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Purpose The Coastal Carolina American Youth Football League Inc. (CCAYFL) provides an organized, full contact football program for the youth of Eastern North Carolina and surrounding jurisdictions. Organization The League is an association of individual associations throughout the region, bound together with common rules of conduct and play. It is governed by a Board of Representatives (Board). The Board establishes the rules and policies of the League, and appoints a Commissioner. The Commissioner governs the administration of CCAYFL policies and rules. Membership Any recognized organization within the surrounding jurisdictions is eligible to petition for membership in the League. Prospective members must demonstrate and maintain an organizational framework with an elected board, internal policies and rules consistent with League rules and policies, and a commitment to the League to uphold the rules and standards. Acceptance is contingent on a 2/3 majority vote of current members in good standing. 1. Current and New organizations must apply in writing to the board. 2. All Organizations must include specific geographical boundaries and limits for eligibility in their petition to ensure fair and equitable competition. 3. All new Associations shall enter a probation period of not less than one year and not more than three years prior to receiving full membership and voting rights on the board. 4. All Associations must field at least one team in the 10 and under, and 12 and under divisions, to be eligible as members of CCAYFL. Overview Youth football players (Players) are organized into teams by their respective association in accordance with league rules and policies. A variety of competition classes are available. Team placement is based upon an age/weight matrix and abilities. Teams compete during the regular season based upon a league managed schedule. 1. Game play and equipment is governed by the current edition of The National Federation of High School Football Rules (NHSF) as modified herein. 2. The League reserves the right to rule on any inconsistencies identified between written League rules and NHSF rules. 3. Certain NHSF rules outside of game play and equipment requirements may be considered as guidelines, but not requirements for league play. Other NHSF rules do not apply to the league. 4. Inter-league play is governed by AYF/ CCAYFL rules. 5. Bowl competitions follow special rules established by CCAYFL and agreed upon by the participating organizations.


Board of Representatives The League is governed by a Board of Representatives consisting of representatives from each member association. This group is responsible for establishing League rules and regulations as well as setting all fees and fines. The League Commissioner is responsible for overseeing, and enforcing league policies and rules. The board is governed by the Coastal Carolina American Youth Football League By-Laws. Association Representation Each organization sponsoring teams shall appoint a President and as many assistants as required to direct that organizations football program.

Only the association president or their designated representative shall vote on matters placed before the board. Association presidents and their appointed designate shall be identified in writing to the board, via the Commissioner. Voting Privileges Each organization shall have only one vote on matters brought before the board. Voting privileges are also granted to each appointed/elected board member as noted herein. In the event of a tie vote, the League Commissioner shall cast the tie breaking vote. League Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner(s) The League Commissioner shall have and exercise the authority of the board between meetings in the best interest of the league. This authority shall include the interpretation and enforcement of the league rules and policies, the imposing of penalties for rule infractions, and other incidental matters not requiring full board action. The Commissioner shall report any and all actions under the provisions of this authority at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board. In the event the League Commissioner is not available, the Deputy League Commissioner(s) shall hold the same duties and responsibilities of the League Commissioner, Deputy League Commissioner(s) is under the direct supervision of the League Commissioner. Any problems that may arise, at anytime, the Commissioner is first on the chain of command list. No Deputy Commissioner out-ranks the other they are all equal and have the same authority. The Commissioner has the authority to grant waivers for players as needed for the league. Director of Coaches The duties of the Director of Coaches shall include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Investigate all complaints against any tackle football coach and deliver findings to the Commissioner for action. 2. Arbitrate all differences between tackle football coaches if possible, otherwise, differences must be referred to the Commissioner for further action. 3. Hold coaches meetings (at least one time before the playing season) and other meetings when deemed necessary or appropriate. 4. Investigate all complaints against any cheerleading coach and deliver findings to the Commissioner for action. 5. Arbitrate all differences between coaches if possible; otherwise, differences must be referred to the Commissioner for further action. 6. Investigate all complaints against any Cheer Coach and deliver findings to the Commissioner for action. 7. Will act as a liaison for all coaches to the Deputy Commissioners and/or Commissioner. 8. Will act as a liaison with Crystal Coast Officials, regarding coachs conduct, coaches that get ejected from games etc. 9. The Director of Coaching does not have a vote on the Board of Representatives; he/she reports directly to the Commissioner. 10. The Director of Coaching shall not interfere in the daily day to day coaching of any CCAYFL member coach or coaching staff, unless such actions are directly detrimental to CCAYFL and/or could pose a danger to a child, parent or spectator. Any action(s) taken must be made in writing to the League Commissioner within 24 hours of said event. 11. The Director of Coaching may suspend a coach on site, however he/she must receive prior approval from the Commissioner, and also put in writing his/her reasons for any violation/suspension of any coach(s) and CCAYFL policy and procedures. 12. The term of Director of Coaching shall be (1) one year. The Director of Coaches is appointed by the Commissioner. Committees As needs a rise the League Commissioner shall appoint Committees comprised of board members and chaired by a member of the board. Standing Committees, including the Rules Committee, maintain a permanent status. Other committees remain in effect until their task is complete but not longer than 12 months from inception. Each committee shall report progress and status to the full board at each regular board meeting.

Meetings Meetings are held at regular intervals as described in the League By-Laws. Attendance by each associations representative is mandatory. If the President cannot attend, an appointed second shall attend on the associations behalf. Special meetings shall be called by the Commissioner should the need arise. Insurance Coordinator/Scholastics Coordinator The Insurance Commissioner/Scholastics Coordinator shall have authority over all matters, concerning our insurance program, and scholastics program. He/She shall be responsible for overseeing that all member associations are in compliance with insurance policy set forth by AYF and CCAYFL. All accident reports are to be forwarded to the Insurance Commissioner within 24 hours of accident. The Insurance Commissioner/Scholastics Coordinator will assist associations with insurance claims, and Scholastic Fitness. Cheer Commissioner The Cheer Commissioner shall have authority over all matters concerning cheerleading. He/She shall coordinate with the League Commissioner on all matters concerning cheerleading. Scheduling Schedules will be prepared by the Commissioner and/or his designee(s). The schedule shall only contain league games only. Non-league games will not be on the schedule. Changes to the schedule due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances shall be posted on the League website, and forwarded to all associations. Any non-league game must be approved by the Commissioner; this includes any out of conference games. Associations are not allowed to schedule outside/inside games without league approval. Conduct The Leagues integrity and stature is dependant on all of its members upholding the highest level of character and decency. As such, any member determined to be acting contrary to the ideals of the league may be sanctioned and/or suspended. Such sanctions may include reprimands, fines, probations, suspensions, or expulsions from the league as determined by the board. Appeals may be directed to the Leagues Commissioner within 48 hours of notification of such action. Interface with AYF The League operates in close alliance with the American Youth Football League Inc. The Commissioner shall maintain all official League correspondence with AYF. This league will comply with national AYF rules and regulations. This rulebook is an addendum to the national rulebook. Governing Rules National High School Federation Rules (NHSF), AYF national rules apply to all league games unless amended by these Official League Rules. Any questions not covered by the Official League Rules, official interpretation thereof, or any conflict not subject to protest shall be decided by the League Commissioner.


Organization All teams must be sponsored by an organization governed by an elected board or other responsible body. Written organization by-laws and a description of the organizations governing structure shall be provided to the league as part of the membership requirements. Any subsequent changes to an organizations bylaws or structure shall be submitted to the League prior to implementation. Associations shall be required to enter all players in all sponsored teams in this league within the weight and age limits established within these rules. Representative to the Board of Representatives Each organization sponsoring a team shall appoint a President to represent their association, as described above.

Attendance at Board Meetings Attendance at board meetings is mandatory for each President or designated representative as noted above. Each association must be represented at a minimum of three quarters (3/4) of the scheduled meetings as well as the official team declaration meeting. The team declaration meeting attendance is mandatory and will not be waived. Failure to comply with required attendance will result in a fine and a forfeiture of the associations league voting privileges for a twelve (12) month period. Associations failing to attend two (2) meetings will lose their voting privilege. Boundaries Associations from within Eastern North Carolina are expected to draw players from their general vicinity and historical origin. In the event a conflict arises regarding boundaries between associations, The CCAYFL Commissioner shall have the final authority on the issue. Colors Each association shall maintain a consistent set of colors for its teams. Colors of new membership applicants as well as existing associations wishing to change their colors must be submitted in writing and approved by the Commissioner prior to purchase and use. Registrations Registrations for players shall be open to all applicants meeting league eligibility requirements and living within the associations established boundaries. Associations shall promote registrations for all eligible player ages (4 through 14). Associations set their own registration fees not CCAYFL. Conduct The conduct of each associations players, coaches, and spectators is the responsibility of that association. Systems shall be established and maintained by each association to identify and communicate the acceptable conduct of its members and guests as well as an enforcement plan to assure proper conduct. The enforcement plan shall include pro-active investigations by the association. Reports of findings and subsequent association disciplinary actions shall be reported to the League Commissioner. The League Commissioner retains the right to impose additional sanctions as it deems appropriate in the best interest of the league. Failure to appropriately maintain proper conduct or react to unacceptable conduct will be considered a breach of membership and subject to sanctions of the association by the Board. Fees, Dues, and Fines Each association is required to pay all fees, dues, and fines assessed by the league, and AYF.

1. All specified fees and dues shall be paid on or before May 1st of the current year. 2. All other debts and fines due must be paid within thirty days of date of invoice. 3. Non-payment or delayed payment of all fees, dues, and fines will result in the association, team, or individual's suspension from League until the debt is paid. In addition, all voting rights of that organization will be suspended until the debt is paid. 4. Chronic non-payment of fees, dues, and fines shall prompt a league review of the association and potential extended sanctions including permanent suspension or expulsion from the league. 5. For all sanctioned CCAYFL games, each team is required to pay Crystal Coast Officials their onehalf of the official fees for their game prior to kickoff. Any teams that fail to pay their officials fees will forfeit the game and face suspension, fines and loss of hosting privileges from the league.

Documentation Each association shall provide and/or update organizational information documentation required by the league. All associations must re-apply for membership each year. Membership forms are due by March 1st of each year. All AYF fees and CCAYFL fees must be paid by April 1st of the current year. 1. Documentation must be signed by the Association President and, where appropriate, the ranking official of the associations parent board. 2. Documents shall include but not be limited to: Contact information for the association President and board members including; telephone numbers, cell phone numbers, and valid email addresses for contact by the league. 3. Associations Roster of Elected Officials 4. Associations Bylaws 5. Associations Code of Conduct 6. Associations Emergency Communication and Response Plans 7. Associations Background Check Form for Coaches 8. Association policy changes shall be reported to the League Commissioner and submitted in writing within 30 days of incorporation.

Any organization found to have allowed a variance to this rulebook, the rules regulations and the spirit of the rules and regulations without filing and receiving written approval may be suspended. Conferences Coastal Carolina AYFL may have conferences in play, in order to keep team travel to a minimum, the conferences will be called AFC (American Football Conference) and NFC (National Football Conference) Associations will be placed in the appropriate conference based on location, and at the discretion of the board. At the end of the regular season, the division champs from each conference will play each other in a Coastal Carolina AYFL Super Bowl. Other conference teams may if they elect play against one another in league bowl games. Associations may request in writing to the League Commissioner permission to transfer from their current conference. Such request is not a guarantee, that they will be moved, it is contingent on a majority vote from the board. Teams/Associations are not allowed to schedule games on their own; they must have the approval of the Commissioner, prior to playing any in house games or outside of CCAYFL games. All teams are eligible to participate in a bowl game at the end of the season, scheduling will be based on team record; CCAYFL will make every attempt to evenly scheduled teams based on their record as close as possible. Team Size Team size shall be limited to a maximum of 35 or a minimum of 14 players weighed in and listed on the team roster except by special approval by the Commissioner. It is recommended that in order to comply with the AYF player participation policy that every effort is made to insure that team rosters average 16 to 18 players. In the event a team falls to or below 14 players, the team will be allowed to add players to their roster up to a max of 18 players. This must be approved by the Commissioner. No add-on players after the second Wednesday of the current season. Player Waiver In certain circumstances team(s) may be allowed to waiver an older-but-lighter player on their team. Each waiver is handled on a case by case basis; teams are only allowed to have a maximum of (3) waiver players per team are allowed. Note: a waiver must be filed with the commissioner, just because a waiver is requested, it does not guarantee its approval. A waivered player will have a (w) listed in the D/A/C block of the roster

Coaching Associations shall strive to provide a qualified, well trained coaching staff for each team it sponsors in the league. Coaches and support staff shall conduct themselves at all times with sportsmanship and integrity and exemplify the league values. Coach requirements are: 1. Must be twenty-one (21) years old (Head Coach) eighteen (18) Assistant Coach. 2. Cannot be convicted or charged with any crime against children. 3. Must pass a background check 4. Must sign and conform to the CCAYFL Coaches Code of Conduct 5. Any coach charged with a felony or serious misdemeanor will be removed from their coaches duties until the case has been resolved in court 6. All coaches must wear the league approved ID badge at all times during games 7. Head Coaches are responsible for the actions of their assistants, parents and spectators 8. Coaches will never argue or berate an official 9. All head coaches must attend league mandated training Meetings Each association shall organize and conduct coachs meetings throughout the year. Coachs meetings shall review league policies and rules, distribute information from league and associations, and discuss football and player issues affecting the association. Such meetings are one of the most valuable and meaningful aspects of running a good organization. Recruitment No Head Coach, assistant coach, team parent, or any other official shall contact, recruit or otherwise solicit players from another associations area. Evidence of such actions will be considered a breach of these rules and subject to significant sanctions by the league. Coach Transfers between Associations Any Association head or assistant coach that assumed that title and/or performed that function during the previous season cannot transfer to another association without the approval of the League Commissioner through a formal application process. Coaches considering such a move shall apply to the League Commissioner in a timely manner to allow a reasonable amount of time to process the request prior to the 1st day of practice. 1. A Head or Assistant Coach transferring between associations shall not be allowed to carry or transfer rostered players from their previous years team onto their new association team other than their own children. 2. Transfer requests shall include the acknowledgment of the Commissioner, the coach shall notify his/her association president of his/her intent to transfer. 3. The League Commissioner shall respond to the request with a formal approval or denial and provide subsequent notifications to the board. Approvals remain contingent on the new teams final official roster submissions. Conduct The conduct of each teams players, coaches, and spectators is the responsibility of the Head Coach, and Association President. Systems shall be established and maintained by each team to identify and communicate acceptable conduct of its members and guests as well as an enforcement plan to assure proper conduct. Failure to appropriately maintain proper conduct or react to unacceptable conduct will be considered a breach of these rules and subject to sanctions by the League. All Head Coaches and assistant coaches shall read, understand, and sign a copy of the form available in the appendix. The completed forms for each team shall be submitted to the league through the Association President along with the team roster at team certification.

Team Rosters Rosters of all eligible players shall be established for each team. The format for weigh-in rosters, game rosters, and post season rosters is included in the appropriate sections of these rules. Minimum of (16) players certified and maximum of (35) players certified. Eligibility Only youth between the ages of 6 and 14 years and who fall within the official weight class matrix may participate in the league. All youth shall play in the Age/Weight Class for which they are eligible. A five year old may waiver up to Division I. Age For purpose of eligibility in the various Age/Weight Classes, a players age on July 31st of the current year will determine his football age. Address A Players primary place of residence, as recognized by the school in attendance, shall establish eligibility for specific association. Each player must play for a team in the applicable jurisdiction in which the player resides, unless a waiver has been obtained from the Commissioner. Violations of residency restrictions shall incur severe sanctions of the player, team, and association. Weight Players shall play in the appropriate weight class based upon the maximum weights noted in the CCAYFL Age/Weight Class Matrix. CCAYFL Age/Weight Class Matrix AYF ALL AMERICAN DIVISION

ANKLEBITER 4-5-6 AND UNDER Max Weight 75LBS DIVISION I 6-7-8 AND UNDER Max Weight 85lbs DIVISION II 8-9-10 AND UNDER Max Weight 110lbs DIVISION III 10-11-12 AND UNDER Max Weight 140lbs DIVISION IV 12-13-14 AND UNDER unlimited weight Birth date cutoff is 7-31 of current year for all divisions Any player(s) that are over the max weight limit can participate as lineman eligible players; all players can play regardless of size or athletic ability.
Max weight does not include uniform allowance or in season growth, players are allowed a one pound per week allowance beginning the second week of play, up to nine pounds, equipment allowance is five pounds for all divisions.
Lineman Eligible (LE) Players Players who are over the weight for their division of play can participate as a lineman eligible. Lineman eligible requirements are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Must be over the maximum weight limit for their division Must wear jersey specific numbers: 50-79 90-99 or 00 LE players must have an bright green X on the rear of their helmet; min size 3 x 3 LE players cannot participate on the kick-off or kick-return team LE players cannot participate on the punt or punt return team Maximum of five (5) LE players on offense at any one time; must be in a two / three / four point stance prior to the snap

7. Maximum of four (4) LE players on defense at any one time: must be in a three / four point stance prior to the snap 8. Once certified as an LE player, said LE player is an LE player for the season (no exceptions) 9. LE players can recover the ball, but cannot advance it. 10. LE players on offense can only play: Center, Guard or tackle 11. LE players can be uncovered on the offensive line but must report to the referee and raise his hand. The referee must notify the opposing coach that there is an uncovered LE on the offensive line. An uncovered LE is ineligible as a receiver. If an LE player goes down field from an uncovered spot on the offensive line acting as a receiver, it is a 15 yard illegal participation foul and loss of down. The uncovered LE player can go downfield once the ball crosses the line of scrimmage. 12. LE players on defense can only play Nose tackle or Defensive tackle they must line up directly in front of the offensive tackles or on the offensive tackles inside shoulder 13. LE players cannot line up directly over the center, in any shotgun formation, (2) yards or more 14. LE players are not to be weighed, at game day weigh in, they must show their helmet, coaches must ensure they have their correct LE jersey on, and they are required to have their ID cards checked and roster spot verified. 15. An LE illegal participation foul shall be penalized as follows: 1st offense: 10 yard penalty; automatic first down. 2nd offense: same as first and, if same LE player said player will be suspended from the remainder of that game. 16. LE players can kick extra points and field goals 17. LEs can be used as pulling guards or tackles on offense. Maximum Weight Gains/Pre-Game Weigh In Info At no time during regular season may a player exceed the maximum weight gain over the allowable initial weight after certification: (9) nine pounds, given in one pound increments beginning the second game of the season. The Commissioner or his/her designee are responsible to verify ages and weights of all players at team certification, and have the authority to call for players original birth certificates and/or report cards at anytime during or after the season and at certification. Equipment allowance will be five pounds for each division, all players must wear football cleats, and jersey, game pants with pads, and socks at the pre-game weigh-in. Any non LE player who is overweight will not be eligible to play in that days game. Under no circumstance can a non LE player play in a game as an LE player, if the player fails the pre-game weigh-in, no exceptions. Physical Examinations No player shall be allowed to participate in the CCAYFL if non-play is recommended by a physician. It is the responsibility of parents and each respective organization to determine and monitor the health of individual players on a continuing basis. Infectious Disease Policy The CCAYFL Board has adopted the North Carolina High School League (NCHSL), "Infectious Disease Policy". Physicians Release Form Any player with an injury requiring a cast or other such brace must provide a physicians release form prior to any involvement in practices or game play. Player Identification Cards Each player must obtain a player identification card. The card will be required as official player identification at all CCAYFL Weigh-Ins, and upon demand by the CCAYFL Commissioner.

Approved CCAYFL ID cards are: 1. League issued ID cards for participants and coaches 2. NC DMV ID card 3. All player identification cards of eligible participants shall be maintained during the football season by the Head Coach 4. All player identification cards shall be available on demand from the CCAYFL Commissioner or any Deputy Commissioner(s) 5. If at any time during the season, a protest is filed against a player the Head Coach of that player against whom the protest has been lodged shall attend a CCAYFL board meeting or with the same player identification card presented at the official certification and original or notarized birth certificate and/or report card. 6. If an in-eligible player is found, or it is determined a player used fraudulent documents to obtain an ID card, all games in which the in-eligible player participated in will be forfeited, the entire team will be re-certified and the responsible coach or adult will be suspended permanently from the league. Dual League/High School Participation Teams are allowed to roster a maximum of four (4) dual participation players. DP players will be denoted on the team roster as DP in the LE box. DP players can only be rostered prior to the first school practice, once school practice begins; it is illegal to roster a school player. In the event a team loses one or more of the four allotted DP players, said player(s) cannot be replaced with DP players, unless a waiver for said player(s) has been issued by the Commissioner. In the event a team is found to have DP players on their roster, and said DP players are not designated, same shall be considered ineligible player(s). Player/Organization Movement/Waiver A player may play with only one organization and on only one team, unless approved by the Commissioner. 1. If an Association cannot field a team at the proper weight class for a registered player, the player may request a waiver from the League to be moved to a neighboring association with that same weight class. 2. Players whose weight gain during any part of the season is in excess of that allowed may request a waiver from the league to be moved up to a team with the same association in the next higher or appropriate weight class. 3. Players who are smaller in size may request a waiver to stay down a division; each waiver will be considered on a case by case basis and approved by the Commissioner. 4. An example would be a 11 yr old who weighs 60lbs could request a waiver to stay on Division II, application for a waiver is not a guarantee it will be approved. Conduct The conduct of each player is the responsibility of the Head Coach and the Association. Systems shall be established and maintained by each team and association to identify and communicate acceptable conduct of its players as well as an enforcement plan to assure proper conduct. Failure to appropriately maintain proper conduct or react to unacceptable conduct will be considered a breach of these rules and subject to sanctions and suspensions by the League Commissioner. Penalties The integrity of the league and safety of the players on the field during practices and games rely on these player placement rules. Penalties for not following these rules will result in game forfeitures and fines. Sanctions/Suspensions shall also be issued against the association, Head Coach, and assistant coaches of the team found supporting or allowing such activities, where appropriate. Over/Under Age Player Participation The penalty for an over or under age player's participating in League games, when discovered (Whether protested or not) and verified by the Commissioner will result in a minimum forfeiture of all games in which the illegal player participated and that player's suspension from any further league activities for the current season. The team(s) must be recertified, permanent suspension of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach(s), as well as the possibility of further sanctions and or fines.

Over/Under Weight Player Participation The penalty for a player who participates in a game and is determined by the league to be over or under the allowable weight for the weight class and age when discovered and verified by the Commissioner, will result as a minimum in forfeiture of that game in which the illegal player participated. Further, the player(s) are not eligible for any future games with that team for the remainder of the season. Ineligible Player Participation The penalty for a player who did not legally weigh-in with the league when discovered and verified by the Commissioner, will result as a minimum, forfeiture of all games in which the illegal player participated. Further, the player and Head Coach will be suspended indefinitely. In the event a coach allows a player who fails weigh-in to participate, said coach will have no recourse in any appeal/protest, once the game has begun, and may be subject to suspension for violation of this rule. Unauthorized Player Certification The penalty for a youth who fraudulently certifies or weighs in with forged or illegal documents, by having someone else weigh-in for them, or other fraudulent methods when discovered and verified by the Commissioner, will result as a minimum in forfeiture of all games in which the illegal player participated, plus the suspension of the player and the coach for the remainder of the season and potential future seasons. Unauthorized Player Participation If a player is found to be playing for a team other than the jurisdiction of residence, or school district, the player will be suspended for the balance of the season, and the team will forfeit the last game in which the player participated. Additional penalties may be imposed on the team, coach or association in flagrant cases, unless a waiver has been obtained from the League Commissioner. Other Player Infractions Penalties for other player(s) infraction not specifically noted here shall be determined by the Commissioner and may include fines of up to $500, forfeiture of games, loss of league voting rights, suspension of teams, and expulsion from the league. Player Cuts Cutting of players is not encouraged in CCAYFL. A far better solution is to provide all players a position on an additional team. However, there are certain guidelines that should be met if it becomes necessary. When to Cut: 1. When a player or cheerleader cannot furnish the required documents to be certified to a team roster, (e.g., Medical, Proof of Birth, etc.). 2. Shows no interest in football, is disruptive to other players and the instructions of the coaching staff, and becomes a discipline problem. 3. Does not show up for practices. 4. A parent(s) is disruptive to practices and/or games and show a pattern of harassment to coaches, CCAYFL staff and game officials. (1st offense: verbal warning, 2nd offense: Written Reprimand, 3rd Offense: Dismissal) Trying out or playing for a school football team or cheerleader squad while participating with a CCAYFL team. If participants have been cut from the school program and not participated in a school game, they may be added to the CCAYFL program if there is roster space available and no other player is cut to make space for the new candidate. Playing flag or touch football as part of the physical education requirement in the school curriculum is not counted as school team participation.

Mandatory Play Rule Each team will use the league MPR form to record the number of plays each player plays. Any play that involves a penalty will not count towards the MPR requirement. Kick-offs and Receiving team plays do not count towards MPR requirements. The Head Coach will appoint a member of their coaching staff to use and record data on the MPR form. During the team weigh in, both head coaches will sign the MPR form acknowledging if a player(s) are absent. MPR keepers will stay on their sideline at all times. Any player not having fulfilled their MPR requirements will enter the game at the start of the fourth quarter. Each team is required to send in the MPR form to the League Commissioner within 48 hours after the game ends, failure to mail in the MPR form will result in forfeiture of said game. The number of plays required is five (5) plays regardless of team size.

Purpose The League maintains standard certification policies and procedures to document the eligibility of all players, to determine the players Official Weight, and to assure they are properly placed within the Age/Weight Class Matrix described previously. These procedures are mandatory for all Players. Certification will be held on Saturdays in the month of August. There is a $40.00 certification fee due at certification per association. Certification Day Procedure The League Commissioner will set the dates, times and locations for all associations teams certification. In order for a participant to be certified on a team roster each association must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Provide the league a digital copy of their roster, via CD-ROM or thumb drive The roster must list all coaches, players and support staff Players are to be listed in order by their date of birth All entries are to be with caps on (capital letters) Players must be listed; first name last name All players must have jersey numbers; rosters will not be certified without jersey numbers All players must be present, all players will be weighed in All players must have the following: (a) completed registration form; (b) current physical (c) proof of age photo copy of birth certificate, NC DMV ID card or notarized copy of birth certificate All players must have a clear picture attached to a league approved ID card, unsigned and unlaminated Associations will have the rosters laminated, and signed by a CCAYFL staff member Players without proper identification or with incomplete forms shall not be weighed. Players that exceed the allowable weight for their age at the teams weight class, will be listed as an LE player, or have the option to move up to the next level of play. If no team exists at that weight class, the player shall be eligible for a re-weigh at a later date set by the Commissioner. Players whose weight for their age allows them to play for a lower weight class than the team shall be reassigned to a team in that appropriate weight class. Player identification and all authorized eligibility cards shall be returned to the Coach at the completion of the teams session. Unauthorized eligibility cards will be returned to the Commissioner for proper dispensation. Parents spectators will not be allowed in the certification team area. CCAYFL officers are prohibited from certifying their own teams, which they coach or are involved with.

Allowable Attire During the weigh-in procedure (certification) players shall wear standard street attire. As a minimum players may wear gym shorts or swimsuits. As a maximum, a player may wear only one of each item of clothing. Players may not wear football gear or uniform at the certification weigh-In

Transferability All players registered with one team becomes a member of that associations team roster at the time of certification at the official Weigh-In and cannot be transferred to another team during the regular football season and post-season. Exceptions may be granted if presented in writing to the Commissioner where teams fold prior to the first game of the season, or other exigent circumstances exist. Ineligibility A player that does not attending a League certification and/or without an authorized ID card may not participate in League play. Any player that cannot provide the above stated paperwork will not be certified and removed from the roster. No add-ons shall be scheduled after the second game of the season. NOTE: if a team falls below the required minimum number of players (14) they will be ineligible for any post season play. Player Add-On Teams are allowed to add-on players to their team up to the second Wednesday of the playing season, unless otherwise stated by AYF Regional/National. Add-ons are not allowed on game day Saturdays. No player(s) may be added after the second Wednesday of the season, unless a team falls below the minimum number of players (14). Add-On players shall pay a fee to the league to be certified. Add-On dates will be set by the League Commissioner. In the event a team needs to add replacement players due to falling to 14 or fewer players, the team may add players up to a maximum of 18, and must be approved by the Commissioner. Game Day / Weigh In / Check-In Procedures Prior to any kickoff, all teams will conduct a player ID check-in and weight check both the home team and visiting team must produce the team book, containing the certified roster (laminated w/ league seal) player ID cards (full laminated sheet(s) player ID cards and the team roster shall be presented to the opposing teams head coach. Weigh In Procedure: 1. All players must weigh in prior to playing any game ( LE players excluded), but will have their ID cards checked 2. All head coaches must conduct an ID card check and roster check 3. All LE players must have their helmet marked with an league approved green X (no exceptions) 4. All LE players must have the appropriate jersey on 50-79 90-99 or 00 5. Any player that fails weigh-in, must turn his jersey inside out and cannot play in the game 6. Late arriving players (after the kickoff) cannot play in the game, they must turn their jerseys inside out 7. Only the head coaches or any CCAYFL staff member are allowed in the weigh-in area 8. Teams that do not weigh-in and fail to conduct and ID card check will be fined, sanctioned and possibly suspended by the league 9. There is a five pound allowance for equipment for all divisions 10. Starting week 2, teams are allowed one pound per week growth allowance, but no more than (9) pounds total. The Head Coach shall be responsible to organize and maintain control of their team and fans prior to, during, and after all games. The following procedures and regulations shall be followed by all teams during League sanctioned games and events: 1. Each Team shall arrive at the appropriate field for all scheduled games at least 45 minutes prior to official game time. 2. The Rosters shall be checked by both Head Coaches for proper information, and The MPR form shall be signed by both coaches acknowledging if a player is absent. 3. Should any team refuse or be unable to provide an appropriate game day roster, the scheduled game shall be forfeited.

4. Any team who is twenty (25) minutes late to the game site (kickoff time), shall be responsible for the full game referee fees, and the game will be forfeited and the association and team may be subject to review and sanctions by the League. The game will still be played, but will be recorded as a 7-0 victory for the offended team; this must be approved by the Commissioner. 5. All players shall be in uniform and warmed up when captains are called to the field prior to the game start or kick-off. 6. Teams arriving after the grace period shall forfeit the game and be subject to league penalties. See #4 7. Games shall not start earlier than 15 minutes before the official scheduled start time. 8. Teams are required to have (12) twelve eligible and rostered players on the field at the game kick-off. The opposing team is under obligation to play down their number of players on the field. 9. A maximum of (6) six coaches shall be permitted in the designated coaching area between the 25 yard lines, and must have their league approved ID visible. 10. Coaches shall be easily recognizable by appropriate wearing apparel, such as a cap, sweatshirt or jacket identifying them with their organization and/or team, and approved league ID card. 11. Team parents, team doctors, and other individuals, if not members of the six member coaching staff, must remain outside the field area during the game unless an injury requires their attention at the bench. 12. Spectators must stand behind rope, fence and/or other barrier at all times during the game, and are not permitted in the end zone areas. 13. Unsuited Team Players, Mascots, etc. shall remain on the bench or outside the fence during game play. 14. No cameras are allowed inside of the perimeter barriers, on the playing field, or on the sidelines by coaches or spectators. Recognized media and press photographers with valid identification may operate inside the barriers if approved by the Site Manager. Identification shall be worn and visible at all times. (Team photographers are allowed in the box with proper ID) 15. Electronic, cellular, satellite, and other similar types of communication devices are prohibited from use by coaches, administrative help, chain crew, players, and/or any other individuals participating in League games. 16. Following the game and traditional handshakes the teams shall vacate the field and bench area quickly to allow for the succeeding game. (No parents allowed on the field) 17. The Site Manager or designated assistant shall record the final score as reported by the Officials at the conclusion of each game. 18. Any team that refuses to play a league scheduled game, will be subject to fines, forfeiture of said game(s), probation and possible expulsion from the league 19. Any association that folds one of its teams during the season, will be fined, placed on probation, and possibly expelled from the league 20. In the event any association board member or any CCAYFL board member coaches a team(s), while that individual is engaged in the capacity of a coach, He/She shall only have the authority of a coach, while their teams are playing. If a team is running late, it is the head coachs responsibility to contact the Commissioner and team Head Coach they are scheduled to play. Conduct The conduct of the players and spectators and parents are the responsibility of the association and Head Coach. Systems shall be established and maintained by each association to identify and communicate acceptable conduct of its players/spectators/parents as well as an enforcement plan to assure proper conduct. Failure to appropriately maintain proper conduct or react to unacceptable conduct will be considered a breach of these rules and subject to sanctions by the League. No parent or spectator will be allowed on the field at anytime; this includes the handshake at the end of each game. The sideline will stay clear of all parents and spectators from goal line to goal line. Coaches with league approved ID cards and players are the only personal allowed in the team box. If unauthorized personal are in the team box, the officials will issue one sideline warning and inform the head coach. If a second warning is issued, a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty will be imposed on the team in question. If a third warning is issued, the person(s) in question will be ejected from the facility by site management.

Equipment Standards Equipment used by teams and players shall meet the standards National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) rules unless otherwise noted herein. It is the responsibility of each association that equipment shall be in good repair and properly fitted to each player. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Helmet (with approved face guard and chin strap) Mouth Piece w/ keeper strap (intra-oral/fitted) mouthpiece cannot be white or clear Shoulder Pads Football Pants (with thigh pads & knee pads) Hip Pads, Thigh Pads and Tail Pad Jersey (with number front and back) Four point chinstrap or two point chinstrap NFHS numbering/position requirements need not be followed. Shoes - Shoes may only have molded cleats. Offensive players jersey specific numbers: QB 1-19 / RB 20-49 / WR-TE 11-19 or 80-89 other numbers can be used for a WR/TE however it must be reported to the referee as an eligible receiver.

Proper footgear shall be worn at all times. A place kicker or punter may not elect to remove a shoe to kick the ball. Metal cleats are prohibited Optional Player Equipment Additional player equipment is allowed providing it meets the standards noted above and does not pose a threat or safety concern for the players or officials. Illegal Player Equipment No player shall participate in any league practices or games with illegal equipment. This includes but is not limited to those items identified in the NFHS rules and anything deemed unsafe by the presiding officials. Hard Cast Rule No athlete is permitted to participate in any league practice or game with a hard cast, splint, brace, or any other protective appliance except when padded and protected in accordance with NFHS rules. Any player wishing to practice or play with such a device must first gain written permission from the Commissioner. The approval of the padding and the players eligibility for a league game shall be determined by the game Official. The player shall submit a signed written request to the Game Official prior to the game. The request must include a physicians statement indicating the Player is cleared to play. Copies of the request and physicians statement shall also be available for review by the opposing Head Coach. Game Uniforms All Associations are required to have one consistent, approved, uniform color combination scheme using their colors at the beginning of each season. These uniforms shall be worn at all games, home and away, unless a conflict arises. Each Association is also responsible for having sets of contrasting jerseys available for their teams use should conflicts arise. 1. In the event of a conflict in colors between opposing Teams, the Commissioner shall resolve the conflict prior to game day. Home teams shall have the first option to wear their standard colors. 2. Players shall maintain the same jersey and number throughout the season unless the jersey is damaged beyond reasonable repair or lost. 3. Jersey numbers shall not be reassigned within a team at any time during the season or play-off games. 4. No jersey shall be changed during the game unless deemed necessary by the Game Officials. In the event of such a jersey change both sidelines shall be notified.

Game Balls Official game balls meeting League standards shall be furnished by the home team. The visiting team may elect to use its own ball when on offense providing it is an approved size and material and placing the ball in play will not unnecessarily delay the game. Ball Size: Game balls shall meet the following size specifications based upon the Weight Class: Weight Class Football Size: Rubber footballs are allowed. ANKLEBITERS - DIVISION I: K-2 OR EQUILVILENT DIVISION II AND III -TDJ OR EQUILVILENT DIVISION IV - TDY OR EQUILVILENT Ball Composition: Balls may be obtained from various manufacturers under several name designations. Ball composition and construction however must meet the requirements of the National High School Federation rules with size dimensions modified to match the balls listed in the previous section. First Aid Kits Each team must furnish its own First Aid Kit and maintain the kit at all games and practices. The kit shall include, as a minimum, items to stem and control bleeding of minor cuts/abrasions and reduce the possibility of infection. Penalties Penalties for the failure of Associations and/or Coaches to follow the equipment rules and regulations set forth herein shall include sanctioning of either the Team or the entire association as the infraction dictates. Specific sanctions may include fines, forfeiture of games, loss of League voting rights, suspension of teams, exclusion from League post season competition, and expulsion from the League by the Board. Penalties for Players improperly equipped during a game may include warnings, unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, or ejection from the game as determined by the presiding official.

Commencement of Practice No practice or team meetings shall commence prior to the date established by the league each year. This rule applies to any organized team instruction, such as skill sessions, grass drills, group physical training, as well as blocking and tackling drills, running of plays, etc., but does not preclude individual activity by players to get them into condition for the first day of team practice. 1. No physical contact will be allowed for any player during their first three days of practice. Each player must have at least three practice periods of conditioning and training before engaging in any contact drills or scrimmages 2. Only shoulder pads and helmets shall be worn by a player during their first three days of practice. Location of Practice Each Association shall assign designated practice space to each team. The practice areas shall be kept clean, safe, and in good repair. All practice locations for an associations team(s) shall be identified in writing to the Commissioner prior to commencement of practice. Any changes to a teams practice locations shall be submitted in writing prior to relocation of teams. Duration & Frequency of Practices Practices shall not exceed one 2 1/2 hour period per day, five days a week until school starts. Beginning with the first week of school the number of team practices or team meetings shall not exceed 4 per week including games for all weight groups. Cancellations / Modified Practices

Safety of the players, coaches, and spectators is paramount. No practices shall be held if dangerous or hazardous conditions exist at the practice site. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, extreme heat, storms, lightning, dangerous winds, soggy turf, and others. The Commissioner may elect to postpone or modify practice sessions to mitigate such conditions where possible. These may include temporary changes to scheduled times of practice, limiting contact and/or equipment during practice, increased water breaks, etc. Safety Each Team shall be familiar with written Association safety procedures and emergency procedures at the practice fields. Associations, Teams, and Coaches shall maintain effective communications tools to contact emergency services should the need arise. 1. Coaches shall be responsible for routine inspection of practice facilities, field equipment, and player equipment to assure safety and proper fit. 2. Coaches shall not leave a game or practice area until all players have left the site. Scrimmages Scrimmages between teams of different weight classes are prohibited. Any team that wishes to scrimmage must first get permission from the League Commissioner and must weigh-in prior to the scrimmage and must have their Linemen Eligible players clearly marked with the appropriate measures listed in this book. Use of Illicit Drugs, Tobacco, or Alcohol Products There shall be no use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol products at any CCAYFL practice field by any Head Coach, assistant coach, team parent, or any other official. The Commissioner is responsible for enforcing this rule. If a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent, or any official and refuses to cooperate, he/she will be warned that continued failure to comply with this rule will result in disciplinary action by the League. The League expects all participants and guests of the football programs to follow School Board and Park Authority regulations when using these facilities. Taping/Recording of Practices and Games Minimum scouting rules are as follows: all videotaping is prohibited from the end zone. Scouting of any kind during a teams practice or warm-up session is strictly prohibited. Any coach, team member or associate found or determined to be scouting another teams practice will be cause for the immediately suspension of the person involved and the head coach. CCAYFL and AYF will allow scouting of teams during post-season play in the form of video and written reports as long as the minimum rules listed above are followed. Any organization found to have allowed a variance to this rulebook, the rules regulations and the spirit of the rules and regulations without filing and receiving written approval may be suspended. Video taping of games is allowed, however it is expressly forbidden for any person(s) to photograph any player that is not engaged in actual game play, unless parental consent has been granted to photograph said player. Photographing team players on associations own team is allowed for picture day purposes. The National AYF photo release form must be signed by each participants parent or guardian, and attached to the participants registration form. Associations that commit their Conferences to participate in the Local, Regional and National Tournament and then do not compete, will be subject to suspension from the following years post-season play including but not limited to, Local, Regional and National tournaments. Any team participating in the Regional Tournament, Winning the right to advance and then not traveling will be subject to suspension from the following years post-season play. Any team participating in the National Tournament and not participating in all scheduled games will be subject to suspension from the following years post-season play.

All teams traveling to the National Tournament must book their stay through the AYF authorized booking agent and stay in approved accommodations. This insures that all of our members will receive the discounted accommodations we have secured and allow us to host the tournament in the locations you have chosen Conduct The conduct of each player during, before, and after practice sessions is the responsibility of the Head Coach, the coaching staff, and the Association. Systems shall be established and maintained by each Team and Association to identify and communicate acceptable conduct of its Players as well as an enforcement plan to assure proper conduct. Failure to appropriately maintain proper conduct or react to unacceptable conduct will be considered a breach of these rules and subject to sanctions/suspensions by the League Commissioner and the Board. Penalties Penalties for the failure of Associations and/or Coaches to follow the rules and regulations set forth herein shall include sanctioning of either the Team or the entire Association as the infraction dictates. Specific sanctions may include fines, forfeiture of games, loss of League voting rights, suspension of teams, exclusion from League post season competition, and expulsion from the League by the Board.

Governing Rules National High School Federation Rules (NHSF) apply to all scheduled league games unless amended by these official League Rules. Any questions not covered by the Official League Rules, official interpretation thereof, or any conflict not subject to protest shall be decided by the CCAYFL Commissioner and/or Board. 1. Major League exceptions to NHSF rules 2. On Offense any skill position player; QB-RB-WR or TE cannot wear jersey numbers 50-79 or 9099, these numbers are for linemen and LE players only. 3. On defense there are no set jersey number requirements, however all LE players must conform to the LE jersey number rule. 4. On offense when the QB is in a shotgun formation minimum of two yards behind the center it will be prohibited for any defensive player to line up over the center or in the A or B gaps. 5. A minimum of 12 players eligible and able to participate is required to start and maintain a regulation game. This includes LE players; you must be able to field a minimum of nine players for kickoff and kickoff return. Example: team A has 12 players 3 of which are LE players, they can play the game, using 9 for kickoff and 9 for kickoff return, and they can then use the three LE players when their offense/defense takes the field. In the event the total team count falls below 12 at anytime, the game will end, and the offended team will be given the win by way of a forfeit. 6. When attempting an extra point kick, of field goal try, the referee will hand the holder the ball for placement on the kicking block. The offense shall line up in kick formation; it is not required for the offense to get down in a two, three or four point stance. There is no snap of the ball to the holder. The kicker must kick the ball when the referee signals ready for play, the defense cannot rush the kick but they can jump up and down at the line of scrimmage. A missed field goal try cannot be advanced by the defense. If the ball falls to the ground after the ready for play whistle has sounded the play is dead and the kick is no good. Applies to all divisions, except division 4.

Scoring Rules 1. The NHSF rules will be amended to provide for scoring of points after touchdowns as follows: Run or Pass - 1 point - Place Kick - 2 points 2. Forfeits shall be recorded as a 7-0 game score. 3. Periods of Timing - First Period 10 minutes - Intermission for changing goals 2 minutes - Second Period 10 minutes - Intermission (halftime) 8 minutes - Third Period 10 minutes - Intermission for changing goals 2 minutes - Fourth Period 10 minutes - Charged timeouts 1 minute Overtime Procedures If at the completion of a regulation game the score is tied, the game will be resolved by using the NHSF overtime procedures. Slaughter Rule The lopsided score rule is 42 Points. Once the score differential reaches 42 points, the game clock will become a running clock. Once the clock becomes a running clock it can only be stopped for injuries and official or team time outs. The losing team takes possession of the ball on their opponents 25 yard line. Skill position starters must be replaced whenever possible. The losing team will keep possession of the ball until there is no longer a 42 point difference. The winning team cannot blitz the losing team, until there is no longer a 42 point differential. Schedules Team conferences and game schedules are established each season by the League Commissioner based upon the number of teams in each division of each weight class. Schedules will be provided prior to opening day of the season and will be modified throughout the season as required. A standard schedule includes a minimum of nine games over an nine week schedule. Games may be scheduled on weekends or weekday evenings. Games lost due to weather and/or other issues will be rescheduled when possible, but such rescheduling is not guaranteed. Bowl Game schedules are determined based upon the number of teams participating and time available. Associations are required to play all league sanctioned, scheduled games. Failure to comply will result in suspension and loss of hosting privileges Game Field - Host Requirements All game fields shall be sponsored by an Association or other responsible body approved by the League. The (Host Site) shall be responsible for maintaining the field in playable conditions and providing certain minimum equipment and support. 1. Perimeter Barrier - All hosting sites for any sanctioned CCAYFL game(s) are required to have border fencing erected at least 10 feet from the sideline, the border fencing must be from goalline to goal-line in length. Players, Coaches and CCAYFL staff are the only personal permitted between the sideline and the fencing. CCAYFL personal and Coaches must have a league approved ID clearly visible. Spectators must stay behind the border/fencing, and cannot congregate in the end zone area(s) the game officials and site management will enforce this rule. 2. 1st violation Official Warning 3. 2ndviolation; unsportsmanlike penalty 15 yard penalty and spectator ejection from the park. 4. 3rd violation spectator ejection from the park and head coach ejected from the game and 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty. 5. Note: repeated violations of this rule will subject the association and team in question to be investigated by the league for further sanctions and/or fines.

6. Field Markings - Each game field shall be marked in accordance with basic NHSF guidelines. Lines in accordance with NHSF rules shall be provided at five yard intervals. Yard markers shall be provided to designate the lines at a minimum ten yard interval. Markers shall be set back two yards from the sideline. Goal lines shall be identified with NHSF approved pylons at the intersection of the goal line and sidelines (minimum of eight pylons per field). Additional pylons, if available, shall be placed according to NHSF rules. 7. Field Equipment - Goal posts shall be provided at each end of the field. The goal posts shall be kept in good repair and at the NHSF dimensions. The posts and any other unyielding devices at or near the playing field shall be protected with appropriate padding. 8. Sideline Markers and Chains - The Field Host Site shall provide the ten yard markers and down markers (chains) in good repair and checked for accuracy. Sideline markers are required on at least one side of the field. 9. Lighted Facilities After the third game of the season, all hosting sites are required to have a lighted field. Associations that do not comply with this rule will not be eligible to host games. 10. Officials CCAYFL utilizes Crystal Coast Officials for its games. In the event an association has to use another officials organization, they shall ensure the Commissioner has all the contact information and that such officials, guarantee to call games outside of Crystal Coast Officials. Any hosting association that fails to secure officials for games will not be eligible to host games. 11. Teams will be invoiced by Crystal Coast Officials. Any team that fails to pay their official fees shall forfeit the game and be subject to further sanctions and fines, up to dismissal from the league.

Gate Admission Charges

Fees for all CCAYFL regular games & Jamborees shall be: 1. Adult $3.00 (bowl game gate fees are $5.00)

2. Senior Citizen and child 5-12 $2.00 (bowl game gate fees are $3.00) 3. Children under 5 free 4. Please note these are the maximum fees that can be charged, a Member Association can
choose to charge less, or no fee at all.

5. CCAYFL Players, Cheerleaders, Coaches, CCAYFL Staff, which are certified for the current
playing year, shall not be charged for admission. Proper CCAYFL identification badge is required for free admittance.

6. Playoff Gate Fees are $5.00 Adult and $3.00 Senior Citizen and child 5-12 (this applies to
cheer competition also) Field Personnel Site Manager The Host Site shall provide a Site Manager and appropriate staff on scheduled game days to maintain order at the field and report to the League. Site Manager The Site Manager is responsible for oversight of the field, adjoining warm up areas, spectator areas, and access areas. The Site Manager shall complete an official League field report for each day of games scheduled at the field and forward the information to the League. They are the liaison and host for the officials, visiting teams, and fans. The Site Manager shall be responsible for assuring proper roster exchange between teams prior to each game, and collection of official fees from each team prior to kickoff.

Chain Crew The home team shall provide three (3) responsible people, minimum age of 12 and acceptable to the game officials, to operate the 10 yard markers and the down marker. At their option, the visiting team may elect to provide one of the members of this group. These individuals become an extension of the officiating crew and shall devote their full attention to the game. As noted in other sections of these rules, smoking, cameras, cell phones, and other communication devices are not allowed on the sidelines. Any behavior or activities of these individuals seen as detrimental to sportsmanship or to game play shall result in the individuals expulsion from the sidelines and game field for the remainder of the game and possible sanctions against the Association. The Association shall be responsible for replacing any such ejected individuals. Chains will be kept on the home side during all games. Use of Illicit Drugs, Tobacco, or Alcohol Products There shall be no use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol products at any CCAYFL game field by any Head Coach, assistant coach, team parent, or any other official. The site manager is responsible for enforcing this rule. If a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent, or any official and refuses to cooperate, he/she will be warned that continued failure to comply with this rule will result in disciplinary action by the League. The League expects all participants and guests of the football programs to follow School Board and Park Authority regulations when using these facilities. Player Participation All eligible, rostered players shall participate in each game of the season except in the case of injury or absence. 1. Any player who misses (3) games during the season will be in-eligible to continue participating on said team. 2. Full compliance with the participation rule is mandatory. Coaches found guilty by not complying with this policy will be disciplined. Specific sanctions may include fines, forfeiture of games, suspension of coaches, exclusion from League post season competition, and expulsion from the League by the Board. Complaints shall be filed in writing through the Commissioner to the League. Conduct Site Managers and Head Coaches shall be responsible for the conduct of all players, members of the coaching staff and spectators. This includes the time periods before, during, and after League games and other events. Improper conduct, in the judgment of the game officials, on the part of the players, coaches or spectators may result in penalties, expulsion, and suspension or forfeiture of the game. Player Warnings Any player exhibiting any form of unsportsmanlike conduct may, at the discretion of the game officials, will be sent off the field for a cool down period of a minimum of two plays after which the player shall be allowed to return to the field. Player warnings shall not be considered as being ejected from the game. Players shall not receive more than one cool down period per contest. Player Ejections Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct, at the discretion of the game officials, or a second player warning from the officials shall be cause for player disqualification and ejection from the game. Any player so disqualified by the officials, shall remain on the bench for the remainder of the game or, if deemed necessary by the officials, ejected from the permitted facility and prohibited from any further contact, direct or indirect, with the team during the remainder of the game, for failure to comply, the officials may forfeit the game. 1. Any player allowed by game officials to return to a game shall not be considered as being ejected from a game. 2. A player removed from the game on the final play of the game shall be considered ejected from the game. 3. Game officials shall notify Commissioner of any ejections at the conclusion of the contest. Player name and number shall be recorded and submitted to the league along with the game score.

4. Any player disqualified/ejected in a league game shall be ineligible for a minimum of one game. Sanctions may be more severe depending on the severity of the infraction. Any player(s) that receive (2) two or more personal foul calls during a game, will be ejected from the game, and said player(s) will be in-eligible to play the following week. In the event it is the last game of the season, said player(s) will be in-eligible to play in the first game of the season. Coach Ejections Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct by the Head Coach or any member(s) of the coaching or sideline staff shall result in disqualification of those involved. Any person so disqualified by the officials shall be ejected from the permitted facility and prohibited from any further contact, direct or indirect, with the team during the remainder of the game. For failure to comply, the officials may forfeit the game, and are subject to permanent suspension from the league. 1. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to, abusive, disrespectful, or profane language, intimidation, fighting, physical confrontations, or other unsportsmanlike acts before, during or after the game. Any member of the teams coaching staff so ejected may not return to their coaching position without the permission of the Commissioner and a minimum two game suspension. Any coach that is criminally charged with an offense, anytime during the season will be suspended until such charge(s) have been resolved in court. Spectator Ejections Any spectator who uses abusive, disrespectful, or profane language or who otherwise exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct before, during or after any ball game shall be ejected from the permitted facility and could be subject to banning and or criminal prosecution. The site manager has the authority to eject a spectator or parent from the site. Penalties Penalties for the failure of Associations and/or Coaches to follow the rules and regulations set forth herein shall include sanctioning of either the Team or the entire Association as the infraction dictates. Specific sanctions may include fines, forfeiture of games, loss of League voting rights, suspension of teams, and expulsion from the league by the board. Game Postponement Games will only be postponed in case of inclement weather or extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the League. The decision to postpone games will be made by the CCAYFL Commissioner. All postponed games, including rain outs, will be rescheduled where possible and posted on the league website. Team Standings Team standings will be posted on the CCAYFL website. Playoffs & Championships Playoffs are provided by the league for the top ranked teams in each division or subdivision. The number of teams advancing to the playoffs will be determined by the number of teams within the division or subdivision. In the case of ties involving team rankings, they will be broken as follows: 1. If two teams tied have played each other during the regular season, the team who won in head to head competition shall receive the higher ranking. 2. If two teams tied have not played each other during the regular season and both already occupy playoff eligible rankings, the team with losses to the higher ranked opponents shall receive the highest seeding. If both teams have losses to exactly the same opponents there shall be a draw for final rankings between the two teams. 3. If two tied teams have not played each other during the regular season and only one playoff positions is available there shall be a playoff game for the final play off position.

4. If three tied teams end the regular season in a tie but all three already occupy playoff eligible rankings there shall be a draw for final rankings between the three teams. 5. If three teams end the regular season in a tie and less than three play off positions are available, there shall be an extra round of playoffs added and tied teams shall be ranked based upon a draw. 6. Ties involving three or more teams will be resolved by the Commissioner using similar criteria and methods noted above. Game Protests The league is formed in an effort to foster all tenets of good sportsmanship, conduct, and in the best interest of the sport. Its primary function is to uphold the rules and regulations of this program and to levy fair and reasonable disciplinary action should such be necessary. Protests are an avenue for a Head Coach and Association of an offended team should they believe and have credible evidence that an opponent has violated those rules. Protest Committee The Protest Committee shall be formed to provide a neutral, unbiased arbitrator for protests. It will be comprised of three members. The Commissioner shall chair the committee. The two other members shall be appointed by the Commissioner from members of the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Commissioners. 1. Members from Associations participating in a protest shall recluse themselves from the committee for that issue. Special Warning Regarding Rumors: No one should be allowed to participate in a Local, Regional or National event until all of their paperwork, grade and/or weight have been verified. Any allegations of Cheating or Violations of this rule book or any local rule or regulation should be immediately reported, in writing, to both the Association and/or league commissioner and their appointed representative for dealing with such issues. Associations and Conferences are required to fully investigate all claims and keep on file a written record of all investigations. Once the allegations of cheating or rules violation has been reported, in writing, to the respective official, be it Association or Conference, there shall be NO further discussion until it is reviewed, investigated and acted on appropriately by the Association and/or Conference. The act of spreading rumors which is general talk not based on fact will not be tolerated in American Youth Football, it not only hurts your credibility, it affects your team and other teams that may become involved in the rumor. Any allegation of Cheating or Violations of this rule book during Post Season Play should be reported in writing to the Commissioner for investigation. Given these facts any Organization, individual or group of individuals (which includes any member of the organization) spreading rumors of cheating, special treatment or any other false information whether causing an incident or not during a Local, Regional or National event may be banned from participation in any future Local, Regional or National events for a period of time deemed reasonable by CCAYFL. Committee Authority The Protest Committee shall be granted authority to convene hearings as required to respond to official protests, rule on any such protests, levy fees and fines for protests, levy forfeitures of games if a violation is found, and recommend additional disciplinary actions be taken by the League, at the direction of the Commissioner. 1. Committee may, in the course of investigation, require a letter of confirmation, original birth certificate, and players report card in order to verify a Player's identity, address, or other roster information from the Association Representative. 2. 2. Committee may, at anytime during the regular season, require selected Associations to collect all rosters on a selected game day and send them to the Commissioner for a roster

check. Improper rosters discovered during this review process will be turned over to the League for appropriate disciplinary action of Associations and Teams.

Valid Game Protests Game protests are limited to specific infractions by a Team during a game with the protesting team. These include ineligible Player(s) participating in the game and/or specific roster violations. There is a fee of $100.00 per protest made payable to CCAYFL, if the protest is upheld the fee is refunded, if the protest is not upheld the fee is turned over to the treasurer of CCAYFL. 1. Ineligible Player infractions include but are not limited to those Players not listed on the official roster on file with the League, those without an authorized eligibility card, over age, overweight, fraudulent addresses, or falsified records. 2. 2. Roster infractions include but are not limited to fraudulent entries, unauthorized deviations from Official Team Roster, and failure to present the proper roster(s) at game time. Timing Protests must be filed with the Commissioner for Rules within 24 hours from completion of game. Fees All protests must be accompanied by a fee of $100.00 per protested Player or Roster. If a game protest is upheld, the fee will be returned. If not upheld, fee will be forfeited into the general fund of the League. Procedures The Commissioner shall submit the specific protest complaint, in writing, to the Protest Committee chairman or appointed designate, along with the appropriate fee within 24 hours of the original notification but not more than 48 hours from the end of the protested game. Protests will not be accepted without the fee. The Protest Committee will then establish a hearing date and notify the defendant Association. The defendant Association shall have the responsibility of notifying the affected teams Head Coach, Player(s), and the Player(s) parents or guardian(s). The hearing will be convened by the Protest Committee to hear both sides of the issue. Both the plaintiff Head Coach and the defendant Head Coach and/or Association Representative shall be present to answer the charges. Any Player(s) involved in the protest must also appear before the Committee. In the event a Players weight is at issue, the Committee shall weigh the Player on a league scale during the hearing. Failure of any of these parties to appear before the Committee shall be grounds for findings in the others favor. The Committee shall make a ruling at the close of the hearing. Game Protest Appeals Appeals on the decisions of the Protest Committee shall be made in writing to the Commissioners within 24 hours of the protest decision. The Commissioner may approve or disapprove the decision of the Rules Committee which action will be final unless the plaintiff or defendant commissioner requests in writing that the matter be reviewed by the Board. If this occurs, the Commissioner will render a final decision in the matter of majority consent. There will be no other appeals. DIVISION I, DIVISION II AND DIVISION III SPECIAL RULES:

Common Rules: 1. Can declare punts, PAT kicks, drop kicks and field goal attempts. 2. Once declared, the offense must call a charged time-out if they decide not to kick. If the have no time-outs, they cannot change their mind. Penalty would be false start.

3. 4. 5. 6.

No fake punts or kicks on declared plays. No defensive rush permitted until after the ball has been kicked. Muffed snaps may be picked up and the punt-kick continued. Defenders may extend arms and jump up (but not forward) to attempt to block the kick or punt. 7. The ball may only be kicked once unless there is a penalty involved 8. DIVISION I only: when a declared punt is announced the referee will walk off thirty yards from the line of scrimmage. Declared Punts: 1. Center, punter and defenders more than five yards off the LOS at set are the only players permitted to move until the kick. 2. Offense has 15 seconds from snap to get the kick off or ball is dead at original spot. 3. Defense must have at least 8 defenders within 5 yards of LOS when offense sets. 4. Uncovered players on the offensive line cannot release until the ball is kicked whether they are covered or not. 5. LE players cannot participate on the punt or punt return team. 6. In the event the ball is on or over the opponents 50 yard line, the ball will be spotted at the 25 yard line. (Anklebiter and Division 1 only) Declared Field Goals, Drop Kicks and PAT Kicks: 1. Center, holder and kicker are the only players allowed to move until the ball has been kicked. 2. Offense has 15 seconds from snap to get the kick off. 3. Unsuccessful field goal try = ball turned over at original line of scrimmage. 4. Successful field goal try = 3 points 5. The defense cannot return a missed field goal attempt. 6. Drop kicks are attempted from punt formation and must be declared, if the drop kick is successful, three points are warded to the kicking team, unsuccessful drop kick results in the ball being turned over at the original line of scrimmage, regardless of the down the kick is attempted. 7. Since the kick is not a rush kick, LE players are allowed to remain on the field. Coaches on the Field during Game play: (DIVISION II ONLY) 1. One coach may be on the field with his/her team, for the first three games of the season. 2. At the snap said coach must be at least 5 yards behind the QB. 3. At no time will any coach have contact with any official, or opposing coach. 4. If said coach fails to follow the coachs code of conduct while on the field he/she will be removed and not allowed to be on the field. 5. In the event team has played three games and team b has played two it shall be the discretion of the coach with two games, to determine whether or not a coach will be allowed on the field. Division I Special Rules: 1. Games will played on an 100 yard field; one coach for each team is allowed on the field at all times 2. Score values are as follows: Touch Down 6 points / PAT: Run/Pass one point / Kick- Two points 3. All teams will use the K2 football or equivalent 4. There will be four quarters of eight (8) minutes each. 5. Each team will have three time-outs per half. 6. Kick-offs will be from the 50 yard line.

7. There will be no punting, as team that wishes to declare a punt, must inform the referee, who will walk off thirty (30) yards from the line of scrimmage. 8. Defensive players cannot line up in front of the center, (min 2 yards off), when in shotgun formation. 9. LE players rules are the same as in all other divisions of play. 10. Max of five (5) LEs on offense; must play Center, Guard or Tackle 11. Max of four (4) LEs on defense; must play nose tackle or defensive tackle; cannot be lined up outside of offensive tackle.



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