential

Lesson 3

Interpret Your Score: Add 1 point for each YES answer

Scores of 1-4 = Few hassles

Scores of 5-8 = Pretty good control

Scores of 9-11 = Danger zone. Watch out!

Scores of 12+ = Stressed out. Take steps to lessen the stress in your life.

reaching your full potential 25

Lesson 3
Understanding What You Did
We all know what it is like
to feel stressed, but it is not easy
to describe exactly what stress
means. When we say things like
“I’m stressed” or “this is stressful,”
we might be talking about the
situations that give us pressure.
Being under pressure is a normal
part of life. It can be an important
factor that helps you act, feel more
energized, and get results. But if
you are always overloaded by
stress, these feelings could start
to be a mental health problem for
you. For example, if it is hard for you to manage feelings of stress, you might
develop a mental health problem like fear or extreme sadness.

Stressors are events that cause stress in our lives. They can be categorized
into three different groups:

These are events that are
somewhat small but can add up.
For example, getting ready on time
to go to work in the morning or
getting stuck in traffic. The events
can be handled by most of us
without much fear.

26 reaching your full potential

Lesson 3

These are major unfortunate events
in life. For example, death of a family
member, losing a job, or experiencing
a serious disease.

Although we do not always think of
these as stressors, these can still cause
a high level of stress. For example,
getting married, starting a new job,
or graduating from college.

People react differently to stressful events. If you find yourself always

experiencing these symptoms, you are likely to feel stressed:

·· Headaches ·· Loss of sexual desire and/or

·· Upset stomach activity
·· High blood pressure ·· Irritability
·· Chest pain and palpitation ·· Overeating or under eating
·· Inability to focus/lack of ·· Harsh treatment of others
concentration ·· Increased smoking or alcohol
·· Sleeping too much or inability consumption
to sleep ·· Aloneness
·· Sweating palms/shaking ·· Uncontrollable shopping
·· Nervousness

reaching your full potential 27

Lesson 3


It is possible for you to learn how to manage your stress. Here are some strategies
that you may do to deal with it:

·· Schedule time for vacation, rests

in your daily routines, hobbies,
and fun activities.

11 12 1
10 2
9 3

·· Avoid
8 4
7 6 5

scheduling too many

appointments, meetings, and
other activities back-to-back.
Allow pauses to catch your breath.

·· Read books, study videos, or

attend seminars on time
management. Once you
remove time wasters in your daily
activities, you will have more time
to recharge yourself.

28 reaching your full potential

Lesson 3

·· Learn to say “no.” Spend time on

your main responsibilities and
priorities rather than allowing
others to tell you how you should
use your time.

·· Exercise regularly to lessen your

muscle tension.

·· Ask support from trusted people.

Your family, friends, or relatives
can help you in dealing with
stressful events.

reaching your full potential 29

lesson 3
Sharpening Your Skills
Direction: On a separate sheet of paper, accomplish this activity by
providing appropriate answers.


cause stress

1. What was the most stressful event that you encountered in the past
w our heart feels week? How our head thinks
2. Why were you stressed about it?
3. What did you do about it?
4. What is a better way of handling that stressful event in the future?

30 reaching your full potential

lesson 3
TREADING THE road to mastery
Directions: Read, analyze, and answer the question below. Write an
essay consisting of not more than ten (10) sentences. Your answer will be
evaluated using the rubric below. Do this activity on a separate sheet of paper.

How can stress management affect your mental health?

Exceeds Needs
Expectations Improvement
(10 points)
(15 points) (5 points)
Sufficiently developed
Meaningful response Limited response with
response with enough
with specific ideas minimal explanation
Virtually no spelling, A number of spelling,
Few spelling and punctuation
punctuation or punctuation or
errors, minor grammatical
grammatical errors grammatical errors

reaching your full potential 31

module 1
Don’t Forget

“ • Always work on your strengths by improving your

skills and get new ones.

• Work hard to improve the way you perform.

• Your personal values must match with
organization’s values.

• Knowing where you belong can transform you into

an outstanding performer.

• You should be able to contribute something to make

a difference.

• Managing yourself requires taking responsibility for


• Successful careers are developed by preparing for


• Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and

overexcitement may lead you to having bad behaviors
which may create problems or damage your health.

• You have the right to feel any negative emotions, but,
you do not have to allow these negative emotions to
stay inside you.

32 reaching your full potential

module 1

“ • If you always feel overloaded because of stress, these

feelings could start to be a mental health problem for

reaching your full potential 33
module 1
Explore more
For additional activities related to the topics of this module, these resources
may be helpful:

·· Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker – Animated Book Summary


·· Successful Self-Management

·· How to Deal With Strong Negative Emotions


·· Dealing with Negative Emotions


·· Coping with Stress


34 reaching your full potential

module 1
Reach the top
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Do this activity on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the best way to discover your strengths?

A. Feedback analysis C. Self-survey

B. Self-analysis D. Self-evaluation

2. Which among the following is NOT helpful in developing a second


A. Shifting to another courses C. Becoming an entrepreneur

B. Developing a parallel career D. Trying everything you wish to do

3. Which among the choices is about paying respect for co-worker’s time?

A. Acceptance B. Punctuality C. Appreciation D. Greetings

4. Which among the choices shows verbal communication skills?

A. Maintaining good grooming

B. Showing ability to reduce the use of personal technology during
work hours
C. Having the ability to understand and follow directions
D. Having the ability to think of solutions to the problem

5. What negative emotion could stop us reach our greatest potential?

A. Low income C. Low expectations

B. High expectations D. Low motivations

reaching your full potential 35

module 1

6. What kind of exercise can help you relax as you enhance understanding

A. Aerobic B. Zumba C. Gymnastic D. Meditation

7. Which is NOT a symptom of stress?

A. Heart attack C. Palpitation

B. Upset stomach D. High blood pressure

8. Which among the statements is TRUE?

A. People have the same reactions to stressful events.

B. All people who are asking for help are weak.
C. You may feel overexcitement during the time of happiness.
D. Starting a new job is an example of a daily stressor.

9. What is the ability to manage one's thoughts and behaviors?

A. Self-management C. Self-preservation
B. Self-discipline D. Self-enhancement

10. What is a state of being mentally and emotionally sound in responding

to a certain situation?

A. Mental Health C. Mental Stability

B. Mental Condition D. Mental Order

36 reaching your full potential

answer key

1. Strengths
2. Values
3. Career
4. Emotion
5. Stressors


1. What is my biggest achievement?

Possible Answer: I was able to go back to school through the ALS program.

2. What is the happiest day of my life so far?

Possible Answer: Passing the entrance exam for the ALS program

3. What is my favorite subject in school? Which part do I like best?

Possible Answer: My favorite subject is “Life and Career Skills” and I like
the part of “Employment” because I really want to have a job someday.

4. What positive characteristics do people see in me?

Possible Answer: They see me as a very optimistic and determined person
in finishing certain tasks.

5. What activities do I find exciting?

Possible Answer: I find learning new lessons exciting as well as getting
to know my other classmates.

6. What is the biggest failure that I have ever experienced?

Possible Answer: Not being able to graduate at a young age is what I
consider my biggest failure.

reaching your full potential 37

answer key
7. What is my least favorite subject in school? Which part do I dislike
the most?
Possible Answer: I think my least favorite subject is
“Digital Literacy” and the part of “Digital Devices” because I cannot
have a hands-on practice with any device or gadget available.

8. What negative characteristics do people see in me?

Possible Answer: Other people consider me as a mean and tactless individual
because I say things straightforward which already hurt their feelings.

9. What activities do I find boring?

Possible Answer: I find working alone boring.

10. What do I wish I could change about myself?

Possible Answer: I wish that I could be more in control of what I say or
do to other people so I could not hurt their feelings.


1. What are my abilities, skills, and talents?

Possible Answer: You are good at writing and have a talent in dancing.

2. What are my greatest strengths?

Possible Answer: For me, your greatest strength is you easily get along
with people around you.

3. What are the things I need to improve?

Possible Answer: You should improve your confidence.

4. If an employer were to ask me: “Why should I hire you?”, what do you
think should I answer?
Possible Answer: You should tell the employer that you are a team player
and serving the company will be a pleasure to you. Tell them also that
you are flexible and you are open to new learnings.

38 reaching your full potential

answer key

1. Situation No. 1: You work for a restaurant that has a good name for
serving the best roasted chicken in town. The success of your restaurant
is a result of the quality of roasted chicken you sell. Unfortunately, due
to bad weather, your restaurant did not receive the supply of chicken
that you had ordered. What do you think is the best way you can do to
solve the problem?
Possible Answer: I think the best way I can do is to inform our customers
that we cannot deliver/serve our quality roasted chicken until the supply
arrives. This is because I cannot compromise the reputation of the
restaurant by trying other chicken that may be available at that time. I
think the customers would understand as long as I will be able to explain
to them the situation we encountered.

2. Situation No. 2: To earn money in summer, you and three of your friends
started a carwash business. You decide to charge PhP100.00 to wash a
person’s car. After distributing flyers to your neighbors, you received
phone calls from five people who want to avail of your carwash service
this weekend. On a Saturday morning, two of your friends got sick and
will not be able to help in your business. What do you think is the best
way you can do to solve the problem?
Possible Answer: I think the best way to solve the problem is to call the
customers and give them a specific time for their car wash schedule.
Giving them an assigned time will make them less likely to arrive at the
same time. In this way, we will be able to accommodate all five of them
even if it was just me and my other friend.

reaching your full potential 39

answer key
3. Situation No. 3: You and your friend work at the snack stand in a mall
cinema. One day, right after you start working, the popcorn machine
malfunctions, and the drink machine runs out of soda. The line at the
snack stand is getting longer because many customers want drinks and
popcorn before going to the cinema. What do you think is the best way
you can do to solve the problem?
Possible Answer: I think the best thing to do at that moment is to
explain to the customers the problem and call the technician for some
troubleshooting guide while my friend starts refilling soda right away.
I can also offer the customers to just have their orders delivered inside
the cinema house once the popcorn machine works.


Processing Questions:

1. What are these feelings?

Possible answer: These are negative feelings like sadness and frustration.

2. How did you deal with these feelings?

Possible answer: Sometimes, I just like to be alone and to understand
first why it is happening to me.

40 reaching your full potential

answer key

Explain how each activity resolves negative emotion

·· Listening to music
Possible answer: It makes me dance and uplifts my mood a little bit.

·· Watching movies
Possible answer: The scenes are inspirational and gives me hope that I can
also surpass challenges like what the characters in the movie did.
·· Writing
Possible answer: Through writing, I can express my thoughts clearly and
do some reflection.

·· Staying Happy
Possible answer: Thinking about the brighter side of any event turns any
negative feeling that I have into a positive one.

Cite personal experiences and explain possible ways to manage the following
especially in making decisions.

reaching your full potential 41

answer key
·· Anger
Possible answer: There was one time that I had a quarrel with someone
because of two different perspectives regarding an issue. In this case,
before I proceeded and said something again, on my mind I counted one
to thirty (1-30) seconds. It helped me become more relaxed doing the

·· Sadness
Possible answer: When I usually get sad, I pray a lot. I express my thoughts
and emotion to God praying that I would have a better day compared to
what I am having at present. It helps me ease my sadness and so I am able
to do more tasks without being bothered at all.

·· Overexcitement
Possible answer: I usually get overexcited when I receive good news and
want to share it with other people right away. I manage my emotion in
this situation by doing other activities first like household chores or doing
assignments. This will lessen my excitement because I made use of my
energy on other matters.


Chosen emotion: ANGER

1. Share your personal experience about the negative emotion that you
chose and how this influenced your decision-making.
Possible Answer: There was a time when I felt really mad with what
my friend did to me. I immediately went to their house without having
second thoughts. We had a very bad fight that we even disturbed their

2. What did you learn from your experience?

Possible Answer: I learned that it is not good to decide while your
emotion is at peak.

42 reaching your full potential

answer key
3. Why do you think it is important for you to learn how to control your
negative emotion?
Possible Answer: It is important for us to learn how to control negative
emotions because it may affect our decisions badly. When we are
feeling these negative emotions, we tend to lose ourselves and react
inappropriately which may be very dangerous.


1. What was the most stressful event that you encountered in the past
Possible answer: It was the submission of all tasks to various subject

2. Why were you stressed about it?

Possible answer: I was overwhelmed and cannot decide what to do first.

3. What did you do about it?

Possible answer: I picked first the most complex outputs to make followed
by much simple tasks to do.

4. What is a better way of handling that stressful event in the future?

Possible answer: It is really important to have a schedule and to practice time
management so that it would not be hard for me to finish the tasks next

reaching your full potential 43

answer key

How can stress management affect your mental health?

Possible answer:
It is good to have an effective stress management in life because it helps me
overcome problems and stressors. If I do not practice this kind of approach
in dealing with problems, I guess I will live an unhappy and unhealthy life.
On the other note, if I do practice it, my relationships with various people
and my work will be filled with so much joy and productivity.


1. A 6. D
2. D 7. A
3. B 8. C
4. C 9. A
5. C 10. A

44 reaching your full potential

Career job that you do during your working life

a conscious mental reaction associated with

Emotion thoughts, feelings, and behavioral responses
caused by pleasure and displeasure

a method about comparing the results to

Feedback Analysis expectations

an act of turning away from disturbing thoughts

Meditation and focusing on important matters

the condition of being sound mentally and

Mental Health
emotionally in response to certain behavior

Self-management being able to manage one’s thoughts and


a person’s positive qualities in dealing with


body’s reaction to any physical, mental, and

emotional changes that cause strong feelings of
worry and anxiety

Values a person’s beliefs about good behavior and what

things are

reaching your full potential 45

“Managing Oneself By Peter Drucker - SeeKe”, n.d. Accessed
September 6, 2019.

“Understanding and Managing Stress”, n.d. Accessed September

6, 2019.

“How to Manage Stress”, n.d. Accessed September 6, 2019. https://

“Managing Oneself - Anant Jain”, n.d. Accessed September 6, 2019.

“Job Readiness Skills for Youth”, n.d. Accessed September 6,

e c on om i c D e v e l opm e nt / w or k forc e / J RT- R e p or t -

46 reaching your full potential

The development and printing of this learning resource was made possible
with the cooperation of Asia Pacific College. This is a component of the project
“Better Life for Out-of-School Girls to Fight Against Poverty and Injustice in the
Philippines” implemented by UNESCO Office, Jakarta in partnership with the
Department of Education. This initiative received a generous financial support
from Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

For inquiries, please contact:

Department of Education, Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd BLR)

Office Address : Ground Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex,

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600
Telefax : +63-2-8631-1072; +63-2-8634-1054; +63-2-8631-4985
Email Address : [email protected]; [email protected]

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