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A practical guide to the art of data visualization
with Tableau

Sumit Gupta, Sylvester Pinto, Shweta Sankhe-Savale, JC Gillet,

and Kenneth Michael Cherven
The Tableau Workshop
Copyright © 2022 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in
critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of
the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold
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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the
companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals.
However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Authors: Sumit Gupta, Sylvester Pinto, Shweta Sankhe-Savale, JC Gillet,

and Kenneth Michael Cherven

Reviewers: Siddharth Pawar and Murari Ramuka

Development Editor: Aditi Hinge

Acquisitions Editor: Sneha Shinde

Production Editor: Salma Patel

Editorial Board: Megan Carlisle, Heather Gopsill, Bridget Kenningham,

Manasa Kumar, Alex Mazonowicz, Monesh Mirpuri, Abhishek Rane,
Brendan Rodrigues, Ankita Thakur, Nitesh Thakur, and Jonathan Wray

First published: April 2022

Production reference: 1250422

ISBN: 978-1-80020-765-3

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place, 35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK
Table of Contents

Preface   i

Chapter 1: Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau   1

Introduction ............................................................................................... 2
The Importance of Visual Analytics ........................................................ 2
The Tableau Product Suite ....................................................................... 8
Introduction to Tableau Desktop .........................................................  10
Exercise 1.01: Connecting to a Data Source ............................................  12
Exercise 1.02: Creating a Comparison Chart
Using Manual Drag and Drop ....................................................................  21
Exercise 1.03: Creating a Comparison Chart
Using the Automated Show Me Button Method .....................................  23
Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop .........................................  28
Saving and Sharing Your Work .............................................................  33
Exercise 1.04: Saving Your Work as a Static
Snapshot-PowerPoint Export ....................................................................  41
Exercise 1.05: Saving Your Work as a Tableau
Interactive File–Tableau Packaged Workbook ........................................  48
Activity 1.01: Identifying and Creating the Appropriate
Chart to Find Outliers in Your Data ..........................................................  49
Summary .................................................................................................  51

Chapter 2: Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop   53

Introduction ............................................................................................  54
Connecting to a Data Source ................................................................  54
Exercise 2.01: Connecting to an Excel File ...............................................  56
Connecting to a Server Data Source .........................................................  60
Various Joins in Tableau ........................................................................  61
Different Types of Joins ..............................................................................  62
Exercise 2.02: Creating an Inner Join Dataset .........................................  64
Exercise 2.03: Creating a Left Join Dataset ..............................................  67
Exercise 2.04: Creating a Right Join Dataset ............................................  69
Exercise 2.05: Creating a Combined Dataset Using Union ....................  71
Data Transformation in the Data Pane ...............................................  76
Data Interpreter ..........................................................................................  77
Renaming the Data Source ........................................................................  79
Live and Extract Connections ....................................................................  80
Exercise 2.06: Creating an Extract for Data .............................................  80
Extract Properties .......................................................................................  82
The Data Storage field.........................................................................................83

The Filters field.....................................................................................................83

The Aggregation Field..........................................................................................85

The Number of Rows Field.................................................................................86

Which Connection Is Better – Live or Extract?.................................................87

Filters ............................................................................................................  87
Exercise 2.07: Adding a Region Filter on the Orders Table ....................  87
Data Grid Options .......................................................................................  91
Custom SQL .................................................................................................  97
Data Blending .........................................................................................  99
Exercise 2.08: Creating a Data Blend Using the Orders
and People Tables .......................................................................................  99
Exercise 2.09: Visualizing Data Created from a Data Blend .................  104
Limitations of Data Blending ...................................................................  107
Activity 2.01: Identifying the Returned Orders .....................................  108
Activity 2.02: Preparing Data for Visualization ......................................  109
Summary ...............................................................................................  111

Chapter 3: Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep   113

Introduction ..........................................................................................  114
Prep Interface .......................................................................................  114
Adding Data in the Flow ......................................................................  117
Exercise 3.01: Connecting to an Excel File .............................................  117
Exercise 3.02: Connecting with Multiple Data Sources ........................  121
Data Source Profile ..............................................................................  127
Exercise 3.03: Data Profile for the Orders_South Dataset ...................  130
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split ............................  133
Additional Clean Steps .............................................................................  141
Cleaning Steps at the Column Level .......................................................  142
Exercise 3.04: Applying a Filter in a Clean Step .....................................  143
Exercise 3.05: Cleaning a Column in the Workflow ..............................  150
Grouping Values ........................................................................................  153
Exercise 3.06: Grouping Values into a Group ........................................  154
Splitting Values ..........................................................................................  162
Exercise 3.07: Splitting Columns .............................................................  163
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union ...................................................  166
Aggregations ..............................................................................................  166
Exercise 3.08: Identifying High-Value Customers
Based on Purchases ..................................................................................  166
Pivoting Data .............................................................................................  172
Exercise 3.09: Using a Pivot for Data ......................................................  173
Joining and Union of Data.................................................................................178

Exercise 3.10: Joining Two Data Sources ................................................  180

Union ..........................................................................................................  188
Exercise 3.11: Union of Tables .................................................................  189
Script Step ..................................................................................................  197
Flow and Data Exports ........................................................................  199
Exercise 3.12: Exporting Data ..................................................................  200
Activity 3.01: Finding the Month with the Highest Orders ..................  206
Activity 3.02: Data Transformation .........................................................  209
Summary ...............................................................................................  211

Chapter 4: Data Exploration: Comparison

and Composition   213

Introduction ..........................................................................................  214
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items .........................  215
Bar Chart ....................................................................................................  215
Exercise 4.01: Creating Bar Charts ..........................................................  216
Exploring Comparisons over Time .....................................................  224
Exercise 4.02: Creating Bar Charts for Data over Time ........................  224
Line Charts .................................................................................................  229
Difference between Discrete Dates and Continuous Dates  ...............  229
Exercise 4.03: Creating Line Charts over Time ......................................  231
Exploring Comparison across Measures ...........................................  234
Exercise 4.04: Creating a Bullet Chart ....................................................  235
Bar-in-Bar Charts ......................................................................................  242
Exercise 4.05: Creating a Bar-in-Bar Chart .............................................  243
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts ................  247
Exercise 4.06: Creating a Stacked Bar Chart ..........................................  247
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts ...............................  253
Exercise 4.07: Creating a Pie Chart .........................................................  254
Treemaps ...................................................................................................  257
Exercise 4.08: Creating Treemaps  ..........................................................  258
Exploring Compositions for Trended Data .......................................  264
Area Charts ................................................................................................  264
Exercise 4.09: Creating an Area Chart ....................................................  265
Activity 4.01: Visualizing the Growth of Passenger
Cars in Singapore  .....................................................................................  273
Summary ...............................................................................................  275

Chapter 5: Data Exploration: Distributions

and Relationships   277

Introduction ..........................................................................................  278
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure ....................................  278
Creating a Histogram ...............................................................................  278
Exercise 5.01: Creating a Histogram .......................................................  282
Box and Whisker Plots ..............................................................................  289
Exercise 5.02: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot without
the Show Me Panel ...................................................................................  290
Exercise 5.03: Box Plot Using the Show Me Panel .................................  298
Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures ..................  300
Distribution with Two Measures .............................................................  300
Creating a Scatter Plot .............................................................................  300
Exercise 5.04: Creating a Scatter Plot .....................................................  301
Scatter Plots with Trend Lines ...........................................................  307
Exercise 5.05: Trend Lines with Scatter Plots ........................................  307
Trend Lines and Types .............................................................................  312
Linear Trend Lines.............................................................................................312

Polynomial Trend Lines....................................................................................314

Polynomial Degree of Freedom.......................................................................315

Logarithmic Trend Lines...................................................................................315

Exponential Trend Lines...................................................................................317

Power Trend Lines.............................................................................................318

The Reliability of Trend Lines ..................................................................  319



Advanced Charts ..................................................................................  320

Quadrant Charts .......................................................................................  320
Reference Lines .........................................................................................  321
Understanding Reference Lines......................................................................322

Exercise 5.06: Creating Quadrant Charts ...............................................  327

Combination Charts – Dual axis Charts .................................................  331
Exercise 5.07: Creating Dual axis Charts ................................................  331
Activity 5.01: Creating Scatter Plots ........................................................  338
Activity 5.02: Dual axis Chart with Asynchronous Axes .......................  340
Summary ...............................................................................................  343

Chapter 6: Data Exploration: Exploring

Geographical Data   345

Introduction ..........................................................................................  346
Importing Spatial Data ........................................................................  347
Data File Types ..........................................................................................  347
ESRI Shapefiles...................................................................................................348
GeoJSON Files.....................................................................................................348

KML Files.............................................................................................................348

MapInfo Interchange Format...........................................................................349

MapInfo Tables..................................................................................................349

TopoJSON Files...................................................................................................349

Downloading the Data Source from GitHub ..........................................  349

Exercise 6.01: Downloading the Source Data ........................................  350
Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources ............................  356
Exercise 6.02: Importing a Non-Spatial Data Source ............................  356
Data Relationships ....................................................................................  361
Exercise 6.03: Joining Two Data Sources ................................................  361
Managing Location Data .....................................................................  365
Assigning Geographic Roles .....................................................................  365
Editing Locations .......................................................................................  368
Building Custom Geographies .................................................................  372
Creating a New Geography Using an Existing Role.......................................372

Creating a New Geography Using Groups......................................................376

Exercise 6.04: Building Custom Geographies ........................................  378

Creating Maps in Tableau ...................................................................  382
Geocoding ..................................................................................................  383
Symbol Maps .............................................................................................  384
Adding Data to Symbol Maps...........................................................................386

Coloring a Symbol Map.....................................................................................386

Sizing a Symbol Map..........................................................................................388

Using Shapes in a Symbol Map........................................................................389

Adding Map Tooltips.........................................................................................390

Navigating Symbol Maps..................................................................................391

Filtering Symbol Maps.......................................................................................391

Creating Groups and Sets from Symbol Map Data........................................393

Exercise 6.05: Building a Symbol Map ....................................................  396

Choropleth (Filled) Maps ..........................................................................  399
Coloring a Choropleth Map..............................................................................399

Navigating a Choropleth Map..........................................................................403

Filtering a Choropleth Map...............................................................................403

Exercise 6.06: Building a Choropleth Map .............................................  404

Dual-Axis Maps ..........................................................................................  411
Exercise 6.07: Creating a Dual-Axis Map ................................................  413
Map Enhancements ..................................................................................  418
Setting Map Options..........................................................................................418

Using Existing Layers.........................................................................................419

Adding Mapbox Background Maps.................................................................421

Exercise 6.08: Adding Mapbox Background Maps ................................  426

Activity 6.01: Creating a Location Analysis Using Dual Axis and
Background Maps .....................................................................................  433
Summary ...............................................................................................  435

Chapter 7: Data Analysis: Creating and

Using Calculations   437

Introduction ..........................................................................................  438
Creating and Using Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations ...................  447
Exercise 7.01: Creating an Ad Hoc Calculation
to Highlight Loss-Making Sub-Categories ..............................................  448
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations ........................  450
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations:
Numeric Calculations ...............................................................................  456
Exercise 7.02: Creating a Numeric Calculation ......................................  457
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations:
Logic Statements ......................................................................................  459
Exercise 7.03: Creating a Logic Calculation ............................................  460
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations:
String Calculations ....................................................................................  464
Exercise 7.04: Creating a String Calculation ..........................................  472
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations:
Date Calculations ......................................................................................  479
Exercise 7.05: Creating a Date Calculation ............................................  480
Handling Null Values while Creating and Using Calculations ........  485
Creating Calculations across Data Sources ......................................  489
Activity 7.01: Calculating the Profit Margin ...........................................  498
Activity 7.02: Calculating the Percentage Achievement
with Respect to Budget Sales ..................................................................  500
Summary ...............................................................................................  501

Chapter 8: Data Analysis: Creating and

Using Table Calculations   503

Introduction ..........................................................................................  504
Quick Table Calculations .....................................................................  505
Running Total ............................................................................................  507
Exercise 8.01: Creating a Running Total Calculation ............................  507
Difference ..................................................................................................  510
Exercise 8.02: Creating a Difference Calculation ..................................  510
Percent of Total .........................................................................................  512
Exercise 8.03: Creating a Percent of Total Calculation .........................  513
Percent Difference ....................................................................................  515
Exercise 8.04: Creating a Percent Difference Calculation ....................  515
Percentile and Rank ..................................................................................  517
Exercise 8.05: Creating Percentile and Rank Calculations ...................  518
Moving Average .........................................................................................  521
Exercise 8.06: Creating a Moving Average Calculation .........................  521
Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning ..........  523
Table (across) .............................................................................................  523
Exercise 8.07: Creating a Table (across) Calculation .............................  524
Table (down) ..............................................................................................  526
Exercise 8.08: Creating a Table (down) Calculation ..............................  526
Exercise 8.09: Creating Table (across then down)
and Table (down then across) Calculations ...........................................  529
Exercise 8.10: Creating a Pane (across) Calculation .............................  533
Exercise 8.11: Pane (down) Calculation ..................................................  537
Exercise 8.12: Creating a Pane-Level Calculation ..................................  540
Cell ..............................................................................................................  546
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations .......................  546
Creating a New Table Calculation ...........................................................  547
Exercise 8.13: Creating a Table Calculation
Using the Calculation Editor ....................................................................  549
Removing a Table Calculation .................................................................  555
Activity 8.01: Managing Hospital Bed Allocations .................................  556
Activity 8.02: Planning for a Healthy Population ..................................  559
Summary ...............................................................................................  561
Chapter 9: Data Analysis: Creating and
Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations   563

Introduction ..........................................................................................  564
Exercise 9.01: Creating a LOD Calculation .............................................  564
Types of LOD Calculations ..................................................................  568
FIXED ...........................................................................................................  568
Exercise 9.02: Creating a FIXED LOD Calculation ..................................  568
INCLUDE .....................................................................................................  571
Exercise 9.03: Creating an INCLUDE LOD Calculation ..........................  571
EXCLUDE  ....................................................................................................  575
Exercise 9.04: Creating an EXCLUDE LOD Calculation ..........................  575
Table-Scoped  ............................................................................................  577
LOD Calculations: Dimensions or Measures? ...................................  578
Aggregation and LOD Calculations .........................................................  579
LOD Calculation Is Higher than the View LOD...............................................579

LOD Calculation Is Finer than the View LOD..................................................580

Nested LOD Calculations..................................................................................581

Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations ...............................................  582

Activity 9.01: Identifying the Top-Performing Sales Executives ..........  585
Activity 9.02: Performing a Comparative Analysis ................................  587
Summary ...............................................................................................  590

Chapter 10: Dashboards and Storyboards   593

Introduction ..........................................................................................  594
The Who, What, and Why of the Dashboard ....................................  594
The Who: Audience ...................................................................................  594
The What: Begin with the End in Mind ...................................................  595
The Why: The Need for a Dashboard  .....................................................  595
Designing a Dashboard .......................................................................  596
The Basic Layout .......................................................................................  599
Display Size.........................................................................................................600






Exercise 10.01: Text Formatting – Workbook versus Worksheet  .......  606

Dashboard Objects ...................................................................................  609
Vertical Objects..................................................................................................609

Horizontal Objects.............................................................................................612

Text Objects........................................................................................................613

Image Objects....................................................................................................614

Web Page Objects..............................................................................................615

Blank Objects.....................................................................................................617

Navigation Objects............................................................................................618

Extension Object................................................................................................620

Using Floating Objects......................................................................................621

Exercise 10.02: KPIs and Metrics View ....................................................  621

Exercise 10.03: Map and Parameter Worksheet Views ........................  629
Exercise 10.04: Putting It All Together: Dashboarding .........................  638
Creating Storyboards ..........................................................................  656
Exercise 10.05: Creating a Simple Storyboard .......................................  657
Activity 10.01: Building a Complete Dashboard ....................................  663
Summary ...............................................................................................  667
Chapter 11: Tableau Interactivity: Part 1   669

Introduction ..........................................................................................  670
Grouping Data ......................................................................................  670
Exercise 11.01: Creating Groups .............................................................  672
Hierarchies ...........................................................................................  680
Exercise 11.02: Creating Hierarchies ......................................................  681
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau ..............................................  685
Data Source and Extract Filters ...............................................................  687
Exercise 11.03: Filtering Data Using Extract/Data Source Filters ........  687
Filters Using Views ....................................................................................  690
Exercise 11.04: Creating Filters from the View ......................................  690
Creating Filters Using the Filters Shelf ...................................................  694
Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf........................................................694

Exercise 11.05: Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf ....................  699

Measure Filters Using the Filters Shelf...........................................................701

Exercise 11.06: Measuring Filters Using the Filters Shelf .....................  704

Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf..................................................................707

Exercise 11.07: Creating Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf ...............  714
Quick Filters ...............................................................................................  719
Exercise 11.8: Creating Quick Filters ......................................................  719
Applying Filters across Multiple Sheets/Multiple
Data Sources or an Entire Data Source ..................................................  724
Context Filters ...........................................................................................  726
Exercise 11.09: Creating and Using Context Filters ..............................  728
Sets ........................................................................................................  733
Static Sets ...................................................................................................  733
Exercise 11.10: Creating Static Sets ........................................................  734
Dynamic Sets .............................................................................................  738
Exercise 11.11: Creating Dynamic Sets ...................................................  739
Adding Members to the Set .....................................................................  744
Exercise 11.12: Adding Members to the Set ..........................................  744
Combined Sets ..........................................................................................  747
Exercise 11.13: How to Create Combined Sets ......................................  747
Parameters ...........................................................................................  755
Exercise 11.14: Standard Parameters .....................................................  755
Dynamic Parameters ................................................................................  771
Exercise 11.15: Dynamic Parameters .....................................................  771
Activity 11.01: Top N Countries Using Parameters,
Sets, and Filters .........................................................................................  776
Summary ...............................................................................................  778

Index   781
ii | Preface

About the Book

Learning Tableau has never been easier, thanks to this practical introduction to
storytelling with data. The Tableau Workshop breaks down the analytical process
into five steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, interactivity, and
distribution of dashboards. Each stage is addressed with a clear walk-through of
the key tools and techniques you'll need, as well as engaging real-world examples,
meaningful data, and practical exercises to give you valuable hands-on experience.

As you work through the book, you'll learn Tableau step by step, studying how to
clean, shape, and combine data, as well as how to choose the most suitable charts for
any given scenario. You'll load data from various sources and formats, perform data
engineering to create new data that delivers deeper insights, and create interactive
dashboards that engage end users.

All concepts are introduced with clear, simple explanations and demonstrated
through realistic example scenarios. You'll simulate real-world data science projects
with use cases such as traffic violations, urban populations, coffee store sales, and air
travel delays.

By the end of this Tableau book, you'll have the skills and knowledge to confidently
present analytical results and make data-driven decisions.

About the Authors

Sumit Gupta is an analytics professional with more than 7 years' experience spanning
across marketing, sales, and product analytics. As a consultant and trainer, he
has utilized Tableau to build better data-driven teams for his organization. Sumit
specializes in translating vast amounts of data into easy-to-understand dashboards
which provide actionable intelligence. He is a Tableau Certified Associate and enjoys
training data enthusiasts to become better Tableau developers and certified Tableau
associates. This book is one such effort to reach masses.

I would like to thank my family for being incredibly supportive through this book-writing
journey, especially my super-mom. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would
also like to thank my friends (Piyush and Sheshnath, to name a few) and mentors/leaders/
managers who have also pushed me to become better every day. Onwards and Upwards!

Sylvester Pinto has been using Tableau for almost a decade now for improving
business performance for different industries. Sylvester has designed various
business solutions using Tableau for different organizations leading to a huge
impact to improve their businesses. He has a Tableau certification and as a
consultant designs solutions for various organizations.
About the Book | iii

Shweta Sankhe-Savale is the co-founder and Head of Client Engagements at Syvylyze

Analytics (pronounced "civilize"), a boutique business analytics firm specializing in
visual analytics. Shweta is a Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate and a Tableau
Accredited Trainer. Being one of the leading experts on Tableau in India, Shweta has
translated her experience and expertise into successfully rendering analytics and data
visualization services for numerous clients across a wide range of industry verticals.
She has taken on numerous training and consulting assignments for customers
across sectors such as BFSI, FMCG, retail, e-commerce, consulting and professional
services, manufacturing, healthcare and pharma, ITeS, and more. She even had
the privilege of working with renowned government and UN agencies. Combining
her ability to break down complex concepts with her expertise on Tableau's visual
analytics platforms, Shweta has successfully trained over 1,300 participants from
85+ companies.

Jean-Charles (JC) Gillet is a seasoned business analyst with over 7 years of experience
with SQL at both a large-scale multinational company in the United Kingdom and a
smaller firm in the United States, and 5 years of Tableau experience. He has been
working with Tableau and SQL for multiple years to share his expertise with his
colleagues, as well as delivering SQL training. A French national, JC holds a master's
degree in executive engineering from Mines ParisTech and is a Tableau Desktop
Certified Associate.

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter (to whom he
dedicates his work on this book) and playing team handball, having competed in
national championships.

I'd like dedicate this work first and foremost to my wife and two children, who stand by
my side every day, through thick and thin. But also to my parents, who taught me my core
values, and my managers, especially my mentors and friends Robert and Miguel, who have
meant so much to me.

Kenneth Michael Cherven is a Data Analyst and Visualizer based in Detroit, Michigan,
USA. He has worked with Tableau for more than 15 years with a focus on making
complex data easily understood through the of interactive dashboards and creative
displays. Beyond his work in the automotive sector, Kenneth analyzes data and
creates visualizations using open data sources from the baseball, government, music,
and craft beer domains. Ken has previously published two titles for Packt – Network
Graph Analysis and Visualization with Gephi and Mastering Gephi Network Visualization.
iv | Preface

Who This Book Is For

This book is for anyone who wants to get started on visual analytics with Tableau.
If you're new to Tableau, this Workshop will get you up and running. If you already
have some experience in Tableau, this book will help fill in any gaps, consolidate your
understanding, and give you extra practice with the key tools.

About the Chapters

Chapter 1, Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau, teaches you the basic
skills needed to understand data and its visual elements for reporting and
creating dashboards.

Chapter 2, Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop, covers the essential skills you need
to create reports in Tableau, such as loading, joining, transforming, blending, and
manipulating data.

Chapter 3, Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep, covers Tableau Prep and how Prep
helps in cleaning and joining disparate data sources. You will learn how to perform
data manipulation methods such as pivots, grouping, and aggregations, and finally,
how to export the transformed data into Tableau.

Chapter 4, Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition, expands on your Tableau

knowledge. You will start creating charts in Tableau, including line, bar, and stacked
area charts. You will also learn how to create trend reports.

Chapter 5, Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships, covers reference lines and
advanced chart types such as Dual Axis and Quadrant charts.

Chapter 6, Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data, teaches you how to explore
geographical data to perform location-based analysis in Tableau.

Chapter 7, Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations, covers calculations, including
numeric, string, and date calculations. You will also learn how to write logical
statements in calculated fields.

Chapter 8, Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations, touches on table
calculations and how they differ from calculated fields, and when to use table
calculations versus calculated fields.

Chapter 9, Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations, covers
LOD calculations, with which you will learn how to control the aggregation level in
your view.
About the Book | v

Chapter 10, Dashboards and Storyboards, covers the basics of using a blank canvas to
build interactive dashboards, including adding branding elements, filters, and web
pages. Finally, we will also cover storyboards and how they differ from dashboards.

Chapter 11, Tableau Interactivity: Part 1, dives deeper into Tableau Order of
Operations, Filters, Sets, and Parameters, while reinforcing the other charting
and dashboarding skills.

This is part one of a two-part topic, the latter half of which is available online.

There are also three bonus chapters (Chapter 12, Tableau Interactivity:
Part 2; Chapter 13, Distribution of Dashboards; and Chapter 14, Case Study)
which you can find at
You can also find solutions for all activities in this Workshop online at

Code words in text form, database and collection names, file and folder names, shell
commands, and user input use the following format: "There are also other File,
Edit, Flow, and Server menu options at the top. The purposes of the File and
Edit options are self-explanatory. The Flow menu can be used to run the flow and
the Server menu has the option to sign in and publish the flow on Tableau Server." 

Often at the beginning of chapters, key new terms will be introduced. In these

cases, the following formatting will be used: "Understanding aggregations is the most
fundamental concept you need to keep in mind when working with Tableau." 

Minimum Hardware Requirements

For an optimal experience, we recommend the following hardware configuration:

• Processor: Dual core or better

• Memory: 4 GB RAM

• Storage: 10 GB available space

vi | Preface

Minimum Software Requirements

Unlike hardware requirements, software requirements can be challenging to list
because Tableau releases new updates to their software every 3-6 months and there
are new features added with these new releases. But considering the exercises/
activities planned in this book, we expect the following to be required at minimum:

• Tableau Desktop 2020.1 or above

• Tableau Prep 2020.1 or above

This book was written and reviewed using Tableau versions 2020.1.x. Though new
versions of Tableau are frequently released, the steps used for the exercises and
activities in this book are unlikely to change with the version changes. Any known
differences at the time of publication will be noted within the text as relevant.

Downloading the Book/Data Sources Bundle

GitHub link:

Download all the folders and data files from GitHub (as shown) or download
individual chapter files separately as needed.

Figure 0.1: GitHub files

About the Book | vii

Setting Up Your Environment

Before you begin the book, you need to set up both Tableau Desktop and Tableau
Prep. In this section, you will see how to install Tableau Desktop. Once you have
followed these steps and installed Tableau Desktop, you will also then need to follow
the same steps to download Tableau Prep. The download links are as follows:

Tableau Desktop 2020.1:

Tableau Prep 2020.1:

Installing Tableau on Your System

1. From, click on 2020.1 to expand the
list. Click on any of the 2020.1.XX links as follows:

Figure 0.2: Tableau downloads/release notes page

viii | Preface

2. Click on 2020.1.20 and on the new page which was loaded. Next, either click on
Download Tableau Desktop 2020.1.20 and Tableau will automatically
detect your operating system, or else scroll down to the Download Files
section and click on the appropriate download link for your operating system
(Windows or Mac).

Figure 0.3: Tableau download 2020.1.20 page

About the Book | ix

3. Once you have downloaded the file, open your downloads folder, and double-
click on the downloaded file. You will see the following screen if you are using a
Mac (Windows will have a similar workflow):

Figure 0.4: Tableau Desktop installer: introduction

x | Preface

4. Follow the prompt by clicking on Continue and agreeing to the terms and
conditions of the software license agreement:

Figure 0.5: Tableau software agreement prompt

It might take a minute or two to install the software and you may be asked to
restart your system, depending on your computer's configuration.
About the Book | xi

5. Once the files are written, you should see the following success message. Click
on Close to finish the installation:

Figure 0.6: Tableau installation complete

xii | Preface

6. To verify whether the software was installed, if you are using Mac, press cmd
+ Space to open spotlight search and type in Tableau. You should see the
following on your screen. Similarly, if you are using Windows, click on the
Windows button and type Tableau to open the application.

Figure 0.7: Searching Tableau in spotlight search

You can follow the same steps to install Tableau Prep by downloading the
software from the download link above. When you load either Tableau Desktop
or Tableau Prep for the first time, you might be required to register the software
and enter the license key. Depending on your situation, either your organization
might be able to provide the license keys, or you can start a 14-day trial to
explore the software. Finally, if you are a student or teacher, Tableau offers free
1-year licenses; to learn more, visit
About the Book | xiii

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General feedback: If you have any questions about this book, please mention the
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Introduction: Visual
Analytics with Tableau

In this chapter, you will learn about Visual Analytics and why it is
important to visualize your data. You will connect to data using Tableau
Desktop and familiarize yourself with the Tableau workspace. By the end
of this chapter, you will be well acquainted with the Tableau interface and
some of the fundamental important concepts that will help you get started
with Tableau. The topics that are covered in this chapter will mark the start
of your Tableau journey.
2 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

At a very broad level, the whole data analytics process can be broken down into the
following steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, and distribution.
This process typically starts with a question or a goal, which is followed by finding
and getting the relevant data. Once the relevant data is available, you then need to
prepare this data for your exploration and analysis stage. You might have to clean
and restructure the data to get it in the right form, maybe combine it with some
additional datasets, or enhance the data by creating some calculations. This stage is
referred to as the data preparation stage. After this comes the data exploration stage.
It is at this stage that you try to see the composition and distribution of your data,
compare data, and identify relationships if any exist. This step gives an idea of what
kind of analysis can be done with the given dataset.

Typically, people like to explore the data by looking at it in its raw form (that is, at
the data preparation stage); however, a quick and easy way to explore the data is to
visualize it. Visualizing the data can reveal patterns that were difficult to recognize in
the raw data.

The data exploration stage is followed by the data analysis stage, in which you
analyze your data and develop insights that can be shared with others. These insights,
when visualized, will enable easier interpretation of data, which in turn leads to better
decision making. In very simplistic terms, the process of exploring and analyzing the
data by visualizing it as charts and graphs is called "visual analytics." As mentioned
earlier, the idea behind visualizing your data is to enable faster decision making.
Finally, the last step in the data analytics cycle is the distribution stage, wherein you
share your work with other stakeholders who can consume this information and act
upon it.

In this chapter, we will discuss all these topics in detail, starting with a further
exploration of the value of the titular process.

The Importance of Visual Analytics

As mentioned earlier, "Visual Analytics" can be defined as the process of exploring
and analyzing data by visualizing it as charts and graphs. This enables end users to
quickly consume the information and, in turn, empowers them to make quicker and
better decisions.

In this section, you will learn why data visualization is a better tool for evaluation than
looking at large volumes of data in numeric format.
The Importance of Visual Analytics | 3

All of us have at some point heard the expression "A picture is worth a thousand
words." Indeed, it has been found that humans are great at identifying and
recognizing patterns and trends in data when consumed as visuals as opposed to
large volumes of data in tabular or spreadsheet formats.

To understand the importance and the power of data visualization/visual analytics,

let's look at one of the classic examples: Anscombe's Quartet. Anscombe's quartet
is comprised of four distinct datasets with nearly identical statistical properties, yet
completely different distributions and visualizations.

This was developed in 1973 by an English statistician named Francis John
(Frank) Anscombe, after whom it was named.

Let's take a deeper look at these datasets.

Figure 1.1: A screenshot showing the datasets used in Anscombe's quartet

4 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

As you can see in the preceding figure, each dataset consists of 11 X and Y points.
Now, if you were to analyze these datasets using typical descriptive statistics such as
mean, standard deviation, and correlation between X and Y, you would see that the
output is identical.

Figure 1.2: A screenshot showing descriptive statistics of the Anscombe's quartet data

Looking at the preceding figure, you can see the following:

• The mean of X for each dataset is 9 (exact accuracy).

• The standard deviation for X for each dataset is 3.32 (exact accuracy).

• The mean of Y for each dataset is 7.50 (accurate up to two decimals).

• The standard deviation for Y for each dataset is 2.03 (accurate up to

two decimals).

• The correlation between X and Y for each dataset is 0.816 (accurate up to

three decimals).

So, by looking at the above statistical inferences, you would assume that these
datasets are identical until you decide to visualize each of them, the results of which
are displayed below.
The Importance of Visual Analytics | 5

The images show how these datasets appear when visualized as graphs. Now, let's
compare each of these visualizations side by side so that you can see how different
each of these datasets really are.

Figure 1.3: A screenshot showing a graphical representation

of all four datasets of Anscombe's quartet

The preceding example highlights how data visualization can help uncover patterns
in data that it was not possible to see by simply looking at the numbers and/or
just analyzing the data statistically. This is exactly why Francis Anscombe created
his "quartet." He wanted to counter the argument that "numerical calculations are
exact, but graphs are rough," which, back then, was a quite common impression
among statisticians.
6 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

Next, take a look at one more example of how visualizing data helps us find quick
insights. Refer to the following figure:

Figure 1.4: A screenshot of a grid view showing the marketing expense

and profitability for products across markets

In the preceding figure, you can see a grid view of fields such as Product Type,
Product, Market, Marketing, and Profit. In the data that you have used,
Marketing is the money that is spent on any marketing efforts to promote
products, and Profit is the profit generated after those marketing efforts.
Further, these values are broken down by dimensions such as Product Type,
Product, and Market. The idea is to evaluate how each product is doing in terms
of Marketing and Profit across different markets.

Now, displaying this information in a grid format, as shown above, results in 84

numbers being shown in the view, and doing any kind of comparison across these
84 numbers is going to be very difficult. So, imagine you want to find out whether
there are any products in any specific markets where losses are made even after
spending significant money on the marketing efforts. Then you will end up comparing
these numbers horizontally as well as vertically, which, honestly, is a bit tedious.
However, let's see whether visualizing this data makes any difference. Refer to the
following figure:
The Importance of Visual Analytics | 7

Figure 1.5: A bar chart comparing the marketing expense and profitability for products

In the preceding figure, you can see that the length of the bar is the money spent on
Marketing, whereas the color of the bar represents the Profit value. So basically,
the longer the bar, the more money was spent on marketing; the darker the shade
of blue, the more profitable the product; and the darker the shade of orange, the
greater the loss accrued.

Looking back at that figure, note that the longest bar is Caffe Mocha in the East
market. This means that Caffe Mocha has the highest marketing spending, but
because the color of that bar is orange, you also know that it is accruing a loss.

This is another example that demonstrates the power of data visualization.

Now that you have understood what visual analytics is and why it is important,
let's look at some data visualization tools in the next section.
8 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

The Tableau Product Suite

There are a lot of tools available on the market offering various features and
functionalities that you can use to visualize your data. When it comes to business
analytics and data visualization, Tableau is one of the leading tools in this space
because of its ease of use and drag and drop functionality, which makes it easier even
for a business user to start making sense of their data. Tableau has different tools
for different purposes, available in the Tableau product suite, which we'll explore in
this section.

The entire suite can be divided into three parts: data preparation, data visualization,
and consumption or distribution. Refer to the following figure:

Figure 1.6: A screenshot showing the Tableau product suite

As shown in the preceding figure, you have Tableau Prep in the Data Preparation layer,
which is used for cleaning, combining, reshaping, and enhancing your data. This tool
helps get your data ready for analysis and visualization.

Now, once your data is ready and is in the right form and structure, you will start
analyzing and visualizing it. For this purpose, you will use either Tableau Desktop or
Tableau Public.

Tableau Desktop is where you create your visualizations, analytics, and dashboards.
This is typically the tool you would spend your time on as most of your development
is done using Tableau Desktop. Tableau Public can also be used for creating your
analytics and visualizations. However, the catch here is that you cannot save your
work locally or offline, and it will necessarily be saved to a Tableau Public server,
which can be viewed by anybody. Tableau Public is a free version that is like Tableau
Desktop and is typically used by bloggers, journalists, researchers, and so on who
deal with public or open data.
The Tableau Product Suite | 9

Tableau Public is a great tool for anyone wanting to build visualizations for public
consumption but is not recommended for anyone working with confidential data.
When dealing with confidential data, it is best to use Tableau Desktop.

Once you are done building your visualizations, you can share your work with others
using an online methodology with Tableau Server or Tableau Online or share an offline
copy of your work, which can then be opened using Tableau Reader.

Tableau Server is an on-premises hosted browser and mobile-based collaboration

platform used to publish dashboards created in Tableau Desktop and share them
with your end users. It allows you to share and, to some extent, edit and publish
dashboards, while also managing access rights and making your visualizations
accessible securely over the web. It allows you to refresh your dashboards at a
scheduled frequency and maintain live data connectivity to the backend data
sources, which in turn allows users to consume the up-to-date dashboards online
from anywhere. Tableau Server also allows you to view your dashboards on a mobile
tablet through an app available on both iOS and Android. Tableau Online, on the
other hand, is a cloud-hosted version (or SaaS version) of Tableau Server. It brings
the server capabilities of the cloud without the infrastructure cost.

However, if you want to consume dashboards offline, you can use Tableau Reader.
This is a free desktop application that can be used to open, view, and interact with
dashboards and visualizations built in Tableau Desktop. So basically, it allows you
to filter, drill down, view the details of data, and interact with dashboards to the full
extent of what the author has intended. That said, being a reader, you cannot make
any changes or edit the dashboard in any way beyond what has already been built in
by the author.

The upcoming section, as well as the following chapters, will focus on Tableau
Desktop. You will be familiarizing yourself with the interface of Tableau Desktop, to
understand its workspace and see how you can create your visualizations and build
your dashboards.

The point to note here is that Tableau Desktop is a licensed product and if you
don't have the necessary license, then you can even use Tableau Public to try out
the examples covered in the book. As mentioned earlier, Tableau Desktop and
Tableau Public are the two main developer products offered by Tableau and the
only difference between these two products is the range of data source connectivity
offered, the ability to save files locally, and the security of your work. While Tableau
Desktop offers all this, Tableau Public has limitations.
10 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

However, the rest of the functionalities and the look and feel of both these tools is the
same. The next section explores how to use Tableau to connect, analyze, and visualize
your data.

Please note that we are using a licensed version of Tableau Desktop in this book.

Introduction to Tableau Desktop

Now, that you have identified and chosen Tableau Desktop for the creation of
your visuals and dashboards, let's dive deeper into the product, its interface,
and its functionality. So, once you have downloaded and installed the product,
you will be able to use the products to connect to your data and start building
your visualizations.

The landing page of Tableau Desktop is shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.7: A screenshot of the Tableau Desktop landing page

Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 11

Review the following list for explanations of the highlighted sections in

the screenshot:

1. Connect: The list of data sources you can connect to. You can connect to data
residing on Tableau Server (the Search for Data option); to flat files, such
as Excel and CSVs (the To a File option); or to databases (the To a Server
option). Tableau has native in-built connectors for a lot of the data sources,
which makes the interaction with data from these data sources seamless. The
list is quite extensive, and it keeps on growing. Note though that while Tableau
Desktop provides an extensive list of data connectors, Tableau Public only allows
you to connect to flat files (the To a File option). Refer to the following
screenshot to see the More… option of Tableau Desktop 2020.1 version:

Figure 1.8: A screenshot showing the extensive list of data sources

that Tableau Desktop can connect to
12 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

2. Saved Data Sources: While the top section allows you to connect to raw data
sources, the Saved Data Sources option lets you connect to data sources
that have been previously worked on and/or modified and then saved for
later use.

3. Open: This section shows the thumbnails of the recently accessed Tableau
files. This section is blank to begin with, but as you create and save new
workbooks, it will keep on updating and will display the thumbnails of the
most recently opened workbooks. This section can also be used to pin your
favorite workbooks.

4. Sample Workbooks: This section shows some of the sample work already done
in Tableau. Selecting any of the thumbnails here will open the relevant Tableau
workbook. A quick point to note here is that a "workbook" in Tableau is a file that
consists of multiple worksheets and/or dashboards and/or storyboards.

5. Discover: This section contains some shortcut links to the training videos and
resources on the Tableau website.

6. Now that you are familiar with the landing page of Tableau, let's move on and
see how to connect to data in the following exercise.

Exercise 1.01: Connecting to a Data Source

In this exercise, you will connect to a data source for the first time, which is the very
first step when analyzing data in Tableau.

There are many types of data sources that you can connect to, but for the purposes
of this exercise, you will work with an Excel file—in this case, Sample-Superstore.xls,
which comes in-built with Tableau and contains sales and profit data for a company.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Select the Microsoft Excel option from the To a File option under
Connect on the left-hand side of the landing page. You should see the
following screen:
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 13

Figure 1.9: A screenshot showing the Connect to Microsoft Excel option

2. Once you have selected this option, it will ask you to browse the Excel file that
you wish to connect to. To do this, connect to Sample-Superstore.xls,
which can be found in Documents>My Tableau Repository>Datasources, or can
also be downloaded from the GitHub repository for this chapter, at
link/7hnNH. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.10: A screenshot showing the Sample - Superstore.xls data under

My Tableau Repository
14 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

This data is the sample dataset that comes along with the product. Once
you have downloaded and installed Tableau Desktop, you will notice the My
Tableau Repository folder being created under your Documents folder.
This is where you will find this sample dataset.

3. Once you have connected to this data source, you will see the data connection
page of Tableau Desktop, as shown in the following screenshot. Review the
following notes to better understand what you're looking at:

Figure 1.11: A screenshot showing the data connection page in Tableau Desktop

• Section 1: This highlights the data source that you have connected to. This is the
Sample - Superstore.xls file that you just established a connection with.
One point to note here is that just because you have established a connection to
this Excel file does not mean that you have connected to the data.

• Section 2: These are the tables/worksheets in your Sample - Superstore.

xls file, which is where the actual data resides. The Orders table contains the
list of all transactions from this retail superstore and contains data at an order
level. This order level contains details of the day, product, and customer levels.
Refer to the following figure to take a glance at the Orders table:
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 15

Figure 1.12: A screenshot showing a glimpse into the Orders worksheet

of Sample - Superstore.xls

• The People table contains just two columns: Region and Person. The
Person column is the list of managers for each Region. Refer to the following
screenshot to take a glance at the People table:

Figure 1.13: A screenshot showing a glimpse into the People worksheet

of Sample - Superstore.xls

The Returns table contains the list of all the transactions/orders that were
returned. So, again, only two columns: Returned and Order ID. Refer to the
following screenshot to take a glance at the Returns table:

Figure 1.14: A screenshot showing a glimpse into the Returns worksheet

of Sample - Superstore.xls
16 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

• Section 3: This is the list of Named Ranges that were created on the
aforementioned tables/ worksheets (that is, Orders, People, and Returns)
of the Sample - Superstore.xls data source. Named Ranges are a feature
in Microsoft Excel, and Tableau gives you the option of reading data from these
predefined Named Ranges. To understand more about these Named Ranges in
Excel, please refer to the following link:

4. So, at this point, you have made a connection to the Sample - Superstore.
xls file; however, you are yet to establish a connection to the data to be able
to read it in Tableau for your analysis. To do so, drag the Orders worksheet
from the left-hand side list and drop it into the top blank section, which reads
Drag sheets here. (If you are working with a version later than 2020.1, this
may instead read Drag tables here.) Please note that you need to use the
Orders worksheet and not the Orders named range since the data in the
named range could be limited compared to the data in the Orders worksheet.
Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.15: A screenshot showing how to read data from the Orders worksheet
of Sample - Superstore.xls

5. Once you drag and drop the Orders worksheet into the Drag sheets
here section, you will see the view update for you, as shown in the
following screenshot:
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 17

Figure 1.16: A screenshot showing the view after dragging and dropping
the Orders worksheet

The preceding figure shows the view after fetching the Orders worksheet
into the Drag sheets here section. Review the highlighted sections in the
screenshot and the corresponding notes below to understand more.

• Section 1: This is the preview section where you get to see a quick preview (about
1,000 rows) of your Orders data. This is where you can quickly take stock of
your data and make sure you have all the necessary columns to work with.

• Section 2: This is the Connection option. It has two options to choose from,
Live and Extract. A Live connection is the option that you use when you
want to connect to data in real time. This means that basically any changes at the
data end will be reflected in Tableau. However, a quick point to note here is that
the Live connection option relies on the data sources to process all the queries,
and this could lead to performance issues in Tableau if the backend data source
is a slow-performing data source. The Extract connection, on the other hand,
is a snapshot of your data stored in a Tableau propriety format called Tableau
Data Extract, which uses the file extension .hyper. Since the .hyper file
only has a snapshot of the data, it will have to be refreshed if you need to see
and use the updated data.

• Section 3: This is the Filters option, which is used to limit the amount of data
that is read and used in Tableau. This works for both the Live and Extract
options mentioned earlier.

Now that you understand the data connection page of Tableau, you can finally
start using Tableau to analyze and visualize your data.
18 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

6. Connect Live to your Orders data from Sample - Superstore.xls.

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.17: A screenshot showing the Go to Worksheet option

7. Now, the final step for fetching the data for your analysis is to click on Sheet1,
and from there, select Go to Worksheet. With this, you will have read the
data into Tableau Desktop and will now be able to start using it. Refer to the
following screenshot:
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 19

Figure 1.18: A screenshot showing the workspace of Tableau

The preceding screenshot shows the Tableau workspace. This is the space in which you
will create your visualizations going forward. Let's quickly go through the highlighted
sections in the screenshot to understand the workspace in more detail.

• Section 1: This is the workbook name. As mentioned previously, a workbook in

Tableau is a file that consists of multiple worksheets and/or dashboards and/or
storyboards. By default, it is named Book1 (as shown in the image). However,
you can assign any new name you like when you save the workbook.

• Section 2: This is the toolbar section, and this consists of various options that
help you explore the various features and functionalities available in Tableau.

• Section 3: This is the side bar area, which contains the Data pane and the
Analytics pane. The Data pane shows the details of the fields coming
from the data, which are classified as either Dimensions or Measures. The
Analytics pane, on the other hand, shows the various analyses, such as
constant line, average line, median with quartiles, totals, trend line, forecast line,
and clusters, that can be performed on the view that you create. To begin with,
the Analytics pane is disabled or grayed out and will only start appearing
when you create a view or visual.
20 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

• Section 4: This is the Dimensions and Measures section, which technically

is part of the Data pane (and, if you are working with a version of Tableau later
than 2020.1, it may not appear in the view). Dimensions are all the fields
from the data that are categorical, descriptive, or qualitative in nature, such as
Customer Name, Product Name, Order ID, and Region. These, when
fetched in the view, will result in each data member of that field being displayed
in the view. Measures, on the other hand, are fields from the data that are
quantitative in nature and can be aggregated as either sum, average, minimum,
maximum, standard deviation, variance, and so on. These, when fetched in the
view, will result in aggregated values being displayed. Examples of Measures
are fields such as Sales, Profit, and Quantity, which will be aggregated for
the purpose of your analysis. Refer to the following screenshot for more clarity:

Figure 1.19: A screenshot showing the difference between Dimensions and Measures
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 21

• Section 5: This is the Sheet tab. Here you get the option to create either a new
worksheet, dashboard, or storyboard.

• Section 6: These are the various cards and shelves available for use in Tableau.
Here you can see various shelves such as the Columns shelf, Rows shelf,
Pages shelf, and Filters shelf, along with the Marks card, which contains
shelves such as the Color shelf, Size shelf, Text shelf, Detail shelf, and the
Tooltip shelf. These shelves are used to change the appearance and details of
your view.

• Section 7: This is the View section. This is where you will create your
visualizations. It can be referred to as the canvas for creating your views
and visualizations.

Now that you are familiar with the workspace of Tableau, you can create your first
visualization. To create your views or visualizations, you can either try the manual
drag and drop approach or the automated approach of using the Show Me button.
Let's explore both of these options.

You will begin with the manual drag and drop approach and then explore the
automated approach using the Show Me button in the following exercise.

Exercise 1.02: Creating a Comparison Chart Using Manual Drag and Drop
The aim of this exercise is to create a chart to determine which ship mode is better
in terms of Sales by Region using the manual drag and drop method. In this case,
you will create one stacked bar chart using the Ship Mode, Region, and Sales
fields from the Orders data from Sample - Superstore.xlsx and another
by manually dragging the fields from the Data pane and dropping them into the
necessary shelves.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Drag the Sales field from the Measures section in the Data pane and drop it
onto the Columns shelf. This will create a horizontal bar.
22 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

2. Drag the Region field from the Dimensions section from the Data pane and
drop it onto the Rows shelf. This will create a horizontal bar chart with labels for
regions and bars showing the sum of Sales.

Figure 1.20: A screenshot showing the stacked bar chart created using
the manual drag and drop method

3. Finally, to include the ship mode, drag the Ship Mode field from the
Dimensions section in the Data pane and drop it onto the Color shelf
available under the Marks card. This will update your view to show a stacked
bar chart with ship modes as colors, as in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.21: A screenshot showing the stacked bar chart created using
the manual drag and drop method
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 23

In this exercise, you created a stacked bar chart to show which ship mode is better
in terms of Sales across Regions using the manual drag and drop method. As you
can see in the preceding screenshot, the Standard Class ship mode seems to be
performing best by comparison to other modes.

In the following exercise, you will create another sales comparison chart—but this
time with the Show Me button.

Exercise 1.03: Creating a Comparison Chart Using the Automated Show Me

Button Method
The aim of this exercise is to create a chart to determine which Ship Mode is better
in terms of Sales by Region using the automated method via the Show Me button.
Just like the previous exercise, you will create one stacked bar chart using the Ship
Mode, Region, and Sales field from the Orders data of Sample-Superstore.
xlsx and another using the Show Me button. You will then compare the resulting
charts to determine which mode helps generate the highest sales.

In a new worksheet, perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Press and hold the CTRL key on your keyboard and select the Region and
Ship Mode fields from the Dimensions section and the Sales field from the
Measures pane.

You will need to keep the CRTL key pressed while doing multiple selections.
Furthermore, if you are on an Apple device, use the Command key
instead. Refer to the following link to find the list of equivalent macOS
commands and keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and macOS:
24 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

2. Once you have selected the necessary fields, click on the Show Me button, which
can be seen in the extreme top-right corner of your Tableau workbook. Refer to
the following screenshot:

Figure 1.22: A screenshot showing the Show Me button

Once you have clicked on the Show Me button, you will see the list of
visualizations that are possible with your current selection of fields, that is,
two dimensions (Region and Ship Mode) and one measure (Sales). Further,
you will also see that the horizontal bar chart is highlighted. The highlighted
chart (this is highlighted by Tableau in version 2020.1 with an orangish-brown
rectangular border in the following screenshot) is the result of the in-built
recommendation engine that is based on the best practices of data visualization.
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 25

Figure 1.23: A screenshot showing the possible charts and the Show Me button

You now have two options: you can either go ahead with the chart
recommended by Tableau, which will create a horizontal bar chart (which is
not the aim here), or select some other chart that is available and enabled in
the Show Me button (ideally a stacked bar chart like the one that you created
in the previous exercise). So, select the chart right next to the recommended
one (the one that is highlighted using a black dotted circular border in the
preceding screenshot). This is the stacked bar chart option, which is exactly
what you wanted.
26 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

However, when you go ahead with this option, you see two things that are
different from the output that you created in the previous exercise. Firstly,
it is a vertically stacked bar chart and not a horizontal one, and, secondly,
you have Region in the Color shelf instead of Ship Mode. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 1.24: A screenshot showing the output of the stacked bar chart option
from the Show Me button

Now, neither of these things are technically wrong, but they are not what you
wanted in this case, and so you will need to change them.
Introduction to Tableau Desktop | 27

3. Firstly, change the orientation of your stacked bar chart from vertical to
horizontal by clicking on the swap button in the toolbar, as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 1.25: A screenshot showing the Swap Rows and Columns button

4. Next, interchange/swap your Region and Ship Mode fields so that you have
Ship Mode in the Color shelf instead of Region.
To do this, press CTRL and select Region from the Color shelf as well as Ship
Mode from the Rows shelf. Make sure the pills for these selected fields are
now darker in color as the dark color indicates that the selection of these fields
is retained.

5. Now, click on the dropdown of either the Region field or the Ship Mode field
and choose the Swap option, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.26: A screenshot showing the Swap option of the CTRL multiselect
and drop-down method
28 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

This produces the following output:

Figure 1.27: A screenshot showing the stacked bar chart created using the Swap options

In this exercise, you created a stacked bar chart to show which Ship Mode is better
in terms of Sales by Regions using the manual drag and drop method. As you
can see in the preceding screenshot, the Standard Class ship mode seems to
generate more sales compared to the other ship modes.

Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop

In an earlier section, you familiarized yourself with the workspace of Tableau and
learned how to create a visualization using the manual drag and drop method as well
as the automated Show Me button. During the course of this book and across various
chapters, you will get into more details of this workspace and learn about some more
of the options available in the toolbar as well as the other shelves.

Now that you have some fundamental knowledge of how to create a visualization
using the aforementioned methods, you will now explore some concepts of data
visualization and how to use these in Tableau Desktop.

Ideally, when you present your analysis and insights, you want your end user to
be able to quickly consume the information that you have presented and make
better decisions more quickly. One way to achieve this objective is to present the
information in the right format. Each chart, graph, or visualization has a specific
purpose, and it is particularly important to choose the appropriate chart for
answering a specific goal or a business question.

Now, to be able to choose the appropriate chart, you first need to look at the data
and answer the question "What is it that you need to do with your data?".
Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop | 29

To help you make your decision, consider the following:

• Do you wish to compare values?

• Do you wish to look at the composition of your data?

• Do you wish to understand the distribution of your data?

• Do you wish to find and understand the relationships between the various
variables of your dataset?

Once you have addressed these points and determined what you wish to do with
your data, you will also need to decide on the following:

• How many variables do you need to look at at any given point in time?

• Do you wish to trend the data?

With the help of this list, you will be able to figure out which chart is the most
appropriate one to answer your business questions. To elaborate on this point, begin
by first categorizing your charts into four sections—namely, charts that help you
either compare, determine the composition, show the distribution of your data, or
else the ones that help you find relationships in your data.

Comparison, composition, distribution, and relationships are often referred to as the

four pillars of data visualization and are described in greater detail here:

1. Comparison: When analyzing your data, a common (if not the most common)
use case would be to compare your data. Comparison is often done between
two or more values. Some examples of comparison would be sales revenue
in different regions, how the performance of a particular sales representative
compared to their colleagues, the profitability of different products, and so on.

Typically, you will see comparison being done across categorical data, that is,
data members of a dimension (for example, comparison across regions wherein
Region is a dimension, and East, West, North, and South are the data
members of that dimension), but it can also be done across quantitative data,
that is, across measures (for example, sales versus profit or actual sales versus
budget sales).

Another type of comparison that is very common is a comparison over a period

of time (for example, evaluating your monthly sales performance or which
months are better for your business and whether there are any seasonal trends
that you need to look out for).
30 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

So, based on the preceding information, you will further break down comparison
as comparison across dimensional items or categorical data (for example, region-
wise sales), comparison over time, and comparison across measures or quantifiable
data (for example, sales versus quota).

The following list outlines the typical charts that should be used for each type
of comparison:

Comparison across dimensional items:

• Bar chart

• Packed bubble chart

• Word cloud

Comparison over time:

• Bar chart

• Line chart

Comparison across measures:

• Bullet chart

• Bar chart

2. Composition: Another common use case when analyzing your data is to find
out what ratio or proportion each data member contributes to the whole. So
basically, out of the total value, what is the contribution of each data member?
This is typically referred to as a part to whole composition and it helps us
understand how each individual part makes up the whole of something. For
example, out of the total sales, which category is contributing the most? Or what
is the breakdown of your total sales by region? And so on.

Typically, you end up showing a static snapshot of the composition of

your data (for example, your market share along with the market share of
your competitors at a given point in time), or you may also want to trend
this information over a period of time (for example, how is your and your
competitor's market share changing over a period of time). Both these
perspectives are important and can provide some very valuable insights
regarding your performance.

So, based on this information, you will further break down composition as
composition (snapshot/static) and composition over time.
Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop | 31

The following list outlines the typical charts that should be used for each type
of composition:

Composition (snapshot/static):

• Pie chart

• Stacked bar chart

• Treemap

Composition over time:

• Stacked bar chart

• Area chart

3. Distribution: Finding the distribution of your data is important when you want
to find patterns, trends, clusters, and outliers or anomalies in your data—for
example, if you want to understand how employees are performing during the
annual appraisal cycle (that is, which employees or how many employees are
below par, which or how many employees meet expectations, and which or how
many employees exceed expectations). Another example of distribution would
be evaluating students' performance in an exam or determining the defect
frequency in your manufacturing process.

So, based on this information, you will further break down distribution as
distribution for a single measure, and distribution across two measures.

The following list outlines the typical charts that should be used for each type
of distribution:

Distribution for a single measure:

• Box and whisker plot

• Histogram

Distribution across two measures:

• Scatter plot
32 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

4. Relationships: Finding and understanding relationships, dependency,

correlations, or cause and effect relationships between different variables of
your data is another method of data analysis. When analyzing your data, it is
important to ascertain whether there is any dependency between variables
of your data (does one variable have any effect on another variable and if so,
whether it is a positive or negative effect, such as the impact of marketing
expenditure on sales profit or the increase or decrease in warm clothing sales
depending on temperature). So, based on this information, you will further break
down relationship as the relationship between two measures and the relationship
between multiple measures.

The following list outlines the typical charts that should be used for each type
of relationship:

• Relationships between two measures: scatter plot

• Relationships between multiple measures: scatter plot with size and color

Now that you understand these concepts of Comparison, Composition,

Distribution, and Relationships, and which charts to choose for each of these
scenarios, you will also try to see how to create these in Tableau. All these
abovementioned scenarios and charts are explained in more detail in the
upcoming chapters.

Apart from the aforementioned use cases or scenarios, you may also want to explore
the geographic aspect of your data (that is, if you have any geographical information
in your data). This could mean having data at a country level, state level, city level,
or even postal code level. Creating geographic maps to show this geographic data is
another way of exploring and visualizing your data since visualizing geographic data
on a map can help us highlight certain events or occurrences across geographies and
possibly unearth some hidden spatial patterns and or perform proximity analysis.

For more information on choosing the right chart, see the following article:
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 33

Saving and Sharing Your Work

Another important point to discuss when working with Tableau is how to save your
files and share them with others. As you know, Tableau is an interactive tool that
allows users to filter, drill down, and slice and dice data using the features that are
provided within the tool. Now, when it comes to saving and sharing your work with
others, some people may want their end users to have the flexibility to play with
the report and use the interactivity that is provided, while others may simply want
end users to have a static snapshot of information that doesn't provide any sort of
interactivity. Further, some may want to share the entire dashboard with their end
users, while others may only want to share a single visualization.

All these scenarios can be handled in Tableau. The following list will go through
these options in detail, breaking them into two parts: static snapshots and
interactivity versions:

Static snapshots: The following is the list of options to choose from when you want to
save and share a static snapshot of your work:

1. Saving as an Image: When saving your work as an image, you can either save
just a single worksheet or an entire dashboard as either a PNG, JPEG, BMP, or
EMF image. To do so, use either the Worksheet > Copy > Image option
from the toolbar or the Worksheet > Export > Image option from the
toolbar. Refer to the following screenshots:

Figure 1.28: A screenshot showing the Worksheet > Copy > Image option
from the toolbar menu
34 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

Figure 1.29: A screenshot showing the Worksheet > Export > Image option
from the toolbar menu

The Copy > Image option allows you to copy the individual view as an image
and then paste it into another application if desired, whereas the Export >
Image option lets you directly export the view as an image rather than doing a
copy and paste operation.
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 35

The preceding screenshots show the options of either copying or exporting just
a single worksheet (that is, a single visualization). However, if you wish to save
the entire dashboard as an image, then you will use the Dashboard > Copy
Image or Dashboard > Export Image option in the toolbar. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 1.30: A screenshot showing the option of saving the entire dashboard as an image
36 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

2. Saving as Data: When saving the data that you have used to generate a view,
you can either save the data as a .csv file by copying and pasting the data
into a .csv file or export the data as a Microsoft Access file, using either the
Worksheet > Copy > Data option or the Worksheet > Export >
Data option from the toolbar menu. Refer to the following screenshots:

Figure 1.31: A screenshot showing the Worksheet > Copy > Data option
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 37

Figure 1.32: A screenshot showing the Worksheet > Export > Data option
38 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

3. Saving as Crosstab: Another way of saving the data that is used for building
your view is to have it as crosstab Excel output. Earlier, in Saving as Data, the
options were to save it as .csv or as .mdb files, which is the Microsoft Access
format. However, when you want to have the data stored as an Excel output, you
will either have to use the Worksheet > Copy > Crosstab option or the
Worksheet > Export > Crosstab to Excel option from the toolbar
menu. Refer to the following screenshots:

Figure 1.33: A screenshot showing the Worksheet > Copy > Crosstab option
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 39

Figure 1.34: A screenshot showing the Worksheet > Export > Crosstab to Excel option
40 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

4. Export as PowerPoint: This option allows you to export your work into a
PowerPoint presentation where the selected sheets are converted into a static
PNG format and exported to separate individual slides. To export as PowerPoint,
choose the File > Export As PowerPoint option from the toolbar menu.
Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.35: A screenshot showing the File > Export as PowerPoint option

5. Print as PDF: This option allows you to export your work into a PDF file.
You can have a single or multiple selected worksheets, or the entire Tableau
workbook saved as a PDF output. To export the view as a PDF document, choose
the File > Print to PDF option from the toolbar menu. Refer to the
following screenshot:
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 41

Figure 1.36: A screenshot showing the File > Print to PDF option

Exercise 1.04: Saving Your Work as a Static Snapshot-PowerPoint Export

In the previous section, you explored different options for choosing a static output of
your work. In this exercise, you will export or save your work as a PowerPoint export.
For this, you will continue using the stacked bar chart of Ship Mode, Region, and
Sales that was created in the previous exercise. This exercise will help you see
how you can save your analyses as interactive versions and publish these works to
different platforms—something you'll need to do fairly often as a Tableau developer.

You will continue working with the Sample Superstore dataset for this exercise.
42 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

The steps to accomplish this are as follows:

1. Make sure that you have the stacked bar chart that you created earlier handy. If
not, then please start by first re-creating the stacked bar chart by following the
steps mentioned in the earlier exercise, Exercise 1.03, Creating a Comparison Chart
Using the Automated Show Me Button Method.

2. Once you have the stacked bar chart ready, click on the File option in
the toolbar and select the Export As PowerPoint option. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 1.37: A screenshot showing the File > Export as PowerPoint option
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 43

3. Go with the default options in the pop-up window and then click on the Export
button and save the file to your desired location. Finally, name the file My
PowerPoint Export.pptx. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.38: A screenshot showing the PowerPoint export

This will save your output as a .pptx file, which can later be opened in the Microsoft
PowerPoint app.

Interactive versions: The following is the list of options to choose from when you want
to save and share interactive versions of your work:

1. Save the file as .twb or .twbx: In order to save your views as interactive
views, you will need to save your Tableau files in the following formats.

.TWB: This is the file extension used to save a file as a Tableau workbook, which
is a proprietary file format. .twb is the default file extension when you try to
save any of your Tableau workbooks. These .twb files are kind of work-in-
progress files that constantly require access to data and, since these require
constant connectivity to data, it will not be possible to open the file unless you
have Tableau Desktop and access to data that is used for creating this .twb file.
So, if you wish to share this .twb file with anyone, you need to make sure they
have access to the data; and if not, then the data source file will have to be made
available to them. To save the file as .twb, choose the File > Save As
option from the toolbar menu.
44 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

This will open a new window that allows you to save the file. Make sure
to choose the Tableau Workbook (.twb) option. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 1.39: A screenshot showing the File > Save As > Tableau Workbook (.twb) option

TWBX: This is the file extension used to save the file as a Tableau packaged
workbook, which contains the views as well as the copy of the data used for
creating those views. Since the copy of the data is bundled along with the views
that have been created, it allows the end user to access and interact with the
file even when they don't have direct access to the raw data that is being used
for analysis.
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 45

Further, since the copy of data is bundled along with the views, the data that is
seen in the file is not the actual live data but a static snapshot of that data at a
given point in time, which can be refreshed as and when required.

To save the file as .twbx, choose the File > Save As option from the
toolbar menu. This will open a new window that allows you to save the file. Make
sure to choose the Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) option. Refer
to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.40: A screenshot showing the File > Save As >

Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) option
46 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

To save the file as Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx), you can even
choose the File > Export As Packaged Workbook option from the
toolbar menu. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.41: A screenshot showing the File > Export Packaged Workbook option

2. Publish to Server: This option allows you to publish your work on either Tableau
Server or Tableau Online. You need to have permission to publish to Tableau
Server, and when a file is published on Tableau Server, the end user will need
to have permission to either view it or interact with it, or even modify it. So, in
short, Tableau Server and Tableau Online are permission-based applications.
To see how to publish to a Tableau server, choose the Server > Publish
Workbook option from the toolbar menu. Refer to the following screenshot:
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 47

Figure 1.42: A screenshot showing the Server > Publish Workbook option

3. Publish to Tableau Public: This option allows you to publish your work to the
Tableau Public server, which can be viewed and accessed by anybody. You do
not need any special permissions to publish to the Tableau Public server. To see
how to publish to the Tableau Public server, choose the Server > Tableau
Public option from the toolbar menu. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.43: A screenshot showing the Server > Tableau Public option

In the following exercise, you will learn how to save your work in a packaged
Tableau workbook.
48 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

Exercise 1.05: Saving Your Work as a Tableau Interactive File–Tableau

Packaged Workbook
In the previous section, you saw different options when it comes to choosing an
interactive version of your work. The aim of this exercise is to export or save your
work as a Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx). For this, you will continue using
the stacked bar chart of Ship Mode, Region, and Sales that was created in the
previous exercise.

Complete the following steps:

1. Make sure that you have the stacked bar chart that you created earlier handy. If
you don't have it handy, then first recreate the stacked bar chart by following the
steps mentioned in Exercise 1.03, Creating a Comparison Chart Using the Automated
Show Me Button Method.

2. Once you have the stacked bar chart ready, click on the File option in the
toolbar and select the Export Packaged Workbook option. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 1.44: A screenshot showing the File > Export Packaged Workbook option
Saving and Sharing Your Work | 49

3. Save the file to your desired location and name it My Tableau Packaged
Workbook.twbx. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 1.45: A screenshot showing the PowerPoint export

This will save your output as a .twbx file, which can later be opened in Tableau
Reader or Tableau Desktop itself.

In the next section, you will practice your new skills by completing an activity using
everything that you have learned in this chapter.

Activity 1.01: Identifying and Creating the Appropriate Chart to Find Outliers in
Your Data
In this activity, you will identify and create the appropriate chart to find outliers
in your data. The dataset being used has two measures—namely, Profit and
Marketing. Marketing refers to the money being spent on marketing efforts,
while Profit is the profit that you are making. You need to compare Marketing
and Profit across different products and across different markets (so, two
dimensions and two measures).
50 | Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau

The outliers to be identified are as follows:

1. High marketing and low profit

2. Low marketing and high profit

You will use the CoffeeChain Query table from the Sample-Coffee Chain.
mdb dataset. The data can be downloaded from the GitHub repository of this book, at

As the name suggests, the dataset contains information pertaining to a fictional chain
of coffee shops.

Perform the following steps to complete this activity:

1. Select the Sample-Coffee Chain.mdb data using the Microsoft Access option in the
data connection window of Tableau.

2. Use the CoffeeChain Query table from the Sample-Coffee Chain.mdb data.

3. Identify which chart would be the most appropriate to find your outliers in your
data when looking at two measures, (that is, Profit and Marketing) across
two dimensions (that is, Product and Market). The outliers that you are looking
for are high marketing and low profit and low marketing and high profit. (Hint: Refer
to the section that discussed the four pillars of data visualization and choose the
chart that will help you find outliers.)

4. After identifying which chart would be the most appropriate, create that chart
using the automated Show Me button method.

5. Export the view that you have created as a PowerPoint image.

6. Finally, save the workbook as a Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) on your

desktop and give the file the following name: My first Tableau view.

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Summary | 51

In this chapter, you learned the definition and importance of visual analytics and data
visualization. You were presented with several points for evaluation when choosing
a data visualization tool and explored Tableau's product suite. Having identified
Tableau Desktop as the best choice of platform for analyzing and visualizing your
data, you looked at how to utilize it to connect to data and familiarized yourself with
the Tableau Desktop workspace. You also considered various scenarios for data
visualization and identified which charts to use for the given task and learned how to
save and share your work with others.

In the next chapter, you will see how to build the various charts that you identified
earlier. You will also learn how to prepare your data for analysis using Tableau Prep
as well as Tableau Desktop.
Data Preparation: Using
Tableau Desktop

In this chapter, you will learn to use various tools for data preparation in
Tableau Desktop and join different data sources using various options. This
will equip you with the knowledge required to perform data manipulation
activities, data transformation, and data blending, and provide options to
manage various data sources. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to
extract and filter data and use aliases for the clean presentation of data.
54 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Often, the data sources required for Tableau visualizations are stored in separate
tables or files. A very common example is that of an online order on an e-commerce
website. The order information and the customer information are stored separately
within the website database. However, when suggestions are provided based on
previous purchases, the website might combine the information to show a unified
view. This is a very simple example of a data join, which is one of the most common
scenarios that can be fulfilled using data preparation techniques. In addition to data
joining, there is often a need to perform data manipulation activities such as grouping
and adding calculations on the data being used. In this chapter, you will learn
about using all such techniques to pull the data into Tableau for effective analysis
and visualization.

Connecting to a Data Source

For any visualization, you need to have an underlying data source that contains all the
information you wish to show. This is the first step of any data visualization task.

The very first thing that you will see when you open Tableau Desktop is the Connect
pane. Here, you can connect to a variety of data sources and perform various tasks
related to data handling, which you will study in this chapter. The following figure
shows the screen that comes up when you start Tableau Desktop:
Connecting to a Data Source | 55

Figure 2.1: Start screen on launching Tableau Desktop

Depending on the version, this screen might look slightly different, but it should
remain this way for the most part: you can observe that you can connect to multiple
file options such as Excel, text, and JSON files. You can also connect to server-based
data sources such as MySQL and Oracle. Saved Data Sources provides sample
data sources that are available with Tableau Desktop.

In the following exercise, you will connect to an Excel file named Sample -
Superstore, which is available with Tableau Desktop. This file contains an Orders
sheet, which consists of information for various orders, based on attributes such as
order ID, order category, ship mode, and customer details. It also has a Returns
sheet, which consists of orders that were returned. You will use all of this data
to perform various operations throughout this chapter, and visualize the data in
Tableau Desktop.
56 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Exercise 2.01: Connecting to an Excel File

In this exercise, you will connect to your very first data source in Tableau, the Sample
- Superstore Excel file. This file is automatically accessible to you if you have
installed Tableau as mentioned in Chapter 1, Introduction to Tableau. It contains three
sheets, comprising order-level information stored in the Orders sheet, customer
information stored in the People sheet, and order returns stored in the Returns
sheet, and can be quickly downloaded from the GitHub repository for this chapter
at Make sure to download this file on your system before
proceeding with the exercise.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Under the Connect pane, select the Microsoft Excel option.

Figure 2.2: Connecting to Microsoft Excel

Connecting to a Data Source | 57

2. This will open up the file menu where you can select the Excel file from the file
explorer. Navigate to the location where you have saved this file locally and then
select to open the Sample-Superstore.xls file. You will see the following
screen once the file is loaded:

Figure 2.3: File import screen

58 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

3. Hover over the table to get the View data option (as highlighted in the
following figure) and preview the data:

Figure 2.4: View data for the underlying sheet

The following figure shows the data preview:

Figure 2.5: View Data window showing the data preview

4. Now, drag the Orders sheet onto the Drag sheets here area. This is also
known as the canvas.

5. The sheet should now have been imported into Tableau. Preview the data, as
shown in the following figure:
Connecting to a Data Source | 59

Figure 2.6: Data preview of the imported sheet

You have thus connected and imported the data in Tableau.

6. Hovering over Sheet 1, you can see the active Go to Worksheet option,
which means that you can navigate to Sheet 1 and start creating visualizations.

Figure 2.7: Go to Worksheet popup

60 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Once the data is imported, you can start the visualization development by clicking on
that option, as you will see later in the course.

In this exercise, you saw how you can connect to an Excel file. Tableau also allows you
to connect to data that is stored on servers. In the next section, you will learn how
this can be done.

Connecting to a Server Data Source

Here, you will be connecting with Microsoft SQL Server, available under the server-
based data sources. Note that the concept of installing and maintaining server-based
data sources is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, ideally, in a business
project, data would mostly be stored on servers. For this reason, it is important to
know how to connect to these data sources.

The following steps will help you connect to a server-based data source:

1. Under the Connect pane, select the Microsoft SQL Server option, as can
be seen in the following figure:

Figure 2.8: Server connection input screen

Here, you need to enter the information required, such as the server name
and the authentication method. These details would be available from your
database administrator.
Various Joins in Tableau | 61

2. Click Sign In. You will get a similar preview screen as you saw in Figure 2.5. All
the steps afterward are the same as you do for an Excel-based connection.

One of the most commonly occurring issues here is that sometimes the
drivers to connect to the data source are not installed. This can be easily
resolved by downloading and installing the drivers from

In this section, you connected to a server-based data source. The next section
covers the different kinds of joins in Tableau to combine the data from multiple
data sources.

Various Joins in Tableau

Quite often, the data that you're using will be stored as separate tables for efficiency
purposes. There might be some fields that are common between tables and can be
used to join the data sources together.

For example, suppose you, as a bank loan manager, would like to evaluate the best-
suited customer profiles for granting a loan. Here, based on the customer-provided
information, such as salary details and work experience, you would also need to
access their financial history information, such as previous loans, outstanding loans,
or any defaults. This kind of information can be fetched from their Experian score
using the customer PAN as common information between the various data sources.
This is how joins are commonly used in a lot of daily scenarios. You will learn about
these joins and the different types in Tableau.
62 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Different Types of Joins

Tableau offers four types of joins, which are listed as follows:

• Inner: In an inner join between two tables, you can combine only the values that
match among the two tables into the resulting table. For example, consider the
following tables. When you join table A and table B using an inner join, only the
common values will be a part of the resulting table:

Figure 2.9: Inner Join Between Tables A and B

• Left: A left join combines all the values from the left table along with only the
matching values from the right table. If there are no matching values, those rows
will contain null values in the resulting table. In the following example, when you
join table A and table B using a left join, all the values from table A and only the
common values of table B will be a part of the resulting table:

Figure 2.10: Left Join Between Tables A and B

• Right: This is the opposite of the left join. A right join combines all the values
from the right table along with only the matching values from the left table. If
there are no matching values, those rows will contain null values in the resulting
table. Consider the following tables. When you join table A and table B using a
right join, all the values from table B and only the common value from table A
will be part of the resulting table:
Various Joins in Tableau | 63

Figure 2.11: Right Join Between Tables A and B

• Full outer: In a full outer join between two tables, you can combine all the values
from the left and right tables into one resulting table. If values don't match in any
of the tables, those rows will contain null values in the resulting table.

Consider the following tables. Here, when you join table A and table B using an
inner join, only the common values will be a part of the resulting table:

Figure 2.12: Full Outer Join Between Tables A and B

• Union: In a union, you combine two or more tables with similar column
structures into a single resulting table. Union is performed when instead of
joining you just want to append the data below other data with similar columns.
A very common example of union is when you have two tables containing similar
columns but maintained separately in different years, for example, combining
order information for multiple years into a consolidated dataset.

• Consider the following tables, for example. Here, when you create a union of
tables A and A1, you get a single table that will contain values for both A and A1:

Figure 2.13: Union Between Tables A and B

64 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

You will learn more about these join types in detail in the following exercises.

Exercise 2.02: Creating an Inner Join Dataset

As an analyst, you might come across scenarios in which you need to display the
common records between two tables. This exercise aims to show how to join two
different sheets into a single data source in Tableau.

You will join the Orders table with the People table using an inner join. By doing
so, you will be able to identify the customer records present in the People table
along with the order information from the Orders table, which will help you to
understand customers' buying preferences.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset into your Tableau instance as you
did in Exercise 2.01.

2. Drag the Orders table first, followed by the People table, from the Sheets
area to the Drag Sheets here area. Alternatively, to add these sheets, you
can double-click on them, and they will be added automatically to the canvas
area. Tableau will auto-join the two tables using an inner join, as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 2.14: Data joining using an inner join

3. Click on the Join symbol to open the Join menu:

Figure 2.15: Inner join properties

Various Joins in Tableau | 65

Note the various ways to join data. By default, Tableau performs an inner join on
the common field names:

Figure 2.16: Various join options

These instructions and images are based on Tableau version 2020.1. If
you are using a later version of Tableau, such as 2021.4, this process may
look quite different and even require an extra step. You can find additional
guidance for this at the following URL:

4. If there are no common names, select the columns manually to enable the join.
Since you are joining the Orders and People tables, join on Customer Name
from Orders and Person from People. First, de-select Region, which is
auto-selected by Tableau. To do this, click on Region and select Customer
Name from the dropdown, as you can see in the following figure:

Figure 2.17: Changing the join column

66 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Figure 2.18: Final result of the inner join

5. Repeat the same for the People table and select Person as the joining column.
Your joined columns should be as follows:

Figure 2.19: Data preview of the Order and People tables

Now it's time to validate the results. This can be observed in the data grid screen
in the bottom section.

You can see that you get only 58 rows in the joined dataset. Here, only the
values from the Orders table's Customer Name column that match with
values from the People table's Person column will be returned in the final
dataset. Since the Person table has only four values, only those values from
the Customer Name column that match these four are returned from the
Orders table.
In this exercise, you used inner join and analyzed the results returned by using this
join type. Next, you will learn about the left join type.
Various Joins in Tableau | 67

Exercise 2.03: Creating a Left Join Dataset

In this exercise, you will join the Orders table with the People table in a left join.
The objective of the left join is to verify how much customer information is present
in the People table. This will help identify and update the People table so that you
can expand the customer database, to drive better sales:

Figure 2.20: Join screen for the Orders and People tables

1. Repeat the same step from the previous exercise of dragging the Orders and
People tables to the canvas. Once done, you should see the join options,
as follows:

2. Change the join type to Left:

Figure 2.21: Selecting the Left join

68 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

3. Now, in the data preview (as shown in the following figure), scroll toward
the right side. You will see two columns from the People table, Person
and Region. Use the Sort icon to sort the values, as highlighted in the
following figure:

Figure 2.22: Analyzing the left join results

4. Scroll down to see what happens if the Customer names do not match any
values in the Person column.

Figure 2.23: Nulls in the join result

Various Joins in Tableau | 69

You will observe that the rows where a match is not found are replaced by a
null value, which means the Person table does not contain information for
these customers. This means that you can add this customer information to the
People table to improve the data quality.
In this exercise, you learned how to perform a left join and how data is matched
between the two tables. Next, you will learn about the right join type.

Exercise 2.04: Creating a Right Join Dataset

In this exercise, you will join the Orders table with the People table in a right join.
Consider a scenario wherein the People table consists of all the customers who
have previously bought your company's products, and you want to fetch a complete
list of the products a customer has bought, using information from the Orders
table. This will help you understand the buying habits of customers based on their
past purchases.

The steps to complete this exercise are as follows:

1. Drag the Orders and People tables similar to how you did in the previous
exercises so that you can see the following on your screen:

Figure 2.24: Join screen for the Orders and People tables
70 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

2. Select the Right join, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 2.25: Selecting the Right join

3. Now, in the data preview, scroll toward the right side. You will see the Person
and Region columns from the People table. Use the Sort icon to sort the
values, as highlighted in the following figure:


Figure 2.26: Analyzing the right join results

You will observe that the rows from the People table contain information about
customers with past orders. This can now help you to analyze what products a
person tends to buy often, and accordingly, you can suggest similar products to
them, for a better-targeted sales strategy.

In this exercise, you performed a right join on two tables and saw how to use the right
join results to analyze data. Next, you will learn about a full outer join.
Various Joins in Tableau | 71

A full outer join would combine the results of both the joining tables into a single
dataset. To do that in Tableau, you can use the join properties and change the join
type to Full Outer.

Figure 2.27: Selecting the Full Outer join

The next thing to cover is the union operation. In a union, the new table will be
appended below the previous table in the final dataset. Usually, unions are used
when you want to combine datasets with a common structure of columns. For
example, order information for 2021 can be combined using a union with the order
information for 2020 to get a unified dataset.

In the next exercise, you will learn how to implement a union in Tableau.

Exercise 2.05: Creating a Combined Dataset Using Union

Consider a scenario related to a large retailer such as Walmart or Amazon, operating
in multiple regions. In such a case, it makes more sense to store the data at the
regional level so that it can contain products customized to that specific region. If you
were to compare how the different regions perform among each other, you would
need to combine these different data sources into one. This is where the concept of a
union comes into play.

In this exercise, you will use the Orders table, which is split by region. The files
for different regions follow a similar column structure as the Orders table but are
segregated into different sheets based on their regions, as you can see from the
following figure:

Figure 2.28: Input data for the Orders table preview stored as different tabs
72 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

You have the data for two regions: Central and West. You can implement a union
to combine these two regions into a single dataset, as outlined in the following steps:

1. Save the files on your local machine. Load the Union Excel file using the
Connect option from the location where the files are saved, as done
for the previous exercises. Once the file is imported, you should see the
following screen:

Figure 2.29: Orders table for the Central and West regions
Various Joins in Tableau | 73

2. Double-click on the New Union option to open the Union popup, as shown in
the following figure:

Figure 2.30: New Union popup

74 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

3. Drag the two order tables onto the Union popup, as follows:

Figure 2.31: Adding tables in a union

4. Click on OK to add the union to the data grid.

You can now preview the data in the bottom section. Tableau will combine the
data from both tables into a single data source.
Various Joins in Tableau | 75

Figure 2.32: Union data preview

5. Scroll to the right side of the data preview. You will see two additional columns—
namely Sheet and Table Name. Sheet signifies which Excel file sheet this
data belongs to and Table Name refers to the table names in Tableau. This can
be used to quickly identify which columns come from which sheets and tables.

Figure 2.33: Table identification columns in the union result

In this exercise, you learned how to perform a union of multiple data sources.
76 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

In all the preceding exercises, you joined on only two data sources. It is possible to
add more than two data sources. You will just need to specify in the join connection
how the tables join to each other.

Figure 2.34: Joining with more than two tables

The preceding figure shows an example join on the Orders table with the People
and Returns tables. If there were a common field between the Returns and
People tables, you could also join these two tables as per your requirements.
This completes the various ways you can join multiple tables in Tableau and
concludes the discussion on the various ways to combine data from multiple
sources together. The following sections will deal with preparing your data for
your desired task.

Data Transformation in the Data Pane

Once you finish combining the data, you may also need to make some data
adjustments, such as renaming certain columns or limiting the data to use in
your visualizations. These are some common examples of data transformation.
Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 77

Data transformations are a key step in preparing data for effective visualization. In
this section, you will learn about some commonly used ways of transforming data. In
particular, you will learn about the following:

• Data Interpreter

• Renaming data sources

• Live and extract connections

• Filters

• Data grid options

• Custom SQL

The following sections will define these one by one.

Data Interpreter
Data Interpreter is an option available within Tableau that extracts only the actual
rows and columns by removing titles, headers, and extra empty rows from the Excel
data source.

You may sometimes add extra rows describing what kind of data the sheet
contains, or some empty columns to improve the readability of the sheet. Consider
the following example. Suppose you add certain comments to your Sample -
Superstore file, as follows:

Figure 2.35: Understanding Data Interpreter

78 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

From a data visualization point of view, rows 1 to 3 are meaningless as they don't
belong to the actual data and are simply headers. Tableau can automatically remove
these rows by using Data Interpreter.

Data Interpreter can be enabled by selecting the Use Data Interpreter option.:

Figure 2.36: Enabling Data Interpreter

Once enabled, Data Interpreter will give you an option, Review the results.
Clicking on Review the results will open up an Excel sheet of all the changes
made by Data Interpreter, as can be seen in the following figure:
Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 79

Figure 2.37: Reviewing the results of Data Interpreter

Renaming the Data Source

The data source can be renamed on the Connect screen just by clicking on it and
entering the name of your choice.

Figure 2.38: Renaming a data source

80 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

When working with data sources, you want to quickly identify the tables you are
working with. Renaming tables allows you to give custom names so that it becomes
easier to work with them.

Live and Extract Connections

This is a very important concept for data visualization in Tableau. This option decides
how the data is connected to the visualizations.

Live connections allow Tableau worksheets to be updated in real time based on any
changes made in the underlying data sources. This may be a good solution when the
data must be updated on a real-time basis, such as stock market data.

However, when developing the visualizations in a live connection, the database will be
queried for any changes performed in the view related to the data. This may consume
more time.

Tableau Data Extracts (TDEs), or extracts, are a compressed and optimized way to
bring all the source data into Tableau's memory. TDEs improve the efficiency of the
data query, which tends to increase the speed of executions while working with the
data in the visualizations and performing user interactive activities such as filtering
and sorting over the data.

When developing the visualizations in an extract connection, the database is also

extracted into Tableau's local memory. Thus, any visualization development will be
much faster compared to a live connection.

Exercise 2.06: Creating an Extract for Data

In the preceding exercises, you connected to the data using a live connection. Now,
you will create an extract for it. The following steps should be performed to create a
data extract for the Orders table:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance as done in

the previous exercises.

2. Drag the Orders table to the canvas.

Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 81

3. Choose the Extract option, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 2.39: Creating an extract

4. Once done, click on Sheet 1 at the bottom of the page to navigate to

that sheet.

Figure 2.40: Navigating to a worksheet

5. This will open a popup to save the extract locally. Select a destination of your
choice to save the extract.

Figure 2.41: Extract creation and save

Clicking on Save will create the extract and save it at the specified location.
There is also the Edit option, which can be used to edit the properties of the
extract. You will study these in the next section.

6. Refresh your extracts using the Edit or Refresh option if your data changes,
as shown in the following figure:

Figure 2.42: Extract Edit and Refresh options

In this exercise, you created an extract using Tableau Desktop.

82 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Extract Properties
To access the extract properties, you can click on the Edit option next to Extract,
as shown in Figure 2.42, to open the following window:

Figure 2.43: Extract edit properties

Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 83

The following sections will describe this window and its fields in detail.

The Data Storage field

If you have multiple tables, the Multiple tables option will be enabled. For now,
since you have a single table, the Single table option is enabled.

The Filters field

You can restrict the data in the extract using filters. For example, suppose you want
only the data for the Central and East regions; you can easily do that using the
Add… option. Select Region as the column to filter and select the Central and
East values to add them as the filter condition.

Figure 2.44: Adding a filter condition

84 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

As shown in the following figure, Central and East regions should be selected:

Figure 2.45: Selecting Central and East regions

Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 85

Figure 2.46: Creating extract filters using the Region column

You will learn more about these filters as you progress through this chapter.

The Aggregation Field

You can also change the granularity of the data using this option. If you have dates
in the dataset on a Day level, you can roll them up or aggregate them to a higher
level using a different option, such as Month or Year. You will learn more about
aggregations later in the book.

Figure 2.47: Transforming the data aggregation level

86 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

The Number of Rows Field

Using this option, you can choose the number of rows the extract should contain.
All rows will include all the rows, Top will include only the specified number of
rows, and Sample will contain a sample of specified rows. This is useful when you
are working on a very large dataset, but for development purposes, you just need a
sample of the data.

Figure 2.48: Sample selection using the number of rows

On selecting All rows, you will also get an option called Incremental refresh.
Instead of refreshing the data every day, you can use this option to specify which
field can be used to identify new rows so that only the specified section of the data is
refreshed. This option is helpful when you have a very large dataset that updates at
regular intervals wherein the old data does not change.

Consider the case of banking transactions. The bank will never modify the old data
but would keep adding new data to maintain the historic data. In this case, an
incremental refresh would be very helpful during extract refreshes.

Figure 2.49: Identifying the column for performing refresh

Now that you understand what values to add in these fields, you'll review what factors
to determine when choosing the type of connection.
Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 87

Which Connection Is Better – Live or Extract?

Ideally, in most projects, an extract is the ideal approach, but there may be a need to
showcase live data as in the example you saw before. The following points should be
considered before choosing an extract or a live connection:

• Updated or delayed data: If you have a requirement for which you need the
most up-to-date information whenever you view the dashboard, you would need
a live connection. Otherwise, if you are comfortable with some delay in the latest
data, an extract is a better choice.

• Data volume: If your data volume is very large, it is ideal to use a data extract
instead of a live connection as it might take a lot of time to develop dashboards
on live connections.

With these points in mind, you can choose the right type of connection for
your project.

This option is similar to the Extract Filter property you learned about before.
These filters are also known as data source filters because they filter data at the
source. You will further study various filters later in the book.

Consider the example of a large retailer such as Amazon, where the data has a large
volume. Suppose you want to analyze the data for a specific region. In this case, it
is not prudent to pull the whole data in Tableau as it would make the dashboard
slower, and also, you would not have any use for the data other than that for your
target region.

For such a case, you can use the Data Source Filter option. This would restrict
the data at the source itself and only bring in the required data based on the filtering
criterion specified.

Exercise 2.07: Adding a Region Filter on the Orders Table

Consider that you want to add a Region filter on the Orders table, to bring the data
for the Central and East regions only. You can do so by following these steps:

1. Load the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Drag the Orders table onto the canvas.

88 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

3. To add a filter, click on the Filters | Add option to open the popup:

Figure 2.50: Data source filter properties

4. Click on Add… to open the columns list. Select Region as the column:

Figure 2.51: Column filter selection

Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 89

5. Select Central and East as the regions that will be kept in the data. Click OK
to add the filter, as follows:

Figure 2.52: Selecting the filter values

You can similarly add more filters by clicking on the Add… option and repeating
the previous steps.
90 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

6. You can also edit and remove the existing filters. To do that, select the filter you
want to edit or remove and then select the required option, as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 2.53: Filter preview

7. Once you have added the filter, preview the data in the data grid. You
will observe that you only have data for the Central and East regions,
as expected.

Figure 2.54: Data preview post filter application

Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 91

In this exercise, you learned how to apply a filter and the various properties
associated with a data source filter. In the next section, you will learn how to
transform data using the data grid.

Data Grid Options

The data grid allows you to preview data. You have been using it so far just to check
the number of rows the data contains, but it also contains several other options to
transform data before you start with the visualization development. In this section,
you will learn about these options and how to use them to better understand the
data transformations.

Data preview: You can use this to preview the data. You can also select the number
of rows to be displayed, by specifying the number in the box on the right, as can be
seen in the following figure:

Figure 2.55: Data preview toggle

Metadata: Metadata provides information about the source, such as the table name.
Toggling to the metadata view, you can see all the metadata about the data. You can
view the various columns, the table they come from, and the remote field name.
92 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

If you rename a field here, the remote field name will show the original field name
pulled from the data.

Figure 2.56: Changing to the list view representation to show

input data source metadata properties

In Tableau version 2021.4, the metadata is automatically available beside
the preview, and you will not have to choose between these options.
Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 93

The Sort fields option will sort the data as per the option you select. You can try
changing these options and observe how the data preview changes.

Figure 2.57: Sorting the data grid column values

Now, consider the following data transformation options.

Change data type: Using this option, you can change the data type of a column. By
clicking on the Abc icon (see the following figure), you can select the required data
type from the drop-down box for the column. A common example is the Customer
ID field being stored as a number where you might want it to be a string:

Figure 2.58: Data type change options

94 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Data transformation: When you click on the drop-down icon, as shown in the
following figure, you can see the options to transform the data, such as creating
calculated fields on existing columns and creating groups. All these options are also
available after you load the data. These will be covered in detail later in the book:

Figure 2.59: Data transformation menu options

The Rename option allows you to rename the column. You can also hide a column if
it's not required in the data visualization. You can select the Show hidden fields
checkbox to view any hidden columns. Hidden columns are grayed out in the view, as
indicated in the following figure:

Figure 2.60: Show hidden fields

Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 95

Hidden columns cannot be used in the visualization. If you want to use a column after
hiding it, you need to first unhide the column to use it in the visualization. This can be
done by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the Unhide option.

Figure 2.61: Hiding/unhiding columns from the input data source

Aliases: Aliases are a very effective way to present data in the visualization with a
different name.

Observe the Ship Mode column in the data preview. You can see that the word
Class is repeated for the different Ship Mode values, and it does not add any
value; so you can exclude this word from all the values. This can be done using the
Aliases option, which will help you to display the values as a different name. To
add aliases on the column, click on the dropdown and select Aliases…, as shown in
the following figure:

Figure 2.62: Setting a column value alias

96 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

This will open the popup to rename the values. Remove the word Class. Click
on OK to add it to the data. You can also clear the aliases using the Clear
Aliases option.

Figure 2.63: Edit Aliases properties

You can use the Show aliases toggle to switch between the original names and
the aliases. Aliases are generally used to rename null records to blank or columns
containing long value names.
Data Transformation in the Data Pane | 97

Figure 2.64: Enabling aliases in the data preview using the Show aliases option

All these options are also accessible after you load the data in the worksheet.

In this view, you learned how to perform data transformations before pulling the data
in the worksheets.

In all the exercises previously, you just joined on two data sources. But it is also
possible to add more than two data sources. You will just need to specify in the join
connection how the tables join to each other.

This completes the various ways you can join multiple tables in Tableau. Next, you will
learn about the custom SQL option.

Custom SQL
Custom SQL, as the name suggests, is used for writing custom SQL queries to pull
only the selected columns based on the conditions applied instead of pulling the
entire database. This option is not available with Excel and text files, so you might not
see this option.
98 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

This option will appear in the Connect pane once the database is connected. When
you connect a database, you will see the New Custom SQL option below all the
tables listed.

Figure 2.65: New Custom SQL option

You can drag this option onto the canvas, type in your query, and click OK. Once done,
Tableau will pull the required data based on the query specified.

Custom SQL can be used to reduce the size of data by adding only the required
columns in the data source, adding a union across the tables, and recasting fields to
join multiple data sources together.

Until now, you have learned about the various data transformation steps that can be
performed before pulling the data in the worksheet. In the next section, you will learn
about data blending, which is another way of joining the data but with a difference.
Data Blending | 99

Data Blending
There might be times when the linking fields vary between the different worksheets.
Also, if the data sources are too large, joining them with the conventional joins might
be very time consuming. In that case, you can perform a data blend instead of joining
the data.

In data blending, you query the data between the two data sources and then combine
the result at the aggregation level defined in the worksheet of the primary data
source. The primary data source will be the one from which the first dimension or
measure is added in the view. Also, the results would be similar to a left join since all
the records from the primary data will appear in the worksheet.

Exercise 2.08: Creating a Data Blend Using the Orders and People Tables
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a data blend for the Orders table with
the People table. The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Connect to the Orders table and go to Sheet 1.

Figure 2.66: Adding the Orders table in Tableau

100 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

3. In a data blend, create the linking at the worksheet level and not at the data
source level. Inside the worksheet, you will be able to see the Orders table and
its columns. Add a new data source, as follows (see the highlighted option):

Figure 2.67: Adding data option inside a worksheet

4. This should lead to the same menu that you get for connecting to a data source.
Click on Microsoft Excel, navigate to the location of the Sample –
Superstore.xls Excel file, and click on Open to open the Connect pane.

Figure 2.68: Adding another data source in Tableau

Data Blending | 101

5. Now, drag the People table to the canvas and go to Sheet 1 like before:

Figure 2.69: Adding the People data to Tableau

Now, you will be able to see the two data sources, as follows:

Figure 2.70: Data sources listed inside the worksheet

102 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

6. Add a relationship between these data sources to use them. To do that, click on
Data | Edit Relationships… to open the popup.

If you are using a Tableau version later than 2020.1, this may be called
Edit Blend Relationships... to differentiate between
relationships made directly in the Data Source tab.

Figure 2.71: Edit data properties window

Data Blending | 103

7. Based on the field names, the relationship can be set to Automatic by default.
To change it, click on Custom and add the relationship. Edit the relationship to
Customer Name and Person, as highlighted in the following figure. Select
Region and then Edit… before making the selections in the popup. Click OK to
add the relationship:

Figure 2.72: Selecting the matching columns between the two data sources

Thus, you have successfully blended the two data sources and can visualize your data
in the next exercise.
104 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Exercise 2.09: Visualizing Data Created from a Data Blend

In the previous exercise, you learned how to perform data blending between two
data sources. In this exercise, you will create a visualization on the blended data
to understand the application of a data blend – again, you will continue using
the Orders table and the People table for this purpose. Note that a blend will
only be active if you use the fields from these two data sources; otherwise, it will
remain inactive.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. On the Orders data, click and drag Customer Name to Rows.

Tableau versions later than 2020.1 may give a warning at this step that the
field may contain more than 1000 rows. If this is the case, select Add all
members to proceed.

Figure 2.73: Adding the primary data source

Data Blending | 105

This will now become your primary data source, indicated by the blue tick on the
data source.

2. Repeat the step for the People data source.

Figure 2.74: Adding the secondary data source

This will become your secondary data source, indicated by the orange tick on
the data source. Also, notice the red linking icon that is used to link the two
data sources.

Figure 2.75: Primary and secondary data source icons

106 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

3. When you filter on Person for the four people that you have in the People
data, you will see that you have linked these values between these data sources.
Click on the Person column dropdown and then Filter…, uncheck the Null
value, and click OK to add the filter.

Figure 2.76: Filtering to remove unmatched values

Data Blending | 107

You will get the following output, which shows the customer name matching Person:

Figure 2.77: Data blend output

Using data blending, you can display data from various sources at multiple
aggregation levels in different sheets. For instance, in one sheet, you can blend
the data at the Year aggregation level, while in the other you can blend at the
Month level.
This is possible because, in a data blend, the data sources are not joined at the input
source. This provides the flexibility to have large data sources and blend only in
certain sheets where required. This can help make the dashboard render faster.

Limitations of Data Blending

Data blending does not work with certain aggregation levels, such as MEDIAN and
COUNTD (count distinct).
You cannot publish the blended data sources on Tableau Server directly. First, you
need to publish the data sources individually on the server and then blend the
published data sources in your Tableau Desktop instance. Publishing data sources
means uploading your data and directly storing it on Tableau Server.

Another limitation is that the data used from the secondary data source must be at
a higher aggregation level compared to the primary data source. If the aggregation
level is not correct, an asterisk (*) will appear in the visualizations, indicating a one-to-
many join aggregation level. You can swap the data sources to resolve this error.

This concludes the theory sections of this lesson. Next, you will put all you have
learned into practice in the following activities.
108 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

Activity 2.01: Identifying the Returned Orders

As an analyst, you may encounter a situation where you would like to assess business
performance by sales. It is therefore important to understand how many orders
are fulfilled and how many are returned. If certain products are being returned
frequently, it is a point of investigation as it can have serious consequences on
the business.

Usually, order information is kept separate from returns information. Hence, to bring
this information together, you need to join the two data sources.

For this activity, you will use the Orders and Returns tables from the Sample -
Superstore Excel file. You are already aware of the Orders table.
The Returns table consists of the Order ID and Returned columns. Order ID
is the ID that would match with the Orders table. The Returned column indicates
Yes for the order ID.

Figure 2.78: Returns sheet columns

The objective is to identify the returned orders after combining them with the
main Orders table so that you may determine which orders were both fulfilled
and returned.

The steps are as follows:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Rename the data source to Activity 1.

3. Drag the Orders table onto the canvas.

4. Repeat the same steps for the Returns table.

Data Blending | 109

5. You need to bring all the Orders and Returns table values into the combined
dataset. Can you identify the correct join based on the requirement? Remember
that for an order to be returned, it should always be completed first. What can
be interpreted if you change the join types to left, right, or full outer in this case?

6. Identify how many products were returned from the data grid. (An order can
have multiple products clubbed in it.)

Final Output Expected:

Figure 2.79: Choose the correct join

In this activity, you strengthened your knowledge of various joins and their outputs.
You also learned how to interpret the results by changing the join types.

The solution to this activity can be found here:

Activity 2.02: Preparing Data for Visualization

Now that you have joined the data, the next step is to make sure that the data is
ready for visualization. This involves performing data transformation activities such
as cleaning the data by removing the null values. You may also be required to rename
certain columns or add aliases, split the columns, and so on.

In this activity, you will perform some data transformation steps based on the left join
output of the previous activity.

This activity will help you to strengthen the concepts of data transformation in
Tableau. This is a very important process in any Tableau project. Hence, it becomes
crucial that you are well experienced in doing these in Tableau.
110 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop

The objective of this activity is to transform the data into a cleaned form for
visualization. You need to first create an extract for this data source. Then you need
to display the data only for the Furniture and Office Supplies categories.
Is there a way to do this using the extract properties? You will also clean up the final
data by changing any nulls to blanks. Let's also remove repeated terms such as
Class from the Ship Mode column.
Once done, your data should be ready for visualization.

Continuing from Activity 2.01, the following steps will help you complete this activity:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a data extract for this data.

3. Add a filter on the data to pull the Furniture and Office Supplies
categories. Check the row count.

4. Transform the data by aliasing a few columns.

5. Alias the null values from the columns of the Returns table to blanks.

6. Remove the word Class from the Ship Mode column.

Once completed, you should get the following output:

Final Output Expected:

Figure 2.80: Final output for the activity

Summary | 111

In this activity, you learned how to extract the data. You also added filters for the
Category column to just pull the selected categories. Many times, you will work
on projects that require the data to be segregated at the beginning, such as regional
data. These filters help you to achieve exactly this. You also transformed the data
using aliases, making it much cleaner by removing repeated words and nulls.

The solution to this activity can be found here:

In this chapter, you learned how to connect to various data sources, which is the
foremost step in data analysis in Tableau. Next, you learned about the various join
options that Tableau provides and data transformation options to optimize the data
for the final visualization. Joining tables is one of the most common requirements in
practical data analysis. For instance, if you have two tables for employee details and
department details, to find the number of employees per department, you would use
a join key to get the required information.

You also learned about some advanced data joining options of blending and custom
SQL. The key takeaway from this chapter is how to connect data most efficiently
based on the requirements and also how to transform the data so that it becomes
more suitable for the visualization activity. The next chapter continues with the topic
of data preparation in Tableau Prep.
Data Preparation: Using
Tableau Prep

In this chapter, you will learn some advanced data preparation methods
in Tableau Prep. You will learn how to use various Tableau Prep options
to clean datasets, join different data sources using various options,
and perform data manipulation activities such as pivots, grouping, and
aggregations. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to export a
cleaned data source to develop visualizations in Tableau.
114 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

In the previous chapter, you performed some fundamental data transformations
such as joins, filtering, and groups using Tableau Desktop. However, Tableau
Desktop only performs basic data manipulation. It may not be able to handle raw
unprocessed/unclean data, like data containing multiple entries, missing entries,
or inconsistent formats. Now, you will learn about more advanced methods, better
suited to these trickier scenarios.

Tableau Prep is a tool specifically designed to perform data transformation so we can

use the data for our visualizations. It consists of advanced algorithms that help detect
data inconsistencies and fix them. This can be done automatically as well as manually,
depending on the requirements.

In this chapter, you will learn about the Prep interface, along with data operations like
adding data sources, data profiling, and applying transformations such as cleaning,
splitting, adding pivots, joining data sources, and applying unions. Finally, you will
learn how to export this transformed dataset into Excel for data visualization.

Prep Interface
In this section, you will look at the options available in Tableau Prep for data
transformation. Tableau Prep can be downloaded from the Tableau website (https:// and installed like any other program. You can find
detailed installation steps in the Preface. Once the installation is complete, navigate to
your desktop and click on the Tableau Prep icon to open it.
Prep Interface | 115

When you open Prep for the first time, it will look like this:

Figure 3.1: Prep start screen

116 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

The Connections tab (top-left corner), shows all data sources that can be
connected in the prep. This is similar to the Connect pane in Tableau Desktop.
(Chapter 2, Data Preparation Using Tableau Desktop.)

Figure 3.2: Data connections in Prep

Throughout this chapter, you will be working with file-based connections such as
Excel spreadsheets and CSVs. First, let's look briefly at the other options available on
the start screen (as shown in Figure 3.1):

Figure 3.3: Options on the start screen

Adding Data in the Flow | 117

In the preceding figure, you can see the following elements:

• Open a Flow: This opens a workflow that has already been created. A
workflow, or flow, is a series of data transformation activities that you perform
on the input data in Prep. You will learn about creating different flows in the
upcoming sections.

• Connect to Data: This opens the Connections menu, where you connect
to data, as shown earlier.

• Recent Flows: All previous flows can be viewed here. You can toggle between
card view or list view using the controls on the right side.

Other than these options, you also have Sample Flows provided by Tableau, and
the Discover menu, where you can check out Prep-related content updates on the
Tableau website.

There are also other File, Edit, Flow, and Server menu options at the top. The
File and Edit options should be self-explanatory. The Flow menu can be used to
run the flow, and the Server menu has the option to sign in and publish the flow on
Tableau Server.

Now that you have learned about the various options, it's time to add some data in
the flow.

Adding Data in the Flow

As seen in Chapter 2, Data Preparation using Tableau Desktop, the first step of any data
preparation activity is to add the data into your workflow. To do that in Prep, click on
Connections and select the data source. In the following exercise, you will connect
to file-based data sources, but the process is similar for server-based data sources.

Exercise 3.01: Connecting to an Excel File

In this exercise, you will connect with your very first data source in Prep. Follow these
steps to complete the exercise:

1. After installing Tableau Prep Builder, find the files in the following location on
your computer:

• Windows

C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Prep Builder <version>\

help\Samples\en_US\Superstore Files
118 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

• Mac

/Applications/Tableau Prep Builder <version>.app/

Contents/help/Samples/en_US/Superstore Files
2. Click on Connections and select the Microsoft Excel option.

3. This will open the menu from which you can select the Excel file. Navigate to the
aforementioned location and open the Orders_East.xlsx file.

Figure 3.4: Connecting to an Excel file using Prep

You will get the following screen once the Excel file has loaded:

Figure 3.5: Data input properties

Adding Data in the Flow | 119

There are a lot of tabs and options on this screen. These will be covered in the
upcoming sections.

4. Click the + icon (Figure 3.6) to see the steps that can be applied to this input
data step:

Figure 3.6: Adding steps to a workflow

120 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Now it's time to add an output step. To do so, click on + and select Output. An
output tab will open, and you can preview the data.

Figure 3.7: Output step properties in the workflow

Here, you learned how to connect to an Excel file. Next, you will learn about bringing
multiple inputs into the flow.
Adding Data in the Flow | 121

Exercise 3.02: Connecting with Multiple Data Sources

Ideally, in a business project, data should be stored in separate sources. Thus, it is
important to know how to connect to multiple data sources. In this exercise, you will
try to add another data source to your existing flow.

You will be connecting the Orders_South data, as follows:

1. Continuing from the last step of the previous exercise, click on + and select the
Text file option. This is because the required data is stored as a CSV file,
which is a type of text file.

Figure 3.8: Connecting to a CSV file

122 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

2. Now, navigate to the Order_South folder under Superstore Files. Select

orders_south_2018.csv and click on Open to bring the file into Prep.

Figure 3.9: Data explorer window to view input files

You should get the following screen:

Figure 3.10: Adding multiple files to the workflow

Adding Data in the Flow | 123

The following steps will walk you through the various tabs in the Input pane
shown in Figure 3.10:

Figure 3.11: CSV input properties

3. The Setting tab is mostly related to the connection details of the data source,
and might vary depending on the data source connection. You will find options
here to edit connection details, select text options, decide which field separators
to use, and more.

4. You also have options such as Text Qualifier, Character Set, and
Locale. Prep is smart enough to recognize these configurations but, if required,
configurations can be changed as per requirements. Finally, there is an option
for Incremental Refresh. This is similar to Tableau Desktop, and can be
used to load new data based on certain columns rather than pulling all data
every time the flow runs.
124 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

5. Select the Multiple File tab to get the option to add multiple files together.

Figure 3.12: Options to input multiple files

6. Now, change the selection to Wildcard union. Suppose you want to get all
the orders_south files from the folder. You can simply search it by a pattern
(*south*) and get all the files you want to find (Figure 3.13).

Figure 3.13: Wildcard search for multiple file input

Adding Data in the Flow | 125

You can search for files like this in the folders (or subfolders) as well. You can
also include or exclude files that match a pattern. By including an asterisk (*) you
can selectively ignore all characters before and after a keyword.

7. Click on Apply, and all these sheets will be included in the flow. Prep also
includes a new column, File Paths, which indicates the locations this data is
coming from.

Figure 3.14: Identification of input file source using File Paths

126 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

8. Next, select the Data Sample tab. Here, you get the option to sample the
input data, which is especially useful if the data is vast. Ideally, when working
with a very large dataset, it is better to work with a sample to save time
while developing the workflow, as the workflow will run faster if there are
fewer records.

Figure 3.15: Sampling the input data

By hovering over the information icon, you can check how Prep samples
the data.

9. Select the Changes tab. Any changes made to the data will be tracked here. A
simple example is unchecking certain column names in the data. For example, if
you uncheck the Sales and Quantity columns, these are immediately added
to the Changes tab. The changes are also indicated by the annotations (small
icons) in the Changes column, and on the data input icon as well. (Figure 3.16.)
Data Source Profile | 127

Figure 3.16: Tracking changes in the workflow

In this section, you learned how to connect multiple data sources in a workflow and
their configuration properties. Next, you will learn how to profile data in Prep.

Data Source Profile

Until now, you have only connected to different data sources. But your main objective
is to understand the data better. This can be done by observing the data distribution,
the data types of various columns, the values that a column contains, and so on.

A data source profile gives you an understanding of the underlying data by allowing
you to observe the data distribution and frequency, along with the various data
types for the fields. This helps you make appropriate changes to the data to fulfill
the requirements in the flow. Some common options include checking the data
distribution frequency, the number of unique records, and the associations among
various columns. You will first learn about some commonly used profiling steps, and
then apply them in an exercise.
128 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Data source profiling can be performed using a clean step. A clean step can be added
by hovering over the + icon next to the data source and selecting Clean Step,
as follows:

Figure 3.17: Adding a clean step in the workflow

Now, a clean step has been added to the workflow, which will open a new window for
its connected input dataset. In this window, you can profile your data.

Figure 3.18: Clean step properties

Data Source Profile | 129

The preceding screenshot shows the data profile pane. Each column will give a
slightly different representation, depending on the data type.

For example, a string data type will give a distribution of the frequency with which it
has occurred. If you observe the Customer Name column (as shown in the following
screenshot) you will observe the number of orders placed by a customer. This is
because the view is based on the customer order frequency.

Figure 3.19: Observing Customer Name value frequencies

130 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

For a numeric column type, the profile would just give a histogram indicating the
distribution of the values. Observe the Quantity column, which is a number. The
data profile provides a histogram that can help you understand the range of the
quantities sold.

Figure 3.20: Data profile for a numeric column

Now that you have learned about the concept of data profiling, it's time for an
exercise, to practice using the data profile of the Orders dataset.

Exercise 3.03: Data Profile for the Orders_South Dataset

In this exercise, you will learn how to better understand data using the data profile
options in Prep.In the previous workflow, you connected to the Order_South
dataset . This is a continuation of that exercise.

1. Perform the following steps:

2. Once the data is connected in Prep, click the + icon and then select
Clean Step:
Data Source Profile | 131

Figure 3.21: Adding a clean step

3. Click on the clean step to open up the details, as follows:

Figure 3.22: Data profile for Orders_South data source

132 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

4. Hover over the Product ID column to see the unique values it contains. You
also have the option to change the data type, and sort, search, and perform a
cleaning operation on it. Additionally, you also get a composition of the data
using a histogram, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 3.23: Observing the frequency of the values in the Product ID column

5. Select any value. Note that all associated rows are now highlighted. For example,
if you select the state of Florida, you will see how the data is connected across
the other columns. You will also observe that its profit trend is on the lower side,
which indicates Florida is a low-selling state.
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 133

Figure 3.24: Associations across multiple columns in the data profile

Using data profiling like this, you can quickly see trends in data using the data
distributions, which allows us to quickly spot and remove anomalies such as negative
quantities sold.. These options will be covered in detail in the next section.

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split

Cleaning is a very important part of data preparation, because having the right data
leads to proper and efficient data analysis.

For example, imagine the sales amount for an order in a dataset is blank, but an
order is processed anyway. This cannot be right, and requires some action. The order
in question should either not be included, or the sales amount should be replaced
with an average.

Another example would be the same customer having multiple names, or more than
one customer ID. You may need to combine the names into one to correctly analyze
information. All such tasks can be done using data cleaning. Prep provides a variety of
options to clean data. In this section, you will learn about them.
134 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Refer to the Orders_South dataset workflow that was created earlier:

Figure 3.25: Orders_South workflow

Right-click on the Clean 1 step to open the additional properties, as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 3.26: Step customization option properties

Here, you can perform operations such as renaming, adding a description and editing
the color of the step, as explained in the following points:

• Rename: Double-click or Ctrl + click (if you are using Mac) on the field name. This
opens a text entry box. Here, you can add a name of your choice to this step.
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 135

Figure 3.27: Rename the clean step in the workflow

• Add Description: Descriptions clarify the purpose of a step. This is especially

useful if the workflow is being used by multiple people. To add a description,
right-click on the step and select the Add Description option.

Figure 3.28: Adding a description to the clean step in the workflow

After you have added a description, the text appears under the step as follows:

Figure 3.29: Toggling the description for the clean step in the workflow
136 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

You can choose to show or hide the description by clicking on the highlighted
icon in the preceding figure. After you have added the description, you can also
edit or delete it. To do that, right-click on the step again and you will see the
Edit Description and Delete Description options (Figure 3.30):

Figure 3.30: Description editing and deleting options for the clean step in the workflow

• Edit Color will change the color of the step. This is useful for visual
identification in various steps of the flow.

You will now focus on the bottom pane. This is also known as the profile pane,
which you saw earlier. Here, you will find the Filter Values and Create
Calculated Field options. You will notice that Prep also gives recommendations
related to the data. You can toggle between the three views using the view options.

Figure 3.31: Recommendations for data cleaning in the workflow

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 137

• Change Data Type changes the column's type to another data type. The
following images shows the different data types in Prep:

Figure 3.32: Changing the column data type

Currently, the column has the Number (decimal) data type selected. If
required, you can select String to change the column's data type accordingly.

Number (decimal) and Number (whole) are numeric data types. Date &
Time is used for columns consisting of date or time values. A String data type
is used for columns consisting of character values. You also have Data Role.
This is applicable to string data types, and further defines the type of string
values a column contains.
138 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Often, you will need to change the column data type for correct representation.
For example, if a postal code is saved as a numeric data type, then it is not
the correct representation. Although postal codes are numbers, their true
representation is in the form of a String, with a Geographic role. You will
now learn how to change the data types based on the following examples in
Prep. Refer to the recommendations provided:

Figure 3.33: Changing the column data type using recommendations

As you can see, State is saved as a String, but no data role is assigned to
it. To assign a data role to State, click on the State column, then change
Data Role to Geographic – State / Province, as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 3.34: Changing the column data role

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 139

You can do the same for other columns as well, that is, for City, Postal
Code, and Country. All the changes that we perform will be tracked on the
Changes tab.

Figure 3.35: Applying the recommendations to the other columns

At any time, if you want to reverse a change, you can select it by hovering over
the change and selecting the Remove option, as follows:

Figure 3.36: Reversing a change in the workflow

140 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

This is how the result looks after changing the data type and roles of
these columns:

Figure 3.37: How the columns look before the changes

Figure 3.38: Columns after the changes are made

These changes help to create the right type of visualization to draw useful insights
– for example, if these were simple string types, you would not be able to create
geographical visualizations such as maps. This would restrict your visualization
abilities to draw certain insights, such as which cities or which postal codes order
most products or how they compare with other cities.
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 141

Additional Clean Steps

In the previous section, you learned how to add a clean step, and how to track
changes using various options related to the clean step. You also saw how to change
the data types and data roles. In this section, you will learn about some additional
cleaning steps that are available at the individual column level. You will continue
working in the same data profile pane.

To access additional cleaning steps, hover over individual columns and click on the …
icon to see the additional options, as follows:

Figure 3.39: More cleaning options

Before proceeding, it is important to note that certain columns might have some
unavailable options due to the different data types. For example, for Country, View
State – Summary is disabled. However, it is available for the Profit column, as
the following screenshot shows:

Figure 3.40: Available options based on column data type

142 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

With that in mind, it's time to learn more about the additional options you can use to
clean your data.

Cleaning Steps at the Column Level

In this section, you will learn about adding the filter and calculation options on the
input data source. You will continue from where you left off, after changing the
data roles.

Filter: The filter option allows you to select a subset of the data from the dataset. This
option limits the data being pulled into the workflow. Quite often, it is useful to limit
your analysis to specific subsets of the data to analyze it further. We can achieve this
using the filter options. For example, you might wish to identify the State with the
highest orders. This can be easily done by sorting the State column as follows:

Figure 3.41: Sorting the State column

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 143

Exercise 3.04: Applying a Filter in a Clean Step

In this exercise, you will learn how to apply a filter in the clean step. You can see in
Figure 3.41 that Florida has the highest number of orders. You can now filter the data
to show only the orders for Florida.

Follow these steps to complete this exercise:

1. Click on … and select Filter – Selected Values.

Figure 3.42: Different filter types

144 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

2. Select Florida from the list and click on Done to filter the data:

Figure 3.43: Selected Values filter properties

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 145

There are also other ways to filter the data using Calculation..., Null
Values, and Wildcard Match:

Figure 3.44: More ways to filter the data

146 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

3. Null Values filters the nulls in the data, while Wildcard Match filters
based on a keyword.

Figure 3.45: Calculation filter properties

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 147

As the name suggests, the Calculation… filter filters the data based on
certain calculation conditions.

4. Now, create a calculation to check which month had the highest orders. To
do that, click on the … icon on the Order Date column, then find Create
Calculated Field and Custom Calculation:

Figure 3.46: Creating a calculation in the workflow

148 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

5. This will open the calculation editor. Type the following expression in the editor
and rename the calculation Order_Date_Month:

Month([Order Date])

Figure 3.47: Calculation editor properties

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 149

6. Sort the months and observe that the highest sales are in November, followed
by June:

Figure 3.48: New column added using calculations

Given timing and version variance, your calculation may result in a
different month for highest sales. The step instruction to sort will be the
same regardless.

Based on the conditions you specify, you can create calculations in a similar manner
for filters. You will learn about calculations in more detail later as you progress
through the book.
150 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Exercise 3.05: Cleaning a Column in the Workflow

In the previous section, you learned how to filter data using various conditions. You
also learned how to add calculations to this data source. In this exercise, you will
learn about the Clean option.

The Clean option provides string operations that can be used to clean the column.
Examples include removing punctuation marks or junk characters, making the
character uppercase or lowercase, removing numbers from the strings, and more.
The following steps must be executed to clean a column:

1. Continue with the same workflow from the previous section. Observe the
Product Name column. It contains a lot of junk characters, such as # and '.
You can remove these characters, as they are not very useful for analysis.

Figure 3.49: Product Name preview with junk characters

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 151

2. To access the Clean option, click on the … icon. The Clean option will provide a
variety of functions to clean the data, as you can see in the next screenshot:

Figure 3.50: Various clean methods

3. Now, use the Remove Punctuation option for Product Name, as follows:

Figure 3.51: Using the Remove Punctuation option to clean the Product Name column
152 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

You will get a clean column without the junk characters:

Figure 3.52: Cleaned Product Name column

There are also a few other options, such as removing numbers or characters,
changing the casing, and removing spaces in the values. These options are self-
explanatory and can be used as and when the project requires.
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 153

Grouping Values
To group values means to combine two or more values into a single combined
value so that they are represented as one value or group. This is generally used
when the data contains spelling errors that result in the same value appearing in
different forms.

Think back to our customer with multiple names being represented by different
customer IDs. This data issue can be resolved using group values. We can combine
the multiple customer names into one customer using group values.

Like the Clean option, the Group Values option can be accessed by hovering over
a column and clicking the … icon, as follows:

Figure 3.53: Various Group Values methods

You will learn how to use this option in a workflow in the next exercise.
154 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Exercise 3.06: Grouping Values into a Group

In this exercise, you will group the Sub-Category values Chairs and Tables
into a group using the Manual Selection option. Follow these steps to complete
this exercise:

1. Click the dropdown on the Sub-Category column, then select Group

Values and Manual Selection:

Figure 3.54: Group values using the Manual Selection method

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 155

2. Towards the left of the window, select the Chairs value, which should add a
member group, also called Chairs, to the right. By default, the group will have
the same name as the first member, which in this case is Chairs.

Figure 3.55: Adding members to a group

156 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

3. To rename the group to Office Furniture, double-click on Chairs and

type in the new name, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 3.56: Renaming a group

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 157

Now the new group name should be visible as follows:

Figure 3.57: Updated group name

158 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

4. Now you can add more members to the group using the right column. Add
Tables to this group by selecting that value:

Figure 3.58: Adding additional members to the group

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 159

5. You can also add values that are not currently in the data but will be added in
the future. To do that, click on the + icon and add the value in the textbox. You
will see a red dot next to the value, indicating that it does not currently exist in
the data. Note that this value should match the future expected value, or else it
might not get automatically added to the group.

Figure 3.59: Adding future values to the group

160 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Figure 3.60: Adding future available members to the group

6. Next, click on Done to add the group. The new group will be added, indicated by
a paperclip icon (Figure 3.61).
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 161

Figure 3.61: The grouped value replaces individual values in the Sub-Category column

This is an example of manual grouping. Another way to group data, is by using

built-in algorithms that enable us to do this automatically using pronunciation,
common characters, or spelling. A common example is the same phrase written in
different ways, such as "Tableau Prep" and "Prep Tableau." These essentially mean
the same thing but are written differently. Prep provides built-in algorithms that can
identify such values and group them automatically.
162 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Splitting Values
This option allows us to split column values into multiple sub-values. This can be
useful in scenarios where multiple values are stored as a single value based on a
delimiter such as , or |. Sometimes, to optimize data storage, multiple values may be
stored as a combined column.

Consider the next example of Product ID, which contains a combination of

Category, Sub-Category, and the actual Product ID fields:

Figure 3.62: Combined column value example

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 163

Exercise 3.07: Splitting Columns

Imagine that due to storage size restrictions, you maintain a highly optimized
database and make sure it does not consist of duplicate data. You only have the
Product ID column available. , To obtain the Category and Sub-Category
columns, you might split the Product ID column using the Split Values
option. The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. The Split Values option can be accessed by clicking on the … icon and
selecting Split Values. There are two options available: Automatic
Split and Custom Split.

Figure 3.63: Various Split Values methods

2. Automatic Split can be applied when you need to split the entire column
into multiple parts using a delimiter. If you require Product ID to be split into
three parts, you can use this option. Select Automatic Split on this column
and view the results:

Figure 3.64: Applying automatic split on the Product ID column

164 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

You can see in the next screenshot that Product ID is now split into three
parts using the hyphen (-) separator:

Figure 3.65: Result of an automatic split on the Product ID column

3. Now, suppose you want to have another column consisting of just Product
Category. This is the first part of the Product ID column. Apply the Custom
Split on Product ID to fetch the first part, which is the category. Use Ctrl + Z
if you are using a PC (it's Cmmd + Z on a Mac) to revert to the original column and
then apply Custom Split, as follows:

Figure 3.66: Applying Custom Split on the Product ID column

Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split | 165

4. Enter the separator (-) along with the split number required, as follows:

Figure 3.67: Custom Split properties

You will now see a new column that consists of the product category, as follows:

Figure 3.68: Custom split results on the Product ID column

166 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

This concludes the discussion on all the clean operations that you can perform on
your data. You learned the various ways to clean the data using group, clean, and
split. Next, you will learn about data transformation steps such as aggregation, pivot,
join, and union.

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union

You will often encounter certain scenarios where the data might need to be adjusted
to suit the visualization requirements. For example, if you are analyzing the monthly
sales for your company, you don't need the data for every single day. In this case, you
need to aggregate data to the monthly level. This also reduces the amount of data
being used for analysis.

Another example, is when the data for all the past years is stored as standalone files,
and the current year is stored as a separate file. All the files have a similar column
structure. If you were to analyze all the data together, you may need to perform a
union transformation to combine all these separate files into a single file.

Such data transformations can be done in Prep. You will now learn about how to
do them.

Aggregations help to change the granularity of data. Granularity, in this context,
means the level at which the data is available. For example, consider two files.
One file consists of customer information such as customer ID, customer name,
address, and joining date. The other table consists of transactional information that
the customer has made, such as the number of orders of a particular product. The
exercise explores this option in detail.

Exercise 3.08: Identifying High-Value Customers Based on Purchases

Suppose your task is to identify high-value customers based on their purchases. To
do that, you need to first roll up the transactions file to sum the value of all purchases
for each customer ID and then join it with the customer information table. In this
exercise, you will connect with the Orders_South data and aggregate the Profit
values in the Category and Ship Mode columns:
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 167

1. You will continue with the same workflow. Click on the + icon and
select Aggregate:

Figure 3.69: Adding an Aggregate step to the workflow

2. This will add an Aggregate step to the workflow. Click on it, and select
the grouped fields and the aggregated fields. You will see the following on
your screen:

Figure 3.70: The Aggregate step added to the workflow

168 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

The dimensions or text columns indicated by the Abc icon or date columns
will act as the Grouped Fields, while the measures or numerical columns
indicated by # will be the Aggregated Fields. You can only group text or
date columns with numerical columns to form an aggregation.

Figure 3.71: Aggregate step properties

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 169

3. Change the aggregation type by clicking on the field as follows:

Figure 3.72: Various aggregation methods

4. Aggregate the data based on sales, grouped per Category. Since Category
is a dimension, it will be under Grouped Fields, and Profit will be under
the aggregated fields (since it is a measure). Double-click on Category to add it
under Grouped Fields and, similarly, double-click on Profit to add it under
Aggregated Fields:

Figure 3.73: Adding grouped and aggregated fields

170 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

5. Now the data is grouped by the various Category values and Profit. To add
another dimension to the group, you can double-click and add it to the grouped
field section. Now, add Ship Mode to Grouped Fields:

Figure 3.74: Multiple grouped fields aggregation results

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 171

6. In addition to cleaning, the clean step also allows you to preview our data. Now
add a clean step to this aggregation and preview the data. Toggle to display the
data grid using the option highlighted in this screenshot:

Figure 3.75: Full data preview based on the results of the aggregation step

You have aggregated the data at the Category and Ship Mode level based on
the Profit values. In this section, you learned how to aggregate data based on the
different levels of granularity. Next, you will learn how to pivot data.
172 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Pivoting Data
Sometimes, data is stored in a wide manner as opposed to the tall manner required
in Tableau. A wider manner indicates that the data is stored in a horizontal format. An
example is the item category and the units sold for various years in Figure 3.76. Here,
the data for a category is stored in multiple year columns, indicating a wide format.

Figure 3.76: Wide format

Data in tall format indicates a vertical spread. This means that the different values
for an item category would be stored in the same Category column. As indicated in
Figure 3.77, all the years are in a single Year column and all the units sold values are
in a Units Sold column:

Figure 3.77: Tall format

To use data for visualization, Tableau needs the tall format. In this case, you might
have to pivot the data to be used in Tableau. You can do that using the pivot step
available in Prep, as the next exercise shows.
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 173

Exercise 3.09: Using a Pivot for Data

In this exercise, you will connect to ConsumerPriceIndices_E_All_Data.csv
and add a pivot on this data. Follow these steps to complete this exercise:

Before proceeding with the exercise, make sure to download the CSV file
from the GitHub repository for this chapter. You can find the data file at

1. Connect to the ConsumerPriceIndices_E_All_Data.csv data source:

Figure 3.78: Data in CustomerPriceIndices_E_All_Data

As you can see, the country data is stored for the different years in different columns
(column H to column X). This is an example of wide format. To use this data for
visualization and analysis, you need to convert it into tall format.
174 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

2. Click on Add Connection – Text File. Navigate to the

WorldIndicators Files folder, where you can find this file. Click on Open
to add it to the flow.

This will add the data to the flow. You can preview the data by adding a clean
step. Once it has been added, click on Clean 4 to open the data grid.

Figure 3.79: Adding a clean step

You will observe that the various year values are stored in different columns
rather than different rows, as you saw in the Excel data preview in Figure 3.78.
Also, the null values are the blank records where there is no data present:

Figure 3.80: Data preview for year values stored horizontally

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 175

3. Make sure it is similar to the Months column values (that is, in a single column):

Figure 3.81: Tall format representation by the Months column

176 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

4. Do that by clicking on + and adding a Pivot step:

Figure 3.82: Pivot step properties

5. Next, drag the fields that you want to pivot, that is, all the year fields. Do that by
selecting all the year columns. Use Ctrl + click to multi-select and drag them to
the Pivoted Fields area:

Figure 3.83: Adding columns to pivot

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 177

6. Rename these new columns. If you wanted to add one more pivoted field, you
can do it by clicking on the + icon and adding another pivot to your data.

Figure 3.84: Adding additional columns to the pivot table

178 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

7. Now, add a clean step to this pivot, and preview the data. Scroll down the data
preview window and observe the different values:

Figure 3.85: Data preview after completing the pivot transformation

You have pivoted data stored as years in various columns to years in a single column.
Now you can compare the values for different years to understand the patterns – You
will learn about this in further detail in the next chapters. Next, you will learn how to
join and union the data.

Joining and Union of Data

Joining and union of data is similar to that in Tableau Desktop, with some additional
features that help to analyze the join results.

Joining is a way to combine two or more tables into a single table based on certain
common fields. The result of this combination contains more columns than the
original table, hence it gets extended horizontally. Tableau Prep supports the
following join types:
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 179

Figure 3.86: Types of joins

You will now take a closer look at joins with the next examples.
180 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Exercise 3.10: Joining Two Data Sources

In this exercise, you will join the Orders_Central table with the Return_
reason_new table to analyze the order returns. Both the data sources are present
in the Superstore Files folder:

Figure 3.87: Input file locations

Follow these steps to complete this exercise:

1. Add the Orders_Central.csv data source using Connect – Text File

and select this file. Repeat the same for the Returns data. Use Connect –
Microsoft Excel and select the return reasons_new file.
2. After adding clean steps for both data sources, you can observe that the Order
ID column can be used as a common field to join these two data sources.
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 181

Figure 3.88: Finding the join column

182 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

3. Add a join step after the clean step for Order_Central as follows:

Figure 3.89: Adding a join step in the workflow

4. To do a join, select the step by clicking on it and dropping it on the Join icon.
Select the Clean 7 step and drag it on the Join step. When this is brought
next to the Join icon, three options will pop up: Add, Union, and Join. Drop
the Clean 7 step on the Add option. Dropping it on the join will add another
join step in the flow. You will study the Union option in the next section.
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 183

Figure 3.90: Join option preview

5. After adding the join, click on the Join 1 window to open the properties:

Figure 3.91: Analyzing the join results

184 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

6. As you can see in the settings, the default join is based on the Row ID column.
This needs to be changed to Order ID. To change the join clause, click on
the Row ID column to open a popup with the different columns and select
Order ID:

Figure 3.92: Changing the join clause

Once this is done, the workflow will reflect the join based on the Order ID
column between the Clean 6 and Clean 7 steps:
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 185

Figure 3.93: Join values preview based on changing the join clause

On your screen, you will see that some values are shown in red on the right-hand
side. The red values are the ones that were not joined, and the black ones are
the ones that were joined.

7. The default join is the inner join, but clicking on the various shaded areas of
the join icon can change the join type. There are multiple join types, which will
be discussed in detail after this example. Select the blank area of clean 6 to
change the join type to left, as follows:

Figure 3.94: Changing the join type

186 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

In the Summary of Join Results, you can see additional information,

such as how many records are included and excluded, along with the matched/
unmatched records. Based on the join condition, these values will change. You
can see that there are 2,341 orders that have been returned, as indicated by
the Join Results:

Figure 3.95: Analyzing the join results

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 187

8. Hover over the bars for more information in the tooltip:

Figure 3.96: More details on hovering over the result bars

Finally, you have Join Clause Recommendations, which is a list of

matching column names that can be used as potential joining clauses.

Figure 3.97: Join Clause Recommendations

188 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

9. As always, add a clean step to preview the joined data:

Figure 3.98: Data preview for the join results

You have now joined the Returns table with the Orders_Central table. You
have brought in the records from Orders_Central and only the matching records
from return reasons_new. This join has shown the number of orders that were
returned. You can further analyze the returns based upon the customer names,
product categories and products, and investigate the reasons for the returns.

A union is a way to combine multiple tables with similar column structures into a
single table. Contrary to a join, in a union, you need to add the data rows vertically.
A union is performed when instead of joining, you just want to append the data
below another data that has similar columns. A very common example of union is
when you have two tables containing similar columns but maintained separately to
represent different years. For example, you may want to combine order information
for multiple years into a consolidated dataset.
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 189

Consider the following tables. Here, the union of A and B results in a single table that
contains values from both tables:

Figure 3.99: Union of two tables

Exercise 3.11: Union of Tables

In this exercise, you will connect the Orders_Central data with Orders_East to
unite these tables into a single table. Both tables consist of similar columns consisting
of order-level information, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 3.100: Data preview for Orders_Central

Figure 3.101: Data preview for Orders_East

190 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

You can see that both files have similar columns. The goal here is to combine these
tables to get a single unified data file. Follow these steps to union these data sources:

1. Access both data files from the Superstore Files folder:

Figure 3.102: File location for the input files

You already have the data source Orders_Central.csv in the flow from the
previous example.

2. Add the Orders_East data. Use Connect – Microsoft Excel and select
this file. The flow should look like this after adding that step:

Figure 3.103: Workflow after file the input step

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 191

3. Observe that the majority of the column names are the same, which means that
you can unite these data sources. The ones that do not match are highlighted in
both tables, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 3.104: Columns not matching in the two datasets

192 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

4. Drag the clean step from Orders_East over the clean step of Orders_
Central and onto the union step:

Figure 3.105: Adding a union in the workflow

5. A new union step will be added with the two data sources indicated by the
colored columns:

Figure 3.106: Analyzing the union results

Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 193

You can see that there are 13 mismatched fields.

6. Certain columns, such as Discounts (Orders_Central) and Discount

(Orders_East), refer to the same column. Similarly, Product (Orders_
Central) and Product Name (Orders_East) are the same columns. Merge
them into a single column, as follows.

Figure 3.107: Identifying similar columns

7. Select Discount first and then hover over the Discounts column and click
the + icon. This will merge the two columns into one:

Figure 3.108: Merging different Discount columns into a single column

194 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

8. Select Product Name. Prep highlights the other column with the matching
word, suggesting a possible match. Now, repeat the same step for Product
as well.

Figure 3.109: Merging different Product Name columns into a single column

9. The Region column is not found in Orders_East, so that can be excluded

from the union result. To do this, hover over the Union Results section and
remove the Region column, as highlighted in the following screenshot:
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 195

Figure 3.110: Excluding a column from union results

Further cleaning can be done by combining Order Date, Order Year,

Order Month, Order Day, and Ship Date using the clean step.

Figure 3.111: Mismatched columns that can be merged using the clean operations
196 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

10. Once done, add a clean step to the union to preview the data. You can see that
Prep has added a column named Table Names to indicate which table the
data comes from:

Figure 3.112: Union workflow results

In this section, you learned how to use the union step to combine data from two
sources. Once combined, the resulting data source can be used for performing
comparative analysis through visualizations. You also saw how to merge mismatched
column names. Next, you will learn about the script step. Note that this is not used
very often as it is a very advanced step in which complex statistical programs are
required to run on the input using R or Python scripts. Therefore, this will be a purely
theoretical discussion.
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union | 197

Script Step
A script allows you to run external programs written in R or Python. Sometimes,
complex statistical computations on the data that cannot be done using Prep might
be required. Hence, Prep allows you to integrate these programs into the workflow
using the script step.

Before adding the script, you need to establish the connection for R or Python
programs using Rserve or TabPy. You can do so using the Help menu and the
Settings and Performance option by going to Help – Setting and
Performance – Manage Analytics Extension Connection:

Figure 3.113: Script window properties

198 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Now you can add the server details for R or Python. Once this is done, you can add
the script step in the flow. This will open the following window:

Figure 3.114: Script connection settings

Here, you can add the program file and specify which function needs to run on the
data. For further details, you can click the Learn more link.
Flow and Data Exports | 199

Flow and Data Exports

Once you have finished creating a workflow, you need to export the data or share the
workflow so that it can be used in data analysis and visualization in Tableau Desktop.
You will learn about the following exporting options in this section:

• Flow saving options

• Data export options

Flow saving options: The workflow can be saved in two formats: .tflx and .tfl.
If you are working by yourself and have all the data in your system, you can save the
flow in the Tableau Prep Builder flow (.tfl) file format. If you want to share the flow
along with the data used in it, use the .tflx format, which will combine or package
all underlying local files used in the flow, such as the Excel, text, or Tableau extract
file, into a single flow file to be shared. Note that only local files can be packaged into
a flow. Data from database connections isn't included.

To save a flow, click on the File menu, go to Save As, and select the
format required.

Figure 3.115: Saving a workflow

The next exercise looks at data export options in detail.

200 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Exercise 3.12: Exporting Data

Once you have completed the data transformation steps in Prep, the last thing to do
is to export this data so that it can be used to develop visualizations. The Output
step allows you to export the data in multiple formats. In this exercise, you will export
the data using the Output step.

1. Continuing from the previous example, add an Output step to the Union step
by clicking on the + and then selecting Output:

Figure 3.116: Adding an output step

Flow and Data Exports | 201

Once this is done, you will see the following window:

Figure 3.117: Output step properties

202 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

2. Save the output in various formats, as the following screenshot shows:

Figure 3.118: Formats for saving the flow output

Here, you will be saving it as the File format, but it's important to also know about
the other formats.
Flow and Data Exports | 203

3. Save it as a Published data source on Tableau Server, as a database table

in a database such as SQL Server, or elsewhere, as follows:

Figure 3.119: File formats for saving output on Tableau Server

204 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

4. Select File and then select the folder to save to. Enter the output name and set
the output type to CSV. You will also see another option, .hyper format, which
can be used in Tableau Desktop as an extract.

Figure 3.120: CSV file format for saving output

Flow and Data Exports | 205

5. Click on Run Flow and save the output.

Figure 3.121: Running the flow

6. Once done, navigate to the folder location and check the file:

Figure 3.122: Workflow output preview

206 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

7. When the output type is CSV, the Full refresh option that you can see
in Figure 3.122 will overwrite the output file when the flow is run again. If the
.hyper output format is selected, you can choose to append the new data to
the existing extract as well.

Figure 3.123: Adding new output to existing saved output

Now that you have learned about the different ways to transform data, it's time to get
some hands-on practice on some project-based scenarios.

Activity 3.01: Finding the Month with the Highest Orders

As a store manager, you will have come across situations in which you would like
to assess your store's performance by its sales. Hence, it is important to analyze
patterns in the sales of the products. Further, you can also identify the products that
sell more compared to other products, and this analysis can help to further increase
their sales. Additionally, you want to know if there is a pattern in how the products
sell in different months. If a pattern exists, then it can be analyzed and used to design
strong marketing strategies to boost the store's sales and revenue.
Flow and Data Exports | 207

Usually, the order information is kept separate from the product information. This is
to keep the data optimized.

The data that you will use in this activity is stored in Activity File.
xlsx. The Orders sheet contains the Order ID and the Product
categories. You can download the Excel file from the GitHub repository for
this chapter at

Figure 3.124: Orders sheet preview

208 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

As you can see, the Order ID column is a combination of the ID, month, and year of
each order. Product Category is an ID column. Further details about this can be
found in the Product Category sheet:

Figure 3.125: Product Category sheet preview

To complete this activity successfully, you need to apply your knowledge of splits,
joins, and cleaning to identify important sales trends. Specifically, you need to answer
the following questions:

Which month and year combination has the highest orders?

Which product category has the highest orders?

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Flow and Data Exports | 209

Activity 3.02: Data Transformation

Now you know about the trends for various products, it would be useful to analyze
customer information to better understand customer behavior towards each product.
With the results of this analysis, you can design customized offers and coupons that
can enhance a customer's shopping experience. This will also help create brand
affinity with the customers, which can eventually lead to an increase in sales. In this
activity, you will combine customer information with the previous workflow to get a
unified view of orders, products, and customers. You will continue using the same
Excel sheet from the previous activity to complete this one.

The customer order information is stored in the CustomerOrders sheet, as shown

in the following screenshot:

Figure 3.126: CustomerOrders sheet preview

You can see that the data is stored in a wide format, that is, it is spread horizontally
across different years for each customer. You will need to pivot this data to use it in
the workflow.
210 | Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep

Next, you must join this information with the CustomerNames sheet, which looks
like the following:

Figure 3.127: CustomerNames sheet preview

In this activity, your goal is to identify the top five high-value customers, based on the
number of orders.
Summary | 211

You also need to export this data so that you can analyze it better using visualizations
in Tableau Desktop.

Figure 3.128: Activity 2 output sheet preview

The solution to this activity can be found here:

In this chapter, you learned how to connect to various data sources. After connecting
to the data, you learned how to analyze it using data profiling. Then, you learned to
clean the data using various methods, such as filtering, creating calculations, groups,
and splits. Cleaning data is a prerequisite for effective data analysis, and you will be
using these methods throughout the remainder of this book.

Once you cleaned the data, you looked at ways to group data using aggregation, and
then learned to transform it with pivots. You also combined multiple data sources
using the join and union options. Finally, you learned about how to save, share, and
export your workflow and the data.

The key takeaway from this chapter is how to transform data efficiently based on the
project requirements so that it becomes fit for visualization. In the next chapter, you
will use the skills you have learned in this chapter, such as aggregation, joins, and
groups, to create charts in Tableau.
Data Exploration: Comparison
and Composition

In this chapter, you will create your first chart in Tableau and work through
some basic and intermediate charts, such as tree maps, bar-in-bar charts,
and stacked area charts. You will learn how to choose the optimal chart for
a given scenario, look at the best ways to create a trend report, and explore
comparisons across measures (using bar-in-bar and bullet charts). Then,
in this lesson's final activity, you will put all you've learned into practice by
analyzing data from Singapore's vehicle population audits over the past
decade. By the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with working with bar
charts, area charts, and Marks cards, which are used to add contextual
detail to charts and views.
214 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Thus far, you have prepared, imported, and manipulated data for your visualizations.
Considering that Tableau is a business intelligence and visualization tool, it is natural to
now start creating your first charts. Before you can do this, however, (and certainly
before you can create more advanced charts as you will in Chapter 5, Data Exploration:
Distribution and Relationships), you must first learn the ins and out of creating charts.

For this reason, you'll only be creating some basic charts initially, and then eventually
work through some intermediate-level charts, such as tree maps and bar-in-bar
charts. The goal for this chapter is to be able to answer questions such as "How much
profit was generated in sales by each sub-category in a specific year?," which is basically
asking "How much of your total sales was generated by each sub-category?" In doing so,
this chapter also teaches you how to remove complex terminology and communicate
about data effectively.

Tableau is an intuitive and flexible tool. You can consider Tableau the Photoshop of
business intelligence. In Photoshop, there are multiple ways for you to achieve the
same result with an image; similarly, in Tableau, there is often more than one way
to create the same chart. Tableau's Show Me panel comes in pretty handy most of
the time, though the goal of this book is also to show you methods for creating these
charts without the Show Me panel. This chapter will try to simplify most charts by
describing when they should be used, why a chart is useful, and for what data type
they are useful.

The whole chapter is designed so that, as a reader, you can follow along with detailed
steps for each exercise and activity, including creating both basic and intermediate-
level charts. But that does not mean you need to memorize these steps; instead, try
to understand the reasoning behind why we are doing what we are doing. Although
each step in the exercise of this chapter includes as many details as possible, you are
encouraged to ask yourself questions such as, "Why is this step being done, and can I
improve the method?" You might find that you can indeed obtain a given visualization
using different means and, similarly, that the charts will get better as you unleash
your creativity.
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items | 215

Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items

Before diving into chart making, it is important to differentiate between dimensions
and measures.

Every column that is present in some data has a data type associated with it, such
as string, integer, or date. Also, every column that exists in some data is either a
dimension or a measure. Dimensions are qualitative or categorical data, such
as names, regions, dates, or geographical data, and the columns have categories
of distinct values. Measures, on the other hand, are quantitative values that can
be aggregated.

Consider the following: a Country column has country names such as Canada,
India, and Spain. Can you sum the regions? Would a sum of Canada, India, and Spain
make any sense? No, it wouldn't, so a region is a dimension. Similarly, data to which
you can apply mathematical functions, such as sum, average, min/max, and so on,
are measures. Hence, the rule of thumb is as follows: columns to which you can
apply a mathematical function are columns of measures, and data you cannot apply
functions to are columns of dimensions.

In this book, whenever measures are mentioned, it means that the chart will
contain numerical/quantitative data in the view, whereas whenever dimensions are
mentioned, we will be using qualitative/categorical data in the view.

Bar Chart
The bar chart is a versatile chart type that makes it easy to quickly understand data
for spot checking or adding part of a total comparison for some categorical data. No
other charts can beat the flexibility, ease of understanding, and usability of bar charts.
The length of the bars in a bar chart represents the proportional aspect of the value
for that categorical variable. The illustrative aspect of the bar chart makes it one of
the most used charts; it gives accurate insights into our data. Bar charts in Tableau
can use a combination of zero or more dimensions and one or more measures.
216 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Exercises in this chapter will use the sample Superstore dataset,
which comes pre-loaded into each Tableau Desktop installation. Our
version of Tableau Desktop contains another Sample – Superstore
dataset, which has data till 2019; Tableau recently updated the data file
to also include 2020 data, which you will have if you are using the latest
version of Tableau Desktop. So, if your metrics/charts are not exactly the
same as ours, do not worry. Our goal is to teach you the skills to develop
these charts, reports, and dashboards instead of having you replicate our
exact charts.

Exercise 4.01: Creating Bar Charts

As a business analyst for your organization, one of the stakeholders has asked you to
create a report displaying the total sales and profits across categories and segments
using bar charts. You will be using the Sample – Superstore dataset to visualize
the data.

Dataset: Superstore

Dataset download link:

In Tableau, continuous fields are green, and when they're discrete,
they're blue.

The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset in your
Tableau instance.

2. Click on the Show Me panel in the top-right corner and hover over the bar chart.
You will observe that it says For horizontal bars try 0 or more
Dimensions | 1 or more Measures.
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items | 217

Figure 4.1: Bar chart in the Show Me panel

218 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

In this exercise, you will begin with no dimensions and only one measure, before
moving on to adding dimensions to your view.

3. Drag Sales to Rows (for a vertical bar chart) or Columns (for a horizontal
bar chart).

Figure 4.2: Changing the aggregation

When you drag Sales to the Columns/Rows shelf, the default aggregation
changes to SUM(Sales).
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items | 219

4. Click on the SUM(Sales) capsule in the Columns/Rows shelf and change the
aggregation from SUM(Sales) to any other aggregation average.

Figure 4.3: Bar chart for the sales figure

In the preceding screenshot, note that the total sales figure is around $2.3M
for the whole store, which is the least granular metric in our sample Superstore
dataset. Next, you will change the granularity of your bar chart.
220 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

5. To do that, add a dimension to your view. Add a Category dimension to

our Columns shelf. When you add the Category dimension to the view,
you get three bars to represent each category. Thus, you've just changed
your granularity from the sum of sales for all the data to the sum of sales for
each category.

For better readability, also add Sales from the Measures data pane to the
Label Marks card. As we can see, SUM(Sales) is now divided by category:

Figure 4.4: Sales by category

The preceding chart uses one dimension and one measure, so we can see that
the total sales of Furniture, Office Supplies, and Technology are $742,000,
$719,000, and $836,000, respectively. However, what if we want to study
the total sales for each of these categories in more detail? We can make it more
granular by adding more dimensions or measures. Let's explore our options in
the next step.
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items | 221

6. Drag Segment to the Columns shelf.

You will notice that the sales by category are now divided into sales by segment
and category. We just added another level of granularity to our view:

Figure 4.5: Sales by category and segment

In the preceding figure, you can see that even though Technology had the
highest sales, the Corporate and Home Office segments of all three
categories are not so performing well and will require attention. As the total
sales of the categories are now bifurcated, it gives you more visibility as to how
many sales you have in each of the segments (that is, Consumer, Corporate,
and Home Office). Now that you know the sales values in greater detail,
you can also find out the amount of profit gained in each of the categories
and segments.
222 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

7. Add another measure, Profit, to the Rows shelf. As soon as you drop the
measure onto the Columns shelf, you can see that a new row was added
for profits:

Figure 4.6: Sales and profits by category and segment

As you can see, there is very little profit gained from Furniture and a huge
amount of profit from Technology. This will help in making great business
decisions as we now know that investing more in Technology and Office
Supplies is more profitable.
When you create a bar chart one way, either horizontally or vertically, you will on
occasion find that your dashboard design or storyboard design (a storyboard is
where you use multiple visualizations/dashboards to convey a story) would be
more aesthetically pleasing if the alignment was different—say, vertical instead
of horizontal. There are multiple ways to change the alignment; the manual
method is demonstrated in the next step.
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items | 223

8. Drag both the Columns dimensions to the Rows shelf and vice versa.
Alternatively, Tableau makes it easy to swap things around by giving us a Swap
button in our tool menu.

The final output is as follows:

Figure 4.7: Horizontally aligned bars

In this exercise, we explored how adding more granularity to our views can help add
more context and data to our views without over cluttering.

This wraps up this section on bar charts for one or more dimensional items. Next, we
will explore comparisons over time by using bar charts and line charts.
224 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Exploring Comparisons over Time

As an analyst, one of the most common requests that stakeholders will have is about
comparing certain KPIs/metrics over time (for example, revenue quarter on quarter).
In this section of the book, you will use date dimensions to create charts with which
you can compare your KPIs over a certain time period. You will use date dimensions
to compare metrics using a bar chart first and then move on to using line charts for
KPI comparison.

Exercise 4.02: Creating Bar Charts for Data over Time

Imagine you are a business analyst who is asked to provide a report about the total
sales of your organization in different segments, namely, Consumer, Corporate,
and Home Office, over a period of time. Use the sample Superstore dataset
provided by Tableau to visualize the chart and display the output.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Load the the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset in your
Tableau instance.

2. Drag Sales to your Rows shelf.

3. Add Order Date to the Columns shelf. Tableau will automatically create a line
chart (which will be covered in detail in the next exercise).
Exploring Comparisons over Time | 225

Figure 4.8: Bar chart over time as a line chart

The preceding figure shows the sales of the products on a yearly basis in the
form of a line chart. To change the marks from line chart to bar chart, click first
on the dropdown in the Marks shelf, then Bar as shown in the preceding figure.
The view can be read as sales by year.
226 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

4. For readability, add Label to Bars by dragging Sales from the measures
Data pane to the label in the Marks card:

Figure 4.9: Sales by year (bar chart over time)

As you can see, by adding the labels, you have the exact sales values earned in
the respective years. But you still don't know the value of sales earned over time
for each of the segments. You will have to change the granularity of the view
from sales by year to sales by year by segment.
Exploring Comparisons over Time | 227

5. To achieve that, drag Segment to the Columns shelf.

The view can change a lot depending on where you place your Segment on the
Columns shelf. If you place Segment after Order Date, your view will read as
sales by year by segment with the following view:

Figure 4.10: Bar chart over time by segment

From the preceding figure, it is clear that there has been progressive growth
over the years, and you can also see the exact sales values for the segments.
Although you got the data that you wanted, it is also important to present it in a
formulated way. It will be more useful and understandable if you have the data
for Consumer over the years together and the data for Corporate and Home
Office together.
228 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

6. To do this, place Segment before Order Date. Your view will read as sales by
segment by year with the following view:

Figure 4.11: Sales by year by segment

In Figure 4.10, you had sales by year by segment, whereas in Figure 4.11, you
have sales by segment by year. This allows any stakeholder to take a quick peek
at the sales trend for each of your segments. As you can see, Corporate saw
considerable growth from 2017 to 2018, which was not easily understandable
from the previous screenshot.

In this exercise, you reviewed bar charts over time and practiced adding more
granularity and dimensionality to your data. Next, you will review comparisons over
time using line charts.
Exploring Comparisons over Time | 229

Line Charts
Line charts are another set of charts that are versatile, easy on the eye, universally
understood. These have been used since the 18th century when William Playfair
created them. They represent multiple data points connected with each other
through a single line, usually signifying the trend of the data. In Tableau, you require
at least one date, one measure, and zero or more dimensions to create a line chart.

Difference between Discrete Dates and Continuous Dates

In the upcoming exercises, when you right-click the Date dimension in the view,
you'll notice you have two options for selecting the quarter. The one at the top is the
discrete date, where you will have discrete dates by year/quarter/month/day. If you
observe the following screenshot, instead of 2016 Q2 to 2016 Q3 ….. 2019 Q1 data
points, you just have four data points—one for each discrete quarter. Essentially,
discrete dates are unique dates in the view. So, when you select discrete quarters,
the view will only contain unique quarters without considering the year as part of
the date.

Figure 4.12: Discrete dates

230 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

The main difference between continuous dates and discrete dates is that continuous
dates will give you more granular dates. So, instead of just Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4,
continuous dates will also factor in the year that the quarter/month/day is associated
with. In most cases, you will want to use continuous dates because stakeholders often
want to look at their metrics by month/quarter across multiple years.

Figure 4.13: Continuous dates

Exploring Comparisons over Time | 231

Exercise 4.03: Creating Line Charts over Time

As an analyst, the category manager of your company would like you to create a chart
so that they can look at the total profit across all the categories since 2016. They do
not have a favorite chart type, but they do prefer a minimal look for their charts. In
this exercise, you will tackle this stakeholder request as you go step by step in detail
on how to make the best use of line charts and how adding color or changing the
level of detail in the view adds incredible value to your charts.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset in your Tableau
instance, if you haven't already.

2. Similar to the steps for the bar chart, drag one of the measures to the Rows
shelf. In this exercise, drag Profit to the Rows shelf.
232 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

3. Next, add Order Date to the Columns shelf. As soon as you add the Date
Time dimension to your view, Tableau automatically creates a line chart (which
you also saw previously in your bar chart view).

Figure 4.14: Simple line chart over time

In the chart, you have plotted profit by year and connected those points using a
line. The profit grew from $50,000 in 2016 to almost $100,000 in 2019.

That is a basic line chart for you, but as previously mentioned, the goal is to learn
more than just the basics of Tableau. So, let's explore some of the options for
more context or details for your line chart.

4. Add a Profit label to your line chart by dragging Profit from the data pane
to Label Marks card in your view.
Exploring Comparisons over Time | 233

5. To have the line chart show your sales by quarter instead of by year so it is more
granular and helps decision-making for your stakeholders, click on the + sign or
click the arrow on the dimension in your YEAR(Order Date) dimension on
the Columns shelf and change the granularity from YEAR(Order Date) to
QUARTER(Order Date).
6. To make your view even more granular, add Segment to your Color or
Detail Marks shelf. Your data will be split by segment with a corresponding
color for each segment, as observed here:

Figure 4.15: Line chart by segment

In the preceding figure, you can see that the profit for the Consumer segment has
grown at a higher rate when compared to other segments. The line chart clearly
illustrates the trend by segment across multiple years.

This wraps up our coverage of line charts. This section discussed line charts over
time, the difference between discrete dates and continuous dates, and how you can
add more color or contextual details to your line charts.
234 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Exploring Comparison across Measures

Bullet charts are a type of bar chart that allow you to add target/goal comparisons
to your charts/views. As much as bar charts are useful, more often than not when
you are presenting data using bar charts, you will hear questions such as "How does
this compare to this KPI/metric?" and "So, what should we do with this data?" because
bar charts fail to add the additional context that stakeholders are looking for. This
is where bullet charts shine as they add the required comparisons to goals/targets/
thresholds. Think of bullet charts as bar charts with historical context or a baseline
for comparison.

Say you are working on a project for which you are presenting sales figures for your
SaaS products as bar charts. The first question you receive from your stakeholders
might be "How does this compare to our previous quarter's/year's results? Did we do well
or underperform?" If you had shown the same data with bullet charts, you could have
also added a point of comparison for the period you want to compare your sales
figures to. Here is a sample bullet chart:

Figure 4.16: Sample bullet chart

In the following exercise, you will create a bullet chart that tackles that problem and
learn about the impact that bullet charts can have on your reports/presentations.
Exploring Comparison across Measures | 235

Exercise 4.04: Creating a Bullet Chart

You receive another request from the category manager: they now want to look at
how each of the sub-categories trends toward the sales target for 2019. As an analyst,
your job is to create a view with actual sales for each sub-category for 2019 while
showcasing the target sales (the black vertical lines in the following sample bullet
chart) for 2019.

Figure 4.17: Sample bullet chart

How to create a bullet chart using the Show Me panel could be studied
here, but the book wouldn't do you justice if it didn't show you how to
create a bullet chart using calculated fields, where you compare the sales
of 2019 to the target sales of 2019 (which is a calculated field). We have
not discussed calculated fields yet in the book, but we will be discussing
them in depth in Chapter 6, Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data; for
now, we will just try to explain each step of this exercise in as much detail
as possible.
236 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset in your Tableau
instance if you haven't already.

Think of calculated fields as formulas that you can use to manipulate a field,
create a subset of data, or extract information from rows/columns. In the
following calculated fields, you will be creating two fields: Sales Target
2019 and Actual Sales 2019.
2. Sales Target 2019: You are creating a dummy sales target for 2019 so you
need a target field that can be used for comparing the actual to the target.
Your Sales Target 2019 field will be 125% of the 2018 sales figures. To
create a calculated field using your Sales measures and Order Date, first,
navigate to the Order Date dimension and right-click on it. Click on Create |
Calculated Field...:

Figure 4.18 Creating a calculated field

Exploring Comparison across Measures | 237

3. Rename the field from "Calculation1" to "Sales Target 2019". In the

calculated field window, type the following formula:

If YEAR([Order Date]) = 2019 THEN [Sales]*1.25 END

The formula is read as follows: if the year of order date is 2019, make the target
sales 125% of the 2019 sales figures.

Figure 4.19: Creating a Sales Target 2019 field

4. Repeat the same steps for the Actual Sales in 2019 calculated field with
the following formula:

If YEAR([Order Date]) = 2019 THEN [Sales] END

Figure 4.20: Creating an Actual Sales Target 2019 field

238 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

5. Drag Sub-category to the Rows shelf.

The next steps will demonstrate both the Show Me and non-Show Me
methods. You'll start with the Show Me panel method.

6. Drag the Actual Sales in 2019 and Sales Target in 2019

calculated fields to the Column shelf:

Figure 4.21: Side-by-side bar charts for actual versus target sales

In the previous figure, you have two charts: Actual Sales in 2019 and
Sales Target in 2019 by sub-category. If you observe closely, you can see
that Actual Sales 2019 for Accessories is 60,000 whereas Sales Target
2019 is 75,000, which is 125% of Actual Sales 2019. In the next step, you
will convert these two bar charts into a bullet chart.

7. Navigate to the Show Me panel and click on Bullet Chart.

As soon as you click on Bullet Chart, you will notice multiple bars with a
black reference line that has been added to each bar. The reference line is the
target/goal line that adds the additional context:
Exploring Comparison across Measures | 239

Figure 4.22: Bullet chart

You just created a bullet chart where the bars represent the sales targets in 2019
and the reference lines are the actual sales. But ideally, you want your sales
targets in 2019 to be reference lines because that is the target that you want
your sub-categories to aim for. You'll make those changes next.

8. If your bullet chart has Sales Target in 2019 as bars instead of the target
line, you can right-click on the x axis and click on Swap Reference Lines
(this may be Swap Reference Line Fields in later Tableau versions) to
change your reference lines to target sales instead of actual sales:

Figure 4.23: Swapping the reference lines

240 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

9. For the other method where the Show Me panel is not used, create a new sheet
and drag Sub-Category to Columns, Actual Sales 2019 to Columns,
and Sales Target in 2019 to the Details Marks card.

10. Right-click on the x axis and click Add Reference Lines. In the Line
tab, click on the Per Cell radio button. In the Value dropdown, select
SUM(Sales Target in 2019) and aggregate it as SUM in the dropdown
right next to the Value dropdown. Change the Label dropdown from
Computation to None.

Figure 4.24: Editing the reference lines

Exploring Comparison across Measures | 241

After making the preceding changes, the final output of the bullet chart will be
as follows:

Figure 4.25: Bullet chart

In the preceding screenshot, the reference lines are now the sales targets for 2019,
as opposed to the initial bullet chart where they were Actual Sales 2019, which
was actually confusing. You want your stakeholders to understand how far off the
target each of the sub-categories is.

In this exercise, you were able to create bullet charts using the Show Me panel as
well as by manually adding reference lines to your view. We also briefly touched on
calculated fields, which we will cover further in Chapter 7: Data Analysis: Creating and
Using Calculations and Chapter 8: Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations.
242 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Bar-in-Bar Charts
Similar to bullet charts, this type of chart is used when you want to compare two
measures or two values in the same row/column. Essentially, it adds the comparison/
goal/target context that every stakeholder is looking for in your report. It works pretty
much like a bullet chart, the main difference being that instead of reference lines
as comparison points, you will have another secondary bar embedded within your
primary bar.

Think of a scenario similar to that of the bullet chart (for example, the US presidential
election of 2019). As the electoral college votes were being counted, the Democrat
and Republican vote counts were racing toward the target seat amount of 269. As
the hours passed and more votes were counted, the actual number was updated
and grew even closer to the target number of 269. That is a good example of where a
bar-in-bar chart, such as the following, can be used.

Figure 4.26: Sample bar-in-bar chart

Exploring Comparison across Measures | 243

Exercise 4.05: Creating a Bar-in-Bar Chart

The previous view that you created for tracking actual sales versus target sales had
a reference point in the view that, without additional helpful text and explanation,
would have been confusing for stakeholders. The category manager has asked
you to make the actuals versus targets comparison simpler. As an analyst, after
researching potential chart ideas, you identify the bar-in-bar chart as a great chart
for a simpler view. You will be re-creating the bullet chart view with same dimensions
and measures but will be utilizing a bar-in-bar chart. You will be using the same
Superstore dataset for the analysis.
Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset if it's not already
open in your Tableau instance.

2. Drag Sub-category to the Rows shelf and Sales Target 2019 to the
Columns shelf.
3. Drag Actual Sales 2019 to the view and hover over the Sales Target
2019 axis until you get two green stack bars highlighted in the axis, and
then drop Actual Sales 2019 on the Sales Target 2019 axis as
shown here:

Figure 4.27: Sales by sub-category bar chart

244 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

In the preceding screenshot, you just plotted sales by sub-category, and in the
next step, you will color-split these bars into actual versus target so that you can
achieve your desired bar-in-bar result.

4. Drag Measure Names from the Rows shelf to the Color Marks card on the
left. As soon as you do that, the two measures will be distinguished by different
colors and will be stacked on top of each other:

Figure 4.28: Sales by actual versus target 2019

By adding Measure Values to Columns and adding Actual Sales 2019

and Sales Target 2019 to the Measure Values Marks card, you will see
you were able to stack two bars on top of each other, with the orange bar being
Sales Target 2019 and the blue bar being Actual Sales 2019.
5. You'll also notice that both the measures are stacked on top of each other
rather than starting at zero. Essentially, the Actual Sales 2019 bar starts
where Sales Target 2019 ends, which is not how you want your data to be
presented. To change that, navigate to Analysis in the menu, select Stack
Marks, then choose Off.
Exploring Comparison across Measures | 245

Figure 4.29: Turning off Stack Marks

6. As much as the current view looks good, you also want to differentiate Actual
Sales 2019 and Sales Target 2019 by size too. Do this by dragging
Measure Names from the Dimensions data pane and dropping it on the
Size Marks card, as shown here:

Figure 4.30: Un-stacked bar chart

246 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

The preceding screenshot shows that Measure Names was added from the
dimension pane to the Size Marks card.

7. If you want, you can swap the measure that is in the foreground. The current
view is good as Actual Sales 2019 is in the foreground and is racing toward
Sales Target 2019, but if you want to change this, just swap the measures
in the Measure Values card and play with the size, color, or width of the bar:

Figure 4.31: Bar-in-bar chart

In the preceding figure, the blue bar is Actual Sales 2019, which is racing
toward Target Sales 2019, which is the orange bar. For example, the
Bookcases sub-category has actual sales of 30,000 in 2019 and is racing toward
the sales target of approximately 33,000.

You could have also achieved the same bar-in-bar chart using dual axis, but we will
be covering that in the next chapter. Here, we went with a standard approach and
learned how to utilize Measure Names and Measure Values, which play an
important role in Tableau report/dashboard building.
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts | 247

Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts

A stacked bar chart is nothing but a bar chart with an extra level of detail embedded
in the bars, where each bar represents distinct dimensions/values. Stacked bar
charts come in handy when you want to compare the whole to a segment of the
dimensions/value, which are essentially smaller segments of the same bar. Think
of the revenue generated by a car company: as an analyst, you want to show the
revenue split by car/product type in a single bar graph without using too much space.
By color-coding the bar chart with the car type, you can create a single graph with lots
of contextual detail.

Think of stacked bar charts as showing totals against parts:

Figure 4.32: Sample stacked bar chart

Try your hand at creating a stacked bar chart with the next exercise.

Exercise 4.06: Creating a Stacked Bar Chart

In this new request from your direct manager, they want to look at sales by
sub-category in bar chart format, where the sales sub-categories are segments by
color. Essentially, the manager expects a stacked bar for each sub-category, split into
segments. You will continue to utilize the Superstore dataset for this exercise.

Follow these steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset if it's not already
open in your Tableau instance.
248 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

2. Drag one of the measures to the Rows shelf. This exercise uses Sales, but you
can use any of the measures in your own projects.

3. Drag Sub-Category to the Columns shelf, and now you shall have a simple
bar chart for sales by sub-category:

Figure 4.33: Stacked bar chart – sales by sub-category bar chart

Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts | 249

4. To convert this bar chart into a stacked bar chart, select one of the dimensions
(either YEAR[Order Date] or Segment) and drag it to the Color Marks
card as shown here:

Figure 4.34: Stacked bar – sales by sub-category and segment

You have now essentially converted your simple bar chart into a stacked bar
chart as you have color-coded or stacked multiple bars on top of each other by
segment. Chairs and Phones were the highest-grossing sub-categories, but
it is not clear which of those segments contributed more; so, next, you will add
more elements to your stacked bar chart for readability.
250 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

5. Add SUM(Sales) as a label for your bars. Drag Sales from the Measures
data pane to the Label Marks card:

Figure 4.35: Stacked bar – sales by sub-category and segment

6. You might notice that the Sales label is taking a lot of space in our bars.
The reason it is taking so much space is that the unit of Sales is tens, but
considering that most of your sales are greater than 1,000, you can change
the unit from tens to thousands so it is easier to read and saves you some
real estate.

7. To change the unit for the Sales figures, navigate to SUM(Sales) in the
Marks card. Right-click and select Format.
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts | 251

Figure 4.36: Formatting Sales

8. In the default section of the dialog box, click on the Numbers dropdown,
select Numbers(Custom), and change Display Units from None to

Figure 4.37: Formatting Sales

252 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

The stacked bar chart will now look as follows:

Figure 4.38: Final stacked bar chart

In the preceding figures, you might notice that the smaller bars have no
information embedded inside them. This is a limitation of Tableau. When
you hover over the smaller bars, Tableau will display the information
you need.

In this exercise, you looked at how to create a stacked bar graph. This is probably one
of the easiest charts to build in Tableau, but it is an incredibly useful choice when you
want to answer questions about parts against the total.
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts | 253

Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts

Although pie charts are quite often used, in the author's personal experience and the
opinion of industry leaders in the field of data visualization, they are best avoided in
reports/dashboards because it gets difficult to draw insights accurately from them.
Pie charts often confuse even the best in the business. Notice how it is easy to trick
people with the following pie chart (tricking people is not what we as data analysts/
visualizers are supposed to do):

Figure 4.39: Sample pie chart

The goal of the pie chart is to display market penetration levels for brands A, B, and
C. A simple visual inspection may cause one to believe that Brand A and C have equal
market penetration, but in reality the difference between them could be several
millions of dollars due to a couple of percentage points' difference. Therefore, it is
recommended not to use pie charts. That said, if there is no way to avoid using them,
keep in mind the following rule of thumb: if your pie chart has more than six labels,
you are better off creating either a bar chart or a stacked bar chart.
254 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Exercise 4.07: Creating a Pie Chart

The VP of the company is going to be presenting in a board meeting today, and they
are looking for your help to create a simple pie chart showing sales by segment.
In this exercise, you will create your first pie chart and fulfill the requirement as
requested by the VP. You will continue to use the Superstore dataset.

The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from the sample Superstore dataset if it's not already
open in your Tableau instance.

2. Drag Sales to the Rows shelf and Segment to the Columns shelf, which
creates your standard bar chart:

Figure 4.40: Pie chart – step 1

Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts | 255

3. To convert the bar chart to a pie chart, open the Show Me panel and click on the
pie chart icon:

Figure 4.41: Adding a pie chart using the Show Me panel

When you convert the bar chart to a pie chart, the pie chart might be too small
to read.
256 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

4. To increase the size of the pie, on a Mac, you can press Command + Shift + B to
increase or Command + B to decrease the size of the chart. On Windows, press
Ctrl + Shift + B to increase the size of the chart and Ctrl + B to decrease the size of
the chart. Another way to increase or decrease the size of the chart is by using
the Size tab in our Marks card:

Figure 4.42: Increasing the size of the pie

5. To add labels to the chart, drag Segment as well as Sales to your Label
Marks card. Increase the size of our label to 15 or higher. You can also change
the units of the SUM(Sales) figure to thousands or millions as discussed in the
previous exercise:

Figure 4.43: Adding the $ prefix

Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts | 257

The final output after making the changes will be as follows:

Figure 4.44: Final pie chart

In the preceding screenshot, you were able to show sales by segment in a pie chart.
Although they have their drawbacks, pie charts can be really useful when the number
of labels does not exceed 5-7 and the useable space on the screen is very limited.

Like pie charts and stacked bar charts, treemaps help you answer parts-of-the-whole
types of questions, but the main difference is that treemaps and bar-in-bar charts
show hierarchical relationships using rectangles. Using Marks card elements such
as Color and Size, you can better analyze the data. When a rectangle is bigger or
has a more concentrated color, it represents the highest value of the dimension in
the view. Treemaps allow you to quickly measure contributions to the whole. Like
pie charts, treemaps are not always the best choice, but depending on the analysis
needed, treemaps can use contextual labels for better readability; they are also one
of those chart types where you can plot hundreds of data points in a view.
258 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Think of a case where the VP of delivery operations has requested a presentation on

the total deliveries to each state as well as whether deliveries in those states were
on time or not. Using treemaps, you can compare the delivery activity for each of the
states, where the number of deliveries is communicated by the size of the rectangle
for each state and the proportion of deliveries that were delayed is shown by color:

Figure 4.45: Sample treemap

Exercise 4.08: Creating Treemaps

As an analyst, you want to create a view of profitable versus non-profitable states
by category without using a cross-table in your view. For this exercise, you will use
the Superstore dataset. You are required to color-code the states based on their
profitability and sort the states in descending order based on total sales. The reason
you are using treemaps for this is that you can use both size and color to convey
information without sacrificing anything.
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts | 259

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Open the sample Superstore dataset if it's not already open in your
Tableau instance.

2. For this exercise, you have two measures: Sales and Profit Ratio. You
will use Sales for sizing and Profit Ratio for coloring the treemap. Drag
the primary measure (in this case, Sales) to the Size Marks card and the
secondary metric, Profit Ratio, to the Color Marks card:

Figure 4.46: Adding Sales to the treemap

If you are using a version of Tableau later than 2020.1, you may need to
choose Profit rather than Profit Ratio for this step.
260 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

3. Drag State to your Detail Marks card as it will make your data more
granular and represent the states with sizes and colors.

When you add State to the Detail Marks card (in Tableau version 2020.1),
you will see that Country/Region is automatically added as State is part
of the hierarchy. Remove Country/Region from the Detail Marks card
because it is not adding any value or detail to your view. While you are at it, drag
State as a label:

Figure 4.47: Color coding by profit ratio

In the preceding figure, you have represented sales and profit ratios by states.
California and New York have the largest number of sales (larger rectangles
means more sales), but states such as Michigan have higher profit ratios (darker
blue means higher profits).

4. You could potentially stop the analysis/charting here, and this would be your
treemap representing sales by each state and their profit ratios. However, in
this case, you'll add another layer of detail to your view. Drag Category to the
Rows shelf, and in the toolbar, change the view from Standard to Entire
View, as shown in the following screenshot:
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts | 261

Figure 4.48: Treemap by category

You are just about finished, but the color range that you have used in the chart is
a bit confusing because the stakeholders just want to know whether a state was
profitable or not. They neither need nor want to know the exact profit or loss
ratio for each of the states. You can add those exact Profit ratio details in a
tooltip later.
262 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

5. Navigate to the Marks card and click on the Color tab. Check the Stepped
color checkbox and enter its value as 2 steps.

If you are using a version of Tableau later than 2020.1, you will need to
select Edit Colors to find the Stepped color option.

6. Next, select the palette you want and click on << Advanced. Check the
Center checkbox and enter its value as 0 (green represents a profitable state):

Figure 4.49: Treemap by category and state with red/green color coding
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts | 263

The final output is as follows:

Figure 4.50: Treemap by category and state with red/green color coding

The main difference between this view of the treemap (Figure 4.50) and the default
treemap you created in the previous step (Figure 4.48) is that in the latest treemap,
instead of color-coding your profit ratio with gradient colors, you color-coded loss
as red and profit as green, so it's easier for stakeholders to quickly view the most
profitable and least profitable states.

If you look, you can see that California is the highest-selling state across all categories,
and if you want to know the profit ratio of the state, all you have to do is hover over
any of the states.
264 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

Exploring Compositions for Trended Data

Area Charts
Area charts are among the most visually pleasing charts available and are used pretty
frequently for reporting cadence. Area charts are essentially combinations of line
charts and bar charts in that they show the relationships between the proportions of
the total.

Think of a use-case wherein the branch manager of an electronics company wants to

look at the total quantity sold in each television category by the series that they
belong to. You can fulfill this requirement by using a stacked bar chart, but with an
area chart, you can also add time trends, which is what you will explore in this
exercise here.

Figure 4.51: Sample Area Charts

Exploring Compositions for Trended Data | 265

Note: Word of caution for area charts

When you use an area chart as a stacked area chart, it can easily be
misinterpreted—especially if you use stacked area charts for percentages.
For example, say you are creating an email marketing report where you
have conversion rates for different campaigns. Campaign 1 had a click-
through rate (CTR) of 3%, campaign 2 had a 7% CTR, and campaign 3 had
a 6% CTR for a particular month. The true CTR for that month was 5.3%,
but using a stacked area chart, the CTR for all campaigns may show up as
16%, which is factually incorrect. Just be aware of the caveats here.

Exercise 4.09: Creating an Area Chart

The director of financial operations reaches out to you, looking to understand how
the sales for each sub-category trends across each month. The director wants to
know whether they sell more in July or August. As an analyst, your job is to create
a color-coded area chart showing sales by month of the year and how sales trend
across the year. You will continue to utilize the Superstore dataset for this
exercise. You will also explore continuous as well as discrete area charts in this
exercise, utilizing Order Date, Sub-Category, and Sales.

Perform the following steps:

1. Open the sample Superstore dataset if it's not already open in your
Tableau instance.
266 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

2. Drag Order Date to the Columns shelf and change the granularity from
year to month by clicking the arrow on the Order Date capsule and selecting
continuous Month (you will first create a continuous stacked area chart).

Figure 4.52: Continuous month selection

Exploring Compositions for Trended Data | 267

3. Drag Sales to the Rows shelf. As soon as you drop it onto the Rows shelf, a line
chart is created.

4. Drag Sub-Category from data pane onto Color Marks card to and then
change the Marks type from Automatic to Area using the dropdown:

Figure 4.53: Area chart

The preceding chart represents the continuous stacked area chart. If you don't
want the areas to be stacked on top of each other, you can turn off stacking.
268 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

5. Navigate to Analysis in the menu and click on Stack Marks | Off.

Similarly, you follow the same steps to turn the stack marks back on:

Figure 4.54: Turn Stack Marks off

Exploring Compositions for Trended Data | 269

The only reason that someone would want to turn off Stack Marks in an
area chart is if they want to look at individual trends for the dimension in
question (in this case, Sub-Category). The limitation of an unstacked area chart
is that it carries a risk of hidden data points because what the background area
represents is not clear:

Figure 4.55: Area chart

270 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

6. To change the area chart to be discrete, change the type of Order Date from
Continuous to Discrete:

Figure 4.56: Discrete dates selection

With discrete charts, instead of Month for each year, now you only show discrete
months without considering the year in the view. The view is a less granular view
compared to that of the continuous stacked area chart. You will change the axis
tick marks from $50,000 to $25,000 increments.
Exploring Compositions for Trended Data | 271

7. To change the axis tick marks, right-click on the Sales axis and click on Edit

Figure 4.57: Editing the axis

8. In Edit Axis [Sales], click on Tick Marks (this may be Major Tick
Marks in later versions) and select Fixed, then set Tick interval to
25000, as shown here:

Figure 4.58: Setting Major Tick Marks

272 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

The final output is as follows:

Figure 4.59: Final stacked area chart

In the preceding screenshot, each of the sub-categories is stacked on top of each

other, while the sales trends are shown across months. From the given chart,
you can easily make out that November is the highest-grossing month for the
Superstore dataset.
In this exercise, you learned when and when not to use area charts, looked at stacked
versus non-stacked area charts, and studied the best use cases for continuous and
discrete area charts.
Exploring Compositions for Trended Data | 273

Activity 4.01: Visualizing the Growth of Passenger Cars in Singapore

Recently, the Singapore government appointed a new head of vehicle inspection.
This newly created department will analyze vehicle sales over the past few decades,
study growth/trends, and create policies and rules to further help the government
reduce emissions. As part of the initial onboarding, the head of vehicle inspection has
asked to look at sales trends for each vehicle category, including buses, taxis, cars,
and goods vehicles. They expect an analyst to create a single view showcasing the
trends for sales of these vehicle categories. As an analyst, considering that the head
of vehicle inspection expects to see trends across multiple categories and years, you
decide to use an area chart with color coding for easier readability.

In this activity, you will be showcasing the skills that you have learned in this
chapter by creating multiple charts. You will be using the SG_Annual_Vehicle_
Population data, which can be downloaded from
Perform the following steps to complete this activity:

1. Import and open the data that was downloaded.

2. Drag Category to the Columns shelf and Number to the Rows shelf.

3. Drag Year to the Columns shelf.

4. Drag and drop Category to the Color Marks card.

5. Drag and drop Year to the Label Marks card.

6. Change the Axis title to just Year of Audit.

7. Edit the axis to change Major Tick Marks to Fixed and set the intervals
to 1.

8. Change the title of the worksheet to Activity 4.1.

274 | Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition

The expected output is as follows:

Figure 4.60: Activity 4.01 expected output

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Summary | 275

That wraps up this chapter. In this lesson, you created your first charts in Tableau,
starting with bar charts, which are used for comparisons across dimensions,
followed by line charts to show comparisons over time. You also looked at how bullet
charts and bar-in-bar charts differ and the best use cases for them when exploring
comparisons across measures.

You further composed snapshots, working through three major chart types: stacked
bar charts, pie charts, and treemaps. When exploring treemaps, instead of using a
standard treemap, you added an extra layer by utilizing multiple measures where
the primary measure, Sales, was used for the size of the rectangle and a secondary
measure, Profit ratio, was used for profit/loss using two different colors. The
different colors made it easier for stakeholders to identify profit-making states across
superstore categories.

Although we did discuss line charts for time series data, we also decided to work
through an area chart problem and study the issues with stacked (cannot aggregate
percentages) versus non-stacked (risk of hidden data) area charts. We briefly touched
on continuous versus discrete stacked area charts. We wrapped up the chapter by
working through a new dataset on Singapore's annual vehicle population audit and
created an area chart for understanding the different trends of vehicle growth over
the past 15 years in Singapore.

In the next chapter, we will take a step forward and work through dual axis,
histograms, box and whisker plots, and scatter plots, as well as discussing some
statistics related to reference lines and when to use different reference line models.
Consider the next chapter as covering advanced charting in Tableau.
Data Exploration:
Distributions and
This chapter builds on the basic charts you created in Chapter 4, Exploring
Comparison and Composition. You will also cover the advanced topics
of trend and reference lines, and will see some examples of where they
are frequently used. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to create
charts for distributions, show relationships across data points, and create
advanced chart types such as Dual Axis and Quadrant charts.
278 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

In previous chapters, you have learned about various charting methods that are
reliant upon having both dimensions and measures in the view. However, there may
be times, especially in business scenarios, where you only have measures to work
with. In this chapter, you will learn how to create charts without dimensions, and
also charts with multiple measures. You will learn to create relationships between
measures, and will see how advanced Tableau skills like trend and reference lines can
help better demonstrate insights to stakeholders.

First, you will explore distribution for a single measure using histograms, box plots,
and whisker plots. Then, you will look at distributions across two measures using
scatter plots, and scatter plots with trend lines (linear, logarithmic, and exponential).
You will then look at advanced visualizations such as dual axis and quadrant charts
for multiple dimensions/measures.

Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure

Distribution charts such as histograms and box plots are used to show the
distribution of continuous and numerical quantitative data. However, bar charts, as
discussed in the previous chapter, are used when plotting discrete and categorical
data. In these sections, you will focus on discrete and categorical chart types.

Creating a Histogram
A histogram represents frequency distribution. It shows the distribution of values
and can help identify any outliers. Histograms take your continuous measures and
splits the range of measurements. They are placed into buckets known as bins. Each
bin is essentially a bar in a histogram representing the count of that range of values
falling within that bin.

If you were to create a histogram of the salary of all the employees in a company,
where the range of each bin is $10,000, your histogram would represent how many
employees are earning $0-10,000, $10,001-20,000, $20,001-30,000, and so on.
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 279

It is straightforward to create a histogram in Tableau, as it is one of the 24 default

chart types in the Show Me pane. Whenever you create a histogram in Tableau,
bins/buckets of equal size are created, and Tableau creates a bin dimension (a local
temporary dimension created for your bin ranges) for the measure you used while
creating the chart.

The following figure shows a sample histogram. Here, you are looking at the
distribution of the count of total order quantities with a bin size of 1. Essentially, from
the following histogram, you can see that there were 899 orders with only 1 item,
there were 2,402 orders with 2 items, and so on:

Figure 5.1: A sample quantity histogram

280 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

The following screenshot shows that the histogram option is part of the
Show Me pane:

Figure 5.2: Histogram option as a part of the Show Me pane

Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 281

While creating the histogram, Tableau automatically adds the Quantity (bin)
dimension in the Data pane, as shown here:

Figure 5.3: Quantity (bin) added to the Data pane

Now work through this Exercise 5.01 and see in practice how to create a histogram.
282 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Exercise 5.01: Creating a Histogram

As an analyst of an e-commerce store, your manager is looking to better understand
the size of each order by asking you to create a chart that shows the count of orders
by the quantity of orders. One of the better ways to represent frequency distribution
is using histograms. In this exercise, you will use the Sample – Superstore
dataset to create a view of Counts of Orders by Quantity distribution and in
the process, learn the exact steps to create a histogram in Tableau.

You can find the Sample - Superstore dataset at the following link:

Alternatively, you can also find the dataset in our GitHub repository here:

Dataset Description: The Sample – Superstore dataset is a

dataset that comes loaded with Tableau Desktop by default. The dataset
represents a fictional store that contains dimensions of orders such as
Order Dates, Ship Date, Country, Product Category/Sub-
category/Manufacturer/Name, Segment, and Customer Name,
as well as measures such as Discount, Profit, Quantity, and
Sales numbers.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from Sample – Superstore dataset in your

Tableau instance.
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 283

Figure 5.4: Loading the Sample – Superstore dataset

As mentioned, a histogram is used for continuous and numerical data, so in this

case, you have Discount, Profit, Quantity, and Sales. In this example,
you will use Quantity to create the histogram.
284 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

2. Double-click on Quantity or drag the Quantity measure to the Rows shelf.

By default, Tableau selects horizontal bars as the preferred chart method, as
seen here:

Figure 5.5: A single bar for the total sales

As you see, there are only two chart options for the Quantity measure
available in the Show Me panel.
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 285

3. Select Histogram and you will get with the following view:

Figure 5.6: Histogram bin default by Tableau

As you see, Tableau has now created a Quantity (bin) dimension in the Data pane
and has automatically decided the best bin size for the data. In your current
view, it is unclear whether the first bin ends at 1.5 or 2.0.
286 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

4. For better readability, edit the bin sizes to be integers. Right-click on Quantity
(bin) in the Data pane and select Edit...:

Figure 5.7: Editing bin sizes

In the Edit Bins [Quantity] window, the bin size is 1.77 for this dataset, which is
less than 2, making it unclear where our first bin ended.

5. Change the bin size to an integer value (in this case, to 1 for readability). This will
show your end user how many orders included only one item in the invoice, two
items, and so on:

Figure 5.8: Changing bin sizes

Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 287

Next, you will make some formatting changes. As you can see, the x axis
starts from zero and ends at one bin past the maximum bin. Edit this to start
the x axis from one and go up to the maximum bin size so that you have one
continuous axis.

6. To edit the axis, right-click on the x axis and click on Edit Axis. Next, select
Fixed range from the Edit Axis window, enter 1 for Fixed start and
keep Fixed end as it is, as shown here:

Figure 5.9: Editing the axis for bins

288 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

7. Make one final edit by using Ctrl + drag (for Windows) or Option + drag (for Mac)
the CNT(Quantity) pill from the Rows shelf to the Label shelf to add a label
to individual bins. Finally, rename the sheet title to Quantity Histogram as
shown here:

Figure 5.10: Final histogram

You have learned how to use frequency distribution to create histograms, and
have answered the following question: How many sales/orders included one item,
two items, and so on?

In the preceding screenshot, the histogram represents the count of orders with
one item, two items, and so on. There are 1,230 orders with 5 items and 572
orders with 6 items.

Next, you will learn about the importance of Box and Whisker (B&W) plots and when
to use them in your charts.
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 289

Box and Whisker Plots

Whenever you want to illustrate distributions, apart from histograms, B&W plots
are one of the other options you have. Box plots work really well when you want to
compare two dimensions side by side where one of the dimensions is on the x axis
and the other is on the y axis. For example, the batting average of hitters in major
league baseball. Before learning to create B&W plots (also called box plots), it is
important to understand their importance, how to read them, and when it’s best to
use them.

Here is what a B&W plot looks like:

Figure 5.11: Sample B&W plot

The box part of the image represents the first and third quartiles, also known as
the Interquartile Range (IQR). The IQR is calculated as Q3 minus Q1 (Q3-Q1). The
whiskers on the left and right represent the lowest value of the first quartile and the
highest value of the fourth quartile respectively. The middle line in the box is the
median (Q2), which is the middle number of the dataset. Data points to the left of
the line are the numbers less than the median, whereas to the right side are all the
numbers greater than the median. Next, you will start creating box plots with the
superstore dataset.
290 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

B&W plots are particularly useful when you want your distribution to identify outliers.
For example, the next screenshot shows the age distribution of two counties: the
County of Philly and the County of Morago. The top plot represents Philly, the bottom
Morago. The IQR for Philly is between 23 and 64, and for Morago is 15 and 43. But
the screenshot also helps identify the outliers, as there is a section of the population
in both counties with humans aged 100 and above. That is where B&W plots can be
so useful.

Figure 5.12: Two-county B&W plot

Exercise 5.02: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot without the Show Me Panel
Like a histogram, a B&W plot is part of the Show Me pane in Tableau, but in this case,
you will learn how to create box plots using reference lines.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from Sample – Superstore dataset in your

Tableau instance.

2. Create a bar chart with one dimension and one measure (bar charts were
discussed in Chapter 4: Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition). Select
Profit as the measure and the product Segment as the dimension (looking at
Profit by Segment).
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 291

3. Drag Segment to the Columns shelf and Profit to the Rows shelf as shown
in the following screenshot:

Figure 5.13: Bar Graph of Profit by Segment

4. Add the distribution dimension to the Detail Marks card. In this case, you are
looking at Profit distributed by Segment, by year of order. Now, add year of
order to the Detail card.
292 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Ctrl + drag (for Windows) or Option + drag (for Mac) the Order date
to open the Drop Field window, which will allow you to select
YEAR(Order Date) on the Marks card).

Figure 5.14: Stacked bar chart

Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 293

Once you add YEAR(Order Date) to your Detail Marks card, a stacked
bar chart is created, where each stack represents the year of the order date.

5. Convert this stacked bar chart into a dot plot for your B&W plots by changing the
mark type from Automatic to Circle (from the Marks shelf):

Figure 5.15: Scatter plot of profit by segment

294 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

If you don’t convert the mark type to a dot plot, you won’t be able to see the
B&W plots as shown in the following figure:

Figure 5.16: Issues with not converting the mark type from Bar to Circle
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 295

6. Now, to create the B&W plot, right-click the y axis and choose Add
Reference Line:

Figure 5.17: Adding a Reference Line from the axis

296 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

7. In the Add Reference Line, Band, or Box dialog box, select Box
Plot. You can play with the options, maybe changing the fill color, style, or the
weight of the borders and whiskers:

Figure 5.18: Reference line options

Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 297

IQR, as mentioned previously, stands for interquartile range, which is all the
data points between the first and third quartiles. In the Box Plot dialog option
box, Data within 1.5 times the IQR essentially means we are asking
Tableau to make all data points on the plot fit within 1.5 times the IQR. Any
data point outside the range will be considered an outlier. You will explore this
concept with your actual plot in the following figure:

Figure 5.19: B&W plot for profit by segment

The middle line in the box plot, the intersection of light and dark gray, is the median.
If you look across the view, you can quickly compare the medians of all the product
segments irrespective of how big or small the median is. The upper whisker is 50%
higher than the IQR and the lower whisker is 50% lower than the IQR. If data points
are outside the box and whisker, those data points are considered outliers and this
chart allows you to quickly identify them, which isn’t so straightforward in histograms.
298 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Next, you will see how to create a box plot using the Show Me panel, a more
straightforward method.

Exercise 5.03: Box Plot Using the Show Me Panel

In this exercise, you will create a box plot from the Show me panel. You will be
continuing on from where you left off in the previous exercise, but you may use a
new sheet.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Drag Segment into Columns and Profit into Rows. This helps create the
bar chart.

2. Drag the YEAR (Order Date) dimension onto the Marks shelf, which you
want to use as your distribution dimension. In this example, use YEAR (Order
Date) as shown here:

Figure 5.20: B&W plot with a stacked bar chart

Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure | 299

3. Click on the Show Me panel (as shown in the previous step), and click on Box
and Whisker Plots:

Figure 5.21: Final B&W plot

Consider the median (the middle line in the box plot) of the preceding
screenshot. If you look across the view, you can quickly compare the medians of
all the product segments irrespective of how big or small the median is. If a data
point is outside the B&W, those data points are considered outliers.

Box plots can be incredibly powerful when the right data is in place. A box plot
conveys a lot of information in a single chart.
300 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

This wraps up the histogram, box, and whisker plot activity using single measures.
Next, you will explore scatter plots, which are useful when dealing with two or
more measures.

Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures

In this part of the chapter, you will explore how to best represent two measures in
the same view and how these charts can help build the relationship between two or
more measures. You will initially look at scatter plots. Once you cover the distribution
part of these multiple-measure charts, you will move on to the relationship between
these measures by discussing dual axis charts and their uses.

Distribution with Two Measures

Scatter plots are two-dimensional graphs created with two to four measures and
zero or more dimensions. The first two measures are used as the x and y axis, and
the third and fourth measures, as well as the dimensions, are used for adding more
formatting and context to the scatter marks.

Scatter plots are useful when plotting two quantifiable measures against one and
other. This could be Sales versus Profit or Quantity versus Discount, for example.
Scatter plots also help find patterns or clusters, which aids in decision making, by
identifying outliers and groups of points that are related.

If you want to go a level deeper, you can also add reference lines to these plots, which
can split the scatter plots into four quadrants (we will walk through an exercise later
in the chapter explaining how to create a four-quadrant view). This makes it easier for
the end user to call out the relationship.

Creating a Scatter Plot

You will now create a scatter plot in Tableau. When doing this, one measure becomes
the x axis and the second measure becomes the y axis. By default, when you plot
two measures in your view, Tableau aggregates these measures to a single dot in the
view. You then have to manually de-aggregate (make the more granular) the measure
to create the scatter plot (as shown in the following screenshot).
Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures | 301

Here is the final version of the scatter plot, which you will create with two measures
and two dimensions:

Figure 5.22: Sample scatter plot of Sales versus Profit for each sub-category

The following Exercise 5.04 will outline the steps to this in detail.

Exercise 5.04: Creating a Scatter Plot

The manager of your store requests a report looking at total sales versus profit for
each sub-category sold in the store. The chart must identify each sub-category, using
color to represent the overarching category each subcategory belongs to. You will be
using the Sample – Superstore dataset to fulfill the request.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

1. Load the Orders table from Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau
instance (if its not already open in your Tableau instance).

2. Select two measures for plotting data points. For this exercise, these are Sales
and Profit.
302 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

3. Drag Profit to the Columns shelf and Sales to the Rows shelf:

Figure 5.23: Aggregated scatter plot of Profit versus Sales

Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures | 303

As soon as you drag the second measure to the Rows shelf, you get a plot with
only one dot in the view. By default, Tableau aggregates all measures whenever
they are dragged from the Data pane to the shelf. The point here represents the
intersection of Sales versus Profits for all records in the dataset. You have to
specify the level of detail for the plot by de-aggregating the measures.

4. Next, you will de-aggregate the measures to break down your aggregate data
point into multiple points. You do that by selecting Analysis from the menu
bar at the top and de-selecting Aggregate Measures:

Figure 5.24: How to aggregate/de-aggregate measures

This changes the level of detail of the plot from one point for all the records in
the dataset to one point for each record in the dataset.
304 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

5. Double-click the title to revise it, and your Sales versus Profit scatter plot
is ready:

Figure 5.25: De-aggregated scatter plot of Sales versus Profit

In Figure 5.25, you see that after de-aggregation there is one point for every
order in the dataset, rather than just one mark/point. The view represents every
order in the dataset, and the sales and profit of each order ID.
Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures | 305

6. Reselect Aggregate Measures. Change the level of detail to

Sub-Category, so there is one dot for each Sub-Category in the data. Do
this by dragging Sub-Category from the Data pane to the Detail Marks
card. Next, drag Sub-Category to the Label Marks card so it is easier to
understand the plot:

Figure 5.26: Scatter points of total sales versus profit for each sub-category

In Figure 5.25, you see that when the level of detail is changed from each order ID
to each sub-category, the number of scatter points in the view reduces. There is
now one mark representing each sub-category.
306 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

7. To add another dimension to the view, add Category to the Color Marks
shelf, which allow you to identify the sub-category quickly. These category colors
also act as highlighters. The final output is as follows:

Figure 5.27: Color-coded sub-category scatter plot

Figure 5.27 clearly shows that the Tables sub-category brought in roughly
$200K in sales, but was a loss-making sub-category, since Tables sales shows
a loss of about $20K. Copiers on the other hand, shows sales of $150K and
profits over $50K.

Considering how easy it is to observe these insights, scatter plots can be an

incredible tool for plotting two measures against one and other. By adding
more visual elements, it can transform into a powerful visual chart that is easily
understandable as well as reasonably easy to create.

This wraps up scatter plots with two measures and two dimensions. Next, you will
explore trend lines, and the options we have available in Tableau.
Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 307

Scatter Plots with Trend Lines

In this section, rather than focusing on the math that trend lines are dependent on,
you will look at them from an analyst/data developer perspective, and will see some
common use cases in business.

Trend lines are used to observe relationships between variables. For example, they
could be used to see the relationship between force and acceleration, or to track the
relationship between sales and profits over a given time period. They are statistical
models that are useful in estimating future patterns or trends based on historical
data points.

Adding trend lines in Tableau is fairly simple. In this section, you will explore the
variations of trend lines available. Figure 5.27 shows the five types of a trend line in
Tableau. You will get a thorough definition of each as well as their most common
applications a little later in this section.

Figure 5.28: Types of trend lines in Tableau

In the next exercise, you will explore trend lines using scatter plots.

Exercise 5.05: Trend Lines with Scatter Plots

You will create scatter plots (as before), and will later add trend lines to your charts
You will be using the Sample – Superstore dataset, and by the end of the
exercise, you will have a good grasp of the different types of trend line that Tableau
has available.
308 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. From the Superstore sample dataset, drag Profit to the Columns shelf in
the view.

2. Drag Sales to the Rows shelf. Tableau automatically aggregates (sums)

the measures as a default setting. To change the level of detail in the
view or to de-aggregate the view, navigate to Analysis | Untick
Aggregate Measures.
3. To make these trend lines clearer, add Order Date to Color. Also, format the
opacity of the Color Marks to 70% to make it easier to read.

Figure 5.29: Changing Opacity for our Marks

Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 309

There are three different methods to add trend lines in our views
illustrated below:

4. Method 1 – Using the menu bar: Navigate to Analysis | Trend Lines |

Show Trend Lines:

Figure 5.30: Showing trend lines

310 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

5. Method 2 – Using the pane of the view: Right-click on an empty area or any of
the circular Marks and navigate to Trend Lines | Show Trend Lines:

Figure 5.31: Showing Trend Lines – 2

Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 311

6. Method 3 – Using the Analytics pane: If you have not yet explored Tableau’s
second pane in addition to the Data pane, it’s about time. Navigate to the
Analytics pane and drag a trend line into the view. Select any of the trend line
options available to you.

Depending on your Tableau version, you will either get four or five trend
line options. Users with Tableau instances older than Tableau 10.5 won’t be
able to see the Power trend line. This book uses Tableau version 2020.X—
hence, the Power trend line is available.

The final output is as follows:

Figure 5.32: Types of trend lines in Tableau

In this exercise, you learned ways to add a trend line to the view. Next, you will
explore each trend line in greater detail.
312 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Trend Lines and Types

As previously covered, trend lines help to show the overall trend in the view. They
can also be used to predict the continuation of a trend in data. Additionally, they help
to identify the correlation between two variables by analyzing the underlying trend.

You will now explore each of the five trend lines that Tableau has to offer, how they
differ from each other, and when to use them.

Linear Trend Lines

When estimating the linear relationship between independent as well as dependent
variables (for example, the exchange rate between US dollars and others currencies),
linear trend lines are the best-fit lines. Linear trend lines help to estimate variables
that are steadily increasing or decreasing. The formula for a linear trend line is
as follows:

Figure 5.33: Linear trend line formula

Here, Y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, which affects

the dependent variable. m is the slope of the trend line, and c is the constant

In a linear model, it is assumed that as one of the variables increases, the rate of
increase/decrease for the second variable will increase/decrease at a constant rate
too. More often, the variables will fall close to the trend line plotted by the model. The
following figure shows an example of a linear trend line:
Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 313

Figure 5.34: Linear trend line showcase

314 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Polynomial Trend Lines

Polynomial, as the word suggests, means multiple items, and is best when there are
a lot of fluctuations in your data. For example, it might be used when analyzing the
gains and losses of stocks over a large dataset. The degree/order of a polynomial
trend line is useful for determining the number of fluctuations or hills/bends in our
data. The formula for a polynomial trend line is as follows:

Figure 5.35: Polynomial trend lines formula

Here, Y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, which affects the
dependent variable; m is the slope at a point, and c is the constant.

The following figure shows an example of a scatter plot with a polynomial trend line:

Figure 5.36: Polynomial trend line showcase

Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 315

Polynomial Degree of Freedom

In the following screenshot, the degree of freedom for the polynomial trend line is 3,
which means that, after analyzing the dataset, Tableau decided that the data should
have three bends/hills depending on the fluctuations. A degree of 3 usually has either
one or two hills and/or valleys. If you want the data to be more precise and sensitive
to fluctuations, you can increase the degree of freedom to the maximum value of 8.
Go ahead and play with it.

Figure 5.37: Polynomial degree of freedom edit

Logarithmic Trend Lines

If variables increase/decrease quickly and the rate later flattens out, the best-fit lines
are logarithmic trend lines. An example of a logarithmic trend line is inflation rate,
where the inflation rate can increase/decrease quickly and eventually flatten as the
economy starts to stabilize. Another example is the rate of learning for a novice
versus an expert. When a novice starts learning a topic, the rate of learning is Very
fast but as they master the topic, the rate of learning flattens out. Like a linear trend
line, a logarithmic trend line can use both negative and positive values.

Figure 5.38: Logarithmic trend line formula

316 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Here, Y is the dependent variable, ln(X) is the log base, which affects the dependent
variable; m is the slope, and c is the constant. The following figure shows a scatter
plot with a logarithmic trend line:

Figure 5.39: Logarithmic trend line showcase

The opacity is reduced and some of the data is filtered to make it
more readable.
Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 317

Exponential Trend Lines

The exponential trend line is the best-fit line that is most useful when the rate of the
rise/fall of data is steep. The rate of spread of a virus is exponential, as an example
from nature: COVID-19. The formula for an exponential trend line is as follows:

Figure 5.40: Exponential trend line formula

Here, Y is the dependent variable, X is the independent variable, which affects the
dependent variable; m is the slope of the line, and e is the mathematical constant. The
following plot shows the execution of an exponential trend line:

Figure 5.41: Scatter plot with an exponential trend line

318 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Power Trend Lines

A power trend line is usually a curved line that is best utilized when the dataset
contains measures that increase at a specific rate. Think about the rate of interest
every year, the rate of water flow from a dam every minute, or the acceleration of a
train or car. Although the trend line looks like a linear trend line, it is not linear, but
curved. The formula for a power trend line is as follows:

Figure 5.42: Power trend line formula

Here, Y is the dependent variable, X is the independent variable, which affects the
dependent variable, and m1 and m2 are the slope. The following figure shows a
scatter plot with a power trend line:

Figure 5.43: Power trend line plot

Scatter Plots with Trend Lines | 319

This wraps up the types of trend lines in Tableau. Next, you will explore the reliability
of trend lines and the significance of R-squared values and p-values.

The Reliability of Trend Lines

For each of the trend lines, you have a tooltip that includes the trend line formula, the
R-squared value, and the p-value. For example, in a power trend line, Profit, which
is the dependent variable, is related to the independent variable of Sales as seen in
the following formula:

Figure 5.44: Power trend line result

The way to read the formula is that for every unit increase in Sales, Profit will be
calculated by multiplying Sales by the power of 1.158 by 0.5591. You will now explore
the significance of R-squared values and p-values.

As end users of the trend line, it is important to understand the reliability of these
predictions. The trend line is considered most reliable when the R-squared value is
closest to 1. This signals that there is an extremely high likelihood that future data/
variables will fall within the predicted line (or close to it).

The p-value is a statistical function that quantifies how likely it is that a given
prediction happened by chance. The lower the p-value, the more statistically
significant. In the power trend line example, the p-value was very small (p < 0.0001),
which means if you were to collect the data points for the report again, it is highly
likely you would see a similar trend, . For most use cases, any p-value greater than p
> 0.05 is considered statistically insignificant, which means if you were to repeat the
same data collection, you would likely not get a similar trend, since there is a greater
than 5% chance the results were due to randomness or chance.
320 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

This wraps up the section on trend lines, where you explored the five default trend
lines Tableau and the importance of R-squared and p-value. In the next section, you
will compare two measures with one another via dual axis.

Advanced Charts
In previous exercises, you have explored distributions and relationships across
single as well as multiple measures, which allows you to answer essential business
questions relatively well. But Tableau offers advanced chart types, which can help
answer complicated questions such as What are the trends of profit with regard to sales
by year? You can easily answer this question by utilizing a dual axis chart.

In this section, you will explore the following chart types:

• Quadrant charts

• Combination charts

• Lollipop charts

• Pareto charts

This is certainly not an exhaustive list of the advanced charting available in Tableau;
there are other interesting chart types such as donut charts, sparkline charts, Sankey
diagrams, and waffle charts. But the charts above are some of the essential ones that
are most frequently used in business dashboards, and are generally well received by
end users.

Quadrant Charts
Quadrant charts are just scatter plots divided into four grids instead of two sections.
In the scatter plots created previously (Exercise 5.04, Creating a Scatter Plot), you
compared sales versus profits, but it was difficult to identify outliers, or marks that
had high profit and high sales, or low profit and high sales.

Quadrant charts can help . In this section, you will create a quadrant chart, as you can
see in the following figure:
Advanced Charts | 321

Figure 5.45: Power trend line result

Before creating your quadrant chart, it is important to talk about reference lines and
the options available.

Reference Lines
Reference lines do what their name suggests, adding a reference to our view. You can
add reference lines either as constants or with calculated values of the axis. When
you add a reference line with a computed value, the line is dynamic and adjusts
depending on the specific field that the line is dependent on.
322 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Apart from reference lines, you can also add confidence intervals to lines.

Figure 5.46: Reference line for average sales for the Superstore dataset

In the preceding screenshot, the reference line added in the view represents the
average sales each quarter across the dataset. Adding reference lines helps to create
a reference point where the reference point can be compared with the overall view.

Understanding Reference Lines

To better understand the importance of reference lines, you will now create a sample
view of sales by year and explore the types of reference lines available in Tableau:

• Entire Table Reference Line: The scope of this type of reference line is the
entire table.

• Per Pane Reference Line: This type of reference line is added to each
sub-section of the view.

• Per Cell Reference Line: With this reference line type, you add a reference line
for each individual cell in the view.
Advanced Charts | 323

The steps to this are as follows:

1. Assuming you have the Sample – Superstore dataset open in Tableau

instance, add YEAR(Order Date), then drag Category (Ctrl + drag for
Windows or Option + drag for Mac) to the Columns shelf.

2. Drag Sales to the Rows shelf and, to add color to the view, drag YEAR(Order
Date) to the Color Marks card:

Figure 5.47: Sales by category and year

3. Navigate to the Analytics pane and select and drag Reference Lines to
the view. As you do so, you get three options: Table, Pane, and Cell. These
are the scope of the reference lines that you have to select for the view.
324 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

4. Entire Table Reference Line: The scope of the reference line in the entire table.
In this case, you are adding a reference line for Average Sales for the entire table.

Figure 5.48: Average sales for the dataset

5. Per Pane Reference Line: In this type of reference line, the reference line is
added to each category and the average or any other computation is calculated
as required by each category.

Figure 5.49: Average sales by year

Advanced Charts | 325

6. Per Cell Reference Line: This is likely the least used reference line, because, in
this case, it just adds a reference line for sales by category for each of the years
in the view, which as you can see in the following figure is just a reference line at
the top of the bar chart.

Figure 5.50: Average sales by category and year

326 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

7. In the preceding screenshots, you might have noticed that the reference line has
the Average Sales label at the start of the line. You can add that either while
adding the reference line to the view or by editing after adding the reference
line to the view. Right-click Reference Lines | Edit Reference Lines.
Navigate to Label and select Custom from the dropdown. Type your label
name with <Value> (in this case, Avg: <Value>):

Figure 5.51: Editing Reference Lines with aggregation options

Advanced Charts | 327

If you want to change the scope of your reference line, you can edit it from the Edit
Reference Line, Band, or Box window that you saw in the previous step.
You can also change the value of your measure to be count, sum, min, max, or some
other aggregation as per your need.

Exercise 5.06: Creating Quadrant Charts

In this exercise, you will analyze store data to find both overall profit across all orders,
as well as profit ratio. A reference point should be present in the view that allows
anyone to quickly understand higher profit and higher profit ratio orders, as well as
lower profit and higher loss-making orders.

The best chart to fulfill these requirements is the quadrant chart, because it allows
for scatter plot-creation with vertical and horizontal reference lines, which will help
create a reference point with regard to profit versus profit ratio.

You will be using the Sample – Superstore dataset. By the end of the exercise,
you should be able to understand the different types of reference lines available
in Tableau.

Perform the followings steps to complete the exercise:

1. Open the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a scatter plot of profit versus profit ratio. Drag Profit to the Columns
shelf and Profit Ratio to the Rows shelf. De-aggregate the measures by
navigating to Analysis and unchecking Aggregate Measures.

If Profit Ratio is unavailable for you, use Sales instead.
328 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

3. Drag YEAR(Order Date) (Ctrl + drag for Windows and Option + drag for Mac)
to the Color Marks shelf:

Figure 5.52: Scatter plot for a quadrant chart

As you can see, you have plotted all orders on the x-y axis where the x axis is
Profit and the y axis is Profit Ratio. You also color-coded the orders
by year.

4. To add quadrants, add reference lines to the view. Since a quadrant contains two
lines intersecting in the middle, you will be adding two reference lines—one for
Average Profit, and one for Average Profit Ratio.
5. Navigate to the Analytics pane, and drag Reference Lines to the view.
First, you will create a reference line for Profit, which in this case is the
vertical reference line. Right-click the reference line to edit the Label text and
value as discussed in the Understanding Reference Lines section. You have added
Average Profit: <Value> as the Label Marks card for the vertical line.
Advanced Charts | 329

6. Repeat the steps for a horizontal reference line, which in this case, is the average
horizontal reference line for Profit Ratio:

Figure 5.53: Reference lines on a scatter plot

In the preceding figure, you added two reference lines with aggregation set to
Average. The horizontal reference line represents Average Profit Ratio
across Orders and the vertical reference line represents Average Profit
across Orders.
330 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

7. To make it easier for an audience, you can annotate the quadrants by right-
clicking in the view and adding annotation text as shown in the following figure:

Figure 5.54: Annotated text quadrant chart

This wraps up this section on quadrant charts. You have now explored reference lines
in combination with scatter plots and have also added annotations to the view, which
is a great contextual tool for charts. Next, you will explore dual axis charts.
Advanced Charts | 331

Combination Charts – Dual axis Charts

Combination charts (otherwise known as dual axis charts or combo charts) are one
of the most popular chart types due to their flexibility and the value they add to
storytelling. Dual axis chart types are essentially two charts merged into one with a
shared axis. For example, a date dimension could be the x axis and you could have
two separate y axes on the same chart representing two different measures. An
example of a dual axis chart for our Superstore dataset would be the trends of
profit with regard to sales by year. Here, Year will be the Date dimension (x axis)
and Sales and Profit will be the y axis. You will create a dual axis chart with similar
mark types as part of the section.

Figure 5.55: Sample dual axis line chart

As you can see in the preceding figure, there are two line charts in the same view. The
blue line represents Profit by Quarter and the orange line represents Sales
by Quarter.

Exercise 5.07: Creating Dual axis Charts

Now, you will create a view of sales versus profits, and will also show the trends of
both these business-critical metrics in the view. The view has to be by quarter. You
will be using the Sample – Superstore dataset to create the view.
332 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Drag QUARTER(Order Date) to the Columns shelf and click the arrow on
QUARTER(Order Date) in the Columns shelf and change the level of detail
for the dimension to Continuous (you can also press Ctrl + drag for Windows
or Option + drag for Mac to select Continuous):

Figure 5.56: Converting the date to Continuous

Advanced Charts | 333

3. Add Profit as well as Sales to the Rows shelf. Create two bar charts as
shown in the following figure. Add QUARTER(Order Date) as Label for
better representation:

Figure 5.57: Profit and Sales bar charts by quarter

334 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

4. On the Marks shelf, there are three sections: All, SUM(Profit), and
SUM(Sales). Having individual measures as Marks cards allows you to control
each of these measures separately. On the All marks card (if applicable in your
Tableau instance), change the Marks type from Bar to Line. The output is
shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 5.58: Sales and Profit line charts by quarter

Advanced Charts | 335

5. The most important step is to right-click or click on the down arrow for either
of the two measures (Profit or Sales) in the Rows shelf and tick to select
Dual Axis.

Figure 5.59: Converting two line charts to a dual axis chart

336 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

6. There are now two separate measures, Profit and Sales, sharing Order
Date as a common x axis and two measure values as the y axis:

Figure 5.60: Dual axis chart – asynchronous

If you observe closely, the two axes have different Marks, with the Profit
axis ranging from $0-$40,000, and Sales ranging from $0-$250,000. The
chart portrays the completely wrong picture, because the two line charts have
different axis ranges and could lead to incorrect insights.
Advanced Charts | 337

7. To fix the asynchronous axes, right-click either of the axes and select
Synchronize Axis, this will fix the issue and should now have two axes
with the same ranges:

Figure 5.61: How to synchronize a dual axis chart

The final output will be as follows:

Figure 5.62: Synchronized dual axis chart

338 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

You have now created your first dual axis chart. The title or axes labels can
be changed as per your requirements. In the preceding screenshot, after
synchronizing the axes, you see that for 2016 Q4, Sales were in the range
of $150-200K, whereas Profit was in the range of $0-50K. If you had not
synchronized the axes, it would have been difficult to understand what the sales
or profit was for each of the line charts.

As you have observed, dual axis charts such as scatter plots can be incredibly
powerful charts to convey information in the most succinct, contextual way. In
Figure 5.62, you can see sales versus profit growth over the years, and can
analyze the trend while doing so.

This brings to close the main body of the chapter. You will now complete some
activities to build on what you have learned.

Activity 5.01: Creating Scatter Plots

Imagine you work as an e-commerce analyst and your manager has asked you to
create a view of Sales versus Profit Ratio. (Use Profit, if Profit Ratio
is unavailable for you.) They want to see the metric broken down by Segment and
Year. You will use scatter plots to achieve this, and will fulfill the requirements using
the Sample – Superstore dataset.

The following steps will help you complete this activity:

1. Open the Sample – Superstore dataset in Tableau instance.

2. Double-click or drag Profit Ratio to the Columns shelf.

3. Repeat the last step for the Sales to Rows shelf.

4. De-aggregate the measure by navigating to Analysis and unselecting the

aggregate measures.

5. Add Category to the Color Marks card and Segment to the Shape
Marks card.
6. Next, add Segment to Filters and show it in your view.

7. Repeat the same step for YEAR(Order Date), by dragging Order Date to
the Filter shelf.

8. Change both the filters shown in the view to Single Value (List) by
clicking or right-clicking on the top-right arrow.
Advanced Charts | 339

9. Double-click on View Title to change the title of the worksheet to Scatter

Plot by Segment and Year.
10. Change the opacity of your color to 70% for better readability.

11. You should have the following filters.

The final output will be as follows:

Figure 5.63: Activity final output

In this activity, you strengthened your knowledge of scatter plots and

formatting options.
340 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

As a chart reading exercise, consider the circular (Consumer segment), red

(Technology category) mark type at the top right of the chart. As you see, this
particular point (order) has a high sales figure, and a high profit ratio for 2019. An
observing category manager, will see such outliers, and can now take steps to
replicate this success across the board.

The solution to this activity can be found here:

Activity 5.02: Dual axis Chart with Asynchronous Axes

This activity continues on from the last. After fulfilling the initial scatter plot
requirements, you are now tasked with creating a dual axis chart, that shows how
Discounts affect Sales month by month. Essentially, you are asked to create a
view of sales versus discounts by month using a dual axis chart with an asynchronous
dual axis.

The following steps will help you complete this activity:

1. Open the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create the initial bar chart showing Sales by Order Date by

Month (Continuous).
3. Change the chart type from Line to Bar from the Marks card.

4. Drag Discount to the Column shelf.

5. Create a dual axis by right-clicking on any of the measures in the Column shelf.

6. Change the mark type of Discount from Bar to Line from the Marks shelf.

7. Don’t synchronize your axes, because if you do, the Discount axis will have a
range of 0-120,000%, which in reality does not exist.
Advanced Charts | 341

8. Format the chart by adding the Discount label for Discount, and edit the
color of the Discount line chart to blue, or any color you prefer.

The final expected output is as follows:

Figure 5.64: Final output of Activity 5.02

In this activity, you created a dual axis chart with different marks types for the
measures, and explored why synchronizing the axes is not always a good idea, as it
can lead to extrapolating or under-reporting the actual numbers.
342 | Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships

The way to read the preceding dual axis chart is, say, for April 2016, the average
discount was 11% and Total Sales that month were $28,295.

Figure 5.65: Dual axis final output of Activity 5.02

Similarly, for the month of December 2018, you should notice that the average
discount was 14% while Total Sales that month were $96,999. If you sync your
dual axes, the average discount percentage would probably be in the thousands, as
seen in Figure 5.73.

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Summary | 343

In this chapter, you explored distribution with one-measure histograms, box and
whisker plots, and multiple-measure scatter plots. You also saw in detail the types of
trend lines available in Tableau, why they are used, and which trend lines are most
appropriate for given situations. Then, you learned how to check whether a trend
line created by Tableau is reliable, and touched on the R-squared value and p-value.
Finally, you explored advanced chart types, where we interacted with dual axis and
quadrant charts. Finally, you completed some activities on dual axis charts with
asynchronous axes, as well as scatter plots with filters and shapes.

You are now at the stage where you can start to answer data questions using all
the different types of you have created. You can start adding readability elements ,
and you can also create advanced visualizations if the view requires you to answer
multiple questions at once (such as profit versus sales trend by quarter on a dual
axis chart).

In the next chapter, you will move away from standard data and on to geographical
data, where you will dive deeper into maps and the formatting options available.
Data Exploration: Exploring
Geographical Data

This chapter reviews the geographic capabilities available within Tableau.
Tableau provides an extensive set of options for working with location-
based source data, which can help you design solutions using either point
or polygon location data. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to
effectively use geographic data in Tableau to perform sophisticated location-
based analyses. You will gain a greater understanding of how to import
multiple data formats and use your data to create polished, interactive
maps. These skills will be developed through a series of exercises followed
by an activity wherein you will create your own geographic workbook from
start to finish.
346 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

In the last chapter, you explored distributions and relationships in a dataset and
learned how to identify patterns within a given dataset. This chapter will focus
on the geographic aspect of data and how location affects those distributions
and relationships.

Understanding geographic patterns is critical for many datasets, whether they

are revenue patterns around the world for a global corporation or local purchase
patterns for a small business. This type of data is especially useful for explaining
patterns to internal or external customers with maps, in which you can show patterns
at the region or country level all the way down to postal code or even smaller
geographic levels, depending on how the data is collected. This can be highly useful
for visualizing purchase, voting, or demographic patterns, as just a few examples.

One of the most powerful aspects of using geographic data and maps lies in the
intuitive understanding of location data many users are likely to have. This helps to
put patterns in perspective, allowing you to more quickly derive critical insights about
the locations and interactions of customers, clients, donors, or other stakeholders
within your organization.

Geographic data can be as simple as basic street address information or as complex

as custom location-based hierarchies created by an organization, where multiple
geographic levels have been defined based on a set of custom boundaries. Ideally,
your work starts with data that has already been geocoded, making it quite simple
to read the data into Tableau without further steps. In some cases, you will need to
do some additional work so that your location data is accurately defined. It is very
important to understand the level of geographic granularity you are working with
in your data, as well as the type of location information that is captured in the data:
do you have latitude and longitude coordinates in your source data, or will you use
Tableau to automatically perform this process?

In this chapter, you will learn how to import geographic data and use it in your
Tableau worksheets and dashboards. The chapter will also highlight when location
data should be mapped and when it is best used within charts to tell the most
effective story, as well as which level of geographic granularity (postal code, city,
state, and so on) is appropriate for an analysis. By the end of the chapter, you will be
proficient in using geographic data as a critical part of your Tableau toolkit.

In this chapter, you will work with a Madrid Airbnb dataset for your point data and a
shapefile with New York City boundaries for your polygon data.
Importing Spatial Data | 347

Importing Spatial Data

Before you can use the many capabilities Tableau provides for geographic datasets,
it is important to understand the geographic data types that Tableau can utilize.
Tableau can ingest geospatial data from many popular formats, including shapefile,
GeoJSON, and MapInfo sources. The next section will cover some of the most
common spatial formats and how to add them to your workbooks.

Spatial data is unique in how it defines geographic attributes. While typical

spreadsheet or database data may contain geographic elements (city, state, country,
postal code, and so on), it will not contain additional information about those entities.
Most often, you will have a pair of geographic coordinates to work with: latitude
and longitude. For common entities such as a country, state, or province, mapping
software will recognize the codes and allow the use of choropleth (filled) maps.

Choropleth maps are shapefiles/GeoJSON data sources that not only contain simple
latitude/longitude values corresponding to a postal code centroid, a store location,
or even a city, but also include shape details as well as other geospatial details. You
can create choropleth maps based on polygons in the data source. For anything more
sophisticated or customized, you will typically rely on some type of spatial file that
provides very detailed boundary information. Choropleth maps are synonymous with
filled maps—the type often seen in displaying political or other preference data at a
country, state, or county level. They differ from point-based maps, which are typically
defined by a single latitude and longitude set of coordinates. In some cases, you can
overlay points on a choropleth map to communicate a second layer of information
to the viewer. Now that you have a basic understanding of what spatial, as well as
choropleth, maps are, you can now proceed to learn about types of data files for
these map types.

Data File Types

This section will briefly discuss several types of spatial files that can be easily used
in Tableau. Each of these data types represents specific spatial (geographic) data
formats that may contain additional values at specific geographic levels. As previously
noted, these types differ from typical databases or spreadsheet data that may also
contain geographic fields such as city, state, or postal code. Those data sources will be
addressed in the following subsection; your current focus is on several very specific
spatial sources. Let's take a brief tour of each type.
348 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

ESRI Shapefiles
Shapefiles are commonly encountered when users are looking for boundary files
defining specific geographic levels. This type of data is frequently viewed as polygons
(or areas corresponding to specific geographic definitions) but may also contain
point or line data. Shapefile data is contained in a set of multiple file types, and
must contain at a minimum the .shp, .shx, and .dbf file type extensions. There
are many other optional extensions providing additional information about the
underlying geographic data.

Shapefiles are quite popular and are used especially for choropleth maps showing
specific attributes about defined geographic areas, often based on administrative
boundaries such as country, state/province, or county, such as official zoning maps
from the city government, which you will explore later in the chapter.

GeoJSON Files
GeoJSON is a format dating from 2008 and may contain geographic details at the
point, line string, and polygon levels, as well as combinations of these three types.
Files in this format can be more flexible than shapefiles as they use the JSON
structure to include multiple levels of detail. Not all geometries can be represented
in GeoJSON, but it is now recommended as a preferred alternative to shapefiles in
many instances.

GeoJSON also enables geographic movement to be represented; for example, a

driving route or a flight path can be tracked by a series of geographic coordinates
in sequence, forming a LineString. Other geographic types include Point,
Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon. These types
may be used individually or in combination, making GeoJSON a flexible, powerful
geospatial source.

KML Files
KML is an acronym for Keyhole Markup Language and is in an XML type of format,
always with latitude and longitude attributes as well as named geographic points
(London, New York City, and so on). This has traditionally been the format used by
Google Earth for plotting coordinates on a map.
Importing Spatial Data | 349

MapInfo Interchange Format

MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF) files contain database and map information
originating in the MapInfo software program, one of the oldest and most popular
dedicated Geographic Information System (GIS) platforms.

MapInfo Tables
MapInfo tables (the .tab file extension) contain vector data formats for use in GIS
software. As with shapefiles, there are multiple files used to contain attribute data,
location data, and other related information.

TopoJSON Files
TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON that also includes topology information, which
can be used to color maps based on topological features within an area.

Downloading the Data Source from GitHub

As has been previously mentioned, to complete this or any other chapter in this book,
it is highly recommended that you use the data source uploaded to the official GitHub
repository. The reasoning for this is that, by the time you are reading this book,
the official data source or the link to that data source might have been changed. In
addition, most times, the data source that is part of the GitHub repository for the
book is cleaned to aid understanding of the concepts. Therefore, wherever possible,
utilize the data from the official GitHub link, rather than downloading the data from
official data sources.

The Chapter 6: Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data GitHub data source folder
can be found at the following URL:

• NYC Zoning Data: ESRI which stands for Environmental Systems Research
Institute, is an organization which has supported in design, development as well
as implementation of geographic based information management systems since
1969. In our data folder "New York City Zoning" folder, contains ESRI format
spatial files which is a combination of .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj file formats. To
connect to these spatial files, all the above files as well as .zip files should be
included in the same folder.

City of New York data source link:

350 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

• Madrid Airbnb data source: was created by Murray Cox for
his project on Airbnb and the dataset contains multiple files including listing
details, reviews, as well as neighborhood details.

InsideAirBnB data source link:

• SF buyout data: This file is obtained from the City of San Francisco's public data
repo, which contains a shapefile (.shp) of all the buyout agreements of the City of
San Francisco from 2015. You will use this data source in the activity section. data source link:


Exercise 6.01: Downloading the Source Data

In this exercise, you will download and import a geospatial data source that can be
used for filled (choropleth) maps.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open a browser and navigate to the Chapter06 GitHub repository:

Figure 6.1: New York City zoning shapefile

Importing Spatial Data | 351

2. Click on the NYC Zoning Data folder and download the ZIP file. Extract the
ZIP file to the location of your choice:

Figure 6.2: New York City data download formats

3. Locate and extract the shapefile you just downloaded.

4. Open a new Tableau workbook.

5. Add a new data source by selecting Data | New Data Source:

Figure 6.3: Adding New Data

352 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

6. Select Spatial file from the Connect menu:

Figure 6.4: Selecting the Spatial file option

Importing Spatial Data | 353

7. Open the downloaded file and import the .shp file into Tableau. When you add
the .shp(spatial) file from the NYC Zoning Data folder, Tableau processes all
the files in that folder including rest of four file formats and creates a polygon
map of the data. ESRI files in Tableau gets processed when all the files are
combined into one shape file and loaded onto Tableau:

Figure 6.5: Importing the data source

8. Click on Sheet 1 to create your first sheet.

354 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

9. Find the Geometry measure and drag it to the Detail card:

Figure 6.6: Adding the Geometry measure to the Detail card

Importing Spatial Data | 355

Tableau will automatically create a map using the shapefile information, as

shown here:

Figure 6.7: The default Tableau map output

356 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

The preceding screenshot shows a shapefile version of New York City and completes
the goal of loading spatial data files into Tableau.

In this exercise, you downloaded the data source from and
imported a shapefile to display zoning districts for New York City. You can now view
the information related to each of the polygon shapes in the file. In the next section,
you will learn how to import non-spatial geographic data sources and join them for
analysis later in the chapter.

Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources

Many geographic data sources are not specifically spatial sources but are instead
found in spreadsheet or database formats as part of a larger dataset. These datasets
will typically contain non-geographic data, such as customer information, time-
period details, and assorted metrics. Geographic features such as country, state, and
city will often also be included, making it possible to create maps displaying many
data attributes.

Tableau makes it easy to create maps from these sources, although you may need to
assist in the process, as you'll see shortly. Since many Tableau data sources will not
reside in spatial formats, it is essential to make sure you can use general data sources
to display geographic information at the appropriate level of detail.

Importing these sources is no different than the process for any general type of
Tableau data. The only difference here is that you require one or more geographic
fields to help you put your data in a map format. In the following section, you'll work
through a quick exercise where you will import a non-spatial source.

Your first data source will be a detailed listing of Airbnb properties in Madrid. This file
will contain information about the host, property location, ratings, reviews, and other
property details.

Exercise 6.02: Importing a Non-Spatial Data Source

In this exercise, you will import the detailed listings text file, which has already been
downloaded. By the end of this exercise, you will have a Tableau data source with
several attributes that can be used for mapping properties in a Tableau worksheet. If
you have not already downloaded the listings_detailed.csv file, you can find
it here:

The steps to achieving this are as follows:

1. Select Data | New Data Source from the top menu:

Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources | 357

Figure 6.8: Creating a new data source

2. Select the Text file option:

Figure 6.9: Selecting the Text file option

358 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

3. Locate your downloaded file. It will be a .zip file probably, so extract the
file in a folder and that folder should contain multiple files. To import the file
(listings_detailed.csv), locate listings_detailed.csv and click
the Open button:

Figure 6.10: Adding the text file data source

Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources | 359

4. For the purposes of efficient data performance, create an extract of this data
instead of live data so that when you are developing your visualization, your data
operations will be quick. Select the Extract radio button under Connection
at the top right of the data pane and then click Update Now. This will populate
your window with a subset of data:

Figure 6.11: Selecting the Extract option

360 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

5. Rename the data source bnb listings and save your extract
when prompted:

Figure 6.12: Renaming the data source

6. Select a sheet and let the extract run. You will now see all your data dimensions
and measures, along with a blank workspace:

Figure 6.13: Viewing the workspace after creating the extract

Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources | 361

In the previous exercise, you imported spatial data, and in this exercise, you've
imported a non-spatial data source containing several geographic fields that will help
you to create informative maps using the location of thousands of Airbnb properties.
Next up are relationships between spatial and non-spatial data.

Data Relationships
One Tableau feature you can use for geographic data (or indeed any data type) is
joins, which allows you to create relationships at the data source level. Tableau has
always permitted joins between multiple data sources added separately, but this was
often useful only for smaller datasets where a simple join was sufficient. Using data
relationships at the data source level takes a more robust approach, allowing multiple
types of joins as well as unions of source datasets. This approach also leads to much
better performance, especially when creating an extract.

Creating joins at the data source level allows connecting data from multiple sources
(text, Excel, database, and so on), making it simple to combine data using a single
key field within a join. This can be especially useful when different parts of an
organization (that is, marketing versus finance) use different information systems, or
when you require a simple lookup table to provide intuitive definitions that are not
included in your source database information.

Exercise 6.03: Joining Two Data Sources

In the following exercise, you will join two data sources to create additional
possibilities for your analysis. The first (primary) source is the listings_
detailed.csv file, and your secondary file is a simple neighborhoods file that will
provide neighborhood names and was part of the data source you downloaded in
the previous exercise. Keep in mind this exercise is for illustration purposes only. You
can do much more with data joins, assuming your secondary file has additional fields.
This topic will be covered in the subsequent chapters.
362 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Creating your data join consists of a few simple steps:

1. Add a new data source or edit the existing source to be the listings_
detailed.csv file if it's already been created:

Figure 6.14: Adding the listings file to the data window

2. Add the primary data source to the window (if it's not already there) by dragging
it from the Connections tab.

3. Drag the secondary source (the neighborhoods file) to the data source window
from the Connections tab.
Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources | 363

4. Create a join between the two sources using the Neighbourhood field from
each data source in the drop-down menu for each source. Then, select the
Inner join option. Your window should look like this:

Figure 6.15: Creating a table join between two data sources

364 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

5. Update the extract by selecting the Update Now button.

Your final output should be the following:

Figure 6.16: Creating a table join between two data sources

Managing Location Data | 365

You will now have the new field(s) available from the secondary source. As
mentioned previously, this is a very simple example, but you could also use the
secondary source as a reference table to provide additional information about a
neighborhood, such as the number of bars, restaurants, or tourist attractions. There
are many other possibilities; all that is needed is a common field to create a join. In
the next section, you will explore how to edit locations and their aliases and create
custom geographies.

Managing Location Data

The key to producing maps and other meaningful geographic analyses is to have
the necessary location elements (country, state, city, and so on) and to make sure
they are classified correctly in Tableau. In many instances, Tableau will correctly
identify these roles, making your job simple. In other cases, you will need to tell
Tableau the correct role. This is often the case when your source field names do not
correspond to the standard naming conventions used by Tableau. There may also
be cases where Tableau incorrectly assumes that a non-geographic field represents
location data based on the field name of the dimension, or where a value cannot be
automatically identified.

This section will explore the various ways in which geographic data can be created
and maintained in Tableau using three primary approaches—assigning roles, editing
locations, and building custom geographic levels.

Assigning Geographic Roles

Tableau is quite adept at interpreting geographic levels based on source data naming
conventions. For example, if you have a source field named city, then Tableau will
assume you want to use this field to identify cities on a map. This may not always be
the case—a field named city neighborhood may identify a different geographic
level. In these instances, Tableau will require your guidance to match source fields
to the correct geographic levels. Being familiar with your data sources will make this
task simple.
366 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Have a look at the following imported listings data to see how Tableau handled the
data, and whether you need to make any modifications. You can easily locate the
fields Tableau has determined are geographic by looking for a globe icon. In this
dataset, you can see dimensions for city, country, country code, state, and ZIP code—
each with a globe icon. Check to make sure each has the correct geographic role,
starting with city:

Figure 6.17: Associating geographic roles to data source fields

Managing Location Data | 367

The city dimension has been correctly associated with a city geographic level.
This is expected based on the naming convention; it might have required a manual
linkage if the dimension were named host city or some other variation. You can
then go through the same process and note that each dimension has been correctly
identified with its geographic role. Also note that both the country and country code
are associated with the Country/Region role; either field can be used to identify
the country level on a map.

In a case where the geographic association has not been made or is incorrectly
associated, you will need to inform Tableau of the correct category. This will often
occur when a field name is unclear—for example, if country had been named CTRY
in your source data, it is quite likely you would need to tell Tableau that this field is in
fact referring to one or more countries. To make this correction, you simply select the
Geographic Role | Country/Region option for this dimension and assign the
proper value.

Figure 6.18 shows 13 unknown values below. Please note, however, that
you may get different unknown values as the data gets updated constantly.
368 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Editing Locations
There will be times when Tableau is unable to recognize geographic data, often due
to misspellings in the source data. This will result in null values when you attempt
to map your data, leaving users with an incomplete picture of the information.
Fortunately, you can provide more information on these values to help get them
mapped correctly. See what happens when you attempt to map the state dimension:

Figure 6.18: Mapping the state dimension

Managing Location Data | 369

Notice that in the bottom right of the preceding screenshot, there is a message that
tells you that you have 13 unknown values. Tableau is not recognizing the states
provided in your dataset. To find out what's happening, click on the 13 unknown
button, which opens a Special Values window:

Figure 6.19: Editing locations to update unknown values

370 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

You then select the Edit Locations... option to open a window where you can
begin the matching process. When this window opens, you quickly see the issue: your
default Country/Region is set according to your location (the United States in
this example), not Spain.

Figure 6.20: Identifying unrecognized geographic values

Managing Location Data | 371

This is easily rectified by finding Spain in the drop-down list and setting it as your
default. When you apply this change, you see that many of the entries have been
automatically updated, especially any with Madrid as part of their name

Figure 6.21: Updating unrecognized values using the Edit Locations window
372 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

There are others that have not been automatically updated, perhaps as a result
of dirty data. You can now investigate these entries to determine the extent of the
issue. Since you know that your dataset is entirely composed of Madrid properties,
it is probably safe to update the remaining entries to the same Comunidad de
Madrid entry. For each Unrecognized state in the Edit Locations window,
simply double-click Unrecognized and select the Comunidad de Madrid entry
from the drop-down list to make the manual updates.

Building Custom Geographies

In many cases, you will want to create custom geographic levels that are not already
defined in your data source. This can be done quite easily in Tableau by specifying
how you want the new level to be created, using an existing geographic attribute.
You can also create custom geographies using calculated fields. Let's look at a single
example for each approach.

Creating a New Geography Using an Existing Role

In some cases, you will create new geographic levels based on a level that already
exists in the source data. This might be related to sales territories, neighborhoods,
or some other aggregation where you don't have a formally defined geographic
level in place. Let's look at an example using the Madrid dataset ZIP codes
and neighborhoods.

You already have the ZIP code (postal code) data in the data source file, and you
have neighborhood data as well, although only in text form. Your goal is to create
geographic neighborhood definitions you can show on a map. To do this, right-click
the Neighbourhood dimension and select Geographic Role | Create from
| zipcode. This tells Tableau to build a geography at the neighborhood level using
existing ZIP code data. Here is a view of the menu selections:
Managing Location Data | 373

Figure 6.22: Creating a geographic role

374 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

You can see from the Data pane that Tableau does this by creating a hierarchy
wherein Neighbourhood is the top level and zipcode is the lower level:

Figure 6.23: Building a custom geography level

What will this look like on a map? To display your new level, drag the
Neighbourhood field from the hierarchy to the Detail mark, drag
Neighbourhood to the Label marks card, and add SUM(Number of Records)
to the Color mark, and then select the Map option from the Show Me menu,
yielding this display:
Managing Location Data | 375

Figure 6.24: Mapping the newly created neighborhood polygons

You can see from the map that you again have an unknown issue with 66 values you
were not able to associate with a neighborhood. This is most likely due to something
in the source data—perhaps missing values in the Neighbourhood dimension or
dirty ZIP code data. This sort of issue can frequently occur when there is not a strict
standard for data entry; it is up to the Tableau designer to determine whether the
issue is significant or minor and act accordingly.
376 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Creating a New Geography Using Groups

A second method for building a new geographic level is to create a calculated field,
again using an existing geographic level as the base. You could do this again with
a calculation based on ZIP codes (perhaps the first three or four digits), yielding an
aggregate level similar to the neighborhood example. This assumes that the ZIP codes
are assigned in a manner where this method makes sense.

Another possibility is to create a group in which you assign a name to each of your
aggregate clusters, which can then be mapped accordingly. In the following example,
a set of neighborhood clusters using the Group function have been created:

Figure 6.25: Creating groups based on neighborhood names

Managing Location Data | 377

To create groups, follow these simple steps:

1. Highlight one or more individual neighborhood values.

2. Click on the Group button.

3. Name the group by editing the default Tableau group name.

4. Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 for each additional group.

5. Click the OK button to save all groups.

Now you can add these clusters to a map by dragging the Neighbourhood
Clusters dimension to the Detail mark; you can continue to use the
SUM(Number of Records) measures for coloring purposes. Here's the result:

Figure 6.26: Mapping the neighborhood clusters

Note that there are 12 unknown entries; these can be addressed as detailed
previously by clicking on the message and using the Edit Locations screen to
update the entries.

Grouping geographic areas in this manner can help aggregate your data to
meaningful levels for analysis, especially if you are familiar with the geographic
attributes in your source data. In the next exercise, you will practice these concepts
using the Airbnb dataset that you have been using.
378 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Exercise 6.04: Building Custom Geographies

In this exercise, you will create custom geographies using both the existing role
and group approaches. This will provide additional mapping options using these
aggregate dimensions, starting with the role approach.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open a new or existing Tableau workbook.

2. Import the listings and neighborhood files if you have not already done so.

3. Make sure you have a data source with the listings_detailed and
neighbourhoods files joined. If not, create this relationship by joining them on
the Neighbourhood field.

Figure 6.27: Joining two files as a single data source

4. Create an extract by selecting the Extract radio button. Save the extract and
open a worksheet.
Managing Location Data | 379

5. Create a geographic role for Neighbourhood by selecting the dimension and

creating a role based on zipcode.

Figure 6.28: Assigning a custom geographic role

380 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

6. Right-click on the Neighbourhood dimension and select the Create |

Group... menu item:

Figure 6.29: Creating a group from an existing field

Managing Location Data | 381

7. Select the entries from Acacias through Atocha and click the Group button.
Name this Cluster 1. Then, select some more entries through Gaztambide
and click the Group button. Check the Include 'Other' checkbox:

Figure 6.30: Results after creating groups from the Neighbourhood dimension
382 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

8. Click the OK button. You will now see a [Neighbourhood Clusters]

Group dimension.

Figure 6.31: The Neighbourhood Clusters group as a new dimension

In this exercise, you created two new geographic fields using a pair of approaches.
You can now use these dimensions to create filled maps, which is what you will
be exploring in the next section, using a couple of options displayed in the Show
Me menu.

Creating Maps in Tableau

Tableau provides two distinct map options in the Show Me menu—one for symbol
maps and a second for choropleth maps. If your data has simple latitude/longitude
values corresponding to a postal code centroid, such as a store location (or even a
city), then your mapping will be focused on the symbol map option. If, however, your
data has more detailed data based on a shapefile or GeoJSON data source, you can
then use the choropleth option to create filled maps based on the polygons in the
data source. In some cases, you will have access to both types of source data and
will be able to create a dual-axis map, which will be explored later in this section. The
following is a simple comparison of the two types, with choropleth (filled) on the left
and symbol on the right:
Creating Maps in Tableau | 383

Figure 6.32: A choropleth (filled) map and a symbol map

Geocoding is the process of assigning geographic attributes to a data field that may
not be automatically recognized as a traditional geospatial field. In these cases, you
need to assign values that correspond to these dimensions so maps can be created.
This section will examine how this can be handled in Tableau.

In many cases, you will be presented with geographic attributes that Tableau will
be unable to recognize without some guidance. Street addresses are a common
example of this; unlike country, state, or even city, street addresses are too often
duplicated across multiple geographies, making them very difficult to locate correctly
on a map. Fortunately, Tableau enables custom geocoding, where you can use two
distinct methods to provide more precise information. In both cases, you start with
a .csv file.
384 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

The first case is where you wish to use existing geographic definitions and simply
extend them to include new members. For example, if you need to add a new
country, state, or county to your maps that is not recognized by Tableau, you can
provide this information using a .csv file. You simply select the Map | Geocoding
| Import Custom Geocoding menu option and direct Tableau to your directory
where the .csv file has been created. The data field names must match the existing
Tableau field names (Country, State, and so on) and should include latitude and
longitude information so Tableau knows where to locate the new entries on a map.

The second type of custom geocoding involves information that may be specific
to an organization (such as a regional sales hierarchy), or that may reference
non-traditional point data such as lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions. In these
cases, you create specific names for the new items, and then add a new field name
that can be used in Tableau. For example, the field name might be called Lightning
Strikes if you are attempting to map those events. Once again, latitude and
longitude data must be included, as well as other appropriate geographic levels, such
as Country and State.

Adding this custom geocoded information extends the mapping capabilities of

Tableau beyond traditional boundaries and definitions.

The steps to create the map shown in Figure 6.33 are explained in
Exercise 6.05.

Symbol Maps
Symbol maps represent all maps where location data is provided in a point-based
latitude and longitude format. Latitude represents the north-south location of a data
point, while longitude provides the east-west location. Using these two measures in
Tableau allows you to pinpoint the precise location of stores, offices, parks, museums,
and many other entities with specific locations. These points may represent a
central location within a large geographic entity (such as a park) or may have a
higher precision level, depending on how detailed your source data is. For example,
a latitude value of 45.37187 will be more precise than the same value rounded
to 45.37.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 385

Symbol maps are quite simple yet very powerful in their ability to tell stories based on
geographically positioned data. Let's explore the process for building effective symbol
maps in Tableau. Everything starts with latitude and longitude measures, which
may be included in your source data or can be calculated by Tableau for recognized
attributes such as country, state, and county. As an example, using your Madrid
locations data, here is a simple view based on the latitude and longitude data in the
source file. You can select any point to see the supporting geographic coordinates:

Figure 6.33: Details of a data point in a symbol map

Each point in the map is positioned based on latitude and longitude, as seen in the
tooltip for the map. You can use additional map layers to provide more context, but
for now, this is a good starting point.
386 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Adding Data to Symbol Maps

While placing location points on a map can be informative, more often you will also
wish to add data measures to those points—perhaps revenue for a store location
or the number of visitors to a tourist attraction as two simple examples. This is
easily done in Tableau using colors, sizes, or shapes to identify one or more features
of a geographic point. You first need to determine which data fields will be most
meaningful to display; this will allow you to build logic to display specific information
based on user interaction.

When you add a measure to a symbol map, there are two commonly used
approaches to display this data; the first is the use of colors or shapes, and the
second is the use of the sizing of symbols. If you are adding dimensional information
to the display, you will usually opt for colors or shapes to represent these categories.
In some cases, both shapes and colors can be used to provide additional detail to
the map viewer. If you are adding measures to your symbol display, sizing will often
be the preferred approach, since it will help in identifying numerical differences
across locations. Using colors or shapes is not as effective with measures, although
either one could be used in tandem with size. In the following sections, you will see
examples for each of these options.

Coloring a Symbol Map

Colors can be used to provide insight into both categorical dimensions and numeric
measures. This will give users a nice visual cue to help them see geographic-related
patterns in the information. When using colors, it is important to recall that the
human visual system has a limited range with respect to viewing colors; you typically
would like to keep this to less than 10 distinct colors or shades. The Color Brewer
website at provides color palettes ranging from 3 to 12 distinct
shades for mapping. Some users will be able to distinguish additional distinct colors,
but it is best to err on the low side and minimize the number of map colors. You can
also decide on colors based on your data distributions and find that you may need as
few as 3 or as many as 9 or 10 colors to tell the story correctly.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 387

Here, you can see an example of coloring using neighborhood groups in which you
have nine colors:

Figure 6.34: Coloring a symbol map using the Neighbourhood Group dimension

Notice how easily each neighborhood group is seen when you use distinct colors.
Using a color palette with distinctly different colors is very helpful in this case,
whereas a single color with shaded gradations would be more difficult to interpret.
This same approach can be applied when you have distinct categories such as
political districts or postal codes. On the other hand, if you wanted to see the
percentage of voters voting for a political party or candidate, the best approach is
to use shades of a single color to reflect percentages ranging from the minimum to
maximum levels (perhaps 10% to 70% as an example).

To color the map, you perform the following steps:

1. Drag the coloring field (Neighbourhood Group in this case) to the

Color card.
2. Select the Color card to edit colors if needed.

3. Choose an opacity level for optimal display; less than 100% opacity is
recommended, especially when there are overlapping symbols on a map. This
will improve data visibility.
388 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Sizing a Symbol Map

Individual points may also be sized based on values in the data, typically based on
a single measure. For example, you may choose to display points sized based on
revenue for each store location. Stores with higher revenue will have a larger dot
(or another symbol) corresponding to their revenue relative to locations with lower
values. This can be an effective approach, given that size differences are one of the
more easily detected visual cues.

In the Madrid example, the dots are sized based on the number of bedrooms for
each lodging. You can keep the colors already created so that your map will become
even more informative for the viewer.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Drag the Bedrooms dimension to the Size card in the Marks area of
your worksheet.

2. Click on the Size card and adjust the symbol size using the slider tool.

Zoom in so you can see the effect more clearly:

Figure 6.35: Sizing map symbols using the Bedrooms dimension

Creating Maps in Tableau | 389

You now have points with anywhere from 0 to 8 bedrooms, with the differences quite
noticeable at this zoom level. It may take a bit of work to distinguish between 6 and
7 or 3 and 4; this is where tooltips can provide further clarity. You can easily adjust
the size of your marks by selecting the Size card and dragging the bar to the left
or right.

Using Shapes in a Symbol Map

Let's continue exploring using the Madrid data. You have already used color and size
to make your map more informative; now you can add shapes to provide one more
level of detail to the map. At this point, you may wish to be careful by not adding
too many shapes to the display, so a simple category is in order. Use the Instant
Bookable field since it contains just two values.
To create this map, follow these steps:

1. Simply drag the Instant Bookable dimension to the Shape card.

2. Select the shapes you wish to display for each value by clicking on the Shape
card and assigning a shape value to each data category.

Here is the result:

Figure 6.36: Using shapes to show the Instant Bookable value

Now you have a map that provides a wealth of information to the user, including
neighborhood group, number of bedrooms, and whether a property is instantly
bookable. To provide even more insight, you can customize tooltips so that users
learn more about a property as they hover over a point.
390 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Adding Map Tooltips

Providing informational tooltips is a great finishing touch that helps users navigate
maps and the underlying information they contain. While map labels can be helpful,
there is a point at which they become visual noise that obscures the meaningful
information contained in the map. This is where tooltips become especially useful as
they can hold a lot of information without getting in the way of the map display.

Let's walk through a quick example of building a simple yet informative tooltip in your
map. You've already seen tooltips in their simplest version, but they are capable of so
much more, as you're about to see.

To add additional fields to a tooltip, simply drag dimensions or measures to the

Tooltip card in the Marks pane. This will make these fields accessible even if they
don't wind up being used in your text. Tableau, by default, will provide a functional
tooltip containing information associated with the map, as seen in Figure 6.37 With
just a little effort and the use of contrasting font colors, tooltips can become much
more powerful. You can drag the Host Name, Host Response Rate, Zipcode,
and Summary dimensions to the Tooltip card and continue to use the existing
Neighbourhood Group and Bedrooms dimensions to tell a small story about the
property, as seen in Figure 6.38.

Figure 6.37: Customizing tooltips to tell a detailed story

As you can see, tooltips are a great way to include helpful information without the
need to clutter a map with too much detail.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 391

Navigating Symbol Maps

Tableau provides some simple tools for navigating maps. In the upper-left area of the
Map window is a small toolbar with the following features:
• Search creates the ability to locate elements in a map.

• Zoom in is very useful for navigating a densely populated map.

• Zoom out can be used to display an entire map and provide

surrounding context.

• Reset map will set the map to a fixed display size.

• Zoom area is an extension of zoom in that allows you to select a specific part of
the map to zoom in on.

• Pan provides the ability to move the map up and down or side to side.

• The three selection tools (rectangle, radius, and lasso) enable highlighting
elements within a selected portion of the map.

These tools make it easy to move the map within the map window, enlarge or shrink
the data points, fix the display size (using reset map), and create custom selections
using the three selection tools. Map data can also be filtered by using the map
legends, as you'll see in the next section.

Filtering Symbol Maps

In an earlier section, you learned about the challenge of differentiating between
places with three or four bedrooms, since the symbols are nearly the same size.
This presents an issue for a user who may require four bedrooms but cannot easily
see the difference based on symbol size. To address this, the user can simply click
on the 4 in the Bedrooms legend and select the Keep Only option. Tableau will
automatically add a filter to the Filters pane reflecting this selection.
392 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

The same can be done using the Color legend you have for Neighbourhood
Group. With colors, you can click on one or more options and the data will be
highlighted. In this case, both the Centro and Chamberi neighborhood groups
have been selected, yielding this result:

Figure 6.38: Filtering a map by selecting legend values

You could also select the Keep Only option and Tableau will add a filter reflecting
your choice.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 393

The shapes filter works like the size filter, allowing users to select the Keep Only
option to set up a filter. Alternatively, users can choose the Exclude option if they
wish to remove some locations from the map.

While these are very useful options, users can go one step further and build new
groups and sets using map data. We'll visit those options in the next section.

Creating Groups and Sets from Symbol Map Data

One of the useful functions in Tableau mapping is the ability to create groups and
sets based on a selection of points in a map. This is important because you won't
always be aware of patterns until seeing them on a map. You can then grab a
collection of data points using rectangular, radial, or lasso selections and create
a group or set immediately. This is a powerful feature that allows users to take
advantage of patterns revealed on a map to create meaningful aggregations of data.

Consider the following example using your previously created symbol map. Using the
map toolbar, select the rectangular selection tool and highlight an area of points with
it. (Notice the different colors for all the points in your selection area.)

Figure 6.39: Selected points are displayed in a different color

394 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

You then create a group for the selected points by using the Group Members icon:

Figure 6.40: Creating a group dimension using the Group Members icon

Tableau has now created a group in the Dimensions pane that can be used in your
analysis. This is a more intuitive, faster means to create groups rather than doing it
manually using the group function.

The steps to do this are as follows:

1. Select the rectangular selection tool from the map toolbar.

Figure 6.41: Selecting the rectangular selection tool

Creating Maps in Tableau | 395

2. Highlight the area you wish to select within the map.

3. Hover over any of the selected data symbols.

4. Select the Group Members icon, as shown previously.

5. You can inspect your results to verify the group has been created:

Figure 6.42: Viewing the values in the newly created group

This example illustrates another way you can use geographic data and maps to
expand your analysis capabilities. You will now practice these concepts around
the symbol map, including grouping locations and coloring them according to
their groups.
396 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Exercise 6.05: Building a Symbol Map

In this exercise, you will create a symbol map using data from the Madrid listings
data. This will help provide insight into listing patterns across the city.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Import the Madrid listings dataset if you have not already done so.

2. Create a data source by joining multiple files as shown in previous


3. Add a new Tableau worksheet.

4. Drag the Longitude measure to the Rows shelf and the Latitude measure
to the Columns shelf. (Use these rather than the generated values provided by
Tableau.) Change both Longitude and Latitude to Dimension:

Figure 6.43: Setting Latitude values to Dimension

5. Drag the City dimension to the Detail card and the SUM(Number of
Records) measure to the Size card and adjust the symbol size to better
display all points. If for some reason you don't get a Map, click on "Show Me"
card and manually select Symbol Maps from.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 397

Figure 6.44: Adjusting the Size card for displaying symbols on the map

6. Replace SUM(Number of Records) with the Accommodates measure on

the Size card:

Figure 6.45: Using the Accommodates dimension to size points on the map
398 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

7. Drag the Neighbourhood Group dimension to the Color card and call
this worksheet Madrid Accommodates Map. You will be using the same
worksheet later in the chapter in Exercise 6.07: Creating a Dual-Axis Map:

Figure 6.46: Coloring the map using the Neighbourhood Group dimension

It is now easy to identify the density of listings in the Centro neighborhood (displayed
as the orange cluster in the lower half of the screenshot). Each of the surrounding
neighborhoods has fewer listings scattered across the map due to their greater
distance from the primary tourist attractions found in Centro.

In this exercise, you created a symbol map that details listing patterns across the
city of Madrid. This map can form the basis for additional insights using multiple
measures, parameters, and filters. In the upcoming section, you will review the
second type of map that Tableau supports, which is choropleth maps, which you
briefly learned about at the start of the chapter.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 399

Choropleth (Filled) Maps

Choropleth maps differ from symbol maps in one important respect: locations
are now based on shapes (polygons, lines, or points) rather than on a single point
using latitude/longitude coordinates. These maps will typically use officially defined
geographic designations (country, state, city) as the basis for analysis, with colors
as the primary method for displaying measures since size and shape are already
defined. Filled maps may also be used with symbol maps to provide multiple levels of
geographic analysis.

For Avg Area measure creation mentioned in the topic below, if you
are using any further version of Tableau than 2020.1, the field Number
of Records does not exist. For creating Avg Area measure, you can
explicitly create Number of Records on your own. Please refer to this
link for more information:

Coloring a Choropleth Map

As previously noted, colors will generally be the method used to display
measure differences in a filled map. Distinct color sets are used when comparing
dimension (categorical) values, while shaded palettes are the best approach for
displaying measures.
400 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Let's look at these two cases, first using a dimension, followed by a measure example.
Both examples will use the previously downloaded New York City zoning
data. For the dimension example, no new fields are needed; you simply drag the
Geometry measure to the Detail card, allowing Tableau to use the shapefile
polygon data, and then drag the zonedist dimension to the Color card. The result
looks like this:

Figure 6.47: New York City zoning map colored by detailed zonedist values
Creating Maps in Tableau | 401

Note that you have many detailed zoning types. These could probably be aggregated
to present a similar map without unnecessary detail. To do this, you'll create a simple
grouped field from the zonedist values, with very high-level groups in which
zones starting with C are commercial zones, M are manufacturing zones, and R are
residential zones; the others are self-explanatory. Let's revisit the map and drag the
zonedist (group) dimension to the Color card. Here's your new map:

Figure 6.48: New York City zoning map colored by grouped zonedist values

Now you can see the more evident patterns between residential, commercial, and
manufacturing areas, which were previously masked by the many subtypes within
each designation.

You can use the same data to create a filled map based on measures, although you'll
need to do a little work to create some new measures. Some datasets may have
useful measures included (income, population density, and so on) but that isn't the
case here. You'll create two measures you can use on the map (Avg Area and Zone
Counts) using the following formulas.
402 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

The Avg Area measure can be created using the following steps:

1. Right-click in the Data panel and select Create Calculated Field.

2. Enter the SUM([Shape Area])/SUM([Number of Records]) formula.

3. Name the calculation Avg Area and click the OK button to close the window.

Zone Counts can be created in a similar manner:

4. Right-click in the Data panel and select Create Calculated Field.

5. Enter the COUNT([Zonedist]) formula.

6. Name the calculation Zone Counts and click the OK button to close
the window.

You can now create a filled map using either of these measures as the color. Drag
zonedist on the Detail card and Zone Counts to the Color card to update
the map, like this:

Figure 6.49: New York City zoning map colored by zone counts
Creating Maps in Tableau | 403

You now see each zone colored by the frequency of occurrence (notice the highest
count is represented by the darkest color). This is the type of color scheme to use
when you have a continuous measure displayed on a map, as opposed to the
dimension map where you used distinct colors. When numbers are below zero or an
average value, a two-color scheme is useful to show low versus high values (red to
blue, for example). Tableau has many native color palettes to choose from, making it
easy to create compelling maps.

Navigating a Choropleth Map

You can use the same map tools discussed in the symbol map section when
navigating a map:

• Search creates the ability to locate elements in a map.

• Zoom in is very useful for navigating a densely populated map.

• Zoom out can be used to display an entire map and provide

surrounding context.

• Reset map will set the map to a fixed display size.

• Zoom area is an extension of zoom in that allows you to select a specific part of
the map to zoom in on.

• Pan provides the ability to move the map up and down or side to side.

• Three selection tools (rectangle, radius, and lasso) enable highlighting elements
within a selected portion of the map.

Filtering a Choropleth Map

You can also use the same filtering tools discussed in the section on filtering a symbol
map, including the ability to create groups and sets using the selection tools. Note
that when selecting areas on a filled map, you do not need to select an entire area to
include it in your group or set. If you need more precision, then click on each desired
area to build new groups or sets. Now, you will execute the following steps to build
your own choropleth maps.
404 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Exercise 6.06: Building a Choropleth Map

In this exercise, you will create and populate a filled map using the New York City
zoning shapefile you downloaded in Exercise 6.01:

1. Open your existing Tableau workbook or create a new workbook.

2. If you have not already done so, import the data source from

3. Add the data source by navigating to the Data | New Data Source menu:

Figure 6.50: Adding a new data source

Creating Maps in Tableau | 405

4. Select the Spatial file option:

Figure 6.51: Connecting to a spatial file

406 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

5. Locate your downloaded file and select it. A sample of the data will appear in the
import window:

Figure 6.52: Viewing the spatial file attributes

Creating Maps in Tableau | 407

6. Add a new worksheet and make sure it uses the spatial data source:

Figure 6.53: A worksheet with dimensions and measures from the spatial file
408 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

7. Drag the Geometry measure to the Detail card. Tableau will add Latitude
and Longitude fields and create a map:

Figure 6.54: Adding the Geometry measure to the Detail card

Creating Maps in Tableau | 409

8. Drag the zonedist dimension to the Color card:

Figure 6.55: Coloring the map using the zonedist dimension

410 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

9. Create a zonedist (group) dimension by summarizing all R, C, and M zones

save the group as a dimension.

Figure 6.56: Creating a zonedist (group) dimension

Creating Maps in Tableau | 411

10. Drag the zonedist (group) dimension to the Color card:

Figure 6.57: Coloring the map using zonedist (group)

In this exercise, you added a spatial data source and used the Geometry field to
populate a map. You also learned how to color the map using both an existing and a
newly created dimension. In the following subsection, you will gain an understanding
of how to use dual-axis maps and when are they used.

Dual-Axis Maps
Tableau allows you to create dual-axis maps so that you can overlay point data on
a polygon map or simply use the second axis to display the data in a new way. This
type of map could be used when you wish to overlay two data variables with different
purposes for each, or even from distinct data sources. For instance, you could overlay
a dataset based on geographic boundaries (states) with one using symbol data
(latitude/longitude addresses), or you can simply create additional information from a
single set of data points, as the following example will illustrate. In this example, you
will use the second axis to create a density map to show areas within Madrid with the
highest concentrations of Airbnb properties.
412 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

To do this, you start with an existing symbol map like the one built earlier
in this chapter. All you need to do to create a dual-axis map is to drag the
Latitude measure to the Columns shelf, placing it to the right of the existing
Latitude measure.

Figure 6.58: Adding a second Latitude dimension

Tableau will create a second map by default; you need to use the drop-down menu
from the new Latitude measure and select the Dual Axis option. You also
need to tell Tableau to treat your new measure as a dimension by selecting the
Dimension option from the same menu.

Figure 6.59: Setting up a Dual Axis map

Once you have the second axis specified, you can move to the Marks area, where a
Latitude (2) entry has been added. In this case, you would choose the Density
option for the display type and adjust the intensity and opacity levels to your
preference. This will give you a map that retains the original elements from the map
while adding the density markers.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 413

The Density option will now display areas with a higher concentration of properties
as blurred colors. The Centro neighborhood in the middle of the map will be
especially dense at this zoom level. As you zoom in, the individual properties will
gradually be revealed. In this section, you revisited a dual-axis chart but in map form.
Now you will grasp these concepts in a better way by executing the next exercise.

Exercise 6.07: Creating a Dual-Axis Map

In this exercise, you will create a dual-axis map, using symbols for the base map and
then adding a second axis that uses the density markers. You will use the Madrid
Airbnb data source as you have in previous exercises.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Madrid Accommodates Map worksheet that you created in

Exercise 6.05.

Figure 6.60: Symbol map colored by Neighbourhood Group

414 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

2. Drag the Latitude measure to the Rows shelf, next to the existing
Latitude measure:

Figure 6.61: Adding a dual axis using two Latitude measures

3. Set the new Latitude measure as a continuous dimension and check the
Dual Axis item to combine the elements into a single map:

Figure 6.62: Selecting the Dual Axis option

Creating Maps in Tableau | 415

4. In the Latitude (2) Marks area, choose the Density option:

Figure 6.63: Selecting a Density symbol

416 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

5. Adjust the Density settings by clicking on the Color card:

Figure 6.64: Adjusting the Density coloring

Creating Maps in Tableau | 417

6. View the map to see the impact of the Density symbols:

Figure 6.65: The completed dual-axis map with symbols and density

In this exercise, you created a dual-axis map using circle symbols on the first axis and
density symbols on the second axis. You learned how to use them together to create
a more complete map. The second level of density details that you added will now
display areas with a higher concentration of properties as blurred colors. The Centro
neighborhood in the middle of the map will be especially dense at this zoom level.
These extra details on maps help end users/stakeholders to observe the map with
extra context in one view instead of switching the view multiple times. In the next
section, you will review what map enhancement options Tableau provides and how to
best add/use them in your maps.
418 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Map Enhancements
Tableau has multiple features you can use to upgrade your maps and make them
effective for users. Some of these are native while others can be added quite easily.
In this section, you will cover some simple ways to improve on the base maps used
in Tableau.

Setting Map Options

Map options are simple selections that can be chosen to determine how a user can
interact with a map. To set these options, select the Map | Map Options menu
item, which will open a small window:

Figure 6.66: Map Options menu items

These options allow users to navigate the map using pan (to shift your map from side
to side or up and down) and zoom, allow users to perform searches, and allow the
functionality provided by the toolbar (radial selections, and so on). If you want your
map to remain fixed with a single size and location, disable these capabilities.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 419

Using Existing Layers

Default Tableau background maps provide numerous map layers that can easily be
selected and deselected by users depending on their preferences. Map layers help
you to add extra details such as highways, borders, terrains, coastlines, and county
borders where these layers add minute details to the maps. To change the default
map layer, click on Map | Map Layers from the menu. Tableau offers the following
layer options:

Figure 6.67: Map Layers menu options

420 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

These layers can be used to customize the appearance of a map. For example, in
the Madrid listing example, if you select Streets, Highways, Routes as well
as Zip Code Labels, you will notice how extra details are added to the map, as
shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 6.68: Map Layers menu options with added layers

Although aligning with data visualization best practices, you would generally try to
minimize the number and visibility of these layers to not distract users from the map
data. Using just enough layers to provide context is a smart approach.

In addition, more than 20 demographic layers are available as overlays for US-based
data, which essentially allows you to add a data mask layer depending on the
demographic you choose from the dropdown. But as mentioned previously, seldom
do you have to use these extra layers in your maps because, more often than not,
these layers confuse stakeholders rather than help them.

Layers are very easy to add or remove in Tableau, so it is wise to spend some time
with the many options until your map is visually pleasing. As with most charts, less is
often more on a map; make sure the focus is on the data and not on the map layers.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 421

Adding Mapbox Background Maps

You do have options beyond the standard Tableau background maps. One of these
is to embed Mapbox background maps in Tableau—an approach that enables
the creation of uniquely styled maps. Mapbox is a popular map creation platform
enabling users to customize maps for use in many applications. Tableau added
Mapbox integration back in Tableau 9.2, so the ability to use Mapbox background
maps is not new but should nonetheless be explored if you wish to feature maps
beyond the native Tableau versions. You will need to create a free Mapbox account at to build these maps.

To export a Mapbox map for use in Tableau, navigate to Mapbox Studio,, and then simply create your own style by clicking on New
Styles and choosing an option under Choose a template as well as Choose a
variation from the popup:

Figure 6.69: Choosing a template and variation for Mapbox

422 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Then, select the Share… icon at the top right of the map and view the Third
party options to find the Tableau dialog:

Figure 6.70: Exporting a Mapbox background map to Tableau

Creating Maps in Tableau | 423

This provides you with a link to be used in Tableau as a background map style to
provide a customized background to set your maps apart from the standard Tableau
options. The link can be copied to the clipboard and then added as a background
map. In Tableau Desktop, create a new sheet and select the Map | Background
Maps | Manage Maps menu item, which will open a Map Services window.
Clicking the Add button gives you two options: WMS Servers… (Web Map Server,
similar to Mapbox) and Mapbox Maps…. Click on the Mapbox option and you will
see a dialog screen:

Figure 6.71: Adding a Mapbox map using the Mapbox URL

424 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Here, you can add a style name of your choice, and then copy your Mapbox link to the
URL text box. The remaining information will be automatically updated based on the
URL link, and your background map will be ready to go. Multiple maps can be added
using this same process, which will give you many options beyond the native Tableau
map backgrounds. Now, use this Mapbox map style for your Madrid worksheet. Click
on Maps | Background Maps | Default Galaxy Style (or your style
name). Here's a look at your data with a new background map:

Figure 6.72: A custom Mapbox map of Madrid

Creating Maps in Tableau | 425

If you open the Map | Map Layers card, you will see the available layers from the
selected Mapbox map. Note that each map style will have its own set of options. Here
is what you have with your style:

Figure 6.73: Selecting Map Layers for the Mapbox map

Using these checkboxes makes it simple to customize a map to work best with
your existing point data. You can also use the Washout slider to add some level of
transparency to the display.

As you have seen, Mapbox background maps can be used to add visual interest to
your worksheets and dashboards and can be customized in Mapbox using an almost
endless combination of colors and styling. To assimilate what you read in this section,
you will now go through an exercise to add Mapbox and understand how to use it
in Tableau.
426 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

Exercise 6.08: Adding Mapbox Background Maps

In this exercise, you will practice adding Mapbox data to the New York zoning data
and apply a new Mapbox style for the GIS data that you have previously used.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the New York City zone shapefile if you have not already loaded
the data into Tableau Desktop.

2. Drag Geometry to the Detail marks card and a New York City map will
be created, which you have also seen previously.

Figure 6.74: New York City zoning data map

You can create an account with and can
continue to work on the exercise for free. Please make sure that you fill in
the necessary credentials.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 427

3. Now, go to and sign in/sign up if you have previously

not done so.

4. Click on the New style button at

Figure 6.75: Creating a new style in Mapbox

428 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

5. Next, select the style you want to use. For the purposes of this exercise, select
the Streets template as the style. Click on the Customize Streets button
to create your own Mapbox style.

Figure 6.76: Choosing styles on Mapbox

Creating Maps in Tableau | 429

6. On the new page that was loaded, click on the Share button in the top right-
hand corner, scroll down the popup and click on Third party, then select
Tableau from the dropdown, as shown, and copy the integration URL:

Figure 6.77: Selecting Tableau as the third-party service in Mapbox

430 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

7. In your Tableau Desktop instance, click on Map | Background Maps | Manage

Maps, and in the popup, click on Add… and select Mapbox Maps…, as shown in
the following screenshot:

Figure 6.78: Adding new Mapbox maps to Tableau

Creating Maps in Tableau | 431

8. Name your map style appropriately and paste your integration URL in the
Url field. Other fields should autoload, as shown in the following screenshot.
Click OK:

Figure 6.79: Adding a new Mapbox style

432 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

The New York City zoning map should have autoloaded the new Mapbox style
with a lot more details than Tableau default map options, as shown in the
following output:

Figure 6.80: NYC Mapbox loaded in the new Mapbox style

As you can see, the Mapbox background map, when zoomed in, provides a lot
more extra detail, including the city line and street names.

In this exercise, you practiced adding Mapbox to your Tableau maps with new
styles with a shapefile, while previously, before the exercise, you only worked
with ZIP code data. With Mapbox, you were able to add a lot more minute details
to the maps, such as streets, neighborhoods, important attractions, coastlines,
and highways. These newly added details have enhanced the map for end users.

This wraps up the theoretical aspects of this chapter. Next, you will go through a new
set of data and a final activity to test the knowledge you have gained throughout the
course of this lesson and the previous exercise by attempting to create useful and
powerful maps.
Creating Maps in Tableau | 433

Activity 6.01: Creating a Location Analysis Using Dual Axis and Background Maps
As a data developer for a San Francisco City Department, you are asked to create a
report/visualization that will showcase the hotspots of house buyout agreements
in the city from a high level and gather contextual information about the house, its
neighborhood, its actual address, its buyout date, and its total number of tenants, as
well as the buyout amounts for the houses. Stakeholders also want to be able to filter
the map data points by buyout dates. You will be using the SF Buyout Agreement data
provided in the GitHub link or by downloading the .shp file from the following link:

Perform the following steps to complete this activity:

1. Locate the SF Buyout Data.shp file that you downloaded from GitHub and
add that as a data source in Tableau.

2. Create a new worksheet named SF Buyout Map.

3. Add Buyout Date as a filter. Only include non-null values by selecting relative
dates. Show the Buyout Date filter.

4. Before proceeding to the next steps, edit the title to SF Buyout Map and
rename some of the column names for easier understanding. The mappings are
as follows:

• Case Number – Case Number

• Date Pre B – Pre Buyout Disclosure Date

• Date Buyou – Buyout Date

• Buyout Amo – Buyout Amount

• Number of – Tenants

• Analysis N – Neighbourhood

5. Drag Geometry onto the Detail card.

6. Duplicate the Latitude(generated) column and create a dual axis.

7. Under the first Latitude(generated) marks card, change Marks Type

to Density.
434 | Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data

8. Add SUM(Tenants) to the Color marks card and add Case Number to the
Detail marks card.
9. For the second Latitude, change Marks type to the Circle symbol.

10. Add Neighbourhood to the Color marks card and Case Number to the
Detail marks card.
11. To add context to your map when you or a stakeholder hovers or clicks on the
map, you will add Address, Buyout Date, Buyout Amount, and Tenants
to a tooltip and edit the tooltip to look as in the following output.

The expected output is as follows:

Figure 6.81: Activity 6.01 expected output

Summary | 435

The solution to this activity can be found here:

This chapter introduced you to many of the geographic capabilities and methods
designers and users can employ in Tableau. The ability to take geographic data and
create powerful, attractive maps that integrate with other displays is a critical skill in
building visual insights. You learned how Tableau maps can incorporate size, color,
shapes, and filtering so users can explore and understand geographic information
more thoroughly.

You also learned that while Tableau is not a dedicated mapping platform, it can
be used to replicate much of the functionality of traditional mapping and GIS
software. Being able to map geographic data is an essential skill in developing
complete Tableau solutions for users and can be incorporated into any analysis
where geospatial data is available and interacting with external map files can add an
additional layer of detail to maps.

In the next chapter, you will be moving into the analysis section of the course with
Chapter 7: Analysis : Creating and Using Calculations. This next chapter will extend your
ability to create many types of calculations that go beyond the few simple ones used
in creating your maps.
Data Analysis: Creating and
Using Calculations

In this chapter, you will learn to create and use various types of calculations,
not just within an existing data source, but also across data sources.
This chapter first describes the definitions and the differences between
Aggregate and Non-Aggregate values. Then, you will learn about various
types of calculations, such as numeric calculations, string calculations, and
date calculations, as well as how to write logic statements in Tableau.
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to create and use various types
of calculations in Tableau.
438 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Typically, the first step when analyzing data is to start with some questions or goals.
It could be as simple as determining your most profitable customers, or more
complicated, such as investigating which products are leading to losses despite high
sales. After deciding on questions or goals, you would audit your data. This means
identifying where data resides—whether the required fields are stored in a single or
in multiple data sources and whether all fields are readily available for use. Then, you
would check the integrity and validity of your data. This means checking whether the
data needs any modifications in terms of cleaning, combining, or restructuring.

Once data is audited, the tools in Tableau Desktop allow you to explore it visually
for more streamlined analysis. This can mean building charts, adding interactivity,
separating data into groups, or creating calculations to derive more meaningful
insights. Once analysis is complete, the insights you gather will be ready to share with
others. This chapter aims to cover all aspects of the data analysis cycle.

In this chapter, you will later learn how to create and use Tableau's various types
of calculation, which is an essential skill in data analysis. Differentiating Between
Aggregate and Non-Aggregate

To work effectively with Tableau, it is vital that you have a thorough understanding of
aggregation. When adding any data, Tableau quickly classifies the data in the Data
pane as Dimensions and Measures. When a Measure enters the view, Tableau
aggregates it (typically, using the SUM aggregation).

This can be demonstrated using the Orders data from Sample-Superstore.xlsx,

which can be found at Documents\My Tableau Repository\Datasources\
or downloaded from this book's GitHub repository at the following link:

Once you have access to the data, drag the Profit field from the Data pane
into the Rows shelf. Notice that the properties of the field have changed to
SUM(Profit) and a vertical bar is generated. Refer to the following figure:
Introduction | 439

Figure 7.1: A screenshot showing SUM(Profit)

440 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Look at the status bar at the bottom of the sheet. Notice there is only 1 mark and
the SUM(Profit) is 286,397. This is the total aggregated profit of the data:

Figure 7.2: A screenshot showing SUM(Profit) in the status bar

Now, observe what happens when you disaggregate it. In order to disaggregate the
Measure, uncheck the Aggregate Measures option, which is available in the
toolbar under Analysis:

Figure 7.3: A screenshot showing the Aggregate Measures option

Introduction | 441

The SUM(Profit) field, which was in the Rows shelf, has now changed to show just
Profit. Further, the bar chart is now broken into multiple bubbles; some bubbles
are on the negative axis, and the status bar now shows 9994 marks:

Figure 7.4: A screenshot showing disaggregated profit

442 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

When you uncheck the Aggregate Measures option, the Profit value becomes
non-aggregated, which in turn breaks the aggregated profit bar showing the Sum of
Profit in bubbles that represent every transactional profit value in the data. At any
given point, you can right-click on a bubble to view the data and see the full details of
a transaction:

Figure 7.5: A screenshot showing the view data option

By default, the Aggregate Measures option is on, and all Measures will be
aggregated by default (unless you choose to disaggregate them as explained above).
Further, the default aggregation of Measures is SUM and this can be changed by
right-clicking on a Measure in the Data pane and changing Aggregation under
Default Properties from Sum to Average or Minimum to Maximum, etc.:
Introduction | 443

Figure 7.6: A screenshot showing how to change aggregation

From the previous example, you can conclude that when you see SUM(Profit)
in the view, it means that Tableau is aggregating all transactional values. When you
see Profit only, it means that Tableau is taking notice of the transactional values
without aggregating them. This particular distinction is important, especially when
creating calculated fields. You will further explore this point when diving deeper into
creating and using calculations.

In the previous example, you looked at aggregating and disaggregating Measures.

However, when dealing with Dimensions, which includes all categorical data, there
are additional considerations. Specifically, you should be asking yourself: Which/Who?
and How many?.
444 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Taking the Sample-Superstore.xlsx file as an example, when analyzing

Sub-Category, you might ask the following questions: Which sub-categories are
profitable? or How many sub-categories are profitable? The first question is easy to
answer as you are only concerned with data members from the Sub-Category
field that are in profit. When you drag a dimension into the view, you will get the list
of all unique data members of that field by default. So, dragging the Sub-Category
field into the Rows shelf will result in the following view:

Figure 7.7: A screenshot showing the unique list of data members of a dimension
Introduction | 445

However, for the second question, you need to find the number of sub-categories
that have positive profit. This means finding the number of data members for that
dimension. This is achieved by clicking on the dropdown of the Sub-Category field,
and selecting the Count or Count(Distinct) option, available under Measure:

Figure 7.8: A screenshot showing the Count and Count (Distinct)

options for a dimension in the view
446 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

When selecting the Count or the Count(Distinct) option, notice that the list of
sub-categories changes into a bar showing that there are a total of 17 sub-categories
in the data. This method will only make the count of sub-categories available in
the worksheet where they were created. However, if you need to show the same
information for other visualizations across your workbook, it makes sense to have the
count in your Data pane, so you can drag it into the view as and when required. This
can be achieved in two ways:

• The first method is to change the Sub-Category dimension into a Measure,

which will change the original Dimensions field from showing a list of data
members into a Measure showing a distinct count of sub-categories:

Figure 7.9: A screenshot showing aggregation of a dimension

by converting it into a measure
Creating and Using Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations | 447

• The second way is to create a calculated field on the Sub-Category

dimension. This will not only maintain the original dimension, but we will also
have another field that can be used to get the desired output. You will learn
more about creating a calculated field in the topics to come.

Creating and Using Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations

Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf calculations are the quickest and easiest way to create a new
calculated field in Tableau. Ad hoc calculations can be created in the Rows, Columns,
and Measure Values shelves, as well as in the Marks cards.

Simply double-click on the existing field in your shelf of choice, or, alternatively you
can use the Edit in Shelf option in the drop-down list of that field, as shown in
the following figure:

Figure 7.10: A screenshot showing how to create an ad hoc calculation

These ad hoc calculations are useful when creating quick, on-the-fly calculations
that you may or may not want to save and reuse. You will explore this in the
exercise below.
448 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Exercise 7.01: Creating an Ad Hoc Calculation to Highlight Loss-Making Sub-

The aim of this exercise is to find out which sub-categories have negative profit and
which ones have positive profit. Those with negative profit will be your loss-making
sub-categories and will be color-coded orange. You will use the Orders data from
Sample-Superstore.xlsx for this exercise.
Perform the following steps:

1. Start by creating a bar chart showing SUM(Sales) by Sub-Category with

SUM(Profit) in the Color shelf, as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure 7.11: A screenshot showing a bar chart of Sales by Sub-Category with profit in color

The bars have a color palette of orange and blue, with shades of orange
indicating negative profit, and shades of blue indicating positive profit. The shades
indicate the intensity of Profit. However, the task at hand is to highlight the
bars that are loss-making, which means those with a profit less than zero. The
intensity of profit is irrelevant for this task.

To address this, either double-click or use the Edit in Shelf option in

the dropdown of the SUM(Profit) field in the Color shelf and type the
following formula:

SUM(Profit) < 0
Creating and Using Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations | 449

2. Hit Enter to see the new ad hoc calculation. It now shows two colors instead
of the previously seen diverging colors. In this case, the orange bars indicate
subcategories are loss-making and the blue bars indicate subcategories are
profitable. Refer to the following screenshots:

Figure 7.12: Screenshots with an ad hoc calculation in the color shelf

Further, as mentioned previously, this ad hoc calculation is an on-the-fly

calculation that may be used only in this specific visualization, in which case,
there isn't any need to save this calculation.

3. So that you can reuse this in other visualizations, save the calculation
in the Data pane by simply dragging and dropping, as shown in the
following screenshots:

Figure 7.13: Screenshots showing how to save an ad hoc calculation

450 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations

Tableau is a simple yet versatile tool, and the ability to create calculations gives users
the flexibility to perform powerful analysis, which can help with decision-making.
Most of the time, creating calculations in Tableau is a fun experience, but sometimes
it can be a little frustrating as well, especially if you are coming from a different
platform to Tableau and are trying to replicate some functionality. The way these
tools are structured and designed is different and trying to replicate the functionality
from one tool in another can make the experience frustrating. The best way to avoid
frustration while creating calculations in Tableau is to start small and get acquainted
with the functions that Tableau has to offer. While writing a calculation in Tableau
is easy, it is recommended that, if possible, you should try to use the built-in native
features first, instead of creating a new calculated field. Some examples of these
features are as follows:

• The Split or Custom Split function, available under the Transform

option when right-clicking any String Dimension in the Data pane. This is
used to split the string into smaller sub-strings. For example, splitting a customer
name into, for example, the first name and last name.

• The Group function, which is available under the Create option when
right-clicking any dimension in the Data pane. This is used to group the data
members of that dimension into higher categories, for example, grouping the
data members of the geographic state field into, for example, regions.

• The Custom date function, which is available under the Create option when
right-clicking on a Date Dimension in the Data pane. This is used to truncate
dates into different granularities such as month, month-year, etc.

• The Bins function, which is available under the Create option when right-
clicking on a Measure in the Data pane. This is used to group Measure values
into different range buckets, for example, age bins that range from, for example
<10 years, 11-20 years, 21-30 years, etc.

• The Combined Field function, available under the Create option

when selecting more than 1 String Dimension in the Data pane, and then
right-clicking any selected string dimension. This is useful when combining
multiple string dimensions into one field.

• The Aliases function, which is available upon right-clicking any dimension in

the Data pane. This is useful when renaming the members of any dimension.
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 451

A point to note is that all objectives mentioned here can be achieved by creating a
calculated field from scratch, but since these native functions are readily and easily
available, it is best to avoid the hassle and make use of them. Over the course of this
chapter and various other chapters in this book, you will explore these functions in a
little more detail.

To understand the process of creating calculations, you will first create a basic
calculation to find the distinct count of your order IDs. You can do this in many
ways. You could change the Order ID dimension into a Measure or click the
dropdown of the Order ID field that is shown in your view, and then click the
Measure | Count (Distinct) option. Alternatively, you could even create an
ad hoc calculation.

In an earlier topic, you saw how to save an ad hoc calculation in the Data pane.
However, inexplicably, when attempting this after performing basic aggregations
such as sum, average, or count, you'll find that the ad hoc calculation does not
save. From testing, the drag-drop method appears to fix this issue. Try it with the
calculation below:

COUNTD([Order ID])*1

You will now be creating a calculation in Tableau from scratch. To do this, you will
continue with the objective of getting the distinct count of order IDs.

Right-click on the Order ID dimension in the Data pane and select the Create |
Calculated Field option. This will open a new type in the box, as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 7.14: A screenshot showing components of a calculation box

452 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Figure 7.14 shows the components of a calculation box. These are as follows:

• 1 – Calculation name: This is where you can define the name of a calculation. It
is always recommended to give meaningful names to calculated fields.

• 2 – List of functions / types of functions: This is the list of all functions

available in Tableau. The functions are listed in alphabetical order, and are
classified as Number, String, Date, Type Conversion, Aggregate,
Logical, etc. When clicking any of these functions, Tableau presents the syntax
of that function, an explanation of what the function does, and an example.
Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.15: A screenshot showing details of the selected function

• 3 – Calculation editor: This is where you will type your formula.

• 4 – Syntax validator: This will validate whether your formula and calculation
are syntactically correct. If there are any issues, the text will read as The
calculation contains errors in red font, and the calculation editor box
will display a red squiggly line near the text with the error.

Ever since you right-clicked on the Order ID field to create a calculation, Tableau
has assumed you will be creating a calculation for that field, and because of that, it
has already fetched the field into the calculation editor.
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 453

Start by typing the word CountD before Order ID. As you type, Tableau starts
recommending functions, as well as data fields that share characters with what you
type. Now, name the calculation 'Count of Orders'. Your calculation box should
look like the following screenshot:

Figure 7.16: A screenshot showing the formula for calculating the distinct count of Order ID

Once, you have valid calculation, you can click OK and proceed to use it. Clicking OK
will save your calculation in the Data pane, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.17: A screenshot showing the newly created calculated field

454 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Now, that you have your calculated field available in the Data pane, you can start
using it across the entire workbook. There are, however, a few important points
to note:

• In the previous example, you right-clicked on Order ID and selected the

Create | Calculated Field option, which opened the calculation editor
box. This can also be made available by selecting the Analysis | Create
Calculated Field... option in the toolbar, or by clicking on the dropdown
in the Data pane and selecting Create Calculated Field...:

Figure 7.18: A screenshot showing other ways to create a calculated field

• Any field that is computed or calculated in Tableau will have = as a prefix, which
indicates that the field was created in Tableau, and does not derive from the
data itself. The = sign will be followed by either Abc or # (or something similar),
which indicates the data type of that field. So, for example, =Abc is indicative of
a computed field with a string output.

• To add comments to a calculation, you need to make use of two forward slashes,
that is, //. Tableau will ignore anything that follows the
//. Refer to the following screenshot:
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 455

Figure 7.19: A screenshot showing how to add comments in a calculated field

• The functions (blue text in Figure 7.19 in Tableau are not case-sensitive, but data
fields (orange text in Figure 7.19) are, hence, you need to be extra careful about
the case, as well as the spelling of the data field. If there are any issues, the
syntax validator will give an error, and you will not be able to use the calculated
field for further analysis. To overcome this, drag and drop the desired field
from the Data pane into the calculation editor box instead of typing the text, as
shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.20: A screenshot showing dragging and dropping fields into the calculation editor
456 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

• Tableau supports all standard operators, such as multiplication (*), division (/),
modulo (%), addition (+), subtraction (-), as well as all the comparisons, such as
equal to (== or =), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), less than (<), less
than or equal to (<=), and not equal to (!= or <>). These operators must be typed
and are not part of the list of functions in the calculation box.

• Since Tableau is a read-only tool, the calculated fields you are computing will not
be written back to the data, thus keeping the integrity of your data intact.

• You can create a calculated field and use it in other calculated fields as well.

You will now work through examples of how some of these calculations can be
created and used.

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Numeric Calculations

Numeric calculations are used when performing mathematical/arithmetic functions
on numeric data in order to return a numeric output. The Number functions
supported by Tableau at this point in time (that is, in version 2020.1) are as follows:

• Basic math functions such as the ABS function, which is used to return the
absolute value of the number; the ROUND function, which is used to round
the number to the specified number of decimal places; SQRT, which is used to
return the square root of a number; and the ZN function, which returns zero if
there are null values, or returns the value itself otherwise.

• Trigonometric functions such as ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, SIN, COS, TAN,

and others.

• Angular functions such as DEGREES and RADIANS.

• Mapping functions such as HEXBINX and HEXBINY.

• Logarithmic functions such as LN and LOG.

• Exponential and Power functions such as EXP and POWER, and others.

As mentioned earlier, when selecting any of these functions, you will see the syntax of
that function, an explanation of the purpose of that function, along with an example.
Further, with these numeric functions, as well as the arithmetic operators above, you
can create some immensely powerful and useful calculations.

In the previous topic, you created a new calculated field called Count of Orders,
which gave the distinct count of your order IDs. You will now use this computed
field to create another calculated field to find the average order value for your
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 457

Exercise 7.02: Creating a Numeric Calculation

The objective of this exercise is to create a numeric calculation to find the average
order value of each sub-category. You will continue with the Orders data from
the Sample-Superstore.xlsx file and, using the Sales field and the previously created
Count of Orders field, create a new calculated field called Average Order
Value (AOV) for each Sub-Category and display it in a bar chart.
1. First, drag your Sub-Category field and drop it in the Rows shelf. Next, drag
the Sales and the Count of Orders field into the Columns shelf. Now
enable the labels for your bar charts by clicking on Show Marks Label in the
toolbar. See the following screenshot:

Figure 7.21: A screenshot showing a bar chart with Sales and

Count of Orders across sub-categories

2. Create a calculated field called Average Order Value (AOV) with the
following formula:

SUM([Sales])/[Count of Orders]
458 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

You should see the following on your screen:

Figure 7.22: A screenshot showing the formula for

the Average Order Value (AOV) calculation

3. Drag and drop the Average Order Value (AOV) next to the Count of
Orders field in the Columns shelf. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.23: A screenshot showing the bar chart with

the Average Order Value (AOV) calculation

As you can see in Figure 7.23, the Copiers sub-category has the highest
average order value followed by Machines.

Note that the prefix for Average Order Value (AOV) is AGG, which stands for
Aggregate. This is Tableau's way of telling you that the calculation is pre-aggregated
by the user (since you are using SUM() for sales and the count of orders field is using
the COUNTD() function).
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 459

This exercise shows an example of creating and using a numeric calculation. You have
created a new calculation called Average Order Value (AOV) using the Sales
field and the Count of Orders field. Since this Average Order Value (AOV)
field has a numeric output, the calculation is called a numeric calculation.

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Logic Statements

Logic statements are typically used for criteria-based or condition-based evaluation.
Some of the logical functions available in Tableau are as follows:

• Operators such as AND, OR, and NOT.

• Functions such as IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, CASE, IIF, IFNULL, ISNULL,

ISDATE, etc.
IF…ELSE, IF…ELSEIF…ELSE, and CASE are the most commonly used logic
functions and, typically, when using these logic functions, the THEN function is used
to specify the value that needs to be displayed when the expression is true.

An important point to remember here is that when using the IF statement or a CASE
statement for logical evaluation, you need to terminate your logical statement with
the END function.

You have already seen an example of a logic statement in the Creating and Using Ad
Hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations section, where you found out which sub-categories
were profitable, and which were not. You created a calculation to see whether
SUM(Profit) was greater than or less than zero. The output of this calculation
was a Boolean output, with the outcome being either True or False. Boolean
calculations are a quick and easy type of logic statement. They get executed quickly
and perform well compared to the other types of logic statement.

Although Boolean calculations have many advantages, they could confuse an end
user if they are unaware of what True and False stand for. The meaning of
Booleans depends on the criteria in your calculations. In the earlier example, the
outcome True indicates either positive or negative profit, depending on what is
specified in your calculation. If the end user is unfamiliar with these criteria, the
Boolean outcome will be unhelpful.
460 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

To avoid confusion, it is best to use a more elaborate logic statement

incorporating user-friendly tags. You will explore this by following the steps in
the following exercise.

If you are using a version of Tableau later than 2020.1, you may need to
create Number of records to match the output of Exercise 7.03.

Exercise 7.03: Creating a Logic Calculation

In this exercise, you will create a logic calculation to find unprofitable products. as
well as to find out how many transactions for each product are unprofitable. You
will use the CoffeeChain Query table from the Sample-Coffee Chain.mdb
dataset. This is a Microsoft Access Database. The dataset can be downloaded from the
following link:!Av5QCoyLTBpnmkPL8Yx_0_2KtrG4?e=rWpksB.

First, you will connect to the CoffeeChain Query table from the Sample-
Coffee Chain.mdb dataset and create a bar chart using the Product field and
the Number of records field. You will then create new calculated fields, which will
help find and highlight unprofitable products, and find out how many of the transactions
in each product are unprofitable.

1. Connect to the CoffeeChain Query table from Sample-Coffee Chain.

mdb. Create a bar chart by dragging the Product Name field into the Rows
shelf. Then, drag Number of Records into the Columns shelf and enable the
labels for these bars. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.24: A screenshot showing the bar chart showing Number of Records by Product
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 461

Now, you want to find the profitability of your products. However, profitability
(especially in this case) can be computed on two levels.

There is the overall profitability of a product, and there is how many transactions
for a product are profitable. Both these requirements are useful to know. You
will begin by finding the overall profitability of your products.

Please replace the quotes around Profitable Product and
Unprofitable Product after pasting the code in Step 2 below. This
will ensure the output is error-free.

2. Create a new calculated field called Overall Profitability using the IF…
THEN…ELSE…END function. The formula will be as follows:
IF SUM([Profit])>0 THEN "Profitable Product"
ELSE "Unprofitable Product"

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.25: A screenshot showing the formula for Overall Profitability

462 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

3. Click OK and drag this new field into the Color shelf. Your view will update, as
shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.26: A screenshot showing Overall Profitability using color

As you see from the color legend, the blue bars are the profitable products, and
the orange bars are the unprofitable products. In the preceding screenshot, you
can clearly see that green tea is the only product that is unprofitable.

In the ad hoc calculation example (Exercise 7.01, Creating an Ad Hoc Calculation to

Highlight Loss-Making Sub-Categories), when you saved the calculation in the Data
pane, you had a Boolean output with a prefix of =T|F, whereas when you save
this Overall Profitability calculation by clicking OK, you see that the
output is a string with the prefix =Abc. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.27: A screenshot showing the prefix for an ad hoc calculation and Overall
Profitability calculation
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 463

Now that you have found which of your products are profitable, it is time to find
out how many profitable transactions there are for each product.

4. Duplicate the Overall Profitability calculation and change the code.

5. Use the IF…THEN…ELSE…END function. The formula and syntax should be

similar to the Overall Profitability calculation, except for a change
in the aggregation of the Profit field and the displayed output string. Name
this calculated field Transactional Profitability. The formula will be
as follows:

IF [Profit]>0 THEN "Profitable transaction"

ELSE "Unprofitable transaction"

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.28: A screenshot showing the formula for Transactional Profitability

464 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

6. Click OK and drag this new field into the Color shelf. Your view will update, as
shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.29: A screenshot showing Transactional Profitability in color

As you see from the color legend, the blue bars represent profitable
transactions, and the orange bars represent unprofitable
transactions. From this, you can find some interesting outcomes. For
example, it shows that all Decaf Espresso transactions are profitable.

You have now successfully created and used logic statements to find the profitability,
and profitable transactions for each of your products

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: String Calculations

In Tableau, string calculations can be performed on any data type. Tableau converts
and processes all such data types and yields a string output. You can create string
calculations on Integer fields, as well as Date fields by first converting them into
a string. You can use the type conversion function STR() in Tableau to achieve this.
The various string functions supported by Tableau (in version 2020.1) are as follows:

• Functions such as ASCII and CHAR find the ASCII code of a character and the
character based on the ASCII code, respectively.

• Case functions such as LOWER and UPPER change the casing of strings to
lowercase and uppercase, respectively.
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 465

• Functions such as CONTAINS, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH, and ISDATE check

string or substring conditions.

• Functions such as TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM remove blank spaces.

• Functions such as FIND and FINDNTH find the position of a substring.

• Functions such as LEFT, RIGHT, and MID, return the specified number of
characters in a string.

• Regular expressions such as REGEXP_EXTRACT, REGEXP_EXTRACT_NTH,

REGEXP_MATCH, and REGEXP_REPLACE allow you to specify patterns to
match, locate, and manage text.

• Some other string functions available in Tableau are LEN, which returns the
length of the string; REPLACE, which searches for a specified substring and
replaces it with a replacement substring; SPLIT, which returns the substring
from a string based on the specified delimiter; and MIN and MAX, which return
either the alphabetically minimum or maximum value for a string.

In this section, you will further explore some of these functions.

You will now continue with the Orders data from Sample-Superstore.xlsx and work
with the Customer Name field. Currently, this field is a combination of the first
names and last names of customers. First and last names are separated by a space.
For this example, you would separate the first and last names of each customer, and
then find the initial letters of the last names for your customers.

After that, you create groups for names starting with letters A to I, J to R, and S to Z to
find out how many customers fall in each group.

You begin by dragging the Customer Name field into the Rows shelf. There should
be 793 unique customers.
466 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

To find the last name, you have to create calculations on the Customer Name
field. Right-click on the Customer Name field in the Data pane and choose the
Split or Custom Split option available under Transform. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 7.30: A screenshot showing the Split and Custom Split options

When using the Split function, Tableau automatically creates two calculated fields
named Customer Name – Split 1 and Customer Name – Split 2. When
you edit these calculated fields, you will see the following syntax for Split 1 and
Split 2 respectively:
TRIM( SPLIT( [Customer Name], " ", 1 ) )
TRIM( SPLIT( [Customer Name], " ", 2 ) )

This auto split targeted delimiter, which in this case was space, and on that basis, has
split the field to give the first column before the space, which is customer first names
second column after the space, which in this case is customer last names.
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 467

The Custom Split option allows for more control than the auto split option. Here,
for example, only the last name is needed. The first name isn't of any use at this
point. So, instead of using the auto split option, you can use Custom Split, which
brings up the following screenshot:

Figure 7.31: A screenshot showing the Custom Split option

Here, you can specify the separator/delimiter. You can decide whether you want the
first column or the second column, and whether you want to split the columns. To get
only the last name, choose space as the separator, and then Split off the Last 1
column. You get one new calculated field called Customer Name - Split 2. The
syntax of this field is as follows:

TRIM(SPLIT([Customer Name], " ", -1 ))

Split and Custom Split are shortcut options provided by Tableau to split
strings. However, you could get the same result by creating new calculated fields from
scratch using some of the previously stated string functions. You will now explore
this further.

First, parse the string to find the position of the space. Next, ask Tableau to give the
string that follows the space. To find the position of the space, use the FIND function
in Tableau. The syntax of the calculated field should be as follows:

FIND([Customer Name]," ")

This gives the position of the space as a numeric value. However, you need the
string after the space. To identify this, use the MID function. The syntax should be
as follows:

MID([Customer Name],FIND([Customer Name]," "))

468 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

This formula gives you the string followed by the space, but this also includes the
leading space. To remove this leading space, either use the TRIM function or the
LTRIM function as follows:
1. TRIM:

TRIM(MID([Customer Name],FIND([Customer Name]," ")))


LTRIM(MID([Customer Name],FIND([Customer Name]," ")))

Either of these two functions will remove the leading space and give only the string
followed by the space. However, if you don't want to use the TRIM or LTRIM
function, you could even modify the calculation to tweak the FIND function, as
shown here:

MID([Customer Name],(FIND([Customer Name]," ")+1))

The +1 in the preceding example finds the first position after the space, and thus will
work similarly to the TRIM and LTRIM functions.

The point of discussing all these options is to show that many string functions
can be utilized differently to get the same output. Now, choose any of the
preceding formulae and save your calculated field as Last Name. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 7.32: A screenshot showing the Last Name calculated field

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 469

Now, you have the Last Name of your customers, it is time to find the initial letter of
Last Name. Here, again, you can use functions such as LEFT and MID. The syntax
for both these functions is as follows:

LEFT([Last Name],1)

MID([Last Name],1,1)

The LEFT function will return the specified number of characters (shown as 1 in the
previous example) from the start of the given string.

The MID function will return the characters from the middle of the string, giving a
starting position and a length (shown as 1,1 in the previous example). So, both the LEFT
and the MID functions will give us the first character of the string.

Here, you will continue with the MID function, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.33: A screenshot showing the initial letter of the Last Name calculated field
470 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Finally, it is time for you to create your groups. You can use the following formula:

IF [Starting alphabet of Last Name] <= "I" THEN "A-I"

ELSEIF [Starting alphabet of Last Name] >= "S" THEN "S-Z"

Name this calculation Groups-Starting alphabet of Last Name. Refer to

the following screenshot:

Figure 7.34: A screenshot showing the Groups-Starting alphabet

of Last Name calculated field

Change the Customer Name field in the Rows shelf to show the distinct count of
customers. Then, drop the new calculated field into the Columns shelf. Refer to the
following screenshot:
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 471

Figure 7.35: A screenshot showing the bar chart of Groups-Starting letter of Last Name

Figure 7.35 shows that there are more than 350 customers whose last name starts
with a letter that is between A and I.
472 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Typically, when dealing with string data, the two main operations you might perform
are splitting a string into substrings or concatenating two or more strings to make
one long string. You have now learned how to split strings. In the following exercise,
you will be concatenating two strings together.

Exercise 7.04: Creating a String Calculation

In this exercise, you will create a string calculation that will combine Product
Type, Product, and the aggregated Sales value. You will continue using the
CoffeeChain Query data from the Sample-Coffee Chain.mdb file. You will
use the Product Type and Product fields, along with SUM(Sales).

1. Start by creating a bar chart using the Product Type, Product, and
SUM(Sales) fields, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.36: A screenshot showing the bar chart of SUM(Sales) by Product Type and Product

Once the bar chart is created, create a calculated field that is a combination of
the first three letters of Product Type followed by the Product text and
the SUM(Sales) value. So, for example, if Product Type is, Coffee and
Product is Colombian, and if the total sales for this Product are $90,000,
then the output should be COF-Colombian: $90000.

To achieve this, you must change the Product Type to upper case, then pick only
the first 3 characters. You must append the Product labels, and the SUM(Sales)
value, which needs to start with a $ sign and must be rounded off to show zero
decimals. You also need to add some special characters such as space, -, and :.
These can be inserted using either single quotes or double quotes. Follow along
with this exercise to learn how.
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 473

2. Begin by creating a new calculated field called Concatenated string and

type the following formula:

LEFT(UPPER([Product Type]),3) + "-" + [Product] + " : "

This gives you the first part of what the desired string should look like. So,
for example, if the desired output is COF-Colombian: $90000, then the
preceding calculation gives an output of COF-Colombian:.

You are halfway there. Now, if you saved the calculation mid-way, you will have
to right-click on this new calculated field and edit it from the Dimensions pane.
However, if not, you can continue working in the same calculation box.

3. Now you must append the SUM(Sales) value, and this is where things start
to get complicated. Firstly, Product Type and Product are string values, but
SUM(Sales) is an integer value, so it is not possible to concatenate them, unless
you convert SUM(Sales) to a string value. Further, you need the SUM(Sales)
value to be rounded off to zero decimal places and it needs to have $ as a prefix.
Keeping this in mind, amend the existing calculation as follows:

LEFT(UPPER([Product Type]),3) + "-" + [Product] + " : " +


4. You will see that Tableau doesn't agree with this formula and gives an error
indicator. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.37: A screenshot showing the error in the calculation of Concatenated string
474 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

5. Click the error dropdown. You should see an error that reads Cannot mix
aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function.
Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.38: A screenshot showing the "Cannot mix aggregate

and non-aggregate arguments…" error

This is a classic error common in Tableau. It means that SUM(Sales) is an

aggregated field whereas the Product Type and Product fields, being
Dimensions, are not aggregated and, logically, Tableau can't work with
aggregated and non-aggregated values in a calculation. So, to overcome this,
you must aggregate the Product Type and Product fields. Since both
the Product Type and Product fields are dimensions, you can use any of the
following functions: MIN, MAX, or ATTR.

Save your existing calculation as it is and spend a little time understanding these
three functions before amending it.

When aggregating the dimension using the MIN function, you get the
alphabetically minimum or lowest value. The MAX function, on the other hand,
gives the alphabetically maximum or highest value. The ATTR function gives the
value of the field as is if it has a single value for all rows; otherwise, it will return
an asterisk.

6. To demonstrate this, create a new sheet to show Product Type in the Rows
shelf. Then, create a new calculated field called Min of Product with the
following formula:

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 475

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.39: A screenshot showing Min of Product calculation

Save the calculation. Notice that even though it has a string output, it is now part
of the Measures pane. This is because it is now an aggregated field and, as
discussed earlier, any aggregated field becomes part of the Measures pane.

7. Now, create another calculation called Max of Product with the

following formula:


Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.40: A screenshot showing the Max of Product calculation

8. This calculation should also be in the Measures pane.

476 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

9. Finally, create a calculation called Attribute of Product with the

following formula:


Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.41 – A screenshot showing the Attribute of Product calculation

Now drop these three calculated fields into your sheet, right after the Product
Type field in the Rows shelf.
10. First, drop the Min of Product field, followed by Max of Product, and
finally Attribute of Product. You should notice that all three fields give
different outputs. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.42: A screenshot showing the output of Min, Max, and Attribute of Product
calculations at the Product Type level
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 477

As you can see, Min of Product gives you Amaretto for Coffee,
Caffe Latte for Espresso, Chamomile for Herbal Tea, and
Darjeeling for Tea. These are the alphabetically minimum values of our
Product field within that Product Type. Similarly, Max of Product is
giving Decaf Irish Cream for Coffee, Regular Espresso for
Espresso, Mint for Herbal Tea, and Green Tea for Tea. These are
the alphabetically maximum values of your Product field within that Product
Type. Further, Attribute of Product is giving neither the minimum nor
the maximum; instead, it is giving an asterisk. This means there is more than 1
Product under that Product Type and since Tableau can't display all the
values, it is showing the asterisk to indicate there is more than 1 Product under
each Product Type.

11. Now drag the Product field from the Dimensions pane and drop it after
Product Type in the Rows shelf. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.43: A screenshot showing the output of Min, Max, and Attribute of Product
calculations at the Product level
478 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

As you see, when the Product field is in the view, all three calculations give the
same value. This is because the Min or Max of a Product at the Product level
is the Product itself (that is, the Min or Max for Colombian will be Colombian
itself). Similarly, for the Attribute function, since there is only one row of
Product under each Product, you get the output as that Product itself,
and not an asterisk. However, the minute you remove the granularity of the
Product, you start getting different results. So, keep in mind that if the
dimension being aggregated is in the view, all three of these functions will give
the same output.

12. Now you have seen the various options for aggregating dimensions, you will now
go back and amend your Concatenated string calculation. Since you have
two dimensions, namely, Product Type and Product, you must aggregate
both. Since both dimensions are in the view, you can use any of the functions
discussed. For this, use the MIN function. Your formula should update as follows:

MIN(LEFT(UPPER([Product Type]),3)) + "-" + MIN([Product]) + " : $" +


Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.44: A screenshot showing the error-free calculation of Concatenated string

13. Click OK and go back to the sheet where you created a bar chart showing
Product Type, Product, and SUM(Sales). Drop this new field, which is
now found under the Measures pane, into the Rows shelf just after Product.
Refer to the following screenshot:
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 479

Figure 7.45 – A screenshot showing the output of the Concatenated string calculation

You have now created and used string functions in Tableau. You created a
concatenated string using dimensions and aggregated Measures. You saw how to
typecast an integer of a float value into a string, and how to aggregate a dimension
using either the MIN, MAX, or ATTR functions to get rid of the Cannot mix
aggregate and non-aggregate arguments… error. Now you know how to
manipulate string fields, it is time to explore date functions.

Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Date Calculations

When manipulating Date fields, you can use the various Date functions supported
by Tableau. At this point in time (that is, in version 2020.1), these are as follows:


find the date part of the Date field.

• DATEDIFF and DATEADD, used to find the difference between two dates or to
generate a new Date field based on an incremental interval.

• TODAY and NOW, which give the current date or date and time.

• ISDATE, used to find out whether a given field is a Date field.

You will now use a Date calculation to find out how many months it has been since
your customers last made a purchase.
480 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Exercise 7.05: Creating a Date Calculation

The objective of this exercise is to create a Date calculation to find the number of
months since the last purchase for your customers. You will continue using your
Orders data from Sample-Superstore.xlsx and use the Customer Name
and the Order Date fields.

Perform the following steps:

1. Start by dragging Customer Name into the Rows shelf. Then, right-click drag
and drop the Order Date field into the Rows shelf, which should create a
Menu. Select MDY(Order Date). Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.46: A screenshot showing the right-click drag-drop menu for Order Date
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 481

Now you can see all order dates at the customer level. There is no point looking
at all transactional dates for every customer. You are only interested in the last
purchase date, and how many months it has been since it occurred.

2. To achieve this, first create a calculation called Last purchase date with the
following formula:

MAX([Order Date])

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.47: A screenshot showing the Last purchase date calculation

482 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

3. Since this calculation will be computed on the fly, the Max date is dependent on
the dimensions in the view. If you drag and drop this new field into your Rows
shelf, you should notice that the values are the same as for the MDY(Order
Date). This won't work for you; you want the Max date for each customer, and
hence you must remove the MDY(Order Date) granularity. This will update
your view, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.48: A screenshot showing the Last purchase date for each customer
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations | 483

Now you have your Last purchase date field, it is time to find out how
many months it has been since the customers last made a purchase. This can be
achieved by finding the difference between two dates, that is, Last purchase
date and, ideally, Today. However, since your data is not daily-updating,
you will consider the end date as December 31, 2019, which is the last date in
the data.

4. Create a new calculated field called Months since last purchase and use the
following formula:

DATEDIFF('month', [Last purchase date], #2019-12-31#)

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.49: A screenshot showing the Months since last purchase calculation
484 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

5. After you save this calculation, you can drag it into the Text shelf, and should
get the desired output. This calculation finds the difference in months between
Last purchase date and December 31, 2019. A point to remember is that
when you need to enter a hardcoded date, it will start and end with a hash (#), as
shown above. Further, if this data was daily-updating and you wanted to find the
difference with respect to Today, that is, the current date, then you could use
the Today() function, and the calculation would update as shown here:

DATEDIFF('month', [Last purchase date], Today())

Figure 7.50: A screenshot showing the final output of the Date calculation

In this exercise, you used the DATEDIFF() function to find how many months it has
been since customers last made a purchase. In the next section, you'll see what to do
when the value of data for a product is returned as null.
Handling Null Values while Creating and Using Calculations | 485

Handling Null Values while Creating and Using Calculations

Often, you might deal with data containing null values. These could be genuine
entries in the data. For example, there may not be any Sales value to report against
a particular product—even though it is part of the inventory, it may not have been
sold yet. These nulls could also be because of some data entry errors. Most likely, you
would identify and take care of these nulls at the data preparation stage. However,
that may not always be the case. At times, you may need to tackle them within
Tableau Desktop using calculations. Null values tend to pose a problem when used in
calculated fields, simply because when doing arithmetic operations on fields, it may
result in the output being null in Tableau. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.51 – A screenshot showing the Excel data and the output
of the calculation on fields with null values

The preceding screenshot is a quick mockup to show the Excel data on the left and
the Tableau display on the right. You can see that both fields (that is, Value of
Product A and Value of Product B) have null values in certain months. Now,
when you want to find the total value in each month, you add the values of product A
and product B. However, since both of these fields have null values in certain months,
the calculated field only shows the output for months with values in both columns.
For months where either of the values are missing, the calculated field gives null
output. This is simply because you can't do math on null values without getting a
null output.

To overcome this, you will use functions such as ZN, IFNULL, and ISNULL.

The data for this section is available for download using this link:
486 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Refer to the Handling Null Values in Tableau.xlsx data file for this
section. Begin by connecting to this data in Tableau and creating a quick tabular view
showing Month and Value of Product A and Value of Product B. Create
a calculated field called Value of Product A + B. The formula is as follows:

SUM([Value of Product A]) + SUM([Value of Product B])

Add this calculated field to the view. It should update as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 7.52: A screenshot showing the output of calculation on fields with null values

As you see, the calculated field needs some tweaking. The best way to handle these
null values when doing mathematical operations is to convert them to zero. You will
use either the ZN, IFNULL, or ISNULL function.

First, try the ZN function. ZN stands for Zero if Null, and that is exactly what this
function does; it replaces the nulls with zero. Since both fields contain null at some
point, you need to use the ZN function for both fields. Tweak your calculation to use
the following formula:

ZN(SUM([Value of Product A])) + ZN(SUM([Value of Product B]))

Handling Null Values while Creating and Using Calculations | 487

Once you update the calculation, your view will update as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 7.53: A screenshot showing the output of the calculated field using the ZN function

You now get values for every single Month, despite the nulls because Tableau is now
converting these nulls to zero before adding them up.

You will now look at the IFNULL function. Amend your calculated field to comment
out the formula using the ZN function, and instead use the IFNULL formula
as follows:

IFNULL(SUM([Value of Product A]),0) + IFNULL(SUM([Value of Product B]),0)

488 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.54: A screenshot showing the syntax of the IFNULL function

Once you click OK, you will see that you still get output for each Month. The IFNULL
function returns the expression if it is not null; otherwise, it returns the alternate
expression that is defined: zero, in this case.

Now you understand the ZN and the IFNULL functions, you will look at the ISNULL
function. The ISNULL function returns True if the expression contains a null value;
otherwise, it returns False. In other words, the ISNULL function gives us a Boolean
output as either True or False. If you wish to specify some criteria for when a null
condition is True, you should use the ISNULL function with either a CASE statement
or an IF statement. Edit your existing calculated field to comment out the IFNULL
formula and use the following formula:

IF ISNULL(SUM([Value of Product A])) THEN 0 ELSE SUM([Value of Product

IF ISNULL(SUM([Value of Product B])) THEN 0 ELSE SUM([Value of Product
Creating Calculations across Data Sources | 489

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.55: A screenshot showing the syntax of the ISNULL function

Once you click OK, you see that you still get output for each Month. The ISNULL
function, when used in the IF statement, will return Zero if it the Null
condition is True; otherwise, it returns the False condition, which is
the field that we have specified.

Creating Calculations across Data Sources

In earlier sections of this chapter, you have seen how to create and use calculations,
but all these calculations were done within the same data source. Having all your data
in one source would be an idealistic scenario; however, that may not always be the
case, and you may have to deal with data coming from multiple sources. This means
you may have to compute calculations across data sources, too.

In this section, you will focus on how to create calculations across data sources using
data blending. You will also look at how to create and use calculated fields to join
data. You have already seen the data blending and join functionality in previous
chapters, and you will use that knowledge to create and use calculations across
data sources.

You will use the Modified CoffeeChain data along with Budget Sales for
CofeeChain.xlsx. These can be downloaded at the following links:

490 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Once downloaded, load the files into Tableau Desktop. Use the Microsoft
Access option to connect to the CoffeeChain Query table from the Modified_
CoffeeChain.mdb data. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.56: A screenshot showing the preview of the Modified CoffeeChain data
Creating Calculations across Data Sources | 491

Look at this data preview. Notice that the Date field is of a DATETIME data type,
even though the timestamp is 00:00:00. Once you familiarize yourself with this
dataset, you will try to get the Budget data as well. To achieve this, click on the
Add button in the left-hand side section of this data connection window and select
the Microsoft Excel option to select Budget Sales for CoffeeChain.
xlsx. This should create a cross-database join between the two. Refer to the
following screenshot:

Figure 7.57 – A screenshot showing the preview of a cross-database join

of CoffeeChain data and Budget Sales
492 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Something has gone wrong with the join, indicated by the red exclamation mark and
the lack of data to preview. This is because the Date field in the Access database
is a DATETIME field whereas, the Date field in the Excel data is a DATE field. To use
the Date field as a common linking field between both these datasets, it will have to
be of the same data type. So, change the DATETIME field to a DATE field and then
try to enable the join. Changing the datatype could be done in many ways; however,
here, you will use the calculation method and will use this calculation to create a join
between the two data sources.

Begin by clicking the red exclamation mark and then clicking the dropdown under the
left column in the window where you are defining the join criteria. Select the Create
Join Calculation... option. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.58: A screenshot showing the Create Join Calculation option

Type the following formula:

Creating Calculations across Data Sources | 493

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.59: A screenshot showing the Create Join Calculation formula

for typecasting the Date field

Since the Date field in the Budget Sales data is already a DATE data type, select the
Date (Budget Sale) field from the dropdown. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.60: A screenshot showing the Date field in the Budget Sales data
being used for joining
494 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

You should see that the Join condition is resolved, and your dataset is now ready for
use. The output of this join will be a single combined dataset and you can then create
other calculations using this combined dataset.

You will now use a calculation across data sources using data blending, where you
first connect to these datasets independently and then combine them on the fly as
and when required.

So, you have the Modified CoffeeChain data and Budget Sales for
CoffeeChain data, and you want to use these independently across your
workbook. This won't present issues until you need to get data from both these data
sources in one single sheet. For example, imagine you want to find the percentage
of a target you have achieved across months of a year. You have the Sales field in
the Modified CoffeeChain data and Budget Sales in the Budget Sales
for CoffeeChain data; to find the percentage of the target achieved across those
months, you need to create a new calculated field. Name this new calculated field %
Target Achieved.
Begin by connecting to the Modified CoffeeChain data independently and then
connect to the Budget Sales for CoffeeChain data. You should get two
separate data sources in your Data pane. Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.61: A screenshot showing Budget Sales and Modified CoffeChain

as separate and independent data sources
Creating Calculations across Data Sources | 495

Once you have both these data sources within Tableau Desktop, drag the Date
field from the Modified CoffeeChain data into the Rows shelf, then drop
the Product field from the same data source into the Rows shelf just after
YEAR(Date). Next, double-click on Sales from the Measures pane of the
Modified CoffeeChain data. Then click on the Budget Sales for
CoffeeChain data in the Data pane to enable the dimensions and Measures for
that data source. You should now notice the blending link enabled for the Date field,
as well as the Product field. Keep these links as is, then double-click the Budget
Sales field from the Measures pane of the Budget Sales for CoffeeChain
data. The view updates, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.62: A screenshot showing the results of data blending

496 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Now, create a new calculated field called % Target Achieved in your Budget
Sales for CoffeeChain data. Drag the Sales field from the Modified
CoffeeChain data into the calculation box and divide this by SUM([Budget
Sales]). The formula is as follows:
SUM([Sheet1 (Modified CoffeeChain)].[Sales])
SUM(Budget Sales [Budget Sales])

Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.63: A screenshot showing the formula of the % Target Achieved calculation

The field Sales is shown as [Sheet1 (Modified CoffeeChain)].[Sales],

which shows that the field is coming from the Modified CoffeeChain data. Click
OK and save this calculation. Change Default Properties to format this new
field to show Percentage with 2 decimals. This can be done by using the
Default Properties > Number Format option, which is available when right-
clicking on the field in the Measures pane. Now, drop this new calculated field in the
view and your view should update, as shown in the following screenshot:
Creating Calculations across Data Sources | 497

Figure 7.64: A screenshot showing the output of the % Target Achieved calculation

As you see in the preceding screenshot, there are some products where the %
Target Achieved is less than 100%, and there are certain products where the %
Target Achieved is more than 100%. You have now learned to create calculations
across data sources. A point to remember here, is that when you do this, the fields
you use always need to be aggregated.

You will now try some activities based on what you have learned so far.

Now, even though we have tried to cover a lot of the Tableau functions, we
still haven't been able to go through all the functions that Tableau has to
offer. If you wish to know more about all the functions that Tableau has to
offer, then you can look at the following links:
498 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Activity 7.01: Calculating the Profit Margin

As a data analyst, you may encounter a scenario where you are required to compute
profit margins using the Profit and Sales field and filter this Profit Margin
below a certain threshold. The aim of this activity is to calculate the Profit
Margin, which is computed by dividing Profit by Sales. Once you have the
Profit Margin computed, you want to filter products and only display the
Profit Margin for the Xerox product. Finally, you want to filter the Xerox
products, and only look at those where the Profit Margin is more than 45%.

Steps for completion:

1. For this activity, use the Orders data from the Sample-Superstore.xlsx file.

2. Create a table/tabular view to show Product Name, Profit, and Sales.

3. Create a calculated field on Product Name to identify the Xerox products and
group the rest of the products as Others.

4. Use this new calculated field to filter the table to show only the Xerox products.

5. Then create another calculated field to compute the Profit Margin, which
will be derived by dividing the Profit values by the Sales values.

6. Add this new calculated field into the view and make sure to change the number
format to show percentages with two decimals.

7. Use this new calculated field to filter the view to show the Profit Margin
above 45% and sort the final output in ascending order of Profit Margin.
Refer to the following screenshot:
Creating Calculations across Data Sources | 499

Figure 7.65: A screenshot showing the expected output of Activity 7.01

The solution to this activity can be found here:
500 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations

Activity 7.02: Calculating the Percentage Achievement with Respect to Budget

As data analysts, you may often be required to compare actual sales with budgeted
sales, to determine performance. In this activity, you will find out what percentage
of budget sales targets have been achieved for the year 2012. You will use the
CoffeeChain Query table from the Sample-Coffee Chain.mdb dataset. The data
can be downloaded from the following link for this activity:!Av5QCoy

1. Use the Sample-Coffee Chain.mdb data.

2. Create a bar chart to show Sales across Products for the year 2012.

3. Create a calculated field to find out the percentage Achievement of Actual

Sales with respect to the Budget Sales for all the Products displayed in
the view.

4. Color code the bars with respect to % Achievement in such a way that
Products with less than 95% Achievement are called <95% of Target
achieved (color-coded orange). Those with more than 100% Achievement
are called >100% Target achieved (color-coded gray). Those between
95% and 100% Achievement are called Between 95% to 100% Target
achieved (color-coded blue). Refer to the following screenshot:

Figure 7.66: A screenshot showing the expected output of Activity 7.02

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Summary | 501

In this chapter, you explored some important aspects involved in creating and
using calculations in Tableau and studied the difference between aggregate and
non-aggregate fields. You looked at numeric, string, and date calculations, and
learned to write logic statements and handle null values. Finally, you looked at how to
use these calculations across data sources.

In upcoming chapters, you will move on to more advanced table and level of detail
calculations, which will allow you to do even more with your data.
Data Analysis: Creating and
Using Table Calculations

In this chapter, you will learn about the different types of table calculations
in Tableau, their benefits, and how to use them effectively. The goal of
this chapter is to improve your analytical skills using table calculations
by looking at data through different views to understand the underlying
patterns. By the end of this chapter, you will be well positioned to perform
complex analysis on the data in your visualizations using table calculations.
504 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

In any visualization, a virtual table is created based on the dimensions used in the
view. This is added to the Columns, Rows, and Marks shelves.

Figure 8.1: Virtual table in the view

The highlighted area in the preceding figure consisting of the Rows, Columns,
and Marks shelves will make up your level of detail. The empty canvas outline for
dropping fields contains the virtual table that will be affected by table calculations.

A table calculation is simply a calculation that computes results based on the table
segment in scope. You will learn about segments and scope in detail in the following
sections. For now, assume it is the entire empty canvas area. All table calculations will
only be computed within the empty canvas outline or the virtual table.

In previous chapters, you learned about visualization methods that present data in
a meaningful way. There may be times where you need to analyze a table, such as
when you want to find the most profitable sub-category within a category. This is
where table calculations come in handy.
Quick Table Calculations | 505

In this chapter, you will learn about table calculations and their applications through
various exercises. You will also learn about the functions that are a part of table
calculations, and how to apply them. You will use the Sample - Superstore
dataset throughout the exercises.

Quick Table Calculations

Quick table calculations, as the name suggests, allow you to quickly apply frequently
used table calculations to the view using the most typical settings for that calculation
type. They save you the effort of using the column fields from data to create
calculations. They have inbuilt logic , so you can use them directly in the view. Some
of the most commonly used table calculations are as follows:

• Running Total

• Difference

• Percent of Total

• Percent Difference

• Percentile

• Rank

• Moving Average

You will start by learning how to apply quick table calculations, using the Sample
- Superstore dataset. This file can be found by following the Documents | My
Tableau Repository | Data Sources system path, and then opening the
Sample - Superstore.xls file.
506 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

To begin, create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and
SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.2: Initial view

Table calculations only work with measures, so you need a measure to add a
calculation. To add a quick table calculation, first click on the measure dropdown,
which is SUM(Profit) in this case.

Figure 8.3: Accessing the Profit drilldown

Quick Table Calculations | 507

Navigate to the Quick Table Calculation menu.

Figure 8.4: Various quick table calculations

You can see that there are numerous quick calculations available, such as Running
Total, Percentile, and Rank. You will now go through each of these in detail.

Running Total
Running Total, as the name suggests, is used to calculate the cumulative total
of a measure across a specific dimension or table structure. It adds up the previous
value with the current value to display that result in the current value's place in the
running total. For example, consider that you are working on a project related to a
car manufacturer. A common use case for this calculation, would be to calculate the
month-by-month cumulative car sales for a year, to find out the total sales for that
year. You can also further calculate it on a year-by-year basis to find out the overall
car sales to date. The next exercise looks at this in detail.

Exercise 8.01: Creating a Running Total Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate the cumulative profit earned across different years
for a particular category using the Running Total calculation. This allows you
to view all years together for the profits earned, rather than individual years. The
following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance. In the

Connect pane, click on Microsoft Excel and navigate to Documents |
My Tableau Repository | Data Sources, and then open the Sample -
Superstore.xls file.
508 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and

SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.5: Running total initial view

3. Add a Running Total quick calculation to the view by selecting the following
highlighted options:

Figure 8.6: Accessing Quick Table Calculation | Running Total

Quick Table Calculations | 509

4. The following view shows the final output:

Figure 8.7: Final output

As you can see, by comparing the previous figure (final view) with the next one
(initial view), the profit has been summed cumulatively by taking the previous
year's profit, as well as the current year's profit. With Furniture, for example,
the second value under the running total is computed using the previous value
and the current value, that is, 5,458 + 3,015 = 8,473, and this is done similarly for
other values.

Figure 8.8: Initial view

510 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

This view is helpful for calculating the cumulative profit earned, year after year, for
the different categories, as well as for identifying which category has been performing
well and which hasn't. These insights can help you make important business
decisions to understand which products can be used to generate higher profits.

Next, you will learn about the Difference table calculation.

Difference, as the name suggests, is used to calculate the difference of a measure
across a specific dimension or table structure from its previous value. Often, you may
need to analyze how individual categories compare with their past performances,
i.e. comparing product sales from previous quarters. Continuing with the car
manufacturer example, a common scenario to apply this calculation, would be to
compare the sales for the months of a year. This allows you to find out whether the
total sales are greater or fewer, compared to the previous months. In the following
exercise, you will learn how to apply a Difference table calculation to a worksheet.

Exercise 8.02: Creating a Difference Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate the profit difference across years for a category.
This will help you analyze whether that category is profitable or not:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and

SUM(Profit), as follows:
Quick Table Calculations | 511

Figure 8.9: Initial view

3. Add the Difference quick calculation to the view, as shown in the

following figure:

Figure 8.10: Accessing quick table calculation difference

512 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

The final view will be as follows:

Figure 8.11: Final output

As you can see, the result is the difference between the current year's profit and
the previous year's profit; for example, for Furniture, the second value under
Difference is computed using the previous value and the current value, that
is, 3,015 – 5,458 = -2443. This is done similarly for the other categories. One thing
to note here is the first year's value will always be blank, as there is nothing to
compute the difference from.

In the next section, you will learn about the Percent of Total table calculation.

Percent of Total
A Percent of Total calculation is used to calculate the percent distribution
of a measure across a specific dimension or table structure. For example, if you
are analyzing a project that operates in multiple countries, you can calculate what
percentage of the total revenue each country generates. This in turn can highlight
underperforming countries, as well as the better-performing ones.

You will use this calculation in the next exercise.

Quick Table Calculations | 513

Exercise 8.03: Creating a Percent of Total Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate the Percent of Total profits earned in
different years for a category. By doing so, you can understand how each category
has contributed to yearly profits. Perform the following steps to complete
this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and

SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.12: Initial view

514 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

3. Add the Percent of Total quick calculation to the view

Figure 8.13: Accessing quick table calculation | percent of total

The following view is the final output:

Figure 8.14: Final output

Quick Table Calculations | 515

You can see that the profit has been converted to a percentage of the total, from all
the years' profits. For example, for Furniture, you can first compute the sum of
all the years' profits, which comes to 18,451. Then, divide each year's profits with this
number. So, for 2016, you can compute it as 5,458 / 18,451, which is 29.58%.

This view helps find out which year has been better for generating profits for each
category. The next step is to identify patterns indicative of higher profits in those
years, and to try to replicate the patterns for the current year to generate similar or
higher profits.

The next section looks at the Percent Difference table calculation.

Percent Difference
Percent Difference, as the name suggests, is used to calculate the change
in the percent distribution of a measure across a specific dimension or table
structure. This calculation will first subtract a value from its previous value, and then
compute the percentage change. As you may have noticed, this table calculation is
a combination of the Difference and Percent of Total calculations. The
reason for using a percentage is that absolute numbers do not always show the
complete picture. For example, the sale of 10 Ferrari cars will generate more profit
compared to 50 Honda cars. But if you compare this using actual numbers, the data
will say that Honda is more profitable, even though Ferrari is actually more profitable.

You will learn more about using this calculation in the next exercise.

Exercise 8.04: Creating a Percent Difference Calculation

In this exercise, you will be calculating Percent Difference across the different
years for a particular category. This will help you analyze, in terms of percentage, the
profit difference for the various categories:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

516 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and

SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.15: Initial view

3. Add the Percent Difference quick calculation to the view:

Figure 8.16: Accessing quick table calculation | percent difference

Quick Table Calculations | 517

The following figure shows the final output:

Figure 8.17: Final output

As you can see, the output shows the difference between the current value and
previous values, divided by the previous value; for Furniture, the percent
difference for 2016 is computed as 3,015 – 5,458 / 5,458, which comes to -44.8%.

This view helps to compare the individual category profits in terms of percent, and
identifies how each category has performed compared to the previous year. This
can help you understand whether the category did better (or not), compared to the
previous year.You can further investigate the reason for performance differences,
and act on the analysis accordingly.

Next, you will learn about the Rank and Percentile table calculations.

Percentile and Rank

Percentile, as you may have guessed, is used to calculate the percentile of a
measure across a specific dimension or table structure. Similarly, Rank will rank the
measure across a specific dimension or table structure. You will learn about these in
detail in the next exercise.
518 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

Exercise 8.05: Creating Percentile and Rank Calculations

In this exercise, you will calculate Percentile and Rank across different years for a
particular category. This will help you understand how much profit various categories
have generated in different years. Follow these steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and


Figure 8.18: Initial view

3. Add the Rank quick calculation to the view, as shown in the following figure:
Quick Table Calculations | 519

Figure 8.19: Accessing quick table calculation | rank

The following view will be the final output for Rank. The output is ranked based
on the descending values of SUM(Profit):

Figure 8.20: Rank output on selecting the Rank quick table calculation
520 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

4. Similarly, add the Percentile quick calculation to the view by selecting the
Percentile quick table calculation. The following figure shows the final output
for this:

Figure 8.21: Percentile output on selecting the Percentile quick table calculation

With the Rank calculation, you ranked each year in a particular category based on
the sum of the profits. The preceding figure shows the Percentile operation.
For Furniture, the profit for 2016 is at the 0th percentile, which means that
0% of data is under $3,015. Similarly, for 2017, the profit is $6,960 at the 100th
percentile, meaning that the profit for all other years is below this value. This view
can help you do a year-by-year comparison for individual category profits in terms of
percentile and rank, to identify how each category has performed compared to the
previous year.

Next, you will learn about the Moving Average quick table calculation.
Quick Table Calculations | 521

Moving Average
Moving Average is used to calculate the average of a measure across a specific
dimension or table structure in a dynamic range, rather than being static. The
advantage of using a moving average is that more importance is given to the values
of recent history, rather than using all historic data. Moving averages are commonly
used for identifying trends of share prices, where you can analyze a 20-day moving
average (last 20 days of share price), or a 50-day moving average (last 50 days of
share price), to understand how the share price is moving. The next exercise looks at
this in detail.

Exercise 8.06: Creating a Moving Average Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate the moving average of profit earned across different
years for a particular category. This will help you understand whether the average
value is higher or lower than the previous year's profits:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and


Figure 8.22: Initial view

522 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

3. Add the Moving Average quick calculation, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 8.23: Accessing quick table calculation | moving average

This view will be the final output:

Figure 8.24: Final output

As you see, the profit has been averaged across the total from all the years' profits.
First, the sum of all the years' profits is computed, and then, this number is divided by
the number of years. For example, for 2017, the moving average comes to 8,473 / 2
= 4,236.
Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 523

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning

In the previous section, you learned about quick table calculations. But did you
notice that all these calculations were working at the row level? What if you need to
apply calculations at the column level? This is where the concept of addressing and
partitioning comes into play.

Addressing means defining the direction of the calculation. A calculation can compute
horizontally or vertically, depending on the option selected. Partitioning can be
defined as the scope of the calculation; for example, you can partition a view into
various years for different categories, or various categories for the same year.

In this section, you will learn about the following methods to address and
partition data:

• Table(across)

• Table(down)

• Table(across then down)

• Table(down then across)

• Pane(down)

• Pane(across then down)

• Pane(down then across)

• Cell

• Specific Dimensions

You will continue working with the same example that you have been using in the
previous exercises. First, you will explore the various ways of addressing data.

Table (across)
Table(across) performs a calculation horizontally across a table, and restarts
after each row. For example, consider you have years on the Columns shelf for
various product names on the rows, along with their sales. Here, Table(across)
would perform the calculation for all the years' sales for an individual product, and
then restart for the next product. The next exercise looks at this in detail.
524 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

Exercise 8.07: Creating a Table (across) Calculation

Considering the example of car manufacturer sales, suppose you want to compare
the sales for the various years. In this exercise, you will use a Table(across)
calculation to find this. The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and


Figure 8.25: Initial view

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 525

3. Add the Running Total quick calculation to get the following view:

Figure 8.26: Running total for SUM(Profit)

4. Now, select Compute Using and then Table(across), as shown in the

following figure

Figure 8.27: Selecting table (across)

526 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

The next figure shows the final view. You can see that the Profit table
calculation is done for every Category (partitioning) across the different
Order Date years (addressing):

Figure 8.28: Final output

This view helps find the cumulative profit for the various categories over the
years. This can help youunderstand how each category has been performing
compared with other categories, over the years.

Next, you will learn about the Table(down) calculation.

Table (down)
Table(down) computes the calculation vertically down the table, and restarts after
each column. For example, consider that you have the various years on the Columns
shelf for the product names (and their sales) on the rows. Table(down) would
compute the calculation for all of a product's sales for an individual year, and then
restart at the next product.

Exercise 8.08: Creating a Table (down) Calculation

For this exercise, you will compare the sales for various years, using the
Table(down) calculation along years. This will help you compare the profits for the
years, and help you understand whether the sales are improving or declining:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date) and

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 527

Figure 8.29: Initial view

3. Add the Running Total quick calculation to get the following view. This is the
default, which is the across or horizontal direction:

Figure 8.30: Running total for SUM(Profit)

528 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

4. Select Compute Using and then Table(down), as follows:

Figure 8.31: Accessing compute using | table (down)

5. The following figure shows the final view. You can see that the Profit table
calculation is computed for every Order Date year (partitioning) for the three
Category values (addressing):

Figure 8.32: Final output

This view can help you answer how each category has been performing based on
profits across years. You could potentially make important business decisions based
off these results.

Next, you will learn about Table(across then down) and Table(down then
across) together. These are opposites. Table(across then down) computes
the calculation horizontally across the table and adds the values at the end of each
row to the first value of the next row. Table(down then across) performs the
calculation vertically down the table, and adds the values at the end of each column
to the first value of the next column.
Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 529

In the Table(down) and Table(across) exercises, you treated the end totals
for each column or row as separate values. So, you got a comparison for the different
addressing results. For Table(across then down) and Table(down then
across), a value for the current row/column will be the result of the previous rows/
columns along with the current row/column.

Considering the previous example of car manufacturer sales, suppose you perform
Table(down) and then Table(across) for sales; Tableau would first compute
the sales for the current year for all products, and then add that value to the next
year's values. Hence, for the current year, you would get cumulative values for the
previous years and the current year's sales.

Exercise 8.09: Creating Table (across then down) and Table (down then across)
In this exercise, you will continue with the example used in the previous exercises,
and use Table(across then down) and Table(down then across)
calculations. The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category and Sub-Category against

YEAR(Order Date) and SUM(Profit), as follows. Filter on Category:
Technology by placing Category on the Filters shelf:

Figure 8.33: Initial view for table (across then down)

530 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

3. Add the Running Total quick calculation to get the following view. Here, you
get the cumulative sum of profits for all the years for a sub-category. The default
addressing would be Table(across):

Figure 8.34: Running total for SUM(Profit)

4. Select Compute Using and then Table(across then down).

Figure 8.35: Accessing compute using | table (across then down)

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 531

The following is the generated view. You can follow the lines shown in the
following figure to see how the computation is done:

Figure 8.36: The working of table (across then down)

First, Table(across) is performed for Accessories (see the orange lines).

Then, that total ($41,937) is computed by Table(down) (green line) with the
profit of Copiers ($2,913) making it $44,850. This process is repeated until
the table ends.

5. To change this to Table(down then across), select Compute Using and

then Table(down then across), as follows:

Figure 8.37: Accessing compute using | table (down then across)

532 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

This will be the generated view. Again, you can follow the lines to see how the
computation is done. This is exactly the opposite of how Table(across then
down) works:

Figure 8.38: The working of table (down then across)

As you see, first the profits are added in a downward direction, then this sum is taken
across to a different year. This process continues until the final year. This view can
help you understand how the different sub-categories have been performing, based
on profits summed together over the previous years.

Next, you will learn about panes. Table calculations can work down or across panes,
depending on the calculation type. A pane can be defined as a combination of cells
made up of fields on the Rows and Columns shelves, as in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.39: Panes

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 533

They can also be thought of as smaller tables within a bigger table. Table calculations
can be performed on panes similar to how you did at the table level. The following is
a list of the various pane-related computations:

• Pane(across)

• Pane(down)

• Pane(across then down)

• Pane(down then across)

You will start with Pane(across).

Exercise 8.10: Creating a Pane (across) Calculation

Pane(across) computes the calculation horizontally across the pane, and restarts
at the next pane. Considering your previous example of car manufacturer sales,
suppose you want to compare the sales for the various years, while also considering
the different car segments, such as hatchback, sedan, and SUV. In this exercise, you
will use the Pane(across) calculation to do this.

The following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Category against YEAR(Order Date),

QUARTER(Order Date), and SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.40: Initial view with a running total for SUM(Profit)

534 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

3. Filter on YEAR(Order Date) as 2016 and 2017.

Figure 8.41: Adding a YEAR filter

4. You now have two horizontal panes. For a pane table calculation to be activated,
you need more than one dimension in the rows or the columns. A pane here will
be one row, per Category,per year; so you'll have six panes in the view. The
first pane looks like this:

Figure 8.42: Understanding pane (across)

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 535

5. Add a Running Total of Sum(Profit) and then select the Pane(across) option
by clicking again on SUM(Profit).

Figure 8.43: Accessing compute using | pane (across)

On selecting Pane(across), you should see the following output:

Figure 8.44: Final output

536 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

6. To understand this better, add Profit to another view and compute the result.

Figure 8.45: The working of pane (across)

As you see, each of the highlighted blue boxes just adds profits horizontally, and
this restarts after each partition or pane horizontally. You can also validate the
sum of profit by referencing the bottom table.

Figure 8.46: Final output analysis

This view can help you see how different categories have performed based
on profits summed together over all different quarters across the two Order
Date years. This can help you hone in on profits, to understand which quarters
generated the highest profits.

Next, you will learn about Pane(down). Pane(down) performs the calculation
vertically down the pane, and restarts at the next pane.
Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 537

Exercise 8.11: Pane (down) Calculation

Considering the example of car manufacturer sales, suppose you want to analyze
the sales of various car models sold per segment per year. Here, you can use
Pane(down) addressing on the segment partitioning. The following steps will help
you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows YEAR(Order Date) and Category against

QUARTER(Order Date) and the running total for SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.47: Initial view with the running total for SUM(Profit)

3. Filter on YEAR(Order Date) as 2016 and 2017.

Figure 8.48: Adding a YEAR filter

538 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

4. Now, you will have eight vertical panes – four for 2016 and four for 2017 –
based on the four quarters and two years.

Figure 8.49: Understanding pane (down)

5. Select the Pane(down) option by clicking again on SUM(Profit), as follows:

Figure 8.50: Accessing compute using | pane (down)

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 539

You will see the following output:

Figure 8.51: Final output

6. To understand this better, add Profit to the view and see the result.

Figure 8.52: The working of pane (down)

As you see, the values in each blue pane (highlighted) are summed in a downward
direction, and this process restarts after every pane. Here, you can compare quarterly
profits. For example, for Q1 2016, the total profit is $3,811 and similarly, for Q1
2017, it is $9,265, which is approximately 2.5 times more profit. The same is cannot
be said for Q2 profits. Based on this, you can try to analyze the reasoning behind such
differences, and use those insights to tweak business strategy.
540 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

Next, you will learn about Pane(across then down) and Pane(down then
across). Pane(across then down) is a combination of Pane(across) and
Pane(down); that is, it computes the calculation horizontally across the pane and
combines the result with the values in the next pane. Pane(down then across)
is the opposite of Pane(across then down), as it performs the calculation
vertically down the pane and combines the result with the values in the next pane.
The next exercise looks at this in detail.

Exercise 8.12: Creating a Pane-Level Calculation

This exercise continues with the example of car manufacturer sales. Suppose you
want the sales per segment per quarter for the different years together. Here,
you can use the option of Pane(across then down) or Pane(down then
across). The result combines all detailed panes into a cumulative overall total. The
following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Before creating the view, you must first create a combined field for Category
and Sub-Category. This is required for the Pane(across then down)
calculation, else Tableau will merge the sub-categories. Select Category
and Sub-Category together, then, right-click and select Create and then
Combined Field, as follows:

Figure 8.53: Creating a combined field

3. Create a view that shows YEAR(Order Date) and QUARTER(Order Date)

against Category, Sub-Category, and the combined field. Also, add the
running total for SUM(Profit), as follows:
Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 541

Figure 8.54: Initial view with the running total for SUM(Profit)

4. Filter on YEAR(Order Date) as 2016 and 2017. Also, filter on Category by

selecting Furniture and Technology, as follows:

Figure 8.55: Adding category and YEAR filters

542 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

5. You now have two horizontal Year panes and two vertical Category
panes. Select the Pane(across then down) option by clicking again
on SUM(Profit).

Figure 8.56: Accessing compute using | pane (across then down)

6. On selecting Pane(across then down), the output generated is as follows:

Figure 8.57: Final output for pane (across then down)

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 543

7. To understand this better, add Profit to the view and calculate the result.

Figure 8.58: The working of pane (across then down)

Notice the blue arrows, which indicate the profits being summed from the first to
the last value in that row; the orange arrow indicates that the last value of each
row is added to the first value of the next row. This process is repeated until the
last row for each year. Once a year is completed, the calculation restarts for the
next year. You can validate the numbers by looking at the Sum(Profit) values,
as seen on the right side.
544 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

8. Change the calculation to Pane(down then across), as shown in the

following figure:

Figure 8.59: Accessing compute using | pane (down then across)

The output generated will be as follows:

Figure 8.60: Final output for Pane (down then across)

Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning | 545

9. To understand this better, add Profit to the view and calculate the result
for 2016.

Figure 8.61: The working of pane (down then across)

Observe the blue arrows, which indicate the profits being summed from the first to
the last value in the column. The orange arrow indicates that the last value of each
column is added to the first value of the next column. This process is repeated until
the last row for each year. Once a year is completed, the calculation restarts for the
next year. Once again, you can validate the numbers by looking at the Sum(Profit)
values, as seen on the right side.
546 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

Cell computes across the individual cells. The result is the same as adding the
measure to the shelf directly, as shown in the following figure (the cell is highlighted
using a box):

Figure 8.62: Computing using cell

The values are the same in both tables. Specific Dimensions computes
using the dimensions you specify. You will learn about this in more detail in the
following section.

Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations

Hopefully you now have a good understanding of quick table calculations, but what
if you need to use some other calculation, such as ranking the rows in a table? Here,
you can use the Create calculation window. Tableau supports many table functions
besides quick table calculations. In this section, you will learn how to create, access,
edit, and remove a table calculation.
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 547

Creating a New Table Calculation

To create a table calculation, right-click on any measure value, and then click on
Create , then Calculated Field..., as follows:

Figure 8.63: Creating a calculated field from Profit

Once you click on Calculated Field..., a calculation editor window will open
up, as follows:

Figure 8.64: Calculation editor

548 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

Now, you can click on the dropdown and select the Table Calculation menu,
as follows:

Figure 8.65: Accessing table calculation functions in the calculation editor

Next, the list of all the table calculations supported by Tableau appears, as follows:

Figure 8.66: Various table calculation functions

Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 549

In Tableau, it's very easy to understand these table calculations. Each calculation
is defined by specifying the syntax for use, the expected result from using the
calculation, followed by an example.

You are already familiar with RUNNING_TOTAL, which is similar to RUNNING_SUM.

The same calculation type can be used to do a variety of operations, such as sum,
average, and finding the minimum and maximum values, which can be referenced
under the table calculation menu.

Exercise 8.13: Creating a Table Calculation Using the Calculation Editor

In your projects, you might need to use one of the table calculation functions in the
view. An example of this is the index function, which adds serial numbers to the rows
in the view. You can do this by creating a table calculation. In this exercise, you will
calculate the rank of Sub-Category based on SUM(Profit) across years. The
following steps will help you complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance. Use the
combined field that you created earlier along with YEAR(Order Date). Create
a view as follows and also filter Category for Furniture:

Figure 8.67: Initial view with SUM(Profit)

550 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

2. Now, create a RANK table calculation. Right-click on Profit in the data

pane and select Create | Calculated Field…. This will open up the
calculation editor.

Figure 8.68: Creating a calculation using Profit

3. Add the following expression to the calculation editor:


This is shown in the following figure:

Figure 8.69: Profit_Rank calculation

Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 551

4. Name it Profit_Rank.

5. Drag this onto the view on Text, as follows:

Figure 8.70: Adding the Profit_Rank calculation to the view

552 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

6. Observe that the default is the Table (across) direction. Edit this and try
to change the computation on specific dimensions in the view. Click on the
Profit_Rank dropdown and select Edit Table Calculation… and then
Specific Dimensions, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 8.71: Accessing edit table calculation

Using these options, you can control how the table calculation is computed. It is
important to understand the different options here:
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 553

• At the level: This determines the level at which the calculation is computed.
The level here implies the different dimensions in the view, such as Category
and Sub-Category. Deepest is the default if multiple dimensions are
selected, which means the computation will happen at the lowest level of
granularity, which is Sub-Category in your view.

Figure 8.72: Various options under the At the level dropdown

554 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

• Restarting every: This option can be used to restart the computation

based on the field selected.

Figure 8.73: Various options under the Restarting every dropdown

• Show calculation assistance: This option highlights how the

computation will work based on your selections. As the following figure
shows, based on the selections, Profit_Rank will work in the downward
direction (highlighted):
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 555

Figure 8.74: Using Show calculation assistance

This view showed how you can perform table calculations at different levels using the
dimensions in the view.

Removing a Table Calculation

Once you have added a table calculation, you should also be able to remove it. This
can be done by clicking on an existing quick table calculation and selecting the Clear
Table Calculation option, as follows:

Figure 8.75: Selecting the Clear Table Calculation option

556 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

Activity 8.01: Managing Hospital Bed Allocations

There may be scenarios where you need to use the historic value of a measure to
compute its current value, for example, when finding the cumulative sum of sales for
all quarters in a year.This can, in turn, help you visualize the entire year's sales, or the
sales difference, compared to previous quarters. In such cases, a table calculation
can be useful, as all logic is inbuilt, and you need only apply the calculation to the
measure value.

In this activity, you will apply table calculations to a hospital-based project, to identify
how many patients are currently admitted.You willconsider factors such as new
admissions, discharges, and routine follow-ups, to check whether the threshold for
beds is sufficient. By doing this, you can ensure the hospital will not run out of beds in
the case of an emergency.

In the dataset, there is a date column indicating the current day, an Open column
indicating the number of patients admitted, Discharges indicating the number of
discharges, and Re-open indicating the number of patients getting re-admitted or
following up for a previous admission. In addition, you also need to keep 100 of the
total 900 beds free in case of an emergency. If the number of patients exceeds 600, it
should be highlighted visually.

The dataset used for this activity can be found and downloaded from

The following steps will help you complete this activity:

1. Open and connect the dataset for Activity 1 in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a calculation named current_patients to find the number of

patients currently admitted. This can be calculated after considering the Open,
Discharges, and Re-open columns.
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 557

3. Once you have a bar chart view, display the date at the exact date level, along
with the number of patients currently in the hospital, using the current_
patients field created in the previous step. This view helps you view how
many patients are admitted on a given day.

4. Add a running_sum table calculation to the current_patients table

calculation in the existing view. This view helps you visualize the number of
patients admitted on a given day considering all the previous days as well.

5. Create another calculation named Alert to indicate that the patient count is
above 600. You need to use running_sum to identify the number of patients on a
given day.

6. Now, you should be able to analyze the total number of patients admitted to the
hospital, and see whether there are enough beds available.

7. The initial view is as follows:

Figure 8.76: Initial view – activity

558 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

The final output is as follows:

Figure 8.77: Final view – activity

Here, you can see that in 2009, there was a period when the number of patients
was more than the number of beds. Although such incidents are rare, it is
imperative that they are managed properly.

With this activity, you strengthened your knowledge of creating and using table
calculations. This activity helped you see how you can use cumulative values to
better analyze data, by highlighting anomalies or events that may have a significant
business impact.

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations | 559

Activity 8.02: Planning for a Healthy Population

In the previous activity, you created a visualization to indicate a drastic increase in the
number of patients. As an analyst, you should also be able to use historic data, and
identify patterns when the number of patients go up.

In this activity, you will use a range window to identify when the current admissions
increase, and whether there is a specific observable trend. In this way, the hospital
can be better prepared for the future. You will use the same hospital data used in the
previous activity. The following steps will help you complete this activity:

1. Plot the window average of the RUNNING_SUM of current_patients,

weekly. A window average takes the average of all values in the window, which in
this case is the view.

2. Remove the average for the last 10-week range to check whether the count of
currently admitted patients goes up or down. Create a parameter that can be
used as input for the range; you can name it Range_input.

3. Use this Range_input parameter as the input for the WINDOW_AVG

calculation named avg_admitted. You need to calculate the average from the last
10 weeks to the current week.

4. Use a dual-axis to show the RUNNING_SUM of current_patients and

WINDOW_AVERAGE. Recall that a dual-axis is used to show two measures side by
side in the same view. Right-click on the axis to enable this option after adding
both measures.

5. Create an alert to compare the RUNNING_SUM of current_patients and

avg_admitted. Highlight the weeks when the sum is more than the average.
560 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations

6. The initial view would look like this:

Figure 8.78: Initial view – activity

The final view should look like this:

Figure 8.79: Final view – activity

You can now see when the current admitted patient count has gone higher than the
10-week average. The range can be changed based on the requirement by changing
the input. An interesting observation is the month of July, which had a higher-than-
average number of patients for the all of the previous 3 years, indicating thepossibility
for a similar occurance for next July.

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Summary | 561

In this chapter, you learned about table calculations. You started by performing some
quick table calculations, used to quickly apply commonly used table calculations
in the view. Then, you explored ways to apply a table calculation using addressing
and partitioning – how addressing defines the direction of the calculation,
while partitioning defines its scope. Finally, you learned about creating a table
calculation using the calculation editor, and about ways to address the view using
specific dimensions.

In the next chapter, you will learn about Level of Detail, which is another
powerful concept, used to control how views are displayed.
Data Analysis: Creating and
Using Level of Details (LOD)
This chapter introduces the concept of Level of Detail (LOD) calculations.
You will learn about the different types of LOD calculations and the benefits
of using them. The goal of this chapter is to improve your analytical skills
using LOD calculations by looking at the data through different views to
understand the underlying patterns. By the end of this chapter, you will
be able to control the granularity of your data visualizations and perform
comparative analyses using LOD calculations.
564 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

For any visualization, dimensions determine the level at which measures are
computed. As an example, consider the following view, in which the sum of profits is
calculated based on Country and Region. These two dimensions form the details
that are combined to determine the value of SUM(Profit). Now, suppose you
remove Region from the view. Then, SUM(Profit) would be re-computed, and
would only consider Country in the view. Accordingly, the value of SUM(Profit)
changes as the level of the computation changes, as can be seen from the
following figure:

Figure 9.1: Understanding LOD

LOD calculations help you control the granularity of visualizations. You can choose to
view calculation results at a detailed level, or an aggregated level, based on the LOD
function you use, LOD calculations require measures to be aggregated.

In this chapter, you will work with LOD calculations in Tableau.

Throughout these exercises, you will be working with the Sample - Superstore
dataset, to learn about the different concepts related to LOD calculations.

Exercise 9.01: Creating a LOD Calculation

You will now create an LOD calculation using the Profit measure in the Sample -
Superstore dataset. The following steps will help you complete this exercise:
1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance. Navigate
to Documents | My Tableau Repository | Data Sources, then
open the Sample - Superstore.xls file.
Introduction | 565

2. Once the data is loaded, in the data pane, right-click on Profit and select
Create | Calculated Field…, as follows:

Figure 9.2: Creating a calculated field

3. In the calculation editor, select Aggregate from the dropdown to access the
LOD calculations:

Figure 9.3: Calculated field editor

566 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

LOD calculations fall under the Aggregate set of functions. There are four LOD
calculation types: FIXED, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, and Table-Scoped. You will
learn more about these as the chapter progresses. For now, hover over FIXED.
Notice the calculation syntax, as can be seen in the following figure:

Figure 9.4: Various LOD types in Tableau

4. Click on FIXED and add it to the calculation editor. Add the {FIXED :
SUM([Profit])} formula to the editor and click OK:

Figure 9.5: Creating a LOD calculation

LOD calculations require an aggregate measure. If you do not aggregate the

measure, Tableau will show an error. Aggregation here means to use SUM,
AVG, or similar types of calculation with a measure value, rather than using the
measure directly, as with the SUM function previously.
Introduction | 567

5. For this calculation, compute SUM(Profit) at the highest level of granularity in

the data, which is the Country level. Add this to the view, as follows:

Figure 9.6: Initial view with country

Notice that the measure value does not change, irrespective of how many
dimensions you add in the view:

Figure 9.7: Initial view with region

In this exercise, you created an LOD calculation, by comparing how the SUM(Fixed_
Profit) aggregation behaves, based on various dimensions such as Region. You
observed that the values of the output measure do not change, irrespective of the
other dimension in the view, because you chose the FIXED LOD calculation.
568 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

Next, you will learn about the different types of LOD calculations.

Types of LOD Calculations

In this section, you will learn about the various LOD calculations. There are four LOD
calculation types:




• Table-Scoped

You will now learn about each of these LOD calculations in greater depth. You will
also learn their application in visualizations by performing an exercise for each.

FIXED LOD calculations compute an expression using specified dimensions. An
example would be identifying the top-performing product categories per region per
country. This can easily be done using FIXED LOD calculations.

Exercise 9.02: Creating a FIXED LOD Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate SUM(Profit) fixed at a Country level. Suppose,
as a country-level manager, you are only interested in the profits generated at
country level, but occasionally would like to hone in on the Region level of that
country. Now, you will compute a measure at a specific dimension level, rather than
making calculations using all dimensions in the view.

If you are using the local copy of Superstore that comes with Tableau,
the field Country will have the label Country/Region instead. This
will not affect the calculations.
Types of LOD Calculations | 569

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Country and Region along with SUM(Profit).
Currently, the view shows SUM(Profit) at the Region level, as follows:

Figure 9.8: Initial view with country and region

3. Create a FIXED LOD calculation:

Figure 9.9: Calculation editor

570 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

4. You can use any number of dimensions in the expression before the colon (:).
Note the expression on the right side of the colon (:) has to be an aggregation,
or else you will get a syntax error:

Figure 9.10: Understanding the syntax of LOD calculations

5. Add this calculation to the view:

Figure 9.11: Comparing LOD and normal calculations

Types of LOD Calculations | 571

The second calculation in each row is the LOD calculation. Notice how the value
remains constant irrespective of the Region dimension in the view.

In this exercise, you learned about the FIXED LOD calculation type and its
application. You also saw how computation works when adding another dimension
such as Region to the view. Next, you will learn about the INCLUDE LOD calculation.

INCLUDE LOD calculations are used to calculate values based on the dimensions
specified, along with those used in the view. This is useful when wanting to know
results at a detailed level, but also want the view to be at a higher level. An example
would be computing the average literacy rate at district level, but viewing it at state
level. Here, instead of averaging it directly at state level, you would average it at
district level, and then re-aggregate the results at state level. The next exercise covers
this concept in detail.

Exercise 9.03: Creating an INCLUDE LOD Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate AVG(Profit) using the Customer and Region
dimensions. You will learn how to compute the average profit at a customer level,
and then group it again by the Region dimension in the view. Perform the following
steps to complete this exercise:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows Region along with AVG(Profit), as follows:

Figure 9.12: Initial view

572 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

3. Currently, the view shows AVG(Profit) at the Region level. Create an

INCLUDE LOD calculation, and write the formula as given in the following figure:

Figure 9.13: INCLUDE LOD calculation expression

4. Use the average profit generated by a customer in that region to compute the
overall average. Duplicate the preceding view, and add this calculation instead of
AVG(Profit) to get the following:

Figure 9.14: Adding the LOD calculation to the initial view

5. Check that the aggregation is set to average by clicking on the calculation

dropdown and selecting the Measure (Average) option as Average on
both the Text and Columns shelves:
Types of LOD Calculations | 573

Figure 9.15: Changing a calculation aggregation format

Notice that the numbers are different in both views, despite the dimension being
the same. You will now see how the computation is happening within Tableau.

6. At the Region level, to compute the average profit, add the profit across the
region, and divide the sum by the total number of records , as follows:

Figure 9.16: Calculation logic explanation

574 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

7. Now it is time to see how the customer-level computation works. Plot the
average profit generated by each customer in Central Region. Once you
have the average, sum all averages ($8,442), and divide the result by Count
(630) to get the value of $13.42 per customer in that region. These values can
be referred to in the Summary card, as follows:

Figure 9.17: Customer-level computations

This kind of calculation is useful when you want to see the aggregations at different
levels without using them in the view.

You can perform a similar calculation at the Segment, ship mode, or any
other dimension to understand underlying trends in data.

In this exercise, you learned about the INCLUDE LOD calculation type and how it can
be applied to analyze trends at different levels of dimensions. Next, you will learn
about the EXCLUDE LOD calculation.
Types of LOD Calculations | 575

An EXCLUDE LOD calculation declares dimensions to be omitted from the view
LOD. It is the opposite of the INCLUDE LOD. In an EXCLUDE LOD, the calculation is
computed excluding the specified dimensions in the expression; that is, the specified
dimensions are ignored while computing the results. Continuing on with the previous
example, you can add both the customer and product categories to the view, but can
exclude the customer dimension when computing sales, and just calculate sales at a
product category level. You will explore this in detail in the next exercise.

Exercise 9.04: Creating an EXCLUDE LOD Calculation

In this exercise, you will calculate AVG(Profit) using the Customer and Region
dimensions, and will see how the EXCLUDE LOD calculation can be applied. This will
help you learn how to compute the average profit only at the region level, despite
having customer information in the view:

1. Load the Sample – Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a view that shows the Region and Customer dimensions along with
AVG(Profit), as follows:

Figure 9.18: Initial view

576 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

3. Add a Central filter for Region. Here, you only view the Customer
information for Central Region, along with the average profit.

4. Create an EXCLUDE LOD calculation to exclude the customer and re-compute

the average profit, as follows:

Figure 9.19: Exclude LOD expression

5. Add this calculation to the view, and you will see the following:

Figure 9.20: Adding exclude LOD to the view

6. Check that the aggregation is set to Average. Here, you have excluded the
Customer-level profit, and have instead grouped it at a higher granular level
of Region.
Types of LOD Calculations | 577

7. At a Region level, to compute the average profit, you can simply add the profits
across the region and divide the sum by the number of records, as follows:

Figure 9.21: Profit computation logic explanation

This kind of calculation comes in useful when wanting to see aggregation at different
levels without actually using them in the view. In this exercise, you learned about
the EXCLUDE LOD calculation type, and how its application can help analyze trends
at different levels of dimension. Next, you will learn about the Table-Scoped
LOD calculation.

Tableau provides a way to define an expression without using LOD functions such
as FIXED, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE. The following expression returns the minimum
profit for the entire table:

Figure 9.22: Table-scoped syntax

578 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

The Table-Scoped calculation is equivalent to a FIXED LOD calculation with no

dimension declaration:

Figure 9.23: Comparison to the fixed LOD calculation type

Now you have learned about different LOD calculations, their syntax, and their
applications, you can now see how Tableau categorizes LOD calculations and what
canges are required in the worksheet view for the LOD calculation to give the
right output.

LOD Calculations: Dimensions or Measures?

In the previous exercises, when calculating LOD calculations, you have always used
a measure to give a numerical output. FIXED LOD calculations can show results in
measures or dimensions, depending on the field used in the expression.

So, MIN ([Order_Date])} will be a dimension, because [Order_Date] is a

dimension, and {fixed Country: AVG([GDP])} will be a measure, because
[GDP] is a measure. In contrast, INCLUDE and EXCLUDE LOD calculations always
show results in measures.

You will now learn how dimensions used in the view affect the LOD
calculation's computation.
LOD Calculations: Dimensions or Measures? | 579

Aggregation and LOD Calculations

In previous exercises, you computed AVG(Profit) per Customer at a Region
level, but did not include Customer in the view. How did Tableau manage that?

Figure 9.24: Understanding aggregations

The answer lies in how Tableau handles the level of aggregation. In this section, you
will learn about the backend computation of LOD calculations in comparison to the
LOD in the view in the following scenarios:

• LOD calculation is coarser than the view LOD.

• LOD calculation is finer than the view LOD.

• Nested LOD calculations.

You will now explore each of these in detail.

LOD Calculation Is Higher than the View LOD

Compared to the view, an expression provides higher-level detail for dimensions. For
example, for a view that contains the Region and Customer dimensions, you can
build a LOD calculation that uses only one of these dimensions:

{FIXED [Region]: SUM([Profit])}

580 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

Here, the expression provides a coarser LOD compared to the view. The value of the
expression is based on one dimension ([Region]), whereas the view bases its view
on two dimensions ([Region] and [Customer]).

The result, is that using the LOD calculation in the view causes certain values to be
replicated,that is, to appear multiple times. Observe the measure values of each
customer. This is what you saw in the EXCLUDE LOD exercise:

Figure 9.25: Similarity to the exclude LOD calculation output

LOD Calculation Is Finer than the View LOD

When referencing a superset of dimensions, an expression provides a finer LOD
compared to the view. When this is used, Tableau aggregates results up to the view
level. For example, the following LOD expression references two dimensions:

{FIXED [Region],[Customer]: AVG([Profit])}

When this expression is used in a view that has only Region as its LOD, the values
must be aggregated. Here is what you would see if you dragged that expression to
a shelf:

AVG([{FIXED [Region]], [Customer]] : AVG([Profit]])}])

LOD Calculations: Dimensions or Measures? | 581

This is exactly what happened in the INCLUDE LOD calculation exercise:

Figure 9.26: Comparing finer views with the include LOD output

When you calculated average profit at the customer level, and the view only had
Region, all profits were first averaged at the customer level. The result of this was
then averaged again at the Region level, which was the final output, as shown in the
preceding figure.

Nested LOD Calculations

In a nested LOD calculation, a LOD expression is used within another LOD expression,
as follows:

Figure 9.27: Nested LOD syntax

582 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

Here, an INCLUDE LOD is performed; that is, average profits are computed at the
customer level, then this output is again averaged at the REGION level in the outer
When using nested LODs, the inner expression inherits its dimension from the outer
expression. This means that you first calculate the average of the inner LOD, but also
keep the level Fixed for Region. The output generated is as follows:

Figure 9.28: Nested LOD output

Can you identify which computation matches this result? It is the INCLUDE
LOD calculation.

Nested LODs currently have limited use in a worksheet (depending on the complexity
required), but are a powerful concept in Tableau.

Now you have familiarized yourself with the inner workings of LOD calculations, it
is time to learn how different components within a workbook can affect the LOD
calculation output. You will learn about filter applications, and some limitations of
LOD calculations.

Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations

There are different kinds of filters in Tableau. Since LOD calculations modify the
aggregation levels based on the view, the filters applied in the view are executed
based on the kind of LOD calculation applied. The following chart describes how
filters are executed in the view:
Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations | 583

Figure 9.29: Order of filter execution

These are defined in greater detail below:

• Extract Filters: Extract filters are applied when you extract the data, as
highlighted in the following figure:

Figure 9.30: Adding an extract filter

584 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

Extract filters are executed before LOD calculations.

• Data Source Filters: These filters are applied when you add data in the Data
Explorer tab, as highlighted in the following figure:

Figure 9.31: Adding a data source filter

Like extract filters, data source filters are applied before the LOD
calculations execute.

• Context filters: A context filter is an independent filter type that dictates which
values will be available in other filters in the view. It creates a data partition, that
ensures the next filters are loaded with only the partitioned data, rather than the
entire dataset's values. To add a filter on context, click the dropdown and select
Add to Context, as follows:

Figure 9.32: Final filter to context

Context filters execute before LOD calculations. As good practice, to ensure that
the LOD calculations work properly, make sure you add all filters to Context.

• Dimension filters: Dimension filters are related to dimensions added to the

Filters shelf. Fixed LOD calculations execute before dimension filters. INCLUDE/
EXCLUDE LOD calculations execute after dimension filters.
Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations | 585

• Measure and table calculation filters: These two filters execute after all LOD
calculations execute.

Now you have learned about the execution process of LOD calculations, you will also
learn about some limitations of them. These are some of the major limitations of
LOD calculations:

• Some data sources such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Jet-based connections

(connectors for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and Cubes) might not support
LOD calculations.

• When using LOD calculations with data blending, the linking field from the
primary data source must be available in the view before you can use LOD
calculations from the secondary data source, or else it might not work.

• LOD calculations are not shown on the Data Explorer tab. Hence, you won't be
able to add filters to these LOD calculations.

• When using a parameter inside a LOD calculation, you must reference it by the
parameter name, and not by the value, else you may get an incorrect output.

Now you have learned about LOD calculations, it is time to work through some
activities that may come up in real-world situations.

Activity 9.01: Identifying the Top-Performing Sales Executives

Imagine you are a data visualizer at the ABC Marketing company, and have been
tasked with identifying the top performers in a segment. You have been provided
with a dataset containing the details of all sales executives' names, the city and state
they work in, and order details for sales, including the order ID and order date.

You can find the dataset used for this activity in the GitHub repository for
this chapter at

To complete this activity, you must identify the sales representatives who have the
highest sales values in each city. This activity serves to strengthen your knowledge of
LOD calculations, and will give you the chance to apply what you have learned to real-
world use cases.
586 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

The following steps will help you complete this activity:

1. Open the dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. The data should consist of Order ID, Order Date, the name of the sales
executives, State, City, and the number of sales. You need to identify the top
sales executives in each city using a FIXED LOD calculation.

3. Create a view consisting of State, City, Sales Executive, Order ID,

and SUM(Sales). Use the sorting option to sort this in descending order of
SUM(Sales). This view gives you an overall picture of the sales in different
cities, along with order IDs, and the sales executive who sold that order.

4. Identify the sales executives who sold the order with the highest sale amount.
To do this, create a FIXED LOD calculation to identify orders with the maximum
sales value per city and state.

5. Once you have the maximum sales value, write another calculation to identify
the sales executive who sold this order, using the preceding LOD calculation.
Then, use this as a filter to show only the sales executives with the maximum
sales value in the view. The final output should list all states and cities, along with
the sales executive's name and sales amount.

The initial view will look like the following:

Figure 9.33: Activity 1 initial view

Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations | 587

The final output will look like the following:

Figure 9.34: Activity 1 final view

In this activity, you identified the top sales performers using a FIXED LOD calculation.
This activity emulates a real-world application, where you are required to identify
top-performing instances in categories, such as top-selling products. By changing the
dimensions in the LOD expression, you can change the way the view gets computed,
thus reusing the same concept across various dimensions in the data.

The solution to this activity can be found here:

Activity 9.02: Performing a Comparative Analysis

Another common use case in any data visualization project, is to show comparisons
based on parameters between different dimensions. For example, in a fast-food
chain, some products sell more than others. By identifying such patterns, you can
further analyze the reason for those sales, and strategize accordingly. This could
mean introducing new products based on the best-selling ones, creating combo
offers, etc. In the following activity, you will work on the food item dataset. You will
perform a comparison between the cooking times for the various food items.
588 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

This activity serves to strengthen your knowledge of LOD calculations using

comparative analysis. Before starting the activity, you must first understand the
data. The data contains information about the food items such as name, diet (veg or
non-veg), cook_time , flavor type (which contains sweet, sour, spicy, or bitter), and
course type (such as starter, snack, main course, or dessert).

You can find the dataset to be used for this activity at

Follow these steps to complete the activity:

1. Open the dataset for this activity in your Tableau instance.

2. The data consists of the food dish name, diet, cook time, flavor type, and course
type. Here, you need to compare the cooking time for different dishes. For this
activity, you will only compare the cooking time for the desserts.

3. Create a view with the dish name and cooking time in a bar chart.

4. Create a parameter selection containing dishes in the dessert category. First,

you need to create a calculation to check whether the dish is a dessert. If it is,
keep the dish, else it can be discarded. Then, use this calculation as the input to
the parameter.

5. Create an EXCLUDE LOD calculation to keep only the cooking time for the
selected dish. If no dish is selected, the cooking time should be 0. By doing
this, you are creating a baseline with which to compare the other dishes'
cooking times.

6. Create another calculation that gives the difference of cooking time of all other
dishes compared to the selected dish. This calculation shows whether other
dishes cook faster (or not) than the selected dish.

7. Add this calculation to the initial view. Now you can easily compare the cooking
times of the selected dish against all the other dishes in the dataset.
Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations | 589

The initial view will look like the following:

Figure 9.35: Activity 2 initial view

The final output should look like the following:

Figure 9.36: Activity 2 final view

590 | Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations

In this activity, you compared the cooking time of various dishes using the EXCLUDE
LOD calculation. This activity acts as a reference point to learn about real-world
applications, where it is required to compare categories based on the various
measure values associated with them.

The solution to this activity can be found here:

In this chapter, you learned about the different types of LOD calculations. You
learned how LOD calculations are executed internally, and saw how different
components used in the view, such as filters, are executed, and how these affect the
LOD calculation output.

The key benefit of LOD calculations is that they allow you to control aggregation levels
in data without adding or removing components in the view. This can help identify
trends at different levels of granularity within your dataset.

LOD calculations greatly enhance data analysis, and allow analysts to control the
granularity of analysis or visualization. In the next chapter, you will combine all you
have learned so far, and will begin to create storyboards and dashboards in Tableau.
Dashboards and Storyboards

This chapter will teach you the processes for building Tableau dashboards
and storyboards. You will learn about tools such as tiled versus floating
objects, branding elements, and filter actions, as well as adding web pages
to the dashboards. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to use these
objects/elements to create highly interactive dashboards, communicate
results, and create stories, providing important insights to end users. These
are essential tools for every Tableau analyst and designer.
594 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Thus far, you have developed many core Tableau skills, including creating
calculations, building and using filters, developing geospatial analyses, and
many other core skills. In this chapter, you will use many of these skills to
create dashboards that will enable your users to easily and effectively navigate
complex datasets.

We will provide you with the essential skills for designing effective dashboards and
storyboards using a variety of data sources. You will build on the many techniques
and methods you have learned in previous chapters. You will learn how to effectively
use filters, parameters, sets, and actions to make your dashboards and storyboards
both powerful and flexible. Additionally, you will learn how to effectively design
dashboards using data visualization best practices for color, spacing, interaction,
design flow, and element sizing. All of this will be facilitated with hands-on exercises
and activities.

By the end of the chapter, you will be well positioned to design highly effective, well-
designed dashboards and storyboards to answer essential business questions.

The Who, What, and Why of the Dashboard

Before you begin exploring how to best create dashboards in Tableau, it is equally
important for you to answer some of the essential questions around building the
dashboard: Why are you building the dashboard in the first place? What is your end
goal and who is your target audience?

The Who: Audience

After years of building dashboards, one thing that most experienced Tableau users
will agree upon is the fact that the kind of dashboard you build will depend on
the seniority of the stakeholder that you'll be presenting it to. If you are building a
dashboard for C-level execs or directors/VPs of the business, more often than not,
you will need to create a holistic, high-level dashboard that presents a complete
picture of the business data. By way of contrast, when you are building a dashboard
for a business development manager or marketing manager, the dashboard needs to
be a lot more granular and deeply detailed.
The Who, What, and Why of the Dashboard | 595

As you will see later in the section, the overall anatomy of the dashboard remains
almost the same, but the granularity, as well as giving the end user the ability
to "peel the onion" or dig deeper into the data, is what differentiates the target
audience. Hence, before you start building the dashboard, it is important to narrow
down your audience, consider their requests, and then start the process of framing
the dashboard.

The What: Begin with the End in Mind

The next step in building the dashboard is to understand the end goal of the
dashboard you are building. If you can answer these questions with relative ease, you
already have a head start in the dashboard building process. Consider the following
points before you start building your dashboard:

• Do you know how your audience will use this dashboard?

• Is there a specific point you want your audience to understand by looking at

the dashboard?

• What are all the stakeholder questions your dashboard might have answers to?

• Does the dashboard provide contextual knowledge instead of just metrics?

Once you answer these questions, you should have a good end goal of what the
absolute minimum your dashboard should have. After that, it is all about placing
all the relevant worksheets and elements/objects in the dashboard for easy
consumption of the data you want to share.

The Why: The Need for a Dashboard

The final question you should be asking is Why is the dashboard required in the first
place? You can break that question down into multiple pieces as follows:

• What area of business is the dashboard concerned with? For example, a

dashboard intended for the finance department would look different from the
one for the digital marketing team.

• What kind of information/metrics does the end user want from the dashboard?

Once you've answered these questions, the process of building a dashboard will
become a lot smoother, as you know the context for requesting this dashboard as
well as how the dashboard will eventually be used.
596 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Designing a Dashboard
Dashboard design is one aspect of Tableau that is a bit subjective and relies on
the design and visual skills of the dashboard designer. In this sense, there isn't a
single correct end result, but there are general design principles that will make your
dashboard easier to interpret and ultimately more useful. In this section, you will
incorporate those principles within the Tableau framework to create an attractive
dashboard that makes it easy for the end user to understand the underlying data.

Before you start on your dashboard design path, there are a few questions you
should ask yourself and your users. These questions will help to guide you as you
create the many elements that will eventually be used to populate the dashboard.
Here are some potential questions:

• What are the critical metrics you should be measuring?

• How granular should your measurements be? Are you looking at data for hourly,
daily, weekly, monthly, or annual intervals?

• Does location matter?

• Should you be aggregating the data to provide more useful insights?

• How much historical data do you need? Are historical trends pertinent to
data analysis?

There are undoubtedly many more questions depending on the environment in

which the business organization operates. Regardless of the specific questions, as a
dashboard designer, you should have a sense of what's important to your end user
and be able to prioritize and rank all the essential data. Going through this process
will help when you start designing the dashboard and laying out the specific elements
from most to least important.

Why is it important to design effective dashboards? The reason you spend so much
time on building a powerful and easy-to-use dashboard is that it can be leveraged
in multiple ways by multiple audiences. Unlike traditional reports often geared
to a single metric for a single business unit and delivered on a fixed schedule,
a dashboard can be used to engage users across the organization. An effective
dashboard with a rich user interface and effective storytelling can serve the needs of
many users without the need to create multiple versions of the same report.
Designing a Dashboard | 597

In this chapter, you will illustrate effective dashboard principles using a coffee
chain dataset that looks at sales, profit, expenses, and other metrics according to
the following:

• Market size

• Market

• Product type

• Product

• State

• Area code (store location)

After a general overview of dashboard concepts, you will use this dataset in creating
our dashboard, but before you do that, let's have a look at our finished dashboard so
that you understand the end goal you are working toward.

Figure 10.1: An example dashboard using coffee chain data

598 | Dashboards and Storyboards

As you can see, the dashboard takes advantage of many Tableau capabilities,
for example, chart types, titles, parameters, and filters. Each component of the
dashboard content—the chart, map, and three calculated value panels—uses
individual worksheets you have built from your dataset. This enables us to create
a dashboard by inserting the selected worksheets and their related parameters,
filters, and legends into a dashboard framework. Note also the symmetry in how the
elements flow from top to bottom and left to right, with summary values at the top
of the page followed by more detailed data as you move from top to bottom. Colors
are harmonious and limited throughout, font sizes are consistent at each level, and
element sizes within the graphs are minimized so viewers are not distracted by a lot
of visual noise. The dashboard is very easy to read and navigate.

Contrast this with the following poorly designed dashboard using the same elements,
but not maintaining best design practices.

Figure 10.2: An example of poor dashboard design

Designing a Dashboard | 599

Even though this version maintains the same top-to-bottom flow, it reveals multiple
design flaws that make it more difficult to read while adding no additional value:

• The top level uses different font sizes across the two summary elements.

• The next level uses fonts that are too small to have an impact as well as
inconsistent title formats.

• The chart is too small for the size of the dashboard to use it effectively.

This comparison should give you some ideas about the importance of good versus
bad designs, and I am pretty sure that, as an analyst, you have probably seen worse
dashboard designs, but this should give you some ideas on the importance of
consistent and appropriate sizing, text, and color on a dashboard.

Now, let's move on to an overview of the design principles to follow for the creation
of an effective and attractive dashboard.

The Basic Layout

A Tableau dashboard is simple in concept; however, it can be challenging for new
users to implement. Even experienced users find dashboard designing to be one
of the more challenging aspects of Tableau. Designing a Tableau dashboard is not
simply a matter of dropping elements on a canvas, shifting, and resizing them to
fit perfectly on a page. Instead, you need to use a combination of objects, such as
textboxes, images, horizontal/vertical objects, and web page objects (we'll often
use the term containers) populated by worksheets you have created previously,
combined with images, text, and other related elements. While there is a bit of a
learning curve, the result is the ability to create dynamic, attractive dashboards filled
with information and insights for our users.

In the design process, you can combine the best data visualization practices for
spacing, sizing, layout, color, and user interaction with the many tools provided
by Tableau to create powerful and intuitive dashboards. A helpful source for best
practices can be found here:
tips. In this section, you will first cover some best practices before moving on to using
specific Tableau dashboard objects to display your information. Let's begin with
general design practices.
600 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Display Size
One of the first steps when designing a dashboard is to understand who the users
are and how they will typically view the dashboard. You should understand whether
our users will be working from a desktop machine, a laptop, tablet, or another
mobile device. Think of display sizes as the size of the canvas that you have to decide
on when building the dashboard; you should adapt your display size based on the
expected use case of the dashboards – either on a laptop, desktop, or mobile device.
If users have oversized monitors, you can potentially increase the size of individual
items within the dashboard for better readability. Fortunately, recent versions of
Tableau enable the designer to view a dashboard in multiple end user formats – you
can see how your dashboard appears to both a laptop user as well as someone
viewing from a mobile device.

Positioning refers to the effective design of a dashboard layout, with related items
grouped, and primary metrics given the optimal position on a dashboard (shown
below in the next figure) typically at the top of the dashboard. For Western cultures,
the flow is from left to right and top to bottom, as though the user is reading a book.
To optimize our design, you should therefore place the most important metrics at
the top of the page, with secondary measures placed below. Ideally, you can group
supporting metrics on the same side of the page as a related primary metric so that
the user can easily follow the flow of the dashboard.
Designing a Dashboard | 601

Here's a general framework for how you want to position content on a page, using
your final dashboard:

Figure 10.3: General structure of a dashboard

The idea is to have an informative title at the top of the dashboard while making
efficient use of the valuable space on the page. This is typically followed by a section
with summary metrics that an executive might be more likely to view. Detailed charts
or tables come next; this is the section where regular users will need to be able to
filter the data to understand more granular details. Finally, you will generally place
your filters to the far right, an area where screen real estate is less valuable – or you
can use a sliding panel to hide the filters until they are needed. Always remember
that the most valuable visual space in Western culture sits at the top left of the page,
so you should avoid cluttering that area with filters, images, logos, or detailed charts.
602 | Dashboards and Storyboards

One of the key considerations in dashboard design is to allow adequate whitespace
for users. If dashboard elements are crowded together, users will have a difficult
time understanding each element, and the overall impact will be less than optimal.
Incorporating spacing using the Tableau Blank object (a blank container that gives
you the ability to add spacing and/or other visual elements on the dashboard) can
make a dashboard easier to read and ultimately more impactful. The Blank object can
be found on the Tableau Objects tab adjacent to other elements such as vertical and
horizontal objects.

Notice in the preceding example how elements can "breathe;" they do not run into
one another or seem crowded at any point. This also helps viewers interpret the flow
of the design, as they can easily navigate from top to bottom and left to right without
any confusion.


Figure 10.4: An example of a visually unappealing dashboard

Designing a Dashboard | 603

As a dashboard designer, you need to resist the temptation to use too many
contrasting colors (as pictured above), which can ultimately confuse or mislead the
user. The human visual system has limitations on how many colors can be processed
at a single time, so dashboards exceeding that level will look visually chaotic and
lose their impact. Here are two useful references for working with color: and Ideally, our dashboard should use just three to four colors or
brand palettes in a consistent fashion, making it easy for users to identify common
elements across multiple charts. As we'll see in later examples, Tableau makes it very
easy to change colors using one of the many available color schemes.

Our finished dashboard follows this principle by using a single primary color for the
summary section, a second main color for the charts, and a consistent color scheme
for the two maps. Overall, this provides a harmonious look and feel to the dashboard.

What happens when you try to use too many colors? Here's an example:

Figure 10.5: Excessive use of color in a chart

604 | Dashboards and Storyboards

You now have a color for every area code in the area chart, but to what end? There
are now 100+ colors, many of them repeated three or even four times. Even if you
had a color palette with 100 unique colors, many would be difficult to distinguish
from similar colors. All you have done is introduce more work for the viewer; instead
of focusing solely on the distribution of the data points, the user will spend time
attempting to decode what each color represents. It is important to remember that
color should be used only when it adds to the story; in the preceding case, you could
use five colors to highlight states at a regional level. This might show meaningful
patterns without overwhelming the dashboard user, while also utilizing other chart
types if possible.

Given that dashboards have limited space, proper sizing is critical. Sizing is related
to positioning as well; if you strive to size elements consistently, our user will see a
natural flow to the dashboard and will focus on content rather than navigation.

Size can be thought of in two ways; the first refers to the size of individual elements
(charts, summary numbers, and so on) in a dashboard. In other words, the physical
footprint of each element composing a dashboard.

The second use of size refers to how you design individual items within a larger
element. For instance, you need to decide how large chart titles will be, as well
as labels, bar and line sizes, and other similar attributes. If these items are too
large, our dashboard becomes cluttered, and the actual information may become
overwhelming. If they are too small, the user may have a difficult time interpreting
the information within each dashboard element. You need to strike a balance where
information display is maximized and supported by the proper use of titles, labels,
and other chart elements. Here are examples involving the proper and improper
sizing of marks:
Designing a Dashboard | 605

Figure 10.6: Sizing marks is important for readability

While the marks on the left appear small, remember that they will appear larger when
a worksheet is added to a dashboard due to the condensed sizing in a dashboard.
The chart on the right already has marks that are so large that the result is the
occlusion (overlap) of data points. When placed in a dashboard, these marks will
appear even larger due to the reduced space given to the chart. The recommendation
here is to make your marks small and then adjust their size once the chart has been
added to your dashboard.

How you use text in a dashboard is another important consideration. While the
proper use of text may seem like a secondary consideration in a dashboard design,
you need to recognize that poor use of text elements may discredit the rest of
the dashboard. As with color, you want to minimize the number of fonts used,
ideally limiting ourselves to two or three fonts per dashboard. Text style should be
consistent across all individual chart titles and labels, and you might select a second
font for titles or tooltips. The goal is to use a very legible font style and to have text
support the information without being overwhelming.

Notice the use of font sizes in our dashboard example previously, and how they are
sized consistently within each type of object. Also notice the relative sizes and how
larger fonts are used for titles and summary metrics, while filters and legend text are
much smaller.
606 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Exercise 10.01: Text Formatting – Workbook versus Worksheet

In this exercise, you will review different text formatting options that Tableau offers
by using the Sample – Coffee Chain dataset and exploring the formatting pane.

Here is the data download link:

1. Open Tableau and load Sample – Coffee Chain data into your Tableau instance.

2. Format at both a workbook level as well as at the level of individual elements.

Navigate to Format | Workbook in the menu bar. Here is what you
should get:

Figure 10.7: Format workbook options

Designing a Dashboard | 607

This allows you to set global options for the workbook that also apply to your
dashboard styling, making it a nice way to establish a consistent visual look.

3. Note that it is possible to override these options on any individual sheet or

text object by selecting the Format menu command. Format an individual
worksheet, which is a two-step process – first, right-click in your blank work area
and select the Format option. This will open a tab to the left of the workspace,
which is the second step for editing Font, Alignment, Shading, Borders,
and Lines at the Sheet, Row, and Column levels.

Figure 10.8: Object formatting options

608 | Dashboards and Storyboards

These are the text formatting options at Workbook (complete report/dashboard) as

well as Worksheet (individual sheet) level in Tableau. While this exercise was very
limited in scope, it should have allowed you to gain some basic familiarity with text
formatting before progressing to more complex elements in later sections, including
Tableau interactions and objects you will use for your dashboard interaction.

Most dashboards require some level of interaction on the user end. Filters are
a common means provided for user interaction, but you can also design using
actions, tooltips, and highlighting to make a dashboard come alive. Tableau provides
dashboard designers with multiple tools such as tooltips, actions, parameters, and
more; the challenge lies in making them fit seamlessly so that they enhance the user
experience. Here is a brief summary of these tools:

• Filters allow users to easily reduce or customize data displayed within

a dashboard.

• Parameters often work like filters but can be customized by the dashboard
designer to limit or direct user interaction.

• Actions are set up at the dashboard level to apply rules based on when and
where a user clicks on an element in the dashboard.

• Legends can be used to provide context and allow users to highlight specific
data elements.

• Highlighters may be used to show linked data elements across multiple charts
or tables.

You want to keep these tools as unobtrusive as possible, leaving the primary canvas
space available for the important content. Therefore, you will usually place them on
the right side of a dashboard page, or even hide them on a sliding panel so you can
maximize display space. You have covered these previous chapters, and this chapter,
you will use the same interactive elements in dashboards.
Designing a Dashboard | 609

Dashboard Objects
Objects are Tableau elements used to build a dashboard and are typically found at
the lower left of the dashboard window. You may consider them to be modular pieces
that can be combined in endless ways to create a dashboard. Some will be used as
containers for previously created Tableau worksheets, while others contain external
or newly created content. Most can be used together to build a custom experience for
the user. With objects, you can completely customize each dashboard you build.

Now let's consider each object type in detail.

Vertical Objects
Vertical objects are frequently used containers designed to display one or
more Tableau worksheets within a dashboard. They may be used as a standalone
container within a tiled framework, or they may reside inside an existing vertical
or horizontal container. In other words, they can be nested multiple times within a
single dashboard, although there are practical limits to this approach, as we'll see
soon. Vertical objects can also be used as floating containers, where the onscreen
positioning is specified by the designer.

Use vertical objects to assist in laying out your dashboard from top to bottom;
you can then easily add charts, maps, and other worksheet types inside each
vertical container.

Figure 10.9: Selecting the vertical object

610 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Vertical objects are likely to be the most used object type on many dashboards given
their versatility, and their ability to nest multiple containers within a single master
object. Our example dashboard uses vertical objects to contain most of our chart
content. In most cases, our vertical containers will have a fixed set of coordinates (x,
y, width, and height) based on their position within the dashboard, but you can use
them as floating containers with a set of coordinates that allow the container to float
outside of the dashboard structure. To set the floating option, right-click inside a
vertical object and select the Floating menu option.

Figure 10.10: Creating a floating object

Designing a Dashboard | 611

This will create a small window where you use the Layout tab to adjust
the coordinates.

Figure 10.11: Positioning a floating object

Once the x, y, w, and h values have been set, the container will reside in that
position, regardless of the positioning of the other non-floating objects. Be careful
in how you use floating objects so that they do not interfere with the data display in
your dashboard.
612 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Horizontal Objects
Horizontal objects are frequently used containers designed to display one or
more Tableau worksheets within a dashboard. They may be used as a standalone
container within a tiled framework, or they may reside inside an existing vertical
or horizontal container. As with vertical objects, they can also be used as a floating
container, where the onscreen positioning is specified by the designer.

You often use horizontal containers to position dashboard elements from left to right
within the dashboard. A typical use case might be to display three separate charts
side by side inside of an existing vertical container. When used together, vertical
and horizontal objects can help us to design dashboards that are symmetrical and
balanced from top to bottom and left to right.

To add a Horizontal object, select the Horizontal icon from the Objects tab and
drag it to the appropriate location in your dashboard.

Figure 10.12: Selecting the horizontal object

Horizontal containers are used in much the same way as verticals and can also be
nested multiple times. You can think of vertical containers being useful for laying
out the north-south flow of the dashboards, with horizontals used for the east-west
layout. Most complex dashboards will have both types in operation.
Designing a Dashboard | 613

Text Objects
Text objects are used primarily for fixed titles and Tableau workbook metadata such
as the workbook name or sheet name. Text objects may also use parameters to
create flexible titles or text within a dashboard. For example, a date parameter could
be used to display the date range selected by a dashboard user.

To add a Text object to a dashboard, you again use the Objects tab, this time
selecting the Text icon and dragging it to a specific location within the dashboard.

Figure 10.13: Selecting the text object

When a text container is dragged to a dashboard canvas, you will see the following
(we've added some sample text here):

Figure 10.14: Viewing the text window

614 | Dashboards and Storyboards

As you can see, the text can be fully styled by selecting a specific font, font size, style,
and alignment from the menu bar in the text object window. These qualities make
text objects more powerful than they first appear, as you can use them to customize
our dashboards with additional notation or titles that are not bound to specific charts
or other dashboard elements.

Image Objects
Image objects can be used to display nearly any popular image format within a
dashboard. This is an easy way to insert logos, marketing materials, or other relevant
visual content. Both local and web-based images can be inserted anywhere on
a dashboard.

To add an image to a dashboard, go to the Objects tab and drag the Image icon to
a spot in the dashboard.

Figure 10.15: Selecting the image object

Designing a Dashboard | 615

When an image container is dragged to a dashboard canvas, you will see

the following:

Figure 10.16: Editing an image object

You may select a local image file by clicking the Choose button, or you can use a URL
address to provide an image to the dashboard. In either case, it is possible to both
fit and center the image inside the container to ensure it works well with the look
and feel of the dashboard. Images can be used to display corporate logos, marketing
slogans, or other relevant visuals.

Web Page Objects

A web page object makes it very easy to display web content y entering a URL
address. This can be useful for displaying external content such as a landing page for
a product or marketing campaign side by side with metrics from the page.
616 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Once again, you navigate to the Objects tab to select the Web Page option, which
can then be dropped inside the dashboard container.

Figure 10.17: Selecting the web page object

When a web page container is dragged to a dashboard canvas, you will see
the following:

Figure 10.18: The URL window for a web object

Simply enter the URL link and your dashboard will have an embedded web page. This
feature should be used with care, given the limited available space on a dashboard.
Designing a Dashboard | 617

Blank Objects
Blank objects are used to create spacing within a dashboard, either between objects
or around the margins. They prove highly useful for creating a dashboard where
the individual elements can "breathe" due to the empty space surrounding them.
This often has a positive impact on the readability of a dashboard. Blank objects
are also useful for centering legends and helping to align margins between the
chart elements.

To add a blank object, navigate to the Objects menu and drag the Blank icon to
the dashboard container, typically placing it between charts or around the edges of
the dashboard to improve spacing and readability.

Figure 10.19: Selecting the blank object

In many cases, blank objects will have a fixed minimum width or height, depending on
where they are inserted. Tableau defaults to 32 px, and this is the normal minimum
whenever you drag an object onto the canvas, which turns out to be a nice size for
providing space between elements on a dashboard. There are instances where you
have full control over their width or height, depending on how they are used inside or
between other objects. Blanks can be a bit tricky to use, so be patient and recognize
the benefit they add to the appearance of your dashboard.
618 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Navigation Objects
The navigation/button (Tableau 2020.3 and older) object is a recent addition to
Tableau and can be used to facilitate easy navigation from the dashboard to another
sheet or dashboard within the same workbook, or even to an external resource.
Text or images may be used, allowing for a customizable experience using a logo or
tagline. Note that this feature was first available in Tableau 2018.3; earlier versions
will not have the Button object. You can find the Navigation/Button object icon on
the Objects tab; drag it to your chosen location in the dashboard.

Figure 10.20: Selecting the button object

When a button container is dragged to a dashboard canvas, you will initially see a
large arrow, but after selecting the Edit Button option, here's what appears:
Designing a Dashboard | 619

Figure 10.21: Editing a Button object

This option can be a great way to customize a dashboard using carefully selected
imagery and can also display a helpful tooltip to guide the dashboard user. You can
also change the button image to add more design elements to your dashboard.
620 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Extension Object
Extension objects are used to increase the functionality of a dashboard with third-
party applications developed for Tableau. Note that many of these extensions
will incur an additional cost based on the number of users and the duration of
the license.

Figure 10.22: Selecting the extension object

You won't cover extensions in detail here, but they are worth exploring to find
functionality that may prove beneficial for your dashboard. Many help integrate
Tableau with data science functionality, while others extend Tableau data display
options, enable geospatial integration, or allow custom scripting. More information
can be found here:
Designing a Dashboard | 621

Using Floating Objects

Before moving on, we'll briefly revisit the floating option for objects. In most cases,
you will opt for the default tiled selection, but there are some use cases where
floating containers make sense. Here are two potential use cases:

• Perhaps you wish to overlay some content in a specific location on the

dashboard. While this can often be done using the traditional tiled approach, a
floating container gives us complete positioning flexibility. You can set the x and
y locations and specify the exact width and height of the object. This can also be
useful for button objects, as you can place them discreetly in small sections of
unused display space.

• You can also use floating containers (vertical or horizontal floating objects) to
embed charts that can be controlled by a user through a parameter. This is
useful in cases where you have more charts than a dashboard can reasonably
hold. You can display the primary charts in a tiled format, and then leave some
space for displaying a single chart based on a user selection. Each chart will have
the same x-y coordinates and width and height attributes, so they are essentially
stacked. However, only one can be displayed at any time, based on a parameter.

Take some time to explore the floating option, even though you might only use it
sparingly. It has been valuable for each of the use cases above and many other such
use cases.

Exercise 10.02: KPIs and Metrics View

You are the supply chain analyst of a coffee chain company, and you are required to
build a high-level dashboard for the lead executive who wants to get a holistic view of
sales, profit, and expenses by market and state, as well as understand the trends over
the last 2 years.

You will now create three Scorecard worksheets, one line chart for each metric in
a view, as well as a Profit by State geographical view. You will also add parameter
metrics swapping, which you learned in the previous chapter, and use Filter
Dashboard actions to filter the dashboard based on the state selected from the
map view.
622 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Worksheet 1-3: Total Sales and Other KPIs Worksheet View:

1. Open Tableau and load Sample – Coffee Chain data into your
Tableau instance.

2. Create a new worksheet once the data has been loaded. Drag Sales to the
Text marks card, as shown:

Figure 10.23: Dragging a measure to the Marks card

Designing a Dashboard | 623

3. Now that the total sale is shown as text, format the text to make it look more like
the scorecard you want. Right-click on SUM(Sales) under the Marks card and
click on FORMAT, as shown:

Figure 10.24: Formatting the measure

624 | Dashboards and Storyboards

4. Change the font size to 28, the text format to bold, and use the color of your
choice. The following screenshot will show what this would look like if you had
opted for green:

Figure 10.25: Changing font sizes and color

Designing a Dashboard | 625

5. Add a $ currency sign to your KPI as you are talking about Total Sales in
dollars. Right-click on SUM(Sales) under the Marks card to format the table
and, in the format box, click on Currency (Custom) to add a $ sign, as shown:

Figure 10.26: Adding a '$' sign to the number

626 | Dashboards and Storyboards

6. Update the title from Sheet 1 to Total Sales by double-clicking on the title,
as shown here:

Figure 10.27: Formatting title

7. Since you will be creating a couple more similar worksheets, rename

the worksheet to a more descriptive name, such as Sales KPI or
something similar.
Designing a Dashboard | 627

8. Duplicate the same worksheet and follow the same preceding steps to create
Expenses KPI and Profit KPI worksheets, as shown here:

Figure 10.28: How to duplicate a sheet

628 | Dashboards and Storyboards

9. The Profit KPI and Expenses KPI worksheets should look like the
following screenshots:

Figure 10.29: Two other scorecard worksheets

In this exercise, you created Scorecard-driven KPI designs and individually formatted
the KPIs to reflect the overall formatting of the dashboard you are in the process
of creating (Figure 10.3). In the next section, you will create a couple of worksheets,
including maps and a dynamic measure-switching worksheet with parameters.
Designing a Dashboard | 629

Exercise 10.03: Map and Parameter Worksheet Views

In this exercise, you will continue with the preceding example and create a
couple more worksheets, including map view and parameter metric selection
view worksheets.

Worksheet 4: Map Worksheet View:

1. Continuing from the previous exercise, now that you have created the KPI view,
create a couple more granular worksheets. One of these will involve creating a
map view by states and color them by total profits, while the second worksheet
will utilize parameters to give end users the ability to select their own metric view
from the options given in the Parameter dropdown. Open Tableau and load
the Sample – Coffee Chain dataset if you closed the workbook previously.

2. Create a new sheet and double-click on State to create a map.

3. If the following view is not created automatically, select the Marks dropdown
and switch Automatic to Map:

Figure 10.30: Converting the geo dimensions to a map

630 | Dashboards and Storyboards

For Step 4, your default view for maps may not be United States if you are
not from the United States. To change the default country to United States,
go to Map under Menus and click on Edit Locations and change
your country to United States.

4. Drag Profit to the Color marks card and State to the Label marks card, as
shown here:

Figure 10.31: Filling the map by SUM(Profit)

Designing a Dashboard | 631

Worksheet 5: Parameter Metric Selection Worksheet:

In the previous chapter, you created a similar parameter metric selection worksheet.
You are going to create a similar worksheet here, wherein you will give end users
the ability to select the metric the lead executive wants to view in the line chart/
trend chart.

1. Create a parameter by right-clicking on the data pane and selecting Create

Parameter, name it Select Your Metric, and keep the data type as
String and Allowable values as List, as shown here:

Figure 10.32: Creating the Select Your Metric parameter

632 | Dashboards and Storyboards

2. To use the Parameter selection dropdown, use this parameter in a

calculated field using an IF ELSE or CASE WHEN statement. Here, you'll
use the CASE WHEN calculated field to display appropriate measures
depending on the parameter that will be selected by your dashboard user
from the [Parameters].[Select Your Metric] parameter you
created previously. Now, create a calculated field by right-clicking on the data
pane and using the following formula, where you are creating a LOGICAL
CASE statement that, when Sales is selected as the parameter, will show
SUM(Sales), then do the same for Profit and Marketing.

Figure 10.33: The Select Your Metric calculated field

3. Now, use these calculated fields and parameters in your new worksheet.
Create a new worksheet and drag MONTH(Date) to the Columns shelf and
the AGG(Select Your Metric) calculated field to the Rows shelf, as
shown here:

Figure 10.34: Adding date and select your metric calculated fields to the view
Designing a Dashboard | 633

4. If your date dimension is a blue pill or a discrete dimension, right-click on the

dimension and select Continuous from the dropdown.

Figure 10.35: Changing the date to a continuous date

634 | Dashboards and Storyboards

5. Next, show your parameter in the worksheet. For that, right-click on the Select
Your Metric parameter in the data pane and click on Show Parameter
as follows:

Figure 10.36: Show parameter

Designing a Dashboard | 635

6. To make the worksheet more descriptive, use dynamic titles. Double-click

on Title and either click on the Insert dropdown on the right and select
Parameters.Select Your Metric or type the exact text, as shown here:

Figure 10.37: Inserting a parameter value into the title to make a dynamic title
636 | Dashboards and Storyboards

7. Finally, add the Select Your Metric calculated field under Label. Click on
the Label marks card and show Select Your Metric under Line Ends,
as shown here:

Figure 10.38: Showing labels only on line ends

The following screenshot shows what your final parameter metric selection
sheet should look like:
Designing a Dashboard | 637

Figure 10.39: Trend analysis according to the metric selected

8. In your final dashboard, you also have a Market filter on your dashboard. Add
that as a filter to this view and apply it to all worksheets using this data source,
as shown here:

Figure 10.40: Applying the filter to all worksheets using this data source
638 | Dashboards and Storyboards

This just about wraps up this section of creating individual worksheets. In the
following exercise, you will start adding these worksheets to your Dashboard view,
including additional elements to the dashboard, such as interactivity with the Select
to Filter State dashboard action, dropdowns to filter the view, and adding
your own branding elements.

Exercise 10.04: Putting It All Together: Dashboarding

In previous exercises, you created all the required worksheets that you wanted
for your dashboard. Now it's time to put all of them on the same canvas called
Dashboard and format it accordingly.
Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Create the dashboard by clicking on the second icon at the bottom or navigating
to Dashboard at the top menu bar and selecting New Dashboard as follows:

Figure 10.41: Creating a new dashboard

Designing a Dashboard | 639

2. To create a dashboard, first select the size of the canvas/dashboard. It's

recommended that you have a canvas with a width of at least 1000 and a height
of 800 as most laptops and desktops are at least that size. Select Desktop
Browser 1000X800 as the canvas size but feel free to select the size that best
suits your laptop/desktop.

Figure 10.42: Choosing your dashboard size

Stick with tiled objects for the majority of the dashboard, unless you are in a
situation where you need to add an object on top of another object or maintain a
specific position for an object, which is not possible with Tiled objects. However,
using tiled objects/canvases does allow you to control a lot of your objects and
floating objects adapt to your screen size.

But before you start adding your worksheet to the view, it would be useful to
start with a Vertical floating object overlayed by a Blank tiled object as it
makes it relatively easy to place objects later, and the Blank objects also give
you the buffer to place objects on the dashboard without moving other objects
or messing up the dashboard altogether.
640 | Dashboards and Storyboards

3. Drag a Vertical floating object to the canvas first, then change the position
of the Vertical object to be 0 on X axis and 0 on Y axis and change
the width and height to the size of the canvas. Also, add a thick border so that
when you add a tiled Blank object on top of the Vertical object, you can
differentiate between these objects, as well as adding a light green background
to create the white and green contrast.

Figure 10.43: Formatting the vertical object, including position and size changes
Designing a Dashboard | 641

Vertical and horizontal objects are not required to create a dashboard,
although they will make it much easier to build more detailed views. If
you don't specify vertical and horizontal tabs in your design, Tableau will
automatically arrange items in a Tiled hierarchy, unless you specify the
object as floating.

4. Click on the Tiles section now and drag a Blank object to the view and
add a thin line border as well as an outer padding of 15 to create spacing
between objects.

Figure 10.44: Adding padding for differentiation

642 | Dashboards and Storyboards

5. Now that the base is created, create your Header and Branding section. Your
header is split into two sections: Title and Logo. To create these two
sections, drag a tiled Horizontal object to the top of the view, add a border,
place a Text object to the left of this newly created horizontal section, and
name your dashboard Coffee Chain Sales Analysis, as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 10.45: Adding a custom title to the dashboard

Designing a Dashboard | 643

6. Next, to add a logo to your view, use a tiled Image object, place it to the right of
the Title object, and select your desired logo, as shown here:

Figure 10.46: Adding a custom logo as a branding element

644 | Dashboards and Storyboards

7. If the logo you've added is too big, you can double-click the double line at the
top (see arrow). Select the parent layout containers and resize the window from
the bottom.

Figure 10.47: Double-clicking on the double line selects the parent container

8. Now that the header section is ready, drag your Scorecards/KPI worksheets onto
the view. But before that, you need to divide/create two sections for scorecards
and charts later. Drag a tiled Vertical object right below the header section to
create two sections for your use case.

You have added red borders for descriptive and visibility purposes only. You
will delete the border before finalizing the dashboard.

Figure 10.48: Scorecard section creation

Designing a Dashboard | 645

9. First, drag the Sales KPI scorecard to the section, and then add the Profit KPI and
Expenses KPI scorecards to the right, as shown here:

Figure 10.49: Adding scorecards to the view

10. But there is an issue with the scorecards above; there is too much whitespace
remaining on the right. To fix that, select the parent container by double-clicking
the double line, clicking on the Options dropdown, and selecting Distribute
Contents Evenly.

Figure 10.50: How to distribute contents evenly

646 | Dashboards and Storyboards

11. There is still a lot more whitespace left in each of the scorecards, as seen in
Figure 10.50. To fix that, click on the individual worksheet dropdown again and
select Fit -> Entire view, as shown here:

Figure 10.51: Fitting the worksheet to the entire view of the object

12. Lastly, for this scorecard section, add a thin border line to help us differentiate
between the KPI sheets, as shown here.

13. Repeat Step 10, Step 11, and Step 12 for the other two KPI sheets too, and this
should be the result. Remove the bold red border from the parent layout
container as the purpose of the border was served.

Figure 10.52: Header plus the scorecard view added to the dashboard
Designing a Dashboard | 647

14. Next, add your Map view as well as a Trends analysis view to the
dashboard by dragging the Map View worksheet from Exercise 10.03 first and
then dragging the Parameter Metric Selection Sheet sheet to the
right of the map view. The result should look as follows:

Figure 10.53: Adding another worksheet plus filters

648 | Dashboards and Storyboards

15. If you are not seeing any of the Profit color legends nor the Select Your
Parameter parameter and Market filter, here is how to add them to the view:
Click on the Options dropdown of the Sales by Month worksheet and
select Filter -> Market.

Figure 10.54: Manually adding filters to the dashboard

Designing a Dashboard | 649

Add the Parameter dropdown by clicking on the Options dropdown of

the Sales by Month worksheet and selecting Parameter -> Select
Your Metric.

Figure 10.55: An example dashboard using education data

You don't require the Profit legend as part of the dashboard, so you can remove/
delete that if it's already part of your dashboard.
650 | Dashboards and Storyboards

16. If necessary, keep the filters/parameters as they are but move them to better
positions for quick visibility as well as easier access.

Drag Select Your Metric on top of the Sales By Month worksheet and
resize the parameter/worksheet as required.

Figure 10.56: Dashboard without an action added

Drag the Market filter to the right of the Total Expenses worksheet to place
it to the right. Next, add a thin green line border to the Market filter to match
the formatting of other worksheets in that section.

17. Add a filter action to your map so that whenever your stakeholders click on
a state on the map, all the other elements of the dashboard also get filtered.
Navigate to the menu bar and click on Dashboard -> Actions or press CMD +
Shift + D for Mac or Ctrl + Shift + D for Windows, as shown here:
Designing a Dashboard | 651

Figure 10.57: Adding action to the dashboard

18. Add a Filter action by clicking on Add Action -> Filter.

Figure 10.58: Selecting a filter action for the dashboard

652 | Dashboards and Storyboards

19. Select your source sheet, which in this case is the Map worksheet, and run the
action on Select. For Target Sheets, select all the worksheets and, from
the Clearing the selection will option, choose Show all values,
as you can see in the following screenshot:

Figure 10.59: Selecting the filter action configuration

Designing a Dashboard | 653

20. The final step is to add State as a field under Target Filters. For this, click
on Selected Fields -> Add Filter and select State as the dimension to
filter on, as shown, then click OK.

Figure 10.60: Selecting the fields in both the source and target sheets
654 | Dashboards and Storyboards

This should be the final configuration for State Filter Action.

Figure 10.61: Final State Filter Action configuration

Designing a Dashboard | 655

21. Test all the interactive elements of the dashboard. The following is a view of
West Market, with Profit for Select Your Metric and California
as the state:

Figure 10.62: Final coffee chain sales analysis dashboard

That should conclude your first dashboard using Tableau. You added advanced
interactivity to your view, including swapping metrics, using State action filters, and
also used Color, Size, and Branding elements in our dashboard. Using the above
view, you can infer that the total sales in California were $96,892, while $31,785 of
those were profits. You can also easily identify the profit trend from the line chart, as
shown above on the right.
656 | Dashboards and Storyboards

Creating Storyboards
Storyboards differ from dashboards in a few different ways, but especially in one
critical aspect – a dashboard is designed to display results for key organizational
metrics (or similar measures), while a storyboard is designed to tell a pre-defined
story. For example, a business user will use a dashboard to track a range of key
metrics; the same user might use a storyboard to create a story based on very
specific information found in the metrics (for example, showing how a single
customer has grown over multiple periods, and a storyboard can help split those
periods into multiple views).

To create a new story, you click on the New Story button on the menu at the
bottom of the workspace. Selecting this button will give us a blank canvas with room
for a single worksheet or dashboard. The next step is to drag a worksheet onto
the canvas space; any related filters, parameters, and legends will automatically
accompany the sheet. As with dashboards, you can adjust the screen size of the
story and add text elements to accompany our chart. Storyboard text elements
are designed to float on top of a chart; they can be used to add context to the
displayed data.

One similarity between dashboards and storyboards is that both are built using
existing worksheets, so you don't require a lot of additional effort to create a new
storyboard. You simply need to find a story within the data, plan the sequence of
storyboard slides, and add a title and text that walks the user through the story.
Here's a very simple example where you have used a single chart with a different
parameter selection for each tab in the story:
Creating Storyboards | 657

Figure 10.63: An example storyboard

Stories can be simple or complex, employing a single chart with changing filters
or using many charts, maps, and summary worksheets to walk the user through
something of interest. We'll use the next exercise to build the simple storyboard you
see above.

Exercise 10.05: Creating a Simple Storyboard

You have created a dashboard previously. Now the manager wants to add another
worksheet in a new page instead of adding more to the dashboard you built. In this
exercise, you will create a treemap of states according to sales and profit and tell a
story using the dashboard as well as the new Treemap worksheet:

1. Open the previously created dashboard again.

2. Create a new worksheet and drag State to detail under the Marks card. If
longitude and latitude have been added to the Column shelf, remove them from
the shelves.
658 | Dashboards and Storyboards

3. Add Profit to Size and Sales to Color, as shown here:

Figure 10.64: Treemap using Sales and Profit

4. Add more visual cues to the report, including State and Profit on the label,
and update the title to Sales/Profit by States.

Figure 10.65: Adding a label to the treemap

Creating Storyboards | 659

5. You have one dashboard and one worksheet for your storyboard. Click on the
New Story icon on the bottom toolbar. Rename it to Coffee Sales by
States to update your story title.
6. Drag the Coffee Sales Analysis Dashboard (or the "dashboard name"
you created previously) to the storyboard canvas. You should see this:

Figure 10.66: Adding a dashboard to the story point

660 | Dashboards and Storyboards

7. The major difference between a storyboard and dashboard is that a storyboard

can include multiple dashboards as well as reports in one view, and you can add
captions for step-by-step insights into what the dashboard story is all about. The
Add a caption option allows you to add interesting insights or story points to
the dashboard. Click on Add a caption and write Total Coffee Sales,
Profit, and Expense by Market, which also allows you to
view the trend of each of the metrics separately, and also
hide the Story title.

Figure 10.67: Adding a custom caption to the story point

Creating Storyboards | 661

8. Add another story point to the view by clicking on the Blank story point in the
Story section.

Figure 10.68: Adding a new story point to the view

662 | Dashboards and Storyboards

9. Drag Sales Profit by States (or the second dashboard you created
earlier in the exercise) to the new story point and update the caption to read
Tree map of Profit and Sales by State with the ability to
filter by Market that the state is in.

Figure 10.69: Final storyboard with the second story point with a custom caption

You have now completed a very simple storyboard and should be able to see the
possibilities for more advanced stories. As you have seen in this basic example,
storyboards can be very effective in walking a user through a focused narrative.

Let's finish this chapter by taking what you have learned and employing it to build a
complete dashboard.
Creating Storyboards | 663

Activity 10.01: Building a Complete Dashboard

In this activity, you are an analyst working for the European Union looking to build
a dashboard showcasing the 2014 versus 2015 growth in passengers across all
European airports and also enable stakeholders to interact with the data.

You will create multiple scorecards and branding elements, as well as add a Top N
European Airports parameters view to your dashboard. The final output should
look as follows:

You can find the dataset for this activity at the following link:

Figure 10.70: Final expected output using European airports data

664 | Dashboards and Storyboards

The following steps will help you to complete this activity:

1. Open a new Tableau instance and load the European Airports 2015 data in
the view.

2. Create three scorecard/KPI metrics: Total 2014 Passengers, Total 2015

Passengers, and Passengers Growth/Decline.
3. For Total 2014 Passengers, put 2014 Passengers on the Text marks
card and format the text as well as the title, as shown in the output. Do the same
for Total 2015 Passengers.

4. For the Passengers Growth/Decline scorecard, create a new calculated

field by using the following formula:

Figure 10.71: The passenger growth/decline calculated field

5. Using the Passenger Growth/Decline field, create a similar scorecard to

the one you created for 2014 Passengers.

6. Create a new worksheet and rename the worksheet Top N Airports

by 2014.
7. Create a Top N Parameter, name your parameter Top N, select Integer
as the data type, 10 for the current value, and then click OK.

8. Add Airport Name to the rows, and 2014 Passengers and 2015
Passengers to the Columns shelf, convert the two axes into a dual axis, and
then synchronize the axis.

9. Under the Marks card, change one of the axes to the Circle mark type to
create a Bullet Chart view that you want as your output.
Creating Storyboards | 665

10. To add the Top N parameter to the view, drag the name of the airport to
Filters. Click on Top and filter the field by Fields. Then, select the
parameter from the dropdown and add 2014 Passengers as the field before
clicking OK.

Figure 10.72: Adding a top N filter

11. Right-click on the Top N parameter in the data pane and click
Show Parameter.
12. Add a couple of descriptive elements to the dual axis, drag Passenger
Growth/Decline and Country to the Tooltip, and confirm whether 2014
Passengers (2015 Passengers) are already part of the tooltip. If not, drag
them to the Tooltip marks card as well.

13. Create a new dashboard and drag a Vertical tiled object. Start at the top with
branding and work your way through the bottom.

14. Header: Drag a Horizontal tiled object, drag Text, and then call your
dashboard European Airports Growth.

15. Next, download a hand airplane or an airline logo online and drag that using the
Image tiled object to the right of the title of the dashboard.
16. Add another Vertical tiled object below the header and drag all
three scorecards.

17. Next, drag another Vertical tiled object below the scorecards and put the
Top N Airports by 2014 worksheet in that section.
666 | Dashboards and Storyboards

18. Align/realign the legends and parameters as per your requirements.

19. Your final output should look like this:

Figure 10.73: Final output for activity 10.01

The solution to this activity can be found here:
Summary | 667

This chapter covered the design and development of dashboards and storyboards,
two essential tools for Tableau designers and users. Dashboards continue to be
a critical component of the Tableau experience, with thousands of companies
and organizations using them to communicate insights to executives, managers,
and analysts.

Before you decided to create our first dashboard, you reviewed best practices for
creating a dashboard and how size, color, and placement play an important role in
dashboard development as well as the readability aspect of the dashboard. Later, you
walked through each of the dashboard elements/objects and provided an example of
how those objects work before you switched gears and started creating dashboards.

In our first Coffee Chain Sales Analysis dashboard, you used concepts
learned previously to create the Selecting Your Metric parameter, learned
how to divide your dashboard into sections, saw some tips and tricks for best
placing the objects, and considered when to use tiled versus floating objects. You
also formatted your dashboards and added your custom branding elements to the
dashboard. Later, you walked through the creation of a storyboard and how that
differs from a dashboard, and when to use a storyboard versus a dashboard. Finally,
you concluded the chapter by walking through another unique dashboard using
European Airports data and again used some of the advanced concepts that
you have learned throughout the book, including the dual axis lollypop chart, the Top
N filter using parameters, along with formatting the dashboard using best practices.
The knowledge gained here will allow you to create the dashboards and storyboards
in the upcoming chapter. The dashboards and storyboards maximize the impact
of each dataset that you encounter. The ability to integrate the power of Tableau
calculations, filters, parameters, sets, groups, and actions into a single dashboard is
a major step in developing your Tableau skills and providing essential solutions for
your customers.
Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

This chapter will dive deep into the order of operations, filters, and sets and
parameters in Tableau. We will also work through exercises on using groups
and hierarchies in our views. Some of these features of Tableau give end
users the ability to control the view. Finally, we will be discussing an activity
that will utilize context filters, parameters, and sets on the World Indicator
dataset to reinforce the skills you will gain in this chapter. By the end of this
chapter, you will have gained the skills to create interactive reports, which
give end users more control to slice and dice the data in the report.
670 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

In this chapter, you will explore your options in creating reports/dashboards in
Tableau, which allows you to arrange your data or report in a more comprehensible
manner for your stakeholders/audience. Previous chapters have focused a lot on
creating calculated fields, table calculations, and advanced calculations such as
level of detail calculations. These types of calculations can help you go a long way
in achieving desired results/views. However, you can also explore other ways of
arranging, sorting, or grouping your data, adding another layer of interactivity to
your reports, which in turn helps improve the ease of use of reports. This chapter will
dive deeper into the order of operations, filters, and sets and parameters in Tableau
from a conceptual as well as a practical perspective and discuss how to make the
best use of these features in your reports/dashboards. In this chapter, you will review
how to group data and hierarchy use cases and consider an interesting use case
for parameters.

Grouping Data
The grouping of data is useful when you want to simplify or stack multiple dimension
rows/members into one bigger bucket. For example, say you are working on a report
on the population of countries in the world, and the standard data does not contain
a custom grouping of all the South Asian countries. When you decide to create a
custom grouping of all the South Asian countries by grouping countries such as India,
Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and so on, you will notice that a new dimension is added in
your Data pane:
Grouping Data | 671

Figure 11.1: Sub-category group in the Sample - Superstore dataset

As is often the case with Tableau features, you can achieve the same results in
multiple ways. You can use either of the following methods to create a group:

• Create a group from the worksheet view.

• Create a group from the Data pane.

You'll practice the both of these options in the following exercise.

672 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Exercise 11.01: Creating Groups

You are a retail analyst of XYZ group tasked to group multiple sub-categories so that it
is easier for a sub-category manager to report on their KPIs of sales:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance.

2. Create a bar chart of Sales across Category and Sub-Category as

shown here:

Figure 11.2: Sales by Subcategory view

Grouping Data | 673

Creating a Group from the Worksheet View:

3. Press Ctrl and select or press Command. Select the sub-category to select
multiple Sub-category members in the view. Then, either right-click to
group them or click on the group icon in the toolbar or within the tooltip as
shown here:

Figure 11.3: Adding groups

674 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

4. As you can see, a new Labels, Paper, Storage, and Supplies

sub-category grouping is created. You can also rename the sub-category
grouping by right-clicking and changing the alias name to be more descriptive,
such as Desk Stationery if you desire.

Figure 11.4: Naming groups

Creating a Group from the Data Pane

In the previous steps, you used the worksheet view to create a group. Now you'll
create a separate group via the Data pane:

5. Create a new worksheet as you did in the steps above.

Grouping Data | 675

6. Create a bar chart of Sales across Category and Sub-Category as

shown here:

Figure 11.5: Adding groups from the data pane

676 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

7. Right-click on the Sub-Category dimension in the Data pane and hover

over Create. Click on Group... from the sub-menu as shown in the
following screenshot:

Figure 11.6: Creating a group from the Data pane

8. In the group pop-up window, change the field name to something more
descriptive: Papers Sub-Category(group).
Grouping Data | 677

9. Hold Ctrl or Command and multi-select the sub-categories that you want to
group. In this case, group all paper related items in one group and click on the
Group button:

Figure 11.7: Adding members to the group Paper Sub-Category

678 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

10. Rename the selected items in the window to Paper Items for easier
readability, as shown in the following screenshot. You can add or remove the
items by dragging them in and out of the groups at your convenience.

Figure 11.8: Editing a group

Grouping Data | 679

11. To check if your group is working the way you expect, drag the newly created
group dimension Paper Sub-Category(group) to the Rows shelf and
remove the Category as well as the Sub-Category dimensions from the
view. You'll notice the group that you created in the previous step:

Figure 11.9 The groups sub-category

In this exercise, you explored two ways of creating groups: via the worksheet view
and the Data pane. With your completion of this task, sub-category managers now
have a way of looking at their KPIs for multiple grouped sub-categories.

If you want to edit the grouping now or in the future, right-click on the new
group dimension that was created (the dimension with the clip icon) in the
Data pane and click on Edit Group. In the Edit Group popup, you
can drag and drop to remove members or add new members to the group.
680 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Hierarchies are not specific to Tableau. As such, you have almost certainly used
them previously, whether consciously or unconsciously. In a data context, when the
relevant data is arranged logically based on its level of detail, it is called a hierarchy.
In our Sample - Superstore dataset, you have already used hierarchies many
times, including the Location hierarchy, which contains Country/Region,
State, City, and Postal Code; the Product hierarchy consists of Category,
Sub-Category, Manufacturer, and Product Name. Hierarchies grant you a
comprehensive look into your data. For example, if you add the State dimension
to your view, because of the hierarchies that were pre-created in your data, you can
switch from state to city by clicking on the + icon in your shelf or go a level up by
clicking the - sign as shown here:

Figure 11.10: Default hierarchies

Take a look at how hierarchies can be created through the following short exercise.
Hierarchies | 681

Exercise 11.02: Creating Hierarchies

As an e-commerce analyst of, the product catalog manager wants to add
Segment to the Product hierarchy. You will have to initially remove the original
Product hierarchy and later create a new Product hierarchy by combining one of
the existing ones.

If you load the default Sample - Superstore dataset provided by
Tableau in Tableau Desktop, you may notice that some fields are missing
or new fields have been added. That is expected as Tableau constantly
updates data files as per the requirements. If you want to avoid confusion,
download the dataset from the official GitHub repository for this chapter,
available here:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance, if it is not

already open.

2. Follow Step 2 and Step 3 below only if your version of data has a Product
hierarchy inbuilt. If not, proceed to step 4 directly. Assuming in your Data
pane you find a Decision Tree icon(as shown below) attached to Product
dimension, the decision tree signifies that the dimension is a hierarchy and can
be drilled down in your view.

Figure 11.11: The hierarchy icon

682 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

3. Navigate to the Product dimension in your Dimensions data pane and right-
click the Product dimension. Then click on Remove Hierarchy:

Figure 11.12: Removing the hierarchy

As soon as you remove the hierarchy, the Decision Tree icon is also
removed and all the dimensions that were part of the hierarchy subsequently
become their own dimensions. You will also be unable to drill them down as they
are no longer logically arranged.

4. To re-construct the hierarchy that we just removed, multi-select dimensions

by pressing Ctrl and selecting (for Windows) or Command and selecting (for
Mac) all the dimensions that were a part of the product hierarchy. In this case,
this will be Category, Sub-Category, Manufacturer, Product name,
and Segment.
Hierarchies | 683

5. After selecting all the dimensions mentioned, right-click on any of the selected
dimensions, hover over Hierarchy, click on Create Hierarchy…, and
name the hierarchy Product as shown here:

Figure 11.13: Creating a new hierarchy

684 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Ideally, the order of multi-select in the previous steps should have allowed
Tableau to select the level of your hierarchies. Unfortunately, Tableau levels
them alphabetically, which is not the level you want:

Figure 11.14: The newly created hierarchy

6. Before you create a hierarchy, you should have a good idea of the logical leveling
of the hierarchy. In this case, these were Category | Sub-Category |
Manufacturer | Product name | Segment. Drag your dimensions above or
below depending on the level. For example, Sub-Category is below Segment,
so drag Sub-Category above Product Name and Manufacturer:

Figure 11.15: Dragging dimensions to change their logical order

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 685

7. Check if the hierarchy is working as expected. Drag the Product hierarchy

to the Rows shelf and double-click on Sales to create a Sales report by
Product hierarchy.

Figure 11.16: Final hierarchy

Like groups, hierarchies can be useful when you can logically arrange relevant data
points based on their level of detail or granularity. You just removed as well as
re-created a Product hierarchy in this exercise.

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau

If you want to differentiate yourself from a casual Tableau developer, understanding
the order of operations and the order in which Tableau manipulates and filters
data is critical. In other words, to be a true expert in Tableau, you need to be able to
determine when and where data was filtered and pinpoint the reason when the view
doesn't produce the data you expect.
686 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Think of the order of operations as the query pipeline. The order in which Tableau
filters data is critical and Tableau follows a sequential order, as shown in the
following chart.

Figure 11.17: Tableau table of operations

When you create business dashboards in Tableau, you will have multiple filters, table
calculations, and calculated fields to work with. As is the case with most programs,
execution follows a set order/operation priority. The order of operations is just that.
In the chart above, Extract Filters has the highest priority, followed by Data
Source Filters and Context Filters, and Trend Lines, Reference
Lines has the lowest priority. In the following sub-sections, we will try to explain
most of the filters with an exercise to demonstrate the importance of this.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 687

Data Source and Extract Filters

Data Source and Extract filters are the first in the order of operations in Tableau and
take place before you create your first view or when you are loading your data into
the Tableau instance. This type of filtering is useful when you don't want to load all
the data from your server/source file into the Tableau instance. See this in practice in
the following exercise.

Exercise 11.03: Filtering Data Using Extract/Data Source Filters

As an analyst, you want to load only a sub-region of data into your Tableau worksheet
to lower the load on the dashboard and limit the amount of data being downloaded
into the worksheet. Create a view of Sales by State for the East region only.

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

don't have it open already.

2. Before creating a sample view, double-click on Data Source at the bottom-left

of your screen.

Figure 11.18: Data pane view

688 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

3. To import data for the East region only for your view, add that as a Data
Source Filter here. On the Data Source page, click on Add in the
Filters section at the top right of the view.

Figure 11.19: Data Source view

4. In the Edit Data Source Filters window, click the Add… button, select
Region, and click OK. Just select East from the list and click the OK button.
Click the OK button again to close the dialog box:

Figure 11.20: Adding data source filters

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 689

5. To confirm the working of the filters, create a new worksheet and review Sales
by State from your data:

Figure 11.21: Data after adding a data source filter

690 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

You might not notice the difference in speed when loading any of the dimensions in
your view because the data is not at gigabyte or terabyte scale. If you were working
with large-scale data, utilizing data source filtering is one way to improve the speed
and efficiency of your work.

When the data source you are importing contains more data than your report/
dashboard requires, you can utilize data source filters to improve the efficiency and
reduce the load on Tableau views. In this exercise, your goal was to improve the
performance of your dashboard, and by using data source filters, you were able to
limit the amount of data being loaded in the worksheet.

Filters Using Views

These types of filters resemble how you group dimensions using views. In this type
of filtering, you manually select one or multiple data points in the view to include or
exclude from the view. In the following exercise, you'll perform these simple steps to
create a filter in this way.

Exercise 11.04: Creating Filters from the View

As an analyst, you have been given completely new data, and as part of the
dashboard designing process, you want to do some Exploratory Data Analysis
(EDA). Creating filters using the view can be a great way of filtering data as you see
the data in the worksheet.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

have not already done so.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 691

2. Create a bar chart of Sales by State. Drag and drop State to the Rows shelf
and Sales to the Columns shelf. You should end up with the following view:

Figure 11.22: Sales by State view

692 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

3. Manually select your states/data points to include/exclude from your view. Click
and drag a region to exclude the top five states by sales as shown here:

Figure 11.23: Dragging multiple data points to create a filter

4. If you hover your mouse over the selected region for a couple of seconds, a
tooltip option pops up. From here, select Keep Only or Exclude for the
selected states. You exclude these states, so click on Exclude:

Figure 11.24: Include/exclude data points from the view

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 693

A State dimension filter will be added to the Filters shelf. In the next
sub-section, you are going to dive deep into how to best use the Filters shelf,
so hold on to your questions at the moment. Here is the final output:

Figure 11.25: Final output after creating the filter from the view

In this exercise, you practiced manually selecting or dragging and selecting a subset
of the view to include/exclude from the view. Creating filters using the view can be
incredibly helpful when you initially conduct EDA, which is what all analysts start with
when creating a new dashboard. Next, we will dive deep into how to best utilize the
Filters shelf.
694 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Creating Filters Using the Filters Shelf

In previous sections, we looked at filtering data either at the data source level or
using views, but the right way to utilize filters in Tableau is via the Filters shelf. In
this section, we will discuss how to use the Filters shelf for filtering dimensions,
measures, as well as dates. But first, we will dive deep into the options of the Filter
dialog box, which opens up when you drag any of the mentioned data types.

Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf

Dimensions in Tableau are essentially categorical data. When filtering a dimension,
you either include or exclude some part of this data from the view. The following
dialog box opens up whenever you drag a dimension to the Filters shelf:

Figure 11.26: Dragging a dimension to the Filters shelf

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 695

The box has four tabs, as follows:

• General: You use this tab when to manually select the categorical data to include
or exclude from the view. For example, if you wanted to filter Sub-Category
on Supplies and Tables, you could manually select only two sub-categories
to include, as shown below:

Figure 11.27: Filters shelf General tab

696 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

• Wildcard: The Wildcard tab is used to match a pattern of text to use the
filter on. Say you had a column with thousands of URLs, which may or may
not contain the term football in the URL. It would be quite tiring to use the
General tab to manually select all the URLs that contain the term football,
but using Wildcard, you can match the value by stating that the dimension
either contains, starts with, ends with, or exactly matches the term football
for your URL dimensions.

Figure 11.28: Filters shelf Wildcard tab

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 697

• Condition: In the Condition tab, you define rules or criteria for filtering the
data. For example, you could also use the Condition tab to filter on those
sub-categories that reported losses in your data. To do that, select By field,
and in the dropdown, select Profit with Sum as aggregation and < 0 as
shown below:

Figure 11.29: Filters shelf Condition tab

698 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

• Top: Use the Top tab in the Filter box when you want to compute the Top or
Bottom N members of the view depending on the measure you want to filter
the view on. In this example, you know that the Bottom three sub-categories
are the rows with losses, so you can create a Bottom filter using these details,
as shown here:

Figure 11.30: Filters shelf Top view

Next, you will utilize the Filter dialog box in an exercise.

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 699

Exercise 11.05: Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf

The portfolio manager has been tasked with identifying a list of all sub-categories
that are not making profit. You are tasked with creating a dynamic filter via the
Filters shelf.
Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you don't have
it open already.

2. Create a Profit by Sub-Category bar chart and drag and drop

Sub-Category to the Rows shelf and Profit to Columns. You should
get the following view:

Figure 11.31: Profit by Sub-Category view

700 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Note that there are three sub-cat egories (Supplies, Bookcases, and
Tables) where the superstore made a loss. You want to include them in your
view and exclude all other sub-categories. You can obviously manually select the
sub-categories from the view itself, but go ahead and use the Filters shelf
here, as instructed in the next step.

3. Drag and drop Sub-Category from the Data pane to the Filters shelf and
a Filters [Sub-Category] dialog box opens up.

Figure 11.32: Only profitable sub-categories

4. In the dialog box, click on the Condition tab, select By Field, and filter on
all sub-categories with [Profit] <0. You will get a list of all the sub-categories
that are making losses for the business. Click on OK to filter the data.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 701

5. You should get the following view showing a list of all sub-categories that are
making losses:

Figure 11.33: Only loss-making sub-categories

In your career as a data analyst, you will likely find yourself using the Filters shelf
day in and day out as part of your job, making this an essential skill to have under
your belt. In this exercise, you explored all the options Tableau has to offer in the
Filters shelf for dimensions.

Measure Filters Using the Filters Shelf

Measures are quantitative data, which means, unlike dimensions, filtering on
measures involves selecting a range of numbers that you want to include/exclude
from your view. Whenever you drag a Measure onto the Filters shelf, the
Filter dialog box offers you four options to filter the Measure on. The following
list will define these options in greater detail:
702 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

• The Measure Filter Dialog Box:

Figure 11.34: Range of values in the Filter window

• Range of values: In Range of values, you specify the range of values you
want to filter on. In this use case, you only want profitable sub-categories, so
your range will be from zero to the maximum as shown in the next screenshot
(Figure 11.35).
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 703

• At least: In At least, you specify the minimum value and all values greater
or equal to the minimum value will be included in your view. This can usually be
used when you don't have control over what the maximum for the column/data
could be, and it is difficult to predict. In this use case, your minimum will be zero
because you want only profitable sub-categories as shown here:

Figure 11.35: At least filter window

• At most: At most is the opposite of At least and is used when you want
to include all values that are less than or equal to the maximum specified. This
can usually be used when you don't have control over the minimum but know
the maximum value that you want to be included in your view, which is exactly
opposite to that of the At least tab. You cannot use At most for this use
case identifying profitable sub-categories because all the negative values will
also be included in the view, and you don't have control over them if you use
At most.
• Special: As the name suggests, this filter is only used when you want to include
either null values, non values, or all values. This tab is rarely used, but depending
on the data, it may be required.
704 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Exercise 11.06: Measuring Filters Using the Filters Shelf

The portfolio manager liked the work you did creating a view of loss-making
sub-categories. Now he wants you to create a similar view, but instead of loss-making
sub-categories, he wants a profit-making view this time. You will utilize Profit as a
filter to create the view in the following steps:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

have not already done so.

2. Create a Profit by Sub-Category bar chart, and drag and drop

Sub-Category to the Rows shelf and Profit to Columns. You should be
at the following view:

Figure 11.36: Profit by Sub-Category view

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 705

3. Drag Profit from the Data pane to the Filters shelf. The following dialog
box opens up:

Figure 11.37: Measure Filter Field options

4. In the Filter Field [Profit] dialog box, select the aggregation for your
measures. In this case, select Sum as you want to look at the sum of the profit.
706 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

5. Range of values, as well as At least, can be used for identifying

profitable sub-categories. For this exercise, use Range of values to filter on
profitable subcategories.

Figure 11.38: Range of values for Measure

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 707

6. Regardless of Profit option you decided to use, your final output should
resemble the following:

Figure 11.39: Measure filter final output

In this exercise, you utilized the Measure data type as a filter for the first time and
explored all Tableau's corresponding options for this in detail. You used Profit to
filter on only profitable sub-categories.

In the next section, you will explore date filters using the Filters shelf.

Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf

Dates are neither qualitative data nor quantitative data out of the box. We can filter
dates either by Relative Date, Range of Dates, or filtering by discrete dates.
Let's explore each one of the options and how they differ from each other, and in the
exercise after the explanation, walk through a specific use case.
708 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

When you drag a Date dimension such as Order Date in your Sample -
Superstore dataset, you are presented with the following window:

Figure 11.40: Date filter modal window

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 709

• Filtering by relative dates: If you choose to filter by a relative date, in the

subsequent window, you can define the relative time-frame of your date and the
dates will be filtered depending on the date on which the view was opened. Say
you want to show only the last 12 months of data. In the Relative Dates
dialog box, select Months, click on Last, and enter 12 months as shown here:

Figure 11.41: Filter by Relative dates

710 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Relative dates are defined from the date the view was opened. If the data source
only has dates till December 2019 and you are opening this in July 2020, the view
will only include dates from August 2019 to the maximum date that is present
in the data, which in this case is December 2019. Hence you will only see five
months' worth of data. To change that, you can check Anchor relative to
at the bottom left and enter the date as December 31, 2019, as shown here.

Figure 11.42: Filter by Relative dates with an anchor date

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 711

• Filtering by range of dates: You use this filter when you want your dates
to have a fixed range. In this use case, you want 12 months of data relative
to December 2019, so your range will be January 2019 to December 2019 as
shown here:

Figure 11.43: Filter by Range of dates

712 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

• Filtering by discrete dates: In the Filter Field [Order Date] dialog

box, if you select discrete date values, you will filter on the entire date levels. For
example, if you filter the discrete date on Months and select January, you will
filter on January irrespective of the year. If you want to filter on a month and a
year, select Month / Year from the Filter Field dialog box.

Figure 11.44: Filter by discrete dates

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 713

Figure 11.45: Filter by discrete month

In the following exercise, you will use the Date dialog box and create a time-series
view to showcase the use of the Date filter.
714 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Exercise 11.07: Creating Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf

You are asked to create a time-series view of the sales of the last 12 months relative
to the last updated date of the data. You will be using the Sample - Superstore
dataset again in this exercise and utilizing relative dates, as well as anchoring relative
to the options covered in the preceding section.

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

have not already done so.

2. Create a line chart of Sales by continuous Month(Order Date) as

shown here:

Figure 11.46: Time-series view after filtering on the last 12 months

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 715

You want the line chart to only show the last 12 months of data, so you will be
using the Filters shelf to select only the last 12 months of data.

3. Drag and drop Order Date to the Filters shelf. In the Filter Field
[Order Date] dialog box, filter the dates either by Relative Date, Range
of Dates, or filtering by discrete dates.

Figure 11.47: Date filter window

716 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

4. For this exercise, you will filter by Relative Date since you want your view
to be dynamically updated in the future too, to only show the last 12 months
of data. Click on Relative Date in the preceding dialog box and on the next
screen select Months and enter 12.

Figure 11.48: Relative dates date filter

This was discussed this in the Note section above. Since the Sample –
Superstore dataset only has data till December 2019, and considering this
book was written in July 2020, you will see only six checkmarks.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 717

5. To change that, make use of Anchor relative to and enter the date as December
31, 2019, as shown here:

Figure 11.49: Relative dates with an anchor date

718 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

You achieved your goal of displaying the last 12 months' trends from the
last date in the data using Relative dates with Anchor relative to
December 2019. Here is what the final output should look like (Month(Order
Date) has been added as a label in the Marks shelf for readability):

Figure 11.50: Time series to show the last 12 months relative to the anchor date

In this section, you were reviewed in relative detail the options that available for date
filters and how to make the best use of them, and also how to make the best use of
Anchor relative to and when to use it.
In the next section, we will look at how you can give the end user of your report/
dashboard the ability to filter the report as per their requirements.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 719

Quick Filters
Thus far, you have been using filters on your data as a developer without giving end
users the ability to filter on a view. One of the many reasons why Tableau is a beloved
tool across the developer as well as the end user community is because it allows even
end users to control the flow of data in a view. This reduces the back-and-forth with
developers because the end user can use the filters to change the data and get the
insights they desire. This type of end user filter control is achieved with quick filters.

There are multiple ways of showing your quick filters. The major differences between
them are as follows:

Figure 11.51: Quick filter types

Each quick filter has a specific purpose and is widely used across pretty much every
dashboard you will ever build. In the following exercise, you'll explore a specific
example and review the exact steps to add quick filters to your view.

Exercise 11.8: Creating Quick Filters

Create a simple view of Sales by State and use Region as a quick filter, as
regional managers will use the dashboard to filter on their specific dashboard. Use
the Sample - Superstore dataset once again to complete this exercise.

Perform the following steps:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

don't have it open already.

You are going to create a cross table of Sales by State and use Region as a
quick filter, but first you need to build the view.
720 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

2. Drag and drop State to the Rows shelf and, next, double-click on Sales to
create the table of Sales by State. We will now add Region as a filter in our
Filters shelf by selecting all values:

Figure 11.52: Sales by State view

3. Click the down-arrow or simply right-click the Region dimension in your

Filters shelf and select Show Filter:
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 721

Figure 11.53: Show Filter step

4. Drag the Region quick filter from the right-hand side to the left-hand side
just below the Marks shelf for ease of use. Tableau automatically created
Multiple Values (list) as a quick filter. If you hover over and click on the
arrow in the Region quick filter as shown here, you get the following options:

Figure 11.54: Quick filter type options

722 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

5. As a recap of all the quick filter types in Tableau, review the following:

Figure 11.55: Quick filter types (review)

6. In this use case, you want your end users to control the region that they want to
view so that they are able to view one region or all regions at once. To do this,
select Single Value (list), change the quick filter type from Multiple
Values (list) to Single Value (list), keeping Show "All" Value
from the Customize option checkmarked as shown here:

Figure 11.56: Quick filter Customize option

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 723

7. Select East for Region in our quick filter and the final output should resemble
the following view:

Figure 11.57: Final output after adding a quick filter

Quick filters are why Tableau is such a powerful tool even for end users. In this
section, you have learned the major differences between the types of quick filters and
the best use cases for them. You then created Sales by State and used Region as
a quick filter.
724 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Applying Filters across Multiple Sheets/Multiple Data Sources or an Entire

Data Source
When you add a filter to your view, it only applies to your current view. But there
will be times when you want to apply the same filter across multiple selected, using
the same or a related data source if there is a relationship between primary and
secondary data. This section will examine the difference between each of these
options and when to use them.

Figure 11.58: Apply to Worksheets options

• Applying a filter to Only This Worksheet: Here the filter(s) added to the
worksheet is only applied to the worksheet to which the filter was added.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 725

• Applying a filter to Selected Worksheets...: If you want your filters to be

applied across multiple worksheets or even all of your worksheets, this option
comes in handy. In the previous section, you created the Region filter. Say you
want to use the same filter across a couple of other worksheets that are part of
the Tableau workbook. You can do that as shown here:

Figure 11.59: Apply a filter to the selected worksheets

• Applying a filter to All Using This Data Source: If you want to filter
all worksheets that use the same Sample - Superstore dataset using
the Region dimension, use this option. You can achieve the same result by
selecting all worksheets in the Selected Worksheets option if the workbook
only contains one data source.
726 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

• Applying a filter to All Using Related Data Sources: Choose this

option when you want to use the filter from the current worksheet across
multiple data sources. This feature was released in 2016, and when Tableau
announced this feature release, the company mentioned that it was one of the
most asked for features of all time.

This option only works when you create a relationship between a current or primary
data source and a secondary data source. You do that by navigating to Data in
the menu bar, then clicking on Edit Relationships. If Tableau does not
automatically create some relationships between the data sources, you can create a
custom relationship depending on the use case.

Custom Relationship comes in handy when the names of the common columns
across the data sources don't match. Once you are able to create the relationship,
you can select All using Related Data Sources for its magic to work.
This option comes in handy when you are data blending, which was discussed in
previous chapters.

Context Filters
When you add multiple filters into your Tableau view, each of these filters is
calculated independently of the others. So, if you have two quick filters such as
Category and Sub-Category in your view, when you select/deselect a filter,
Tableau uses all of its data to show you the view.

If you want to limit the calculation across the whole data source and improve the
performance of your report/dashboard (more on this in the exercise that follows),
you'll want to use context filters. These help Tableau understand the context of
the data and limit the amount of data filtering/loading that happens whenever you
change a filter in your view.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 727

In the Tableau order of operations, Context Filters has third priority. So when
you set a filter as a context filter, you are essentially creating one independent filter
and all other filters that are not context filters become dependent filters. This is
because those other quick filters will process only the data that is first passed through
the context filter.

Figure 11.60: Tableau order of operations

728 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

An example of this in practice is detailed below.

Exercise 11.09: Creating and Using Context Filters

In this exercise, you will create and use context filters in an example use case with
the Sample – Superstore dataset to see why mastering the Tableau order of
operations is so beneficial.

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

don't have it open already.

2. Create a Sales by Sub-Category bar chart view, sort it descending by

Sales, and add Category to the Filters shelf and show it as a quick filter.
You should have the following view:

Figure 11.61: Sales by Sub-Category view

Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 729

3. To show only the top five sub-categories by sales, add the sub-category in the
Filters shelf, and using the Top tab, filter on the top five sub-categories by
Sum of Sales as shown here:

Figure 11.62: Top N filter view

730 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

4. Note that all the top five sub-categories in the view. However, if you start
de-selecting some of the Category quick filters, you will notice that only some
of the top five sub-categories remain in the view.

Figure 11.63: Need for context filters

The reason this happens (as you can see in the following figure) is that top N
gets filtered first in Tableau operations before dimension filtering is applied
to the view. Therefore, when you use the top N filter, Tableau has already
calculated the top N for the dimension in the view; and when you use a
secondary dimension for filtering, it gets filtered on the top N data and not
the whole dataset.
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau | 731

Figure 11.64: Sectional view of the Tableau order of operations

5. Use context filters to counter this since, in the order of operations, these are
executed before top N filters, as seen in the preceding figure.

Major benefits of context filters are as follows:
Performance Improvements: When working on a large-scale dataset
and using a lot of filters, it is recommended that you limit the number of
calculations required in the view. When you use context filters, Tableau
creates a TEMP table with the context and subsequent filters in the order of
operations after the context filter references the TEMP table for calculating.
Say you have a Customer Order database with 100 million rows, and
you want to only look at customers in California, which is 18 million rows.
By using a context filter on State, you are limiting the querying of your
whole dataset so that only a subset of the California data will be used for
calculating all subsequent filters. This is extremely useful.
Top N Filters: As discussed above, if your view has top N filters, utilizing
a context filter is highly recommended so that the filter works in the desired
way of showing all the top N irrespective of the secondary filter selected!
732 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

6. To fix this issue, change your Category filter type to a context filter by right-
clicking on Category and selecting Add to Context as shown here:

Figure 11.65: How to add a filter to context

7. If your filter in the Filters shelf turns into a gray dimension, the filter is being
used as a context filter. Verify that the context filter is working as expected:

Figure 11.66: View after making Category a context dependent filter

Sets | 733

As expected, after using Category as a context filter, the changes in Category

quick filters are appropriately reflected in the view. Category becomes the
dependent filter, where the top five sub-categories' filters become the independent
filters that process the data that is passed through the context filter. It is now showing
the top five sub-categories while using Category in context.

In this exercise, you explored why context filters are important and how the order
of operations dictates how data is presented in the view. The context filter in this
exercise was Category, which became the dependent variable, and the top N
sub-category became the independent variable in our case.

Sets are custom-created fields used to define a subset of data based on pre-defined
conditions or rules.

Think of sets as custom segments that are always binary: a data point is either in or
out of the segment depending on whether the data point meets the criteria defined.
Sets are created on dimensions, though your conditions can include measures if
required. Sets can either be static or dynamic, and you can also combine multiple
sets into one set in Tableau, which can be pretty useful, as you will learn from the
following exercises. A set is identified in the Data pane by the field with a Venn
diagram icon as shown here:

Figure 11.67: Venn diagram icon

Static Sets
As mentioned in the preceding section, sets can be either dynamic or static. In
static sets, you define the set rules and create a fixed subset of the data, where the
members of the set are not updated if the underlying data is updated with new data.
For example, you create a Top City set manually, selecting New York, San Francisco,
Mumbai, and London. The set members won't be changed even when new data is
added or deleted. It's a static set. Dynamic sets can help counter this, but you will
learn about dynamic sets in later exercises.
734 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Exercise 11.10: Creating Static Sets

In this exercise, you will create a view of the Sample - Superstore dataset where
all products that contain Envelope as part of their name are grouped together as
In while everything else is grouped as Out.
Perform the following steps:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

don't have it open already.

2. Create a view of Sales and Profit by Product Name. Drag and drop
Product Name to Rows and double-click Sales and Profit to get the
following view:

Figure 11.68: Profit and Sales by Product Name

Sets | 735

3. Navigate to Product Name in the Data pane and right-click on it. Click
Create | Set... as shown here:

Figure 11.69: How to create a set

In the Create Set dialog box, you will notice there are three tabs (General,
Condition, and Top), which are pretty similar to those of filters if you
remember from the previous section.
736 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

4. Create a set for any product that has Envelope as part of its Product Name.
Select the Select From List radio button, search for Envelope, and press
the All button to select the list of all the products that contain Envelope
as part of their name. Then, name your set Envelope Product Set, as
shown below:

The text search is not case-sensitive and, when you search text, it will
search across the complete string and not find an exact match. Here, you
searched for Envelope but your selected list also contains products with
Envelopes in the name.

Figure 11.70: Manually adding members to the set

Sets | 737

Before you click on the OK button, look at the Summary section in the Create
Set dialog box and note that your set contains 48 out of 1,850 values. As
mentioned previously, this way of manually selecting items for set creation is
static, where the set members won't get updated if new records/rows are added
to the data at a later date. You will see how to overcome this limitation in the
next exercise.

5. Save the set by clicking on the OK button.

6. Check whether the set is working as desired. Drag Envelope Product Set
to the Rows shelf. Consider the In/Out set here. If a product name meets the
criteria that you set, that product will be In the set; and if the product does not
meet the requirements, that product will be Out.

Figure 11.71: In/Out set view

738 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

7. Instead of In/Out, display the actual product name by right-clicking on

Envelope Product Set and selecting Show Members in Set:

Figure 11.72: How to show members in a set

In this exercise, you encounterd sets for the first time and observed how static sets
are used on dashboards. You also learned to show/hide members from a set and
what the Summary tab in the Create Set dialog box means.

The next section will review dynamic sets and how they can overcome the
shortcomings of static ones.

Dynamic Sets
In this section, you will learn why dynamic sets are preferred over static sets. You'll
also practice using the two remaining tabs from the Create Set dialog box
you encountered in the previous section. Dynamic sets use logic to dynamically
update the members of the set, which means when the data changes, the set will
be re-computed and the In/Out members can be added/deleted depending on
the computation.
Sets | 739

Exercise 11.11: Creating Dynamic Sets

Though previous sets that you created were good, but the product manager
responsible for all Envelope products has asked you to create a dynamic view of the
groupings as he wants to update the In/Out groups whenever a new product name
is added or deleted. You will be using the same view that you created in the previous
exercise and extending that view to add dynamic sets.

Perform the following steps:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

have not already done so.

2. Create a view of Sales and Profit by Product Name. Drag and drop
Product Name to Rows and double-click Sales and Profit to get the
following view:

Figure 11.73: Profit and Sales by Product Name

3. Navigate to Product Name in the Data pane and right-click on it. Click on
Create | Set....
740 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

4. Expand your previous set criteria. You want the top five profitable envelope
product names that had more than $100 in sales. For this, use both the
Condition and the Top tabs. Create the condition for at least $100 of sales
first, as shown here:

Figure 11.74: Conditional set definition

5. Add the criteria of top five profitable Envelope products in the Top tab, as
shown here:

Figure 11.75: Dynamic set definition

Sets | 741

6. You have not yet filtered for Envelope as you did for your static set, but if you
use the same General tab to filter the Envelope products, your set won't
be updated when new data is added. To ensure your future data is considered
for the set, use the Condition tab and write a calculated formula to do this
dynamically. Then, de-select By field and use By formula and write the
following formula:

MIN(CONTAINS([Product Name],"envelope")) AND SUM([Sales])>=100

Figure 11.76: Formula-based conditional set

742 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

You had to use MIN for Product Name because you cannot
mix aggregate and non-aggregate in the calculated field without
using aggregation for a non-aggregate dimension, as explained in
previous chapters.

7. Before you do the spot check and saving the set, review the Summary section of
the dialog box:

Figure 11.77: Summary box of sets

In the Summary section, your selection says 0 because you have not manually
selected anything. Condition is the formula you used in your Condition tab,
and Limit is the criteria in the Top tab.
Sets | 743

8. Drag both sets you created in the last two exercises to your Rows shelf: You have
the top five rows by profit in Top 5 Profitable Envelope Product, as
seen. These five products are also part of the static set because these product
names include Envelope.

Figure 11.78: Final output for dynamic sets

With this exercise, you are now able to create a non-static set that can update the set
members depending on the changes made to the dataset or when new data is added
or deleted from the set. Dynamic sets are usually preferred over static sets because
they allow you to ensure new data is populated in sets in the future when you are not
actively working on the dashboard.
744 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Adding Members to the Set

In both the previous sections, you created sets from scratch. In this section, we will
address those cases in which you want to add more conditions to your set definition
to add new members or delete them. Adding members to the set is more often
done when stakeholders want to update the condition of the underlying set or the
developer wants to experiment with complicated conditional logic.

The following exercise will guide through how to complete this task.

Exercise 11.12: Adding Members to the Set

For the Envelope Product Set you created in the previous section, the product
manager wants you to add a specific product to the set since they cannot add that
product IN the set from their view and that product is not part of the top N sales or
profit. As the dashboard developer, you are tasked with adding that specific product
to the set.

Perform the following steps:

1. You will be reusing the view that you created in the previous exercise, but to
demonstrate the workings of adding members to the set, remove Envelope
Product Set from the view. Your view should now look as follows:

Figure 11.79: Adding members to the set

Sets | 745

2. To add members to the set, select the product name/row of data that you want
to include in your view, and left-click the row to get the following:

Figure 11.80: Include/exclude members from the set

3. Click on the Venn diagram icon in the options panel and select Add to Top 5
Profitable Envelop Product (Sample – Superstore) as shown in
the following screenshot:

Figure 11.81: Adding the product to the set

746 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

4. As soon as you do that, the row 3M Polarizing Task Lamp with Clamp
Arm, Light Gray is moved from the Out set to the In set as shown here:

Figure 11.82: The product was added to the set

5. You would follow a similar process if you want to remove a data row from the
set. Instead of adding, remove from the set options as shown here:

Figure 11.83: Removing a member from the set

Sets | 747

Adding members to a set is pretty straightforward and can be incredibly helpful when
you want to manually update the member set without editing the actual definition of
the set.

Combined Sets
You have now created both static and dynamic sets. Individually, these sets work
well, but you can also extend Tableau functionality by combining multiple sets to
create a combined set. Using combined sets, you can perform additional analysis and
compare and contrast multiple sets. When you create a combined set, you create an
altogether new set that contains a combination of either all members from both sets,
some members that exist in both sets, or a member from one specific set.

Complete the following exercise to see this in practice.

Exercise 11.13: How to Create Combined Sets

Your regional manager wants you to create a view of states that are both in Top 20
States by Profits as well as Top 20 States by Sales. You will utilize
combined sets for this, which will be created from two individual sets you'll make first:
Top 20 States by Profits and Top 20 States by Sales.
Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

don't have it open already.
748 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Set 1: Top 20 States by Profits:

2. Create your first set with Top 20 [States] by [Profits] as shown here:

Figure 11.84: Creating the set

3. Name the set Top 20 States by Profits, select the Top tab from
the window, and select By field and Top 20 by Profit Sum as
shown below:
Sets | 749

Figure 11.85: Top N members for the set

Set 2: Top 20 States by Sales:

4. Similarly, create your second set with Top 20 [States] by [Sales] as

shown here:

Figure 11.86: Top N members for the set -2!

750 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

5. Create a view by dragging State to the Rows shelf and adding Profits and
Sales to the view as shown here:

Figure 11.87: Profit and Sales by State view

Sets | 751

6. Add both Top 20 States by Profits and Top 20 States by Sales

to your view in Rows as shown here:

Figure 11.88: Two sets view

The goal is to create a combined set from which you can get a list of all the states
that are part of the top 20 by both profits and sales. For this, you want all In
members of both of the sets you just created.
752 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

7. Press Command + multi-select both the sets for Mac or Ctrl + multi-select both
the sets for Windows and click on Create Combined Set...:

Figure 11.89: Creating a combined set

8. In the Create Set modal window, name your new set States of Top 20
Sales and Profits. You can also change the sets that you want to be part
of the combined sets from the dropdown. There are four options for members in
your combined sets, which are pretty self-explanatory. You want a list of all the
states that are part of both the top 20 states by sales as well as profits, so use
Shared members in both sets as shown here:
Sets | 753

Figure 11.90: Combined set definition

Previous steps noted that you want your combined sets to contain all In
members from both sets. In the following screenshots, you'll observe that the
combined set has all the same states as the intersection of two individual sets.

Figure 11.91: In combined set view

754 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Figure 11.92: States in the top 20 of both profits and sales

The final output will be as follows:

Figure 11.93: Combined Sets final output!

Parameters | 755

In this final section on sets, you learned how to use combined sets by walking through
an example. The next will explore parameters.

Parameters are like variables/placeholders in Tableau, which give the end user the
ability to control the view or data that is shown as part of the report. They allow you
to customize your view, adding interactivity as well as flexibility to the workbook.
Parameters are used to replacing a constant value from the view with more variable/
dynamic values, which are controlled by the end user. They can take any data type:
strings, integers, floats, dates, or any varchars. They can easily be confused with filters
but the major difference between parameters and filters is that, with filters, the data
gets filtered from the view so that it only shows for the filtered values, whereas with
parameters, the variables only act as a reference. Parameters control the value of the
variable created instead of filtering on the data.

To use parameters in the view, there are four steps that you need to perform:

1. Create the parameters based on the requirements.

2. Show the parameter control to the end user, as we do for sets/filters.

3. Use the parameters either in the calculated field, filters, or reference lines.

4. Use the calculated field, filters, and reference lines in the view.

Exercise 11.14: Standard Parameters

In this exercise, you'll create and use standard parameters. To observe the true
essence of Tableau and parameters, you will create a more advanced view that allows
your end users to select the dimensions as well as the measures that they want to see
in the view.
756 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

In previous chapters, you have given users the ability to filter data, create groups,
and create sets on pre-selected dimensions and measures, but you have not yet
given users the ability to select/change the dimensions/measures as per their
requirements. But there are many instances when stakeholders want the exact
same view with different measures/dimensions. So, instead of creating 4-6 different
views with different dimensions/measures combinations, letting users choose their
own measures and dimensions is a more efficient way of handling the request while
limiting clutter. This is the final view you are aiming for:

Figure 11.94: Final output for parameters

Parameters | 757

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Open the Sample - Superstore dataset in your Tableau instance if you

have not already done so.

In this example, you will create a continuous line graph for the measure, selected
by the end user, by quarter. As mentioned earlier, you want to give end users the
ability to change the measures or dimensions.

2. There are four steps to using parameters. The first step is to create a parameter.
Do this by either clicking on the arrow in the Dimensions pane and clicking
on Create Parameter..., as shown in the following screenshot, or else
right-clicking anywhere in the Parameters shelf and clicking on Create

Figure 11.95: Creating a parameter

You will be creating two parameters in this exercise: one for selecting Measures
and one for selecting Dimensions.
758 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

3. First, create a parameter for selecting Measures. In the Edit Parameter

modal window, you have a choice of six data types: Float, Integer, String,
Boolean, Date, or Date & Time. Since your parameter contains text, use
String as the data type. For the Allowable values option, instead of all
values, use List so that you can define the options available to the end user
selecting the measure.

Figure 11.96: Data type options in parameter creation

When you select List for Allowable values, you are presented with
List of values options. You then have to define your list, which will be the
measure names that your users can select.
Parameters | 759

4. Manually add Sales, Profit, Discount, and Quantity to List of

values. Your Create Parameter window should look something like this:

Figure 11.97: Adding measure options for the parameter

760 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

5. Repeat the same steps for Select Your Dimension. The Create
Parameter modal window should look something like the following:

Figure 11.98: Adding a dimension option for the parameter

Parameters | 761

The next step is to use the created parameter in a calculated field. By default,
parameters don't control anything unless you use the parameter either
as part of a calculated field, reference lines, or filters. You will be using the
calculated field to use the parameter, which acts as a placeholder substitution
for dynamically populating the calculated field with the end user's selected

6. Create a calculated field now, named Measure Parameter.

Figure 11.99: Creating a calculated field

762 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

7. Use the CASE statement so that if the user selects Sales measures in the
parameter, your calculated field should show SUM(Sales) in the view. If
the user selects Profit measures in the parameter, your calculated field
should show SUM(Profit) in the view and so on. Here is the formula for the
calculated field:

CASE [Select Your Measure]

WHEN "Sales" THEN SUM([Sales])
WHEN "Profit" THEN SUM([Profit])
WHEN "Discount" THEN AVG([Discount])
WHEN "Quantity" THEN SUM([Quantity])

Figure 11.100: Case statement calculated field for the measure parameter
Parameters | 763

8. Repeat the same step for the Dimension Parameter calculated field with the
following CASE statement:

CASE [Select Your Dimension]

WHEN "Segment" THEN [Segment]
WHEN "Category" THEN [Category]
WHEN "Sub-Category" THEN [Sub-Category]
WHEN "State" THEN [State]

Figure 11.101: Case statement calculated field for Dimension Parameter

764 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

9. The next step is to create a view with calculated fields as well as using two of our
parameters: Drag Dimension Parameter as well as Measure Parameter
to the Rows shelf. Next, drag Order Date to Columns and change the
date dimension to Continuous date by quarter. The view that you see is
pre-selected based on the current value that you selected when creating the
parameter. You had Sales for the {Select Your Measure} parameter and
Segment for the {Select Your Dimension} parameter. So, your current
view is the quarterly trend of Sales by Segment.

Figure 11.102: Parameter view with default parameters selected

Parameters | 765

10. The final step is to allow your end users to control the measure as well as the
dimension in the view. Right-click on the parameter that you created and click on
Show Parameter Control. Repeat the step for the other parameter:

Figure 11.103: Show Parameter Control

766 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

11. Add the parameter control to your view, so that the end users have the ability
to choose the dimension/measure of their choice. Here are two views with a
different combination of dimensions and measures:

Profit by Category:

Figure 11.104 Profit by Category parametric view

Parameters | 767

Quantity by Segment:

Figure 11.105: Quantity by Segment parametric view

768 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

As an end user, it can be confusing to look at different combinations because the

line graph or graph view does not show which dimension/measure is part of the
view. Though you have the dropdowns, to make it easier for end users, you can
also include the callout in your title by creating a dynamic title that is updated
along with the dimension in the view. Edit the title by double-clicking on the
worksheet title and that opens up the Edit Title window as shown here:

Figure 11.106: Editing the title

Parameters | 769

The preceding formula uses dynamic variables. In particular, <Parameters.

Select Your Dimension> is dynamic such that, when you change the
parameter from the dropdown in the worksheet, the title will be automatically
updated. You don't have to type the exact variable; you can insert these
variables by clicking on Insert in the top right-hand corner of the window as
shown here:

Figure 11.107: Inserting a dynamic variable in the title

770 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Here is the final output that you aimed for:

Figure 11.108: Parameter final view with parameter control

In this exercise, you learned what parameters are and how to use them in
combination with calculated fields to create a dynamic worksheet where the end
users have complete control over which dimension/measures they want the report
view to be part of. The skills imparted in this section will go a long way toward
growing your advanced knowledge and expertise in Tableau.
Parameters | 771

Dynamic Parameters
Dynamic parameters was one of the most requested features in the Tableau
Community forum, and the Tableau developers shipped the feature in the Tableau
2020.1 version in February 2020. Prior to Tableau version 2020.1, standard
parameters had a specific limitation: When the data was updated with new entries
(specifically dates), the parameters list/members were not updated. This meant that
Tableau authors had to manually refresh the parameter list every time the data
source was updated, which, depending on the frequency of the updates, could be
very time-consuming. Dynamic parameters overcame that. With these, you can also
allow your parameters to automatically choose the most recent date, which wasn't
possible previously. Let's explore how this works with the help of an exercise.

Exercise 11.15: Dynamic Parameters

In this exercise, you will be using new dummy data to see what parameters looked
like in previous versions of Tableau (2019.4 or earlier). You'll then follow the steps
outlined below to use the new parameters to automatically update the parameter list
as and when the data source is updated.

A screenshot of the previous version of Tableau has been included;
however, you might not have that option. The goal is to communicate the
point about static versus dynamic parameters, so you don't need to have
two versions of Tableau installed. This exercise will stick with Tableau
2020.1 or later versions.
772 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

Perform the following steps to complete this exercise:

1. Date parameters in Tableau 2019.1: To create a parameter in an earlier version

of Tableau, connect the DynamicParameters.csv file in Tableau. Create a
parameter, and set Data type as Date and Allowable values as List,
and instead of manually adding these dates, use Add from Field and the
Date column to pre-populate the list of values as shown here:

Figure 11.109: Dynamic parameters – adding from a field

This method, as discussed previously, is pretty static. If new data is added with
new dates, the parameter won't automatically pre-populate List of Values
to include the new dates as part of the updated data source, which was a
limitation in previous versions of Tableau.
Parameters | 773

2. Date Parameters in Tableau 2020.1: Repeat the step with the same
dataset but, this time, do so in the Tableau 2020.1 version. Connect the
DynamicParameters.csv file in Tableau, create a parameter, and set
Data type as Date and Allowable values as List. Note that, as soon
as you select List, unlike previous versions of Tableau, Tableau 2020.1 has
two options:

• Fixed: This is where you can pre-populate the list from a field as you did in the
previous old date parameter.

• When Workbook Opens: This is dynamic option wherein the list will be
pre-populated from the Date field, but instead of a fixed list, the list will get
updated whenever new data is updated/added.

Figure 11.110: Dynamic parameters in Tableau 2020.1 and above

774 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

3. In the preceding screenshot, the last date is 5/2/2020. Open the

DynamicParameters.csv spreadsheet in a tool of your choice (non-Tableau)
and add a new row, Date: 5/3/2020 and Sales: 80. Save the file as
shown here:

Figure 11.111: CSV data from DynamicParameters.csv

4. To check whether the new date was added or not, close your Tableau workbook
(make sure you save it first, though). Then, re-open the workbook and edit New
Date Parameter to confirm whether the new date was appended to the list
of values in the parameter. As you can see from the following screenshot, May 3,
2020, was automatically added to the list of values in the parameter.
Parameters | 775

Figure 11.112: Dynamic parameters using When workbook opens

776 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

In this exercise, you reviewed the major differences between dynamic parameters
and static parameters and saw how dynamic parameters automatically update the list
of allowable values alongside the data source update.

In the last section of this chapter, you will put all you have learned about Tableau's
advanced interactivity features into practice with a real-world scenario.

Activity 11.01: Top N Countries Using Parameters, Sets, and Filters

As part of the annual hackathon in the company, each team is required to utilize
the World Indicators dataset to showcase the top 5 countries according to certain
metrics. You decide to show the top N countries by energy usage and also give end
users the ability to change the N from 5 to 10, 15, or 20 for ease of use. You will
create an interactive view of the World Indicators dataset using sets, context filters,
and parameters in this activity.

By the end of this activity, you will have created an interesting view by utilizing all the
major topics covered in this chapter, with a special focus on context filters and end
user interactivity.

1. Connect to the WorldIndicators.hyper dataset downloaded from the

project/book folder in Tableau.

2. Create a bar chart of Country/Region by Energy Usage.

3. Create a Top N Countries parameter with 5, 10, 15, and 20 as list values.

4. Create a set called Top N by Energy Usage and use the Top N
Countries parameter for user interactivity.
5. Drag the Top N by Energy Usage set to the Color Marks shelf.

6. Show Year[Year] as a single drop-down filter.

7. Make sure the Year filter updates the list of top N countries by their energy
usage. Hint: context filters.

8. Make the title dynamic, so when the Top N Countries parameter and the
Year filter are updated, the title should appropriately reflect the changes. For
example, if the user selects the top 10 countries for the year 2010, the title
should be Top 10 countries by their energy usage for the year 2010.
Parameters | 777

The final expected output is as follows:

Figure 11.113: Activity final output

The solution to this activity can be found here:
778 | Tableau Interactivity: Part 1

This chapter considered a number of advanced interactivity features in Tableau.
We looked closely at the order of operations in Tableau, which is one of the most
important concepts to master in Tableau if we want to create an efficient report for
our stakeholders. We also discussed filters, sets, groups, and hierarchies, covered
filters in depth, explored the difference between dimensions, measures, and date
filters, and practiced using data source filters, which can be a great way to limit the
data being loaded in your view.

Regarding sets, we reviewed static, dynamic, and combined sets, using the Envelope
example to demo the concepts. In the section on parameters, we also defined the
difference between static and dynamic parameters and learned one of the advanced
use cases of parameters: dimension/measure swapping, which you can use to give
end users the ability to choose the dimension/measures that they want to include in
the view.

We wrapped up the chapter by working through an activity utilizing the World

Indicators dataset. Here, you created a complex view using sets, context filters, and
parameters, which in a way resembled a real-world scenario that you might face in
your data job.

This concludes the print copy of this book, but it is not the end of your journey. Visit for a further three chapters, covering such topics as tips and
tools for increased interactivity (Part 2 of this lesson), dashboard distribution, and
even a case study regarding the utilization of multiple data sources and the practical
implementation of all the skills you learned throughout the course of this book.
A B category: 30, 55, 111,
162-166, 169-172,
acacias: 381 backend: 9, 17, 579
208, 220-222, 231,
accrued: 7 bar-in-bar: 213-214,
235, 243, 258,
accruing: 7 242-244, 246,
260-264, 273, 282,
activity: 49-50, 257, 275
301, 306, 323-325,
108-111, 117, baseline: 234, 588
338, 340, 367,
206-211, 213-214, best-fit: 312, 315, 317
389, 504, 506-508,
258, 273-274, 300, bifurcated: 221
510, 513, 515-518,
338-342, 345, 350, binary: 733
520-521, 524, 526,
432-434, 498-500, blended: 103-104, 107
528-529, 533-534,
556-560, 585-590, boolean: 459, 462,
537, 540-542, 549,
663-664, 666, 488, 758
553, 575, 588, 672,
669, 776-778 border: 24-25,
675, 679-680, 682,
algorithms: 114, 161 640-642, 644,
684, 726, 728, 730,
aliases: 53, 95-97, 646, 650
732-733, 763, 766
109, 111, 365, 450 boundary: 347-348
center: 262, 615
android: 9 branch: 264
centroid: 347, 382
angular: 456 buffer: 639
chapter: 1-2, 13,
annotate: 330
49, 51, 53-56, 60,
anscombe: 3-5
append: 63, 188,
C 85, 111, 113-114,
116-117, 173, 207,
206, 472-473 cadence: 264
211, 213-214, 216,
argument: 5 calculate: 498, 507,
235, 241, 246, 273,
arithmetic: 456, 485 510, 512-513, 515,
275, 277-278, 290,
asterisk: 107, 125, 517-518, 521, 543,
300, 338, 343,
474, 477-478 545, 549, 559, 568,
345-346, 348-350,
atocha: 381 571, 575, 582
356, 398, 412, 432,
attribute: 349, california: 260,
435, 437-438, 451,
372, 476-478 263, 655, 731
489, 501, 503, 505,
auto-join: 64 callout: 768
561, 563-564, 566,
autoload: 431 canada: 215
585, 590, 593-594,
average: 19-20, 133, canvas: 21, 58, 64,
597, 608, 621, 631,
215, 219, 289, 67, 80, 87, 98, 101,
662, 667, 669-670,
322, 324-326, 108, 504, 599-600,
681, 776, 778
328-329, 342, 403, 608, 613, 615-618,
character: 123, 137,
442, 451, 456-459, 638-640, 656, 659
150, 464, 469
505, 520-522, caption: 660, 662
charts: 2, 23, 25, 29-32,
549, 559-560, casing: 152, 464
51, 211, 213-216,
571-577, 581-582 catalog: 681
223-224, 228-229,
231, 233-234,
238, 241-242,
command: 23, D
256, 607, 673,
247, 252-253, 257, dashboard: 9, 21,
677, 682, 752
264-265, 270, 33, 35, 87, 107,
comment: 487-488
272-273, 275, 222, 246, 594-605,
commercial: 401, 410
277-278, 288, 290, 607-621, 628, 632,
complex: 196-197,
300, 307, 320, 327, 637-639, 641-642,
214, 346, 503, 594,
330-331, 333-336, 644, 646-651,
608, 612, 657, 778
338, 343, 346, 420, 655-657, 659-660,
component: 598, 667
438, 457, 601, 662-663, 665,
compute: 489, 498,
603-604, 608-609, 667, 687, 690,
512, 515, 523,
612, 614, 617, 693, 718-719, 726,
525-526, 528-531,
621, 644, 657 743-744, 778
535-536, 538,
database: 54, 60, 67,
checkbox: 94, 262, 381 542, 544, 556,
80, 97-98, 163, 199,
choropleth: 347-348, 567-568, 571-573,
203, 347, 349, 356,
350, 382-383, 575, 577, 698
361, 460, 492, 731
398-399, 403-404 container: 602,
dataset: 2, 4, 14, 29,
c-level: 594 609-613, 615-618,
41, 49-50, 63-64,
clipboard: 423 621, 644-646
66-67, 69, 71-72, 80,
cluster: 381, 398 convert: 173, 238,
85-87, 99, 108-110,
coding: 260, 249, 255, 293-294,
114, 126, 128,
262-263, 273 473, 486, 664
130, 133-134, 142,
cofeechain: 489 countd: 107, 451,
188, 216, 219, 224,
color-code: 258 453, 458
231, 236, 243, 247,
column: 15, 63, 65-66, country: 32, 139,
254, 258-259, 265,
68, 71, 83, 85-86, 141, 173, 215,
272, 275, 282-283,
88, 93-95, 106, 108, 260, 282, 346-348,
286, 289-290,
110-111, 125-127, 356, 365-367, 370,
301, 303-304,
129-130, 132, 383-385, 399, 512,
307-308, 314-315,
137-138, 141-142, 564, 567-569, 578,
318, 322-324, 327,
147, 149-154, 158, 630, 665, 680, 776
331-332, 338, 340,
161-166, 172-173, counts: 242, 282,
346, 350, 356, 366,
175, 178, 180-181, 401-402
369, 372, 377, 396,
184, 187-188, 191, crosstab: 38-39
411, 460, 491, 494,
193-196, 208, 215, customize: 389,
500, 505, 507, 510,
238, 242, 340, 433, 420-421, 425, 428,
513, 515, 518, 521,
466-467, 492, 505, 608-609, 614,
524, 526, 529, 533,
523, 526, 528-529, 619, 722, 755
537, 540, 549, 556,
545, 556, 607, 657,
564, 569, 571,
696, 703, 772
575, 584-588, 590, 394, 396-401, 403, 506, 548, 552-554,
597-598, 606, 629, 409-412, 414, 565, 572, 584,
663, 667, 669, 444-447, 450-451, 629, 632-633, 635,
671-672, 680-681, 474, 478-479, 507, 645-646, 648-649,
687, 690, 699, 704, 510, 512, 515, 517, 665, 697, 752, 769
708, 714, 716, 719, 521, 534, 567-568,
dual-axis: 382, 398,
725, 728, 730-731, 571, 573-575,
411-413, 417, 559
734, 739, 743, 747, 577-578, 580, 582,
duplicate: 163, 433,
757, 773, 776, 778 584, 633, 653,
463, 572, 627
670, 676, 679-682,
datasource: 65
693-694, 696, 699,
datatype: 492
dateadd: 479
708, 720, 725, E
730, 732, 742,
datediff: 479, 483-484 elseif: 459, 470
760-761, 763-766,
datename: 479 entity: 384
768-770, 778
datepart: 479 events: 32, 384, 558
datetime: 491-492 discount: 193, exercise: 12, 21, 23,
datetrunc: 479 282-283, 300, 25-26, 28, 41-42,
decimal: 137, 456, 473 340-342, 759, 762 47-48, 55-56, 60,
decode: 604 display: 12, 64, 95, 64, 66-67, 69-71,
delimiter: 162-163, 107, 110, 171, 75, 80-81, 87, 91,
465-467 224, 251-253, 356, 99, 103-104, 117,
density: 398, 374, 386-391, 396, 121, 127, 130, 143,
401, 411-413, 399, 403, 411-413, 150, 153-154, 163,
415-417, 433 417, 425, 452, 457, 166, 172-173, 180,
diagram: 733, 745 477, 485, 498, 189, 199-200, 214,
dialog: 251, 296-297, 507, 557, 599-600, 216, 218, 223-224,
422-423, 688, 694, 604, 608-609, 228, 231, 234-236,
698, 700-702, 705, 611-615, 619-621, 241, 243, 247-248,
709, 712-713, 632, 656, 738 252, 254, 256,
715-716, 735, divide: 496, 515, 258-259, 264-265,
737-738, 742 573-574, 577, 272, 281-282, 290,
dimension: 29, 99, 644, 667 298, 300-301,
169-170, 215, 220, dollars: 253, 312, 625 307-308, 311, 320,
229, 232-233, 236, down-arrow: 720 327, 331-332, 340,
246, 257, 269, 279, drag-drop: 451, 480 350, 356, 361,
281, 285, 290-291, dropdown: 27, 65, 95, 377-378, 382, 384,
298, 306, 331-332, 106, 154, 225, 240, 396, 398, 404, 411,
365, 367-368, 251, 267, 326, 420, 413, 417, 425-426,
372, 375, 377, 429, 445, 448, 451, 428, 432, 447-448,
379-382, 387-389, 454, 474, 492-493, 457, 459-460, 462,
472, 480, 484, 466-497, 499-500,
framework: 596, 598,
507, 510, 512-513, 504, 506-509,
601, 609, 612
515, 517-518, 521, 511-514, 516-522,
function: 198, 215,
523-524, 526, 529, 524-555, 557-558,
319, 376, 394, 450,
533, 537, 540, 560, 564-567,
452, 456, 458-459,
549, 564, 567-569, 569-584, 586-587,
461, 463-464,
571, 574-575, 577, 589, 597-598,
466-469, 474, 478,
580-581, 606, 608, 600-603, 605-607,
484, 486-489,
621, 628-629, 638, 609-620, 622-655,
549, 564, 566
647, 657, 662, 657-666, 671-689,
671-672, 679-681, 691-725, 727-746,
685-687, 690, 693, 748-754, 756-770, G
698-699, 701, 704, 772-775, 777
geocoded: 346, 384
706-707, 713-714,
filter: 9, 33, 53, 83, geocoding: 383-384
716, 719, 726, 728,
87-91, 106, 110, geojson: 347-349, 382
733-734, 737-739,
136, 142-147, 150, geospatial: 347-348,
743-744, 747, 755,
338, 391-393, 433, 350, 383, 435,
757, 770-772, 776
498, 529, 534, 537, 594, 620
export: 33-43, 46, 541, 549, 576, gigabyte: 690
48-50, 113-114, 582-584, 586, 593, github: 13, 50, 56,
199-200, 211, 421 601, 621, 637-638, 173, 207, 282,
648, 650-654, 662, 349-350, 433, 438,
F 665, 667, 688-690,
692-713, 715-716,
585, 681, 778
graphs: 2, 5, 300, 598
figure: 3-8, 10-11, 718-733, 741,
13-20, 22, 24-29,
33-49, 54-79, 81-86,
756, 776, 778
findnth: 465
88-110, 115-165, folder: 14, 122, 124, hexbiny: 456
167-211, 217-223, 174, 180, 190, hierarchy: 260,
225-230, 232-264, 204-205, 349, 351, 374, 384, 641,
266-272, 274, 353, 358, 776 670, 680-685
279-281, 283-299, format: 2, 6, 17, 28, histogram: 31, 130,
301-326, 328-342, 38, 40, 43, 172-173, 132, 278-283, 285,
350-355, 357-360, 175, 199, 202, 204, 288, 290, 300
362-364, 366-371, 206, 209, 247,
373-385, 387-390,
392-398, 400-402,
250, 308, 341,
348-349, 356, 384,
404-432, 434, 496, 498, 573, ifnull: 459, 485-488
438-449, 451-455, 606-607, 614, 621, images: 5, 65,
457-458, 460-464, 623-625, 638, 664 137, 599, 601,
614-615, 618 378, 396, 493
import: 57, 273,
345-346, 350, 353, K nested: 579, 581-582,
609, 612
356, 358, 378, 384,
kdig-pewd: 349, 404 non-null: 433
396, 404, 406, 688
keyword: 125, 146 non-show: 238
inbuilt: 505, 556, 681
non-static: 743
in-built: 11-12, 24
include: 22, 86, 125, L notation: 614
127, 150, 216,
347-348, 381, 384,
latitude: 346-348,
382, 384-385,
390, 403, 433,
396, 399, 408, object: 602, 605,
566, 568, 571-572,
411-412, 414-415, 607, 609-621,
574-575, 577-579,
433-434, 657 639-644, 646, 665
581-582, 584, 660,
layout: 599-600, opacity: 308, 316,
690, 692-695,
611-612, 644, 646 339, 387, 412
700-701, 703, 710,
legend: 391-392, 462, operation: 34, 71,
733, 743, 745,
464, 605, 649 132, 520, 612, 686
768, 772, 778
linear: 278, 312-313, operators: 456, 459
inputs: 120
315, 318 outline: 301, 504
insert: 614, 635, 769
longer: 7, 682 output: 4, 26, 28,
integer: 215, 286, 464,
longitude: 346-348, 38, 40-41, 43, 49,
473, 479, 664, 758
382, 384-385, 396, 107, 109-110, 120,
interface: 1, 9-10,
399, 408, 411, 657 200-206, 211,
114, 596
lookup: 361 223-224, 241, 257,
isdate: 459, 465, 479
lowercase: 150, 464 263, 272, 274, 306,
isnull: 459, 485-486,
311, 334, 337, 339,
isoquarter: 479 M 341-342, 355, 364,
431, 434, 447, 454,
isoweek: 479
mapbox: 421-432 456, 459-464, 468,
isoweekday: 479
mapinfo: 347, 349 472-473, 475-479,
isoyear: 479
mapped: 346, 368, 376 484-489, 494,
margin: 498 497-500, 509, 512,
J markup: 348 514, 517, 519-520,
median: 19, 107, 522, 526, 528,
joined: 66, 76, 97, 107,
289, 297, 299 535-536, 539, 542,
109, 185, 188, 378
medians: 297, 299 544, 558, 567, 578,
joining: 54, 63-66,
merged: 195, 331 580-582, 585-587,
71, 76, 98-99, 111,
merging: 193-194 589-590, 663-664,
114, 166, 178,
metadata: 91-92, 613 666, 693, 707, 718,
180, 187-188, 361,
723, 743, 754, 338-340, 343
regexp: 465
756, 770, 777
resize: 644, 650 scorecard: 621, 623,
resizing: 599 628, 644-646, 664
P return: 180, 188, 456, separator:
465, 469, 474, 489 164-165, 467
padding: 641
rserve: 197 series: 117, 264, 275,
palette: 262, 387,
r-squared: 345, 348, 718
448, 604
319-320, 343 server: 8-9, 11, 46-47,
parameter: 559, 585,
rwpksb: 460 60, 107, 117, 198,
588, 613, 621,
203, 423, 687
629, 631-632,
634-636, 647-650, S shapefile: 346-348,
350-351, 355-356,
656, 664-665, 667,
sample: 12-16, 18, 21, 382, 400, 404,
755, 757-766,
41, 55-56, 64, 77, 426, 432
769-774, 776, 778
80, 86-87, 99-100, snapshot: 17,
pattern: 124-125,
108, 110, 117, 126, 30-31, 33, 45
206, 696
216, 219, 224, 231, solution: 50, 80, 109,
picture: 3, 336, 368,
234-236, 242-243, 111, 208, 211, 274,
515, 586, 594
247, 253-254, 340, 342, 499-500,
polygon: 345-346, 348,
258-259, 264-265, 558, 560, 587,
353, 356, 400, 411
279, 282-283, 590, 666, 777
p-value: 319-320, 343
289-290, 301, storyboard: 21,
p-values: 319
307-308, 322-323, 222, 656-657,
python: 196-198
327, 331-332, 338, 659-660, 662, 667
340, 406, 505, 507, string: 93, 129,
Q 510, 513, 515, 518, 137-138, 140, 150,
521, 524, 526, 529, 215, 348, 437, 450,
quadrant: 277-278,
533, 537, 540, 549, 452, 454, 462-465,
320-321, 327-328,
564, 569, 571, 575, 467-469, 472-473,
330, 343
606, 613, 622, 629, 475, 478-479, 501,
qualifier: 123
671-672, 680-681, 631, 736, 758
687, 690, 699, 704, subset: 142, 236, 359,
R 708, 714, 716, 719, 693, 731, 733
725, 728, 734, 739, substring: 465
radial: 393, 418
745, 747, 757 substrings: 472
radians: 456
scatter: 31-32, summary: 51, 111,
radius: 391, 403
275, 278, 293, 141, 186, 211,
ranges: 16, 279,
300-302, 304-307, 275, 343, 390,
314, 316-318, 435, 501, 561,
ratios: 260
320, 327-330, 574, 590, 598-599,
601, 603-605, 213-216, 223-224, 669-672, 680-681,
608, 657, 667, 229, 231-232, 236, 684-687, 690, 694,
737-738, 742, 778 239, 243, 246-247, 699, 701, 704,
252, 254, 259-260, 707, 714, 719,
superset: 580
262, 265, 275, 721-723, 725-728,
superstore: 13-16,
278-279, 281-282, 730-731, 733-734,
18, 21, 41, 55-56,
284-285, 290, 297, 739, 747, 755,757,
64, 77, 80, 87,
300-301, 303, 770-774, 776, 778
99-100, 108, 110,
306-308, 311-312,
117-118, 122, 180, textbox: 159
315, 319-320,
190, 216, 219, 224, time-frame: 709
322-323, 327, 332,
231, 236, 243, 247, timestamp: 491
334, 338, 340,
254, 258-259, 265, toolbar: 19, 27-28,
343, 345-347, 351,
272, 275, 282-283, 33-36, 38, 40, 42-43,
353, 355-356, 361,
289-290, 301, 45-48, 260, 391,
365-369, 372,
307-308, 322-323, 393-394, 418, 440,
374-375, 377-378,
327, 331-332, 338, 454, 457, 659, 673
382-386, 390-394,
340, 505, 507, 510, toolkit: 346
396, 398-400,
513, 515, 518, 521, tooltip: 21, 187, 261,
403-404, 408,
524, 526, 529, 533, 319, 385, 390, 434,
411-412, 417-426,
537, 540, 549, 564, 619, 665, 673, 692
429-433, 435,
568-569, 571, 575, top-left: 116
437-438, 443, 447,
671-672, 680-681, topojson: 349
450-456, 458-460,
687, 690, 699-700, top-right: 24, 216, 338
464-467, 473-474,
704, 708, 714, 716, treemap: 31, 258-263,
477, 479, 485-487,
719, 725, 728, 734, 275, 657-658
490, 495, 497, 501,
739, 745, 747, 757 treemaps:
503, 505, 507, 510,
switch: 96, 629, 680 257-258, 275
513, 515, 518, 521,
truncate: 450
524, 526, 529, 533,
T 537, 540, 546,
tryfwq: 500

548-549, 556, 564,

tableau: 1, 8-14, 16-21,
23-25, 28, 32-33,
566, 568-569, 571, U
573, 575, 577-580,
40-41, 43-51, 53-56, unions: 71, 114, 361
582, 586, 588,
58-62, 64-65, 71,
590, 593-594, 596,
74-78, 80-81, 87,
92, 97-102, 104,
598-600, 602-603, V
606, 608-609,
107-111, 113-114, validate: 66, 452,
612-613, 617-618,
116-118, 123, 161, 536, 543, 545
620, 622, 629, 641,
172, 178, 199, varchars: 755
655, 664, 667,
203-204, 211, variable: 32, 215,
312, 314, 316-319, 664-665, 671,
733, 755, 769 673-674, 679, 687,
689-690, 724,
variance: 20, 149
726, 768-770
vector: 349
version: 8-11, 16,
20, 24, 48, 55, 65, Z
92, 102, 117-118,
zonedist: 400-402,
149, 216, 259-260,
262, 301, 311, 356,
zoning: 348-351,
390, 399, 456,
353, 356, 400-402,
460, 464, 479, 599,
404, 426, 431
681, 771-773

workbook: 12, 19, 24,
40, 43-50, 345, 351,
378, 404, 446, 454,
494, 582, 606-608,
613, 618, 629, 725,
755, 773-775
workflow: 117,
119-120, 122,
126-128, 130,
134-136, 139, 142,
147, 150, 153, 167,
182, 184, 190,
192, 196-197, 199,
205, 209, 211
worksheet: 15-18,
21, 23, 33-39, 59,
81, 97-101, 273,
339, 356, 378, 388,
396, 398, 407, 413,
424, 433, 446, 510,
578, 582, 605-609,
622, 626-629,
631-632, 634-635,
639, 646-650, 652,
656-657, 659,

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