Cambridge IGCSE: English As A Second Language 0510/21

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Paper 2 Reading and Writing (Extended) May/June 2022

2 hours

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● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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Exercise 1

Read the blog article written by a student about her project on zebras, and then answer the following

Zebras and their stripes

I’ve always wondered why zebras have stripes, so I decided to do a
school project to find out. Before I started it, I knew that zebras are
members of the horse family, which consists of seven different kinds
of animals including horses and donkeys. And the three species of
zebra, which live in Africa, are the only members of the horse family
with stripes. Horses and zebras have many things in common, like
diet and family living. However, zebras are naturally more aggressive,
which means that humans tend to avoid them. And unlike horses, they
bark to warn other family members of danger. I already knew these things, but my project was an
opportunity to learn more.

The first thing I discovered was that the striped pattern of each zebra is unique, which is amazing
if you consider the number of zebras in the world. And they’re actually born with brown and white
stripes, not black and white, something I hadn’t expected to learn. To understand more about the
stripes, I decided to read about two scientific experiments.

The first was in 2019, investigating why flies tend not to bite zebras. Zebra hair is short and thin, so
in theory flies can easily bite their skin, but don’t for some reason. Professor Caro from the University
of California, USA, wanted to find out why. Although he had studied zebras extensively in Tanzania,
he chose to study a group of zebras in the UK. You might think that he would prefer to study animals
in their natural environment, but these zebras were part of a wildlife conservation programme and
so were used to humans approaching them. Professor Caro filmed close-up images of how flies
behaved around the zebras and whether they landed on the animals or flew past. He then dressed a
group of domestic horses in striped jackets and observed the flies’ behaviour in the same way, and
then repeated this with plain-coloured horses without any jackets.

The results were clear. All three groups – the zebras, the horses in striped jackets, and the plain
horses with no jackets – experienced a similar number of flies around them. However, far fewer
flies landed on the zebras and on the horses with striped jackets. Instead, the insects approaching
these animals just bounced off, whereas the flies around the plain horses managed to land. This
proved to Professor Caro that zebras’ stripes prevent them from being bitten by flies. Some farmers
paint stripes onto cows for the same reason – I’ve actually seen some in a field near my house. My
dad told me that it allows them to feed without interruption. He also told me that painting the cows
improves their welfare. I’m not sure how many farmers do this though!

The second experiment I read about was carried out by a former biology technician called Alison
Cobb. She’d worked in Africa for many years and had been fascinated by zebras ever since reading
stories about African animals as a child. Cobb believed that the function of the stripes was to keep
zebras cool. I’d heard this before, but some of her detailed findings, such as the way the black
hairs move up and down in the heat, I found remarkable. In her experiment, Cobb measured the
temperature of zebras’ stripes every 15 minutes. She discovered that the black stripes get much
hotter than the white ones – something that had never occurred to me before – and, astonishingly,
zebras actually sweat through the ends of their hairs!

After doing my project, I definitely know a lot more about zebras than I did before!

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1 How many types of zebra are there?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

2 How is zebra behaviour different from horse behaviour? Give two details.


.................................................................................................................................................... [2]

3 Where did Professor Caro’s experiment take place?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

4 Why were the zebras in the wildlife conservation programme suitable for Professor Caro’s study?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

5 What happened when the flies in Professor Caro’s study tried to land on the animals with stripes?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

6 What are the benefits of protecting cows from being bitten by flies? Give two details.


.................................................................................................................................................... [2]

7 What first inspired Alison Cobb’s interest in zebras?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

8 What facts about zebras was the writer surprised to learn while doing her project? Give four




.................................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 13]

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Exercise 2

Read the article about five unusual museums (A–E). Then answer Question 9(a)–(j).


Five young people describe an unusual museum they have visited

A Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado Natural Area, USA

My favourite museum is Dinosaur Ridge – one of the best places in the world to see real evidence
of dinosaurs. At this ‘outdoor museum’, you can get close to over 300 dinosaur footprints, left in the
sand as dinosaurs walked here 100 million years ago – just like being on a Hollywood movie set!
The best way to reach the site is to hike or cycle, but the sun can be hot and the route includes a
steep climb, so the guided bus tour might be a good alternative for some. Each year, the museum
relies on lots of volunteers who assist with everything from answering visitors’ questions to picking
up rubbish. I think that would be a fantastic thing to do!

B Cancun Underwater Museum, Mexico

As its name suggests, this museum is in an unusual place – it’s underwater! I love diving, so I can’t
think of anything better. The museum was the idea of the local national park director, and consists of
over 500 abstract sculptures fixed to the ocean floor. It can be explored by swimming, diving or from
a glass-bottom boat. All visitors are taken there by boat from their hotel, so poor weather conditions
do occasionally prevent the site from operating. The sculptures were designed by a team of Mexican
and British artists and the idea is certainly full of imagination. However, the museum’s main goal is
actually the conservation of the underwater environment, which it tries to achieve by showing people
through art how we affect our oceans.

C Cup Noodles Museum, Japan

Instant noodles – or ‘cup noodles’ – are my favourite fast food. Just add boiling water and you have
an immediate snack in a cup! The museum tells the story of Momofuku Ando, a man who spent
his life inventing food that everyone could afford. Hearing his amazing story of investigation and
discovery, visitors can’t help being reminded of what it is possible to achieve by thinking differently.
The circumstances leading to the invention of his noodles are explained through a short cartoon
video. The highlight for me was the opportunity to have my own souvenir noodles produced at the
museum factory. You even choose the flavours and draw the picture to be printed on the cup! This
activity is popular though, so it might be better to book in advance.

D Computer Games Museum, Germany

This is definitely the museum for computer games fans like me! It contains over 300 interactive
devices covering six decades of gaming history, from the 1972 ‘Magnavox Odyssey’ game to more
recent PlayStation devices. The museum started in 1997, although it shut soon afterwards, operating
online only. It wasn’t until 2011 that it opened in its current building, just five minutes by underground
train from central Berlin. As well as being a great place for visitors like me, it also has a slightly
more serious side. The museum regularly participates in scientific projects, such as studying how
computer games influence the way people interact. If they ever wanted people to take part, I’d be
the first to volunteer!

E Derwent Pencil Museum, England

A pencil museum might sound boring, but the Derwent company produces some of the world’s finest
art materials. I love drawing, so enjoyed learning about their beautiful coloured pencils, which visitors
are given as a souvenir instead of a ticket. The museum is located on the site of their original factory,
which started manufacturing in the early 20th century and became famous recently as a setting in the
horror-comedy film Sightseers. The museum tells the story of pencil-making, from the discovery in the
surrounding countryside of graphite, the black substance used to make pencils, up to the present day.
The modern-day ‘secret agent’ pencils, designed to hide tiny maps inside, were really interesting. But
for me, the free art classes in which you can benefit from specialist teaching were the biggest attraction.

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9 For each question write the correct letter A, B, C, D or E on the line.

Which museum …

(a) allows visitors to design their own product to take home? .......... [1]

(b) was once featured in a movie? .......... [1]

(c) aims to protect a particular aspect of the natural world? .......... [1]

(d) is often involved in research? .......... [1]

(e) provides opportunities for visitors to improve their skills? .......... [1]

(f) needs people to help out? .......... [1]

(g) lacked a permanent physical location in its early years? .......... [1]

(h) has to sometimes close due to circumstances beyond its control? .......... [1]

(i) has different options for getting there? .......... [1]

(j) makes people aware of the importance of creative ideas? .......... [1]

[Total: 10]

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Exercise 3

Read the article about two brothers who set up a sportswear company called Castore, and then
complete the notes.

Brothers in business
Tom and Phil Beahon, two brothers from Liverpool who founded the sportswear brand Castore,
originally knew nothing at all about making clothes and they didn’t know anyone in the fashion
industry. They did have a dream, however – to create their very own luxury sportswear company.

In 2013, they both moved to London, found good office jobs and spent their weekdays working
at their desks. However, at weekends they interviewed people in top gyms about their sportswear
requirements. Tom and Phil both agree that this played a key role in making Castore such a popular
brand. Another factor that helped the brand to take off was that, at that time, although there was
high-quality sportswear available for women, no-one was making luxury sportswear for men.

In 2016, the brothers’ company Castore was born, taking its name from Castor and Pollux, who were
famous twin brothers in ancient Greek myths. The business started to grow, helped by significant
investment from famous business people. Today, the company has a multi-million-pound income
and the brothers have an ambition to expand overseas, but they haven’t always known such a high
level of success. When they were younger, they both played sport: Tom was a professional football
player for a while and Phil played cricket semi-professionally. However, each of them knew they
would never get to the top of their sport, so they decided to give up their sports careers. It was a
hard decision for both of them, but not one that they regret.

Usually, it’s the big sportswear brands that have to ask famous sportspeople to wear their clothes.
But in the case of Castore, it’s the other way round – a number of well-known sports professionals
are keen to promote the brand. Tom and Phil aren’t satisfied with supplying individuals, however,
and are aiming to supply professional teams with official sports kits. They’re also looking to launch
new clothes collections for specific sports. Phil emphasises that Castore’s success is due to the
unique products it develops. One of these is the Fusion jacket. This high-tech item is silver in the
daytime to absorb sunlight; it becomes bright green at night to make the wearer visible enough to
continue training after dark.

Like many companies, they operate online. When it comes to real shops, they made the business
decision early on to sell their clothes only in the best stores. Tom and Phil believe that this decision
has really paid off. They’ve also tried other methods of selling, like opening a series of temporary
shops for a few weeks each, to see if these might be popular or not. In fact, they’re intending to open
more ‘pop-up’ stores overseas in the coming months. The Head Office is in Liverpool, where they
grew up, and the brothers want to increase the number of staff they employ. ‘It’s important for us to
do this,’ says Tom.

So far, Castore has been a real success story. Who knows where they’ll go in the future?

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You are going to give a talk about the sportswear company Castore to your class at school. Prepare
some notes to use as the basis for your talk.

Make short notes under each heading.

10 Reasons for the success of the brothers’ sportswear company:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [5]

11 The brothers’ future plans for the sportswear company:

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ...............................................................................................................................................

• ......................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 9]

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Exercise 4

12 Read the article about the Polar Academy, an organisation that takes teenagers on expeditions to
the Arctic.

Write a summary about what the Polar Academy wants the teenagers to gain from the
experience AND what teenagers need to do to be chosen for the expedition to the Arctic.

Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words long). You
should use your own words as far as possible.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary, and up to 8 marks for the style and
accuracy of your language.

The Polar Academy – Arctic adventure for teens!

Many schools offer students the chance to participate in outdoor activities and trips abroad. But
the Polar Academy, an organisation in Scotland, goes even further. Each year, it trains a group of
teenagers and then sends them on an expedition in Greenland. For ten days, the teenagers must
find their way through the wild Arctic landscape and survive in one of the most extreme environments
in the world.

The Polar Academy was the idea of the Scottish explorer Craig Mathieson. Craig had already been
visiting schools to talk about his expeditions, but felt that wasn’t enough. He wanted to do something
that would really give teenagers the motivation to succeed at anything they choose, so in 2012 he
started the Polar Academy, and has been sending teens on Arctic expeditions ever since.

The selection process starts with Craig and his team working with teachers to identify students who
might be suitable. Sometimes, he starts with hundreds of names, but he eventually gets this down
to twenty. Ten will join the expedition team and ten will join the leadership team, who are there to
replace any expedition team members that might drop out. Although the leadership team doesn’t
actually go to Greenland, all students are taught the same things and benefit from the increased
self-confidence that is one of the Polar Academy’s key objectives.

The twenty potential expedition members are then required to participate in a demanding weekend
of outdoor activities at Glenmore Lodge, Scotland’s National Outdoor Training Centre, where Craig
will decide who joins which team. Amongst other things, the students have to carry out a series of
challenges underwater, even though some can’t even swim. Craig never asks them to do these,
because then they’d have a choice. Instead, he simply tells the students what he wants them
to do – and of course, it’s the ones who show they can control their fear that Craig will select.

Despite being tired from the underwater tasks, there’s no rest for the students yet. They are all
expected to complete a tough hike in the hills with Craig and his team. On arrival back at Glenmore,
each student then has to give a 15-minute presentation in front of all the staff. Many find this difficult,
especially as they are already exhausted. However, this is a deliberate strategy on the part of the
selection team.

Once the selection process is over, the hard work really begins. There are ten months of intense
training to take them from having almost no fitness to having the physical fitness of a top athlete.
This is so that when they start to pull their equipment for the first time in Greenland, they realise how
light it feels and they can just concentrate on the expedition. The months of training together also
give them the ability to work as an effective team – essential for a successful expedition.

The Polar Academy is really starting to catch people’s attention. It has even been the subject of a TV
documentary, for anyone who is interested in finding out more.

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[Total: 16]
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Exercise 5

13 Your town has been chosen as the location for a large international event.

Write an email to a friend telling them about this.

In your email, you should:

• explain why your town was chosen for the event

• describe what will happen at the event

• suggest how you could both get tickets to watch the event.

The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language

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[Total: 16]
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Exercise 6

14 In class, you have been discussing whether the school day should start and finish later, because
many teenagers find it hard to get up early in the mornings.

Here are two comments from your classmates:

I don’t want to have less free time after school.

I never go to bed before midnight, so I hate early mornings!

Write an article for your school magazine, giving your views.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.

Your article should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your article, and up to 8 marks for the language

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[Total: 16]
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