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Phonetics HW1: IPA and Syllabification

Name: 최윤서 Yunseo, Choi (2022-14575)

1. The following questions help you become more aware of the differences between spelling and

a. Find four words that have the letter sequence ‘au’ pronounced differently (from one another).
The word can be of foreign origin as long as it’s commonly used in English too.
- auto(ɔ), laugh(æ or a), miau(au), beauty(u)

b. Find four words in which more than one letter represents only one sound (do not use examples
from class handout; doesn’t have to be the same sound for all 4 words)

- cough(gh=f), child(ch=ʧ), back(ck=k), bridge(dge=ʤ)

2. How many sounds are there in the following words?

a. fix 4 d. pneumonia 8( ±1)

b. wrath 4 e. tortoise 6

c. future 4 f. philosophy 8

3. Write the IPA symbol for the first and last sounds of these words (e.g. oblong  /ɑ/, /ŋ/).

a. breathe; /b/, /ð/ d. yacht; /j/, /t/ g. thrash; /ɵ/, /ʃ/

h. center; /s/, /ɚ/

b. journalist; /ʤ/, /t/ e. aural; /ɔ/. /l/

c. rouge; /ɹ/, /ʒ/ f. aging; /e/, /ŋ/

4. Write the IPA symbol for the underlined sounds in the following words.

a. capital; /t/ c. wrought; /o/ e. capture; /ʧ/

b. rookie; /u/ d. curfew; /ɝ/ f. latitude; /æ/

Phonetics HW1: IPA and Syllabification

5. In each word below, there is one consonant transcription that is an impossible pronunciation of
that word for a native speaker of American English. Circle this error and write the correct
symbol in the space provided after the word.

a. clubber /clʌbɚ/→ /klʌbɚ/ d. yoked /yokt/ → /yokd/

b. moxie /mɑxi/ → /mɑksi/ e. bunny /bʌnni/ → /bʌni/

c. knives /naɪvs/ → /naɪvz/ f. scarred /skɑrd/ → /skɑɹd/

6. This time, each word below contains one vowel transcription error. There are differences in
vowel sounds across varieties of English, so there are sometimes multiple possible corrections.
(Tip: Pay attention to stress.)

a. eliminate /ɛlɪmɪnɛt/ /ɛlɪmɪneɪt/ e. avow /əvo/ /əvaʊ/

b. permute /pɝmjut/ /pɚmjut/ f. buttercream /bəɾɚkɹim/ /bʌɾɚkɹim/

c. Southwest /sɑuθwɛst/ /sɑuðwɛst/ g. broomstick /bɹʊmstɪk/ /bɹumstɪk/

d. barley /bʌɹli/ /baɹli/ h. umbrella /əmbɹɛlɑ/ /ʌmbɹɛlɑ/

7. Go to on the web. Look

for the problem called “Part III: Longer Nonsense Items”. Transcribe the first 5 homework

① /klɪŋbɑk/
② /pɪutpeɪtʧ/
③ /ɹɑmbɑdɪup/
④ /fɹækleɪki/
⑤ /sθoʊmædeɪ/
Phonetics HW1: IPA and Syllabification

8. Transcribe and syllabify the following words. Use the tree notation for syllabification and
make sure to follow the syllable building rules discussed in class.

thoughtful abstract multiplex quirkier disambiguate


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