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I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &

Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01

ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date:
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 1 of 8

(Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging)
IN COMPLIANCE WITH I SO 9001: 2015 (QMS), ISO 14001: 2015 (EMS), ISO 45001: 2018


This document contains confidential information. It may be copied in full or in parts only by GKSM
personnel and only for the purpose of GKSM related activities. Disclosure of any information
contained within this procedure to any person (s) outside the employee of GKSM without written
permission of the CEO, Director Operations, Operation Head or the Management Representative is
strictly prohibited.

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:

Approved by:
I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date:
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 2 of 8

Document Change Record

Revision Date of Page
Initiated by Section Description of changes Done By
No# issue No.

Table of Contents
Description of Changes Page No#

1 Purpose

2 Scope

3 Responsibilities

4 Definitions

5 Procedure

6 Related Records

Distribution List:
a) Director Operations
b) Operation Head
c) Management Representative
d) QMS and HSE Coordinator

I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S) No:
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 3 of 8

This procedure outlines the guidelines for the Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging, using
pulse echo contact method.


• This procedure Is applicable to any material in Which ultrasonic waves will

propagate at a constant velocity throughout the part, and from which back
reflections can be obtained and resolved. LR -Thickness Measurement and Close-
up Survey Guidance, v7. 5 June 2019 will be used as Survey Preparation
Guidance. Inspection team in-charge will keep liaison with the Surveyor, selection of
TM point will be as per surveyor's instruction or with reference to Part 2 - 7 of LR
TM and Close-up Survey Guidance,
V7.5 .

This procedure is suitable for measuring thickness of steel tubes, tanks, vessel s etc.


• ASME Section V- SE-797 2019 Edition
• Equipment operating manual
• SNT-TC 1A 2020 Edition (Qualification & Certification of non-destructive Testing
• LR- Thickness Measurement and Close-up Survey Guidance , v7.5 June 2019



The following definitions/abbreviations apply to the application of this procedure

Shall - Mandatory
• Should - Best Recommended Practice
• Back wall reflection - Ultrasound energy reflects from the opposite surface of material
• Couplant - Liquid or semi liquid required between the face of the
search unit and the examination surface .
• CRT - Cathode Ray Tube (Visual display used in Ultrasonic inspection) .
• TML I CML - Thickness Measurement Location I condition monitoring location
I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date:
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 4 of
Document: 8

• Search units - Units transmitting and receiving ultrasound, either single element or dual
• ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Director Operation Approves the Quality Manual
Operation Issues and review the QMS and General procedures
Operation Issues and review specific procedures and Reporting template
Manager/Technical working instructions
Designated people Draft and/or review general procedures, specific procedures and
working instructions

6.1 Equipment Needed
6.1.1 Thickness gauging equipment

The instrument shall be capable of generating, receiving and amplifying high

frequency electrical pulses at such frequencies and energy levels required to perform
Examination and display this information in a digital read out or CRT display. Equipment
Must be capable of using the multiple echo technique in order that coatings are
discounted from the displayed readings.

6.1.2 Search units

Single or dual element longitudinal wave search units of suitable frequency range shall
be used

6.2. Personal competence

• Personnel performing examinations to this procedure shall be certified to

the requirements of GKSM written practice as per SNT TC 1A /CP 189.
I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date:
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 5 of
Document: 8


6.3.1 Surface preparation

• When performing thickness measurements, it is possible to get accurate

measurements through tightly bonded coatings utilizing properly setup equipment
with A scan presentations or digital readout specially equipped for coated surface.

• When the coatings are not tightly bonded, surface preparation for thickness
measurement shall be done by grinding, chipping, buffing or any other
appropriate cleaning method is necessary to remove paint, corrosion or to
smooth out pits or other erroneous surface conditions which would render
examination results inaccurate or false

• Preparation of Spaces, shall be in accordance with Para 1.3.2 of Section 2, Part 1,

Chapter 3 of LR- Thickness measurement and Close-up Survey Guidance v7.5,
June 2019

• Tank cleaning, including removal of all loose accumulated corrosion scale shall be as
per para 1.3.1 of Section 1, Part 1, Chapter 3 of LR- Thickness measurement and
Close-up Survey Guidance, V7.5,June 2019

• Surface of Pitted and grooving area shall be prepare as per Appendix 4 of LR -

Thickness measurement and Close-up Survey Guidance, v7.5, June 2019

6.3.2 Surface Temperature

• The surface temperature of the test specimen shall not exceed 2000 F•

• Special search units and couplant shall be used when surface temperature is
more than 2000 F.

• The temperature ranges, contact time and cooling method for these transducer
Assemblies and couplants shall be as per the manufacturers' recommendations.

• Temperature difference of the calibration block and the test specimen shall be within
+/- 250 F•


• Equipment shall be calibrated at least once a year, or after each time that it has
Been subjected to major electrical l repair, periodic overhaul, or damage.

• A calibration sticker shall be fixed to the instrument with the date of

calibration. Calibration due date and signature of the person performing the
I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date:
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 6 of
Document: 8

• A calibration certificate shall be maintained as part of the required

quality documentation.

• Thickness gauging mode, probe zero, digital read out or A-scan display
calibration shall be done in accordance with the equipment manufacturers
operating manual.

• Functional check of the equipment shall be done at the start, at the end & at least
twice per 08 hours shift.

• Verification of the equipment measuring accuracy and functionality shall be

performed whenever any change of search unit, coaxial cable, couplant, batteries
or any other testing conditions occurs, which will contribute to false measurements.

• Calibration shall be performed using calibration blocks of suitable thickness ranges,

made of the same material or with the material of the same nominal acoustic
velocity, as the material being tested.

• At any stage of verification of calibration, it is determined that the test has

been performed with the test unit out of calibration, all tests conducted since
the last known calibration shall be redone.


• Temperature of test specimen and testing time should be considered when selecting
the couplant.

• Water .cellulose gel, oil, grease or any other suitable products are acceptable.

• Couplants must be used within the manufacturers published temperature range

• When taking thickness measurements on surfaces at 500°F and higher, the couplant
Shall be applied to the face of the transducer.

• At temperatures above 500°F, couplant shall be removed from the transducer face
and the TML surface after each measurement.
I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date:
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 7 of 8


• 8-scan can be performed to evaluate any abnormality observed during testing of


• When performing 8-scan, maximum scanning speed shall not be more than 6
inches per second or as specified in equipment operating manual

• Transducer face shall overlap each pass of the search unit by at least 10% of the
Transducer’s contact area.


• If required, excessive couplants shall be removed by wiping with clean dry rags
and solvent moistened rags; liquid penetrant remover or other appropriate cleaner
shall be used.

6.8 Evaluation I Documentation

• Built-in or external software based data recording and analysis techniques can
be used to record and recall the thickness gauging data as per manufacturer’s
instruction manual.

6.9 Test Report

• The report shall include but not limited to the following details:

• Client or Manufacturer
• Job or Project Number
• Report Number
• Test specimen detail
• Examination procedure
• Date of test
• Type of instrument Make I Model
• Calibration block, size and material
• Search unit type, size and frequency
• Scanning method and surface
• Result with maximum , minimum and average measurement
• Location of measurement
• Personnel data and certification level
• Sketch of measurement location , if required
I SO 9001:2015 (QMS), I SO 1 4001:2015 (EMS) &
Standard: Revision No: 00 Issue No: 01
ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)
Title: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Issue Date
Level of
Document No: LEVEL-02 Page 8 of
Document: 8

Annex l: UTG Report Template

THE END................. ...............

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