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DIAN ADITYA NING LESTARI, Bachelor of International Relations, GPA 3.72/4.

00, IELTS 8,0, Contact:

+6282111200142, Traktor 1B Makassar 90221, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, Student of Gender and Development
Master’s Degree, Hasanuddin University

• Ruangguru (2021-2022), FullTime
Managing staffs, giving direction, maintaining quality of administration and program and ensuring education for children in
South Sulawesi specifically and Indonesia.
• Kareba Nusa (2020-2021) Field News Editor
Interviewing government and other information for politic news in Makassar, editing pages, ensuring quality of delivery in
websites and information in South Sulawesi
• Origin Hope (2019-2020) Writer and Editor
Editing international news and writing for international websites for political, social, and miscellaneous issue in North America
and Worldwide, managing and interacting with staffers, overseeing procedures
• STOP! KBGO (2018-2019) Founder
Stopping issues of child abuse online, managing social media, writing books, doing conferences, becoming speaker, managing
staffers and conflicts, all the while promoting anti-gender abuse online and offline through seminars in university.
• Yasmin-Ciputra (2017-2018),
Full Time Government Agent
Connecting the Government of South Sulawesi with the international corporation of Boskalis and Yasmin Ciputra, in which I
learn how to interact with the South Sulawesian people.
• Twitter (2016), Full-Time
Agent, Trust and Safety
I have connected Twitter Singapore with the Indonesian local police with regards to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Against Children
• ECPAT (2015), Full-Time
I have researched with the topic of Commercial Sexual Exploitation against Children (CSEC) in the region of Jakarta, West
Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara which are the hotspots of CSEC.
• Marthinus Academy (2014), Part-Time
Writing, researching, and philosophizing for the textbook “Transnational Society: Paradigms and Actors, for Marthinus
Academy, NGO focusing in International Relations
• Indonesia Ministry of Defence (2014), Part-Time
Presidential Advisory Board on Education,
Preparing materials on national defence for high school students, moderating seminars and competitions, communicating
with governments nationally
• Universitas Indonesia (2011-2015), Labschool Rawamangun (2013), Part-Time
Model United Nations (MUN) Coach
Coaching varsity level MUN, resulting in five international awards (four Best Delegate at Europe and Harvard,
one Honorable Mention at Europe), and coaching highschool level MUN for Harvard MUN
• RA-UI Research Project (2013), Campus Job
Research Assistant
Job description: analyzing materials, processing data, and preparing letters for bureaucratic purposes
• Tribun Timur (2009-current), Part-Time
Citizen Reporter, Opinion Maker
Making voluntary articles covering opinions on national dynamics or information on international events and its relation with
opportunities for East Indonesia for the biggest newspaper in East Indonesia


• Asia Youth Leader, China-Guangxi Youth Exchange Institute (2013)
Best in motivational speech, research analysis, political knowledge, and event participation
• Most Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Top 6 (2013)
Out of more than 20 applicants, Best English Speaking, most visionary research project on educational psychosocial
intervention to elementary school student of Banjar Irigasi Village
• Indonesia Youth Representative for UN Post-2015 Conference (2013)
Representing organization to discuss the concern of youth in the determination of the Post-2015 Agenda of the United
• Indonesia Millennium Development Goals Award (2011)
Given to co-founded NGO, which oversees, initiated, and evaluate its project of I speak for MDGs, a national project
gathering the opinion of youth regarding MDGs, to raise their awareness project led by J. Angkasa.
• Most Outstanding Student on Scientific Activity, Universitas Indonesia (2012)
Received special recognition from the university for achievements throughout the year for winning in international
competition (TEIMUN)
• Delegate of the Harvard National Model United Nations, Harvard (2012, 2011)
Sent to represent the university two years in a row, to the WHO as Ghana, to DISEC as Guatemala, selected from +100
• Best Delegate of The European International Model United Nations, Netherlands (2011)
Of the Historical Council, awarded for best speech, negotiation, and legal drafting skills, of a competition requiring
knowledge of international history
• Champion Indonesian Debating, Universitas Indonesia Science Olympic (2011, 2010)
Winning with a team of three, competing with universityÕs best students on public speaking and argumentative skills, as
well as research on sociopolitical topics, two years in a row
• Champion of Indonesian Debating, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (2011, 2010)
Winning with a team of three, competing with the facultys best students on public speaking and argumentative skills,
as well as research on sociopolitical topics, two years in a row
• Best Delegate of the World Trade Organization of JakartaMUN (2010)
Named champion for the best performance in speech, negotiation, and drafting skills, in a competition that requires
knowledge on international economy and complex WTO regulation
• Second Place for the Faculty Student Creativity Program (PKM) (2010),
Developing School of Volunteers as a mean to tackle social problems in Jabodetabek, with a team of 3 people


• Project Officer of Indonesia Model United Nations (2013)
Leading the substantive and organizational process of the event, such as checking Study Guides, managing more than 30
people, creating and maintaining connection with relevant institution such as UN bodies
• Chair of the Human Rights Council, Security Council, The Hague, The Netherlands (2012 and 2013)
Preparing background papers, checking position papers, and determining winners, all requires analytical capability on both
the current international issues and the situation in the council, for an event of international- level
• Vice-President of Indonesian Future Leaders (2011-2013)
Co-leading the biggest youth NGO in Indonesia, in terms of scale, impact, and productivity. Activities varied from ensuring
well implementation of projects, managing the chapters, as well as motivating the national staffs
• General Secretary of UI International Relations Students Association (2012)
Helping the Chairman in determining the goal of the organization, motivating and managing the people
• Director of the ASEAN Regional Forum, Indonesia Model United Nations (2012)
Assessing and analyzing current international issues to prepare Study Guides, for the biggest UN simulation in Indonesia,
with the promise of best substantive quality
• Project Officer, Global Festival: The ASEAN Festival (2011)
Leading the biggest event under the International Relation Student Association that requires maintenance of connection with
higher authority such as the university, and international organization such as ASEAN
• Vice-President of the General Assembly, UI Model United Nations Club (2011)
Co-leading the General Assembly, job varies from making Study Guides and preparing for the monthly conferences
• Co-Founder of the NGO Indonesian Future Leaders, one of the most influential youth NGO in Indonesia with
national coverage, + 350.000 listeners, + 25.000 beneficiaries, and 6 chapters (since 2009, till current and beyond)
• Story-Teller in the Personal Project of Cerita Diku(2013), an online story telling portal for Indonesian youth
• Producing, directing and scriptwriting the personal Movie Project of Makassar Kota Segala Bangsa (2013), to raise
peopleÕs awareness on the history of their hometown, plan to air in October
• Speaker in the Youth Movement Seminar of the Indonesian Youth Conference (2012) the biggest youth
• Speaker for the ÒSchool of Volunteers, Jakarta Roadshow (2012) and Bulukumba Roadshow (2012), on the
topic of Social Issue and Its Relation with Children in Indonesia
• Speaker of AIESEC Management Training and Local Conference (2012)
• Facilitator at Ministry of Agriculture APEC Diplomatic Simulation (2012), coaching ministry official on diplomacy
• Facilitator at Faculty of Nutrition, Universitas Indonesia Public Speaking class (2012)
• Speaker and contributor for the academic seminars and journals of Indonesian Foreign Policy Review (2011, 2012)
• Speaker at TEDx Makassar (2010), TEDx is one of the most well-known, prestigious, and widely recognized
conference of ideas worldwide, with the theme of ÒInspiring YouthÓ (2010)
• Volunteering Coordinator for the ÒSchool of VolunteersÓ (2010), managing the volunteering activities for school winners
• Volunteering at the Saturday School of Cilincing Community (2009), teaching children of fishermen and society around.


Languages: Indonesian (Mother Language) English (Excellent), Dutch (Good)
Skills: Public Speaking (Excellent) Leadership (Excellent) Organization (Excellent) Illustration (Excellent) Photoshop
(Good) Dancing (Certified) | Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Traveling, Making Plays and Poetry, Making Movies | Interests:
Psychology, Philosophy, Linguistics, History, Politics, Literature, Art.

Andre Fransen, Manager of GGZE Psychological Hospital, Eindhoven ([email protected])
Dewi Yulia, Enterpreneur, (+62816254353)
Aisha Rasyidila, assistant at University of Indonesia (+6281219117079, [email protected] )

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