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UNIT 5: Eating Right

(L65- L80)
Week 15 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
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Date Lesson 65 Focus Listening
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Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus Phonemes
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of
Content Standard
Main skill
Learning Standard 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
provided by knowledge of the topic
Content Standard 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
y skill 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a wide range
Learning Standard
of target language phonemes
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) sing a song and identify types of food. 2)
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) identify and categorize types of food
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher displays flashcards, introduce and review food vocabulary.
1. Teacher directs pupils to vocabulary section SB page 49. Have pupils listen and
follow (CD1 – Track 70). Pupils chorally repeat and point.
2. Asks ppls about the picture in the SB. Ppls recognize and list out the name of
food. Identify food that ppls can count and can’t count.
Lesson Delivery
3. Play song CD 1 Track 71 and have ppls to listen and sing along.
4. Refer the tables and explain countable and uncountable nouns. The use of
indefinite articles a/an for singular nouns and some for plural.
5. Explain to ppls that they have to complete the tables based on the lyric. Pupils
write in their exercise book.
1. Have pairs of pupils present the answer. Class discussion.
2. TPR activity – Teacher distributes plain paper to each ppls.
Post Lesson 3. Assign a food mentioned in the song to each ppl and asks them to draw it.
4. After finish, teacher plays the song andf have ppls to held up their drawings as
they sing along.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 15 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 66 Focus Speaking
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus want and need + (un)countable nouns
Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Main skill Learning Standard 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by using
suitable words : (i) to show understanding
Complementar Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
y skill Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) identify and categorize food. 2)
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) talk and list out ingredients of their favourite
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication . . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher talks about food and elicits pupils to say all of the names of food they

1. Teacher draws ppls attention to the grammar box and read sentences out
loud. Asks ppls to tell the verbs in two columns.
2. point out to ppls that want/need can be followed by the full infinitive of verb
or by a noun.
Lesson Delivery 3. asks ppls to make their own sentences using want/need + full infinitive/noun.
4. Directs ppls attention to the picture and ask them to think what the children
are doing.
5. 5. Play CD 1 Track 72 and have ppls chorally repeat the exchange. Ppls do it
individually and then by pairs. Ppls look at the picture and take turn choosing
foods and naming the ingredients.

1. Teacher gets the pupils to do the activity in front of the class. Have pupils talk
Post Lesson to their partner about ingredients needed for other dishes they like.
2. Play the song again and have pupils sing along.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 15 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 67 Focus Reading
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus (un)countable nouns with some / any
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.4 Recognise and use with little or no support key
features of a simple monolingual dictionary
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Content Standard
Complementar digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
y skill 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of
Learning Standard
simple texts of one or two paragraphs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) write in neat cursive writing with correct
spelling with guidance
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) write 4 out of 7 sentences in neat legible
print with correct spelling:
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Values Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher plays the game Market Races. Divides ppls into 2 groups.
2. Each team get an envelope with word cards, a sheet of paper and a marker.
3. Ppl draws a line down in the middle of the paper and write words countable
and uncountable at the top of the page.
1. Teacher explains to ppls that when teacher say “Go”, they will have to empty
the contents of the envelope and write countable and uncountable food in
the coloumns.
2. The teams do correctly and the fastest wins the game.
Lesson Delivery 3. Check the words written on the list.
4. Have ppls open SB pg 50 and point out on the vocabulary section. Say words
in random, ppls repeat and point.
5. Ppls refer the story, read and listen to CD1 Track 74. Ppls point to the words in
bubbles and shadow read.
6. Read again by class and individual and act out the story.
1. Pupils refer activity 3, read and write T for True and F for False.
Post Lesson
2. Class discussion.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 16 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 68 Focus Writing
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus (Un)countable nouns; listing items
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
Main skill
Learning Standard 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Content Standard
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and
y skill
Learning Standard commas in lists appropriately in guided writing at
discourse level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) write in neat legible print with correct
spelling with guidance
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) List out 5 out of 7 shopping items for picnic
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher distributes trolley picture and asks pupils to spell things their parents
buy at the supermarket.

1. Introduce the idea of a picnic and relate it to pupils’ own experience. Directs
pupils’ attention to the children in the picture SB pg 51.
Lesson Delivery 2. Play CD 1- Track 76 and have ppls chorally repeat the exchange. Have ppls to
model the exchange.
3. Teacher divides ppls into pairs. Ppls decide what they want to buy for their
picnics and write their shopping lists.

1. Get pupils’ feedback and list the answers on the board.

Post Lesson
2. Class discussion.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 16 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to 69 – NON-
Date Lesson Focus Language Art
enter a date. TEXTBOOK
Theme Topic
Language/ Grammar focus Adjectives (feelings and emotions)
Content Standard5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Main skill 5.2.1 Say in simple words and phrases how a text makes
Learning Standard
them feel
Content Standard 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
y skill 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and
Learning Standard
digital texts of interest
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) match adjectives to pictures with guidance 2)
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) fill in the speech bubbles with suitable social
expressions with guidance.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher displays emoji and elicits the pupils. Get some pupils to match words
to the picture on the board.
1. Teacher asks pupils to identify the emotions of the characters found on
selected pages in the textbook or storybook.
2. Elicits pupils to identify other situations where they feel happy or sad.
Lesson Delivery 3. Distribute worksheet and ask pupils to fill in the suitable social expressions in
pair work.
4. Get pupils’ feedback and list answers on the board. Pupils check their answers
with their partner.
1. In pairs, teacher asks pupils to do a speaking activity for pictures with two
Post Lesson
speech bubbles for social expressions.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 16 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 70 Focus Listening
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus Questions with How much/many/often…?
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main skill Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
Content Standard
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
y skill 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
Learning Standard
details of longer simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) Listen to the questions and answer health quiz
with guidance.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) identify and categorize types of food
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . Values  Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Teacher displays flashcards and review food vocabulary from previous lesson.

1. Teacher directs pupils to vocabulary section SB page 52 . Have pupils listen

and follow (CD1 – Track 77). Pupils chorally repeat and point.
Lesson Delivery 2. Distributes worksheet to each ppls. Asks ppls to listen the health quiz and
circle the answer that mostly applies to them.
3. 3. Have pupils to talk about their answers in pairs. Then they check their
scores on page 118 and see how they did.

Post Lesson 1. Have pairs of pupils share their result. Class discussion.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 16 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 71 Focus Speaking
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Questions with How much/many/often…?; Statements with
Language/ Grammar focus
countable and uncountable nouns + determiners
Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Main skill Learning Standard 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range
Complementar Content Standard
of purposes in print and digital media
y skill
Learning Standard 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday routines
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) asking and answering questions with
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) talk and give opinion about healthy habit. 2)
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication . . Values  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher plays the game “ Call it out”. Teacher calls out the different
Pre-lesson containers they learnt in previous lesson. In group ppls have to name the food
that comes to mind.
1. Teacher draws ppls attention to the children in the activity 4 picture SB pg
53and ask what they are doing.
2. Play CD 1- Track 80 and have ppls chorally repeat the exchange. Have some
ppls to model the exchange.
Lesson Delivery 3. Divides ppls into pairs and have them to take turns doing the activity.
4. After finish, have some pairs do the activity in front of the class.
5. Have pupils tell each other how healthy they think they and their partner are,
based on their answers to the questions in Activity 4.
6. Have pupils write sentence(s) about their partner in their notebooks, e.g.
Sadia drinks two cans of lemonade every day. I think this is not very healthy.

1. Teacher gets the pupils to talk about the importance of having a healthy diet
Post Lesson in childhood using English language that can be understood by the pupils.
2. Use as much English as possible.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 16 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 72 Focus Reading
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus Review of (un)countable nouns
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of
simple texts of one or two paragraphs
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Content Standard
Complementar style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
y skill 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided
Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) read and understand phrases and sentences
from linear and non-linear texts with guidance
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) read and fill in the table with correct
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication . . Values  Observation 
Learning Outline
2. Teacher plays the game Market Races. Divides ppls into 2 groups. Pupils take
Pre-lesson turn to go and write countable and uncountable food in the column on the
board. The teams does correctly and the fastest wins the game
7. Distributes word card and have pupils work in small groups to list out 10
words. They exchange the word card and brainstorm more words to go into
each category.
Lesson Delivery 8. Discuss and talk to pupils about the importance of each food group.
9. Refer SB page 55. Teacher play CD 1- Track 83 and have ppls to read and
identify the food Tony ate.
10. Directs ppls attention to the table in activity 2. Read and fill in the table
correctly with the information in the text.
3. Pupils check their answers in pairs and by class.
Post Lesson
4. Use as much English as possible.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >


Week 17 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 73 Focus Writing
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Review of
Language/ Grammar focus
(un)countable structures; conjunction: or / but
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range
Content Standard
of purposes in print and digital media
Main skill
Learning Standard 4.2.5 Connect sentences into a coherent paragraph using
basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range
Complementar Content Standard
of purposes in print and digital media
y skill
Learning Standard 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday routines
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) write in neat legible print with correct spelling
with guidance
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) Fill in the tables at least 8 out of 10 correctly
with the information in the text given.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher reminds ppls the food categories (grains, vegetables, milk, fruit ,meat
and beans).
1. Distributes A4 paper. Ppls draw bubble map and write words for each
2. Refer SB page 55, read and listen to the text. Ppls identify the food Tony ate.
Teacher asks comprehension questions based on the text.
3. Directs ppls to the table. Ppls complete the table with the information in the
Lesson Delivery
text. Check answers in pairs and as class.
4. Asks ppls to replace‘Tony’ with ‘You/I’. Talk to pupils about the column ‘How
much you need’ and decide together what to put in that column. Introduce
the word “enough”.
5. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Book for Writing Tip. Using “or” and
“enough” to write the sentences.
1. Get pupils’ feedback and list the sentences on the board.
Post Lesson
2. Check the answers and class discussion.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 17 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 74 Non-Textbook Focus Language Art
enter a date.
Theme Topic
Language/ Grammar focus Vocabulary (settings)
Content Standard 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through
Main skill Learning Standard creating simple picture stories, simple poems and cartoon
stories. Other imaginative responses as appropriate
Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
y skill 2.2.2 Check steps needed to complete short classroom
Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) label the material and set up mini corner. 2)
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) present and talk about their mini corner 2)
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
Creativity and
  Communication realia . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher asks pupils to sit in group based on their choice and discuss their mini
1. Pupils already bring the materials to set up a mini corner for sewing and kite
making. Suggested materials for sewing; sequins, ribbons, thread, cloth,
scissors, needles etc.) Suggested materials for kite making: bamboo sticks,
Lesson Delivery
coconut leaves/sticks, tracing paper, ribbons, glue, scissors, string etc.
2. Label the materials. Pupils set up their mini corner and talk about it.
3. Pupils take turn to present their work.
4. Displays pupils work in the class.

1. Distribute Worksheet 7(a) and 7(b).

2. Ask pupils to cut out the pictures from Worksheet 7(b).
Post Lesson
3. Ask pupils to paste the correct picture from Worksheet 7(b) onto the picture
in Worksheet 7(a) to create a pop-up storyboard.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 17 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 75 Focus Listening
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Functional language:
Language/ Grammar focus Would you like…? / Yes, please. I’d like + a/some
(un)countable noun
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main skill Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions
Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
y skill 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by using
Learning Standard
suitable words : (ii) to ask for clarification
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) read and understand phrases and sentences
from linear and non-linear texts with guidance
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) role-play in group by giving and taking orders
using their own phrases/dialogue.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . Values  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher elicits ppls knowledge about eating in the restaurant and the roles of
a waiter and a customer.
1. Teacher directs pupils’ attention to the phrases in activity 3 SB pg 57.
2. 2.Have ppls read the sentences and explain if they don’t understand.
3. 3.Ppls read the sentences,identify and write W for waiter and C for customer.
Lesson Delivery
Have ppls to work in pairs. read the questions aloud and practise them orally
with pupils when checking answers.
4. 4. Divides ppls into group of 3 and distributes simple menu. Ppls need to write
a restaurant dialogue using their own phrases.

1. In group, ppls do the role-play and take turns giving and taking orders.
Post Lesson
2. Have groups to present the role-play using the props and so on.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 17 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 76 Focus Speaking
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus Review of (un)countable structures
Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Main skill Learning Standard 2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable
Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
y skill 2.2.2 Check steps needed to complete short classroom
Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) Revise and consolidate vocabulary and
structure learnt in previous lesson through a 2)
board game.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) role-play in group by giving and taking orders
using their own phrases/dialogue.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication . . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher displays real tableware/ flashcards of bowl, plate,spoon,fork,knife
and get ppls to repeat a few times.

1. Ppls refer to SB pg 54 and look at the board game.

2. Divides ppls into pairs and use a coin and hand out the instructions to pairs or
Lesson Delivery
groups of pupils. They read the instructions and fill the blanks with the correct
3. Have pupils ask questions to complete the instructions. Discuss the answers.

1. Pupils play the board game in small groups following the written instructions
Post Lesson 2. Follow instructions for Activity 1. Focus on describing the objects on the board
game when playing the game using collective nouns.
3. Class discussion.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 17 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 77 Focus Reading
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Language/ Grammar focus Prepositional verbs: be good for
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of
simple texts of one or two paragraphs
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Content Standard
Complementar digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
y skill 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
Learning Standard
provided by title and topic
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) Read and identify specific information from the
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) Fill in the blanks 4 out of the 5 correctly based
on the text.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards . .  Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher displays bubble map and asks pupils to list out and categorise healthy
and unhealthy foods.

1. Directs ppls attention to the pictures in SB page 130 and name the food and
ask te benefit of eating them.
2. Ppls have to look at the pictures and match the organs to the items of food
Lesson Delivery they look like.
3. Teacher asks comprehension questions related and asks ppls if they know
other food items and their benefit.
4. Read the text and identify the meaning of the words.
5. 5. In pairs ppls read and fill in the blanks in activity 2.

1. Teacher asks ppls to tell the class, one fact they remember from the text.
Post Lesson
2. class discussion.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 18 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 78 Non-textbook Focus Writing
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Review of (un)countable structures; Prepositional verbs: be
Language/ Grammar focus
good for
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using
Content Standard
Main skill cursive writing
Learning Standard 4.1.2 Use cursive writing in written work
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
Content Standard
Complementar style for a range of purposes in print and digital media
y skill 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided
Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) List out healthy and unhealthy food with
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) Making poster of healthy and unhealthy food. 2)
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Flashcards/ wordcards Bubble Map  . Observation 
  Communication Coloring pages Creation Task 
n Technology 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher elicits previous lesson and asks pupils to list out healthy and
unhealthy food in the bubble map on the board.
1. Check answers and spelling of the the list on the board. Talk about the benefit
of food to our health.
Lesson Delivery 2. Divides ppls into pair and distributes worksheet/pictures.
3. Teacher explain and guides the pupils to identify and categorise the healthy
and unhealthy food.
4. In pair work, pupils colur,cut and paste the picture and make a poster.

1. Each pair present and talk about their poster.

Post Lesson
2. displays ppls work in the class.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 18 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
  Click or tap to
Date Lesson 79 Focus Language Art
enter a date.
Theme Topic
Language/ Grammar focus Vocabulary (giving opinions and reasons)
Content Standard 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through
Main skill Learning Standard creating simple picture stories, simple poems and cartoon
stories. Other imaginative responses as appropriate
Complementar Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
y skill Learning Standard 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) talk and give respond to the picture and
situation with guidance.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) explain and give reasons for basic opinion
based on the picture given in group work.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
pair work/group work Flashcards/ wordcards Bubble Map  Values Observation 
  Communication . Analysis .  Task 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher displays pictures and elicits pupils to guess and respond based on the
situation in the picture.
1. Divide pupils into groups. Distribute task sheet 1 to pupils showing the same
pictures in the text but with different situations.
Lesson Delivery 2. Ask pupils to discuss in their respective groups how they would respond to the
particular situation.
3. Pupils write their respond in bubble map.

1. Pupils present their answers in class.

Post Lesson
2. class discussion.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Week 18 Class  4 Time  
Day Choose an item. Attendance      
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Date Lesson 80 NON-TEXTBOOK Focus Speaking
enter a date.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge MODULE 5 : EATING RIGHT
Vocabulary (Project based learning)
Language/ Grammar focus
Making sandwich
Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Main skill Learning Standard 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by using
suitable words : (i) to show understanding
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
y skill 1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives on
Learning Standard
a range of familiar topics
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1) identify the ingredient and steps to make egg
sandwich with guidance.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
1) prepare egg sandwich and serve in group. 2)
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
 Creativity and
pair work/group work Textbook, worksheet Bubble Map Observation 
  Communication Flashcards/ wordcards Creation .  Task 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher displays flashcards asks pupils to identify and elicits their favourite
1. Divides pupils into group, teacher distributes worksheet 1a, steps to make
sandwich. Cut and paste the correct flow/steps. Discuss by class.
Lesson Delivery 2. With the same group,teacher asks ppls to arrange the ingredient they bring to
make sandwich.
3. Pupils discuss the menu and write the ingredients and steps based on
previous discussion.
1. Pupils present their sandwich and explain the steps and ingredients.
Post Lesson
2. class discussion. Enjoy eating sandwich in group.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

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