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Mayor's permit/municipal license;

e. Latest Income Tax Return and Audited Financial Statements reflecting
minimum working capital of one hundred thousand Pesos (P I
Such other documents that the Department may retire from time to time ,

The PCO must also be located in a business district and must be easily
The certification of accreditation shall be valid for a period of one (l)
year from the date of its issuance by the DOT.427
Under the Tourism Act of 2009,428 meetings, conventions, and
exhibition organizers' and facilities are classified as Primary Tourism Enterprises.

Tourism Enterprises shall be periodically required to obtain accreditation

from the
DOT as to the quality of their facilities and standard of services.
Application of the Law

Case: Roberto Zozobrado has an event planning outfit called Ideaz• He recently
won a bid to handle the international convention of surgeons in Manila in 2009. He
was obviously delighted because aside from the business motivation, Mr.
ZOZ0brad0 is very keen in supporting Philippine tourism. Discuss the key
responsibilities Of his company in the upcoming international convention. What
areas must he be careful in in order to prevent problems?
Legal Opinion: Mr. Zozobrado is bound by his acceptance to carry out in
handling the international convention and shall be liable for damages which,
through his nonperformance, the client who hired Mr. Zozobrado may suffer.' In
the execution of handling the international convention, Mr. Zozobrado must act
in accordance with the nstructions and approval of the client. All things being
considered, Mr. ZOZ0brad0 must perform all that a good father of a family
would do, as required by the nature f his business. 429
As an event organizer has various "safety" duties known collectively as
Wies of reasonable care, planning any activity or special event is important since
ere is an element of risk present. These are:
(a) To investigate all aspects of the event (including safety and
security) and accordingly
(b) To inform and warn participants ofknown risks
425 IR, Rules and Regulations to govern the of accreditation Travel and Tour
426 Section 13, Rules and Regulations to Govern the Accreditation of Trvel and Tour
Services. 427 Section 15, Rules and Regulations to Govem the Accreditatim
OfTrayel and Tour Services.
428 R.A. 9593, May 1232009.
429 See Articles 1884 and 1887, Civil Code of the Philippines.q

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