Class-3 - Comp Questions

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Summative Assessment Assignment – I (2020-21)

Grade –III Sub: Computer

A. Tick () the correct answer.

1. The data we type into a computer act as?

a. Input  b. Output ____

2. A computer follows this cycle?

a. B.P.O ____ b. I.P.O 

3. We use this device to give input?

a. Keyboard  b. Monitor _____

4. The device shows us the output?

a. Mouse____ b. Monitor 

5. The parts of a computer that we can see and touch are called

a. Hardware  b. Software ____ c. monitor ____

6. These are used to enter data and give instructions to the computer?

a. Output devices _____ b. processing devices  c. Input devices____

7. The output we get on paper is called?

a. Soft copy ____ b. hard copy  c. rough copy

8. MS paint, Tux paint, WordPad and games are all examples of computer?

a. Hardware____ b. hard copy____ c. Software 

9. The desktop background is also called?

a. Gadget _____ b. Wallpaper  c. Theme ____

10. The icons on the desktop can be?

a. Files ______ b. Folders____ c. Both 

11. The long bar at the bottom of the desktop is called

a. Title bar  b. Toolbar_____ c. Taskbar______

12. Which of the following should be clicked to open a list of programs?

a. Taskbar____ b. Start button  c. System clock ____

13. On which side of the screen is the show desktop button located?

a. Left____ b. Right  c. None of these _____

14. MS word is a?

a. Word processor _ _ b. Hardware ____ c. Game ____

15. The save command is present under the?

a. File tab _ _ b. Home tab____ c. View tab ____

16. This option under the file tab is used to open a saved file.

a. Save ____ b. Exit_____ c. Open _ _

17. This option is used to exit MS word?

a. Save____ b. Exit_ _ c. Save as ____

18. Click on this button if you want to close your file without saving it?

a. Save____ b. doesn’t save _ _ c. Save as _____

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The CPU, MONITOR, KEYBOARD AND MOSUE are the four parts of a computer.

2. Hardware needs Instructions to work

3. We cannot touch Software

4. An operating system manages the working of a computer

5. Microsoft windows is a popular operating system

6. The background picture of the desktop is called as a wallpaper.

7. An Icon stands for a file, folder or program.

8. The long bar present at the bottom of the desktop is called Task bar

9. MS word is a word processor.

10. The save and new are two commands under the file tab.

11. The document area is the blank white space where we can type text.

12. The word window has two scroll bars.

13. Microsoft windows is an operating system.

14. The background picture of the desktop is called the wallpaper.

15. The long bar at the bottom of the desktop is called the taskbar

16. The start button is located at the bottom left corner of the taskbar.

17. Clicking on the start button displays a list of programs.

C. Match the columns. (with answer)

1. Keyboards Help to type words, numbers & character

2. Speakers Help to listen sound from computer

3. Scanner Input a page from a book

4. CPU Process data

5. Microphone Records Sound .

D. Match the columns. (with Answer)

1. input - mouse

2. output - monitor

3. Hard copy - Printer

4. MS Paint - Software

5. Ribbon - Tabs

E. Read the clues and circle the correct answers.

1. Shikha made a drawing. The output can be seen on a (Monitor / Speaker).

2. Gigi wants to print a letter. The output will be given by a (Printer / Mouse).

3. Misha wants to add 7 and 10. The processing will be done by a (CPU / Monitor).

F. Give two examples of the following.
1. Operating systems MS windows Linux

2. Parts of a desktop Title bar Start button

3. Desktop icons Files Folder

4. Parts of the MS word windows Ribbon Title bar

5. Tabs on the Ribbon File Home

G. Write T for true and F for False.

1. MS paint is a word processor. F

2. The ribbon has three parts-Files, tabs and groups. T

3. The file tab is the first tab on the ribbon. F

4. The status bar is present at the bottom of the word window. T

5. The vertical scroll bar is on the left side of the word window. F

H. Complete the steps to save a file in MS word.

1. Click on the file tab.

2. Click on save.

(The save as dialog box appears)

3. Type a File name.

4. Click on the Save button.

I. Label the parts of the taskbar.

J. Label the parts of the windows screen.

K. Colour the cloud blue for the things that you can touch, and colour the clouds

green for the things that you cannot touch.

TV set Music Music


Keyboard Cartoon
show CD

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