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Select one option which is not automation?

A. CRM Tools
B. SCM Tools
C. ERP Tools
D. Operating system
2. Which one of the following is used to provide the right information to the right
person at the right time for proper decision making?
3. characteristic for Testability function is not include_______.
A. Simplicity
B. Operability
C. Robustness
4. Cyclomatic Complexity is under which testing technique?
A. Black Box
B. White Box
C. Yellow Box
D. Green Box
5. Prototyping involves in software process is…
A. evolutionary
B. discrete
C. throwaway prototyping
D. all of these
E. both A and C options
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6. Which one of the following is a sequence of statements from one place in the
program to another?
A. Gateway
B. Route
C. Both A and B
D. Sub-path
E. None of these
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7. What is the aim of the designer in software engineering?

A. cohesive, coupled
B. coupled, cohesive
C. coupled, functional
D. maintainable, cohesive
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8. Loop Testing methodology successfully tested using by?

A. Concatenated
B. Simple loops
C. Nested loops
D. All of these
E. None of these
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9. Conversion of Adjusted Function Point Count to LOC count is dependent on

A. Team Size
B. Project Duration
C. Programming Language
D. Cost Drivers
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10.  Cleanroom philosophy in software engineering who was first proposed by… 
A. Mills
B. Dyer
C. Linger
D. All of these
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11.  What is an abbreviation of MTTF…

A.  mean-time-to-function
B.  manufacture-time-to-function
C.  mean-time-to-failure
D. none of the mentioned
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certification approach is not part of _____________.

A.   Generation of test cases from the end of the server.
B.   Reliability
C.   Creation of usage scenarios
D.  Specific usage file
Which of the following is/are issues related to professional responsibility?
A. Managing Client Relationships
B. Intellectual property rights
C. Confidentiality
D. None of these
E. Both B &
Software engineers shall: Which of the following the correct statement
A. Make sure that the products only meet the SRS.
B. Act consistently with the public interest.
C. Act in a manner that is in the best interests of his expertise and favor.
D. Both B & C
Software product Efficiency does not include
A. Licensing
B. Responsiveness
C. Processing time
D. Memory utilization
Bugs and failures in the software are due to?
A. Software Developers
B. Software companies
C. None of these
D. Both A & B
What is Software?
A. Software is documentation and configuration of data
B. Software is a set of programs, documentation & configuration of data
C. Software is a set of programs
D. Both B & C
 Which of the following is not responsible for software failure?
A. Less reliable and expensive
B. Low expectation
C. Increasing Demand
D. Increasing Supply
 Which of the following software engineering activities is not an activity of the software
A. Software specification
B. Software dependence
C. Software development
D. Software validation
RAD is a short form of:
A. Rapid Application Document
B. Relative Application Development
C. Rapid Application Development
D. Both A & B
Which of these models is not appropriate for accommodating any change?
A. Waterfall Model
B. Prototyping Model
C. Build & Fix Model
D. RAD Model
Which of these is not a type of Prototyping Model?
A. Domain Prototype
B. Vertical Prototype
C. Horizontal Prototype
D. Diagonal Prototype
 Which one is not a phase of the Prototyping Model?
A. Engineer Product
B. Prototype Refinement
C. Coding
D. Quick Design
Numbers of phases in RAD Model are
A. 3 phases
B. 5 phases
C. 2 phases
D. 6 phases
Incremental Model is a combination of?
A. Waterfall Model & RAD Model
B. Linear Model & RAD Model
C. Build & FIX Model & Waterfall Model
D. Linear Model & Prototyping Model
 Spiral Model was initially projected by
A. Barry Boehm
C. Royce
D. Pressman
______ is not a software process quality?
A. Timeliness
B. Productivity
C. Visibility
D. Portability
Which of the following is internal software quality?
A. Reliability
B. Reusability
C. Usability
D. Scalability
RUP is a short form of _________ and was created by ________
A. Rational Unified Process, IBM
B. Rational Unified Process, Microsoft
C. Rational Unified Process, Infosys
D. Rational Unified Program, IBM
Usually, low coupling is good for software.?
C.Does not matter
D.No effect

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