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Insurance product information document (IPID)

International student insurance Europe

Company (Insurer) : Anker Insurance Company n.v. having its registered office at Paterswoldseweg 812 at 9728
BM Groningen. Anker is registered with the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) (The Dutch Authority for the
Financial Markets) under number 12000661 and is authorized by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB).
Product : International student insurance Europe (ISIE)

This document provides a summary of the main coverage and exclusions. It is not personalized to your
specific individual needs. Complete information about this product is provided in the certificate of insurance
and policy terms and conditions (e.g. regarding data protection).

What is type of insurance?

This insurance is aimed for a student, intern, au pair, academic, researcher or a member of his/her family
(spouse - children) who is studying in the EU/EEA or an EU/EEA resident who is studying abroad for a
temporary duration. The insurance plan will cover acute sickness and accident, in and outpatient treatments,
medical evacuation, search and rescue, repatriation of mortal remains, death and disability benefits, third
party liability.

What is insured What is Not insured

Emergency treatments only Pre-existing conditions
Sickness & accident Maternity & delivery
In-patient treatments Non emergency treatments
Out-patient treatments High risk sports
Prescribed medication
Repatriation ! Are there restrictions on the cover
Search and rescue ! USA territories Canada are not covered
Ambulance transport ! Insurance sum limitations
Assistance 24/7 ! Pre-approval for some treatments
Lost or stolen luggage
! Maximum age 59 years old
Delay of luggage ! Country of origin not covered
Third party Liability
Capital in event of an accident

Where I am covered
You are covered worldwide, however, outside the country of origin. The US territories and Canada do
not fall under the covered territories and are excluded from any insurance coverage.

Anker Insurance Company n.v. | IPID04-2022

What are my obligations
It is advised to take all necessary measures to take as lowest possible your claims. This will avoid
any premiums adaptation of the insurance plan. You must provide honest, accurate and complete
information during the whole duration of your contract. In case of an emergency you can contact
the Alarm Service via +3150 520 9780. In the event of a claim, you must notify the Claims
Department as soon as possible via +3150 520 9974.

When and how do I have to pay

The premium must be paid by credit card or bank transfer before the effective date of the insurance
policy. The insurance policy is delivered once the full amount is credited on the bank account of a
company designated by Anker Insurance Company n.v. or if the credit card payment was successfully

When does the cover start and end

The start and end date of your insurance contract is mentioned on your insurance policy. The
contract starts at earliest at the date where your insurance premium is fully paid.

How do I cancel the contract

You take out the insurance for a specific period of time and therefore cannot cancel it. The contract is valid
until the last date stated on your insurance policy. This product does not provide for automatic renewal. If you
want to renew then a new contract must be purchased.

Anker Insurance Company n.v. | IPID04-2022

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