Week 2 ICT 1-3

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Subject: ICT

  Grade: 1-3
First Term
Week: 1
Date: 19/09/2021- 23/09/2022


Day & Date  Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs


Objectives achieved 

Academic Leader Signature: _________________________ Section Head Signature:___________________

Grade 1 Day: 1

Learning Outcomes Strategies & Activities Time Educational Assessment & Remarks
aids/material Evaluation(Areas and
s Tools)

By the end of the Oracy 5-7Min Students will be

lesson students will be assessed on their
Recap of parts of the computer.
able to: ability to :

● Students will What are the functions and uses of the parts. ● To use the
learn the keyboard
different effectively.
keyboard Question will be asked:
functions ● To have a clear
1. What is the brain of the computer? understanding
● How to use it 2. Where do we see the display? of the
3. Which part is used to type? 10 mins
more keyboard.
confidently. 4. What does the mouse do?
5. What is used for printing?

Task 1

Uses of a computer


v=6PFOzvdLdVU&t=96s 5mins


Task 2

List 4-5 uses of the computer.


Grade 1 Day: 2

Learning Outcomes Strategies & Activities Time Educational Assessment & Remarks
aids/materi Evaluation(Areas and
als Tools)

By the end of the Oracy 5-7Min Students will be

lesson students will be assessed on their
able to: What is a CPU and a mouse? ability to :

● Students will ● To use the

learn about How important is the CPU? Can a computer work mouse
the CPU and without the CPU? effectively.
How do we use a mouse and the different functions. ● To have a clear
● Functions and understanding
use. of the parts
Task 1 and functions.

Discuss the left click and right click and how to use

Videos on mouse and CPU:



Task 2

Write the functions of CPU and mouse

Grade 2 Day: 1

Learning Outcomes Strategies & Activities Time Educational Assessment & Remarks
aids/material Evaluation(Areas and
s Tools)

By the end of the Oracy 5-7Min Students will be

lesson students will be assessed on their
able to: Recap of parts of the computer. ability to :
What are the functions and uses of the parts.
● Students will ● To use the
learn the keyboard
different effectively.
keyboard Question will be asked:
● To have a clear
6. What is the brain of the computer? understanding
● How to use it 7. Where do we see the display? of the
10 mins
more 8. Which part is used to type? keyboard.
confidently. 9. What does the mouse do?
10. What is used for printing?

Task 1

Uses of a computer


v=6PFOzvdLdVU&t=96s 5mins


Task 2

List 4-5 uses of the computer.


Grade 2 Day: 2

Learning Outcomes Strategies & Activities Time Educational Assessment & Remarks
aids/material Evaluation(Areas and
s Tools)
By the end of the Oracy 5-7Min Students will be
lesson students will be assessed on their
able to: What is a CPU and a mouse? ability to :

● Students will ● To use the

learn about How important is the CPU? Can a computer work mouse
the CPU and without the CPU? effectively.
How do we use a mouse and the different functions. ● To have a clear
● Functions and understanding
use. of the parts
and functions.
Task 1

Discuss the left click and right click and how to use
them. 3-5mins

Videos on mouse and CPU:



Task 2

Write the functions of CPU and mouse


Grade 3 Day: 1

Learning Outcomes Strategies & Activities Time Educational Assessment & Remarks
aids/material Evaluation(Areas and
s Tools)
By the end of the Starter activity/Oracy: 10mins Students will be
lesson students will be assessed on their
able to: How to design A Back to School poster will be Ms Word/PPT ability to :
discussed in the classroom.
● Prepare a Use creativity and
poster design techniques for
creatively. poster making.
Task1: Design using a digital tool of their choice
learnt in the previous class.


Ss will type few sentences of what are the

20 mins
looking forward to coming to school and format
the lines by Font, size, colour

Wrap up- share their slides with the class.

10 mins

Grade 3 Day: 2
Learning Outcomes Strategies & Activities Time Educational Assessment & Remarks
aids/material Evaluation(Areas and
s Tools)

By the end of the Starter activity/Oracy: 10mins Students will be

lesson students will be assessed on their
able to: Let’s talk about ourselves! Likes, dislikes and Ms Word ability to :
● Prepare a Use of the tool and
paragraph. how to use it
effectively and in
Task1: Teacher will show the interface of Ms different ways.
Word. How to use the different features and
formatting a document. 7 mins


Ss will type few sentences of themselves and

format the lines by Font, size, colour

10 mins

Wrap up- share their slides with the class.

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