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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of an Information Systems Strategic

Plan for the Municipality of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte
Jacquiline M. dela Merced1 and Wilben Christie R. Pagtaconan2
Data Center College of the Philippines of Laoag city, Inc.
Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

DELA MERCED, JACQUILINE MACAGBA. Mariano Marcos State University. August 2021.

Major Adviser: Wilben Christie R. Pagtaconan, MSIT

Developments and changes in the government setting are necessary and integral components of
the framework in order to provide an improved, favorable and sustainable living and working
environment. As they become systematically more complex through interconnected frameworks and
increasingly rely on the use of information and communication technology to meet the needs of their
citizens, the smart city concept has been developed as a strategy to work with different cities. This
strategic plan includes a high-level structure, focused on local government and stakeholder
engagement, to direct and organize smart city programs. Information System Strategic Plan (ISSP) is
an essential practice that helps organizations define strategic applications and match the approach of
an organization with successful information systems in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

This research study developed an Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) for the municipality
of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte. The ISSP is an initiative that focuses on people first, recognizing its civic
leadership and making the municipality of Nueva Era an excellent place to live and work and making
sure that the business operations of the municipality government are supported by Information
Technology. The components that are used in the Information System Strategic Plan were based on
the ISSP template given by the Information and Communication Technology Department (DICT).
The ISSP covered the municipality's 3-year plan.

Finally, the adoption and implementation of ISSP can transform the municipality into a more
developed and civilized town through maximizing the utility of technological resources to improve its
quality of services for both residing and working citizens of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

A. Project Context
Innovations and advancements in today’s civilization are attributed to smart developments. These
progressions make a country liberal and advanced particularly in the field of governance and public service.
Optimizing the gift of technology to improve service or even an ordinary activity is indispensable in life
especially in this world full of complexities.

In the public sector, advances and upgrades are critical components of the system. These enable cities
and communities to deliver an upgraded, advantageous, and sustainable living and working environment.
Today, COVID-19 pandemic has put the nation towards the chain of uncertainties. People, businesses,
groups, and institutions appreciate the worth and importance of data and technology in this time of pandemic
when most of the activities are digitally conducted. It is now technically considered as the most promising
resource in delivering great initiatives for the smart city’s framework of the different Local Government
Unit’s (LGU) communities and constituents. ICT is now one of the most important ingredients in boosting a
company's productivity.

ICT networks (such as PCs, cell phones, and the internet) make four major contributions to
organizations. These networks increase the exposure of commercial companies, provide more knowledge to
small businesses, allow businesses to transcend conventional trade barriers, and make banking transfers
easier [1].

Over the past decade, an instantaneous growth of IT was seen and begun to be part of every strategic
plan of an organization. Information System development is a more effective strategy when modern
Information Technologies in organization management are being used. Information Systems Strategic Plan
(ISSP) is defined as the process of identifying a portfolio of computer-based applications designed to assist
an organization in executing and realizing its business plans and goals[2]. The intrinsic features of
information systems in today's organizations, such as increased need for technical capability management
have raised the ISSP's reputation. The ISSP methodology is used for a number of reasons, including
achieving operational objectives, enhancing framework alignment, using IT for competitive benefit, scaling
information system delivery systems, enhancing high-level managerial support for information system
processes, promoting better system expenditure choices, and optimizing resource usage [3].

The utilization of data and communications advances in government is seen as an enabler for countries
to realize computerized change within the conveyance of basic services. ISSP architecture for the
Municipality of Nueva Era is dedicated to delivering customized, high-quality services to anyone who
requires them. With the advent of new technology to improve facilities, there is also an opportunity to
explore a more reliable and cost-effective methods.

Nueva Era, particularly in its LGU, the ongoing dedication to customer support (both external and
internal) aids in the improvement of transparency, coordination, and teamwork within the organization. The
municipality’s strategy is an effort that prioritizes citizens, recognizes civic leadership and renders Nueva
Era as an outstanding place to live and work.

The development of ISSP in Nueva Era outlines a number of short-term opportunities to quickly
promote the core principles of Sustainability, Mobility, Accessibility, Resiliency, and Transparency.
Although, the plan frameworks a three-year work strategy, with an initial emphasis on developing the
capacity of Municipal Hall for the future, a continuous stewardship and monitoring requirements ensure that
it is on trajectory in achieving its goals.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
With a population increase of 11,968residents as of the 2020 census, the community has expected
sufficient human capital expenditure to achieve its target of leveraging the benefits of smarter town
initiatives in handling and performing rural operations. The projected land area is 515.02 square kilometers
(198.85 square miles), which accounts for 14.85 percent of Ilocos Norte's total land area. Majority of the
Nueva Era’s land area is mountainous. Among its eleven (11) barangays are Acnam, Barangobong, Barikir,
Bugayong, Cabittauran, Caray, Garnaden, Naguillan (Pagpag-ong), Poblacion, Santo Nio, and Uguis [4].

B. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to develop an Information Systems Strategic Plan for the Municipality of
Nueva Era.

Specifically, it strengthens to answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the Municipality of Nueva Era as to:
1.1 agency profile and its environment;
1.2 present ICT situation and strategic concern for ICT use; and
1.3 status of the existing ICT infrastructure along with hardware, software, information
systems and databases?
2. What are the Information Systems Strategies, current ICT projects being undertaken, and
ICT development and investment programs of the Municipality?
3. What are the resource requirements in the Municipality along ICT equipment and services
and ICT organizational structure?

C. Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aimed to develop an Information System Strategic Plan for the Municipality of
Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte.
Specifically, the study attempted to:
1. Describe the organizational profile of Nueva Era Municipality as to:
1.1 agency profile and its environment;
1.2 present ICT situation and strategic concern for ICT use; and
1.3 status of the existing ICT infrastructure along with hardware, software, information
systems and databases
2. Describe and assess the Information Systems Strategies, current ICT projects being
undertaken and ICT development and investment programs of the Municipality;
3. Assess the resource requirements in the Municipality along ICT equipment and services
and ICT organizational structure to develop an Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP)
for the Municipality of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte.

D. Significance of the Study

This study considerably contributes to the body of knowledgethus benefitting the following:

Nueva Era municipality personnel. The findings of the study can help the municipality personnel of
Nueva Era in the effective implementation of the guidelines, agenda, and policies of the development of
ISSP thus letting the municipality to be more interconnected, firm, and highly achievable for its constituents,
groups, and businesses. This can lead towards social and economic development of the municipality.
Likewise, it can give the personnel sufficient information about smart town proper planning and
implementation in order to perform and serve the LGU.Geared towards transforming into an efficient,
sustainable, equitable, and livable communities, the people, groups, and establishments within Nueva Era
are to reap the benefits.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Local government unit of NuevaEra, Ilocos Norte. The data collected could be helpful in the
attainment of the goals and objectives of the municipality in providing services to solve problems that affect
its people and the government itself. It would promote proper utilization of available resources and
infrastructures to facilitate the conduct of local activities, promotion of local programs, enhancement of
communities, development of wide programs and other related LGU programs and activities in general.

Policy makers. The study would allow local government policy makers to propose and design an
effective and efficient strategic plan for the town of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte making it the first smart
municipality. In doing so, the enhancement and improvement of the town could lead towards its progressive
state and sustainability, allowing many social, cultural, environmental, health, educational, and economic
opportunities to emerge and making it capable of growth and development for the whole municipality.

Communities. The results of the study would address the needs of its members within the local
communities and let groups participate in the local agenda and programs for their benefit, providing and
ensuring them a quality of life and livable state, while at the same time, giving them the ability to become
informed, educated, and participatory in all local government initiatives which help in expediting actions,
functions, and processes. The involvement of the communities can be seen and re-evaluated according to its
people’s concerns and be considered in the implementation of a community-based strategic plan.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on the development of a 3-year plan, the information systems strategic plan (ISSP) for
the Municipality of Nueva Era. In the development of an ISSP, a Local Government Unit can use current
technology and reap its advantages. This study outlined the organization's strategy for utilizing information
communications technology in order to accomplish its mission and fulfill its functions. The ISSP aimed to
address key information technology requirements that could help the municipality operate more efficiently,
effectively, and competently. This study highlighted the critical nature of departing from the conventional
paradigm, considering information technology as a distinct instrument relating to the municipality's
objectives. Additionally, it could enable the involvement of different LGU offices and agencies in the
development of the ISSP concentrating on ensuring that information technology supports the municipality's
business operations. Moreover, this study focused on the ISSP's development consisting of a priority list of
systems and plans, as well as the cost and delivery schedule over three years.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165



This chapter provides a critical review of related literature and studies, which provides the framework of
this capstone project.

A. Review of Literature
a) Information Systems Strategic Plan for Sorsogon State College
A local government unit's information system should provide proper communication transmission in
order to assure the unit's efficient and effective administration. Every business should be concerned
with the quality and quantity of information accessible. This objective may be accomplished by
constantly diagnosing and evaluating the operational information system in order to draw pertinent
conclusions, identify issues, and develop an appropriate instrument for the operational needs of a local
government unit. Within a local government unit, the authors developed a study methodology for
assessing the effectiveness of an information service.With the use of questionnaire surveys as the basis
of the proposed research method, it is possible to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic of the
information system within local government units in order to identify deficiencies in the instruments
used by these units and measures that can be taken to improve the system [5].

b) Use of ICT in Smart Cities: A Practical Case Applied to Traffic Management in the City of Valencia
The initiative for smart town framework converts whole local city into developed and civilized towns
though maximized utility of technological resources in improving its quality of services for its residing
and working citizens along the city. In order to achieve the initiatives for a smart town measure,
various course of actions is needed to attain specific smart town framework objectives through data
collection, processing and use of information for its dissemination among citizens. The use and re-use
of information by government or private institutions as open data needs to be encouraged and thereby
made more useful and appropriate for people. To accomplish this aim, innovations such as sensor
networks, ubiquity, connectivity infrastructure-vehicles and others are becoming critical elements.
Technological use of resources opens a lot of opportunities for communities by lessening efforts of
doing businesses or essential things to human life and at the same time decreasing rate of devastations
such as environmental impacts in conducting such businesses putting the environment and its people
from great devastations. Technological solutions become one way of achieving such objectives
especially in the sector of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)[6].

c) Smart Cities for Wellbeing: Youth Employment and their Skills on Computers
Smart town frameworks give people one’s identity and allow them to define their own individuality in
a social space where a feeling of inclusiveness is really felt by people living in a town. It becomes
everyone’s home where people achieve their best options. It is due to the fact that the implementation
of a smart town framework involves sustainable development for all its stakeholders as it involves
organizations with improved information and technology ecosystems that help achieve the highest
degree of person and social well-being with the goal of enhancing the lives of people. A study in the
EU assessed the influence of information and communication technologies (ICTs) skills on youth
employability. It found out that ICT skill is a factor to employability of an individual and training on
computer skills as a key factor for boosting youth employment [7].

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
d) Using ICT in Smart City
Smart city is an urban version for a smart town as the word implies. Both aspects are common in using
high technologies to serve each purpose for their respective areas of concern. Both have the common
goal of providing the best for their cities and town communities to improve quality of life of its
citizens without causing too much burden to the environment due to lesser footprint involving conduct
of activities or needed actions. In order to execute the smart plans and to capture and distribute data to
multiple customers, smart cities use ICT. For this purpose, a smart city incorporates numerous facets
of urban life and connects many terms, such as wired city, interactive city, smart city, information city,
digital city, knowledge city, etc. ICT enabled cities and towns to enhance its services and governance
to the people allowing information to be shared, stored and educate its citizens about smart living in a
technologically-based city or towns. The role of ICT in local governance increases the level of
efficiency and productivity in all aspects of their public services allowing smart city town projects
become more possible and effective to respective communities targeted [8].

e) Building a Workforce for Smart City Governance: Challenges and Opportunities for the Planning and
Administrative Professions
The position paper addresses the role of ICTs in regulating the transformation process that
metropolitan cities will have to endure in the coming years. The subject is analyzed from a value-
oriented viewpoint and in the context of nearly two decades of private and public sector technology-
driven innovation. In an effort to take stock of past errors and to welcome the possibilities resulting
from certain major paradigm changes occurring on the horizon, all this has been discussed. Three key
contributions are suggested in the philosophical framework: the facilitation of modern systems of
development, delivery and governance; the restructuring of corporate and structural arrangements; and
knowledge on human decisions and behaviors. Finally, it is claimed that the integrated dissemination
of social media and computer-based modeling in decision making contributes to major changes in
smart city management by allowing value-driven, data-intensive and participative models of
governance, called extended governance.' In conclusion, the application of ICT to the regulation of the
transition that metropolitan cities will have to undergo in the decades to come seems to have
tremendous promise. In conclusion, the application of ICT to the regulation of the transition that
metropolitan cities will have to undergo in the decades to come seems to have tremendous promise.
These innovations would have to be used not only to increase the intelligence of socio-economic
systems, but also to create reward mechanisms that facilitate the development of positive public value
in order to deliver on their commitments. In reality, the real smart city must learn how to balance
individual and societal desires, that is, to harness individual ambitions to generate benefit for society
as a whole by achieving economic, social and environmental goals [9].

f) Characterizing the Role of Governments in Smart Cities: ALiterature Review

While 'smart city' is a subject discussed in fields of expertise such as urban planning and government
technology management, there appears to be no consensus on the meaning of the word at present. The
word 'smart' is synonymous with the development of solutions using technology for urban problems.
The subject of e-government is older, and perhaps more common and investigated because of this. It is
related to the transformation of public policy through the use of information and communication
technologies (ICT) in order to increase the efficacy of the government's organizational and
administrative processes. It is also related to the public sector's use of the internet to deliver online
resources and to broaden civic practices. The projects of both e-government and smart cities depend
on the resources of technologies, hardware, software, networks, the internet, utilities and applications,
and the use of local governments. In Brazil, since the 2000s, e-government programs have been in
progress. In Brazil, e-government projects have been in place since the 2000s. More recently, Brazil
has seen several smart cities initiatives which includes the Frente Nacional de Prefeitos (National
Front of Mayors) houses the Rede de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas (Smart and Human Cities
Network); the program Minha Cidade Inteligente (My Smart City) of the Ministry of Science,

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Technology, Innovation and Communications; the Brazilian Congress is working to form the Joint
Parliamentary Committee in support of intelligent and human cities; Curitiba, Vitória and Rio de
Janeiro are some examples of cities with smart initiatives; multilateral agencies and development
banks are implementing funding lines for this area and, technology providers on a global scale are
keenly interested in the subject. Smart cities and e-government were the issues reflected in the
proposals of multiple candidates in the local elections in October 2016. However, considering the lack
of ICT management activities in Brazilian cities, the Brazilian environment reveals no use of
technology in governmental procedures, weak ICT infrastructure, and great obstacles to be addressed
in terms of ICT governance and management [10].

g) Information Management Environment, Business Strategy, and the Effectiveness of Information

Systems Strategic Planning
The alignment of Information System Strategic Planning (ISSP) on its success and business strategy
has a great impact in the organization Information Environment Maturity (IME). The organizational
environment for Information Technology / Information System management has three aspects that
IME should be measuring for the quality of organizational IME. Firstly, the organizational information
management practice; secondly, the degree of IT/IS application in organizations; and the thirdly, the
relationship between IT/IS and users. As shown in many studies, aligning ISSP with business strategy
increases ISSP success. Organization needs not only to align its strategy with its infrastructure but also
to align its business strategy with strategic information systems planning. Moreover, IS Planning and
Business Planning alignment is found to be an important performance indicator. The data from 49
organizations in China paved way in the formulation and verification of a research model. The model
shows that the higher information management environment maturity and alignment between the ISSP
and business strategy, the more successful ISSP [11].

h) Knowledge Sharing Behavior Amongst the Stakeholders and the Efficiency of IS/IT Strategic
Planning (ISSP) Influences the Effectiveness of ISSP
To attain the planning objectives, knowledge sharing is essential to IS/IT strategic planning. Many
organizational instruments exist that can improveknowledge sharing and transfer, including IT steering
committee and strategic IS/IT team. Organizations could practice group interaction mechanisms and
knowledge management mechanisms to encourage the formulation of organizational learning
environments and fit the organizational context during IS/IT strategic planning. The study shows a
growing amount of experimental work that has been conducted examining the relationship between
ISSP and organizational context. The results of this study will be of interest to business managers or
strategic planners who are initiating or conducting information systems strategic planning exercises,
and to researchers in the field of information systems management and planning [12].

i) Local Government Program Planning

The goal of this research is to demonstrate the benefits of an information system to a Philippine Local
Government Unit (LGU), specifically the Planning Department's Social Division in Caloocan City
Hall. The researchers are having difficulty establishing linkages between the various difficulties
addressed in the context of education and health, as well as the necessary treatments or programs.
Thus, the researchers proposed a system design framework for developing a data management and
analytics system that is a collection of modules and visualizations tailored to the needs of a Philippine
local government unit in defining root causes of issues and identifying trends and outliers that are
useful in the planning process [13].

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
j) Planning and Management in Local Government
Strategic planning and management were introduced in the public sector three decades ago and have
since been a critical component of various public management reforms. While strategy has been
widely implemented in the public sector, understanding of its methods and consequences remains
limited, particularly in the United States. The goal of this research is to compare the American and
British evaluations of strategic planning and management in Norwegian municipalities. Thus,
communities that selected for the prospector's strategic advice and had finances available from
favorable net operational results margin embraced strategic planning and management at a higher rate
than other towns. Municipalities with a high level of strategic management intensity and stakeholder
participation reported that strategic planning had a greater perceived effect than other municipalities.
Enhancing the city's educational and social well-being [14].

k) IT Governance Practices of Local Government Units

The research conducted was a disaster response distribution chain, which is the distribution of supplies
from a central warehouse to the appointed evасuаtion centers in a specific area. Its functionality is
dependent on the precise location of each category of relief goods within demanded areas, which
includes a set timeframe. Because these activities require a finite supply of relief products, trucks, and
time, it is critical to develop more data-driven processes to meet these requirements. Thus, Relief
operations саn bed epicted in numerous formats. For contrast, Bаlсik’s Last Mile Distribution Model
combines linear programming to eliminate routed соsts as well as penalty соsts for unfilled demands.
The model assigned each kind of relief рrоduсt to the demand areas visited during the day. The
numerous districts explored each day would be limited by the vehicle fleet’s capacity as well as the
routesavailable. The research focused on community governance, which encompasses operations at a
local government unit (LGU). The purpose of this study is to harmonize IT regulation (ITG) practices
with good governance principles (GG) implementation to invite LGUs for рrорer IT decision-making.
A descriptive research method was used in the inquiry, which had a population of sixty. Adapted
questionnaires were used to elicit responses from the LGUs-IT Department’s IT officer and IT
employees. ITG practices and GG incorporation inLGUs are favorably connected, with moderate to
high efficiency. This implies an increase in effectiveness and efficiency principles, as well as
transparency, responsiveness, equality, and accountability [15].

l) Information Systems Strategic Plan in Tigbauan

This study is about the Municipality of Tigbauan's first Information Systems (IS) strategy formulation
paper, produced as guidance to accomplish the ISSP aim. This paper was intended to be user-friendly
and to identify important IT requirements that help the municipality perform more efficiently,
effectively, and competently. This Information Systems strategic strategy underlines the significance
of shifting away from the previous approach of considering IT as distinct instruments unrelated to the
municipality's aims. Additionally, it ensures that information technology is used to assist municipal
government business operations.The ISSP is primarily used to ensure that the systems and
infrastructure selected for deployment in municipal government support the municipality's strategic
goals; to ensure that the systems and infrastructure selected for deployment in the municipality support
the municipality's strategic goals; and to ensure that the systems and infrastructure selected for
deployment in the municipality support the municipality's strategic goals. Agreement among all
stakeholderson the IT strategy and associated costs must be gained in order to focus the IT
department's tasks and budgeted funds [16].

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m) Provincial Government of Agusan Del Sur
Agusan del Sur, being one of the country's most prominent provinces, must keep up with the ever-
increasing pace of technological progress. ICT can boost competition, improve the delivery of
essential services, increase public transparency, and strengthen impoverished people's capacity. The
provincial government is executing the Information System Strategic Plan (ISSP) as a policy tool in
order to ensure that ICT is used in crucial areas of government and with the assistance of the
Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF). The ISSP is an essential and critical basis and
framework for the advancement of electronic governance. It is used to effect changes in government
by reinventing conventional administrative activities and boosting government transparency and
democracy. It is a comprehensive plan that consists of many interconnected ideas and visions for the
province and the local government of Agusan del Sur. The paper intends to elevate Agusan del Sur
province and local government to the forefront of government operations during the next five years
(2011-2015) in order to elevate the province and local government to a higher level of prominence

n) ISSP: The Groundwork of Successful IT Projects

The ISSP is a three-year computerization roadmap for an agency that specifies how the organization
plans to be using ICT strategically in pursuit of its mission and function fulfillment. Government
ISSPs serve as the foundation for Government Information Systems. The Government Information
Systems Plan (GISP), also known as the framework as well as guidance for automating government
operations and services, NCC ensures that the individual ISSPs are aligned with the GISP goals. More
than just a to-do list, the ISSP enables the agency to identify areas where IT might be leveraged to
improve operations. The processes should be improved, and issues should be addressed. It can also be
used to communicate with the stakeholders in the organization, The ISSP outlines how a government
agency will use different information technology components to enhance communication on its
business operations and processes. The Philippine Government's Executive Order 265 requires all
government agencies and instrumentalities to match their own ISSPs with the Government
Information System Plan's goals (GISP). DCI provides in-depth interviews, seminars, IT trainings,
consultation, personnel augmentation, studies/analyses, and documentation to develop a
comprehensive ISSP that meets National Computer Center requirements, DCI provides trained
personnel to its organizations to enhance the agency' IT employment requirements. DCI can assist the
agency in realizing enhanced business value while lowering costs and improving the performance of
its business operations [18].

o) Philippine Statistical Development Program

The purpose of this proposed phase is to study a three-year information system strategic plan (ISSP)
for a higher education institution in the province of Capiz for the academic year 2019-2022. ISSP was
developed utilizing a business-driven approach and the Strategic Assessment Model. Alignment of it,
as well as efforts with institutional financial predictions, is vital for the institution to remain
competitive and achieve its strategic business objectives. The study collected both qualitative and
quantitative data, including a review of the institution’s overall strategy framework, an assessment of
users’ IT needs and problems, an assessment of users’ IT competencies, participation in strategic
planning meetings, and presentation of findings to decision-makers. As a result of this study, which is
a comprehensive three-year ISSP for a private HEI, four major IT/IS strategic initiatives were
recommended to be prioritized: strengthen the Institution’s IT Communications company by
attempting to establish an Institutionalized IT Services Division, organize an IS development team to
work on in-house IS development for something like the integrated Information System [19].

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B. Review of Related Studies

a) Capabilities of LGU Basis for Action Plan

The study evaluated the Local Government Units’ (LGUs) Geographic Information System (GIS)
capabilities in the Philippines’ La Union province. The GIS profiles of LGUs were analyzed, as well
as the degree of knowledge, awareness, use, and competence of GIS users on selected GIS issues. The
limits of GIS use were investigated in order to create a suggested GIS action plan. A qualitative
research technique was used to obtain data that was validated by significant results. The data were
summarized using explanatory analysis. The results indicate that GIS users in LGUs have a moderate
degree of awareness and a basic understanding of several GIS concepts. In LGUs, GIS is utilized
sparingly, and GIS users have an average level of competence. Local governments use GIS on a
shoestring budget and with minimal technical help. GIS utilization has evident technical, financial, and
organizational constraints, including users’ insufficient GIS knowledge, costly hardware and software,
and a shortage of full-time GIS personnel. According to results, strategies likecapacity development,
benchmarking, and data sharing have been proposed to assist LGUs in improving their effectiveness.
The information was sent flawlessly [20].

b) Business Model Canvas

This research discusses the technology and information that local governments need to improve their
public service-oriented governance wherein many causes were observed including a lack of integration
across apps. The researchers employed a business model canvass as an analytical tool, which resulted
in the creation of an information system consisting of an IS strategy for the Indonesian province of
Sulawesi. However, they continue to face challenges, such as insufficient facilities, infrastructure, and
human resources, which impede the regency's effectiveness [21].

c) Open Data and Geo-based Community Information Systems

Municipalities are the simplest form of government in the Philippines, and they are governed and
represented by barangay officials.The barangay authorities are responsible for keeping track of
situations involving citizens’ health and criminality. It is also the local government’s source of
information for developing government programs, providing community services, and maintaining
peace and order. This study provides a description of a web-based information system for a pilot
community in the Philippines that includes information sharing and geo-based features. This system
serves as a repository for data and is used for planning, analysis, and decision-making in order to
enhance the quality and efficiency of government services in the community [22].

d) Strategic Information System Plan Development

It states that practitioners and scholars have long recognized that strategic information system planning
(SISP), which includes aligning business and information systems/information technology strategies,
is a piece of common knowledge. Since the 1980s, several methodologies and models have been
developed to help in the design and implementation of strategic information systems. These are
development approaches that define a set of SISP phrases or strategies that aid in a particular aspect of
the SISP process. This study employs a systematic review process, beginning with a search of 2730
papers in nine top-ranked scientific databases. Following a thorough assessment of these papers, a
final list of 85 studies devoted solely to SISP development is compiled. This last series of studies
compares the steps included in different procedures, as well as the approaches employed for each
level. Additionally, an in-depth investigation of development processes resulted in the construction of
a general seven-phase framework that encompasses the activities addressed in the literature. The seven
phases are as follows: inception, business analysis, information systems/information technology
analysis, strategy development, portfolio planning, implementation, and evaluation. Additionally, the
paper categorizes SISP facilitation strategies and concludes with recommendations for practitioners
and academics [23].

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e) Strategic Planning of Information Engineering Methods
The purpose of information systems strategic planning is to provide a technique for addressing a long-
term strategy for information systems that is also based on the firm's average strategic plan. To
manage a corporation effectively, it is necessary to handle both the organizational and technological
components of the company. The organizational component underlines the critical nature of an
integrated information systems strategy and its direct link to the organization's objectives. The
technical component underlines the critical nature of planning for information system design [24].

f) Empirical Evaluation
This research discusses how information technology (IT) strategic management has long been
recognized as a critical component of corporate performance. This research aims to accomplish two
goals. The researchers demonstrate that SIS was widely used in these 29 organizations in areas such as
strategic IT investment and application planning, and that, while the theoretical review generally
supported the literature, some changes to the participation and focus dimensions suggested by Segаrs
were made (1998). The findings have rаmifiсаtiоns for practitioners and researchers alike [25].

g) Effects of Strategic Planning in Improving Performance

According to Saravi, Dabirian (2016) the study is proposed due to the connectivity and daily use of
"strategic information systems" throughout industry, business organizations, and business firms, as
well as the occurrence of the supply chain, which is one of the most fundamental aspects of business
(manufacturing, industrial, and services), as the link between suppliers and customers in these
categories, which is one of the most fundamental issues in business. However, the relationship
between these two variables can aid in the development and promotion of managers, as well as the
growth and success of an organization, and they will employ the proposed methods to achieve a high
level of efficiency and improvement in project management performance competitive advantage
through the development of value-added appropriate use of information systems [26].

h) Synthesis
The aforementioned collection of local studies informs proponents to the fact that the proposed study
would resemble to other widely used systems. As mentioned earlier, information system strategic
planning assists in the development of the strategy. This section discusses the agency's current
approach for accomplishing its mission and responsibilities.

The researches in the previous collections are all connected to the significance of retaining all
documents and files. It ensures that these files are safe and easily available for the progress of
Information System Strategic Planning (ISSP) in municipal administrations.

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i) Conceptual Framework

Fig. 1: Conceptual Framework.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study utilizing the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model
structure in order to properly show the conceptual backbone of the research. It is composed of important
variables, the flow of research, research processes, research expected outcomes, and other information
relevant to the study. Specifically, the inputs were needed in order to achieve the desired result for this
particular study composing of: (1) Profile of the Municipality of Nueva Era as to the agency's profile and its
environment, the agency's ICT situation, and the strategic concerns on the ICT usage; (2) Information
Systems Strategies along conceptual framework for Information System, detailed description of proposed
information systems, database required and network layout, current ICT projects being undertaken and ICT
development and investment programs of the Municipality; and (3) resource requirements in the
municipality along ICT equipment and services and ICT organizational structure. Data include information
about ICT projects, performance measurement framework, inventory of ICT infrastructure, hardware/other
ICT equipment and software, application system, information systems, and databases.

Research processes were undertaken through utilizing and maximizing the inputs given in order to
arrive at the expected output. Survey instruments were developed, conducted, distributed, retrieved to gather
data and werefurther analyzed through statistical and quantitative research methods, tabular and graphical
presentation, and finally interpreted to develop an output which is the Information Systems Strategic Plan
for the Municipality of Nueva Era.

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This chapter presents the research methodology of the study. This includes discussion of the research
design, sources of data, data collection methods and tools, research process.

A. Research Design
The study employed descriptive research design. This allowed the proponent of the study to describe the
situation, subject, behavior, or phenomenon regarding a particular study as a subject for research inquiries.
The research subject or problem was observed and described without influencing or manipulating in any
way the different variables. In describing the nature of the subject to its current state and determining the
objectives required in order to achieve the statement of goals of the research, the researcher obtained data
and designed a smarter and more effective framework based on the results.

Descriptive research was particularly important in this research aspect because it helped the proponent
of the study to create a well-founded research framework about the municipality of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte.
The designed framework was analyzed, described, and evaluated for its final assessment.

The formulation of the ISSP was through the Research & Development process consisting of two stages
namely planning and analysis. Planning includes bibliographic research and database survey while analysis
is the evaluation of survey results and development.

A bibliographic survey was also utilized particularly the comprehensive survey on the works published
in line with the particular aspect. Database survey consisted of gathering inclusive information from the
municipal government employees of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte. The data were gathered through the use of
survey questionnaires and unstructured interviews. The results of the survey served as the basis in the
formulation of the ISSP Strategic Plan for the municipality of Nueva Era.

B. Sources of Data
Locale of the Study. The study was conducted in the municipality of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte.

Population and Sampling. The respondents of the study were the employees of the Local Government
of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte. In determining the participants of the survey, simple random sampling was used.

C. Data Collection Methods and Tools

A survey questionnaire/ checklist provided by DICT was usedin the data collection.The ISSP template
includes the following parts:
a) Part I. Organizational Profile
This is the first portion of the DICT ISSP Template. It represents the Organizational Profile of Nueva
Era Municipal as to Agency Vision and Mission, Agency Profile, Agency and its Environment, ICT
Situation, and Strategic Concern for ICE use. The Organizational Profile was utilized as an initial
point for self-assessment and in developing the ISSP. This helped the Municipality in identifying data
focusing on key performance requirements and results.

 Department/Agency Vision / Mission Statement

This part stated the agency’s intention to use ICT to support and understand its vision, mission and
 Mandate
States the legal foundation for the organization's formation and define the main functions
required by the legal basis.
 Vision Statement

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Declares the organization's wishful projection into the future; a declaration of what your
organization wishes to become; and an intuitive image of the organization's desired future state.
 Mission Statement
Asserts the organization's scope and activities, as well as its main products/services that set it
apart from others.
 Major Final Outputs
Compile a list of MFOs in accordance with the Organizational Performance Indicator
Framework (OPIF). A MFO is a good or service that a department/agency is tasked with
delivering to external customers through the execution of programs, activities, and initiatives.
The MFOs that are most closely linked with the Philippine Development Plan's Key Result
Areas and the key indicators and results provided in the PDP Results Matrices should be
 Department/Agency Profile
Agency profile specified the Total Annual ICT Budget for the current fiscal year, the total number
of employees including those on part-time or full-time basis, regular, contractual and casual
employees and those assigned to regional/extension, provincial and other offices, and the number of
regional offices, provincial and other offices.

 The Department/Agency and its Environment (Functional Interface Chart)

Demonstrates the agency and its relationships with its clients, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and other
organizations/institutions, whether public, private, or non-governmental, that significantly
assist/contribute to the agency's achievement of its MFOs. A prototype diagram is shown in Annex

 Present ICT Situation (Strategic Challenges)

Clearly discusses the agency's present degree of computerization in narrative form in terms of: 1)
mission critical/frontline services, (2) office automation, and 3) web presence. Agency should be
able to determine the degree to which ICT is used inside the organization, the proportion (percent)
of computer literacy, and the ratio/density of computers. The narrative description provides a
macro-level overview of business activities and the information technology environment, including
inter-agency applications, interoperability, and standards.

 Strategic Concerns for ICT use

1. Major Final Output
The first column of the table must include a list of each MFO that may be improved or
facilitated via the use of ICT. If the MFO authorized by DBM is too general, the need to specify
the particular product or service covered by each MFO that may be improved or facilitated using
2. Critical Management/Operating/Business Systems
Describe the organization's real business operations/activities in connection to MFO.
3. Problems
Refer to the impediments/obstacles that obstruct or delay the execution of the specified business
operations/activities in Critical Management/Operating/Business Systems.
4. Intended use of ICT
Indicates the planned ICT solution for resolving the issues raised in the problem’scolumn.

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b) Part II. Information Systems Strategy
This is the second portion of the DICT ISSP Template. It encompasses the development of the
Information System Strategy along with Conceptual Framework for Information System, Detailed
Description of proposed information systems, Database Required and Network Layout.
 Conceptual Framework for Information Systems (Diagram of IS Interface)
Present the overall design of all information systems, including subsystems, connections, data or
information sources, and databases. Refer to Annex A-2 for asample of an Information Systems
Conceptual Framework. Symbols with corresponding colors are utilized. Red symbols indicate new
information systems, blue for enhancements, black for operational and continuing information
systems, and green for information systems/applications that are made available through the iGovPhil
Program and other cross-agency ICT projects. (See Annex A-3 for the Catalogue of Shared Services
that iGovPhil and other cross-agency ICT initiatives)
 Detailed description of proposed information systems
Tables are prepared including the subsystems (SSs). The following items are prioritized and arranged
in ascending order, the first being the most important.
1. Name Of Information System/Sub-System
Compiles a list of all information systems (ISs) planned for development or improvement, as
shown in the conceptual framework.
2. Description
Specifies each information system in terms of its primary characteristics, functions, and major data
3. Status
Indicates if the referenced information system is for development or enhancement purposes.
4. Development Strategy
Specifies whether the information system is intended for internal development, outsourcing, or a
similar arrangement. Another possibility is to utilize ready-made or off-the-shelf software.
5. Computing Scheme
Shows the computing method that is suggested for each IS/SS. The computing scheme is defined on
page ii-a no. 5.
6. User Internal
Indicates which office/group/unit within the organization utilizes the IS exclusively (internal
7. User External
Directs any entities that are not affiliated with the organization but use the system (external user/s).
8. System Owner
Designates the organizational unit that created the IS (owner) and is responsible for its ongoing
maintenance and management.
 Database Required
Databases to be created or enhanced in terms of its purpose and content in general are defined. It
provided samples of datasets, identified database for build-up, conversion or migration, and accepted
the IS of the database.
1. Name of Database
Indicates the database's name.
2. General Contents/ Description
Describes the purpose and content of each database in general. Provide representative datasets.
3. Status
Specifies if the database is being built, converted, or migrated.
4. Information Systems Served
Categorizes the information system that makes use of the specified database.
5. Data Archiving/Storage Media
Determines the method or format in storing/preserving the data.

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6. User Internal
Directs which office/group/unit within the organization utilizes the database exclusively (internal
7. User External
Point outs any external entities that access the database but are not part of the organization (external
8. Owner
Signposts the organizational unit that is responsible for database management (owner).

 Network Layout
The general design of network architecture showing the retained and proposed infrastructure
including the number of data centers, servers and capacity requirements is presented. Using different
colors with matching representation, redis used if the project is in development, blue if enhancement,
black if operational and ongoing, and green if funded via the iGovPhil program or other cross-agency
ICT initiatives. (Please refer to Annex A-3 for the Catalogue of Shared Services that iGovPhil and
other cross-agency initiatives). For examples of cross-agency and internal network architectures, see
Annex A-4.1 and Annex A-4.2.

c) Part III. Detailed Description of ICT Projects

This is the third part of the DICT ISSP Template consistingthe representation of the ICT Projects in
terms of Internal ICT Projects, Cross-Agency ICT Projects, and Performance measurement
 Internal ICT Projects
 Name/Title
Indicates the planned ICT project's name/title.
 Objectives
Specifies precise goals.
 Duration
Directs the length of time the project will take.
 Deliverable
Lists the deliverables (e.g. policies for issuance, trainings to be conducted, covered ISs and DBs
identified in Part II-B and II-C, infrastructure, etc.)
 Cross-Agency ICT Projects
Outlined the name/title of the proposed ICT project together with the list specific objectives and
indicated the duration of the project. The deliverables are enumerated like policies for issuance,
trainings to be conducted, covered ISs and Dbs. The lead and implementing agency is likewise
 Performance Measurement Framework
The hierarchy of outcomes of the ICT Project are transcribedand clustered into intermediate
outcome, immediate outcome, and outputs with the measurable indicators that would prove that the
outcomes and outputs.
 Hierarchy of targeted result
Creates anorder of the ICT Project's results, categorizing them as intermediate, immediate, and
 Objectively verifiable indicator (OVI)
Determines the quantifiable indicators to be used to verify the Hierarchy of targeted and attained
outcomes and outputs.
 Baseline data
Gets the baseline data for the indicator stated in OVI prior to the execution of the ICT project.

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 Target
Makes a list of the project's objectives for each OVI, taking into consideration the information in
the Baseline data.
 Data collection method
Determines the data collecting techniques that are to be used in acquiring the necessary data.
 Responsibility to collect data
Determines which internal or external unit of the agency is in charge of collecting and analyzing
the agency's data.

d) Part IV. Resource Requirements

The fourth part of the DICT ISSP template which covers the assessment of the Resource Requirements
in terms of Deployment of ICT and Services and ICT Organizational Structure.
 Deployment of ICT Equipment and Services
 Item
Refers to the equipment that are to be deployed (e.g. laptop, printers, etc). Objects of expenditures
should be grouped into allocation classes (CO or MOOE) and further categorized. ICT cost items
are classified in Annex A-6. Technical specifications should not be included and aseparate list
should be kept in the existing ICT inventory.
 Name of Office/ Organizational Unit
Specifies the location of the information technology objects.
 Proposed Number of Units
Indicates the quantity of units to be deployed.

ICT Organizational Structure

 B.1 Existing ICT Organizational Structure
Creates a diagram of the current ICT organizational structure and indicates the position on the
plantilla and the number of permanent, contractual, outsourced, or project-based employees per
 B.2 Proposed ICT Organizational Structure
Illustrates the suggested ICT organizational structure. It uses numbers to indicate the overall number
of permanent, contractual, outsourced, or project-based personnel employed in different positions.
 B.3. Placement of The Proposed ICT Organizational Structure in the Agency Organizational Chart
Proposes a new organizational structure and includes a visual representation on how the suggested
structure situates in the organizational chart. Likewise, it indicates which office needs direct
oversight and control.

e) Part V. Development and Investment Program

ICT items like laptop, printers and other tools are indicated and classified into Allotment Class (CO or
MOOE) categorized per Object of Expenditures. The number of units and the location where the ICT
items arespecified and deployed.
 ICT Projects Implementation Schedule
Compiles a list of all planned information technology initiatives. It also indicates the calendar year of
implementation of the suggested ICT projects.
 Information Systems (IS) Implementation Schedule
Compiles the suggested list of all information systems. Likewise, it indicates the year in which the
IS, subsystems, or modules are developed.
 Summary of Investments
Indicates the summary of investments per year, cost breakdown, and the ICT items acquired.
Similarly, it includes the continuing costs of existing operational applications/information
systems/databases and continuing & ongoing projects. The physical targets and corresponding
estimated cost needed for each ICT item are signposted.

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 Year 1 Cost Breakdown
Provides a cost breakdown for three consecutive years and indicates the ICT project's name in the
appropriate column heading.
f) Part VI. Inventory of ICT Infrastructure
This covers the assessment of the Inventory of ICT Infrastructure in terms of Hardware / Other ICT
Equipment, and Software, Application system, information systems, and databases.
 Hardware / Other ICT Equipment. Identifies the state of the hardware, software, network and other
ICT resources used to manage information by Nueva Era Municipality.
 Software, Application System, Information Systems and Databases. Classifies the updated existing
benchmark and standards software, Application System, Information Systems and Databases and
provided inputs to the MITHI Steering Committee in determining the ICT budget requirements of the

Information on the profile, organizational structure and the development and investment programs of
the municipality were elicited from secondary sources and were requested from authorized personnel.

D. Research Process
Data collection underwent a systematic research process from the initial to the ultimate phase of research.
Initially, the proponent of the study secured permits and informed consent from LGU administrators and
participants. A letter of request was sent to the municipal office of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte and the
researcher waited for the approval prior to the commencement of the research investigation in the respective
offices of concern. In order to assure full participation and cooperation of the respondents, the researcher
administered an informed consent allowing the respondents to know the benefits and risks of research on
their decisions to participate in the survey. The study's intent was clarified, and the confidentiality of the
data was guaranteed. The researcher personally conducted the survey and empirical observations to obtain
the needed information that constituted primary and secondary sources of data. The survey questionnaire/
tool/ checklist was disseminated and distributed to selected participants to acquire the perceptions and stands
on the issues presented in the instrument which had direct implications on the understanding of study.
Following the responses made on the survey tools, 100% retrieval or return rate of the instruments was
expected. The data obtained was subjected to data checking, analysis, and interpretation.

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This chapter presents the results based on the surveys and interviews conducted. These results were
used in the development of the Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) of the Municipality of Nueva Era.

A. Organizational Profile of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte

Nueva Era envisions itself as a more socio-economically integrated upland municipality in the province
of Ilocos Norte with a sustainable and vibrant environment, protected cultural resources, and an abundance
of natural and man-made wonders. These dreams are all made possible because of its tourist-friendly,
upright, hardworking, inspired, and conscientious citizenry headed by enlightened leaders dedicated to both
advancement and sustainability of the municipality.

a) Vision
Along with its vision, the municipality is committed to (1) promote meaningful, productive interaction
between an effective and efficient legislative, and dynamic and vibrant civil society; (2) promote
positive Filipino values among the families; (3) provide programs for drug free and responsible youth
sector; (4) create programs for sustainable development; (5) provide programs aimed at food security;
(6) develop proficient, motivated, and inspired workforce on the organization; (7) promote arts and
tourism; (8) provide quality services to all sectors; and (9) make the local development plans
anticipatory and proactive of climate change and disaster impacts.

b) Mission
Toward this end, we are committed to pursue: Promote meaningful, productive interaction between an
efficient, efficient legislative, and dynamic, vibrant civil society; The promotion of positive Filipino
values among the families; Programs for drug free and responsible youth sector; Program for
sustainable development; Programs aimed at food security; Development of proficient, motivate, and
inspired workforce on the organization; The promotion of arts and tourism; The provision of quality
services to all sectors;Make the local development plans anticipatory and proactive of climate change
and disaster impacts.

c) Agency and its Environment

Nueva Era is currently operating on an annual budget for 162,072,170.00, of which 29.13%
(47,221,898.00) is appropriated to personal services, 20.28% (32,875,543.09) for Maintenance and
Other Operating Expenses, 14.01% (22,712.154.00) for Capital Outlay and 36.57% (59,262.574.40)
for Non-Office Expenditures. To emphasize the importance of ICT spending in accomplishing the
municipality’s goals, it is proposed that 2.86 percent or approximately 4,635,142.00 be dedicated to
the first year of ICT implementation and an annual allocation for ICT shall be allocated at least 1.32%.

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Fig. 2: The Municipality of Nueva Era and its Environment.

Figure 2 illustrates the municipality of Nueva Era and the relationships that it has with its clients and
stakeholders as well as beneficiaries, other organizations, and entities that make important contributions to
the achievement of its vision and missions.The figure above is based on AnnexA-1 of the DICT.

d) Present ICT Situation

In terms of the municipality’s ICT situation, all offices or divisions are equipped with computer units
(desktop and/or laptop) basically used for document processing and other reports generation. Storage
devices such as external hard drives and flash drives are being used for storage of data and data
sharing among offices in the municipality. The municipality acquired multi-functional printers and
document scanners for document production. Also, a fingerprint scanner is being used for attendance
recording of all employees.

The municipality has implemented the following information systems for faster services to its
 Philippines Civil Registry Information System (PhilCRIS). This system allows encoding of sensitive
information from civil registry documents, storing of essential data, query and retrieval of encoded
records, printing and issuance of approved copies of encoded civil registry documents, generation of
transmittal archives, and data management.
 Real Property Tax Information System (RPTS). RPTS is a computerized system that supports the
Assessor's office in estimating real estate taxes due. It includes features for land appraisal depending
on market value as well as changes for inflation. This system is linked to the Treasurer's office's
RPTS module for billing and collection activities.

On the other hand, Internet connectivity in terms of Mobile Data connection is unstable due to
the geographical location of the municipality. The municipality is connected to PLDT Fiber, and all
offices are likewise connected to the local area network.

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None Basic Intermediate Advanced

P % P % P % P %
Word Processing applications 0 0.00 24 85.71 3 10.71 1 3.57
Spreadsheet applications 0 0.00 23 82.14 4 14.29 1 3.57
Presentation applications 0 0.00 26 92.86 2 7.14 0 0.00
Database applications 3 10.71 24 85.71 0 0.00 1 3.57
Multimedia applications 10 35.71 17 60.71 1 3.57 0 0.00
Web design applications 11 39.29 15 53.57 1 3.57 1 3.57
Web search engines 10 35.71 15 53.57 2 7.14 1 3.57
Communication applications 7 25.00 19 67.86 2 7.14 0 0.00
Table 1: Level of ICT skills proficiency of personnel(n=28)

Table 1 presents the results of the assessment conducted on the level of ICT skills of personnel. The
level of ICT skills among the employee respondents from the municipality marked mostly basic in terms of
their skills in word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database, multimedia, web design, web search, and

e) Strategic Concern for ICT Use

Residence - Individual - Slow documentation of Residence Computerized
Information Information the information process Information System
- Personal - No updated listing of - Online Access of the
Information the Residence Residence Information by
- Basic health information means of QR code
Information - Long queue on - boost government services
information records - streamline transactions
- Inaccessibility of
residence Information
Municipality - clear description - Data meant for the Municipality Website
social media of the general public and - Web-based content
organization constituents is difficult management system.
- find contact to obtain. - Online forms and contact
information - It is difficult to information.
- Fresh, quality exchange information - Calendars and events
content between citizens and - Department pages and contact
- local government information.
officials. - Board and committee pages.
- difficult conducts its - Legal notices and ordinances
business with the public Community information
in a more effective and
timely manner

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Human - store employee - Delay in retrieval of Human Resource Management
Resource information Employee’s information System
- manage time, - Time consuming in - Employee Information
- assist in hiring search a needed report/ Management
processes, information. - Recruitment and Hiring
- handle finances - Workforce growth has - Benefits Management
and benefits not been kept up to date. - Financial Management like
information - Difficulty tracing job Payroll or Compensation
benefits - Time and Attendance
Business - Payment of - Difficult to locate the Business Permit and License
Permit & Mayor’s Permit file. System
Licensing business tax and - Filling-up of - updates the LGU's
fees for licenses Application and business/mayor's permit and
- Mayor’s Permit Renewal Form takes a establishment master files
registration lot of time - maintains data on business
requirements - Manual data banking permit-related transactions
- New and device storage are which include:
- Renewal time-consuming - new applications
- Revocations activities. - renewals of business permits,
- Issuance of - Processing of - closure of business
Business Permit Application and establishments.
Checking of
Requirements are done
manually that leads to a
slow transaction
Payroll - Keep and update - requires extra attention Payroll Processing System
employee’s in order to make critical (PAYROLL)
information legislative updates.
- calculate the - resistant to major errors - Improves Compliance
payroll each pay and consumes a - Calculates Deductions and
period significant amount of Net Income
- monitor time - Prepares Tax Forms
leaves/absences - Employee data such as - Keeps Records Effortlessly
and late/overtime leaves, reimbursements, - Eliminates Payroll Errors
of employees overtime submissions, - generates the payroll of the
and so on are usually LGU including remittance
manually entered or reports.
- Excel spreadsheets with
detailed require a great
deal of supervision.
- Keeping sensitive
employee records on
paper or in spreadsheets
is not a safe way.

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Budget - budget - Slow data retrieval Budget and Expense Monitoring
Preparation preparation, - Information is System (BEMS)
& - budget inaccurate - Consolidating all budgets in
Monitoring authorization, - Don’t have the right an entity and generating
- budget execution tools to can help create information such as
and and analyze budget Estimated Cash Balance
accountability. Statements
- analyze sources - Maintains the agreed budget
of funds of each unit in a database
- monitor all - apprehending reports on
expenditures budget deficits and variances
between budgeted sums and
real expenses.
Table 2: The municipality’s strategic concerns for ICT use

Table 2 offers the list of each service of the municipality which can be facilitated by the adoption of
ICT. This covers the following services specifically Residence Computerized Information System, Human
Resource Management System, Business Permit and Licensing System, Payroll Processing System, and
Budget and Expense Monitoring System.

f) Hardware /Other ICT Equipment

All of the offices as per the personnel of the municipality have desktops and


Router /




Office of the Mayor and Chief
2 1 2 1 1
Administrative Office (CAO)
Human Resource Management
Office (HRMO) and Municipal
3 2 1
Civil Registrar (MCR)

Municipal Planning and

Development Office (MPDO) and
2 1
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction
Management (MDDRM)
Budget Office 2 1 2 1
Engineering Office 2 1 1 1 1
Assessor 3 1 1 1
Treasury 6 2 4 2 1
Accounting 3 1 2 1
Department of the Interior and
1 1 1
Local Government (DILG)
Sangguniang Bayan Office 1 1 1
Municipal Social Welfare and
1 1 1 1
Development Office (MSWDO)
Municipal Health Office (MHO) 2 2 1
ICT 2 1 3

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TOTAL 28 10 18 6 9 1 3
Table 3: Existing Hardware and other ICT Equipment.

The table 3confirms that the Municipality of Nueva Era is well-equipped in terms of ICT equipment.

B. Information Systems Strategies, Current ICT Projects being Undertaken and ICT Development and
Investment Programs of the Municipality

a) Conceptual Framework
This is the general design of all information systems, including subsystems, links, data or information
sources, and databases.

Fig. 3: Conceptual Framework for Information Systems.

Figure 3 shows the overall architecture of all information systems, including subsystems, linkages, data
sources, and databases. The Human Resource Management systems tracks the employment record, talents,
capacities, wages, and accomplishments of the employees in a short amount of time. The payroll system is
designed to store all of the relevant details about employee salaries and taxes. These operations include time
tracking, income calculation, withheld taxes and deductions, copying and distributing checks, and reporting
payroll taxes to the government. Meanwhile, the biometric Attendance System can be used to gather payroll
details for attendance. Collected data are saved in the HRMS database.

The Business Permit and License System creates and maintains the LGU's master files for business/
mayor's permits and establishments. Additionally, it collects and preserves reports on business permit-
related activities, which involve new business permit approvals and renewals, as well as business
establishment closures.

The Budget Expense and Monitoring System (BEMS) is a digital system that takes over the manual
process of consolidating spending details of all departments within an organization and generates
information such as Projected Cash Flow Statements. It retains a log of each unit's authorized budget,
capturing details on budget balances and variances between budgeted and real expenses.

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This proposed conceptual structure informs everyone about the communication of the frameworks that
could assist the municipality in taking the first step toward being a smart municipality.

b) Detailed Description of the Proposed Information System

This includes the description of ICT projects as Internal ICT projects, Cross-Agency ICT projects, and
a framework for performance assessment.The majority of systems are under development, and the plan
for development included outsourcing.
 Barangay Resident Information System
Barangay Resident Information System is suitable for use by barangay workers who have access to
barangay residents’ profile details and also the basic health background for direct reporting. It
provides better storage, quicker file recovery, ensures dependability and consistency, and allows for
faster file monitoring. The system is presently being developed in-house with the assistance of the
Mariano Marcos State University software development team. DILG owns the system, which may be
accessed by internal users MSWD and MHO, as well as external users Barangay Officials, and
Residents of the Nueva Era.
 Municipality Website
This is a series of interconnected webpages, typically containing a homepage, that are prepared and
maintained as a collection of municipal information.Internal users’ ICT personnel maintain the site,
while external users are government agencies and employees, as well as the general public, who need
information about the province.
 Biometric Attendance System
This is a technical term referring to the process of identifying an employee by means of a thumb
mark for systematic attendance. Internally, the Human Resources department is responsible for
precise employee monitoring, access control, and integration with HRMS.
 Payroll Processing System
A payroll processing system refers to the process of compensable employees at the end of a payroll
period. The applications include algorithms that determine gross and net pay amounts based on input
data such as hours worked and pay rates.
 Business Permit and License System (BPLS)
The Business Permit and License System creates and maintains the Local Government Unit’s
business/permit mayor’s and establishment master files. It also collects and preserves details on
business permit-related transactions such as new business permit approvals and renewals, as well as
business establishment closures.
 Budget and Expense Monitoring System (BEMS)
A program that automates the process of budgeting, spending and allocating funds for various
projects inside a company. It is a budget spending tracking program that handles an organization’s
financial demands.

c) Databases Required
Concisely described as databases to be built or improved, including examples of datasets intended for
build-up, conversion, or migration, pointing to the IS that used the database.
 Residence
Composing of individual characteristics, it includes the individual's name, gender, date of birth,
district of residence, nationality, mother's maiden name, and place of birth registration.
It holds the database of Nueva Era Personnel records, land management, and a human resource
growth plan are among the main types of information generated.
The database that records employees of Nueva Era as an input into the payroll scheme for salary and
other remuneration calculations.

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 Payroll
An automated payroll system that enables employees' payroll information and for compensation
 Business Permit and License System (BPLS)
This collects and preserves details on business permit-related transactions such as new business
permit approvals and renewals, as well as business establishment closures.
 Budget and Expense Monitoring System (BEMS)
A database system's operation which is responsible in the accounting of all actual assets and
associated records on the land such as ownership, assessed value, and other relevant details.

Network Layout

Fig. 4: First Floor Proposed Architectural Network.

Fig. 5: Second Floor Proposed Architectural Network

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Figures 4 and 5 on page 58, illustrates the proposed first and second floors Architectural Network
Design. Both illustrations outline the specifications required to meet the proposed system’s requirements.
All offices were linked to the ICT office where the server is located. The ICT office had two distinct servers:
one devoted to archives and another to documents. Each accounting, finance, and engineering office had its
own wireless router for devices that need WIFI connectivity. Treasury and accounting were linked to a
single hub for LAN delivery, while Accounting, nEgosyo Bayan, Human Resources, and MCR were all
connected to a single hub for LAN distribution. For optimal transmission rates, a bandwidth requirement of
20 GB is needed. 1TB of storage is reserved exclusively for emails, and 2TB of storage is reserved
exclusively for applications such as resident ID system, Biometric Attendance System, HRMS, BEMS and
the Payroll system. To ensure data integrity, it must move via the firewall.

d) Internal ICT Projects

The time frame for these internal ICT projects was based on the usual number of months required to
create a custom software. In typical Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) models, there are
generally five to seven stages, each of which has a distinct time period associated with it.Planning and
requirements last for two to four weeks depending on the nature of the project. Another two to four
weeks for design and architecture, three to eight months for development and coding, and a additional
two to four weeks for implementation. Testing and maintenance normally take three to six weeks, and
finally, production ensues three weeks or more to complete [28].

 Rank 1:Barangay Resident Information System

This system aims toidentify Nueva Era residents in an electronic and efficient way, enhance the
quality of services, improve the retrieval of residents' records especially in the case of an emergency.
 Rank 2: Municipality Website
The goals of this project are the following: to inform constituents on information needs, to
communicate with their citizens, to provide a tremendous opportunity for improved communication
between towns and increased community resilience, to upsurge residents' opportunities to engage in,
to become an updated municipal government, and to showcase the diverse communities.
 Rank 3: Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
To manage the municipality's data, to create an easy reporting system, to improve human relations
within the organization, to provide a full-service payroll solution, to track employee development, to
provide the ability to run operational reports, and to track human resource data are the aims of the
 Rank 4: Biometric Attendance System
To decrease the quantity of paperwork generated by the payroll department, to minimize time theft,
to enhance employee responsibility, and to improve payroll accuracy are the project’s targets.
 Rank 5: Payroll Processing System
To enhance compliance by calculating deductions and net income, to improve the preparation of tax
forms and maintaining records, to eliminate payroll mistakes, and to generate the LGU's paycheck
including its remittance reports are the intentions of this project.
 Rank 6: Business Permit and License System (BPLS)
This project is geared towards automation in the process of applying and generating of Mayor's
Permits and other permits, as well as the computation of taxes and fees, billing, payment, and
collection liquidation. Moreover, the system aims to manage billings and payments across multiple
tax years while maintaining transaction and payment records, to update the municipal
business/permit, and to maintain track of data on business permit-related taxes and fees.
 Rank 7: Budget and Expense Monitoring System (BEMS)
To consolidate the budgets of all units within an organization, generate reports such as Projected
Cash Flow Statements to maintain the agreed-upon budget of each unit in a database, capture reports
on budget deficits and variances between budgeted sums and actual expenses, and to capture reports

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on budget deficits and variances between budgeted sums and actual expenses are the projected
benefits of the project.

e) ICT Projects Implementation Schedule

All information technology initiatives that are currently being considered are all listed below.
Similarly, the calendar year of implementation and recommended information on the technology
projects are enumerated.

Name of ICT Project Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Office Productivity

ICT Project 1 – Barangay Resident Information System

ICT Project 2 – Municipal Website

ICT Project 3 – HRMS

ICT Project 4 – Biometric System

ICT Project 5 – Payroll System

ICT Project 6 – Business Processing and Licensing System

ICT Project 7 – Budget Expense Monitoring System

Table 4: Project Implementation Schedule

Table 4 presents the implementation schedule of the proposed ICT projects. The office productivity
project is expected to be completed in its third year. While the other ICT projects specifically on information
systems development projects are scheduled only for 1 year. With this, it is expected that the municipality
will have the above-mentioned information systems in full operation at the end of 3 years.

 Estimated Development Cost:

A total of Php 4,635,142.00 shall be allocated for this proposed ICT implementation and to be sourced out
from the fund of the local government unit following the guidelines of RA. No. 9168 and RA. No. 6957 as
amended by RA No. 77218, specifically on the guidelines on the preparation, review and approval and
implementation of Information Communications Technology projects proposed financing.

An operational plan and a detailed breakdown of funding depend upon the submitted Approved
Budget Contract.

The Local Government Unit is in charged and required to monitor the development of the project and
to ensure that funding is distributed fairly and justly to maximize opportunity for all.

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C. Resource Requirements in the Municipality
In this section, the resource requirements for the municipality of Nueva Era are presented. These resource
requirements include ICT equipment and ICT related services, and ICT man.

Proposed Number of Units

Item Name of Office
2022 2023 2024
1. Office Productivity
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop All Offices 20 10 10
·Laptop All Offices 15 5 5
·Network Equipment All Offices 15 5 5
Printing Equipment
·Printers All Offices 15 5 5
·Photocopier ICT Office 1
Mayor’s Office 1
·Training Expenses 1 1 1
ICT Project 1 – Residence Computerized Information System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Laptop All Barangays and ABC Office 12
·Network Equipment All Barangays and ABC Office 12
·Server ICT Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printers All Barangays and ABC Office 12
·Web Hosting 1
·Development Cost 1
·Training Expenses 1
ICT Project 2 – Municipal Website
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Laptop ICT Office 1
·Web Hosting 1
·Development Cost 1
·Training Expenses 1
ICT Project 3 – HRMS
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Laptop HR Office 1

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·Server ICT Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer HR Office 1
·Development Cost 1
·Training Expenses 1
ICT Project 4 – Biometric System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop HR Office 1
·Fingerprint Scanner HR Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer HR Office 1
·Development Cost 1
ICT Project 5 – Payroll System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop Accounting Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer Accounting Office 1
·Development Cost 1
ICT Project 6 – Business Processing and Licensing System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop Treasury 2
·Server ICT Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer Treasury 2
·Development Cost 1
ICT Project 7 – Budget Expense Monitoring System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop 2
Printing Equipment
·Printer 2
·Development Cost 1
Table 5: Deployment of ICT Equipment and Services.

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Table 5 presents the ICT items to be deployed per project categorized according to object of
expenditures and classified into allotment class.

Aside from having a stable and sufficient ICT infrastructure, the municipality has to establish an ICT
office dedicated to support the ICT needs of the municipality. At present, there is no ICT office. However,
IT personnel was assigned to take charge of the ICT needs of the municipality.

Republic Act No. 10844An Act Creating the Department of Information and Communications
Technology, defining its powers and functions appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes. This
Act shall be known as the “Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015”. In
Sec. 17, Structure and Staffing Pattern - Subject to the approval of the DBM, the Department shall determine
its organizational structure and create new divisions or units as it may deem necessary, and shall appoint
officers and employees of the Department in accordance with the civil service law, rules and regulations

Fig. 6: The Proposed ICT Organizational Structure of the Municipality.

Figure 6indicates the overall organizational structure of the proposed ICT section of the municipality.
This includes the creation of new ICT positions such as Information Technology Officer I, Network
Administrator and Computer Programmer I. This section is responsible for the administration, development
and maintenance of information technology systems and services. The suggested information technology
structure is based on the work that will be done during the ISSP's deployment. Because most of the systems
are outsourcing, the ICT support team is in-charge in the installation and maintenance of local area networks
(LANs), wide area networks (WANs), network segments, the Internet, and intranet systems. Itsteam also
ensures security and availability to particular network activity of the users.

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This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of the study.

A. Summary
This research study developed an information systems strategic plan for the municipality of Nueva Era,
Ilocos Norte. The research study utilized the Research and Development (R&D) methodology which is
composed of two stages namely planning and development.

The respondents of the study were the employees of the Local Government of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte.
The data were gathered using survey instruments.

In the government setting, developments and improvements are significant and integral parts of the
system to be able to provide enhanced, favorable, and sustainable living and working environments for their
respective cities and communities. Digital conduct of transactions in the Local Government Unit is now
technically considered as the most promising resource in delivering great initiatives for smart city’s
framework of the different Local Government Unit’s (LGU) communities and constituents.

This research study developed an Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) for the municipality of
Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte. The ISSP is an initiative that focuses on people first, recognizing its civic
leadership and making the municipality of Nueva Era an excellent place to live and work.This makes sure
that the business operations of the municipality government are supported by Information Technology.

Several strategic planning frameworks exist, but the ISSP template of the DICT was applied to this
 Organizational Profile: This serves as a representation of Nueva Era Municipal's organizational profile,
including the agency's vision and mission, agency profile, agency and its climate, ICT situation, and
strategic concern for ICE use.
 Information System Strategy.Includes the development of the ISS Strategy, the Conceptual Information
System Framework, detailed description of potential information systems, the required database and the
network layout.
 ICT Projects:Represent the ICT Projects in terms of Internal ICT Projects, Cross-Agency ICT Projects,
and a system for measuring performance.
 Resource Requirements. Assess the Resource Requirements for ICT and Service Deployment, as well as
the ICT Organizational Structure.

Making Nueva Era a smart town enables the whole municipality on the use of ICT to improve its
operational efficiency, to maximize organizational productivity, to exchange information with the people,
and to improve the quality of community services as well as the health of its constituents.

Finally, the adoption and implementation of ISSP can transform the municipality into a well-developed
and civilized town through maximizing the utility of technological resources and improving its quality of
services for its residing and working citizens.

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B. Conclusions
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that: Nueva Era is currently operating on an annual budget for
162,072,170.00 and to emphasize the importance of ICT spending in accomplishing the municipality’s
goals, it was proposed that 2.86 percent or approximately 4,635,142.00 be dedicated to the first year of ICT
implementation and an annual allocation for ICT shall be at least 1.32%. At present, the municipality has a
total of 153 employees.

In terms of the municipality’s ICT situation, all offices or divisions were equipped with computer units
(desktop and/or laptop), and for storing and sharing of data, external hard drives and flash drives were being
used. In addition, the municipality had multi-functional printers and document scanners for document
production and fingerprint scanner for attendance recording of all employees.

The municipality also implemented Philippines Civil Registry Information System (PhilCRIS) and Real
Property Tax Information System (RPTS) for faster services to its clienteles.

In terms of ICT Skills of its employees, most of the respondents from the municipality had Basic Skills
in word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database, multimedia, web design, web search, and

As regards to internet connectivity, the municipality is currently connected to PLDT Fiber and all
offices are connected to the local area network. In terms of ICT tools and equipment, the municipality was
well-equipped and majority of the employees were using Windows 7 and Windows 8 and up. Word and
Spreadsheet were the Most Used applications in all the departments.

With regard to the Information Systems Strategies Plan, an ISSP that addresses all of the municipality's
strategic objectives was develop. It addressed the creation and execution of thedevelopment of application
such as Barangay Resident Information System, HRMS, BAS, PPS, BPLS and BEMS, database or system
used by a department to optimize internal processes, a stable and reliable network, a comprehensive website
capable of serving as a gateway to information about the municipality, its departments, and its procedures
and forms, and a well-trained and responsive information technology staff.Prioritization of these projects, as
well as the logical design and execution, were established and evaluated on a regular basis by the
municipality's administration.

As to resource requirements, the municipality had a stable and sufficient resource requirement,
however, the establishment of an ICT office must be dedicated to support the needs of the municipality.

It can be concluded, further, that there is a need to develop an Information Systems Strategic Plan
(ISSP) for the Municipality of Nueva Era, a strategic plan that focuses on people first, recognizing civic
leadership, and an extensive community that converting the municipality into an excellent place to live and
work. Truly, this is a plan than can make the municipality a smart town.

C. Recommendations
In the light of the findings and conclusions drawn, the following are recommended:
 The administration to consider the adoption and implementation ofthe Information Systems Strategic
Plan for the municipality;
 The administration of the Municipality of Nueva Era to reflecton the establishment of a different unit
under the Human Resources Department to direct and monitor the implementation of the strategic plan
following the policy provided by civil service and other government agency concern;
 The administration of the Municipality of Nueva Era to spearhead the development of the system to
make the municipality a smart town;
 The administration toinitiate the conduct of an evaluation study to determine training and seminars
needed by the personnel to equip them with ICT knowledge and skills;

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 The personnel to attend seminars and training or any developmental activities to further equip
employees with ICT knowledge and skills;
 The researcher to present the Information Systems Strategic Plan to the municipality’s administration;
 A similar study can be conducted to other municipalities to come up with a more holistic plan and
system to be adapted by different municipalities in Ilocos Norte; and
 The study itself including all the discovered information serves as a contribution to future studies as a
quick reference guide to the development of information systems strategic plans.

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Development of Information Systems Strategic Plan for the Municipality of Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte

Name (Optional):

I am grateful for your participation and assistance in answering this questionnaire. The information
you provided will be used only for academic purpose. I can ensure full confidentiality of your information
and its safety.

The following questionnaires contain question regarding General Issues of Information System
in the Agency

For each question, please mark your response with a tick (), unless otherwise indicated. For “other”
responses, provided a brief response.

1. Does the company use Information System?

Yes No

2. How long have your agency been using Information System?

Less than 2 years 2-5 years
5-8 years 8-10 years
More than 10 years

3. How is the municipality connected with another agency?

Through Information System
Through handheld papers and Documents

4. Does Information System speedup the internal communication?

Yes No No change

5. How does the working speed of the staff become after using Information System?
Increased Increasing Decreased

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Part I will rate the respondent’s computer skills. Please place a check mark (  ) in the appropriate
box: 'None,' 'Basic,' 'Intermediate,' or 'Advanced.'

Working with: None Basic Intermediate Advanced

1 Word Processing applications
2 Spreadsheet applications
3 Presentation applications
4 Database applications
5 Multimedia applications
6 Web design applications
7 Web search engines
8 Communication applications

Part II will elicit the respondent's responses on the information systems strategies of the municipality

Questions YES NO
A. On Management
 Does your Information System is suitable enough to keep pace with dynamic
agency environment?
 Does Information System help your firm to get rid of mistakes or erroneous
 Has the control system been more effective than before by using Information
B. On Public Service
 Does the company provide online service to the public?
 Is it true that after arrival of Information System it provides easy access to
information for the public?
 Does the IS provide the client with updated information in a quick interval
 Does Information System have an impact on decision making?

C. Assessment for Information System

 Does your municipal use computers?
(Computer included Personal Computers, tablets and other portable devices
such as Smartphones)
 Does your agency employ ICT specialist?
(ICT specialist are employees for whom ICT is the main job. For example, to
develop, operate or maintain ICT systems or application
 Does your agency provide any type of training to develop ICT related skills?

 Does your agency can maintain the ICT infrastructure?

(Servers, computers, printers and networks)
 Does your agency can support for office software?
(Word processors, spreadsheets, etc.)
 Does your agency have a Website?
 Does your agency use any of the following social media?

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 Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

 Enterprise’s blog or microblogs (Twitter, Presently, etc.)
 Multimedia content sharing websites
(YouTube, Picasa, SlideShare, etc.)

Criteria YES NO
 Generating Reports
If reports are submitted, by what means are they sent?
 Telephone
 e-mail
 Fax
 Delivered Documents
If reports are submitted, how frequently?
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Yearly
Hindrance in Obtaining Reports
 Delay in Passing Reports
 Inconsistent data
 Lack of Funds
Maintaining Records
 Filling Cabinet
 Hard drive (Soft copy)
 Cloud Storage
Method in notifying the Public
 Printed Advertisement

Part III of the research instrument will elicit information on the projects being undertaken by the

Criteria YES NO
A. Administrative systemscurrently used in the Municipality
 Resident Information System
(System suitable for use by barangay workers who have access to
barangay residents' profile details and also the basic health
background for direct reporting.)
 Municipality Website
(A set of interconnected webpages, usually including a
homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared
and maintained as a collection of municipal information.)
 e-BPLS
(Automates application and generation of Mayor's Permit and
other permits, computation of taxes and fees, billing, payment,
and collection liquidation processes.)
(Software that is used for data entry, data tracking and the data
information requirements of an organization's human resources

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
(HR) management, payroll and bookkeeping operations, etc.)
 Biometric Attendance System
If the
(A technical method that uses a thumb mark to identify an
response is NO,
employee for the purposes of systematic attendance.)
please specify the
 Payroll System system that is
(Software designed to organize all the tasks of employee payment currently in use in
and the filing of employee taxes. These tasks can include keeping your department:
track of hours, calculating wages, withholding taxes and
deductions, printing and delivering checks and paying _______________
employment taxes to the government.) _______________
 Budget and Expense Monitoring System (BEMS) _______________
(The BPMS takes over the manual task of consolidating the _______________
budgets of all units in an organization and produces reports such _______________
as Projected Cash Flow Statements. It maintains in a database _______________
the approved budget of each unit, thus information on budget _______________
balances and variances between budgeted amounts and actual _______________
expenditures are captured.) _______________
 Real Property Tax Assessment System (RPTAS / RPTA) _______________
(Provides an electronic method for calculating taxes owed on _______________
real estate assets conducted by the Assessor's office) _______________

How long have you been using this system?


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Part IV of the research instrument will gather information on the status of the existing infrastructure
of the municipality.

A. Network
Which of the following network resources does your LGUs have?

 Intranet YES NO
 Local Area Network (LAN)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)
 Virtual Private Network (VPN)
 Internet Connection
 Leased line
 Digital Subscriber line
 Mobile Data
 Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN)
 Satellite
Information and Communications Technology Environment
Criteria YES NO
B. Hardware
 Desktop
 Laptop / Notebook / Netbook
 Servers
 Application server
 Web server
 Database server
 File server
 Mail server
 Tablets
 Smart Phone (Official Unit)
C. Hardware Peripherals
 Multi-functional printer (Print, scan, copy, fax)
 Printer
 Document Scanner
 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
 Generator Set
 Fingerprint Scanner (Biometric)
 Access Card Scanner
D. Is there available Communications?
 Telephone service
 Fax
 Radio call
 Satellite phone
 Internet Connection

E. Software: Operating System for Workstations (Desktop and Laptops)

 Older than Windows XP

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 Windows XP
 Windows 7
 Windows 8 and up
 Linux
 Mac OS
F. Data Archiving System
 Manual
 Electronic
 Both/Combination
G. Electronic Data Archiving Mode
 Conventional
 Cloud
H. Conventional Mode: Medium of storage of the Archived data
 Optical Disk (e.g., CD-ROM, DVD)
 Hard Disk
 Flash drive
 External Hard Drive

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Interviewee: Daryll B. Foronda

Admin Aide VI
MPDC Office

Interviewer: Jacquiline M. dela Merced

A. Personal Information
B. Greetings
C. Introduction of the Study
D. Interview proper
1. Do you use Information System/s in your municipality?
2. How long have your agency been using Information System?
3. How is the municipality connected with another agency?
4. Does Information System speedup the internal communication?
5. How does the working speed of the staff become after using Information System?
6. Does your Information System is suitable enough to keep pace with dynamic agency
7. Does Information System help your firm to get rid of mistakes or erroneous problems?
8. Has the control system been more effective than before by using Information System?
9. Does the company provide online service to the public?
10. Does the IS provide the client with updated information in a quick interval?
11. Does Information System have an impact on decision making?
12. Does your municipal use computers?
13. (Computer included Personal Computers, tablets and other portable devices such as
14. Does your agency provide any type of training to develop ICT related skills?
15. Does your agency can maintain the ICT infrastructure? (Servers, computers, printers and
16. Does your agency have a website?
17. Does your agency use any of the following social media?
• Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
• Multimedia content sharing websites (YouTube, Picasa, SlideShare, etc.)

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ISSP 2022-2024



A.1 Mandate
Mandated under Section 16 of the Local Government Code of 1991 or Republic Act 7160
provides that every Local Government Units shall exercise the power expressly granted,
those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental
for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of
the general welfare.

A.2 Vision Statement

Nueva Era is envisioned to be more socioeconomically developed upland
municipality of the province of Ilocos Norte with balanced and diversified environment,
preserved cultural heritage, offering wealth of natural tourist attractions and man-made
wonders through a tourist-friendly, upright, hardworking, empowered and vigilant citizenry
propelled by enlightened leaders committed to sustainable growth and development under the
guidance of the divine providence.

A.3 Mission Statement

Toward this end, we are committed to pursue:
 Promote meaningful, productive interaction between an efficient, efficient
legislative, and dynamic, vibrant civil society;
 The promotion of positive Filipino values among the families
 Programs for drug free and responsible youth sector;
 Program for sustainable development;
 Programs aimed at food security;
 Development of proficient, motivate, and inspired workforce on the
 The promotion of arts and tourism;
 The provision of quality services to all sectors;
 Make the local development plans anticipatory and proactive of climate
change and disaster impacts.

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B.1 Current Annual ICT Budget

Nueva Era is currently operating on an annual budget for 162,072,170.00, of which
29.13% (47,221,898.00) is appropriated to personal services, 20.28% (32,875,543.09) for
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses, 14.01% (22,712.154.00) for Capital Outlay and
36.57% (59,262.574.40) for Non-Office Expenditures. To emphasize the importance of ICT
spending in accomplishing the municipality’s goals, it is proposed that 2.86 percent or
approximately 4,635,142.00 be dedicated to the first year of ICT implementation and an annual
allocation for ICT shall be allocated at least 1.32%.


B.2.1 Personal Inventory

Permanent 44
Temporary 0
Co-Terminus 2
Casual 15
Job order 89
Contractual 3
Total 153

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Number of Employees per Office: Number

 Office of the Municipal Mayor 28
 Office of the Municipal Administrator 3
 Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar 5
 Municipal Planning and Development Council 4
 Municipal Engineering Office 17
 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Office 6
 Office of the Municipal Agriculture 8
 Office of The Municipal Assessor 5
 Municipal Accounting Office 6
 Municipal Budget Office 4
 Office of the Municipal Treasury 10
 Municipal Health Office 29
 Sangguniang Bayan 22
 Department of Social Welfare and Development 5

B.2.1 Municipal Profile Information

Total Land Area 515.02 km2 (198.85 sq. mi)
Number of Barangays 11
Congressional Districts 2nd District
Population 11,968

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B.3 Organizational Structure

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Government Reports
Regulatory Repo Plans
rts, ,
Bodies Reve Regu
nues latio
Programs Rules ns Proposals, Plans
Reports, Payments
Reports Requirements

General Taxes Payments Project Payments Government

Public Information Licenses LGU Reports Units
Bid Applications

Requests for Assistance

RFPs Payments
IssuanPropoAssistance Requested
ces sals

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ICTplays an important part in the development and economic growth of a Local Government
Unit.Nueva Era, Offices use a system to manage all paperwork.Each division has own system.To
improve surveillance, the municipality has installed CCTV cameras in key areas of the municipality's
At present, all offices/divisions in the municipality are equipped with computer units, these
computer units are mainly used for document processing using word application.
The municipality has implemented the following information systems for faster services to its
1. Philippines Civil Registry Information System (PhilCRIS). This system allows encoding
of sensitive information from civil registry documents, storing of essential data, query and
retrieval of encoded records, printing and issuance of approved copies of encoded civil
registry documents, generation of transmittal archives, and data management.

2. Real Property Tax Information System (RPTS). RPTS is a computerized system that
supports the Assessor's office in estimating real estate taxes due. It includes features for
land appraisal depending on market value as well as changes for inflation. This system is
linked to the Treasurer's office's RPTS module for billing and collection activities.
On the other hand, Internet connectivity in terms of Mobile Data connection is unstable due
to the geographical location of the municipality. The municipality is connected to PLDT FIBER, and
all offices are connected to the local area network.
The level of computer skills proficiency of personnel of the different department, majority of
them in all applications and skills have a basic level of proficiency. This implies that trainings should
be conducted to upgrade their proficiency.

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Residence Information - Individual - Slow documentation of Barangay Resident
Information the information process Information System
- Personal - No updated listing of - Online Access
Information the Residence of the
- Basic health information Residence
Information - Long queue on Information by
information records means of QR
- Inaccessibility of code
residence Information - boost
listing government
- streamline
Municipality social media - clear description of - Data meant for the Municipality Website
the organization general public and - Web-based
- find contact constituents is difficult content
information to obtain. management
- Fresh, quality - It is difficult to system.
content exchange information - Online forms and
- between citizens and contact
local government information.
officials. - Calendars and
- difficult conducts its events
business with the - Department pages
public in a more and contact
effective and timely information.
manner - Board and
committee pages.
- Legal notices and
Human Resource - store employee - Delay in retrieval of Human Resource
information Employee’s Management System
- manage time, information - Employee
- assist in hiring - Time consuming in Information
processes, search a needed report/ Management
- handle finances and information. - Recruitment and
benefits - Workforce growth has Hiring
information not been kept up to - Benefits
date. Management
- Difficulty tracing job - Financial

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benefits Management like
Payroll or
Time and

Business Permit & - Payment of - Difficult to locate the Business Permit and
Licensing Mayor’s Permit file. License System
business tax and - Filling-up of - updates the LGU's
fees for licenses Application and business/mayor's
- Mayor’s Permit Renewal Form takes a permit and
registration lot of time establishment
requirements - Manual data banking master files
- New and device storage are - maintains data on
- Renewal time-consuming business permit-
- Revocations activities. related
- Issuance of - Processing of transactions which
Business Permit Application and include:
Checking of - new
Requirements are done applications
manually that leads to - renewals of
a slow transaction business
- closure of
Payroll - Keep and update - requires extra attention Payroll Processing
employee’s in order to make System (PAYROLL)
information critical legislative
- calculate the updates. - Improves
payroll each pay - resistant to major Compliance
period errors and consumes a - Calculates
- monitor significant amount of Deductions and
leaves/absences time Net Income
and late/overtime - Employee data such as - Prepares Tax
of employees leaves, Forms
reimbursements, - Keeps Records
overtime submissions, Effortlessly
and so on are usually - Eliminates Payroll
manually entered or Errors
uploaded. - generates the
- Excel spreadsheets payroll of the
with detailed require a LGU including
great deal of remittance reports.
- Keeping sensitive
employee records on
paper or in

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spreadsheets is not a
safe way.

Budget Preparation & - budget preparation, - Slow data retrieval Budget Preparation &
Monitoring - budget - Information is Monitoring System
authorization, inaccurate (BPMS)
- budget execution - Don’t have the right - Consolidating all
and tools to can help create budgets in an entity
accountability. and analyzebudget and generating
- analyze sources of information such as
funds Estimated Cash
- monitor all Balance Statements
expenditures - Maintains the
agreed budget of
each unit in a
- apprehending
reports on budget
deficits and
variances between
budgeted sums and
real expenses.

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Conceptual Framework for Information Systems (Diagram of IS interface)

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A. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 1
Name of Information

Barangay Resident Information System suitable for use by barangay

workers who have access to barangay residents' profile details and also the
Description basic health background for direct reporting. It provides better storage,
quicker file recovery, ensures dependability and consistency, and allows for
faster file monitoring.
Status On-going

Development Strategy In-House

Computing Scheme Networked System

Internal MSWD, MHO

External Barangay Officials, Nueva Era Residence
System Owner

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B. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 2


Name of - Web-based content management system.

Information - Online forms and contact information.
System/Sub-System - Calendars and events
- Department pages and contact information.
- Board and committee pages.
- Legal notices and ordinances
- Community information
A series of interconnected webpages, typically containing a homepage, that are
prepared and maintained as a collection of municipal material.

Status For Development

Computing Scheme Networked System

Internal ICT Personnel

External Government Agencies and employees, Public

System Owner Municipality of Nueva Era

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B. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 3


- Personnel
- Daily Time Record
Name of Information
- Payroll
- Human Resource
- Employee
- Officers
- Property

Improves the agency's workforce administration. Personnel records, land

management, and a human resource growth plan are among the main types
of information generated.

Status For Development

Development Strategy Outsource
Computing Scheme Networked System
Internal HR, MCR
External Accounting, Mayor’s Office

System Owner Human Resource Office

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B. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 4


Name of Information
System/Sub-System - Accurate tracking
- Access Control
- Integration to HRMIS

A technical method that uses a thumb mark to identify an employee for the
purposes of systematic attendance.

Status For Development

Development Strategy In-House / Outsource

Computing Scheme Networked System

Internal HR
External Accounting, Mayor’s office

System Owner HR Office

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B. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 5
Name of Information

Payroll processing system refers to the process of compensable employees

at the end of a payroll period. The applications include algorithms that
determine gross and net pay amounts based on input data such as hours
worked and pay rates.
Status For Development

Development Strategy Outsource

Computing Scheme Networked System

Internal Mayor’s Office

External Employees

System Owner HR Office

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B. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 6


Name of Information -Payment of Mayor’s Permit business tax and fees for licenses
System/Sub-System -Mayor’s Permit registrationrequirements
-Issuance of Business Permit
The Business Permit and License System creates and maintains the Local
Government Unit's business/permit mayor's and establishment master files.
Description It also collects and preserves details on business permit-related transactions
such as new business permit approvals and renewals, as well as business
establishment closures.
Status Operational, for enhancement

Development Strategy In-House / Outsource

Computing Scheme Networked System

Internal Mayor’s Office

External Tax payers, Commission on Audit

System Owner Municipal Treasurer’s Office


B. Detailed Description of Proposed Information Systems

Rank: 7


Name of Information
System/Sub-System - Budget allocation and monitoring the expense
- expenditure tracking.
- manage the distributed workforce's cost

It is a program that automates the process of budgeting, spending, and

allocating funds for various projects inside a company. It is a budget
spending tracking program that handles an organization's financial
Status For Development

Development Strategy In-House / Outsource

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Computing Scheme Networked System

Internal Mayor’s Office

External Commission on Audit

System Owner Budget

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B. Databases Required

Name of Database Resident

General Contents/ Description Database of Brgy resident with personal records
- First name
- Last name
- Middle name
- Birthdate
- Birth place
- Age
- Zone ID – foreign key
- Total Household
- Differently abled person
- Related to head of family
- Marital Status
- Blood type
- Civil Status
- Occupation
- Monthly Income
- Household no
- Length of stay
- Religion
- Nationality
- Gender
- Skills
- Philhealth no
- Highest Educational Attainment
- House ownership status
- Land ownership status
- Dwelling type
- Water usage
- Lightning facilities
- Sanitary toilet
- Former address
- Remarks
- Image
- Username
- password
Status Build-up

Information Systems Served Barangay Residence Information System

Data Archiving/ Storage media Server

Internal Mayor
External MHO, Brgy.Chairman, Brgy. Secretary, Brgy. Residents

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Owner DILG

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C. Databases Required

Name of Database HRMS

General Contents/ Description Database of Nueva EraPersonnel records, land management, and
a human resource growth plan are among the main types of
information generated.

Status For Development / Out-Sourcing

Information Systems Served Human Resource Management System
Data Archiving/ Storage media Server
Internal HRMO
External Accounting, Assessor, DILG
Owner HRMO

Name of Database DTR

General Contents/ Description Database that records of Nueva Era employees as an input into the
payroll scheme for salary and other remuneration calculations
Status For Development / Out-Sourcing
Information Systems Served Biometric Attendance System
Human Resource Management System
Data Archiving/ Storage media Server
Internal Accounting
External Nueva Era Municipality Employee
Owner HR Office

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C. Databases Required

Name of Database Payroll

General Contents/ Description
Status For Development
Information Systems Served Networked System
Data Archiving/ Storage media Server
Internal Mayor
External Employee
Owner HR Office

Name of Database BPLS

General Contents/ Description Database that collects and preserves details on business permit-
related transactions such as new business permit approvals and
renewals, as well as business establishment closures.
Status For Development
Information Systems Served Biometric Attendance System
Data Archiving/ Storage media Server
Internal Mayor’s Office
External Tax payers, COA
Owner Mayor’s Office

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B. Databases Required

Name of Database BEMS

General Contents/ Description Database system's operation is the accounting of all actual assets
and associated records on the land such as ownership, assessed
value, and other relevant details.
Status out-Sourcing
Information Systems Served Budget and Expense Monitoring System
Data Archiving/ Storage media Server
Internal Mayor, Accounting Office
External Tax payers, COA
Owner Municipal Treasure’s Office

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Rank 1
1. Name/Title

- To identify Nueva Era residents in an electronic and efficient way

- To enhance the quality of services
2. Objectives
- To enhance the retrieval of residents' records, especially in the case of
an emergency

3. Duration 2-3 months

4. Deliverables - Interface with mobile app via QR code scanner

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Rank 2
1. Name/Title

- To inform the information needs of the constituents.

- To communicate with their citizens.
- To providea huge opportunity for better communication between
2. Objectives towns and increased community resilience.
- To increase residents' chances to engage in and be updated of
municipal government.
- To showcase the communities.

3. Duration 2-3 months

- Project Plan
- Design Wireframes
4. Deliverables
- visual diagrams of the municipal website
- website design mock up

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Rank 3
1. Name/Title

- To manage the data of the municipality

- To create an easy reporting
- To improve human relations in the organization
2. Objectives - To give full-service payroll solution
- To track employee development
- To deliver the ability to run operational reports
- To track HR information

3. Duration 4 to 6 months
- Employee management information
- Employee services and engagement
- Policy settings and adherence
- Statutory compliance
4. Deliverables
- Payroll processing and salary reimbursing
- Leave and attendance Management
- Recruitment, Training and Manpower Planning

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Rank 4
1. Name/Title

- To reduce the amount of paperwork the payroll department

- To prevents time theft
2. Objectives
- To improve employee accountability
- To increase accuracy of payroll

3. Duration 1 to 2 months

- Reduce work redundancy.

- Accurate attendance tracking
4. Deliverables
- Access Control
- Integration to Payroll Management

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Rank 5
1. Name/Title

- To improves compliance
- To calculates deductions and net income
- To prepares tax forms
2. Objectives
- To keeps records effortlessly
- To eliminates payroll errors
- To generates the payroll of the LGU including remittance reports.

3. Duration 2 to 3 months

- accurately records work hours

- accurate reporting and paying of payroll taxes
- maintain precise and accurate records
4. Deliverables - minimizing the regulatory aspects
- Payroll reconciliation is simple and fast.
- simplifying the entire scheduling, record-keeping, and payment

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Rank 6
1. Name/Title

- To automates application and generation of Mayor's Permit and

other permits, computation of taxes and fees, billing, payment, and
collection liquidation processes
2. Objectives - To manage billings and payments across many tax years while
keeping transaction and payment records.
- To update the municipal business/mayor’s permit
- To keep track the data on business permit-related transactions

3. Duration 4 to 6 months

- Enables faster, convenient, and quality services to businesses

- Increase tax base and collectibles
- Identifies collectibles and delinquencies
4. Deliverables
- Enhanced Records Integrity
- New/Renewal, Issuance, Revocations and Closure of business

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Rank 7
1. Name/Title

- To consolidate the budgets of all units in an organization

- To produces reports such as Projected Cash Flow Statements.
2. Objectives - To maintains the agreed budget of each unit in a database,
- To capture reports on budget deficits and variances between
budgeted sums and real expenses

3. Duration 4 to 6 months

- The system keeps a large amount of time in budgetary tasks such as

allocation and expenditure.
4. Deliverables - It enables the development of customized reports based on the
needs of consumers.
- Transactions are processed faster and more accurately.

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Not Applicable

1. Name/Title
2. Objectives
3. Duration
4. Deliverables
1. Lead Agency
2. Implementing

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Hierarchy of verifiable Data Collection Responsibility
Baseline Data 3 Target 3
targeted result 1 indicators methods 4 to collect data 6
(OVI) 2
Barangay Resident Information
outcome of ICT
100% faster
Feedback Municipal Civil
Enhanced the retrieval on
Percentage 50% Reports Registrar
retrieval of the needed
of organize MHO
resident health and information
file cabinet

outcome of ICT
Feedback Municipal Civil
Percentage 50% 95% Faster Reports Registrar
Improve the
of Accuracy MHO
retrieval of resident

Percentage Feedback Municipal Civil
Barangay Resident At least 98%
of 50% Reports Registrar
ID System using availability
availability MHO
QR code

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Hierarchy of verifiable Data Collection Responsibility
Baseline Data 3 Target 3
targeted result 1 indicators methods 4 to collect data 6
(OVI) 2
Municipality Website

outcome of ICT
project. Percentage 100% Increased Feedback
of 50% information Reports Administrator
Enhanced the municipality dissemination
information information
dissemination broadcasting

Immediate - 95% faster

outcome of ICT informatio
project n needs of Feedback
Percentage 50% the Reports Administrator
Improve the service of Accuracy constituent
for the constituent s.

Percentage At least 98% Feedback
Municipality of 50% availability of Reports Administrator
Website availability information

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Hierarchy of verifiable Data Collection Responsibility
Baseline Data 3 Target 3
targeted result 1 indicators methods 4 to collect data 6
(OVI) 2
Human Resource Management
outcome of ICT 95% quicker
project. retrieval of
- Enhanced staff employee
Percentage Feedback
records, records and Administration
of file 50% Reports
increased qualifications MHO
efficiency in through the
that are
assisting in recruiting
recruiting process
outcome of ICT
- Improved staff
records, Administration
Percentage 50% 95% Faster Reports
increased MHO
of Accuracy
efficiency in
assisting in
Percentage Feedback
Human Resource At least 98% Administration
of 50% Reports
Management availability MHO

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


(Allotment Class / Object of Expenditures)
UNITS 2022 2022 2023

1. Office Productivity
A. Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment

· Desktop All Offices 20 10 10

· Laptop All Offices 15 5 5

· Network Equipment All Offices 15 5 5

Printing Equipment
· Printers All Offices 15 5 5
· Photocopier ICT Office 1
Mayor’s Office 1

· Training Expenses 1 1 1




(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2022 2023

ICT Project 1 – Residence Computerized Information System

A. Capital Outlay

ICT Machinery and


All Barangays and ABC

·Laptop 12

All Barangays and ABC

·Network Equipment 12

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

·Server ICT Office 1

Printing Equipment

All Barangays and ABC

·Printers 12


·Web Hosting 1

·Development Cost 1

·Training Expenses 1

·Communication Allowance 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2023 2024
ICT Project 2 – Municipal Website

A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Laptop ICT Office 1
·Web Hosting 1
·Development Cost 1

·Training Expenses 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2023 2024
ICT Project 3 – HRMS
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Laptop HR Office 1
·Server ICT Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer HR Office 1
·Development Cost 1
·Training Expenses 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2023 2024
ICT Project 4 – Biometric Attendance
A.Capital Outlay

ICT Machinery and Equipment

·Desktop HR Office 1
·Fingerprint Scanner HR Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer HR Office 1
·Development Cost 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2023 2024
ICT Project 5 – Payroll System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop Accounting Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer Accounting Office 1
·Development Cost 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2023 2024
ICT Project 6 – Business Processing and Licensing System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop Treasury 2
·Server ICT Office 1
Printing Equipment
·Printer Treasury 2

·Development Cost 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



(Allotment Class / Object of ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS
Expenditures) UNITS 2022 2023 2024
ICT Project 7 – Budget Expense Monitoring System
A.Capital Outlay
ICT Machinery and Equipment
·Desktop Budget 2
Printing Equipment
·Printer Budget 2
·Development Cost 1

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


No existing ICT organizational structure


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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


Name of ICT Project Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Office Productivity

ICT Project 1 – Barangay Resident Information System

ICT Project 2 – Municipal Website

ICT Project 3 – HRMS

ICT Project 4 – Biometric System

ICT Project 5 – Payroll System

ICT Project 6 – Business Processing and Licensing System

ICT Project 7 – Budget Expense Monitoring System

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
ITEM 2022 2023 2024
(Allotment Class/Object of AL AL AL
A.1 Hardware Acquisition
250,000. 250,000.
20 500,000.00 10 00 10 00
2 162,240.00 0 - 0 -
175,000. 175,000.
28 980,000.00 5 00 5 00
45,000.0 45,000.0
27 243,000.00 5 0 5 0
2 9,500.00 0 0

 Photocopier 18 720,000.00
A.2.1 Network and Communication
3-layer Switches
1 18,700.00 0 0 0 0
2-layer Switches
2 12,600.00 0 0 0 0
 RJ45 connectors
5 boxes 1,200.00 0 0 0 0
 Cat5 UTP cable
3 boxes 15,507.00
 Firewall (Hardware)
1 18,875.00

A.2.2 Software
74,995.0 74,995.0
Operating Systems
20 299,980.00 5 0 5 0
Microsoft Office
32,000.0 32,000.0
4 32,000.00 4 0 4 0
Software 1,500.00 1,500.00
3,015,102. 576,995. 578,495.
00 00 00
*All rates are dependent on information obtained from the internet.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
(Allotment Class/Object of CAL CAL CAL
Expenditures) TARGE TARG TARG
 Municipality Website 35,000.00
 e-BPLS 70,000.00
 HRMS 70,000.00
 Biometric Attendance System 15,000.00
 Budget and Expense
Monitoring System 50,000.00
 Real Property Tax Assessment 70,000.00
105,000.0 120,000.0
SUB-TOTAL 85,000.00
0 0
 Domain Registration, Site
9,348.00 9,348.00 9,348.00
Hosting and SSL Certificate
 Maintenance and other
25,00.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
operating expenses
SUB-TOTAL 34,348.00 34,348.00 34,348.00
 *Salaries / Wages
 IT Officer I 561,492.0 561,492.0 561,492.0
1 1 1
0 0 0
 Network Administrator 384,600.0 384,600.0 384,600.0
1 1 1
0 0 0
 Computer ProgramingII 384,600.0 384,600.0 384,600.0
1 1 1
0 0 0
 Training 100,000.0
150,00.00 50,000.00
SUB-TOTAL 1,480,692. 1,430,692. 1,380,692
00 00 .00

TOTAL 4,635,142. 2,127,035. 2,113,535

00 00 .00
*Salary Source:

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

AGENCY NAME: __________________________________________________________________

Respondent (IS Planner/CIO/MIS Head)1: ______________________________________________
Position /Designation: _____________________________________________________________
Division/Section/Unit: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone/Fax Number: ____________________________________________________________
Respondent’sEmailAddress: ________________________________________________________

 Toidentifythehardware,software,networkandotherICTresourcesbeingusedtomanageinformationbyN
ational Government Agencies (NGAs),Government-ownedandControlledCorporations(GOCCs),
StateCollegesandUniversities (SUCs),andConstitutionalandFinancialAutonomousGroup(CFAG);
 Toupdateexistingbenchmarkandstandards;and
 ToprovideinputstotheMITHISteeringCommitteeindeterminingtheICTbudgetrequirementsoftheagency.



nctioningincluding thoseacquiredthroughprojects.Incaseofmulti-yearcontractforleased
hwasleased. Referenceyearislastyear.Kindly
yearis2013,thenwrite2013underthe1stcolumn.Forlast2 years,write2012andforlast3 years,write2011.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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