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T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)

E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

First published 2020

RTO Works
[email protected]
0452 157 557

© 2020 RTO Works

This resource is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced
by any process without written permission as expressed in the RTO Works License Agreement.

The information contained in this resource is, to the best of the project team’s and publisher’s knowledge true and correct. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but the project
team and publisher do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage arising from such information.

RTO Works has developed this content in partnership with Reubarquin Press and with the expert industry guidance of Dominique Bendebiza-Caron from Brighton College.

While every effort has been made to achieve strict accuracy in this resource, the publisher would welcome notification of any errors and any suggestions for improvement. Readers are invited
to write to us at [email protected].

Hospitality Works is a subdivison of RTO Works. It is a suite of training and assessment resources developed for the Hospitality Industry.

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

About this Student Logbook

This Student Logbook is where you will record evidence of the knowledge and
skills you have developed during your training for this unit. It also serves as a _______________________________________________________________
handy reference guide on what you need to do during your assessment and how
you should go about doing it.
Completing your reflective journal
Student details section You are expected to complete a reflective journal for each time that you cook as
part of your assessment for this unit. Try to think about the highlights of each
Fill in the table below:
service when you are writing your reflection. You might also find the following
questions useful:
Student name:
 What skills and techniques did I use?
_______________________________________________________________  What policies and procedures did I follow?
Name of RTO:
 How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality?

_______________________________________________________________  How did I ensure that my dishes met quality standards?

Trainer/assessor name:  What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future?

 What might I do different next time?

If this workbook is found, please contact me to return it using the details below: Supervisor declaration
_______________________________________________________________ Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the assessment
process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete their section of

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

each of your reflective journals and fill in the supervisor declaration after the  ensuring that food preparation equipment safely assembled, clean and
summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your assessment in ready for use
your RTO’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace supervisor and
 using equipment safely and hygienically
should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your Logbook will be
incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for resubmission.  making precision cuts to prepare food

 using equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Logbook summary
 cleaning and maintaining equipment according to the manufacturer’s
There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within your assessment instructions
process, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this
 measuring and using correct amount of cleaning agents on equipment
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding requirements.
 making minor adjustments to equipment (including oiling and adjusting
What do I need to demonstrate? blades)

During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a range  identify and report on any unsafe or faulty equipment (where applicable)
of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These  rectify issues equipment within your level of responsibility (where applicable)
 working safely and hygienically at all times
 interpreting standard recipes and food preparation lists
 working sustainably by minimising waste and using energy responsibly.
 confirming food production requirements

 calculating ingredient amounts Tips for completing this logbook

 weighing and measuring ingredients accurately  Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure that you
 selecting the knives required for the food to be prepared understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
and/or workplace supervisor.
 selecting routine and specialised equipment and utensils for the food to be

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

 Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.

 Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Logbook summary
Use this list to keep track of your progress. Please note that you may complete a number of
these tasks during one cooking session so you will only need to complete a single service plan
and reflective journal each time that you cook.

Student name: __________________________________________________________________________

Student number: _________________________________________________________________________

This unit of competency requires that you use the following fixed and handheld commercial
food equipment. Evidence of this has been provided.

Service journal (endorsed Reflective journal
Equipment Date plan by supervisor) number
☐ blenders 10/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 1

☐ food processors 11/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 2

☐ graters 12/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 3

☐ mandolin slicers 13/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 4

☐ mouli 14/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 5

☐ planetary mixers 15/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 6

☐ peelers, corers or 16/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 7


☐ sharpening steels 17/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 1

and stones

☐ butcher and boning 18/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 2


☐ filleting knives 19/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 3

☐ palette knives 11/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 4

☐ measures 12/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 5

☐ scales 13/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 6

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Service journal (endorsed Reflective journal
Equipment Date plan by supervisor) number
☐ thermometers 14/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 7

☐ whisks: fine and 15/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 1

coarse stainless
steel wire

You must use the above equipment to prepare the following foods. Evidence of this has
been provided.

Service journal (endorsed by Reflective journal
Foods prepared Date plan supervisor) number
☐ fruit 16/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 2

☐ vegetables 17/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 3

☐ meat 13/03/2022 ☒ ☐ 4

☐ poultry 14/03/2022 ☒ ☒ 6

☐ seafood 11/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 3

☐ batters 17/03/2022 ☒ ☒ 1

☐ coatings 18/03/2022 ☒ ☐ 2

☐ condiments and 19/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 4


☐ garnishes 14/03/2022 ☒ ☐ 5

☐ oils 12/03/2022 ☒ ☒ 6

☐ sauces and 18/03/2022 ☒ ☐ 7


You must demonstrate the use of the following precision cuts:

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Service journal (endorsed by Reflective journal
Precision cuts Date plan supervisor) number
☐ brunoise 9/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 1

☐ chiffonnade 10/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 2

☐ concasse 12/03/2022 ☒ ☒ 4

☐ jardinière 15/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 3

☐ julienne 19/03/2022 ☒ ☒ 6

☐ macédoine 18/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 5

☐ mirepoix 14/03/2022 ☐ ☐ 7

☐ paysanne 12/03/2022 ☐ ☒ 5

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Supervisor Declaration Section

Note for student: Please note, that one of these declarations must be completed by each workplace
supervisor. If you completed all your shifts at the one venue then you would only submit one. If your
logbook contains entries from different kitchens and venues then please have each supervisor you
work under complete one at the end of all your designated shifts. Please provide this page to your
workplace supervisor at the completion of your required shifts.
This needs to be completed in addition to the supervisor endorsement section of your reflective
journals. One copy has been provided in this logbook but you can make additional copies as needed.

Supervisor name: Position:

Relationship to student (for example, head chef/shift supervisor etc):

During the services described in the student’s reflective journals that I have endorsed, the student:

 worked within the organisation’s policies and procedures ☐ Yes ☐ No

 worked to a professional level in line with the kitchen’s usual roles and responsibilities ☐ Yes ☐ No
 safely and correctly used fixed and handheld equipment ☐ Yes ☐ No
 checked equipment for safety, faults and other issues ☐ Yes ☐ No
 used equipment hygienically
☐ Yes ☐ No
 cleaned and maintained equipment as per manufacturer’s instructions
☐ Yes ☐ No
 demonstrated correct application of precision cuts
☐ Yes ☐ No
 prepared dishes within commercial time constraints
☐ Yes ☐ No
 followed portion control procedures
☐ Yes ☐ No
 followed food safety practices

Please provide any feedback to the student here:

The student has permission to submit the information contained within the reflective journals ☐ Yes ☐ No
completed below and any supporting documentation (including organisational policies and
procedures, menus, recipes and work product) for the purposes of assessment.

Supervisor signature:

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Contact number:


Service Planning

Determine production requirements

Confirm food production requirements

Analyse the standard recipe and associated food preparation list which you will be working from and
answer the following questions.

 How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are

Meals are needed based on the number of consumers, as well as their needs and desires.
Mealtime is a special event. For many customers, it is the pleasure of the day and something they
seek forward more to. Make it a lovely and joyful journey. Make sure the meal is served in the
most pleasing and hygienic way possible. Keep a record of all that has to be performed for each
customer before and after each meal. Keep track of everything that needs to be done for each
guest both during each meal. We made cuisine based on the needs and desires of our

 Calculate the number of portions that you need (show your workings).

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000


16 pieces of chicken = 1.6kg of chicken

That’s why 3.200 kg will required = 3.200/1.6 = 2

So, 2 whole chickens of 16 size would be required

 Calculate the amount of each ingredient that you require. An ingredient list has been provided for
you or you may like to use your organisation’s standard template.

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Ingredient list
Recipe__________: Buffalo Chicken Wings_ _Roasted Duck Chicken a la

Ingredient Qty Qty/serves Qty x serves required

Buffalo Chicken Wings

Chicken Wings 4 pounds 0.667 24

Salt and black pepper 2 tbs 0.333 12

Veggie’s oil 4 cups 0.663 24

Butter or oil 4 tbs 0.667 24

Hot pepper sauce 2-5 tbs 0.5 18

White vinegar 1 tbs 0.167 6

Celery Sticks 0 0 0

Roasted Duck Serve = 4

Salt 2 tbs 0.5 8

Paprika 2 tbs 0.5 8

Black Pepper 1 tbs 0.25 4

Whole Duck 5 pounds 1.25 20

Melted Butter ½ cups 0.125 2

Chicken a la King Serve = 6

Chicken, cooked and cubed 4 cups 0.667 24

Butter 4 tbs 0.667 24

Green onion 5-6 1 36

Green bell pepper 1 medium 0.167 6

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Flour ¼ flour 0.042 1.5

6Salt 1 tbs 0.167 6

H3eavy cream ½ cup 0.083 3

Fro12zen peas 2 cups 0.333 12

Nutmeg 1/8 tbs 0.02 0.75

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

 List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it is
clean, well maintained and ready for use?

a) Small Bowl
b) Use the brush
c) Plate
d) Whiskey in a Balloon
e) Non-stick frying pan (medium)
f) Silicone Spatula
g) Measuring Cup for Liquids
h) Measuring Cups as well as Spoons for Dry Ingredients

We will wash and clean all of the equipment with soap and sanitizer to ensure that it is clean.
We will dry and inspect the equipment after cleaning it. Preparation and cooking of foods
necessitates the use of specialized equipment. It is difficult to cook without them. As a result,
we must keep the equipment clean.

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Reflective journals

Make copies, or print, as many reflective journals as you need.

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:10/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:

Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☒ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☐ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☐ measures ☒ butcher knives ☒ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☐ seafood ☐ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☐ oils ☒ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:11/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:

Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☒ food processors ☒ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☐ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☐ measures ☒ butcher knives ☐ boning knives ☒ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☐ seafood ☐ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☒ oils ☐ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:12/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:


Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☐ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☒ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☒ measures ☒ butcher knives ☒ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☒ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☐ seafood ☐ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☐ oils ☐ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☒ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:13/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:

Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☒ blenders ☒ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☒ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☐ measures ☒ butcher knives ☐ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☒ seafood ☒ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☐ oils ☐ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☒ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:10/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:

Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☒ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☐ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☐ measures ☒ butcher knives ☒ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☐ seafood ☐ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☐ oils ☒ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:14/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:


Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☒ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☐ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☐ measures ☒ butcher knives ☒ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☐ seafood ☐ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☐ oils ☒ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:15/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:

Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☒ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☐ mouli ☐ planetary mixers ☐ scales

☐ measures ☒ butcher knives ☒ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☒ palette knives ☐ thermometers

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☐ meat ☒ poultry ☐ seafood ☒ batters ☒ coatings

☐ garnishes ☒ oils ☐ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☐ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☐ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☒ mirepoix

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:16/03/2022 Did an RTO assessor observe this Journal

service? ☐ Yes ☐ No number:

Fixed and handheld equipment used:

☐ blenders ☐ food processors ☐ graters ☐ mandoline slicers ☒ mouli ☐ planetary mixers ☒ scales

☒ measures ☐ butcher knives ☐ boning knives ☐ filleting knives ☐ palette knives ☐ thermometers

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed 27

©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973
T: +61 731 280 176 (Brisbane) | +61 3 9640 0057 (Melbourne)
E: [email protected]
Brisbane Campus: 98 Cleveland Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Melbourne Campus 1: Level 10, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Melbourne Campus 2: Level 10, 108 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

☐ sharpening steels/stones ☐ whisks (fine/coarse stainless steel wire) ☐ peelers, corers or slicers

Foods prepared:
☐ fruit ☐ vegetables ☒ meat ☐ poultry ☒ seafood ☐ batters ☒ coatings

☒ garnishes ☐ oils ☒ sauces and marinades ☐ condiments and flavourings

Precision cuts:
☒ brunoise ☐ chiffonade ☐ julienne ☐ concasse ☐ jardinière ☒ paysanne ☐ macédoine ☐ mirepoix

Reflection (Highlights, skills and techniques shown, policies and procedures followed, how did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality, what did I learn, what would I do
different in future?)
I followed all hygiene standards while doing all of this, washing my hands and everything else that needed to be washed, and learning how to follow processes for optimal
hygiene and waste reduction.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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©NC V1.0 November 2020 Next Review November 2021 | CRICOS: 03598G | RTO: 41437 | ABN: 75 609 329 973

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