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RTO No: 91223

Student Project Portfolio

BSBTEC301 Design and Produce

Business Documents
Section 1: Select and prepare resources 5
Section 2: Design and produce documents 9
Section 3: Finalise documents 12

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BSBTEC301 Design and Produce Business Documents| 3
Student name: Hendry O’niell



Business this assessment is Burleigh Accountants

based on:

Documents you will produce: A memo

A monthly staff newsletter
A presentation slides
An email

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Section 1: Select and prepare resources

Complete this section before designing your business documents

Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Technology and Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Gmail

List the technology
(including at least
two different
applications) did
you use to design
each document?

Information The document shall have The document shall have The document shall have The document shall have
different sections and the different sections and the different sections and the different sections and the
Will the document
sections shall be ordered sections shall be ordered sections shall be ordered sections shall be ordered
have different
according to organizational according to organizational according to organizational according to organizational
sections? How will
requirements. The sections in requirements. The sections in requirements. The sections in requirements. The sections in
you order the
correct order are: correct order are: correct order are: correct order are:
different sections?
List the sections 1. Company logo 1. Company logo 1. Title slide “Accounting 1. Dear [receiver]
using the correct Trends”
2. To: Burleigh Accounting staff 2. Title: Monthly Staff 2. Purpose of the email
members Newsletter 2. Table of content
3. Key information of the email:
3. From: Include your name 3. Industry Spotlight 3. Summary of Trend 1 in include file path and request of
and title Newsletter reviewing

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

4. Date: Write out the full date 4. Health at work 4. Summary of Trend 2 in 4. End with “Kind Regards”
Which types of
Newsletter and signature
information will the 5. Subject: Make the subject 5. Employee spotlight
document contain brief and descriptive 5. Q&A slide
6. New clients
(Paragraphs of
6. Main information in the
text, images, 7. News and upcoming events
memo about new recycling
graphs, etc.)?

Design Three principles are: Three principles are: Three principles are: Three principles are:
List three basic • Ensure the correct box page • Follow the required font size • Use suitable template to • Use short paragraphs
principles you will and type reflect corporate colours
• Use short paragraphs • Insert blank lines between
use in the design
• Keep the format bright and • Not include too much text paragraphs
of each • Follow the required font size
document? • Use images when applicable • Keep the email brief and not
• Not exceed 03 pages too much text

Layout and style • Layout: portrait, have a box • Layout: portrait • Layout: landscape. Layout • Layout: portrait
page border with line with at of each slide shall be
Which layout will • Styles: The Burleigh • Styles: Use “Dear All” at the
½ pt. selected based on the
you use (Portrait/ Accountants logo at the top of start and end with “Kind
information that needs to be
landscape/page • Styles: The Burleigh the page and in the header. regards”. Use short paragraphs
margins/ header, Accountants logo at the top of Headings (if any) should be and insert blank lines between
footer? the page. The word “Memo”, bolded with Heading 1 in 14 pt. • Styles: using a suitable each paragraph. Use bullet
capitalised, bolded and placed and sub- headings (if any) template to reflect our points if applicable
Which styles are
at the top and bolded with corporate colours. Avoid
you required to

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

use (Logo, font centre of the page, directly Heading 2 in 12 pt. Use Arial including too much text. Use • Proof:
type, font size, for underneath the logo. 10 for text. Break up blocks of images to break up the text and
text and headings, Subheadings (in bold) and text with photos, graphics or to illustrate points
spacing etc.)? descriptions as required in cartoons. Break up your pages
• Proof:
Style Guide and font size of with white space. Put text in
Attach proof of
14pt. boxes, or shaded paragraphs.
adhering to the
organisational • Proof: • Proof:
(screenshot of
selecting a layout,

Meeting I have met with the assessor I have met with the assessor I have met with the assessor I have met with the assessor
who played the role as Office who played the role as Office who played the role as Office who played the role as Office
Provide details of
Manager of the company Manager of the company Manager of the company Manager of the company
the stakeholder
you met with.
What is their
role within the

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Formatting and Formatting Style and Formatting Style and Formatting Style and Formatting Style and
style requirements requirements: requirements: requirements: requirements:
List at least two • Use the left alignment for • Use bullet points (where • Use the business and formal • Use the left alignment for
formatting or style body text applicable) template body text
requirements you
• Insert blank line between • Line spacing at 1.2 • Use bullet points (where • Use font size of “Normal”
discussed or
paragraphs applicable)
clarified with the

Link to business website About page or corporate brochure that summarises what the business does OR Simulation Pack if
using case study ☒

Attach documents containing organisational design requirements (style guide, template, etc.) OR Simulation Pack using case
study ☒

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BSBTEC301 Design and Produce Business Documents| 8
Section 2: Design and produce documents

Complete this section after designing your business documents.

Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Create files Organizational requirements: Files Organizational requirements: Files Organizational requirements: Files Organizational requirements: Files
must be named according to the must be named according to the must be named according to the must be named according to the
What are the
file type. The version and the date file type. The version and the date file type. The version and the date file type. The version and the date
must also be included. All must also be included. All must also be included. All must also be included. All
requirements for
documents must be filed in the documents must be filed in the documents must be filed in the documents must be filed in the
creating file
appropriate folder on Burleigh appropriate folder on Burleigh appropriate folder on Burleigh appropriate folder on Burleigh
Accountants’ computer system Accountants’ computer system Accountants’ computer system Accountants’ computer system
What are the
File name: “Memorandum about File name: “Monthly Staff File name: “Accounting Trend File name: “Email about the
names of the files
new bins_v1_20220208”, stored in Newsletter_v1_20220223”, Presentatio_v1_20220223”, Internal Communications Policy
you created?
the folder named “Flyers and stored in the folder named stored in the folder named and Procedures_v1_20220208”,
memos” “Newsletters” “Presentations” stored in the folder named
Proof: Proof: Proof:

Functions • Use Font function to choose • Use Paragraph function to • Use the Paragraph function to • Use the Size function to
correct font size and type ensure the correct line adjust consistent bullet choose the correct font size
List at least three

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

functions you • Use Paragraph function to spacing points • Use the Align function to
used and describe ensure the left alignment ensure the left alignment
• Use the Styles function to • Use the Slides function to
how you used it to
• Use Page Background set up the heading as choose appropriate layout • Use the Insert Signature
function to ensure the requirements based on information of function to include signature
consistency of
correct page borders each slide
design and layout. • Use Font function to choose
correct font size and type • Use Themes function to ensure
the consistent themes
throughout all slides

Does the layout of Yes, the layout meets Yes, the layout meets Yes, the layout meets Yes, the layout meets
the document meet requirements and thus, no requirements and thus, no requirements and thus, no requirements and thus, no
requirements? Did change has been made change has been made change has been made change has been made
you make any

Does the style of Yes, the style meets Yes, the style meets Yes, the style meets Yes, the style meets
the document meet requirements and thus, no requirements and thus, no requirements and thus, no requirements and thus, no
requirements? Did change has been made change has been made change has been made change has been made
you make any

Help function I used the Microsoft Word Help I used the Microsoft Word Help I used the Microsoft PowerPoint I used the Gmail Help to find out
Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code:
BSBTEC301 Design and Produce Business Documents| 10
Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Describe how you to find out the way to set up to find out the way to add Help to find out the way of the way of using formatting
used the help page borders heading applying slide layout options in email
function to
Proof: Proof: Proof: Proof:
overcome basic
difficulties with
document design
and production.
Attach proof of
using the Help
function at the end
of this section.

Attach: First draft of each document ☒

Proof of using the correct naming conventions and folders (screenshots) ☒

Proof of accessing the Help function (screenshots) ☒

Monthly StaffNe

Accounting Trends

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

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BSBTEC301 Design and Produce Business Documents| 12
Section 3: Finalise documents

Document checklist
Complete the document checklist before producing your documents. Answer Yes/No and describe any changes made to the document.

Check Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Does the tone of Yes Yes Yes Yes

the document
reflect the writing
style required as
per the style

Is the tone in the Yes Yes Yes Yes

document suitable
for the intended
audience e.g., is it
sufficiently formal
or informal?

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Check Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Is the format of the Yes Yes Yes Yes

appropriate to the
purpose of the
e.g., letter for a

Is the purpose Yes Yes Yes Yes

of the document

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BSBTEC301 Design and Produce Business Documents| 14
Check Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Is the document Yes Yes Yes Yes

sequenced and

Has the document Yes Yes Yes Yes

been proofread for
spelling, grammar
and overall

Complete this Section after your meeting.

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Stakeholders I met with the assessor who played I met with the assessor who played I met with the assessor who played I met with the assessor who played
the role of office manager in the role of office manager in the role of office manager in the role of office manager in
Who did you meet
Burleigh Accountants Burleigh Accountants Burleigh Accountants Burleigh Accountants

Presenting a I presented the document by I presented the document by I presented the document by I presented the document by
document showing the electronic copy, showing the electronic copy, showing the electronic copy, showing the electronic copy,
sending it to the office manager sending it to the office manager sending it to the office manager sending it to the office manager
How did you
before the meeting. The meeting before the meeting. The meeting before the meeting. The meeting before the meeting. The meeting
present the
for presenting document lasts for 5 for presenting document lasts for 5 for presenting document lasts for 5 for presenting document lasts for 5
minutes minutes minutes minutes

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Task requirements Yes, the document meets almost all Yes, the document meets almost all Yes, the document meets almost all Yes, the document meets almost all
requirements. requirements. requirements. requirements.
Did your document
meet task The office manager gave positive The office manager gave positive The office manager gave positive The office manager gave
requirements? feedback on the document content feedback on the document feedback on the document positive feedback on the
Describe any and format, and required to add content and format. However, the content and format. However, the document content and format.
feedback here. information about the soon-to-be- office manager also suggested office manager also required to However, the office manager
released guidelines on recycling that the link to new client’s put another “Thank you” slide at also required to remind staff
bins website should be attached to the the end of the presentation about reviewing time in the
newsletter email

Proof of using the correct naming conventions and folders (screenshots). ☒

Finalised documents ☒

Monthly StaffNe

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Document 1: A memorandum to Document 2: A monthly staff Document 3: The “Accounting Document 4: An email to all staff
all staff about the new recycling newsletter Trends” presentation slides updating the Internal
bins Communications Policy and
Procedures has

Final Accounting

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