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Create a DBMS and fetch desired tuples to prepare a salary sheet with TDS

Tax Deducted at Source or TDS is the amount which is deducted from the income of an
individual by an authorized deduct or and deposited to the IT department. The TDS can be
calculated by following a few simple steps.

TDS on Salary

1. Calculate gross monthly income as a sum of basic income, allowances.

2. Calculate available exemptions under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act (ITA). Exemptions are
applicable on allowances such as medical, HRA, travel.
3. Reduce exemptions according to step (2) for the gross monthly income calculated in step (1).
4. As TDS is calculated on yearly income, multiply the corresponding figure from above
calculation by 12. This is your yearly taxable income from salary.
5. If you have any other income source such as income from house rent or have incurred losses
from paying housing loan interests, add/subtract this amount from the figure in step (4).
6. Next, calculate your investments for the year which fall under Chapter VI-A of ITA, and deduct
this amount from the gross income calculated in step (5). An example of this would be
exemption of up to Rs.1.5 lakh under Section 80C, which includes investment avenues such as
PPF, life insurance premiums, mutual funds, home loan repayment, ELSS, NSC, Sukanya
Samriddhi account and so on.
7. Now, reduce the maximum allowable income tax exemptions on a salary. Currently, income up
to Rs.2.5 lakhs is fully exempt from paying taxes, while income from Rs.2.5 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs
is taxed at 10%, and Rs.5 lakhs to Rs.10 lakhs income bracket is taxed at 20%. All income
above this amount is taxed at 30%.
8. Do note that senior citizen have different tax slabs and receive higher exemptions.

As per the steps outlined above, let’s consider a numeric example for better understanding.

 Steps (1) & (2)

Suppose your monthly gross income is Rs.80,000. This figure may contain divisions as - basic
pay Rs.50,000, HRA of Rs.20,000, travel allowance of Rs.800, medical allowance of
Rs.1,250, child education allowance (CEA) of Rs.200 and other allowances totaling 12,750.

 Steps (3) & (4)

Assuming that you stay at your own property, your monthly exemption from allowances e-
Problemuals Rs.2,250 (medical + travel + CEA). Therefore, your yearly taxable amount comes
to (Rs.80,000 - Rs.2,250)*12, which comes to Rs.9,33,000.

 Step (5)
Let's say you just experienced a loss of Rs.1.5 lakhs on house loan interest repayments over the
year. Reducing this exempted amount from the taxable income, your taxable income becomes

 Step (6)
Suppose you have invested Rs.1.2 lakhs in various categories that fall under Section 80C
exemptions, and made another Rs.30,000 investment in categories falling under Section 80D.
So, the resulting Rs.1.5 lakhs is exempted from taxes according to Chapter VI-A. Deducting
this amount from the gross taxable income calculated above, your taxable income becomes

Understanding TDS On Salary with Example

The employer deducts TDS on salary at the employee’s ‘average rate’ of income tax. It will be computed
as follows:

Average Income tax rate = Income tax payable (calculated through slab rates) divided by employee’s
estimated income for the financial year.

For example, if Mr Sharma (ageing 58 years of age) receives a salary of Rs. 1,00,000 per month during
the FY 2019-20.

We can compute His TDS on salary for FY 2019- 20 under section 192 per month as follows:

Total income Rs.12,00,000

Estimated deduction (under Chapter VI A) Rs.1,00,000

Income chargeable to tax Rs.11,00,000

As per section 192, his TDS on salary as per the current slab rate will be Rs.1,42,500.

After adding 4% education and higher education cess (i.e. Rs.5,700), the net tax payable becomes

Average rate of TDS on salary will equal Rs.1,48,200/12,00,000*100. In other words, Mr Sharma’s rate
of TDS on salary will be 12.35%

TDS on salary under Section 192 to be deducted each month will be (Rs 1,00,000 x 12.35%), or Rs.

PROBLEM2. Create a DBMS and fetch desire tuples to prepare a student’s marks sheet
for assessing Division, Percentage/Grade.

Creating result sheet in access Query

Open Access

Create a new database

Access opens with a new table in data sheet view

Choose design view

Give a name to the table

Create required field for table, Like

Student name, detail of student and their subjects

Save the table structure

Double click to open the table

Enter the desire data

Close the table after entering the data

Created double click and open the table entering sample data

After entering complete data close the table

Now create form

Add the table to create form

Select field to include form

A simple query is created run query to view the result

Click on query add the table to create query form.

PROBLEM3. Design a form on mentioned parameters using MS Word

Designed the form according to you by sketching and day out first in your film

you can add content controls tables and other graphics elements on the developer tab in the
control group

click design mode and then

click where you want to insert a control to insert a text control enter text on the developer tab in
the control group

click the rich text control to insert a date control while users can select date and the controls

click the date picker control to insert a dropdown list that restricts available choices to those you
specify on the developer tab in the control group

click the drop down list control with search checkbox on the developer tab in the control group

click legacy tools click checkbox form field type a space then type the label for the checkbox to
set and change properties for content controls select the content control

click properties and change the properties that you want then

click The drop down control and follow the instructions to create the drop down list to protect
parts of a form select the content control or the group of controls to which you want to restrict
changes on the developer tab in the control group pick properties in the content control
properties dialog box under locking select the content control cannot be deleted checkbox which
allows the content of the control to be edited save the file to prepare a form to be filled out open
the form that you want to lock so that it can be filled out on the developer tab in the protect

click protect document in the protect document task pane under editing restrictions select the
allow only this type of editing in the document checkbox in the list of editing restrictions select
filling in forms under start enforcement

click yes start enforcing protection to assign password to the document type a password in the
enter new password box then confirm the password

click OK and now your form is ready to use so

PROBLEM4. How to Pivot Table a useful tool in business analytics? Discuss with business example
by Creating a DBMS and fetch desired tuples.

A pivot table is a tool in data summation that is common in many business software. It is utilized
to collect the summary of a specific data set in a compressed technique. It is a very useful tool in
consolidating a large quantity of data that is contained in Microsoft Excel. They let the user
make a faster organization and drawing of conclusions from data being collected. Pivot table
consists of columns, rows, pages, and data fields. These can be moved around and it assists in
expanding, isolating, summarizing, and grouping the specific data. And all of these can be
accomplished in real time.

A Pivot table is also a programming tool that allows condensing or reorganizing rows or columns
of information or data. It enables anyone to visualize the differences of a large set of data which
are usually found in database tables and spreadsheets. Because of that, it allows users to obtain
information or data from the report or file without the need for it to be changed.

A pivot table is a tool that will definitely change the traditional way of how a business or
organization leaders and/or employees sort and analyze data.

PROBLEM5. Compute correlation on XY parameters using MS Access.

Pearson Correlation Formula (Pearson's R Formula)

The correlation coefficient can be calculated in different ways, but this lesson will focus on
the Pearson correlation formula.

The formula for calculating the correlation coefficient.

As you can see, this formula has two steps in calculating the Pearson value. First, you calculate
something called the sum of products (or SP). Then, you use the SP value to calculate the
coefficient (or r). The formula may look complicated, but it can help to break it down into
separate variables:

r = Pearson correlation coefficient
X = one of two variables that are being compared
Y = the second of 2 variables being compared
SS = sum of squares or the sum of squared deviations (this will make more sense after working
through a sample problem)
SSx = sum of squares for variable X
SSy = sum of squares for variable Y
SP = sum of the products of X and Y (this will also make more sense after working through a
sample problem)
n = the number of pairs of scores; each participant in a study will provide an X data point and a
Y data point
Before working through a practice problem, it is important to understand how to interpret the
correlation coefficient.

Pearson Correlation
In this example, a researcher collected data from five participants (participants A-E). Each
participant was asked to fill out two surveys, which will serve as variables X and Y.

Data collected from a sample of five participants.

The first step is to find the products of X and Y. To do this, multiply the X and Y values in each
row (see Figure 3). This gives us a new variable column (XY). Next, sum the values in each
column as seen in Figure 3.

Finding the products of X and Y.
Now, simply plug those summed values into the formula for SP to get the new sum of products
value (see Figure 4). Write down this number where you can remember it because you will need
it later.

Plugging values into the sum of products (SP) formula.

The next step is to calculate the squared deviations for the X and Y variables. To do this, find the
average of the X and Y variables.

Find the means of X and Y.

Then, subtract the average of X from each score in the X column to find the deviation scores for
X. Do the same for the scores in the Y column to find the deviation scores for Y. For example,
the first score in the X column is 0. The average for X is 6. Use 0 - 6 = -6 for the first deviation
score in the X column. Use 2 - 4 = -2 for the first deviation score in the Y column.

Finding the deviation scores of X and Y.
Next, square each deviation value to find the squared deviations of X and Y. Then, sum the
squared deviations for X and Y to find SSx and SSy.

PROBLEM6. Compute regression on XY parameter using MS Access.


Linear regression analysis is a common statistical technique used to infer the possible
relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. While
Microsoft Access does not have any native functions that specifically address regression
analysis, it is possible to perform regression analysis in Access via queries.

The Basics of Linear Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to quantify the apparent relationships between
one or more independent variables and a dependent variable. That is, regression analysis
provides a model for understanding how isolated changes in the independent variables affect the
dependent variable's value.

In the simplest case, there is one independent variable (X), one dependent variable (Y), and an
assumption that there is a linear relationship between the two. For example, consider the small
data set below:

1 11
2 4
3 15
4 18
5 7
6 13
7 26
8 28
9 18
10 30

A quick visual inspection suggests that the two variables are related; as X increases, Y tends to
increase as well, although the relationship is not perfect. One could try to approximate this
relationship by drawing a line over the data plot:

That line does a fair job for this data set. The goal for regression analysis is to find the equation
that produces the best such line, with "best" defined as being that line such that the sum of the
squares of the residuals--the difference between the actual value of the dependent value and the
value estimated by the regression model--is minimized, as seen below:

To describe this linear relationship, and to enable estimates for the dependent variable based on
any given value of the dependent variable, regression analysis allows us to define the model in
terms of the simple slope-intercept form of a linear equation:

In that form, "m" is the slope of the line (the change in Y per unit change in X), and "b" is the
"intercept" term, or the value for Y when X = 0. By convention, in regression analysis, the slope
of the line is often referred to as the "regression coefficient" and represented by the lower case
Greek letter beta (ß) with s subscript of 1, and the intercept term is often represented by the
lower case Greek letter beta (ß) with s subscript of 0.

This equation then determines the estimated "Y" ("Y hat") for any given value of "X":

In that equation, the regression coefficient (or slope, m) and the intercept (b) are givens;
substituting the given value for X then determines the estimated value for Y. The epsilon
represents the residual, or error term: the estimated value may differ from an actual, observed
value for Y at that given value of X.

In a simple linear regression model, with just a single independent variable, the following
equations describe how to calculate the regression coefficient and intercept for a given set of

In addition to those values, in regression analysis it is typical to calculate additional statistics that
describe the quality of the regression model. The first of these is the coefficient of
determination, usually labeled "r squared". The coefficient of determination is the proportion of
the variance in the observed values of the dependent variable that is explained by the regression
model. Thus, for example, if the coefficient of determination is 0.75, then approximately 75% of

the variance in Y is explained by the regression model. The following formula calculates the
coefficient of determination for a simple linear model:

Statisticians will also typically compute the standard error for the regression model itself (often
referred to as the standard error of the residuals), as well as standard error values for the
regression coefficient ("ß sub 1) and the intercept term ("ß sub zero").

PROBLEM7. Compute MIN/MAX/AVERAGE on XY parameters using MS Access.

1. Max () Function :
max() function return the maximum value of given set. In the function a query is passed and in
the eligible records which value will be maximum that will return as result. A expression will
be pass as parameter and it will return the maximum value in the expression.

Syntax :
Max (expression)
Demo Database for example :
Table name : student
student_id Marks

121 56

122 45

123 89

124 50

Example-1 :
SELECT Max(Marks) AS marks

FROM student;

Output –


Example-2 :
SELECT Max(Marks) AS marks

FROM student

where Marks<80;

Output –


2. Min() Function :
min() function works like max() function but it will return the minimum value of the
expression. In this function a query will be passed as parameter and it will return the minimum
Syntax :

Example-1 :
SELECT Min(Marks) AS marks

FROM student;

Output –


Example-2 :
SELECT Min(Marks) AS marks

FROM student

where Marks>50;

Output –


PROBLEM8. Elaborate VLOOKUP function with example.

Use VLOOKUP when you need to find things in a table or a range by row. For example, look up
a price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their
employee ID.

In its simplest form, the VLOOKUP function says:

=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in
the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as
1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE).

There are four pieces of information that you will need in order to build the VLOOKUP syntax:

1. The value you want to look up, also called the lookup value.
2. The range where the lookup value is located. Remember that the lookup value should always be
in the first column in the range for VLOOKUP to work correctly. For example, if your lookup
value is in cell C2 then your range should start with C.
3. The column number in the range that contains the return value. For example, if you specify
B2:D11 as the range, you should count B as the first column, C as the second, and so on.
4. Optionally, you can specify TRUE if you want an approximate match or FALSE if you want an
exact match of the return value. If you don't specify anything, the default value will always be
TRUE or approximate match.

Now put all of the above together as follows:

=VLOOKUP (lookup value, range containing the lookup value, the column number in the range
containing the return value, Approximate match (TRUE) or Exact match (FALSE)).


Here are a few examples of VLOOKUP:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

PROBLEM 9. Write a business letter on ms word by the head of institution to convey
students’ academic report to their guardians.
Appreciation Letter to Parents from School
The Principal,
_________ (Name of the School),
_________ (School’s Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

____________(Name of the Parent),
____________ (Address)

Subject: Letter of Appreciation for ___________ (Student Name)

Greetings of the day,

We are obliged to inform you that your ward ___________ (Name of the Student), has excelled
in the field of _____________ (academic and extracurricular) activities this year. This letter
itself indicates an appreciation letter to the ward.

We are hereby proud to have such a brilliant student. You must be aware of the prizes he/she has
backed in the _________ (Name of the competitions).

We wish all the best and pray for awards that are more outstanding.

__________ (Name of the Principal),
__________ (Signature)

PROBLEM 10. Apply Mail Merge function for the same.

Mail merge is a tool which allows you to create form letters, mailing labels and envelopes by
linking a main document to a set of data or data source. It is the process of combining a list of
data with a template.

The mail merge process involves the following:

• The Main Document – contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the
merged document.
• Data Source – a file that contains the information to be merged into a document. For example,
the names and addresses of the recipients of a letter.
Mail Merge – Form Letters
1) Open Microsoft Word
2) Type the letter with all needed text and formatting leaving areas for the data source data blank
(ex name, address…)
3) Click the Mailings tab
4) Click Start Mail Merge
5) Click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard

The Mail Merge task pane appears on the right of your screen. Note there are 6 steps.

Step 1

1) Click Letters for the document type

2) Click Next: Starting document

Step 2

1) Click Use the current document under Select starting document

2) Click Next: Select recipients

Step 3

The recipients can come from either an existing Excel file, or Access table or you can create a
new list. If Using an Existing List:
1) Click Use an existing list under Select recipients
2) Click Browse
3) Select the file
4) Click Open Mail Merge Recipients opens showing the names and addresses from your file
5) Click OK
6) Click Next: Write your letter
To Type a New List:
1) Click Type a new list under Select recipients
2) Click Create
3) Click Customize Columns to modify the list of fields
4) Delete any unnecessary field names and/or add new ones
5) Click OK

6) Type records here hitting TAB to advance to the next field and to continue adding new
7) Click OK
8) Click Save

The recipients list will be saved as a separate file as a Microsoft Access file type. It is saved in
the My Data Sources folder. It is recommended to save the file in this folder.
9) Click Next: Write your letter

Step 4

1) Click the location in your document where the data from the mail merge fields need to be
2) Click Address block…
3) Select the address elements you want included
4) Click OK
The field name will look like this: < >

The Address block will insert the following fields including any necessary punctuation:
First Name,
Last Name,
Address 1,
Address 2,
Postal Code.

If your fields do not match the ones listed above or you have additional fields, click More
5) Click on the field from the list
6) Click Insert
7) Click Close
The field name will look like this - «First_Name»
8) Repeat this step until all fields have been inserted. Remember to put spaces and punctuation
where needed.
9) Click Next: Preview your letters

Step 5

Here is where you can preview the first page with the fields filled in.
Click Next: Complete the merge

PROBLEM 11. Design form to create a scenario summary report using MS Access a
Create a grouped or summary report
Information is often easier to understand when it is divided into groups. For example, a report
that groups sales by region can highlight trends that otherwise might go unnoticed. In addition,
placing totals (such as sums or averages) at the end of each group in your report can replace a
lot of manual interaction with a calculator.

Access makes working with grouped reports easy. You can create a basic grouped report by
using the Report Wizard, you can add grouping and sorting to an existing report, or you can
revise grouping and sorting options that have already been defined.

Create a quick grouped or sorted report

Even if you’re new to grouped reports, you can quickly create a simple one by using the
following procedure:

1. In the Navigation Pane, select a table or query that contains the records you want on your

2. On the Create tab, click Report.

3. Right click a column on which you want to group or sort, and then click Group On [field
name] or click one of the Sort options. For example, to group on the Priority column,
right-click the Priority column and then click Group On Priority.

When applying grouping, Access moves the grouping field to the leftmost column, and
groups the remaining columns based on that column. In some cases, Access also adds a
grand total to the Report Footer section.

4. Optionally, view and fine-tune your grouping and sorting options by following the procedures
in the section, Build a new grouped report by using the Report Wizard

The Report Wizard presents you with a series of questions, and then generates a report based on
your answers. Among those questions is one that asks for the field or fields to use to group your
report. After the report is created, you can use it as-is or modify it to better suit your needs.
Before you begin with the Report Wizard, you need to decide upon a data source.

Start the Report Wizard

1. On the Create tab, in the Reports group, click Report Wizard.

Access starts the Report Wizard.

2. Click the Tables/Queries drop-down list and choose the table or query that contains the
fields you want on your report.

3. Double-click fields in the Available Fields list to choose them.

Access moves them to the Selected Fields list. Alternatively, you can click the buttons located
between the Available Fields box and the Selected Fields box to add or remove the selected
field or to add all or remove all of the fields.

4. If there are fields in another table or query that you also want to put on your report, click
the Tables/Queries drop-down list again and choose the other table or query, and
continue to add fields.

5. After you've finished adding fields, click Next.

Group records in the Report Wizard

Grouping lets you organize and arrange records by group, such as by Region or SalesPerson.
Groups can be nested so that you can easily identify the relationships among the groups and

find the information you want quickly. You can also use grouping to calculate summary
information, such as totals and percentages.

When you include more than one table in a report, the wizard examines the relationships
between the tables and determines how you might want to view the information.

1. On the page of the Report Wizard that asks Do you want to add any grouping levels?,
click one of the field names in the list, and then click Next.

2. To add grouping levels, double-click any of the field names in the list to add them to your

3. Click Grouping Options to display the Grouping Intervals dialog box.

4. Optionally, for each group-level field, choose a grouping interval.

The grouping interval lets you customize how records are grouped. In the previous illustration,
records are grouped on the Shipped Date field, which is a Date/Time data type. The Report
Wizard offers choices appropriate to the field type in the Grouping intervals list. Thus,
because Shipped Date is a Date/Time type, you can choose to group by actual value
(Normal), Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour and Minute. If the field were a Text
data type, you could choose to group by the entire field (Normal), or perhaps by the first one to
five characters. For a numeric data type, you can choose to group by value (Normal), or by
range in selected increments.

After selecting a grouping interval, click OK.

5. Click Next to navigate to the next page of the wizard.

Sort and summarize records

You can sort records by up to four fields, in either ascending or descending order.

1. Click the first drop-down list and choose a field on which to sort.

You can click the button to the right of the list to toggle between ascending and descending
order (Ascending is the default). Optionally, click the second, third, and fourth drop-down lists
to choose additional sort fields.

2. Click Summary Options if you want to summarize any of the numeric fields.

Note that the Summary Options button will only be visible if you have one or more numeric
fields in the Detail section your report. The wizard displays the available numeric fields.

3. Select the check box under your choice of Sum, Avg, Min or Max to include those
calculations in the group footer.

4. Click OK.

5. Follow the directions on the remaining pages of the Report Wizard. On the last page, you
can edit the title of the report. This title will be displayed on the first page of the report,
and Access will also save the report, using the title as the document name. You can edit
both the title and the document name later.

6. Click Finish. Access automatically saves the report and displays it in Print Preview,
which shows you the report as it will look when printed.

Add or modify grouping and sorting in an existing report

If you have an existing report and you want to add sorting or grouping to it, or if you want to
modify the report's existing sorting or grouping, this section helps you get started.

Add grouping, sorting, and totals

You can perform simple sorting, grouping and totaling operations by right-clicking fields in
Layout view and then choosing the operation you want from the shortcut menu. To switch to
Layout view, right-click the report in the Navigation Pane and then click Layout view.

Note: Although the instructions in this section don't use the Group, Sort, and Total pane
directly, it is a good idea to open the pane and observe how it changes as you work. You will
get a better idea of what Access is doing and, as you get more comfortable working with
the Group, Sort, and Total pane, you can use it to make additional adjustments to your report.
To display the Group, Sort, and Total pane:

 On the Design tab, in the Grouping & Totals group, click Group & Sort.

Sort on a single field

 Right-click any value in the field on which you want to sort.

 On the shortcut menu, click the sort option you want. For example, to sort a text field in
ascending order, click Sort A to Z. To sort a numeric field in descending order,
click Sort Largest to Smallest.

Access sorts the report as you specified. If the Group, Sort, and Total pane is open, you can
see that a new Sort by line for the field has been added.

Sort on multiple fields

Group on a field

 Right-click any value in the field on which you want to group.

 On the shortcut menu, click Group On.

Access adds the grouping level and creates a group header for it. If the Group, Sort, and
Total pane is open, you can see that a new Group on line for the field is added.

Add a total to a field

This option lets you calculate a sum, average, count, or other aggregate for a field. A grand
total is added to the end of the report, and group totals are added to any groups that exist on the

 Right-click any value in the field that you want to total.

 Click Total.

 Click the operation you would like to perform: Sum, Average, Count Records (to count
all records), Count Values (to count only the records with a value in this
field), Max, Min, Standard Deviation, or Variance.

Access adds a calculated text box control to the report footer, which creates a grand total. Also,
if your report has any grouping levels, Access adds group footers (if not already present) and
places the total in each footer.

Add grouping, sorting, and totals by using the Group, Sort, and Total pane

Working in the Group, Sort, and Total pane gives you the most flexibility when you want to
add or modify groups, sort orders, or totals options on a report. Again, Layout view is the
preferred view in which to work because it is much easier to see how your changes affect the
display of the data.

Display the Group, Sort, and Total pane

 On the Design tab, in the Grouping & Totals group, click Group & Sort.

Access displays the Group, Sort, and Total pane.

To add a new sorting or grouping level, click Add a group or Add a sort.

A new line is added to the Group, Sort, and Total pane, and a list of available fields is

You can click one of these field names or you can click expression below the list of fields to
enter an expression. Once you choose a field or enter an expression, Access adds the grouping
level to the report. In Layout view, the display changes immediately to show the grouping or
sort order.

Change grouping options

Each sorting or grouping level has a number of options that can be set to obtain the results you

 To display all the options for a grouping or sorting level, click More on the level that you
want to change.

 To hide the options, click Less.

Sort order You can change the sort order by clicking the sort order drop-down list, then
clicking the option you want.

Group interval This setting determines how the records are grouped together. For example,
you can group on the first character of a text field so that all that start with "A" are grouped
together, all that start with "B" are grouped together, and so on. For a date field, you can group
by day, week, month, quarter, or you can enter a custom interval.

Totals To add totals, click this option. You can add totals on multiple fields, and you can do
multiple types of totals on the same field.

 Click the Total On drop-down arrow and select the field you want to have summarized.

 Click the Type drop-down arrow and select the type of calculation to perform.

 Select Show Grand Total to add a grand total to the end of the report (in the report

 Select Show group totals as % of Grand Total to add a control to the group footer that
calculates the percentage of the grand total for each group.

 Select Show in group header or Show in group footer to display the total in the desired

Once all the options have been chosen for a field, you can repeat the process and summarize
another field by selecting the other field from the Total On drop-down list. Otherwise, click
outside the Totals pop-up window to close it.

Title This allows you to change the title of the field being summarized. This is used for the
column heading and for labeling summary fields in headers and footers.

To add or modify the title:

 Click the blue text following with title.

The Zoom dialog box appears.

 Type the new title in the dialog box, and then click OK.

With/without a header section Use this setting to add or remove the header section that
precedes each group. When adding a header section, Access moves the grouping field to the
header for you. When you remove a header section that contains controls other than the
grouping field, Access asks for confirmation to delete the controls.

With/without a footer section Use this setting to add or remove the footer section that
follows each group. When you remove a footer section that contains controls, Access asks for
confirmation to delete the controls.

Keep group together This setting determines how groups are laid out on the page when the
report is printed. You may want to keep groups together as much as possible to reduce the
amount of page turning that is needed to see the entire group. However, this usually increases

the amount of paper needed to print the report, because most pages will have some blank space
at the bottom.

 Do not keep group together on one page Use this option if you are not concerned
about groups being broken up by page breaks. For example, a group of 30 items may
have 10 items on the bottom of one page and the remaining 20 items at the top of the next

 Keep whole group together on one page This option helps minimize the number of
page breaks in a group. If a group cannot fit in the remaining space on a page, Access
leaves that space blank and begins the group on the next page instead. Large groups may
still span multiple pages, but this option minimizes the number of page breaks within the
group as much as possible.

 Keep header and first record together on one page For groups with group headers,
this ensures that the group header will not print by itself at the bottom of a page. If
Access determines that there is not enough room for at least one row of data to be printed
after the header, the group begins on the following page.


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