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Letter of Employment – (Contract Permanent)


14th August 2022,
Passport No: W0536592
Subject: Letter of Employment (Permanent Contract T&C’s Will be Closed, Will expire on
22th August 2022)

This has reference to your consultants and subsequent interviews you have had with
Al-Futtaim Group
We are pleased to appoint you an Accountant in its function-based
Dubai-UAE. Your employment will be governed by the following terms and conditions:

Monthly Gross Salary

You will be paid a monthly gross salary of 2000 AED/- (Two Thousand AED Only) per
month, along with 350 AED/- (Three Hundred & Fifty AED Only) food allowance
Accommodation, Medical & Transport will be provided excluding salary.

Working Hours
Your working hours will be 10 am to 06:30 pm as per the current company policy.
The company observes a 6-day work week.

Date of Appointment
Your expected date of appointment as per company records is 15th September 2022.
Please mention your availability________________________.

Salary Increase
Increase in your salary will be reviewed periodically as per the policy of the Company.
Increments in the salary range will be on the basis of demonstrated results and
effectiveness of performance during the period of review.

Probation Period
You will be on probation for a period of three months from the date of
your appointment.
On satisfactory completion of the probation period, you will be confirmed in service. If
not confirmed after three months, this order will continue to be in operation, and the
probation period will stand extended automatically till further notice.

Dubai, Investment Park-2-United Arab Emirates

hr@[email protected]
(a) Leave
You will be governed by the current Leave Policy of the company for permanent
(b) Annual leave
Employees are entitled to an annual leave of:
 02 days per month, after completion of six months of service but not one year.
30 days, if they have completed one year of service, with your full month basic
(c) Sick leave
You are entitled to a sick leave of not more than 90 days per year subject to conditions
stipulated in the law.
You will receive full pay for the first 15 days, half pay for the next 30 days and no pay for
the rest 45 days.

Whenever you are required to undertake travel on Company work, you will be
reimbursed travel expenses as per Company rules.

In view of your office, you must effectively perform to ensure results. Your performance
would be reviewed as per the Company’s Performance Management System.
Provides office services by implementing administrative systems, procedures, and
policies, monitoring administrative projects & maintaining suggestion program.
Following is your core responsibilities:

Ensuring the accuracy of financial documents, as well as their compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Preparing and maintaining important financial reports.
Preparing tax returns and ensuring that taxes are paid properly and on time.
Evaluating financial operations to recommend best practices, identify issues and strategize solutions, and help
organizations run efficiently.
Offering guidance on cost reduction, revenue enhancement, and profit maximization.
Conducting forecasting and risk analysis assessments.
To keep books and systems up to date.
Financial forecasting and risk analysis.

Dubai, Investment Park-2-United Arab Emirates

hr@[email protected]

Skills Required:
Strong written and oral communication
Organization and attention to detail
Analytical and problem solving skills
Time management
Systems analysis
Mathematical and deductive reasoning
Critical thinking
Active learning
Clerical knowledge
Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite

Retirement Age
The normal retirement age for all employees is 60 years.

Notice Period
While on probation, this appointment may be terminated by either side by giving seven
days’ notice, or seven days salary in lieu of notice period.
On confirmation, this appointment may be terminated by either side by giving one
months’ notice or one months’ salary in lieu of notice period.
Should you resign after confirmation, the Company will have the option to accept your
resignation either with immediate effect, and pay you three months’ salary in lieu of
notice period or accept it effective any day up to the end of the notice period and
pay you salary for the remaining period from the acceptance of resignation till the end
of the notice period.

You will be liable to be transferred to any other department or establishment or branch
or subsidiary of the Company in India or abroad. In such a case, you will be governed
by the terms and conditions of service as applicable to the new assignment.

Conflict of Interest
You will not seek full time or part time job or be involved in any way with competitor’s
business activities either directly or indirectly during your employment with the
Company, and for a period of 12 months in the event of cessation of your employment
with the Company.

Dubai, Investment Park-2-United Arab Emirates

hr@[email protected]
Confidential Information
You will not, at any time, without the consent of the Company disclose or divulge or
make public except under legal obligation, any information regarding Company’s
affairs of administration or research carried out, whether the same may be confided to
you or become known to you, in the course of your service or otherwise.

Contract/Bond with Previous Employers.

It will be your personal responsibility to discharge all obligations arising out of any
contract or bond with previous employers.

On Termination
On termination of this contract, you will immediately give up to the Company all
correspondence, specifications, formulae, books, documents, market data, cost data,
literature, drawings, effect or records, etc. belonging to the Company or relating to its
business and shall not make or retain any copies of these items.
The above terms and conditions are based on Company Policy, Procedures and other
Rules and Regulations currently applicable to the Company’s employees and are
subject to amendments and adjustments from time to time.

Please communicate your acceptance of this appointment by signing a copy of this

letter and returning it to us.

We welcome you to the Al Futtaim Group family & trust we will have a long
and mutually rewarding association.

Documents Required:
 Passport Valid up to eight months
 Last Educational Degree (verified from HEC, Foreign Affairs & UAE Embassy)
 Last Experience Certificate (if any)
Medical Test Certificate (Verified from UAE Embassy & Foreign Affairs,

Yours faithfully,

Human Resource Department

Al Futtaim Group Of Companies

Signature of Acceptance: ____________________________________Date: ________________

Dubai, Investment Park-2-United Arab Emirates

hr@[email protected]

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