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BRIEFING ON "BONUS 3392-181" To those invitations to post on other yahoo groups as new readers
by V.K. Durham 1/30/03
Good Morning, RMNews Readers, and new readers;

First, I must thank the new RM COUNSEL & INFINITE INTEREST YAHOO GROUPS for asking me to post on their sites also. For those who are new, a brief synopsysis as to "who" we are, and what we the Trust) are about. Q "Who" are we? A. We are the Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States, and her Debtor Nations. Q. How did we become the Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States, and her Debtor Nations? A. To explain, as briefly as possible; It is a matter of International Banking, International Agreements, International Finance, and the U.S. Assuming another Nation's Debt's. In this instance, it was the Nation of Peru, which was brought about by The War of the Pacific. This was a War in which England, Germany, France and Russia were attempting to get control over the NITRATE'S of the Latin American Countries such as Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Peru etc., further confiscating the NITRATE-GUANO WAREHOUSES of these nations for "alleged" DEBT PAYMENT and/or SECURING OF OUTSTANDING DEBTS of these before mentioned nations. International Banking and Financing Frauds were rampant in those days. A group of three heavy hitting Financial & Banking Groups known as J.P. Morgan Syndicate, W.R. Grace Shipping, and the English Rothschild Banking put together a BANKING, SHIPPING & STOCK MARKET "CONSORTIUM" known as the TRIPOD, which was designed as follows; Pre-COTTON WAR (Civil War); The United States Cotton Production and Exporting was out producing England's Cotton Markets by the newly discovered "Nitrates" of Latin American nations supplying GUANO-NITRATES to the United States Cotton Growers. The United States Cotton Growers in the extraordinary increase of cotton productivity and exporting same, caused England Cotton Growers & Markets to lose over " 7 million pounds sterling." It was necessary for The COTTON PRODUCING NATIONS to get control over the NITRATE FIELDS (Guano) in Latin America. a. FIRST LEG of the TRIPOD. As the J.P. Morgan Syndicate moved freely in the Wall Street Markets, London Stock Exchange's, and The Club of Paris, with members such as W.R. Grace, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Brady of the Rail Road Empire Builders, and the English Rothschild Banking etc., also moved freely with members of the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Congress, and THE WHITE HOUSE, and i. As representatives originating in England, It was the J.P. MORGAN SYNDICATE members who (a)

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provided Rail Road transportation of cotton shipments, and shipments of other products to the expanding National and International Commerce. ii. These products were "posted" and "marketed" on the U.S. WALL STREET STOCK EXCHANGE, THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE, AND THE PARIS STOCK EXCHANGE. iii. The new nation of the United States, had commenced Rivaling the older European nations in COMMERCE & PRODUCT. This did not make for "happy competitors" in the English, French, German & Russian "markets." iv. The United States was a "UNION" of Republics standing UNITED in a "one for all, and all for one" attitude of the Union. The problem which presented its-self to the European Nations, was; How to stop this young upstart nation?" v. The only way the young upstart nation of the Union of Republics of the United States was Divide and Conquer" by a CIVIL WAR, a War between the States of the Union. vi. A War would CREATE A WAR DEBT and needs for RECONSTRUCTION of MANUFACTURING, INDUSTRY etc, after the WAR. vii. As the COTTON WAR raged on, it was necessary for the UNION to order a GUN SHIP which was, in those days called A MAN O'WAR. President Lincoln, ordered the Secretary of War to order such a ship to be built in England. The ship was paid for out of the $4 Million Dollars Gold, held in the U.S. Treasury at that time. The ship was built. England gave the ship, later known in history as THE ALABAMA to theCONFEDERACY to fight the UNION. THE ALABAMA became one of the most infamous, destructive forces of the CONFEDERACY causing untold damage to Union Shipping, U.S. Commerce, U.S. Trade, U.S. Ports, U.S. Warehouse's etc., which became RECONSTRUCTION "COSTS." Making a long story short, the Union Ships finally cornered the Alabama Raider down at the Falklands, and there she was sunk. She remained sunk in the harbor for many years. SECOND LEG of THE TRIPOD. W.R. GRACE W.R. Grace ingratiated himself to the Latin American Republics of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina etc becoming in charge of THE NITRATE WAREHOUSES and SHIPPING OF THE NITRATES which were on the WALL STREET (N.Y.) STOCK EXCHANGE, LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE and PARIS STOCK EXCHANGE. W.R. Grace was also from a "shipping family".. One of the competitor shipping lines was long standing, well reputation DREYFUSS SHIPPING FAMILY from FRANCE. Being in charge of the NITRATE WAREHOUSE'S; SHORT BILLING OF BILLS OF LADEN were discovered by the before mentioned nations. These nations found it IMPOSSIBLE to meet the DEMANDS of the Stock Exchange's (BOND HOLDERS) and English Rothschild Banking "demands for payment of DEBTS." Explaining "short billing".. The Bills of Laden would show as an example; Only 5 Tons of Nitrates had been shipped under contract, when in fact; 50 TONS had been shipped. The "excess's" were stored in WAREHOUSE'S OF W.R. GRACE in Baltimore, Boston, Liverpool and LeHarve France. The inability of the Latin American Republics to PAY THEIR DEBTS, caused the WAR OF THE PACIFIC and THE

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GUANO ACT of 1856. W.R. GRACE "doing everyone a favor" allegedly "bought up" all the "Guano Debt Bonds" which were used to LEVERAGE the incoming ENGLISH ROTHSCHILD BANKING SYSTEM later to become known as the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM here in the United States. THIRD LEG OF THE TRIPOD. The U.S. evoked the MONROE DOCTRINE and THE GUANO ACT of 1856 and ASSUMED the REMAINING OUTSTANDING DEBTS of those NITRATE NATIONS such as Peru. The "Assumption" was through TRADE & COMMERCE Agreements, Resolved by the U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES & U.S. SENATE 1905-06. Once Resolved, by the U.S. House of Representatives & U.S. Senate; The Archive Clerk, was bribed to take the RESOLUTION down to the Basement Archives of Congress, and the SCHEDULED "DEBT PAYMENTS" remained OFF LEDGER at the U.S. DEPT. OF THE TREASURY. The payment came due in 1907. Not being on the books at the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, there was no DEBT OF RECORD, SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT. W.R. GRACE, J.P. MORGAN & THE ENGLISH ROTHSCHILD BANKING SYSTEMS; FORECLOSED ON THE U.S. DEBT. This brought about THE GREAT DEPRESSION. This is the same "Great Depression" which, was TOASTED by a very BRAGGADOCIOS "BEN BERNANKE while toasting MILTON FRIEDMAN "Governor" of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banking, December 2002's, "90th Birthday" by stating; "Sure We caused the Great Depression. Thanks to you. But we will never do it again." Back to WHO ARE WE, AND WHAT ARE WE ABOUT? We (the Trust) own, the ONE TIME ONLY, BONUS 3392-181 COMMODITY "GOLD BEARING" CONTRACT, HELD BY A "CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF PERU." This ONE TIME ONLY BONUS 3392-181 by Legislative Act of Peru, May 27, 1875, sold here in the U.S.A., New York, New York, May 1, 1875, By Act of the Peruvian Congress, allowed by the invocation of the Peruvian Constitution of 1862 to give the authorization and power to "enter into the One time Only BONUS 3392-181 COMMODITY CONTRACT" is AN "ASSUMED DEBT" of the United States, later assumed by the U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE of the ENGLISH ROTHSCHILD BANKING "TRIPOD" at the time of the Foreclosure brought about by the GREAT DEPRESSION of 1907, which brought in the FED. R. in 1913 and 1916. Our CERTIFICATION/JURAT of August 21, 1989, CERTIFYING our DOCUMENTS by PERU, the SEAL'S OF PERU are in COLOR. The DOCUMENTS THEMSELVES ARE IN COLOR." However, there are those known as GAIA-EKKER'S working out of the PHILIPPINES issuing BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS on our "COLOR INSTRUMENTS" and doing so with "BLACK & WHITE COPIES" of our instruments. The GAIA-EKKER's have openly, contemptuously, notoriously published "The Powers that BE" authorizing these BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS to be used in the International Banking,Financing & Gold Markets to be THE FEDERAL RESERVE & U.S. TREASURY. The Federal Reserve is a "private" non governmental office. It is not a Constitutionally Authorized U.S.

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FEDERAL OFFICE OF PUBLIC TRUST. 1994. President Clinton by Executive Order, put the FEDERAL RESERVE under U.S. TREASURY. Go back and read the BRADY BONDS-1991 BANK FAILURES previously posted on RUMOR MILL NEWS. Upon discovery of the 1991 transactions which went down, pushed through by NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN & GOLDMAN SACHS (RUBIN), and TRANS-TECH INTERNATIONAL OF "ISRAEL".. Clinton, at that time commenced BLACKMAILING those involved demanding to be CUT IN on the transactions. The $120 BILLION DOLLAR "GOLD COLLATERAL "INTEREST" ON BONUS 3392 181" was used, without Signatory Authorization for the 1991 Transaction. The transaction was A TEN YEAR TERM commencing SEPTEMBER 12, 1991, ending on or about 9/11/01. The CONDITIONS of said TRANSACTION were to REMAIN IN EFFECT; Until the U.S. Dollar was exhausted, Until the Japanese Yen was Exhausted and the Dutch Mark was Exhausted. We must ALL, as The United States of America, The American Continent, the UK and Allies, admit; THEY ARE ALL "PRETTY EXHAUSTED" at this time. The Republics of the Union of United States, the Latin American Republics, the UNITED KINGDOM and OUR ALLIES; are once again UNDER ASSAULT BY FRAUDULENTINTERNATIONAL BANKING, FINANCING & GOLD INSTRUMENTS, ONCE AGAIN, BY THE "SAME GROUP WHO CAUSED THE GREAT DEPRESSION of 1907." THE alleged $6.5 TRILLION DOLLAR U.S. DEBT is currently scheduled for payment" to the Fed. R. English Banking Consortium of the Rothschild Banking come February-March 2003. The BOGUS Gold Instruments were sold to CHINA, KOREA, RUSSIA, THE ISLAMIC BANKS, JAPANESE BANKS etc. China is reportedly holding 4OO TRILLION DOLLARS in these BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS. One can only surmise how much the rest are "holding." The parties in this "Agreement with the U.S. Fed. Govt. to split 50-50 all monies taken down on BONUS 3392-181" which are "fraudulently and deceptively written on THE COLOR INSTRUMENTS held in this Trust" while the PARTIES are using BLACK & WHITE COPIES of Instruments of Public Record; Have alleged to the VICTIM NATIONS "The instruments are collectable from the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury and U.S. Federal Reserve, and can be collected at a "designated time & place of payment agreed upon in these bogus" assignments of Gold Instruments." Once again; A DECEPTIVE, FRAUDULENT "FORECLOSURE" ON THE UNITED STATES, ENGLAND ALLIES is in process by the same "group" who brought about THE GREAT DEPRESSION of 1907 which was bragged about by BEN BERNANKE of the Federal Reserve, while toasting Governor Friedman at his 90t birthday, on or about 9 December 2002. The exposing of this GLOBAL BANKING, FINANCING & GOLD INSTRUMENT'S FRAUDS hascaused the GAIA-EKKER'S to publish to encrypted messages in their CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT JOURNAL, Jan. 22, 2003 issue "WE ARE WAITING FOR INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE FED. AS TO WHEN TO BRING THE GOLD HOME." This "scheduled" Bankrupting of the United States and Allies, BY FRAUDULENT, DECEPTIVE PRACTICE; Is UNACCEPTABLE to the OUTSTANDING, PRIMARY CREDITOR OF THE UNITED

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STATES & DEBTOR NATIONS known as THE DURHAM (INTL. LTD;) HOLDING TRUST. THIS TRUST HAS "FIRST CALL" ON THESE OUTSTANDING DEBTS. The AMOUNT OWED IN "GOLD BEARING INTEREST" TO THE OUTSTANDING, PRIMARY CREDITOR OF THE UNITED STATES & DEBTOR NATIONS (ALLIES) IS; $206,858,581,565,280,000,000.00 GOLD. This only represents the amount due and payable from May 1, 1875 to May 1, 1990 as calculated by the FEDERAL RESERVE in Los Angeles, California August 1989. The remainder of INTEREST DUE AND PAYABLE from May 1, 1990 to current date remain non calculated. The TERMS of the ONE TIME ONLY, BONUS 3392-181 GOLD BEARING COMMODITY CONTRACT remain in effect "UNTIL PAID." The debt has not been paid. According to the Rules of Law of the United States & International Communities; THE OUTSTANDING CREDITOR must be PAID "FIRST" UPON FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS." There are NO DISCOUNT'S allowed on this ASSUMED DEBT of the UNITED STATES. NONE IS STATED IN THE CONTRACT. The ORIGINAL FORECLOSURE by the English TRIPOD was A FRAUD committed by the TRIPOD members, who illegally and unlawfully DECEPTIVELY (putting it bluntly) stole everything on this American Continent that was not locked down by the GREAT DEPRESSION of 1907, which brought in the Federal Reserve ENGLISH banking system in 1913 and 1916. The STEALING was very effective, in the fact, FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are backed by absolutely nothing other than "common usage" and "goods and product of the United States." Read that again! THERE ARE NO MORE GOODS AND PRODUCTS produced by American Manufacturing & Industry. Our lands, homes, business's etc have been stolen by PREDATORY BANKING PRACTICES by usage of WORTHLESS "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES." Our land, our homes, our business's etc HAVE VALUE. Federal Reserve Notes of this Predatory Banking System; Per; Russell Munk, Senior International Counsel of the United States Department of the Treasury, April 4, 1984 states [quote]; "Federal Reserve Notes are backed only by the common usage, and goods and services of the American People." As of October 8, 2002; There is a proposal on the table at the U.S. Bureau of Public Debt/U.S. Dept. of the Treasury whereas THIS TRUST as representative of the BENEFICIARIES, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE; will either (a) be allowed to participate in A DEBT SWAP and DEBT REDUCTION OF THE OUTSTANDING U.S. DEBT by ONE TRILLION DOLLARS "GOLD" DERIVED FROM THE GOLD INTEREST OF THE DEBT" or ASSUME THE POSITION OF THE U.S. FED. R., and BACK THE "CONSTITUTIONAL" U.S. DEPT. OF THE TREASURY. The swap was for ONE TRILLION DOLLARS IN T-BILLS TO JUMP START THE ECONOMY by MANUFACTURING, INDUSTRY, JOBS, HEALTH CARE, HOMES, EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. We have not received a RESPONSE. Only FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS "MARCH STEADILY FORWARD?" WHAT WE HAVE SEEN; However, are those NATIONS who were VICTIMIZED by this GAIA-EKKER-CLINTON-FED. R. "GOLD SCAM" is what the rest of the world sees; A GLOBAL WAR confronting all of us, if this is not resolved.

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We (the Trust) have a OPEN INVITATION for those VICTIM NATIONS & THE UNITED STATES & ALLIES to COME TO THE TABLE and work this mess out. The Caveat being; WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE "BOGUS GOLD INSTRUMENTS." I believe, I have bored you too long.. You each will have your own opinions and ideas. While forming same, remember; YOU ARE BENEFICIARIES OF "24%" OF THIS "OUTSTANDING GOLD INTEREST DEBT." WE ARE "NON POLITICALLY ORIENTED" in fact; IN OUR OPINION Both Democrat and Republican Parties are nothing more than "FOOT BALL" GAME PLAN PARTIES." They only care about WHICH PARTY WINS and TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE.



THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE; AND MAKE THOSE OTHERWISE PRE-DISPOSED "MAD AS HELL." V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory PO Box 113 Ida Grove, Iowa 51445 U.S.A. Telephone (712) 364-3830 The AnteChamber WebSite created by LArge Steve 2003

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