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The Impact of Physical Activities on the health of Adults

Table of Contents
Literature Review:.........................................................................................................................3
Appendix A....................................................................................................................................11
Physical activity means movement of body which is produced by voluntary muscles and require
vigor. It requires all type of age of people. It is very important for adults to dealing with it.
Adults are too busy with work that they can’t do physical activities. Day by day increase
physical activity and change the circumstances all the day, like go to the park with friends, use
cycle rather than a car, take your children to the school by walking.

Background of the Physical activity

Some studies say that exercise makes a human sound mind and helps depression. So many
people have some problem which are easily reduce by doing exercise, F.B. and Stubbs, B.,
2019). In modern world, many technologies occupy human nature. Long time ago, people work
for their lives by doing physical works, so that their fitness is better from now. Once upon a time,
a child born and play games in the playground, but now a days they just want a device to play
games. Adults are responsible for this. Now a day’s people don’t take their child in the
playground just give them device. So that, child makes himself introvert, doesn’t want to go out
and when he has a child, he just doing the same thing day by day. Physical action or work out
can move forward your wellbeing and diminish the hazard of creating a few infections like sort 2
diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular malady (Srour, B et al., 2020). Physical activity and work
out can have speedy and long-term prosperity benefits. Most vitally, standard activity can move
forward your quality of life.

Reason behind the Physical activity

According Tomporowski, P.D. and Pesce, C., 2019, “Around 37% of people in UK never do
physical exercise.” so that is the responsible for one in six UK deaths and it cost approximately
7.4 billion yearly. Most of the people in UK doesn’t know physical inactivity is the main reason
for any kind of disease. It helps to manage over 20 chronic condition and disease. According to
university of Cambridge researchers around 676000 deaths each year compared with 337000
from carrying too much weight. People should know about this state, and everyone must do a
minimum physical exercise.

Aim of this project and how will be achieved

Health professionals and researchers suggested that everyone should maintain health and do a
minimum 30 minutes free hand exercise every day (American Diabetes Association, 2020).
Physical exercise is a medicine of all other tablets. This project recommends people to start some
physical activities, and keep the activities on daily routine basis. Around 2 to 5 hours have to
focus on direct physical exercise or 1 to 2 hours of indirect focused on physical action, or an
identical combination of both direct and energetic exercises, every particular week.

Literature Review:
Key word one – Appropriate timing of exercise:

It is quite difficult to say when the appropriate time to do workout is. Because everyone is busy
in their life with their jobs, families, household chores etc. There are no hard and fast rules about
this matter. But some prefer doing workout at early morning and some are at evening. According
to Taheri (2020), the perfect time of doing workout is in the morning. Benefits from doing
workouts in the morning are it establishes a fitness routine, improves sleep cycle, burns more fat,
boosts energy, makes more productive, keeps a person’s mood good as in response to exercise,
our body releases endorphins or happy chemicals. People doing workouts in the early morning
has so many positive sides. It improves their mood, keeps their mind calm. It makes them a sense
of accomplishment as it is a natural remedy for stress. They can get so much time to finish their
tasks like doing household chores, jobs, and other personal works. It also helps them in doing
their work appropriately and efficiently. It helps them in decision making too. Doing exercise in
the morning keeps an individual fresh all day long.

But a Chaix (2019) state that, doing exercises in the evening is more effective. He claims that
late day workout can relieve stress, get rid of from bad habits like watching TV, drinking,
smoking and so on. Muscle strength, flexibility, power output and endurance are all better in the
evening. Apart from this, doing workouts in the evening helps to produce more testosterone
which is important for building muscle than the morning workouts. Those who are not morning
persons, exercising at nights are also very effective because before going to sleep if they do
exercise, it makes their body feel tired and thus they can have a sound sleep (Lacombe et al.,

Key word two – Adult health stage & diseases:

Being physically active improves mental, musculoskeletal health and helps to reduce other risk
factors like being overweight, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, diabetes. Then
again low levels of physical activity are a major factor leading to ill health and even death
(Lacombe et al., 2019). Adult people have higher chances of getting attacked by these diseases.
Majority of the adults prefers to spend time at home by watching TV or doing other recreational
activities. They usually do not much care about their health unless they face something. Not
doing enough physical activity increases more the risk of cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes
and obesity, and increases the risk of breast and bowel cancer, depression and anxiety.
Figure 1: Human Activity

Source: (Lacombe et al., 2019)

On the other hand, those who are PCOS patients, by doing physical activities they can control the
problems that occurs because of PCOS (Peña, 2019). It reduces the possibilities of having cancer
as well. Because of PCOS, ovarian cancer occurs and by doing physical activities females can
control it. Besides this, it builds a strong immune system, develops stronger joints, muscles and
bones. It is helpful for an insomnia patient as it acts as a medical treatment and improves sleep
quality. According to Kumanyika (2019), those who are facing obesity problems, doing physical
activities is a must. They can get rid of from such problem. Because for obesity, many other
diseases arise. One can be relieved from stress and tiredness and can focus on their work through
this. Adult should eat properly, follow the proper diet plan and should do regular physical
exercises for avoiding such diseases. It helps to keep away an individual from bad habits like
smoking, consume alcohol and so on. It manages to keep-

 cholesterol level low

 improves heart health

 balance the weight

 helps to become an optimist person

 improves breathing

 improve memory and brain function

 reduce the risk of having cancer

 helps to improve thinking capability

 helps in digestion

Key word three – Home health care

Physical activity is essential for older people. They can get support from home health care.
Home health care give the adults quite good opportunities and service. They bring varieties for
them so that they do not get bored. Especially during this pandemic situation makes easier for
them to do physical activities by getting the help from home health care. According to Guerrero
(2020), by staying at home, it helps to-

 Keeps the mind fresh

 Reduce the risk and severity of diseases such as stroke, diabetes mellitus, lung disease,
Alzheimer disease, hypertension, depression, and cancer.
 Improve blood sugar control
 Keep bones strong, promote mental health.
 Reduce the risk of falls
On the contrary, Kappen (2019) says the drawbacks of it. Everything has a good side as
well as bad side. Home health care is also one of this. It-
 Needs may not be met with what is available within the home.
 May get dependent on this.

Key word four- Quality of life and lifestyle:

Those who does physical activity are healthier and more fit than those who does not. Bauman
(2019) state that, the current levels of physical inactivity are partly due to people being less
active during leisure time and an increase in sedentary behaviour during occupational and
recreational activities. People does not want to walk rather than they prefer to take vehicles as
they rely on those. People with physical inactivity’s lifestyle are so much dull. Physical inactivity
is one of the major factors that even leads to death (Lacombe et al., 2019). Because of this,
people have to face overweight problems, diabetes, have to go through depression, stress,
increase the likelihood of developing other heart disease risk factors, including obesity, high
blood pressure, high blood cholesterol. It can cause cancer too.

On the other side of the coin, those who do physical activity are healthier than others. They can
give concentration on their work, can get rid of from diseases like 2- type diabetes, insomnia,
muscle pain etc.

Key word five- Mental health:

On mental health, physical activity has a great effect on it. It helps to reduce stress as well as
pressure. It helps to block the negative thoughts and helps to become an optimist person
(Greenberg et al., 2019). Releasing endorphins puts a positive impact on brain. Not only
endorphins, it also keeps other hormones balance. Self-esteem and self-confidence rise, improves
mood and able to focus on the work.
Figure 2: Impact of physical activity

Source: (Greenberg et al., 2019)

Closely related areas that need to mention:

Physical fitness is closely related area with physical activities. There lies a significant
relationship between physical activity and physical fitness. According to Dasso (2019), physical
activity is bodily movement and physical fitness is the measure of the capacity to perform
physical activity. They are kind of interrelated to each other. Physical activity improves fitness or
that physically fit individuals choose to engage in physical activity more (Lesser, 2020). Doing
physical activity and also physically fit results to bring academic achievements cognitive
function works well and releases stress.

Figure 3: Activity Nature

Source: (Lesser, 2020)
Gaps in the research:

Time constraints that is for not getting enough time is one of the main reasons for which there
lies a gap in the research. The information is too limited to get the real outcome (Hagger, 2019).
Moreover, since the information is taken from the internet, it might not be an abstract data and it
is an empirical data. Besides these, due to the outbreak of COVID 19, it was impossible to do
survey personally and people do not give that much priority if they are asked to do survey in
online. The limitations are as follows:

 Lack of experience in analyzing data.

 Failed to spend sufficient time
 It is prepared based on study of secondary data
 Could not follow the correct procedures.
 Lack of information

Figure 4: Research Gap fill-up

Source: (Hagger, 2019)

Ways to fulfilling the gaps in the research:

Gaps in the research can be fulfilled if some changes can be done like have to be creative
so that the steps that need to be taken is effective, offering something new information
which is unknown to most. While doing survey, it is necessary to keep in mind that the
questions has to create in such a way that the readers can understand that that is, not using
any tough vocabulary (Hernández-Reye, 2019). Using the right methodology can also
fulfil the gaps in the research. While doing the research it is very important to stay
motivated. The reason behind this is that sometimes it becomes very difficult to find the
abstract information and for that one has to search a lot to find those information
(Hernández-Reye, 2019). At that time majority of people tends to give up and gets
distracted from the main goals. So, one has to have patience for dealing with such type of

Figure 5: Finding Gap

Source: (Hernández-Reye, 2019)

Grown-ups are as well active with work that they can’t do physical activities. Increments in a
day by day activity can come from small changes made all through your day, such as walking or
cycling instead of utilizing the car, getting off a cable car, get ready or transport a stop earlier
and walking the rest of the way, or walking the children to school (Puneeth et al., 2019). Long-
time back, individuals work for their lives by doing physical works, so that their wellness is
superior from now. Now a day’s individuals don’t take their children within the play area fair
grant them a device. So that, a child makes himself a thoughtful person, doesn’t want to go out
and when he encompasses a child, he fair doing the same thing day by day. Physical action or
work out can move forward your prosperity and decrease the risk of making some
contaminations like sort 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular malady. Physical activity and
work out can have speedy and long-term prosperity benefits. It could be a great thought to see
your specialist some time recently beginning your physical activity program if, you are matured
over 45 a long time physical action causes torment in your chest you regularly swoon or have
spells of serious discombobulation moderate physical movement makes you exceptionally
breathless you are at a better risk of heart malady you think you might have heart infection
otherwise you have heart issues you are pregnant. Pre-exercise screening is utilized to distinguish
individuals with restorative conditions that will put them at the next chance of encountering a
wellbeing issue amid physical movement. It may be a channel or ‘safety net’ to assist choose if
the potential benefits of work out exceed the dangers for you. For extra wellbeing benefits,
grown-ups ought to increment their moderate intensity oxygen consuming physical action to 300
minutes per week, or lock in in 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity oxygen consuming physical
movement per week, or an equivalent combination of direct - and vigorous-intensity activity.
Inactive individuals ought to begin with little sums of physical movement and gradually increase
term, recurrence and escalated over time. Dormant grown-ups and those with disease restrictions
will have included wellbeing benefits when they ended up more dynamic.
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Appendix A:
The importance of physical activity is immense. It keeps a person away from fatal diseases
such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes which is the root of all diseases. Those
who have thyroid problems can control their TSH by doing physical activities. So, it is
necessary to aware people about its significance. To aware people it is necessary to take
some steps like launching seminar, or by posting about its importance in social media. Doing
more research on this topic will obviously help to take more innovation initiatives

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