ECA Analytical Instrument Qualification

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GMP Certification Programme

Certified Quality Control Manager


Analytical Instrument
Jörg Kastenschmidt
Merck, Germany
23 – 25 May 2023 | Vienna, Austria

Philip Lienbacher
Takeda, Austria

Roland Miksche
MiRo Consulting, Austria

Image: BÜCHI

Practical Approaches for USP General Chapter <1058> Compliance

in the QC Laboratory

ƒ Regulatory Aspects of Analytical Instrument Qualification
ƒ USP General Chapter <1058> - Analytical Instrument Qualification
ƒ Risk Assessment in Analytical Laboratories
ƒ Calibration Management
ƒ Balances and Weighing Processes
ƒ Practical Examples of Analytical Instrument Qualification and Calibration:
- Spectroscopic Instruments and Detectors (UV/VIS, IR, NIR, NMR, etc.)
- pH Measuring Instruments
- Thermometers and Hygrometers
ƒ Computer Validation in Analytical Laboratories
ƒ Validation of Excel® Spreadsheets
ƒ Data Integrity Challenges in Calibration and Qualification

Participate in 4 Workshops!

Objective Programme
Calibration and qualification of equipment are key requirements Regulatory Aspects of Analytical Instrument
in GMP guidelines (EU GMP Guide, Annex 15 to EU GMP Guide, Qualification
and FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR Part 211). These
requirements also apply to instruments and systems in analyti- ƒ Overview about legislations including
cal laboratories of the pharmaceutical industry. Besides calibra- - Europe: EU GMP Guide - Annex 15
tion and qualification, the validation of computerised systems is - US: CFR, USP
another key issue. The software components associated with the - National: German ZLG quality manual
instruments and systems must be shown to be fit for their in- ƒ Other relevant documents (Interpretation documents)
tended purpose. Computer validation requirements and guid- and authority expectations
ances for the pharmaceutical industry are laid down, amongst ƒ Overview about qualification steps
others, by the EU (Annex 11 to EU GMP Guide, the PIC/S (Good ƒ Equipment life cycle
Practices for Computerised Systems in Regulated “GXP” Envi-
ronments”), GAMP® (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice), USP General Chapter <1058> - Analytical Instrument
and FDA’s Part 11. Qualification

The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) has adopted the Gen- ƒ Key recommendations of this USP General Chapter
eral Chapter <1058>, Analytical Instrument Qualification, in ƒ Qualification steps: which activities should be
2008. This General Chapter <1058> has been updated in 2017 performed in each phase?
and a new version is coming up soon. ƒ Roles and responsibilities for the user, quality
assurance and for the manufacturer/vendor
The objective of this course is to provide the participants with an ƒ Software validation, change control & documentation
overview of the regulatory requirements on the qualification of ƒ Instrument categories
analytical equipment and the software validation of computer-
ised systems and to give practical advice on successful ap- General Aspects of Calibration
proaches to calibration, qualification, validation, and routine
monitoring of instrumentation and systems. Key requirements ƒ Overview: regulatory aspects / requirements
of the important USP General Chapter <1058> will be present- ƒ Definitions / terminology
ed and discussed. ƒ Concepts and documentation
ƒ Handling OOC (Out of Calibration)
The course will cover the following instruments and systems
amongst others:

ƒ U
V/VIS Spectrophotometers, Disintegration and WORKSHOP I
ƒ Balances and Masses Topic: Apparatus & Instruments List Case Study /
ƒ pH Risk Categorisation According to USP <1058>
ƒ HPLC and GC
ƒ Chromatographic Data Systems
ƒ Excel® - Spreadsheets Risk Assessment in Analytical Laboratories

Interactive workshops will allow the participants to discuss key ƒ Scaring examples
areas of interest and to exchange practical experiences. ƒ Advantages of minimizing risk
ƒ Definition and regulation (EU GMP Part 3 - Quality Risk
Management, etc.).
Target Audience ƒ Approach, applicability, documentation, approvals
ƒ FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
This GMP Education Course will be of practical value to scientists ƒ HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
and engineers in analytical laboratories and contract laborato- ƒ ISHIKAWA DIAGRAM (Fishbone)
ries in an FDA-/GMP-regulated environment who are responsi- ƒ FTA (Fault Tree Analysis)
ble for the calibration and qualification of their laboratory equip- ƒ Risk assessment of changes
ment and for the validation of the computerised systems used in
their laboratories.

Analytical Instrument Qualification | 23 – 25 May 2023, Vienna, Austria


Topic: Qualification / Risk Analysis of pH Measuring Topic: Balances


Calibration Management Qualification of RAMAN / NIR / FT-IR

ƒ Parts of a calibration management system ƒ Quick overview RAMAN / NIR / FT-IR & benefits
- Procedure(s) ƒ Qualification: What are the specifics?
- Documentation ƒ Potential difficulties
- Calibration standards
- Calibration management software Volumetric Apparatus (Pipets, Dispensers, etc.)
ƒ Calibration interval adjustment
ƒ OOC/OOT evaluation ƒ Selection of suitable apparatuses
ƒ What can go wrong and how to avoid it ƒ Qualification / calibration
ƒ Volumetric laboratory glassware
Data Integrity Challenges in Calibration and
Qualification Assurance of Controlled Temperature and Humidity

ƒ Relevant guidelines ƒ Thermometers and thermometry

ƒ Documentation & Data Management Systems in the ƒ Hygrometers and hygrometry
pharma/device industry ƒ Qualification approaches to
ƒ Achieving data integrity: Creating a culture of quality - Refrigerators and freezers
around document and data management - Climatic storage rooms and incubators
ƒ What can go wrong and how to avoid it! - Ovens & muffle furnaces
- Water baths
Qualification of Specific Instruments and Systems
General Aspects of Computer Validation in Analytical
ƒ Requirements according to USP Laboratories
ƒ Traceability of standards
ƒ Practical approaches to qualification and calibration of ƒ PIC/S Guidance Good Practices for Computerised Systems
- UV / VIS spectroscopy in Regulated “GXP” Environments
- Dissolution ƒ New EU GMP Annex 11 Computerised Systems
- Disintegration ƒ Requirements of 21 CFR Part 11
- Osmometer ƒ Life cycle concept
- Particulate matter ƒ Integration of equipment qualification and computer
- Turbidity validation
- Dishwasher ƒ Retrospective validation

Qualification of GC Instruments HPLC / Chromatography Data Systems – Integrated

Qualification and Validation
ƒ Warning Letters (483) and Findings
ƒ Technical overview, applications ƒ Master Validation Plan (MVP)
ƒ From vendor to decommissioning: AIQ Lifecycle ƒ Assessments (Risk to Quality, 21 CFR Part 11)
ƒ System suitability test ƒ User Requirement Specification (URS)
ƒ Periodic Review (Checklist) ƒ Function- and Design Specification (FS/DS)
ƒ Risk Analysis (RA)
Balances and Weighing Processes ƒ Validation Protocol (VP)
ƒ Test Cases (deviations, Incidents, Changes)
ƒ Weighing basics ƒ Final Report (FR)
ƒ Environmental influences on weighing ƒ Standard Operation Procedures (SOP)
ƒ Practical aspect on weighing ƒ Forms (user access, monitoring, updates...)
ƒ Requirements acc. to USP <41> and <1251> ƒ Service contracts, helpdesk, logbook
ƒ Qualification and calibration of balances
ƒ Weights (OIML R111-1)

Analytical Instrument Qualification | 23 – 25 May 2023, Vienna, Austria

Validation of Excel® Spreadsheets

ƒ Areas of usage
ƒ Known errors and findings
ƒ Categorisation according GAMP
ƒ Lifecycle phases and documentation:
- Requirements phase
- Definition, build phase
- Testing phase
- Release
- Changes, decommissioning
ƒ Literature (regulations, guidances)


Topic: Validation of Excel Spreadsheets

(Categorisation, responsibilities, required documents,
contents of documents, testing, versioning, data handling)

Internationally Acknowledged Certificate from

ECA Academy
The EU GMP Guide requires: „… All personnel should be
aware of the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice that
affect them and receive initial and continuing training,…“.
This is why you receive an acknowledged participant certifi-
cate, which lists the contents of the seminar in detail and
with which you document your training.

Jörg Kastenschmidt
Merck, Darmstadt, Germany

Jörg Kastenschmidt is an engineer of chemical and bio-technolo-

gy. He started his career in 2001 as project engineer at the PHAST
GmbH in Homburg/Saar. After working in the GMP processes unit
within the pharmaceutical analytical development at Merck for
10 years, he joined the development QA in 2016, where amongst
other things he is responsible for qualification of analytical in-
struments, production equipment / facilities and validation of IT

Philip Lienbacher
Takeda, Vienna, Austria

Philip Lienbacher started his career within Takeda (previously

Baxter/Baxalta/Shire) in 2008 in Vienna. Since then he held a va-
riety of roles inside quality. In 2014, he accepted the position of
Manager Global Material Lifecycle Management Systems and is
responsible for a team of process experts and project managers.
His responsibility includes the global ownership for Receiving &
Inspection as well as the general testing and method deployment
strategy in the company.

Roland Miksche
MiRo Consulting, Vienna, Austria

After more than 15 years driving CSV, data integrity and all global
IT projects within the Quality Assurance Department of Shire, he
implemented EBM, an electronic batch management system, at
Shire and afterwards, as Senior Consultant of HGP Pharma Con-
sulting, at a customer in Germany. He made his final exam in bio-
chemistry in Vienna, Austria, worked as analyst in accredited la-
boratories and as a sales and service expert for scientific

This Training Course is recognized for the GMP/GDP

Certification Scheme
Building on your education the ECA
GMP/GDP certification programmes
provide you with the appropriate sup-
plement to acquire this qualification.
This training course is the first element
for your additional certification. Simply
choose any three courses within the
programme according to your professi-
onal interest. Your certificate is then
valid for two years. To renew it, you can
pick any training from the ECA courses
and conferences list within that two-
years period – allowing you to broaden
your knowledge in GMP and GDP compliance. Please find more
information at
If the bill-to-address deviates from the specifica- Reservation Form (Please complete in full)
tions on the right, please fill out here:
Analytical Instrument Qualification, 23 – 25 May 2023, Vienna, Austria

____________________________________ Title, first name, surname

Department Company

Important: Please indicate your company’s VAT ID Number Purchase Order Number, if applicable

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P.O. Box 101764
Fax +49 (0) 62 21/84 44 34 Phone / Fax

D-69007 Heidelberg
E-Mail (Please fill in)
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If you cannot attend the conference you have two options: If the event must be cancelled, registrants will be notified as soon as possible writing. The cancellation fee will then be calculated according to the point of nal Data. Concept Heidelberg will use my data for the processing of this order,
1. We are happy to welcome a substitute colleague at any time. and will receive a full refund of fees paid. CONCEPT HEIDELBERGwill not be re- time at which we receive your message. for which I hereby declare to agree that my personal data is stored and pro-
2. If you have to cancel entirely we must charge the following processing fees: sponsible for discount airfare penalties or other costs incurred due to a cancel- In case you do not appear at the event without having informed us, you will have cessed. Concept Heidelberg will only send me information in relation with this
- Cancellation until 2 weeks prior to the conference 10 %, lation. to pay the full registration fee, even if you have not made the payment yet. Only order or similar ones. My personal data will not be disclosed to third parties (see
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- Cancellation within 1 week prior to the conference 100 %. invoice. ference (receipt of payment will not be confirmed)! (As of January 2012). note that I can ask for the modification, correction or deletion of my data at any
CONCEPT HEIDELBERG reserves the right to change the materials, instructors,
# Important: This is a binding registration and above fees are due in case of can- German law shall apply. Court of jurisdiction is Heidelberg. time via the contact form on this website.


Schlossallee 8


P.O.Box 10 17 64
1140 Vienna, Austria

ECA Members € 1,790
Phone +43/1/89110

APIC Members € 1,890


Fax +49(0)62 21/84 44 34

organisation of this event.
Non-ECA Members € 1,990

Phone +49(0)62 21/84 44-0

Conference language

69007 Heidelberg, Germany

[email protected]
EU GMP Inspectorates € 995


Organisation and Contact

Fees (per delegate, plus VAT)
Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 09.00 h - 18.00 h

Thursday, 25 May 2023, 08.30 h - 16.00 h

Ms Anne Günster (Operations Director) at

(Registration and coffee 08.30 h - 09.00 h)

Mr Niklaus Thiel (Organisation Manager) at

Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 08.30 h - 18.00 h

Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel Vienna

The official conference language will be English.

ECA has entrusted Concept Heidelberg with the

For questions regarding content please contact:

line. In this case, you will be informed in due time.

Or you register online at

Email [email protected]

For questions regarding organisation etc. please contact:

+49(0)62 21/84 44 43, or at [email protected].

you will automatically receive your certificate of participation.

+49(0)62 21/84 44 50, or at [email protected].

Via the attached reservation form, by e-mail or by fax message.
lunch on all three days and all refreshments. VAT is reclaimable.

ed materials will be handed out on site and that there will not be
The presentations for this event will be available for you to down-
load and print before and after the event. Please note that no print-
CONCEPT HEIDELBERG has reserved a limited number of rooms in

POG when you have registered for the conference. Reservation

the conference hotel. You will receive a room reservation form/
The fee is payable in advance after receipt of invoice and includes
not permit an on site event, it will be conducted live on-
infection rates and/or travel restrictions generally do
On site, we will implement the necessary and required

any opportunity to print the presentations on site. After the event,

should be made directly with the hotel. Early reservation is recom-
hygiene measures in close co-operation with the hotel. If


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