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of Printed Pages : 44 BSHF-101

Term-End Examination
June, 2021

BSHF-101 : Foundation Course in Humanities and

Social Sciences

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2021

~r.Eg.EM.E\$.-101 : _mZ{dH$s Am¡a gm_m{OH$ {dkmZ _|

AmYma nmR²>`H«$_

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100

BSHF-101 1
General Instructions :

Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences (BSHF-101)

Questions 1 – 100

(i) This is an objective type question paper. Options for the correct answer must be marked
only in the OMR sheet.

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) The question paper consists of 100 questions each of which carries one mark.

(iv) Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the Sl. No. of your
correct alternative/answer below the corresponding question number in the OMR sheet
and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none
of the given alternatives is correct, then write 0 and mark in column 0.

(v) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by
one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.

BSHF-101 2
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :

_mZ{dH$s Am¡a gm_m{OH$ {dkmZ _| AmYma nmR²>`H«$_ (~r.Eg.EM.E\$.-101)

àíZ 1 – 100

(i) `h EH$ dñVw{Zð> àíZ-nÌ h¡ & àíZm| Ho$ ghr {dH$ën Ho$db OMR erQ> _| {b{IE &

(ii) g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢ &

(iii) Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 100 àíZ h¢ {OZ_| àË`oH$ àíZ EH$ A§H$ H$m h¡ &

(iv) àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ gmW Mma {dH$ën h¢, {OZ_| go EH$ ghr h¡ & Amo.E_.Ama. erQ> _| {ZX}emZwgma ghr
{dH$ën/CÎma H$m H«$_m§H$ g§JV àíZ g§»`m Ho$ ZrMo {bI| Am¡a {\$a Cgr H«$_m§H$ Ho$ Am`V na Cgr
H$m°b_ _| {M• bJmE± & AJa Amn nmE± {H$ H$moB© ^r {dH$ën ghr Zht h¡ Vmo 0 {bI| Am¡a H$m°b_ 0 _|
{M• bJmE± &

(v) nyao àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo _| g_` ~~m©X _V H$s{OE & EH$ Ho$ ~mX EH$ àíZ H$mo H$aVo OmBE & `{X ~mX
_| g_` aho, Vmo ~Mo hþE àíZm| H$mo Xþ~mam XoIm Om gH$Vm h¡ &

BSHF-101 3
1. The need to keep ‘knowledge’ from degenerating into ‘propaganda’ was emphasised by
(1) Anthony Giddens
(2) Noam Chomsky

(3) Mary Douglas

(4) Edmund Leach

2. The three levels of relationship that form part of social formation as used by Marxists
(1) social, economic, political
(2) economic, environmental, political

(3) economic, ideological, political

(4) social, environmental, political

3. The observation that ‘‘if the apparent were real, then there would be no need for
science’’ was made by
(1) Max Weber
(2) Karl Marx
(3) Edmund Leach
(4) Anthony Giddens

4. Which amongst the following is associated with Paleolithic period ?

(1) Old Stone Age
(2) New Stone Age

(3) Bronze Age

(4) Iron Age

5. Bronze tools were made of

(1) Copper
(2) Tin
(3) A mixture of copper and tin
(4) A mixture of copper and iron

BSHF-101 4
1. ‘kmZ’ H$mo ‘àMma-àgma’ _| nVZ hmoZo go ~MmZo H$s Amdí`H$Vm na {H$gZo _hÎd {X`m Wm ?
(1) E§WmoZr {JÈ>|g

(2) ZmoAm_ MmoåñH$s

(3) _oar S>½mbg

(4) ES>_§S> brM

2. gm_m{OH$ JR>Z Ho$ {bE VrZ ñVa Ho$ dh H$m¡Z-go g§~§Y h¢ {OZH$m à`moJ _mŠg©dm{X`m| Ûmam {H$`m J`m ?

(1) gm_m{OH$, Am{W©H$, amOZr{VH$

(2) Am{W©H$, n`m©daUr`$, amOZr{VH$

(3) Am{W©H$, d¡Mm[aH$, amOZr{VH$

(4) gm_m{OH$, n`m©daUr`, amOZr{VH$

3. ‘‘`{X ñnîQ> dmñV{dH$ hmoVm Vmo {dkmZ H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht hmoVr,’’ `h AdbmoH$Z {H$gHo$ Ûmam {H$`m
J`m ?
(1) _¡Šg do~a

(2) H$mb© _mŠg©

(3) ES>_§S> brM

(4) E§WmoZr {JÈ>|g

4. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm nwamnmfmU H$mb go g§~§{YV h¡ ?

(1) nwam nmfmU `wJ

(2) Zd nmfmU `wJ

(3) H$m§ñ` `wJ

(4) bm¡h `wJ

5. H$m§ñ` Ho$ Am¡µOma {H$ggo {Z{_©V Wo ?

(1) Vm±~m

(2) Q>rZ

(3) Vm±~o Am¡a Q>rZ H$m {_lU

(4) Vm±~o Am¡a bmoho H$m {_lU

BSHF-101 5
6. Who amongst the following anthropologists depicted the period of Stone Age as stage
of savagery ?
(1) Lewis Henry Morgan
(2) Mary Douglas
(3) Edmund Leach
(4) Leslie Alvin White

7. The first human being ever to have lived in a complete environment that dates back
to about 50,00,000 years is
(1) Java man
(2) Lantian man
(3) Peking man
(4) Homo erectus (Upright man)

8. In which part of India were arrow heads, spearheads made of iron, used around
800 BC ?
(1) Tamil Nadu
(2) Western Uttar Pradesh
(3) West Bengal
(4) Madhya Pradesh

9. Sail boats were used from Polynesia to Egypt during

(1) Old Stone Age
(2) New Stone Age
(3) Bronze Age
(4) Iron Age

10. The term ‘Renaissance’ in a narrow sense is used to describe the revival of interest in
the classical civilisations of
(1) France and Britain
(2) Greece and Rome
(3) France and Italy
(4) Spain and Portugal

BSHF-101 6
6. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g _mZd{dkmZr Zo nmfmU `wJ H$mo ~~©a MaU Ho$ ê$n _| d{U©V {H$`m ?

(1) byBg hoZar _m°J©Z

(2) _oar S>½mbg

(3) ES>_§S> brM

(4) boñbr EpëdZ ìhmBQ>

7. àW_ _mZd Omo {H$ nyU© dmVmdaU _| bJ^J 50,00,000 df© nyd© Or{dV ahm hmoJm, Cgo {H$g Zm_ go
OmZm OmVm h¡ ?
(1) Omdm _mZd

(2) bm§{Q>`Z _mZd

(3) nrqH$J _mZd

(4) hmo_mo BaoŠQ>g (grYo I‹S>o hmoH$a n¡am| Ho$ ~b MbZo dmbm _mZd)

8. ^maV Ho$ {H$g ^mJ _| bmoho go {Z{_©V, Vra H$s ZmoH$$Am¡a ^mbo H$s ZmoH$ bJ^J 800 B©.ny. _| à`moJ {H$E
OmVo Wo ?
(1) V{_b ZmSw>

(2) npíM_r CÎma àXoe

(3) npíM_ ~§Jmb

(4) _Ü` àXoe

9. nmoboZo{e`m Zo {_ò (B{OßQ>) OmZo Ho$ {bE nmb OhmµO (Zm¡H$m) H$~ à`moJ {H$E JE Wo ?
(1) nwam nmfmU `wJ

(2) Zd nmfmU `wJ

(3) H$m§ñ` `wJ

(4) bm¡h `wJ

10. H$m¡Z-gr àmMrZ (Šbm{gH$s) gä`VmAm| _| ‘nwZOm©JaU’ eãX H$m à`moJ, g§H$sU© AW© _|, é{M Ho$ nwZOudZ
H$m {ddaU H$aVr h¡ ?
(1) \«$m§g Am¡a {~«Q>oZ

(2) J«rg (`yZmZ) Am¡a amo_

(3) \«$m§g Am¡a BQ>br

(4) ñnoZ Am¡a nwV©Jmb

BSHF-101 7
11. Who amongst the following is considered one of the pioneers of empiricism ?
(1) Francis Bacon
(2) Giordano Bruno

(3) Pico della Mirandola

(4) Botticelli

12. Which amongst the following is not correct pertaining to Renaissance ?

(1) The Renaissance was a revival of ancient learning.

(2) The chief characteristic of the Renaissance way of thinking was humanism.

(3) The significant feature has been the use of vernacular language.

(4) Its supreme achievement was in painting.

13. The style of architecture of flying buttresses and pointed arches is

(1) Gothic

(2) Victorian

(3) Vernacular

(4) Neoclassical

14. The book ‘De Humani Corporis Fabrica’ provided the first complete description of

(1) Art forms

(2) Gothic architecture

(3) Prose writings

(4) Anatomy of human body

15. The concept of post-industrial society was popularised by

(1) Daniel Bell

(2) Karl Marx
(3) J.K. Galbraith

(4) Max Weber

BSHF-101 8
11. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$go AZw^ddmX H$m àW_ AÝdofH$ _mZm OmVm h¡ ?

(1) \«$m§{gg ~oH$Z

(2) {O`moXm©Zmo ~«yZmo

(3) {nH$mo S>obm {_a§S>mobm

(4) ~moQ>rMobr

12. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go Š`m nwZOm©JaU H$mb go g§~§{YV ghr Zht h¡ ?

(1) nwZOm©JaU H$mb H$m AW© h¡ àmMrZ {dÛVm _| {\$a go nwZéËWmZ &
(2) nwZOm©JaU Ho$ qMVZ H$s g~go _hÎdnyU© {deofVm Wr _mZddmX &
(3) nwZOm©JaU H$mb H$s _hÎdnyU© {deofVm ñWmZr` ^mfmAm| H$m à`moJ Wm &
(4) nwZOm©JaU H$mb H$s g~go _hÎdnyU© CnbpãY {MÌH$bm Ho$ joÌ _| Wr &

13. H$m¡Z-gr dmñVwH$bm e¡br H$s à_wI {deofVmE± ZwH$sbr _oham~| Am¡a nwíV| (AY© Jwå~O) h¢ ?

(1) Jm°{WH$

(2) {dŠQ>mo[a`Z

(3) ñWmZr`

(4) ZdemñÌr`

14. nwñVH$ ‘S>r øy_¡Zr H$m°anmo[ag \o${~«H$m ’ _| {H$gH$m nhbm nyU© dU©Z {_bVm h¡ ?

(1) H$bm Ho$ ê$n

(2) Jm°{WH$ dmñVwH$bm

(3) JÚ boIZ

(4) _mZd eara aMZm

15. CÎma-Am¡Úmo{JH$ g_mO H$s AdYmaUm H$mo {H$gZo bmoH${à` ~Zm`m Wm ?

(1) S>o{Z`b ~ob

(2) H$mb© _mŠg©

(3) Oo.Ho$. J¡b~«oW

(4) _¡Šg do~a

BSHF-101 9
16. The prominent centre of ship-building industry during pre-colonial period was in
(1) Maharashtra
(2) Gujarat
(3) Uttar Pradesh
(4) Madras

17. Which amongst the following is not one of the characteristics of pre-colonial Indian
economy ?
(1) Self-sufficient agriculture
(2) Flourishing trade
(3) Rich handicrafts industry
(4) Advanced means of communication

18. One major change that occurred in India’s foreign trade from pre-colonial to colonial
times is its
(1) Heavy industry pattern

(2) Commodity pattern

(3) Means of communication pattern
(4) Services pattern

19. Cultivation of which amongst the following was not introduced by the British in
India ?
(1) Tobacco
(2) Potato
(3) Peanut
(4) Cardamom

20. Which was considered the Manchester of India during the colonial period ?
(1) Dacca
(2) Surat
(3) Murshidabad
(4) Ahmedabad

BSHF-101 10
16. nyd©-Am¡n{Zdo{eH$ H$mb _| OhmµO-{Z_m©U CÚmoJ H$m à_wI Ho$ÝÐ H$m¡Z-gm Wm ?

(1) _hmamîQ´>

(2) JwOamV

(3) CÎma àXoe

(4) _Ðmg

17. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr nyd©-Am¡n{Zdo{eH$ ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm H$s EH$ {deofVm Zht Wr ?
(1) AmË_{Z^©a H¥${f ì`dñWm
(2) g_¥Õ ì`mnma
(3) g_¥Õ hñV{eën CÚmoJ
(4) {dH${gV g§Mma gmYZ

18. nyd©-Am¡n{Zdo{eH$ H$mb go boH$a Am¡n{Zdo{eH$ H$mb VH$ ^maV Ho$ {dXoer ì`mnma _| EH$ _w»` n[adV©Z
Š`m Wm ?
(1) ^mar CÚmoJ H$m ñdê$n

(2) ì`mnma H$s dñVwAm| H$m ñdê$n

(3) g§Mma gmYZm| H$m ñdê$n

(4) godm joÌ H$m ñdê$n

19. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gH$s IoVr A§J«oµOm| Ûmam ^maV _| Ama§^ Zht H$s JB© Wr ?

(1) V§~mHy$
(2) Amby
(3) _y±J\$br
(4) Bbm`Mr

20. Am¡n{Zdo{eH$ H$mb Ho$ Xm¡amZ ^maV H$m _¡ZMoñQ>a {H$go _mZm OmVm Wm ?

(1) T>mH$m

(2) gyaV

(3) _w{e©Xm~mX

(4) Ah_Xm~mX

BSHF-101 11
21. The opening of which canal in 1869, shortened the sea route between England and
India bringing them closer for purposes of trade ?
(1) Panama Canal
(2) Canals of Bruges

(3) Suez Canal

(4) Suzhou Canal

22. Which amongst the following is not an impact of agrarian system and policies
pursued by British ?
(1) Galloping landless labour class
(2) Deaths due to malnutrition

(3) Spread of commercial banks

(4) Indebted peasantry

23. Ilbert Bill proposed in 1883 provided for

(1) Unified system of administration.
(2) Introduction of English in education system.
(3) Allowing Indian judges to try Europeans in criminal cases.
(4) Introduction of printing press.

24. Which was the first modern association formed in India in 1837 ?
(1) Madras Mahajan Sabha
(2) Landholders Society

(3) British India Association

(4) Allahabad People’s Association

25. Who was the First President of Indian National Congress ?

(1) W.C. Banerjee
(2) Manmohan Ghose

(3) Badruddin Tyabji

(4) Dadabhai Naoroji

BSHF-101 12
21. 1869 _| {H$g Zha Ho$ Amaå^ hmoZo go, ì`mnma Ho$ g§X^© _| B§½b¢S> Am¡a ^maV Ho$ ~rM g_wÐr _mJ© H$s Xÿar
H$mo KQ>m`m J`m ?
(1) nZm_m Zha

(2) ~«y{OµO Zha

(3) ñdoµO Zha

(4) gyµOm¡ Zha

22. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr A§J«oµOm| ({~«{Q>e) Ûmam AnZmB© JB© H¥${f àUmbr Am¡a Zr{V`m| H$m à^md Zht
h¡ ?
(1) ganQ> ^y{_hrZ l{_H$ dJ©

(2) Hw$nmofU Ho$ H$maU hþB© _¥Ë`w

(3) dm{UpÁ`H$ ~¢H$m| H$m {dñVma

(4) G$UJ«ñV {H$gmZ dJ©

23. 1883 _| Bë~Q>© {~b {H$g g§X^© _| àñVm{dV {H$`m J`m Wm ?

(1) àemgZ H$s EH$sH¥$V àUmbr
(2) {ejm àUmbr _| A§Jo«µOr H$m àma§^
(3) Amnam{YH$ _m_bm| _| ^maVr` OOm| H$mo `yamo{n`m| H$m narjU (_wH$X_m gwZdmB©) H$aZo H$s AZw_{V
(4) N>mnmImZm H$m àma§^

24. ^maV _| 1837 _| nhbr AmYw{ZH$ g§ñWm H$m¡Z-gr Wr ?

(1) _Ðmg _hmOZ g^m

(2) O_tXmam| H$s g§ñWm

(3) {~«{Q>e B§{S>`m Egmo{gEeZ

(4) Bbmhm~mX nrnëg Egmo{gEeZ

25. ^maVr` amîQ´>r` H$m±J«og H$m àW_ AÜ`j H$m¡Z Wm ?

(1) S>ãë` ~ZOu

(2) _Z_mohZ Kmog

(3) ~XéÔrZ V¡`~Or

(4) XmXm^mB© Zm¡amoOr

BSHF-101 13
26. The journal which was started in Britain in 1890 was

(1) Swadeshi

(2) India

(3) Independence

(4) Indian Mirror

27. During Swadeshi movement, which of the following songs became popular ?

(1) Jana Gana Mana

(2) Bande Mataram

(3) Sare Jahan Se Accha

(4) Vaishnava Jan To

28. In which of the following States was the Champaran movement held ?

(1) Gujarat

(2) Bengal

(3) Uttar Pradesh

(4) Bihar

29. In 1920s, the organisation formed by some revolutionaries such as Bhagat Singh was
known as

(1) Hindustan Socialist Republican Association

(2) Hindustan Swadeshi Republican Association

(3) Hindustan Socialist Revolutionary Association

(4) Hindustan Swadeshi Revolutionary Association

30. Which amongst the following statements on social structure is not correct ?

(1) Social structure is a patterned set of rules.

(2) Social structures are permanent and do not change.

(3) They are created by human beings.

(4) They reflect some dimensions of interaction such as power, prestige, values etc.

BSHF-101 14
26. 1890 _| {~«Q>oZ _| ewê$ hmoZo dmbr n{ÌH$m H$m Zm_ Š`m Wm ?

(1) ñdXoer
(2) B§{S>`m
(3) B§{S>n|S>|g
(4) B§{S>`Z {_aa

27. ñdXoer Am§XmobZ Ho$ Xm¡amZ {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm JrV bmoH${à` (àM{bV) hþAm ?

(1) OZ JU _Z

(2) d§Xo _mVa_

(3) gmao Ohm± go AÀN>m

(4) d¡îUd OZ Vmo

28. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g amÁ` _| MånmaZ Am§XmobZ hþAm ?

(1) JwOamV

(2) ~§Jmb

(3) CÎma àXoe

(4) {~hma

29. 1920 _| Hw$N> H«$m§{VH$m[a`m|, O¡go ^JV qgh, Ûmam EH$ g§JR>Z H$s ñWmnZm H$s JB© Wr; Cgo {H$g Zm_ go
nhMmZm OmVm h¡ ?
(1) qhXþñVmZ gmoe{bñQ> [anpãbH$Z Egmo{gEeZ

(2) qhXþñVmZ ñdXoer [anpãbH$Z Egmo{gEeZ

(3) qhXþñVmZ gmoe{bñQ> [adm°ë`yeZar Egmo{gEeZ

(4) qhXþñVmZ ñdXoer [adm°ë`yeZar Egmo{gEeZ

30. gm_m{OH$ g§aMZm Ho$ g§X^© _| {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ ghr Zht h¡ ?
(1) gm_m{OH$ g§aMZm EH$ {Z`{_V g_yh H$m gm§Mm h¡ &
(2) gm_m{OH$ g§aMZmE± ñWm`r hmoVr h¢ Am¡a H$^r Zht ~XbVt &
(3) gm_m{OH$ g§aMZmE± _Zwî` Ûmam {Z{_©V H$s OmVr h¢ &
(4) gm_m{OH$ g§aMZmE± Hw$N> Am`m_m| O¡go e{º$, à{VîR>m, _yë` BË`m{X Ho$ _Ü` nmañn[aH$ {H«$`m H$mo
Xem©Vr h¢ &
BSHF-101 15
31. The functionalist theory of economic stratification was put forth by
(1) Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore
(2) Wright Mills

(3) Karl Marx and Max Weber

(4) Michel Foucault

32. A rule which insists that one can marry only outside of one’s group or lineage is
(1) Endogamy
(2) Exogamy

(3) Polygamy
(4) Monogamy

33. Which amongst the following statements is not correct about the hunting and
gathering society ?
(1) Hunting and gathering economy is the most basic level of economic
(2) It has a high degree of specialisation of tasks and division of labour.
(3) There is greater level of consensus and community participation in all aspects of
life in this economy.
(4) There is no cultivation and manufacturing.

34. Acephalous society is one

(1) with clearly defined hierarchies of authority.
(2) without defined hierarchies of authority.
(3) with imposition of will of one person or segment of society on other.
(4) with clear cut division of labour.

35. Who amongst the following sociologists undertook a study of Australian aborigines ?
(1) Émile Durkheim
(2) Auguste Comte
(3) Lewis Henry Morgan
(4) Elman Service

BSHF-101 16
31. Am{W©H$ ñVarH$aU Ho$ àH$m`©dmX {gÕm§V H$mo H$m¡Z AmJo boH$a Am`m ?

(1) qH$½gbo S>o{dg Am¡a {db~Q>© _ya

(2) amBQ> {_ëg

(3) H$mb© _mŠg© Am¡a _¡Šg do~a

(4) {_eob \y$H$mo

32. H$m¡Z-gm {Z`_ AnZo g_yh `m d§e-na§nam go ~mha {ddmh H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~mÜ` H$aVm h¡ ?

(1) gJmoÌ {ddmh

(2) {dOmVr` {ddmh (~{h{d©dmh)

(3) ~hþ{ddmh

(4) EH$ hr ~ma {ddmh H$aZo H$s àWm

33. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ AmIoQ> Am¡a ^moOZ g§J«hU g_mO Ho$ ~mao _| ghr Zht h¡ ?

(1) AmIoQ> Am¡a ^moOZ g§J«hU AW©ì`dñWm Am{W©H$ {dH$mg H$m g~go ~w{Z`mXr ñVa h¡ &
(2) Bg g_mO _| CƒV_ ñVa Ho$ H$m`mªo H$s {deofkVm Am¡a l_ H$m {d^mOZ hmoVm h¡ &
(3) Bg AW©ì`dñWm _| OrdZ Ho$ ha nhby _| Am_ gh_{V Am¡a gm_wXm{`H$ gh^m{JVm H$m CƒV_
ñVa hmoVm h¡ &
(4) Bg_| H$moB© IoVr Am¡a {d{Z_m©U Zht hmoVm &

34. ‘A{g\o$bg (Acephalous)’ dh g_mO h¡

(1) {Og_| ñnîQ> ê$n go n[a^m{fV àm{YH$aU Ho$ nXmZwH«$_ hm| &
(2) {Og_| n[a^m{fV àm{YH$aU Ho$ nXmZwH«$_ Z hm| &
(3) {Og_§o g_mO Ho$ {H$gr EH$ ì`{º$ `m ^mJ H$m Xÿgao na AnZr _Ou H$m AmamonU {H$`m OmE &
(4) {Og_| ñnîQ> ê$n go l_ H$m {d^mOZ hmo &

35. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g g_mOdmXr Zo Am°ñQ´>o{b`mB© Am{Xdmgr Om{V`m| H$m AÜ``Z {H$`m h¡ ?

(1) B©_mBb XþIu_

(2) Am°JñV H$m°åQ>o

(3) bwBg hoZar _m°J©Z

(4) Eë_mZ g{d©g

BSHF-101 17
36. Which amongst the following is not correct pertaining to pastoral and horticulture
economy ?
(1) This phase involved cultivation on a small scale.
(2) The technology used was very simple – primarily human power and hand tools.
(3) The pastoral society is larger than a hunting gathering society.
(4) There is division of labour on a large scale.

37. Which amongst the following statements is not correct about Scheduled Tribes ?
(1) A Scheduled Tribe is one which has been given a place in the schedule for the
concerned State by the President of India.
(2) All tribal communities are classified as Scheduled Tribes.
(3) The designation of a community as Scheduled Tribe provisioning special favours
is based on the socio-economic conditions which are ever-changing.
(4) A tribal community in different parts of the country can vary.

38. Who amongst the following reinterpreted Puranic mythology from the perspective of
socially distressed ?
(1) Ramabai
(2) Tarabai
(3) Jyotiba Phule
(4) Periyar

39. Gonds are a tribe belonging to the State of

(1) Kerala
(2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Jharkhand
(4) Goa

40. In India, after independence, Other Backward Classes (OBCs) have been identified
(1) Constitutional Amendments
(2) Presidential Ordinance
(3) Specially appointed commissions
(4) State legislations
BSHF-101 18
36. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm MmamJmh Am¡a ~mJ~mZr (H¥${f) AW©ì`dñWm go g§~§{YV Zht h¡ ?

(1) Bg MaU _| N>moQ>o n¡_mZo na IoVr em{_b Wr &

(2) Bg_| ~hþV gab VH$ZrH$s H$m BñVo_mb {H$`m OmVm Wm – _w»` ê$n go _mZd e{º$ Am¡a hmW Ho$
Am¡µOma &
(3) MmamJmh g_mO AmIoQ> Am¡a ^moOZ g§J«hU g_mO go H$ht ~‹S>m hmoVm h¡ &
(4) Bg_| ~‹S>o n¡_mZo na l_ H$m {d^mOZ hmoVm h¡ &
37. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ AZwgy{MV OZOm{V`m| Ho$ g§X^© _| ghr Zht h¡ ?
(1) AZwgy{MV OZOm{V dh hmoVr h¡ {Ogo g§~§{YV amÁ` H$s AZwgyMr _| ^maV Ho$ amîQ´>n{V Ûmam ñWmZ
àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(2) g^r Am{Xdmgr g_wXm`m| H$mo AZwgy{MV OZOm{V`m| Ho$ ê$n _| dJuH¥$V {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(3) {H$gr ^r g_wXm` H$m AZwgy{MV OZOm{V Ho$ ê$n _| {deof àmdYmZm| Ho$ gmW, CgH$s$
gm_m{OH$-Am{W©H$ n[apñW{V`m| Ho$ AmYma na, Omo ~XbVr ahVr h¢, nXm§{H$V {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(4) EH$ Am{Xdmgr g_wXm` Xoe Ho$ {d{^Þ ^mJm| _| {^Þ-{^Þ hmo gH$Vm h¡ &
38. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gZo nm¡am{UH$ H$WmAm| H$mo gm_m{OH$ ê$n go ì`{WV bmoJm| Ho$ n[aàoú` go
nwZì`m©»`m{`V {H$`m h¡ ?
(1) am_m~mB©

(2) Vmam~mB©

(3) Á`mo{V~m \w$bo

(4) no[a`ma

39. Jm|S> OZOm{V H$m g§~§Y {H$g amÁ` go h¡ ?

(1) Ho$ab

(2) _Ü` àXoe

(3) PmaI§S>

(4) Jmodm

40. ^maV _| ñdV§ÌVm Ho$ níMmV² AÝ` {nN>‹S>m dJ© ( H¡$go {ZYm©[aV {H$E JE ?
(1) gm§{dYm{ZH$ g§emoYZ Ûmam

(2) amîQ´>n{V Ûmam nm[aV AÜ`mXoe Ûmam

(3) {deof ê$n go {Z`wº$ Am`moJm| Ûmam

(4) amÁ` {dYmZ Ûmam

BSHF-101 19
41. Who amongst the following propounded three stages of growth of societies ?
(1) Herbert Spencer
(2) Auguste Comte

(3) Lewis Henry Morgan

(4) Leslie White

42. Which are the three stages of development of society as propounded by Lewis Henry
Morgan ?
(1) Theological, Metaphysical, Scientific
(2) Savagery, Barbarism, Civilization

(3) Smaller, Simpler, Larger

(4) Hunting and gathering, Agriculture and Industrial revolution

43. Who amongst the following provided a classical analysis of cyclical patterns of
clothing style changes of western women ?
(1) A.L. Kroeber
(2) Herbert Spencer
(3) Marshall D. Sahlins
(4) Julian Steward

44. Cyclical theorists assume that society passes through

(1) One stage
(2) A series of stages

(3) Eight stages

(4) Hierarchical stages

45. Structural-functional theories postulate that

(1) Change takes place in a unilinear and similar direction.
(2) Repetitious change of conditions, events, forms over a period of time.

(3) Change is a ‘constant’ that requires no explanation.

(4) New social terms form through opposition and conflict.

BSHF-101 20
41. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gZo g_mO H$s d¥{Õ Ho$ VrZ MaUm| H$mo à{Vnm{XV {H$`m ?

(1) ha~Q>© ñn|ga

(2) Am°JñV H$m°åQ>o

(3) bwBg hoZar _m°J©Z

(4) boñbr ìhmBQ>

42. bwBg hoZar _m°J©Z Ûmam à{Vnm{XV g_mO Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ VrZ MaU H$m¡Z-go h¢ ?

(1) Ym{_©H$, AmÜ`mpË_H$, d¡km{ZH$

(2) ~~©a, Agä`Vm, gä`Vm

(3) N>moQ>m, gab, ~‹S>m

(4) AmIoQ> Am¡a ^moOZ g§J«hU, H¥${f Am¡a Am¡Úmo{JH$ H«$m§{V

43. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gZo npíM_r _{hbmAm| Ho$ n[aYmZ H$s e¡br _| n[adV©Zm| Ho$ MH«$s` ñdê$nm| na
emñÌr` {díbofU àXmZ {H$`m ?
(1) E.Eb. H«$mo~a

(2) ha~Q>© ñn|ga

(3) _me©b S>r. gh{bÝg

(4) Oy{b`Z ñQ>rdS>©

44. MH«$s` {gÕm§Vdm{X`m| Ho$ {dídmg Ho$ AZwgma g_mO {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$ggo JwµOaVm h¡ ?

(1) EH$ MaU go

(2) MaUm§o H$s ûm§¥Ibm go

(3) AmR> MaUm| go

(4) loUr~Õ MaUm| go

45. g§aMZmË_H$-H$m`m©Ë_H$ {gÕm§V H$m AmYma VÎd h¡

(1) n[adV©Z EH$aoIr` Am¡a g_mZ {Xem _| hmoVm h¡ &

(2) n[apñW{V`m| _| ~ma-~ma n[adV©Z, KQ>ZmE±, g_` Ho$ gmW ~ZVr h¢ &

(3) n[adV©Z EH$ Eogm ‘pñWa’ h¡ {Ogo ñnîQ>rH$aU H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht hmoVr &
(4) ZE gm_m{OH$ nX {damoY Am¡a g§Kf© Ho$ Cnam§V C^aVo h¢ &

BSHF-101 21
46. Evolutionary theorists consider change as
(1) Progress and growth
(2) Moving through a series of stages

(3) Going through successive forms of development

(4) Blend of functional and dysfunctional changes

47. The spread of culture traits from one group to another is

(1) Dispersion
(2) Diffusion

(3) Progress
(4) Dissemination

48. Tempero-centrism is the belief that the

(1) Past is more important than the present and future.
(2) Present or the contemporary are more important than past.

(3) Future is more important than past.

(4) Past, present and future are important.

49. Who amongst the following sociologists believed that industrial society alienates
individuals from one another ?
(1) Max Weber
(2) Karl Marx
(3) Auguste Comte
(4) Émile Durkheim

50. One among the following is not a challenge faced by sociologists in prediction of the
future ?
(1) Multi-causality of social change
(2) Complexity of social life

(3) Bureaucratization and corporatisation

(4) Unintended consequences of past changes

BSHF-101 22
46. {dH$mgdmXr {gÕm§VH$ma n[adV©Z H$mo {H$g Vah XoIVo h¢ ?
(1) àJ{V Am¡a d¥{Õ Ho$ ê$n _|

(2) MaUm| H$s ûm¥§Ibm Ho$ _mÜ`_ go AmJo ~‹T>Zo Ho$ ê$n _|

(3) H«${_H$ {dH$mg Ho$ _mÜ`_ go AmJo ~‹T>Zo Ho$ ê$n _|

(4) H$m`m©Ë_H$ Am¡a {e{WbVmnyU© n[adV©Zm| Ho$ {_lU Ho$ ê$n _|

47. g§ñH¥${V {deofH$m| Ho$ EH$ g_yh go Xÿgao _| \¡$bZo H$mo Š`m H$hm OmVm h¡ ?

(1) \¡$bmd

(2) àgma

(3) àJ{V

(4) àMma

48. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go ‘Q>oånoamo-_Ü`odmX’ H$m {dídmg h¡ {H$

(1) AVrV dV©_mZ Am¡a ^{dî` go A{YH$ _hÎdnyU© hmoVm h¡ &

(2) dV©_mZ `m g_gm_{`H$ AVrV go A{YH$ _hÎdnyU© hmoVm h¡ &

(3) ^{dî` AVrV go A{YH$ _hÎdnyU© hmoVm h¡ &

(4) AVrV, dV©_mZ Am¡a ^{dî` _hÎdnyU© hmoVo h¢ &

49. {ZåZ{b{IV g_mOdm{X`m| _| go {H$gHo$ AZwgma Am¡Úmo{JH$ g_mO ì`{º$`m| H$mo EH$-Xÿgao go {d_wI H$aVm
h¡ ?
(1) _¡Šg do~a

(2) H$mb© _mŠg©

(3) Am°JñV H$m°åQ>o

(4) B©_mBb XþIu_

50. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go g_mOem{ñÌ`m| Ûmam ^{dî`dmUr H$aZo Ho$ Xm¡amZ H$m¡Z-gr MwZm¡Vr H$m gm_Zm Zht {H$`m
OmVm ?
(1) gm_m{OH$ n[adV©Z H$m ~hþ-H$maUVm

(2) gm_m{OH$ OrdZ H$s O{Q>bVm

(3) Zm¡H$aemhr Am¡a {ZJ_ ì`dñWm

(4) {nN>bo n[adV©Zm| Ho$ AZ¡pÀN>H$ n[aUm_

BSHF-101 23
51. Which amongst the following is not a feature of Indian Constitution ?

(1) Parliamentary democracy

(2) Co-operative federalism

(3) Right to information

(4) Independence of judiciary

52. The Directive Principles of State Policy incorporated in our Constitution are an
influence of

(1) USA

(2) UK

(3) Australia

(4) Ireland

53. The Emergency powers are given to the President of India under Article

(1) 350

(2) 352

(3) 354

(4) 356

54. The first practitioner of democracy is considered to be

(1) Athens

(2) Venice

(3) Rome

(4) Spain

55. The Election Commission of India is a

(1) Statutory body

(2) Constitutional body

(3) Quasi judicial body

(4) Body created by executive order

BSHF-101 24
51. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr ^maVr` g§{dYmZ H$s EH$ {deofVm Zht h¡ ?
(1) g§gXr` bmoH$V§Ì
(2) ghH$mar g§KdmX
(3) gyMZm H$m A{YH$ma
(4) Ý`m`nm{bH$m H$s ñdV§ÌVm

52. h_mao g§{dYmZ _| em{_b {H$E JE amÁ` Ho$ Zr{V {ZXoeH$ {gÕm§V {H$ggo à^m{dV h¢ ?
(1) g§.am. A_o[aH$m go

(2) `yZmBQ>oS> qH$JS>_ go

(3) Am°ñQ´>o{b`m go

(4) Am`ab¢S> go

53. ^maV Ho$ amîQ´>n{V H$mo AmnmV A{YH$ma {H$g AZwÀN>oX _| {XE JE h¢ ?

(1) 350
(2) 352
(3) 354
(4) 356

54. bmoH$V§Ì H$m gd©àW_ à`moJ H$aZo dmbm H$m¡Z h¡ ?

(1) EW|g

(2) do{Zg

(3) amo_

(4) ñnoZ

55. ^maVr` {Zdm©MZ Am`moJ ___________ h¡ &

(1) gm§{d{YH$ {ZH$m`

(2) g§d¡Ym{ZH$ {ZH$m`

(3) AY©-Ý`m{`H$ {ZH$m`

(4) H$m`©H$mar AmXoe Ûmam {Z{_©V {ZH$m`

BSHF-101 25
56. The origin of the discipline of public administration can be traced to the essay on
politics-administration dichotomy by
(1) Willoughby
(2) Dwight Waldo

(3) Woodrow Wilson

(4) Luther Gulick

57. The Prime Minister’s office is an example of

(1) General agency
(2) Auxiliary agency

(3) Technical agency

(4) Specialized agency

58. The acronym POSDCORB has been given by

(1) Luther Gulick
(2) Lyndall Urwick

(3) F.W. Taylor

(4) Herbert Simon

59. Which amongst the following is not one of the ingredients of organisational
communication system as put forth by Shannon and Weaver ?
(1) Source
(2) Encoder

(3) Grapevine
(4) Feedback

60. Law Ministry is an example of

(1) Line agency
(2) Staff agency

(3) Technical agency

(4) Auxiliary agency

BSHF-101 26
56. amOZr{V-àemgZ Û§Û na {bIo {H$gHo$ {Z~§Y Ûmam bmoH$ àemgZ Ho$ {gÕm§V H$s CËn{Îm H$m nVm bJm`m
Om gH$Vm h¡ ?
(1) {dbmo~r

(2) S²>dmBQ> dmëS>mo

(3) dwS>amo {dëgZ

(4) byWa Jw{bH$

57. àYmZ _§Ìr H$m`m©b` ___________ H$m EH$ CXmhaU h¡ &

(1) gm_mÝ` EO|gr

(2) ghm`H$ EO|gr

(3) VH$ZrH$s EO|gr

(4) {deofrH¥$V EO|gr

58. nmoñS>H$m°~© (POSDCORB), EH$ g§jonrH¥$V eãX, {H$gHo$ Ûmam {X`m J`m h¡ ?

(1) byWa Jw{bH$

(2) qbS>b C{d©H$

(3) E\$.S>ãë`y. Q>oba

(4) ha~Q>© {g_moZ

59. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm e¡ZZ Am¡a drda Ûmam àñVm{dV g§JR>ZmË_H$ g§Mma àUmbr H$m EH$ KQ>H$ Zht
h¡ ?
(1) òmoV

(2) BZH$moS>a

(3) J«ondmBZ

(4) à{VnwpîQ>

60. {d{Y `m µH$mZyZ _§Ìmb` ___________ H$m EH$ CXmhaU h¡ &

(1) aoIm EO|gr
(2) H$_©Mmar EO|gr
(3) VH$ZrH$s EO|gr
(4) ghm`H$ EO|gr

BSHF-101 27
61. The concept of Citizens’ Charter originated in
(1) Britain
(2) Australia

(3) USA
(4) Denmark

62. Gyandoot Programme was launched in the State of

(1) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Madhya Pradesh

(3) Andhra Pradesh

(4) West Bengal

63. Which amongst the following statements about Governance is not correct ?
(1) Governance is the process of decision making and implementation.
(2) It has social, political and economic dimensions.

(3) It is a limited concept as it involves only governments.

(4) Governance depends on executive, legislature and judiciary.

64. Right to Information Act was passed in

(1) 2002
(2) 2003
(3) 2004
(4) 2005

65. The total of final goods and services produced by Indian nationals (both with the
country and residing abroad) minus the amount of depreciation during the production
process is
(1) National Income
(2) GDP

(3) GNP
(4) Per Capita Income

BSHF-101 28
61. ZmJ[aH$ MmQ>©a H$s AdYmaUm H$hm± CËnÞ hþB© ?

(1) {~«Q>oZ

(2) Am°ñQ´>o{b`m

(3) g§.am. A_o[aH$m

(4) S>oZ_mH©$

62. kmZXÿV (kmZ H$m XÿV) H$m`©H$« _ (`moOZm) H$m¡Z-go amÁ` _| àma§^ {H$`m J`m Wm ?
(1) CÎma àXoe

(2) _Ü` àXoe

(3) Am§Y« àXoe

(4) npíM_ ~§Jmb

63. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ emgZ àUmbr Ho$ g§X^© _| ghr Zht h¡ ?

(1) emgZ {ZU©` boZo Am¡a CgH$m n[anmbZ H$aZo H$s à{H«$`m h¡ &
(2) emgZ Ho$ gm_m{OH$, amOZr{VH$ Am¡a Am{W©H$ Am`m_ hmoVo h¢ &
(3) emgZ EH$ gr{_V AdYmaUm h¡ Š`m|{H$ Bg_| Ho$db gaH$ma em{_b hmoVr h¡ &
(4) emgZ H$m`©nm{bH$m, {dYm{`H$m Am¡a Ý`m`nm{bH$m na {Z^©a H$aVm h¡ &

64. gyMZm H$m A{YH$ma A{Y{Z`_ H$m¡Z-go df© _| nm[aV hþAm Wm ?

(1) 2002
(2) 2003
(3) 2004
(4) 2005

65. ^maVr`m| (Xoe Am¡a {dXoe _| ahZo dmbo XmoZm|) Ûmam CËnm{XV V¡`ma _mb Am¡ a godmAm| Ho$ `moJ _| CËnmXZ
à{H«$`m Ho$ Xm¡amZ hþE _yë`õmg H$s am{e H$mo KQ>m XoZm, ___________ h¡ &
(1) amîQ´>r` Am`

(2) gH$b Kaoby CËnmX (Or.S>

(3) gH$b amîQ´>r` CËnmX (

(4) à{V ì`{º$ Am`

BSHF-101 29
66. Which of the following statements pertaining to economic development is not
correct ?
(1) It indicates growth in production of an economy.
(2) It is a broader term than economic growth.

(3) It depends upon a single factor of growth.

(4) There is a huge difference between economic growth and economic development.

67. The change in size of population takes place through the following demographic
events :
(1) Population, population growth rate, life expectancy
(2) Birth, death, migration

(3) Population, birth rate, death rate

(4) Birth only

68. Tertiary economic activities include

(1) Fishing
(2) Construction
(3) Forestry
(4) Communication

69. National Income divided by the total population of the country is

(1) Gross National Product
(2) Per Capita Income

(3) Personal Income

(4) Net National Product

70. The structural adjustment reforms initiated in 1991 did not recommend
(1) Reduction in fiscal deficit
(2) Creation of regulatory agencies

(3) Devaluation of currency

(4) Opening up of the economy

BSHF-101 30
66. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ g§X^© _| ghr Zht h¡ ?
(1) dh EH$ AW©ì`dñWm Ho$ CËnmXZ _| d¥{Õ H$mo Xem©Vm h¡ &
(2) dh Am{W©H$ d¥{Õ go ì`mnH$ n[a^mfm h¡ &
(3) dh d¥{Õ Ho$ EH$b H$maH$ na {Z^©a H$aVm h¡ &
(4) Am{W©H$ d¥{Õ Am¡a Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ ~rM ~hþV ~‹S>m AÝVa h¡ &

67. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Z OZgm§p»`H$s` KQ>ZmAm| Ho$ H$maU OZg§»`m Ho$ AmH$ma _| n[adV©Z AmVm h¡ ?

(1) OZg§»`m, OZg§»`m d¥{Õ Xa, OrdZ àË`mem

(2) OÝ_, _¥Ë`w, àdmg

(3) OZg§»`m, OÝ_ Xa, _¥Ë`w Xa

(4) Ho$db OÝ_

68. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go Š`m V¥Vr`H$ Am{W©H$ J{V{d{Y`m| _| em{_b h¡ ?

(1) _N>br nH$‹S>Zm

(2) {Z_m©U H$m`©

(3) dm{ZH$s

(4) g§Mma

69. amîQ´>r` Am` H$mo Xoe> H$s Hw$b OZg§»`m go {d^m{OV H$aZo na Š`m àmßV hmoVm h¡ ?

(1) gH$b amîQ´>r` CËnmX (

(2) à{V ì`{º$ Am`

(3) {ZOr Am`

(4) {Zdb Xoer` CËnmX (EZ.S>

70. 1991 _| Ama§^ {H$E JE g§aMZmË_H$ g_m`moOZ gwYma {H$gH$s {g\$m[ae Zht H$aVo ?
(1) amOH$mofr` KmQ>o _| H$_r
(2) {d{Z`m_H$ A{^H$aUm| H$m g¥OZ
(3) _wÐm H$m Ad_yë`Z
(4) AW©ì`dñWm H$mo ImobZm
BSHF-101 31
71. Green Revolution did not result in
(1) Mechanisation
(2) Perceptive rise in employment
(3) High yielding variety seeds
(4) Limited increase in capitalist farming

72. Formation of joint venture is a form of

(1) Disinvestment
(2) Privatisation
(3) Corporatisation
(4) Token privatisation

73. The automatic approval for foreign investment in wide range of industries in July
1991 was permitted up to
(1) 40 percent
(2) 45 percent
(3) 51 percent
(4) 55 percent

74. A poem mourning somebody is a/an

(1) Sonnet
(2) Ode
(3) Elegy
(4) Rhythm

75. The 16th century poet who wrote about chivalry was
(1) Chaucer
(2) Spenser
(3) Shelley
(4) Elliot

76. Which amongst the following is not a work of Shakespeare ?

(1) King Lear
(2) Hamlet
(3) Macbeth
(4) Saint Joan

BSHF-101 32
71. h[aV H«$m§{V Ho$ n[aUm_ñdê$n ___________ Zht hþAm &
(1) _erZrH$aU
(2) amoµOJma _| àmË`{jH$ d¥{Õ
(3) Cƒ CnO ~rO {H$ñ_|
(4) n±yOrdmXr IoVr _| gr{_V d¥{Õ

72. g§§`wº$ CÚ_ H$s ñWmnZm ___________ H$m ê$n h¡ &

(1) {d{Zdoe
(2) {ZOrH$aU
(3) {ZJ_rH$aU
(4) Q>moH$Z {ZOrH$aU

73. OwbmB© 1991 _| ñdMm{bV _mJ© Ho$ VhV {dñV¥V ûm¥§Ibm Ho$ CÚmoJm| _| {dXoer {Zdoe H$s {H$VZo à{VeV
VH$ H$s AZw_{V Xr JB© Wr ?
(1) 40 à{VeV
(2) 45 à{VeV
(3) 51 à{VeV
(4) 55 à{VeV

74. ___________ Am_Vm¡a na {H$gr H$s _¥Ë`w Ho$ ~mao _| XþI H$mo ì`º$ H$aVr EH$ H${dVm h¡ &
(1) JmWm (gm°ZoQ>)
(2) g§~moYJrV
(3) emoH$JrV
(4) b`
75. 16dt eVmãXr H$m H${d Omo em¡`© Ho$ ~mao _| {bIVm Wm :
(1) Mm¡ga
(2) ñno|ga
(3) eobr
(4) B{b`Q>
76. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm eoŠgnr`a H$m boIZ Zht h¡ ?
(1) qH$J {b`a
(2) h¡_boQ>
(3) _¡H$~oW
(4) g|Q> OmoZ

BSHF-101 33
77. Match the following :

A. Tennyson I. Humourous poetry

B. Robert Browning II. Romantic poetry

C. Yeats III. Elegiac poetry

D. Chaucer IV. Dramatic monologues

Choose the correct key :


78. The pioneers of the popular form of literature were

(1) Jane Austen and George Eliot
(2) Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding
(3) Conrad and Forster
(4) Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy

79. A remarkable Hindi literary critic is

(1) Ramchandra Shukla
(2) Jayanta Mahapatra
(3) Kamala Das
(4) Agyeya

80. Which amongst the following statements about painting is not correct ?
(1) The earliest paintings in India have been mostly found in primitive caves and
rock shelters.
(2) The palaces and homes of rich and poor alike were adorned with beautiful
(3) Green pigment has been freely used.
(4) Bellary in South is one of the prominent sites of ancient paintings.

BSHF-101 34
77. {ZåZ{b{IV H$mo {_bmBE :

A. Q>oZrgZ I. hmñ` H${dVm

B. am°~Q>© ~«mCqZJ II. amo_mZr H${dVm
C. `rQ²>g III. emoH$JrV H${dVm
D. Mm¡ga IV. ZmQ>H$s` EH$mbmn
ghr H§w$Or Mw{ZE :

78. gm{hË` Ho$ à{gÕ ê$n Ho$ àW_ AÝdofH$ H$m¡Z Wo ?

(1) OoZ Am°pñQ>Z Am¡a Om°O© B{b`Q>

(2) g¡_wAb [aMS>©gZ Am¡a hoZar \$spëS>¨J

(3) H$moZamS> Am¡a \$m°ñQ>©a

(4) Mmëg© {S>H|$g Am¡a Wm°_g hmS>u

79. ___________ EH$ {d{eï> {hÝXr gm{hpË`H$ AmbmoMH$ h¢ &

(1) am_M§Ð ewŠbm
(2) O`§Vm _hmnmÌ
(3) H$_bm Xmg
(4) Ako`

80. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm H$WZ {MÌH$bm Ho$ g§X^© _| ghr Zht h¡ ?

(1) ^maV _| àma§{^H$ {MÌ A{YH$Va Am{XH$mbrZ Jw\$mAm| Am¡a e¡b Aml`m| _| nmE OmVo h¢ &
(2) µJar~m| Am¡a A_ram| Ho$ Ka Am¡a _hb EH$g_mZ gw§Xa {^{Îm-{MÌ Ho$ gmW gOmE OmVo Wo &
(3) hao a§JÐì` H$m à`moJ _w»` ê$n go {H$`m OmVm Wm &
(4) X{jU H$m ~obar ^maV _| g~go nwamZr {MÌH$mar Ho$ à_wI ñWmZm| _| go EH$ h¡ &
BSHF-101 35
81. The Nataraja figure is a splendid example of the times of
(1) Chalukyas
(2) Satavahanas

(3) Vakatakas
(4) Vijayanagara

82. The vigorous tradition of folk art is associated with the work of

(1) Bhupen Khakhar

(2) V.S. Gaitonde
(3) Jamini Roy

(4) Shabbir Hussain

83. The study of Mughal paintings in India is said to have begun with
(1) Khwaja Abdus Samad

(2) Bihzād
(3) Farrukh Beg
(4) Mansur

84. The theory of dance – Natyashastra was composed by Sage

(1) Vashishtha
(2) Bharadwaja
(3) Bharat
(4) Vyasa

85. The dance, where the movements of the body do not express any mood (bhava) and do
not convey any meaning is
(1) Tandava
(2) Natya
(3) Nritya

(4) Nritta

BSHF-101 36
81. ZQ>amO H$s _y{V© {H$g emgZH$mb H$m CÎm_ CXmhaU h¡ ?

(1) MmbwŠ`

(2) gmVdmhZ

(3) dmH$mQ>H$

(4) {dO`ZJa

82. bmoH$ H$bm H$s OmoaXma ì`mdgm{`H$ na§nam __________ Ho$ H$m_ go g§~§{YV h¡ &
(1) ^ynoZ IIa

(2) dr.Eg. Jm`Vm|S>o

(3) Om{_Zr am`

(4) eã~ra hþg¡Z

83. H$hm OmVm h¡ {H$ ^maV _| _wµJb {MÌm| H$m AÜ``Z ___________ Ho$ gmW àma§^ hþAm Wm &
(1) »dmOm AãXþñg_X

(2) {~hµOmX

(3) \$méI ~¡J

(4) _§gya

84. Z¥Ë` H$m {gÕm§V – ZmQ>çemñÌ G${f ___________ Ûmam a{MV h¡ &
(1) d{eîR>

(2) ^maÛmO

(3) ^aV

(4) ì`mg

85. O~ Z¥Ë` _| eara H$s _wÐmE± {H$gr ^md H$mo Zht Xem©Vt Am¡a {H$gr AW© H$mo ì`º$ Zht H$aVt, Cgo
___________ H$hVo h¢ &

(1) Vm§S>d

(2) ZmQ>ç

(3) Z¥Ë`

(4) Z¥Îm

BSHF-101 37
86. The Orissan temples of Bhubaneswar and the Stupas of Ratnagiri tell us about the

(1) different aspects of life.

(2) dancing aspect of Gods and Goddesses.

(3) pre-occupation of the sculptor with the image of dance.

(4) wide array of movement patterns of dance.

87. Who amongst the following is not a Kathak artist ?

(1) Sitara Devi

(2) Gopikrishna

(3) Balasaraswati

(4) Damayanti Joshi

88. The ritual of playing of drums in Kathakali is known as

(1) Kuttiyattam

(2) Chuttee

(3) Sevakali

(4) Chaidakaran

89. The play ‘Ghashiram Kotwal’ was written by

(1) Mohan Rakesh

(2) Vijay Tendulkar

(3) Satyadev Dubey

(4) Badal Sarkar

90. Who amongst the following is considered an ‘art’ film director ?

(1) V. Shantaram

(2) Mehboob Khan

(3) Adoor Gopalakrishnan

(4) Chetan Anand

BSHF-101 38
86. C‹S>rgm Ho$ ^wdZoída Ho$ _§{Xa Am¡a aËZm{Jar Ho$ ñVyn h_| {H$g ~mao _| OmZH$mar àXmZ H$aVo h¢ ?

(1) OrdZ Ho$ {d{^Þ nhby

(2) Xodr-XodVmAm| go Ow‹S>o Z¥Ë` Ho$ nhby

(3) Z¥Ë` Ho$ à{Vq~~ go Ow‹S>r _y{V©H$ma H$s nydY © maUm

(4) Z¥Ë` Ho$ g§MbZ à{Vê$nm| H$s {dñV¥V gaUr

87. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z EH$ H$WH$ H$bmH$ma Zht h¡ ?

(1) {gVmam Xodr
(2) JmonrH¥$îU
(3) ~mbgañdVr
(4) X_`§Vr Omoer

88. H$WH$br _| T>mob ~OmZo H$m AZwîR>mZ Š`m H$hbmVm h¡ ?

(1) Hy${Q>`mÅ>_²

(2) MwÅ>r

(3) godmH$br

(4) M¡XH$aU

89. ZmQ>H$ ‘Kmgram_ H$moVdmb’ ___________ Ûmam {bIm J`m h¡ &

(1) _mohZ amHo$e

(2) {dO` V|XþbH$a

(3) gË`Xod Xþ~o

(4) ~mXb gaH$ma

90. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$go ‘H$bm’ {\$ë_ {ZX©oeH$ _mZm OmVm h¡ ?

(1) dr. em§Vmam_

(2) _h~y~ ImZ
(3) ASy>a JmonmbH¥$îUZ
(4) MoVZ AmZ§X

BSHF-101 39
91. The Government’s broad approach of promoting economic growth and using the
benefits accruing from growth to help vulnerable sections of population worked well
(1) Hong Kong
(2) China
(3) Singapore
(4) Japan

92. The capability approach to development was put forth by

(1) Niskanen
(2) Amartya Sen
(3) Milton Friedman
(4) Abhijit Banerjee

93. Educere means

(1) nourishing a child.
(2) bringing forth the potential in an individual.
(3) upliftment of individual.
(4) preparing an individual to acquire knowledge.

94. The centrally sponsored scheme of providing certain minimum facilities in primary
schools to enhance enrolment and reduce dropouts is
(1) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(2) Lok Jumbish
(3) Operation Blackboard
(4) Shikshakarmi

95. India having the widest digital divide has been pointed out in 2002 by the report of



(3) World Bank

(4) Word Economic Forum

BSHF-101 40
91. gaH$ma H$s Am{W©H$ d¥{Õ H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo H$s Am¡a Bg d¥{Õ go Cnm{O©V bm^ H$mo OZg§»`m Ho$ H$_µOmoa dJ©
H$mo gwa{jV aIZo Ho$ ì`mnH$ ÑpîQ>H$moU Zo ___________ _| AÀN>r Vah go H$m_ {H$`m &
(1) hm±JH$m±J

(2) MrZ

(3) qgJmnwa

(4) OmnmZ

92. {dH$mg Ho$ {bE j_Vm ÑpîQ>H$moU ___________ Ûmam àX{e©V {H$`m J`m Wm &
(1) {ZñHo$ZZ

(2) A_Ë`© goZ

(3) {_ëQ>Z \«$sS>_¡Z

(4) A{^OrV ~ZOu

93. EoS²>`yHo$a (Educere) H$m AW© h¡

(1) ~ƒo H$m nmbZ-nmofU &

(2) {H$gr ì`{º$ H$s j_Vm H$mo C^maZm &

(3) {H$gr ì`{º$ H$m CËWmZ &

(4) {H$gr ì`{º$ H$mo kmZ àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE V¡`ma H$aZm &

94. Ho$ÝÐ Ûmam àm`mo{OV Cg `moOZm H$m Š`m Zm_ h¡ {OgHo$ VhV àmW{_H$ ñHy$bm| H$mo {ZpíMV Ý`yZV_
gw{dYmE± CnbãY H$s OmVr Wt Vm{H$ àmW{_H$ ñHy$bm| _| ^Vu H$s g§»`m ~‹T>o Am¡a ñHy$b N>mo‹S>Zo dmbm| H$s
g§»`m H$_ hmo gHo$ ?
(1) gd© {ejm A{^`mZ

(2) bmoH$ Ow§{~e

(3) Am°naoeZ ãb¡H$~moS>©

(4) {ejmH$_u

95. ^maV _| ì`mnH$V_ A§H$s` {d^mOZ H$mo 2002 _| ___________ H$s EH$ [anmoQ>© Ûmam Xem©`m J`m h¡ &
(1) `y{Zgo\$

(2) `yZoñH$mo

(3) {díd ~¢H$

(4) {díd Am{W©H$ \$moa_

BSHF-101 41
96. The ‘Washington Consensus’ groups that work together in pursuing the goals of
globalisation comprise of the following institutions :
(1) World Bank, IMF, US administration
(2) UNICEF, World Bank, UNESCO
(3) World Economic Forum, World Bank, IMF
(4) ILO and WHO

97. The ‘Sahariya’ tribal population is in

(1) Haryana
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Chattisgarh
(4) Kerala

98. Who amongst the following proclaimed the ‘end of ideological evolution’ and ‘triumph
of liberal democracy’ and advised world powers to bring back the State ?
(1) Francis Fukuyama
(2) Karl Deutsch
(3) Henry Kissinger
(4) Perry Anderson

99. The author of the book ‘Silent Spring’ is

(1) Aldous Huxley
(2) Rachel Carson
(3) Arthur Anderson
(4) Larry Elliot

100. Global Commons refers to

(1) a group of environmentalists.
(2) a group of native Africans.
(3) resources that are common to a group residing in an area.
(4) resources which belong to nobody in particular but are available for common

BSHF-101 42
96. ‘dmqe½Q>Z gh_{V’ g_yh H$s do H$m¡Z-gr g§ñWmE± h¢, Omo {dídì`mnr g§`moOZ (d¡ídrH$aU) Ho$ bú` H$mo
àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE gmW H$m_ H$aVr h¢ ?
(1) {díd ~¢H$, AÝVam©îQ´>r` _wÐm H$mof, A_o[aH$s àemgZ

(2) `y{Zgo\$, {díd ~¢H$, `yZoñH$mo

(3) {díd Am{W©H$ \$moa_, {díd ~¢H$, AÝVam©îQ´>r` _wÐm H$mof

(4) AÝVam©îQ´>r` l_ g§JR>Z, {díd ñdmñÏ` g§JR>Z

97. ‘gh[a`m’ OZOm{V H$s Am~mXr H$hm± nmB© OmVr h¡ ?

(1) h[a`mUm

(2) amOñWmZ

(3) N>ÎmrgJ‹T>

(4) Ho$ab

98. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$gZo ‘d¡Mm[aH$ {dH$mg H$m A§V’ Am¡a ‘CXma bmoH$V§Ì H$s {dO`’ H$s KmofUm H$s Wr
Am¡a d¡pídH$ e{º$`m| H$mo amÁ` dmng boZo H$s gbmh Xr Wr ?
(1) \«$m§{gg \w$Hw$`m_m
(2) H$mb© S>moBe
(3) hoZar {H$qgOa
(4) n¡ar E§S>agZ

99. ‘gmBb§oQ> pñà¨J ’ nwñVH$ Ho$ boIH$ ___________ h¢ &

(1) EobS>g hŠgbo
(2) aoMb H$mg©Z
(3) AmW©a E§S>agZ
(4) b¡ar B{b`Q>

100. {díd Ho$ C^`{ZîR> g§gmYZ (½bmo~b H$m°_Ýg) go VmËn`© h¡

(1) n`m©daU{dXm| H$m EH$ g_yh &

(2) ñdXoer A\«$s{H$`m| H$m EH$ g_yh &

(3) dh g§gmYZ Omo {H$gr EH$ joÌ _| {Zdmg H$aZo dmbo joÌ g_yh Ho$ {bE gm_y{hH$ hmoVo h¢ &

(4) dh g§gmYZ Omo ImgVm¡a go {H$gr EH$ ì`{º$ Ho$ Zht hmoVo naÝVw C^`{ZîR> (gmPm) à`moJ Ho$ {bE
CnbãY hmoVo h¢ &

BSHF-101 43
aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE OJh

BSHF-101 44

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