Partneship Agreement

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_____ and ______ Partnership


That we, ______________________, single/married, age of ___, and

Lilian Boseo Cahanap, single, age of 30, all Filipinos, resident of the
Philippines, have on this day, covenanted to establish a partnership, in
accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines;


That the names and addresses of the respective partners are as follows:


Lilian Boseo Cahanap, #31 Warm St. Summerville Subd. Mayamot, Antipolo
City, 1870


In accordance with the terms, conditions, and covenants of this


1. Form a general partnership (the PARTNERSHIP) for the purpose of, in

accordance with the LAWS of Republic of the Philippines.
2. The PARTNERSHIP shall operate under the name of “C-Marketsaturee
Grocery Products Trading”.
3. The PARTNERSHIP shall begin on the EFFECTIVE DATE of
4. The CONTRACT AGREEMENT shall last for a period of 2 years.
5. The purpose of the PARTNERSHIP is to oversee, manage, and otherwise
facilitate the following business functions:


1. All decisions shall be made by the whole operation shall be made by both
2. Meetings between the PARTNERS shall be held at regular intervals of
[once (1) a month], for the entire duration of the PARTNERSHIP

1. The initial CAPITAL contribution from ___________________ is a total

of Fifty Thousand Pesos Php(50,000.00) in Philippine Currency and allow
to barrow his Van CAR with Specification/Model/Year() for the Logistic

2. Since Lilian Boseo Cahanap is not required to contribute for the Initial
CAPITAL, She offers her expertise to the company as an investment instead
of money.

3. The PARTNERS shall deposit the funds into a SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNT at
PSBank of Marikina. Instead of joint account a monthly Income Statement
every meeting will present.

4. Profit/loss resulting from the functions of the PARTNERSHIP shall be

deposited/withdrawn from the SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNT.

5. The balance of the SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNT shall constitute the CASH-
ON-HAND of the PARTNERSHIP, for all purposes including, but not limited to,
taxation and valuation.


Both will have an equally divided (50%-50%) share from the 50% Revenue
of the company after 6 months of its operation. And the 50% of Revenue will
remain for the operation of the company.

SECTION IV. Management

1. The PARTNER Ms.Lilian Cahanap responsible for the day-to-day

operation of the PARTNERSHIP. And maintenance of records and books,
consisting of all account balances, assets, liabilities, and all other revenue
information pertaining to the PARTNERSHIP.

3. The PARTNERS reserve the right to inspect, audit, or otherwise request

access to the records and books of the PARTNERSHIP, at any time. It is the
responsibility of the EXECUTIVE to make the records available on demand,
at the will of the PARTNERS.

SECTION V: Annual Audit

1. The PARTNERS shall conduct a complete and thorough AUDIT of all

accounts, records, and books of the PARTNERSHIP on a yearly basis.

2. The annual accounting of the PARTNERSHIP shall occur within the first
meeting of each calendar year, at a time determined by the PARTNERS.

3. All financial records shall be reviewed a minimum of semi-annually, and at

the request of the PARTNERS, throughout the year.

SECTION VII: Transfers to a Trust

Any PARTNER may, upon giving written notice to the other PARTNERS,
transfer interest in the PARTNERSHIP to a living TRUST, of which the
transferring PARTNER is the grantor and sole trustee.

SECTION VIII: Partner Withdrawal

1. Any PARTNER may withdraw, in part or in full, from the PARTNERSHIP at

any time.
2. Notification of withdrawal must be made in writing.
3. Funds shall be withdrawn from the SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNT of the
PARTNERSHIP, shall be based on the most recent valuation of the
PARTNERSHIP at the time, and shall be transferred to the withdrawing
PARTNER’s bank account of record.
4. The PARTNERSHIP shall continue to function as a taxable entity so long as
enough CAPITAL remains to do so, regardless of the withdrawals of
individual PARTNERS.

SECTION IX: Forbidden Acts

For the TERM of this PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT, no PARTNER may: Obligate
or bind the PARTNERSHIP to any function other than those outlined in the

Transfer, sell, or loan against his/her stake in the PARTNERSHIP, unless

approved by a majority of all other PARTNERS, by simple vote. Use the
PARTNERSHIP name, likeness, or logo for any purpose outside those related
to this AGREEMENT. Be found guilty of any unlawful act that will damage the
PARTNERSHIP in any matter, including public image, reputation, or
professional standing. Engage in any conduct that might interfere with the
business of the PARTNERSHIP.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this

_____________ at _____________, Philippines


________________________ _______________________

Printed Name w/ Signature Printed Name w/ Signature

Cedula # Cedula #


________________________ _______________________

Printed Name w/ Signature Printed Name w/ Signature

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