Female Gaming, Gaming Addiction, and The Role of Women Within Gaming Culture: A Narrative Literature Review

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Female Gaming, Gaming Addiction, and the Role of Women Within Gaming
Culture: A Narrative Literature Review

Article  in  Frontiers in Psychiatry · June 2019

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00454


45 2,153

4 authors:

Olatz Lopez-Fernandez A. Jess Williams

Fundación Jiménez Díaz King's College London


Mark D Griffiths Daria Kuss

Nottingham Trent University Nottingham Trent University


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published: 10 July 2019
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00454

Female Gaming, Gaming Addiction,

and the Role of Women Within
Gaming Culture: A Narrative
Literature Review
Olatz Lopez-Fernandez 1 ,2*, A. Jess Williams 1,3, Mark D. Griffiths 1 and Daria J. Kuss 1
1 International Gaming Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom,
2 Turning Point, Eastern Health and Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 3 Institute for Mental Health,
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Research investigating female gaming has begun to emerge despite gaming being
traditionally more popular with males. Research in the 21st century has drawn attention
to the role of women in culture, society, and technology, and female gaming is one of the
Edited by: growing phenomena not to have been researched in depth. The aim of the present paper
Takahiro A. Kato, was to review female gaming (i.e., the role of females within video game culture) and identify
Kyushu University,
any associated psychopathological symptomatology. The review adapted the Sample,
Reviewed by:
Phenomenon of Interest, Design, Evaluation, Research (SPIDER) model in conducting a
Giuseppe Carrà, narrative literature review. A search of three scientific electronic databases yielded 49 papers
University of Milano-Bicocca,
for further evaluation. From a methodological perspective, studies had to fulfill the following
Rodrigo Marín-Navarrete, criteria to be included: i) published between the years 2000 and 2018; ii) assessed female
Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría gaming or the female position within gaming culture, iii) contained quantitative, qualitative,
Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz (INPRFM),
or mixed methods approaches to produce empirical data or discuss theoretical implications
through reviews, iv) be retrievable as a full-text peer-reviewed journal paper, and v) published
Olatz Lopez-Fernandez in English, German, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or French. Four categories emerged
[email protected];
from the papers: i) the benefits of female gaming, ii) why women might play video games
[email protected]
less than men, iii) perceptions and realities of female characters within video games, and
Specialty section: iv) women’s position in gaming culture. The main findings showed playing video games has
This article was submitted to benefits for women in terms of enhancing cognitive, social, and physical abilities. However,
Addictive Disorders,
a section of the journal they are less encouraged to play video games due to negative expectations based on gender
Frontiers in Psychiatry and/or experiences during game play. Video games are associated with stereotypical male
Received: 20 January 2019 characteristics, such as being overly aggressive, and frequently contain sexualized content.
Accepted: 10 June 2019
Female gamers appear to require coping strategies to handle online harassment. Females
Published: 10 July 2019
look for different things in video games, which are not often included in game designs thereby
Lopez-Fernandez O, Williams AJ, limiting their abilities. For instance, female avatar representation—which is exaggerated and
Griffiths MD and Kuss DJ (2019) hypersexualized—can prompt social comparisons and lead to feelings of decreased self-
Female Gaming, Gaming Addiction,
and the Role of Women Within esteem, depression, and other impacts on well-being. Overall, there are still obstacles for
Gaming Culture: A Narrative women playing video games even though they comprise half of the gaming population.
Literature Review.
Front. Psychiatry 10:454. Keywords: internet addiction, internet gaming disorder, gaming disorder, behavioral addiction, female gaming,
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00454 gaming culture, narrative review

Frontiers in Psychiatry  |  www.frontiersin.org 1 July 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 454

Lopez-Fernandez et al. Female Gaming, Addiction, and Culture

INTRODUCTION for shorter periods compared with men. They take on their own
female roles as gamers and have their own i) gaming experience
Over the past two decades, the number of female video game and habits, ii) game motivations and choices, iii) technology
players has increased, and females today make up half of the preferences, and iv) gamer identity. In summary, this research has
gaming population according to both the Entertainment Software found that female casual gamers report i) peripheral knowledge
Association (ESA) (1) and the Interactive Software Federation of from gaming [i.e., technical knowledge, games knowledge in First-
Europe (ISFE) (2). Simultaneously, research on addictive internet Person Shooter (FPS) and MMORPGs]; ii) gaming as a domestic
use has proliferated, and gaming disorder was recently recognized life priority (i.e., gaming as an activity influenced by shared vs.
as a new mental health disorder (and a behavioral addiction) non-shared leisure pursuit, unsympathetic partner, facilitating
by the World Health Organization (3). Thus, gaming addiction social behavior; e.g., Wii Walk It Out); iii) gaming as a personal
is now officially a new psychopathology that has emerged as a preoccupation (e.g., as routine in daily life, to satisfy an emotional
consequence of the development and increasing popularity of need, for competition and/or self-challenge, as an enjoyable waste
video games and online technologies during the 21st century. of time, or as a hobby); and iv) gaming and technology as gendered
Despite the growing female gaming population, almost (i.e., concerns about gendered stereotypes) because female gamers
all research on gaming addiction is focused on male gamers. characterize themselves as “tech-savvy” (which goes alongside
Currently, there is no agreement on the prevalence of gaming social perceptions as “geeky guys” because gamer identity appears
addiction due to its conceptualization and methodological to be more associated with masculinity). However, it has also been
problems within the research that has been conducted to date. found that women feel comfortable making technology purchases
This is because most research i) comprises surveys using non- and consider age as a more important factor than gender, which
representative samples (i.e., instead of using randomized appears to negatively affect older women who do not grow up
samples, or other methodological approaches, such as classic with technologies and online video games. Finally, female identity
experiments or mixed methods research); ii) uses different scales is sometimes viewed as vulnerable and may underlie why some
to assess problematic gaming [e.g., Problem Video Game Playing female gamers utilize male avatars in-game.
Questionnaire (4) for offline and online video gaming, Internet However, from a neuroimaging perspective, Wang and colleagues
Gaming Disorder Scale–Short-Form (5)]; iii) uses scales and (14) recently found that females appear to be more vulnerable to
screens based on different addiction criteria (e.g., substance use online gaming addiction relative to males. The study tried to get
disorder criteria, gambling disorder criteria); iv) uses different a better understanding of sex differences relating to biological
cutoff scores even when using the same instrument; v) utilizes mechanisms underlying IGD, a proposed mental health disorder
different conceptualizations of gaming [e.g., problematic gaming, included in the final section of the latest (fifth) Diagnostic and
addictive gaming, internet gaming disorder (IGD), online gaming Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) by the American
disorder, offline gaming disorder]; vi) assesses gaming without Psychiatric Association (16). They used the structural magnetic
taking into account the various technologies and devices (e.g., resonance imaging technique and detected a group-by-sex
computers, consoles, smartphones, and tablets); and vii) does not interaction. More specifically, they found that male and female
tend to take into account the different game genres played [e.g., IGD participants had increased and reduced cortical thickness,
massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), respectively, alongside their right posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)
multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, etc.]. compared to same-sex recreational game players. Contrarily,
For these reasons, the estimated prevalence rates of disordered male and female IGD participants reduced and increased cortical
gaming have been reported to range from 0.2% up to 34% (6), thickness, respectively, in their right PCC. Moreover, only females
which is highly variable for a disorder. However, among samples had negative correlations between cortical thickness and their
using nationally representative data, the range is much smaller self-reported cravings and IGD scores. These findings suggest that
(up to 9% at most) (6). Higher prevalence rates are reported in males and females are differently affected by IGD and that women
Asian countries, especially in young adult males (7). However, are more vulnerable than men based on the effects created by IGD
very little attention has been paid to the societal and cultural in the brain regions examined.
parameters associated with gaming, even in cross-cultural More recent quantitative studies analyzing IGD (17, 18) have
studies. These tend to have a robust psychometric approach that found that the prevalence of disordered gaming appears to be
usually guarantees measurement invariance across languages more balanced than previous studies. For instance, a recent
(8, 9) and focus on individual factors (10, 11). However, these study (17) found differences between genders when comparing
recent studies suggest an integrative biocultural approach (i.e., specific problematic internet uses, where the potential at-risk
to distinguish universal as opposed to culturally contingent problem online gamers comprised 10.8% of the total sample
dimensions of human suffering) as well as addressing socio- (i.e., 5.3% males and 5.5% females). Moreover, how gaming
cultural factors and how these impact on mental health (in preference affects IGD scores across genders has been also
general) and problem gaming as a potential form of behavioral observed (18), where IGD was predicted by several variables
addiction (more specifically). with gender differences. This included time spent online, gaming
During the past decade, a few empirical studies have specifically motives, and depressive symptoms. For female gamers, IGD
researched female gaming (12–14). Through interviews and online predictors included higher time spent online, higher scores on
diaries, Lewis and Griffiths (12), as well as McLean and Griffiths specific gaming motives (i.e., escape and competition), together
(15), highlighted that women usually play casual games typically with significant depressive symptoms, compared with male

Frontiers in Psychiatry  |  www.frontiersin.org 2 July 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 454

Lopez-Fernandez et al. Female Gaming, Addiction, and Culture

gamers [e.g., whose IGD predictors were two types of motives and hypersexualized). Nevertheless, solutions to some of the
to play online video games (i.e., escape and coping), together effects of stereotype threat on females’ gaming performance have
with higher depressive symptoms than females]. been demonstrated via experiments. Kaye and Pennington (25)
Another gender issue in IGD concerns gaming preference across examined the impact of stereotype threat on female online gamers’
genders. For example, the respective game genre that individuals performance (i.e., situations in which individuals’ performance may
play has a different effect on IGD score depending upon the player’s be hindered by stereotype-salient cues), and whether manipulating
gender, although results are contradictory (e.g., men appear to prefer the availability of multiple social identities (i.e., personal self and the
MMORPGs, while women appear to prefer casual video games) self as a product of valued social groups) is established effectively for
(18). For men, coping is a predictor of IGD, while for women, eliminating these performance decrements. Findings showed that
competition is a predictor, whereas escapism is a predictor of IGD stereotype-threatened females underperformed on the gaming task
in both genders. However, in a recent quantitative study concerning relative to males in the control condition (e.g., prejudice in online
female gaming, women who played video games also reported video games), and the intervention of multiple social identities
spending more time on role-playing games, MMORPGs, FPS appeared to protect females’ gaming performance from stereotype
games, simulation games, action-adventure games, casual games, threat (e.g., via more supportive gaming communities through
and MOBA games. Moreover, achievement and social motivations inter-group cooperative tasks).
were predictors of IGD and daily time spent online (19). Thus, the Thus, two types of harms appear to be associated with
preferred game genre may explain differences between genders in female gaming at present: i) the personal harm of potential
terms of time spent gaming (e.g., especially FPS games, MMORPGs, gaming addiction at an individual and psychopathological
and MOBA games) and IGD scores (e.g., especially MMOPRGs and level, and ii) the societal harm of stigmatizing female gaming at
MOBA games), at least among female gamers (19). a community and psychosocial level. To date, few studies have
Clinicians treating gaming addiction have reported that this focused on the second type of harm studies, and even fewer
mental disorder may go unnoticed in females (20) and that women have examined gaming behaviors based on individual gamers’
being treated for this problem appear to show differences in the perceptions and potential risk of psychopathology, such as
experience of other psychopathologies (including IGD and other gaming addiction [e.g., IGD (17–19) or Gaming Disorder (5)].
addictions) compared with men (21). Nevertheless, problematic Moreover, almost all studies reported have focused on negative
and potentially pathological gaming in women has rarely been consequences associated with female gaming without assessing
addressed in either theoretical work or empirical research. female gaming behavior from both positive and negative
With respect to the scarce literature on female gaming and female perspectives at individual and community levels. Consequently,
gaming culture (22), women are arguably situated outside of video there is a gap in knowledge regarding female gaming from a
game culture (i.e., they are not part of traditional masculine gaming gender perspective, including its nature, benefits, and potential
culture) (18, 19), which results in a low gamer identity profile (and risks to individual and community health.
is a reason why women may choose a male avatar while gaming In order to overcome the limitations in female gaming
or is more competitive than male gamers), and needs to take into research, the aim of this narrative literature review is to provide
account about how and why female gaming can become stigmatized. a comprehensive overview of studies assessing female gaming
Women are often discriminated against by male players, which also or the position of women within gaming culture. The present
discourages women from labeling themselves as gamers (13). paper includes studies from both an individual perspective and
A number of comprehensive narrative reviews have been a cultural perspective in order to obtain a more inclusive and
undertaken regarding the phenomenon of female gaming relating contemporary view of gaming behavior in females.
to gaming culture. According to male gender stereotypes, women
are not considered as “true” or “hard-core” gamers (where video
game skill is viewed as the main defining feature of a “gamer,” e.g., METHODS
playing more complex and competitive video games on dedicated
consoles, identifying with the gaming community, and sometimes Data Source, Search Strategy,
engaging in competitive electronic sports where gamers can and Research Questions
earn money in international tournaments), mainly because they A narrative review of the literature was undertaken to identify all of
appear to play more casually and less skillfully compared to their the relevant publications concerning female gaming, female gaming
male counterparts (23). However, this depends on how “gamer” addiction, and the position of women within gaming culture. The
is defined and the fact that most professional gamers are male. review adapted the Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, Design,
Furthermore, female players who achieve a high level of skill and Evaluation, Research (SPIDER) model in conducting a narrative
competence are invisible and/or actively marginalized and may be literature review (25). This is an alternative search strategy tool
problematic in terms of the conceptualization of “female gamer.” compared to the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome
Moreover, the association between representation of women (PICO) model, which is usually used as a systematic search
within video games and their well-being has been recently studied strategy tool intended for quantitative research questions (26). The
(24). Findings showed female gamers report self-objectification following research questions where formulated: 1) What is the role
and consequently perceive low levels of self-efficacy, which was of the female gamers in gaming behavior and gaming culture in
corroborated by both genders (e.g., female characters are usually contemporary society? 2) Which variables have an influence on
subordinate to the male hero, in addition to being objectified the role of female gamers at an individual and community level?

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Between February and March 2018, a literature search was gaming; ii) why women might play video games less than men;
conducted using the scientific databases Web of Science (WoS), iii) perceptions and realities of female characters within video
PsycInfo, and PubMed. The following search terms were entered games; and iv) women’s position in gaming culture. The results
with regard to female gaming, specifically, girl* OR woman OR section briefly outlines each of these. A few studies had material
female* OR women AND game* OR gaming AND mobile OR which could be included in more than one category.
online OR video* OR digital OR MMO* OR MOBA OR virtual
The Benefits of Female Gaming [n = 11]
Within the included studies, several considered how women
Eligibility Criteria engaging with video games might have a beneficial outcome.
The SPIDER model structured the search terms and eligibility of These comprised research examining clinical or environmental
criteria (see Table 1). interventions (35–40), investigating cognitive and social learning,
as well as strategies developed through game play (36, 37, 41–45).
Studies that investigated the utility of video games to enrich an
Study Selection and Data Extraction aspect of the participants’ life were proportionally more recent
Following title and abstract review, duplicate papers were removed.
than those which considered other features of female gaming
All other papers that appeared to meet the inclusion criteria were
(35–40). Clinical interventions considered the physical (36, 37,
then assessed using the full text. At this point, any variations from
39) and mental benefits (35, 37, 38) which could be offered to
the inclusion criteria were noted, and these papers were excluded.
women who interact with video games. All of these studies saw
For instance, studies where the female subpopulation could not
improvements in their participants’ abilities or health. However,
be distinguished from the male subpopulation were excluded.
they had relatively small sample sizes (ranging from two seniors
In addition to this, studies which were not published in peer-
(37, 40) to 23 women (37). The majority of studies also recruited
reviewed journals were excluded as indicated in the inclusion
from only one website (35, 38, 40).
criteria (27–34). The search strategy is presented in Figure 1.
Despite these limitations, video games were shown to have
All included studies were read, and key pieces of information
physical benefits, such as encouraging exercise in adults with
were extracted including: sample size, recruitment process and
lower mobility due to age and illnesses (37, 38, 40) and relieving
participants, design of the study, aims, measures or tools used,
pain symptoms in participants with fibromyalgia syndrome
main results, and the implications of the study. Thematic synthesis
by offering cognitive distraction (38). Female gaming was also
was then conducted.
shown to improve mental well-being because video games were
demonstrated to be acceptable psychotherapeutic tools to assist
RESULTS mental health recovery in adolescents (35). Gaming positively
influenced executive functioning ability in women with urinary
Forty-nine studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria for incontinence (37) and attention in elderly individuals (40). Two
this review (see Figure 1; see Appendix A in the Supplementary studies considered how gaming environments might be utilized
Material). As this study was the first of this nature concerning as a teaching tool within undergraduate student populations
female gaming, the included studies represented research using (36). In both studies, it was observed that learners with less
various methodologies, such as clinical trials, experimental gaming experience showed lower levels of presence within the
studies, and case studies, as well as other methodologies. Four environment than others and that women were just as likely to
main types of research were identified: i) the benefits of female succeed with this type of educational intervention as men (36, 39).

TABLE 1 | SPIDER Table of Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.

Inclusion Exclusion

Sample Prioritization was given to female gamers, although other samples Female gamers not addressing female gamers issues at an individual
including male gamers were included if there was a subsample of or community levels; male gamer samples; or female and male gamer
women analyzed independently as a specific gender samples where both were analyzed together as a unique gender
Phenomenon of Interest Studies about female gaming or females in gaming culture Studies examining other related themes (e.g., male gamers, industry
professionals, etc).
Studies which do not specifically consider gaming or gaming culture
Design Theoretical (e.g., reviews) or empirical peer-reviewed papers Non-peer reviewed papers (e.g., gray literature, book chapters,
with all methodological approaches (e.g., experiments, survey, conference proceedings, PhD theses, etc).
qualitative or mixed-methods)
Evaluation Synthesis, quantitative analysis, qualitative or mixed methods Any paper not addressing the topic included in the research
analyses of benefits of female gaming, why women play questions (e.g., women learning electroacoustic composition)
video games, and female characters within video games; and
women’s role in gaming culture.
Research Type Peer-reviewed journal articles published between the years Peer-reviewed papers published in the 20th century. Gray literature
2000 and 2018, with full text available in English, German, (e.g., conference papers, reports, thesis, dissertations), protocols,
Polish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, or French. editorials, opinion pieces, etc).

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Lopez-Fernandez et al. Female Gaming, Addiction, and Culture

FIGURE 1 | Flow chart displaying the search process.

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Lopez-Fernandez et al. Female Gaming, Addiction, and Culture

However, DeNoyelles and colleagues (36) concluded that college- and emotional coping). One study found that if women play as
age women were less likely to be gamers. Therefore, they suggested often as men, they tend to reach similar levels of success within
that female non-gamers might struggle slightly more due to less the game, discouraging the belief that women are less skilful at
gaming experience and suggested standardized support according gaming (46). However, they also noted that female players tend to
to gender. play less or stop earlier than their male counterparts, which they
Even at an early age, it has been demonstrated that girls have argued was due to gender expectations and peer community, e.g.,
similar abilities to gain strategy and performance skills by playing game play was viewed as male dominated (46). These implications
video games compared to boys (41). This was shown in 104 originated from two large studies of 9,483 players and 18,000
children (second to fifth-grade) where frequency of gaming was responses across two online video games. The vast majority of both
viewed as a better predictor of gaming performance and strategy populations were men, 82% and 74.5%, respectively (46); thus,
than gender (41). This was reinforced by Olson and colleagues from the respondents alone these studies indicate a community
(45) who considered the main differences between video game heavily featuring men.
play of males and females to be the amount of time spent playing The lower levels of female gaming may also be due to the nature of
and the types of video games. In a sample of 1,254 children taken video games and the relationship with personal traits. For instance,
from two schools’ seventh and eighth grade classes, it was shown violence and aggression are the focal point of many video games,
that gaming was very common with 93.6% of children playing such as FPS games. It has been suggested that repeated exposure
video games over the past 6  months but that boys were much to violent video games may elicit more aggression from boys than
more likely to play over 15 h a week in comparison to girls (45). girls (47). A study of 98 adolescents from China indicated that
In a cross-country study of 145 young girls (M = 11.3 years) there was no difference in reaction time to aggressive words when
who played video games online, it was shown that prosocial girls were primed by violent and non-violent video games, but that
gaming exposure to typical online video games (e.g., MMORPGs) boys scored significantly higher when playing violent video games
had a strong relationship with perspective taking and sympathy, (47). This finding is supported by previous results (48) suggesting
suggesting less severe violence acceptance (43). Within in-person that violent-sexist video games are related to masculine beliefs
co-playing, a subsample of girls demonstrated heightened prosocial (e.g., aggression and dominance), and therefore reduced empathic
behavior and stronger emotional connection when engaging with feelings when considering violence towards women. This might
their parents (44). Again, this is evidence that video game playing suggest that girls play video games less frequently than boys due
has a positive impact on how girls develop their cognitive abilities, to the level of aggression required by some video games. However,
including social interaction. Alternatively, Olson and colleagues Ferguson and Donnellan (49) found contradictory results when
(45) demonstrated that more boys played video games than girls running confirmatory analysis of Gabbiadini and colleagues’
and that gaming could be utilized as a male anger management (48) three-way interaction between game condition (neutral,
strategy. This could be reflective of how adolescents are primed to violent, or violent-sexist), gender, and avatar identification. This
cope with emotional responses. demonstrated that there was no indication of a main effect of
It has also been found that adult female gamers need less input game content on empathy towards girls and that masculine beliefs
when evoking response reactions than female non-gamers and were affected only slightly (p = 0.049). The authors suggested that
have a greater neural plasticity which enhances this ability due to this inconsistency of results would likely be reduced by a cultural
the familiarity of movements which are needed in gaming (42). research shift to preregistered studies and a focus on the validity of
This was verified in two studies by Gorbet and Sergio (42), in which published results (49).
they showed that playing video games has beneficial consequences Generally, it is argued that exposure to violent video games
on visuomotor performance but that these brain patterns are can increase aggressive behavior and that this motivation can be
different from previous studies observing male responses, which higher when playing as a same-sex character (50). This second
may indicate different ways in which male and female brains react point relates less strongly to female gaming due to there being
to problem solving within video games. Nonetheless, video games fewer female characters to act as (50) and because violence in video
have a positive impact on muscle movements and response times games causes women to disengage earlier (51). Within their study
to stimuli, as well as enhancing brain plasticity (42). of 444 students across two universities, Hartmann and colleagues
(51) suggested that women had limited exposure to violent video
games due to trait empathy, which caused more anticipated guilt
Why Women Might Play Less Video Games while playing, and therefore reducing enjoyment. Both men and
than Men [n = 17] women often select male avatars, which has been associated with
Traditionally, women are thought to play less video games than more aggressive game play (52). For women, the selection of a
men (13, 14). Several studies included in this narrative review male avatar may negatively influence the level of identification
discussed this consideration and offered reasons why female with the avatar. This may lead to women playing less often than
gaming is less common. Notable was the influence of gender men not due to aggression but due to less presence with characters
expectations among those that engaged with playing video games. within the video games. This conjecture is supported by studies
As previously mentioned, Olson and colleagues (45) attributed from Eastin (53), which indicate that same-sex avatars encourage
gender differences in time spent gaming to how social gender greater levels of presence within players, influencing aggression
identities influence how children play, although male and female (54). Therefore, it is possible that female gamers do not succeed
children play for the same reasons (e.g., fun, creative engagement, as much within violent video games as they often have to play an

Frontiers in Psychiatry  |  www.frontiersin.org 6 July 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 454

Lopez-Fernandez et al. Female Gaming, Addiction, and Culture

opposite-sex character competing against opposite-sex characters, harassment was to reduce communication either completely or
reducing their presence and aggression, thus causing less success by masking their voices. By doing this, coordination abilities with
when leveling up or mastering the game. teammates were reduced, causing women to level up more slowly
Related to this, Norris (54) explored how individuals with than their male counterparts.
aggressive personalities might interact with computer use and Motivations for game play may also be indicated as a reason why
gaming in a population of 430 women recruited online. The women tend to play less than men. One study found that women
population was split by those who were gamers and those who used playing Diablo III tended to be motivated by their partners acting
chat rooms. Gamers were not found to be more aggressive than as a proxy player for the partner’s character when the male partner
chatters, but more frequent game play was associated with more was too busy to play (60). This often ended with women deciding
aggression within gamers (54). Using computers was thought to to buy and play the game themselves, often playing longer and
be masculine, with women who scored highly for masculine traits spending more money than men (60). While this might not be
(e.g., being active, independent, and competitive) being shown a usual way to introduce others to gaming, the study provided
to have higher levels of computer use (54). This provides some evidence that encouraging female gaming had a positive effect on
evidence for the association between game play and aggression. women wanting to play video games more often. This could relate
However, it does not consider the type of video games that the to women feeling that playing video games influences their value
gamers in this sample played or the violent content of these. Again, as a significant other, which was demonstrated by Kasumovic and
encouraging computer use and viewing gaming as a cross-cultural colleagues (61) within their studies. Sexual interest and mate value
activity (rather than masculine activity) was suggested (54). were positively related to violent video game exposure among
Alternatively, Ferguson and Donnellan (49) suggest that female women, and this was discussed as being due to women feeling
gamers tend to get stressed within gaming not because of the like more attractive partners by having this shared interest (61).
hostility or aggression of video games, but instead the annoyance Therefore, a motivation to engage with gaming might be related
of the game not being suited to them or what they would naturally to self-perceived sexual attractiveness.
select to play. This would suggest that women play less than men Not only do video games have some utility to elicit motivation
simply due to annoyance that the video games are not developed through self-perceived attraction, but Song and Fox (62) suggest
with female audiences in mind, as much as their male counterparts. that romantic video games can relate to these beliefs and thereby
A major reason why women tend to play less video games than motivate romantically inclined individuals to participate in this
men is the coping strategies that are required to handle harassment activity. This study found that women with higher identification
online (55–57). One benefit of anonymous online game play is with their avatars had stronger parasocial beliefs (the perception
that individuals may change their gender (e.g., changing their of the figure to be known socially, rather than seen as a fictional
avatar from male to female or vice versa), allowing them to explore character) about the romantic target within the game. These
their gender identities (55). However, this can also have negative individuals also tended to have stronger beliefs about idealized
consequences. For example, Crow and Watts (55) found that some romance (62). In this sense, the motivation to play is related to
male teenagers changed their gender online to gain help from their desire of maintaining the relationship with the character
other players in the game or to help get rare items. This reinforced within game, similar to studies which indicate shared gaming is a
the stereotype that female players were less skilled and seeking positive aspect of the partner relationship (60, 61).
preferential treatment, thus generally having to deal with more
harassment. Women acting as male characters online was viewed
as a valid strategy for handling harassment (55–58). Indeed, Martey Perceptions and Realities of Female
and colleagues (58) found that while men were more likely to switch Characters within Video Games [n = 12]
their avatar´s gender, they often did not seek to hide their offline Nearly one quarter of the included studies observed female
gender, unlike women. Gender switching was considered to be characters within video games. These are broadly separated into
more of a strategic selection within this sample (58), which might studies considering the appearance of characters (63–67), how
be related to the older age of the participants, averaging 29 years in these characters were used in the video games (68–70), and how
comparison to the adolescents in Crowe and Watts’ sample (55). the characters themselves influence gamers’ beliefs (71–74). A
In their qualitative study of strategies for online harassment, Cote number of these studies considered the physical characteristics
(56) noted that strategies for managing gaming environments were of female characters through video game covers or game
often used such as playing offline, blocking players, and needing to representation within gaming culture (63–65). It was often noted
prove oneself within the game. In informal conversations with nine that women were less featured than men on game covers and that
online gamers, four of whom were women, coping strategies again when they were featured, this was in a highly sexualized manner
favored anonymity of gender, non-verbal play, and banding with with exaggerated bodies, particularly regarding size of breasts
other women when dealing with sexual harassment or expectations and buttocks and slimness of waist (63, 65–69). Fisher (65), who
from other players (59). Female gamers were considered inherently considered characters from video game magazines, suggested
different, in that their legitimacy was put into question and they that women were represented as sex objects rather than actual
were asked to “prove” their gender (59). This hinders women from characters or avatars for gamers. These studies noted that positive
having the same gaming experience as men, and it impacts on their portrayals were rare and weak within presentation, which may
progression within video games (57, 59). Fox and Tang (57) found further discourage video game use among women (65). Indeed,
that across multiple countries, a common technique to avoid this may detract from how women interact with gaming culture.

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Across 368 characters, it was shown that female video game the female study (32 participants compared to 51 within the
characters were smaller than a typical American and had unrealistic first study) (71), or it could be a representation of video game
body proportions (67). Worryingly, Martins and colleagues (67) priming at earlier ages.
suggested that the highest degree of photorealism within characters Another study, which was more recently published, also
were those taken from children’s video games. Unsurprisingly, examined male and female university students across two studies
video games intended for older audiences tend to feature the (74). They found that video games featuring hyper-idealized
most sexualized characters, with fighting video games having the character bodies had a positive impact on body image satisfaction
highest sexualization overall (66). Sexualization of women within and attitudes among women but worsened these beliefs among
video games was not shown to be associated with the success of men (74). These studies were conducted with a larger pool of
video game sales across a 31-year period (66). Alternatively, within students (149 female students and 197 males) (74). However, with
Spanish versions of console game covers, longitudinal comparative regard to abilities, it was considered women might make downward
analysis suggested that there has been a decrease in the presence comparisons based on the empowerment of physical capabilities
of violence and sexual objectification in female characters in by the avatar (74). In children, the physical traits representing
more recent years (64). It is key to note here that across countries, particular abilities were viewed as positive, whereas in adulthood
depending on laws and policies in different countries, the covers comparisons related to body may be more apparently negative.
of video games may vary and that the results of Burgess et al. (63), One concern that is apparent from studies examining avatar
Fisher (65), and Martins and colleagues (67) are related specifically bodies is the impact that they can have on the acceptability of
to US game releases. Near (70) stated that in their study of 399 video violence towards and rape of women. Among 141 undergraduate
games purposively sampled from US sales, having a woman in the students, it was found that following violence against women
center or alone on the game cover negatively impacted sales. within video games, sexualized objectification and condoning
As noted by Burgess and colleagues (63), male characters were rape myths increased in male participants (72). It was considered
almost 4 times more likely to be portrayed than female characters that the level of exposure and increased realism of the game
on console video game covers and were given significantly more influenced these attitudes so as to appear more acceptable (72).
game-relevant action. Of the utility given to women within Again, for adolescents, playing as sexualized female characters
video games, female characters are more likely to be secondary indicated greater acceptance of rape myths and tolerance of
to the story of the game than males, and their role is typically sexual harassment (73). These studies indicate the influence of
sexualized. This was shown across 571 video games with playable sexualized characters within video games and highlight how
female characters (66). This relationship is not demonstrated in characters’ appearances can have negative influences on beliefs
the sample of 12 contemporary video games of 22 characters which may translate to real women and which could appear
conducted by Jansz and Martis (69), who found that while male as sexual harassment to women offline. Alternatively, when
characters dominated video games, there was equal gender designing female characters in video games, a sample of 14
distribution between leading protagonists. Alternatively, female females aged between 14 and 75 years demonstrated that they
support characters were considered to hold more dominant thought professionalism and interpersonal relationships were
positions compared to their male counterparts who were more important to a character than appearance, emphasizing
considered to be submissive (69). On the other hand, when behavior over physical characteristics (75). From this type of
looking at how children interpret physical features of characters, understanding, game designers might be able to develop avatars
it was suggested that strength or masculine characteristics, such which encourage more women to play video games and convey
as athletic arms, are a translation of the character’s abilities less stereotypical roles.
rather than just for appearance (68). While this study was
only conducted with 19 children, seven of whom were girls, it
suggests that the appearance of a character is acceptable if it is Women’s Position in Gaming Culture [n = 14]
representative of the abilities the characters hold. Women are considered to be less engaged with gaming than men
However, while this is an interesting consideration of how (12, 13, 76). It is possible that this extends to the culture as well
children might interpret characters’ bodies, there have been as game play. However, despite this gender bias towards men,
several studies showing that a game character’s appearance women are a part of gaming culture (23). This is emphasized
may negatively impact how people perceive their own bodies by their positions as designers, gamers, and as users of gaming
(67, 71, 74). Martins and colleagues (67) considered that the technology. Nevertheless, gaming culture is still considered to
high level of photorealism within children’s video games could be a male-dominated environment (76), and the competence of
influence body dissatisfaction at an early age and negatively women in these positions is often questioned (59, 77–79).
impact how children perceive healthy bodies. For university In a commentary paper, Harvey and Fisher (76) discussed the
students, the effect of characters’ bodies on self-perception has context of how women in gaming culture are perceived. Their study
been demonstrated in both males and females, with both studies emphasized the challenges of being in this environment, particularly
demonstrating reduced self-esteem (71). Interestingly, the in the position of a video game designer (76). Within their
female study evidenced that although self-esteem was impacted, commentary, they claimed that female designers received attention
body satisfaction was not, and this was attributed to female for physical appearance and as a “token female” rather than being
gamers considering the unrealistic comparisons being made (71). considered for their abilities of game design. Arguably, this mimics
This might be a reflection of a smaller sample being used in the harassment seen within the online gaming environment itself,

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and because of these issues, it was noted that there was a constant gendered beliefs towards women within video games when they
problem of visibility as a female designer (76), again relating to the are represented in a hyper-sexualized way, which may influence
coping strategies observed to deal with online harassment (56, 57). external considerations regarding women’s abilities.
However, it was also acknowledged that some of the hostility came Although gaming culture is mostly viewed as comprising
from other women within gaming culture, promoting exclusivity, men, a literature review evaluating 10 video games suggested that
invalidating other players, and being unsupportive of other gamers were more evenly distributed in gender (23). As gender
women within gaming (76). This was likely associated with women visibility is often limited as a coping mechanism within game play
consistently having their position within the culture challenged. (57, 59), this study suggested that men are more visible, allowing
A clear example of this discrimination is described by a study them to more easily identify with the “gamer” label (23). However,
(77) which included the argument between Ryan Perez (a game it does appear that there are fewer women who play these video
journalist for the Destructoid video game blog) and Wil Wheaton games more heavily due various game play elements such as
(an American actor) regarding Felicia Day, a prominent female violence, aggression, and/or representation, and this may explain
gamer. This incident included Perez slandering Day, reducing her why women stop gaming at earlier stages than men (46, 49, 53,
to a sexual image, instead of an actual gamer. Perez suggested 56, 57, 59). Paaßen and colleagues (23) go one step further and
that she had poor gaming skills, and Wheaton defended Day suggest that the stereotype of gamers is accepted into the identity
(77). From this interaction, the bias against women in gaming of male gamers, whereas women are required to be either a
culture is evident, considering that the attack from Perez was woman or a gamer, marginalizing women within gaming culture.
unprovoked by Day, her behaviors, or her fans. It is important
to note that other men within gaming culture do not share these
beliefs (including Wheaton), and this might encourage resistance DISCUSSION
against such comments in the future.
In the incident against Day, her competence as a gamer was The aim of this narrative literature review was to provide a
questioned (77). This is a common pattern seen within gaming comprehensive overview of empirical and theoretical studies
culture (79). Across two studies, Kaye et al. (79) demonstrated that concerning female gaming and the position of women within
avatar gender has an impact on how competent a player is considered gaming culture from an individual and cultural perspective. The
to be. In their initial study, women with male avatars were considered 49 studies in the review of female gaming were classified into four
to be more highly skilled than women playing as female characters, types of research studies, namely, i) benefits of female gaming,
an effect that was not seen within male gamers. The second study ii) why women play video games less than men, iii) perceptions
attributes this to gender-role beliefs predicting sexist beliefs across and realities of female characters within video games, and
MMO games and FPS games (79). Again, this relates to the gender iv) women’s position within contemporary gaming culture. Each
swapping seen in previous studies as well as the responses which are of these will be discussed below.
attributed to this behavior (55). Within their small study, Linderoth The studies reviewed indicate that playing video games has a
and Ohrn (59) found that players were typically assumed to be male wide variety of benefits for women, in terms of both physical and
and therefore more competent, reinforcing the idea that women mental health benefits. Empirical research suggests women have
need more help or favors within video games. much to gain from interacting with video games at a variety of ages
Despite this study’s small sample size and low number of female and by playing different types of video games (17–19). Gaming
gamers (four participants), it is evident that there is a bias in favor by females in childhood and adolescence may enhance cognitive,
of men as gamers seen across research (59, 79, 80). However, this social, and/or movement abilities and enhance engagement with
bias is not just among men. In their study of 39 female university educational tools (18, 19). Indeed, the benefits of enhanced
students, Vermeulen and colleagues (80) demonstrated that brain plasticity and reaction times may be advantages for offline
women take gender as an indicator of skill when gaming, and they interactions, such as sporting activities or  problem solving.
experienced more stress when playing against men. Considering Integrating gaming more fluidly into female’s lives may improve
this issue, the authors (80) suggested that this reaction was based mental and physical health long term, as well as reduce isolation
on competitiveness as a perceived skill, where this competitive through online communication (19).
response was greater against women. The belief that female This is in line with previous research (82) showing that video
gamers are less competent when using technology is also seen games have many beneficial effects on gamers (both genders, young
in computerized assessments and by their own self-perceptions and old) and are used in various contexts, including video games
(78). This study demonstrated among a sample of 407 adolescents as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, distractors in the role
that boys had higher levels of computer game self-efficacy (78), of pain management, cognitive rehabilitation, improvement of
most likely related to earlier priming of computerized technology social and communication skills among the learning disabled,
when young (e.g., gaming at a younger age). Furthermore, the alleviating symptoms of impulsivity/attention deficit disorders,
avatar’s appearance can impact self-efficacy in gaming. In a study therapeutic benefits in the elderly, psychotherapeutic settings,
of 328 university students, playing as sexualized female characters health care, treatment of anxiety disorders, and psychological
negatively impacted women’s self-efficacy when considered well-being. Moreover, experimental research (83) indicates that
against non-sexualized characters (81). Students stated that playing video games can result in improved task-switching,
this was based on considering the women’s capabilities, both better top-down attentional control (rather than bottom-up) and
cognitively and physically (81). This indicates that there are processing speed, and increased and quicker time perception.

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It  is  concluded  that there has been considerable success when sexualized female characters in game can have a negative impact
video games are specifically designed to address a specific problem on self-perceptions and beliefs which may impact interactions and
or to teach a specific skill. However, generalizability outside the perceptions outside of the game. For instance, some video games
game-playing situation remains an important consideration. propagate acceptability of violence towards and rape of women,
A number of studies included in this narrative literature increasing acceptance of the rape myth (72). Young and Whitty (87)
review were concerned with the question of why women appear explored why taboos, including rape, are violated in video games,
to play less video games in comparison to men. Across the and point out that the freedoms afforded by video games may
included studies which included both men and women, female negatively impact on gamers and their real-life interactions. Gamers
participants were typically in the minority (46, 51, 55, 58), with can develop strong attachments to their online representations in
the exception of the studies conducted by Yang et al. (52) and the form of their avatars, and violence against them is distressing
Lopez-Fernandez (17). It is possible that this is representative of (88). Hypersexualized female bodies and condoning violence
the overall gamer population, as men appear to comprise a larger against female characters in-game may have negative impacts on
proportion of gaming culture, or inversely that gaming culture is gamers’ perceptions of themselves, others, and their interactions
catered for male gamers (22–25). Overall, the studies included with females, suggesting game designers should carefully consider
here indicate that women are less encouraged to participate in the inclusion of females with exaggerated female attributes and
playing video games due to negative expectations based on violence when developing video games (89).
gender or experiences during game play, as well as video games Within younger audiences, it might be appropriate to have bodies
being designed and developed in a way which is less enticing to which are representative of the special abilities held by the character,
women, including overly aggressive and sexualized content (84). but ultimately from the sample of studies included in this review, it
In addition to this, an important reason for why women tend appears that hyper-exaggerated bodies can have negative influences
to play less video games than men is the coping strategies that are on body satisfaction with women and to some degree with men. By
required to handle harassment online, with women often playing male considering this, game developers should be encouraged to indicate
characters in order to avoid in-game harassment and bullying (15, 56, abilities through the character’s body, but in a less hyper-idealized
57, 85). Kuss (85) also showed that males benefit from this strategy manner because this may improve the gamer’s perceived body
because they often play female characters in order to receive additional image. Indeed, this would allow young audiences to consider the
support from other gamers, suggesting that gender-swapping is a behavior of the character to be integrated with their appearance and
strategy that is applied by both male and female players and results suit older audiences who are more concerned about the behavior
in various benefits in terms of their game play and well-being, which and skills of an avatar. Furthermore, reducing the sexualization of
was supported by another study (86), indicating that playing a female females would have liberating effects in terms of how women are
character in MMORPGs results in positive social attributes. However, considered both within and outside of video games. Similarly, other
Lopez-Fernandez et al. (19) have shown that female gamers do not socio-demographic features (e.g., ethnic, cultural, religious, or
swap their avatar gender to cope with the potential violence when sexual) in the avatars shown could offer a bigger range of identities
gaming online. Moreover, females appear to look for different things and tastes which could facilitate avatar identification without body
in video games in comparison to men (e.g., relationship maintenance) image dissatisfaction and other problems which are currently
(19, 18), and game designers should take this into consideration when causing the heteronormative video game content in gamers (89–91).
developing video games for this growing audience. This, in itself, The final main theme covered in the reviewed studies was
would impact how women are perceived within video games and that women’s position in gaming culture. Statistics suggest female gamers
their abilities to gain high experience levels, rare items, and special are increasing in number (1, 2), with female gamers significantly
capabilities are just as good as that of men. outnumbering males when it comes to mobile gaming (92), typically
The next major theme incorporated in the present review was the comprising “casual” gaming. Despite this, gaming culture still appears
perceptions and realities of female gaming characters within video to be male-dominated (67, 76), while female gamers’ abilities as
games. The results indicate that not only are female characters featured competent game players are put in question and not considered yet
less frequently in video games, their representation often appears to as “true” or “hard-core” gamers (24, 77). The experiences of women
be exaggerated and hyper-sexualized in terms of emphasizing their in gaming culture are mirrored within other fields with technology
female attributes (i.e., size of breasts and buttocks, and slim waists), discrimination [e.g., electroacoustic composition (93)], otherwise
which may negatively impact on female gamers’ own body image known as “Programmed Inequality” (94) (i.e., despite the growing
given the representations of female bodies in video games do not number of females, there are still barriers to entering and working in
correspond with the reality of female bodies (63). This is consistent male-dominated environments; e.g., there appears to be a systematic
with the scarce empirical research performed on female gamers at neglect of technical training due to gender). This highlights that
present (19). Upward social comparisons of oneself with others, as the problem of women having a valued presence in technological
they frequently occur on social media sites, may in fact lead to feelings culture and industry is not new. Furthermore, it appears that there
of decreased self-esteem and depression (18, 84), suggesting that this are no regional or time variations regarding this issue.
mechanism may apply similarly in comparisons between one’s female This review expanded on previous research and targeted
avatar and oneself, leading to decreases in well-being and symptoms specific outcome studies covering the topic of female gamers,
of mental disorders, such as mood disorders. but it is not without its limitations. One major limitation is that
Research has showed that having female characters prominently while the authors followed rigorous search methods to identify
represented on video game box art decreases sales rates (70). Overly relevant papers, the review was limited to those published

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reports that the authors were able to locate. It is possible there in such a way that harassment is reduced, and designers consider
are additional studies that cover this topic but were not included video games with women as their audience more so than they have
in this review (i.e., because of publication bias). The large done previously. According to the ESA (96), 45% of United States
number of outcome studies is in itself a strength in formulating gamers are women and are therefore a very large market that can be
conclusions that can be extracted about female gamers and their targeted by the gaming industry.
position in gaming behavior and gaming culture. Even for a Taken together, the research cited in the present narrative
scarcely researched topic such as this, the research team found literature review suggests female gamers are a growing
a considerable number of peer-reviewed papers. However, there population. Gaming appears to offer a variety of benefits for
are also limitations, such as excluding papers in Asian languages them, from cognitive and psychological benefits to physical and
given the large gaming culture in Asian countries, including social benefits. However, women still face an over-sexualized
China and Japan, many of which have developed sophisticated representation of female in-game characters, online harassment,
targeted approaches in preventing gaming addiction (95), and an expectation that they are less skilful players in
mainly because it is considered much more of a public health comparison to male gamers. Furthermore, contemporary video
concern in these countries than elsewhere. games do not sufficiently target female gaming motivations
Additionally, the specific scientific databases selected and and gaming-related interests, despite the number of female
the inclusion criteria used to conduct this review may have gamers increasing. Based on the outcomes of this narrative
excluded some sources, especially from other disciplines literature review, it can be suggested that the gaming industry
outside of psychology and medicine, although WoS is an should pay more attention to the needs and interests of female
interdisciplinary database. Furthermore, expanding the review gamers given they are an audience to be taken seriously and
to female gaming from female and male perspectives could now large in number. Moreover, research should be encouraged
in some way have limited the views of this specific gender, to specifically investigate female gamers’ motivations, as
although alarming findings have also emerged (e.g., technology well as the psychosocial impact that in-game violence and
discrimination). Finally, the present study is probably affected hypersexualization of female characters has on their mental
by generalizability bias. For instance, in terms of geographic health and well-being, as well as their overall gaming experience.
location, out of the 49 studies that provided information, 45 Longitudinal, qualitative, and psychometric approaches should
were essentially located in the Western culture [i.e., 33 in be combined to offer a more comprehensive and holistic picture
America (27 in the United States, 4 in Canada, and 2 in Chile) of the female gamer, including their socio-demographics,
and 12 in Europe (the Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, interests, and psychosocial environment of gaming, including
Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Belgium); see the gaming culture they are part of.
Appendix A for details about the authors, location, and other
methodological elements of the samples in each paper]. Thus,
it is not possible to draw conclusions about the extent to which
sample demographics across the studies in this review reflect OL-F, DK, and MG contributed to the conceptualization. OL-F and
female participants only, the population within a particular AW contributed to the data curation. AW conducted the formal
geographic region, or across the nation. The findings only analysis. OL-F, DK, and MG contributed to the funding acquisition.
reflect those based on gaming research in Western culture. OL-F, DK, and AW conducted the investigation. OL-F, DK, and
Overall, the included studies reflect the difficulties that women AW contributed to the methodology. OL-F conducted the project
experience within video games among the general community administration. OL-F, DK, and MG contributed to the resources.
of gaming. Women are still harassed, belittled, and considered OL-F conducted the supervision. Writing of the original draft was
less able than men when it comes to gaming, by both men and done by OL-F (Abstract and Introduction), AW (Method and
women. To hold an identity within gaming culture, women must Results), and DK (Discussion). Review and editing were done by
follow strict rules about how they conduct themselves and hold OL-F, DK, AW, and MG.
views which emphasize that they are part of gaming culture and
that other women are not part of gaming culture. Building on
from this, women need to support each other openly and visibly FUNDING
in the community, with reinforcement from men. The solidarity
campaign HeForShe (https://www.heforshe.org/en) started by the The present study was supported by the Psychology Department
United Nations is an excellent case in point addressing gender QR Funding at Nottingham Trent University, through a Kickstarter
equality, whereby both women and men are encouraged to commit grant (2018) awarded to OL-F to develop studies on “Female gaming:
to standing in “solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and A cross-cultural study of pathological and non-pathological gaming
united force for a gender equal world.” In the context of women’s via multi-platforms.”
position in gaming culture, this contemporary feminist movement
helps support the view of women as being just as capable and skilful SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
gamers as men and require just as much respect and recognition
from gaming culture, which they are part of. It may influence The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
beliefs that women are inferior within gaming and encourage more at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00454/
females to play video games. It may also open up communication full#supplementary-material

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