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Top 20 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and

Answers Guide
Knowledge-Based Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some of the basic questions, an interviewer can ask in order to check your
knowledge about Digital Marketing:

Q1) How will you explain Digital Marketing?

Ans: Digital Marketing is about brand marketing tactics through the online mediums. It
includes various techniques like SEM, SEO, Email Marketing, link building and more.

Q2) In what ways you can categorize the Digital Marketing?

Ans: The Digital Marketing is categorized into two major segments:

Inbound Marketing

In this technique, one can take the help of social media, digital content in terms of
e-newsletter, webinars, or e-books to increase the number of clicks on links. This helps
them to learn about a company and the product offerings.

Outbound Marketing

This aspect includes reaching out prospective clients via digital platforms and placing
ads, emails, and calls.

Q3) Why is online marketing preferred over offline marketing?

Ans: Most of the people go for digital marketing nowadays because of various benefits.
The online cost for marketing is SEO, Hosting, and Web Development. The number of
prospects are extraordinary. One can reach many individuals online and you can set
your target as worldwide.
Whereas the number of people who prefer reading newspapers, watching television,
etc. Therefore, the target is within a specific area.

Q4) What does it mean to have a responsive website?

Ans: Responsive Website may refer to multiple things like a site created using
Responsive Web Design (RWD), and a fast website that responds that responds very
well to user interactions.
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
Ans: A website that adjusts its layout as per the viewport size and the orientation of the
device. The content presented on big screens and small screens are the same but with
a different layout to provide an optimal experience on that screen size.

Q5) What is the most effective way to increase traffic to your website?

Ans: To effectively increase traffic to your website focus on referring links and SEO. It
will not only help one gain visitors but will also help in brand recognition. However, the
most important factor is to focus on User Retention.
For instance, getting a link Moz and you receive 10k incoming visitors. Good work, but
in reality, there are a very few of these visitors that convert and become consistent
visitors of your website. But if one focusses on retaining users, you will exceed those
thousands of visits in a couple of months. By focusing on user retention, you can build a
site where people will keep coming back to it.

Q6) Do you know useful Digital Marketing tools?

Ans: Here are top Digital Marketing Tools:

● Keyword Discovery
● RankWatch
● Moz
● Alexa Ranking
● Google Analytics
● Crazy Egg Heatmaps
● StumbleUpon
● Favicon Generator
● XML Sitemap Generator
● SubmitExpress Link Popularity
● Digital Point Keyword Tracker

Q7) Do you know the difference between branding and direct marketing?

Ans: In branding

an advertiser needs the exposure of his brand on major applications and sites. The
most popular methods are custom ads, YouTube ads, remarketing, and display ads
In direct marketing

the advertiser is interested in targeting the audience who are most relevant to the
business. Here most common campaigns are dynamic search ads, shopping ads,
Search Network Only etc.

Q8) What is Google AdWords Remarketing?

Ans: Google AdWords Remarketing is a targeted marketing strategy that helps

marketers to reach people who previously visited their website but didn’t make a
purchase. This type of remarketing helps in targeting right people with right ad.

Q9) What are the limitations of Online Marketing?

Ans: The limitations of Digital Marketing are:

● The products and services offered and promoted are not tangible, therefore,
the customer cannot analyze the product before buying.
● There is always uncertainty as the authentication and quality of the products
and services cannot be confirmed.
● At times, products seen online differs from what is delivered to the customer.

Commonly Expected Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some Digital Marketing interview questions and answers that are common
across all job profiles:

Q1) What attracted you to Digital Marketing industry?

Ans: Be honest here.

Answer why you applied for this job in the first place? Did the industry’s reputation
attract you? Or the high-paying jobs in Digital Marketing industry?
By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know your commitment to the industry
and see what makes you the best pick out of all the candidates available. Therefore, it is
important that you show full commitment and enthusiasm for the industry.
With an honest answer, you will reflect your commitment to the sector in long run.

Q2) What do you like the most in Digital Marketing?

Ans: Say what you like! Consider which tasks you are looking forward to in your day and
which all areas you enjoy working in the most.
Note:​ Don’t opt for ‘easy’ tasks only. Talk about challenges you would wish to take up.
Q3) How will your experience benefit our Digital Marketing business?

Ans: Don’t jitter! All you have to talk about is the personal experience, your past, and
how your skills will benefit the business overall. Talk about your Digital Marketing story
that helped you learn a lot of things and how this particular knowledge could help the
Focus on your differentiating factor. Talk about how you are different from the rest of the
applicants, therefore, think in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience you have got
so far.

Q4) Where do you see yourself five years down in the Digital Marketing industry?

Ans: Now, that’s a cliched question. It is up to you how you answer this question. The
interviewer wants to know if you are worth the investment they are making in you or not.
Don’t talk about your personal aspirations. Instead talk about the following things:
1. Professional goals
2. Core strengths and how they can benefit the company
3. Interest in the profile you have applied for

Q5) How do you stay updated with news and latest Digital Marketing trends?

Ans: This question is asked most often. Since Digital Marketing is a dynamic field, it is
important to tell about the blogs, books, webinars, and podcasts to go for. Don’t just say
something that you haven’t done as a follow-up question can get you in trouble.
Personalized Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some specialized questions with respect to the type of profile you have applied

Digital Marketing Fresher Jobs

In the case of Digital Marketing Freshers, you will often encounter questions relating to
your theoretical knowledge. The interviewer will test the confidence you have on your
skills and knowledge, therefore, be prepared with the following questions:

Q1) How will you rate yourself on the scale of 1 to 10 on the basis of your Digital
Marketing knowledge?

Ans: Neither underestimate yourself nor overestimate.

By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know if you know your strengths and
weaknesses. Analyze what all skills and knowledge you have and how can you benefit
the organization.

Q2) The number of likes/follows vs engagement numbers. Which one is


Ans: Now, that’s a tricky one! If you are not exploring and curious enough, you would
never know social media is not all about the number of likes and follows. If those likes
and follows don’t convert into sales or boost your business, what’s the point? Therefore,
engagement is better than likes or follows. Any day.

Digital Marketing Executive

Q1) We wish to engage more of our target audience through Facebook (or any
social media platform). How would you go about that?

Ans: Now that’s an important and tricky question. The interviewer wants to test if you
have mugged up answer or you actually know about their target audience.
You should not be talking about the tactical approach to marketing decisions rather take
the time to step back and analyze the situation before jumping to a solution. Ask the
interviewer few questions like ‘Are you trying to reach and what, specifically, are you
trying to achieve?’ to answer the question efficiently.
Q2) Is there anything we are doing wrong right now? How would you change it?

Ans: Here comes the question which demands you to know everything about the
company for which you have applied. Therefore, it is always better to do your research
and go through the company’s website, check their social media profiles, get a clear
idea about their clients and then you will easily know what wrong the company is doing.
It is perfect to point out their mistake but never end your answer without a proper
Here are 3 things to prove:
1. That you have assessed the current tactics and strategy of the company
2. That you are honest about the fail points you have identified
3. Offer something constructive strategies to prove you are beyond critics.

Digital Marketing Manager

Here are some Digital Marketing interview questions and answers for experienced ones:

Q1) How would you setup, track, and analyze if a campaign was a success?

Ans: Talk about the determining goal of the campaign which could be to increase brand
awareness, generate leads, or boost social media followers. After that plan the
campaign around the desired goal.
You also have to talk about tracking via Google Analytics or any other monitoring tool to
get as much data as possible. Explain how you are going to track it. It is important that
you talk about actionable insights.

Pro Tips for Digital Marketing Interview

You have got your hands on Digital Marketing Interview questions and answers but
there are some important tips to remember if you wish to ace your job interview. Here
are important tips that you must read before your online marketing interview and get
prepared with the answer if you wish to land in your dream job. (Don’t forget to be
Here are important tips that you must read before your online marketing interview and
get prepared with the answer if you wish to land in your dream job. (Don’t forget to be

1. Make use of information available to you

You have LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, and every possible social media platform that
brings information to you. Make use of it! Live Broadcast, for instance, Periscope,
Facebook Live, Snapchat etc is the next big thing now. Be prepared.

2. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is fixed

You are going for a digital marketing job, and you think this job is for you? No, your
interviewer is no godly figure to give you that job.

3. Optimize your LinkedIn profile

Make sure your LinkedIn profile has a profile descriptive headline to let the HR look for
talent easily.

4. Be a social bird

The world is social today. Being active on various networking sites will help you in the
long run. They showcase the people you follow, your views on various issues, and
about your personality. For instance, your Facebook account or Twitter account.

5. Blogs are important

Even if you don’t have a personal blog, it is still important to post on blogs. Volunteer to
contribute to a blog related to your hobby. You can talk about this in your interview.

6. Follow industry leaders and their blogs

Keep yourself updated with the latest blog posts. Some of the useful blogs and
resources you should know are:
● HubSpot
● Moz
● Social Media Examiner
● Web Marketing Academy
● Search Engine Land
● Neil Patel Blog

7. Implement what you have learned

Talk about how you would implement what you learn via these industry experts and
leaders in your current day to day job. Share how did you benefit from it and how did
you improvise. They will understand your attitude and mindset.
8. Get your hands on budgeting

The interviewer will definitely ask questions on budgeting and you have to be ready with
answers (logical one!). For instance, if you have a budget of $1000 for a small business
and wish to see immediate results, which all channels will you use for marketing and
Note: Here you need to focus on what they are asking for. SEO will take time whereas
Google AdWords are instant.

Top SEO Interview Questions & Answers You Must

Read Before Your Big Day
1) What is SEO and introduce its types?

Search engine optimization or SEO is a process of keep changing the position of a web
page or website in a search engine results by using keywords or phrases.

Two Types of SEO are:

1. On Page Optimization
2. Off Page Optimization

2) What are the SEO tools do you use?

The SEO tools that I use are Google analytic, keyword search, Alexa, open site
explorer, Google Webmaster.

3) What do you mean by Backlink?

​The incoming links to your website or webpage is referred as Backlink.

4) What are outbound Links?

The outbound links are our website links to other webpage or website.

5) Can you tell me something about Googlebot?

To index a webpage Google uses the Googlebot software. Caching, Crawling and
indexing of a webpage are done through Googlebot by collecting details from that
6) What is Cross linking and what are the function of Cross linking?

1. Cross linking is used to refer the process of linking one site to another site
and provide a way to allow the accessing to it.
2. It provides the users with reference sites that consists the content related to
the search.
3. It doesn’t need to be owned by the same person as it provides the methods
that have been built on the Internet.
4. It serves the purpose to display the page on the search engines using
search engine optimization techniques and methods.
5. The site ranking is calculated on the basis of the relevance of the sites and
then it is reflected on the search engine.
6. It uses SEO tools that provide reciprocal links and inbound links that can be
used as our SEO.

7) What is the main purpose of using keyword in SEO?

Keyword is a single word, and while a combination of those keywords makes phrases.
These keywords or phrases are used by the search engines to populate the subjects
over the internet. Search engine stores keywords in the database, and when search is
done, it will come up with the best possible match.

8) Can you mention the functions of body content relevance?

Whenever there is a text that does not have images on the web page is referred as
body content relevance or non-image text. It helps in good optimization of the sites and
also to improve your ranking in the search engine.

9) What are Spiders, Robots and Crawlers and what are their functions?

Spiders, robot and crawler, they are all same and referred by different names. It is a
software program that follows, or “Crawls” different links throughout the internet, and
then grabs the content from the sites and adds to the search engine indexes.

10) What does it mean if nothing appears on doing search on the domain?

On doing search on your domain and if nothing appears then there are three

1. May be the site is banned by search engines

2. May be no index by search engines
3. Some canonical issues

11)What is keyword stemming?

The process of finding out the root word from the search query is referred as keywords

12) Name some SEO blogs that you frequently read?

1. Jimboykins
2. Search Engine Land
3. SEOSmarty
4. MOZ
5. Search Engine Journal

13) What do you mean by Cloaking?

Cloaking is a deceptive way of optimizing search. In this technique a different content

will be searched by the search engine than what is presented or searched by the users.

14) How many types of Meta Tags are there in SEO and what are their characters

There are two types Meta tags in SEO.

1. Description Meta tag with 150 characters limits

2. Keyword Meta tag with 200 characters limits

15) How many characters limits in Title tag?

We can add 70 characters in title tag.

16) What is Google Sandbox?

Google sandbox is an imaginary area where new websites and their search rating are
put on hold until they prove worthy for ranking. In other words, it checks the standard of
the website.

17) Tell me something about Black Hat SEO?

In order to get a high ranking in search engine result page, websites go for various
methods and techniques which are characterized by two categories. One method that is
acceptable by search engine guidelines is known as White Hat SEO, while the other
method which is not acceptable by search engine guidelines is known as Black Hat

18) Name few Black Hat SEO techniques?

1. Link Farming
2. Hidden text, etc.
3. Gateway or Doorway pages
4. Cloaking
5. Keyword Stuffing

19) Can you differentiate between ‘nofollow’ and ‘dofollow’ link?

Nofollow links are not passed by search engines bot and therefore cannot be cached or
indexed. Dofollow link is a kind of hyperlink and it passes through all search engines
and it puts an impact over Page Rank.

20) What is the difference between PR (Page Rank) and SERP (Search Engine
Result Page)?

Page rank is calculated on the basis of quality inbound links from other website or
webpages to our webpage or a website.

SERP (Search Engine Result page) is the placement of the website or web-pages
which is returned by the search engine after a search query or attribute.
21) Why the Title Tag in website is valuable?

Title tags are very essential in SEO, as it tells about the contents on that web page.
Through title tags only the search engine will tell the user, what is there in the page.

22) What is considered as more significant, creating content or building


Both are necessary, creating quality content is equally important to building backlinks.
Although, building backlinks are useful in building authority to a site and for ranking as
well, quality content is the first element that is considered to be more responsible for

23) Can you mention the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEM (Search Engine Marketing), it is used for the promotion of website through Search
Engine Result Page (SERP) , while to optimize the search result of your webpage or
website SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is used.

24) What do you know about LSI?

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. This technique is established to obtain the
data by relating the word to its closest counterparts or to its similar context. For
example, if you are searching something with a keyword “CAR” it will show all the
related things like classic cars, car auctions, Bentley car, car race etc.

25) How will you cross-check whether your SEO campaign is working or not?

To check whether your SEO campaign is working or not, the first approach is to check
the websites statistics, which tells you about the origin of traffic. The other way of
checking is to make a search based on the relevant keywords and key phrases and look
for the search result. The number of search result will tell you whether your SEO
campaign is working or not.

26) What is the meaning of competitive analysis?

Competitive analysis does the comparison, between the website I am optimizing, and
the website that is ranked highly in search results.

27) What will be your next steps if your SEO methods or technique does not
My first attempt would to try analysis the problem and resolve them step by step

1. Firstly I would try to see whether it is a new project, and then like to re-check
the keywords.
2. Also, I would look for relevant keywords that can be helpful.
3. Even though the webpage and website has been indexed well and still not
appearing on the first 10 pages of search engine result page, then I would
make some changes in page text, titles and description.
4. If website is not indexed well or dropped from the index, than it might
comprises serious issues and re-work might be required.

28) What is PPC?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click and is an advertisement campaign hosted by Google. It
is segmented into two modules CPC ( Cost per click) and CPM ( Cost per thousand
impressions) through flat rate and bidding respectively. In CPC, if the user clicks on the
advert, only then the advertiser will be charged.

29) What is 301 & 302 redirect?

301:​ It is a method by which the user is redirected to new page url from old page url . It
is a permanent redirect and it is also useful in directing link juice to new url from old url .

302: ​It is a temporary redirect.

30) What are Webmaster tools?

Webmaster tool is a service provided by Google from where you can get backlink
information, crawl errors, search queries, Indexing data, CTR etc.

31) What is keyword density and what is the formula for knowing keyword

From SEO point of view, keyword density will definitely help to stand out your content
from others. The formula to know the keyword density is ( Total number of keyword/
total number of words in your article) multiply by 100.

32) What is robots.txt?

Robots.txt is a text file. It is through this file, it gives instruction to search engine
crawlers about indexing and caching of a webpage, file of a website or directory,

33) What will you do, for the company website you are working for, decides to
move all the contents to new domain?

The first step would be to update the previous site with a permanent redirect to new
page for all the pages. After that, I will remove the previous content from search engine
in order to avoid duplicate content issues.

34) Can you optimize the website which has pages in millions?

From SEO point of view, for dynamic website, special additional SEO stuffs have to be

1. Good Internal link structure

2. Generation of dynamic title and description
3. Dynamic XML sitemap generation

35) What is the latest update in SEO?

The latest updates in SEO are:

1. Panda
2. Penguin

36) What are the key aspects of Panda update?

Panda is to improve the search in Google. The latest version has focused on quality
content, proper design, proper speed, proper use of images and many more.

37) What are the key aspects of Penguin update?

Penguin is the code name for Google algorithm. Its main target is to decrease the
ranking of that website that are violating the Google Webmaster guidelines. These
guidelines are violated by using black hat techniques like cloaking and stuffing.

38) How will you neutralize a toxic link to your site?

Through Backlink Quality Checker you can know who links to your website. Now, you
have to go to ‘ Toxic link’ report, where you will find all the links, that are harmful to your
websites. If there is any link in ‘ Toxic link report’ that matches with the link on your
website, then you can remove it by using ‘Google Disavov tool’.

39) Mention how can you check if someone is not building or re-directing a
low-quality backlink to your site?

To prevent someone from building or re-directing a low-quality links to your site, you can
use tools like,

● Ahrefs
● Open Site Explorer

On regular intervals. You can either request the webmaster to remove the bad link or
disavow them.

40) How backlink tools work?

Backlink tools runs a series of tests to tell you how many backlinks are pointing to the
weblink you entered. Additional information is also being collected like anchor text
used, Domain Authority & Trust of the backlink source, and any potential flags or
warnings for each individual link.

41) Mention how often should you perform a link audit?

A link audit may be tedious and complicated process. If you have just started on
building links you can do audit quite often. But a complete link audit should be done
approximately once a year.

42) Mention which is the most important area to include your keywords?

The most important area to include your keywords are,

● Page title
● Body text

43) What if your website is banned by the search engines for black hat practices?

If your website is banned by the search engines for black hat practices, you can apply
for re-inclusion after correcting your wrong doings.

44) Mention what will be your approach if your SEO method don’t work?

If the SEO method doesn’t work then do the following,

● First see whether it is a new project then re-check the keywords

● Then look for relevant keywords that can be helpful
● Make changes in page text, title and description
● If still not ranked then there may be some other serious issues like bad links,
penguin/panda or other Google penalty, crawlability issues, UI issue etc.

Top 20 Adwords (PPC) Interview Questions &

1) Explain what is Adwords?

Adwords is the system that Google has designed to assist in marketing product or
services in Google search engine and its affiliated sites. It will place a text ad that
appears when people search for phrases associated to your offering.

2) Explain how Adwords work?

Adwords work on bidding system if the bidding price is higher your ad will appear on top
of the Google page. Adwords works on “pay per click” that means you only pay the
amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad as a result of a web search.

3) Explain why to use Google Adwords?

Google Adwords behave differently to traffic that comes from Google Adwords or “Pay
Per Click”. The traffic that comes through surfing often visits the website for information,
whereas the traffic via pay per click knows what they are clicking on and what they want
to buy. So few visitors through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors.

4) Explain what is Ad rank?

Ad rank determines your ad position on Google page, and it is determined by your bid
for that keyword and quality score.

5) Explain how does Ad rank impact Cost-Per-Click?

Ad rank plays a huge role in defining the actual cost-per-click that your opponents pay,
when someone clicks on their ads. Your CPC can be calculated by following way

Your Price = The ad rank of the person below you/ your quality score + $0.01

6) Explain how does a Google auction work?

Each month auction gets run billion of times, and the result are such that users find ads
that are relevant to what they are looking for. The search engine processes the request
and runs the auction that determines the ad positions and each advertisers CPC.

7) Explain what gets entered into a Google Account?

Once the advertisers determine the keywords that they want to bid on, Google will enter
a keyword from your account which is most related into the auction with the maximum
bid specified as well as the associated ad.

8) Explain what is Google Quality Score?

Google’s quality score determines how beneficial and relevant your ad is to the user,
based primarily on your ad’s CTR, quality of your landing page and keyword relevance.
Higher quality score keywords will save your money and earn better ad ranking.

9) Explain what is an ad group in Google Adwords?

Ad group is a container of your keywords, advertisements, and landing pages. Google

rewards advertisers who prepare Adword campaigns with tightly structured ad groups.
Its not advisable to include all your keywords into the single ad group, but to organize
keywords into themes.

10) Explain what is conversion optimizer in Adwords?

Conversion Optimizer is a tool used by Google Adwords for bid manipulation and
decides which clicks on the ad will be valuable. It can help you to return maximum on
your investment.

11) Mention some of the Google Adword Ad Extensions?

Different ad extension can enhance the increase in traffic. Some of the common Ad
extensions used in adwords are

● Sitelinks
● Call Extensions
● Location Extensions
● Social Annotations
● Seller ratings
● Mobile app extensions
● Offer ads
● Communication Ad
● Review extension
● Image and drop down navigation Ad extension

12) Mention in google Adwords that options can’t be changed after creating an

After creating account Currency and Time Zone, cannot be changed.

13) Explain how you can improve conversion rates?

By creating ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly themed ad groups,
you can target users to the campaign that helps in conversions.

14) Mention what is the limit set for the number or characters for Adwords ad?

Limit for Adword is

● Headline 1: 30 Characters
● Headline 2: 30 characters
● Description Line 1: 80 characters
● Description Line 2: Google is planning to rollout this feature by the end of this
● Destination URL: 1024 characters
● Display URL:

15) Explain what is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate?

CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on
the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is

Number of click / Number of impressions X 100

These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of customers have
viewed your ad.

16) Mention what are the type of Keywords?

There are no specific types for Keywords however they are classified on the basis of
how likely is going to be clicked by visitors

● Research Keywords:​ It tends to contain one or two words – Tea

● Consideration:​ It tends to contain two or three words – Green Tea
● Purchase:​ It must have more than three words – buy loose green tea
● Loyalty:​ This must be shorter- Starbucks
17) Explain what is Google Ad API?

Google Ad API is designed for representing large, tech savvy advertisers and third
parties. It allows developers build an application that directly interacts with Google
Adwords server.

18) Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API?

With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following things

● You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and

landing pages
● Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts
● Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns
based on stock

19) Explain how you can track conversions in Google Adwords?

In Google Adwords, conversion tracking can be done in following ways

● Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by Adwords

and modifying it with additional code unique to your particular e-commerce
● View-through conversion window ​options tracks when a person sees your
ad but does not click it (impression)
● By enabling your ​ad rotation ​setting to optimize for clicks, meaning that
Adwords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked
● By accessing ​search funnels​ inside tools and analysis, you can also know
when customers clicked on your ad for the first time and how frequently they
saw your ad before converting.

20) Explain what are the other two options for bidding other than C-P-C?

Other than CPC the other two options are CPM (Cost per Thousand Impression) and
CPA ( Cost Per Action ).

21) Keywords Match Types:

● Broad Match: Buy Audi Sedan 2011 Model

● Phrase Match: “Buy Audi Sedan 2011 Model”
● Exact Match: [Buy Audi Sedan 2011 Model]
● Broad Match Modifier +Buy +Audi +Sedan +2011 +Model
● Negative Keywords

22) What is shopping ads / Product Listing Ads?

Product Listing Ads are cost per click (CPC) ads which online merchants purchase
through AdWords. These ads appear on Google Search pages on the top of the results.

23) Where to upload the data / product details for your PLA / Shopping ad

Create a merchant center account > Go to Products > Feeds > Create Feed (Through
Google Sheet, Fetch from Website, Upload Data).

24) What is conversion optimizer?

Conversion Optimizer: ​Optimize Your Google Conversion Rate. Google AdWords is a

bid manipulation tool that manages bids at the keyword-level with the goal of trying to
drive as many conversions at or below an advertiser-specified Cost-Per-Conversion
(also known as a Cost per Action, or simply, CPA).

25) What is remarketing / retargeting in adwords?

Remarketing campaigns are used to show ads to people who have visited your website
or used your app. These campaigns provide you with extra settings and reports
specifically for reaching previous visitors and users. The first time you set up a
remarketing campaign, you'll also complete a 2-step process to create your remarketing
tag and lists. More info: ​

26) What is auto targeting or how to do auto targeting?

All the targeting options available in Dynamic Search Ads is called Auto Targeting.

Top 15 Social Media Interview Questions & Answers

1) What is the responsibility of social media manager?

Social media manager implements the company’s social media marketing. The Job role

● Developing company’s content strategy

● Creating relevant content
● Blogging
● Community participation and leadership
● Promotion strategy on social sites
● Monitor, listen and respond to users in a “Social” way while cultivating sales
and leads
● Develop and expand community or blogger outreach efforts
● Create, design and manage promotions and social ad campaigns
● Identify threats and report notable threats to appropriate management
● Respond to social media crisis or negative comment scenario
● Define strategies to enhance or build the follower fan base

The role Social media manager may also be called Social Media Specialist/ Strategist /
Analyst / Executive or Intern. Irrespective of the name, the job profile will remain the

2) What set of skills required to become a Social Media Manager?

To become a Social Media Manager, you should have a

● Native understanding of each social media network

● Ability to connect corporate objectives to messaging, content and campaigns
● Ability to write concisely
● Ability to sympathize, engage and effectively communicate with a diverse
range of people and opinions
● Provide customer service and handle complaints
● Deep understanding of the products or services the company renders
● To intuitively know how your audience experience the brand, communicate
online and how to leverage those opportunities

3) How do you measure social media success?

Use various tools to check the site optimization, the parameters to check the success of
social media success are

● Rise in the number of followers

● Increase in the number of leads
● Number of Inbound links to your site through social sites
● Number of bloggers comment, social shares and traffic generated
● Increase in the total sales made online
● Number of Posts published
● Conversion- Number of subscription
● Account Creation
● Query form submission

4) Mention some tools that Social Media Manager wants to consider?

The tools that Social Media Manager would consider would be

● Zendesk​: Collecting messages from e-mail voice, customer engagement

platform, social into one collaborative inbox
● HootSuite​: Team management, social media dashboard, reporting, and
● Sproutsocial​: Manage multiple brands, pages, searches. Assign tasks to
team members, reporting, competitor research and post analytics
● Radian 6​: Enterprise social media management application for campaigns,
listening, research and post analytics
● TweetDeck​: Just like HootSuite, TweetDeck helps you to manage multiple
social media accounts- such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and
● Crowdbooster​: It measures users engagement overtime and across multiple
social media networks. It also suggests what kind of content are best for the
● WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin​: An editorial calendar plugin will give
you a bird’s eye view of your entire content publishing plan like publishing
schedule, editorial task, blog post key topic, and ideas,

5) Explain how do you measure social return on investment (ROI)?

To measure the ROI that you invested in social media, you can consider using tools like
the ​Conversation Measurement Tool​ on Facebook and optimized CPM. You can also
use Google Analytics or LinkedIn, which have their own analytics. The criteria remain
same to track the traffic like clicks, shares, purchases, number of likes, etc. ROI metric
may also include

● e-mail subscription
● Website blog traffic
● Webinar registration
● Registration for content downloads,etc.

6) Explain how you can use Facebook for Conversion Measurement​?

For Conversion Measurement in Facebook, you can use the feature ​“ Conversion
Pixel”​. Which is nothing but a piece of code that you paste in your website, and it will
measure the conversion rate of the product or service you render.

Facebook tracks conversion for adverts that happens within 1 day, 7 days and 28 days
after a person click on advert and also for viewing an advert

7) Mention some tricks that can drive more traffic to your blog posts​?

Few tricks that can drive more traffic to your blog posts are

● Promote your content or BlogPost across a wider variety of Platforms like

● Tumblr
● Create a 6-second preview of your post with app(iPhone) like Vine and post it
on tweeter with a link to the blog post
● Give a short presentation of content or blog on Slide-Share and provide link to
the content or to any relevant content
● Pin your post to Pinterest contributors board by choosing attractive image,
title of your blog post, adding keywords and hashtags
● Use Instagram to share the image or title of your blog post. Share your blog
post images to Tumblr, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and Foursquare

8) What is Facebook EdgeRank? Why does it matters?

Facebook EdgeRank is an algorithm that Facebook uses to determine what articles

should be displayed in a user’s News Feed. Facebook Edge mark matters because

● About 96% of fans don’t return to Brand’s Facebook Page after initial
● Your post is more likely to reach your fans in the newsfeed than your page
● About 27% of all time spent on Facebook is spent looking at news feed

9) List out the tips to improve your Facebook EdgeRank​?

To improve your Facebook EdgeRank you have to follow the following tips

● Keep it short ->​ Posts between 100-250 characters are more likely to get
more likes, comments and shares
● Be Visual ->​ Use Photos and Videos it can attract more users
● Ask for what you want ->​ Always ask for opinion or questions related to your
content and how to improve it
● Post Daily ->​ 96% of your Fans aren’t coming back to your page, so
frequently posting is the only way to consistently reaching them
● Be Relevant and Not Pushy ->​ Post related to your service and product, but
it should not address directly to your service or product
● Be Timely ->​ Find the best times for your audience and then stick with them

10) List out some tips to increase your reach on Facebook?

To increase your reach on Facebook you can consider following tips

● Improve your Facebook EdgeRank​ ​->​ It determines which of your post get
most visibility in your fans newsfeed
● Stop using third-party tools​ ​->​ Don’t use any third party tools for scheduling
posts and posting to social media
● Get your likes up​ ​->​ Use like-gating in which likes are given in exchange for
access to content such as free download
● Buy some Ads​ ​->​ Buying some ads can be a smart move
● Keep building your own Email list and Website ->​ Make direct contact to
fans by building your own email list and website.

11) Besides Social Site how you can optimize your content​?

Besides social sites, there are a number of other communities like Social Buzz Club,
Viral Content Buzz, Triberr, etc. that brings together content creators and enhance their
social media promotion.

12) Explain how would you deal with a negative comments or a social media

To deal with a negative or heated comments over social media sites you can use
following steps

● Respond Quickly​: The first 24 hours for any post on the social media site is
crucial for any negative comments made. Justify your brand or content if it is
legitimate or else apologize if you are wrong. Don’t use an approach of tit for
● Create crisis FAQs​: Create a web page and put all the information about the
crisis in one place so that it can help you to respond the crisis when it really
occurs the FAQs should include
● Acknowledgment of crisis
● Details about the occurrence
● If available, photos or videos
● How company found out
● Specific action takes in response,
● Document every facet​: Once you hit by the social media crisis record each
bit of it like tweets, blog comments, status updates,
● Never send third reply​: A third reply is an argument and not a justification,
on third reply you take it offline
● Seek help from experienced community manager​: Community manager is
aware of the in and out of the product and knows well how to handle
disgruntled customers

13) List out the tips to promote your blog or content on social media sites​?

You can promote your blog or content on the social media site using Co-Schedule.

● Social Sharing Schedule can double your traffic

● Use different title for same blog and schedule the blog post
● Schedule posting differs for different social sites, for example, you cannot
promote same post to Facebook twice in one day than is on Twitter
● It allows you to create social messages at the time of post creation
● Plan out your blog post promotion with simple strategy with a simple Timeline

14) Explain how would you assess the social media presence of a company?

To assess the social media presence of a company following parameters can be used

● Whether company is registered with all the social media sites Pinterest,
Facebook, LinkeIn, etc
● Frequency of content publication on social sites
● Type of content- imagery based/text etc.
● Level of audience engagement posts enjoy
● Is the description in social media aligned with the company’s goals
● Is the company’s information on social sites are updated and current
● Does your social media profiles include relevant links to your website, blog
and other social media presence
● Does Company follows the right metrics to get more attention from social
● Company’s employees from all other division or franchises have created their
own profile on social networks
● Is company’s brand consistent on each network like- same logo, company
description, etc.
● Whether a presence on social sites are used only for pushing out messages
or used as a platform to create conversation

Google Analytics
1-What do you mean by Analytics?

Analytics is the disclosure and correspondence of various examples in information. It

helps us settling on better choice, it works like a client’s input to a specific item/benefit.
Computerized Analytics is a mix of numerical measurements and PC programs.

2- What is meant by conversions and how will you track conversions through

Conversions happens when any predefined goals are accomplished thereby generating
ROI to the business. Proper goal URL's needs to be specified before GA can start
tracking conversions. We need to define a goal URL through the Conversion section in
GA and whenever the visitor reaches the predefined goal URL, a successful conversion
gets tracked.

3- What is the difference between a visit and a session?

As per the current standards, sessions and visits are the same thing, there is no
difference. Whenever a visitor enters the site, a session starts and lasts for 30 minutes.
This counts to 1 visit and 1 session.

4- What do you understand by assisted conversions?

On most of the cases, conversions do not happen using a single channel. often, more
than one channel is included in a successful conversion. Assisted conversions helps us
to get a clear idea as to which channels are involved in contributing a conversion. This
is shown in the Multi Channel Funnel reporting tab in GA. Common channels
contributing to conversions are direct, organic search, referral, not set, social network
and email.

5- I want to track how many organic visits I am getting on a weekly basis for a
predefined set of keywords. What is the best way to check that on a regular basis
investing the least possible time?
We can create a custom dashboard and specify all the metrics and dimensions there.
Creating a custom dashboard will save our time and allow us to check the status at any
point of time during the week, month or day without applying filters every time.

6- How can I identify the keywords that are sending paid traffic to any site?

The keyword column displays traffic divided under paid and organic. We can easily
identify the paid keywords by moving to the keywords section.

7- How will I identify the popular pages on my site?

The popular pages on the site are the top landing pages of my site. I can identify the top
landing pages of my site by moving to the behavior section. This will display the top
landing pages that are giving us the maximum visits.

8- How does Google calculates time on page?

Google puts a time stamp whenever any user lands on a specific page then it compares
the time stamp of one page with the other. For example, any visitor enters the site on
Page A and moves to Page B then lands to Page C and finally leaves the site. In this
case, a time stamp is put on Page A suppose its 10:10, when the user moves to Page
B, another time stamp is placed on Page B, suppose its 10:20 and then when the user
lands on Page C, another time stamp is placed, lets say 10:30. Now to calculate time on
Page A, Google will subtract the time stamp on Page B with that of A. In this case,
10:20-10:10 which will come to 10 minutes for Page A.

9- How can I identify where the visitors are clicking the most?

This can be seen with the help of In-Page Analytics.

10- Where can I find the UA tracking code?

The Universal Analytics tracking code can be found in the admin section of the web

11- By default, a session is of 30 minutes, is it possible to change the session

time and make it 45 minutes?

Yes, we can set custom session timings by moving to the admin section and clicking on
the session settings.

12- What do you analysis most often in Google Analytics? OR what is the most
important things in Google Analytics you will want to analysis?
Google Analytics gives a heaps of information and bits of knowledge and each
information example is vital yet at the same time there are a few ranges where we can
concentrate more like: – Traffic Sources – Bounce and Exit Rate – Top Performing
Pages/Landing Pages – Unique Vs. Returning Visitors – Funnel and Goal Conversions .

13- What is event tracking?

Event tracking involves includes the Google Analytics code customization and is utilized
to track a specific occasion/action on a site like a tick, document download or some
other change.

14- Which is more important – Bounce Rate or Exit Rate

Both are similarly imperative yet relies on upon the quantity of components like a high
leave rate of a contact page/thanks page or a channel’s end page is characteristic.

15- Define Session, Users and Pageviews.

Session– In Google Analytics, a session is a gathering of connections that happen on

your site inside a given date range. For instance a solitary session can contain site
visits, social associations, occasions, and ecommerce exchanges.

Users- In Google Analytics the clients are, that have had no less than one session
inside choose date

Pageviews- In Google Analytics the site hits is the aggregate number of pages saw.
Counting the rehashed perspectives of a solitary page.

16- What are Google Analytics ‘Goals’ and why should I use them?

In Google Analytics the site hits is the aggregate number of pages saw. Counting the
rehashed After introducing Google Analytics’ following code, your next step is to
recognize what key site guest activities you need to screen. Google Analytics alludes to
these as Goals, which you ought to use to gauge which sorts of substance pattern well
with guests and which don’t.

● Destination. A specific location within your website.

● Duration. How long people website visits last.
● Page Visit. Which pages and screens visitors view during a single visit.
● Events. Actions visitors take during a visit, including ad clicks, social media

17- Can I track my Google Adsense campaigns with Google Analytics?

Yes, Google Analytics measures the achievement of your Google Adsense. In the event
that your goal is to create income through AdSense activities, Waisberg suggests
utilizing Google Analytics’ Pages report. It gives a point by point perspective of which
site page performed best regarding creating AdSense income and that’s just the

18- How can I track and improve e-commerce sales?

You can utilize Google Analytics’ helpful however fairly in fact propelled Goal Funnel
highlight to investigate the general accomplishment of your e-business endeavors –
directly down to individual shopping basket exchanges, on the off chance that you like.

19- What is meant by conversions and how will you track conversions through

Changes happens when any predefined objectives are refined consequently producing
ROI to the business. Legitimate objective URL’s should be indicated before GA can
begin following transformations. We have to characterize an objective URL through the
Conversion segment in GA and at whatever point the guest comes to the predefined
objective URL, a fruitful change gets followed.

20- What do you understand by assisted conversions?

On the greater part of the cases, changes don’t happen utilizing a solitary channel.
regularly, more than one divert is incorporated into an effective change. Helped
transformations helps us to get a reasonable thought as to which diverts are included in
contributing a change. This is appeared in the Multi Channel Funnel reporting tab in GA.
Normal channels adding to changes are immediate, natural hunt, referral, not set,
informal organization and email.

21- How can I identify the keywords that are sending paid traffic to any site?

The keyword column displays traffic divided under paid and organic. We can easily
identify the paid keywords by moving to the keywords section

22- How can I identify where the visitors are clicking the most?

This can be seen with the help of In-Page Analytics.

23- Where can I find the UA tracking code?

The Universal Analytics tracking code can be found in the admin section of the web

24- What is a Google Analytics Segment?

Similarly as with customary client sections in advertising, in Google Analytics, portions
bunch guests who offer basic qualities. There are bunches of qualities of guests that are
gathered as a matter of course by Google Analytics, from insights about their programs
and screen sizes to the locales that they originate from and the sorts of pages they see.

25-If Channel X equally initiates and assists in conversions, what would its
Assisted/Last Interaction Conversion value be?

It would be exactly 1.

26-What are some ways you can use profiles?

You can look all the more carefully at movement to one subdomain, you can look all the
more carefully at activity to one catalog or segment of a site, and you can confine
access to some portions of data.

27- How can you track user engagement on websites that use Flash or AJAX and
are located on one HTML page?

Ans: You can use Event Tracking, or track interactions as Pageviews and set goals.

28- What is ‘Treemap’ in Google Analytics ?

At the end of 2014 the Treemaps report was discharged inside Google Analytics. The
report imagines AdWords information by using settled rectangles and a red to green
shading scale. The treemap permits to us to rapidly recognize the solid and feeble
ranges of our records, helping us drive our regard for the right places.

29- What is difference between Goals & Funnels ?

A funnel conversion expect a particular way before the objective. For example, suppose
you run a campaign for Widget An utilizing a presentation page with focused activity.
You want to see the funnel conversion rate for that landing page, add to cart, then thank
you page (in that specific order) to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign. You see
that specific funnel conversion rate is 2%.

For a goal conversion rate, all you care about is maximizing a conversion rate overall,
all you think about is augmenting a transformation rate generally speaking. Suppose
that objective is basically to build Widget A’s transformation rate (on your web
properties) paying little heed to whether clients enter by means of that point of arrival or
go to your general site

30- What are the three elements of Event Tracking?

Categories, Actions, and Labels.

31– How to set up install tracking for mobile apps ?

Step 1: Enable app install tracking in your account for android and iOS.

Step 2: Update your Analytics SDK for android and iOS.

For all steps visit at ->>​ ​Set up install tracking for mobile apps

32- What is In-Page Analytics ?

In-Page Analytics allows to see what users are clicking on within each page.

33– What is RPC in Google Analytics?

RPC stands for Revenue Per Click is a great metric available in Google Analytics for
use E-Commerce tracking.

34- How does Google calculates time stamp on page?

Google keep a time stamp whatever any visitor comes on a particular page then it
compares the time stamp of one page with the other page.

For instance, any user enters the site on Page 1 and moves to Page 2 then move to
Page 3 lastly leaves the site. For this situation, a period stamp is put on Page 1 assume
its 10:00, when the client moves to Page 2, some other time stamp is set on Page 2,
assume its 10:10 and afterward when the visitor comes on Page 3, some other time
stamp is set, lets say 10:15. Presently to compute time on Page 1, Google will subtract
the time stamp on Page 2 with that of 1. For this situation, 10:10-10:00 which will come
to 10 minutes for Page 1.

35- How will I identify the popular pages on my site?

The top landing pages visits by users are popular pages on site. We can see top
landing pages using Google analytic moving to the behavior section.

36 – What is “Not Set” and “Not Provided” in Google Analytics?

(Not Provided) = Organic visits via Keyword Search

Google switched to a secure server (https) in 2011 which encrypts search results. When
you’re logged into Google (i.e. Gmail, Calendar or YouTube) that time your searches
become protected so all keyword data show as (not provided) in Google Analytics.

(Not Set) = A direct or a referral visits

This can be a little more complicated, but basically refers to a catch-all for facts Google
Analytics wasn’t capable to identify.
Example : if you see landing page = (not set), it probably means that period didn’t have
a web page or screen view.

Handling Google Analytics is not an easy task, Should have proper knowledge about
how and why to use it.

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