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Fact Sheet

Domestic swimming pools:

water care
Poorly maintained swimming pools can create serious health risks for users.
Humans, animals and the environment can contaminate pools with infectious
organisms. In most cases these organisms cause mild illness, but some
infections can be serious or potentially fatal.

Why keep your pool clean? Seek advice from an environmental health
officer at the local council if another water
Poorly maintained pools can create
source is to be used.
potential health risks for users. Harmful
bacteria and viruses must be killed quickly
to prevent user infection. Contaminants Water treatment
such as sunscreen, skin and hair should
also be treated or removed. Algae must Water remains in a pool for long periods of
also be controlled. time, so it must be treated to keep it clean
and safe. Proper disinfection and filtration
Contact with water contaminated with of pool water kills harmful microorganisms
microorganisms may lead to infections of and removes body fats, oils, soil and other
the skin, ears, eyes, central nervous contaminants.
system or digestive system. Hazardous
organisms can be introduced by humans, Water filtration
animals and the environment. Most cause Pool water must be regularly circulated and
mild disease but some infections can be filtered. If the pool filter doesn’t operate
serious or fatal. properly, the chemicals added to keep the
pool disinfected and clean will not be
Pool safety is also important. Children effective.
should always be supervised and pools
securely fenced. Domestic pool owners Common filter types include sand filters,
should be trained to perform diatomaceous earth and cartridge filters.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The filter system should be able to
completely filter a volume of water
equivalent to the volume of all the water in
the pool within six to eight hours. The
filtration system should operate
continuously when a pool is being used
and for at least one hour afterwards. Filters
should be cleaned regularly to ensure they
are operating at maximum efficiency.

In sewered areas, the water used to

backwash (rinse) the filter must always be
disposed to sewer. In unsewered areas
refer to the SA Environment Protection
Water supply Authority’s information sheet, ‘Disposal of
Swimming Pool Backwash Water’.
Only treated mains water from a domestic
water supply should be used to fill a pool. Testing
However, this water may have unsuitable
It is important to test the water before use
pH or mineral levels that may interfere with
and at least once every day for pH and
disinfection or damage your pool and
chlorine (or other disinfectant)
equipment with stains, scale and corrosion.
concentration. More frequent testing should
Therefore, pool water will require regular
be done in hot sunny weather or when the
testing and chemical treatment.
pool is being used by many people, so that
changes in water quality are detected
before problems develop.
Other parameters (see below) should be Salt pool chlorinators
measured at least weekly. Reliable pool
water test kits should be used - kits can be One method of chlorinating a pool is to use
purchased from swimming pool shops, a salt pool chlorinator. A measured quantity
some supermarkets, hardware and major of salt is dissolved in pool water.
department stores.
As the salt water passes through a chlorine
The following parameters should be generating cell, it produces chlorine. Refer
adjusted as necessary: to your salt chlorinator’s operation
instructions for specific details.
Recommended disinfection levels
Commercially available disinfectants for
domestic swimming pools should be used. To ensure chlorine works efficiently, the pH
Chlorine is the most common, but bromine, range must be maintained within 7.2 – 7.6.
ozone, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and This is also the ideal pH of water for the
ionising systems may be used. comfort of pool users.

If chlorine or bromine are not the main Stabiliser (cyanuric acid)

disinfecting agents, a small amount of To prevent chlorine from rapidly breaking
chlorine or another oxidising agent should down in pools exposed to direct sunlight,
be added to maintain residual disinfection cyanuric acid can be added to reduce the
activity in the water. Consult a pool supplier amount of chlorine consumed. It should be
for more information. maintained at a level of at least 30 mg/L
and no more than 50 mg/L.
The chlorine in the water that can
effectively kill bacteria is called ‘free Further advice on stabilisers can be
residual chlorine’. If chlorine is used, the obtained from a swimming pool supplier.
free residual chlorine concentration in your
pool should be maintained at 1.0 to 3.0 Total alkalinity
mg/L. The ideal level is 2 mg/L.
Total alkalinity should be checked at least
When a pool is not in use, a method such once a week to prevent cloudy water, scale
as a floating immersion dispenser should formation, metal corrosion and keep the
be used to disinfect the pool water at all water comfortable for users.
Total alkalinity should be maintained in the
After a pool is heavily used, after a range of 60 to 200 mg/L and adjusted as
rainstorm, or if a pool has been poorly necessary by using sodium bicarbonate as
maintained it may require ‘shock dosing’ to advised by a swimming pool supplier.
bring it back to a safe standard for use.
Add small quantities of chemical mixed with
Shock dosing instructions water at a time to the pool with the pump
and filter operating. Wait 10 - 15 minutes
Add sufficient chlorine to the pool water to before testing.
achieve 10 mg/L residual free chlorine. For
example, add 200mL of liquid sodium Calcium hardness
hypochlorite (12.5% available chlorine) or
To prevent scale formation, calcium
30g of granular calcium hypochlorite per
hardness should be checked once a week.
1000 litres of water.
The ideal range of calcium hardness is 150
Maintain 10 mg/L free residual chlorine for to 400 mg/L.
at least one hour.
Operate the pump and filter at all times Preventing algae
during shock dosing. Algae are small organisms that multiply
rapidly and can form slimy, green floating
Other products may be available for this material or coat surfaces. They are very
purpose. Consult with your pool supplier. common organisms brought in by rain,
Do not use the swimming pool until free wind, soil or even on swimwear and
residual chlorine falls to 4 mg/L. This may cleaning equipment.
require leaving the pool overnight.
Good pool maintenance can prevent algae 6. Ensure all electrical equipment is
growth. In pools disinfected with chlorine, maintained in good condition.
the presence of algae is an indicator that
7. Use a pool cover when the pool is not
free chlorine is not being properly
in use to keep dirt, leaves and debris
maintained. If algae is present ensure that
out, to minimise mosquito breeding,
disinfectant and pH levels are within the
recommended ranges. and to reduce water loss by
Algae can also be controlled by the use of 8. Store, handle and use pool chemicals
an algaecide, but if algae persist consult according to the manufacturer’s
your pool supplier. instructions.

Topping up the pool Domestic pools should not be

Top up pool water regularly using a hand- used if:
held hose or bucket. Check disinfectant
 the water has been heavily
and pH levels after topping up. All top up
water should be added via the skimmer box contaminated
with the filtration system running.  the disinfectant level and/or pH is not
within the recommended ranges or the
pool water is dirty or cloudy
Water temperature
 the recirculation pumps and filters are
Water temperature is one of the factors that not operating properly.
affect disinfection, so treatment should be
adjusted to maintain recommended values.
If the pool is continuously heated it will Further information
require continuous disinfection. For heated
SA Health website:
pools, check the temperature regularly and
maintain it at a comfortable 26 - 30ºC.
Maintenance +and+recreational+waters/pools+at+home
All domestic swimming pools need regular
South Australian Environment Protection
1. Remove litter and vacuum the bottom Authority website:
of the pool regularly to remove dirt and
debris. nfo/water_quality/programs/stormwater/adv
2. Scrub the pool walls and surrounding ice_and_assistance
areas regularly to remove debris.
3. Clean the pump lint-pot and filter
system regularly (daily when using Pool and spa safety
manual dosing).
4. Repair any damaged pool surfaces property/owning-a-property/pool-and-spa-
keep pipes, filters and motors in good safety
working order.
5. Service all pool equipment according to
manufacturer’s directions.

For more information

Health Protection Programs
Health Protection and Licensing Services
Department for Health and Wellbeing
PO Box 6
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 08 8226 7100

© Department for Health and Wellbeing, Government of South Australia. All rights reserved.

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