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COM Unprecedented
Arctic Wildfires


A Map of All

An intriguing experiment may reveal
a hidden world of physics

© 2021 Scientific American

O c to b e r 2 0 2 1

VO LU M E 3 2 5 , N U M B E R 4

M AT H E M AT I C S to possible new particles and

32 Infinite Math forces of nature.
Mathematicians have expanded By Marcela Carena
category theory into infinite dimen-
sions, enabling new connections 64 The Big Day
among sophisticated mathemati- A Connecticut team races to find
cal concepts. as many bird species as possible
By Emily Riehl in 24 hours, in the high-intensity,
C L I M AT E C H A N G E low-stakes world of competitive
42 Alaska Burning birding. By Kate Wong
Wildfire is transforming the S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y
landscape of the high north 74 More Food, Less Waste
and amplifying climate change. Cutting losses across the food
By Randi Jandt and Alison York chain could vastly increase
P S YC H O LO G Y supply and significantly reduce
50 Social Resilience carbon emissions.
Underserved Black communities By Chad Frischmann and
Cindy Arnold Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

are often depicted as dysfunction- Mamta Mehra

al. Their resiliency has long THEORETIC AL PHYSIC S
been overlooked.  ON THE C OVER
82 The Artificial Physicist An experiment called Muon g-2 at Fermi
By Nancy Averett A machine-learning system is National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois
PA R T I C L E P H Y S I C S making shocking progress at measured excessive wobbling by particles
called muons. The findings suggest new
56 The Unseen Universe the frontiers of experimental
particles or forces beyond those in the Standard
A mismatch between theory and quantum physics. Model of particle physics may be involved.
experiment from muons points By Anil Ananthaswamy Illustration by Maria Corte.

October 2021,  1

© 2021 Scientific American

4 From the Editor
6 Letters
12 Science Agenda
Indigenous peoples are experts at preserving biodiversity;
the developed world should let them keep doing it.
By the Editors

14 Forum
Abortion rights are on the Supreme Court docket
again this term—and they could be in danger.
By Elizabeth Nash

12 16 Advances
A simple mathematical law for travel within cities.
A cozy mucus nest for frog eggs. Tech to separate
whale calls from the noise. A COVID-detecting mask.

28 Meter
Poetry of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
By Michael H. Levin

30 The Science of Health

Ways to stop the rising rate of perilous falls
among the elderly.
By Claudia Wallis

86 Recommended
16 Human machinations around animals. The joy
of nature’s eccentricities. Human roots of climate
change. Environmental parable of nutmeg.
Who is the conscious you? By Amy Brady

88 Observatory
Jargon is okay when talking to colleagues, but scientists
should speak plainly when addressing the public.
By Naomi Oreskes

90 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago

By Mark Fischetti

92 Graphic Science
The secrets of planetary interiors.
88 By Clara Moskowitz and Mark Belan

Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 325, Number 4, October 2021, published monthly by Scientific American, a division of Springer Nature America, Inc., 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, N.Y. 10004-1562.
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2  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

THE EDITOR Laura Helmuth is editor in chief of Scientific American. 
Follow her on Twitter @laurahelmuth

Big on Birds says this odd finding could mean there is a fifth force of nature.
Knowledge builds on knowledge in every field, though in
different ways. Mathematician Emily Riehl explains on page  32
Birds have been a great source of joy for many of us at S cientific that in math, a lot of progress has been made recently thanks to
American and, I hope, for many of you. We’ve been working at category theory, which shows how different mathematical
home during the pandemic and paying more attention to the concepts can be treated as alike in fundamental ways. It allows
wildlife in our neighborhoods, and we now take walks during the current mathematicians to manipulate ideas that stumped Isaac
mornings and evenings rather than commuting during the best Newton and Carl Friedrich Gauss back in their times.
birding hours of the day. Seth Fletcher, who runs our features Sometimes progress comes in surprising ways. On page  82,
department, was entertained recently by a Carolina Wren shriek- author Anil Ananthaswamy reports that artificial-intelligence
ing like its dinosaur ancestors. Art director Mike Mrak sees Wild systems have come up with quantum physics experiments that
Turkeys strut through his yard. Christine Kaelin, who handles humans never conceived of.
customer service, noticed the ridiculous variety of songs North- It’s been another devastating year for wildfires, and although
ern Cardinals belt out. I suction-cupped a feeder to my office win- we hear more about the ones that destroy property or kill people,
dow and often have a White-breasted Nuthatch fly in during vid- the fires raging in the Arctic may be some of the most consequential
eo meetings, make its grouchy call and leave with a peanut. for climate change. Zombie fires are smoldering through the
Kate Wong, an editor who specializes in evolution, got bit by the winter, permafrost is melting, and the insulating layer of duff is
birding bug last year and has been sharing gorgeous photos of drying and easily ignited by lightning strikes, which are also
Osprey, Baltimore Orioles, lots of warblers and even a vagrant increasing because of the climate emergency. On page  42, fire
Roseate Spoonbill she bagged in Connecticut. She met up with researchers Randi Jandt and Alison York describe the profound
some extreme birders this spring for the wildest side of birding—a changes they’ve seen in Alaska.
Big Day, in which teams race across a set territory to identify as As the global population grows, more people are at risk of
many bird species as they can in 24 straight hours. Her story on hunger. Reducing food waste will be necessary to feed the world,
page 64 weaves ornithological observations in with some passionate limit greenhouse gas emissions and protect wild spaces. In a
characters and lots of low-stakes but high-tension drama. graphics-focused story on page 74, Chad Frischmann and Mamta
When the Higgs boson was discovered in 2012, physicists had Mehra of the research group Project Drawdown share projections
finally found all the particles predicted by the Standard Model for possible food futures.
of physics. Boom, done. But a couple of experiments have shown Social scientists have found high levels of resilience in many
that particles called muons seem to wobble in weird ways, hinting majority-Black communities in the U.S. On page 50, writer Nancy
that they may be interacting with additional particles beyond the Averett shares the latest research on how networks of mutual aid
ones we know about. In our cover story this month (page  56), have flourished, some of which began before the Civil War, and
Marcela Carena, a particle physicist at Fermilab in Batavia, Ill., how social capital helps people resist systemic oppression. 

Robin E. Bell Jonathan Foley John Maeda
Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Executive Director, Project Drawdown Global Head, Computational Design + Inclusion, Automattic, Inc.
Columbia University Jennifer A. Francis Satyajit Mayor
Emery N. Brown Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Research Center Senior Professor, National Center for Biological Sciences,
Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Carlos Gershenson
and of Computational Neuro­science, M.I.T., Research Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico John P. Moore
and Warren M. Zapol Prof­essor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School Professor of Microbiology and Immunology,
Alison Gopnik
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Vinton G. Cerf Professor of Psychology and Affiliate Professor
Priyamvada Natarajan
Chief Internet Evangelist, Google of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Yale University
Emmanuelle Charpentier Lene Vestergaard Hau
Donna J. Nelson
Scientific Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics,
Professor of Chemistry, University of Oklahoma
and Founding and Acting Director, Max Planck Unit for the Harvard University
Lisa Randall
Science of Pathogens Hopi E. Hoekstra Professor of Physics, Harvard University
Rita Colwell Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University
Martin Rees
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland College Park Ayana Elizabeth Johnson Astronomer Royal and Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics,
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Co-founder, Urban Ocean Lab, and Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Kate Crawford Co-founder, The All We Can Save Project Daniela Rus
Director of Research and Co-founder, AI Now Institute, Christof Koch Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering
and Distinguished Research Professor, New York University, Chief Scientist, MindScope Program, Allen Institute for Brain Science and Computer Science and Director, CSAIL, M.I.T.
and Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research New York City Meg Lowman Meg Urry
Nita A. Farahany Director and Founder, TREE Foundation, Rachel Carson Fellow, Israel Munson Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Yale University
Professor of Law and Philosophy, Director, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, and Research Professor, Amie Wilkinson
Duke Initiative for Science & Society, Duke University University of Science Malaysia Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago

4  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustration by Nick Higgins

© 2021 Scientific American

[email protected]

“Too many people in the scientific arena

assume that technological advances will be
able to solve our problems.”
ted trainer via e-mail

primarily because there is far too much bert Ryle, who put to rest the wronghead-
producing and consuming going on, and edness of Cartesian mind-body dualism
our economic and cultural systems are by metaphorically debunking this notion
fiercely committed to increasing the levels as the “ghost in the machine.” Philoso-
without limit. We cannot get to a sustain- phers have since handed the baton off to
able and just world unless and until the neuroscientists, physicists and other sci-
conventional development paradigm is entists to figure out how the brain gives
scrapped, and we shift to some kind of sim- rise to consciousness.
pler way (see Keith Tidman B  ethesda, Md.
Ted Trainer v  ia e-mail
June 2021 KOTHARI REPLIES: C  ipra makes an im- In response to “Do Republicans Mistrust
portant point. Indeed, the transitions to- Science?,” by Naomi Oreskes [Observatory],
ward an eco-swaraj—a community that I feel compelled to point out that trust is a
SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES practices self-rule merged with ecological two-way street. By mandating behaviors
Ashish Kothari’s “A Tapestry of Alterna- sustainability—will face many such chal- such as wearing masks to fight ­COVID-19
tives” explores ways of living around the lenges. In my understanding, the values of or using taxes and incentives to influence
world that offer inspirations for sustain- “autonomy” or “self-determination,” which consumer choices to fight climate change,
ability. The article is hopeful and enlight- are part of the vision, include the means those in government are essentially saying
ening, but Kothari may wish to consider and tools that are necessary to sustain that they don’t trust us citizens to inform
the value of self-defense. Inevitably, in the them. Self-defense would be part of this. ourselves and make sound choices. Repub-
“tapestry of alternatives” that he describes, How precisely people and communi- licans strongly value individual liberties. So
there will arise knots of powers with values ties defend their autonomy could vary to them, the issue is the way the science is
at odds with these communities. They will, greatly. Some movements have armed used by the government to justify further
because they can, seek the goods of the themselves with the explicit intention to intrusions on the lives of its citizens.
commons. What’s to stop them? Ultimate- use armed tactics only for self-defense, Admittedly, some mistakenly feel the
ly it will be countervailing power exercised never for offense. And many others use best way to fight back against such intru-
as self-defense, which is not in conflict with Gan­­d­hian tactics of nonviolent defense. sions is to deceptively cast doubt on the sci-
the other core values, as any well-trained In­­deed, the vast diversity of “martial” ence itself (as Oreskes points out has been
and disciplined martial artist knows. By arts are part of cultural diversity, except done with both climate change and
the way, there are thousands of local that their use, if it is to be in sync with the ­COVID-19). Although I strongly disagree
schools and traditions of martial arts that values of eco-swaraj, would never be for with this tactic, I am sympathetic with its
rightly should be considered part of the offensive actions that proactively take motivation. I and many others have a strong
sphere of “cultural diversity and knowledge away the autonomy and freedom of oth- conviction that a free and open society is
democracy” highlighted in the article. ers. This is, of course, a complex subject best served by a government that informs
Bill Cipra O
 verland Park, Kan. and not possible to deal with satisfactori- and empowers its citizens rather than one
ly in a brief comment. that treats us like we can’t help ourselves.
I wish to commend you for publishing Gerald Sontheimer S  t. Louis, Mo.
­Kothari’s article on the global “develop- MYSTERY OF MIND
ment” predicament. Too many people in Christof Koch ends “The Brain Electric” NOT-FOR-PROFIT DRUGS
the scientific arena assume that techno- with this most fundamental question: “Deadly Kingdom,” by Maryn McKenna, is
logical advances will be able to solve our “What is it about the brain . . . that turns a real wake-up call. Not only are viruses and
problems while allowing the pursuit of the activity of 86 billion neurons into the bacteria a deadly threat, but now fungal dis-
normal development to continue deliver- feeling of life itself?” Variations of Koch’s eases (which are far more difficult to treat)
ing affluent lifestyles and ever growing provocative question about consciousness are an even greater one. The bigger prob-
gross domestic product. But an increasing have, of course, dogged philosophers for lem, however, is that big pharma has re-
number of people can see that we are on millennia. Among the most influential fused to adequately develop new antiviral,
the road to catastrophic global breakdown, was 20th-century British philosopher Gil- antibacterial and antifungal medications

6  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

[email protected]

Laura Helmuth
MANAGING EDITOR  Curtis Brainard COPY DIRECTOR  Maria-Christina Keller CREATIVE DIRECTOR  Michael Mrak
because they are not profitable enough.
The COVID-19 vaccines are not a valid CHIEF FEATURES EDITOR  Seth Fletcher CHIEF NEWS EDITOR  Dean Visser CHIEF OPINION EDITOR  Michael D. Lemonick
example of the pharmaceutical industry FEATURES
rapidly developing vaccines on its own. SENIOR EDITOR, MEDICINE / SCIENCE POLICY  Josh Fischman SENIOR EDITOR, TECHNOLOGY / MIND  Jen Schwartz
Most of the mRNA vaccine research had al-
ready been done, and the U.S. government SENIOR EDITOR, MIND / BRAIN  Gary Stix ASSOCIATE EDITOR, TECHNOLOGY  Sophie Bushwick
guaranteed that the industry would not SENIOR EDITOR, HEALTH AND MEDICINE  Tanya Lewis ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR  Sarah Lewin Frasier
lose any money if its vaccines failed. Fur- MULTIMEDIA
ther, the so-called free vaccines were fully SENIOR EDITOR, AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT  Sunya Bhutta SENIOR EDITOR, COLLECTIONS  Andrea Gawrylewski
paid for by taxpayers, as are the half a bil- ART
lion doses the U.S. has pledged to “donate” PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR  Monica Bradley ART DIRECTOR, ONLINE  Ryan Reid
to the world. This is one more example of ASSOCIATE GRAPHICS EDITOR  Amanda Montañez ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR  Liz Tormes

how capitalism, with its profit motive re- COPY AND PRODUC TION
SENIOR COPY EDITORS  Angelique Rondeau, Aaron Shattuck
quirement, cannot meet the needs of the MANAGING PRODUCTION EDITOR  Richard Hunt PREPRESS AND QUALITY MANAGER  Silvia De Santis
vast majority of the world’s population. CONTRIBUTOR S
EDITORS EMERITI  Mariette DiChristina, John Rennie
John Jaros P  hiladelphia
Amy Brady, Gareth Cook, Katherine Harmon Courage, Lydia Denworth,
Ferris Jabr, Anna Kuchment, Robin Lloyd, Steve Mirsky,
Melinda Wenner Moyer, George Musser, Ricki L. Rusting,
EIGHT-ARMED BANDIT Dava Sobel, Claudia Wallis
ART  Edward Bell, Zoë Christie, Lawrence R. Gendron, Nick Higgins, Katie Peek, Beatrix Mahd Soltani
“A Model Octopus,” by Rachel Nuwer [Ad-
vances; March 2021], quotes multiple ex- EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATOR  Ericka Skirpan EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR  Maya Harty

perts discussing the potential of big-

brained cephalopods for widening the SCIENTIFIC A MERIC AN CUS TOM MEDIA
scope of research on animal intelligence. MULTIMEDIA EDITOR  Kris Fatsy MULTIMEDIA EDITOR  Ben Gershman
Visiting an aquarium in England, I was
shown a specimen with a 40-inch arm span ACTING PRESIDENT
that local fishers had brought in. I was told Stephen Pincock
of a series of overnight thefts of fish that EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT  Michael Florek VICE PRESIDENT, COMMERCIAL  Andrew Douglas
had been disturbing the staff. Because the
compromised, it looked to be an insider job, DIRECTOR, INTEGRATED MEDIA  Matt Bondlow
casting shadows on everybody. All-night BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT  Stan Schmidt
surveillance cameras were installed to try
and work out what was going on. DEVELOPMENT TEAM LEAD  Raja Abdulhaq
The cameras revealed the octopus slid- PRODUCT MANAGERS  Ian Kelly, John Murren
ing outside of its tank and creeping across SENIOR WEB PRODUCER  Jessica Ramirez
the floor to another tank of its choice. After MARKETING & CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT  Justin Camera

helping itself to a neighbor as a late-night ANCILL ARY PRODUC TS

meal, it made the return journey to its own CUSTOM PUBLISHING EDITOR  Lisa Pallatroni
tank and climbed back inside, carefully C O R P O R AT E
pulling the lid back into its original position HEAD, COMMUNICATIONS, USA  Rachel Scheer
PRESS MANAGER  Sarah Hausman
before settling down to digest its illicit meal.

“Deadly Kingdom,” by Maryn McKenna, Scientific American, 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, NY 10004-1562 or [email protected]
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October 2021, 9

© 2021 Scientific American


Indigenous peoples have been
conserving the land for millennia. The
developed world should not evict them
By the Editors

In the late 19th century Yellowstone, Sequoia and Yosemite

became the first of the great U.S. National Parks, described by
author and historian Wallace Stegner as America’s “best idea.” But
the parks were devastating for the Native Americans who had lived
or hunted within their borders and who were expelled—essential-
ly an act of colonialism in the name of conservation. In the 20th of the first places targeted for “protection.” If that happens, the
century similar reserves began to be carved out in developing coun- very people who defend nature from the voracious appetites of the
tries, creating millions of “conservation refugees” even as neigh- Global North, often at the cost of their lives, would be penalized
boring forests were given over to extractive industries. The pro- for their efforts. Up to 300 million forest dwellers and others could
tected areas failed to offset the destructive aspects of development. be forced out of their territories, by one estimate.
Plant and animal species are disappearing faster than at any time Such seizures are already happening. In the Congo Basin, for
since the event that wiped out most of the dinosaurs 65  million example, armed eco-guards have brutally evicted Indigenous Pyg-
years ago. Even humans aren’t guaranteed to survive. mies from the rain forest to carve out protected areas. These wild-
The U.S. has taken one small step to make amends. In June, Sec- life reserves expanded following a CBD resolution in 2010 to ded-
retary of the Interior Debra Haaland, the first Native American ever icate 17 percent of Earth’s terrestrial surface to nature. Yet the pro-
to hold a cabinet position, signaled her intent to safeguard both tected areas are surrounded by or sometimes even overlaid with
nature and justice by returning the National Bison Range to the oil, mining or logging concessions. Unsurprisingly, chimpanzee,
Salish and Kootenai confederation. Now the Biden administration gorilla and elephant populations have continued to decline even
needs to go further. At the 2021 meeting of the United Nations Con- as Pygmy peoples have been consigned to poverty and misery.
vention on Biological Diversity (CBD), it should ensure that an ambi- There is a way to do global conservation right. Indigenous com-
tious plan to promote biodiversity empowers Indigenous and oth- munities are as good as or better than governments at protecting
er communities worldwide instead of punishing them for their suc- biodiversity and already conserve a quarter of Earth’s terrestrial
cess in conservation. surface. The CBD needs to ensure that they get secure rights to their
In 2016 biologist Edward O. Wilson responded to the biodiver- territories, as well as the resources to defend them. Further, the sig-
sity crisis by calling for half of Earth to be left to wilderness. His natories to the CBD should commit to returning some protected
rallying cry has birthed the “30x30” campaign to protect 30  per- areas, which now cover around 17 percent of the planet’s lands, to
cent of Earth’s land and sea surface by 2030. Backed by many sci- the control of the communities from which they were wrested.
entists, major conservation organizations, the more than 60 mem- The U.S. could lead the way in this effort. The Biden adminis-
ber countries of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and Peo- tration’s vision for 30x30, released in May 2021, includes a pledge
ple, and $1  billion from a Swiss entrepreneur, the target is likely to support local populations, in particular Tribal administrations,
to be adopted by the CBD when it meets in October. in conserving and restoring biodiversity. The U.S. needs to take
But critics charge that some advocates of 30x30 seek “a new that resolve to the global stage at the U.N. meeting and help res-
model of colonialism” that forces those least responsible for cli- cue nature and its most ardent defenders from the militarized con-
mate change, biodiversity loss and other environmental crises to servation model it pioneered one and a half centuries ago. That is
pay the highest price for averting them. 30x30 could be used by a crucial step toward a reprieve for the incredible life-forms that
elites in democratically challenged nation-states as a pretext for share our planet, as well as their Indigenous guardians. 
seizing land from marginalized groups. The home ranges of Indig-
enous peoples currently shelter 80  percent of Earth’s remaining
biodiversity and sequester almost 300 trillion tons of carbon. Pre- Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
cisely because of this abundance, these areas are likely to be some or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]

8  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustration by Alix Pentecost Farren

© 2021 Scientific American


Abortion Rights many people, affordable and accessible abortion care has already
become an empty right on paper, even before the Supreme Court

at Risk
takes any new action. Currently 58  percent of women of repro­
ductive age live in states that are hostile to abortion rights, facing
multiple restrictions—from bans on insurance coverage to days-
long waiting periods to intentionally onerous regulations that
The Supreme Court will weigh in close down clinics—that build on one another to make abortion
on Mississippi’s severely restrictive law unobtainable for many.
A significant body of scientific literature shows that the adverse
By Elizabeth Nash
consequences of withholding abortion care are serious and long-
When Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a new abortion re­­ lasting. Forcing someone who wants an abortion to continue a
striction into law on May 19, 2021, it marked a chilling milestone— pregnancy requires them, against their wishes, to accept the great
a staggering 1,300 restrictions enacted by states since the U.S. risks of pregnancy- and labor-related complications, which include
Supreme Court protected abortion rights in 1973 in its R  oe v. Wade preeclampsia, infections and death. And these risks fall much
decision. Unless rejected in court, it could block most abortion heavier on some communities than others. The U.S. has the high­
care in the state. Among many other harms, this would force est maternal mortality rate among developed countries, with dra­
Texans to travel an average 20 times farther to reach the nearest matic but preventable racial inequities caused by systemic racism
abortion provider. I have read and logged all of these 1,300 and provider bias. Black and Indigenous women’s maternal mor­
restraints—many as they were being enacted—in my 22 years at tality rates are two to three times higher than the rate for white
the Gutt­macher Institute tracking state legislation on abortion women and four to five times higher among older age groups.
and other issues related to sexual and reproductive health and The risks of serious consequences do not end with a safe deliv­
rights. It’s an astounding number, and although many of these ery. The Turnaway Study by researchers at the University of Cali­
laws were blocked in court, most of them are in effect today. fornia, San Francisco, found that denying wanted abortion care
But the news from Texas wasn’t the only bad news for abortion can have adverse effects on women’s health, safety and econom­
rights that week. Just two days earlier, on May 17, the Supreme ic well-being. For example, among women who had been violent­
Court announced that it would hear oral arguments on a Missis­ ly attacked by an intimate partner, being forced to carry an
sippi law—currently blocked from going into effect—that would unwanted pregnancy to term tended to delay separation from that
ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The news alarmed legal partner, leading to ongoing violence. In addition, compared with
experts and supporters of abortion rights alike, with good reason. women who got the abortion they sought, those who did not
A central tenet of R oe and subsequent Supreme Court deci­ obtain a wanted abortion had four times greater odds of subse­
sions has been that states cannot ban abortion before viability, quently living in poverty. They also had three times greater odds
generally pegged at about 24 to 26 weeks of pregnancy. By taking of being unemployed and were less likely to be able to have the
a case that so clearly violates almost 50 years of precedent, the financial resources for basic needs such as food and housing.
court signaled its willingness to upend long-established constitu­ The impact of restrictive policies is even further magnified in
tional protections for access to abortion. As the legal experts at regions of the country where hostile states are clustered togeth­
the Center for Reproductive Rights put it, “The court cannot er, such as the South, the Great Plains and the Midwest. For peo­
uphold this law in Mississippi without overturning Roe’s core ple in those regions, traveling to a state with better access may
holding.” And in fact, Mississippi followed up in July with a brief not be an option because of the long distances and logistical or
asking the justices to explicitly overturn that historic decision. financial hurdles involved.
The Supreme Court that former president Donald Trump These barriers to abortion care are the biggest obstacle for
shaped, possibly for decades to come, by appointing conserva­ people who are already struggling to get by or who are margin­
tives handpicked by abortion rights opponents, is thus poised alized from timely, affordable, high-quality health care—such as
to deliver a potentially severe blow. Conservative state policy those with low incomes, people of color, young people, LGBTQ
makers clearly feel emboldened by the 6–3 majority of justices individuals and people in many rural communities. Any further
opposed to abortion rights and a federal judiciary transformed rollback of abortion rights would once again affect these popu­
by Trump’s more than 200 appointments. lations disproportionately.
The decision to hear the Mississippi case comes as abortion If the Supreme Court uses the Mississippi case to further
rights and access are already under threat nationwide, with states undermine women’s rights to health care, things will get ugly—
on pace to enact a record number of abortion restrictions this and fast. Twelve states have so-called trigger bans on the books
year. As of August 5, 97 laws had been enacted across 19 states. (or nearly so)—meaning they would automatically ban abortion
That count includes 12 measures that would ban abortion at dif­ should R  oe f all. Also, 15 states (including 10 of the states with trig­
ferent points during pregnancy, often as early as six weeks—before ger bans) have enacted early gestational age bans in the past
most people even know they are pregnant. That is the highest decade. None of these early abortion bans are in effect, but with
number of restrictions and bans ever at this point in the year. For Roe o
 verturned, many or all of them could quickly be enforced.

14  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

Elizabeth Nash is the principal policy associate for state issues
at the Guttmacher Institute’s Washington, D.C., office.

Even if abortion rights are weakened by the Supreme Court rath­ As federal protections for abortion are being challenged, peo­
er than overturned, these same states will look to adopt restric­ ple may go other routes to get an abortion. Abortion-inducing med­
tions that build on the decision. ication, whether under the management of a clinician in person
But there are lots of ways to fight back. States supportive of or via telehealth or self-managed, is a safe and effective method,
abortion, primarily in the West and the Northeast, must step up and many have been able to get such pills through the mail dur­
to protect and expand abortion rights and access—both for the ing the ­COVID pandemic. But here, too, barriers loom large. More
sake of their own residents and for others who might need to trav­ state legislatures are looking to join the 19 that already ban abor­
el across state lines to seek services. Congress and the Biden admin­ tion via telehealth. And just this year states started to enact bans
istration must do their part by supporting legislation such as the on sending abortion-inducing pills through the mail.
Women’s Health Protection Act that would essentially repeal many Abortion is health care, plain and simple. There were more than
state-level restrictions and gestational bans. Another bill that 860,000 abortions in the U.S. in 2017, and at current rates almost
needs support is the EACH Act; it would repeal the harmful Hyde one in four women will have an abortion by age 45. Supporters of
Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abor­ abortion rights have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
tion except in a few rare circumstances, and allow abortion cover­ Most of all, we must stay in this fight until every person who needs
age under Medicaid. There are also tireless advocates and volun­ an abortion is able to get safe, affordable and timely care.
teers, including managers of abortion funds in many states, who
already assist abortion patients in paying for and accessing care.
No doubt these vital efforts will increase dramatically if more Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
states move to ban all or most abortions. or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]

Illustration by Cat O’Neil October 2021,  15

© 2021 Scientific American


Visualization depicts visitor flows across

the greater Boston area from cell-phone
data. Thickness indicates number of visi-
tors, and color indicates visit frequency.

16  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American


• Fossilized feces reveal how dogs adapted

to a domesticated diet
• A detector catches the signature light
reflected by life
• Storytelling helps to heal hospitalized kids
• A “romantic” sea sponge stirs complex
fluid dynamics


Math Transit
A simple formula predicts
people’s movements in cities
around the world

The people w  ho happen to be in a city cen-

ter at any given moment may seem
like a random collection of individuals.
But new research featuring a simple mathe-
matical law shows that urban travel patterns
worldwide are, in fact, remarkably predict-
able regardless of location—an insight that
could enhance models of disease spread
and help to optimize city planning.
Studying anonymized cell-phone data,
researchers discovered what is known as an
inverse square relation between the num-
ber of people in a given urban location and
the distance they traveled to get there, as
well as how frequently they made the trip.
It may seem intuitive that people visit
nearby locations frequently and dis-
tant ones less so, but the newly discov-
ered relation puts the concept into specific
numerical terms. It accurately predicts, for
instance, that the number of people com-
ing from two kilometers away five times per
week will be the same as the number com-
ing from five kilometers twice a week. The
researchers’ new visitation law, and a versa-
tile model of individuals’ movements within
cities based on it, was reported in Nature.
“This is a super striking, robust result,”
MIT Senseable City Laboratory

says Laura Alessandretti, a computational

social scientist at the Technical University
of Denmark, who was not involved in the
study but co-wrote an accompanying com-
mentary. “We tend to think that there are
lots of contextual aspects that affect the way

J O I N T H E C O N V E R S AT I O N O N L I N E Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter

© 2021 Scientific American


we move, such as the transportation sys- energy, and people have limited resources pino, who was not involved in the study,
tem, the morphology of a given place, and for it. “There is something really very fun­ says models based on this new finding
socioeconomic aspects. This is true to some damental at play here. Whether you live in might better track that flow. For example,
extent, but what this shows is that there are Senegal or in Boston, you try to optimize New York City residents are more likely to
some robust laws that apply everywhere.” your day,” says study lead author Markus make short, frequent trips within their own
The researchers analyzed data from Schläpfer of ETH Zurich’s Future Cities borough (such as Manhattan or the Bronx)
about eight million people between 2006 Laboratory in Singapore. “At the core is the and fewer trips to a distant borough.
and 2013 in six urban locations: Boston, Sin- effort that people are willing to invest col- “Those organizational patterns have
gapore, Lisbon and Porto in Portugal, Dakar lectively to travel to certain locations.” really profound implications on how
in Senegal, and Abidjan in Ivory Coast. Pre- Understanding these patterns is impor- ­COVID will spread,” Scarpino says. In a
vious analyses have used cell-phone data tant not only for planning the place- smaller rural location, where many people
to study individuals’ travel paths; this study ment of new shopping centers or public regularly go to the same church or grocery
focused instead on locations and exam- transportation but also for modeling dis- store, the entire town will experience sharp
ined how many people were visiting, from ease transmission within cities, says Kath- peaks of infections as the virus sweeps
how far and how frequently. The research- leen Stewart, a geographer and mobility through the community. But in a bigger city,
ers found that all the unique choices peo- researcher at the University of Maryland the propagation takes longer, he explains,
ple make—from dropping kids at school to who was not involved in the study. because mini epidemics can occur in each
shopping or commuting—obey this inverse Many researchers estimate travel with neighborhood somewhat separately.
square law when considered in aggregate. “gravity models,” which assume that move- Stewart adds: “The authors demon-
“The result is very simple but quite star- ment between cities is proportional to their strate that their visitation law—that takes
tling,” says Geoffrey West, an urban scaling population sizes. But these models do not into account both travel distance and fre-
theorist at the Santa Fe Institute and one of account for travel patterns within cities— quency of visits in a way that other models
the paper’s senior authors. information that is particularly critical in do not—outperforms gravity models
One explanation for this strong statistical tackling disease transmission. Northeast- when it comes to predicting flows be­­
pattern is that traveling requires time and ern University epidemiologist Sam Scar- tween locations.”  —Viviane Callier

PA L E OA R C H A E O LO G Y the study, which was published in iScience.

Although these fossilized microbiomes
shed light on an intermediate stage

between wolves and dogs, domestication
was not a simple linear process, says Dur-
ham University zooarchaeologist Angela
Ancient poop contains clues to Perri, who was not involved with the study.
dogs’ evolving digestion “It feels neat and clean to say it’s a progres-
sion from X to Y to Z,” she says, but consis-
The shift from hunting a nd gathering to tent interbreeding between wild and
farming altered human evolution—and domesticated canines complicates things.
that of our closest companions, dogs. Cop- And even modern dogs carry varying num-
rolites, or fossilized poop, are a “phenome- bers of amylase genes, notes Larson, who
nal” source of information on how diet gut, than that of most modern dogs. Many also was not on the research team. Still,
influenced such changes, says University of today’s wolves lack this gene altogether, Perri says it is significant that microbes may
of Oxford archaeologist Greger Larson. and scientists typically attribute the diver- have picked up the slack where the dogs’
“They’re snapshots of somebody’s gut.” gence to domesticated dogs’ shift from own genomes fell short. This phenomenon
A recent analysis of 13 Bronze Age canine meat-heavy to grain-rich meals. might have also occurred in human guts
coprolites reveals how shifts to a grain- But along with an animal’s own proteins, during our shift from a hunter-gatherer diet
based diet affected dogs’ gut microbes, gut microbes also aid digestion. When the to a farming one—a possibility Candela
which may have played a role in the ani- researchers sequenced microbial rem- and his colleagues are now examining.
mals’ domestication. nants in the fossilized feces, they found Perri notes that the new research dem-
Researchers sequenced DNA from the evidence of bacteria that produce high onstrates how much can be learned from
3,600- to 3,450-year-old fossils, which amounts of amylase. The dogs’ own fossilized animal excrement, a historically
were found at the site of an ancient agricul- genomes had not yet fully evolved to han- untapped and underappreciated resource
tural community in northeastern Italy. Dog dle the grainy diet of their farming domes- from human settlements. “Usually in
DNA in the coprolites had fewer copies of ticators, “so they were complemented by archaeology, human material is difficult to
a gene that encodes amylase, a digestive microbes,” says University of Bologna micro­ get a hold of,” she says. “But no one is
protein that breaks down starches in the biologist Marco Candela, senior author on fighting over dog poop.”  —Tess Joosse

18  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustrations by Thomas Fuchs

© 2021 Scientific American

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seagrassto artificial
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detection. shade-acclimatedE.E.rosea.
shade-acclimated rosea.
© 2021 Scientific American



October 2021,
2021, 19 19

Home Sweet Mucus nest and sandpaper frog

Foam mothers whip up by aerating mucus secre- dured well after full development, until a
Frogs whip up drought-defying tions with their toes. “You could see pool was replenished by rain—and a few
embryos still alive and kicking,” he says. successfully hatched into tadpoles. “The
slime nests for their eggs
Scientists had previously hypothesized froth nest acts almost like a life-support sys-
that several frog and toad species use foam tem that sustains the viability of the eggs,”
Frothy mucus m  ight not sound like the to protect eggs from desiccation, but few Gould says. He also found that larger nests
most inviting living space, but for some studies had tested the idea. So Gould and provided more protection, and eggs closer

John Gould (l eft) ; NHP and Photoshot S cience Source (r ight)
frogs’ offspring it is a lifesaving refuge from his colleagues monitored 641 mucus nests to the core could survive longer. The new
drought. The amphibians often lay their built by the sandpaper frog, L echriodus work is detailed in I chthyology & Herpetology.
gelatinous eggs in pools of water to pro- fletcheri, t o determine whether embryos Elisa Barreto Pereira, an ecologist at Bra-
vide the moisture needed to develop prop- were surviving dry mountain conditions. zil’s Federal University of Goiás who was
erly—but those pools can dry up. “The big- They also conducted the first laboratory not involved in the study, says froth nests
gest cause of [frog] offspring mortality is experiments to closely follow eggs’ devel- could be crucial to helping frogs survive as
desiccation,” says University of Newcastle opment in nests deprived of water. the climate changes. “The foam nest is an
ecologist John Gould. The team found that the embryos could important adaptation,” she says—one that
When studying frogs in Australia’s indeed successfully develop in a dried-up evolved several times in different frog
Watagan Mountains, Gould was surprised pool if the eggs encasing them were pro- groups and continents when Earth’s aver-
to find evaporated puddles where eggs tected by slimy frog foam. In some nests age temperature peaked about 55 million
thrived for days, swaddled in nests their stranded on dry land, embryos even en- years ago.  —Sandrine Ceurstemont

a battery out of a potato,” notes Aimee inspiration, the prototype is long-lasting—

A Solid Byrne, a structural engineer at Techno­

logical University Dublin, who was not
Edison batteries can operate for decades—
and it resists overcharging, Zhang adds:

Charge involved in the new study. In a future

where sustainability is key, she likes the
“You can abuse this battery as much as you
want without jeopardizing the performance.”
idea of buildings that avoid waste by pro- Although the new design stores more
Concrete buildings could serve
viding shelter and powering electronics. than 10 times as much power as earlier
as rechargeable batteries “This is adding extra functions to the attempts, it still has a long way to go:
current building material, which is quite 200 square meters of the concrete “can
Concrete, after water, is the world’s most promising in my view,” says study co-author provide about 8 percent of the daily elec-
used material. Because it already surrounds Emma Zhang, who worked on the new tricity consumption” of a typical U.S. home,
us in the built environment, re­­search­ers battery design at Chalmers University of Zhang says.
have been exploring the idea of using con- Technology in Sweden and is now a senior This contribution is not enough to com-
crete to store electricity—essentially mak- development scientist at technology com- pete with today’s rechargeable devices.
ing buildings that act as giant batteries. pany Delta of Sweden. She and her col- “We’re getting milliamps out of [cement-
The idea is gaining ground as many places leagues mimicked the design of simple but based batteries]—we’re not getting amps,”
come to increasingly rely on renewable long-lasting Edison batteries, in which an Byrne says. “We’re getting hours as
energy from the wind and sun. Recharge- electrolyte solution carries ions between opposed to days of charge.” She adds,
able batteries are necessary when winds positively charged nickel plates and nega- however, that “cement-based batteries are
die down or darkness falls, but they are tively charged iron ones, creating an electri- completely in their infancy compared with
often made of toxic substances that are far cal potential that produces voltage. In this other battery designs.”
from environmentally friendly. case, conductive carbon fibers mixed into The earliest batteries, including Thom-
Experimental concrete batteries have cement (a main ingredient of concrete) sub- as Edison’s, were simple and bulky. Re­­
managed to hold only a small fraction of stitute for the electrolyte. The researchers searchers experimented with new materi-
what a traditional battery does. But one team embedded layers of a carbon-fiber mesh, als and designs for more than a century
describes in the journal B
 uildings a re­charge­­ coated in nickel or iron, to act as the plates. to develop today’s small, efficient devices.
able prototype material that could offer a This setup proved capable of discharging Byrne suggests concrete-based energy
more than 10-fold increase in stored charge, power and then recharging. “The fact that storage could undergo a similar evolution.
compared with earlier attempts. they’ve managed to recharge it to some “The whole idea is that we’re looking far
A concrete battery that houses humans degree, I think that is a very important step into the future,” she says. “We’re playing
might sound unlikely. Still, “you can make to where we need to be,” Byrne says. Like its the long game.”  —Sophie Bushwick

20  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

This South Australian forest
reflects light indicative of life.

estation or the spread of invasive species.

Life Sensor Until recently, stable measurements

were possible only in controlled laboratory
settings because they involve such a tiny
A high-flying detector could
portion of the detectable light. But FlyPol
keep tabs on life on Earth— upgraded the lab setup to work in the field.
and maybe beyond “Overall, it’s just a really cool result,” says Help FFRF fight
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Life on our planet
planetis characterized by a astrochemist Brett McGuire, who was not
the herd mentality
preference for particular forms of various involved in the study. “They pretty convinc- that is obstructing
molecules over their mirror images. DNA ingly show that they can discriminate herd immunity.
molecules, for example, always have a between areas that have an awful lot of life
“right-handed” curl, whereas all known life versus areas that don’t.”
uses only “left-handed” amino acids to Perhaps most enticing is the method’s JOIN NOW!
build proteins. Nonliving matter typically potential to someday scan for life on other
shows no such preferences. Researchers planets. Scientists currently know of no oth-
Join the nation’s largest
have seized on this distinction to design an er mechanisms, besides molecules generat-
association of freethinkers
instrument dubbed FlyPol, which uses light ed by life, that can cause complex circularly
to track plant life from a fast-moving heli- polarized light signals. Although life else- (atheists and agnostics) working to
copter more than a kilometer overhead. where might exist without homochiral mol- keep religion out of government,
When light reflects off a concentration ecules, their presence would be a solid hint and social policy.
of molecules with the same handedness,
of molecules of something living. “It’s one of the few
called homochiral molecules, some of this ways of detecting life that is essentially free
light becomes circularly polarized: the of false positives,” Patty says—although he
reflected waveforms corkscrew in a clock- notes that significant hurdles remain before
wise or counterclockwise direction. FlyPol, this detection process would be feasible.
a spectropolarimeter, measures how much
a spectropolarimeter, When scanned from near Earth, such Call 1-800-335-4021
light is transformed in this way as it bounces a signal would be extremely faint in planets
a signal
back from sunlit landscapes. The quantity of around distant stars, according to M.I.T.
this polarized light, observed over a range of astrophysicist Sara Seager, who was also
wavelengths, is like a fingerprint that reveals not part of the study. “It’s hard to say if we Join now or get a FREE trial
not only the type of organism (grass, tree or could pull this off in the next generation of membership & bonus issues
alga—FlyPol is calibrated for plants) but also telescopes,” she says. “It’s probably a couple of Freethought Today,
details about its health. Inanimate sources of generations down the line.” Yet Seager FFRF’s newspaper.
have profiles with no discernible features. says this methodology and experiment, with
“The signal in plants is strongly depen- real-world flora measurements, are a great
dent on the larger-scale molecular structure,” start to someday studying faraway worlds.
says University of Bern astrobiologist Lucas For now next steps include testing Fly-
Patty, lead author of a new paper describing Pol over more landscapes and collaboration
etty Images

FlyPol in A Astronomy
stronomy && Astrophysics. ““If
If the on an instrument to measure Earth’s signals
Abstract Aerial Art GGetty

plant is under drought stress, for example, from the International Space Station. “From
the membranes can swell a bit”—and that
comes through in slightly flattened intensity
the ISS the spatial resolution will still be
quite high,” Patty says, so one would expect
peaks of reflected light. Patty says the tech- to get large signals when measuring above
FFRF is a 501(c)(3) educational charity.
nique could help assess the health of eco- the Amazon, for instance, and flat signals
systems affected by climate change, defor- from Antarctica.  —C
— Connie Chang
onnie Chang Deductible for income tax purposes.

October 2021, 21

© 2021 Scientific American


New tech pinpoints whale calls

Fewer than 400 North Atlantic right whales North Atlantic right whales
remain in the wild, and not even 100 of them
are breeding females. Their biggest survival deep-learning models specifically to cut study’s authors, wants to take this technol­
threats are boat strikes and entanglement in through the noise. They started by giving ogy above water as well—to Ukrainian for­
fishing gear. Protecting these whales, such the models thousands of “clean” spectro­ ests, where he hopes to identify animals
as by diverting boats from dangerous en­­ grams with only North Atlantic right whale near the site of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
counters, requires locating them more reli­ calls. Then they slowly added in thousands University of St. Andrews behavioral
ably—and new technology, described in the of spectrograms contaminated with typical ecologist Peter Tyack, who was not
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, background sounds, such as tanker involved in the study, says this new system
could help make that possible. engines. The resulting algorithms can suc­ should be used to figure out where whales
To listen for marine life, researchers cessfully turn noisy spectrograms into are throughout the year, so that these areas
often deploy underwater microphones clean ones, cutting down on false alarms can be protected. “In terms of estimating
called hydrophones on buoys and robotic and helping spot whales before they reach the density and abundance of these whales

Francois Gohier and VWPics A lamy Stock Photo

gliders. The recorded audio is converted dangerous areas, the scientists say. in places where it’s hard to see them,” Tyack
into spectrograms: visual representations Shyam Madhusudhana, a Cornell Univer­ says, “this technology could be fantastic.”
of sound used to pinpoint, for instance, spe­ sity data engineer, who was not involved in But he warns that it should not be the
cific whale species’ calls. But those distinc­ the study, says he would want to see if such only approach to preventing ship strikes or
tive sounds are often drowned out by other models could be used to locate other marine entanglement. In his work, Tyack has found
noise. In recent years researchers have mammals, too. “Humpback whales and that North Atlantic right whales can be
used a machine-learning technique called dolphins have much more complex speech silent for hours at a time—so passive acous­
deep learning to automate this analysis, but pathways than the right whale,” he notes. tic monitoring could easily miss one. And
background sounds still hinder reliability. And University of East Anglia machine- killing just a few, he adds, “could lead to
Now researchers have trained two learning researcher Ben Milner, one of the extinction of the population.” —Sam Jones

MEDICINE terials and easily stored. (The researchers The prototype mask activates with a

Detector Mask described adding such circuits to paper in

2014.) “This work’s im­por­tant advance is
push-button that rehydrates the sensor,
starting reactions that break the virus apart
converting bench-top technology to wear­ and amplify its DNA for detection. The full
Biological circuits for garments able devices,” says bio­engi­neer Xinyue Liu, process produces a color change within 90
reveal COVID infection and more who develops living sensors at M.I.T. and minutes of activation—say, when worn by a
was not part of the new study. Such tools hospital patient. “Breath is a nice source of
Masks and testing h  ave been key to the could allow for simplified on-site testing. noninvasive sampling that has the right con­
­COVID-19 pandemic response—and now The study, published in Nature Biotech­ centrations,” says University of Freiburg sen­
devices that combine the two may be on the nology, describes adding cell-free sensors to sor expert Can Dincer, who was not involved
way. Harvard University and Massachusetts elastics, textile threads and paper to detect in the new study. “The application really fits
Institute of Technology researchers used the virus that causes C­ OVID-19 (SARS- the needs of our current situation.”
synthetic biology to create a face mask that CoV-2), Ebola virus, MRSA, a chemical nerve Sensitivity was similar to most lab tests’.
accurately detects the C ­ OVID-causing virus. agent and more. Some of these sensors, in­ “The ‘gold standard’ would still be your lab-
Synthetic biologists use biological parts cluding those used in the new face mask that based PCR tests, but we’re in the ballpark,”
to build various devices, including sensors flags SARS-CoV-2, rely on ­CRISPR technolo­ says bioengineer and senior author James
that detect genetic sequences. Previous ef­ gy: When “guide” RNAs match target DNA, Collins. The single-use masks need no power
forts have used engineered bacteria in these they activate an enzyme that cuts the nucle­ source nor operator expertise and work at
sensors, but living cells bring chal­lenges (like ic acids (the DNA “letters”). This particular typical room temperature and humidity.
keeping them fed) and biohazard risks. The enzyme also cuts other nearby nucleic acids, Collins hopes to commercialize the mask
new research makes wearable devices with freeing a fluorescent protein that emits light. to sell for around $5. Similar genetic-circuit
freeze-dried “cell-free” circuits built from The technique makes for versatile, “program­ wearables, he adds, could aid health-care
genes, enzymes and other cell components, mable” sensors that could be quickly adapt­ workers, military personnel, first responders,
which can be placed on porous, flexible ma­ ed to detect virus variants. and others in the field.  —Simon Makin

22  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

A 2,000-Year Record
 fire rotation period (FRP) is the amount of time it would take to burn an area equal in size
to a study area if burning were to continue at a given rate. A smaller FRP value means that
C L I M AT E fires burn faster. An FRP is typically based on many years’ worth of data because fluctuations

Burning Up
from one year to the next can be quite large. In the graph below, red bars show FRPs calcu-
lated for 100-year time spans up to 2000. Orange bars represent shorter time spans within

the Past
the study period 1984–2020.

Year (A.D.)
Today’s wildfires are taking us 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Fires 50 Year (A.D.)
into uncharted territory burn 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 20002010–2020
burn Each red bar represents Orange bars represent 2010–2020
With smoke from blazing forests in the aHISTORICAL
100-year period shorter, moreDATA
recent FRP:

Period (years)
U.S. West tinting skies ochre this year and 150 Each red bar represents Orange barstime periods
represent 2000–2020
last, residents and researchers alike asked, a 100-year period shorter, more recent FRP: 117

Period (years)
“How much worse can fire seasons get?” 150
200 time periods 1984–2020
University of Montana fire paleoecologist Fire Rotation FRP: 204
Philip Higuera has spent his career trying to 200
250 1984–2020
determine the answer by looking at history. FRP: 204
Fire Rotation

“If we’re all wondering what happens when 250

our forests warm up,” he says, “let’s see what
happened in the past when they warmed up.” 300
350 Data from A.D. 800–900
The central Rocky Mountains’ subalpine were used to calculate an 1900–2000
forests grow in cool, wet conditions and 350 DataFRP of A150
from years
.D. 800–900 FRP: 334
Fires 400
burn less readily than their lowland coun- were used to calculate an 1900–2000
FRP of 150 years FRP: 334
terparts. To find out how frequently these slower 400
tough woodlands nonetheless have caught Area Burned in the Subalpine Forests, 1984–2020
fire through the ages, Higuera and his col- The graph shows the total area burned each year in the subalpine forests of the researchers’
leagues combined records from modern focal study area, a region of the central Rocky Mountains with a relative abundance of
satellite-observed fires, fire scars in tree historical fire 1985
data. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

rings from the 1600s onward, and flecks of

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
charcoal that settled in lakes over thou- 200,000 2020

sands of years. The study found that from 175,000 2020 alone accounted for an 180,858
Area Burned

astonishing 72 percent of the 2020

2000 to 2020, the forests burned 22 per- total area
175,000 2020 aloneburned sincefor
accounted 1984.
an 180,858
cent faster than they did during an unusual
Area Burned

150,000 astonishing 72 percent of the

warming period that started in a.d. 770 total area burned since 1984.
and saw the area’s highest temperatures
Sources: “Rocky Mountain Subalpine Forests Now Burning More Than Any Time in Recent Millennia,” by Philip E. Higuera,
Bryan N. Shuman and Kyra D. Wolf, in P roceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Vol. 118, No. 25; June 14, 2021;

prior to the 21st century. Most of this burn 125,000
rate increase, as well as 72 percent of the
total area burned between 1984 and 2020, 125,000
resulted from fires in 2020 alone.
Overall, these forests have not burned
frequently—until the past two decades. 75,000
The gap between extreme fire years in
the U.S. is narrowing as the climate warms, 75,000
and Higuera does not think this pattern 50,000 2018
Dryad (data and code for study)

will reverse any time soon. The new 2002

research is detailed in the Proceedings of 50,000 22,605 hectares burned 2016 2018
25,000 19,958
the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2002 2012
22,605 hectares burned 6,722 2016
Higuera finds the recent unprecedented 25,000
fire seasons unsurprising but still agonizing. 0 2012 16,797
“I’ve spent 20 years writing about this,” he
says. “But I have not spent 20 years think- 0
ing about how this would feel.”
This work shows that the past may no
longer guide us when it comes to under- to accept that we’re going to see an adds, but “they’re based on our expecta-
standing and handling wildfires, says increase in fire activity,” she says. tions that these forests burn once every
Humboldt State University environmental “We have to adapt to the new norm.” few centuries. That’s not where we are.
geographer Rosemary Sherriff, who Many communities hit by recent wild- That’s not where we’re going.”
was not involved in the study. “We have fires have fire-protection plans, Higuera  —Rebecca Dzombak

Graphic by Amanda Montañez October 2021, 23

© 2021 Scientific American


and his colleagues raised glasswing butter-

B I O LO G Y flies and tracked their wing development,

creating the first detailed time-series
record of the process. Their work shows

in Images
that glasswing butterflies grow sparse, nar-
row bristles for the clear patches as well as
broader scales (top right), using fewer scale
By Harini Barath precursor cells than other butterflies do.
Colorless wings can be shiny, so butter-
flies have evolved ways of reducing reflected
True to their name, glasswing butterflies light. Using powerful electron microscopes,
sport remarkably transparent wings that the researchers took a closer look at nanopil-
help them hide in plain sight. New work lars—minuscule structures that are known
shows how narrow, bristlelike scales and to prevent glare—scattered on the glassy
a waxy, glare-cutting coating combine to wings’ surface. The team saw that a regular-
make parts of the wings nearly invisible. ly spaced layer of nanopillars made from chi-
Most moths and butterflies get their tin, a fibrous substance found in insect exo-
vibrant colors from flat scales that tile the skeletons, supports an irregular layer of
wing surface like shingles; relatively few nanopillars made from a waxy chemical that
species have clear wings. Nipam Patel, an significantly lowers the amount of reflected
evolutionary and developmental biologist light. The researchers say these findings
at the Marine Biology Laboratory, first could inspire new antireflective materials.
investigated the wings of several such spe- The study also sets the groundwork
cies with his students in an embryology for future efforts to pinpoint the genetic
class. “It was amazing,” he says, “because mechanisms by which butterfly and moth
they found every way you could imagine color (or the lack thereof) evolves, says
to have a transparent wing—from having Cornell University ecologist Robert Reed,
see-through scales to no scales at all.” who was not involved with the study.
Previous studies that explored the “Scales are the evolutionary innovation that
structural diversity and optical properties marks moths and butterflies,” Reed notes,
of wing transparency involved adult speci- “so it’s kind of remarkable that there has
mens held in museums, so the develop- been a reversion of sorts [from color to
mental processes underlying transparency colorless] in some species.”
were largely unknown. For a new study in
the J ournal of Experimental Biology, P
 atel For more, visit

24  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American


Listening to a story
reduced pain and stress
in hospitalized kids

Parents, teachers and caregiv-

ers h ave long sworn by the mag-
ic of storytelling to calm and
soothe kids. Researchers work- actions; they showed lower lev-
ing in pediatric intensive care els of the stress-related hormone
units have now quantified the cortisol and higher levels of oxy-
physiological and emotional ben- tocin, which is often described as
efits of a well-told tale. a feel-good hormone and is asso-
“We know that narrative has ciated with empathy. Yet kids in
the power to transport us to the storytelling group benefited
another world,” says Guilherme significantly more: their cortisol
Brockington, who studies emo- levels were a quarter of those in
tions and learning at Brazil’s Fed- the riddle group, and their oxyto-
eral University of ABC in São cin levels were nearly twice as
Paulo and was lead author on the high. Those who heard stories
new paper, published in the Pro- also reported pain levels drop-
ceedings of the National Academy ping almost twice as much as
of Sciences USA. E  arlier research those in the riddle group, and
suggested that stories help chil- they used more positive words to
dren process and regulate their describe their hospital stay.
emotions—but this was mostly The study demonstrates that
conducted in a laboratory, with playing games or simply inter­
subjects answering questions acting with someone can relax
while lying inside functional MRI kids and improve their outlook—
machines. “There are few studies but that hearing stories has an
on physiological and psychologi- especially dramatic effect. The
cal effects of storytelling” in a researchers “really tried to con-
more commonplace hospital set- trol the social interaction compo-
ting, Brockington says. nent of the storyteller, which I
So investigators working in think was key,” says Raymond
several Brazilian hospitals split a Mar, a psychologist at York Uni-
total of 81 patients ages four to 11 versity in Canada who studies
into two groups, matching them the effects of storytelling but was
with storytellers who had a not involved in the new research.
decade of hospital experience. In Next, the investigators plan to
one group, the storyteller led each study how long these effects last,
child in playing a riddle game. In along with storytelling’s poten-
the other, youngsters chose books tial benefits to kids with particu-
and listened as the storyteller lar illnesses such as cancer. For
read them aloud. Before and after now Brockington says the results
these sessions, the researchers indicate storytelling is a low-cost
took saliva samples from each and extremely efficient way to
child, then asked them to report help improve health outcomes
Aaron Pomerantz

their pain levels and conducted a in a variety of settings. Mar

free-association word quiz. agrees. “It’s very promising and
Children in both groups bene- scalable,” he says, “and possibly
fited measurably from the inter- generalizable.”  —Susan Cosier

October 2021, 25

© 2021 Scientific American


The Venus’s flower basket’s skeleton

F L U I D DY N A M I C S tribute would have been logistically im­­ evolutionary adaptations to boost breeding

Sea Sponges’
possible. Instead the team ran a series of success often harm an organism in other
simulations, developed over the course of departments. A peacock’s attractive but

a decade, on one of Italy’s highest-powered heavy tail is one example of such a trade-off.
supercomputers. “I think this represents “It is really cool to see a study like this
simulation at its best—something that you show that this complex morphology does
A romantic sponge cannot do by experiment,” says Sauro Suc- really have [intriguing] implications for flu-
holds engineering insights ci, a senior research executive at the Italian id dynamics,” says Laura Miller, a mathe-
Institute of Technology in Rome and co-au- matician and biomedical engineer at Ari-
Although their exteriors are made from thor of the new study, published in Nature. zona State University who was not involved
intricately woven glass fibers, Venus’s The researchers built a virtual three-di- with the research but authored an accom-
flower basket sponges are better known mensional model based on measurements panying commentary in Nature.
for something often found inside them: of real sponges. Next they simulated bil- In future research, this simulation
a breeding pair of shrimp that be­­comes lions of individual particles passing through method can be applied to other organisms
trapped within the sponge’s lava-lamp- it, with and without the ridges and holes. whose fluid dynamics have never been mi-
shaped body and goes on to live there They discovered that the organism’s po- nutely studied—Miller suggests a coral
symbiotically. This romantic biology is the rous lattice structure reduces drag from reef’s intricate architecture could be one
reason the deep-sea sponges are present- the flow of the water, and the ridges tem- target. Plus, Venus’s flower baskets have
ed as wedding gifts in Japan—and it is also per the water’s force and create tiny vorti- already inspired biomaterials, including a
why a team of engineers became curious ces inside the sponge. These swirls make it 3-D-printed grid that sustained more load
Agefotostock A lamy Stock Photo

about how water passes through the easier for the sponge’s eggs and sperm to without buckling than current bridges’
sponges, helping their captives thrive. mix while allowing the sponge—and the lattice structures. By understanding the
The team theorized that the sponges’ shrimp within—to feed more efficiently. sponge’s flow properties as well, the co-
eye-catching patterns of ridges and holes According to study lead author Giaco- authors say they hope drag-reducing de-
altered the flow of water in and around the mo Falcucci of the University of Rome Tor sign principles could enhance tomorrow’s
organisms. But an underwater experiment Vergata, this “twofold benefit” of durability skyscrapers, submarines and spaceships.
to pinpoint the effect of each structural at- and fertility surprised the team because  —Maddie Bender

26  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

Michael H. Levin is an environmental lawyer, solar energy
METER developer and writer whose work has appeared on stage and
Edited by Dava Sobel in numerous publications. His poetry collections include Watered
Colors (Poetica, 2014), Man Overboard (Finishing Line, 2018)
and Falcons ( Finishing Line, 2020). More of his writing is available

(Over Wadi Qumran)
The Dead Sea scrolls were mostly saved ground left no remains of site-map
by bribe and threat: unmindful finders to be guessed. Great Aztec wheels;
re-interred the rest in hopes of Lascaux red bulls; dried funeral garlands
gain. It vanished or decayed. of Neanderthals: all brought to

A trooper in the Greek campaign light by restless chance—a dropped hoe

blown by Wehrmacht mortars down or a wandering goat. Vast evidence
a limestone chute, glimpsed there a lettered unknown, we stand on ranks
Jean-Pierre Bouchard G etty Images

chest—lost masterworks? new graphs of shoulders buried deep in earth

by Euclid or his heirs, perhaps. Never a fragmentary tune, made by the

reclaimed: the next rounds covered it breeze against a bone protruding
up again. Fountains of blazing from a crumbled canyon wall.
loam, then forced retreat—the blasted

28  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

THE SCIENCE Claudia Wallis is an award-winning science journalist
OF HEALTH whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Time,
Fortune a nd the N
 ew Republic. She was science editor
at Time a nd managing editor of Scientific American Mind.

2018 report. “We also know that Americans use more medica-
tions than they used to,” she says. Polypharmacy—taking four or
more medications—increases the chance of falling. So does tak-
ing a drug that impacts the central nervous system, such as an
opioid or antidepressant. Age-related changes in eyesight, cog-
nition, muscle strength and balance also raise risk.
But experts insist that falling is not inevitable. Targeted exer-
cises, modified drug regimens and fixing vision problems can
reduce the risk. New technology may help, including smart-
phone apps that analyze gait, as well as AI tools that alert busy
health-care providers to fall risks among their patients.
Probably the single most important thing an individual can
do is to work on lower body strength, balance and gait. “Just like
you need to eat every day, you need to exercise every day,” Dykes
says. The Otago exercise program, developed in New Zealand,
has reduced falls by 35  percent among high-risk elderly when
overseen by physical therapists. Many studies have looked at
combining exercise programs with other changes, such as cut-
ting back on certain medications and reducing household haz-
ards. A 2018 review of 62 studies found that, on average, such
multifaceted approaches cut the rate of falls by 23 percent.
Such results can be hard to achieve in the messy real world,
however. Researchers had high hopes for the STRIDE study,

When Health
which tracked 5,451 people aged 70 or older at 86 primary care
practices across the U.S. All participants were at risk for falling.

Takes a Tumble
Half agreed to target one to three specific risk factors, whereas
half were given basic information about preventing falls. But the
results, published in 2020, showed no significant difference
between the groups. Dykes, who was a co-author, says people
Falls among the elderly are a top cause may have avoided selecting factors that would have mattered
of death. Here’s how to reduce the risk most. For instance, “a lot of older people don’t want to take away
scatter rugs [a tripping hazard] or add grab bars in the shower
By Claudia Wallis and next to the toilet. They want their house to look like a home.”
With medications, it takes time and patience to persuade a
In the senior community w  here my mom lives, death is a fre- patient to stop a drug they may have relied on for years. Some
quent visitor. When we talk about a recent loss, the story is often drugs that raise the odds of falling are used for conditions that
the same: her neighbor fell, and things got worse from there. impact fall risk if left untreated. “It makes for complicated deci-
Falls are the seventh-leading cause of death for adults aged 65 sion-making for doctors,” Burns says.
and older in the U.S., and their prevalence has jumped more than Given such challenges, several new efforts focus on offering
30  percent in recent years, according to a 2018 report from the better support to health-care providers. The cdc’s ­STEADI pro-
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even when a gram, for instance, gives doctors a suite of tools to identify and
spill doesn’t cause serious injuries, it can be the beginning of the reduce fall risks among patients. In a large study in New York
end for elderly adults, explains Patricia Dykes, who studies fall State, it cut the chances of a fall-related hospitalization by 40
prevention at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “They percent. Dykes and her colleagues are now testing Web-based
become afraid to move. They’ll think, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t walk tools that scan patient electronic health records for fall risk fac-
so much.’ Then they get weaker, and their balance gets poorer.” tors and use algorithms to suggest remedies.
This starts a spiral of more falls, increased injuries and worsen- Technology can also help raise a person’s own awareness of
ing health. “Fear of falling prevents older people from doing the potential problems. Apple is about to introduce a “walking
things that would prevent falls,” she says. steadiness” rating to its iPhone Health app. It measures stability
There are likely many reasons for the rise in fall-related based on walking speed, step length, step symmetry, and an
deaths. For one thing, more people are surviving heart disease, indicator of shuffling. Users with low ratings can access Otago-
cancer and strokes and living into their 80s and 90s with impair- based exercise videos and other tools. As long as it doesn’t scare
ments and chronic conditions that make them unsteady, says users into retreating to their couches, the app and similar tools
epidemiologist Elizabeth Burns of the cdc, who co-authored the could help put more folks on a safer footing. 

30  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustration by Fatinha Ramos

© 2021 Scientific American

Infinite Math

Mathematicians have expanded category theory

into infinite dimensions, enabling new connections
among sophisticated mathematical concepts
By Emily Riehl
Title illustration by
Eric Petersen
Schematics by
Matteo Farinella

32  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

October 2021, 33

© 2021 Scientific American

Emily Riehl is a mathematician at Johns Hopkins University,
where she works on category theory and the foundations
of infinity categories. Her book Elements of ∞-Category Theory,

co-authored with Dominic Verity, will be published in 2022
by Cambridge University Press.

n a crisp fall New England day during my junior year of college, I was
walking past a subway entrance when a math problem caught my eye. A
man was standing near a few brainteasers he had scribbled on the wall,
one of which asked for the construction, with an imaginary straightedge
and compass, of a cube with a volume twice that of a different, given cube.
This stopped me in my tracks. I had as well be 1 because it is the only unit of Galois, who died at 20 in a duel that may
seen this problem before. In fact, the chal­ measurement given. To construct the have involved an unhappy love affair. At
lenge is more than two millennia old, at­ larger cube, you have to figure out a way the ripe old age of 20 myself, I had achieved
tributed to Plato by way of Plutarch. A to draw one of its sides with the new re­­ considerably less impressive mathemati­

straightedge can be used to extend a line quir­ed length, which is 3 √ 2  (the cube root cal accomplishments, but I at least under­
segment in any direction, and a compass of two), using just the straightedge and stood Wantzel’s proof.
can be used to draw a circle with any radi­ compass as tools. Here is the idea: Given a point as the or­
us from the chosen center. The catch for It is a tough problem. For more than igin and a length of distance 1, it is relative­
this particular puzzle is that any points or 2,000 years no one managed to solve it. ly straightforward to use the straightedge
lengths appearing in the final drawing Finally, in 1837, Pierre Laurent Wantzel and compass to construct all points on a
must have been either present at the start explained why no one had succeeded by number line whose coordinates are ratio­
or constructable from previously provid­ proving that it was impossible. His proof nal numbers (ignoring, as mathematicians
ed information. used cutting-edge mathematics of the tend to do, the impossibility of actually
To double a cube’s volume, you start time, the foundations of which were laid plotting infinitely many points in only a fi­
with its side length. Here that value might by his French contemporary Évariste nite amount of time).


Step 1: Use the compass to mark a distance of 1. Step 2: Use the compass at the same radius Step 3: Construct a perpendicular line through
to mark a distance of 2. the point zero using the compass to determine
perpendicularity and mark points on this axis using
the method in steps 1 and 2.

34  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

Wantzel showed that if one uses only
these tools, each newly constructed point PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM
must be a solution to a quadratic polyno­
mial equation a x2 + b x + c = 0 whose co­
efficients a
,ba  nd c a
 re among the previ­
ously constructed points. In contrast, the

point 3 √ 2  is a solution to the cubic poly­
nomial x 3 − 2 =  0, and Galois’s theory of
“field extensions” proves decisively that you
can never get the solution to an irreducible
cubic polynomial by solving quadratic
equations, essentially because no power
of 2 evenly divides the number 3.
Armed with these facts, I could not re­
strain myself from engaging with the man
on the street. Predictably, my attempt to
explain how I knew his problem could not
be solved did not really go anywhere. In­
stead he claimed that my education had
left me closed-minded and unable to “think
outside the box.” Eventually my girlfriend
managed to extricate me from the argu­
ment, and we continued on our way.
But an interesting question remains:
How was I, a still-wet-behind-the-ears un­
dergraduate in my third year of university
study, able to learn to comfortably manip­
ulate abstract number systems such as Ga­ and related treasures that would have (∞-categories), broaden category theory
lois’s fields in just a few short weeks? This blown the minds of mathematical giants to infinite dimensions. The language of
material came at the end of a course filled such as Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, ∞-categories gives mathematicians power­
with symmetry groups, polynomial rings Leonhard Euler and Carl Friedrich Gauss. ful tools to study problems in which rela­
How is it that mathematicians can quickly tions between objects are too nuanced to be
teach every new generation of undergrad­ defined in traditional categories. The per­
uates discoveries that astonished the pre­ spective of “zooming out to infinity” offers
vious generation’s experts? a novel way to think about old concepts and
Part of the answer has to do with recent a path toward the discovery of new ones.
developments in mathematics that provide
a “birds-eye view” of the field through ever CATEGORIES
increasing levels of abstraction. Category Like many other mathematicians I know,
theory is a branch of mathematics that ex­ I was drawn into the subject partly because
plains how distinct mathematical objects of my poor memory. This confounds many
can be considered “the same.” Its funda­ people who remember high school mathe­
mental theorem tells us that any mathe­ matics as rife with formulas to memorize—
matical object, no matter how complex, is the trigonometric identities come to mind.
entirely determined by its relationships to But I took comfort in the fact that the most
similar objects. Through category theory, commonly used formulas could be re­
we teach young mathematicians the latest derived from sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ =  1, which it­
ideas by using general rules that apply self has an elegant geometric explanation:
broadly to categories across mathematics it is an application of the Pythagorean the­
rather than drilling down to individual orem to a right triangle with a hypotenuse
laws that apply only in a single area. of length 1 and an acute angle of θ degrees.
As mathematics continues to evolve, This utopian vision of mathematics
mathematicians’ sense of when two things where everything just “makes sense” and
Step 4: Use a straightedge to draw a line through are “the same” has expanded. In the past nothing needs to be memorized falls apart
point 2 on the horizontal axis and point 3 on the
few decades many other researchers and to some extent at the university level. At
vertical axis. Use compass to make two perpen­
dicular lines to construct a parallel line between I have been working on an extension of that point students get to know the zoo of
the vertical point 1 and the position of 2/3 on the category theory to make sense of this mathematical objects that have been con­
horizontal axis. new expanded notion of uniqueness. These jured into existence in the past few centu­
new categories, called infinity categories ries. “Groups,” “rings” and “fields” belong

October 2021, 35

© 2021 Scientific American

As mathematics tions. How is a student supposed to make
sense of it all?
mathematical things to study for there to
be time to make sense of them all. Around
continues to evolve, A paradoxical idea in mathematics is
that of simplification through abstraction.
the turn of the 20th century, mathemati­
cians began to investigate so-called univer­
mathematicians’ As Eugenia Cheng puts it in T  he Art of Log- sal algebra, referring to a “set,” which could

sense of when
ic in an Illogical World, “a powerful aspect be a collection of symmetries, of numbers
of abstraction is that many different situa­ in some system or something else entirely,

two things are tions become the same when you forget
some details.” Modern algebra was created
together with various operations—for in­
stance, addition and multiplication—satis­
“the same” in the early 20th century when mathema­
ticians decided to unify their studies of the
fying a list of relevant axioms such as asso­
ciativity, commutativity or distributivity. By
has expanded. many examples of algebraic structure that making different choices—Is an operation
arose in the consideration of solutions to partially or totally defined? Is it invertible?—
polynomial equations or of configurations one arrives at the standard algebraic struc­
to an area of mathematics known as alge­ of figures in the plane. To connect investi­ tures: the groups, rings and fields. But the
bra, a word derived from a ninth-century gations of these structures, researchers subject is not constrained by these choices,
book by Persian mathematician and astron­ identified “axioms” that describe their com­ which represent a vanishingly small portion
omer Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, mon properties. Groups, rings and fields of an infinite array of possibilities.
the title of which is sometimes translated were introduced to the mathematical uni­ The proliferation of new abstract math­
as The Science of Restoring and Balancing. verse, along with the idea that a mathemat­ ematical objects brings its own complexi­
Over the next millennium, algebra evolved ical object could be described in terms of ty. One way to simplify is to introduce a fur­
from the study of the nature of solutions to the properties it has and explored “abstract­ ther level of abstraction where, astonish­
polynomial equations to the study of ab­ ly,” independently of the scaffolding of par­ ingly, we can prove theorems about a wide
stract number systems. Because no real ticular examples or constructions. variety of mathematical objects simultane­
number x s atisfies the equation x 2 + 1 = 0, John Horton Conway famously pon­ ously without specifying exactly what
mathematicians built a new number sys­ dered the curious ontology of mathemati­ kinds of objects we are talking about.
tem—now known as the complex numbers— cal things: “There’s no doubt that they do Category theory, which was created in
by adding an imaginary number i and im­ exist but you can’t poke and prod them ex­ the 1940s by Samuel Eilenberg and Saun­
posing the stipulation that i 2 + 1 = 0. cept by thinking about them. It’s quite as­ ders Mac Lane, does just this. Although it
Algebra is only one of the subjects in a tonishing and I still don’t understand it, de­ was originally introduced to give a rigor­
mathematics undergraduate’s curriculum. spite having been a mathematician all my ous definition of the colloquial term “nat­
Other cornerstones include topology—the life. How can things be there without actu­ ural equivalence,” it also offers a way to
abstract study of space—and analysis, ally being there?” think universally about universal algebra
which begins with a rigorous treatment of But this world of mathematical objects and other areas of mathematics as well.
the calculus of real functions before branch­ that can exist without actually being there With Eilenberg and Mac Lane’s language,
ing into the more exotic terrains of proba­ created a problem: Such a world is vastly we can now understand that every variety
bility spaces and random variables and too large for any person to comprehend. of mathematical object belongs to its own
complex manifolds and holomorphic func­ Even within algebra, there are just too many category, which is a specified collection of
objects together with a set of transforma­
tions depicted as arrows between the ob­
jects. For example, in linear algebra one
studies abstract vector spaces such as
three-dimensional Euclidean space. The
corresponding transformations in this case
are called linear transformations, and each
must have a specified source and target
vector space indicating which kinds of vec­
tors arise as inputs and outputs. Like func­
tions, the transformations in a category
can be “composed,” meaning you can ap­
ply one transformation to the results of an­
other transformation. For any pair of
transformations f : A → B ( read as “f is a
transformation from A  ”) and g : B →
 t o B  C,
the category specifies a unique composite
transformation, written as g ∘ f : A →  C
(read as “g composed f is a transformation
from A to C ”). Finally, this composition law
is associative, meaning h  ∘ (g ∘ f ) = (h ∘ g) ∘ f .

36  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

I t is also unital: each object B has an “iden­ omatic systems and then beyond to the
tity transformation” commonly denoted ASSOCIATIVE AND UNITAL general objects that belong to categories,
by 1B w ith the property that g ∘ 1B =
 g a nd present a new challenge: it is
1B ∘ f = f for any transformations g and f no longer very clear what it
whose source and target, respectively, means to say that one thing is
equal B. “the same” as another thing.
How do categories help the hapless un­ Consider, for instance, a group,
dergraduate confronted with too many which in math is an abstract
mathematical objects and not enough time collection of symmetries whose elements
to learn about them all? Any class of struc­ Amie Wilkinson of the University of Chi­
tures you can define in universal algebra cago likes to describe as “moves” that flip
may be distinct from all others, but the cat­ or rotate an object before settling it into
egories these objects inhabit are very sim­ something like the original position.
ilar in ways that can be expressed precise­ For example, we might explore the
ly through categorical language. symmetries of a T-shirt. One symmetry
With sufficient experience, mathemati­ can be thought of as the “identity move,”
cians can know what to expect when they where a person simply wears the T-shirt
encounter a new type of algebraic struc­ as it is usually worn. Another symmetry
ture. This idea is reflected in modern text­ corresponds to a move where the wearer
books on the subject that develop the the­ takes their arms out of the arm holes and,
ories of groups, rings and vector spaces in with the T-shirt still around their neck, ro­
series, essentially because the theories are tates the shirt 180 degrees to put their
parallel. There are other, looser analogies arms in the opposite holes: the T-shirt re­
among these categories and the ones stu­ mains right-side out but is now being
dents encounter in topology or analysis worn backward. Another symmetry cor­
courses, and these similarities enable them responds to a move where the T-shirt is
to absorb the new material more quickly. removed entirely, flipped inside out and
Such patterns allow students to spend put back on in such a way that each arm
more time exploring the special topics that goes through the hole it was originally in.
distinguish individual mathematical sub­ The T-shirt is now inside out and back­
disciplines—although research advances ward. A final symmetry combines these
in mathematics are often inspired by new two moves: atypically for groups, these
and surprising analogies between previ­ moves can be performed in any order
ously unconnected areas. without changing the end result. Each of
these four moves counts as a “symmetry”
SYMMETRIES because they result in the shirt being
The cascading levels of abstraction, from worn in essentially the same way as when
concrete mathematical structures to axi­ you started.


October 2021, 37

© 2021 Scientific American

Another group is the “mattress-flipping up moves from the two groups (match the
group,” which describes the symmetries of How is it that identity with the identity, the flip with the

a mattress. In addition to the identity move, flip, the rotation with the rotation, and so
which applies when the mattress is left in on). Second, if you take two moves from
its original position, a person can move the
mattress by rotating it top to bottom, flip­ can quickly teach one group and perform them in sequence,
the final position will match with the end
ping back to front or performing both
moves in sequence. (Mattresses typically
every new result of performing the corresponding
moves from the other group in sequence.
are not square, but if they were, there generation of In technical terms, these groups are con­
would be more symmetries than described nected by an “isomorphism,” a term whose
here.) Although a T-shirt does not have undergraduates etymology—from the Greek isos, meaning
much to do with a mattress, there is a sense
in which the two symmetry groups have the discoveries “equal,” and morphe, meaning “form”—in­
dicates its meaning.
same “shape.” First, both groups of symme­
tries have the same number of moves (in
that astonished We can define the notion of isomor­
phism in any category, which allows us to
this case, four), and, crucially, you can pair
each move in the T-shirt group with a move
the previous transport this concept between mathemat­
ical contexts. An isomorphism between
in the mattress-flipping group such that the generation’s two objects A  and B  in a category is given
by a pair of transformations, f : A →
compositions of corresponding moves also  B a nd
correspond. In other words, you can match g : B → A
 ith the property that the com­
posites g ∘ f a nd f ∘ g e qual the respective
identities 1A and 1B . In the category of to­
pological spaces, the categorical notion of
MATTRESS SYMMETRIES isomorphism is represented by an inverse
pair of continuous functions. For instance,
there is a continuous deformation that
would allow you to convert an unbaked
doughnut into a shape like a coffee mug:
the doughnut hole becomes the handle,
and the cup is formed by a depression you
make with your thumb. (For the deforma­
tion to be continuous, you must do this
without tearing the dough, which is why
the doughnut should not be baked before
the experiment is attempted.)
This example inspired the joke that a to­
pologist cannot tell the difference between
a coffee mug and a doughnut: as abstract
spaces, these objects are the same. In prac­
tice, many topologists are arguably much
less observant than this because it is com­
mon to adopt a more flexible convention
concerning situations when two spaces are
“the same,” identifying any two spaces that
are merely “homotopy-equivalent.” This
term refers to the notion of isomorphism
in the more exotic homotopy category of
spaces. A homotopy equivalence is anoth­
er type of continuous deformation, but in
this case, you can identify distinct points.
For instance, imagine starting with a pair
of pants and then shrinking the lengths of
the legs until you are left with a G-string,
another “space” with the same fundamen­
tal topological structure—there are still two
holes for legs—even though the original
two-dimensional garment has been shrunk
down to a one-dimensional bit of string.
Another homotopy equivalence collaps­

38  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

es the infinite expanse of three-dimension­
al Euclidean space down to a single point ANT PATHS IN THE SPACE X
via a “reverse big bang” in which each point
flies back to its origin, with the speed of this
motion increasing with the distance from
the location of the initial big bang.
The intuition that we can substitute iso­
morphic things for one another without
fundamentally changing the nature of a
construction or an argument is so strong
that in fact category theorists have rede­
fined the word “the” to mean something
closer to “a” in colloquial English. For ex­
ample, there is a concept known as the dis­
joint union of two sets A and B. Like the or­
dinary union, the disjoint union A  ⎣⎦ B h
a copy of every element of A and a copy of
every element of B. U  nlike in the ordinary
union, however, if A  a nd B  ave an element
in common, then the disjoint union A 
 ⎣⎦ B
has two copies of that element, one of
which somehow remembers that it came
from A, and the other somehow remem­
bers it came from B .
There are many different ways to con­
struct the disjoint union using the axioms
of set theory, which will not produce exact­ space with a single point. We can answer
ly the same set but will, necessarily, produce the question of whether the space X is con­
isomorphic ones. Rather than wasting time nected or disconnected by considering
arguing about which construction is the A Quick Guide to Modern mappings p: I → X, whose domain is an
most canonical, it is more convenient to just Math Terminology interval I = [0,1]. Each such mapping de­
sweep this ambiguity under the rug and re­ fines a parameterized “path” in the space
fer to “the” disjoint union when one means Category: a specified collection of objects X f rom the point p (0) to the point p  (1),
and transformations between them, with
to consider any particular set that satisfies which can be thought of as a possible tra­
a composition rule
the desired universal property. In another jectory an ant might take when walking
example, mathematicians refer to both the Composition: to apply one transformation around the space X.
T-shirt symmetry group and the mattress- to the results of another We can use the points and paths of a
flipping group as “the Klein four-group.” Identity: a transformation from an object space to translate problems of topology
to itself that does not change it in any way into problems of algebra: each topological
INFINITE-DIMENSIONAL CATEGORIES Symmetry: an invertible transformation space X has an associated category π 1X
An oft-told story about the origin of the from an object to itself called the “fundamental groupoid” of X  .
fundamental theorem of category theory The objects of this category are the points
Isomorphism: a structural notion of
is that a young mathematician named No­ “sameness” that may exist between a pair of the space, and the transformations are
buo Yoneda described a “lemma,” or help­ of objects in a category paths. If one path can be deformed into an­
er theorem, to Mac Lane at the Gare du other in the space while its end points re­
Fundamental groupoid: a category whose
Nord train station in Paris in 1954. Yone­ main fixed, the two paths define the same
objects are the points in a space and whose
da began explaining the lemma on the transformations are paths between them, transformation. These deformations, which
platform and continued it on the train be­ up to homotopy are technically called homotopies, are nec­
fore it departed the station. The conse­ essary for the composition of paths to de­
Homotopy: a “path between paths”
quence of this lemma is that any object in fine an associative operation, as is required
defined by a continuous deformation
any category is entirely determined by its from one path to another by a category.
relation to the other objects in the catego­ A key advantage of the fundamental
ry as encoded by the transformations to or Infinity category: an infinite-dimensional groupoid construction is that it is “func­
analogue of a category, which adds higher-
from this object. So we can characterize a torial,” meaning that a continuous func­
dimensional transformations and weakens
topological space X  y probing it with con­
 b the composition rule tion f : X → Y between topological spaces
tinuous functions f : T →  X m
 apping out gives rise to a corresponding transforma­
Fundamental infinity groupoid: an
other spaces T. F or instance, the points of tion π 1 f:  → π 1 Y
 π 1 X  between the funda­
infinity category of points, paths, homotopies
the space X c orrespond to continuous mental groupoids. This assignment re­
and higher homotopies in a space
functions x : * → X , w hose domain is a spects composition and identities, mean­

October 2021, 39

© 2021 Scientific American

ing π 1 (g ∘ f ) = π 1 g ∘ π 1 f a
 nd π 1 (1 X ) = ic structure the points, paths, homotopies
THE FUNDAMENTAL GROUPOID 1 π 1 X , respectively. These two properties, and higher homotopies in a space X form:
OF A CIRCLE which collectively go by the name “func­ this structure π ∞ X (“pi infinity X  ”), re­
toriality,” suggest that the fundamental ferred to as the fundamental ∞-groupoid
group captures some essential informa­ of X, defines an example of an ∞-category,
tion about topological spaces. In particu­ an infinite-dimensional analogue of the
lar, if two spaces are not homotopy-equiv­ categories first introduced by Eilenberg
alent, then their fundamental groupoids and Mac Lane. Like an ordinary category,
are necessarily inequivalent. an ∞-category has objects and transforma­
The fundamental groupoid is not a tions visualized as one-dimensional ar­
complete invariant, however. It can easily rows, but it also contains “higher transfor­
distinguish between a circle and the solid mations” depicted by two-dimensional ar­
disk that circle bounds. In the fundamen­ rows, three-dimensional arrows, and so on.
tal groupoid of the circle, the different wig­ For example, in π ∞ X the objects and ar­
gling versions of a path between two rows are the points and the paths—no lon­
points can be labeled by integers that re­ ger considered up to wiggling—while the
cord the number of times the trajectory higher-dimensional transformations en­
winds around the circle and a + or − sign code the higher homotopies. Like in an or­
indicating, respectively, a clockwise or dinary category, the arrows in any fixed di­
counterclockwise direction of transit. In mension can be composed: if you have two
contrast, in the fundamental groupoid of arrows f : X → Y and g : Y → Z , t here must
the disk, there is only one path up to ho­ also be an arrow g ∘ f : X → Z . B
 ut there is
motopy between any pair of points. The a catch: in attempts to capture natural ex­
fundamental groupoid of the space formed amples such as the fundamental ∞-grou­
by the inflatable exterior of a beach ball, a poid of a space, the composition law must
sphere in topological terms, also has this be weakened. For any composable pair of
description: there is a unique path up to arrows, there must exist a composite ar­
homotopy between any two points. row, but there is no longer a unique speci­
The big problem with the fundamental fied composite arrow.
groupoid is that points and paths do not de­ This failure of uniqueness makes it
tect the higher-dimensional structure of a challenging to define ∞-categories in the
space, because the point and interval are classical set-based foundations of mathe­
themselves zero- and one-dimensional, re­ matics because we can no longer think of
spectively. A solution is to also consider con­ composition as an operation resembling
tinuous functions from the two-dimension­ those appearing in universal algebra. Al­
al disk, called homotopies, and “higher ho­ though ∞-categories are increasingly cen­
motopies,” defined by continuous functions tral to modern research in many areas of
from the solid three-dimensional ball and mathematics, from quantum field theory
similarly for other balls in 4, 5, 6 or more to algebraic geometry to algebraic topolo­
dimensions. gy, they are often considered “too hard” for
It is natural to ask what kind of algebra­ all but specialists and are not featured reg­
ularly in curricula, even at the graduate
level. Nevertheless, many others and I see
THE FUNDAMENTAL GROUPOID OF A DISK ∞-categories as a revolutionary new direc­
tion that can enable mathematicians to
dream of new connections that would oth­
erwise have been impossible to rigorously
state and prove.


Historical experience s uggests, however,
that the most exotic mathematics of today
will eventually be thought of as easy enough
to teach to mathematics undergraduates in
the future. It is fun to speculate, as a re­
searcher in ∞-category theory, about how
this subject could be simplified. In this case,
there is a linguistic trick—a supercharged
version of the categorical “the”—that could

40  Scientific American, October 2021

make ∞-categories as easy for late 21st-cen­
tury undergraduates to think about as or­ THE FUNDAMENTAL
dinary categories are today. The key axiom ∞- GROUPOID
in an ordinary category is the existence of
a unique composite transformation g ∘ f :
X  →  Z f or each composable pair of trans­
formations f : X → Y and g : Y → Z , chosen
from all the elements of the set of transfor­
mations from X t o Z  . In contrast, in an
∞-category, there is a space of arrows lead­
ing from X  to Z
 , which in the fundamental
∞-groupoid can be understood as a kind of
“path space.” The correct analogue of the
uniqueness of composites in an ordinary
category is the assertion that in an ∞-cate­
gory, the space of composites is “contracta­
ble,” meaning that each of its points can be
continuously collapsed via a reverse big
bang to a single point of origin.
Note that contractability does not im­
ply that there is a unique composite: in­
deed, as we have seen in the fundamental
∞-groupoid, there can be a large number
of composite paths. But contractability
guarantees that any two composite paths
are homotopic, any two homotopies relat­
If mathematics is the science
ing two composite paths are connected by of analogy, the study of patterns,
then category theory is the study
a higher homotopy, and so on.
This idea of uniqueness as a type of con­
tractability condition is a central one in a
new foundation system for mathematics of patterns of mathematical thought.
proposed by Vladimir Voevodsky and oth­
ers. Mathematicians around the world are modern mathematics: if mathematics is try sometimes are true for the same under­
collaborating to develop new computer- the science of analogy, the study of pat­ lying reason, and when this is the case,
based “proof assistants” that can check a terns, then category theory is the study of these proofs are expressed in the language
formal proof of a mathematical result line patterns of mathematical thought—the of category theory.
by line. These proof assistants have a mech­ “mathematics of mathematics,” as Eugenia What is on the horizon for the future?
anism that mimics the common mathemat­ Cheng of the School of the Art Institute of The emerging consensus in certain areas
ical practice of transferring information Chicago has put it. of mathematics is that the natural habitats
about one thing to another thing that is un­ The reason that we can cover so much of 21st-century mathematical objects are
derstood to be the same via an explicit iso­ ground in an undergraduate course today ∞-categories in the same way that 20th-
morphism or homotopy equivalence. In is that our understanding of various math­ century mathematical objects inhabit or­
this case, the mechanism allows the user to ematical concepts has been simplified dinary categories. The hope is that the diz­
transport a proof involving one point in a through abstraction, which might be zying tower of arrows in each dimension
space along a path that connects it to any thought of as the process of stepping back that one needs to do deep work in an ∞-cat­
other point, giving a rigorous formulation from the specific problem being consid­ egory will at some point recede into the
of the topological notion of sameness. ered and taking a broader view of mathe­ background of the collective mathemati­
In a 1974 essay, mathematician Michael matics. A lot of fine details are invisible cal subconscious, with each contractable
Atiyah wrote, “The aim of theory really is, from this level—numerical approxima­ space of choices collapsed down to a
to a great extent, that of systematically or­ tions, for instance, or really anything hav­ unique point. And one can only wonder: If
ganizing past experience in such a way that ing to do with numbers at all—but it is a this much progress was made during the
the next generation, our students and their remarkable fact that theorems in algebra, 20th century, where will mathematics be
students and so on will be able to absorb set theory, topology and algebraic geome­ at the end of the 21st? 
the essential aspects in as painless a way
as possible, and this is the only way in
which you can go on cumulatively build­ F R O M O U R A R C H I V E S
ing up any kind of scientific activity with­ The Three-Body Problem. Richard Montgomery; August 2019.
out eventually coming to a dead end.” Cat­
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
egory theory arguably plays this role in

October 2021, 41


FIRE alongside Alaska’s Skilak Lake

was ignited by lightning, which is
on the rise as Alaska warms.
© 2021 Scientific American
URNING Wildfire is transforming the
landscape of the high north and

amplifying climate change

By Randi Jandt and Alison York

October 2021, 43

© 2021 Scientific American

O n June 5, 2019, lightning from an unusually early spring
­thunderstorm ignited a blaze deep inside the Kenai National
­Wildlife Refuge in south-central Alaska. High temperatures at the
end of May had reversed a wet spring and quickly dried out the
forest floor. The resulting Swan Lake Fire, about five miles north-
east of Sterling, spread relentlessly for a month as the extraordi-
narily warm weather continued. By July 9 more than 99,000 acres
had burned, and more than 400 people were fighting the flames. On August 17 high winds changed
the fire’s direction, causing numerous evacuations. The wind also downed power lines that sparked
new fires, including the Deshka Landing Fire and the fast-moving McKinley Fire, which
engulfed more than 130 homes, businesses and out-
buildings. Fortunately, no one died.
The Swan Lake Fire burned until October, when
overdue rains finally helped firefighters contain the con-
flagration, after 167,000 acres—261 square miles—had
been charred. During the five-month blaze, troopers
had to repeatedly close the Sterling Highway, the only
major road in the area. Health officials issued public
warnings about “unhealthy” or even “hazardous” smoky
air filled with tiny particulates that can damage lungs
on one third of all days in June, July and August in the
south-central region, home to 60 percent of the state’s
population. Tourism-dependent businesses lost 20 per-
cent of their seasonal revenue.
Winter snow and cold offered a reprieve, but in Jan-
uary 2020 a crew grooming snow machine trails re­­
ported smoke where the Deshka Landing Fire had been.
When firefighters arrived, they found that the fire had
Randi Jandt is a fire never fully gone out. It had smoldered underground for
ecologist, wildlife four months and reemerged through the snow cover.
biologist and As the state became warm and dry again in June, re­­
occasional firefighter ports came in of smoke where the Swan Lake Fire had
at the International been. It had smoldered through eight months of win-
Arctic Research
Center and the ter and spring and reignited.
Alaska Fire Science These so-called zombie fires—thought dead but re­­
Consortium at animated—are flaring up as climate change makes the SINKHOLES can form after fire consumes the
the University of Alaska fire season hotter and longer. From 2005 to 2017, insulating surface layer, exposing permafrost and
Eric Miller B ureau of Land Management’s Alaska Fire Service (t his page)
Alaska Fairbanks. fire managers in Alaska and in Canada’s Northwest ice wedges that thaw and slump, which happened
Territories reported 48 zombie, or holdover, fires that here after the Anaktuvuk River Fire.
survived the long winter. Rebecca Scholten, a remote-
Design Pics, Inc. Alamy Stock Photo (p receding pages) ;

sensing specialist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam who

works with Alaska fire managers, has discovered 20 covers the surface in the treeless tundra and the boreal
more that were undocumented, by searching back forests just to their south. This dense, peaty layer, called
through satellite imagery. The unusual phenomenon duff, is the accumulation of each summer’s dead sur-
Alison York is occurs across the high north, and it was responsible face moss and litter, its decomposition slowed by the
a researcher at the for extremely early blazes in northern Siberia in March low temperatures at these high latitudes. Duff can
International Arctic
2020 and March 2021. range in thickness from three to 20 inches (eight to 50
Research Center
and is coordinator Zombie fires can recur because in northern ecosys- centimeters). It can accumulate for centuries, becom-
for the Alaska Fire tems trees are not the only—or even the main—fuel. A ing increasingly compacted and dense with time.
Science Consortium. thick, organic blanket of live and dead plant material The duff’s surface is a green veneer made mostly of

44  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

feather mosses, which do not have roots or a vascular it more ready to burn deeply. This feedback loop most DUFF t hat covers
system but instead draw moisture directly from the air. likely will expand the acres burned, aggravate health high-latitude forest
Their moisture content varies almost instantaneously for millions of people and make the climate change floors can be up
with relative humidity; even after rain, the moss can faster than ever. Feedbacks may even convert the entire to 20 inches thick
dry enough within hours to burn. The longer, hotter, region from one that absorbs more carbon than it emits (ruler); zombie fires
drier summers and shorter winters that climate change to one that emits more carbon than it absorbs. can smolder in that
is bringing to the northern high latitudes are turning layer for an entire
wide tracts of forest floor and trees into tinderboxes WET YET DRY winter. Metal rods
that lightning—or careless people—can readily ignite. People tend to think of Alaska as snowy and unlikely inserted into duff
Wildfires across the high north are increasing in to burn, yet much of the state, especially the interior, before fire can
frequency and size. They are also transforming land- has a continental climate with long, cold winters but show how much
scapes and ecosystems. In addition to being a fuel, warm and relatively dry summers. If you fly over inte- is consumed by
duff is a remarkable insulator of underlying frozen rior Alaska in the summer, you will see a vast green subsequent flames
ground—so much so that it has been keeping much landscape of forests, meadows and lakes. The lush (yellow sleeves).
of subsurface Alaska frozen since the Pleistocene appearance is deceiving because the region gets very
epoch. Each half-inch of thickness keeps the under- little precipitation. Slow, sustained melting of snow in
lying permafrost—ground that remains below freez- spring and thawing of the “active layer” immediately
ing for two or more years—about 1 degree Fahrenheit below the duff that refreezes each winter provide water
(0.6  degree Celsius) cooler. But if enough duff burns for greening, but the duff surface can become desert-
off, the underlying permafrost thaws, turning parts dry with a week or two of warm weather.
of Alaska into softening, slumping ground. Trees Boreal forests are Earth’s largest woodland biome,
rooted in this thawing ground can tilt at all angles, comprising 30  percent of global forest area. They are
like haphazard Leaning Towers of Pisa. also the most fire-prone northern ecosystem. Interior
Extensive wildfire is accelerating climate change, too. Alaska’s boreal zone is dominated by black spruce:
Large fires throw a stunning amount of carbon dioxide small, slow-growing trees that form dense stands. Their
into the atmosphere. Most of it comes from the duff, not branches reach all the way down into the duff, provid-
the trees. The thick duff layers across high latitudes ing a ladder for fire. As the dominant conifer in Alaska
store 30 to 40 percent of all the soil carbon on Earth. In over the past 7,000 years, black spruce have adapted to
2015 severe wildfires in interior Alaska burned 5.1  mil- the flames; their cones are clustered at the very top of
lion acres, releasing about nine million metric tons of the tree and open after a fire to shed seeds, which help
carbon from standing vegetation—and 154 million tons to reestablish the ecosystem.
from the duff, according to Christopher Potter of nasa’s For decades fire managers in Alaska have monitored
Earth Sciences Division. (That calculation includes car- ignitions in remote areas and generally allowed them
bon lost to decomposition and erosion for two subse- to burn, renewing the fire-dependent ecosystems; much
quent years.) The total amount of CO2 is equal to that of Alaska, after all, has few settlements or infrastruc-
emitted by all of California’s cars and trucks in 2017. As ture to protect. This cost-effective approach has helped
Randi Jandt

more ground thaws, ice in the lower layers of duff melts Alaska largely avoid the problem, common in the lower
and drains away, drying the duff farther down, making 48 states, of forests that are overgrown or have too much

October 2021, 45

© 2021 Scientific American

1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980

Conditions Conspire to Magnify Fire

Climate change is amplifying wildfire in Alaska. Higher temperatures, particularly at night, are drying vegetation
and the forest floor, enhancing flammability. Warmer weather is also shortening the weeks of snow cover,
allowing dry conditions to persist for more of the year. Together these factors are lengthening the fire season, First large fire
increasing acres burned. Similar patterns are occurring globally across the high north. April 20
Alaska Fire Season

Last large fire

September 7
Sources: A laska’s Changing Wildfire Environment,
b y Z. Grabinski and H. R. McFarland, Alaska Fire Millions of Acres 0
Science Consortium, International Arctic Research
Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2020; Rick of Alaska Burned
Thoman, based on data from NOAA and National
Weather Service (temperatures); Brian Brettschneider,
based on data from National Snow and Ice Data 3
Center (s now season) ; Zav Grabinski, based on data
from Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (f ire
season) ; Rick Thoman, based on data from Alaska
Interagency Coordination Center (a cres burned) 6

deadwood. The approach also means that in Alaska, disappearing sea and land ice, which leave larger
researchers can see how climate is changing wildfire, areas of darker ocean and ground cover that absorb
without strong effects of human intervention. much more sunlight than ice or snow.
Until recently, fires would typically kill trees but Winters are warming faster than summers, but the
would not penetrate too deeply into the duff, because cumulative effect means snowpack is now developing
moisture in the lower layers prevented deeper burning. a week later and melting two weeks earlier than in the
Severe, deep burns have always happened on occasion 1990s, drying out duff for more of the year. Fire season
during especially hot and dry conditions. In their after- is at least a month longer than it was 30 years ago, put-
math, a mosaic of meadows, shrublands and hardwood ting pressure on agencies to lengthen contracts for fire-
forests (birch, poplar and aspen) typically emerges, fighters and aircraft. In 2016 Alaska set a record for fire-
replacing the spruce. Now these extreme events are season length: smokejumpers, who parachute into
increasing. In recent years forest fires in Alaska have remote locations, logged the earliest fire jump in their
broken records, burning more acreage, more intensely then 57-year history, near Palmer on April 17. And the
and for longer. Seasons in which a million or more acres Alaska Division of Forestry was still fighting flames near
burn are twice as frequent as 30 years ago. Anchorage in early October—in winds so cold they froze
The Arctic-boreal region as a whole is heating up the water slopping from helicopter buckets overhead.
1.5 to four times faster than temperate zones. Alaska Extremely hot days, which are strongly linked to fire
has warmed by four degrees F in the past 50 years, and growth, are increasing as well. In 2019, the year of the
evidence published in 2021 by David Swanson of the Swan Lake and McKinley Fires, Anchorage set 32 new
National Park Service Alaska Region suggests that record highs and experienced 90 degrees F for the first
warming has accelerated even more since 2014. This time. According to the latest climate models, the annual
“Arctic amplification” is driven for the most part by number of days above 77 degrees F—a key threshold for

46  Scientific American, October 2021 Graphic by Jen Christiansen

© 2021 Scientific American

1990 2000 2010 2020

Average Summer Temperature (Alaska)
10 coldest
48˚ Fahrenheit 52 56 10 warmest


Summer Nights with Temperature above 50˚ F (Fairbanks)

0 45 90
September 27 First snow


Compared with the late 1990s, snowpack is developing
Alaska Snow Season
about one week later in fall and melting roughly two weeks
earlier in spring.

June 10 Last snow Trend


Since 1980 the year’s first large fires have been starting
earlier, and the last large fires have been starting later.


drying out burnable vegetation—is expected to double est floor can hold 40 to 100 tons of fuel per acre. The
by midcentury Alaska’s interior. trees themselves add about 30 tons per acre, and even
More high-latitude fire is happening worldwide. so flames often consume mostly needles and branches,
Within the Arctic Circle, 2020 was the record year for leaving the denser tree trunks standing.
wildfires seen by satellite, and 2019 ranks second. In The duff, with its compact but airy layering, is a
Siberia, estimates indicate that more than 18,000 fires superb insulator of frozen ground underneath. Per-
burned 35  million acres in 2020—shocking numbers. mafrost in these regions is widespread and tens of
Temperature anomalies nearby were remarkable. On thousands of years old. Alaska is expected to lose
June 20 the town of Verkhoyansk, at the same latitude 25 percent of its permafrost area by the end of the cen-
as northern Alaska, hit a record: over 100 degrees F. In tury just from warming. Fire can accelerate this pro-
the region, precipitation was very low, and snow melt cess. When it leaves less than five inches of insulating
was the earliest since measurements began in 1967. Fire duff, the permafrost underneath can thaw and de­­
seasons in Russia’s Sakha Republic are now two weeks grade substantially. In Alaska’s midlatitudes, fires may
longer than they were a decade ago, and early reports trigger enough thaw that the permafrost will never
indicate Siberia’s 2021 season through July was more return, barring another Ice Age.
extensive than the same period in 2020. In May, Iceland An extreme example of fire-induced thawing was
issued the country’s first wildfire danger alert. The fac- the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF), which burned
tors feeding these fires are the same as those in Alaska. 250,000 acres of tundra in Alaska’s northernmost region,
the North Slope, at 70 degrees latitude. Fires beyond the
PERMAFROST AND LIGHTNING Arctic Circle (67 degrees latitude) are rare; researchers
Black spruce burn spectacularly, b
 ut most of the bio- had no record of a blaze this severe so far north. Light-
mass that goes up in smoke is the duff itself. The for- ning ignited the ARF in July. Although it appeared to be

October 2021, 47

© 2021 Scientific American
BLACK SPRUCE out by August, it smoldered silently in the duff under ident of Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow) said
conifers dominate the treeless surface and then roared back to life during that she had never seen a thunderstorm prior to 1992.
Alaska’s forests, but a warm September. The flames sent thick, billowing Climate change is increasing lightning activity
if they burn deeply, smoke over a wide area, choking residents of distant vil- across the U.S., with the biggest changes at the highest
hardwoods such as lages. Indigenous hunters said the smoke was disrupt- latitudes. A 2014 study by David Romps of the Univer-
birch, aspen and ing the fall caribou migrations. Extremely dry autumn sity of California, Berkeley, predicted that each 1.8
poplar may move weather allowed the ARF to burn so deeply into drought- degrees  F (1  degree  C) of warming brings 12  percent
in, changing habitat stricken duff that it continued to smolder into October, more lightning in the contiguous U.S. states. A 2019
and ecosystems. when lakes were frozen and snow again covered the analysis by Peter Bieniek of the University of Alaska
region. Ultimately more than 400 square miles of con- Fairbanks revealed a 17  percent increase in lightning
tinuous permafrost terrain was scarred. Alaska-wide over the past 30 years; in some regions, that
The fire was so extraordinary that one of us (Jandt) number is as high as 600 percent. Models by San­der
initiated a study on behalf of the Bureau of Land Man- Veraverbeke, a professor of remote sensing at the Vrije
agement’s Alaska Fire Service into effects on vegetation Universiteit Amsterdam, predict that by 2050 Alaska
and the active layer. In early July 2008, the start of the will experience 59 percent more lightning, re­­sulting in
ensuing Arctic summer, the team arrived by helicopter 78 percent more lightning-ignited wildfires, increasing
to the ARF. Usually the North Slope at this time of year burned area by 50  percent. A 2021 study found that
is cold, windy and drizzly. Instead the helicopter landed lightning in the Arctic itself tripled from 2010 to 2020.
on a sea of charred ground under a clear blue sky. The Arctic Alaska has experienced the most dramatic
temperature was a staggering 80  degrees  F—way too warming of any place in the state and, with it, the larg-
warm for a heavy flight suit and insulated boots. It was est surge in lightning. Mean annual temperatures in
so hot and dry that the usual hordes of mosquitoes Utqiagvik increased 11.4 degrees  F from 1976 to 2018,
were gone, replaced by swarms of blackflies. and autumn temperatures have risen 18 degrees F.
The survey team saw cumulus clouds building
from the warm, rising air masses, which can be fuel LAND OF CHANGE
for a thunderstorm. Alaskans across interior parts of The metamorphosis the survey team noted during data
the state are accustomed to seeing summer heat gathering from 2008 through 2018 on the North
spawn strong thunderstorms, especially during June Slope’s ARF area parallels changes occurring after
WorldFoto Alamy Stock Photo

and July, when the sun is up for almost 24 hours a day. severe fires spread across Alaska and across the north.
Fires started by lightning are responsible for 90  per- Each time the team was in the burn region it recorded
cent of the acreage burned in Alaska and Canada’s plant cover and pushed metal probes down into the
tundra and boreal forests. But lightning on the North ground along numerous transects to measure the
Slope had been rare. An Inupiat elder and lifetime res- active layer. The thawed soil depth became deeper

48  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

every year, from four inches greater than the same plants resprout or reseed. Seasonally thawed soil can
measurements made outside the burn area one year deepen; permafrost, if present, can subside. Low-lying
after the fire to 7.5 inches deeper after four years. Ten areas can become temporarily wetter as ice thaws, help-
years later the active layer showed signs of recovery, ing grasses, shrubs and deciduous trees thrive.
possibly stopping the increasing depth of thaw. Over time, however, more shrubs across tundra can
Still, these measurements do not convey the mag- make the ground even warmer. For one thing, they
nitude of the surface alterations that took place on the hold more snow, which insulates the ground from
ARF. The entire skin of the earth slid and cracked as colder air. Burned slopes and ridges can become drier
the permafrost underneath thawed and the water as thaw deepens, allowing even more subsurface drain-

drained away. Large parcels started to sink, or subside, age; new sensing technology has revealed “taliks”—
because the volume of permafrost was disintegrating. pockets of unfrozen soil—deep under burned areas,
From a helicopter, vast portions of the treeless region which establish channels of thaw in the permafrost. In
looked like a checkerboard of earthy squares; the dark,  f acreage
o boreal forests, changes in habitat and the tree canopy
crevasselike channels that outline each of them were burned is from alter patterns of animal movement. And microbes in
deepening significantly. Craters up to 200 feet wide warmer soils digest more of the ancient carbon in the
lightning fires
opened where thawing destabilized slopes—a phenom- duff and thawed permafrost, turning it into green-
enon called thermokarst mass wasting. Underground house gases, including methane.
ice wedges that had not seen the sun for 60,000 years More burning across boreal and tundra regions,
emerged, smelling like dead dinosaurs. L ightning along with cascading ecosystem changes, has global
To chart the changing land, remote-sensing and will increase implications that only large computer models can esti-

permafrost experts Ben Jones and Carson Baughman mate. The models predict that boreal burning may
of the U.S. Geological Survey joined the team excur- double or even quadruple by the end of this century,
sions in 2017. Jones used airborne radar to confirm releasing massive quantities of carbon from the ubiq-
that surface subsidence was widespread, from four to by 2050 uitous duff. That shift could transform the region from
40 inches deep. Surface roughness, a measure of sub- a carbon sink to a carbon source, which would amplify
sidence, over much of the eastern half of the burn area climate change worldwide.
increased threefold, giving the landscape deeper It may not be all bad news. Some studies indicate
channels, taller hummocks and more surface area. that a shift in forest composition from conifers such as
Jones and Baughman left probes in burned and spruce to less flammable deciduous trees such as birch
unburned areas that continued to record temperature. and aspen, as well as a slight increase in rainfall attrib-
Measurements showed that the soil at six inches depth uted to less sea ice, may offset some of the predicted
in the burned area averaged 2.7  degrees  F warmer on increase in area burned. If deciduous forests replace
an annual basis, and summer maximum temperatures conifer forests after fire, they could reflect more sunlight,
were 11  degrees  F warmer than in the unburned area. at least in winter when their leaves are gone and light
Obviously this warming jeopardizes permafrost, but it reflects off the underlying snow, moderating the climate-
also influences the plants that will dominate the region. warming feedback. Warmer tundra soils are already
Ten years after the ARF fire, tall shrubs, grasses and producing more shrubs and ultimately could support
other vascular plants, some of which had been rare trees, which would sequester some of the carbon lost
beforehand, had increased tremendously. In warmer from soils and permafrost in their wood. But the devil
soils, fast-growing grasses and willow shrubs can out- is in the details. We need better estimates on each of
compete the slower-growing mosses, lichens and dwarf these factors to predict how feedbacks will unfold.
shrubs that were prevalent before the fire. These new- While scientists work on those tasks, Alaska resi-
comers add more dry litter to the fuel bed every year dents and fire agencies are strategizing about how to
than the slow-growing mosses do. That may explain protect people, private land, infrastructure and natu-
why in 2017, a decade after the ARF, there were two new ral resources in an intensifying fire environment. They
fire scars roughly 100 acres apiece inside the 2007 burn are improving firefighting preparedness by thinning
expanse. Repeat fire in just 10 years was unusual inside forest or removing burnable brush and vegetation
a burn area where the likely time between subsequent around towns and cabins. And they are harnessing new
fires has been estimated at several hundred years. technology—such as satellite imagery—for earlier fire
detection and for accurate mapping and monitoring.
SINK OR SOURCE? More fire in the high north may alter the land and the
Researchers are working hard to understand the con- climate, but Alaskans are trying to do as much as they
sequences of changing fire in the high north. The imme- can to prevent disastrous loss of life and property.  ‑
diate impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, poor
air quality and infrastructure damage are obvious. Sec-
ondary impacts that can arise are challenging to pre- FROM OUR ARCHIVES
dict. Some are expected, such as soil warming in sum- The Permafrost Prediction. Ted Shuur; December 2016.
mer as a result of the charred black surface, undulating
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
landscapes and reestablishment of vegetation as burned

October 2021, 49

© 2021 Scientific American

Social Resilien

© 2021 Scientific American

Underserved Black communities are often depicted as
dysfunctional. Their resiliency has long been overlooked
By Nancy Averett | Illustrations by Victor Juhasz

October 2021, 51

© 2021 Scientific American

Nancy Averett writes about the environment and social science
from Cincinnati, Ohio. Her work has appeared in Audubon, Sierra,
Discover, and elsewhere.

G ood Evening,” Jacqueline Mattis says, setting a glass of water

down on a podium in the downtown branch of the Ann Arbor
District Library in Michigan. The audience, mostly white and
middle-aged, murmurs, “Good evening.”
“Oh, no, no, no, no,” Mattis says in a silky voice, holding up
her hands in mock surprise. “I study religion. I study religion in
the Black context, so let’s start this again: good evening!”
“Good evening!” the crowd exclaims in return.
Mattis nods, and when a man adds, “Amen!” her smile widens.
“Better response,” she says, pointing at him. “Better response!”
It is January 2020, and Mattis, a professor of psychology and
dean of faculty at the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers in New-
ark, N.J., is discussing her latest research subject: the transformative
power of love and altruism among urban-residing Black people in
the U.S. She shares a story about an interview she did with a young
woman—referred to by the pseudonym “Saniyka”—who showed up
at a homeless encampment when she was 15, along with her four
younger siblings. The adults there quickly became surrogate par-
ents, sharing their tents, washing the children’s clothes and pro-
lege she struggled when her professors described depravity and
chaos in poor neighborhoods but never mentioned the grand-
mothers who used what little food they had to cook a meal for
someone down the street who had even less. “Growing up that
way and then hearing the [media and academic] representation
of those spaces,” she says, “I couldn’t make sense of it. What I
was reading didn’t match my lived experience.”
That dissonance led Mattis to pursue positive psychology re­­
search, which focuses on individuals’ and communities’ strengths
rather than their deficits. Mattis and other researchers are exam-
ining how people in poorer communities subject to discrimination
viding food. They were persistent about education and an alterna- can achieve high levels of social capital, which is the ability to solve
tive vision of the future. By the time Saniyka was a high school problems and thrive by forming mutually trusting, engaged rela-
senior, she had the highest grades in her class. Her tent-city par- tionships and networks. These particular social ties often bring
ents saved money to fund her college application fees. about desired outcomes that would not be achieved in isolation.
The audience is rapt during the story, as Mattis figured they Some researchers, however, believe social capital is the
would be. Although many appear surprised to hear that people domain of the middle class or wealthy; that distressed or low-
with so little would give so much, she is not. Mattis grew up in income communities cannot manufacture it themselves and
majority-Black neighborhoods—first in Kingston, Jamaica, then therefore rely on interventions to build social capital. In fact,
in the Bronx—where people lacked access to the rights, resources Mattis and other Black researchers have found that even in the
and opportunities that were enjoyed by white residents nearby. most resource-poor neighborhoods, high levels of social capital
Mattis had caring, hardworking neighbors who looked out for not only exist but are used as a means to buffer the community
one another. Yet as a young adult, she noticed that the media against systematic oppression. In a world racked by a pandemic
often portrayed such places as rife with violence and dysfunc- and climate disasters, this form of social consciousness, they say,
tional families and populated by weak, despairing people. In col- should be celebrated and deeply studied.

52  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

R ESILIENCE FROM SOCIAL CAPITAL therefore lost their long-standing social connections suffered
The roots o  f social capital can be found in the musings of 18th- and greater cognitive decline than those who were able to remain in
19th-century intellectuals such as Alexis de Tocqueville, who on a their homes. Epidemiologist Helen  L. Berry of the University of
visit to the U.S. in 1830 discovered that Americans loved to join asso- Sydney has found examples of how collective responses to natu-
ciations and that such groups had positive effects on their mem- ral disasters can increase social capital. For instance, after Oxford,
bers. “Feelings and ideas are renewed,” he wrote, “the heart en­­­­ England, was inundated with floods six times in 10 years, an alli-
larged, and the understanding developed only by the reciprocal ance formed in 2007 to work on flood-readiness projects. Berry
action of men one upon another.” The term first turned up in the insists that government leaders must address structural problems
social science literature in 1916, when L.  J. Hanifan, a progressive that harm communities. At the same time, when residents got
serving as West Virginia’s state supervisor of rural schools, used it together to learn how to install concrete blockades during flood
to argue for community involvement in schools. “The individual is warnings, it gave them a sense of achievement. “Acting for the
helpless socially, if left entirely to himself,” he wrote. “If he may greater good is powerfully protective of mental health,” Berry says.
come into contact with his neighbor  ... there will be an accumula- Most social capital studies—as with most kinds of research—
tion of social capital, which may immediately satisfy his social needs typically focus on white, middle-class people. Some researchers
and which may bear a social potentiality sufficient to the substan- have even doubted that social capital can really take hold in mar-
tial improvement of living conditions in the whole community.” ginalized communities because of pervasive poverty. For instance,
“Social capital” has been used among scholars of economics, in his 2015 book, O  ur Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, P  ut-
politics, anthropology and psychology. It caught the greater pub- nam argues there must be an extremely low level of social capi-
lic’s eye when political science professor Robert  D. Putnam of tal among poor families in the U.S. because they often do not have
Harvard University published his best-selling 2000 book, B  owl- two parents at home, are less likely to attend church, and find few
ing Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. In opportunities to participate in youth sports, scouts and other
it, Putnam laments the decline of mainstream America’s social activities. The examples he uses to make his argument—such as
clubs such as softball leagues, parent-teacher associations and a boy who grew up in a New Orleans housing project who brags
Rotary Clubs, saying we have become so focused on individual- about beating up other kids—are the kind that frustrate Mattis.
ism that we even bowl alone rather than in leagues. Putnam attri- She, along with other Black researchers and Black community
butes this decline to such forces as suburbanization, increased leaders, argues that social capital can be found in poor and mar-
television watching and generational shifts—people who grew up ginalized neighborhoods if one bothers to look. “There have
during the stress of the Great Depression and World War  II, he always existed pockets of resilience and agency embedded within
says, felt the pull of community in a way that their children and even the most marginalized urban spaces,” wrote LeConté Dill, a
grandchildren did not. He worries that this movement away from professor at Michigan State University, in a 2011 paper. While
social and civic engagement has eroded democracy. earning her doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley,
Other scholars elaborated on Putnam’s hypotheses about Dill became interested in the protective factors that create resil-
increasing isolation. Harvard sociologist Theda Skocpol has argued ience. She spent a summer observing the East Oakland Youth
that it is driven in part by wealthy Americans who may support pro- Development Center (EOYDC), where teenagers can participate
fessional nonprofits such as the Sierra Club or AARP but are less in hip-hop dance classes, seminars on the Black experience, a
likely to participate in local grassroots groups. Matthew Crenson “pathway to college” program, and more. One of those teenagers
and Benjamin Ginsberg, political scientists at Johns Hopkins Uni- was Lanikque Howard, who grew up in a single-parent household
versity, blame it on a range of factors that made it less likely citizens in one of the area’s poorest neighborhoods. While Howard’s
would band together to push the government to listen. For instance, mother was working double shifts, Regina Jackson, who is pres-
a rise in litigation shifted the action of forcing legislators to change ident and CEO of the center, would drive Howard to the only post
or enact laws from citizen organizing to advocacy groups working office open late so she could mail off yet another batch of schol-
through the courts. And before the switch to an all-volunteer pro- arship applications.
fessional army, citizen soldiers who were drafted alongside their The first in her family to get a college degree, Howard recently
neighbors and friends made demands such as the expansion of vot- earned her doctorate in social work, and this year she was cho-
ing rights to 18-year-olds. sen by the Biden administration to join the Department of Health
Others fault social media for giving a false sense of civic and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families.
engagement. In 2018 Eitan Hersh, a political science professor at By supporting the development of individual resilience, Jackson
Tufts University, found that a third of surveyed Americans has created a community of thriving young adults who then reach
reported spending two hours or more on politics every day. Yet back to offer advice and encouragement—personal tours of their
those two hours were nearly always focused on consuming polit- college campuses; job leads—to the current teens who are com-
ical news, arguing about politics online and thinking about pol- ing up through EOYDC’s programming. Dill calls this “bridging”
itics. This “political hobbyism,” he says, threatens our democracy social capital because it can improve the teens’ social mobility.
because it takes up the time of well-meaning citizens who might She also identified a type of interpersonal social capital that peo-
otherwise be pursuing real political power by attending local ple draw on to “get by” and cope with daily problems—what Jack-
planning meetings or knocking on doors to engage neighbors. son describes in lay terms as encouraging a sense of “personal
Examples from other nations show that social capital often sustainability” in the teens “so they believe that they deserve to
improves mental health. For instance, social epidemiologist Ich- be successful.” Jackson’s charges often return to the Oakland area
iro Kawachi of Harvard has found that older survivors of a Japa- to work so they can help their old neighborhoods, thus building
nese earthquake who had to move to temporary housing and even more community resilience.

October 2021, 53

© 2021 Scientific American

lons of hand sanitizer to give to Black
frontline workers such as bus drivers,
grocery store clerks and cafeteria work-
ers. “Black people, in my opinion, and all
nonwhite people have this sense of com-
munity embedded in our DNA out of
necessity that says we have to share what
we have in order for everyone to be okay.”
These altruistic behaviors, Mattis says,
“reinforce the fact that you’re fully human
in a world that doesn’t tell you that you’re
fully human. That gives you a different
picture of yourself.”
Because so many things in society—
democracy, saving lives during a pan-
demic, action on climate change—work
better when we have strong social capi-
tal, it makes sense to study how it is cre-
ated and sustained. Understanding how
it manifests in majority-Black commu-
nities, Mattis says, could inform efforts
to strengthen society overall.

Collectivism in Black communities—
what some social scientists have called
the “Black helping tradition”—can be
traced back to at least the late 1700s,
when two formerly enslaved men, Rich-
ard Allen and Absalom Jones, founded
the Free African Society, a mutual-aid
society that eventually led to the first U.S.
Black religious denomination: African
Methodist Episcopal. The society gave
newly freed people goods and services
they could not get elsewhere: money, jobs,
education, clothes, health care and reli-
gious instruction.
Churches were some of the few places
Dill and Mattis, as well as other researchers in psychology, social where Black Americans could gather safely for any kind of public
work, epidemiology, public health, and other fields, are building discourse. Martin Luther King, Jr., famously used the church in the
up a body of published evidence showing that a current of collec- fight for civil rights, and the Black Panthers held free breakfasts for
tivism runs through majority-Black enclaves that can help make Black children in church basements. “For Blacks especially, churches
people more resilient than they might be otherwise. Their work provide an opportunity to be civically engaged with a protective
has sometimes met with skepticism. Mattis, for example, says peer- covering of unity and support,” wrote Keon Gilbert, a behavioral
reviewers have accused her of making up the personal stories of sciences professor at St. Louis University, and Lorraine Dean, an
altruism that she has gathered from people she has interviewed epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
(she offered to let them listen to recordings), and some scholars Health, in their research looking at health and political advocacy.
have told her it is irresponsible to study goodness in poor urban Mattis began studying religion and spirituality and their con-
spaces because it might give the impression that there are not big nection to the psychological welfare of the Black community by
problems in places affected by structural racism and inequality. using surveys and in-depth interviews when she was in graduate
Mattis counters that it is misleading to ignore altruism and how school at the University of Michigan. At the time, she was strug-
it helps people cultivate social capital. During the C
­ OVID pandemic, gling with her mother’s exhortation—“You have a responsibility
scholars have noted how an extreme focus on individualism in to tell our story”—and the often negative portrayals her profes-
American culture has led to tragic results. But that is too sweeping sors shared about people in majority-Black neighborhoods. She
an assessment. “In the Black community, we have to take care of knew from personal experience that religion and spirituality had
ourselves,” says Traci Blackmon, a Missouri pastor. In the early days helped instill resiliency in her neighbors, allowing them to remain
of the pandemic, her church collected 30,000 masks and many gal- hopeful despite their unjust circumstances and to create a sense

54  Scientific American, October 2021

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of responsibility toward one another. “It was the thing that helped people want to be more prepared for the next storm, but they are
everyone I knew live lives of dignity,” she says. not confident that they can be. Some worry that if they are too
Her work has shown that many Black Americans take solace pushy—say, insisting that public works employees clear debris
in a kind of racial righteousness—a conviction that racism is a sin from drainage ditches near their homes to prevent flooding—city
in the eyes of God and that Jesus, who championed the oppressed, workers might retaliate by sending police to harass them. “There’s
is on their side—and this belief is a source of optimism. She has a lot of fear,” says White, who encourages his attendees to over-
also found a distinction between religion and spirituality. As one come anxieties and take action by giving them hard facts such as
woman she interviewed put it: “Religion is what you do when a copy of the city code on drainage-ditch maintenance. “When
you’re afraid of going to hell, and spirituality is what you do when people are uncertain, they don’t push,” he says. “But most people
you’ve already been there.” That sentiment, Mattis says, “captures get emboldened once they know they’re right. They’ll hold up this
what happens when life really pushes you to your limits. You piece of paper and say, ‘Hey, look, man, this is what the code says!’”
develop a personal sense of what’s sacred, what’s important.” There is evidence that White’s breakfasts are doing exactly
She points out that it is a relationship that does not always sit what Kawachi and Berry say social capital does: bolstering peo-
well with mainstream, predominantly white psychology. Sigmund ple’s psyches. Two months after Harvey hit, Garett Sansom, an
Freud notably described religions as escapist, illogical and path- associate professor at Texas A&M’s School of Public Health, came
ological responses to adversity and existential angst. The push to a breakfast meeting to see whether he could gauge how a group
for psychology to become evidence-based has led many scholars of Houston’s low-income Black residents were faring after the
to shy away from looking at religion and spirituality as relevant storm. Sansom administered the 12-item Short-Form Health Sur-
to mental health. Further complicating the matter is the fact that vey, a standard public health tool that measures physical and men-
studies also show that psychologists and therapists overwhelm- tal health, to the 153 people in the audience. The results surprised
ingly identify as atheist or agnostic. “As a young student, I learned him. The survey almost always shows a correlation between phys-
early on that social work was a secular field and that people who ical and mental health scores—if one is low, so is the other. “That’s
have a strong faith background almost have to be prepared to been shown across lots of different communities, including the
tuck it in their pocket,” says Ratonia Runnels, an assistant pro- African-American community,” he says. “But what we found was
fessor of social work at Texas Woman’s University, who nonethe- that in this group, even though they had greatly reduced physi-
less studies how religion might be integrated into social work. cal health scores ... they actually had higher mental health scores.”
In 2011 Runnels published a study looking at how Black survi- In other words, despite living in neighborhoods that suffered
vors of Hurricane Katrina used spirituality and religion to cope. She some of the worst impacts of the storm, they were less depressed,
and her co-authors analyzed interviews with 52 Black survivors and traumatized and anxious than other people in the area.
98 service providers described as government officials, therapists, Mattis knows well the positive effects of social capital on men-
social workers, pastors, case managers and volunteers. Their work tal health. Yet she cautions against using conventional defini-
showed that the secular providers were surprised by the survivors’ tions of success as proof of resilience. At the library in Ann Arbor,
deep faith. They also found that some pastors were treated with her story about Saniyka, the valedictorian, doesn’t have an obvi-
hostility. One pastor said he was rebuffed when he tried to counsel ous fairy-tale ending. Saniyka still dreams of going to college but
survivors at a shelter; officials told him they had medical staff to for a variety of reasons has not yet attended one. Nevertheless,
take care of physical needs and mental health workers to take care the young woman is employed at a nonprofit that works with
of mental health needs. The man said he pointed out that there was vulnerable people. Having been homeless herself (she now shares
another component, people’s spiritual needs, but was turned away. a one-bedroom apartment with four people she met in the tent
As a Black woman who is religious herself, Runnels understands city), Saniyka has thrived in this position, according to Mattis.
that the spirituality found in Black churches—a belief that a higher Saniyka approaches people she meets on the street and engages
power is looking out for the congregants—inspires people to be the them in conversation, hoping to learn their hidden talents and
embodiment of that power by taking care of one another. Black lib- encourage them to contribute to her organization. She recog-
erationist theology, which emerged during the Civil Rights Move- nizes that every person has something valuable to offer—a per-
ment, emphasizes that social action on behalf of the Black commu- spective that Mattis shares.
nity is part of the spiritual responsibility of the faithful. And If academics, policy makers and others in the mainstream fail to
because worshippers share a similar identity and values—two see the social capital in marginalized communities—the ways peo-
things that Putnam says are key—social capital flows in such spaces. ple cope and even thrive in very difficult circumstances—then soci-
Charles X. White of Houston, a school safety consultant by day ety as a whole suffers, she says. “You see people who are much bet-
and a community worker by night, sometimes uses churches to ter resourced than [Saniyka], who sort of lapse into this mindset of
hold his long-running series of community breakfasts focused on hopelessness and selfishness in the face of adversity,” Mattis explains.
civic engagement. The attendees, mostly older women, recite a “And she, instead of looking inward and becoming isolated, takes
pledge in which they promise to work to better their neighbor- all those experiences and decides to focus outward on changing
hoods. Between bites of biscuits and gravy, they listen as White, the world so it doesn’t have to look that way for others.” 
who speaks in a deep baritone, introduces speakers such as pol-
iticians looking for help getting out the vote, city health and
human services workers explaining how to file pollution com- F R O M O U R A R C H I V E S
plaints, and county police officers demonstrating evacuation tech- The Biggest Psychological Experiment. Lydia Denworth; July 2020.
niques for extreme weather events. The last is a crucial topic to
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
his audience. After suffering through Hurricane Harvey in 2017,

October 2021, 55

© 2021 Scientific American

56  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American


A mismatch between theory and experiment
from muons points to possible new particles
and forces of nature
By Marcela Carena
Illustration by Maria Corte

October 2021, 57

© 2021 Scientific American

Marcela Carena is a particle physicist and head of the Theory Division

at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., and a professor
of physics at the University of Chicago, where she is a member
of the Enrico Fermi Institute and the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics.

fter leaving the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

physics laboratory years ago, I crossed the Swiss-­German border
by high-speed train. Looking out the window of the carriage, I was
enthralled by the scenes flashing by: a young couple embracing on
an otherwise deserted platform, an old man standing by a rusty
wagon with a missing wheel, two girls wading into a reedy pond.
Each was just a few flickering frames, gone in the blink of an eye,
but enough for my imagination to fill in a story.
I had just finished writing up some theoretical work on els through a magnetic field. This variation in spin direction can
muon particles—heavier cousins to electrons—and it was out be affected by virtual particles that appear and disappear in
for the scrutiny of my particle physics colleagues during peer re- empty space according to the weird rules of quantum mechan-
view. There was a symmetry between my thoughts as I looked ics. If there are additional particles in the universe beyond the
out the train window that day and the research I had been ones we know about, they, too, will show up as virtual particles
working on. I had been analyzing the flickering effects of unseen and exert an influence on a muon’s spin in our experiments.
“virtual” particles on muons, aiming to use the clues from these And this seems to be what we are seeing. The Fermilab experi-
interactions to piece together a fuller picture of our quantum ment and its precursor measured a stronger wobble in muons’
universe. As a young theorist just launching my career, I had spins than what we expect based on just the known particles. If
heard about proposed experiments to measure the tiny wobbles the current discrepancy holds up, this will be the biggest break-
of muons to gather such clues. I had just spent my last few through in particle physics since the discovery of the Higgs bo-
months at CERN working on an idea that could relate these son—the most recent novel particle discovered. We might be ob-
wobbling muons to the identity of the missing dark matter that serving the effects of particles that could help unveil the iden-
dominates our universe and other mysteries. My mind fast-for- tity of dark matter or even reveal a new force of nature.
warding, I thought, “Great—now I just have to wait for the ex-
periments to sort things out.” Little did I suspect that I would THE STANDARD MODEL
end up waiting for a quarter of a century. My romance with physics b  egan when I was a child, gazing in
Finally, this past April, I tuned in to a Webcast from my amazement at the Via Lactea ( the Milky Way) in the deep dark
home institution, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fer- sky of Argentina’s Pampas where I grew up. The same wonder
milab) near Chicago, where scientists were reporting findings fills me now. It is my job as a particle physicist to investigate
from the Muon g-2 (“g minus two”) experiment. Thousands of what the universe is made of, how it works and how it began.
people around the world watched to see if the laws of physics Scientists believe there is a simple yet elegant mathematical
would soon need to be rewritten. The Fermilab project was fol- structure, based on symmetries of na­­ture, that describes the
lowing up on a 2001 experiment that found tantalizing hints of way microscopic elementary particles interact with one another
the muon wobble effect I had been hoping for. That trial didn’t through the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces; this is the
produce enough data to be definitive. But now Muon g-2 co- miracle of particle physics that scientists prosaically call the
spokesperson Chris Polly was unveiling the long-awaited re- Standard Model. The distant stars are made of the same three
sults from the experiment’s first run. I watched with excite- elementary matter particles as our bodies: the electron and the
ment as he showed a collection of new evidence that agreed “up” and “down” quarks, the two latter of which form protons
with the earlier trial, both suggesting that muons are not acting and neutrons. Starlight is the result of the electromagnetic
as current theory prescribes. With the evidence from these two force acting between the charged protons and electrons, liber-
experiments, we are now very near the rigorous statistical ating light energy at the hot surface of the star. The heat source
threshold physicists require to claim a “discovery.” of these stars, including our sun, is the strong force, which acts
What is this wobble effect that has me and other scientists so on the protons and neutrons to produce nuclear fusion. And
intrigued? It has to do with the way a muon spins when it trav- the weak force, which operates on both the quarks and the elec-

58  Scientific American, October 2021

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trons, turns protons into neutrons and SPINNING MUONS:Particles circle powerful magnets stores muons created
positively charged electrons and controls around this 50-foot-diameter ring under controlled conditions by smashing
the rate of the first step in the fusion pro- in the Muon g-2 experiment. a beam of protons from a particle accel-
cess. (The fourth force of nature, gravity, erator into a target of mostly nickel. This
is not part of the Standard Model, al- process produces pions, unstable compos-
though integrating it with the other forces is a major goal.) ite particles that then decay into neutrinos and muons through
Physicists assembled the Standard Model piece by piece over weak force effects. At this point, the muons enter a ring filled
the course of decades. At particle accelerators around the world, with the vacuum of “empty” space.
we have been able to create and observe all of the particles that Like electrons, muons have electric charge and a property
the mathematical structure requires. The last to be found, the we call spin, which makes them behave as little magnets. Be-
Higgs boson, was discovered almost a decade ago at CERN’s cause of the way they were created, when negatively charged
Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Yet we know the Standard Model muons enter the ring their spins point in the same direction as
is not complete. It does not explain, for example, the 85 percent of their motion, whereas for positively charged muons (used in
the matter in the universe—dark matter—that holds the cosmos the Fermilab experiment) the spins point in the opposite direc-
together, making galaxies such as our Milky Way possible. The tion of their motion. An external magnetic field makes the elec-
Standard Model falls short of answering why, at some early time trically charged muons orbit around the ring at almost the
in our universe’s history, matter prevailed over antimatter, en- speed of light. At the same time, this magnetic field causes the
abling our existence. And the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab spin of the muons to precess smoothly like a gyroscope, as the
Reidar Hahn Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

may now be showing that the Standard Model, as splendid as it particles travel around the ring, but with a small wobble.
is, describes just a part of a richer subatomic world. The rate of precession depends on the strength of the mu-
The subject of the experiment—muons—are produced in on’s internal magnet and is proportional to a factor that we call
abundance by cosmic rays in Earth’s atmosphere; more than g. The way the equations of the Standard Model are written, if
10,000 of them pass through our bodies every minute. These the muon didn’t wobble at all, the value of g would be 2. If that
particles have the same physical properties as the familiar elec- were the case, the muon’s direction of motion and direction of
tron, but they are 200 times heavier. The extra mass makes spin would always be the same with respect to each other, and
them better probes for new phenomena in high-precision labo- g-2 would be zero. In that case, scientists would measure no
ratories because any deviations from their expected be­­havior wobble of the muon. This situation is exactly what we would ex-
will be more noticeable. At Fermilab, a 50-foot-diameter ring of pect without considering the properties of the vacuum.

October 2021, 59

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Wobbling Muons
Physicists studying muon particles recently found that they do not behave as expected. Muons are charged particles similar to electrons,
but heavier, and when moving in circles within a magnetic field, their spin wobbles. Scientists predicted this, but they did not expect them
to wobble as much as they do. The findings, from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) near
Chicago, suggest something exciting may be afoot.

Direction of spin
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP (exaggerated in this graphic)
Magnetized loop
The g-2 experiment sends
muons into a magnetized loop Direction of momentum
where they circle around until
they decay. Physicists look at the
decay products to find out how
the direction of the particles’
spin has changed—or precessed.
Here we show the case of
negatively charged muons.

2 The circling muons

Muon eventually decay into
electrons, whose energies
Pions decay indicate the direction of the
into muons parent muon’s spin. Physi­
cists use calorimeters to Calorimeter
Pions are record the energy and (Three shown
created arrival time of the electrons here. Actual loop
to see how much the spin includes 24)
direction has changed.

Muon decays: the resulting

electron initially moves in the Two of the 24
direction of the parent muon, calorimeters include
with a slightly curved path tracker planes
Direction of momentum
influenced by the magnetic field
1 Physicists create muons
by slamming protons
into a target material to
produce particles called
pions, which naturally
decay into muons. The
muons are then injected
into the experimental ring.

But quantum physics tells us that the nothingness of empty feature of the quantum world plays a crucial role in particle
space is the most mysterious substance in the universe. This is physics experiments; indeed, the discovery of the Higgs boson
because empty space contains virtual particles—short-lived ob- was enabled by virtual particle effects at the LHC.
jects whose physical effects are very real. All the Standard Model Virtual particles also interact with the muons in the Fermi-
particles we know of can behave as virtual particles as a result of lab ring and change the value of  g. You can imagine the virtual
the uncertainty principle, an element of quantum theory that particles as ephemeral companions that a muon emits and im-
limits the precision with which we can perform measurements. mediately reabsorbs—they follow it around like a little cloud,
As a result, it is possible that for a very short time the uncer- changing its magnetic properties and thus its spin precession.
tainty in the energy of a particle can be so large that a particle Therefore, scientists always knew that g would not be exactly 2
can spring into existence from empty space. This mind-blowing and that there would be some wobble as muons spin around the

60  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustration by Jen Christiansen

© 2021 Scientific American

FACTOR Known Particle Interaction Potential New Particle Interaction
If the muons were alone
in the experiment, their Muon Muon
spins would not wobble.
But sci­­entists know
empty space is never Virtual Virtual
really empty: “virtual” photon neutralino
parti­cles contin­uously
appear and disappear
from the fluc­tuating
energy of the vacuum.
Physi­cists can calculate
how much of a wobble
effect would arise from
the known particles in
the universe, but if Virtual muon Virtual smuon
undiscov­­ered particles
exist, they would add
to the wobble. Such These interactions
particles could include happen so quickly
the “smuon” and that researchers can’t
“neutralino” predicted see them directly
by supersymmetry.

g=2 g>2
Scientists at the
Muon g-2 experiment
measured significantly
more wobbling than
the Standard Model
of physics predicts.
If virtual particles were
not present, the factor
g-2 would equal zero.
But with virtual particle
interactions, g becomes
greater than 2, and
the spin direction
diverges from the
muon’s direction
of momentum. The
findings suggest that
novel particles may be
contributing to g-2.

ring. But if the Standard Model is not the whole story, then mining the energy and arrival time of the electrons or positrons,
other particles that we have not yet discovered may also be scientists can deduce the spin direction of the parent muon. A
found in that cloud, changing the value of g in ways that the team of about 200 physicists from 35 universities and labs in
Standard Model cannot predict. seven countries developed techniques for measuring the muon
Muons themselves are unstable particles, but they live long g-2 property with unprecedented accuracy.
enough inside the Muon g-2 experiment for physicists to mea-
sure their spin direction. Physicists do this by monitoring one of A CONFIRMATION
the decay particles they create: electrons, from decays of nega- The first experiments to measure the muon g-2 took place at
tively charged muons, or positrons—the antiparticle version of CERN, and by the late 1970s they had produced results that, within
electrons—from decays of positively charged muons. By deter- their impressive but limited precision, agreed with standard the-

October 2021, 61

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ory. In the late 1990s the E821 Muon g-2 ex- BY BOAT AND BIG RIG:  calculation of g yet, taking into account
periment at Brook­haven National Labora- Getting the Muon g-2 ring to the effects from all virtual Standard
tory started taking data, with a similar set­ Fermilab from Brookhaven required Model particles that interact with muons
­up to that at CERN. It ran until 2001 and a barge and a specialized truck. through the electromagnetic, weak and
got impressive results showing an intrigu- strong forces. Just months before Fermi-
ing discrepancy from the Standard Model lab revealed its latest experimental mea-
calculations. It collected only enough data to establish a three- surements, the theory initiative unveiled their new calculation.
sigma deviation from the Standard Model—well short of the five- The number disagrees with the experimental result by 4.2 sigma,
sigma statistical significance physicists require for a “discovery.” which means that the chances that the discrepancy is purely a sta-
A decade later Fermilab acquired the original Brookhaven tistical fluctuation are about one in 40,000.
muon ring, shipped the 50-ton apparatus from Long Island to Still, the latest theoretical calculation is not iron-clad. The
Chicago via highways, rivers and an ocean, and started the next contributions to the g-2 factor governed by effects from the
generation of the Muon g-2 experiment. Nearly a decade after strong force are extremely difficult to compute. The Muon g-2
that, F
 ermilab announced a measurement of muon wobble with Theory Initiative used input from two decades of judiciously
an uncertainty of less than half a part in a million. This impres- measured data in related experiments with electrons to evalu-
sive accuracy, achieved with just the first 6 percent of the ex- ate these effects. Another technique, though, is to try to calcu-
pected data from the experiment, is comparable to the result late the size of the effects directly from theoretical principles.
from the full run of the Brookhaven trial. Most important, the This calculation is way too complex to solve exactly, but physi-
new Fermilab results are in striking agreement with the E821 cists can make approximations using a mathematical trick that
Reidar Hahn Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

values, confirming that the Brookhaven findings were not a fluke. discretizes our world into a gridlike lattice of space and time.
To confirm this year’s results, we need not just more experi- These techniques have yielded highly accurate results for other
mental data but also a better understanding of what exactly our computations where strong forces play a dominant role.
theories predict. Over the past two decades we have been refin- Teams around the world are tackling the lattice calculations
ing the Standard Model predictions. Most recently, more than for the muon  g-2 factor. So far only one team has claimed to
100 physicists working on the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative, started have a result of comparable accuracy to those based on experi-
by Aida El-Khadra of the University of Illinois, have strived to mental data from electron collisions. This result happens to di-
improve the accuracy of the Standard Model’s value for the lute the discrepancy between the experimental and Standard
muon g-2 factor. Advances in mathematical methods and com Model expectations—if it is correct, there may not be evidence
putational power have enabled the most accurate theoretical of additional particles tugging on the muon after all. Yet this lat-

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tice result, if confirmed by other groups, would itself conflict the Higgs boson, or exotic matter particles, or they might be car-
with ­experimental electron data—the puzzle then would be our riers of a new force of nature that works over a short range. Su-
un­­derstanding of electron collisions. And it would be hard to persymmetry offers some models of this type, so my youthful
find theoretical effects that would explain such a result because speculations at CERN are still in the running. Another possibil-
electron collisions have been so thoroughly studied. ity is a new type of particle called a leptoquark—a strange kind
of boson that shares properties with quarks as well as leptons
A MESSAGE FROM THE VOID such as the muon. Depending on how heavy the new particles
If the mismatch b  etween Fermilab’s measurements and theory are and the strength of their interactions with Standard Model
persists, we may be glimpsing an uncharted world of unfamil- particles, they might be detectable in upcoming runs of the LHC.
iar forces, novel symmetries of nature and new particles. In the Some recent LHC data already point toward unusual behav-
research I published 25 years ago searching for clues about the ior involving muons. Recently, for instance, LHCb (one of the ex-
muon’s wobble, my collaborators and I considered a proposed periments at the LHC) measured the decays of certain unstable
property of nature called supersymmetry. This idea bridges two composite particles similar to pions that produce either muons
categories of particles—bosons, which can be packed together or electrons. If muons are just heavier cousins of the electron, as
in large numbers, and fermions, which are antisocial and will the Standard Model claims, then we can precisely predict what
share space only with particles of opposite spin. Supersymme- fraction of these decays should produce muons versus electrons.
try postulates that each fermion matter particle of the Standard But LHCb data show a persistent three-sigma discrepancy from
Model has a yet to be discovered boson particle superpartner, this prediction, perhaps indicating that muons are more differ-
and each Standard Model boson particle also has an undiscov- ent from electrons than the Standard Model allows. It is reason-
ered fermion superpartner. Supersymmetry promises to unify able to wonder whether the results from LHCb and Muon g-2 are
the three Standard Model forces and offers natural explana- different, flickering frames of the same story.
tions for dark matter and the victory of matter over antimatter.
It may also explain the striking Muon g-2 results. ONE PUZZLE PIECE
Just after the Fermilab collaboration announced its mea- the Muon g-2 experiment may be telling us something new, with
surement, my colleagues Sebastian Baum, Nausheen Shah, Car- implications far beyond the muons themselves. Theorists can
los Wagner and I posted a paper to a preprint server investigat- engineer scenarios where new particles and forces explain both
ing this intriguing notion. Our calculations showed that virtual the muons’ funny wobbling and solve other outstanding myster-
superparticles in the vacuum could make the muons wobble ies, such as the nature of dark matter or, even more daring, why
faster than the Standard Model predicts, just as the experiment matter dominates over antimatter. The Fermilab experiment
saw. Even more exhilarating, one of those new particles—called has given us a first glimpse of what is going on, but I expect it
a neutralino—is a candidate for dark matter. Supersymmetry will take many more experiments, both ongoing and yet to be
can take numerous forms, many of them already ruled out by conceived, before we can confidently finish the story. If super-
data from the LHC and other experiments—but plenty of ver- symmetry is part of the answer, we have a fair chance of observ-
sions are still viable theories of nature. ing some of the superparticles at the LHC. We hope to see evi-
The paper my team submitted was just one of more than 100 dence of dark matter particles there or in deep underground
that have appeared proposing possible explanations for the Muon labs seeking them. We can also look at the behavior of muons in
g-2 result since it was announced. Most of these papers suggest different kinds of experiments, such as LHCb.
new particles that fall into one of two camps: either “light and All of these experiments will keep running. Muon g-2 should
feeble” or “heavy and strong.” The first category includes new eventually produce results with nearly 20 times more data. I
particles that have masses comparable to or smaller than the suspect, however, that the final measured value of the g-2 factor
muon and that interact with muons with a strength millions of will not significantly change. There is still a shadow of doubt on
times weaker than the electromagnetic force. The simplest theo- the theory side that will be clarified in the next few years, as lat-
retical models of this type involve new, lighter cousins of the tice computations using the world’s most powerful supercom-
Higgs boson or particles related to new forces of nature that act puters achieve higher precision and as independent teams con-
on muons. These new light particles and feeble forces could be verge on a final verdict for the Standard Model prediction of the
hard to detect in terrestrial experiments other than Muon g-2, g-2 factor. If a big mismatch between the prediction and the
but they may have left clues in the cosmos. These light particles measurement persists, it will shake the foundations of physics.
would have been produced in huge numbers after the big bang Muons have always been full of surprises. Their very exis-
and might have had a measurable effect on cosmic expansion. tence prompted physicist I.  I. Rabi to complain, “Who ordered
The same idea—that light particles and feeble forces wrote a that?” when they were first discovered in 1936. Nearly a century
chapter missing from our current history of the universe—has later they are still amazing us. Now it seems muons may be the
also been proposed to explain discrepancies in observations of messengers of a new order in the cosmos and, for me person-
the expansion rate of space, the so-called Hubble constant crisis. ally, a dream come true. 
The second category of explanations for the muon results—
heavy and strong—involves particles with masses about as
heavy as the Higgs boson (roughly 125 times the mass of a pro- F R O M O U R A R C H I V E S
ton) to up to 100 times heavier. These particles could interact The Muon. Sheldon Penman; July 1961.
with muons with a strength comparable to the electromagnetic
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
and weak interactions. Such heavy particles might be cousins of

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64  Scientific American, October 2021

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The Big

A Connecticut team races to find as many bird species as possible
in 24 hours, in the high-intensity, low-stakes world of competitive birding
By Kate Wong

WHIMBREL is the 188th species

the 2021,
October birders found on their Big Day. 65

© 2021 Scientific American

Kate Wong is a senior editor for evolution
and ecology at Scientific American.

n a warm day in late April, Frank Gallo is getting his steps

in at one of his regular haunts: the sewage plant. He strolls
along the paved trail outside the facility in Norwalk, Conn.,
scanning the pines on the left, the river on the right. Over-
head eight Northern Rough-winged Swallows wheel in the
cloudless sky, taking turns swooping into the water-treat-
ment tanks to catch insects drawn to the nutrient-rich pools
below. A Yellow Warbler belts out its not so humble brag—sweet sweet sweet I’m so sweet.

Gallo, a naturalist and birder, has been coming to the sewage amount of time they have at each one to see or hear the target
plant regularly since last fall, when a motley crew of warblers— species. Seconds count—there will be no pausing to admire one
Prairie, Cape May, Tennessee, Palm, Pine and Yellow-rumped— bird’s dazzling plumage or another’s melodious song, no study-
that should have headed south for the winter decided to stay here ing a fascinating behavior or puzzling over an unexpected sight-
instead. Birders flocked to the site all winter, trudging up and ing. As a friend of his once quipped about Big Days, Gallo says,
down the icy trail in hopes of glimpsing the rarities foraging in “This isn’t birding. This is war.”
the tanks and evergreens. Now, with spring migrants starting to
appear throughout the northeast, the sewage plant crowd is thin- “200 has to be a perfect day,” team member Dave Tripp tells me.
ning. But Gallo keeps returning because he wants to see when “To get 200, everything needs to be there and to call. It’s doable,
the Cape May and Tennessee Warblers depart for their breeding but all the stars need to line up.” He and the other team mem-
grounds up north. Although overwintering in Connecticut was bers have been bringing those stars into alignment, and he is
risky, the survivors are now that much closer to where they need phoning to brief me. They’ve been honing their strategy since
to be to establish a territory for the summer, find a mate and they first started birding together competitively more than a
reproduce. Maybe they’ll get a head start, he muses. Such are the decade ago in New Jersey.

Kate Wong (p receding pages, left) ; McPhoto Schaef A lamy Stock Photo ( p receding pages, right)
pleasures of birding—marveling at life’s diversity, pondering the The most prestigious Big Day competition in the country is
rhythms of the natural world, feeding curiosity one question at the World Series of Birding, held every year in New Jersey. For
a time, even in unglamorous locations. years the Connecticut team—it calls itself the Raven Lunatics—
Today Gallo is preoccupied with his next avian pursuit. In just competed in the World Series, building its knowledge of New Jer-
a few weeks he and five of his friends—some of the top birders in sey’s birds and refining its tactics for getting as many of them as
the state—will be doing their annual Big Day, competing as a team possible on game day. In 2008 the team took home the prize for
to find as many bird species in Connecticut as they can by sight the second-highest number of species, having found 222—an espe-
or sound in a 24-hour period. They’ll go midnight to midnight on cially impressive feat considering they were from out of state. But
a day of their choosing. Their goals: get 200 species, which no in Connecticut, the Big Day record had been stuck at 186 species,
team in New England has ever been able to do; beat the existing set by another team in 1994. “Let’s take what we’ve learned in Jer-
New England record of 195 species, set by their archrivals in Mas- sey and apply it to our home state,” Tripp recalls telling the oth-
sachusetts in 2014; best their own 2018 record of 193. ers. “Let’s go for the state record in Connecticut.”
To accomplish any of these objectives, the team needs to fig- Anyone can do a Big Day bird count following the American Bird-
ure out ahead of time where the hard-to-find birds are likely to ing Association’s rules. Competitors have 24 hours—midnight to
be found. And it has to design a driving route that maximizes the midnight on a single calendar day—to find as many bird species on
number of sites the players can hit across the state and the the official checklist as they can; they may gather intelligence before

66  Scientific American, October 2021

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game day but cannot solicit outside infor- BIRDING TEAM (left to right) Patrick record holders, having reached a new high
mation during the competition itself; spe- Dugan, Dave Provencher, Nick of 193 species in 2018. But their New Eng-
cies must be identified by eye or by ear with Bonomo, Dave Tripp, Frank Gallo land victory was short-lived—days after
absolute certainty (no merely probable IDs and Fran Zygmont raced to find as their 2011 win their Massachusetts rivals
al­­low­ed); they may play recordings of bird many species in Connecticut as they surpassed them with 193 species. And in
sounds judiciously to attract birds; at least could in 24 hours. 2014 the Massachusetts team got 195 spe-
95 percent of the species listed on the final cies, which, so far as the Raven Lunatics
tally must have been detected by all the know, re­­mains the largest number of bird
team members (up to 5 percent can be “dirty”—identified by some species ever found in a single day in New England. “Massachu-
but not all participants), and team members must travel together setts is bigger, with more habitat,” Tripp is quick to note.
in the same ve­­hic­le and remain within earshot of one another. But although Connecticut is comparatively small, it has a vari-
In 2009 the Raven Lunatics did their first Big Day in Connect- ety of habitats, including grassland, forest, coast, and urban and
icut and got 177 species—nine birds short of the long-standing suburban environments, explains Connecticut state ornitholo-
state record. “It was late May, and we weren’t getting enough,” gist Margaret Rubega. It also occupies an important stretch of
Tripp recalls. “We needed to get the stuff that breeds in boreal the Atlantic Flyway—a major thoroughfare for North American
forest and tundra and was migrating through Connecticut, plus migratory birds. And it straddles the southernmost range of a
get the Connecticut breeders.” May is the best month for a Big number of northern birds and the northernmost range of south-
Day because it coincides with peak spring migration. But too late ern ones. Consequently, the state hosts a surprisingly rich avian
in the month and the waterfowl and other birds that overwin- diversity—450  species at last count, compared with 507 in Mas-
tered in Connecticut will have departed for their breeding sachusetts and 488 in New Jersey. More than half of those spe-
grounds in the Arctic and other northern locales. Too early and cies breed here. The rest are mostly just passing through. Some-
the birders will miss the warblers, flycatchers, vireos and other times a vagrant species will show up, blown off course by a storm
migrants making their way north from their wintering grounds. or lost as the result of a faulty internal compass.
In 2011 the team had a major breakthrough with 192 species, The team must figure out how to hit as many sites as possible
Kate Wong

which smashed the state record and set a new bar for New Eng- in a variety of habitats across the state and at the right times of
land. A decade on, the Raven Lunatics re­­main the Connecticut day to find birds. Owls and marsh birds, for instance, call at night.

October 2021, 67

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Shorebirds in some locations are best observed near high tide, physician assistant, is looking mainly for waterfowl, shorebirds
when the water concentrates them on exposed sandbars. and marsh birds, along with a few other species that the team
At the beginning of May, the players start scouting locations. wants to nail down in the south. I hop in his car, and we start
Tripp runs the north. During the week he goes out at first light to working our way east, hitting one public access point after anoth-
search for birds for a few hours before heading to his job as dep- er along the crenulated shoreline.
uty fire chief in Torrington. On weekends he optimizes the route, We get off to a discouraging start. Neither the Brown Thrash-
changing it as new scouting information comes in, sorting out er nor the White-eyed Vireo—secretive species that favor dense
which areas are must-visits and which he can cut so he can give vegetation—shows up in the patch of coastal scrub where Bono-
the team more time in the south, where the birds members need mo was hoping to find them. A scan of the mud puddle near the
are fewer and farther between. fairgrounds fails to turn up the expected Solitary Sandpiper.
Even with all of this preparation, key factors remain beyond “Before meeting you, I did have some luck,” Bonomo says, explain-
the birders’ control. The scouted birds may move or go quiet on ing that he found waterbirds, including Surf Scoters, Red-throat-
the Big Day (nesting birds often stop singing). Migrants from the ed Loons, Gadwalls, Hooded Mergansers and a Great Cormorant,
south may be waylaid by unfavorable weather. At the moment, earlier in the day. He has a long way to go, however. During the
Tripp tells me, it’s looking like May 17, one week away, will be the competition the team typically gets around a third of its birds in
day. It’s the only date when all six team members can go, and the the south, most of which are coastal species.
forecast doesn’t show any weather that might move birds around. It’s a beautiful day, bright and breezy, a balm after the dark pan-
But any shift in the forecast between now and then could neces- demic winter. But the glare from the sun and the waves from the
sitate a change in plans, even if that means not everyone can go— wind, together with the heat shimmer, are making it tough to spot
including me. birds on the water. The next stop, a beachfront location, is more
The birders have agreed to let me tag along as
they continue to scout bird locations across the
state in the lead-up to the competition and to meet
them at various points during the Big Day itself.
After being cooped up for 15 months, I’m finally
vaccinated and giddy at the prospect of getting out
of the house to do some field reporting. I also have
a keen personal interest in the subject matter. I
started bird-watching in May 2020 as a means of
pandemic escapism, first in my yard in Connecti-
cut, then in neighboring towns. Now, a year in, I
have 158 species on my state list. I can visually dis-
tinguish a Savannah Sparrow from a Song Spar-
row, Hairy Woodpecker from Downy Woodpecker,
Cooper’s Hawk from Sharp-shinned Hawk (I
think). I recognize the flute­like song of the Wood
Thrush, the cacophonous call of the Willet, the
Black-capped Chickadee’s eponymous scold.
Still, I have years of practice to go before I can
expect to walk out the door and confidently iden-
tify all the birds I encounter. Gallo, Tripp and their
teammates, with decades of birding experience,
know all the birds, whether they’re juvenile or
adult, in breeding plumage or nonbreeding plum-
age, singing an elaborate courtship song or just
uttering a one-note call in flight. Nevertheless, I’m
hard-pressed to see how they are going to find more
bird species in a single day than I had in 365. “You
have no idea what you’re getting into,” Tripp warns.

hree days later I meet team member Nick
Bonomo at 8:30 in the morning at a car-
pool lot off Interstate  95 in the coastal
town of Guilford. He’s been looking for birds since
2 a.m. Game day is just a few days away, and he’s
behind on scouting his territory. Bonomo and Gal-
lo run the southern part of the route, including
the coast, with help from teammates Patrick
Dugan and Dave Provencher. Today Bonomo, a

68  Scientific American, October 2021

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cies 50 percent of the time,” he says. On a
distant outcropping, Bonomo spots a
stocky bird with a dark bib—a Ruddy
Turnstone, he an­­nounc­es. I have to take
his word for it. De­­tails of the bird, so
named for its calico breeding plumage and
the way it uses its stout bill to flip pebbles
over in search of prey, are lost in the shad-
ows, making identification impossible
unless one knows exactly what to look for.
We continue east to a boat launch in
the high marsh—a habitat that is vanish-
ing in Connecticut because of sea-level
rise caused by warming. As we pull in, a
gang of Willets mobs a Northern Harrier,
a slender hawk with a flashy white patch
on its rump, driving it away. “Harrier is
hard to get on a Big Day,” Bonomo says.
But it’s the sparrows that he’s most inter-
ested in. A Seaside Sparrow sings, unseen.
And a few minutes later he scopes a Salt-
marsh Sparrow—a striking, orange-faced
bird—peeking out from the grass. Getting
both marsh sparrows in one spot is a win
for him, and I’m delighted to have gotten my first look at a Salt-
marsh Sparrow. This species has declined by some 87  percent
across its narrow range in the past 23 years as rising tides have
flooded nests and drowned chicks.
Bonomo picks up some more sea ducks—Surf Scoters and
Black Scoters—and a colony of Double-crested Cormorants nest-
ing in trees on the way back to the carpool lot. He needs to get
some sleep before he has to go out again. “It’s physically unhealthy,
not exercising, eating like crap” he says of the week leading up to
the competition. “It’s a damn good thing it’s only one week a year.”
The following day I join Gallo, who is also scouting in the
southern part of the state. The afternoon starts with a bang. Gal-
lo is driving by a city bridge to look for a Peregrine Falcon, a fast,
fierce bird of prey that nests readily on human-made structures.
It seems to me like a long shot, but as we pass by, a bird flies out
from under the bridge. With only a brief glimpse to go on, I have
no idea what it was, but Gallo thinks it could be a Peregrine based
GREAT-HORNED OWL ( fledgling, left) and Cliff Swallow (top) on the size. He circles back, and we get out of the car for a better
cooperated on game day. But the team “dipped” on look. I point out the concrete girder that I think the bird flew
the Belted Kingfisher (bottom). from. Gallo raises his binoculars to his eyes to scan, his move-
ments smooth and precise as I fumble with my own bins. “Son of
a bitch,” he shouts a moment later. A nest box has been installed
on the girder, and the Peregrine is sitting in it, plain as day. Gal-
Jim Zipp S cience Source (o pposite) ; Ivan Kuzmin A lamy Stock Photo (t op) ;

productive. Bonomo spies two small, sleek seabirds with black and lo raises a hand for a high five. Raptors nest early in the breed-
white heads and bright yellow bills—Least Terns. This species, ing season and are attentive parents, so chances are good the bird
which nests on beaches, is threatened in Connecticut because of will be here if the team drives by on competition day.
habitat loss. It’s one of just two tern species the team can expect The rest of the afternoon is hit-or-miss. And the misses are
to find on competition day, the other being the Common Tern. weighing on Gallo. Here and there along the coast, he locates a
Brian Kushner A lamy Stock Photo ( b ottom)

Bonomo also notes a nearby flock of Dunlin, chunky little shore- few Sanderlings and Purple Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpip-
birds with long, probing bills that breed in the Arctic tundra. ers and Least Sandpipers. But other species he needs—Black
Surveying the water with his spotting telescope at the next Skimmer, Pectoral Sandpiper and White-rumped Sandpiper,
beach, Bonomo discovers a Long-tailed Duck—an elegant sea among others—elude him. “There’s just no shorebirds right now.
duck with showy tail feathers—bobbing in the waves. Most Long- The weather pattern has not been conducive,” Gallo says. “We
tailed Ducks have set off for their breeding grounds in the High want south winds with enough time for migrants to get here and
Arctic by mid-May. During the competition “we only get this spe- blocking winds so they fall on Connecticut.”

October 2021, 69

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Gallo calls Bonomo to check in and EASTERN MEADOWLARK, a species chugging coffee from a thermos and
compare notes. Bonomo is sweating some that is declining in Connecticut as grumpily wondering why I, someone
of the marsh species. They don’t have a grasslands dwindle, showed up on deeply committed to being sound asleep
Least Bittern, a small, hunched heron, the Big Day. at this hour, decided to pursue this story.
pinned down yet. And they need the rails— For the purposes of the Big Day, the
reclusive birds that live in thick marsh team birds the north differently than it
grass—including the Sora, which can be tricky, and the Virginia does the south. In the south, where the targeted habitat is most-
Rail, which they can usually count on. “If we can’t get Virginia ly open, the team identifies the majority of the birds by eye. In the
Rail, we might as well call it a day and crack a beer,” he says. But north the players are searching mostly in forests and other closed
a check of the weather reveals a reason for a modicum of opti- habitats, often in the dark, so here they get the species primarily
mism about the missing migrants: variable winds are expected by ear. Although the early-morning temperatures are in the low
tonight, Bonomo notes, and “stuff will move on that.” 40s, Tripp and Zygmont drive with the windows down so they can
hear the birds. Following their lead, I fasten my seat belt behind
Jim Zipp S cience Source

spend the next two mornings in northwestern Connecticut, me so I can jump out of the car quickly at our frequent stops with-
the first one with Tripp, the next one with his teammate and out the car dinging to remind me to buckle up.
best friend since grade school, Fran Zygmont. I’m on the road Tripp is running the route, checking to make sure the birds he
by 3  a.m. each day to meet them at 4:00 in Litchfield County, has scouted are still in the same place and trying to get the tim-

70  Scientific American, October 2021

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probably still asleep. For this stop, too, “we’re a tad early,” he
decides. I stifle a yawn.
Sometimes a bird will give listeners only one note to go on. Pull-
ing up to a creek, Tripp hears a chip—a type of call that many birds
use to stay in contact with one another or to sound an alarm. “Lou-
isiana Waterthrush,” he declares. Of all the observation skills seri-
ous birders develop in pursuit of their hobby, this is the one that
blows my mind. I can see how, with time, I’ll be able to learn the
field marks that identify birds visually. But memorizing the full
vocal repertoires of these species, in all their variations, right down
to the single-note chips and flight calls? That’s a superpower.
Other birds make telltale sounds nonvocally. On a visit to a wood-
land swamp, we listen to the tapping of a woodpecker. Tripp explains
that some of Connecticut’s woodpecker species tap similarly, but
this one is distinctive, starting out fast and then slowing down at
the end of the sequence. “Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,” he tells me. I
thrill to the pro tip—this is a sound I can hear and remember.
The Ruffed Grouse, a ground-nesting bird that lives in dense
forest, is also known for a nonvocal sound. The male will perch
on a log or stump and perform a series of increasingly fast wing-
beats, creating a deep thumping sound that starts off slowly and
accelerates over the course of the 10-second display.
With the birds waking up and starting to sing and call, Tripp
rattles off the species names as he hears them from the moving
car. Black-capped Chickadee, Common Yellowthroat, Great Crest-
ed Flycatcher, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Blue-headed Vireo, Red-
eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Vireo. Occasionally he points out oth-
er fauna: porcupines foraging on the side of the road, a bobcat—
my first!—melting into the trees. I decide that being up this early
has its benefits.
As the morning wears on, Tripp is pumped to locate at least
three Cape May Warblers in a cluster of towering Norway spruc-
es—a hard-to-get bird on a Big Day because it’s finicky about hab-
itat (the winter maverick at the Norwalk sewage plant notwith-
standing). But some key species are proving worryingly difficult
to secure. The Golden-crowned Kinglet—a tiny, frantic bird with
a flaming crest and a very high-pitched song that dwells in conif-
erous forests—is nowhere to be found. Nor is the Eastern Mead-
owlark, a grassland songbird. And a visit to the bridge where he
expected to find Cliff Swallows fails to turn up any sign of them.
“Shit,” he mutters, “that’s not good.”
The next morning with Zygmont brings more ups and downs.
ing just right. At 4:36, he pulls over by a stand of pines that abut With the competition ostensibly just a day away, the team is glued
an open field and plays a recording of a Great Horned Owl from to the weather and the radar-based bird-migration forecast maps.
his cell phone through a Bluetooth speaker placed atop his car. Team members are holding out hope for new migrants to arrive
To my amazement, a living shadow appears overhead, flying on from the south—but they don’t want the migrants they’ve already
silent wings to alight in the pines, and hoots in reply. Minutes lat- scouted to bail and continue north. In the spring, birds that habit-
er, somewhere in the field, an American Woodcock makes its nasal ually travel from their wintering grounds to another location to
peent c all. Tripp considers starting the route here if both species breed experience what’s known as z ugunruhe—a German word
are present. “The thing that scares me is the Great-horned might for migratory restlessness, Zygmont explains. Most land birds
eat the woodcock” he says. migrate at night, navigating by the moon and stars while the pred-
By 4:57 the sky is brightening, and the dawn chorus is start- ators sleep. “They start one or two hours after dark, and then
ing to fill the air. Tripp stops at one of his scouted locations and around 4 a.m. they drop in wherever they are and start feeding,”
plays recordings of the Red-breasted Nuthatch and Brown Creep- he says. Intriguingly, this morning Zygmont has seen three birds
er—species the team needs to get in the north—but no birds in the road that didn’t move when we drove by, which tells him
respond. “We may need to push this stop back a bit,” he says. “It’s they’re exhausted—perhaps because they’ve been flying all night
too early.” Farther along the route, he hears the dry trill of the Zygmont turns his attention to the species they still need but-
Dark-eyed Junco—another “must bird” in the north. But he’s not toned up in the north. He’s concerned about getting a Northern
getting any warblers. Like the nuthatch and the creeper, they’re Saw-whet Owl, a tiny denizen of the woods. Leaning out the win-

October 2021, 71

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dow of his red pickup, Zygmont whistles the bird's breeding call—
a string of soft, monotone toots. “This is the only instrument I’ve
ever played,” he says, gesturing toward his mouth. Zygmont and
Dugan are the team’s vocalization wizzes. They can imitate the
songs and calls of more than 100 bird species between them. No
Saw-whets respond, but two Barred Owls hoot in the distance. The
Saw-whets probably aren’t here because Barred Owls prey on
them, he surmises.
It’s not enough to get one of each species scouted on the route,
Zygmont explains, as the frenetic song of a Winter Wren wafts
into the car. On game day, he says, “we can’t give that Winter
Wren more than 30 seconds” to make its presence known. “So
we need backups.”
The requirements are even more demanding for some of the
harder-to-hear species. With the exception of Bonomo, the
youngest of the group, the players are in their 50s and 60s. “Our
hearing is dying,” Tripp says. Thus, for species that announce
themselves at the highest and lowest frequencies—including the
Golden-crowned Kinglet and Ruffed Grouse, respectively—Zyg-
mont needs to find birds that are not only on the route but close
enough to the road that everyone can hear them. The 95 percent
rule looms large: should the players actually find 200 species on
the Big Day, only 10 can be dirty.

t midnight on monday, May 17, the team started its mad-
cap scavenger hunt at an undisclosed location in the
north. The team members swore me to secrecy for fear
that their strategy could leak to competitors. Unable to join them
there, I agreed to meet them at their next stop.
At 1:13 a.m., a black Chevy Suburban rolls into the parking
lot of a Kohl’s department store. Six men wearing binoculars exit
the vehicle and face the storefront, peering up at the mud nests
built into its eaves. Cliff Swallows: check. Thirty seconds after
they pulled in, the men pile back into their SUV and peel off into
the night. They got exactly what they came for, nothing more,
nothing less.
Unsure of exactly where we’re going next, I follow close behind,
wondering what the speed limit is as we fly through the empty
streets. I can’t lose them—Tripp, who’s driving, warned me at the
outset that they cannot wait for me to catch up. At the next stops
an Eastern Screech-Owl and Eastern Whip-poor-will call right
on cue, and a surprise Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Green Heron
chime in.
Tripp spontaneously cancels a planned stop at the gas station
and heads for the pond where he scouted a pair of Common Gal-
linules—chickenlike rails with dark feathers and a candy corn
bill—an uncommon find. We pull over on the side of the back-
country road and cut the engines. Under the faint light of the
moon and stars the men fan out, cupping their hands around
their ears to amplify the sounds of any birds. The twangy,
plucked-banjo mating calls of green frogs punctuate the silence.
Between the pond and the surrounding marsh and the forest
beyond, the team stands to pick up several birds here. A distant
Barred Owl is the first to sound off, hooting its signature w  ho
cooks for you? Then, in response to a recording, the elusive Amer-
ican Bittern makes its extraordinary display call—a series of bel-
lowing gulps, as though it’s glugging a gallon of water—eliciting
a hushed YES! from the birders. The gallinule cooperates, joined
by a Marsh Wren, Swamp Sparrow and Virginia Rail.

72  Scientific American, October 2021

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When the birders wrap up the pond stop, at 2:28  a.m., they have mouth of the Housatonic River. They lug their scopes up the
a total of 22 species checked off their list. They’re off to a good observation tower’s spiral staircase. “Is there a button we can
start—just 178 species and 22 hours to crack 200. I leave them to push to get rid of all the Brant?” Bonomo jokes. Between the cloud
it and head home before we meet again in the afternoon, inviting cover and the glass-calm water, viewing conditions are great, but
them to text me with any highlights or lowlights. A text from Gal- the small geese are everywhere. “Come on, ducks,” Gallo urges,
lo awaits when I get home: word of a bear sighting, followed by a eager to see the Green-winged Teal and American Wigeon he
grainy photo of the creature lumbering in front of their car. found here the other day. The ducks have vanished, but Dugan
“FOCUS, GALLO. THIS IS WAR,” I reply, before drifting off to sleep. discovers a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, and Gallo and Bono-
The team wraps up the north at 9:36  a.m. with 124 species mo get two Whimbrels, large, leggy shorebirds with long, de­­
curved bills. Scanning a distant flock, Gallo notic-
es a single reddish bird. “I think I have a Red
Knot,” he calls out. A cinnamon-breasted sand-
piper that is declining rapidly as humans overhar-
vest the horseshoe crabs whose eggs it depends
on for food, the Red Knot is a bird the team does
not always get on a Big Day. The others quickly
shift to see. Bonomo locates the bird in his scope
and studies it, trying to rule out other possibili-
ties. It’s very plump, a hair larger than a Dunlin,
he observes. “It’s a knot,” Gallo confirms. “Every-
one get that?” When I take my leave of the bird-
ers, they are departing Milford Point with 189 spe-
cies—and a shot at breaking their record.
They nab the wigeon and a Wilson’s Warbler
at the next two stops, bringing them to 191. At
10:33  p.m. Gallo texts to say they heard a King Rail,
a state-endangered bird scouted earlier by hon-
orary team member Phil Rusch—and are head-
ing back north to the finish line. The rail is the
last bird they get for their Big Day, number 192.
DARK-EYED JUNCO (top left) and Golden-crowned Kinglet Later that week, after everyone has caught up
(bottom left) are birds the team has to get in the north. The on sleep, I gather the birders for pizza and beer to recap the “hot-
Long-tailed Duck was a no-show in the south (above). wash,” a name Tripp borrowed from emergency response lingo
for their evaluation of the event. The mood is celebratory. Al­­
though they did not set any new records, the birders tied their
according to Zygmont, the keeper of the list, including the hard- second-highest score—under tough conditions—and raised an
won meadowlark, grouse and kinglet. “Average but hopeful,” Gal- estimated $1,300 for the Roaring Brook Nature Center in Can-
lo says of the number. The players are right on schedule. Tripp ton to help support the animals in its care. Thirteen of the spe-
likes to be on the road headed south by 10 so they can use the cies the players had scouted, including the Cape May Warbler
driving time to get hawks, which come out around then to ride and Long-tailed Duck, were no-shows, along with the Common
the rising thermal air currents. Nighthawk, which they usually happen upon at dusk on a Big
By the time I meet the group around 4  p.m. at Hammonasset Day. And unscouted birds that they often catch migrating on
Beach State Park in Madison—a major coastal birding destina- game day did not materialize. “This migration is the worst one
tion in the south—the number is up to 176. The team is spread in years,” Bonomo says.
out on a viewing platform, hunched over spotting scopes. The Still, “it was a very clean run,” Provencher observes. The
sky is slightly overcast, the breeze gentle. Although they’ve been route—all 478 miles of it—was tight and efficiently executed, Gal-
up for 16 hours, the players look bright-eyed and are in good spir- lo notes, with only one delay for a Blue-winged Teal, which took
Jim Zipp S cience Source; M arkus Varesvuo N ature Picture Library;

its. They add Little Blue Heron, Clapper Rail, Ruddy Turnstone, 27 minutes to get. What is more, only six of the 192 birds they got
A ll Canada Photos A lamy Stock Photo (c lockwise from top left)

Seaside Sparrow and Saltmarsh Sparrow to their list. Tripp, were dirty. Bonomo says he is confident that given how well they
seeming more relaxed now that the north is done, rounds the did in a lousy migration year, 200 is within their grasp.
guys up for a group photo. But it isn’t long before Bonomo is “One day it will all come together,” Gallo says. “The birds we
prodding them to get a move on. They’re in his territory now, and scouted will all stick, and the migrants will drop in, and all will be
they have work to do. right with the world.” Until they decide they need to go for 201. 
Two hours and several stops later, the team is at 186 species—
the number that held the state record for 17 years. The birders
have nearly six hours left to find the 14 day birds and four night FROM OUR ARCHIVES
birds that are still in play, according to Gallo. It sounds doable, How Birds Branched Out. K ate Wong; November 2020.
but at this point in the competition the new finds are scarce.
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
The birders have reached Milford Point, a barrier beach at the

October 2021, 73

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74  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

WASTE Cutting losses across the food chain
could vastly increase supply and
significantly reduce carbon emissions
By Chad Frischmann and Mamta Mehra
Graphics by Valentina D’Efilippo

October 2021, 75

© 2021 Scientific American

Chad Frischmann is co-author, lead researcher and creator of the
Drawdown Solutions Framework at Project Drawdown, an
international research group focused on solving climate change.

Mamta Mehra is a senior fellow for the land-use
and food sectors at Project Drawdown.

magine going to the market, leaving with three full bags of groceries and coming home.
Before you step through your door, you stop and throw one of the bags into a trash bin,
which later is hauled away to a landfill. What a waste. Collectively, that is exactly what
we are doing today. Globally, 30 to 40 percent of food intended for human consumption
is not eaten. Given that more than 800 million people go hungry every day, the scale of
food loss fills many of us with a deep sense of anguish.
If population growth and economic development continue at ing nations, billions of people burn biomass in noxious cookstoves
their current pace, the world will have to produce 53 million more that spew polluting, unhealthy smoke and black carbon.
metric tons of food annually by 2050. That increase would require After all these waste-producing activities, too much of the food
converting another 442 million hectares of forests and grassland— that makes it to a consumer’s table is thrown in the garbage, which
far greater than the size of India—into farmland over the next 30 then is typically transported by fossil-fueled trucks to landfills where
years. The escalation would also release the equivalent of an addi- it decomposes and emits methane, another potent greenhouse gas.
tional 80  billion tons of carbon dioxide over the next 30 years— Tossing that leftover lasagna accounts for far more emissions than
about 15 times the emissions of the entire U.S. economy in 2019. a rotting tomato that never leaves the farm gate. We can do better.
Food waste already accounts for roughly 8  percent of the world’s
greenhouse gases. SMALLER FOODPRINT
There is another path, however. Our group at Project Drawdown, At Project Drawdown, w  e poured global data from the Food and
an international research and communications organization, com- Agriculture Organization and many other sources into a detailed
pleted an exhaustive study of existing technologies and practices model of the entire food production and consumption system. The
that can significantly reduce greenhouse gas levels in the atmo- model took into account rising population projections, as well as
sphere while ushering in a more regenerative society and econo- greater consumption and more meat eating per person, particu-
my. Reducing food waste is one of the top-five means of achieving larly in developing countries, based on actual trends over the past
these goals among 76 we analyzed. Basic adjustments in how food several decades. According to our calculations, healthier diets and
is produced and consumed could help feed the entire world a more regenerative agricultural production lead to a lower “food-
healthy, nutrient-rich diet through 2050 and beyond without clear- print”—less waste, fewer emissions and a cleaner environment.
ing, planting or grazing more land than is used today. Providing If half of the world’s population consumes a healthy 2,300 kilo-
more food by eliminating waste, along with better ways of produc- calories a day, built around a plant-rich diet, and puts into prac-
ing that food, would avoid deforestation and also save an enormous tice already proven actions that cut waste across the supply chain,
amount of energy, water, fertilizer, labor and other resources. food losses could decline from the current 40  percent to 20  per-
Opportunities to reduce waste exist at every step along the sup- cent, an incredible savings. If we were even more ambitious in fol-
ply chain from farm to table. We harvest crops, raise livestock, and lowing the same practices, food waste could be cut to 10  percent
process these commodities into products such as rice, vegetable [see graphics on pages 77–80 for details].
oil, potato chips, perfectly cut carrots, cheese and New York strip These hefty savings would result partly from shifts in basic hab-
steaks. Most of these products are packaged in cardboard boxes, its. In the developed world, embracing an average daily 2,300-kilo-
fcafotodigital G etty Images ( p receding pages)

plastic bags and bottles, tin cans and glass jars made from extract- calorie diet instead of consumption that often reaches more than
ed materials in industrial factories, and then they are shipped on 3,000 kilocalories lessens food waste in the first place. In the devel-
gas-guzzling trucks, trains and planes all over the world. oping world, caloric and protein intake generally need to rise to
After arriving at stores and restaurants, food is held in energy- reach nutritious levels, which may increase some waste across the
hungry refrigerators and freezers that use hydrofluorocarbons— system. But overall, if everyone on the planet adopted healthy con-
powerful greenhouse gases—until purchased by consumers, whose sumption practices and a plant-rich (not necessarily vegetarian)
eyes are often bigger than their appetites, particularly in richer com- diet, 166 million metric tons of food waste could be avoided over
munities. In high-income countries, restaurants and households the next 30 years. Feedback would be sent across the supply chain
turn on their energy-consuming stoves and ovens, and in develop- Continued on page 81

76  Scientific American, October 2021

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Piles of Food Wasted Worldwide
A troubling 40 percent of food produced is lost across the supply chain from farm to table. A basic shift toward lessening excessive con-
sumption and toward more plant-based diets, while also applying waste-saving practices at every step, could cut losses dramatically. Such
measures would provide food for millions of people who go hungry and greatly reduce water depletion, energy use and carbon emissions.

Global Food Production (Annual) Food Produced Food Waste

Billion metric tons to Satisfy Consumption Current practice Plausible savings Ambitious savings

7 *

3 40% wasted

2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050
This baseline scenario assumes that global population If half the world’s people consume 2,300 kilocalories If three quarters of Earth’s population follows
and consumption per person continue to rise as a day and choose more plants and less meat, and the same measures described in the “plausible”
they have over the past several decades; 40 percent losses are reduced across the supply chain, waste scenario, waste could drop to 10 percent.
of food produced is wasted. could be cut to 20 percent by 2050.
* Projections begin with 2018, so 2020 values are slightly different for each scenario.

Trashed: Every Second the World Wastes 2,860 Garbage Bins of Food

Each year 2.7 billion metric tons of

food are lost in production, distribu-
tion and consumption. That would
fill 2,860 curbside trash tote bins
every second. 2,860 bins per second in 2020

Household curbside bin

30 kilograms of waste

Losses are expected to grow to

3,741 bins per second by 2050
if current trends and practices
continue. That amount could be
cut to 1,365 bins per second by
2050 if the set of plausible
solutions is achieved. Losses could
be further reduced to 591 bins per
second if the world embraces the
set of ambitious solutions.

3,741 bins per second 1,365 bins per second 591 bins per second
in 2050 if current in 2050, according to in 2050, according to
practices continue the plausible plan the ambitious plan

October 2021, 77

© 2021 Scientific American

Food Lost, and Possible Reductions, across the Supply Chain
Plant and animal food intended for human consumption is lost across every stage of the supply chain, from field to fork. The numbers here
are global averages, but in low-income countries, more waste occurs in the early stages, such as farming and storage. In high-income countries,
more waste happens in the late stages, notably markets, restaurants and homes. Solutions will therefore vary by location.

Food Type Annual Production and Waste Percent Wasted at Each Stage of the Supply Chain
Current Practice Plausible Ambitious From farm ...
Savings Savings
Million metric
million metric AND STORAGE
2,000 Waste as % of Total Production by Food Type
tons were
FRUITS AND produced. 16%

Plant-Based Food Categories (ranked by annual production)

0 0
2020 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050
1,343 MMT,
29% wasted

704 MMT,
37% wasted

689 MMT,
53% wasted

232 MMT,
26% wasted


EGGS 19% wasted
Animal-Based Food Categories


402 MMT,
22% wasted

SEAFOOD About 12% was lost during harvest.

203 MMT,
40% wasted

78  Scientific American, October 2021

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Food Waste Current practice Plausible plan Ambitious plan
(percent of global production)

... to table


Some world regions
will consume more.

How Much Meat

2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 Is Wasted?

Every minute the world

wastes the equivalent weight
of 65 cows of meat at home.

Losses would rise to 82 cows

a minute by 2050 if current
practices continue.

Waste in 2050 could be

reduced to 24 cows under
the plausible plan . . .

. . . and down to 8 cows in the

ambitious plan.

Adult cow, average

weight 800 kilograms

About 11 percent was wasted,

the highest at this stage.

October 2021, 79

© 2021 Scientific American

Carbon Emissions Avoided
If global population, consumption per person and waste along the supply chain continue
according to recent trends, the world will emit huge amounts of greenhouse gases related Annual CO2 Emissions
to food. It will also have to clear more land to cultivate, which creates additional
Current practices continue
emissions and shrinks forests and grasslands that could absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Plausible scenario
Changes under the plausible and ambitious scenarios would greatly reduce emissions.
Ambitious scenario



Compared with current practices continuing through 2050, less food waste and shifting to a plant-rich diet in the plausible and ambitious scenarios
would allow the world to produce enough food on current cropland. Not clearing more land would avoid billions of tons of carbon emissions.

Resulting from Less Food Waste Resulting from Shift to Plant-Rich Diet
2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050
Billion 0
metric 1.6
tons 2
of CO2 3.6 The same reductions accrue in the
4 plausible and ambitious scenarios.


Greater production efficiencies under regenerative farming practices in the plausible and ambitious scenarios
would further reduce emissions related to less food waste and a shift to a plant-rich diet.

Resulting from Less Food Waste Resulting from Shift to Plant-Rich Diet
2020 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050
Billion 0
tons 2 2.2
of CO2 3.1



Billion metric ntinue

tons of CO2 Current Practices Co

51% reduction

62% reduction

us Sce
10 nario

By 2050, if current practices continue, global emissions

would rise from 18 to 22 gigatons a year. Annual
5 emissions would drop to 11 gigatons under the plausible
plan and to 8 gigatons under the ambitious plan.

2020 2030 2040 2050

80  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

Continued from page 76 and vegetables” campaign launched by the French supermarket
to increase crop production and decrease animal production. chain Intermarché in 2014 aimed to avoid waste by changing cul-
Reducing waste by adjusting how food is produced and con- tural attitudes toward “imperfect” foods. Markets tend to procure
sumed can greatly help the environment as well. Different types only fruits and vegetables that meet an idealized cultural percep-
of foods such as grains, vegetables, fish, meat and dairy have very tion of shape and color. Imperfect produce that does not match
different environmental footprints. On average, growing and har- these false traits accounts for up to 40 percent of edible fruits and
vesting one kilogram of tomatoes creates about 0.35 kilogram of vegetables being discarded before they leave the farm gate. Instead
carbon dioxide emissions. Producing the same amount of beef cre- Intermarché sells these fruits and vegetables in special aisles and
ates an average of 36 kilograms of emissions. With the entire sup- runs a national marketing campaign glorifying the inglorious. Oth-
ply chain taken into account, greenhouse gas emissions from plant- er retailers are going even further: All the shelves at Danish super-
based commodities are 10 to 50 times lower than from most ani- market WeFood are stocked with products that would have gone
mal-based products. to a landfill. Pittsburgh-based 412 Food Rescue distributes nutri-
Additionally, industrial agriculture has spread monocropping, tious food that was destined for landfills because of imperfections,
excessive tillage, and widespread use of synthetic fertilizers and limited freshness (such as day-old bread) and unclear labeling to
pesticides. These practices degrade soil and emit a vast amount of communities in need—for free.
greenhouse gases. Staples are still destroyed in the field by pests Wholesalers, retailers and restaurants can play a significant role
and disease and can rot in storage. Livestock consumption of grass- in shrinking the waste piles. They can demand that suppliers use
es and feed adds further emissions. more food from local regenerative farms. Ensuring that food items
Agroecological pest-management practices, such as planting dif- are sold with clear, standardized “sell by/use by” labels helps store
ferent crops together, and smarter crop rotation can suppress pests managers know when to mark down items, and it helps consum-
and weeds, reducing these losses. Improved livestock-management ers know when and when not to dispose of food. Restaurant own-
practices, such as silvopasture, which integrates trees into foraging ers can offer different portion sizes and fewer menu items and can
land, can improve the quality and quantity of animal-based prod- encourage patrons to take leftovers home.
ucts: more food from fewer hooves in the field and thus fewer Governments and companies that offer food services to employ-
resources used and fewer losses. And because regenerative farming ees can jump in, too. U.S. federal government cafeterias serve more
practices—which can increase yield from 5  to 35  percent, restore than two million people; imagine if the kitchen managers chose to
soils and pull more carbon from the air—use compost and manure offer plant-rich fare made from perfectly imperfect produce pro-
instead of artificial fertilizers, any food that fails to leave the farm cured from regenerative suppliers. Google is already doing more
gate can be recycled as natural fertilizer or can be converted by of that in its cafeterias today.
anaerobic digestors into biogas for energy on the farm. More farms No matter how conscientious we all are, some food will inevi-
need to convert to such practices. Restaurants across the U.S. are tably be lost across the supply chain. Anaerobic digesters and com-
helping them through one interesting organization called Zero posting are better ways of disposal than dumping food in landfills
Foodprint, started by chef Anthony Myint, which takes a few cents because they create soil or generate electricity. Eight states across
added to patrons’ bills to fund regenerative farms in the making. the U.S. now have laws requiring that organic waste be diverted
from landfills to avoid potent methane emissions. The latest Proj-
SAVING THE THIRD BAG ect Drawdown analysis shows that implementing these solutions
In low-income countries, m  ost food is lost before ever getting to globally can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 14 billion
market. Improving education and professional training for farm- metric tons over the next 30 years.
ers and producers there, along with innovative technologies, can The real magic happens when a variety of solutions are adopt-
minimize waste. India’s state of Jharkhand, for example, has in­­ ed in parallel and sustained over time. The decisions people make
stalled solar-powered refrigeration units that allow farmers who as farmers, executives, grocers, chefs and consumers can prevent
produce vegetables, fruits and other perishables to store their prod- enough food loss to feed the world through 2050 without convert-
ucts without sacrificing quality—a project led by the United Nations ing any more land. That means together we can eliminate hunger
Development Program and the Global Environment Facility. In Afri- and support a healthier global population. And there would still
ca, the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers be enough cropland available to grow plants for organic materials
has expanded training that will help local farmers grow more food such as bioplastics, insulation and biofuels.
under conditions being created by climate change, using crops that Revamping the food chain and adjusting eating habits will not
better tolerate drought and no-till farming to protect withering soil. happen overnight. Nor should we expect to immediately become
In high- and medium-income countries, most waste occurs at perfect, regeneratively minded, plant-rich connoisseurs who are
the end of the supply chain—markets and households. There con- fastidious about our purchases and what we waste. Our most fun-
sumers have a tremendous amount of power to prevent waste. A damental task is to be conscientious about the choices we make—
good first step is to reflect on what and how much we are buying. to try to be “solutionists” as much as we can. Together we can save
This begins with conscious decisions to purchase what we intend that third bag of groceries. 
to eat and to eat what we purchase. Rather than overstocking on
perishables and other products, buying appropriate quantities of
food reduces waste. If too much is cooked for the dinner table, FROM OUR ARCHIVES
properly storing leftovers reduces spoilage, or they can be shared The Biomass Bottleneck. Eric Toensmeier and Dennis Garrity; August 2020.
with neighbors, building stronger community ties.
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
Broader cultural shifts are also required. The “inglorious fruits

October 2021, 81

© 2021 Scientific American

82  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American


A machine-learning system is making
shocking progress at the frontiers

of experimental quantum physics
By Anil Ananthaswamy
Illustration by Kotryna Zukauskaite

uantum physicist Mario Krenn remembers

sitting in a café in Vienna in early 2016, por-
ing over computer printouts, trying to
make sense of what MELVIN had found.
MELVIN was a machine-learning algorithm
Krenn had built, a kind of artificial intelli-
gence. Its job was to mix and match the
building blocks of standard quantum experiments and find solutions
to new problems. And it did find many interesting ones. But there
was one that made no sense. “The first thing I thought was, ‘My pro-
gram has a bug because the solution cannot exist,’ ” Krenn says.
MELVIN had seemingly solved the problem of creating highly complex entangled states
involving multiple photons (entangled states being those that once made Albert Einstein
invoke the specter of “spooky action at a distance”). Krenn, Anton Zeilinger of the Universi-
ty of Vienna and their colleagues had not explicitly provided MELVIN the rules needed to
generate such complex states, yet it had found a way. Eventually Krenn realized that the algo-

October 2021, 83

© 2021 Scientific American

rithm had rediscovered a type of experimental ar­­ faster quantum computing. In late 2013 the research-
rangement that had been devised in the early 1990s. ers spent weeks designing experiments on blackboards
But those experiments had been much simpler. MEL- and doing the calculations to see if their setups could
VIN had cracked a far more complex puzzle. “When generate the required quantum states. But each time
we understood what was going on, we were immedi- they failed. “I thought, ‘This is absolutely insane. Why
ately able to generalize [the solution],” says Krenn, can’t we come up with a setup?’” Krenn says.
who is now at the University of Toronto. To speed up the process, Krenn first wrote a com-
Anil Ananthaswamy Since then, other teams have started performing puter program that took an experimental setup and
is author of The Edge
the experiments identified by MELVIN, allowing calculated the output. Then he upgraded the program
of Physics, The Man
Who Wasn’t There them to test the conceptual underpinnings of quan- to allow it to incorporate in its calculations the same
and, most recently, tum mechanics in new ways. Meanwhile Krenn, work- building blocks that experimenters use to create and
Through Two Doors ing with colleagues in Toronto, has refined their manipulate photons on an optical bench: lasers, non-
at Once: The Elegant ma­chine-learning algorithms. Their latest effort, an linear crystals, beam splitters, phase shifters, holo-
Experiment That AI called THESEUS, has upped the ante: it is orders grams, and the like. The program searched through
Captures the Enigma of
of magnitude faster than MELVIN, and humans can a large space of configurations by randomly mixing
Our Quantum Reality.
readily parse its output. While it would take Krenn and matching the building blocks, performed the cal-
and his colleagues days or even weeks to understand culations and spat out the result. MELVIN was born.
MELVIN’s meanderings, they can almost immediate- “Within a few hours the program found a solution that
ly figure out what THESEUS is saying. “It is amazing we scientists—three experimentalists and one theo-
work,” says theoretical quantum physicist Renato rist—could not come up with for months,” Krenn says.
Renner of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the “That was a crazy day. I could not believe that it hap-
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, who pened.” Then he gave MELVIN more smarts. Anytime
reviewed a 2020 study about THESEUS but was not it found a setup that did something useful, MELVIN
directly involved in these efforts. added that setup to its toolbox. “The algorithm
Krenn stumbled on this entire research program remembers that and tries to reuse it for more com-
somewhat by accident when he and his colleagues plex solutions,” Krenn says.
were trying to figure out how to experimentally cre-

ate quantum states of photons entangled in a very t was this more evolved MELVIN t hat left Krenn
particular manner. When two photons interact, they scratching his head in a Viennese café. He had
become entangled, and both can be mathematically set it running with an experimental toolbox that
described only using a single shared quantum state. contained two crystals, each capable of generating a
If you measure the state of one photon, the measure- pair of photons entangled in three dimensions.
ment instantly fixes the state of the other even if the Krenn’s naive expectation was that MELVIN would
two are kilometers apart (hence Einstein’s derisive find configurations that combined these pairs of pho-
comments on entanglement being “spooky”). tons to create entangled states of at most nine dimen-
In 1989 three physicists—Daniel Greenberger, the sions. But “it actually found one solution, an extreme-
late Michael Horne and Zeilinger—described an ly rare case, that has much higher entanglement than
entangled state that came to be known as GHZ (after the rest of the states,” Krenn says.
their initials). It involved four photons, each of which Eventually he figured out that MELVIN had used
could be in a quantum superposition of, say, two a technique that multiple teams had developed near-
states, 0 and 1 (a quantum state called a qubit). In ly three decades ago. In 1991 Xin Yu Zou, Li Jun Wang
their paper, the GHZ state involved entangling four and Leonard Mandel, all then at the University of
qubits such that the entire system was in a two- Rochester, designed one method. And in 1994 Zeil-
dimensional quantum superposition of states 0000 inger, then at the University of Innsbruck in Austria,
and 1111. If you measured one of the photons and and his colleagues came up with another. Conceptu-
found it in state 0, the superposition would collapse, ally these experiments attempted something similar,
and the other photons would also be in state 0. The but the configuration that Zeilinger and his col-
same went for state 1. In the late 1990s Zeilinger and leagues devised is simpler to understand. It starts
his colleagues experimentally observed GHZ states with one crystal that generates a pair of photons (A
using three qubits for the first time. and B). The paths of these photons go right through
Krenn and his colleagues were aiming for GHZ another crystal, which can also generate two photons
states of higher dimensions. They wanted to work with (C and D). The paths of photon A from the first crys-
three photons, where each photon had a dimensional- tal and of photon C from the second overlap exactly
ity of three, meaning it could be in a superposition of and lead to the same detector. If that detector clicks,
three states: 0, 1 and 2. This quantum state is called a it is impossible to tell whether the photon originated
qutrit. The entanglement the team was after was a from the first or the second crystal. The same goes for
three-dimensional GHZ state that was a superposition photons B and D.
of states 000, 111 and 222. Such states are important A phase shifter is a device that effectively increas-
ingredients for secure quantum communications and es the path a photon travels as some fraction of its

84  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

wavelength. If you were to introduce a phase shifter the photonic chip’s incredible optical stability, some-
in one of the paths between the crystals and kept thing that would have been impossible to achieve in
changing the amount of phase shift, you could cause a larger-scale tabletop experiment. For starters, the
constructive and destructive interference at the setup would require a square meter’s worth of opti-
detectors. For example, each of the crystals could be cal elements precisely aligned on an optical bench,
generating, say, 1,000 pairs of photons per second. Steinberg says. Besides, “a single optical element jit-
With constructive interference, the detectors would tering or drifting by a thousandth of the diameter of
register 4,000 pairs of photons per second. And with a human hair during those 16 hours could be enough
destructive interference, they would detect none: the to wash out the effect,” he says.
system as a whole would not create any photons even During their early attempts to simplify and gener-
though individual crystals would be generating 1,000 alize what MELVIN had found, Krenn and his col-
pairs a second. “That is actually quite crazy, when you leagues realized that the solution resembled abstract
think about it,” Krenn says. mathematical forms called graphs, which contain ver-
MELVIN’s funky solution involved such overlap- tices and edges and are used to depict pairwise rela-
ping paths. What had flummoxed Krenn was that the tions between objects. For these quantum experiments,
algorithm had only two crystals in its toolbox. And every path a photon takes is represented by a vertex.
instead of using those crystals at the beginning of the And a crystal, for example, is represented by an edge
experimental setup, it had wedged them inside an connecting two vertices. MELVIN first produced such
interferometer (a device that splits the path of, say, a a graph and then performed a mathematical operation
photon into two and then recombines them). After on it. The operation, called perfect matching, involves
much effort, he realized that the setup MELVIN had generating an equivalent graph in which each vertex
found was equivalent to one involving more than two is connected to only one edge. This process makes cal-
crystals, each generating pairs of photons, such that culating the final quantum state much easier, although
their paths to the detectors overlapped. The configu- it is still hard for humans to understand.
ration could be used to generate high-dimensional That changed with MELVIN’s successor THESEUS,
entangled states. which generates much simpler graphs by winnowing
Quantum physicist Nora Tischler, who was a Ph.D. the first complex graph representing a solution that
student working with Zeilinger on an unrelated top- it finds down to the bare minimum number of edges
ic when MELVIN was being put through its paces, and vertices (such that any further deletion destroys
was paying attention to these developments. “It was the setup’s ability to generate the desired quantum
kind of clear from the beginning [that such an] exper- states). Such graphs are simpler than MELVIN’s per-
iment wouldn’t exist if it hadn’t been discovered by fect matching graphs, so it is even easier to make
an algorithm,” she says. sense of any AI-generated solution. Renner is partic-
Besides generating complex entangled states, the ularly impressed by THESEUS’s human-interpretable
setup using more than two crystals with overlapping outputs. “The solution is designed in such a way that
paths can be employed to perform a generalized form the number of connections in the graph is minimized,”
of Zeilinger’s 1994 quantum interference experiments he says. “And that’s naturally a solution we can better
with two crystals. Aephraim Steinberg, an experimen- understand than if you had a very complex graph.”
talist who is a Toronto colleague of Krenn’s but has Eric Cavalcanti of Griffith University in Australia
not worked on these projects, is impressed by what is both impressed by the work and circumspect about
the AI found. “This is a generalization that (to my it. “These machine-learning techniques represent an
knowledge) no human dreamed up in the interven- interesting development. For a human scientist look-
ing decades and might never have done,” he says. “It’s ing at the data and interpreting it, some of the solu-
a gorgeous first example of the kind of new explora- tions may look like ‘creative’ new solutions. But at this
tions these thinking machines can take us on.” stage, these algorithms are still far from a level where
In one such generalized configuration with four it could be said that they are having truly new ideas
crystals, each generating a pair of photons, and over- or coming up with new concepts,” he says. “On the
lapping paths leading to four detectors, quantum other hand, I do think that one day they will get there.
interference can create situations where either all So these are baby steps—but we have to start some-
four detectors click (constructive interference) or where.” Steinberg agrees. “For now they are just amaz-
none of them do so (destructive interference). Until ing tools,” he says. “And like all the best tools, they’re
recently, carrying out such an experiment had re­­ already enabling us to do some things we probably
mained a distant dream. Then, in a March preprint wouldn’t have done without them.” 
paper, a team led by Lan-Tian Feng of the University
of Science and Technology of China, in collaboration
with Krenn, reported that they had fabricated the FROM OUR ARCHIVES
entire setup on a single photonic chip and performed Crossing the Quantum Divide. Tim Folger; July 2018.
the experiment. The researchers collected data for
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
more than 16 hours: a feat made possible because of

October 2021, 85

© 2021 Scientific American

Edited by Amy Brady

NONFIC TION store that doesn’t contain a simulacrum

Animal Person
of one of them—usually several. Animal
forms, references and mimicries hover
all around us, even in places where no
living nonhuman animals are present
Our mechanistic relationships with nonhuman animals (at least, beyond the miniature and micro-
Review by Lydia Millet scopic). They populate our language
with their richness, diversity and color
In On Animals, a new collection of old lifelong interest in animalkind and specu- and play a critical role in helping us raise
essays, veteran journalist Susan Orlean lates that she has a rare affection for it. our children.
is almost the obverse of wonder-seeking But there’s little evidence in the book of So when Orlean asks the question,
naturalists like David Attenborough. Her the author as an outlier. Clearly, she loves in “Animalish,” of whether her life among
focus is not on wild creatures and their dogs, chickens, horses, and other long- the other animals and her yearning for
swiftly disappearing worlds but on animals time familiar companions and has gone their company is atypical, I find myself
that live in human-dominated spheres: to great lengths to make caring for many wishing she’d answered the question in
pets, working animals, and those kept as of them a focus of her wide-roaming inves- greater depth—wishing that, given this
barnyard companions, livestock, or curios- On Animals tigative life. But the proposition that her collection’s central theme, she’d examined
ities. Her subjects are the familiar denizens By Susan Orlean. affinity is outlandish lands with an oddly how humanness is constructed through
of the home, farm, zoo and marketplace. Avid Reader Press/ unexamined weight. Is a fondness for and around the existence of nonhuman
Orlean explores the human machina- Simon & Schuster, other animals strange?  animals. How our notions of personhood
tions around show dogs and celebrity 2021 ($28) Even in a culture willfully detached are built on the vast foundation of our
megafauna such as captive giant pandas from the wild, animal sign is visible every- extensive evolutionary and social history
and the movie star orca Keiko of Free Willy where. I rarely enter a home, office or with the other species that define our lived
fame. She tells the unsettling saga of an experience. In a time of press-
American woman who kept numerous ing and accelerating biodiver-
tigers, written long before the airing of the sity crisis, it seems more urgent
notorious series T iger King. The differences than ever that we grapple with
between mules and donkeys are illumi- the implications of our use and
nated here, as are the decline and fall of abuse of other life-forms,
pack animals in the armed forces and the whether domesticated or
poignancy of a young girl’s devotion to her wild—with how our love for
homing pigeons. them is mediated by, and sub-
Orlean deftly captures some of the sumed into, our exploitation of
ways in which categories like “pet” and their bodies and habitats. With
“revenue source” or “food” overlap, some- how and why our culture has
times painfully. And how in other cases, taught us that other animals
such as donkeys in Morocco’s medinas, are little more than useful idi-
working animals are seen as machines and ots and that, therefore, our
unmourned when, after years of devoted love of them is childish, hobby-
service, they die. Some readers may be istic or weird. When in fact, our
startled by her rosy account of a meet and stories, homes and minds are
greet with a privately owned African lion, furnished with the artifacts of
brought to her New York apartment as an a far deeper love.
apparently charming Valentine’s Day sur- The best writing in On
prise; it doesn’t stop to contemplate, as her Animals—about Keiko the
story “The Lady and the Tigers” does, the orca, say, or about donkeys
ethical dimensions of personal wild-animal or about Biff the prizewinning
ownership. But in general, these well- boxer—occurs where the
researched and readable essays—origi- mundane meets the tragic,
nally published in the New Yorker and at the crossroads between
Smithsonian Magazine beginning in 1995— our compulsion to care for and
open onto a world of troubled human rela- be near animals and our dawn-
tionships with charismatic beasts. ing realization that those ani-
In her introduction, a piece called “Ani- mals are always, finally,
malish”—the only newly written material beyond our sphere of nurtur-
in the collection—Orlean describes her ing and control.

86  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustration by London Ladd

© 2021 Scientific American


in Nature’s
Amy Leach’s latest effort—an expansive,
thought-provoking reflection on the natural
world—is a worthy successor to her cele-
brated first book, Things That Are. A winner
of the Whiting Award and the Pushcart
Prize, Leach charms even as she challenges
the reader with this new collection.
In the titular essay, a choir director en-
courages everyone on the “Existence Boat”
to raise their voices in a joyous cacophony ple of the latter is “Dogness defies dogma.”) Gegenschein, F labellina). After importing
of Being. It is an apt kickoff for a book so Instead, Leach argues, our animal breth- them, she does not just set them blithely
planetary in scope. The “Pandemoniums” ren’s identity is inherent, and they stand for down, but rather she rubs them together
that follow cover everything from the cha- nothing but themselves. with her point until insights shoot like sparks.
otic mindfulness of Beanstan, Leach’s un- In “Non Sequiturs,” she illustrates the If they are non sequiturs, they still forge
hinged Pomeranian, to Elon Musk’s recent application of this through an animal- links via revelation rather than relatedness.
spaceflight, the premise of which she oriented exegesis of the Book of Job, high- Leach’s essays are passionate, but they
rejects on the basis of her loyalty to Earth: lighting how God “brings lions and light- refresh more than burn. While breathtak-
“Yes to the Earth, my Earth, for I do not The Everybody ning and various other non sequiturs, like ingly sophisticated in their content, their
hope to find a better where.”  Ensemble: donkeys” to answer Job’s many questions. tone recalls the best and most beloved chil-
But Leach’s love for Earth is not unex- Donkeys, Essays, “Perhaps,” Leach remarks, “we could try dren’s books: playful but gentle, earnest
amined. She often criticizes humanity’s and Other his rhetorical method ourselves.” And she without being naive, reverberant with on-
reductive view of animals, noting our pro- Pandemoniums does just that, illuminating her essays with tological wonder. Fusing poetry and biolo-
pensity to collapse them into anatomy or By Amy Leach. a dizzying array of nature references: some gy, philosophy and commentary, this col-
taxonomy and rejecting our tendency to Farrar, Straus and household names (eagles, grapes, sea­ lection offers something for everyone on
use them as religious symbols. (One exam- Giroux, 2021 ($26) horses), others less so (strawberry frogs, the Existence Boat. —Dana Dunham

I N B R I E F 

Planetary Specters: The Nutmeg’s Curse: Being You:

 ace, Migration, and Climate Change
R P arables for a Planet in Crisis  New Science of Consciousness
in the Twenty-First Century by Amitav Ghosh. by Anil Seth. Dutton, 2021 ($28)
by Neel Ahuja. University of Chicago Press, 2021 ($25)
Being You is a logically rigorous
University of North Carolina Press, 2021 ($95)
In this essayistic follow-up t o his (verging on tedious) treatise on con-
When journalists and policy makers 2016 book T he Great Derangement: sciousness. An acclaimed British neu-
discuss migration crises, Neel Ahuja Climate Change and the Unthinkable, roscientist, Anil Seth handily summa-
writes, they tend to blame the amor- Amitav Ghosh sees the seeds of our rizes the knowns and significantly
phous boogeyman of “climate change” climate emergency in the violent 17th- more numerous unknowns of our current under-
without interrogating the web of century occupation of the nutmeg plantations of the standing about how “the inner universe of subjective
underlying roots. In Planetary Specters, he tugs at the Banda Islands in Indonesia. To Ghosh, the policies experience relates to, and can be explained in terms
thread—namely, oil—that connects much of the of the Dutch East India Company illustrate “the unre- of, biological and physical processes.” He is just as
global economy to unravel how capitalist production strainable excess that lies hidden at the heart of the likely to cite Immanuel Kant as recently published
doesn’t just generate cascading conditions for vision of world-as-resource—an excess that leads studies to support his claims about personhood and
warming but creates a “shrinking horizon of habita- ultimately not just to genocide but an even greater perception. But Seth’s vivid descriptions of real-life
Nikki O’Keefe Getty Images

tion” for the much of the world’s poor. There are no violence, an impulse that can only be called ‘omni- experimental setups—such as an artificial neural
easy answers, of course. But as the planet continues cide,’ the desire to destroy everything.” Ghosh finds network creating visual hallucinations of dogs in
hurtling toward disaster at breakneck speed, Ahuja hope in the promise of renewable energy and the virtual reality—prove more imaginative and compel-
presents a convincing framework for understanding “vitalist politics” of Greta Thunberg, the activists of ling than philosophical hypotheticals of false selves
environmental racism.  —Tess Joosse Standing Rock, and others.  —Seth Fletcher and teleportation.  —Maddie Bender

October 2021,  87

© 2021 Scientific American

OBSERVATORY Naomi Oreskes is a professor of the history of science
at Harvard University. She is author of Why Trust Science?
(Princeton University Press, 2019) and co-author
of Discerning Experts (University of Chicago, 2019).

Scientists: Please language is impenetrable even to many insiders. Consider the “sec-
ondary maximum contaminant level,” or SMCL, used by the U.S.

Speak Plainly
Environmental Protection Agency. Primary maximum contaminant
levels (MCLs) are the maximum levels of contaminants allowed
in drinking water, based on scientific evidence of health threats.
Jargon may work when talking to So what is a secondary standard? It’s something established
for reasons that do not affect public health—at least not directly.
colleagues, but it alienates the public The epa has recognized three distinct types of concern that can
By Naomi Oreskes trigger an SMCL: A  esthetic issues t hat involve the appearance,
odor or taste of the water; cosmetic issues t hat can affect your ap­­
With the persistence of vaccine denial, as well as many Ameri- pear­ance, such as silver, which can cause argyria (a condition in
cans still reluctant to face the facts of climate change even in the which your skin turns irreversibly blue); and t echnical issues t hat
face of devastating floods and record-breaking heat, social media involve damage to equipment. The agency is lumping three very
has been suffused with theories about why people don’t trust sci- different concerns under one term that communicates none of
ence. In my own work, I have talked about how 40 years of par- them. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t care if silver in my tap
tisan attacks on government have led to distrust of government turned my water a bit blue. I would c are if it turned me b
 lue. And I
science and then of science generally. would certainly care if damage to equipment led to my water car-
But this past year another issue has been bugging me. It’s the rying dangerous amounts of lead.
way scientists t alk. This is not a new concern. Many years ago sci- Examples of confusing and misleading scientific terms
ence writer Susan Hassol and atmospheric scientist Richard abound. When astronomers say “metals,” they mean any element
Somerville wrote a humorous but serious piece about how the heavier than helium, which includes oxygen and nitrogen, a usage
that is massively confusing not just to laypeople but
also to chemists. The Big Dipper isn’t a constellation
to them; it is an “asterism.” Computational scientists
declare a model “validated” when they mean that it has
been tested against a data set—not necessarily that it
is valid. In AI, there is machine “intelligence,” which
isn’t intelligence at all but something more like
“machine capability.” In ecology, there are “ecosystem
services,” which you might reasonably think refers to
companies that clean up oil spills, but it is ecological
jargon for all the good things that the natural world
does for us. And then there’s my favorite, which is espe-
cially relevant here: the theory of “communication
accommodation,” which means speaking so that the
listener can understand.
Studies show that alien terms are, in fact, alienat-
ing; they confuse people and make them feel excluded.
One study showed that even when participants were
given definitions for the terms being used, jargon-lad-
en materials made them less likely to identify with the
scientific community and decreased their overall inter-
terms that climate scientists use mean one thing to them but often est in the subject. In plain words: jargon turns people off.
something very different to others. In the climate system, for exam- Of course, there are words with specific technical meanings that
ple, “positive feedback” refers to amplifying feedback loops, such cannot be otherwise easily expressed (look up “holobiont”), and
as the ice-albedo feedback. (“Albedo,” itself a bit of jargon, basical- astronomers may have a good reason for preferring the parsec
ly means “reflectivity.”) The loop in question develops when glob- (which equals 3.26 light-years) to the familiar light-year. Techni-
al warming causes Arctic ice to melt, exposing water that is dark- cal terms used in regulatory contexts may be hard to change for
er and reflects less of the sun’s warming rays, which leads to more legal reasons. But if scientists could speak plainly, it would help
warming, which leads to more melting ... and so on. In the climate us understand their claims and better appreciate their work. 
system, this positive feedback is a bad thing. But for most, it con-
jures reassuring images, such as receiving praise from your boss.
Hassol and Somerville call this “speaking in code.” Codes, of Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
course, are intended to be opaque to outsiders, but some scientific or send a letter to the editor: [email protected]

88  Scientific American, October 2021 Illustration by Jay Bendt

© 2021 Scientific American

50, 100 & 150 YEARS AGO S cienti f ic A m erican O N L I N E
IN N OVATI O N A N D D I S C OV E RY A S C H R O NI C L E D IN S c ientific A meric an THE Scientific American ARCHIVES AT
Compiled by Mark Fischetti


1971 Jupiter Pioneers

“Two 560-pound
spacecraft are being prepared for
80 black-and-white channels has
been developed, but an increasing
amount of reception is in color.
male, who is the re­­ceiv­er. This fact
agrees with the design of wireless
instruments. Another curious
the longest flight yet attempted: Here the limitation resides in the point is the be­­hav­ior of the male
a mission to Jupiter. Pioneer F and receiver. Standard home television as he nears the place where the
Pioneer G will each be equipped sets cannot receive more than female is stationed. Often he will
with 11 instruments. The voyages 12 color channels without added alight in a very uncertain manner,
will take between 19 and 32 months 1971 electronic equipment.” moving his antennae about much
and will cover 600 million to 900 the way a wireless operator will
million kilometers. Each spacecraft
will spend about four days in the
vicinity of the solar system’s largest
1921 Use
Do Moths
“How does the female moth attract
swing his direc­tion-­find­ing frame
to discover the quarter from which
the signals are coming.”
planet. Digital data will be trans- males? It is not by scent, for the Research now indicates that male
mitted to the Earth at the rate of males travel down the wind to moths smell pheromones secreted
1,024 bits per second and received where the female is. Another by females.
by three dish antennas with a suggestion is that the males are
diameter of 210 feet: one in Califor-
nia, one in Australia and one in
Spain. Power will be supplied by
1921 attracted by sound, but the female
Vapourer has been enclosed in a
soundproof box and still the males
1871 Tobacco Ills
“There is much to be
said for and against tobacco. A
plutonium thermoelectric genera- come to her. It has lately been sug- habitual ‘chewer’ will consume
tors producing 40 watts at the start gested that moths communicate four ounces per week. This is sev-
of the mission.” by means of ‘wireless’—electromag- enteen and one half pounds per
The craft, more commonly known as netic waves of exceedingly short year of ‘hard stuff,’ mingled with
Pioneer 10 and 11, operated much wavelength. Probably the most sand, stems, impure molasses, olive
longer than anticipated. Pioneer 10 sensitive organs that moths pos- oil, chips and concentrat­­ed dirt
sent signals until 2003. Today both 1871 sess are their antennae. The anten- and refuse of all kinds. A speaker
craft are billions of kilometers from nae of the female, who is the trans- at the State Dental Society said the
Earth, beyond our solar system. mitter, differ from those of the destructive effects of to­­bacco upon
the teeth were both mechanical
Cable TV: 12 Channels and chemical. Returns from Guy’s
“At the beginning of 1971 there and St. Bartholomew’s hospitals
were 2,500 cable television sys- tell us that, in all cases of cancer
tems serving 5.5 million subscrib- of the mouth, the patient had been
ers in the U.S. At first it was a sim- using a pipe. Nervousness, loss of
ple arrangement for bringing a appetite, bad dreams, vertigo, indi-
good television signal into a home gestion, consumption, sterility and
that received a poor one or none, other ills which affect the nervous
often called ‘community antenna system may be traced to tobacco.”
television,’ or CATV. Now cable can
provide a subscriber with many Have Corpse, Will Paint
more channels than there are pro- “The remains of the Italian patriot,
grams to fill them. All systems poet and scholar, Ugo Foscolo,
built during the past three years were exhumed at Chiswick church-
have had at least 12 channels. yard, England, after forty-four
The technology for carrying up to years of interment. The body was
intact, and the features were still
Scientific American, Vol. 225, No. 4; October 1971

perfect. The whiskers were still

1971: Moon rock from Apollo 12 there. His skin, now of a pale gray
mission. “This [magnified] pyroxene color, remained un­­shrunk­en, the
crystal measures about two thirds pores and textures also uninjured.
of a millimeter from top to bottom.
With the view of making a histori-
The yellow core is calcium-poor
pigeonite. The pink and purple cal painting, Signor Caldesi took
regions are calcium-rich augite. a photograph of the body as it lay
The green areas are hedenbergite, in its coffin, which was closed
rich in iron.” again and officially sealed.”

90  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

Text by Clara Moskowitz  |  Graphic by Mark Belan

Seeking Dynamos
Planets with Magnetic Fields
Each planet’s magnetic field arises from its own unique composition
and rotational properties. Venus and Mars seem to lack enough
convection in their interiors to produce fields.

Most of our neighboring planets have

magnetic fields, but scientists do not fully Solid iron Liquid iron Iron sulfide

understand how they arise Silicate mantle Silicate crust Liquid metallic
hydrogen and helium
The magnetic fields in our solar system are surprisingly diverse—
Liquid hydrogen Water, methane, Hydrogen and helium
Jupiter’s and Saturn’s are extremely strong, but Mercury’s is puny.
and ammonia
Uranus’s and Neptune’s are out of whack with the direction of their
rotation, although others are closely aligned. And each has a unique Mercury
set of conditions that gives rise to a dynamo—the engine thought to The smallest of the planets
activate a magnetic field. also has the weakest
magnetic field. Its internal S
Several upcoming space missions seek to study planetary mag- N
netic fields, which offer a window into planets’ internal makeup as dynamo is counteracted
by the solar wind of particles
well as their history and formation. nasa’s Juno mission, for instance,
streaming off the sun.
is orbiting Jupiter with two sensor experiments to make the first glob-
al map of its magnetic field, the strongest in the solar system. And
the European Space Agency has a mission in orbit now called Swarm, Earth
focused on monitoring how Earth’s magnetic field changes over time. Our planet’s magnetic
north pole happens
Rotational to point toward its S
axis (dotted)
geographic south pole, as
do Mercury’s and Uranus’s.

The solar system’s strongest
magnetic field is much
Convection more intense and complex
Liquid N
cells (red) than Earth’s because of the
outer core S
gas giant’s rapid rotation
and larger metallic interior.

Sources: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington (M ercury’s surface) ;
Saturn’s magnetic field

Reto Stöckli, NASA Earth Observatory (E arth’s surface) ; NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute (J upiter’s surface)
is weaker than Jupiter’s
and symmetric around
rotation N
its axis of rotation, possibly
twists the S
because of helium rain
that dampens convection
in the atmosphere.

The magnetic field here
is tilted 60 degrees from S
the planet’s rotational axis, N
Magnetic causing the field’s strength
field lines and orientation to fluctuate
(blue) as Uranus spins.
Dynamo Basics
Dynamos form inside planets when moving electric charges give rise to magnetic fields. Neptune
Earth’s magnetic field, for instance, originates in its outer core, which is mostly made The farthest planet’s mag­
of molten iron. This iron, a metal, is essentially a river of electrically charged particles. netic axis is also misaligned
These particles churn and flow because of convection—the tendency of denser material N
from its rotational axis, S
to sink and hotter, less dense stuff to rise—as well as our planet’s rotation. The result giving it a lopsided shape
is a constantly moving electric current, which produces a continuous magnetic field. that interacts with the solar
*Helices are likely smaller and more turbulent than shown here. wind in unbalanced ways.

92  Scientific American, October 2021

© 2021 Scientific American

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