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Source Book Abbreviation
Player‘s Handbook PHB
Tasha‘s Cauldron of Everything TCE
Fizban‘s Treasury of Dragons FToD
Xanathar‘s Guide to Everything XGtE
MP: Monster‘s of the Multiverse MotM
Rinlac‘s Atlas of Lithuel RAL
Volo‘s Guide to Monsters VGtM
Explorer‘s Guide to Wildemouth EGW
Eberron - Rising from the Last E - RLW
Planeshift - Zendikar P-Z
Van Richten‘s Guide to Ravenloft VRGtR
Sword Coast Adventure Guide SCAG

This Book
This Book presents a compilation of multiple works about the
planet Vandenya, it was compiled by Anhelo, the multivoiced. The
rst part of this book, called „Encyclopedia of the Ancients“ was
written by Yeddrana, the multifaced, one of the founders of the Star
Wanderers. The Encyclopedia of the Ancients compiles the lore of
the planet into a tight and organized space (This document
contains only enough information to create a good player character
backstory. For more in depth info please look at the full book of the
Encyclopedia of the Ancients). The next part covers the Magic
found on Vandenya, it was written by Tschikja, the multihanded. It
is called „The Weaving of Solamancy“ and contains information
about new spells and magic items found on Vandenya.

The Wanderer of the Stars will be explained further down in the

book. As this is a magic Work, it is prone to sudden changes
overnight so be prepared.

The Solar System
In the middle of the solar system sits a phenomenon known as a
cluster sun. It consists of 3 sun-like stars that stay near eachother
without crashing through a strong magnetical eld that repells and
attracts them all to another constantly.

This creates a special kind of gravitational eld that holds 5 planets

in it‘s orbit. Abaldon, Candel, Terralia, Uriko and Vandenya. Every
one of these planets has it‘s unique features and ressources.

The Fire Twins Abaldon & Uriko

The two planets also know as the Fire Twins are the ones closest to
the suns. Their surface mostly consisting of magma and re.

Abaldon is only one of two planets in the solar system that only
boasts one moon. It‘s planetary ressource is called Demon Flame,
bundled energy that takes the shape of a wrathfull ame. It is ever-
burning and gives of a lot of thermal energy. Demon Flame is often
used as a fuel source in machines in spelljammers, but it is just as
dangerous as it is usefull. As the ame tries to consume everything
it touchess, often turning any living material it touches into a pile of
ash in mere minutes.

Uriko is a planet that is perpetually covered by a giant layer of ash

that hangs in it‘s atmosphere. The origin of this ash layer is
unknown, as it is too thick for any probing equipment to pass
through it. Sample-testing of the ash shows that it is explosive
when brought in contact with re or struck with high velocity, that
makes it usefull for building powder-based ammunition and

The Life Twins Terralia & Vandenya

One upon a time, Terralia and Vandenya where planets more alike
then anything else. Places of deep owing rivers and oceans that
sat between green continents of trees and grass. But one day the
planetary rotation of Vandenya seemed to slow down more and
more until it stopped entirely, changing the planet forever.

Terralia is now the only planet in the solar system with an

abundance of owing water and natural life. It‘s inhabitants are a
nation called the Alam-kal who have by now populated the entire
solar system including vandenya. The Alam-kal have excavated the
secrets of mechanization, which allowed them to extend their life
and their mind tremendously.

Vandenya now stands as a weird amalgamation of sand, grass and

ice. The creatures and people living on it‘s surface managed to
adapt quickly to the extreme climate. It is also the place the
adventure takes place on.

The lonely ice planet Candel

The last planet of the system is called Candel. It‘s completely
frozen from crust to core and is completely un t for life. Still, the
Alam-kal have taken up base there and are researching a material
called Everfrost. White ice that gives o an icy vapor, it is even
colder than dry ice and has the ability to instantly freeze anything it
is touching. The Alam-kal have, yet again, found a use for it in
builidng superconductors.

Artisitc Recreation of the Solar System

By Yeddrana

The Stasis Planet Vandenya
Vandenya was once a planet like Terralia, containing beautifull
oceans and lush forests. But now this can only be found on a small
strip at the equator around the planet. The other two sides of
Vandenya are a desert locked in eternal day and an ice tundra
locked in eternal night, only lit up by it‘s polar lights and the weak
refrection of sunlight on the planet‘s moons. The planet is still
slowly circled by it‘s two moons which are held aloft by the prayers
of the mystical Moonfolk.

The planet, now split into three huge regions also split the planet‘s
natives in the process. The Shanaya that once have been living all
over the planet now migrated to the equator region of the planet, to
the continent Auphian. The other two groups of natives have
adapted the names Dunewalkers and Ice shers.

Some time ago another race of people have landed on the planet
called the Alam-kal. This nation has travelled a long way from the
planet Terralia, a planet on the opposite site of the solar system to
Vandenya. These people have merged into one interstellar race of
biomechanical humanoids that only vaguely resemble their former
selfes. They came in peace, bringing with them their knowledge
and technology to further the planet‘s evolution in record time.
Their machines can now be found all over the planet, while they‘re
still searching for the mysterious reason of the planet‘s stopped

Their supreme leader is called Chul-Daika and is widely regarded

as a perfect lifeform under the Alam-kal. It boasts a very high
charisma and an even higher intelligence, which makes it perfect
as the head of the interplanetary trading federation. He is an
important asset in getting around the galaxy and getting
ressources from di erent planets.

The Continents of Vandenya
There are 5 continents on Vandenya. Two of them are set on the
sun-side of the planet, two on the moon-side of the planet. And
one runs perceftly through the middle of them. Auphian, Santaljon,
Nabujk, Aechuin and Onera are 5 continents that could not be
more diverse from one another. The following pages show
everything someone needs to know about the beautiful continents
of vandenya, including their ora, fauna and culture.

There are some religions which are mostly exclusive to a race or

groupings of people.

Auphian, the towering jungle

Pronounciation: O-PHI-an

Size: large - multiple small countries that stretch along the equator
of Vandenya, broken up by the ocean

Climate/Biome: subtropical, tropical lilacwood forest

Countries: Asma, Efrein, Maglad, Sacheau


Located along the planet‘s equator are a belt of

countries that are broken up by the planet‘s ocean.
Within the countries a lush tropical forest is present,
the further you go from the continent‘s centre, the
less tropical it gets, changing to a cold pine forest in
the south and a warm savannah in the north. The
jungle itself consits of monstrous trees called
Lilacwood trees. These trees can grow to more than
200m in height and their tree trunks can reach a
thickness of up to 10m in diameter. The wood of
Lilacwood trees shows a beautiful, deep purple
coloration that makes it perfect for decoration and
as an accent wood for people who like purple.

Big cities can be found constructed in the trees all
over Auphian. They are built on big wooden
platforms around the tree trunks and have been
connected by wooden suspension bridges. Every
house, bridge and platform is decorated with an
array of lanterns, fairylights, garlands and draperies
which gives everything in the forest a mystical and
fairytale-esk look.

The people of Auphian are often regarded as a very
nice folk, of course there are it‘s exception. But
mostly the Auphians are a nice and courteous folk.
A great deal of fey creatures can also be found
living alongside the other people. Auphian also
boasts a very strong connection to the feywilds.

The Auphians regard courage and niceness as the

highest forms of honor and won‘t take kindly to
rudeness or deception (absolute hypocrisy).

The economy of Auphian consists entirely of
tourism and shing. Each country is littered with
hotels, taverns and markets. But watch out, fey like
to play tricks. They also make a lot of their income
through pick pocketing and scamming, so be

Native Races:
- Aarakocra (tropical)

- Aasimar

- Air Genasi

- Astral Dragonborn

- Astral Elves

- Displacerkin (unplayable)

- Changelings

- Firbolg (fey-kin)

- Hadozee

- Half-Elves (mostly Wood Elves)

- High Elves

- Humans

- Kor

- Lizarfolk (tropical)

- Satyr

- Sea Elves

- Squeakling (tropical)

- Tie in

- Water Genasi

- Wood Elves

Except for the big lilacwood trees that are hard to
miss, Auphian also boasts an interesting ora.

In Efrein there is a huge forest of bouncy

mushrooms that are a popular tourist attraction, the
Mycanoids that live there aren‘t too font of it, but
they get paid a good amount to tolerate it.

There are carnivorous plants called shark mouths

that can be found along the forest oor sometimes,
they snap at everything that passes through their
detector vines, be careful as they can snatch small
creatures just right up.

Some plants can produce a magical dust that puts

creatures who snort it onto a transe-like state for a
couple of hours, needles to say it is pretty popular
in Auphian‘s underground and also in other places
of the planet. „Pixi Dust“ is what it‘s called.

The forest oor is absolutely packed with plants and

owers, producing a lot of hiding spots for small
creatures and also pretty di cult terrain to traverse.

Auphian‘s fauna is just as weird and diverse as his
ora. There are small beasts like the Raptorling, a
small ying lizard with wings attached on all four of
it‘s limbs, which makes it able to snake through the
sky at incredibly speeds like a small sky serpent.

But it also has bigger beasts like the Displacerbeast

or the colonies of giant ants, which are so big a
creature can stand on them.

Next to the Raptorling, other dinosaurs can be

found wandering the forest. These dinosaurs should
be extinct, but they have returned under mysterious
cisrcumstances, like someone has turned back the
time on the planet.

The warm, shallow oceans of Auphian are also

populated by lots of di erent creatures like surface
dwelling sharks or schools of sh.

Bevroth, the mountainous savannah

Pronounciation: Bef-rof

Size: medium - two gigantic countries that are split by an

enourmous river that runs o into the desert

Climate/Biome: subtropical savannah

Countries: Ascua, Eshyea

Bevroth is the continent that sits between Auphian
and Nabur.

Ascua, one of it‘s two countries is a landscape of

beautiful mountains, most of them having a strange
at top that are just made for cities to be build
upon. The Kor have built their huge cities in, on and
around the mountains.

In the east of the continent runs a massive river that

meassures atleast 300m in with and runs o into the
sand sea to th north. The further north one goes,
the fewer trees can be found and the more moisture
is lost to the warmth.

Other than the mountain cities of the Kor, a lot of
small villages and camps have been constructed
along the ground and within the acacia forests.
These villages are mostly populated by groups of
humans, changeling and the githyanki, even tho the
githyanki often live in their own villages as they
aren‘t that fond of other creatures.

The kor have started allowing other people into their

cities, and even help them up the huge, rocky walls.
Along the few scattered around camps, rather
unpleasant fellows can be found. Like the Lizardfolk
or the Wemic, who aren‘t that nice as maybe some
other creatures, and they should be approached
with caution. If a camp makes it clear that they do
not want visitors. Do. Not. Try. And. Visit. Them.

Bevroth is also home to the guardian city. It acts as

the capital city of the planet and is built on the
tallest mountain in the Savannah, which makes it a
great defensive position.

The people of Bevroth follow a code of looking out
for each other, as example the kor teaching other
creatures their climbing techniques or the humans
opening their cities for refugees.

A big part of Bevrothian culture is the ritualistic

hunting done by the Kor. Every midweek, great
numbers of kor leap from atop their mountain cities
and plunge themselves into the sky to hunt the
ying reptiles known as Pteranodon. The „big
hunt“ as the kor call it are a broadly admired tourist
attraction. Non-Kor also get the ability to take place
in the hunts, strapped to the cities with elastic
bands so they do not fall to the ground should they
fail. A lot of people have taken on a tradition to wear
highly decorated armor to the big hunt to show o
their previous kills. Hunting down and slaying the
Bevroth native giant beasts and dinosaurs is also a
hobby for a lot of the richer, or danger loving people
of other countries.

The weekly big hunt generates a lot of income, but
also the export of meat or other hunting trophies are
a good generator. The Kor have a lot of courses and
schools on their self-invented hunting- or climbing
techniques, which can teach other people to hunt
and move like the greates hunters. The human cities
mostly generate income from things like pottery or
other art and tourist attractions.

Native Races:
- Aasimar

- Astral Elves

- Changeling

- Githyanki

- Harengon

- Half-Elves

- High Elves

- Humans

- Kor

- Lizardfolk

- Squeakling (savannah)

- Tie ing

- Wemic

Other than the twisting acacia trees, there aren‘t a
lot of plants in the savannah, there are some plants
which boast long, durable vines that grow out of the
mountain site. These vines are often turned into
robes or are used to scale the mountain without
climbing gear. A collection of smaller ferns and
grasses can be found scattered along the cracked
ground. The most interesting plants are the
waterbeggars, a family of water-collecting plants
that store liquid in a big bubble ontop of the stem.
These bubbles can be harvested and eaten to gain
a decent amount of moisture.

The fauna of Bevroth is few and far between. There
are creatures ranging from tiny to absolutely huge
and towering. There are tiny little rodents that are
stumbling around - no not the Squeakling, tiny
lizards and other critters. But all of these tiny
creatures are completely outclassed by the huge
monsters that are living within the desert. From
ying lizards to tall, landwalking dinosaurs and
other scaly beasts that are a worthy target for the

big hunt of the Kor. These monsters are highly
aggressive and dangerous and should not be
approached without proper training or proper
equipment. But bringing a trophy of one of those
beasts on your travels with you can get you a lot of
respect or even money.

Some of these monsters travel around in great

heards and eat what little vegetation there is, while
others move on their own and feast of the weak
links of these herds.

There are some creatures living in the rushing river

between Ascua and Eshyea, but the river is simply
to shallow to allow for these creatures to grow to
any signi cant size, the most dangerous monsters
there aren‘t bigger than a crocodile.

Nabur, the eternal desert

Pronounciation: NA-bur

Size: large - an endless desert with smaller countries

Climate/Biome: scorching hot desert

Countries: Athye, Kaswad, Upresh, Weshar

Nabur is the most north continent of Vandeya, it
also encompasses the planet‘s north pole, which is
the hottest recorded place on Vandenya.

The endless desert of Nabur is widely regarded as

the most hostile region of the planet, it‘s
everburning sun makes living on the surface nearly
impossible, but some creatures where able to pull
through. Luckily the surface of Nabur boasts a large
amount of great dunes that provide a lot of shade.
Or big caves beneathe the sand that are perfectly
carved out for settlements. It‘s countries sit ontop
platforms of hardened sandstorm that are broken
up by a sea of soft and nearly liquid sand. This sea
can be easily traversed with quick movement, but
standing on it for too long should be avoided. It is
also the only place with elevations where the Kor
cannot be found, as the dunes dob

Most cities in Nabur are built in the shade of the big
dunes or within deep, snaking caverns.

Nabujk is a country someone can only describe as a normal

desert. It posesses big, overarching, rolling dunes that give
it‘s surface a unique appearance. The Shanaya live in small
encampments between the dunes, which are protected from
the burning sun by big, wet tarps called Suncloths. These
suncloths create a liveable and cool environment. The small
encampments often keep themselves above water via trading
or by - less legal means. Nabujk is a place of smugglers and

On the other side, there are also the Jitnja [Jit-nja]. A temple
of monks who focus on the energy of the sun and the strenght
of inner peace.

Races found in Nabujk:

- Aasimar

- Astral Elves

- Changeling

- Githzerai

- Harengon

- Half-Elves

- High Elves

- Humans

- Kalashtar

- Lizardfolk

- Sunfolk

- Thri-Kreen

- Tie ing

The Tundra Countries Tiwuan [TI-wuan] and Onera
The freezing tundra of Vandenya stretches over two
continents. A small sized country called Aechuin and a large
sized country called Onera. One of them is a dark forest which
is forever frozen in time and shows how the planet once
looked, but now is nothing more than a near in nite pine-
forest. And the other one is a chain of ice oes that are driting
withing the cold ocean.

Aechuin is a country without any solid ground, it is entirely

comprised of oating discs of ice that drift on the cold ocean.
But the natives of Aechuin have learned to adapt. The natives
have developed thick clothing that protects them from the
cold winds of Aechuin, and a lot of them have evolved to be
able to live and hunt in the ice cold water. Most of the nation‘s
income comes from shing, trading and monster hunting. The
Aechons [AE-kons] are formidable hunters that are regarded
among the toughest and most skilled people on the planet.
They have taken up the habbit of hunting the horri c sea
monsters that dwell deep down in the ocean. Is there a
problem? Call an Aechon!

Races found in Aechuin:

- Aasimar

- Astral Dragonborn

- Bugbear

- Goliaths

- Half-Elves

- Humans

- Kobolds

- Moonfolk

- Sea Elves

- Tie ing

Onera is a forest of towering pine trees that have adapted to
thrive under the small amount of sunlight that the moon gives
o . But that‘s also the problem, the tall pine trees swallow the
last amount of light that is left, plunging the forest oor into
eternal darkness. In response to that, a lot of creatures that
dwell between the trees lack any eyesight at all and just
maneuver around by hearing or feeling their environment or
have developed bioluminiscence to light their way. Some
places in the forest have been cut down to construct villages
to house the natives or provide a save heaven for travellers.
Their export ressource is wood and meat of the forest‘s

Races found in Onera:

- Aarakocra

- Aasimar

- Astral Dragonborn

- Bugbear

- Firbolg

- Goliath

- Half-Elves

- Humans

- Owlin

- Moonfolk

- Wood Elves

- Tie ing

The People of Vandenya

The Shanaya
The word Shanaya means „Desert Born“ in the native tounge. They
evolved from travelers that settled on the planet a long time ago.
The Shanaya have been on Vandenya so long that they are
regarded as it’s natives. The Shanaya all have some very prominent
features that developed over time. Shanayan skin colors range
from a dark brown all the way to a deep and dark yellow,
sometimes called the „Desert Skin“. A lot of Shanaya have yellow
eyes where white should be, this discoloration helps them see
better in the bright sun of the midday. Their eyecolors are often
brown or yellow, but they can also be a deep blue or other exotic

Humanoid Shanaya often reach greater heights than their

outerplanet counterparts, for example Shanayan Elfs can reach a
height of 6 to 7 feet.


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