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Kayumi et al.

International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14

DOI 10.1186/s40729-015-0014-2

RESEARCH Open Access

Effect of bite force in occlusal adjustment of

dental implants on the distribution of occlusal
pressure: comparison among three bite forces in
occlusal adjustment
Sho Kayumi1,2, Yoshiyuki Takayama1*, Atsuro Yokoyama2 and Nana Ueda1

Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of occlusal forces (the contractile force of
masticatory muscles) exerted during occlusal adjustment on the distribution of the forces among teeth, implants,
and temporomandibular joints (TMJs) in intercuspal clenching in cases with bilateral missing molars and premolars
by using finite element analysis.
Methods: A three-dimensional finite element model of the mandible with eight implants in the premolar and
molar regions was constructed. Linearly elastic material properties were defined for all elements except the
periodontal ligament, which was defined as nonlinearly elastic. The TMJs and antagonists were simplified and
replaced with nonlinear springs. Antagonists were assumed to be natural teeth or implants and had two- or
three-stage displaceability. We constructed finite element (FE) models in which occlusal adjustment with three
kinds of occlusal force (40 N as a light bite, 200 N as a hard bite, and 400 N as a maximum biting force) was
performed. The clearance by occlusal adjustment was decided beforehand with a trial-and-error method so that
the occlusal forces were distributed similarly to the distribution of the natural dentition. Each model was evaluated
under loads of 40, 100, 200, 400, and 800 N to determine the distribution of occlusal forces on the teeth and implants.
Results: The occlusal forces were concentrated on the most posterior implants while the load was larger, and the
percentage of bearing force at the TMJ was small, and vice versa.
Conclusions: Maximum biting force was better for occlusal adjustment to prevent overloading of the most posterior
Keywords: Implants; Occlusal adjustment; Nonlinear finite element analysis

Background [3] stated that a clearance equivalent to the displaceability

Dental implants have been widely used to restore or main- of the PDL should be allowed for the occlusal surfaces of
tain occlusion, function, and esthetics and are particularly implant-retained prostheses to prevent stress concentra-
effective for partially edentulous jaws [1]. However, the tion. Contrastingly, Miyata et al. [4] stated that occlusal
difference of the displaceability of the implants and nat- contact in implants should be equal to that of natural
ural teeth with periodontal ligaments (PDLs) [2] may teeth to maintain the stomatognathic system. Kasai et al.
cause a problem in an arch that includes both implants [5] reported that hard biting appeared to be better for oc-
and teeth. There is controversy about whether this differ- clusal adjustment to avoid overloading of the most poster-
ence should be considered in occlusal adjustment. Misch ior implant in unilateral distal extension. However, when
the occlusal load is mainly supported by implants, it has
* Correspondence: [email protected]
not been clarified whether the occlusal adjustment of the
Removable Prosthodontics, Hokkaido University Hospital, Hokkaido implants should be done as in the case of natural denti-
University, Kita-14, Nishi-5, Kita-Ku, Sapporo 060-8648, Japan tion. Moreover, in such cases, it is also necessary to
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 Kayumi et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly credited.
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 2 of 10

consider the far lower displaceability of implants than that sphere. The FE model consisted of approximately 42,000
of temporomandibular joints (TMJs) in the stomatog- nodes and 210,000 tetrahedral elements.
nathic system. The properties of the materials, except for the PDL,
The purpose of this study was, therefore, to investigate were based on previous studies [11–15] (Table 1). The
the influence of occlusal forces (the contractile force of biphasic properties for the PDL were determined accord-
masticatory muscles) exerted during occlusal adjustment ing to the literature [2, 3, 16, 17]. The PDL was assigned
on the distribution of forces among teeth, implants, and two-phase properties. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio
TMJs during intercuspal clenching in cases with bilateral were 0.33 MPa and 0.3 for phase 1, respectively. For phase
missing molars and premolars by using finite element 2, they were 16 MPa and 0.45, respectively. Phase 2 was
analysis. applied when the von Mises stress exceeded 0.025 MPa.
The load-displacement curve of the teeth was verified with
Methods the analysis described below (Fig. 2a).
Finite element model
Three-dimensional finite element (FE) models were Boundary conditions of the model and simulation of
based on those reported by Kasai et al. [5] and consisted occlusal adjustment
of a mandible, natural teeth with periodontal ligaments, The boundary conditions used to verify the displaceabil-
and titanium implants with superstructures. All elements ity of teeth and analyze the distribution of occlusal
were homogenous and isotropic. In the models, eight im- forces are shown in Fig. 2a, b, respectively. In the former
plants replaced all of the premolars and molars (Fig. 1). model, a vertical load was applied to the left canine with
The mass/volume and the shape of the mandible were the restriction of nodes on the bottom of the mandible
assumed to be 2 and B, respectively, according to the clas- (Fig. 2a). FE analysis was performed under various loads
sification of Lekholm and Zarb [6]. The implant fixtures following the construction of a load-displacement curve.
were 3.75 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length [7]. The In the FE models used to analyze the distribution of
dimensions of the natural teeth and periodontal ligaments occlusal force, TMJs, maxillary teeth, and maxillary im-
were based on the literature [8–10]. The surface area of plants were replaced with appropriate springs to simplify
the periodontal ligament (PDL) corresponded to the ana- the model (Fig. 2b).
tomical value [10], and its thickness was 0.25 mm at all The antagonists of the mandibular anterior teeth were
sites. The occlusal surfaces of the implants and the teeth assumed to be natural teeth, and those of mandibular
were simplified and flattened in agreement with Monson’s implants were assumed to be either teeth or implants.

Fig. 1 Finite element models (model-I and model-T). The tooth roots and the implant bodies are displayed with permeability
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 3 of 10

Table 1 Material properties reaction force of 100 N in model-N was defined as

Materials Modulus of elasticity (MPa) Poisson ratio Load100N.
Enamel 80,000 0.3
Dentin 17,600 0.25
Procedure for analysis
The load conditions used during occlusal adjustment
Inplant (titanium) 117,000 0.32
were Load40N, as a light bite (Adj40N), Load200N, as a
Superstructure (gold alloy) 94,000 0.3 hard bite (Adj200N), and Load400N, as the maximum
Cortical bone 14,000 0.3 biting force (Adj400N). Occlusal adjustment was per-
Cancellous bone 7,900 0.3 formed through trial and error with reference to the dis-
tribution of the occlusal force calculated by FE analysis.
According to the condition of the antagonists of the When the similarities of the distribution of the reaction
mandibular implants, the models with opposing natural force on the superstructures to that on the natural teeth
teeth and implants were designated model-T and model-I, in model-N were confirmed, the occlusal adjustment
respectively. was completed. Thereafter, the FE analysis was per-
The springs for the maxillary teeth or implants, ex- formed again under the load conditions of Load40N,
cept for the anterior teeth, were directed perpendicular Load100N, Load200N, Load400N, and Load800N using
to the occlusal plane. Each of those springs linked an the FEA software package MSC.Marc2010 (MSC Soft-
external restricted node to the node corresponding to ware). The distributions of the reaction forces on the
the occlusal central pit on a mandibular tooth, which occlusal surface and on the mandibular condyle, which
allowed displacement perpendicular to the occlusal were regarded as the occlusal force and the load on the
plane. The springs for temporomandibular joints linked TMJ, respectively, were evaluated.
an external restricted node to the top of the mandibular
condyle. Nonlinear characteristics according to the load- Results
displacement curves of the teeth [2, 3, 16, 17] and cartilage Displaceability of teeth
[18] were given to the springs of the opposing teeth and The load-displacement curve of the left canine under
TMJs, respectively. The springs for maxillary implants had vertical load indicated two-phase displacement as shown
linear compression characteristics. The springs for antago- in Fig. 7.
nists had little resistance under tension to simulate detach-
ment. The properties of these springs were confirmed by Model-T
load-displacement curves (Fig. 3) obtained using a simple The results of model-T are shown in Fig. 8. Adj40N re-
FE model consisting of an element and a spring. sulted in the concentration of approximately 25 % of the
Occlusal adjustment was simulated by means of altering occlusal force at the most posteriorly located implant on
the load-displacement curves of the springs on the im- each side. In other words, about half of the total occlusal
plants. The load-displacement curve was shifted so that force occurred at these implants under Load100N,
the spring provided little resistance to compressive forces Load200N, Load400N, and Load800N. At the premolar
until the gap that was assumed to be made by occlusal site implants, 6.9 and 4.8 % of the occlusal force was dis-
adjustment closed (Figs. 3, 4, and 5). The size of each gap tributed under Load100N and Load200N, respectively.
was decided by trial and error (Table 2) so that the occlu- However, under Load400N and Load800N, occlusal force
sal force, i.e., the reaction force of the springs on the oc- scarcely occurred there. The percentage of the total occlu-
clusal surface, was similar to that calculated with the FE sal force (hereinafter abbreviated as POF) borne by the
model with natural dentition (model-N, Fig. 6). TMJ was smaller than that in model-N under all loading
Adj200N resulted in a smaller POF than in model-N
Loading conditions at the implants in molar sites under Load40N and
The loading conditions assumed intercuspal clenching. Load100N, which were conditions with less load than
On the assumption that occlusal force was generated by that exerted during occlusal adjustment. On the other
the contractile force of four bilateral masticatory muscles, hand, under these conditions, the occlusal force was lar-
the masseter, temporalis, mesial, and lateral pterygoid ger than in model-N at the most anteriorly located im-
muscles, the loading points and the directions of the loads plant. The POF in the TMJ was slightly larger than in
were determined based on the report by Korioth and model-N. Under Load400N, when the load was larger
Hannam [11] and anatomical findings [8–10]. The amount than that exerted during occlusal adjustment, 35.9 % of
of the load was represented by the summation of the reac- the occlusal force was concentrated at the molar site im-
tion forces at the occlusal surfaces of teeth in model-N. plants. Under Load800N, when the load was larger than
For example, the load condition that resulted in a total that exerted during occlusal adjustment, 37.7 % of the
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 4 of 10

Fig. 2 Boundary conditions to verify the displaceability of teeth (a) and analyze the distribution of occlusal forces (b). Arrows: loads, triangles:
restricted nodes, zigzags: springs

occlusal force was concentrated at the molar site im- 17.9 % of the occlusal force was distributed at the pre-
plants. In contrast, little or no occlusal force occurred at molar site implants under Load40N and Load100N,
the premolar site implants. The POF in the TMJ was respectively. The POF in the TMJ was 16.1 and 17.0 %
12.1 % under Load400N and 11.7 % under Load800N. under Load40N and Load100N, respectively. Under
Adj400N resulted in the reduction of POF at the molar Load200N, 20.3 % of the occlusal force was distributed
site implants to half of the POF in model-N under at the molar site implants and 14.0 % of the occlusal
Load40N and Load100N. On the other hand, 19.1 and force was distributed at the premolar site implants. The
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 5 of 10

at the premolar site implants and natural teeth. At the

TMJs, the POF was smaller than in model-N under
Load400N and Load800N. Adj400N resulted in a con-
centration of occlusal force ten times larger at the most
anterior implant than in model-N under Load40N,
Load100N, and Load200N. The POF at the anterior
teeth increased as the total occlusal load decreased.
While the load was less than that exerted during occlu-
sal adjustment, the POF at the most posterior implant
was smaller than that in model-N. Under Load800N,
30.0 % of the occlusal force was concentrated at the most
posterior implant. The POF in the TMJ was 23.3, 22.5, and
20.1 % under Load40N, Load100N, and Load200N,

FE models
The FE models in this study were based on those re-
ported by Kasai et al. [5]. The material properties of the
soft tissues such as the PDL and the TMJ, which were
mainly deformed in the analysis, were considered to be
crucial, because the aim of this study was to investigate
the distribution of occlusal forces on the teeth, implants,
and TMJs. In Figs. 3 and 8, the PDLs of anterior teeth and
the springs corresponding to opposing teeth show two-
stage displaceability as reported previously [16, 17] and
were considered to be appropriate. The load-displacement
curve of the springs corresponding to TMJs was assumed
Fig. 3 Load-displacement curves of the springs
to be similar to that of the cartilage [18] because of its far
smaller elastic modulus than that of the TMJ disc [19, 20].
POF in the TMJ was larger than that in model-N. Under Therefore, the elastic modulus of the springs correspond-
Load800N, the POF at the molar site implants was ing to TMJs was determined based on the thicknesses of
36.3 %. However, almost no occlusal force occurred at the TMJ disc [21] and articular cartilage [19], the stress-
the premolar site implants and anterior teeth. The POF strain curve of the intervertebral discs [18], and the dis-
in the TMJ was almost the same as in model-N. placement of the condyle [22, 23] in intercuspal clenching
by indirect measurement. Although the material proper-
Model-I ties of human body depend on the individual, the models
The results of model-I are shown in Fig. 8. Adj40N re- in this study were therefore considered to be appropriate
sulted in the concentration of approximately 40 % of the to investigate the distribution of occlusal forces on the
occlusal force at the most posteriorly located implant on teeth, implants, and TMJs.
each side under all loading conditions. In other words,
about 80 % of the total occlusal force occurred at these The meaning of “occlusal adjustment” in this study
implants. However, the occlusal force scarcely occurred In the FE model before loading, there is no stress or
at the premolar site implants and natural teeth. Around deformation anywhere in the model with perfect even
10 % of the occlusal force was distributed at the TMJ. occlusal contact. However, this situation cannot really
The POF was smaller than that in model-N. occur because of the existence of some occlusal load in
Adj200N resulted in the concentration of the occlusal the intercuspal position (ICP). Since the displaceability of
force at the most anterior implant under Load40N and dental implants is quite different from that of the natural
Load100N. The POF in the anterior teeth and the TMJs teeth and TMJ, the distribution of the occlusal force
was larger than that in model-N under Load40N and exerted on the occlusal surface of natural teeth and super-
Load100N. Under Load400N, 38.0 % of the occlusal structures depends on the amount of the occlusal load,
force was concentrated at the molar site implants. Under i.e., the contractile force of the musculature. Thus, the
Load800N, 39.2 % of the occlusal force was concentrated “occlusal adjustment” performed on the FE models in this
at the molar site implants. Little occlusal force was present study was not a clinical procedure itself but a procedure
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 6 of 10

Fig. 4 Occlusal adjustment was simulated by altering the load-displacement curves of the springs

to set the models in the state of the ICP under various Loading conditions
occlusal loads. This problem can be clarified by the defin- In this study, we selected the loading conditions assum-
ition of the ICP itself. Although load and deformation of ing intercuspal clenching, because the effect of occlusal
the bone, joints, periodontal ligaments, and teeth in the adjustment was considered to appear clearly. Based on
ICP depend on the amount of the occlusal load, its defin- the literature [25, 26], occlusal loading of 200 N was
ition does not include how much occlusal load is appro- considered to correspond with a hard bite. The value for
priate to determine that a mandible is in the ICP [24]. The the “light bite” (40 N) was chosen so that the load in-
problem of occlusal adjustment of the superstructures on truded on all of the posterior teeth with a displacement
dental implants is, in a sense, deeply related to the defin- corresponding to the midpoint of the first phase in the
ition of the ICP. stress-displacement curve. This study was performed on

Fig. 5 Schematic diagram for each phase of the load-displacement curve after occlusal adjustment of implants. a: Before loading, only anterior
natural teeth were in contact with opposing teeth. Occlusal forces were not yet exerted anywhere. b: When a slight load caused the displacement
of the mandible upward by the distance corresponding to the gap, i.e., the quantity of occlusal adjustment, the anterior teeth displaced into the
socket and the implants were in contact with antagonists. Occlusal force was exerted only on anterior teeth. c: If the gaps were determined such
that occlusal adjustment was completed, occlusal forces were distributed among natural teeth and implants under certain amounts of load
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 7 of 10

Table 2 Size of each gap

Occlusal ___ ___ ___ ___
4 5 6 7
Adj40N (model-T) 25.0 26.0 13.0 12.0
Adj200N (model-T) 30.0 37.0 23.5 24.0
Adj40N (model-I) 39.4 41.0 42.8 43.5
Adj200N (model-I) 70.9 75.4 79.9 81.6

the assumption that the maximum functional force was

400 N. Calculations were also performed under a load of
800 N, which was assumed to be the maximum nonfunc-
tional occlusal force, such as that exerted in nocturnal
bruxism. Because of the difficulty to control nocturnal
bruxism, this value was considered to be sufficient to in-
clude the condition under the maximum force [27] as the
load in bruxism.

Effect of occlusal loading in occlusal adjustment and Fig. 7 Load-displacement curve of the left canine
antagonists of implants
The occlusal force was concentrated on the most poster-
ior implants while the load was larger under all loading fulcrums of the rotation of the mandible. On the other
conditions. This concentration of the occlusal force hand, posterior implants were considered to be sepa-
could be explained by the displaceability of TMJs. Since rated from opposing teeth and implants when the load
it was far larger than that of the teeth and implants was less than that exerted during occlusal adjustment.
(Fig. 3), the TMJs and ramus of the mandible were dis- However, because of the smaller load itself, the actual
placed upward and the most posterior implants became occlusal force on the anterior implants was considered

Fig. 6 FE model with natural dentition (model-N). Tooth root is displayed with permeability
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 8 of 10

Fig. 8 Distribution of the occlusal forces. Left column: model-T, right column: model-I, “Natural dentition” indicates the results in model-N under
the load during occlusal adjustment
Kayumi et al. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2015) 1:14 Page 9 of 10

to be less harmful. The concentration of occlusal force Competing interests

was more marked in model-I than in model-T. This sug- Sho Kayumi, Yoshiyuki Takayama, Atsuro Yokoyama, and Nana Ueda declare
that there are no competing interests.
gested the need for more careful occlusal adjustment in
the case of opposing implants in both jaws because of the Authors’ contributions
absence of the buffering effect of periodontal ligaments. SK participated in the design of the study and the construction of FE models,
and carried out the final calculation. YT participated in the construction of the
FE models and programming for non-linear FE analysis. AY participated in the
Load bearing on TMJs construction of FE models. NU participated in the construction of the FE
The percentage of bearing force at the TMJ was larger models. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

while the load was less than that exerted during occlusal Author details
adjustment, and vice versa. However, when the percent- 1
Removable Prosthodontics, Hokkaido University Hospital, Hokkaido
age of bearing force at the TMJ was large, the absolute University, Kita-14, Nishi-5, Kita-Ku, Sapporo 060-8648, Japan. 2Department of
Oral Functional Prosthodontics, Division of Oral Functional Science, Graduate
force was not larger than in model-N under the load School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, Kita-13, Nishi-7, Kita-Ku, Sapporo
during occlusal adjustment, because the load itself was 060-8648, Japan.
small. Therefore, the load borne by the TMJ was not
Received: 29 November 2014 Accepted: 20 May 2015
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