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“The UAE is striving to develop and boost its rich resources and expertise in the

international energy markets and enhance its leading role as a world centre for
renewable energy research and development.”
“Today the UAE is number one in the Middle East in terms of infrastructure,
human development, technological development, knowledge economy, citizen
happiness and satisfaction, renewable energy, safety, security, trade, tourism,
and many other areas. We shall continue our pursuit of global excellence in all
fields, for we are a nation that accepts nothing less than first place.”
“DEWA’s projects are the life, essence and backbone of Dubai’s infrastructure.
DEWA provides world-class services at the highest levels of reliability, quality and
best international practices and technologies, to ensure uninterrupted supply
of electricity and water services and achieve the sustainable development
of the UAE.”
Message from the MD & CEO of DEWA

Dubai has emerged as a leading regional business activities undertaken by DEWA stakeholders/
hub and the favourite place for investment in the customers on projects in DEWA’s reservation or Right Of
Middle East because of its robust and vigorous Way (ROW).
infrastructure base.
This manual deemed the technical reference to
In line with HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al support DEWA achieving the planned goals by sharing
Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE the best construction practices with all stakeholders,
and Ruler of Dubai, to firmly positioning Dubai city as consultants, contractors, and private developers.
a global hub for finance, business and tourism, and to
promote prudent use of power and water. Pursuant to HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid
Al Maktoum directions to support the Smart City
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) exert initiative, DEWA will launch the infrastructure NOC
strenuous efforts on promoting the best practices Technical Manual as a digital web-based version that
and operational excellence across all aspects, through can be accessed and downloaded anytime, anywhere
DEWA Vision to become a sustainable world-class utility cost-free.
and to support the sustainable development of Dubai.
Following the guidelines specified in the infrastructure
This Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual has been NOC technical manual will integrate the efforts to
developed specifically to support DEWA customers for accomplish Dubai vision.
swift obtaining of the infrastructure NOC submitted
to the Infrastructure Information and Permits Best regards,
department (II&P).
HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer
It clearly demonstrates the highest standards of MD and CEO
excellence, safety, and reliability in the various Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

DEWA Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual

“Today the UAE is number one in the Middle East in terms

of infrastructure, human development, technological
development, knowledge economy, citizen happiness and
satisfaction, renewable energy, safety, security, trade,
tourism, and many other areas. We shall continue our
pursuit of global excellence in all fields, for we are a nation
that accepts nothing less than first place.”
- HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai

Upon this inspiring note of declaration comes forth Dubai’s success story,
for the world to readily witness.

Infrastructure in Dubai is one among the key sectors Upon the city having embarked on its well-charted
pledged in the Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 (DSP-15). It is course of development, fittingly the government of
the defining component besides the healthy economy Dubai relentlessly strives for customer satisfaction
that continuously scripts the Dubai success story. across all its stakeholders. In like terms, it is a given
deliverable from DEWA; a kind of governmental
The DSP framework was effectively developed to culture of provisioning excellence in service
augment the city’s world-renowned excellence model, standards towards fulfilling stakeholder expectation.
evident in Dubai’s legacy of urban development and In this direction, the ‘Infrastructure NOC Technical
prosperity. Right from the initial years of the Dubai Manual is the latest endeavour from DEWA to boost
establishment, infrastructure efficiently played a stakeholders satisfactions.
pivotal role in supporting the city’s well-defined
journey of highvalue growth. In accordance and to help The Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual will indeed
support the momentum of progress, Dubai Electricity serve as a helpful tool and reliable resource for
and Water Authority (DEWA) has responsibly Authorities, Consultants, Contactors and Developers
played its part by ensuring a reliable electricity and when seeking NOCs from DEWA i.e. Infrastructure
water supply and distribution system in Dubai. The Information and Permits department - in a speedy,
assurance proved conducive for economic activities of transparent and hassle-free.
the city to further flourish, enabling the construction
and infrastructural projects to correspondingly take
forward the Dubai vision.
xiv Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual [Electricity]
World class customer services
In line with DEWA’s vision, “A sustainable world-class hence the closest similar case to be followed in
utility,” and its strategic goal to drive the vision, accordance with the site conditions. In such instances
which is to “Deliver reliable and quality services,” the application will be studied on a case-to-case basis
Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual objectives were together with the concerned department(s).
carefully envisioned as follows:
G Any NOC type not included in the Manual will
G To provide a reference to DEWA Customers for DEWA’s be studied according to the site conditions;
Technical Requirements. subsequently appropriate action will thereof
be taken.
G To reduce the duration for issuing the
NOC applications. G Special sections for Abbreviations, Definitions and
References have also been included.
G To release the NOC application from first submission
G The Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual implied
G To meet the customer satisfactions. the standard case of the service/utility installation
and deemed it was laid/installed in the center of
Consolidated, easy-to-use and its corridor.
reader-friendly G Valve chambers and manholes will be considered in
accordance to the site conditions
The Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual furnishes the
Technical requirements for the projects working within
G No one is holding the right(s) to deprive any party
the ROW/DEWA corridors in the Emirate of Dubai.
to lay/install their services/utilities within their
dedicated corridor.
The design and development of the Infrastructure NOC
Technical Manual was adequately benchmarked for
G The stipulated technical details within the
making it reader-friendly and easy to refer. Upon this
Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual were
factor the technical contents are segmented into four
collaboratively obtained and approved from DEWA’s
classified chapters as noted below, each addressing a
relevant departments.
separate theme with a unique colour code and special-
attention markings for quicker reference, and recall.
Infrastructure Information &
Chapter - 1 (Red) - Utilities Permits [II&P] Department – Activities
at a glance
Chapter - 2 (Grey) - Road works
The department’s core activity is: Issuing design
Chapter - 3 (Blue) - Structures and construction No Objection Certificate (NOC) for
Infrastructure Projects (Roads/Network Services),
Chapter - 4 (Green) - General projects General Projects & House Connections work to
customers (Authorities/Consultants/Contractors &
In addition, the manual’s content featuring 50 Developers) in order to work within the Right Of Way
Nos. of NOC types is supported by explanatory (R.O.W) limit or within DEWA Reservation/ DEWA
notes, corresponding CAD drawings, 3D drawings, Power Station.
illustrations, tables and site photographs.
The main objectives of issuing NOC are
The infrastructure NOC Technical Manual considered
the following: G Saving DEWA Corridors (Electricity/Water) For
Future Plans.
G NOC applicants should follow the indicated
clearances and protection details; whereas the G Protect DEWA Existing Services from potential
indicated dimensions are the minimum dimensions damages.
unless and otherwise mentioned.
G Support ongoing DEWA Projects.
G In case the NOC applicant is not able to conform the
Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual requirements, G Ensuring the security of DEWA assets
Areas of activities of Infrastructure Information & xv
Permits department are:

G Provide a single window for Infrastructure Projects & G Estimate for HV Cables diversion under Road &
General /House Connections NOCs within ROW. Infrastructure projects.

G BOQ approval for DEWA-Electricity future ducts

G Provide support services for approving the shop
installation under RTA Road Projects.
drawing, cable diversion and ducts for Electricity
NOCs only. G Issuance of Project Completion Certificate & As-
Built approval for Road & Infrastructure Projects.
G Issuing services information and trial pits NOC for
Electricity and Water. G Updating DEWA land base in GIS.

Information, excellence and innovation are imperative for sustainability

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority is a thought-

leadership and strategy-focussed organisation, aspiring
to be the best in the business and is professionally so
committed to that goal. The Authority has acknowledged
the notion that for corporate excellence to sustain,
improvement on excellence and innovation is a continuous
endeavour. In HH Sheikh Mohammed’s wise words, “in the
race for excellence, there is no finish line.”

Chapter 1 - Utilities
1. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity Low Voltage (LV) Cables ............................... 1
2. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity High Voltage (HV) cables ............................ 19
3. Installation of Proposed OHL - Electricity HV (6.6/11/33 kV) .....................................38
4. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Trough ............................................. 51
5. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Duct Bank ....................................... 73
6. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Joint Bay/Transition Joint .................... 90
7. Installation of Proposed OHL - Electricity EHV (132/400 kV) ................................... 107
8. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Water Distribution Pipelines ...................................... 121
9. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Water Transmission Pipelines ................................... 139
10. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Sewerage Gravity Pipelines ....................................... 159
11. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Sewerage Pressure Pipelines ......................................175
12. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Drainage Gravity Pipelines ........................................ 194
13. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Drainage Pressure Pipelines ...................................... 210
14. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Irrigation Distribution Pipelines................................ 229
15. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Irrigation Main Pipelines .......................................... 247
16. Laying of Proposed Utilities - District Cooling Pipelines ......................................... 266
17. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Gas/Fuel Pipelines.................................................... 282
18. Laying of Proposed Utilities - Telecommunication ................................................299

Chapter 2 - Road Works

19. Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Carriageway ...........................................................315
20. Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Access/Service Road .............................................. 334
21. Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Parking ................................................................. 352
22. Proposed Road Work - Interlock Carriageway ........................................................ 370
23. Proposed Road Work - Interlock Access/Service Road ............................................ 389
24. Proposed Road Work - Interlock Parking ..............................................................407
25. Proposed Road Work - Bridges/Interchanges/Railway/Ramps/Flyover/Roundabout ...425
26. Proposed Grading ................................................................................................443

27. Proposed Road Maintenance Works...................................................................... 453

28. Proposed DEWA Electrical Ducts, Extension and protection of existing Ducts .........463
29. Proposed Pedestrian Bridge ................................................................................. 491

Chapter 3 - Structures
30. Installation of Proposed Bus Shelter/ Kiosks ......................................................... 503
31. Proposed Street Lighting ..................................................................................... 515
32. Installation of Proposed Advertisement Signage .................................................. 536
33. Installation of Proposed Traffic Signal ..................................................................550
34. Installation of Proposed Addressing/ Traffic Signs .................................................566
35. Installation of Proposed Gantry/Cantilever (Traffic/Toll Gate/I.T.S) ...................... 578
36. Installation of Proposed Permanent OHL Warning/Head Room Gantry ...................590
37. Installation of Proposed RTU................................................................................ 601
38. Installation of Proposed Safety Fencing within R.O.W .......................................612
39. Installation of Proposed Site Office ...................................................................... 624
40. Installation of Proposed Sound barrier ................................................................. 636

Chapter 4- General Projects

41. Proposed Dewatering ..........................................................................................649
42. Proposed Soil Investigation/Borehole ..................................................................666
43. Proposed Non-Disruptive Crossing Method (NDCM) (Road and service Crossing) ..... 687
44. Proposed Building Shoring................................................................................... 703
45. Proposed Scaffolding .......................................................................................... 714
46. Proposed Utility Manhole/Chamber/Gully ........................................................... 727
47. Proposed Loading / Unloading materials and Machineries ..................................... 740
48. Removal of Existing Plants & Trees ....................................................................... 752
49. Proposed Soft Landscaping/Tree ..........................................................................764
50. Proposed Hard Landscaping ................................................................................. 776

Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 789


Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed laying of LV cable and existing DEWA
Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 1.2, Case1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 0.15 m A/B OC R
(Ref Fig: 1.3)
Pilot Cable and Joints 1.0 m
(Ref Fig: 1.2, Case2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 1.2, Case1)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
2.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 1.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access working under Existing HV OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 1.5)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 1.5)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L.
(Ref Fig: 1.5)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity Low Voltage (LV) Cables

2. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Electricity High Voltage (HV) cables 19
(6.6/11/33 kV Cables/Pilot Cables/Joints)

2 .1 Introduction

The great demand of energy requires high voltage (HV) ranges 6.6 kV, 11 kV, and 33 kV to meet customers’
cables to transmit electricity either from generation needs. HV cables lay in approved corridor within
or transmission electrical lines/substations to pocket Right Of Way, therefore during laying activities it
stations and finally to the end users, HV cables laid is required to protect DEWA existing assets as per
underground to accommodate different voltage specified standards.

Laying of High Voltage (HV) Cables: Site Photos

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity High Voltage (HV) cables

4. Laying of Proposed Utilities –
Electricity 132 kV Trough 51

4.1 Introduction

EHV cables have unique properties of transmitting 132 kV cables which are laid inside concrete trough
power from generation power plant to substations. covered with concrete slab. The concrete troughs
and slabs are designed to withstand certain loads
Directly buried cables are at high risk of damages and protect the power cables from damages.
due to different site activities. EHV cables are 132 kV Trough is laid within Right Of Way. Therefore,
designed to emit no electric and magnetic fields during construction activities DEWA existing assets
to minimise power losses, and for the purpose to be protected as per specified standard.
of supporting sustainability of power supply

Laying of Proposed Utilities – Electricity 132 kV Trough


Photo: 132 kV Trough Laying

Photo: 132 kV Cable laying inside Trough

Laying of Proposed Utilities – Electricity 132 kV Trough
Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed laying of 132 kV Trough and existing DEWA
Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 4.3)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 0.3 m 0.5 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 4.4, Case 2)
pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 4.4)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
0.3 m NA - - -
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 4.3)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 4.5)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing HV-OHL

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 4.6)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 4.6)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L
(Ref fig: 4.6)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities – Electricity 132 kV Trough


132 kV Duct Bank work at site

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Duct Bank

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed laying of 132 kV Duct Bank and exisiting
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 5.2, Case 1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 0.15 m 0.15 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 5.3, Case 1)
pilot Cables and Joints
(Ref Fig: 5.3, Case 1 & 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
0.15 m NA - - -
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 5.2, Case 2)

- - - - - -
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing HV-OHL

(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
- - - - -
(33 kV) O.H.L

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Duct Bank


132 kV Link box - Bonding Cable

132 kV Joint Bay with Markers and Link Box

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Joint Bay/Transition Joint
Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed 132 kV cable Joint bay/Transition Joint and
existing DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 6.2, Case 1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 0.3 m NA - - R
Pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 6.2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
0.3 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 6.2, Case 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L. (Ref Fig: 6.3)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing HV-OHL

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 6.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 6.4)
HV G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
3.5 m
(33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 6.4)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Joint Bay/Transition Joint

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed 132 kV cable Joint bay/Transition Joint and
existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 6.5)
0.5 m NA - - R
Oil Filled Cable(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 6.5)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV)
(Ref Fig: 6.5)
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 0.5 m NA - - R
(Directly Buried)
(Ref Fig: 6.5)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 6.6)
EHV (132 kV) Trough 0.5 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 6.6)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 6.6)
0.5 m NA - - R
Duct Bank G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 6.6)

EHV (132 kV)

Joint Bay/ Transition NA NA - - R -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132/400 kV) O.H.L 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 6.7)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 6.8)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing EHV-OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 6.7)
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 6.7)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 6.7)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Electricity 132 kV Joint Bay/Transition Joint

7. Installation of Proposed OHL -
Electricity EHV (132/400 kV) 107

7.1 Introduction

An overhead power line is a structure constructed To maintain integrity, safety of the structure and
within DEWA Over Head Line corridor/special personnel during various construction activities it is
reservation and made of a steel structure which is required to maintain adequate clearances between
supported by a concrete foundation. An EHV Over energised conductor/Pylons and proposed work as per
Head Line is used to operate and ensure the efficient specified standards.
electric power transmission for large distances and
consists of suspended conductors over steel towers
(Pylons). DEWA Extra High Voltage (EHV) Over Head
Lines are two types 132 kV & 400 kV Lines.

Photo: EHV Over Head Line

Installation of Proposed OHL - Electricity EHV (132/400 kV)
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of EHV-OHL and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 7.4)
5.0 m NR - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 7.4)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV)
(Ref Fig: 7.4)
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 5.0 m NR - - R
(Directly Buried)
(Ref Fig: 7.4)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 7.4)
EHV (132 kV) Trough 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 7.4)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 7.4)
EHV (132 kV) Duct Bank 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 7.4)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV)
(Ref Fig: 7.4)
Joint Bay/Transition 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 7.4)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 6.0 m
(Ref Fig: 7.4)
20.0 m A/B - R
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 8.0 m
(Ref Fig: 7.5 & photo 7.1)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 20.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 7.7)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing EHV-OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 7.6)
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 7.6)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 7.6)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Installation of Proposed OHL - Electricity EHV (132/400 kV)

8. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Water Distribution Pipelines 121
(100 mm to 450 mm Dia)

8.1 Introduction

Distribution system is used to carry potable water from These lines are laid in specific corridors within
transmission network/storage tanks to the end users; Right Of Way; therefore during laying activities it
it consists of distribution pipelines, valve chambers is required to protect existing DEWA assets as per
etc. Distribution pipelines are always pressurised specified standards.
to transmit potable water through various pipeline
diameters which vary from 100 mm to 450 mm, and
are laid with different types of pipelines materials
(i.e. FC, AC, GRP, GRE, HDPE, .etc).

Water Distribution Line

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Water Distribution Pipelines
Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Distribution Water Pipeline
(100 mm to 450 mm Dia) and existing DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 8.2, Case 1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 8.3, Case 2)
Pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 8.3)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 8.2, Case 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 8.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 8.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 8.4)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L
(Ref Fig: 8.4)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Water Distribution Pipelines

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Distribution Water Pipeline
(100 mm to 450 mm Dia) and existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
Oil Filled Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 8.9 & 8.10)

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Power/Pilot/ G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
F.O Cable G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Directly Buried) (Ref Fig: 8.9 & 8.10)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
Trough G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 8.8 & 8.10)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
Duct Bank G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 8.8 & 8.10)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Joint Bay/ 1.0 m NA - - -
Transition Joint

EHV (132/400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

5.0 m NR - - R
O.H.L G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m A OC G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

EHV (400 kV) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

2.5 m R
2.0 m B NDCM

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Water Distribution Pipelines

9. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Water Transmission Pipelines 139
(500 mm to 1200 mm Dia.)

9.1 Introduction

Transmission system is used to carry bulk quantity of and laid with different types of pipelines materials
potable water for long distances from generation/ (i.e. FC, AC, GRP, GRE, HDPE, .etc).
water treatment plant/reservoir to distribution system
and/or storage reservoir; it consists of transmission These lines are laid in specific corridors within Right
pipelines, valves, chambers etc. Transmission pipelines Of Way/ utility reservation; therefore during laying
are pressurised to transmit potable water through activities it is required to protect existing DEWA assets
various pipeline diameters varies from 500 mm, as per specified standards.
550 mm, 600 mm, 700 mm, 900 mm and 1200 mm,

Transmission Water Pipeline

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Water Transmission Pipelines

10. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Sewerage Gravity Pipelines

10.1 Introduction

The purpose of Sewerage system is to receive and are laid at a certain depth in order to meet the
transport waste water (effluents) coming from gravity gradients.
residential, commercial and industrial areas through
underground sewerage pipelines to the dedicated Gravity pipelines are laid in dedicated corridors
sewerage treatment plant. It consists of a network of within Right Of Way, therefore during laying
gravity and pressure pipelines of various diameters. activities it is required to protect DEWA assets as per
The gravity lines have a large network of underground specified standards.
pipes with branches and manholes and these pipelines

Laying Sewerage Gravity line

Laying of Proposed Utility - Sewerage Gravity Pipelines
11. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Sewerage Pressure Pipelines 175

11.1 Introduction

The prime elements of Sewerage system are receiving Generally pressure lines are transmission lines which
and draining waste water (effluents) away from carry effulent for longer distance to the treatment
residential and industrial areas and such raw sewerage plant and will have lifting station/pumping station in
water transported to the dedicated treatment plant. the network depending on the ground profiles. The
The sewer system consists of pipe network of the sewerage lines are a large network of underground
gravity line as well as the pressure line. pipes, usually laid in greater depth. The sewer
pressure pipeline lays in an approved corridor within
Sewer pressure lines are connected to sewerage Right Of Way; therefore it is required to protect
pumping station which regulates at a desired pressure DEWA existing assets during laying activities as per
to transmit the effulent to the treatment plant. specified standard.

Laying of Sewerage Pipeline

Laying of Proposed Utility - Sewerage Pressure Pipelines

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Drainage Gravity Pipeline and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 12.2, Case 1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 12.3, Case 2)
Pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 12.3)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 12.2, Case 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 12.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 12.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 12.4)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L
(Ref Fig: 12.4)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utility - Drainage Gravity Pipelines

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Drainage gravity pipeline and existing DEWA
Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Oil Filled Cable(O.F)
EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
F.O Cable
(Directly Buried) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV) Trough 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank
EHV (132 kV)
Joint Bay/ Transition 1.0 m NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132/400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m NR - - R
O.H.L G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m A OC G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m R
2.0 m B NDCM

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utility - Drainage Gravity Pipelines

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Drainage pressure pipeline and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 13.2, Case 1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 2.0 m 1.0 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 13.3, Case 2)
Pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 13.3)
HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
2.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 13.2, Case 2)
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
HV (Ref Fig: 13.4)
5.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 13.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 13.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 13.4)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L
(Ref Fig: 13.4)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utility - Drainage Pressure Pipelines

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Drainage Pressure pipeline and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Oil Filled 3.0 m 1.0 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Cable(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
3.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
F.O Cable
(Directly Buried) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
3.0 m 1.0 m B OC R
Trough G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 13.11, 13.12 & 13.13)
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
3.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank
EHV (132 kV)
Joint Bay/ 3.0 m NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint
EHV (132/400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m NR - - R
O.H.L G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
1.0 m A OC G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV)
2.5 m R G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
2.0 m B NDCM

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
EHV (132 kV)
4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV)
7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utility - Drainage Pressure Pipelines

14. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Irrigation Distribution Pipelines 229

14.1 Introduction

The purpose of the irrigation distribution network and chambers etc., which are constructed within a
is to irrigate the green landscaping areas, trees, dedicated corridor in Right Of Way. Therefore during
plantation etc., by treated irrigation water that construction activities it is required to protect DEWA
transmitted from the main networks. existing assets as per specified standards.

This network consists of distribution pipelines with

various diameters of different materials, valves,

Laying Irrigation Distribution Network

Laying of Proposed Utility - Irrigation Distribution Pipelines

15. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Irrigation Main Pipelines 247

15.1 Introduction

The purpose of the irrigation main network is to tanks etc., and the main lines, valves chambers are
transport the treated water from the treatment plants constructed in a dedicated corridor within Right Of
to the irrigation distribution networks which are the Way, and therefore during construction activities
secondary irrigation water supply network. it is required to protect DEWA existing assets as per
specified standards.
This network consists of main lines (transmission
lines), valves, chambers, pumping station, reservation

Laying of Irrigation Main Network

Laying of Proposed Utility - Irrigation Main Pipelines

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed District Cooling Pipeline and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 16.2)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 16.3)
Pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 16.4)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
0.5 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 16.2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 16.5)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 16.5)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 16.5)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L
(Ref Fig: 16.5)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - District Cooling Pipelines

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed District Cooling Pipeline and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Oil Filled Cable 3.0 m 1.0 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

3.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
F.O Cable
(Directly Buried) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV) Trough 3.0 m 1.0 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
3.0 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Joint Bay/ 3.0 m NA - - R
Transition Joint

EHV (132/400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

5.0 m NR - - R
O.H.L (Ref Fig: 16.14)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (400 kV) (Ref Fig: 16.12)
2.5 m 2.0 m B NDCM R
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

(Ref Fig: 16.14)
5.0 m B - R
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - District Cooling Pipelines

Gas/Fuel Pipe inside fencing with route marker Gas/Fuel Gatch berm/Bund and route marker

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Gas/Fuel Pipelines

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Gas/Fuel Pipeline and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 17.3, Case 1)
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 10.0 m 1.0 m B OC R
(Ref Fig: 17.3, Case 2)
Pilot Cable and Joints
(Ref Fig: 17.3, Case 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
10.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 17.3, Case 3)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
10.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L (Ref Fig: 17.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 17.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L
10.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 17.4)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L
(Ref Fig: 17.4)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Gas/Fuel Pipelines

18. Laying of Proposed Utilities -
Telecommunication 299

18.1 Introduction

Communication is a process to exchange transmission, This network consists of cables, ducts, manholes/
emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, chambers/pull-out boxes, telecommunication towers
images and sounds or intelligence of any nature etc., which are constructed within Right Of Way;
through wire/wireless, radio, optical or other therefore it is required to protect DEWA existing assets
electromagnetic systems. during construction activities as per specified standards.

Photo: Telecommunication ducts.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Telecommunication

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Telecommunication duct and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 18.4, Case 1)
Oil Filled Cable 0.5 m 0.5 m B OC R

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

Power/Pilot/ (Ref Fig: 18.4, Case 1)
0.5 m 0.5 m B OC R
F.O Cable G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
(Directly Buried) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
0.5 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
0.5 m 0.5 m B OC R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ 1.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 18.4, Case 2)
Transition Joint

(132/400 kV) 5.0 m NR - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 18.10, Case 1)
1.0 m A OC G#02'!*!*#0,!#
EHV (400 kV) (Ref Fig: 18.10, Case 2)
2.5 m R
Tunnel G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

2.0 m B NDCM

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
EHV (132 kV)
4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV)
7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Laying of Proposed Utilities - Telecommunication


19. Proposed Road Work -
Asphalt Carriageway 315

19.1 Introduction

The purpose of the asphalt carriageways are to Asphalt carriageways are constructed within Right
facilitate the movement of the motorists/travellers/ Of Way therefore during construction activities it is
road users and to accommodate large volumes of required to protect DEWA existing assets and to lay
traffic with the road design speed in accordance with DEWA ducts for future requirements (if required) as per
the geometric design. Roads have different classes specified standards.
(Freeway, expressway, primary arterial, secondary
arterial, collector and local roads). Each road has a
distinct function, character and level of access control.

Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Carriageway

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Carriageway and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 0.9 m A - R
Pilot Cable and Joints
1.0 m
(6.6/11/33 kV) NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

5.0 m NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L.

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL

3.0 m
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L. G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
HV G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
3.5 m
(33 kV) O.H.L.

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Carriageway

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Carriageway and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@t+ u@v+ A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Oil Filled Cable(O.F)

Power/Pilot/ G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@t+ 1.0 m A - R
F.O Cable G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@t+ 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

Joint Bay/ v@t+ NA - - - G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Iuwv)K@ @ vy@t+ 15.0 m
B - R
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Ixtt)K@ @ xt@t+ 16.5 m

Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@y+ 1.0 m A - R
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Access/Service Road and existing
DEWA Electricity HV Services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) Power/ 0.9 m A - R
Pilot Cable and Joints. NR
- - - R GI#$
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole.

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NA - NA R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L. I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L. I#$
5.0 m B - R
HV G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
3.5 m
(33 kV) O.H.L. I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Access /Service Road and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Oil Filled v@t+ u@v+ A - R
Cable (O.F)

NR 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
F.O Cable
(Directly Buried)

NR 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Iuwv)K GI#$
NR 1.0 m A - R
Duct Bank G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Joint Bay/ v@t+ NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

vy@t+ 15.0 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
B - R
Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
xt@t+ 16.5 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

v@y+ 1.0 m A - R
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Access/Service Road

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Access/Service Road and existing
DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 8.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Gas/Fuel pipeline G#02'!*!*#0,!#
10.0 m 3.0 m A - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Access/Service Road

Asphalt Parking
21.1 Introduction

Asphalted parking lot is the area, remote from the Asphalted Parking can be in one or both sides of
road designated for the parking of vehicles. The road the road within the Right Of Way, therefore during
may contain Parking lanes which are the areas on the construction activities it is required to protect DEWA
pavement, perpendicular, inclined or parallel to but existing assets as per specified standards.
outside the travelling way. Each parking lane contains
several parking bays in which the area are marked out
for different sizes of vehicle parking.
Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Parking and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#
0.9 m A - R
Power/Pilot I#$
Cable and Joints NR
(6.6/11/33 kV) - - - R GI#$

(6.6/11/33 kV) 5.0 m NA - NA R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
3.0 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
(33 kV) O.H.L.

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Parking and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

v@t+ u@v+ A - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

NR 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
F.O Cable
(Directly Buried)

Iuwv)K0-3%& NR 1.0 m A - R

NR 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

Joint Bay/ v@t+ NA - - - G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Iuwv)K@ @ vy@t+ 15.0 m
B - R
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ xt@t+ 16.5 m I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
v@y+ 1.0 m A - R I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Parking

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Asphalt Parking and existing
DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 8.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Gas/Fuel pipeline I#$
10.0 m 3.0 m A - R
(All diameter) G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Asphalt Parking

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Carriageway and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
0.9 m A - R
Power/Pilot G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Cable and Joints 1.0 m
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(6.6/11/33 kV) NA - - R

(6.6/11/33 kV) 5.0 m NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
3.0 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
(33 kV) O.H.L.

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Carriageway and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Oil Filled v@t+ u@v+ A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Cable(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

Power/Pilot/ G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@t+ 1.0 m A - R
F.O Cable G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@t+ 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
v@t+ 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

Joint Bay/ v@t+ NA - - - G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

vy@t+ 15.0 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
B - R
Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
xt@t+ 16.5 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

v@y+ 1.0 m A - R
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
7.5 m
O.H.L I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Interlock Carriageway

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Access /Service Road and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#
0.9 m A - R
Power/Pilot I#$
Cable and Joints.
(6.6/11/33 kV) - - - R GI#$

(6.6/11/33 kV) 5.0 m NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
3.0 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
(33 kV) O.H.L.

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Interlock Access/Service Road

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Access /Service Road and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services

Electricity Crossing Details

EHV Existing Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Oil Filled Cable v@t+ u@v+ A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

Power/Pilot/ G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
NR 1.0 m A - R
F.O Cable G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
(Directly Buried)
NR 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Iuwv)K GI#$
NR 1.0 m A - R
Duct Bank G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Joint Bay/ v@t+ NA - - - G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

vy@t+ 15.0 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
B - R
Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
xt@t+ 16.5 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

v@y+ 1.0 m A - R
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

x@y+ G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
7.5 m

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Parking and existing DEWA
Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#
0.9 m A - R
Power/Pilot I#$
Cable and Joints NR
(6.6/11/33 kV) - - - R GI#$

(6.6/11/33 kV) 5.0 m NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
3.0 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
(33 kV) O.H.L.

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work - Interlock Parking

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Parking and existing DEWA
Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Oil Filled v@t+ u@v+ A - R
Cable (O.F)
Iuwv)K G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/ I#$
NR 1.0 m A - R
F.O Cable G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Directly Buried) I#$

Iuwv)K G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
NR 1.0 m A - R
Trough G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

NR 1.0 m A - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

Joint Bay/ v@t+ NA - - - G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

vy@t+ 15.0 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
B - R
Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
xt@t+ 16.5 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Ixtt)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

v@y+ 1.0 m A - R
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

O.H.L G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
7.5 m

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Interlock Parking and existing
DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 8.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Gas/Fuel pipeline G#02'!*!*#0,!#
10.0 m 3.0 m - - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Roundabout) xvy

25.1 Introduction

The purpose of bridge/interchange/flyover/railway piles, piers and ramps etc., the infrastructure/
overpass is to cross over existing water ways, roads, superstructure are constructed within Right Of Way
railway tracks etc., to enable free traffic to flow through therefore; it is required to protect DEWA existing assets
the junctions without direct crossing or congestion. as per specified standards.

These structures consist of infrastructure and

superstructure elements such as concrete foundation,

Proposed Road Work

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed work and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Oil Filled v@t+ 5.5 m A - R
Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/ I#$
v@t+ 5.5 m A - R
F.O Cable G#02'!*!*#0,!#
(Directly Buried) I#$
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K I#$
v@t+ 5.5 m A - R
Trough G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
v@t+ NR A - R
Duct Bank I#$
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ v@t+ 5.5 m A - R
Transition Joint
To be studied on case by case basis. G#$-2# #*-5
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ vy@t+ 10.0 m 15.0 m B - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ xt@t+ 16.0 m 16.5 m B - R

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m

?-2#B&#+6'+3+4' 02'-,*#4#*$-0!'4'*5-0)1,-22-#6!##"uy++H1

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed work and existing DEWA Gas/Fuel services

Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 13.0 m NA - - R

Gas/Fuel pipeline G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

15.0 m NA - - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Work

vz@0-.-1#" 0"',%

26.1 Introduction

The purpose of grading work is to prepare the changing the existing surface horizontally with a
existing ground to be suitable to receive construction minimum slope for surface drain.
activities, such as building foundations, roads works,
landscape works etc., by shaping/reshaping either by Earthwork activities usually implemented within
cutting and/or filling which allows a maximum depth Right Of Way therefore, it is required to protect DEWA
of 300 mm. In general the grading works include existing assets as per specified standards.

Grading work
Proposed Grading
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Grading works and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR 0.9 m - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) I#$

Power/Pilot/ G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR 0.9 m - - R
F.O Cable I#$
(Directly Buried)

Iuwv)K0-3%& NR 0.9 m - - R

Iuwv)K G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR 0.9 m - - R
Duct Bank I#$

Joint Bay/Transition NA - - - - -

Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m G#02'!*!*#0,!#

NR - - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 16.5 m I#$

Ixtt)K3,,#* NR 1.0 m - - R

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ x@y+ I#$
5.0 m - - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Grading
Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Grading works and existing
DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 8.0 m NA - - R

Gas/Fuel pipeline G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

10.0 m NA - - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Grading
v{@0-.-1#"-"',2#,,!#-0)1 xyw

27.1 Introduction

The purpose of road maintenance work is to maintain frequent activity to repair any defects that may occur
the road elements such as wearing course, base course, to the existing road.
curbstone, guardrail, road marking, etc., to keep it as
its original condition as constructed or as subsequently Road maintenance activities always implemented
improved to provide satisfactory and safe condition within Right Of Way therefore; it is required to protect
to motorists/road users. The road maintenance is a DEWA existing assets as per DEWA specified standards.

Proposed Road Maintenance Works

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Road Maintenance -Resurfacing and
existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K As G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR - - R
Oil Filled Cable(O.F) Existing I#$

As G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable NR - - R
Existing I#$
(Directly Buried)

As G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& NR - - R
Existing I#$

Iuwv)K As G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR - - R
Duct Bank Existing I#$

Joint Bay/ NA - - - R -
Transition Joint

IuwvHxtt)K@ @ NA - - - R -

As G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* NR - - R
Existing I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Maintenance Works

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Road Maintenance -Resurfacing and
existing DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence As Existing NA - - R

Gas/Fuel pipeline G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

As Existing NA - - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Road Maintenance Works

v|@0-.-1#"  *#!20'!*3!21A
Extension and protection of xzw
existing Ducts
28.1 Introduction

Proposed ducts are used to provide a clear pathway for During the construction activities of proposed duct(s),
laying future DEWA ED cables without disturbing the extension and/or protection, DEWA existing services
existing Services/Roads. must be protected as per DEWA specified standards.

Proposed DEWA Electrical Ducts, Extension and protection of existing Ducts

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed duct work and existing DEWA Electricity
HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Existing Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
v@t+ NR - - R
Power/Pilot Cable I#$
and Joints

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(6.6/11/33 kV) v@t+ NA - - R

(6.6/11/33 kV) NR NR - - R -

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed duct work and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NR - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable v@t+ NR - - R
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NR - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NR - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
IuwvHxtt)K@ @ 5.0 m NR - - R

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ x@y+ I#$
5.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed DEWA Electrical Ducts, Extension and protection of existing Ducts

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed duct work and existing DEWA
Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 8.0 m NA - - R

Gas/Fuel pipeline G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

10.0 m NA - - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed DEWA Electrical Ducts, Extension and protection of existing Ducts


29.1 Introduction

The purpose of pedestrian/foot bridges is to provide foot bridges structures are constructed within Right
a safe crossing for the pedestrians to cross areas Of Way therefore during construction activities it
where walking could be perilous/impossible such is required to protect DEWA existing assets as per
as carriageways, water ways, etc., from one side to specified standards.
the other.

This structure consists of foundations, columns, slab,

drainage system, elevators, etc. The pedestrian/

Photo – Pedestrian Bridge

Proposed Pedestrian Bridge
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Pedestrian Bridge and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable v@t+ NA - - R
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - - R

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Pedestrian Bridge

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Pedestrian Bridge and existing DEWA
Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Existing Fence 8.0 m NA - - R

Gas/Fuel pipeline G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

10.0 m NA - - R
(All diameter) I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Pedestrian Bridge


30. Installation of Proposed Bus Shelter/
Kiosks 503

30.1 Introduction

Bus shelters are resting/ waiting areas for passengers. A bus shelter is constructed within the Right Of
They serve to protect people from adverse weather Way. Therefore it is important to protect DEWA
conditions. A bus shelter is essentially a kiosk existing assets during construction activities as per
constructed on a concrete foundation with resting specified standards.
seats, lighting, an air conditioning system, signage,
bus services time table board, etc.

Installation of Proposed Bus Shelter/ Kiosks

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Bus shelter/Kiosks and existing DEWA
Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - - -

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Installation of Proposed Bus Shelter/ Kiosks

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Bus shelter/Kiosks and existing DEWA
Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
3#* 6'12',% Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
#,!# |@t+ NA - - R

3#*.'.#*',# G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
10.0 m NA - - R
I**"'+#2#0K I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Installation of Proposed Bus Shelter/ Kiosks

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Street light and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services

Electricity HV Crossing Details

Existing Horizontal Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Street light
Services Clearance Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
-3,"2'-, 0.3 m NA - -
Power/Pilot R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Cable and I#$
Cable 0.3 m t@v+ B OC
Joints. G#02'!*!*#0,!#
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iz@zHuuHww)K Cable 0.3 m NA - - R

3.0 m NA - - conductor
Street Light I#$
HV Pole
Iz@zHuuHww)K R G
v@t+ NA - -
O.H.L. 0-.#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#$0-+
Cable 5.0 m NR - -

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iz@zHuu)K - 3.0 m
5.0 m B - R
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
HV I#$
- 3.5 m
Iww)K@ @@ G#02'!*!*#0,!#

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Street light and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Electricity Crossing details
Proposed Horizontal
EHV Existing Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Street light Clearance
Services Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, 1.0 m NA - -

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

'**#" R I#$
K G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, 1.0 m NA - -
Iuwv)K I#$
Power/ G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Pilot/ I#$

@ *# G#02'!*!*#0,!#
I'0#!2*7 Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC
30'#"K G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, 1.0 m NA - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K I#$
Trough G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable 0.5 m 0.5 m B OC

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, 1.0 m NA - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K I#$
Duct Bank G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable 0.5 m 0.5 m B OC

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, 1.0 m NA - -
Joint Bay/ I#$
Transition G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Cable 0.5 m NA - -

Street light
5.0 m NA - - I#$
Iuwv)K Pole
R #$&-2-Bwu@vK
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Cable 5.0 m NR B OC

Street light
z@t+ NA - - I#$
EHV Pole
Ixtt)K R
O.H.L G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Cable 5.0 m NR B OC
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Street light and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services

Electricity Crossing details

Proposed Horizontal
EHV Existing Remarks
Street light Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

-3,"2'-, v@y+ NA - - R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tunnel Cable v@y+ 1.0 m A OC R I#$

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K I#$
- 4.5 m
O.H.L G#02'!*!*#0,!#
5.0 m B - R
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K - 7.5 m

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Street Lighting

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Street light and existing
DEWA Gas/Fuel services

3#* Crossing Details
Proposed Horizontal
Existing Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Street light Clearance
Services Clearance Position Method Protection

-3,"2'-, |@t+ NA - - G -0'8-,2*
#,!# R clearance
Cable |@t+ v@t+ B NDCM I#$

-3,"2'-, 10.0 m NA - - G -0'8-,2*
pipeline R clearance
I**"'+#2#0K Cable 10.0 m v@t+ B NDCM I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

wv@ ,12**2'-,-$0-.-1#"
Advertisement Signage
32.1 Introduction

The purpose of advertisement signage is to public places, highways or on the face of buildings.
attract people’s attention and create awareness The vertical post of the signboard is placed over
for products, services or ideas of fered by an a concrete foundation and constructed within
organisation/company. Right Of Way. Therefore, during construction it is
important to protect DEWA existing assets as per
A typical outdoor signage is a structure supported specified standards.
by a vertical post to display the advertisements in
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Advertisement Signages
and existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - - R

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Advertisement Signages
and existing DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
3#* 6'12',% Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
#,!# |@t+ NA - - R

3#*.'.#*',# G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
10.0 m NA - R
I**"'+#2#0K I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Traffic Signal and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services

Electricity Crossing Details

Proposed Horizontal
EHV Existing Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Traffic Signal Clearance
Services Clearance Position Method Protection
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, v@t+ NA - -
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
'**#" *# R
K Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, v@t+ NA - -
Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/ I#$

@ *# G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC
I'0#!2*730'#"K I#$
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, v@t+ NA - -
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
R I#$
Trough G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

-3,"2'-, v@t+ NA - -
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K I#$
Duct Bank G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable 1.0 m 0.5 m B OC
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
-3,"2'-, v@t+ NA - -
Joint Bay/ R
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Transition Joint Cable 1.0 m NA - -

-3,"2'-, v@y+ NA - OC R G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K I#$
Tunnel G#02'!*!*#0,!#
Cable v@y+ 1.0 m A OC R I#$

Iuwv)K Traffic Signal G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

15.0 m NA - - -
O.H.L Pole I#$

Ixtt)K Traffic Signal G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

vt@t+ NA - - -
O.H.L Pole I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Installation of Proposed Traffic Signal

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Address/Traffic Sign and
existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - - R

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Address/Traffic Sign and
existing DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
3#* 6'12',% Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
#,!# |@t+ NA - - R

3#*.'.#*',# G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
10.0 m NA - - R
I**"'+#2#0K I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Installation of Traffic Gantry/Cantilever
and existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - - R

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

wz@ ,12**2'-,-$0-.-1#"#0+,#,2
OHL Warning/Head Room Gantry
36.1 Introduction

&# .30.-1# -$ -4#0&#" *',# I K 50,',% %,207H The gantry structures are fixed on concrete foundation
head room gantry is to restrict the height of vehicles within Right Of Way. Therefore it is important during
or equipment that intends to cross under the OHL/ construction activities to protect DEWA existing assets
existing structure, and to ensure that the minimum as per specified standards.
safe vertical clearance is maintained. OHL warning/
head room gantries are installed on roads well in
advance in the direction of traffic flow.
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed OHL Warning/Head Room gantry and
existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K@ @ 4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

100.0 m B - R
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - -
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - -

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - -
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - -

Iuwv)K@ @ 4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

5.0 m B - -
Ixtt)K@ @ 7.5 m I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Installation of Proposed RTU

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and existing
DEWA Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
3#* 6'12',% Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
#,!# |@t+ NA - - -

3#*.'.#*',# G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
10.0 m NA - - -
I**"'+#2#0K I#$

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Fencing and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

1.0 m NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# 1.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& 1.0 m NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

1.0 m NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ 1.0 m NA - - R
Transition Joint

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - R

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Site office and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ v@t+ NA - - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ v@t+ NA - - -

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Sound barrier and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
'**#" *#I@
K I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
@ *# v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K0-3%& v@t+ NA - - R

Iuwv)K G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

v@t+ NA - - R
Duct Bank I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition v@t+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K3,,#* v@y+ NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Iuwv)K@ @ 15.0 m NA - - R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Ixtt)K@ @ vt@t+ NA - - R

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.


Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Dewatering and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 41.7)
2.0 m NA - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 41.5)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 41.7)
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) Trough 1.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 41.9)

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

1.0 m NA - - R
Duct Bank (Ref Fig: 41.10)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ Transition 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 41.8)

EHV (400 kV) Tunnel To be studied on case by case basis G#$#0,-2# #*-5

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 41.11)
EHV (132/400 kV) O.H.L 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 41.6 & 41.11)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 41.11)
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 41.11)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 41.11)

Note: 1. Dewartering drilling will be studied case by case basis

2. Discharge pipe/ hose allowed to cross above the 400 kV tunnel

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Dewatering
42. Proposed Soil Investigation/
42.1 Introduction
To evaluate the suitability of construction site and Construction activity involves boring/drilling and
disclose/predict the difficulties during construction other machinery, borehole location to be away from
and also to enable adequate economic and structural DEWA assets as per specified standards.
design as per soil condition. The suitability of
construction location will be concluded after
testing various properties of soil collected from the
construction site.

Typical Soil Investigation

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for Proposed Soil investigation/Bore hole and existing
DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(6.6/11/33 kV) (Ref Fig: 42.2)
1.5 m NA - - R
Power/Pilot Cable and G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
Joints. (Ref Fig: 42.2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole. (Ref Fig: 42.3)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L. (Ref Fig: 42.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access and crossing under Existing HV-OHL

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 42.5)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 42.5)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L.
(Ref Fig: 42.5)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Soil investigation/Bore hole and existing
DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) 2.0 m (Ref Fig: 42.6)
NA - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Photo: 42.3)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV)
2.0 m (Ref Fig: 42.6)
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable NA - - R
(Directly Buried)
(Ref Photo: 42.3)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 42.7)
EHV (132 kV) Trough 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Photo:42.3)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 42.8)
2.0 m NA - - R
Duct Bank G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Photo:42.3)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV)
(Ref Fig: 42.9)
Joint Bay/ Transition 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Photo:42.3)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 42.10)
EHV (132/400 kV) O.H.L 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 42.10)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 42.11)
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m NA - - R
(Ref Photo:42.3)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 42.10)
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 42.10)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 42.10)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Soil Investigation/Borehole

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed NDCM and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services

Electricity Crossing Details

EHV existing Remarks
Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$

Oil Filled Cable 2.0 m 2.0 m B NDCM R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
(O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
2.0 m 2.0 m B NDCM R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
F.O Cable
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
2.0 m 2.0 m B NDCM R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (132 kV)
2.0 m 2.0 m B NDCM R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
Duct Bank

EHV (132 kV)

Joint Bay/ 5.0 m NA - - - G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
Transition Joint

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
(132/400 kV) 5.0 m NR - NDCM R

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
2.5 m 2.0 m B NDCM R
Tunnel G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig:43.7 & 43.8)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
EHV (132 kV)
4.5 m G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#I#$
5.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#I#$
EHV (400 kV) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1I#$
7.5 m

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Non-Disruptive Crossing Method (NDCM)

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Shoring and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Proposed Horizontal
existing Services Shoring Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) Shoring 2.0 m NA - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Oil Filled Cable R
(Ref Fig:44.4)
Anchoring NR 2.0 m B -

EHV (132 kV) Shoring 2.0 m NA - -

Power/Pilot/ G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
F.O Cable (Ref Fig:44.4)
(Directly Buried) Anchoring NR 2.0 m B -

Shoring 2.0 m NA - -
EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Trough (Ref Fig:44.5)
Anchoring NR 2.0 m B -

Shoring 2.0 m NA - -
EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Duct Bank (Ref Fig:44.5)
Anchoring NR 2.0 m B -

EHV (132 kV) Shoring 2.0 m NA - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ R
(Ref Fig:44.6)
Transition Joint Anchoring NR 2.0 m B -

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

Shoring 15.0 m NA - - R
O.H.L (Ref Fig:44.7)

EHV (400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

Shoring 20.0 m NA - - R
O.H.L (Ref Fig:44.8)

EHV (400 kV)

To be studied on case by case basis G#$#0-2# #*-5

Note: The maximum vibration level for civil works not to exceed 15 mm/s PPV

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Building Shoring

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Scaffolding and existing DEWA Electricity
HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(6.6/11/33 kV) (Ref Fig: 45.2)
1.0 m NR - - R
Power/Pilot Cable G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
and Joints (Ref Fig: 45.2 )

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 45.3)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L. (Ref Fig: 45.4)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 45.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 45.4 )
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L.
(Ref Fig: 45.4 )

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Scaffolding
Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Scaffolding and existing DEWA Electricity
EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
existing Services Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 45.5)
1.0 m NR - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 45.5 )

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

(Ref Fig: 45.5 )
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 1.0 m NR - - R
(Directly Buried) (Ref Fig: 45.5 )

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 45.6 )
EHV (132 kV) Trough 1.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 45.6)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig:45.6 )
1.0 m NR - - R
Duct Bank G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 45.6)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ 2.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 45.7 )
Transition Joint

EHV (132 kV) O.H.L NR 15.0 m B - R G#02'!*!*#0,!#

(Ref Fig: 45.9)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L NR 16.5 m B - R (Ref Fig: 45.9)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 45.8)
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 45.8)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 45.9 )
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 45.9)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 45.9)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed construction of Utility Manhole/Chamber/
Gully and existing DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
- - R
Power/Pilot Cable (Ref Fig: 46.2 - Case 1)
and Joints 0.5 m NA

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
- - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 46.2 - Case 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NR - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L. (Ref Fig: 46.3)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing HV OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 46.3)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 46.3)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L.
(Ref Fig: 46.3)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Utility Manhole/Chamber/Gully

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed construction of Utility Manhole/Chamber/
Gully and existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
existing Services Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

1.0 m NA - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) (Ref Fig: 46.4)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 1.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 46.4)
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) Trough 1.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 46.5)

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

1.0 m NA - - R
Duct Bank (Ref Fig: 46.5)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 46.6)
Transition Joint

EHV (132/400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

5.0 m NA - - R
O.H.L (Ref Fig: 46.7)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 46.8)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 46.7)
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 46.7)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 46.7)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Loading, Unloading Material Machinery and
existing DEWA Electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

(6.6/11/33 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
- - R
Power/Pilot Cable (Ref Fig: 47.2, Case 1)
and Joints 1.0 m NA

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
- - -
(6.6/11/33 kV) Manhole (Ref Fig: 47.2, Case 2)

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
5.0 m NA - - R
(6.6/11/33 kV) O.H.L. (Ref Fig: 47.3)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing HV OHL

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 47.3)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 47.3)
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L.
(Ref Fig: 47.3)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Proposed Loading/Unloading materials and Machineries

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Loading, Unloading Material Machinery and
existing DEWA Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
existing Services Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

2.0 m NA - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) (Ref Fig: 47.4)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 47.4)
(Directly Buried)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) Trough 2.0 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 47.5)

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

2.0 m NA - - R
Duct Bank (Ref Fig: 47.5)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ 3.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig: 47.6)
Transition Joint

EHV (132/400 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

5.0 m - B - R
O.H.L (Ref Fig: 47.8)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m NA - - R
(Ref Fig: 47.7)

Clearance & Protection details for access under Existing EHV OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 47 .8)
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 47.8)
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 47.8)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

48. Removal of Existing Plants & Trees
48.1 Introduction

Removal of trees/plants could not be avoided in agricultures using special equipment, tools and
some circumstances, such as, when they obstruct machines under supervision of a specialist from the
construction site, or when severely injured by concerned authority. During the removal process
storms, or when they outgrow their sites, or hinder Machines could encroaching DEWA existing services
maintenance work of utilities/services, or when they and/or corridors therefore during this process it
may have to be replanted in another location. Trees/ is required to protect DEWA existing assets as per
plants removals must be carried out by specialised specified standards.
Table 2: Clearance & Protection details for proposed removal of Plants/Trees and existing DEWA
electricity HV services
Crossing Details
Electricity HV existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

HV G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(6.6/11/33 kV) (Ref Fig: 48.2)
1.0 m NR - - R
Power/Pilot Cable G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
and Joints (Ref Fig: 48.2 )

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(6.6/11/33 kV) 1.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 48.3)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig:48.4)
(6.6/11/33 kV) 5.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 48.4 )

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing HV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
3.0 m (Ref Fig: 48.4)
(6.6/11 kV) O.H.L.
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 48.4 )
3.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(33 kV) O.H.L.
(Ref Fig: 48.4 )

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Removal of existing Plants & Trees

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed removal of Plants/Trees and existing DEWA
electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Horizontal
existing Services Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig:48.5)
1.0 m NR - - R
Oil Filled Cable (O.F) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 48.5 )

EHV (132 kV) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#

(Ref Fig: 48.5 )
Power/Pilot/F.O Cable 1.0 m NR - - R
(Directly Buried) (Ref Fig: 48.5 )

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 48.6 )
EHV (132 kV) Trough 1.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 48.6)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) (Ref Fig: 48.6 )
1.0 m NR - - R
Duct Bank G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 48.6)

EHV (132 kV)

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Joint Bay/ 2.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 48.7 )
Transition Joint

EHV (132/400 kV)

NR - - - - -

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 48.8)
EHV (400 kV) Tunnel 2.5 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 48.8)

Clearance & Protection details for access and working under Existing EHV-OHL
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) O.H.L 4.5 m (Ref Fig: 48.9 )
5.0 m B - R
(Ref Fig: 48.9 )
EHV (400 kV) O.H.L 7.5 m G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 48.9 )

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 4: Clearance & Protection details for proposed removal of Plants/Trees and existing DEWA
Gas/Fuel services
Crossing Details
Gas/Fuel existing Horizontal
Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard Remarks
Services Clearance
Clearance Position Method Protection

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Ref Fig: 48.10)
Existing Fence 8.0 m NR - - R
(Ref Fig: 48.10 )

G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Gas/Fuel Pipeline (Ref Fig: 48.10)
10.0 m NR - - R
(All diameter) G0-2#!2'-,"#2'*1
(Ref Fig: 48.10 )

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Soft Landscaping/Tree and existing DEWA
Electricity EHV services
Proposed Crossing Details
Soft Horizontal
EHV existing Remarks
Landscaping/ Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Tree Clearance Position Method Protection

Soft G#02'!*!*#0,!#
EHV (132 kV) NR 1.0 m - - -
Landscaping (Ref Fig:49.4)
Oil Filled Cable
(O.F) G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 5.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.4)

EHV (132 kV) Soft G#02'!*!*#0,!#

NR 1.0 m - - -
Landscaping (Ref Fig:49.4)
F.O Cable
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Directly Buried) Tree 5.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.4)

Soft G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR 1.0 m - - -
Landscaping (Ref Fig:49.5)
EHV (132 kV)
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 5.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.5)

Soft G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR 1.0 m - - -
Landscaping (Ref Fig:49.5)
EHV (132 kV)
Duct Bank G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 5.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.5)

NA - - - - -
EHV (132 kV) Landscaping
Joint Bay/
Transition Joint G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 5.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.6)

NA - - - - -
EHV (132 kV) Landscaping
O.H.L G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 15.0 m NA - -
(Ref Fig:49.7)

NA - - - - -
EHV (400 kV) Landscaping
O.H.L G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 20.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.8)

Soft G#02'!*!*#0,!#
NR 1.0 m - - -
Landscaping (Ref Fig:49.9)
EHV (400 kV)
G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
Tree 5.0 m NA - - -
(Ref Fig:49.9)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

Table 3: Clearance & Protection details for proposed Hard Landscaping and existing DEWA
Electricity EHV services
Crossing Details
Electricity EHV Proposed Hard Horizontal
existing Services Landscaping Clearance Vertical Crossing Crossing Standard
Clearance Position Method Protection

EHV (132 kV) Interlock Tiles NR 1.0 m - - -
(Ref Fig:50.4)
Oil Filled Cable
(O.F) Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.4)

EHV (132 kV) G#02'!*!*#0,!#

Interlock Tiles NR 1.0 m - - -
(Ref Fig:50.4)
F.O Cable
Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
(Directly Buried) 1.0 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.4)

Interlock Tiles NR 1.0 m - - -
(Ref Fig:50.5)
EHV (132 kV)
Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.5)

Interlock Tiles NR 1.0 m - - -
(Ref Fig:50.5)
EHV (132 kV)
Duct Bank Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.5)

EHV (132 kV) Interlock Tiles NA - - - - -

Joint Bay/
Transition Joint Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.6)

Interlock Tiles NA - - - - -
EHV (132 kV)
O.H.L Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.7)

Interlock Tiles NA - - - - -
EHV (400 kV)
O.H.L Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
1.0 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.8)

Interlock Tiles NR 1.0 m - - -
(Ref Fig:50.9)
EHV (400 kV)
Tunnel Stones, Granite, G -0'8-,2*!*#0,!#
2.5 m NA - - -
Concrete, etc (Ref Fig:50.9)

Table Abbreviation
A - Above existing DEWA services. OC - Open Cut Method.

B - Below existing DEWA services. R - Required Protection.

A/B - Above or Below existing DEWA services. NR - Not required.

NDCM - Non Disruptive Crossing Method. NA - Not allowed.

S No Abbreviations Expansion
1 AC Pipe Asbestos Cement Pipe
2 CPT Cone Penetration Test
3 DEWA Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
4 Dia Diameter
5 EHV Extra High Voltage
6 FGL Finish Ground Level
7 Fig Figure
8 F.O Fiber optic
9 FRL Finish Road Level
10 GI Galvanized Iron
11 GL Ground level
12 GRE Glass Reinforced Epoxy
13 GRP Glass Reinforced Pipes
14 HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
15 HDPE High-Density Poly Ethylene
16 HV High Voltage
17 HL Horizontal
18 I/H Beam I or H shape beam
19 ID Internal Diameter
20 kV Kilovolt
21 LV Low Voltage
22 m Meter
23 Max Maximum
24 Min Minimum
25 mm Millimeter
26 NDCM Non-Disruptive Crossing Method
27 NDRC Non-Disruptive Road Crossing
28 NOC No Objection Certificate
29 Ø Diameter
30 OHL Over Head Line
31 O.F Oil Filled
32 OPGW Optical Ground Wire
33 PPV Peak Particle Velocity
34 Ref Refer to
35 RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
36 ROW Right Of Way
37 RTA Road & Transportation Authority
38 SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
39 Temp. Temporary
40 uPVC Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
41 VL Vertical
22. Hump: Small mounted projection rising above the existing ground/road level.

23. HV Manhole: Access chamber for making connections and maintenance for buried HV cables under the road.

24. I/H Beam: I-Beam shape or H-beam shaped is a steel element, used as a supporting element.

25. Joint Bay for Transmission Cable Joints: A concrete structure with cover to accommodate and protect 132 kV
cable joints

26. Link Box: It is a box like enclosure equipped with disconnecting/ isolating links, used in the transmission
cable system, for bonding and grounding the metallic screen/ sheath of power transmission cables.

27. Manual excavation: It is the excavation activity carried out by hand tools only and without the use of any
mechanical machines/equipment.

28. Oil Field cable: It is a cable insulated with Oil and paper.

29. OPGW: Optical Ground Wire is a combination of Fiber optic cables (inside) for communication purpose, and
ground wire (outside) – for lightening protection, used in HV and EHV overhead power transmission lines.

30. Overhead Line: One or more power transmission lines (conductors) stringed/ suspended above the ground by
insulators on towers/ Pylons or utility poles.

31. Pile Cap: It is a structure element consists of mass concrete mat connecting group of piles/single pile
top portion

32. Pilot cable: It is a copper cable laid for cable route identification, which helps to indicate the presence of
Transmission cable(s) underneath the subject area.

33. Pipeline joint: It is the assembly of two pipes or fittings or pipe and fitting by electrical or mechanical means
to form a flexible or rigid joint

34. Pole: It is a Steel or wooden post used to support an Overhead HV power line

35. Power Cable: An assembly of one or more electrical conductors covered with sheath used for transmission of
electrical power.

36. Protection Slab: A flat reinforced concrete structure element, used to protect the existing services.

37. Pylon: It is a Steel lattice structure /tower used to support an Overhead power transmission lines.

38. Route marker: Standard visible markers installed on the services route to indicate the existing services.

39. Settlement Calculation: An accurate estimate of soil settlement.

40. Sheet Pile: It is always steel sheet structure to support the soil during the excavation

41. Shoulder line: It is the yellow line that defines the portion of pavement continuous with the travelled way for
accommodation of stopped vehicles for emergency use.

42. Soft material: Any compressive material that can separate two different elements without showing impact
on the contacted materials

43. Spare Duct: An additional pipe/duct placed for future use.

44. Split Duct: A longitudinally split/cut pipe used to protect existing cable/pipe always surrounded with concrete.
Infrastructure NOC Technical Manual references

 G 0'2'1&2,"0"1IK

 G +#0'!,11-!'2'-,-$22# '%&57,"0,1.-022'-,r!'*1I K

 G  1.#!'o!2'-,1

 G ," --)-, -4#0&#"*',#93,"#0%0-3,"! *#.0-2#!2'4#0#%3*2'-,vtuw

 G +#0'!,2#0-0)111-!'2'-,IK

 G Ruxz}v

 G #-+#20'!"#1'%,+,3*$-03 '0-"1IvttuK

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