Emcee Script

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Ladies and gentlemen, as we are about to begin, please be seated.

I have a few housekeeping

notes to make before we begin today’s program.

First, I would like to seek your cooperation in completing this seminar. Kindly switch your
mobile phones to silent mode to avoid interruption. Thank you for your kind cooperation and


****Good morning, Your Highness/ Excellencies/ Ladies and gentlemen/ boys and girls, it is my
pleasure to be a moderator for seminar. Im Rossini Plazo and Im Jett Alair and On behalf of
COE- MMiTTEE. I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you. We appreciate you
taking time off your busy schedules to join us today. We hope you will learn a lot today, we have
lined-up for you to be fruitful and engaging.


*****May I invit everyone to invoke the Almighty, Ladies and gentleman. May I request all of
you to stand for invocation and national anthem.We would like to start this program a prayer and
followed by the National anthem,, please All rise respected professors and to my dear students..


*******To begin this program, we are pleased to have Engr. Jason Ragrario,a 5th year adviser,
to deliver the opening Remarks.


********Thank you, Engr. Jason Ragrario for that wonderful remarks. COE SPECIAL NO.
(BAHALA NA TAYO DITO) It seems like everyone looks sleepy, I would like to invite here at
the stage, The Academic Coordinator of College of Engineering, Prof. Rommel Dasalla to
introduce our guest speaker for this morning.


Thank you very much for an interesting talk. Now, if anyone has any questions, I'm sure ...
would be pleased to answer them After the questions Thank you very much ... . As a token of our
appreciation ... for his/ her time and his valuable contribution, may I call on/ call upon/ invite/
request ... to kindly present a memento to the guest speaker.


Ladies and gentlemen, may I thank you very much for your (active) participation in this seminar/
session/ program/ conference. I hope you enjoy the program. Have a safe trip (back) home. Bye

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the SCHOOL LEARNING
My fellow teachers, it’s that time of year once again, another journey of
professional development and hopefully a fun-filled and worthwhile experience.

This SLAC Session is somewhat a refresher course to some us and a fresh start for
me as well and this will be a perfect opportunity for us to keep ourselves updated
of the educational trends. And of course, we are hoping to come up with a new tool
instrument to help us better understand and help our learners and stakeholders.

Remember, you can’t give what you don’t have so if you want to give more to your
students and to further your commitment in teaching, attending the inset today
might just actually be a
right decision.

Since this event is deemed significant, let us officially commence our gathering
today by
asking divine intervention as  _____________, a ______________ teacher lead us
all in
prayer. This shall be followed by the singing of our National Anthem and the
_________hymn . Let us all stand.


`Since this event is deemed significant, let us officially commence our
gathering today by giving due recognition to the most important people of this
event. They are the primary reason of this gathering. Who are these people? Well,
I’m referring to all of you teachers! This Session wouldn’t be possible without
your presence.
So, to acknowledge the participants today let us all welcome Mr/Sir Jose Jesus C.
Capucanan, our highly spirited volunteer teacher.

`That was an entertaining way of calling our participants. And now, to
affirm the significance of this event, let us welcome on stage a cool and supportive
Grade 5 adviser Sir Dennis C. Gerodias for his welcome message.

`Thank you so much, Sir Den for such welcoming message.
Now, we know what we came here for. If someone would ask us why we are here,
our immediate answer would be to attend the session but specifically what do you
think are our goals of being
here today? Well if you’re not sure yet, let’s listen and be guided as our very own
Kindergarten teacher Ma’am Hanzel Marie Aguilar will tell us the statement of
purpose. Let’s give her around of appluse.

`Thank you for the powerful (inspiring, heartfelt, heartwarming, etc) words
Ma’am Hanz.
We often stimulate our students’ senses to prepare them for the learning
process and today we are no different from our students. We came here today not
as teachers or facilitators but as learners.

So shall we begin with few muscles stretches and a bit of dance moves before we
start the training?
So how do you feel right now? I hope your tired and bored cells in your body were
triggered and activated with that energizer. So, I hope you are ready to take on the
challenges of today’s sessions.

Now I think that’s enough inspiration already, let’s be all ears with our first topic
to be discussed by ____________________________.
Thank you so much ma’am/sir for sharing your knowledge and expertise about this
topic. Anyone? Who would like to ask some questions? Or maybe an additional
input to our topic?

Good afternoon, everyone. I hope everyone of us is full already and is ready for
another round of discussion. But before that let us all welcome teacher Sarah Mae
J. Sillano to lead us for our Nationalistic Song.

Thank you, Ma’am. Before we proceed to our next discussion/topic let’s have a
recap by our unkabogable Grade 3 adviser Mr./Sir Glyndel E. Taypa.

Thank you, sir, for that informative recap, I guess we all need that. Do you agree?
And now, to lighten up our mood and give us some endorphin. Let’s welcome
teacher Kemalyn M. Arances for some energizer/happy virus.
Thank you cher Kem. I’m sure that we’re all ready to listen, so lets hear our second
presenter ma’am/sir _________________________. All your questions are highly
appreciated so don’t be shy to ask some questions.

Thank you for that wonderful discussion, ma’am/sir. As your colleagues, we
are blessed that we have you to help us develop our skills, and reach our potentials
as teacher.
At this juncture, let’s now proceed with the awarding of certificates to be
given by our highly spirited and dear school head Dr. Mick Mars P. Silvano and
Sir Dennis C. Gerodias our Grade 5 adviser.

Is everyone okay? Please be seated as Dr. Mick Mars P. Silvano will deliver his
message. Let’s give him a round of applause.
Thank you so much Sir Mick. It’s great a pleasure and opportunity working under
your supervision sir.


Before we end today’s session let hear Teacher Sarah Mae J. Sillano for her
Impression about today’s topic/discussion. Thank you cher Sar.

Next,we have Teacher Jonna A. Agrabio for her evaluation report. A round of
applause please.
Thank you cher Jo.
This is not yet the end, remember to have fun while learning and believe that today
will be a great one. A teacher affects eternity so don’t forget to make a difference
not only in the life of your students but in the generations to come.

Once again good afternoon and see you around! Keep safe everyone.

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